Story. JOAQUIN MILLER'S luvcr. win uv uuu eluded in next Sunday's I issue 01 J. HE AI15 patch. It will be fol followed b a powerful nnrplnitp frnm tlmnp.n of Maurice emiueu Rochon." FORTY-FOURTH YEAR. IPMTTIII. Political Prohibitionists Rele gated to the Rear in the Convention, QUICKER THAN LIGHTNING. Ex-Attorney General Palmer - is Placed in Charge of the Campaign. SYEEYBODY IS IN EAEKEST But Uobody Knows Much About Conducting Even a Non Political Convention. CHAIRMAU STEVENS GAINS A POINT Nearly $7,000 Collected During the Day for the Purpose of Wag ing the Fight. THE COMMIITEES, FAR AS APPOINTED. Ex-Attorney General Palmer will conduct the campaign for the amendment people. Third party Prohibitionists are relegated to the rear. These are the chief features of yesterday's convention at Harrishurg. The slate committee's plans were also knocked into a cocked hat. Judge "White did not have a picnic handling the gathering of men and women who composed the convention, all without credentials, and none of them authorized delegates. The -work of raising the necessary funds for the fight progresses satisfactorily. TFKOM A 6TAFF COEBESPOXDEITT. Haerisbubg, February 19. The pro hibition convention labored to-day, and the net result is the placing of ex-Attorney General Palmer in charge of the prohibi tion campaign, and the relegation of the third party Prohibitionists to the rear. The latter part of the programme was carried through with a celerity worthy of accom plished politicians. The former part was also done quickly when the time arrived for the committee on a plan of campaign to make its report, but the remainder of the time was devoted mainly to showing that the members of the convention were very much in earnest, though not completely at home in the position in which they found themselves. It required all the skill of which Judge "White is master to steer the convention safely through the day, and no small part of the trouble was due to the fact that there being no basis of representation, and no credentials, the convention took on largely the character of a mass meeting. Every body who wan&d to come and everybody who came was a delegate, as well as those who represented particular organizations, and stood on exactly the same footing. There was no list of delegates, and Judge White made up the necessary committees by consulting with the people he happened to be acquainted with who were within call. The third party Prohibitionists took their medicine without making faces, and Chair man Stevens reports himself satisfied with the work of the convention. Mr. Stevens, however, may participate in some slight de gree in the campaign as the member of the State Committee from Blair county. The old Republican warhorse, John Cessna, of Bedford, who was mentioned for Chairman of the Executive Committee, will throw his ability into the campaign as member of the State Committee, and may work in harness with Captain Dravo, of Beaver, on the Ex ecutive Committee, where Joseph D. Weeks, who represents Allegheny on the State Committee, will in all probability also be found. Simpson. HABD TO HANDLE. A Convention Not Formed of Delccates-Xo Credentials Necessary now the Or ganization Was Completed The Work of Ibo Moraine. A change had come over the spirit of the prohibition dream by the time the conven tion was called to order this morning. It was not so much the soothing influences of the devotional exercises that preceded the opening as it was the political effect of a little caucus held at the Lochiel Hotel this morning, of which Joseph D. "Weeks, of Pittsburg, and John F. Dravo, of Beaver, were the presiding spirits. They agreed among themselves, in the interest of harmony, that the third party Prohibition ists must be relegated to the rear, and as a larfje number of their way of thinking had arrived in town by this morning their task was a comparatively easy one. It was on their programme to defeat the work of the slato committee of last night's preliminary caucusj and they did it with neatness and dispatch. Hon. Harry White, President Judge of Indiana county, was named by Captain Drvo for temporary chairman before Luther ltauffman, of Lan caster, secretary of the slate committee, could begin his morning's work with the nomination of Joshua L. Baiky, a good third party Prohibitionist . A VERT HEIGHT IDEA. A rising vote settled the matter to the tatislaction of a large majority of all con cerned, and a committee was sent out to bring in Judge White, who didn't appear until alter the convention had relieved itself of "Hold the Port," and an impatient dele gate had suggested that it might be a bright idea to elect another temporary chairman while they were waiting, in order to keep the business of the convention moving. Just at this point Jndge White appeared, guarded by a committee. Judge White's countenance was radiant as he proceeded, amid hearty plaudits, to the stage. It was a notable gathering of men and women that Judge White faced, bowing "The Buried Thompson, ne y 01 again and again to the unrestrained ap plause. There were young men and old men, matronly women and blooming maidens. Youthful faces predominated, as a pointer to the politicians, that here was a host full of fire and energy, and a determi nation to be reckoned with in the future. Gray heads there were to counsel, but the young were there for action and to sound a warning to interested parties to stand from under. TERT HABD TO HANDLE. It was an intelligent audience that filled every seat before the Temporary Chairman and overflowed into the gallery. The faces beamed with it, but it was a convention not used to political work and political methods, and it was a convention with no fixed basis of representation, and so was utterly undis ciplined and hard to manage. When silence was restored Judge White made a speech which was punctuated with liberal applause, whether the point was one of Judge White's brightest or whether it was not. When he said they had no rival ries and no jealousies to serve the handclap pine was deafening, and when he said they stood on a platform of principle, fighting only for the right, they gave him another round. "This is a proper movement in Pennsylvania," said Judge "White, "in the Commonwealth founded by William Penn on peace and brotherly love, whose last words, when he left his loved possessions to go home to die, were to the natives he was civilizing: "My friends, drink no more fire water, and you, my subject', are prohibited from selling them any more brandy or rum." FIGURES OP A FOEMEK VOTE, A temperance action of the Congress of 1794 in Philadelphia was also cited by Judge White, who also, in the course of his speech, referred to the way in which Phila delphia and Pittsburg voted on prohibition in 1854. The former gave 5,330 for and SOItfagainst; the latter gave 10,032 for and 4,053 against. "With those two places showing such a record in June the amend ment is carried," he declared. In round numbers the aggregate vote of the State was 158,000 tor and 163,000 against. "flow did Berks vote?" called a delegate. "Three thousand six hundred for and more than 10.000 against," responded Judge White, amid a general laugh. The Judge declared there would ie little trouble about enforcing the prohibitory law in Pennsylvania, and paid his compliments to the W. C. T. U. ladies by telling them that if they couldn't cast a direct vote for the Constitutional amendment they co uld cast man j a vote by proxy. It took a great deal of talk to decide that the Committee on Permanent Organization should be composed of 15 persons, and then Mr. Stubbs succeeded in getting the conven tion to adopt a.fragment of last night's slate in the persons of three secretaries, one of whom, Charles E. Steele, of Schuylkill county, is a Democrat as well as a repre sentative of the L O. G. T. ALL PARTIES have A SHOW. W. L. Peart, of the Armstrong County Constitntional Amendment Association; represented the Kepublicans as Secretary, and the third party people were partly conciliated by the selection of Secretary Eeddig, of the Prohibition State Commit tee, as the last of Ibe trio. Then Chairman White named the follow ing Committee on Permanent Organization: Rev. T. M. Boyle, J. L. Bailey, W. H. Clough, J. A. Stranahan, Prof. Bickel, Isaiah Wear, John Fulton, A. C. Rankin, Tallie Morgan, Thomas R. Mann, John Cessna, II. C. McDermott, Mrs. Swift, Mrs. Darlington and Mrs. Dr. French. A committee on enrollment was appoint ed, which later reported 774 delegates pres ent, but which found the task of naming and locating them much too big for one day. The committee arrived at the number mere ly by making a count of the house. A vote betore the noon adjournment, at which 338 persons recorded themselves one way or the other, is probably a much fairer figure. The rest were probably spectators. This vote was taken after a verbal struggle between Mr. Stevens on the one hand and Mr. Weeks on the other on the question of a committee on a plan of campaign. Mrs. Wittenmyer and a gentleman from Alle gheny participated, and the matter was laid on the table on motion of a delegate in the fallery, by a narrow majority of 14. The ouse then retired to dinner and returned to put in a tame afternoon, during which many resolutions were introduced, some music rendered by local choirs, and a great deal said about small matters. AFTEENOON WOKK. Score One for the Third Party People Com mittees Appointed Resolutions Re ' ported and Adopted A Lively nud Busy Session. The first work this afternoon was the adoption of the report of the Committee on Permanent Organization, making the tem porary organization permanent, with the addition ot Hon. D. L. Bhone, of Luzerne, a Democrat, Mrs. Swift, of Pittsburg and Joshua L. Bailey, of Philadelphia, as vice presidents. The most notable feature of the afternoon was the fact that Third Party Chairman Stevens succeeded, in spite of the oppo sition to the Prohibitionists, in doing some thing, but not until the opposition had long deliberated on it in Committee and modified it greatly. The committee, which was on the plan of campaign, was composed of Hon. D. L. Bhone, Wilkesbarre; A. A. Stevens, Mrs. Anne Wittenmyer, Philadel phia; Mrs. Frances Swift, Pittsburg; Dr. Pomeroy. Franklin; J. D. Weeks, Pitts burg; John Weir, Philadelphia; John Cessna, Bedford; F. C. Hobson, Mont gomery; J. F. Dravo, Beaver; L. C. Beach, .Crawford; John Hill, Indiana; J, H. Clough, Wayne; W. N. Stouffer, Berks; Mrs. Darlington, Chester. Mr. Stevens' resolution was as as follows: WHERE STEVENS 'WON. Resolved, That a committee of one from each county be selected Jby the county representa tives present, who, together with the chief ex ecutive officer of each State temperance or ganization, shall have general charge of the campaign, and be known as the State Amend ment Campaign Committee. The duties of this committee shall be to secure a full vote, a fair vote, and an honest count in the adoption of article 19 of the State Constitution. Second The committee shall not usurp any of the privileges or assnme any of the duties of any existing organizations, hut to aid all in the one common purpose the adoption of the prohibitory amendment and unite all to co operate with the work of the State Committee jot concerted work. Third That the aforesaid State Committee shall select a chairman and such other officers as they may deem desirable, and may elect from their number an Executive Committee ot 15 to manage the campaign, and appoint such other committees as they may deem necessary. It was after a considerable difference of opinion that this was referred to the com mittee, and that body finally reported in fnvor of a State Committee of one person from each county, with ex-Attorney General Palmer at its head, to conduct the campaign through an Executive Committee, of which Mr. Palmer should be ex-officio chairman. The State Committee is to be known as the Me Pfattg State Prohibition Amendment Campaign Committee, and its members were to be ap pointed by the delegates present from coun ties or by county conventions to be held later. This committee is to elect the Execu tive Committee. In this form the conven tion unanimously adopted the recommenda tion. TAET OP THE CAMPAIGNERS. The Campaign Committee, so far as com pleted, is as"follows: Adams county, W. L. Seibert; Allegheny, J. D. Weeks, with H. Sensom as alternate; Blair, A. A. Stevens; Bradford, Benjamin M. Peck; Butler, John L. Sullivan; Clinton, W. H. Clough; Craw ford, L. C. Beach; Cumberland, Hon. S. M. Wherry; Dauphin, Hon. Francis Jordan; Huntingdon, J. R. Simpson: Indiana, W. A. Owens; Juniata, D. S. Kloss; Lancaster, Rev. J. W. Mininger; Lehigh, Charles R. James; Luzerne, George A. Edwards; Mc Kean, W. W. Brown; Mercer, ex-Congressman S. H. Miller; Montgomery, F. G. Hob son; Perry, Rev. R. L. McLain; Susque hanna, Hon. C. P. Little. Many of the counties, including Philadel phia, will hold conventions at which their members of the committee will be named. In two weeks' time the committee will hold a meeting in this city to organize and pre pare for active business. Chairman Palmer sent a telegram to the convention, saying: I am ready to join you in any work necessary to rid tho State of the crowning curse ot the age. The Committee on Resolutions was com posed of: P. M. Biekley, Gettysburg; Hon. F. H. Lane, Reed Torrens, Allegheny; S. C. Freed, Montgomery; T. N. "Boyle, A. C. Rankin. Allegheny; Rev. J. S. James, Philadelphia; Rev. Charles Rhodes, Luther Kauflman, Lancaster; E. H. Stewart, Easton ; C. R. James, Germantown; J. M. . Safibrd, Lackawanna; Hon. W. W. Brown, Mc Kean; J. A. Stranahan, Mercer; Mrs. J. D. Weeks, Allegheny. Their report, which follows, was unanimqusly adopted: THE RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. Led by a gracious, all-wise and over-ruling Providence,the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania now calls upon her citizens to decide a ques tion, sumassed in importance by none that has ever been submitted to the suffrages of her people. While one of the largest and most influential States in the Union; rich in ma terial resources; with fertile lands and prosper ous manufactories: with schools and churches, in every city, town and village; capable of sup porting in comfort her 5.000,000 people, and with the undeveloped possibility of supporting 50, 000,000. she finds a traffic carried on within her bounds that impedes her progress, is the prolific source of wretchedness to her people, and, through pauperism and crime, causes burdensome expenses to her treasury. She has made frequent and earnest efforts to restrict and control it, but they have proved utterly inadequate, fehe now asks whether this traffic in intoxicating beverages shall not by Constitutional amendment be forever pro hibited in her territory, and has appointed the 18th of next June as the day for the decision. In response to this call, we, the representatives of the people of the State, "with malice toward none and charity for all," but only with a sin cere patriotic desire lor the State's welfare, have met to adopt such measures as will, in our judgment, lead to answering her appeal in the affirmative. Representing different organ izations in the one great cause, ani mated by one common purpose, we will heartily co-operate with the one general organ ization that concentrates all its efforts, during the next few months, in securing the suppres sion of this hurtful business that is carrying its blight everywhere. From many we are one, our snbject is one. and wn will work hand in hand to attain it. Therefore, Resolved, That we regard it the duty of good citizenship, irrespective of party affiliation, to favor the amendment to our State Constitu tion prohibiting "the manufacture and sale, or keeping for sale of intoxicating liquor to be used as a beverage." and that we will do all no can to carry it at the election of the ISth of next June. During the session resolutions were adopt ed as follows: Regretting the illness of Judge Black, of Lancaster, who is kept away from the first temperance State con vention he has missed since 1853; commend ing Powderly for his course on prohibition; returning thanks to Judge Agnew and Sec retary Starr; requesting "colleges to have their commencements before June 18. These resolutions were adopted unanimously, hut one thanking the Legislature for submitting the amendment had many opposing votes, on the ground that the Legislature had only done its dutv. Mr. Quay was overlooked entirely in the matter. RAISING THE SINEWS OP WAR, Nearly S7.000 Collected During tho Day to Forward tho Cause. After the arduous labors ot the day the delegates prepared for an evening of enjoy ment, and Rev. Dr. Boyle, of Braddock, was on the programme for a leading part. The doctor's mission was to coax the coy and wary dollar from the pockets of the peo ple, and to obtain pledges of money for cam paign work. Allegheny did herself proud as usual on this occasion, Mr. Weeks pledg ing $1,000 on the county's behalf. Luzerne promised $300, and various other counties gave in fifties and hundreds, with smaller individual subscriptions swelling the total to SG.020. In the afternoon $140 was raised, and $100 was added to it at au overflow meeting at the Court House. Among the speakers to-night was Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer, who was backed by Chief Agnew and other high legal authority in the statement that liquor men had n'o just or legal claim for compensation, as their contract with the State was merely from year to year. Captain Dravo was introdnced as the war-horse of this cause, and proved it by sin able and forcible speech. Mrs. Dr. Collins, of Allegheny, one of the original crusaders, who had the honor of being im prisoned while first president of the Alle gheny W. X3. T. TJ., spoke briefly. A gentleman from Easton added his testi mony to much that had been given during the day to the effect that prohibition was made to prohibit in Kansas. Rev. Mr. Heckor, a colored orator, compared the shackles struck from the slave to the shackles of rum, and to-night, as well as in a speech made to-day, kept the audience in a constant roar by his witty remarks and humorous illustrations. Ex-Master Work man A. C. Rankin closed the speech-making. Local musicians furnished excellent music, among them being a number of colored singers. Simpson. THE FIGHT DRAGS ON. No End to the West Virginia Contest ns Yet In Sight. HFECIAI. TILED B-iK TO THE DISFATCH.1 Charleston, W. Va., February 19. To-day Senators Maxwell and Morris were elected as members on the part of the Senate of the Gubernatorial In vestigating Committee which, according to a resolution passed by both houses, will sit during the vacation of the Legislature. Both are Republicans. Senator Kenna experienced another loss to-day. Two ballots were taken, he receiv ing 25 votes on the first against 42 for Goff, 10 for Governor Wilson, scattering 12. On the second ballot a lew votes returned for Kenna, but the result still showed a loss from yesterday. It resulted in Goff receiv ing 42, Kenna, 33; Wilson, 6; scattering, 8. LAW AND 0KDEE CONTENTION. Addresses Delivered ami Officers Elected for the Ensuing Year. BosTON.February 19. The Citizens' Law" and Order League of the United States opened its seventh annual convention here to-day. Hon. Charles Carroll Bonney, of Chicago, President of the League, addressed the convention, briefly setting forth the ob jects and aspirations of the League. There are now about 1,000 Leagues in the United States and one or two in Canada. Toronto wa fixed as the next place of meeting. Bonney was re-elected President of the League. Judge Agnew, of Pennsylvania, was selected as one of the Vice Presidents. John Wanamaker and Lewis Vail were chosen as members of the Executive Committee. PITTSBURG, "WEDNESDAY, LE CAKOfflSA GHOUL The Notorious Parnell Informer Mado a Eegular business of BOBBING GRATES IN AMERICA. One of the Most Expert Resurrectionists Ever in the West. A CANADIAN CATHOLIC CEMETERI Jost Across the Detroit Eirer His Faiorlto Field of Operations. Investigation at Detroit shows that Le Caron the informer who testified against Parnell, was at one time a grave robber in that section. He pursued the business successfully for a number of years. Even the bodies of persons dying from smallpox were removed. One ' such nearly created an epidemic at the Ann Arbor Medical College. rSFECIAIt TELEOnAM TO THE DISPATCH. Detroit, February 19. investigation set on fjpot in this city and at Ann Arbor disclosed the fact that LeCaron, the spy who recently testified before the Parnell Commission, was formerly one of the most expert grave robbers ever known in the West. Fifteen years ago and more, owing to the lack of proper legisla tion on the subject, it was very difficult for the medical department of the State Uni versity at Ann Arbor to obtain enough sub jects for its dissecting room, and more than one demonstration of anatomy in these days has been compelled to postponement for lack of material. Among"" the men who, from 1872 on for some years, was relied on to keep up the supply of dissectible tissue, was Le Caron. He was then a young man and his name naturally suggested to those who knew him the title of Carrion, which, in addition to sounding a good deal like his real name was very appropriate to his business. He was in Detroit for some sime as an otensible stu dent, and subsequently as a practitioner of medicine. It was only to the assistants of the demonstrators of anatomy that he was known to be engaged in the business of grave robbing. HIS FAVORITE SPOT. A favorite field of his operations was the Catholic cemetery in the rear of the town of Sandwich, just across the riyer from De troit, in panada. The country graveyards in the vicinity of Ann Arbor were-also the objects of his earnest attention. He worked with a confederate who was a student in the medical college at Ann Arbor, and between them they managed to be on hand generally as soon as the shades of night had followed a funeral. Le Caron's confederate, a man with one eye, who is remembered well, was not at all squeamish about inci dental matters, and when he graduated from the medical department he wore a black coat which he had a few days pre viously pulled from the body of a colored man, for whom he had done the work usually left to the angel Ga briel. The fact that a person had died of a disease which might spread con tagion did not prevent the body being shipped on to its common receptacle, the pickling vat at Ann Arbor. A smallpox patient having died near Albany, where Je Caron happened to be at the time, the body was sent on to Ann Arbor for the $23 it would brine, and the result was an outbreak of smallpox among the medical students there, which it took all the skill and energy of the university authorities to check. HE 'WORKED AT TOLEDO. TTiprA was dnrinr? the vears from 1872 to 1878 no medical school in Toledo, O.j and, therefore, no local competition there in the grave-robbing business. For some years, as opportunity offered, the cemetery there, especially the potters' field, suffered more or less. Saturday morning, January 19, 1878, people at Toledo received the intelligence that an organized gang of body-snatchers had been carrying on successful operations at Forest Cemetery, which is situated just within the city limits. The grave ot a son of Melchior Ball, who had been buried on Wednesday, had been disturbed. The box in which the casket had been enclosed had been entered by boring several holes in a circle, and thus taking out a piece large enough to permit the body to pass through. The glass top of the coffin had been broken iu, and in this manner the corpse had been removed. The grave of Mrs. Lenier, an old lady whose remains had been buried the day before, had also been disturbed. The body of the old lady was missing. Both of these w-ere valuable subjects, as there were peculiar circumstances connected with the death of each.- Later in the day a man who had been seen loitenne around the cemetery for several days was arrested ahd taken to the Central station. When subjected to an examina tion at the hands of the officers, he broke down and confessed all. A PRISONER'S CONFESSION. He said his name was Henry Morton; that he was 16 years of age, and that the chief, of the kang of grave robbers was Dr. Morton, nis brother, who, he said, came from Columbus. At that time, Dr. Morton, so-called, was engaged in the practice of medicine on Peck street, Toledo. Up to the time he became known as a resurrectionist, he had enjoyed a fairly remunerative practice. The arrest of tho doctor followed. Investigation established the fact that the bodies were shipped from the American Express office in Toledo late " at night, being consigned Jones is uo., Ann Arbor, Mich. They were packed in iron-bound pine boxes about the size of shoe boxes, and were brought to the office by the doctor, who re quested that they be shipped at once. Letters found in the doctor's possession when searched at the station clearly estab lished the fact that he had been systematically trafficking in the dead. The two stolen Doaies were found in the possession of the authorities of the med ical department of the Michigan University, and were by them turned over to the officers from Toledo. Morton remained in the custody of the police awaiting trial until Wednesday, January 23. LE CARON AND SMALLPOX. Iu the meantime he had been visited by a young man who had years before been an assistant of the demonstrator of anatomy in the Medical Department of Michigan Univer sity, and was by him recognized as Le Caron, of Detroit, Ann Ar bor and other "graveyard episodes of his student days. On the 23d the sensational announcement was made that Dr. Morton, as the Toledo officers knew him, was down with a severe case ot smallpox, and immediate measures were taken to prevent the spread of the disease. Physicians were called in, consultations were held, and acting upon the representa tions of the physicians, the chief of police ordered the prisoner removed to the pesthouse a police officer being detailed to act as guard. He remained at the pesthouse until Tuesday evening, January 29, when, in some manner which has never been satisfactorily explained, he succeeded in making his escape. It was believed then, and is admitted by physicians now, FEBRUARY 20, 1889. that someone furnished Morton with croton oil and that by the application of this he succeededm 'counterfeiting the symptoms of the disease. Of course the former acquaintance of the University of Michigan did not make known the identity of the man. Morton disappeared as mysteriously as he came, and to this day the police of Toledo haye never got over their inclina tion to swear at the doctors. The young man with Morton was not his brother, but only a confederate. BUSINESS DULL FOR AWHILE. For some months so far as appeared, the body-snatching business in this part of the world was at a standstill. The next time Le Caron was heard of was in June. 1878. when a most startling exposure of the sys tematic grave robbery done by' the gang was made as follows: A man named Devins, of North Bend. Ind., had died and his grave was discovered to have been tampered with. Investiga tion showed that professional body snatching had been done and the body was gone. Devens' brother, together with John Harrison, a friend, starred to make a tour of the medical col leges and rescue the dead brother's remains. The two men went to a medical college in Cincinnati and made search. In the pickling vat of that institution no bodies were found. Harrison noticed a rope attached to a windlass teading down into some subterranean vault,and taking hold of the windlass, discovered that some heavy body was attached to the rope. Wind ing it up, the body of a man was found hanging to the rope, naked, but with the face covered.- The hair of the corpse was gray, and Devens therefore knew that the body was not that of his brother. AN UNCLE OF HARRISON. The two men were about to leave the hor rible place when Devens suggested that it would be well to look at the face of the dead man anyway. They removed the cloth, when Harrison was paralyzed to find that it was the body of his father and tho uncle of Benjamin Harrison, now President-elect of United States Gen eral., Harrison made the most strenuous efforts to secure the conviction of the offender, but he was never caught. The police had little difficulty in arriving at the conclusion that it was the work of the slippery Le Caron. .CHURCH'S DJiMSE Likely to be a Claim That Conspiracy Was Resorted to to Entrap Ulm Mrs. Church Still on the Hack Her Testimony AU In. r6rXCIAI, TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH. Columbus, O., February 19. Mrs. S. H. Church, the plaintiff in the celebrated divorce case, was on the witness stand'all day to-day, undergoing a searching cross examination. She has now been on the stand three days, detailing the wrongs of her married life. With the conclusion of her cross-examination this evening the plaintiff's testimony was finished, and the defense will begin1 to-morrow. It is understood that Mrs. Church will at once be recalled as a witness for the de fense, and will likely be on the' stand all day to-morrow. The attorneys for the plaintiff opened a -field of investigation which the defense wishes to pursue further, and for that purpose Mrs. Church will be recalled. It is understood that the con spiracy theory on the part of the family of Mrs. Church and one or two others, includ ing servants, will be unearthed to show that there was system in the arrangements to en trap Colonel Church through his servants, and work up the grounds tor a divorce on the'p&rt of the wife. Tie tendency of the testimony to-day was to show that .Mrs. Church was of an irrita ble disposition and that she was continu ally doing things to annoy Colonel Church, and especially 'so when he would invite any of his friends" to the house for entertain ment. Several cases were cited when he had invited members of the families jf of ficials of the Panhandle to his home for en tertainment Ad was afterward compelled to countermand the invitation because of the disposition of his wif,e to refuse to meet them or look after their entertainment. Several letters which Colonel Church had written to his wife while she was at Atlan tic City, and in Florida, were offered in evidence, but the court refused to receive them until they had been inspected by the opposing counsel. Mrs. Church claimed that these letters were always written as if the Colonel intended that they shonld be seen afterward by other parties, and that his treatment of her in the presence, of visi tors and friends was of the same character, for effect alone. SHE STRIKES A BALANCE. They Have Parted, and He Wnnts His Costly Presents Returned. Sr. Louis, February 19. A peculiar snit with singular incidents attached was instituted in the East St. Louis City-Court to-day. Frederick Harris, of Chicago, and Miss Margaret Byrne, of East St. Louis, entered into an engagement to marry, and Mr. Harris presented his fiance with costly jewelry. Henry Wilkins, an uncle of Miss Byrne, discovered that Harris was a divorced man,, and succeeded in annulling the En gagement. Harris now sues to recover the jewelry given Miss Byrne, and the Wilkins family, claim the value will not offset the royal entertainment Harris has been accorded at the Wilkins residence while visiting Miss Byrne. THE LAST OP ITS KIND. Secretary Vilas Gives the FUinl Cabinet Dinner of This Administration. Washington, February 19.' The Pres ident'and Mrs. Cleveland were entertained at dinner to-night by Secretary and Mrs. Vilas. It was the last of the Cabinet din ners of the present administration. Among the guests" present were Secretary and Miss Bayard; Secretary and Mrs.Whit ney; Secretary and Mrs. Endicott; Secretary and Mrs. Dickinson; Secretary and Mrs. Colman; Speaker and Mrs. Carlisle; Justice Lamar and Mrs. Folsom." DEATH ON THE RAIL. An Engineer and Firemnn Killed and Pas sengers Shaken Up. Chicago, February 19. The outgoing passenger train on the Wisconsin Central Railroad, collided with a freight train this evening, owing to an open switch. The pas senger engine and baggage car and the freight caboose were badly wrecked. Engi neer William Appleton and Fireman Pat rick Wall were instantly killed. The pas sengers were shaken up considerably, but none seriously injured. - JUST LIKE PITTSBURG. The Complexloo of tho Philadelphia Conn- cils Not Changed by tltp Bnllots. Philadelphia, February 19. The mu nicipal election was held to-day, the most important officers being for Councilmen. In the old wards the two parties about main tained their relative positions, but in two new wards six Republicans were elected to Common and two to Select Council. Reading Republican Gain. Reading, February 19. The Coutioil to-day elected seven Republicans and six Democrats, civing the Republicans the City Clerk and all the chairmanships of the standing committees of Councils. The Dem ocrats have a majority on joint ballot of Councils. - - Tho concluding chap. fWM T CHARMING gsaralSE M mm I MTI?I I I II S35F22fiSZ -1 VfMJ . FICTION. SS5 I i " X" Monday morning. jB .11 ,, m FKIENDS' FAKEWELLS Tendered to Mrs. Harrison on the Eve of Her Departure Prom Home. A BANQUET BY THE WOMEN'S CLUB. The Inauguration Train, to Leave Indian - spoils Monday Afternoon, GOING THROUGH PITTSBURG AFNIGHT. The Applications for Office to Follow hy the Blowest of Freights. ThelndianapolisWomen'sClubbadegood by to Mrs. Harrison yesterday. They ten dered the coming first ladyabanquetat which toasts were delivered and farewells spoken. The Pennsylvania train bearing the Har rison party to Washington for the inaugu ration will Jeave Indianapolis at 3 o'clock next Monday afternoon, passing through Pittsburg at night The applications for office, several big chests full, will be carried by slow freight, and an effort made to have them wrecked. rSFECIAL TELEOHAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Indianapolis, February 19. The Sorosis of Indianapolis bade a formal and official farewell to Mrs. Harrison this after noon. The Women's Club, which is what the Hoosier Sorosis sisters call themselves, is quite an institution here, having been founded by Mrs. May Wright Sewall 14 years ago. Mrs. Harrison is not a , member of it, but the women did not permit this fact to interfere with their giving her a reception and ban quet before she went to Washington to be the first woman in the land. Even if Mrs. Harrison was not a member, tbey argned, she was a woman, and that made her worthy of some honor. Besides, Mrs. McKee, her daughter, who is to be assistant of the first woman, belongs to the club. The banquet was very like a man's fare well testimonialexcept that it took place in the. afternoon instead ot at night. It was spread in one of the hotels, and was at tended by all the leading society women of the city. There were two superbly decorated tables, and on each a confectionery log cabin surrounded by egg-kisses. Caudles illuminated the boards, and big pictures of General and Mrs. Harrison kept daylight from coming in at the windows. the appropriate toasts. After the eating there came toasts, of which the principal one, "Our Guest," was responded to by Mrs. C. C. Foster. Mrs. M. J. Oleland responded to the "Heart of the People." "Society, the Link Between Home and State;" "State, Noblesse Oblige," and "Bank in Republic" were the other toasts. Mrs. Harrison herself belongs to another club, the Katherine Merrill Club, named after a lady who is now in Washington. This is a younger affair, and is a sort of a rival to the Women's Club. It has a meeting once a month, at which the members discourse to each other upon some topic of art or litera ture. Mrs. Harrison has taken a lively interest in this clnb. Its latest meeting was held at her house, a week or so ago. The Katherine Merrill Club wanted to give her a reception, too, bnt she asked them not to. Freparations,for the removal to Washing ton have now reached the point where they have made it necessary for General Har rison also to refuse himself to callers en tirely. Mrs. Harrison ended her receptions a week ago. A special train needed. Hereafter General Harrison will see no one except upon an appoint ment previously made. He also re quests that all letters upon official business be hereafter addressed .to Washing ton, as it will take all his time and Elijah's, as well as that of all the clerks and type writers about the house, to pack up the ap plications for office that have been received since election. The vast majority of these have never even been read, but were simply filed 'away. It will take several great chests to hold them now. These will not go upon the General's train to Washington. They will go by slow freight over the longest route and by the railroad that has the highest trestles, sharp est curves and other arrangements for acci dents. It will be a great load off General Harrison's mind if the railroad that gets the job can manage to have those chests mixed up in a wreck so that there will be no salvage. The arrangements for the General's own train are about completed. It is announced that the start will be made on Monday next, but this date may be changed. The train will be run as a second section of the regu lar fast express from St. Louis, over the Pennsylvania lines, that leaves this city at 3 p. M. THROUGH PITTSBURG IN THE NIGHT. The train will pass through Columbus, Pittsburg, and the other places this side of Aitoona, between midnight ana aayiignt, and no demonstrations are expected. It is supposed that several people will be out to see it at Harrishurg and Baltimore, but the President-elect declares positively that he will make no speeches. The train will ar rive at Washington at about 3 p. M. on the day after the start. The nearest approach to a statesman that called upon General Harrison to-day was D. H. Goodrich, of Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. Good rich feels somewhat large since his town was made the capital of the Territory, and he told General Harrison a great deal about the proper conduct of Territorial affairs. Another caller was Ben Butterworth's neDhew. I. K. Tolbert, of Cincinnati. Ben- iamin F. Beaslev. of St. Louis, who can see the Tippecanoe veterans and go them four years better, having been a voter in 1836, also dropped in to give General Harrison some points about hard cider as a political influence. A- NEWSBOY HERO. Indianapolis has a set of newsboy toughs that could give the Pittsburg gamins all the Doints and beat them out of their boots. Two particularly hard-looking specimens of the kind were involved in a little dispute iu front of the postoffice, and one of them, with the aid of a convenient brick, was about to smash the other's face, when General Harrison happened along. The fighters and the little group about didn't notice him Until they heard a solid sounding voice exclaim, "Drop that brick." The fighter hesitated a mo ment and then dropped it, dntifully but re luctantly. He was a hero for the rest of the afternoon, though, because "The President had spoke to him." The original Harrison man has at last 'been found, and it is a woman. A well known Indianapolis woman has produced a letter written ten years ago and addressed to her son, who was then iu Montana, intro ducing to him Russell Harrison, who was then going to the same territory. The letter incidentally remarks that Russell should be received on account of his father, as well as himself, "for General Harrison is a great man, and is going to be President some day." J In Luck Again. SPECIAL TELSOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Haebisbueg, February 19. A. T. Black, Republican, was re-elected City Treasurer to-day by about 30 majority. Democrats hare a majority in Common Council. A TEBBIBLE MALADY. fJU UAUnQ FlfMll 1 Cerebrospinal Meningitis, or Something Like It, Strikes a Kentucky County Many People -Dlo of It Few Recover, no Ono Fnllr. rSFECIAI. TEI.EOBAM TO THE DISPATCB.1 Marion, Kt., February 19. A terrible disease made its appearance in Webster county a few weeks ago, an account of which was published in this paper. It raged disastrously for a time; and it was thought, that it "had spent it3 fury, as no new cases were reported for ten days, bnt it has reappeared in more virulent form than before. It has broken out near Dixon, the county seat, and nine new cases have developed near Free Union. Four deaths occurred Saturday, and the other five are not ex pected to live.- Five more new cases de veloped this morning. It seems as a waste of both time and money to summon medical assistance, as death is sure to follow in every case. The excitement is greater than ever be fore. The malady is confined to a strip of territory bordering on a small stream called Crab Orchard creek. In one family of seven only the father escaped. Up to the present Only two have recovered from the disease, one of whom is totally blind, and the other is a cripple for life. To date there have been over 50 deaths. At one cemetery, last Saturday, there were four burials. Doctors have not been able to make a diagnosis of the malady. The majority are inclined to the opinion that it is cerebro spinal meningitis of the congestive, malig nant type. The patient is taken with sharp pains in the spine, which soon reach the brain, followed by violent cramps and con vulsions, and death then resnlts. TEUSTS IE P0WEE. Enormous Rebates Paid to the Standard by Railroads A Score of Combines In Ohio The Remedy Proposed rSFECXU. TE-EQICA-C TO THE DISPATCH. CoLUMBUS.February 19. A. D. Fassett, Commissioner of Labor Statistics for Ohio, filed his report" with the Governor to-day. He says Ohio has 15 or 20 established trusts, with others in various stages of formation. Of these the Standard Oil Company is the largest. The trust buys up transportation as a merchant would goods. In 17 mouths the Standard has drawn on rebates from the Baltimore and Ohio, Erie, New York Cen tral, and Pennsylvania lines, the enormous sum of 10,161,218. The report then treats of the coal combine and says that the roads entering the Hock ing Valley had refused to support operators outside the roal pool, or to furnish them cars for transportation, which accounts for the high price of coaL The price now, brought about by the competing railroads, is as bad as when the canals were the sole means oi transportation. He treats of the coffee, sugar and other al leged trusts in a similar manner, and re commends the passage of the Cole bill now before the Legislature as a remedy for ex isting evils. GE0TEB IN OIL. Ho Will Sit for His Portrait, Which Will Grace the Corcoran Gallery. rSFECIAL TELEGBAX TO TBI. DISPATCH. Washington, February 19. Mr. S. Jerome Uhl, the noted portrait painter of this city, some days ago received an order from the Corcoran Gallery to paint a por trait of President Cleveland to take its place in the line of Presidental portraits, from Washington down, exhibited in the east room of the gallery. Mr. Uhl visited Colonel Lamont to-day to learn when he could have a sitting. It was decided to be almost impossible for the President to give the time necessary for that previous to the 4th of March, and it was suggested that the artist come to New York. Mr. Uhl urged that it would add to the sentimental value of the portrait if it were painted here, and both Mr. and Mrs. Cleve land at once admitted this, and Mr. Uhl is promised a sitting within two or three days, and four or five more previous to the 4th of March, as immediately after that date the President will go to .New York. Mr. Uhl looks upon the President as an excel lent subject, and is confident he will make a fine portrait. C0M3I0D0KE KITTSON'S WIDOW. The Title Claimed by a Woman Now 60 Years Old. rSFECIAIi TX-EOBA-t TO THE DISPATCH. I St. Paul, Minn., February 19. For some months it has been known that Judge Drisbin was acting as the attorney for a woman who said she was entitled to one-third of the estate of the late Commodore Kittson, as his first wife. The woman is Mrs. Ade laide Crozier, of St. Cloud, now 60 years old. Her complaint alleges that in an early day she and Commodore Eittson en tered into an agreement of marriage in the presence of witnesses, there being no priests or magistrates in the section where they then resided. She says they lived together as husband and wife for ten years, and that children were born to them, one of whom was Dr. Kittson, since dead, and the other Norman Kittson. She alleges that at the expira tion often years, Commodore Kittson left her without any legal separation. She therefore claims her dower right. POWDEBLI'S PHILLIPIC. Ho Discusses Bnrrr and the Use of Labor Savins; Machinery. Cincinnati, February 19. T. V. Pow derly addressed about 2,600 people at Music Hall to-night. Mr. Powderly spoke ot the history of the Knights of Labor and the growth and development of the order and of its present prosperity. After delivering a biting philippic against Barry as a pre tender and a sorehead, he spoke of labor saving machinery. He took an optimistic view of-the final outcome of machinery for doing the work of the world. He said it was not labor-saving, bnt wealth-producing machinery, and that the great problem of the future for workingmen was how to so adjust themselves to the new order of things as to reap their full share of the benefits of it. LOOKS LIKE NOBLE. He Sends His Wife to Washington to Hire a House for Occupancy In March. rSFECIAI. TE-EGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Washington, February 19. Mrs. John Willock Noble, of St. Louis, and her sister, Miss Halstead, arrived in Washington this evening and registered at the Normandie. Mrs. Noble i"s the wife of the St. Louis law yer who is at present slated for the office of Attorney General in Mrs. Harrison's Cabi net. It is understood that Mrs. Noble's mission to- Washington is to select a resi dence and have the same ready for occu pancy by March 4. . FATAL WORK OF A MAD DOG. A Mother and Son Both Attacked by Vio lent Hydrophobia. St. Louis, February 19. Brooklyn, 111., is all wrought up over two cases of hydro phobia. James Moran, a bov of 16 years, was biten by a rabid dog. Thursday he was in convulsions and while his mother was attending to him he suddenly turned and bit her. To-day both mother and son are suffering with rabies and it is thought neither can recover. "$ s THEEE CENTS J ii iiuiiii i mill la j . o Thi -lar Republicans Carry .. 9. tiielwo Local pal Elections AND SURPRISE REFORMERS McCallin's Independent Victors Few and Very Far Between. HUNTER, WALTER ET AL., GO IN AGAIN. A Startling Occasion for the Sarprise Parties in the Sixth and Se-enth Cavananch. Cassldy and Their Friends Carry the First Only by the Hottest Kind of a Fight Scenes In the Cock-Lolt at tl'O City Halt The Mayor's Ofllce In Strik ing Contrast Interviews With Winners and Losers A Few Unexpected Result on the Northslde, , The local election surprise parties were most surprised. They got out of the ward elections just about as much as the regular politicians had conceded them. In Pitts burg the Mayor's friends were not as numer ous as his Republican opponents. In Al legheny the reverse was true of President James Hunter, of Common Council. He "got there." The fight against him, how ever, threw him away down toward the tail of his ticket. The half dozen or so of Democrats and Independents who got into Pittsburg Select Council will be unable to make a Mayor's: veto effective. There will be amply two-thirds of "regulars" to pas. any measure over his veto. The municipal elections in Pittsburg and Allegheny yesterday resulted in almost complete victories for the regular Republi cans. In Pittsburg a few straggling Inde pendent (or McCallin) Republicans and Democrats were elected to Select Council, the most notable victory, perhaps, in this line being the one is the First ward, where-the fight was hottest and was won by Cavanaugh; and the most signal defeats being those in the Sixth and Seventh wards, where the Mayor's brother-in-law and his right bower, Thomas Mc Michael, were really expected to make a great run. In Allegheny. James Hunter and Peter Walter, Jr., won as they always do, only with less votes to spare. In the Fourth ward, Allegheny, the surprise was the de feat.of Jacob Ehman, Republican, for Com mon Council by G. A. Kohler, Democrat; and in the Twelfth the probable defeat of Samuel Watson, Republican, by MorrU Einstein, Independent Republican. The story in detail for both cities is ap pended: ' The "cock loft" in the City Hall has sel dom been so quiet on an election evening as last night. While the place usually begins to liven up soon after 7 o'clock on such oc casions, there was only one man on deck to receive the returns this time, and that man was J. O. Brown, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. He came in and quietly sat down to await the first ring from the telephone beside him. It was not long, however, that he remained in his soli tude. Sam Connors, Harry Gourley and John Neeb soon followed him, and at the same time the telephone brought in the re sults from the Ninth ward, where Brophy ran against Harmon in the Conncilmanio race. "It is Brophy, 231 majority," said one of the gentlemen present, and THE FIRST SHOUT of victory was heard. Bnt again the tele phone rang, and more favorable tidings came over the wire: "Williams ha3 beaten McMichael in his own district and the whole Sixth ward has decided against McCallin's protege!" was the next report. Thus one success after another kept com ing in, and as the different resnlts were car ried down- the City Hall steps, the fire alarm office became more and more ani mated. John Lambie came in now with his face all wreathed in smiles. He was the candi date in the Eighth ward. "I carried my own district with a majority of 139. and it was a grand victory through out. In fact, I believe that every white man in the Eighth ward voted for me.' These were his remarks as he warmly shook Chief Brown's hand, and almost hugged John Neeb in his gleeful mood. "Then came some more successful results. There was Doyle from the third ward, who defeated Hollenbach by 139 votes. Then again Dr. J. P. McCord, from the Thirtieth ward, was announced as a winner over Nolan bv 64 votes, and Chief Brown said: "That is where Martin Frank shows his works' m'michael a goner, sure. 'Squire McKenna, Sheriff McCandless, William Flinn, Timothy O'Leary and a host of other prominent politicians Repub licans backed up by Democrats thronged around Chief Brown. All had news, and good news; news that at 'least made every body in that room smile. J. P. Andrews was the distinguished her ald of Anderson's victory in the Fourteenth ward. "Here yon are," he said; "there is Ander son, the regular candidate, with 169 votes, and Brown, Mayor McCallin's man, with, 68. That is the way we handle the people in our ward." John DlcTighe now came running in, almost out of breath. He just managed to shout: "Williams defeated McMichael by 294 majority!" and then Jack dropped into a chair to recover from his run. By this time the returns had come in so fast and with uniformly one-sided results that the old-time enthusiasm seemed to come back again into the "cock loft" fraternity. Mr. C. L. Magee had in the meantime quietly come in, and he took charge of tha return sheet. Evans, from the Twenty-seventh ward, arrived with the news that he had defeated Wm. Wall. He went around to Mr. Magee, Mr. Flinn and several oth ers, and, shaking them lustily by the hand, he crieS: "Now you've got us, what do joa say to ns?" A STBIKDrO CONBULST. What a contrast there was between tho i
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