FORTY-FOTJKTH YEAR. A FPT IS I In the Constitutional Amend ment Convention in Ses sion at Harrisburg. VERYUVELYTIMERESULTS Jrom the Discussion of the Merits of the Two Calls Issued aiid APPEALS FOE PEACE PAIL To Harmonize the Warring Organi zations, Each Faction Claim ing the Other WANTED TO RUN THE CONVENTION. A rittsburg Delegate Threatens to Ex plode a Bomb, and is at Once Invited to Do So. HON. JOHN CESSNA QUITS IN DESPAIR The preliminary meetings at Harrisburg of the delegates to the Constitutional amendment convention was characterized by a conspicuous lack of Harmony. The third party Prohibitionists and the Consti tutional Amendment Association represent atives collided as soon as the meeting was opened. Each faction accused the other of seeking to obtain control of the convention. A number of peace-makers attempted to get in their work, but without avail. There ap pears to be a possibility that the quarrel over the organization of the convention will result in a bolt. tJ-KOM A staff conm:sr-onEST.l Harrisbueg, February 18 The most conspicuous thing about to-night's prelim inary meeting of the temperance people who will gather in convention to-morrow fore noon was a surprising disposition to differ about everything and nothing. The meeting was opened by a prayer in which there was a strong plea for harmony, but neither the prayer nor the Chair was able to produce it. Frolu 8 o'clock until 11 P. 21. gentlemen mademotions and talked of them and around them and away f.-om them, and id add to tie contusion oil 'Presi dent Fultoh, of the Constitutional Amend ment Association, offered amendments and amendments to amendments, and conversed about them and other things until the point before the house was lost sight of entirely. Tbe Bone ol Contention. The principal dispute centered round the fact that the Constitutional Amendment As sociation and the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union had issued a joint call, which was succeeded by a later call issued by a conference of temperance societies held re cently at Harrisburg. Some of the dele gates wanted the convention called to order under the first call. Others wanted it called under the second, while some wanted it called under both calls, with the first one taking precedence in importance, as well as in time, but the majority, after getting tired of hair-splitting differences of opinion, final ly voted to just have the convention called to order on the merits of the delegates, re gardless of the calls that brought them to gether. The Constitutional Amendment Associa- ion people seemed to prefer the first call, but were willing to hear both read, and Jo seph D. Weeks, ex-Secretary of the National Republican Committee, labored long and earnestly for this, but did not succeed. Tnlkcd Real Sassy to Each Other. Just where the third-party Prohibition ists stood on the question at issue was not quite apparent, and, although they seemed at times on both bides of the question, the Constitutional Amendment Association people had no hesitation in saying the third party Prohibitionists were "somewhere in the woodpile." The latter, on the other hand, felt free to state, in the same guarded manner, that the former wanted to run things. On the floor, however, there were numerous pleas for harmony and nu merous allegations that the speakers knew the source of the inharmoniousness and the reason for it. It looked as though the fightmg point was reached when Mr. Martin, of Pittsburg, said he could explode something if he wanted to, and was answered by a hearty invitation from Mr. "Weeks to let it go. The opening chasm was again closed up by a few healing words, but threatened to fly apart again when Rev. Dr. Boyle, of Braddock, , char acterized the work of the committee to frame a plan of organization as the worst kind of a sct-np. The allegation was let pass, how ever, with the retort of the Secretary of the .' committee, Mr. Kaufiman, that it was noth ing of the kind, and the whisper went round that the committee, of which Mr. Boyle was one, had voted unanimously for it. The C A. A. line the Call. The recommendation of this committee, as adopted, was that President Fulton, of the Constitutional Amendment Association, call to-morrow's meeting together, and that Joshua i,. Bailey, of Philadelphia, be made Temporary Chairman. Among the four Secretaries to be named is Mrs. Joseph D. "Weeks and committees on Permanent Or ganization, Enrollment, Resolutions, Plan of "Work and Finance were decided on, with f the names of the gentlemen who should make the necessary motions. The compo sition of the committees was left to the Temporary Chairman. The committee that drew up this pro gramme for to-morrow was composed of one person from each organization represented, and is fairly indicative of the composition of the convention. It was composed of ex- Master Workman A. C. Rankin, represent ing the Constitutional Amendment Associa tion; Mrs. Willenm ver. the W. C. T.TJ.; Hon. T. K. Stubbs the 'i. O. G. T.; Luther S. Kauffman, the Pennsylvania State Temper ance Union ; Walter Colley, the Philadel phia Baptist Ministerial Association; Mr. West, the Young Men's Prohibition League; A. A. Stevens, the Prohibition party, of which he is Vice Chairman; Mr. Swallow, the Philadelphia Methodist Episcopal Con ference; Rev. Mr. Schwab, of the Harris burg Ministerial Association, and Rev. Dr. Boyle, of Braddock, the Royal Templars of Temperance. Hon. John Cessna ia Dcspnlr. The ladies and Hon. John Cessna, of Beaver,-seemed to have a better idea of the requirements of the case than the great ma jority of those present. Mrs. Willenmyer early in the evening pleaded for a quiet time, and was seconded later by Mrs. Swift and finally by Mrs. Patton.who complained that the men didn't seem to be able to keep out of a tangle. Mr. Cessna, after extricat ing the meeting from many parliamentary pits, at last gave it up in despair and voted it all too bad. No one could offer a suggestion after the meeting closed as to the complexion of to morrow's permanent organization, and Mr. Cessna, who is credited with a desire to con duct tbe coming campaign as Chairman of the Executive Committee, is not certain there will be any. The fight of to-night will be carried into the convention to-morrow unless the morning devotions restore harmony. At present the prohibition amendment is largely lost sight of in the determination of the third party Prohibi tionists on the one hand, and the Constitu tional Amendment Association on the other, not to permit each other to control the or ganization. The fight is on in earnest. The Allegheny county delegates include Mesdames Swift, Watson and Weeks, Pres ident and Secretaries of the Pennsylvania Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Rev. T. U. Boyle, Joseph D. Weeks, A. C. Rankin and Mr. Martin. Simpson. A SOUTHEBN CYCLONE. Terrible Effects of a Downpour of Rain In Georgia and Alabama The Wind Adds Fatalities to the Otber Element's Calamities. rSrECIAL TELEGBAM TO TEE DISPATCH. 1 Atlanta, February 18. A destructive cyclone swept over Banks county at 4 o'clock this morning. It entered from the west, passed up the broad river valley, went out through Nicholson, sweeping the trees in its pathway of about 100 yards in width. The list of the dead, as reported to-day, is as follows: Thomas Stevens, John H. Stevens, H. W. Headers. Mrs. Meaders. The wounded are numerous, but in the confusion it is hard to get names. One, a son of the Thctnas Stevens who was killed, was lifted up by the wind as he sought to retreat from the house, which was crackling around him, and blown over 100 yards, where he was dashed against trees and so injured that he can hardly live. All day" Sunday the weather was oppres sively warm, and when darkness came the heat was dense and suffocating. A little aft er dark the valley was overspread with clouds, and a rain storm followed which beat all records in that section. It was a constant downpour nntil 2:30 o'clock in the morning. The sheets of flame which illu minated the heavens for the next hour were terrific At 4 o'clock the center of the disturbance seemed to be floating over the valley at a terrible rate of speed". "A fumbling noise awoke ail who slept, and in almost an in stant all was confusion. The houses began to creak under the strain, finally gave way, and were blown around iu all directions. In the settlement where the Stevens lived the destruction was terrible. Mr. Stevens and his son were both killed and another son fatally wonnded. The honse of Mr. Weaver was lifted up and wrenched to pieces in the air, killing Mr. Dors and his wife. The cyclone reached Nicholson, where many houses were nnroofed and thrown around. Many stones of suffering and casualty are told,- but as the scene is distant particulars are hard to get. A dispatch from Birmingham, Ala., says: A cyclone passed through Bibb county, 50 miles south of here, last night, doing great damage. Several persons are said to have been killed and many injured. It is impas sible to obtain full particulars to-night. THE LILT TO LEAVE US. She Concludes Not to Appear In America Next Season. ISPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New York, February 18. Mrs. Lang try, it is reported, nas finally decided not to appear in New York next year, and in the course of a few days is expected to cancel the entire tour which has been made in this country for next season, including six weeks which have been held for her at the Fifth Avenue Theater. The engagement at the Fifth Avenue Theater, considering the big expense incurred by the production of "Macbeth" hasn't proved satisfactory to Mrs. Langtry or to Eugene Tompkins. Mr. Tompkins predicted that "Macbeth" would not draw for longer than a week, and he will find some sort of satisfaction in the fact that his prediction turned out tolerably true. At any rate, it is said that Mrs. Langtry has arranged to open in London in Septem ber, and she will probably make a long stay there. After that she is to make a tour of the English provinces, and go then to Australia. Whether she will return to this country or not the following season has not been settled. Mrs. Langtry has reason to be fond of America. During the past fire years she has amassed a fortune large enough to be envied by any star. A GANG OP CLEVEE BUEGLAKS Robs a Jewelers' Safe Right In Plain View of the Street. IBPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Newaek, N. J., February 18. Clever bnrglars got 83,000 worth of watches and jewelry this morning iu the store of JI. & A. Gehraetz, at 173 Halsey street. They got into the store from a rear alley, and burst open the safe in full view of the street, which is little frequented at night. The sale wasn t burglar proof, and the inside doors, it is believed, were not locked, so that the thieves had little trouble, after knocking off the combination lock. The firm loses about 100 watches belong ing to customers, beside 30 gold and 10 sil ver watches out of the stock, and a large quantity of jewelry of various grades and kinds. No clew to the thieves has been ob tained. MUCH ADO ABOUr NOTHING. Tlio Building Did Not Fall Down, nud SS00 is tbo Damn cc. CnrcAGO, February 18. The Commis sioner of Buildings examined the damaged Owens building, at the corner of Adams and Dearborn streets, this morning. The damage done, as he reported, is much less than was at first anticipated. A portion of the tile flooring, 20 feet long and some 6 feet wide, which joins the two main wings of the building, had evidently been struck and loosened on the ninth floor while a heavy tank was being raised last Saturday. This gave way yesterday, and by its weight carried the floors b'eneath with, it The main structure was not injured in the least, and SSOO will cover the entire damage. BURNING QUESTIONS. Tbo Whereabouts of General Contreroa nnil Secretary of Legation Preston Agitating Ilajllan Circles ia New York City. ispecial telegram to the msrATcn.i New York, February 18. Where ia General Contreras? In what direction has "Secretary of Legation Charles Preston dis appeared? These were questions asked with bated breath in Haytian circles to-day. It was certain that both these gentlemen had disapi eared. Minister Preston, when ap proached on the subject, looked wise and intimated dreadful things, as much as to say that the Carondelet, which is at New port News, and the Conserva, which was still in Gravesend Bay last night, had bet ter look out for themselves. Contreras and young Preston, it is de clared, sailed for Kingston, Jamaica, on the Atlas line steamer Athos. Their names do not appear upon the passenger list, bnt at Pim, Forwood& Co.'s It was said that they could have boarded the ship up to the mo ment of her sailing. Mr. Preston has been making inquiries of the firm of late about connections at Kingston for a steamer bound to Port-au-Prince. The conjectural object of sending emmissaries of Legitime by the Athos would be to stir the Haytian navy to activity in their efforts, to capture the Carondelet and the Conserva, for if they ever reach Hippolyte Legitime's jig is likely to be up, whereas, if Legitime could succeed in capturing the vessels, together with the large supply of arms, cannon and ammunition on the Carondelet, U would be a blow from which Hippolyte would not be likely to recover. It is a big stake, from a Haytian point of view, but iu this naval game of chess it is likely that the white men will beat the black, and that Hippolyte will succeed iu queening pawn, or in other words, will run the Madrid into Cape Haytien in safety. The Athos will not arrive in Jamaica until the 23d instant, and if they wait for the first royal mail steamer Mr. Preston and the General cannot leave Port-au-Prince until March 1, but it is supposed that they have already cabled Legitime to have a Haytian war vessel meet them at Kingston. L1TED FK0M HAND TO MOUTH, All ol Colonel Church's Earnings Eaten Up . by Family Expenses. tEPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TILE DISPATCH.1 Columbus, O., February 18. The cross examination of Mrs. Church, the plaintiff in the divorce case, was continued to-day, but was not completed. The examination has been deliberate and with a view to weaken the testimony of the witness in chief. The plaintiff offered an account of the family expenses during the few years they were married, and this was gone over in detail, and it was established that during that time they had expended about 913,000, and the income of Colonel Church was thus accounted for, all except 200 or 5300. The plaintiff admitted, with the figures at hand, that the defendant had not wholly failed to provide, except that he had not purchased her the clothing which she required. It was also sought to show by admissions on the part of the plaintiff that she was at times deranged when she had fainting spells, and that she had driven her husband and others from her room, but she did not admit that such was the case. The cross-examination will be completed to-morrow. '" TEEMBLIKG IN THE BALANCE. The Uncertain Fate of the Railroad Presi dents' Association. Chicaoo, February 18. The movement to organize the Inter-State Commerce Rail-rwej-'Associaticm is expected to culminate at the meeting of presidents to be held here to morrow. President Strong, of tbe Atchi son, Topeka and Santa Fe, arrived in the city on his return from the West and South west, where he has been for the past two weeks endeavoring to procure signatures to the agreement. All tbe roads in the sec tions visited by Mr. Strong have signed with the exception of the Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Gulf and the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, but as these are two of the roads about which there has been a good deal of uncertainty, there is nothing reassuring in the fact that they are the only exceptions. It was hoped above all things that Mr. Strong would be able to secure the signa tures of President Nettleton and Receivers Cross and Eddy, and his failure to do so casts a shadow over the prospect of making the agreement unanimous. A SMALLPOX SCAEE Scores Amu the Pupils nnd Professors From tho Clinton Liberal Institute. ISrECIAl TELEGRAM TO TnE DISPATCH.! Albany, February 18. A subdued silence has prevailed in the Mohawk Val ley for several days respecting the closing of the Clinton Liberal Institute at Fort Plain because of smallpox. The cause for alarm, if known, would be to the advantage of the school rather than otherwise. Re ceutly all the scholars and professors in the institute were vaccinated, a contagion that has gone through all colleges recently. One of the professors subsequently exer cised too much and the result was he took cold and soon was taken with a slight case of varioloid, and an alarm we.nt forth. The out-of-town students were quarantined in the institute building, the sick professor was taken to a private house and the home students were allowed to go to their homes. Rumors of smallpox at Fort Plain spread rapidly. The professor is still quite sick and the institute is quarantined. IN JAIL, BUT QUIET. The Sngnr Swindlers Take Their Arrest In a Very Cool SInnner. AnnAebok, Mich., February 18. Mrs. Olive E. Friend, the Howards and the Halsteads are still in jail. A writ of habeas corpus was obtained for Mrs. Friend Sunday morning, and was returnable this morning at 10 o'clock, but was adjourned until to-morrow morning to give the Sugar Company time to make an answer to the writ Detectives Kulcand and Creed, of New York, arrived yesterday afternoon for the purpose of taking the entire party East, but are still here. A strong legal ficht will be made here to test the validity of the papers before they will be allowed to go. The habeas corpus was only issued in Mrs. Friend's case, but writs will be obtained in all the cases. The whole party seem to take the arrest quietly, and claim that they are not afraid ot being convicted of anv of the charges. MS. GDKLEY CONFESSES. Fear of Death Causes Tier to Tell tho Truth Abont Annie Redmond. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Chicago, February 18. Mrs. Josie Gur ley, who, with her husband, is in a cell at the couuty jail for abducting little Annie Redmond, to-night confessed that her hus band was guilty of the crime, and that the mysterious woman who lured the girl away from her playmates was Mrs. Annie Allen. Ever since her arrest Mrs. Gurley has stoutly declared that a woman named Mag gie Gordon had stolen the child. The pris oner said to-night that the Gordon woman was a myth which she had set up to saVeher husband. Sirs. Allen has been arrested. Mrs. Gurley is dangerously Hi; and it is said she cannot live many days. Her be lie! that sho cannot recover induced her to make the concession. The fund raised for Annie Redmond now amounts to $1,000. J.' PITTSBURG, TUESDAY, A HOTEL HOLOCAUST. From One to Two-Scoro Lives Sud denly. Wiped Out by a Terrific EXPLOSION Iff THE EARLY DAWN. The Horrible Crash Which Kndely Awak ened a Sleeping City. BELIETED THAT THE BOILER BUKBT, Bat tie Only Man Who Was in a Position to Know Is Cold In Death. , A sudden explosion early yesterday morn ing destroyed a large hotel at Hartford, Conn. Fifty people were buried in the ruins. Of these 16 have been taken out dead. Five probably escaped and ten have been rescued iu an injured 'condition. Nineteen are believe'd to be still in the ruins. The boiler is believed to have caused the wreck. Hartfodd, Conn., February 18. Just before dawn this morning a hotel with its sleeping people was shattered by a force not yet ascertained, and straightway, in the darkness and ruin, men and women and children were being crushed and maimed, and burned by flames. It was at the hour when the twilight of the coming day had worn into the night a bit, and while the city slept that the still buildings were shaken as if by earthquake, and the silent streets were startled by a sullen booming, as though of a monster explosion. Upon the moment persons in the section of the city near the Capitol and the Union depot were further startled by the sound of crashing walls and falling timbers and the screams of women and by men's hoarse shouts from the vicinity of High and Allyn streets, which -had been the site of the Park Central Hotel whih had prac tically disappeared. Those who hurried to the spot found upon the site of the hotel a huge pile of stone and brick and splintered timbers, from which white clouds of steam rose up in the morning twilight, streaked and blackened by wreaths of smoke that rapidly grew darter and blacker and more dense. FIEKCE FLAMES. Then tongues of flames leaped here and there from out the ruin, and grew bolder and stronger until the ruin was a roar ing heap a grate where solid masonry held the fuel in. There were cries and moans and then wild screams from out the ruin that made men's faces blanch and their arms grow strong with helpful impulse. The streams of water playing upon the flames were carried up in steam that smothered all vision of the ruin, but the daylight grew apace, and soon the helpers at the scene could see back beyond the yawning floors of an annex to the building which had housed the help of the hosOery and which had been spared. A portion of the tier of rooms at the rear of the main building had remained standing, but the partitions had been torn away, and the rooms were open to the air, the floors of many of them partly giving away had tumbled out the occupants and furniture upon the confused heap below. The explosion had demolished the stair case of this annex, but the frightened em ployes were safely taken out by the aerial ladder, two or three excited oiitf, however, jumping" and receiving slight injuries. With that unexplainable rapidity with which news of disaster flies through a town, the tidings that men and woman, and chil dren too, were being crushed or burned, seemed soon to have roused the entire city to the scene. VTOSK OF RESCUE. Men of the hook and ladder trucks Were impatient, waiting only until the ruins lad so cooled as to render safety to their efforts in the wreck, and as soon as possible, willing hands set about the herculean task of re moving the immense mass of masonry, and the crowds waited and watched with breath less suspense. The first person rescued was George Gaines, the colored porter. He was badly injured and died soon after bing taken out At about 7 o'clock Superintendent Law rence, of the Street Department, appeared upon the scene with a large gang of labor ers, and the search was prosecuted with re newed activity. Helen Leport, of New Britain, and Jennie Decker, of Unionville, were soon rescued, comparatively uninjured, and sent to the hospital. Jacob B. Turpin, a colored barber, was also taken ont early in the morning, while Rachel Cramer jumped from a window, breaking her leg. At 9 o'clock Harris Stifile, of Philadel phia, a traveler for the Barnes Safe and Lock Company, was liberated by raising the timbers which held him down. He was only slightly injured. At 10:30 the dead body of Dwight H. Buell, single, jeweler, of this city, was recovered. The body was not mangled, death having been caused by suffocation. At about 10 o'clock "two elevens" were sounded upon the fire bell, calling out the five companies, of the First Regiment, Con necticut National Guard, stationed in the city. The men responded with commendable alacrity, and a cordon of guards soon sur rounded the vicinity of the explosion, doing excellent service throughout the day and night in keeping the crowd within bounds. Previous to the calling out of the military the police force had done good work, but their number was inadequate to the emergency. ANXIOUS FRIENDS. By noon telegrams of anxious inquiry were pouring in from every part of the country, and friends of those supposed to be in the ruins were arriving by every train, together with an immense crowd of curious people from the surrounding towns. The lower floor of a spacious wool warehouse was made a temporary morgue. Here Cor oner Spcrfy, Medical Examiner Fuller and Assistant Wright, with other local phy sicians, were in attendance, and here the bodies were taken as fast as recovered and opportunity was given for identification by friends. Those not identified were taken in charge by the city and tenderly cared for in a room of the old City Hall. The injured were promptly sent to the hospital. The recovery of bodies was slow, owing to the immense accumulation of debris, but at nearly regular intervals one or two bodies were found during the afternoon. As a rule the corpses bore but slight marks of fire, dying either from suffocation or bruis ing. The register of the hotel has not been found, and young Perry, tho night clerk, is buried in the rums. But from the best estimates that can be procured from the landlord and others, it is probable that there were not far from B0 people in the hotel proper. Of these perhaps five may have escaped uninjured amid the confusion of the early morning hours, leaving 45 to be accounted for. Ten are in the hospital up to this writing (11 P. M.). Sixteen dead bodies have been taken from the ruins, leaving 19 still 'missing. But there may be several more than this. GAINES IS DEAD. The cause of the disaster was undoubtedly the explosion of the boiler in the basement. This boiler, of 16-horse power, was built by the.Pitkins, of this city, in 1882. It was inspected last August and was then" pro nounced all right. No engineer was on duty at the time of the explosion, the custom being for the night engineer to bank his' FEBRUARY 19, 1889. fires at midnight and go to bed. He does Hot sleep in the hotel. v This engineer, Alexander Thuer, was ar rested this afternoon on . an indictment charging manslaughter, and is locked up at the police station. It is conjectured that Gaines, the colored porter, may have started the pumps, throwing cold water into an overheated boiler. But' this is only con jecture, and Gaines is dead. Tho force of the explosion was terrific. People in all parts of the city were awak ened by the shock. Huge stones were shat tered and iron pipes bent and twisted. Windows in adjoining buildings and across th& street were demolished, and panes of glass two blocks away were cracked. At the new railroad depot a block away a huge pane of plate glass was cracked, and many slates were dislodged from the newly com pleted roof. Night employes in the rail road station fled to the street in terror. KILLED AND INJURED. The complete list of bodies taken out ud to 11:30 P. m. is: Dwight II. Buell, jeweler, Hartford: George Gaines, colored porter ot the hotel; J. George Engler, drug clerk, Hartford; John W. House man, traveler for the Revere Rubbor Company, Boston; J. C. Hill. Buffalo, N. Y., supposed to be a commercial traveler: Louis H. BronsoD, Secretary of the Hartford Stove and Plumbing Company; wife and child of above; George Ketchum, brother of the landlord; Eddie Ketchum, aged 11, son of the landlord; Georgo W. Root, Brockport, N. Y., traveler for Vaite. Williams & Co., Boston: A. H. Tillot son, traveler for the Merrill Chemical Com pany of Cincinnati; Maximilian pnetor of the Hartford Harold, and wife; Sirs. Andrew F. Whiting, whose body was burned to a crisp, and two unknown. The victims at the hospital are all doing well, most of the injuries being superficial, although all are suffering from chill and ex posure. Following is a complete list: Helen Leport, New Britain, scalp wounds and braises; Rachel Cramer, Avon, bruised and scratched; Jacob B. Turpin, colored barber; Walter M. Gay, Bayonne. K. J., uninjured, ex cept by exposure. New York agent of Higga num Manufacturing Company; Henry Steffel, Philadelphia, commercial traveler, sprained ankle; Wellington Ketchum, proprietor of the .hotel, bruised; Mrs. Georgie A. Ketchum, wife of above, general bruises: Jennie Decker, Unionville, broken leg: Michael Corrigan, Unionville, bruised, not seriously; Enos James. FOE FREE TRADE. A Warm Meeting of tbo Amerlcnn Tnrlu" Reform League Expected President Cleveland Has Written a Sen sational Letter, Chicago, February 18. A surprise is in store for the delegates to the American Tariff Reform Conference, which will begin its session in this city to-morrow. President Cleveland has written a letter which it is understood makes at some length positive declarations of his views upon the tariff question and its future in American poli tics. The letter was written to John Z. White, Corresponding Secretary of the American Tariff .Reform League, in reply to an invitation to take part in the conven tion. Mr. White declines to allow any one to see the letter, and intimates that it will cause something of a sensation. ' Aside from President Cleveland's letter the League will have plenty of business to attend to consider according to the indica tions this evening. An attendance of 800 or 1,000 tariff reformers from all sections of the country is expected. " The League officials have proposed "that a clean-cut policy be outlined," and a "plan of propa ganda" adopted. It seems probable from the tone of the reformers already arrived that an animated contest will occur between the radicals and conservatives that is, be tween those who want absolute free trade or an approximation to it; and those who ad vocate views similar to those of President Cleveland. The. radicals are led by such men as Herfry Ge6rgerBolfdn"Smfth, the Memphis cotton dealer; Thomas G. Sherman, of New York; J. Q. Norton, of Mobile, and proba bly Frank Hurd. Among the conservative notables will be Eugene M. Wilson, late Democratic candidate for Governor of Min nesota; J. Burroughs, President of the Farmers' Alliance; J. Sterling, of Ne braska, and Governor Buckner, of Ken tucky. A new element in the convention will be the single land tax men, hailing mostly from New York, and every man a radical. The membership of the league is put by Secretary White at 12,000, chiefly Demo crats, though the organization claims tq be non-partisan strictly. Most of its strength is reported as in Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsiu, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri. It was freely predicted to-night that when the convention is organized the the radicals will be found to greatly out number the conservatives. HO CASTE AMONG THE CHINESE. Tbcy Offer Their Temple for tho Worship of St. Thomas' Oni casts. J6FECIAL TELEGBAM TO TBI DISPATCH.! New York, February 18. The China men of Mott street,especially those heathens who have been learning about all those "weary and heavy laden" sinners for the par.t few years in the various churches and Sunday schools, were thunderstruck when thty were told of their conduct of the St. Thomas ttemple. The Chinese representa tive of The Dispatch, just for curiosity went and called upon Rev. Dr. Wong Jack 8s.n, the acting Chinese priest of the Joss temple at 16 Mott street. The gentleman spoke no English, and therefore knew noth ing of the Christians' rows, but when the waiter explained his mission and told him about it, the Chinese priest laughed and said quickly: l"You can just S3y that if the church doesn't allow them to pray or praise the Lord in their sanctuaries, that they can co'me right into this temple of Joss here. Itlis built with much wealth, and is kept as ne at as we know how. They can come here anU worship as long as they please, and at an y time they choose, and pray as loud as thi :y want to, to any God they have a fancy for," all tree of cost." We have no caste here, not anv religious differences. Everv one. so lor g as he or she is a human being, regard less of their conditions of life, are welcome. "Religion," continued the priest, "Is about the cheapest thing we have among us heathens. Why should we deny it to any body?" MOVEMENTS OF OUR NATI. TholVnndalla Sails for Apia and ibo Galena for Fort-an-Priacc. Washinqton, February 18. A tcle grarja was received at the Navy Department thismorning from Rear Admiral Belknap, cominandant of the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, saying that the United States steai nship Yandalia arrived at Honolulu February 2, and was to sail for Apia, Samoa, on the 7th instant. All well on boar 1. J The United States steamship Galena, with Rear Admiral Gherardi on board, sailed from Key West, Fla., yesterday mon ing for Port-au-Prince, Hayti. WICKED CHICAGO. Thrcia Men Wantonly Murdered Within Twenty-Four Hoars. f( PEC1AI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Cn ccago, February 18. Three men were murd ered here within 12 hours to-day. I. Blocl i was peeping through a window at a dance when an unknown man plunged a knife into' his abdomen. George Stevens received a fatal knife thrust in a street quarr el, and on hour later Luther Rey nolds! a negro, was shot dead in a fight over 51 cents which had been risked in a game I of craps. Scott Walker, the mur derer, (was arrested. EEADYF0R KEYISI0N Several Names Have to Be Rubbed Off the Latest Cabinet Slate. . BATHER TOO MUCH BLAINE IN IT. Hoosier Republicans Object to Partner Miller as an Indianian. A FEW 0E THE MEN MEAN NOTHING, And tbe Entire Selection Called IogratUnde and Poor Politic Hoosier Republicans- are kicking at the latest proposed Cabinet. They declare they would rather not be represented at all than to call Partner Miller a typical Indiana representative. They also say there's too much Blaine -in fhe talked-of Cabinet. It is also said that Warner Miller turns up his nose at the eighth place and won't have it. Altogether, the list is considered no good, " either politically or patriotically con sidered." ISrKCIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISrATCIM Indianatolis, February 18. If Re publican sentiment here has any influence, General Harrison's Cabinet will be broken up once again before ho gets a chance to send it to the Senate. The publication of the list, as made this morning, caused a sensation here. The names in the list had all been discussed freely during the past few days, but this was the first time that they had been put together in Cabinet form, and their relative and aggregated propor tions contemplated. The result is that tbe Hoosier Republicans are divided between indignation and disbelief. The trouble is notwith any one particular name on the list, but with them altogether. Republicans here had succeeded into argu ing themselves into satisfaction with Wana maker, Windom, Thomas, W. H.H.Miller, and even the unknown Noble, when they had been considered one at a time. They wouldn't have said a word against the ap pointment of one or two such men in the Cabinet, but to have a Cabinet made up of such men, and nothing else, is too allopathic a proceeding. One well-known Republican said to-day: TOO MUCH BLAINE IN IT. "There's nobody except Blaine in the whole, lot that stands for anything, or that is representative ot any Doay, except win dom, who represents Blaine, or of any prin ciple except Wanamaker, who represents boodle. Noble, W. H. H. Miller, Thomas and Rusk are politically good for nothing, and Warner Miller probably won't go in and won't represent anything but one side of a quarrel if he does. The Cabinet re wards nobody except Blaine, and it utterly ignores the States to which both gratitude for favors received and a lively sense of favors to come should have dictated the givingi of some representation. Delaware, West Virginia and Virginia in each of which the Republicans had made a hard fight acainst great odds and done nobly, nnd each of which presented a good man for the Cabinet, are passed over, and the representative of tbe border States is an unknown man, taken from the hopelessly Democratic State of Missouri. The hopes of Southern Republicans are distinctly re buffed. The Pacific coast, after its gallant work for the party,-is left ont. 'Iowa, Ohio, Kansas and Nebraska, great Republican strongholds, are ignored. NOT A. MINNESOTA MAN. "Minnesota gets a man whom she re pudiated years ago, and who hasn't cast a vote iu her borders since he had one sworn in, four years ago. New York, even, is practically left out, because making Warner Miller Secretary of Agriculture (amounts to nothing as a recognition of the work of the party in the State. This Cabinet satis fies nobody and represents nothing, and that's all there's about it. I'm no states man, but I am politician enough to know that this is the most foolish Cabinet that a man ever put together, and if General Har rison don't listen to reason and brace up while there is time he will realize the fact himself before he has been in office two weeks." The appointment of Partner Miller for Attorney General was the biggest surprise of the lot and excites the most disbelief here. It has been known for sometime that Partner Miller was going to Washington, but it had been supposed that he was to have some minor place. All that General Harrison wants of Miller is to have him near as a sort of personal adviser and friend. For this purpose almost any office about the departments, such as Solicitor of the Treas ury, would have kept him handy. It is whispered among the friends of the family, however, that Partner Miller was inclined to think that, if he was GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYTHING, he was good enough for the Cabinet. A good many men who should know are very confident yet that Miller will not be in the Cabinet, and it is certain that the Republi can leaders of the State will do all they can to keep him out. There is a livelier prospect of the break ing up of the Cabinet, however, from New York than from Indiana. The best informa tion obtainable here to-day is that Warner Miller has declined the Department of Ag riculture. In that case it is supposed that Senator Palmer, of Michigan, will be the man chosen, but this choice will entail other changes in the Cabinet, for it would never do to take six-out of the eight mem bers of the Cabinet from States that touch shoulders so closely ns Michigan, Wiscon sin, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois and Mis souri. That would be a Western Cabinet with a vengeance. The most probable solu tion of the tiouble would be to drop Thomas, and give New York the Secretary of the Navy. As an evidence of tlie influence that -led to Windom's appointment, it may be men tioned that the first thing Mr. Windom did after he left General Harrison's house was to telegraph to StcveElkins. Wjndom was never a Cabinet possibility nntil he was taken up and pushed by tho Blaine men. JTHE SOLDIERS TVELL PLEASED. The choice of Rusk for Secretary of War pleases the soldier element in Indiana. Within a few days one ot the leading Re publican office holders in the State has been to General Harrison, especially to insist upon recognitio'n being given to this element in tbe selection ot the Cabinet. The talk was a very plain one, and it is understood to have made some impression upon General Harrison, and it is highly probable, there fore, that Uncle Jerry will not be knocked out in any of the revisions the Cabinet may undergo. FOUR NAMES TO BET ON. Blaine, Wanamaker, Rusk and Thomas Cnlled Alr-Tisbts In Washington. ISFECIAL TELEQIUM TO THE DISl'ATCII.l Washington, February 18. The hand some figure and face of Congressman John Rr Thomas, of Illinois, attracted greater attention to-day than they have previously done at any time during his ten years' ser vice in Congress. Soon after the House was called to order at noon it was whispered around that Thomas had received word that he had been selected by President-elect Har rison for Secretary of the Navy. For his own part, Mr. Thomas would dis close nothing in regard to the matter, and when he was congratulated he would only laugh and say that there was no reason for congratulation. A friend of his asserted positively, however, that Mr. Thomas re ceived from Indianapolis a telegram last evening from Private Secretary Halford, in forming him that he had been selected for the head of the Navy Department It is also known that Senator Cullom telegraphed to President-elect Hanison to-day that if Thomas had been chosen, as was reported, it was a deserved honor to a good man and would be heartily welcomed by the people of Illinois. It is generally believed this evening that Thomas has been added to the list of those who are Cabinet certainties, and that the roster can be betted upon as far as Blaine, Rusk, Wanamaker and Thomas are con cerned. At any rate, the gossip was a re lief to what would have been otherwise a dull day, both in legislation and politics, at the national capital. AEKAKSAS AEOUSED. The Murderers of John M. CInyton Must and Shall be Found It is Believed That Their Identity Uns Been Discovered. Little Rock, February 18. The Gazette says: There is but little doubt from the facts that have come to light within the past few days, that'the assassins of Colonel J.M. .Clayton are known, and that before long "they will be in the clutches of tho law. It is now definitely ascertained that after the arrest of certain citizens of Conway county by the authorities for unlawful interference with a federal election, overtnres were made to the Republican State Central Committee for a compromise by which the prosecution of five parties would be dropped or settled by a nominal fine on the grounds that restitution was to be made in the way of certain affidavits to be made by the judges, of election in Howard township of Conway county, that would disclose the true vote of that box. The overtures were first made to John M. Clayton himself, through the medium of a well-known Republican of Conway county. This party was by Colonel Clayton referred to his party friends and advisers in Little Rock. The men to whom it was referred after considering the matter for two days, agreed to the proposed compromise, but re fused to withdraw the 51,000 already offered for the arrest of the party of masked men who stole the ballot box in Howard town ship. The representative of parties at Mor rilton returned to that point feeling that the agreement would be satisfactory, and stating to a friend of Colonel Clayton's in Little Rock, that he believed that this agreement would save Clayton's life. When the rep resentative arrived at Morrilton, the parties for whom he had been treating refused to comply with the terms of the compact, be cause the reward of $1,000 had not been withdrawn. They were not satisfied and disagreed on what action to take. Beyond this nothing is known of theconclusions reached by the Morrilton parties, but it is certain that on that night two men went from Morrilton to Plummerville. It is a conjecture as to whether these men carried instructions from Morrilton, but sometimes circumstantial ev idence is strong enough to convince ordina ry minds, and the circumstances of their go ing and their movements on that night are well known and only omitted' in the infor mation given that justice may not be frus trated. These are not all of the facts, but enough to show that it cannot be long unfil the good citizens and the good name ot Con way will be vindicated by the swift punish ment of the assassins and of the men who stole the ballot boxes on the night of November G. METHOD IN THEIR MADNESS. An Investigation Proves tbe McAllitorrlllo Boys nre Shamming; Insanity. IBFECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Mifflintown, February 18. Ex-Senator Wright returned to this town to-night with Principal Sherwood, of the McAlister ville orphan school, having spent some time in investigating the symptoms of hallucination and insanity shown by the boys. Alter a careful and strategic investi gation, the ex-Senator is convinced that the boys are shamming, and Principal Sher wood says that the Senator claims to have trapped two of tbe worst cases into confess ing that the whole thing was a scheme, and that the boys have been affecting and feign ing the various manifestations that have pnzzled'the doctors. After a long talk Mr. Wright succeeded in throwingme boy off his guard and elicit ing a confession. He then took the Simes boy, aged 13, who was one of the worst cases, and worked with him. He talked to the boy for several hours before he conld get him to acknowledge that he was sham ming. Two or three times the ex-Senator was about to give it up, concluding that Simes was really crazy, bnt finally he con fessed that he was shamming. MAEKIED W SPITE OP nEESELP. The Peculiar Story Told by a Pretty Italian Girl In a Brooklyn Conrt. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l New Yokk, February 18. Fifteen-year-old Amelia Jjio, a pretty Italian girl, has begun an action in the Supreme Court, Brooklyn, through Giadetto Lio, to annnl her marriage with Vincenzo Perfetto, on the ground that she was under age at the time of the marriage, and was compelled to con sent to the ceremony by threats. The complaint sets forth that she was married to Perfetto in the City Hall, New York, by Mayor Hewitt, in August, 1888. She was" compelled to go there with Perfetto against her own wishes, and without the knowledge or consent of her mother. She was also, she says, compelled to make false answers to the questions, and to admit that a certain old woman, to her nnknown, was her mother. Justice Pratt has sent the case to Levi A. Fuller as referee. THE EXTREMES MADE TO MEET. ALIfo Prisoner In Sing Sing Follows an Example Set by Archbishop Corrigan. ISI'ECIAL TELEGBAM TO TIIE DISPATCH. New Yoke, February 18. The Irish Parliamentary Fund Association that is raising a fund to aid in the defense of Charles S. Parncll and to advance the cause of Irish home rule, received last night, at its meeting in the Hoflman Honse, a $5 bank note that was tbe most interesting of its thousands of subscriptions. It came from Vincent Cody, a life prisoner in Sing Sing, who said that as a despised prisoner and the most miserable of beings, he followed Archbishop Corrigan's illustrious example in contributing to the fund, in order that "the extremes might meet" in Ireland's canse. He added that if every man between the two extremes in station should contribute, a mighty fund that would stagger the English oppressors of Ireland wonld be raised. General Koble Says He's Fixed. St. Louis, February 18. Judge Boyle, an intimate friend of General John W. Noble, said to-night that it was true that General Noble had accepted the In terior portfolio from General Harrison. General Noble is now closing up his legal business and preparing for a four years' so journ in Washington. Get Kendy for n Blizzard. Chicago, February 18. The signal of fice reports a 'Cold northwestern wave com ing this way, and that to-Jnorrow will be the coldest of the season here thns far. A fall of 20 to 25, or 3 to 1 below zero, is predicted. THREE CENTS A SOLDIER'S MECCA. GettysbLiS, Too Full of Sad MemorS 'Conviviality,' anS irefore tP el ADAMSWA'ROHIBITION A Strong Temperance Spirit Growing Among the Veterans. PEOGEESS OF THE DISPATCH CANYASS. Adams and Franklin Counties Fator Probl bltion Falton Against It Cumberland Close Visitors to tbe Battlefield Feed lag an Army of Guests Tbe Oldest Col Iceb in the United States A Light Tote Probable Farmers Afraid of Depreclal Ing tbe Value of Tbelr Products Trend of Sentiment In tbe Cumberland Vnllej. The Cumberland valley and its environs has been included by Tiie DISPATCH ia the Constitutional amendment canvass. Adam3 county promises its vote to Prohibi tionists. So does Franklin co'unty. Ful ton will defeat the amendment, however, and Cumberland county may be put down as rather close. Thus far our canvass of counties shows the following result: O o a g f CorjjrrrES. & - q 3 ;? "2. o 2. s S P a Adams. In favor of 7.213 Defeated Armstrong.... In favor of S.9S6 Adopted Bedford. Infavorof 8.191 Adopted Berks Against 28.W2 Defeated Bradford Infavorof 13,903 Adopted Cambria Against 11.702 Defeated Cameron Infavorof 1,&X Adopted Carbon Doubtfnl 7.177 Defeated Chester Infavorof 19.785 Adopted Clarion .... Fairlvsure 6.913 Adopted Clinton Close 6,073 Adopted Columbia Veryd'btful 7,116 Defeated Cumberland. .. Close 10.265 Defeated Elk Against 3,197 Adopted Fayette Veryd'btful H.2G3 Adopted Forest Infavorof 1.601 Defeated Franklin Infavorof 11.041 Adopted Fulton Against 2,215 Defeated Greene. Infavorof 6,63) Adopted Indiana......... Infavorof 7,609 Adopted Jefferson....... Infavorof 7.525 Adopted Lackawanna... Against 21,195 No vote Lancaster...... Against S2.987 Defeated Lehigh Against 16,094 Defeated Luzerne Veryd'btful 31,558 Adopted Licomiog Against 11,536 Adopted Monroe Against 4.437 Defeated Montour. Infavorof 3,195 Adopted Northampton.. Against 17,103 Defeated Northumberl'd Fairly sure 12,776 Defeated Pike Against 2,040 Defeated Potter Infavorof 4,434 Adopted Schuylkill Against 25,980 Defeated Somerset Infavorof 7,332 Adopted Sullivan Against 2,310 Defeated Susquehanna.. Infavorof 9,076 Adopted Tioga Infavorol 11,279 Adopted Venango Infavorof 8.587 Adopted Warren Infavorof 7,615 Adopted Washington... Infavorof 14.228 Adopted) Westmoreland. Close 19,958 Adopted Wayne... ....... Doubtful 6.4C0 Defeated Wyoming Jin favor of 3,996 Adopted York..,,,....t.In favor of -21,707 Defeated Aggregate ot votes for Harrison, Cleveland and Fisk. rFBOM OCB SPECIAL COMMISSIONER. GETTYSBUBO.February 18. "Old friends to meet, old wines to drink, old wood to burn," is a maxim that is generally sup posed to fit all sorts of reunions. But even it has exceptions. On this consecrated spot some of the nation's greatest reunions have been held. Old comrades have met here for the first time in a quarter of a century, per haps, fires of patriotism have been rekin dled, but precious little wine is quaffed. "War was Death's feast. In commemo rating it all that is nobler in man, all that is somber in his memories, 13 apnealcd to. I Conviviality would be strangely out of place. Gettysburg is the Mecca of surviv ors of the war. The famous battle-field grows more beautiful year after year. And its National Cemetery, with the graves of thousands of known and nnknown soldiers, each summer echoes the sigh and sob of still-sorrowing mothers from every part of the continent. FOR THE AMENDMENT. Possibly this is one of the reasons why Adams county has comparatively few rum . shops, and why she appears strongly in clined to vote for Constitutional amendment in June. Facts speak for themselves, and here is what Mr. H. Yingling, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, at Gettysburg, told me. Attached to his hostelry is a bar, and it is but a stone's throw from Cemetery HiLL He said: I have talked to a great many people in tbe county, and I really believe tbe amendment will receive a majority in Adams. It may not be large, but it will show a decided Increase in prohibition sentiment since IS73, when, if I re member aright, local option was defeated by 613 majority. The county was settled by tho Scotch-Irish, and their descendants are still on the farms here. The Pennsylvania Dutch are a little farther north of us, and we are not within their in fluence. The county is principally agricul tural. Here, in the town of Gettysbnrg, tho Lutherans and Presbyterians exercise great in fluence, and will give a good majority for the amendment. Tho Pennsylvania College here, you know, is one of the oldest seats of learn ing in the United States. It is controlled oy the Lutheran Church, and with theological stu dents, besides the regular enrollment, there is much incentive for them to keep tbe town tern perate. I.IQTJOB AT THE BATTLE PIELD. There are only eight licensed liquor bars in Gettysburg, and no more than 27 in the whole county. The battle field itself is equal to 24 square miles of the county's area, and it alone has 20 miles of avenues. Tbe licenses are principally for bars at taverns and hotels. No, the adoption of this amendment will not rain the business of hotels bere. You would be sur prised bow small a quantity of liquor Is sold in comparison with tbe size of the crowds which come to Gettysburg from all sections of tha United States every year. There were 30,000 strangers here in July and I only saw four drunk men in all that number. They wero brought here on two single-track railroads with a single casualty. Every Drivate house was turned into lodging quarters, and as our resident population is only 3,000, our enter tainment of SO.OOU guests was equal to the entertainment in New York Cityof 15,000,000 visitors at one time. Probably no .other town or city in the United States can handle such crowds as well as we, and with so much sobri ety and success. Men do not come on these big excursions to Gettysburg to get on a spree. They go to New York or the seaside for that. But people come bere to recall sad memories, to visit the very spot of ground where comrades fell, or to weep at the tombs of relatives. There is no occa sion, no scene, or no recollection, while in Gettysburg, that wonld start tbem drinking. Committees of the G.A.K. or the regimental societies come very frequently to arrange for the erection of monuments. All they ask is comfortable lodging, and that, small as we are, we are able to give them. A LIGHT VOTE PROBABLE. Mr. Zigler and some other representatives of both the old parties expressed the belief that Adams wonld vote itself dry. The Prohibitionists have an active organization there, bat have as yet held no meetings. As stated in the, foregoing interview, Continued on Sixth Page. i- H i