THE PITTSBURG-- DISPATCH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY - 18, 1889,- The Pennycomequicks Written for THE DISPATCH by S. BARING-GOULD, Author ofMEHALAlf,""COURTKOYAI,."'JoHNHEBBI-G,,,"THEGAYEBOCKSl "ETC SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS CHAPTERS, ririPTFPtl. IV 11. A'rs. Sidcbottoni. whose muick. who had taken the name Captain l'enuyconieqmck. .-.. ,.,,, witn am unions notions and :t:t .-.,:,-...,. ,.ti. uhirhl her income. ! 1 ,1- .. l.tnti k hr Inpninp- Knlh ,Ti,,hii h.v.nn .MnwlAnlnirnnAn IbpniKihlp InrtnnA I ..- .n1uiv4fin he death of a wealthvrelatl tlrteliouom). whom they lijncju.t entertained at the elder one hailiiKlelt his roof tp marry a .French manufacturer. -Mr. rcnnTcomenuick gradually professions orinterei m m ure. .:. j 1... Itio- !. Ill rrtflf to becomes drawn toward tne lameness Salome, and something or a tenderer reeling springs wimin nis breast. A casual toVe from Captain Pennycomequick with reference to Salome and hlni-elf reTeals to him his heart, and", as he inecta her iu his own home after the Mdebottom banquet, he dare not meet CuatteiisIII. A-DlV.Jercmlahrennycomequick,nnable to declare his love for hl niece, leaves h!shoueatin!du!Kht. for a xompolne; dranpht of fresh night air." As he walks by the side or the canal he isalamied bv news cnveved bv a man on horseback, who told him to "Oct back, as Holrojd Jtcservolr had burst." The old man enters the hut of the locksman on the embankment, the only shelter from certain death, which seems at hand. CHAPTER V. Kite akd Dropped. Mrs. Sidebottom slept soundly, only troubled by the mistake about the tablecloth. The Captain slept soundly, troubled by nothing at all. The scream of steam-whistle, the bray of buzzer and bawl of syren, the jangle of alarm bells, and the hum of Toices out side their windows dia not rouse them. They had become accustomed to these discordant noises which startled the ears every morning early, to rouse the mill hands and call them from their beds. Moreover, the whistles and buzzers and syrens were not in the town, but were below in the v.illev, at some distance, and distance modified some of the dissonance. It is true that Mrs. "Sidebottom dreamed, and to dream is not to enjoy perfect rest. She dreamt that her brother Jeremiah was examining the tablecloth and that she was drib bling water over the sheet out of a marrow-spoon, in patterns, to give it the appearance of being figured with acorns and oak leaves. And she found in her dreams that Jeremiah was hard to persuade that what he had before him was a figured damask tablecloth, and not a sheet. And she thought how she assured her brother, on her word, that what he saw was a watered table-cover, and mightily pleased she was with herself at her ingenuity in eqivocation. Jiut toward morning the House was rousea oy vioiem rmginp ai me jroni uoor uen. by calls uuder the windows, and gravel thrown at the panes. The watchman had and 1 come, at Salome's desire, to inouire if by chance Mr. Pennycomequick was there. bad gone out, alter his return home, and had not returned or been seen. Fears were en tertained that he might have been swept away in the flood. "Flood! what flood?" asked Mrs. Sidebottom. "The valley is lull of water. Holroyd reservoir be busted." "And Mr. Pennvcomequick has not been seen?" "o, ma'am. Miss Cusworth thought there might be a chance he had come back here and was staying talking." "He has not been here since he dined with us." "He said he was boun' to take a stroll on t' towpath. I see'd him there. If he's not got off it afore the flood came down he's lost." "Lost! Fiddlesticks! I mean bless my soul." Mrs. Sidebottom's heart stood still for a moment. What! Jeremiah ripe, and dropped from the tree already. "Jeremiah gone down the river with the Anges-a-cheval inside him that he had enjoyed so recently. She ran upstairs and hammered at her son's door. His window looked out on the valley, not into the street, and he had not been loused at the same time as his mother. As she ran, the thought came to her uncalled, like temptations, "I needn't have had cham pagne at six and six. It does not matter after all that the sheet and the table cloth changed places. I might just as well have had cheap grapes." "Lamb!" she called through the door, "Lamb! Do get up. Your uncle is drowned. Slip into your garments. He has been swept away by the flood. Don't stay to shave, you si.nved before dinner; and "your prayers can wait." )o come as quickly as possible. Not a minute is to be lost." She opened his door, and saw her son with a disordered head and sleepy eyes, stretch ing himself. He had tumbled out of his bed and into his dressing gown. There was gas in the room, turned down to a pea when not required for light; and this the Captain, when routed, had turned up again. "Oh, Lamb! Do bestir yourself. Do you hear that your uncle is dead,and that he has been carried away by a flood. It is most advisable that we should be in his house before the Cusworths or the servants have made away with anything. These are the criti cal moments when things disappear and cannot be traced afterward. No one but the Cas worths know what he had; there may be plate and jewelry that belonged to his mother. I cannot tell. We do not know what money there is in the house, and what securities he lias in his strong box. My dear Lamb! Yes, brush your hair, and don't look stupid. You may lose a great deal by lack of promptitude. Of course, we must be in charge. The Cusworths have no locus standi. I shall dismiss them at the earliest convenience. Good gracious me, what things you men are! If you go to bed you get frouzy and rumpled in a way women never do. I have noticed, in crossing the channel, how a man who gets seasick breaks up altogether and becomes disreputable; whereas a woman may have been ten times as ill, yet when she steps ashore she is decent and presentable. I can wait for you no longer. I shall go on by myself. "When vou are ready, follow." Mrs. Sidebottom ran back to her room, and was equipped to start in an incredibly short time. When she again came forth she looked into her son's room once more and said, "I do hope and trust, Lamb, that your uncle took his keys with him. It would be too lrightful to suppose that he had left them behind, and that these Cusworths should have had the house to themselves and the keys all this while." Mrs. Sidebottom hastened to the residence of her half-brother, which stood on the slope of the hill a few minutes' walk from the factory. There was now sufficient light for her to see that the whole basin of the Keld was occupied by water, that not the fields only, but the mill vards as well were innndated. The entire population of Mcrgatroyd was awake and afoot, and giving tongue like pack of beagles. The streetor road leading down the hill into the valley was crowded with people, some hurrying down to the water, others ascending, laden with goods Irom the houses that had been invaded by water. The cot tagers in the bottom had escaped, or were being rescued. What bad become of the work ers in Mitchell's no one knew, and fears were entertained for them. The mill itself stood above the water, but if the hands engaged in it had attempted to leave it, they must have been overtaken and carried away by the floott Fortunately the majority of the mills were nearer the hillsides than TRADE MOYEIENTS. Leading Features of Jobbing Inter ests for the Week. ISO REVIVAL IN PRODUCE LINES. flog- Products Have a Prop in Sympathy TVith Fall of Ho -s. UPHOLSTERY GOODS VEEI LIVELY Office of the Pittsbukg DisrATCH, Saturday. February 16, 1889. J There were few marked features in tho trade of the past week. Produce commission mer chants have not yet fallen into the habit of talking cheerfully over the situation. The came old song of quiet trade, which we have beard eince the ingathenngof fruits and crops, is still sung, and it is not much wonder, in view of the losses which the majority have sus tained. An illustration of the situation is furnished by the following facts in an apple deal: .v Lib erty street commission firm, sometime last fall, invested a few ducats in apples at a very low figure, and for some weeks after the purchase brother merchants were made to feel a little envious over the nice little profit of the apple deal. As time went on it was discovered that the apples had to be repacked. The cost of ttorage wa 10c a month per barrel. The nice little speculation which had been for a time a mbject of congratulation and icalousy has ended in a dead lo-s, and the parties in chiet are now glad that the loss was no greater. Apples are cheaDer totlay than when first gathered, and the speculator who thought to make a nice profit by storing tbcm away for the spring trade has discovered that the best laid plans are sometimes spoiled by weather and trade winds. A had Winter. What is true of apple speculations is true of almost everything in produce lines. The winter now drawing to a close has been a "winter of discontent" to producers, commission men and speculators, but a comfortable one to the millions who consume. Tho consumer seldom sees a time when his vegetables and frnitare as low at this time of the year an now. To be Hire his meat, flour and rents hold up to the old-time figures, but there should be a reduc tion of 3 per cent on meat to correspond with the drop in livestock since last fall. And if -wheat speculators would, like Judas, "go to tbeir own place," our bread would not be so bigh, as there i enough and to "spare in the land, whatever bulls may say. It will be ten in our domestic market report that bog products have gone into another de cline. Hogs have been on the descending ecale all tne week, and packers think they must descend still further before tLerc is a fair margin of profit for their products. Said a leading packer to-day: "With the exception of two or three days when markets were over stocked and prices dropped below market rates, there ha- been no time since the packing Feason opened, November 1. when there was any profit to our trade except on special cuts. The bam, bacon and lard which we have put awav w ould have been fold at a loss if we had put them on the market as soon as cured. The drop in hogs this week should have come some weeks ago, and they must go down still more or hoc products will have to go up. When the abundance and cheapness of corn Is considered farmers have been getting mighty good prices for their hogs all this winter." No Speculation. A notable feature of the situation in pork products is the entire absence of speculation. Prices, it is claimed, have been so low and markets so sluggish that there is no room for speculation. With all the quietness of jobbing interests in most lines it is pleasant to record one branch which has shown unusual activity for the first half of February. This Is the upbolster's trade. A prominc'nt jobber In this line thus puts the situation of his industry: "The spring of 16S6 w as one of the best seasons for our trade e have known. For various reasons our business did little good in the second half of the year, and for 1885 the l ecord was not equal to 1887. The dullness held on with a terrible crip till the latter part of January, when trade becan to pick up. For the past two weeks' we have booked tenfold more orders than we did for the corrcsDondinir ncrlnrl of last vear. The way business has livened up since the 1st of J maiden name was l'ennycomeqnlck. and her sou Ly special license, arcsittlnjr together consider- riirji'irani tastes tiio finds it aimcun to live on .lerpmlali IVnntrninfflulik rhalf-brother to Mrs. dinner, liutwho'ls dlscu&tcd -nlth their OTcrdone He February shows that our trade is going to make np for the time lost through the Presi dental campaign." t. THE BEARS WIN. Persistent nnmmcring Mnkca Dollar Oil Boomers Feel Very Blue. The short session at the Oil Exchange yester day was characterized by activity and excite ment the closing scenes being of a very ani mated description. The bears forced the fight ing from the start and hammered the price down from 91 at the opening to S! at the close. There was heavy selling both here and at Oil City, the latter being credited with caus ing the break. 'There is no change in the general situation," said a broker yesterday evening. "Everything continues bullish. The slump to-day n as caused by the longs. They couldn't resist the temptation to unload, and some of them made a good thine out of it. -The, will be on its feet agatn next week." The fluctuation in prices during the week are shown in the following table: Opened. Highest. Lowest. Close. Alondav... SS Tuesday M edncsday , Thnrsday. Friday Saturday ti S3 87J4 89 SO bsH 89H Dl'i SVi 91;, Si5j 81 91 SI 81H II K Sl'i S9JJ The Sherman Oil Company well at Cygnet, O., is reported to be flowine at the rate of 4,000 barrels a day. The Stanim well, in the Wash ington field, makes an unsatisfactory showing, but the Knox well, near by. promises better. The Petri e well, at Craf ton, is doing 75 barrels, ililhson No. 3, Bakerstown, is dry. A. B. ilcGrew quotes: Puts, &SJc; calls, 90 91c The rollowinc taDie. corrected oy lie Witt Dll worth. broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, snows the order of fluctuations, etc: Time. Kid. Ask.' Time. ' Hid. I Ask. , 1 1 Opened I 91 bale 11:15 r. M.... V! 905 10:15 A. M....' ! TOS 11:30 F. M.... tHi 90H 10:30 A.M.... mV 90V11:45 r. SI.... 90H OOH 10:13 A. M.... I !X, SOIKWO cDl. , .... 11:00 a. M.... 904 99H Closed OpeuciL 91c: Closed, S9JJC nlgheot, 91c; lowest. 89'c; Barrels. .. 60,411 .. 3A.636 .. S6,OS .. fA9K) - UI3 . 40,2)3 .3,053,030 Drlly-nins Averasre runs Vauysblmnents Avrrace shipments Dailv emmers Averace charters Clearances Se York closed t tSc Oil City clOfM al 89 c. Dradiorn closea at lOV !ew York, retlned. S.SOa. London, refined. 6 S-IEJ. Antwerp, reaneu. i7C. Oth rr Oil markets. TrrusviLLE. FebrUarr 16. Opened, 90c; highest, 90gc: lowest, S3Jc: closed, 89Kc. on. City. February 16. Opened, 00c; high est 91c; lowest, 83ic; closed, 8HJic Bradford. February 16. Opened. 90c; highest 90c: lowest. 89c: dosed. S9JJc. New YoEK,Fehruary 16. Petroleum opened weak at 91Jc below Ian night's close, and the price sagged off to 89c auring the forenoon, when it improved slightly and closed steady at 90c Sales, 1,016.000 barrels. BOSTON STOCKS. The Market Opened Dull, Became Firmer nnd Closed Strong. BoSTOjf, February 16. Call loans and time paper, 3K5)J. Government bonds firm. The market it as dull all the morning. It was lrreg u'ar during the first hour, firmer the next and c'osed strong. The only features were the de cline in Albany and Fitchburg and the advance l-i uoston ana .Maine ana west .Mitt. Atch. 4Top. K. K... 54)4 Wis. Central, com... 16 Wis. Central nil... zs nosionx Aioany...ziz tfoston & ilame.....lc5 Calumet & Uecla....26S C B. iO I034 UatalDa.. IS 'Jinn. San. A Cleve. 26 Eastern R. It S4M 7Unt 1'creM 23 Flint il'cre SI. Did. 96 ilcilcan Ocn. com.. 13H iL U.. IstMort. bds. 70t .N. r. iKewKnc... 47 X. r.&ewn 7s.r27jf Old Colony .....171 Central Franklin Huron Osceola Pewble (new).. Quiney bell 'lelenhone.. Tamarack.. ban Diego ... 14 .. 14 .4 1-1G :::,X ... 67 ..2I7K ..140 Mlnlnc Stock. New Yokk. February 16. Amador. 150: Bodic, 150: Caledonia B. H., 27S: Chollar, 260; Consolidated California and Virginia, 775; Dead wood T., 150: El Cristo, 110; Eureka Con solidated, 175; Gould and Curry, 275; Hale and Norcross, 400; Honiestake. 12o0: Iron Silver. 340; Mexican. 325: Mutual, 115; Ophlr. 525; Plymouth. .TR5: Silver King, 100; Silver Cord, 100: Small Hopes, 105: Sullivan, 125; Union Consolidated, S00; Yellow Jacket, 300. ! tehell's, so that escape from them was comparatively easy. The rush of the torrent kTd been along the coarse of the river and canal, and though the water surged against the wall that inclosed the millfolds, and even entered the walls and swamped the base ments of the houses therein, it was with reduced force. Mrs. Sidebottom gave little attention to the scenes of havoc, to the distress and alarm tnat 'prevailed. Her one dread was lest she should reach her-brother's house too late to prevent its pillage. When she arrived there she found that Salome was not in, that Mrs. Cusworth, a fee ble and sickly woman, was frightened and incapacitated from doing anything, and that the servants were out in the streets. . "What made my brother go oat?" asked Mrs. Sidebottom; "why was he not in bed 1 '"He had been sitting up, talking with Salome," answered the widow, "and as he had taken no exercise for two days, he did not feel sleepy, he said he would take a short walk " "What keys has he left, and where are they? I do not mean the key of the groceries, or of the cellar, but of his paper and cash box." Mrs. Cusworth did not know. She had nothing to do with these keys, she supposed that Mr. Pennycomequick carried them about with him. "Probably," said Mrs. Sidebottom; "but gentlemen when going out to dinner some times forget to take the keys out of their pockets and put them in those of the dress suit. I had a husband. He did it, and many a lecture I have given him for his want of pru dence. Do you know where his everyday clothes arc? I suppose he went abroad in his dress coat and smalls. I had better have a look and make sure." i Mrs. Cusworth thought, in reply, that probably the clothes would be fouud in Mr. Pennvcomequick's bedroom. "There is a light in it, I suppose," saidbis half-sister. "By-the-way, who had charge of the plate?" "I have," answered the widow. "You have, thcu, the key of the plate chest?" "There is no plate chest." There is a cupboard." "Iron plated?" , . , l ''Oh, no; there is no silver, or very little only some teaspoons, all the rest is electro. But do you think, Mrs. Sidebottom, that dear Mr. Pennycomequick is is lost?" The widow's eyes filled and she began to cry. "Lost! oh, ot course." , "But we cannot tell, we do not know, out he may have taken refuge somewhere. "Fiddlesticks I mean, hardly likely. He was on the tow-path, and there is no place of refuge he could reach from that," "Really dead! really dead!" The poor widow broke down, "Dead," of course, he is dead, with all this water. Bless me! You would not call in the ocean to drown him. I have known a case of a man in the prime of life who was smothered iu six inches." . . , . , vs hnt hp. mav have left the tow-path in time, and then, instead of returning home, have gone about helping the poor creatures who have been washed out of their houses, and some of them have not had time to get-into their clothes. It would be like his kind heart to remain out all night rendering every assistance in his power." "There is something in that," said Mrs. Sidebottom, and her face became slightly longer. "He has not' been found." "No, not yet." Mrs. Sidebottom mused. "I don't see," she said, "how he can have got away if he went on the tow-path. I have heard he was seen going on to it. The towpath is "precisely where the greatest dan ger lay. It is exactly there that the current of the descending flood would reach what you would call its maximum of velocity. Is not Salome come in yet? Why is she out? What is she doing?" Then in came her son, in trim order; neither the danger in which his uncle might be, nor his prospects of inheriting that uncle's fortune, could induce Lambert to appear par tially dressed. His mother drew him aside into the diningroom. "Lambert," she said, "there is no plate. X am not sorry for it, for if Jeremiah had laid out money in buying silver he would have gone in for King's pattern, or Thread and Shell which are both odious, vulgar and ostentations, only seen on the tables of the nouveaux riches." T mv unrde returned?" "No, Lamb! and, there is a good soul, run down the road, bestir yourself, and ascertain whether the tow-path, to winch your uncle Jeremiah said he was going, is really submerged, and to what depth, and ascertain also at what rate the current runs, and whether it is likely to subside. Mrs. Cusworth thinks it not impossible that your uncle may be helping the wretches who are getting out of their bedroom windows, or are perched on the roots of their houses. Oh, Lamb! if your uncle were to turn up after the agony of mind he has occasioned me, I could hardly bear it; I would go into hysterics. My dear Lamb! do keep that old woman talking while I run upstairs to Jeremiah's dressing room. I must get at his everyday smalls, and see if he has lett his keys in the pocket; men do such inconsiderate things. I must do this as a precaution, you understand, lest the keys should fall into improper hands, into the hands of designing and unscrupulous persons, who have no claim on my brother whatever, and no right to expect more than a book or a teacup as remembrancer. " Lamb! it looks suspicious that Salome should keep out of the way noV. Goodness gracious! what if she has been beforehand with me, and is out conceal ing the spoils! Go, Lamb, make inquiries alter your uncle, and keep an eye open for Salome. The girl is deep. I will go and search the pockets of your uncle's panjams, pepper and salt; I know them. We must not put or allow temptations to lie in the way of the unconscientious." CHAPTER VI. A Cottage Pia?o. Mr. Pennycomequick had but just reached the hut of the keeper of the locks -when he saw a great wave rushing down on him. It extended across the valley from bank to bank, it overswept the raised sides of canal and river, and confounded both together, and, as if impelled by the antagonism of modern socialism against every demarcation of prop erty, caused the hedges of the several fields and boundary walls to disappear, engulfed or overthrown. The hut was but seven feet high on one side and six on the other, and was small a square brick structure with a door on one side and a wooden bench on that toward the locks. Unfortunately the hut had been run up on such economical principles that the bricks were set on their narrow sides, instead of being superimposed on their broad sides, and thus made a wall of but two and a half inches thick, ill-calculated to resist the im petus of a flood of water, but serviceable enough for the purpose for which designed a shelter against weather. It was roofed with sandstone slate at a slight incline. Fortu nately the door looked to the east, so that the current did not enter and exert its accumu lated strength against the walls to drive them outwards. The door had been so placed because the west wind was that which brought most rain on its wings. Jeremiah put a foot on the bench, and with an alacrity to which he had long been a DOMESTIC MARKETS. Another Week Gone and Trade Re vival Materializes Sot. TOO-MUCE-NESS IN PflODUCE LINES. Choice Grades of Oats Scarce--Wheat is Still on the Boom. HOG PEOLUCTS AGAIN TAKE A DROP Office of the Pittsbueg Dispatch, i S atubday. February 16, 1S89. Country Prodncc Jobbing Prices. No new features have been developed in pro duce lines in the week now closing. Tho old, old story of quiet trade is repeated all along the line. Butter and eggs hold their own at the advance of a week ago. There is a better de mand for potatoes, but no advance in prices. Choice apples promise to crow scarce and higher at nn early day. Ordinary grades, which lack keeping qu-Jity, are being pushed on to market at whatever they will brine. Specula tors in country produce have found the winter, which is now approaching its goal, one of the most serious on record lor their occupation. Too-much-ness of everything has knocked the best-laid plans. Butter Creamery, Elgin. 333lc; Ohio do, 26S28c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country rolls 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 32Q34C Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice peas, 52 052 15. Beeswax 2S25c 11 for choice; low grade. 1GQI1!C Cider Sand refined, 6 507 50: common, 53 5O&4O0; crab cider, S8 00S50 V barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c $ gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make. 1213c; Limbureer, 11M12K domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313c Dried Peas $1 151 50 bushel; split uo. Eggs I64j)17c fl dozen tor strictly fresh. Fruits Annies. 51 00$1 60-3 barrel; evap orated raspberries, 2oc lb: cranberries, SS 00 W barrel ;1: $2 402 oO per bushel. Ffathees Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 30?35c 1 ft. HOMIST 52 652 75 barrel. Honey New Crop, lbl'c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes. 3540c ? bushel; S2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 25S3 50 for Jer scv sweets. PoUITRY Live chickens, 637oc ?? pair; dressed chickens, 1315c 1 pound; turkevs, 13 15c uressed W pound; duck., live. S0S5c $ pair; dressed, lS14c fl pound; geese, 10llc per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Its to bushel, J6M bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 25; clover, Alsike, iS 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy: choice, 45 ts, $1 5; blue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, $1 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 s. SI 20; orchard grass. 14 Us, $2 00; red top, 11 lbs, SI 00; millet, 50 lbs. $1 2';; German millet 50 lbs, 52 00; Hungarian grass, 4S lbs, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses. 25c per B. Siieixbakks SI 5C1 75. Tallow Country, 4Sc; city rendered, OffioKc Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00 iU0 f box; common lemons $2 75 box; Slessina oranges, S2 503 50 f? box; Florida oranges, S3 003 50 1 uox: Jamaica oranges, fancv, SO 50(37 00 9 barrel; JIalaca grapes, $5 50S7 00 keg; bananas, $2 50 firsts: $1 502 00. good seconds, f? bunch: cocoanuts, S4 001 50 hundred; new figs, 12 lie f pound; dates, 5$6c ?? pound. Vegetables Celery. -iOgdOc doz. bunches; cabbages, S3004 00 jp 100: onions, 50c bushel; Hpanfsh onions, 7590c f? crate; turnips, 30 40c per bushel. ' Groceries. Grkek Coffee Fancy Rio, 02I)c; choice Rio, 1020c; prime Rio, 19e; fair Rio. 17JlSKc: old Government Java,26Xc; Mara, caibo, 21K22c; Mocha, 3031c; Santos, lsj 22c; Caracas coffee, 18X21c; peaberry, Rio, 2021Kc: Laguayra, 20J21c Roasted (in paDers) Standard brands,22$c; high grades, 24K26c; old Government Java, bulk, 31032; Maracaibo. 26Q27c; Santos, 21K 22Vc: peaberry,. 25Kc: choice Rio, 24c; prime Rio. 21Jc; good Rio, 21c; ordinary. 20c Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allfpice, 9c: cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 708Oc Petroleuh (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7ic: Ohio. 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150. 9c; water white lOJic; globe, 12c: elaine, 15c; carnadlne, HKc; royaline, 14c Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar syrup, 3536c: prime sugar syrup, strictly prime, SiiijiKX. "N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 48; me dium, 45; mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in jmes, 3K1c; bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Cakdles Star, full weight 10c; stearine, per set, SXc; parafflne, 11 12c. Rice Head. Carolina, 77e; choice, 6 7c: prime 5?6ic; Louisiana, 6Ji6c Sraech Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 57c: gloss starch, 57e Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon don lajers, 3 10; California Loudon layers, $2 50: Muscatels. S2 25; California Muscatels, $2 35; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K7Kc; sultana. TJjc: currants, new, 45c; Turkey prunes, new, 44c: French prunes, 813c; Salomca prunes, in 2-lbpackages, SKc, cocoannts, per 100.S6 00: almonds, Lan., per lb; 29c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c: walnnts,;nap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12)4 lbc: new dates. 5g0c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. ll15c: citron, per ft. 21(ffl22c: lemon peel, per ft. 1314c: orance peel, 12jjc D.-ued Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 8 c; apples, evaporated, t73c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15lte; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2i23c: peaches. California, evaporated, unpared, 12K13Kc; cherries pitted, 2122c; cherries unpitted, 5Q6c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424c; blackberries, 78c: huckle berries, 1012c SUGARS Cubes, 7c; powdered, 73c: granu lated,7c: confectioners' A bc; standard A,6Jc; soft whites. 66?c: yellow, choice, 66Kc; yellow, good, b)itc; j ellow, f air. fiJsC; j el low, dark, 5e Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $475; me- U1UIUB, U.lll UUI, IWUJ, C Ot). Salt No, J ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, S? bbl, SI 05; dairy. S bbl, 51 20; coarse crystal, 1 bbl, $1 20; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sack, $2 80; Hicjrin's Eu reka, 16-14 lb pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaclips. SI 50 1 C0;2ds, SI S01 35: extra peaches, SI 351 to; pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, $1 30&1 50; Hfd. Co. corn. 7O90c; red cherries, 90cl 00; lima beans. SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 8.5c; marrowfat peas, 81 101 16; soaked peas, 7075c: pineapples, 1 401 50; Bahama do, S2 7o; damson plums, 05c; green gages, $1 25; eggplums.$2 00; California pears $2 50; do green gages. $2 00; do egg plums, $2 CO; extra white cherries. S2 90; red cherries, 21bs, 90c: raspber ries, SI 151 40; strawberries $1 10; goose berries, SI 2U1 30: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1 ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-Ib cans, SI 75; 14-ft cans, S13 50; baked beans. SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, $1 76 1 80: mackerel, l-lb cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines. mustal,S4 01); sardines, spiced, SI 2 Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 IU bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 532; extra No. 1 do, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4yxc lb; do medium George's cod. 6c: do large. 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c: do George's cod in blocks 6K 7c Herrinc Round shore, $5 50 i? bbl; split. $7: lake $3 25 fl lOO-ft half bbl. White fish, S7 $1 100-ft half bill. Lake trout, S5 50 ?) half bbl. Finnan hadders. 10c H ft. Iceland halibut 13c ft. Buckwiieat Flour 22Vc per pound. Oatmkal-56 300 60 bbl. Miners' Oil No 1 winter strained, 5962c i? gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Floor and Fred. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 31 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago. 6 cars of hay, 4 of flour, 2 of oats, 2 of middlings. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 4 cars of oats, 10 of corn, 2 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of hay. Sales on call 1 car middlings. $17 60, spot: I car No. 1 timothy hay, $14 25, 10 days. Receipts for tho week as bulletined were 194 cars against 192 last week and 185 for the week before. The week closes with little improvement in the situ ation of cereal markets. Retail dealers still complain of the qdality of oats coming to markets kis season. One of the large operators said to-day, in response to the query: "Is there no improvement in quality of oats?" "Instead of any improvement, quality grows worse. We have not for years received as much poor stuff as this winter, and tbisbas had as much to do with demoralizing markets as the overdose of stuff." The wheat boom ts still on and flour is Arm. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red. SI 0S 1 09; No. 3 red, DSegSi 04. ' CORN-No. 2 yellow, car, 3839c; high mixed ear, 36K37c; No. 1 yellow, shelled. 3940c No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37KQ3Sc; high mixed, shelled, 3G37c; mixed, fliclled. 3536c: OATS No. 2 white, 32Ks33c: extra No. 3. 31 31Kc; No. 3 white, 3131Jc; No. 2 mixed 29 30c ' Rye-No. 1 Western. 6061c; No. 2, S556c Barley No. 1 Canada. 095c: No. 2 Canada, 83S5c;N o.3 Canada, 78g80c; No. 2 Western, 757!!c; No. 3 Western, 6o07Oc Lake' Shore. 75 ewe FLOUB-Jobbing prices, winter patents S6 50, j stranger, heaved himself upon the roof, of the shelter, not before the water had smitten it and swirled about the base and foamed over his feet. Had he not clung to the roof, he would have been swept away. To the west the darkness remained piled up, dense and undiluted, as though the clouds there contained in them another 48 hours of rain. A very Pelion piled on Ossa seemed to occupy the horrizon, but above this the vault became gradually clearer, and the crescent moon poured down more abundant light, though that wus not in itself considerable. By this light Jeremiah could see how widespread the inundation was, how it now filled the trough of the Keld, just as it must have filled it in the remote prehistoric age, when the western hills were scaled in ice, and sent their frosty waters burdened with icebergs down the valleys they had scooped out, and over rocks which they furrowed in their passage. , Jeremiah looked at the lockkeeper's cottage, not any longer as a possible place of refage, but out of compassion for the unfortunate man who was in it. Not a sound issued thence; not a light gave token that he hid been ronsed in time to effect his only to the roof. Probably, almost certainly, he and his wife were floating as corpses in their little room on the ground floor. Awavou the ridge to the north, yellow lights were twinkling, and thence came sounds of life. The steam calls had ceased to thrill; they had done their work. No one slept in Mergatroyd no one in all the towns, villages and hamlets down the valley of the Keld any more that night, save those who, smothered by the water, slept to wake no more. " Hard bv the lock, growing out of the embankment, stood a Lombardy poplar. The sudden blast of wind accompanying the water had twisted and snapped it, but had not wholly severed the top from the stump. It clung to thif, attached by ligaments of bark and fibers of wood. The stream caught at the broken tree-top that trailed on the cause way, shook it impatiently, draggedit along with it, ripped more of the nerves that fast ened it, and seemed intent on carrying it wholly away. Notwithstanding his danger and extreme discomfort, with his boots full of vfater, Jeremiah was unable to withdraw his eyes for long from the broken tree, the top of which whipped the base of his place of refuge; for he calculated whether, in the event of the water undermining the hut, he could reach the stump along the precarious bridge of the broken top. . . But other objects presented themselves, gliding past, to distract his mmdfrom the tree. By the wan and straggling light he saw that various articles of an uncertain natnre were being whirled past; and the very uncertainty as to what they were gave scope to the imagination to invest them with horror. For awhile the water roared over the sluice, but at last the immense force exerted on the valves tore them apart, wrenched one from its hinges, threw it down, and the torrent rolled triumphantly over it; it did not carry the door off, which held still to its lower hinge, at least for a time, though it twisted the iron in its socket of stone. The water was racing along, now noiselessly, but with remorseless determination, throwing sticks, straw, and then a drowned pig at the obstructive hut At one moment a boat shot past. If it had but tonched the hut Jeremiah would have thrown himself into it and trusted that it would be stranded in shallow water. He knew how insecure was the bnilding that sustained him. There was no one in the boat. It had been moored orig inally bv a rope, which was snapped and trailed behind it. The moon flared out on the water, that looked like undulating mercury, and showed a dimple on its surface above the hut; a dimple formed by the water that was parted by the obstruction; and about this eddy sticks and strands were revolving. Then there ap proached a cradle in which whimpered a babe. On the cradle stood a cat which had taken refuge there from the water, when it found no other spot dry for its feet. And now the cradle swung from side to side, and as it tilted the cat leaped to the upraised side, mee awing pitifully, and then, as the strange boat lurched before a wave on the other side, the cat skipped back again to where it was before, with tail erect and plaintive cry, but, by its instinctive shiftings, preserving the balance of the little craft. The cradle was drawn be tween the walls where the sluice had been, and whether it passed in safety beyond, Jeremiah could not see. Now his attention was arrested by a huge black object sailing down stream, reeling and spinning as it advanced. What was it? A house lifted bodily and carried along? Jeremiah watched its approach with uneasiness; if it struck his brick hut it would probably demolish it. As it neared, however, he was relieved to discover that it was a hayrick; and on it, skipping from side to side, much as the cat had skipped on the cradle, he observed a fluttering white figure. Now he saw that a chance offered better than that of remaining on the fragile but. The bricks would give way, hut the hayrick must float. ' If he could possibly swing himself on to the hay, he would be in comparative safety, lor it is of the natnre of strong currents to disembarrass themselves of the cumbrous articles wherewith they have burdened themselves and thrown them away along their margins, strewn w ith them the fields they have temporarily overflowed. It was, however, difficult in tho uncertain light to judge distances, -nd calculate the speed at which the floating island came on, and the rick: struck the hut before Jeremiah Was prepared to leap. He, however, caught at the hay, and tried to scramble into the rick that overtopped him, when he was thrown down, struck by the white figure that leaped off the hay and tumbled on the roof, over him. In another instant, before Jeremiah could recover his feet, the rick had made a revolution and was dancing down the stream, leaving a smell of hay in his nose, and the late tenant of the stack sprawling at his side. "You fool!" exclaimed Mr. Pennycomequick, angrily, "what have you come here for?" "I could hold on no longer. 1 was giddy. I thought there was safety here." "Less chance here than on the rick you have deserted. You have spoiledyour own chance of life and mine." "I'm starved wi' caud," moaned the half-naked man. "I left my bed and got through t'door ast'water came siping in, and I scramled upon to t'rick. X never thowt t'rick would ha' floated away." "Here, then," said Jeremiah, removing his great coat, but with a bad grace, "take this." "That's better." said the man, without a word of thanks, as he slipped into the warm over coat. "Eh! now." said he. "if t'were nobbu: for the way t'rick spun aboot. I could na' ha' stuck there. I wouldn't ha' gone outo' life, spinning llko a skopnll" (tee-tntum), "not on no acconnt; I'd a gone staggering into t'other world, and ha' been took for a drunkard, and I'm a teetotaler, have been these 15 years. Fifteen years sin' I took t'pledge, and never bust out but once." "You have water enough to satisfy you now," said Jeremiah, grimly. "Dost'a want to argy?" asked the man. "Becos if so, I'm the man for thee, Peter one, three, twenty, what dost'a say to that, eh?" Jeremiah was in no mood to argue, nor was the time or place suitable; but not so thought this fanatic to whom every time and place was approDrlate for a dispute about alcohol. "I wonder whether the water is falling," said the manufacturer, drawing himself away from his companion and looking over the edge into the current. He saw apples, hundreds of apples swimming past: a long wavering line of them coming down the stream, like migrating ants, or a Rechabite procession, turning over, bobbing, but all in sequence one behind the other. By day light they would have resembled a chain of red and yellow beads, but now they showed as jet grains on silver. They had come, no doubt, from a farmer's store or out of a huckster's cart. Jeremiah leaned over the eave of the hut to test the distance of the water; then caught an ap ple and threw it on to the roof,whence it rolled over and rejoined the procession on the further side. "'Tis a pity now, muttered the man In nightshirt and topcoat, "'tis a pity about my bullock, I were bown to sell'n a Friday." Suddenly, Jeremiah recoiled from-his place, for, dancing on the water was a human body, a woman, doubtless, for there was a kerchief about the head and in the arms a child, also dead. The woman's eyes were open, and tho moon dinted in the whites. They seemed to be looking and winking at Jeremiah. Then a murky wave washed over the face, like a hand passed over it, but it did not close the eyes, which again glimmered forth. Then up rose the corpse, lifted by the water, but seeming to struggle to gain its feet. It was caught in that swirl, that dimple Jere miah had noticed on the face ot the flood above his place of refuge. How cruel the torrent was! Not content with drowning human beings it romped with them after the life was choked out of them, it played with them ghastly pranks. The undercurrent sucked the body back, and then ran it against the bricks, using it as a battering-ram. Then it 675; spring patents, S6 757 00; fancy straight winter and spring. So 5005 75; clear winter. So 005 25. straight XXXX bakers', $5 005 25. Rye flour, K 7a Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $18 00 20 00 fl ton: brown middlings. $14 5015 00; winter wheat bran, 814 75lo 25; chop feed. $15 0OS1S 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 00S15 25; No. 1 do. Sll 2514 60; No. 2 do, $12 0013 00; loose from wagon, SIS 0020 00: No. 1 upland prairie, $9 7510 00; No. 2, $8 008 50; packing do, S6 507 00. Straw Oats S8 008 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 25. Provisions. With the exception of lard everything in the lino of bog products has been reduced. The drop on sugar-cured hams is Jic, on shoulders c and on California hams c. Mess pork is offSl. Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small, lie: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, I0e; sugar cured shoulders, SJic: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9JJc; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar cured dried Deef sets,9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7e; bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies. 8e: dry salt shouldeis, &; dry salt clear sides 7c. Mess pork, heavy. $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 60; Lard Refined in tierces, 7c; half barrels, TJc; (jO-B tnbs, 7c: 20-B pails, 75c; 60-ft tin cans, 7yac; 3-lb tin pails, 7c; 5-fi tin pails, 7Jc; 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large, 5c Fresh pork links 9c Pigs feet, half barrels, S3 75; quarter barrels, SI 75. Dressed Mcnt. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs, 5-S5Kc: 600 to 650 lbs, 66Kc; 700 to 750 fts, 7 7c Sheep, 7c $1 ft. Lambs, 8c $1 ft. MAEKETS BY WISE. Wheat Excited nnd Higher May Future tho Point of Interest Shorts Rash to Cover Hob Products Un settled and Lower. CHICAGO Trading in wheat to-day was very active and the market greatly unsettled and at times very excited. The opening for May de livery was J46K0 bigher than yesterday's clos ine, advanced IJc, very suddenly advancing 3c more, as suddenly dropped lc, again ad vanced c, weakened off and closed anout 3c higher than,yesterday. July advanced Jc and closed lc higher than yesterday. Interest centered principally in the May fu ture and it was difficult to give any reason for the advance, other than that the shorts once fairly started to cover, there was uo stopping the advancing tendency. It was a feeling of wild excitement, and swept the market like a cyclone. Prices varied Jlc before trades could be written down. There were some dis quieting rumors in circulation which may have helped to intensify the unsettled and nervous feeling which existed, but they were subse quently denied. There was very little interest manifested fn corn. The feeling was easier and slightly lower prices were established, though the range did not vary much from yesterday. Oats were fairly active, opening at Sle higher, thenweakenedand receded He, rallied ii(il4c and closed quiet Hog products were unsettled. Early the market was moderately active and rather firm, but this was followed by weakness with a de clino in prices. me leaning lutures rancea as rquows: Wheat No. 2 February. $1 0C1 0S1 05 1 07; Marrh, 81 071 121 071 11; July, 94KeCK9095-lc Corn-No. 2. February, 34?i;34fg!31W!S Corn No. 34Kc; March, 37Ki35c 34Kc; March, 3434J3434Kc: May, 363 OATS No. 2. February. 2o25g!25(5!25Ve: May, 28f Q28fe27527c. Mess Pork, per bbl. February, 811 17U 11 17J11 1511 15: May, Sll 3511 40U mf 11 17J June, Sll 4011 4oll 27KH 27J Lard, per 100 fts. February, $6 55: SUtti. $6 U5Q6 C56 656 55: May, $6 956 956 65 6 63. Short RIBS, per 100 fts February. So S2K: March. $5 S5o 855 82o 82; May, S6 07K& 6 1U5 97J 97 . Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and higher; winter wheat patents, $5 00 5 50: spring wheat patents, $4 004 35; bakers7. S3 751 25; No. 2. spring wheat, SI 07; No. 3 spring wheat. 93c95e; No. 2 red, SI 07. No. 2 cora.34Kc No.2oats,25)$c No. 2 rye. 45Mc No, 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI o9. Prime timothy seed, SI 471 48. Mess pork, per barrel, 811 00. Lard, per 100 lbs. 56 5"K6 60. Short ribs sides (loose). $5 S05 90. Receipts Fionr. 7,000 barrels; wheat, 18,000 bushels; corn, 160,000 bushels: oats. 143,000 bushels: rye, 5,000 bushels: barley, '49,000 buBhels. Shipments Flour, 6,000 barrels; wheat, 10,000 bushels; corn, 107,000 bushels: oats. 83.000bushels; rye. 30,000 bushels;barley, 17,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was unchanged. Eggs steady and un changed. New York Flour strong and fairly active. Wheat Spot dnil and 2c hlzher: options strong-. active and lK2c higher. Coffee 5 15 points up: sales. 29,000 bags, including February, at ln,801585r: March, 15.906)15.!J5c: April and May, 15.80glo.90e; June, 15.9016.05c: July, 16.00 016.10c; August, j 16.1016.20c; September. 16.15 16.30c; October. 16.30c November. 16.20c; De cember, 16.2016.35c; January, 16.25c: spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, 17c Sugar Raw firm and quiet; refined quiet and steady. Molasses Foreign dull; 50 test, 20Vc:New Orleans quiet; open kettle, good to fancv. 3013c. Rice firm and quiet; domestic 4JJ6Kc; Japan. 45t4c Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow firm; citv. 5 5-lBc Rosin firm: stramed-common tozood. SI 05 1 10. Turpentine quiet and steady at 47Jc Kggs quiet; western. 13KHc; receipts, 2,178 pack ages. Pork quiet and firm; old mess. S12 25; new mess, $12 5C12 75: extra prime. S12 CO 12 25. Cutmeats dull; pickled bellies, 14 pounds, 6e; 12 pounds, TJic Lard easier and quiet: western steam, 57 inM; sales, 500 tierces c. and f. at S6 977 05; citv. $6 65: February, S7 04; March, $7 047 06, closing at 87 04; April, 57 04: May, S7 0I7 07, closing at S7 04; June, S7 06: July, $7 107 11. closing; at 87 07; August, 87 09: September, $7 157 16, closing at $7 IU. Butter Fine steady and quiet; western dairy, 13g20c; do creamery, 1629Uc; Elgins, 31 Slfc Cheese steady and dull; western, 1Q Cincinnati Wheat easier; No. 2 red. 99c SI 00; receipts, 700 bushels; shipments, 600 bushels. Corn heavy; No. 2 mixed. 33Kc. Oats weaker; No. 2 mixed, 27c Rye dull; No. 2. 54c Pork dull at Sll 75. Lard quiet at S6 0. Bulkmeats and bacon dull and barely steady. Butter quiet Sugar quiet and steady. Eggs in moderate demand at lie Cheese firm. Milwaukee Flour in brisk demand. Wheat firm: cash, 9494c; Mav, 965i697c; July, 95J605. Corn steady; No. 3, 29c Oats neglected: No. 2 white. 27Vc Rvenuiet:No. 1. 45KC Barley weak; No. 2,57VjC. Provisions firmer. Pork. Sll 12 cash : Sll 17JJ May. Lard, $6 57V rash; J6 67 May. Cheese firm; Ched dars, vsy,c Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady. Butter very steady; western packed, 1620c; best roll. 1318c; creamery, 2230c Eggs easy at 1313c. Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash, S3 10; March $515. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of tho Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. Saturday, February 16, 18S9. J Cattle Receipts, 1,040 head: shipments, 980 head; market, nothing doing; all through consignments; 29 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. 2,600 head: shipments. 2,100 head; market fair; medium Fhiladelphias, S4 75 4 80: heavy bogs, $4 604 70; pigs and York ers. S4 804 85; 7 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 1,800 head: shipments, 1,200 head; market steady at yesterday's prices. Br Telejrrnnb. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. COO bead; ship ments, 1,800 head: market steady; choice heavv native steers,S3 754 30: fair to good do,82 70 3 SO; stockers and feeders fair to good, SI 90 2 90; rangerscorn-f ed.$2 803 40: grass-f ed.SI 90 'i 75. Hogs Receipts. 1,400 head; shipments, 4.300 head: market easier: choice hcavv and ,bntchers' selections $4 S0J24 50: packing;, me dium to prime, mpn ai; iign. graaes. or dinary to best, 84 404b0. Sheen Receipts, none; shipments 1.503 hetd; market firm; fair to choice, S3 004 7a Chicago Cattle Receipts. 2.000 head: ship ments, blank: market steady; beeves, $1 10 4 65; steers, S3 004.00; stockers and feeders. S2 103 2o; cows, balls and mixed, $1 60S 3 10; Texas corn fed steers S3 30. Hogs Receipts. 15.000 head: shipments, 7,000 head: market weak; mixed, S4 354 60; heavv. $1 304 53; light $4 404 65; pig?, S4 004 75. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head: shipments, 500 head; market steadv; natives, S3 504 65: westerns, corn-red, 84 10 4 65; lambs. $4 7o26 CO. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 1,552 head; shipments, 1.304 head; slow and weak; g;ood to choice, corn fed, S3 80I 15; common to me dium, $2 903 70; stockers and feeding steers, $1 603 20; cows. 512532 70. Hogs Receipts, 4,652 liead;shipments,none; lightweights steady; mixed and heaw firm and 5c higher; good to choice light $1 354 40; mixed and heavy, $4 154 30. Sheep Receipts, 1.214 head; ship ments, 407 head; steady; good to choice mut tons, II 254 60; common to medium, $2 50 3 90. Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 2,900 head through: 100 head sale; weak; sales export bulls, $3 003 25; prime steers, S3 754 10. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 400 head through; 2,000 bead sale; active and: unchanged. Hogs canght t work wt disengage the dead woman and thrust her away not enaure to see tne Dnay impeuuu umuiuus .$;..-.-.. ufo " . . ,,,. . "What art a' doing?" asked tbeTnan, also looking over. Then after a moment no uttered cry. drew back, clasped his hand", then looked asatn, and exclaimed Sho's my own lass,"and sho's a hugging my bairn." "What do you mean V Mr. Pennycomequick succeeded in disengaging the corpse and thrusting It Into the stream. It was caught and whirled past. The man looked after it, and moaned. "It all comes o' them fomentations." he said. "Sho'd bad pains aboot her somewhere or other and owd Nan sed sho'd rub in a penno'rth o' whisky. I was agin it. I was agin it my mind mis gave me, and now sho's taken and I'm left, 'cos I had nowt to do w it.' ,, . , "You may as well prepare to die," said Jeremiah, "whisky or no whisky. This hut will not aD"I shudn't nfind so bid ff I'd sold my bullock," groaned the man. "I had an offer, but like a fool I didn't close. Now I'm boun' to lose everything. 'Tis vexing." Just then a heavy object was driven against the wall and shook the nut to its foundations, shook it so that one of the stone slates was dislodged and fell into the water. Jeremiah leaned over the eaves and looked acain. He could make out that some piece or furniture, what ho' could not distinguish, was thrust against the wall of the hut. He saw two legs ot turned ma hogany, with brass castors at the ends that glistened in the moonlight. Thev were about four feet and a half apart, and supported what might be a table or secretaire. The rushing water drove these legs igainst the wall, and the castors ran and felt about the bricks as groping for a weak joint where they might knock a hole through. Then, all at once, the legs drew or fell back, and as they did so the uppor portion of tho piece of furniture opened and disclosed white and black teeth, in fact revealed a keyboard. This was but for a moment, then the instrument was heaved up by a ware, the lid closed over the keys, and the two brass-armed legs were again impelled against tho fragile wall. ...... It is hardly to be wondered at that the ancients attributed living souls to streams and tor rents, or peopled their waves with mischievous nixes, for they act at times in a manner that seems fraught with Intelligence. It was so now. Hero was this hut, an obstrnction to the flood, feeble in itself, yet capable of resisting Its first impetus, and likely to defy it altogether. Tho water alone could not dissolve it, so it had called other means and engines of destruction to its aid. At first, in a careless, thouchtlcss fashion, it had thrown a dead pig against it, then tho corpse of a w oman weighted with her dead babe; and now, havinc cast these away as unprofit able tools, it brought up. at great labor a cottage piano. A piano Is perhaps the heaviest and most cumbrous piece of furniture that the flood could have selected, and, on the whole, the best adapted to serve its purpose, as the deceased pig was the least. What force it must have ex erted to brin up this instrument, what judgment it must have employed in choosing it! And what maltcnity there was in the flood in its persistent efforts to break down the frail substruct ure on which stood the two men! The iron framework of the instrument in the wooden back was under water, the base with the pedals rested againw the foot of the hut. The water driving at the piano thus lodged, partially heaved it, as though a shoulder had been submitted to the back of the instrument, and thus the feet were driven with sharp, Impatient strokes against the bricks. Moreover, every time that the piano fell back, the lid over the keys also fell hack, and the white lino of keys laughed out in- the moonlight. But. whenever the wave heaved up the piano, then the lid fell over them. It was horrible to watch, the piano laboringas a willingslave to batter down tho wall, It did so as opening and shutting its mouth, as though alternately gasping for breath and then returning to its task with grim The moon was now disentangled from cloud, it shone with sharp brilliancy out of a wide" tract of cold grey sky, and the light was reflected by the teeth of the keyboard every time they were disclosed. . , - ,,. Hark! The clock of Mergatroyd church struck three. The dawn would not break for two or three hours. ... , ... . . . "I say, art' a minister?" suddenly asked the man in a nightshirt and great coat "No, I am not" answered the manufacturer, impaitcntiy. "Nevermind what lam. Help me to get rid of this confounded cottage piano." "There! there!" exclaimed the man. "now thou'rt swearing when thou ought to he praying: Why dost'a wear a white tie and black claes if thou ba'nt a minister? Thou mieht as weel wear a blue ribbon and be a drunkard." , Mr. Pennycomequick did not answer the fellow. The man was crouched in squatting post ure on the roof, holding up one foot after another from the cold slates that numbed them. Hia nightshirt hung as a white fringe below his great coat To the eye of an entomologist, he might have been taken for a gigantic specimen of the Cambcrwell Beauty. "If thou'd 'a been a minister, I'd 'a sed nowt. As thou'rt not I knaw by thy white necktio thou must 'a been awt to a dancing or a dining soiree. And it were all along of them soirees that the first Flood came. We knaws it f ra' Scriptur, t'folks were eaten' and drinkin'. If they'd been drinkin' water, it bed never 'a come. What was t'Flood sent for but to wash out alcohol, and it's same naaw." ........ Mr. Pennycomequick paid no heed to the man, he was anxiously watching the effect pro-, duced by the feet of the piano on the walls. ,.,., , -T . ,. v - , .... "It was o' cause o these things the world was destroyed in the time o' Noah, all but eight persons as wore the blue ribbon." .,. Again the forelegs of the piano crashed against the bricks and now dislodged them, so that the water tore through the opening made. "There's Scriptur7 for it" pursued the fellow. "Ob, I'm right! but my toes are mortal cold.. Don't we read that Noah and his family was saved b7 water? Peter. 1, 2, 3, 20-answer me that That's a poser for thee saved because they was teetotalers." At that moment part of the wall gave way. and some of the rcof fell in. "Our only chance is to reach the poplar stump," said Jeremiah. "Come along with me." "Nav, not I," answered the man. "The ships o' Tarsblsh was saved because Jonab was cast overboard. Go then, and I'll stay here and be safe. I'll no be any mair i' t'same box wi' an al cohol drinker." ... . ' He drew up his feet under him, and put his fingers into his mouth to warm them. Mr. PcnnycomequicE did not delay to use persuasion. If the man was fool enough to star.' he must stay. He slipped off the top of the hut and planted one foot on the piano, then the other: his only chance was to reach the broken poplar, scramble up it. and lodge in its branches till morning. To do this he must reach it by the broken top that at present was canght betweeiv the legs of the piano, so that the water brushed up over the twigs. Jeremiah sprang among tha boughs and tried to scramble along it Probably his additional weight was all that wa3 required to Snap the remaining fibres that held the portions together, for hardly was Mr. Pennycomequick on it than the strands yielded, and down past the crumbling hut rushed the tree top, laden with. Its living burden, entangled, laced about with the whip-liKe branches, and as he passed he saw the f railstructuro dissolve like a lump of sugar in boiling water and disappear.. To be continued Whenbabv was slcx, we gave her Castoria When she "was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. mhll.hK-jnvTifcsn THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAU . - - - $200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMF.S Y. SPEER. Vice Prest sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. Receipts, 4,500 head through; 3.750 head sale; active; mediums a shade lower at $4 70; York ers, $5 00. Cincinnati Hogs quiet and barely steady: common and lizht, $3 755 40; packing and butchers. S4 4004 60. Receipts, 1,720 head; shipments, 1,770 head. A BUSINESS SURVEY. The Salient'Fentnres of Local Trado Daring the Pant AVcck. Local business the past week was only moderately active. The principal event was an effort on the part of the bulls in oil to reach the dollar line, but they failed, the highest point reached being 92, on Friday. Yesterday the bears got in their work, and dragged the price down to 91 at the opening and 89 at the close. The contest between the opposing elements was sharp and excit ing and neither would admit defeat. The market left off in good shape for a renewal of the fight. Stocks were without special feature. Electric was higher at the close and Philadelphia Gas weaker. Changes in other local securities were of trifling im portance. Real estate - dealers and agents had their hands full of business all week, and made a large number of sales of small properties. They reported some large deals under way, bat withheld particulars. This branch of business led all others in point ot activity. Money was plenty and easy at the usual rates. The best borrowers were oil men. There was no im provement in the iron market but manufac turers expressed confidence that trade wonld pick up in a short time. They were not dis posed to cut prices to effect sales. . The local money market Saturday presented the same general features as on the previous days of the week, with the exception, perhtps, that counter business was less active on ac count of the rain. Call loans continue to be quoted at 506, and time paper at 67. There were very few applications for discounts. Bank ers expect to find full employment for their idle funds a soon as the spring trade fairly opens. The Clearing House report for the day and week, with comparisons, shows the follow ing changes: F-xcbanjres ?; 003,822 00 Balances 474.233 83 Exchanges for the week 12,:S9,Z3 27 Balances for the week iloaniOG Eicliantri's, dally average 2,048,214 S3 Exchanges for the week 1888 10, 2M, 257 SO Balances for the weefc 1S88 1,600.001 30 Exchanges last week 11.412.0S5 3S Balances last week 1.914,56127 Exchanges dally average 1,1)02,014 23 movements of Specie. New York, February 16. The export! of specie from the port of New York last week amounted to $28S,2:)y, of which $138,489 was in gold, and 149,750 in sliver. Of the total exports, $3,764 in cold and $107,500 In silver went to Europe, and S134.7J5 in gold and $42,250 to South America. The imports of specie for the week amounted to $378,602, of which $313, 410 was in gold and $65,192 silver. Drjzood Market. New York, February 16. The market for dry goods was unchanged in tone, with, in dication of continued firmness and increased activity in the near future. Metal Marftets. New York Copper easier and quiet; lake, Febrnary, $16 50. .Lead quiet and firmer; do mestic, S3 65. Tin quiet; Straits $21 25. Wool Markets. St. Louis Wool quiet and unchanged. ARMOUR & CO., PITTSBURG. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest ?iuality, at very moderate prices, received dally rom their immense cooling rooms at Chicago. from the wall into the main current; he could next Monday.) t TlIONEY TO LOAN On mortgages on improved real estate in sums oz si,uuu ana upward. Appivat DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. No. 121 Fonrtli avenue. fe4-22-D imOKEKS FINANCIAL. De WITT DILWORTH, BROKER IN PETBOLBTJM Od bought and sold on margin. delT-21-Bsu YH1TSEY & STEPKE5S10, SI FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS CREDITS THBOUQH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. anS-xTS THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively earod by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favorite Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and: their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no equal. Small dosefbig results. Sugar coated and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c. at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepares by an old apothecary. Five bottles SL The HOP PILL CO., New London, Ct. Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped, rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 50c. nol-jiWF BUTTER, :: BUTTER, :: BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURB Chartiers Creamery Co Warehouse and. General Offices, 708 SMITHFIELD STREET,. Telephone 1423. Bissell Block. riTTSBTJRG, PA. Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations, Wholesale exclusively. au3-s56-irwT WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO..- Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts, Importers aud Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest price caO UUN9IU. BIT GOODS d SOUS. 4 :j