f H In 2 excitement on the top floor and the state of affairs in the Mayor's office. That gentle, man sat almost alone on the sofa in his office; and he said little or nothing. To a man who had been upstairs for half an hour, an entrance to the Mayor's office seemed like going from a wedding to a funeral, and Ajax Jones' countenance pre sented a very excellent resemblance to that of the usual pall bearer. The only man in the Mayor's wake who looked rejoiced was Judge Brokaw. "I wish it to be recorded," he said, "that Murphy is elected in the Thirty-third ward' and Mr. Sullivan is defeated. It was a per sonal fight between him and me, and I have won."' "When the Mayor was asked what he had to say about the election, he refused to be interviewed. But he made several perti nent remarks, which go to show what he thought about the matter. "The entire Department of Public Safety has been electioneering to-day," he said. "There are 94 officials living in the Sixth ward alone, and they have hustled to-day for all that was in them. That is where we lost McMichael. HE CONCEDED DEFEAT. ' "Even in the Seventh ward they were so strong to-dav that at noon I had my donbts whether Joe(Marshall, the Mayor's brother-in-law,) would be elected, and now I am ready to concede his defeat. They tried everything and did everything to elect their man." Another man in the Mayor's office stated that O'Brien had been arrested in the First ward, simply because he was a Cavanaugh man. But when this gentleman was re quested to give his name as authority for what he said, he refused to do so. It was also said in the Mayor's office that John Aiken had been arrested at the Sev enth ward polls for no reason whatever. Chief Brown, in speaking of the election, said: "Of course the results coming in from the different wards are so satisfactory that it is hardly necessary for me to say anything. Regarding the general quietness of the election day, I will say that the police had especial orders to squelch any disorder, wherever it should be. I ordered a number of special men into the First and the Sev enth wards simply because I supposed that, inasmuch as the contests would be fiercest there, a greater body of men would be re quired to keep tbem in order." SELECT AT A GLANCE, A Tnbio Showing Just Who Was Elected From Each Pittsburg Ward The Vote, the Complexion and the Majority of Each New Councilman. The following table is a complete epitome of the results in the various Pittsburg wards on the Select Councilmanic contest, which was really the only portion of the political ground generally contested. The majorities in the Independent and Democratic columns will be observed to be Jew and far between: SELECT COUNCIL. Wards. Candidates and rotes. ,-Majority-, jtcp.ina.uem. M. Cavanaugh. D. 335. S3 M. Folev, It. 302 James Getty, K GusMarts, D , John Dovle, R2J9 , G. H. Hbllenoach. L. 110... Geo. H. Truesch. RSoO..., Jos. Glfgankamp, D.. Ib3... Harry Campbell. I., 16 John O'lteiU. B 331 M. J. Pr.ce. R..1S2 P. A. Pender, L. Jas. L. Williams, B 900.... TUos. SlcMichael, L. 593.... Geo. Wilson, R. 436 Jos. J. Marshall L, 337..... G. J. Gross L, 29 R. V. Morrow, D.,15 , John S. Lainbie, K.. 510.... John W. Hanna, L. 232. T..M. Bropliv, D.. 455 , P. Hankra. Rl, 224. R. J. Hazlctt, R-. 814 T. F. Carroll. D.. L6 H.P. Fed. R., 768 G. Schmidt, I., 365 Thomas Perry. R-. 7b7, JohnExler. 6,493 T. H. Miller. R 714 John Patterson, L, 3C2 Jno. 31. Anderson, R, DSs. . . Win. J. Brown, P., 316 M. JlcMorris, D 200. 149 SOU. '"99!". sos, 231 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 C72 J. H. Gillespie, TL, 9 J. P. Lentz, D.. 219 Robert Warren, R., 597 Henrv Eppmir. D., 589. William McKinlev, R.. bS9. S. J. Cox, L. 54a 31. C. Dwier. D., 475. Georjre B'endle. R., 301 .... S. D. Wanncastle, I.. 678... David Stevenson, R . 437. . . A. F. Keating, D., 756. F. W. MeKee. R.. 678 174 236, 78 James Fitz Simmoas, L, 725 1 156, H. J. Gross, K.. o.O T. A. Gillespie. R, 275 J. J. Stoerr, L, SO Dr. C Evans. L. 445 W. E. Tustm. D., 1S E. H. Matthews, R 432.... Terrence Heinz,D.,255 Herman Rohrkaste, R bl Eloskinger. D.,267 .... Daniel llrown, R., (155 ..... Herman toteinccke-D., 3t5. . D. P. Evans. R., 367. 165 'i 404 "290 214 William walls, !.. 103 .... George X. JIunro, L. 294... Tueo. Langerbacker, R., 257 .... James Dolan, D.. 203 John Benz,R 314 1 231 Henrv Lauer. D., 116 i, J. P. 3IcCord,R.,'JSl Mi. William Nolden. D-. 217.... W. W.Nesbitt, L, 312. John A. Shuck. K., 2S5 John Paul, R (no opp.).... 57 John Murphy, DM 117 John Sullivan. D.SI John Collins. D. (no opp.).. A. C. Robertson. R,335.. Wm. femith, I.. 67 EvanJoncs, R.. 353 Patrick Foley, D., 295 28 2SS Estimated, little opposition and no re turns. THE XEW EDUCATORS. A Partial List of tlio School Directors Elected in Plltsbnrp. Eetnrns on School Directors were slow coming in last night. As far as reported, the following were elected: Second ward S. N. Benham and R. J. Hem insray. Fourth ward-J. C. Bengher and Charles Shaw. Sixth -ward Hnch Adams and C Staler. Seventh ward Theodore Doerflinger. Eighth ward George Booth. Ninth ward Peter beibert. lenth ward Charles Dugan and John Coo nev. twelfth ward Dr. J. J. Green and J. R. Pat ton. Fourteenth ward William Holmes and William J. McElrov. Filteenth ward L. O. Frazier and J.J. Mo Grew. Sixteenth ward Henry Mayers and Charles Stewart for the full term, and G. W. Given for an unexpired term. Seventeenth ward Charles North and George Garrison. Eighteenth ward David Hoolihan and John Kenner. Nineteenth ward A. L. Gettis and Dr. Pea birdy. Twentieth ward Cyrus Gray and Dr. Thomas Davis. In this ward , Mrs. Hughes was a canal date, but her Tote was triflingly small. Twenty-first ward Messrs. McLaughlin and Edwards. Twentv-second ward S. P. Langhlin and Charles Bradley. Twentj -fifth ward C. Stolzenbach and L. Bode. Twenty-sixth ward Charles Dietz and Fred Ecilsdorf. Twenty-seventh ward Arthur Wallace and Richard Silliman. Twentv-eighth ward W. E. Hamilton and Dr. L W. Ricgs. Twenty-ninth ward Charles Zimmer and A. J. Locke. Thirtieth ward-S. S. Barker and A. J. Locke. Tnirty-first ward Charles Neagel and W. D. Thomas. Thirty-second ward O. S. Hershman and William Boehmer. Thirty-fonrth ward John Collins and J. F. Madden for the f uU term: John Sbaughnessy and Adolph Rlchter for unexpired terms. THE WAE IN ALLEGHENY. Lively Hustlinc Around the Polls A Couple of Candidates Roll in the Street A Surprise for the Reform. ers In bone Ports. The election in Allegheny was one of the most exciting Councilmanic contests ever held.inthat city. The usual number of wordy fights occurred and a very unusual number of knockdowns. In the First, Second and Fourth wards the fight was a particularly bitter one. A strong effort was made by the Reform party to down the so-calied ringsters, viz: P. Walter, Jr., and James Hunter, but in this their efforts proved fruitless, as both won, the former with hands down, and the latter by a larger vote than even his friends ex pected. Mr. Walter was seriously ill yes terday and unable to leave his room. Com modore Kountz, notwithstanding his age, was as young as any of the hustlers in the First district of the Second ward. This in the first time in many years that the Commodore has taken any part in poli tics, and the cold weather did not seem to affect him in the least. He'had young men assisting him. Health Officer Bradley was there, also, and did effective work lor Mr. Hunter, but the Commodore's work for Leggate, who was Hunter's rival, brought him many votes. HE WAS FUSED OUT. A little scene occurred at this polling place in the afternoon when Mr. Price, one of the reformers, said to Bradley: "I know what you fellows went down to Harrisburg for." As Mr. Price does not belong to the district he was promptly ordered away from the polls. He met a similar fate when he visited the Sixth district polling place. A fignt occurred in the First ward, atthe Fifth precinct polling place. A candidate had fixed a ticket for a voter, and as he was about to cast it, he was pulled back by the brother of a candidate. The candidate or dered him to let go, when the brother struck him. The candidate then sailed in and knocked the brother into the middle of the street and then administered several kicks. He was compelled to retire from the polls, and did not appear again. The returns came in slowly, as an un usually heavy vote had been polled, but at 10:30 o'clock complete returns" had been re ceived from the Filth and Seventh wards. The result in the former is as follows: Select Council, James S.. Lindsay, no op position; Common Council, five to elect, Geo. L Ehudolf, 612; Adam Ammon, C42; Charles W. Dahlinger, 638; Charles W. Lighthill, 577; J. B. Wolfe, 522; all Repub licans and Charles Y. Lewis, Independent candidate, 460. It will be remembered Mr. Lewis was defeated at the primary on Sat urday for the Republican nomina tion by 27 vote, and believ ing that "some crooked work had been done, decided to run at the general election. As will be seen by the above figures, he lacked 62 votes of being the low man on the ticket. HOW THE SEVENTH STANDS. The result in the Seventh ward is as fol lows: Select Council, one to elect Charles A. Muhlbronner, R., 419; Oliver Wick line, 210; Common Council, G. J. Schon delmever, B., 266; Frank L. Ober, D., 248; Peter "L. Huckenstein, D., 166; Phillip Peifer, K., 174; Charles Zoller, D., 47; John A. Burger, P., 82; John M. Gareis, D., 53. The first two named are elected. This is a Democratic ward, but as there were several representative men in that party, a Repub lican was allowed to step in. At midnight returns from the Eighth and Fourth wards were received. No vote was received of the lormer, but George Schad was elected to Select Council over Theo doie Hueskins, the present incumbent, and Fred Wall. For Common Council A. C. CI. mat ti v itop T"lrr A W -To ilr con "R tr were elected over George Betteridge and John Born. In the Fourth ward the result was as fol lows: Select Council, one to elect, two dis tricts out William M. Kennedv, E., 782; W. E. Fischer, 260; Common" Council, seven to elect, all districts in "William Bader, 866; John W. Stacy, 853; G. A. Koehler, 845; U. H. Stanffer, 810; John Vogler, 804; P. Walter, Jr., 710; H. C. Eobison, 702; Jacob Ehman, 573. The latter was one of the Republican nominees and was defeated by G. A. Koehler, a Democrat. RATHEE A SUBPBISE. The resnlt in the Second ward was a sur prise to the reformers. At midnight, with only two districts to hear from, Hunter had beaten their candidate by a 2 to 1 vote, and it is said be leads in the districts that are not in. In Hunter'sdistrict the vote was Hunter, 149; Leggate, 30. In Leggatc's district the Vote was: Hunter, 59; Leggate, 50. The re sult in 0 oi the 11 districts is as lollows: Se lect Council, one to elect Henry C. Lowe, 8S4; Adam Funs, 357. Common Council, nine to elect Curry, 1,109; Bell, 1,083; Cruikshanks, 1,067; Drum, 1,022; Bnente, 1,017; McDonald, 064; Parke, 948; McKirdy, 873; Hunter, 839; Lcgtrate, the reform can didate, 440. No returns were received from the Ninth ward, bnt the election is conceded to M. Hannon for Select Council, over John Getty, and Louis Gerber and M. McCarty are chosen for Common Council. All are Democrats. The vote, in the Twelfth ward cannot be given, but it was reported late last night that Morris Einstein, the druggist, had de feated Samuel Watson, the present Chair man of the Finance Committee, by 47 votes. It is stated that Mr. Einstein is ineligible, as be is onlv 25 years of age, but his friends say he was born 29 years ago. A VEST CLOSE VOTE. 4 The result in the First ward was not known nntil nearly 1 o'clock, and it con tained many surprises. John P. Milby, who was defeated two years ago by only seven votes, and was considered a winner, lacked only four votes of elepton. Dr. Charles W. Neeb", who has been ill for several weeks and un able to make a canvass, it was thought would be away down low on the ticket, but he only lacked three votes of leading. John T. McAulev, a young business man, led the ticket Arthur Kennedy had a walk over for a seat in Select Council, defeating Austin L. Clark. The result of the Common Council contest, lour to elect, is as follows: McAul lev, 418; Neeb, 415; Patton, 371; Watson, 247; Pitcairn, 246; Milbv, 244: Koenig, 244; Ferry, 186; McClurg, 123; Stern, 100. As the election was so close it is thought that Watson's seat may be contested by Messrs. Milby, Koenig and Pitcairn. IT WE-T THBOTJGH EASILY. The Republican ticket in the Third ward went through practically without opposi tion, although the two Democratic candi dates, Messrs. Lattncr and Lacher, re ceived a good vote. The winners are: Select Council Emannel Wertlieimer; Common Council Messrs. Swindell, Eb hert, Harbison, Bynd, Simon, Stockman, Thompson and Str'iepecke. Some of Chas. w. lierwig s mends wanted mm to run again but he refused. He received a num ber of votes, however. Complete returns had not been received from the 'Sixth ward at 1 o'clock, butenough were in to indicate the result, which is as follows: Select Council Dr. E. H. Gilli ford, no opposition; Common Council (six to elect) C. Stelfen, Jr., Jesse McGary, Fred. Stemler, Allan Knox, William Thomas ?and A. Mercer, all Eepublicans. Lee Frasher, one of the Democratic candi dates, almost defeated Mercer. SO KETUBNS FBOM BUBAL DISTBICTS. In the Tenth ward, with one district to hear from, Fred Emrich was elected to Select Council, Arthur Hunter to Common and a close fight between "W. W. Nesbitt and Christ Deuel for second place. No returns have been received from the Eleventh ward and no prediction can be' made. Only one district was in from the Thir teenth ward at 1 o'clock, but the indications are that J. P. Ober will lead Valentine Gast for Select Council by a few votes. George Lappe and A. J. Chambers or A. J. Kirschner will fill the two seats alloted this ward in the Common branch. FIRST "WARD ARRESTS. Elcht Men, Supposed to be Cavnnaagh Voters, Run in by Captain Silvni. During the afternoon there were eight men arrested in the First ward. .Most of tbem were supporters of Cavanaugh, and the latter claimed the men we're run in to prevent them from voting. One of them was taken to the Twelfth ward station house instead of the Central, but no reason given by the police officials. All ot tbein were released upon bonds given by George Free and Joseph Fleming, with the exception of Charles Hostetter and John Smith, who were still behind the bars at midnight. The names of the other men were Elie McCray (colored), John King, John O'Neal, Andrew Xyden, Michael Cor nelius and William Carroll. Carroll was charged with illegal voting, Smith with carrying concealed weapons, and the others were arrested for disorderly conduct. Cap tain Silvus stated last night that they ex pected the police department would be blamed for antagonizing Cavanaugh by the arrests, but there "was no sentiment in the matter. The men had violated the law bv creating disorder and he had ordered their arrest. SOME OP THE ALDERMEIf. Men Against Whom Hot Fights Wcro Wn&ed, but Who Won. Alderman Cassidy is a triumphant win ner in the First ward, though he not only fought hard ior the honors, but had some of the strongest political backers in the city. The fight for Alderman in the Twelfth ward resulted in the election of Joseph Warner. The candidates were Joseph Warner, E.; J. D. Drisco.!, D., and J. H. Kobbs. I. Warner led all through, and carriea the ward by 186 votes. Nobbs was the low man. In the Tenth ward John Burns was re elected Alderman without opposition. C. E. Succop ran the same way in the Twenty eiehth ward. Flach's majority over Burke in the Twentv-fifth ward'was 44. ALONG PENfl AYENUE. BonQrca Illuminate the Polls and Reveal Some Snrprlses. Large bonfires, even by daylight, desig nated the polling places of the various wards out along Penn avenue. These, in conjunction with the amount of hustling necessary to secure tardy voters, kept the politicians warm enough all day. The fight wasa quietbut determined one in many ot these wards, but iu none of them were there such contests as were witnessed in some of the down town hill wards. The vote was rather light till after the factories closed for the day, when it ran up very rapidly. The results were in many cases surprising. DEAD AS A DOOR NAIL Set a Single SI en of Life in the County Commissioners' Office. At no place in the city was election day more forcibly realized than at the County Commissioners' office. Even the women seemed to have forgotten to come and file complaints of excessive assessment, and the quiet was so intense that a pin could be heard drop on the carpet in the private room. One of the clerks said there was less busi ness transacted than on any similar day, not a holiday, in a year past. 0SE-SIDED CONTESTS. Some of the Candidates Who Ilnd Every. thine Their Own Way. Out in the Twenty-third ward, where they had a fierce primary fieht on Saturday, Dr. C. Evans had so much of a walk-over that no one thought it was necessary to report the vote. In the Thirty-second ward, John Paul had no opposition for Select Council, and the same was true of John Collins in the Thirty-fifth ward. Down in the Second ward, Gus Marks was the opponent of James Getty, but the latter had things his own way. OUT IN S0H0. Anderson Bad Abont 700 majority Over His Opponent Brown. In the Fourteenth ward John Anderson, the regular Republican candidate for Select Council, was elected by about 700 majority. His opponent, William J. Brown, received a minority vote in all the precincts with the exception of the third, where he beat An derson 20 votes. . The school director elected (and on this the fight concentrated) were William Holmes and William McElroy, both of whom had about 350 majority. In the TrventySecond. In the second distriot of the Twenty-second ward the hottest fight was made for Eegister-Assessor. J. Frank Sowash was the ring candidate and L. H. Houghton called on the old soldiers. At first it looked doubtful for Sowash, but he hired eight car riages and brought out his vote, defeating hisopponent to the tune of 103 to 31. HOT FIGHT AT JI'EEESPORT. Mcasrs. German, Slrntton nnd Jones Elected to Connc'l. The following was received late last night from McKcesport: The hottest political fight that has occurred here in years took place to-day. It was expected that an immense vote would be polled and while a large vote was out, the extreme cold weather prevented the result anticipated. The local struggle was fierce, nevertheless, ana there was little to give on the majorities. Jas. H. McLure was elected Btrrgess and Jacob Everett, Tax Collector. William German was elected to Council in First ward. Daniel Strat um was elected to Council in the Second and Oliver G. Jones in the Third ward. To Arrange Their DlOcrences. The Pittsburg Railroad Coal Associafion met yesterday at their rooms on Fifth ave nue. One of the objects was to discuss the differences existing between the other asso ciations, and particularly the organization of lake shippers. Nothing definite was done, however. The discrimination of Western railroads was also discussed, but no action was taken. D. A. 3 Executive Board. The meeting night of tbc District Execu tive Board of D. A. 3, K. of L., has been changed from Wednesday to Monday night. At the meeting held Monday a lot of routine business was transacted. The accounts were audited and fonnd to be in good shape. Matter ' Workman Boss was instructed to push the Laome case through the courts. A Child Committed to Jail. Squire McMillan., of Mansfield, com mitted a 10-year-old girl to jail on the charge of assault and battery, made against her by the father ot a colored boy whom she hit with a stone because he annoyed her. The Anti-Cruelty Society was notified, and Jndge Collier quickly-released the child. Their Only Support Gone. John W. Johnston, of Woodlawn, Fay ette county, who had one leg crushed at the ankle by the Pmickey at Fuller station, died at the Homeopathic Hospital last night. He was the only support of his aged parents. On to Washinfrton. The advance detail of Battery B will leave for Washington to attend the inau guration on Tuesday, February 26. The battery will leave on Saturday evening on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and will re turn on Wednesday morning, March 6. THE PITTSBUKG- DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY REJOICING MIGHTS. The K. of P. Pleasantly Celebrate the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary OF THE FORMATION OF THE OUDER Pittsburg Lodges Spend the Evening at Lafayette Hall. A RECEPTION AT THE CEXTEAIj RIXK Friendship's holy ties by hidden might link the present with the past, the morrow with to-day. Truth is ever with the right, though falsehood may prevail. Four hun dred years before the birth of Christ the sponsors of the Knights of Pythias figured in the incident which has to-day made their names in the civil ized world synonymous with friend ship. Centuries afterward in a thriving city on a continent to the founders un known, the twenty-fifth anniversary of an order whose principles are the same as gov erned the lives of these men of Syracuse, :s celebrated. The Knights of Pythias of the "World last evening celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary of the formation of the order. Lafayette Hall was filled with a large audience, who had come to listen to the pleasant entertainment held under the auspices of the Fort Dnqnesne, Great 'West ern, Iron City, Smoky City, Madoc, Mount Sinai and Hazelwood'K. of P. lodges. PLEASING PEOfiKAMME. The programme t was very long, and was opened with an overture. The audience sang the opening ode, after which Rev. E. R. Donehoo made an address -in which he dwelt upon the blessings oi friendship and charity. His remarks were enlivened by several amusing anecdotes. The Manches ter Quintet sang several selections during the evening, and were always heartily wel comed. Miss Edith Harris recited and sang a solo during the course of the evening's pleasures. Brother J. Cramni, M. D., of Philadelphia, made a long ad dress on "The Origin, Objects and Progress of the Order," in which he related how the order was formed a quarter of a century ago in Washington, D. C. He gave a brief ac count of the lives ot Damon and Pythias and snoke rather bitterly ot a religious sect which have in their church councils con demned secret organizations. The benefits of the order were spoken of bv him, and. in conclusion, he advised all young men to join the society. Mr. J. F. Callahan and Miss Hattie Cook recited selections. Miss Annie McCIure, Mr. W. B. Lockhart nnd Miss A. M. Lewis sang solos. The mandolin trio amused the audience with their instrumental selections. SOME ADVICE GIVEN. Bev. J. C. Morgan, of Conncllsville, spoke upon "The Blessintrs of Secret Asso ciations." Bro. John Van "Valkenburg, Past Supreme Chancellor, spoke upon the prdgressof the order, ana gave some good advice to the lodges represented. The ex ercises closed with the audience singing an ode. At the Grand Central Eink the Lorena Division cave its first annual reception. The principal feature of the evening was dancing to music furnished by the Grand Army Band nnd the Boyal Italians. After the grand march Colonel John P. Linton, of Johnstown, Past Supreme Chan cellor of the State, made a short address. He gave a-brief but interesting review of the progress of the ortjer. At the conclusion of his remarks Sir Knight Thomas Godfrey was presented with a handsome gold badge. Captain Barr made the presentation speech, A parade was held yesterday afternoon by the uniformed members of the Lorena Di vision and delegations from Johnstown, Mc Keesport and East Liberty divisions. Captain Barr was in command. THE EXPOSITION BOOM;- Total Amount Received Nearly $200,000 Almost Enough to Complete the Main Buildings Business Men to Ibe Front. The fact that the Exposition affairs have been somewhat quiet of late, does not show inactrvity by any means. On the contrary, the live members of the board, with their canvassers, are meeting with greater success every day, as the busi ness people are gradually learning that the superb buildings are reaching out toward the sky at an amazing rate, and, to quote a famous Frenchman, as ''nothing succeeds like success," the more assured is this suc cess, the faster do the subscriptions come in. The total amount received is rapidly roll ing up toward the round $200,000 (the exact amount is $192,000), and at the present rate but a few more weeks will complete the necessary amount still needed for the finish ing of the main buildings, some $30,000. This amount is needed at once in order to complete the main buildings" as rapidly as possible, and the board politely requests that all attention be given to Messrs. Gill and Lupton when they call, as they surely will, with their subscription books open tor all. The total amount collected last week was was $2,200, showing the boom to be still on. The roll of honor reads as follows: Life managers, $100 each John S. Ferguson, George N. Monroe, Henry McKnight, Singer, Ninrck & Co. Lim., a second sub scription; SUrn & Silverman, William S. Prer, E. A. Beineman, Best, Fox & Co., Swindell Construction Co., T. G. Evans & Co , a second subscription; George S. Flem ing, George K. Mvles, of the Carrie Fur nace, C. M. Bartburger, Lewis & Hyde, Gust. B. Mihm,John McMahon and George E. Beineman. The following loans were also received: Bailey. Farrell & Co., $300, making $1,000 from this firm, and J. S. and W. S. Kuhn $100. The Lewis Foundry and Machine Co. sent a check for $112 50, being the sum raised by that firm and their em ployes. AFTEE THE G. A. E. BUSINESS The Western Passenger Asents in the Cily Huailng for It. The passenger agents of the lines West of Chicago have already appeared on the scene for the large Grand Array traffic out of this city to the annual encampment to be held at Milwaukee in August. Among those who were in town yesterday looking for the business were John Potts, Traveling Passenger Agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul road, at Will iamsportj and Charles Iravers, of the Chi cago and Northwester:, stationed at Colum bus. The representatives of the other lines be tween Chicago and Milwaukee have been corresponding with Grand Army posts of this vicinity, and ecery one expects to get his share of the business. THE STEEL WHEEL W0EKS. Tho Novelty Company Expect to bo in Oper ation bv July 1. The stockholders of the Novelty Steel Wheel Company,nt McKcesport, will meet to-day to elect officers and arrange for, ouiiaing tne worKS at once, xney expect to have the shops in operation by July 1. Woshlncton County Knights. Master Workman I. N. Boss, of D. A. 3, K. of L., went to Washington, Pa., and addressed L. A. 7517, a mixed local. The order is giowing in that section of the dis trict, and a new local may soon be or ganized. Peteeson's Magazine for March is a fine combination of striking stories, hand some illustrations, descriptions of new cos tumes, valuable articles on household and other subjects of interest to ladies. 'MARGARINE DEFENDED. Analyses of Captured Bntterlne A Physi cian Gives His Ideas No Poison as in Bad flutter Heroic Cnrcs. Some interesting chemical tests have been made of the samples of the oleomargarine purchased by the detectives for the informa tion of Attorney William Yost and the associated merchants behind him. The analyses are from the best chemical experts in the city, and, while not minute, are sufficient for the occasion. They are in teresting to all housekeepers as showing jnst what they put into their confiding stomachs daily under the mask of butter. A sample of pure butter is first given in order that comparisons may be easily made: Pure butter-Water, 10; salt, 5; curd, 4, and butter fat, 8L . Slight adulteration Water, 3; salt, 2; curd, 10; butter, 72; oleomargarine, 13. Adulterated-Water, 9; salt, 3; curd, butter. 67; oleomargarine, 18. Adulterated-Water, 6; salt, 4; curd, 5; butter, 63: oleomargarine, 'JX Oleomargarine Water, 8; salt, 8: curd, 1; butter, ll;oleomargarine,72. The na-nesofthe firms selling the above samples are not given, as they have not yet been arrested. However, they may enjoy the unique position of reading the crim inating evidence beforehand, with the cheerful assurance of Mr. Yost that they will probably be arrested this week. Poor, despised olco has gained a mnst un expected, but a most valuable, champion in the shape of one who most certainly should know what he's talking about, especially when his scientific hobbies are appealed to. Dr. Joseph N. Dickson was shown the above results of chemical tests of bogus but ter, and he declared at once it was a shatne that good, pure oleomargarine should be adulterated with bad butter in the manner it is. He said he was no chemical expert, but 'margarine in its purity was very healthy. It did not become rancid so rapidly as but ter, and for his part the doctor "preferred good butterine to bad butter every time. The effect, Dr. Dickson said, of eating bad butter is far greater than supposed, because it is so gradual. Bancid boarding house butter, old and strong enough to walk, was' rank poison. The pure, sweet globule's of dairy butter undergo a sort of transforma tion that changes them from healthful food to an actual poison, called -alkaline pto maines, or, in plain words, anhydrous oxides, a kind of alkali that enters directly into the blood and poisons it. This kind of poison is very hard on the stomach lining also, and frequently shows its barmfnl action on the blood by the breaking out of pimples or eruptions, gen erally on the face, and warned all ladies to beware of bad butter, even to the eating of butterine in preference. It has been said by a gentleman conversant with affairs, that he honestly believes the present agitations and arrests have been made merely to awaken public sentiment, so that the anti-'margarine law, obnoxious alike to seller and buyer, will be repealed. The arresting parties, however, say they are acting in go'od faith, and the method of cure, if it is one, is certainly of the heroic mold, as the big fines paid by reluctant dealers will show. THAT TEACTI0N TE0UBLE. . Futile Eflorts of tliB Complinnants to Hold a Union Meeting. The reported dissatisfaction among the extra conductors and gripmen on the Citi ziens' Traction line is still talked of. It was learned yesterday, from a reliable source, that the'extra men had tried to call a meeting Monday.as previously announced in The Dispatch, but that the Master Workman refused to have anything to do with their grievances, telling them they must abide by the agreement. What will be the outcome is a matter of conjecture. Mr. Sweitzer, who, it was stated by a con ductor, was the first to learn of the rate of wages Sundav, yesterday denied the allega tion, stating that he did not have anything to do with spreading the news. Mr. AVilliara Vance, Chairman of the Boad Committee of Local Assembly No. 2126, K. of L. (the Citizens' Traction Com pany employe's branch), stated to a DIS PATCH reporter yesterday that the company sent for the Boad Committee and told thein that they proposed to run 11 hours with two sets of men, the swing men to take the reg ular men's places when they stepped off the cars, and to be paid by the trip, pro rata. At the meeting of the men it was discussed for three hours.and the men finally accepted the proposition and instructed the committee to wait on the officers of the company and notify them that they had accepted. "If they are dissatisUed," says Mr. Vance, "they nave nobody but themselves to blame, and will have to abide by the decision. It they want to kick out of the traces, the as sembly has nothing to do with it." A IjEW MASONIC HALL Will be Erected In the East End nnd Will Cost Abont 840,000. The Masons of the East End have about bought a lot on Collins avenue for the pur pose of erecting a Masonic Hall on the site. Subscription lists are now making the rounds,and the money for the lot has already been raised. There are two lodges and one chapter in the East End, having a membership of 800, and they have not a place, to give them the necessary accommodations. The two lodges are the Hailman and the Dnqnesne, besides the Pittsburg chapter. A prominent member of the fraternity said yesterday, while speaking of the pro ject: We expect to make our hall one of the finest structures in the East End. The lot which we are going to buy is in a very excellent location, near Penn avenue. On next Saturday a joint meeting will probably be held, and the plans for the building will come under discussion. It is our wish to spend about 40,000 o.i the ball alone. The money is to be raised by tlio estab lishments a ball association, each member of tbe lodges taking shares in it. Tbe building will accommodate the two lodges, the chapter and a commandery. The latter is not yet formed, but wo are very strong and in excellent financial condition. There' will be no difficulty in raising the money for the purpose. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. ' Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed for ItendT Reading. J. M. Qsboene, Division Freight Agent of the Wabash Railroad, at Toledo, was in town yesterday. - T. B. Simpson and family, of Oil City.passed through the Union station on their way to San Francisco yesterday. Mrs. H. C. Caupbeli. and mother, of Alle gheny, left yesterday for San Diego, Cal to bo gone several months. The ladies of the Seventh U. P. Church, on Forty-fourth street, Lawrenceville, will give a supper on next Friday-evening. The P. J. Donohue Club will Rive arcceptlon and ball at the West End rink on nextMon day evening. The Italians and Quinn will fur nish the music. E. A. Ford, General Passenger Azent of tho Pennsylvania Company, left, yesterday for Steubcnville and Cincinnati' on business con nected with his company. The mortuary report for tbe week ending Saturday shows a total of 81 deaths, of which number 44 were natives of tho city; 50, Ger many; 11, Ireland; 4, Italy. H. M. Matthews, General Agent of the Chicago. Burlington and Qnincy road, went to Chlcatro yesterday to confer with tbe officials of bis road in regard to freight business out of this territory. Henry Wheeler and Wm. Rossas, who are in jail charged with raising a disturbance, and assaultins a Pennsylvania Railroad conductor at East Liberty, are also charged by Charles B. Fleck with drawing a knife ou him. At the regular meeting of the Humane So ciety, a bill of costs was presented against Agent O'Brien from Fayette county. As he is a peace officer actin? with State authority, he need not nay costs, and so the Uniontown at torney will be informed. A. handsome girl, giving her name as Katie Meban. entered Central station last night and told a sad tale of love, deception and desertion. She was ill. and was given lodgings. She will make an information acainst a Junction Rail road brakem&n in the morning. 20, 1889. TECHNICALTEACHING John Jarrett Says That Pittsburg Needs It, and She Will Get It. PROMINENT PEOPLE INTERESTED. A Scheme is on Foot to Establish a Techni cal School. $100,000 CAN BE EASILY OBTAINED A mechanical drawing class was addressed last evening in University hall, Sixth street, by Mr. John Jarrett on the subject ol tech nical education, and in the course of his remarks some very interesting facts were developed in regardto prospective technical education iu Pittsburg. He said, in sub stance: When I look around here at your tools and the careful hands guided by the steady eye of youth, my heart is delighted. The great desid eratum of education is technical education, and I need not to explain further than to say that technical education is necessary to fill up the gap left by our modern education in the arts ana sciences. I myself did not get-even a common school education, leavinc school asl did when 11 years old. I became a puddler. and performed this labor for many years, when I finally became a little more ambitious, and went to work learn ing something technical about my trade. No sooner bad I done this than I found demand for my services from many channels, of which I had hitherto never thought, and my increased knowledge advanced me not only in my own estimation, but in the estimation of my fellows. MERELY MECHANICAL. There are many puddlers to-day injthis city who know almost nothing technical of the pro cess of puddling. Ask tbem what has taken place as they throw the pigs of iron in the flame, and then puddle the molten metal, and they cannot tell you. Is it, then, any wonder that they are discontented with their lot; dis contented because they work without any inter est in what they are doing? Is it any wonder that they are always looking forward for an indefi nite something what they know not? The very tools you use. teach the eye and give you a steady hand, and as yon learn, you gradually come'tu understand your workiy means of this education, and become more interested m consequence. It is not necessary to state why the require ments oi tne day demand tecnmcai education, for, as machinery takes the, place of manual labor, the mind is called in to help the physical forces. In chemistry there are but a Jew men who are versed. I maintain that we all should know more or less about this science. There is no reason why we should be de pendent on one man, but every reason why everybody should have technical knowledgs on the subject. Compare the textile Industries of this country and Europe, and you will find that here the workman is familiar with only one branch of his calling, and when he receives a thorough knowledge of all tbe branches you make him master of the situation. And when jou educate yourselves thus, you arc masters of.the situation. PITTSBURG A FINE FIELD. And where should a technical school be established, if not in Pittsburg? Pittsburg, the greatest manufacturing center, not only of this country, but of the world? And then, in stead of you young men looking for a situation. the situation will be looking for you, for in this case, the rule of the survival of the fittest will certainly be applied, and those who are not up to your standard must take a back seat. While our great labor leaders talk of educa tion for the masses I believe not only in it, but also in a technical education for tbem one which will give a full and rounded-out train ing. Men who have this training are needed to fill high and responsible positions, and there is no doubt that Pittsburg should have a tech nical school befitting her size. I might say that I have mentioned theprojeet of establishing a technical school here, and have had the assurance that $1,000,000 could easily be raised, as tbe idea would find many interested patrons Lere, and I intend to do all I can to further the project. THE ENGINEER EXPERTS. Tbcy are Asked to Model a Iies1slatlve BUI and Join in Other Moves.. SThe Western Pennsylvania Engineers' Society met last night and elected D. E. Billen as a member. A letter was read from the Kansas City Engineers' Society asking that action be taken on a move to transfer members from one society to another. A letter was read from Arthur Kirk call ing attention to the fact that there were three bills of the same nature before the Legislature, and asked that one bill be pre pared from them relative to the improve ment and regulation of roads and highways ttiroughont the country. Referred to a com mittee of live. t A letter was received and filed, from Kenneth Allen, Secretary of the Kansas City Society asking that the Pittsburg So ciety join them in an action proposing the State supervises all bridges in the State. Prof. John W. Langley was then called on and read a paper on "International Standards for the Analysis of Iron and Steel." The speaker first pointed out the abuses in the analysis of iron and steel, at length and then said, that a practical remedy for most of the evils could be found in a system of international standards of iron or steel. SCALDED TO DEATH. A Bricht Little Girl Falls Accidentally Into a Bath Tab. Marie Lightner, a bright little 3-year-old daughter of William Lightner, of 343 Forbes street, was scalded to death on Mon day afternoon by accidentally falling into a bath tnb. Her mother had gone into a room ad joining the bathroom, when she heard the little girl scream; running into. the place she saw the child in the tub, tbe hot water pouring on her. She took her out of the tub and carrried her downstairs; but her injuries were so severe that Marie died within three hours. ST. CLAIR X0 BETTER. Four Snspects Now Wailing Investigation in Central Station. A message was received at this office late last night from 'Wilkinsburg, saying that Mr. St. Clair, who had experienced a change for the worse, was no better. A young man named Samuel Bower, and another named Wilson, were arrested yes terday on suspicion of beiug concerned in the assault'. They were lodged with Als house and Mitchell, making in all, four suspects in Central Station. Rowc and Wilson were afterward committed to jail, without bail, for court. Exprenslons of Condolence. The Pittsburg Fire Underwriters' Asso ciation and the Secretaries' Association held special meetings yesterday afternoon and passed resolutions upon the death of Mr. C. I". Herrosee, the late Secretary of the Alle mannia Insurance Company, who died on Monday afternoon. Mnsnaco Treatment. Scientific and electric massage applied by a. alu n it, bud jrenn avenue. MWF Wattles t; Mtenfcr. Jewelers, Are pleased' to advise their iriends and customers that they have removed to 37 Fifth avenue (second door above Mc Clintock's carpet store). We will occupy the entire building, and will endeavor to carry a stock of goods to merit a good share of"patronage. Please remember, our new number is 37 Fifth ave. B. it B. Past the season bnt 1,500 pairs Bradley's blankets, their entire stock we purchased for spot cash; and of course we got a bargain sold accordingly see these blanket bargains at once. Hoggs & Buhl. All silk moire Francaise at 75c, good value at SI 25 pr. yd. aiwrsu Hugus & Hacks. BANKRUPTCY AND GROCERS. A Local Lawyer Thinks the Lowell Bill Should be Amended Why a Good Credit Law la Needed Dend Bents. As there seems to be such a generally spread disposition to have another bankrupt law enacted, some people are disposed to ask why the Lowell bill was not accepted. It appears that it 'was wrecked on one clause. It provided that if you allowed even your grocery bill to run a few days be yond a specified time you would bead judged as having committed an act on which yon might be declared bankrupt. When this provision struck the attention of Senator George, of Mississippi, he jumped up and tore the bill to tatters, declaring that it would bankrupt almost everybody in his State. As the Chamber of Commerce of this city has indorsed the Lowell bill it is suggested by N. W. Shafer, Esq., that its members take the further trouble to have this feature eliminated if they wish to see the bill be come a law. It is all well enough to pro vide that a man shall not allow commercial paper to run unpaid over 14 days; but when it comes to paying grocery bills, that is an other matter, as many well-to-do people often find themselves unable to cash current bills at a given time, and a wide field would be opened to people maliciously inclined. It is now considered indispensable to tbe roper conduct of business that some general ankruptlaw be passed, as it is getting hazardous to do business with people at a distance whose character you do not know, a rascal being often able to stand well in the commercial agency lists .while he is plan ning to beat his creditors, and it is impos sible to make him suffer for his rascality. It is thonght by some that, to force the cash system of doing business, would pro duce widespread ruin, and that it can never be reached. It certainly cannot be while so many people of limited means are encour aged to go into trade. The Worth or Your Money Can now be had at S. Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. Thesalesrooms are full of pianos and organs, which it is hardly neces sary to name, as everybody abont here kniws those which. Mr. Hamilton has been selling for years. His is the only house in the city that sells two fifst-class'pianos. "We have only to name them' when you will agree with us. I The Decker Bros. & Knabe stand second tqnone, both with the arlists and in the home. Then the Estey is the leader among organs. In addition to these Hamilton handles a number of other fine pianos and organs, first class in their grade. Taking the same quality of goods, he can undersell any other dealer. If you want to buy" go in and see him first, and our word for it you will be fully paid for your patron age. Only One Dny More. Our sale of men's tailor-made suits at $6 00 will continue only one day more. We have only a limited quantity of these men's suits left, in about 20 neat patterns. In the regular course of trade $15 would be a fair price for them, but 6 00 is what they go for to-day. They come in stripes, plaids, broken checks and many nice patterns, and we can fit anybody. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Special 100 stvies of men's English worsted pants at 1 24, worth 53 00. P. C. C. c. Lovely Small llonscs To Let. Two of those attractive and nearly new small houses Xos. 3 and 6 Grant avenue, .t few steps from Rebecca street, Allegheny. They have six rooms, finished attic, marble mantels, natural ana light gas, bathroom, etc., and a beautiful garden plot in rear. It is the cleanest and healthiest location in Allegheny, accessible by two street car lines, and only 15 minutes' walk to Pitts burg Postofficc. Bent very reasonable. In quire at Kleber & Bros, music store, 506 Wood street. Qnltp a Lot of New Styles In Black Jackets Special bargains in stockinet jackets and in wide wale aiagonal and fine whipcord cloths S5 00 to S1Q 00 the best for the money. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn avenue Stores. Silk Department More Printed India frilkit At prices that make quick soles. Now is the timtf'to get the best choice from this verv large assortment. Morning is the best time. Jos. Hokjte & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102 Carson sk, Southside. OAFE TOR CHILDREN. COUGH COUGH All Womek Aim to Have a Neat Waist. "You only can succeed by having a Good Fitting Corset. We keep a large stock of all the prominent CORSETS. Kid Gloves We make a specialty of. Prices, . 25c, 35c, 5c -75c 1 1, 5i 25 and $1 50 a pair. ... t T T X X. X. ... THDMPBDNBRQTHERS, 109 Federal Street, Allegheny. fel8-3rwr PEACHES FOR CREAM Delicious table fruit: also a full line of California and Delaware fresh fruits in extra syrup, tins and class. JliD. A. RENSHAW. & CO., ja26-W8 FamUy Grocers. TT-IELLER'S SCOTCH JAMS THE FINEST i imported in one pound porcelain pots: also jellies, marmalade and preserved fruits, war ranted pure. In class jars, for sale by the case or retail. JNO. A. RENSHAW &CO.. jaSS-ws Liberty and Ninth sta. SYRUP. SYRUP. BUY IT! TRY IT! ONLY 25 CENTS. NEW ADVERTISKMBtfTS. JDS. HDRNE R CH'S PENN AVENUE STORES. MORE NEW DRESS GOODS. MORE NEWDRESS GOODS. MORE NEW DRESS GOODS. OUR OWN DIRECT IMPORTA- TIONS, Thus reducing the cost on each yard to our customers, as we bring you nearer to the man ufacturer. FRENCH WOOLENS, GERMAN WOOLENS, Plaids, Stripes. All-over designs; Stripe Sida Border Effects and Floral Borders, in darK and medium colors and in tbe new light and deli cate colorings. Combination styles and novelties in largest profusion. Paris Robe Patterns, in exclusive design single colorings. Plain and Printed French Challls, dart and light colorings. Stylish 50-inch Stripe Suiting Cloths at 95c yard; All-wool Plaid and Stripe Combinv tions at oOc: 50-inch Suiting Cloths at 0c Spring colorings French Cashmeres largest assortment and lowest prices. INDIA SILKS OUR GREAT SPECIALTY THIS SEASON. Several hundred pieces more this week, in eluding the finest and handsomest designs made. Come and see tbem and the prices. Black Gros Grain Silks the best values in America to-day are in this Black Silk Depart ment 65c, 75c, 85c, 80c, 95c (24 inches wide): V, 51 15, SI 25. SI 33, SI 50, SI 75, SI S3, S2, S3 23, 32 50, $2 75, S3, S3 50. S4 where can you find such an assortment? Black FaUle Francaise Silks at 75c, 90c, SI, $1 15, SI 25, and to $2.50 all are special good good values. Fean de Soie (new weave) at SI, SI 25 to S3 50 a yard. Black Surah Silks, 55c, 60e, 65c, 75c, 90c. SL, 51 15, SI 25, 51 50. SI 75, S3 for weight, quality and width uneqnaled at the prices. NEW LACES AT SPECIAL PRICES. Black Dress Laces and Flouncings, new pat terns, bordered and embroidered styles. 65-inch Black Cbautilly Flounces. 40-inch Black Lace Flounces, in ChantiUy, Bayeux, Marquise aud hand-run Spanish pat terns extremely low prices. New Drapery Nets, 45 and 5f-incb, new pat terns, SI to S10. Tuscan Nets, Embroidered Nets, Escurlal Lace Dress Panels, Gold and Silver Embroidered Flounces, Crepe Lissa Draperies, in delicate colors. Under-price Linen Laces Torchons, Medictt, Cluny and Point de Genes. IN THE CLOAK ROOM. New Sprins Raglans and Ulsters, new Jack ets, new Jersey Waists, Blouse Waists, in Flan nel and Silk. We still offer great bargains is all winter goods in this department. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. Full assortment of best-made garments for less money than you can make them for all grades to very finest IN THE LINEN DEPARTMENT We show this week our. new importations of Table Damyks, Napkins and Towels; also Pil low, Bolster and Sheet Shams; the new Seaao less Bolster and Pillow Linen pleases all house keepers, Prices always low here, and bet makes of goods. JOB. HDRNE k LU'B PENN AVENUE STORES. felS-KWT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers