Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 20, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Wlje Bigplqj.
Vol. 44, N'o. 13. Entered ai Pittsburg Post
office November 11, 1&S7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 69 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms and Publishing House-75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
This pnper having more than Double the
circulation of any other in the State outaide
of Philadelphia, its ndvnntnees ai tu adver
tising medium Mill be apparent.
rosTAGE rr.EE in the totted states.
Dailt Dispatch, One Tear. 800
Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 200
Daily DisrATCii. One Month "
Dailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, ona
year. MW
Dailt DisrATcn, including Sunday, per
quarter -50
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, ona
month 10
ECNDATDiSPATCn, one year. .'... 150
Weekly DisrATcn, one j car 125
The Daily Dispatcu Is delivered by carriers at
35 cents per week, or including thebunday edition,
at 20 cents per week.
The information given in our local col
umns that subscriptions to the Exposition
now reach 5192,000, and that but 30,000
more is required to provide for the comple
tion of the main buildings, indicates the
view which Tun Dispatch has taken of
the enterprise, in its most discouraging
We have asserted steadily that while
PitUbnrg is slow, and sometimes discour
agingly so, there is abundant capital and
public spirit to support any enterprise that
is for the public welfare. Some of our citi
zens who are largely supplied with capital
may be lacking in public spirit; and others
who are most overflowing with public spirit
may be deficient in the other quality. But
the general distribution ot both elements in
a live community is such as to insure that
when the necessity and importance of public
enterprise is fully brought home to our
people the money and energy necessary to
carry it through will be forthcoming.
It is one of the most gratifying features of
the Exposition subscription that it includes
all classes, from the laborer up to the larg
est capitalist Every dollar will be returned
ten-fold in one form or another; but that is
not the richest return which will come from
this effort. Our people are learning the
lesson of working together lor the advance
ment of the whole community. It is being
taught that united action for the common
benefit will accomplish more for all in a
year than a selfish policy of every man for
himself will in a decade.
When Pittsburg learns that lesson as
some of her "Western neighbors have learned
it, the capital and natural resources of the
city and section can be made to eive her a
strength unsurpassed, if not unrivaled, by
any city in the land.
The "Failure" question has had all the
changes rung upon it until it is fully worn
out, Starting with the question, "Is Mar
riage a Failure?" it has gone through the
entire gamut of the functions and relations
of life until it gets down to the discussion
whether housekeeping is a failure, in the
latest Korth American Review. The result
of the discussions is likely to convince those
who depend on these essayists for their opin
ions that everything is a failure.
It is not difficult for the pessimists to find
examples ot failure in every quarter. That
is the necessary accompaniment of living.
So that the whole thing turns ns back to
Mallock's conundrum of a decade ago: "Is
Life worth Living?" However the writers
may rank themselves on that question, the
great mass of mankind by their insupera
ble objections to leaving this world, reply
that it is.
The whole thing may be summed up by
the truth that everything is a failure to
those who fail in everything; for which the
responsibility lies less with the things than
with the persons.
The arrest of Mrs. Friend and the other
enterprising engineers of the sugar refining
swindle is one of those distressing events
which sometimes come to mark the hap
piest of histories in this world of sorrow.
The peculiarly distressing feature of this
development of one of the most cleverly
planned and nicely conducted frauds that
ever swept the cold cash from confiding
lambs into the pockets of the shearers", is
that a truly national industry has herein
received an awful setback.
If it should come to pass that plain every
day justice is able to retire these sugar re
finers extraordinary for a considerable
length of time to the cramped and prosaic
confines of a penitentiary, what will be the
effect upon the struggling humbugs, leeches
and wharf rats of civilization who have not
yet found their opportunity to snatch a
fortune at the world's expense? They will
surely be discouraged. The innocent beings
who are ever on the watch to drop their
hard-earned dollars into some hole in the
ground, will be frustrated in their desires.
There-willbenorat holes worth mention
ing; if it become apparent that rats are
doomed to be trapped and condignly pun
ished. All the same we are willing to let' the
lambs suffer and the innocents weep because
they cannot deprive themselves of their
wealth, if swindling is to be made costly
to the swindlers as well as the swindled.
There is a tender pathos in that question
which a "Young Naval Officer" put to Mrs.
Sherwood, the authority on etiquette, in
these columns last Sunday. "Am I ex
pected to wear my uniform at private par
ties? It is very stiff and uncomfortable,"
said he, and Mrs. Sherwood hastened to tell
him that he need not i ear his uniform
everywhere, but that he would be conferring
a favor upon us all and beauty upon himself
by wearing his uniform wherever he could.
The idea of a young naval officer asking
anybody's advice about his personal ap
pearance, is simply pathetic. It shows that
the service, sir, is going to the dogs. Who
has ever known a naval officer of
junior rank who was not perfect
ly confident of his ability to
be right aud do r'ght under all circum
stances? And of all things he is best posted
in the matter of dress. We can barely
imagine a handsome young wearer of Uncle
Sam's cloth asking where under the shining
sun he might not appear in the dark blue
and gold.
The young naval officer who appealed to
.Mrs. Sherwood is to be pitied.. He will have
a hard time of it. His career will be dotted
with novel experiences, and he will be
known to all the world as the first young
naval officer who possessed modesty, the
first who confessed that a uniform which
enhanced his looks was stiff and uncomfort-
able, and the first who did not, in a word,
know it alL
An interview in our financial columns
discusses the panic of 1873, and the ques
tion whether there is any such parallelism
between the era immediately preceding that
convulsion and the present time, as to war
ranting forebodings.
It is about time for people to clearly
recognize that the crash of 1673 was due to
a variety of causes, all of which combined
to produce business disaster. An era of
railroad building on bonds, with the stock
purely water, was precipitated into disaster
by the failure of Jay Cooke & Co.; but that
was not all, Nearly every other branch of
business was on an inflated basis. Pig iron
had just been pushed up to $45 a ton. Heal
estate in Pittsburg was very nearly as high
as it is now, with little more than half our
present population. All this inflation and
speculation was in the teeth of the natural
decline of values produced by the return to
a specie basis; and the pricking of the bub
ble was inevitable.
We have, at the present time, the same
features of highly watered railroad build
ing and wide speculation; but all the other
factors of general failure are absent. The
commercial staples were never on a more
conservative basis. The currency of the
nation is not fluctuating. There may be
checks and liquidations in the speculation
quarters, as there have been before; but any
repetition of 1873 is impossible until there
is a repetition of the general inflation and
boom in all commerce that was characteris
tic of the years immediately preceding that
We think that the commercial memory of
the nation is good enough to avoid that
source of danger. The best guarantee of the
stability of our prosperity is in the distinct
separation of legitimate business operations
from the speculative element
It is comforting to know that Secretary
Bayard has found a broad national reason
for the justification of a foreign policy
based on the tactics of the crawfish.
Through the columns of his inspired organ,
the Baltimore Sun, he discloses the weighty
considerations which hare impelled the
administration to swallow all that the
strong powers can do, and to roar ferocious
ly only against a petty foe like Hayti, or a
distant and'safe one like China.
Mr. Bayard dreads and reprehends the
military spirit If the military spirit should
get the better of ns, the liberties of the na
tion arc among the things that are past
Better let foreign powers break theirtreaties,
ignore our rights and teach our diploma
tists how easily two-year-old declarations
may be swallowed and digested, than that
the country should be dominated by that
dreadful military spirit and consequently
throw away its power of self government.
Listen to Mr. Bayard's Cassandra-like
A war necessarily means an army, and if once
the military spirit got thorough possession of
the people this army would become a perma
nent establishment It wonld, of course, have
a leader, and if the army became the dominant
force in the State it would be but a step to a
dictatorship. Sooner or later our liberties
wonld be trampled in the dust; the rights of
the individual would disappear, and upon the
ruins of our cherished institutions would be
reared the fabric of a military despotism.
This is a somewhat ancient bugaboo; but
it bas been so long disused as to have re
gained all the merits of freshness and novel
ty. During the war, gentlemen of Mr. Bav
ard's pacific stripe were much more con
cerned lest the creation pf a dictator should
destroy our Government than they were lest
a rebellion in arms should accomplish the
same result Its last appearance was when
Frank Blair brought out his alarming pict
ure of "the warrior on horseback" as a
reason why Grant should not be elected,
with rather disappointing efiect on the im
agination of the voters. Mr. Bayard's resort
to the old scarecrow indicates that he is
hard up for more modern arguments.
A nation which dissolved an army of over
a million men twenty-four years ago, is not
to be scared out of its wits by talk about
"military dictatorships." There is not a
tithe as much danger of destroying our in
stitutions in that way as there is of corrupt
ing them by the insincerity of politicians
and the spirit of plutocracy and monopoly.
Rev. Washington Gladden in a recent ar
ticle, on "Safeguards of the Suffrage, " makes
as nggestion with a good deal of force in it, to
the effect that criminals, paupers and mis
demeanants be excluded from the right to
vote. These are classes most liable to be se
cured by bribes and are among those whose
votes are sought for by dishonorable means.
A. computation of the number that would be
affected by such a restriction of suffrage
places the average at 1,500 in a city of 100,
000 population; while in 'New York it is es
timated that the proportion of ignorant and
undesirable votes thus thrown out would'be
even greater than the 16,000 or 17,000 indi
cated by that ratio. It would certainly
seem that such a law would sensibly dimin
ish the power of vicious elements in politics,
especially in cities where they are at pres
ent the strongest The gravest question is
that which stands in the way of most re
forms in the present age, namely, whether
it would be honestly enforced or not
Following on the heels of the attempt
made by certain courageous possessors of
comely calves in New York City to revive
knee breeches as a distinguishing feature of
full dress, a rumor comes that the gilded
youth, of Boston, are thinking of cribbing
another wrinkle from the fashion of, the
past According to this rumor the aboli
tion of the mustache has come up for dis
cussion, and it is said as an affirmative
argument and with truth, that no gentle
man of the last century wouldhave thought
of growing a mustache.
Probably this movement against the most
popular hirsute adornment of men in, these
days has had its origin in the minds of
those young men whose name is legion, who
have found the raising of a mustache a
difficult if not an impracticable affair. It
can be readily imagined that among these
callow youth, whose upper lips persist in
remaining downy, such a fashion wonld
come as a mighty boon. 'There was a fox
once who lost his tail in a trap and wished
to persuade the other foxes to follow his
fashion and go brushless. He was not suc
cessful, we believe. So will it be with the
opponents of the mustache. They will "be
flouted for their pains.
And -supposing these daring innovators
were to change the present fashion, how
could they hope to escape the wrath of
young women everywhere? The mustache
as an accompaniment of osculation is popu
lar with the fair sex, we have always un
derstood. The Conncilmanic contests in the two
cities yesterday were quite lively in certain
districts. It was a factional battle for favors
in the line of local politics, and only those
directly interested seemed to enter into the
spirit of the thing in dead earn
est. It is too early yet- to sum
up the results with certainty, but so
far as the returns at hand indicate, it seems
that the great surprises talked of early in
the fray failed to materialize. While there
was loud talk and rumors of war in the
wards where the battle waxed fiercest, no
blood was spilled, and after the smoke
clears away those who took part in the fray
will, as heretofore, meet as brothers and let
bygones be bygones.
It is said that Vice President Morton is
completing arrangements for the discharge
of his official duties after inauguration.
These official duties will consist of giving
good dinners and opening himself to the
gradual perception of the fact that he is the
fifth wheel to a Government wagon.
The argument for the increase of salaries
of the President, Vice President and Cabi
net officers, on the ground that "Mr. Morton
will pay more rent for his honse that his
salary comes to," is liable to provoke the
reply that Mr. Morton can rent a cheaper
house or no house at all, , if he chooses.
There is much ground for the proposition
to increase the salaries of hard-worked and
responsible heads of departments; but, in
proportion to the work done, the Vice Pres
idency is the most munificently paid posi
tion in the country.
Mr. Cleveland's letter to the Tariff
Keform League, which was announced as if
it would be a peal of thunder for free trade,
turns out to be the mildest and briefest of
letters expressing profound sympathy with
the objects of the meeting and regrets with
the regular accompaniments.
The declaration of the New York Sun
that "every patriotic American citizen en
gaged in the business of importing the
wines that are charged with sunshine and
carbonic acid gas, will regret the retirement
of Admiral Luce from active naval duty,"
indicates the apprehension that the loss of
this gallant naval officer from public life
may cause a depression in the wine trade.
The business management of St
Thomas Church in New York, seems to be
under the impression that the spirit of the
times requires high-toned religion to be
placed under the control of a Church Trust
The announcement that the law firm in
which President Harrison was a partner is
to be broken up, because in addition to
General Harrison's change of base, Partner
Miller may go into tho Cabinet and Partner
Elam will also go to Washington, looks
like anon-sequitur. The firm is apparently
going to move to Washington; but in its
dissolution it is not divided.
The statement that England is the last
Government insulted in Samoa permits the
eagle to pitch, in modified note, the query
what Lord Salisbury is going to do about it
The remark of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
with regard to the Cabinet, that
"some of the positions may still be unpro
vided for," is possibly correct; but if our
esteemed cotemporary had desired to hit a
great and indisputable fact, it would have
been safe in declaring that a large majority
of the politicians are still unprovided for.
The weather was beautiful enough yes
terday for a Presidental -election, not to
talk of a mere city and borough affair.
Nineteen as the total of killed as far
as heard from, in that Hartford disaster,
with the probability of the total being made
still larger, surpasses the record from the
destruction caused in Pittsburg from the
inability of "first-class work" to make
"first-class material" stay where it was
The municipal hustlers are now able
to take a rest and count up the list of killed
and wounded.
Oscae Wilde's declaration that lying is
becoming one of the lost arts,only shows how
little Oscar knows of the age he lives in. It
is plain that he did not improve his oppor
tunities in this country, to become acquaint
ed with Tom Ochiltree, the partisan organs
or the apologists for trust combinations.
A recent visitor to the library of Dr. Oliver
Wendell Holmes says that the books in it that
appeared to be most frequently consulted were
a Bible and a copr of Shakespeare.
Mjie. Mutsu, wife of the Japanese Minister
at Washington, bas made 1,200 social calls since
the season began. Last spring she could not
speak a word of English. She is now a good
conversationalist in our tongue.
Prince von Bismarck weighs 165 pounds,
and, as far as physique is concerned,
is one of the finest-looking men in
Europe. His weight was 260 pounds when Dr.
Schweninger began to treat him for obesity
several years ago.
Senator Coke, of Texas, is a firm believer
in Spiritualism. He is a large, fine-looking
man, in vigorous health, and not in appearance
a person given to tampering with the other
world. But he attends a great many seances,
and is fully convinced that the dead and tbo
living can communicate with-each other.
The other Sunday the German Empress ap
peared in a gown of white silk, with a train
several yards long, embroidered with gold and
silver. The material cost $1,500. The embroid
ery required the work of 12 girls -for two
months. William IL prides himself on having
established a regime of Spartan simplicity.
Major Tond has received a letter from
"Max O'Rell" in which the manly man says:
"Of course my book.is full of absurdities. How
could it be otherwise ? I should pity from the
bottom of my heart the American who would
take the book seriously and who .would not or
could not see under a little coating of criticism
my love -and admiration for America and her
dear people."
Bisuop Temple, of London, relates that
when he was once worshiping in an East End
church where a hearty musical service is a dis
tinguishing feature, he joined in the singingto
the best of hi? ability. Ho has a stentorian
voice, and the effect of bis efforts on those.sit
ting near him may be imagined. At the con
clusion of the second verse of the hymn the
patience of a workingman on his Immediate
left seemed fairly exhausted. Not recognizing
the dignitary beside him, the poor man, in
sheer desperation, gave the Bishop a sharp dig
in the ribs, and the latter, on turning round for
an explanation, was thus addressed in subdned
but distinct tones: "I say, gub'ner. you dry up;
you're spoiling the whole show."
The Monopoly Will be Established Under
the Laws of Illinois.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Akron, February 19. Frank Hiscock, of
Syracuse, N. Y., son of Senator Hiscock, and
Congressman Crouse were among the attend
ants at the meeting of theWhiteman fc Barns
Manufacturing Company, in this city, to-day.
The resignation of Treasurer L C. Alden, one
of the most prominent business men of Akron,
was accepted, and C. E. Sheldon, of Akron,
was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Alden
goes to Chicago in connection with the reor
ganization of the Diamond Match Trust, to be
come its Treasurer. He ha; just been elected
to that office, and the Match Trust will at once
reorganize uuder the laws of Illinois.
Its removal from Connecticut was fought by
one of the directors named Stern, who claimed
that for the company to sell ont to its own
members for the sake of transporting its incor-
S oration to another State was illegal. Mr.
tern's objections were withdrawn on the pur
chase of his stock at a round premium,
Shifting Scenes on the Ohio Theater Han
Lowered Notes at the Singe Door How
to Crash the Indecent Novel.
The Ohio in these days changes its appear
ance a dozen times a day. Tho wonderful fluc
tuations of temperature we have enjoyed since
Sunday have kept tho rivers in a constant state
of transformation. For instance, on Monday
morning the Ohio was almost free from ice, in
the afternoon it rose quickly and became
turbulent, threatening 'floods everywhere. In
the early part of the evening its waters bore
great packs of lumber and litter, washed from
the submerged shores. By midnight tho ice
began to come down in great quantities from
the Monongahela and the Allegheny, and the
Ohio's bosom sparkled brightly under a moon
which had waned but a little from the full.
It was a grand sight the ice floes made crash
ing in riotous collision with the stone piers of
the Bellevue dam, while the moonlight swept
undimmed through the frosty air.
From all appearances the cold wave came
just in time on Monday night to prevent
a flood of uo small dimensions.
A theateioal man who arrived here yester
day told life that on Monday afternoon in Balti
more be found it too warm to wear even a light
overcoat It bas often struck me that com
mercial travelers and theatrical people have to
encounter perils to theliealth in their enforced
movement from warm climates to cold which
even Pittsburgers with all the extraordinary
local variations of temperature do not en
counter. V
There is no doubt abont it the ladies,
reward them, aro wearing very much lower
hats to tho theater than they used to. The
other night I observed upon a dozen of the
most fashionable yonng women this city boasts
of, a hat which to tho masculine eye bore some
resemblance to a turban in miniature. This
precious boon" is becoming to-everybody, and
it is not high enough to add materially to the
obstructiveness of a woman's head. If thero
were a poet laureate within reach I would be
seech him to pen a poetic eulogy of this new
and altogether lovely bit of millinery.
The new building which will be erected in
1890 upon the Fifth avenue frontage of the
Coleman estate, whereon Harris' Theater and
the Grand Opera House lobby now stand, will
not be a hotel. According to the present ideas
of the parties interested in Improving this val
uable property, the new structure will bo fitted
for stores and offices, and will be as handsome
as any building now adorning the streets of the
new Pittsburg. -
Misa Pauline Hall, who is making the
hearts of Impressionable men flutter at tho
Bijou this week, is one of those actresses, so
seldom found, who are really prettier off the
stage than on. She looked remarkably charm
ing yesterday in a heavy sealskin coat and
bonnet of quiet color as she walked up Sixth
street Her complexion is good, but her
greatest charm is her erect stately carriage,
which makes her appear several inches taller
than she really is.
"I didn't remember that it was election day
until I met Bob Bottellc on my way home,"
said Mr. Carraby to his wife last night.
'Why did Bob remind you, my dear?"
"Ob, I asked him to take something and be
said he guessed he wouldn't dnnk anything
while the weather was so changeable. The
saloons were closed yesterday, you know."
Tiie indecent novel no longer comes from
France. Its manufacture is one of our indus
tries that has already outgrown its infancy. In
the railroad cars, in the restaurants and almost
everywhere, always excepting the home, the
latest production .of a diseased imagination
aild a depraved mind is more talked about than
Mr. Harrison's Cabinet
The book reviewers who have scalped the
writers of these delectable works time and time
again in tho magazines and newspapers, would
serve the public better if they treated inde
cent novels of a certain American school,
which is happily small but strong as to odor
as they do other rubbish, with silent contempt.
Unnoticed and flung into the waste basket tho
indecent novel would cease to be profltablo to
the publishers, and its publication would be
much less frequent
They Meet Coolcy and Morrison and Ask
for Information.
Chicago, February 19. Judge Coolcy and
Hon. W. H. Morrison, of the Inter-State Com
merce Commission, arrived here this morning
and proceeded to the Rookery building, where
representatives of all the principal Western,
roads were assembled. The Judge in his re
marasald the meeting was called more for a
general conference on rates than to adjudicate
any specific charges. He was followed by the
Hon. H. Austin, ex-Governor of Minnesota
and a railroad commissioner for that State. He
'The object of tho present inquiry, as I un
derstand it, is mainly to ascertain whether the
companies cited in the notice comply with the
requirements of section 6 of the inter-State
commerce act and if not t0 secure obedience
in the future and moro uniformity in the
method of preparing the schedules required by
the law, and in the manner of putting them
into execution the charge made in said peti
tion as to alleged offenses on the part of the
companies against other provisions of the inter
State commerce law being still .held under ad
visement of tho Inter-State Commerce Com
mission. The object is not to point out the
technical offenses or violations of that section
in order that the companies heretofore offend
ing should be subjected to penalties, nor to se
cure a merely technical acceptance thereafter,
but to obtain from the commission an authori
tative interpretation of section 6, and to show,
if we are able, that the companies have largely
misapprehended the scope and meaning of the
provisions of the section, and consequently
have failed to comply with either the spirit or
the letter of the law."
He asked the question: "Should the Dublin
be allowed to Inspect a company's schedule at
all!" and answered it with a decided affirma
Louis James and Mario Wninwricht No
Longer Ulan and Wife.
New York, February 19. Louis James and
Marie Wainwright are no longer living to
gether as man and wife, and if there were any
doubts that their announced intention to sepa
rate professionally at the end of the present
season was due to domestic differences, these
doubts are, now set at rest, Mr. James, the
well-known actor, who is a native of Baltimore,
is said to have discovered recently that he had
lost his wife's affections, and mutual agree
ment to separate was at once made.
Marie wainwright was tho wife of a man
named Slaughter when she went on the stage.
When playing at the Boston Museum she be
came acquainted with James, and the ac
quaintance soon ripened into love. Mr. Slaugh
ter procured a divorce. James and Sirs.
Slaughter were then married.. Marie Wain-wright-James
is a granddaughter of the late
Bishop Wainwright, of the Protestant Episco
pal Church, and a near'relative of Commodore
Trion, of the United States NAvy. She has
planned to spend the summer in Europe.
Hastings to Superintend Matters.
Special Telegram toTheDIsoatch.
Harrisburo, February 19. Adjutant Gen
eral Hastings will leave for Washington Fri
day, to remain in charge of the arrangements
for tho inaugural parade until it is all over.
The State Department Repaired.
.From the New York Sun.l ,
The State Department will have a new Maine
spring next month. Then Germany, England,
Cuba, Beloochistan and other great powers
must look out for themselves.
Llfo Saved by a Bustle.
Memphis, February 19. Mrs. Taylor, of El
Paso, Tex., fell down the elevator shaft at the
Clarendon Hotel to-night a distance of SO feet
and escaped with a slight sprain of the wrist.
Sho landed on her bustle, and it saved her.
Colonel lowing Brownueld.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
TJNiontown, February 19. After a lingering
illness of more than six months Colonel Ewlng
Brownfield, the aged President of the Peoples'
Bank of Fayette county, died at his residence on
Main street at noon to-day from stomach troubles
snd cancer. He leaves s wife and two children
Kobert, now President or' the Seventh National
Bank of Philadelphia, and Anna, wife of William
unsion, wnoisoi inenrm oi w. is. Bcnniertz
Co., l'lttsburc' Mr. Browntteld ws in his 87th
year. our siste
Four sisters and two brothers outlive him,
all greatly aged.
Amateurs Play Still Waters Hun Deep De
fore n Largo Audience'.
Probably thero has never been so large an
andlenco' at a performance of the Sewickley
Valley Club as there was at Chofal Hall in Se
wlckley last night. Many Pittsburgers were
present, inclnding a Ixge number of members
of the Tuesday Night Club. To the latter the
performance possessed peculiar interest, be
cause "Still Waters 'Run Deep" is to be given
at' the Pittsburg Club Theater next Friday
evening by the Tuesday Night Club itself. As
it'was, Choral Hall was packed literally to the
The cast was as follows: Mr. Potter, Mr. O, S.
Richardson; Captain' Haivksley, Mr. J. B.
Booth: John Mildmay, Mr. It. A. Franks; Dun
bilk, Mr. C. A. Richardson; Mr. Langford, Mr.
J. O. Chaplin; Mr. Markham, Mr. V. E. Hich
ardson; Ormlet, Mr. J. E. Porter; Jessop, Mr.
O. L. Doyle; Mrs. Sternhold, Miss Black; Mrs.
Mildmay, Miss Whiting.
xuu piay went very smootniy, ana kikbu as a
whole it was very entertaining. From the
day that Tom Taylor wrote it and it became
the reigning success in which Madge Robert
son, now Mrs. Kendal, made a great hit "Still
Waters Run Deep" has been beloved of
amateurs. It is a simple little comedy drama,
with very subdued charms. Thq play was very
fairly dono last night.
Mr. Franks made more of Mr.
Mildmay than is usually made, and showed
higher comedy powers than he has ever re
vealed before. In his interview with Mrs. Stern
hold in the second act be was clever enough,
but the real surprise came when ho met the
villain of the piece. Captain Hawksley, in that
famous scene at the end of the second act. He
proved himself fully equal to the occasion, and
though he had to endure comparison with a
veteran amateur in Mr. Booth, he didn't
suffer at all. The climax of tho act
was very thrilling; and Messrs. Franks
and Booth received a hearty recall.
It is hardly necessary to say that Mr. Eooth
gave natural color to Captain Hawksley. Miss
Black worked very hard with the difficnlt and
disagreeable part of Mrs. Sternhold, and Miss
Whiting was able to gain for Mrs. Mildmay
the sympathy of the audience. Mr. O. H.
Richardson, made up capitally as an old man,
was refreshingly quiet and easy in his style.
The rest of the company was entirely compe
tent After tho play there' was dancing-to the
music of GernertandGuenther's Orchestra.
Difficulties In Tracing Each Olhor's Rela
tionship Likely to Occnr.
The solemnizing of two singular marriages
was consummated yesterday; that of Henry
Belsterllng and bis son John to Mrs. Isabella
Laucks and her daughter Helena.
A large crowd of the curious and interested
gathered in St. Martin's Church at Temper
anceville to witness Father Goeblo perform
tho double ceremony. The happy quartet
then repaired to their several homes on Da
quesne Heights.
As the girl is pretty well acquainted with her
mother-in-law everything will be serene, unless
the stepson and daughter should fall on the
family tree in trying to decipher the exact re
lationship of the next generation, but this is
rather previous. If tho father and mother had
only been married after tho son and daughter,
the latter would have been stepbrother and step
sister marrying each other, but this suggestion
is rather Ute.
The combination of the fatber-and-ntother
and fathcr-and-mother-in-law in one seems to
be rather too much for the remaining single
daughter in one family and son in the other,
or they are too bnsy trying to find out what re
lation or connection in the world they are to
each other anyway.
Many Instruments and Voices to bo Heard
ia a Homestead Event.
Prof. E. R, Kappeler and 51 of his Pittsburg,
Allegheny and Homestead pupils will, on Fri
day evening, give a vocal and instrumental
concert followed by a ball, in Monitor Hall,
Homestead. In tho overture (composed spe
cially for this concert by Prof. Kappeler) over
SO pupils will take part, under the direction of
the composer, and tho following instruments
will be represented: Mandolin, guitar, violin,
zith r, violoncello, double bass, two pianos, cas
t ineites, Spanish mandura, bell tambourines
and others. The rest of the programme will be
composed of popular, operatic, comic and war
bling solos, duetts, ;trios, quartets and chorus
compositions oit the above named Instruments,
Wingcnroth DIechan.
In the quiet unostentatious manner which
bas characterized all bis most worthy and
commendable acts,, Mr. E. D. Wingenrotb, a
former proof reader, telegraph and exchange
editor of The DisrATcn, one week ago this
morning became a benedict. The happy event
occurred at St. Paul's Cathedral, with Rev.
Father Molyneux officiating, and the worthy
bride was Nora E. Meehan, a lady with many
friends in Pittsburg. After a brief, but de
lightful tour m the West, the well-mated pair
returned to the city yesterday, and will make
their home at 545 Grant street
Whistling Alice J. Shaw.
Thoso who have never heard any whistle but
that emitted by the precious boy can have co
conception of the charming concord of sounds
of which whistling Alice-Shaw is capable. She
whistles at Lafayette Hall Saturday afternoon
and evening, under the auspices of the Pitts
burg Press Clubhand, if the lively sale of seats
that began at Kleber's yesterday is any cri
terion, ibe hall is going to be so well crowded
that everybody will feel at home while listen
ing to the sweet concert, of which the
whistling is only a single feature.
A Dluslcal Reception.
At the meeting last night of the Lawrence
ville Musical and Art Club, in the pleasant
home of Mr. J. S. Seaman, Forty-fourth street,
a very delightful concert was given by mem
bers of the club. Among those who partici
pated in the pretty little performance were
Misses Jennie Abbott, Fannie Bird, Ida Lind
say, Harper, Hoyer and George; Mrs. Moran;
Messrs. McCausland and Hamilton.
How Wo May Protect Ourselves From the
Insect Armies.
From the London Globe.
A'distinguished savant has made discovery that
mnsquitoes and other irritating insects carry
with them their own antidote. His theory is
that the victim gradually becomes inocnlated
with the venom ejected by these pests when
feeding on human beings, so that each- bite is,
in effect, a homeopathic application of the
Pasteur system. The only tact adduced in sup
port of the hypothesis is that, after a time, the
stinging of musquitocs and their congeners
ceases to irritate. But is that so? Is it true
that the Anglo-Indian who, on first arrival,
was converted Into a sort of animated eruption.
becomes almost musquito proof in the conrse
of some years. But mis immunity maybe con
sequent upon the impoverished condition of
his blood. The musquito is an insect of taste;
it loves rich fare, ana therefore rarely taps
either the acclimatized or the "black man."
Our savant's discovery extends, however, to
insects with which stay-at-home Englishers are
more often brought into contact He believes
that the domestic pests of which country
cousins Imagine London lodgings to be the
headquarters have a similar gift pf case-hardening
their victims. If this be confirmed, a
grahd'opening will present itself to Dr. Pas
teur. It wonld only be necessary for children
to be inoculated with poison of gnats, mns
quitoes, aud tho unmentionables to safeguard
them throughout their lives from the visita
tions of the whole insect army. The amount of
strong language and bad temper that would be
saved is siuidIv Incalculable. Perhaps the
method could be carried even further; it might
bo found applicable to the case of a husband
blessed with a shrewish wife. Tho respectable
Candle would seem to have undergone some
operation of the sort judging from the calm
ness and the snores with which he bore the
stinging comments of his sleepless spouse.
The Yenernble Prelate Prostrated While
Sojourning in Southern France.
Cleveland, February 19. A private cable
gram has been received here announcing the
prostration of Bishop G. T. Bedell, of the
Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, at Nice,
France, from a stroke of paralysis. The Bishop
is an old man, and had to relinquisl the work
of his Episcopal office nearly a jear ago, on
account of failing health. With his wife and
niece he has since been traveling in Europe.
. Three diocese conventions have been held to
choose an assistant Bishop, who will eventually
succeed him, but none of the divines elected
would accept the position. Should the Bishop
die soon the Episcopalian Church in Northern
Ohio will be left without a head;
Tho First Shad.
Prom the Chicago News. J
"What has become of all the people?" in
quired a stranger of a lonesome looking indi
vidual in the.streets of Phlladelnhla. "You are
the first person I have seen since 'I came to
town four hours ago."
"Yes," said the man, sadly, "and I would have
pone too if I hadn'f been left behind to sort o'
keep things moving. Everybody else has gone
down the river to watch for the first shad."
The Democrats Take a Turn at Filibuster
ing to Make Things Pleasant for Presi
dent Cleveland An Argreement on the
Territorial BUI No Confirmations by
the Senate Other Items of Interest.
Washington, February 19. There is a sus
picion in the minds of the friends ot the bill to
repay .the direct tax that the lively opposition
in the House to the reception of the conference
report on that bill to-day, and the filibustering
against its consideration, were the result of an
intimation from the President that he would
prefer not to'have to choose between an ap
proval of the bill or a direct veto. If action on
the bill is delayed beyond to-nfprrow, or if
there should be a failure on the part of the
Senate Committee on enrolled Bills to de iver
the bill to the President before next Thursday,
the way will be open to a "pocket veto," or, in
other words, the President may avail himself
of his constitutional right to hold the bill ten
days, which would carry it over tho 4th of
March, when it could not be signed, and would
therefore fait
The Territorial BUI Agreed to.
After many hours' consultation the conferees
on the Omnibus Territorial bill reached a con
clusion at 6 o'clock this evening, and to-night
Messrs. Piatt and Springer are preparing the
report to accompany the return of the bill to
the two Houses to-morrow. The bdi, as agreed
to by the conferees, fixes the names of tho two
Dakotas a3 North Dakota and South Dakota.
The people of South Dakota are to vote on tho
adoption of the Sioux Falls constitution, May
11, aud the location of the capital is to be set
tled by election. On the same, date, the resi
dents of North Dakota, Washington and Mon
tana, mav vote for the election of delegates to
a constitutional convention, and for a full list
of State officers'. On tho first Tuesday in Octo
ber the people may vote upon the constitution
proposed by the conventions, and if adopted,
after the President's proclamation to that ef
fect the Governors Of each may order an elec
tion of members of the Legislature and of
Representatives in Congress. The Legislatures
may meet and elect two Senators, each in time
to take their seats at the beginning of the first
recular session of the Fittv.first Cnnfrresq. in
"December next at which time the Represen-
MbiveD buuu aiso oeaumiiiea to seats, .lueso
provlsions apply also to tho Senators and Rep
resentatives from South Dakota.
Pardoned and Liberated.
Secrotary Bayard has received a telegram
from Consul General Williams, of Havana,
stating that he has been advised that Civilli
Pouble, a naturalized American citizen, im
prisoned there for an alleged attempt to start a
Cuban revolution, was comprehended in the
recent royal decree of pardon, and that he will
uo aes at uoerty at once.
No Time to Confirm Nominations.
After some routine business to-day, the Sen
ate proceeded to tho consideration of Mr.
Vest's motion to reconsider the vote by which
the conference report on the direct tax bill was
agreed to last Saturday. After considerable
debate the motion to reconsider was rejected.
Yeas, 8; nays, 48. The Senate then took up the
sundry civil appropriation bill, and a number of
amendments were read and considered. Mr.
Harris Interrupted the reading of the bill to
call attention to the large number of uncon
firmed nominations. He held it to be as much
the duty of the President to make nominations
to fill official vacancies as to perform any other
official duty, and as much the duty of tho Sen
ate to consider and confirm or reject such
nominations as to perform any other Senatorial
duty. He recalled tho facts that President
Arthur had, after the Presidental election of
1884, sent to the Senate 612 nominations, all of
which wero confirmed except 20. and thatPresi
dent Hayes had, after the Presidental election
of 1SS0, sent to the Senate 680 nominations,
nearly all of which were confirmed. In view of
these facts he moved that the Senate do now
proceed to the consideration of executive busi
ness. The motion was rejected by a party vote
-yeas, 24; nays, 26.
A Considerable Judgment
A decision of the Court of Claims to-day,
giving judgment for 51,002,517 in favor of tho
Central Pacific Railroad Company in its suit
against tho United States, was an adjustment
oi ine accounts oi the company based on pre
vious decisions of the Supreme Court. The
judgment represents the amount due the com
pany for Government transportation over its
non-aided roads, and also the amount of cer
tain payments made by the company in excess
of the requirements of the Thnrman act.
A Definite Policy Needed.
Representative Laffoon. from the Committee
on Expenditures in the War Department, to
day reported to the House' a substitute for the
bill introduced early last session by Representa
tive C. R. Breckinridge, providing for the cre
ation in the War Department of a bureau of
harbors and waterways, to undertake all river
and harbor improvements. The substitute
provides for the creation of such a department,
to be officered by a corps of United States civil
engineers, composed of an equal number of
military officer and civilians, in its report ac
companying the bill the committee explains at
length its provisions, and says the time has
come to inaugurate a definite policy with re
gard to national public works, and to provide a
specific agency for its execution. The sense of
the peopln and of Congress, it pays, has shown
a steady growth for 20 years in favor of the de
velopment of harbors and waterways. During
this time grave evils have been charged against
legislative and administrative methods, and
these charges have gathered force with each
passing year until the enactment of a river and
harbor bill is uncertain and occasional, instead
of being regular and the best approved legisla
tion, as it should be.
President Duncan Tells of the Great
croase In Che Various Branches.
Chicago, February 19. The . annual
ventlon of the National Electric Light Asso
ciation met in the Exposition building this
afternoon. An address of welcome was deliv
ered by Prof. John Barrett, City Electrician of
Chicago, to which President S. A. Duncan, of
Pittsburg, responded. Mr. Duncan then read
his annual addTess, dwelling chiefly on the re
markable development in electric lighting and
in the use of electricity for motors within the
past few years.
There had, been, within the past few years,
he said, an increase of 750,000 in the number of
incandescent lights in use in the United States,
and they now numbeied 2,500,000. Almost SOO
miles of track for electric roads had been laid.
Secretary A. T. Garratt, of New York, reported
that the association numbers 198 members.
After hearing reports of committees the con
vention adjourned until to-morrow.
Washington Society.
From the New York World.!
The reputation of Washington society for its
gormandizing characteristics is not enviable,
and their display has not been confined of late
to supper rooms. A young Washingtonian at a
german a few nights ago filled his Dockets with
favors belonging to a fair and popular maiden,
who saw him just as ho was concealing tho last
of his plunder under his vest Entertainers at
the Capital will have to screw their furniture
to the floors yet if this sort of thing is not
Progressive New York.
From the New York Evening Sun. J
What shall we have next? There is soon to
be a safe cracking match in this city between
experts. When does the suicide contest come
off? And may we expect to have before long a
six-day-bunko-as-you-please race at the Gar
The jingling slclghbells' tinkling sound,
The snow upon the frozen ground,
.' The moon's pale light
Convince us that 'tis winter still,
And all combine young hearts to flll
With keen deUght,
Squeezed in the cutter's narrow seat,
"With tingling ears and frozen feet.
Two lovers ride.
"What for the cold cares he?-or she?
For she has said that she will he '
An April bride.
Till April, then, they both will yearn,
And then a lesson they will learn
Not taught In tchools.
Ac years pass by, they'll both aver
That on their wedding day they were
Two April fools.
love versus law.
Lovely woman's witcheries
No trne man can resist
Had woman willed It, Draco Wonld
Have been an Anarchist.
altogether different.
"A speaking likeness!" So they term
The picture of my LU;
Bat I'll be hanged if It's like her!
The photograph keeps btlll.
Somerville Journal.
Samples of Robbing Jobbery.
New Yoke, February 19. Lawyer Delancey
Nicholl refused a retainer to-day from the city
of New York; The corporation counsel wanted
Mr. Nicholl to act as special counsel for the city
in the present investigation of the leasing of
stands in the city's bigmarket, recently opened.
The leasing of the market was put in the hands
of political heelers, who blackmailed everybody
that wanted stands. The scandal became so
great that an investigation was ordered. Some
of tne blackmailed market men retained Mr.
Nicholl to look after their interests. One mar
ket man deposed to having been blackmailed
out of $500. Controller Myers thereupon re
voked this man's lease. Yesterday Mr. Nicholl
withdrew from the case. To-day the corpora
tion counsel asked him to work on the other
side. ."No," said Mr. Nicholl, "the investiga
tionisafarce. The City Controller is protect
ing the blackmailers. He threatens confisca
tion to any market man who dares to testify
how he has been imposed upon. With the atti
tude the Controiter has taken there Is no prob
ability of unearthing the corrupt transactions,
and bringing home the guilt where it belongs."
This is a parallel case to the ceiling investiga
tion now in progress at Albany. In the Assem
bly ceiling contract it is proved that the State
bag been robbed of $105,150. The contract
called for $270,150, whereas the actual legiti
mate price, according to estimate, should have
been $165,000. Beside that, the Superintendent
of Public Buildings certified to $18,000 in excess
of the contract The steal probably amounts to
$150,000. A resolution to suspend the Superin
dent was offered to-day, and passed over till to
morrow. Newark Pnt In Mourning.
Newark is not going to have any more sacred
concerts. Chief of Police Hopper, a soulless
official, witl) no religious instincts to speak of,
has given it out straight that the Sunday sa
cred concert must go. There was one there
Sunday night last with skin glove, for $50 and
a share of the gate receipts, and as Mr. Hopper
couldn't exactly see that the thing was "just
the same as a prayer meeting," he arrested
people right and left. That's why Newark is
in mourning.
Shammed Suicide Ineffectually.
John Freeman, aged 24. licked his wife last
night. The young woman ran for a police
man. John was found lying on a sofa, an open
razor on the floor and hi3 face besmeared with
blood. An ambulance was summoned. The
surgeon said Jqhn had only scratched .himself
with a pin and was shamming snicide, and an
grily ordered the fellow's arrest. John pre
tended to be unconscious, but the policeman
hit him over the head with his club for luck,
and that'brought him to. John lay in a cold
cell all night, and to-day wa3 held for wife
beating. Garrett's Health Improved.
Mrs. Robert Garrett was in town to-day. Sho
refused to be interviewed regarding her hus
band's condition. Dr. Jacobs, Mr. Garrett's
physician, said, however, that Mr. Garrett's
health was much improved and that he was
now able to'sit up and walk around the house.
Hermes Will be Protected.
At the big German Hospital fair now being
held at the American Institute Hall there is a
valuable statue of Hermes, lent for the occa
sion. Hermes is a Greek god, with never a
stitch of clothes to his back. Anthony Corn
stock's sleuth bounds got scent of the disgrace
ful exhibition and laid complaint before Cap
tain Gunner, in charge of the Sixty-seventh
Street Station House. Gunner detailed some
officers to Investigate and arrest the frivolous
statue if need be. They interviewed Manager
A. B. DeFrece and asked him what he meant
by "them sort of shows." DeFrece parleyed
with the officials and quickly called'a meeting
of the Fair Committee, at which Henry Vil
lard, Carl Schurz and others were present.
That was yesterday. It was unanimouslv're
solved that Comstock and the police be told to
go to thunder. Up to a late hour this evening
no arrests had been made.
Editor Shepard's Big Purchase.
Editor Elliot F. Shepard bought a piece of
property at the corner of Fulton and Broad
way to-day for $362,000. He says ho will erect
thereon, without delay, the finest newspaper
building in tho country.
A Grent Theatrical Surprise.
The" Jefferson-Florence combination will in
clude Charles W. Couldock, John G. Gilbert,
Mrs. John Drew and Edwin Varrey, and will
form probably the strongest' comedy company
that ever played in America. The repertory
will consist at first of "The Heir-at-Law,"
"The Rivals" and "The Poor Gentleman." The
announcement of this combination is said to
be the biggest theatrical surprise of the season.
The Beading Road Commands Its Engineers
to Give Up Their Order.
Reading, February 19. It was learned here
this afternoon that an Intimation was recently
made to the members of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers in the employ of the
Reading Railroad Company that it was de
sired by the company that they should either
quit the brotherhood or the company. Since
then many members haYe withdrawn from tho
order, and it is asserted that those who fail-to
do so will be discharged by the company.
There are not many brotherhood men on the
mainline, but on the North Pennsylvania and
Bound Brook divisions most of the engineers
are members of the brotherhood, and if the or
der to withdraw be enforced by the company it
is difficult to predict the outcome. It 13 be
lieved, however, that there will be no organ
ized opposition to the company.
From HisPoInt orView.
From the New York Evening Sun.l
"Doctor," said the injured man's chum, "do
you think he will recover?"
"Well, he ought to. If there's any law in the
land the railroad ought to pay him $10,000."
Benj. F. Butler, has a hand like a dough
Secretary Bayard has a hand like Henry
Lawrence Barrett trims his nails to suit
his moods.
When excited in debate the hands of "Snn
set" Cox become eloquent in their interpreta
tion. A modern belle is not more fastidious and
exacting with her manicure than Mr. Berry
William K. Vanderbilt has large, square
hands, but be has managed to warm both at
the fire of life.
William M. Evarts has a habit of rubbing
his hands together, with a sort of "What can
1 do for you" air.
A hand which describes the very poetry of
motion is that of Edwin Booth's. It is one that
any woman might envy.
Dr. PAXTON'shand3-look.as If they might
toss a baseball with as much relish a3 they
runctuate his pulpit oratory.
President-elect Benj. HarrI son has a
hand firm enough to keep the powers behind
the throne in the background.
Jay Gould is in a perpetual state of warfare
by trying to prevent his left hand from know-'
ing all the secret "corners" of his right.
Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage has a hand that
comes down like a spile-driver when the Brook
lyn dominie wishes to emphasize a point.
Like Uriah Heep, Oscar Wilde bas a ghostly,
clammy band, which makes one feel like rub
bing his afterward to warm it, or to rub his off.
President Cleveland gives one a real
Captain Cuttle grasp with his large chubby
hand, which makes one feel that his heart has
been the prompter.
Alexander H. Stephens' had hands so
thin and bony that they looked like a skeleton's,
but they were always ready to minister to the
wants of the suffering.
-A. hand which bespeaks the man is that of
Henry M. Stanley. When he takes yours be
tween both of his, he establishes a current of
geniality which lingers long after the act
Henry Ibvtng, the actor, gives one a Mr.
Merdle shake, his hands seeming to retreat up
his coat sleeve, leaving the honor to his cuffs,
except when diplomacy dictates a more suitable
Justice L. Q. C. Lamar bas a hand as soft
as a woman's, but his manner of shaking bands
always suggests Dr. Chilllps in David Copper-
field, he seems relieved when be gets his hand
safely back again. ,
JV. T. Evening Sun.
The electric traveling- crane in Minne
apolis bas a capacity of 20 tons.
An electrio car line to the top of Mis
sionary Ridge is proposed.
A California woman gathered 502 en
cumbers from a volunteer vine which grew in
her garden.
No less than 15 boys have been drowned
this season at Pawtncket B. L, while skating
on thin ice or around air holes.
Since snow made its appearance in
"Vermont more than 500 accidents have been re
ported from the lumber districts.
The postoffice at Ewbanks, 111., is to be
abolished for the singular reason that no one
can be found to take charge of it
There are abont 70,000 lacemakers in
Normandy, and in all France there are nearly
.afywx) women engaged in this industry.
A thief in Carlisle, Pa., steals nothing
but Bibles, and he has taken 91 from the people
of that town without being discovered-
In Chicago during 1888, according to
official figures just published, 4958 buildings
were erected a larger number than In any
previous year.
It is asserted that nearly all the idols
now worshiped in India are of English manu
facture. John Bull's principle would seem to
be, "Let me but make the idols of a country
and I care not who makes its religion."
A woman near Ventura, Cat, recently
made $100,000 in land speculation. This fired,
her with the ambition to get up a special
"boom," and make a million, if possible. So
she chartered a train from San Francisco, 600
miles away, gave a freeiide. a free lnnch anil
free music to all who would come, ana held a
big sale. But though the train was crowded
from San Francisco, no one would buy; and
Instead of making a fortune she lost $20,1X10.
Mr. Mulhall, in a paper recently read
before the British Association, at Bath, Eng
land, states the energies of the four leading
countries of the world as follows, the power
being given in millions of foot tons, daily:
Hand Horse Steam Total
Nation. Power. Power. Power, Power.
United States 8.4-50 33,IW 4K.400 89.50
United Kingdom.. 6,130 8,700 a9BO 5950
Germany 6,930 10,500 19,800 37.230
France 5,600 8,500 18,150 30,310
At one of the recent Moody revival
meetings on the Pacific Coast the customary
request was made that those suffering from
any particularly heavy burden should stand "up
and ask for the prayers of the assembled mul
titude. After a few moments silence a tall,
meek-looking man arose, and In a voice choked
with emotion asked that the prayers of tne
congregation might be offered for his mother-in-law.
Instead of praying, the congregation
first began to titter, and finally roared with
Colonel James A. Wood died recently
at his home in BloomCeld, Ky., aged 74 years.
Colonel Wood went to Texas in 1S35 and took
part in the rebellion against Mexico. He was
at the massacre of the Alamo, and with two
others escaped, they being the only survivon
of that bloody event Colonel AVood, in bis
account of his escape, said that when Santa
Anna ordered the prisoners to be shot bo
drooped to the ground, as If he had been killed,
at the first discharge. Hejjegan to roll over,
and continued rolling until the river was
reached, when he snrang to his feet and got
away. He never stopped traveling from tie
Alamo until he reached Kentucky.
A California paper gives some interest
ing facts relative to the growing of grapes. It
says: The total expense of cultivating an acre
of grapes is $15; the curing and packing of an
acre of grapes, making 100 boxes of raisins, $55.
The average price for raisins for the last f onr
years has been hbout $1 60 per box. Putting
the pri.ee at $150 per box for the f out grades,
we have a total net profit of $95 per acre. Manv
vineyards do better than tho above. Vineyards
nave jrequeauv neen Known to produce grapes
enongb the nrst year after plantinE to pay ex
penses of cultivation. The second year brings
from $30 to $50 per acre gross; third year, $60 to
A crudely constructed wool-spinning
machine was exhibited in a model builder's
shop in New York last week, which has attracted
considerable attention from person's interested
in the wood industry. The Inventor claims that
he has solved the problem of continuous ring
spinning by positive draft or attenuation. Hun
dreds of tbonsands of dollars have been ex
pended by capitalists in experiments and in
manufacturing machines in the Eastern States
which have proven failures. The principle of
tbo new invention lies in the use of three roll
ers, two of which rotate first in one direction
and then in tho other, and yet at all times draw
the half-spun wool from the feed roll. The
rollers pass forward and backward and the
twist in the thread is not interfered with. The
principle, the inventor claims, is a new one in
mechanics. Wool is spnn on the machine
dally. The inventor claims that his machina
will revolutionize wool spinning. He is George
W. Shoemaker, of Scranton, Pa.
A great deal of interest has been created
in France by the novel form and operation of
an electrio clock, recently introduced, the pe
culiarity in the construction of which consists
in the presence of two kinds ot batteries, one a
wet zinc-Iron element and the other a dry zinc
iron element. The former consists of an Iron
bottle five and one-half inches high by three
and one-half inches diameter, which forms one
electrode; the other electrode is a zinc rod
passing through an India rnbber stopper into
the center of the bottle, this being filled with
caustic potash and oxide of mercury. There is
no diaphragm, and the zinc is gradually con
sumed, while the oxide of mercury is reduced;
the e. m. t Is 1.3 volts, and the internal resist
ance only .2 of an ohm. These clocks receive
an impulse 40 times a minute, and exhibit
no weakening of the power either in the dry or
the wet cell. An easy calculation will show the
interesting fact that the total number of elec
trical Impulses exceeds 21,000,000 per annum
certainly a most severe duty for any battery.
Dies hard The man who is frozen to
The busy chimney sweep appears in a
fresh soot every day.
The man who invests in a worthless mine
Is a hole-sold fellow.
When a little man is hopelessly in love it
greatly Increases his sighs.
It is the fellow with the sand who lays
siege to the girl with the rocks.
It is hard for a lazy man to be truthful,
for he is happiest when be Is lying.
We have great respect for the penetration
of the man who discovers good qualities in us.
There is a melancholy coincidence in the
fact that this Is the" age of scientific cookery and
the age of dyspepsia.
Women, it is said, live longer than men.
Thfs comes of their keeping their age a secret.
Death doesn't know when to call for them.
It is not always safe to judge from ap
pearances, hut it is pretty safe to Judge from dis
appearances, at least in the case of defaulters.
"Wisdom is always silent" Thus proverbs
lead us astray:
The stupid are often silent from having nothing
to say.
Contentment serene in his bosom abides,
And be sings In the midst of his labor,
"Who clears off the snow past the line that divides
His sidewalk from that of his neighbor.
All nature is inspired f
When the flowers begin to bloom;
The poet then Is fired f i
From the editorial room, jr
G'LANO. "'
Pleasant it is to sit behind
A handsome qnlck-paped pair.
Flying along with the, rpeed of the wind
And your arm around a maiden fair.
We still may be bj&st, though by poverty
pressed, y
And find much of sweetness In life;
The man who is poor of one thing is sure:
'Twasn't mojtey that won him his wife.
The Modern Ball Dress. "How do you
like me in my new ball dress, John?" asked the
young wife.
"Oh, yon look beantlful," replied the young
husband; but you are wrong in asking how yo
look In it."
"Because yon are head and shoulders outof it."
Wise Advice. "Curious boy, that of
yours," said one father to another; "always
silent. I never hear him speak except when he is
spoken to."
' -He is a very sllen t boy, " was the reply, iiu
mother and I have frequently noticed It and
talked over It. "We encourage him in every way to
he sociable, but without effect. After a few words
he relapses Into silence and sits looking as if he
were buried lu profound meditation. I don't like
to see a boy of his age that way."
"Nor L If I were you I would cure him of that
"Ay, but how?" v
"Make a barber of him."
-J.ltrom the Boston Courier