3 THE PrrTSBUKGK DISPATCH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY U8, 1889.' AWOEDTO THE THIEF. Bev. Dri W. J. Holland Characterizes Commercial Larceny TOGETHER WITH CBIMLNAL SNEAKS Business Gamblers and Those Who Adul terate Foods are Hit. SERMOX SUGGESTED BI EXPERIENCE. A week ago last evening, while delivering a sermon in which he referred to theft, Dr. "W. J. Holland, pastor of the Bellefield Prcsby teriau Church, had his hat and overcoat stolen. When he ascended the pnlpit, yes terday morning, he caused a ripple of laughter to spread throughout the congre gation by the announcement of the subject of his sermon, viz: "Thou shalt not steal." The text was from Deuteronomy v, 19, and the reverend gentleman said: The commandment before us demands hon esty and uprightness in our dealings, and vir tues which found themselves upon that prin ciple of human action which our Savior lays down in the twelfth verse of the seventh chap ter of the gospel of St. Matthew, "Whatsoever je would that men shonld do unto you. dove even to to them," and which he sets before us as the sum and epitome of the Scriptures, when he says "this is the law and the proph ets." It is a little sinsnlar that, while I was dis coursing to j ou last Sabbath evening upon this principle which was against all the infractions of the just rights of our neighbors, a couple of young men fihould have been engaged in violating it by the abstraction of the great coat of our precentor, and ot tbo hat of 3 our pastor. The untoward incident has sug gested to me that it may not be inappropriate to take up the thread of my evening discourse a. week ago and point out the application of the golden rule in matters relating to proper tv. Let me, therefore, once again, with all earnestness, recommend to you to diligently set the golden rule of Christian charity before your eyes, and urge j ou never to do anj thing to any man which, were jou in his position, you would be inclined to resent as unjust, and to do always that which, were you situated as your neighbor, you would wish others to oo unto jou. This is to act honorably and wisely. This Is to make self,w-hich commonly is the tempter, and incites to wrong and oppression, at once the patron and defender of other men's rights and due. XMirBENT BIGHTS TO TEOrEETT. The most obvious violation of the golden rule of which I have been speaking is found in the sin of theft, which is prohibited in tho commandment before us, "Neither shalt thou steal." This precept ot the decalogue forbids all violations ef tho right of property directly or indirectly. The right of property in any object is the right of its exclusive possession and use. Without attempting to enumerate the theories advanced as to the foundation of the right of property, I will content mjself with stating, in common with the vast majority of Christian students, that the right of property founds itself In the will or God, the Creator of the world and of man. It is as much a natural instinct to acquire and hold property as it is to breathe. The lion lights lor the possession of the lood which he acquired in the chase; the sparrow indignantly repels all attempts ot other birds to rob him of the nest under the eaves, and men sympathize with the lion and the sparrow in their attempts to hold their own. Dr. Holland then quoted from the distin guished German jurist, Stahl, as follows: Property is especially designed to enable a man to perform his moral duties. Every man has duties which belong to him alone ana not to others; duties which arise out of his present vocation and standing, especially such as be long to his own family. Therefore he must have what is exclusively his own. Property is therefore not intended for mere gratification or support, nor is it a mere objectless mastery over things external. It is the necessary means to enable a mau to fulfill his divinely appoint ed destiny." To hold that the right of property is founded on the law ot the land, or on any contract ex pressed or implied among men. is to fall into grievous misleading errors. The law of the iand does not create the right of property; it simply defends it. The right as a man to have and enjoy that which in any righteous way may become mine antedates in its origin all kings and legislatures and senators. . Alter reviewing the question of robbing God bv neglecting to pay Him homage. Dr. Holland said: It would hardly seem necessary for me to speak of the more open forms of theft of which the law of the land takes cognizance. While coarse machinery of human law and justice does its work upon these things, and they are hung up to the scornful scrutiny and reprobation of men before they get to the church door, yet it is the duty of the pulpit to show that the law of man. which condemns theft, is the law of God also. SEVERAL CLASSES OF THEFT. "Thou shalt not steal" is a law which Sinai only reiterates, and which is as old as tiro con science of th e race. Highway robbery, burglary, counterfeiting, the obtaining of money by false pretenses, the fraudulent manipulation of stocks and securities, gambling, etc.: these and a thousand other forms of vice and crime by which the rights of property arc invaded have been, in different lands and ages, assailed by Human law; but it is well to remember that, buck of all the human legislation, has been the mightier and more authoritative voice of God, saying "Thou shalt not steal. ' I wish to call your attention to the violation of the eighth commandment. I refer to the dispo sition to make false pretense in business, where by an inferior article which is offered for sale or exchange is represented to be other and better than it is. Here we are confronted by a multi tude of articles, produced at home, which are sold as foreign production, and the price asked and given is determined by this fraudulent representation. Shawls of Pans are sold as thawls of Cashmere: wines made in this coun try are sold as the production of France, Por tugal and Madeira. More "French" cham pagne is drunk In Russia, it is said, than there is produced in all the vine-growing districts ot France. More cigars are consumed in the United States alone under the name ot "Havanas" than all Cuba produces. Vast quantities of the paper sold and made in the United States bears the stamps of London, or Bristol, or Belfast. There is scarcely any limit to this kind of fraud. It does nut appear to trouble the consciences of some men. Worse than this is the selling of things as sound and genuine which are un sound and spurious, and often worthless. So widespread is fraud in matters of trade that it has become a legal maxim. "Let the buyer take care of himself. He should expect to be cheated, and should always be on bis guard. Business is business." I beard a man say the other day, "I must try to make the most of w hat I have, and it is yours to try and heat me, if you can." My inward comment upon hear ing the colloquy was: "That is certainly a Queer conception of business which reduces it to the work of systematically trying to cheat your neighbor." It is to be feared that there are not a few who have no higher conception of business than this. Under the head of false pretenses comes the adulteration of articles of food and medicine, and of material tor clothine. London green grocers, examined by a commission ot Parlia ment, snowed that 6 out of every 100 packages they had examined, were pure, or what they were represented to be. The adulteration of drugs has become so great that governments have taken into their own hands the prepara tion of medicine for their armies and navies. The subject of gambling was also touched up by the doctor. lie said: "Betting, which is only another name for gambling, is stealing. To obtain money by gamblipg is larceny, ac cording to the Supreme Court of Massachu setts. In New York all wagers or bets upon any gaming or any uncertain event are pro nounced unlawful. Similar legislation exists in this and other States. Babbv's Tbicophebous, the only preparation to be depended on to cleanse and preserve the hair. B.&B. Blankets, blankets Bradley blankets; 1,500 pairs. Their entire stock to be sold at our stores at a sacrifice at once. Bead display ad this paper. Boggs & Buhl. .Armube and surahs, silks, chtcks and stripes, novelty combination, spring de signs, at ?1 pr. yd. Hugus & Hacks. mwfsu Guxs, revolvers, sporting goods at half price. Johnston,, the gun jnan, will re move about April 1st to Xo. 706 Bissel Block, and ;n the mean time is selling off all old stock at about half price at the old store, Xo. 621 Smithfield st. Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102 Carson st, Sonthside. SCEKES AT CENTRAL. HU Honor Wnden Through 35 Unfortunate! Like a House Afire Let No Drunken Ulan Escnpe on Snndny. Then tho rags, blase and-bleary, Faced His Hon, sitting weary On the Central station cat that wished she were upon the floor; While he nodded, nearly slumb'ring, Suddenly there came a rumbling, As of some one gently tumbling, tumbling through the grated door. "Tis somo prisoner, he muttered. Kicked clean through the grated door. Thirty days, and thirty more!" Just 25 lugubrious disconsolates occupied the mourners' bench yesterday morning, and glanced apprehensively at Justice Gripp to see it the Court had slept well or not, for in some cases the old-timers knew their sen fences depended upon the length of the august Court's snooze. John McCord, just ont of the workhouse, drunk and begging. John McCord just back to the workhouse. Messrs. Matthews and Phillips, two great big men, were trying to pawn a necklace for 58 cents, and Phillips acknowledged the pitiful fact that it belonged to his wife; dis charged. Kelly, Bray and Lee formed a beautiful trio, trving'to sell alleged gold rings at 53 per ring. The rings they tackle in the workhouse forthe next SO days will be rings that encircle the exterior of a barrel. P. Maguire, drunk and discharged; An nie Miller, drunk and five davs to jail; a distinction with a justifiable difference, as Annie's record and the polire docket tally most beautifully. Mr. Partez blockaded Smithfield street, and wouldn't move on. He sells the great "VThitechapel puzzle," but he won't sell it for five days. Meanwhile he can think of another puzzle and call it the ''county jail." A whisky bottle, billingsgate, and Jule Brown and John Connors formed the con stituent principles of a beautiful brawl. Brown was told he could go, and hp gal loped up the asphaltum pavement like a whole fire department, trying to put him self out, Pete Harrington is hardly ever out of the workhouse. He is out now, but in jail. Joe "Wilmot has been on a protracted booze. Ten days in jail will reduce the swelling in his poor aching head, and ten der nature, allowed a short respite, will smooth out the heavy lines under his eyes and temper the color of that nose so the naked eye can scan it undazzled by its bor rowed hue. Tom Maddy knocked Tom Murray down. He was discharged; though the Court doesn't like to encourage knockdowns as a rule, some exceptions are justifiable. John Murphy has been joking again. He calls this a joke: going to certain honses and then raising a howl of robbers and offering to compromise with the inmates for a certain sum. Even those people have rights, and the Court gave it to him right where he lived to settle up some of his previous little jokes. John Crowly is alleged to have struck a man on the Bluff (whatever part that is), then tried to rob him. Johnnie will ex plain in court. At the 2 o'clock afternoon drill the officers were ranged in line and went through a series of convolutions illustrating a re fractory arrest. The Captain sent them on their way with the usual admonition: "Let no drunken man escape." He doesn't like to see a drunken man on the Sabbath, and an encounter means troublous times for the unwary boozer. A FUGITIVE CAUGHT. Folwell, Who Fled in VVomnn's Disculsc, Cnptnred After Two Years. Deputy United States Marshal Chambers brought to this city last night George Fol well, who has been a fugitive from justice for over two year. His history is a most interesting one. He is a man of pleasant address. In 1886 he was arrested in Tennessee for collecting illegal pension fees to the amount of several thousand dollars. He gave a heavy bond, and after, it is alleged, attempting to bribe witnesses, fled in the night disguised as a woman. He was indicted on two other charges, but nothing was heard of him until a short while ago in North Uast, Pa. His last offense, it is said, was committed but a short while after his liberation from the penitentiary. He was formerly a telegraph operator. He denies the charge against him and says the money alleged to have been received for securing pensions, was paid him for secur ing a divorce. He claims to be an honest man and to have a good record as a soldier. He is of good family and says he was never in the pen. He will be brought before the Court to-day and perhaps taken to Memphis to-night. ATTACKED THE DUKE. Dick Swan Bndly Bnttcred Up br Three Men on Hlnthnin Street. Dick Swan, a young man of Carson street, Sonthside, who is better known by the name of "Duke," was attacked on the corner of Bingham and South Tenth streets on Satur day night and badly beaten. According to a statement of the young man's mother, Swan was on his way home when he was met by three men on Bingham street, who asked him where they could get some whisky. They were shown to a place, but were not satisfied, and started a quarrel with the young man. He was thrown on the ground and his face was terribly bat tered up. The screams of Swan attracted a man to the spot, and he, with the aid of a couple of police officers, succeeded in arresting the men. They were taken to the Twenty eighth ward station house, and Magistrate Brokaw yesterday sent them to the work house for 30 days. THE THIEF GOT AWAT. Freight Cars of tho P., V. & C Found Broken Open on the Sonthside. Apparently a large and well-disciplined gang of thieves has been subjecting the freight cars of the P., V. & C. Bailroad to a series of visits lately which invariably re sulted in something being stolen from the cars. About 1 o'clock yesterday morning Officers Guenther and Burns, of the South side police force, were attracted by some peculiar noise and went up Seventh street toward the railroad. There they found a man engaged in filling a sack with what they thought to be plunder from the freight cars. The man no sooner noticed the officers' approach than he fled up the hill and escaped, although one of the policemen fired several shots after him. The officers found the fellow had left two large bags with bottles behind him, and, upon examining the cars, they discovered two broken open. But to what extent the cars had been robbed the officers were not able to determine. TO BRING OUT A WONDER. Tho Sonthside Boat Club's Worthy Object Ilindered a Little. The Southside Boat Club feels greatly chagrined that its effort, by means of a ball on Saturday night, should have been, as its members say, misconstrued by the police. The object was the worthy one of raising funds to bring out such promising oarsmen as Frank Hanlon and Daniel Kilt, the former of whom, as August Kriel predicts, "is to row under 21 minutes, if his training facilities can be made adequate or anything like what they shonld be." The club pro poses to go ahead and raise funds in some other way for the accomplishment of its worthy purpose. "When Music, heavenly maid, was young, Of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrop she suns. EAILR0ADS' PIRATES. How Shippers Cheat the Common Carriers Out of Their Profits. WALL PAPER DESCRIBED AS IRON, And Stuffed Birds Classed as Drjgoods to Secure low Rates. THE INSPECTORS SHOW UP THE ETILS A receiving clerk and a produce merchant were having a lively wrangle the other day at one of the city freight yards about a con signment of birdseed. The consignee had been receiving large quantities of the seed at a certain rate, but on this particular lot it had been quietly raised. A comparison of the weight and invoice b'llls showed that it had been shipped as oat meal, which takes a much lower rate. As soon as this discov ery was made the guilty consignee suddenly became quite suave-like and bland. He promptly paid the excess in freight, and be gan to talk about the weather and kindred subjects. "When the consignee was leaving with his bird seed, he was heard to murmur to him self in a wrathful undertone: "The game is up at last. Confound that Inspection Bu reau; this is some of their work. I must try another road to elude them." The clerk also had his little say when the other was ont of sight: A VEBITABLE BEVELATION. "Well, that mafl is a pretty Christian, any how. For some tiiVc he has been cheating the railroad by making false descriptions, and the Inspection Bureau has exposed him. It is strange, but the most honorable and conscien tious of men in business matters will think nothing of beating a railroad; and you would be surprised, too, to know how much of it is done. The bureau has unearthed some of the queer est cases of misdescription. Just run over with this list of corrections made for this week, and see how the work is done. "Iron castings take a low, special rate, and it is a great favorite with shippers in classifying articles. Here is a batch of wall paper that was shipped as so much iron. All kinds of toys, articles of hardware of fino quality, copying presses, etc.. that take high rates are often consigned as Iron castings. Before the bureau was organized theso deceitful practices were carried on extensively. -The other day we found alotof stuffed birds classed as drygoods. Now drygoods are in the second and third classes, while the rate on stuffed birds is three times the first-class rate. In this case the railroad would have lost heavily. One would suppose that churches would act honorably, but not long ago we caught a lot of fine furniture and the molding for an altar shipped as lumber. However, this is quite a common ruse, and our moral sensi bilities are not so easily shocked. There Is nothing like blunting your better nature. EQUIVALENT TO PABALYSIS. "The roads make a distinction between toilet and common soaps, and yet when we find any of the former rated as such we are tempted to lie down and die. In such a rare emergency our services are not needed. It Is useless to classify glassware. The railroads tried it, but there was only one kind shipped. Everything in this line, from a window pane to the finest varieties of cut glass, was shipped as tumblers. Finally some of the glass men overdid the thing, and glass in general was put in the third class. "Big discrepancies in the weights of ship ments are also discovered. Frequently the weight is just twice as much as the figures in the weieh bill. This is true, to a large extent, of the gTain coming from the West. A strong effort is being made to extend the jurisdiction of the bureau. At present only freight from the West is examined. All the high class traffic from the East escapes, and railroad men know that the classification is often evaded. Trunks packed with goods take a lower rate than empty ones. This rule is often violated by the New York merchants. .The bureau is doing good work, and has come to stay." HOLDING OFF. Shippers Hare Waited in Tain for o Brenk In Freight Kates. Said a commercial agent yesterday : "Ship pers are slowly beginning to realize that the railroads mean business, and there is to be no more rate cntting. Bates to-day are firmer than they were in January. Ship pers have been holding off, expecting to hear of a break at anytime, but none has come. As soon as thev commence to un derstand that rates will be maintained they will begin to ship. "The freight traffic has been light so far this year, but not because business is dull. Freight shipments have been piling up, and manufacturers will soon have to move them out for they need the room." A BRICKBAT BATTLE Remits in the Police Charging on a Dis orderly nnd Rlotoni Crowd. Quite a row ocenrred on Fountain street yesterday afternoon which resulted in the arrest of James Cosgrove, aged 19. He, with a crowd of younger boys, was acting dis orderly, and was notified by Officer Ed Cross to .desist. Instead of doing so he began to call the officer names and threatened to kill him if he tried to arrest him. Officer Haines arrived, and they charged upon the crowd, securing Cogrove, who fonght viciously, while the remainder of the gang retreated a short distance and threw bricks at the officers. After placing Cos-. grove in the station house the officers secured assistance and went to arrest the remainder of the crowd, but none of them could be found. NEW EDIFICE DEDICATED. The Warren A. M. E. Church Favorably Ushered In Yesterday. The new "Warren A. M. E. Church, at the corner of Clarke and Fulton streets, was dedicated yesterday. The exercises were conducted by the Kev. C. W. Smith, D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate. Addresses were made by Bev. J. "W. Miles, Dr. Smith and Bev. Charles E. Locke. The present membership of -the Warren congregation numbers 125, under the Kev. J. H. Watson. B. fc B. Bead display ad, this paper 1,500 pairs Bradley's blankets, at prices that will create a stir. Boggs & Buhl. Specialties in new jackets, black and colored, latest spring fashions, from 55 up ward. Hugus & Hacke. MWFSU ' B. fc B. 1.500 pairs Bradley's blankets, largest and best, at sacrifice prices to-day. Bead display ad, this paper. Boggs & Buhl. Oub assortment of French and American satines. Anderson zephyrs, ginghams, etc., nnequaled either in price or variety. mwfsu Hugus & Hacke. J. J. McKENNA, LATE WITH F. LTTT Jb, LADIES' TAILOR, 36 E.Twenty-third SLN.Y. BET. BROADWAY AND FOURTH AVE. Takes pleasure in announcing to you that I will be at the Hotel Anderson on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 18, 19, 20. I will have samples and designs of the latest importations of Spring ami Summer cloths suitable for Ladies' Suits, Coats, Ulsters and Riding Habits, etc My cloths have been carefully selected from the best English and French manufactures, and will give thorough satisfaction. A call solicited. All orders promptly attended to. A perfect fit guaranteed. Respectfully, J. J. MCKENNA. S3-Display advertisements one dollar per square for one i ruerffon. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, ei&, ten cents per line for cactt inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THB DIS PATCH. rrrrsBUKO. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35n9 Butler street. E.UIL G. STUCKEY, ZUh street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylle avc. and Fulton St. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 l'cnn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHElBLER,5th av. Atwood St. SOUTII6IDE. JACOB SFOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAHM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEU, 59 Federal street. II. J. McBKIUE. Federal and Ohio streets. FKED II. EGGEI13. 172 Ohio street. F. 11. EGGEKS&SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. U. W. HUGHES. Pcnnsvlvanla and Beaver aves. I'EltKYM.GLEIM. Kebocca ard Allegheny aves. WANTED-HELP. Dlnlo HelD. w ANTED-BAKBER-STEADT WORK-610 ubantst., i-iitsourg. rcis--i Tn7"ANTF.D-BOOKKEErK, STATIMJ EX VV PER1ENCE. salary expected, gtilng refer ence. Reply by letter to A. B., Dispatch office. fClg-3) . WANTED-AN EXl'ERIENOEO SOLICITOR to canvass in city: also man to take branch office. Apply to S. W. HOLLAND, 6 Mxth street. felS-M -TTTANTED AN ACTIVE MAN: MUST HAVE V V nrst-clafs reference: well acquainted In the two cities. Call before noon. ROOM 4. 49 Filth ave. fel7-19 X1TANTED-F1RST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER, VV stating experience, salary expected, giving reference. Reply by letter to A. B., Dispatch office.; fc 18-10 WANTED A HARNESS MAKER ONE who can make carriage harness and other fine harness. Apply at HARTMAN & KOST'S, 1206 l'cnn ave. fe!7-22 XVTA;iTi:D-A FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND V cake baker: roust be clran and sober: to board In family. KOBT. MORROAV CO., Woodland ave., Allegheny, Fa. fel7-l WANTED A FIRST-CLASS STENOG RAPHER and typewriter operator; one familiar with bookkeeping preferred; give refer ence and state salary expected. Address X. Y. 7m, Dispatch office. fel7-S8 -TTr"ANTKl AGENT FOR ATLANTA FOR YV entirely new class of advertising signs; good commission or salary: references required. Address VAN EPPS &rOULSEN,KS2 W.Fitth St., Cincinnati, O. fe!8-l T7"ANTEO AGENTS IN THIS CITY AND V V outside towns to sell Dr. O'Keefc's pills and bitters: steady work: can make SIZ to f 18 per week. DR. O'KEEFEJt CO.. Homeopathic chemists, SI Fifth are., Pittsburg, Pa. fcl7-S2 TTJAKTEU-A MAN OF TEMPERATE VV habits, located outside leading cities, to represent, in his section, an established house; monthly salarvtlOO if salted; references. MANU FACTURE! Lock Box 1610, N. Y. oc7-4S-M -rrjANTED-SALESMEN EVERYWHERE FOR V our adjustable door plates (can sell and de lrer at once), four.styles of door bells, metal and white enamel letters, house numbers, etc. ; sam ples, circulars, etc , freo. NEW YORK DOOR PLATE CO., Albany, N . Y. feIS-54-D TTfANTED-OVERSEERS EVERYWHERE AT home or to travel. We wish to employ a re liable person In yonr county to tack up advertise ments and show cards of electric goods. Adver tisements to be tacked up everywhere, on trees, fences and turnpikes. In conspicuons places, in town and country In all parts of the United Slates and Canada. Steady employment: wages f2 50 per dav: expenses advanced; no talking required. Local work for all or part of the time. Address, with stamp, EMORY & CO., Managers, 241 Vine St., Cincinnati, V. No attention paid to postal cards. fel6-19-D -iprjANTEID-A PRACTICAL FOUNDRY V foreman. One whe thoroughly under stands the amalgamation of gray Iron metals, for manufacturing chilled Iron, etc., as well as the handling of a large fonndry and working of men. Must be a thorough practical man. Good salary and permanent position assured to the right party. We also manufacture malleable Iron and cast steel. Would like a man who has some knowledge of this, although It Is not absolutely necessary. In answering state experience, where employed, and salary required. SOUTH BEND CHILLED FLOIY COT; faouth Bend, lnd. re 17-40-Mwr' Female HelD. TITANTED-TWO GOOD EXPERIENCED VV dining room girls at BOLEXS' HOTEL, 31 to 33 Diamond, city. fe!8-17 TTTANTED A COOK AT THE DEAF AND V V Dumb Institution, near EDGEWOOD, P. R. It.; references required. fel6-20-D WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL COOK; Bust be a reputable. Intelligent woman, not over middle age; none others need apply; the right kind of a woman can have a steady place at good wages. Address or call at the PARK HOTEL, New Brighton. Pa., for one week. feH-76 Mnlo nnd Female fleln. -TTTANTED AT ONCE FARM HANDS, V house girls, cooks, chambermaids, nurses and hotel girls. MUEHAN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 515 Grant sL fel4-99-D -TTTANTEO-AGENTS ON SALARY: 75 PER VV month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and rxpenscs In ad vance; rail particulars and sample case free: we mean lust what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston. Mass. felS-a-D WANTED PARTNERS. WANTED A PARTNER WITH FROM 5,000 to 110,000 In cash to go in an estab lished mfg. business. Address D. PARTNER, Dispatch office. fel7-20 WAKTED-ROOMS. HOUSES. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE OF 6 OR 8 rooms In Allegheny, with all conveniences; new house preferred; must be In good location: can give references. Address W. R. B., Dispatch office. felS-26 WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED-MORTGAGES MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBINU & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D TTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH TV LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-n TTTANTED-TO LOAN t2S,00OON CITYPROP V EICTY at 5 and 6 per cent. In sums to suit. D. P. THOMAS & CO., No. 40S Grant street. Iei01-EOD ' WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over 4,O0O; AH Der cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., SIFourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -TTTANTED -RENTS COLLECTED PBOMPT V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLE3 &. BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-81 TTTANTED-MONEY TO LOAV AT LOWEST TT rates of Interest: no delay;ents collected: prompt settlements. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. fel7-114 -TTTANTED-MOHTGAGES-SUMS FROM S500 V to o00,000to loan at 45$, 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. fcl-47-irwrs "TXT ANTED MORTGAGES IN ANY V amounts: 4W to 6 per cent: cltv and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. Ja2o-65-MThs -TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OR VV suburban Improved real estate at lowest rates. In large or small amounts. ALEXANDER & 1jK.1L, 313 wooasu i xeis-25-HWS WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000, IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4H per cent, free ortax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D -TTTANTKD-TO LOAN (200,000 ON MORT- v T umt: iuu ana upwara at 6 per cent; fo00,000at 4K per cent on residences or business properly; also in aajoining FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. so In adjoining counties. S. H. 0C31-e84-D -TTTANTED-MOltTG AGES-tl.000, 000TO LOAN V V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned ont of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -TTJANTED-AUCTION SALES OF REAL V estate, merchandise at stores and household goods at residences, by SMITHSON & MOORE. General Auctioneers, office room 58, Eisner build lug, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. fel3-18 WANTEO-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT II. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the Dlace. HENRY TERHEYDEN, W0 Smlthfleld st, noll-uwrsu WANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous nrocess. mhl3-k27 WANTEIJ-IT KNOWN THAT AUFRECHT'S ELlTEGALLERY.516Marketst.,Pltti.?will make a handsome framed. X life size crayon and 12 cabinets for SS, for a short time only: this offer cannot he equaled anywhere else, with line work: come soon; cabinets 1 per doz.; bring children. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. w ANTEO-TO BUY A LAUNDRY IN PITTS- V BURG doing a business of not less than 500 ,pwperweei. a.j. jjuxij, iwiui Columbus, O. fel8-18 -TTTANTED BUYERS FOR GOLD AND Y silver watches, chains, clocks, diamonds, silverware, etc., at SI perweek; Rogers' knives and rorks II 75 per set for cash. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal st., Allegheny. feW-18-MWrsu FOR BALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CltT Residences. FOR SALE-NO. 15 SECOND AVENUE, A very desirable brick bouse, It rooms, late Im provements, in flrst-ciasd condition. W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. feI5-70-MWF FOR SALE-ONLY SS50 SMALL PAYMENT down, the balance same as rent, 2-sty fr. house, 6 rooms, in good condition, on Bismarck way, near High School; lot 30x75. J.C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. fcfMH FOR SALE-6-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, finished attic, good cellar, on Granville street, near Eleventh ward schoolhouse: lot 20x 110: price 3,200; very cheap. GEO. SCHMIDT, 158 Fourth ave. fel5-48-Mwr FOR 8ALE-P.000, EASY PAYMENTS, POS SESSION can he bad at once, brick house, 6 rooms, late Improvements, on Plymouth st.: con ditions almost as easy as rent. W. A. HERRON ttbONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-72-MTUFS FOR SALE-$3,800-LOMBARD STREET, 7 roomed brick dwelling, with hall, vestibule, sliding doors between parlor and dining room, range, bath, slate mantels, etc.; lot 22x1.9, with front yard. GEO. SCHMIDT, lis Fourth ave. fcl5-48-MWP FOR SALE-DAVIS ST.. JUST A FEW DOORS from Wjlle ave. cable line, an elegant 2 story brick dwelling or 5 rooms and attic, bath, h. and c. water, a. and n. gas: perfect In every respect and price right; lot 20x80. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. fel7-U4 FOR SALE-FOUR SMALL HOUSES AT AD MINISTRATOR'S sale, on the premises. Forty-ninth St., near Hatfield St., Saturday after noon, February at 3:30 o'clock. Hand bills of full particulars from JAS. W DRAPE & CO., Agents, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. felS-42-D FOR SALE-PENN AVE.. BRUSHTON STA TION, new pressed brick dwelling or II rooms; hardwood nnlsh, slate mantels, with im proved flrppUces, laundry with cemented floor; exceptionally low prk-crt: terms to suit; Immedi ate possession. Sco JNO. F. BAXTER. Agt., 512 Smlthfleld St. fjl7-5S-MTh FOR SALE-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING IN Pittsburg. Ji square from Wylle avenue cars; 10 minutes from Court House: 8 rooms, bath. v. c, gas and water, hall, dry cellar, aldo entrance, electric bell, etc., etc.; house almost new; f 1,750; 1500 down, balance In monthly payments. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. lel6-39-D F lOR SALE AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE ON Blnn St. 2-stnrr mnnaAril. nr(..ed hrlrk wk uuudjc parlors wiin siloing aoors, aiicucn, pantry, hall, vestibule on first fiuor, 4 rooms and bath on second floor, 3 rooms In attic, goou cellar, stationary washtubs: house all grained and In good order; only built last snminer; lot abont 24x 140: a perfect bouse in every respect: J8.O0O. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fel4-94-MWThFS ..... j...i ,-. ..T..r. - .---- --.,--- East End Residences. FOR SALE-AT S2.500-EASY PAYMENTS; honse and lot In the East End: 6 large rooms; ood cellar ana fine lot; very cheap. JAS. W. iRAPE&CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. lel5-58-D - F OR SALE-HANDSOME PARK RESIDENCE Site. North ave.. Allegheny. IlrlSO to nllpv. TTltri It to AfJ.fftn clila i-n fn una In A -! 1 1 linn . a to suit. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fel7-27-MF8 FOR SALE-A NICE QUEEN ANNE HOUSE and corner lot In the East End, 6 rooms, nat ural gas, water, reception hall, etc., etc.: fine large corner lot: (4,000: easy nayments; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPEi CO., 129 Fourtn avenue, Pittsburg. feI6-5S-D FOR SALE-ON SUCH EASY TERMS THAT the rent will almost pay for same; brick house, 8 rooms. In good order, late Improvements, No. 1320Sycamorest.;prlce$2,400: renting fbrKO per mo. For particulars see W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-74-HWP FOR3ALE-A NEAT 6-ROOM HOUSE, WITH good lot. In the East End: natural gas,marble mantels, porcbes, hall and cellar: good well wa ter; price only S3, 100: S500 down, balance In month ly payments: Immediate possession. JAB. W. DBAPE&CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. fcl6-41-D FOR SALE-ON CENTER AVE., THREE MIN UTES rrom steam cars: a delightful Shady side residence, 10 rooms, well finished, good style, late improvements: lot 70x.1u0 feet to Baum street: price low and terms reasonable. For permits to tee hou6C apply to W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel7-72-iiTurs FOR SALE-S3.20O-JUST ONE MINUTE FROM Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and vestibule, nat. and art gas, water, screens for windows and doors, front yard; choice location and spcclalbargaln, BLACK A BAIRO, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-PRETTY HOME IN THE EAST End; street paved With asphalt: complete sewerage; Queen Anne frame dwelling; reception hall, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, 9 rooms, pantry, furnace: fot 50x100 feet: close to P. R. R. station; price S7, .WO: terms, 1,000 cash, bal ance to suit. BLACK & BAIRD, 1)5 Fourth ave. fc4-18-MWT FOR SALE-W.23U WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; hall, .vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandeliers; this is only 6 minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK !c BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. feC-49-D FOR SALE-THE BEST PROPERTY IN Shadyslde at the money; large, commodious brick house of 12 rooms; late Improvements, sta ble, carriage house, fruit and ornamental trees; lot 155x145 feet: corner Ellsworth and Aiken ave nues: price low. lust wbat the lot Is worth. If Bold quick. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth avb. fel"-72-MTuF8 FOR SALE-AT SHADYS1DE. A SNUG dwelling of G rooms; attic, bath, w. c. front and rear stairway, stationary washstands, speaking-tubes, range, hot and cold water, natu ral gas; fine lot, 27x137 feet; shade-trees, etc; price, 4,800; 1,000 cash, balance to suit. JAS. W. DRAPE.& CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. feUW9-D FOB SALE-NEARSHADYSIUESTATION A neat 2a-story frame dwelling of 5 rooms and bathroom; nice attic, range, hot and cold water. Inside w.c. Inside shutters, marble mantels, cup boards, wardrobes, etc.. Just new and latest lm provements;jgood lot and perfect sewerage; price only 3,600. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fcO-51-7,9,11.13,15,lS,20.22,25,-7 FOR SALE-S1.000 CASH, BALANCE 500 PER year Oakland corner property, 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, hall, vestlbale. bath, range. Inside w. c, sliding doors. Inside shutters, front and hack porches; house hand somely paperedtnlce chandeliers, etc.: good stable and carriage house. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. felS-74-Mwr FOR SALE-10,0OO-EAST END RESIDENCE property, & minutes, from Roup station: ele gant new 2-story brlcS dwelling, containing 9 room;, hall, hatb. Inside shutters and w.c. t hard wood mantels, tile hearths, sliding doors, etc.: front and rear porches: lot 50x170; very desirable: easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 89 ourth ave. fel7-28-MWF FOR SALE-FIFTH AVE., E. E NEAR HI LAND ave., substantial 2-story frame dwell ing, containing 9 rooms, reception hall. Inside sbutters and w. c, slate and marble mantels, laundry, etc.; the woodwork and finish through out the entire first floor Is solid walnut, very nice ly finished; lot Is on corner, 84x110 feet to an alley; must be 6old at once: price low. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fel7-29-MWa FOR SALE-ON NEGLEY AVENUE, NINE TEENTH ward, subject to street Improve ments, a lot 69 feet front, next to corner of Mar raretta street; handsome brick residence adjoin ing this: all surroundings first-class; this will be sold at the low price of 40 per foot front. If sold soon; all adjoining properties are selling at 875; Surcnaser will certainly double his money on this. 1ELLON BROS., East Liberty. fel7-121-MWF FOR SALE-DO YOU WANT TO PURCHASE a cosy 7-roomed brick residence, with bath, slate roof, marble mantels, lot 45x120, Margaretts street, Nineteenth ward, only four blocks of cable line, and near Nineteenth ward school? the price, 5,600, Is lower than the property could he dupli cated for; it will make a handsome home: easy terms of sale: send for price list of our houses ready for April 1. MELLON" BROS., East Lib erty. fe!7-121-MWF FOR SALE-SHADYS1DE RESIDENCE, ON one of the finest streets between the station and Fifth avenue cable cars, complete In all Its appointments, with handsome groudds well laid oat with walks, drives, shrubbery,frult and shade trees: house has a very commanding appearance; has 17 rooms, 6 large fine rooms on first floor, 6 on the second floor and 5 rooms in attic; the laundry is complete; cellars are cemented: large furnace, wide halls, natural gas all through, ample porcbes, bay windows, etc.: also, stable for 3 horses: lot 105x260 feet. This is one of the best located dwell ings In the East End, has an eastern and southern exposure, and can be bought for 30,000. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe4-18-MWT Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE-S4.50O-IN MONTHLY PAY MENTS: lot 50x100; house eight rooms, batb, slate roof, natural gas, etc, on Rlrigewood ave nue, near electric car station, hill district, Allc fheny; grand chance. A. LEGGATE A SON. 31 'edcral st., Allegheny. fcl6-79 FOR SALE-8 PER CENT INVESTMENT, Franklin street, Allegbeny,3 brick dwellings, 8 rooms, halt, bath, range, nat. gas. Inside shut ters, etc.; rented to good tenants; non-resldence of owner reason for selling. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fel7-27-MFS FOR SALE-PARK PROPERTY-THE BRICK dwelling of 10 rooms. No, 180 North avenue, Allegheny; one of the best locations on Parks: now open for Inspection ; If not sold by 1st March will bo let to suitable tenant. SAMUEL DYER, 48 Park way. Allegheny. fcl4-96-D FOR SALE-A 10 PER CENT 1NVESTMENT 2 small houses three squares from the parks. Allegheny, In excellcntlocatlon; present rents 348 annually; will sell for 3,000; rents paid In ad vance: a rare bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. felG-39-D FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOTS ON NEW Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny; the late Mr. Cooper's residence property is being surveyed and will be ollercd In lots In a short time: make note of this and look out for a plan. A. LEGGATE & SON, 1 Federal St., Allegheny. 1C16-79 FOR SALE A FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY ou North avenue, Allegheny, fronting on the Jiarks; 10 rooms with bath, lavatory, natural gas, aundry and all other modern requirements; everything in elegant order; house almost new; corner lot, alley In the rear. JAS. "W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fcU-33-9 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE AtlesucnyRealdcnces- FOR SALE-UNION AVENUE, ALLEGHENY, fronting parks, fine residence of 14 rooms, with all modern improvements: large lot: new brick stable, etc. JNO. J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth ave. fel4-91 OK SALE THE 2 LARGE BRICK DWELL- INGS. Nos. 18 and 20 Robinson St., Allegheny. are offered at a bargain If sold before the 1st of March: lot 40X1CU feet. SAMUEL DYER. 43 Park way, Allegheny. fe-9C-D F IOR SALE-S7.5C0-NO. S3 SAMPSON ST., Hp.nnri'wftr(1 Allpirh.nr. Int 2nrS0: brick. nine rooms, bath, pantrv, laundry, marble mantels, etc. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fel6-79 FOR SALE-CHARTIERS ST.. ALLEGHENY, 2-story and mansard brlckdwelUng. 8roora, h. and c. water, and all other modern Improve ments: price low; lot 20x124 to alley. J. L. REILLY; 77 Diamond st. fcl7-114 FOR SALE-ON MONTEREY ST.. ALLE GHENY, lot 20x110 to a paved alley, brick house of 7 rooms and bath, laundry, nat. and arti ficial gas. cltv water, goodlocatlon; only 3,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth avc. fcl4-94-MWThF8 Snbnrbnn Residences. FOR SALE-KNOXV1LLE, RIGHT AT TER MINUS or electric road and street car line, a 2-story brick of 4 rooms, slate mantels, tile hearths, city water, nat. gas; lot 25x100; pricconly 82,500; bargain. BLACK & HAIKU, 95 Fourth ave. 7-1-8,9,12,14.16.18,20,22,20,28 FOR SALE-AT SEWICKLEY-AN ALMOST new house, modern 6tyle, 8 rooms, wellcou vcnlcnced: lut 90x240 feet: very desirably located near the station; a very great inducement is ofleredln the way of price. If sold quick. W.A. HERRON & SONS, No. 60 Fourth ave. fcl59-D FOR SALE-GOOD SUBURBAN DWELLING and large lot, 180x400 feet, fruit and shade trees and shrubbery, etc., etc.. at Hazelwood, IS. &0. R. E.; price only 7,000, on long easy terms of payment: fmmcdIatepo.css!ou; very great bar gain. JAS. V. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. felG-39-D FOR SALE-IN SEW1CKLEY, HOUSE AND large lot. at a rare bargain; 9 room, with bath, hot and cold water, w. c, natural gas. mar ble mantels, dry cellar, porch, hall, etc.; all In excellent order; fine, large lot. stable and rar-rlage-lionse, etc. and price onlv 5,5(0; very cheap; best value In the place: only 3 minutes from rail way station: particulars from, JAS. W. DRAPE & Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fel6-S9-D FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny conntv; the house is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with -wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsomefowlhouse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees: the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres or ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE LOTS. Enst End ban. FOR SALE-CHOICE PARK LOTS ON NORTH ave., frontage of CO to ico leet and very deep; cheapest In the market: good speculation. SAM UEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Itl'-lt FOR SALE-NICE LITTLE BUILDING LOT, 26x76 ft., Lang avenue. Twenty-first ward, close to Dallas station: price only 330 If sold this week. MELLON BROS., East Lfbcrty. fel7-i:H-MTT FOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN TON avenue, near Hiland ave., each 40x100 tcct to 20-foot alley: price reduced to S35 per foot Usold at once. BLACK &BAIRD, 95 Fourth avc. fcS-49-D FOR SALE-SUITABLE FOR GARUENING Nlce M-acre lot, Rebecca street. Nineteenth ward, near cable line, back or In(fleslde: price l,5O0. send ror list of houses. MELLON BROS., East Liberty. fel7-121-MWF F OB BALE VERY CHEAP, GREATLY under nrlce If sold aulck. desirable lot In the Boulevard, East End, 50x190 ft.: beautiful street, graded and paved. W. A. HEREON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fcl5-79-3twF Fnrms. FOR SALE-A GOOD SMALL FARM; 31 acres, with fine orchard, plenty of water, dwelling of 9 rooms, outbuildings, etc., etc. : price only 3,000; would take a small city property In part payment, diva. w. umirr. IAS. W. DRAPE i CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. reis-40-iiws Mnnnfnctnrlne Sites. FOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on Rlvcravenuc, by 215 feet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D Miscellaneous. FOR SALE -CHOICE EAST END RESI DENCES, large or small. Call or send for new list, free. W. A, HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. "feS-55-MWF FOR SALE-EASTEND BUILDING LOTS, OF all kinds. Call-or send for printed list, free, ust Issued. W. A. HERRON A SONS. SO Fourth avenue. fe6-55-MWF FOR SALE SMALL DWELLINGS. SOME ON easy payments: call or send for new printed list free. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fonnh avenue. fe6-55-MWF FORSALE-CALL FOR ILLUSTRATED PLAN of lots on the boulevards; the finest lots in the East End, fronting the parka and circles, with 90-foot paved streets, flagstone sidewalks, com plete sewerage system: close to station, surround ed by fine residences ana at remarkably low E rices; terms, only 500 cash, balance to suit uyer; come early, get the pick of lots and ground floor prices. BLACK ABAIRD, 95 fourth ave. fe4-18-MWF FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-A N ESTABLISHED RETAIL grocery, in Allegheny, dolnga large business, mostly cash; location one of the best in the city. For information address LOCK BOX 156, Alleghe ny, Pa. fcl6-2 FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED TIN AND hardware business; No. 1 location, with large Jobbing trade; reasonable rent; a rare opportu nity: satisfactory reason for selling. Address FLEMING A HAMILTON, Third ave. fel6-24 FOR SALE-STORES, STORES, SrORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakurics,hotcls, restaur ants, confectioneries, hoarding houses, coal works, etc.; 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SUEPARD A CO., 51 Fifth ave. Ja30 FOR SALE-A GENTS' FURNISHING AND clothing business in a growing town, online of two railroads about 50 mile from Pittsburg; stork 13 In good condition; business prosperous; satisfactory reasons for selling. Partfrulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. fel6-40-MWS Business Stands. FOR SALE-53, GOO-NO. 233 WASHINGTON avenue, near railway crossing: lot 24x129; dwelling, six rooms and store; at above price if bought before we rent for coming year. A. LEG GATE A SON, 31 Federal St.. Allegheny. fel6-79 FOR SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fourth avc.: also a number of pieces on Penn ave., Smithfield st. and other good streets; will take pleasure in giving full particu lars and showing surveys to pirtles desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avc. fel7-18 FOR SALE SMALL MANUFACTURING property in Allegheny, near Ohio street, fronting on two streets; large building with en glne, boiler, shafting, etc.. all In good order; ex cellent place for a laundry or light manufacturing business. Terms, etc lrom JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fel6-4l-D FORSALE-TnENOHTHSlDE GRAIN ELE VATOR and warehouse In the rear, with track connections, together with a finely-established and paying business In grain, flour, feed, hay, etc., etc.: said elevator contains two fast running French burrs, chopping mills, together with all modern appliances for handling grain cheaply and quickly; bin capacity 50,900 bu.;sold on easy terms; 111 health reason for selling. JOHN P. DEAN, cor. Irwin and North ave., Allegheny. 1C7-83 FOR SALE - TnE CHAUTAUQUA HOTEL property, with complete outfit and entire furnishment. head of Lake Chautauqua, May vllle, N. Y., at railroad station; 55 bedrooms, par lors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables, commodious Kitchen, cloak' rooms, barber sh6p, office and barroom; also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms, adjoining hotel, icehouse and cooling room: large barn for livery purposes and all necess-trv outbuildings: over 4 acres of ground tastefully laid oat with orna mental and shade trees, spacious lawn, etc., etc. ; everything is in perfect order and in condition to contluuc the business in its usual prosperous state; the most profitable hotel stand on the lake; a rare chance for the right man; can be bought at an Immense bargain; satisfactory reasons for sell ing. Fuller particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avennc. Pittsburg. fel5-5S-D FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metal. FOR SALE-SECOND-HANI) ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices: mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWF FOR SALE 28x43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete; capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-MWP F IOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7Wxl2-Inch double engine, double drum: others down to 4xS-Inch. with single or double friction drums; wire and inanila rope, centrifugal pui Lai umps, etc -iiiu.siA.3i;.aKL,iji'3 suris, corner cock ana aanuusity sis., jviicgneny. jau-i wr Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. &c FOR SALE-HORSE-BAY COLOR; SOUND; good traveler? very quiet; five years old. In qnlre437PENN AVE. fcl8-16 STItAYED. STRAY CAME- TO' THE PREMISES OF AL FRED HARRISON, Oakland Dairy, one milch cow. Owner must come forward and prove same, pay charges, or she wilt be sold according to law. fe!7-104 LOST. LOST-ON SATURDAY NIGHT, ON FIRST No. 4. P., Ft. W. A C. B. R., a roll or bills containing 854. A liberal reward will be paid If left at 635 SMITHFIELD ST, felS-1 TO LET. Cltr Residences. TO LET-8 ROOMS ON PENN AVK. NEAR Ninth St.. at 600 per year. See W. A. HER SON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-73-MTT Eamt End Reslaencea. TO LET-ONLY 25 PER MONTH-FREE rent to April 1; near Penn avenue cable line, 12 entirely new 8-room brick dwellings, on Mifflin st.. near Main St., only 5 cent fare and 12 minutes' time; can go to dinner; come early and get pick or houses. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fel7-67 TO LET-7 QUEEN ANNE BRICK DWELL INGS, just finished, at Ron p station, front ing P. R. R. : 8 rooms, finished attic, bath, elegant staircase, front and rear porches, natural gas, complete sewerage, range, hot and cold water, marble-top washstands, hardwood mantels with cabinets, tile hearths, complete electric work, nice lawn, large lot: rent (60: free rent to April 1. Ask for REV.CHAPMAN HOUSES-, or call on BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fel5-77-15,18.20.22,23,27,28 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-NO. 214 LACOCK ST., ALLE GHENY,' 8 rooms at 42 per mo. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel5-78-MWF TO LET-214 LACOCK ST., ALLEGHENY. 8 rooms near Stnduskrst: 42 per month. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-73-MTT TO LET-22 ANDERSON ST., ALLEGHENY. Immediate possession If desired; 10 rooms. VV. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel5-78-MWF TO LET-ELEGANT ALLEGHENY RESI DENCE 'on btockton ave.:' late style; 12 rooms late Improvements. VV. A. HERKON A SONS. SO Fourth avenue. fel7-72-MTurs TO LET-232 WESTERN, NEAR ALLEGHENY avenue. Allegheny, lu rooms, late Improve ments; a desirable residence. VV. A. HERKON A S ON S. 60 Fourth avcuue. fci;-72-MTurs TO LET-HOUSES 403 AND 405 FEDERAL ST extension, 5 rooms, all modern convenience; also; store rooms and dwellings 160 and 16t Penna. avenue, Allegheny. InqnlreofJ. R.McKEE,7P8 Pennave., Penn Building, room 611 Ja31-73-MWT TO LET-FOUR NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSES with bath, w. c, natural gas. etc. : on lino of electric road, PerrysvUle ave., Allegheny: also store and dwelling 55 Chestnut St.. Allegheny. Inquire of J. A. McK.EE, 708 Penn ave.. Penn building, room 611. Ja31-73-MWF Snbnrbnn Residences. TO LET-10-ROOMED HOUSE, WITn STABLE and grounds, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne R. R.; also a 5-roomed bouse close to above sta tion. Inquire of owner on premises. C. S. HUD LESTON. fel7-25 Parms. TO LET-A FARM OF 50 ACRES WITH dwelling, outbuildings; below Sewlckley, P., Ft. W. A C. R. R.; rent J150. JAS. VV. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Plttshurg. fel6-39-D TO LET A NICE FARM, ABOUT 60 ACRES; dwelling, outbuildings, large orchard, water; 10 miles from the city: 1 mile from railroad; rent S0. JAS. VV. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fel6-39-D TO LET OR FOB SALE-150-ACRE FARM. 6 minutes' walk from town of Manor,on Penna. R. K,, Westmoreland co.; 15acres timber, balance cleared; house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCHEON. 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-MWT Offices. Desk Room. fcc. TO LET (99) OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms In best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. JaI6-2S-D TO LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. B1DWELL A CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. ja30-23 TO LET-FREE RENT-TO APRIL I. 1839 Offices, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street; Sood light and Crane elevator. SAMUEL VV. LACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja29-S6-D TO LET IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld. Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. Ja8-32-D TO LET-LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON the second and third floors of Mcllnn's build ing, opposite City UalL Smithfield streettgood light: reasonable rent. Inquire at T. MELLON A SON 'S BAN K, 512 and 514 Smlthfleld street. fe!6-7-16. 18,20, 22, 25, 27 TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street: also warehouse and basement No. 213 Wood st. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st. Jal8-51 rpO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. JL The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior of Its building by adding 15 large, atrr and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc.. ofier the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de2I-75-D Business Stands. T O LET-ROOM 25x60. -WITH GOOD POWER. inquire zsuu SJiAi.LiJiAa si., city. ici3-4a TO LET-NO. 305 MARKET ST., A DESIRA BLE 3-story business house. W. A. HER. RON A SONS, 60 Fourth avenue. fel7-7I.MTUF8 TO LET STORE AND DWELLING AT NO. 1703 Penn avenue; store and 7 dwelling rooms at TOO per year for aU. W. A. HERRON A SONS. fcl6-6l-MWTS TO LET-FINE STOREROOM, 287 OHIO ST., Allegheny, with plate glass front: first-class business location: at present occupied as confec tionery. Apply to J. U. AIKEN, 100 Fifth ave nue. fel4-83-D TO LET FOUR LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8.000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing. In building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue. Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESHElMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-MW8 TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House, at PerrysvUle, on the PerrysvUle plankroad, with 21 acres of land,' good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thlngln first-class order; long lease Is given to the right party. For further Information call or ad dress THEDAN NER MEDICINE CO., 242FcderaI St.. Allegheny City. fe2-15 Special. TO LET BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL INGS on the line of Penna. ave. and Bailer st. cable cars. See 31. P. HOWLEY, 3819 Butler St. feo-33 TO LET-IN WASHINGTON, D. C' DURING the Inauguration, a larga building estimated to accommodate 750 men; he.it, light and cots fur nished: organizations onlv need apply to GEO..C PAYNE A CO., opposite U. S. Treasury Dept. fel5-53-MWF PERSONAL. PERSONAL FINE BOOKS PICTURESQUE America, Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine, Art Treasures ot Gcrmanyand 30.000 more boots In all departments or literature. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel Building. fc3 PERSONAL YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, bnt a short time alive, so be np and make the best of It: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trial. 'telephone 1558. las DIVIDENDS. Tiiokn Oil Company. 101 Fourth ave. (Second Floor) PlTTSBUEO. February 12. 1&S9. HO.- mESTH DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF I Directors of this company have thi day declared a dividend of TWO PER CENT payable at the office of Wm. GuckcrtvPresi dont. No. 101 Fourth ave., on and after Febru ary 18, 1830. JOS. FTJHRER, JR, f elG 5-D Treasurer. LEGAL NOTICES. H. & Q. C. BURGVVIK, Attorneys-at-Law, 150 Fourth ave. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE final account of John A. Meeban, assignee for the benefit of the creditors of H-enry J. Lynch, of the city of FittsburR. has this day been filed in the Court of Common Fleas No. 1, of Allegheny county, at No. 180, June term, 1881, and will be allowed by the Court on the 2d day of March, 1889, unless canse be shown to the contrary. JOHN BRADLEY. fe3-6S-M Prothonotary. AMUSE3IENTS. ATATIONAL SWEDISH LADIES' CON- CERT at Old City Hall. Tuesday. February 10. Eight Beautiful Young Ladies from the Royal Opera of Stockholm. Sweden. Reserved scats 75 and 50 cents, at KLEBER'S MUSIC STORE. feI3-8 HARRIS" THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening, TOE NELSON COMBINATION. NELbON COMBINATION. Next week "True Irish Hearts." f elS-10 BIJOU THEATER TO-NIGHT, The Casino Opera Company. " NADJY." Only "Nadjy" Matinee Wednesday. Next week Murray fc Murphy. f clS-21 H ARRY WILLIAMS ACADEMY To-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. AUSTIN'S AUSTRALIAN NOVELTY CO. MLLE. AIMEE, THE HUMAN FLY. Iel7-H RAND OPERA HOUSE "THE WIFE." .Matinees Wednesday ana Saturday, HE WIFE" The famous success of New THE WIFE" York. Superior Cast, Scenery, etc.. etc argaret Mather. fel"-10 THE WIFE" Next week 31 riASINO MUSEUM J Week of February 18: THE WELCHES' GIGANTIC SPECIALTY COMPANY. Welches. Charles and Jennie; Baby Venus; Gleason Children. Admission, 10c Open from 10 a. M. to 10 r,M. felS-U AUCTION SALES. gPECIAL AUCTIOH SALE Of large consignment of carpets, furniture and bouse furnishing goods, which must all be sold next TUESDAY, February 19, at the rooms. No. 311 Market street, at 10 o'clock sharp. Everything must go, as the owners have been summoned from the city, and our orders have been to sell the goods without reserve. Fine) group parlor suit in plusb, 7-piece haircloth, suit, folding bed. sofa, couch, bed lounge, pier mirror, 4 chamber suits, brussels and Ingrain carpets, window shades and curtains, ward robes, bedsteads, bureaus, washstands, tables, chairs, rockers, bedding, hall rack, pictures, toiletware, sideboard, piano.clocks. bed springs, mattresses, towel racks, dishes, silverware, cut lery, glassware, cooking utensils, linoleum, lanndry f umishments, etc. Now is the time to buy. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM., Auctioneers. fel7-71 AUCTION SALE FULTON STREET property. THURSDAY, February 2L 3 o'clock P. JL, on premises: 6-room brick dwell ing. No. 118 Fulton street, convenient to Wylle, Center and Fifth avenne cable cars. (Six min utes from postofilce.) Will positively be sold to highest bidder; rare chance for a home or investment. SMITHSON & MOORE, Auctioners, Eisner Building, f el7-13 Cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st. MEETINGS. NOTICE-LORENA DIV. U. R. K. OF P will meet at their hall. No. 23 Federal st, Allegheny, at 1 o'clock p. if., TUESDAY, the 19th, in fnll uniform. Loiena Div. will bold their reception at the Grand Central Rink, Fenn ave., at 8 o'clock same evening. Address will be delivered by P. S. C John P. Liston and others. By order felS-12 CAPTAIN COMMANDER. PROPOSALS. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Office 233 South Fourth street. Philadelphia. February 7, 18S9. QEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO O the undersigned (and marked on the outside '-Proposals") will be received at this office until 9 A. M. February 23, 1889, for furnishing all labor and materials and erecting complete tha proposed machine shop, erecting shop, boiler shop and smith shop, to be located in the city of Altoona, Pa. Proposals to state, separately, gross sum for (1) iron work, (2) brick and cut stone work, (3) mill and carpenter work, (4) tin and sheet-iron work and spouting. (5) plumbing and drainage, (6) painting and glazing for each building. Plans and specifications can be seen at this office, room IS. Annex building, and also at tha office of H.W.Webber, Assistant Eneineer.at Al toona, Pa. This company reserves the right to reject any or ail proposal'. WILLIAM H. BROWN, Chief Engineer. fe8G-9.12,H.16.1&3) . BUSINESS CHANGES. -VTOTICE T. M. RAMSEY HAS SOLD OUT IX all interest in Grocery Store, No. 205 Grant st, to WILLIAM THISTLE, Who will pay all outstanding debts. feIS-6 NOTICES. ' -. County CoaraissioNEns' Otfice, Pittsburg, February 6. 18S9. j THE COUNTY COMJIISSIONERS WILL, bold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to wit: Monday, February 18, Ross, South Versailles, Indiana. Springdale and East Deer townships. Thursday, February 2L Thirteenth, Four, teenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners, R. E. MERCER GEO. Y McKEE. DANIEL MCWILLIAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. Io7-19 . ELECTIONS. Pittsburg and Castle shannon"! .E SHANNON"! PANT, I ON STBEET. f ruary 4. 1889.J Railroad Company, General Office. Cakson s SormisiDE. Pittsburo. February -ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEET1NO Vi of the stockholders of this company will bo held at this office on TUESDAY, February 19, 1889, between the hours of 2 and 4 r. M. for the purpose of electing a President and ten directors, to serve during the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before them. E. J. REAMER. Secretary and Treasurer. fe3-14-p RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Ou the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9, DSS9. jal3-72-MWFSU BUCK&McCLELLAN. ! THE ELDREDGE, NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LIN A. avenue, within three minutes' walk: to depot or beach. Large cheerful rooms, ex, cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E. J. ELDREDGE, Proprietress. fell-3-D . ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.-HOTELS, Boarding houses, cottages, lots and batbl honses to let or tor sale by I. G. ADAMS A CO.. Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. I el4-6-D ON THE BEACH. Atlantic City. N. J.. HADDON HALL- felS4 EDWIN LIPPLNCOTT. THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. felV3-D E. ROBERTS fc SONS. . HOT SPRINGS, N. C. " MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-class in every particular. Steam hast, Open Fires, Porches inclosed in glass, Suparb Location. Ideal Climate far the debilitated. Bitht In Marble Pools. Finest in America; Waters unexcelled anywherein curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (La to of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. felS-oO-D OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on the fourth floor of tha Recsbaw Building will be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good lights water, pis and elevator. Apply to JNO. A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets,. fe(HS-D FOURTH AVENUE, Between Wood and Smithfield. lots 120 feet deep for sale by SAMUEL VV. BLACK tCOn 99 Fourth ave. f eH-17-Jirw To LET- ONLY THREE of the larga rooms suitable for office or general business purposes. In' the new DISPATCH building on Dia mond street, now remain unrented. THOSE WHO WISH the most central sit uation in the city, with the conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service, electric light and steam-heating, should ap ply at once to the new DISPATCH BUILDING. Nos. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street; SEWICKLEY and other P., Ft. W. & C. R. R. dwellings and lots for sale ana rent: low prices: send for list. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., Established 1878. 99 Fourth avenue. s feIl-15-Jtwr D UNCAN & WHITE, Bnilding Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smithfield, Pittsburg. feI4-7orwT GEO. H. BARBOUR. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Deslgnerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Building, del2-k66- FIFTH AVENUE, Pittaburc. f, f I 4.