Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 18, 1889, Image 1

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Given to the Amendment by the
.Who Believes That
TVlien He Denied the Legality of Any
Sumptuary Legislation,
An Interview With Chaunccy F. Black XIo
Will Vote and Work Against the Amend
rncnt Tildcn's Utterances on Prohibitive
Iiccinlation A Prohibitionist Claims a
Majority of 70,000 York Connty Will
Cnrry Frobibltion by About 500 Pnyinc
OfTOId Scores The State Tabulated Up
to Date.
It is stated that York county will give a
Email majority for Constitutional amend
ment. That is the home of Hon. C. F.
Black. He will vote against prohibition,
and for his reasons referred our special
commissioner to his celebrated letter accept
ing the Democratic nomination for Governor
two and a half years ago. That part of the
document relating to the amendment is
therefore republished. Thus far TnE DIS
PATCH canvass oi counties shows the follow
ing result:
a o o
2 S .
3 "5.
a OS
Armstrong Infavorof S.9S6 Adopted
Bedford. In favor of 8.191 Adopted
Berks Againbt S8.iW2 Defeated
Bradford. la favor of 13,908 Adopted
Cambria Against 11.702 Defeated
Cameron.. In favor of 1,345 Adopted
Carbon....... Donbtful 7,177 Defeated
Chester .In favor of 19.7S5 Adopted
Clarion.... .... Fairly sure G.9-I5 Adopted
Clinton Close 6,073 lAdopted
Columbia Very d'btfnl 7.J1G 'Defeated
Elk Against 3,1st Defeated
Fayette Very d'btfnl 14,281 lAdopted
Forest In favor of 1,601 Defeated
Greene. In favor of 6,(530 Adopted
Indiana.. ....... In favor of 7,00!) Adopted
Jefferson. In favor of 7,5i Adopted
Lackawanna... Against 21,193 No vote
Lancaster Against 32.8S7 Defeated
Lehigh Againn lh,09i Defeated
Luzerne Veryd'btful 3L55S Adopted
Lvcoming Ajrainst 11,530 Adopted
Monroe Against 4,437 Defeated
Montour.... .. In favor of 3.195 Adopted
Northampton.. Against 17,103 Defeated
Northumberl'd Fairlv sure 12.776 Defeated
Pike Against 2,010 Defeated
rotter Infavorof 4,431 Adopted
Schuylkill Against 25,'.bO Defeated
Somerset Infavorof T.SS2 Adopted
Sallivan Against "2.310 'Defeated
Susquehanna.. Infavorof 9,076 i Adopted
Tioga In favor ot 11,279 i Adopted
Venango Infavorof K5S7 'Adopted
Warren Infavorof 7,615 Adopted
Washington... Infavorof 11.22S lAdopted
Westmoreland. Clos-e 19,il5S (Adopted
Wayne Doubtful 6,400 (Defeated
Wyoming Infavorof 3,!M Adopted
York Infavorof 21,707 , Defeated
Aggregate of votes for Harrison. Cleveland
and Fisk.
Yoek, February 17. A rumor has gone
abroad that this is to be the scene ot one of
the June surprises. In other words, it is
reported that old-time York, with its Dutch
constituency and big Democratic majority,
will vote for the Constitutional amendment.
Just how the story started it is not definitely
known. Somebody told somebody else, and
that busy person told Colonel Alex. Mc
Clure, of Philadelphia, who is said to hare
repeated it to Governor Beaver. And the
Governor expressed his surprise to people
about Harrisburg.
The report may prove a little more than
empty gossip. The county of York really
has some ambition to down the liquor inter
ests. Whether it arises from conscientious
opposition to the drink traffic or not, I will
not undertake to say. Being the adjoining
county to the home of ex-State Chairman
W. IT. Hensel, some of his prophecies in re
gard to tbeDemocratic vote in thiscampaign
seem to be verified already in York, as well
as in Lancaster county. I find plenty of
Democrats here who will vote for the
amendment, as they say, to pay up old
scores against the whisky ring for aiding
the Republican party, when the Democratic I
party always supported them by reason of
its fundamental principles against sumptu
ary and restrictive legislation.
Black's Little Ballot.
However, there is one voter in York
county who will not support the measure.
He is a Democrat, too. As the standard
bearer of his party in 1880, he openly fought
the Constitutional amendment movement in
its infancy, and he couldn't very well do
otherwise now, even if he wanted to, and he
doesn't want to.
The voter is ex-Lieutenant Governor
Chauncey F. Black, the Democratic can
didate for Governor of the State in the cam
paign in which Governor Beaver defeated
him on a Republican platform to which the
amendment submission resolution had been
added by Mr. Quay. Governor Black
spends most of his time in the library of his
country home, "Willow Bridges," a mile
or two out ot the town ol iort. lie is en
gaged in literary pursuits. In the courseof
my conversation with him, I asked:
"How will York county vote in June?"
"I do not know much about the prospects
in the county," replied Mr. Black, "but I
know exactly how I shall vote. I intend to
vote against Constitutional amendment
when the time for the election arrives."
"Why?" I asked.
"For an answer to that question I refer
you to my letter of acceptance in the Guber
natorial campaign in" this State. I now
stand upon the same ground I did then, and
my reasons are fully set forth in that docu
ment. I can add nothing more to them."
A Timely Resurrection.
It was this letter of Mr. Black's which
Jhn Cessna told me, while in Bedford re
cently, that stands on record as the attitude
of the Democratic Bourbons toward the
prohibition issue. Mr. Cessna did not be
lieve the isuse would be made a question of
politics, and he knew of many Democrats
who would vote on the affirmative side, but
he said there was no use of denying that the
Democratic party had been strongly com
.milted by Lieutenant Governor Black on
the matter of prohibitory legislation.
Therefore, at this time, that portion of Mr.
Black's letter of acceptance, bearing upon
the amendment, is worth reproducing, es
pecially as I was referred to it by its dis
tinguished author, us an answer to my
question as to his present position. After
stating what the Eepublican and Prohibi
tion State Conventions had done,Mr. Black
Neither of those parties look toward In
demnification for the large amounts of private
property which must be measurably destroyed
by the enactment of such a law, or the adoption
of such an amendment. The Democratic party
has, on the other hand, from its formation,
consistently opposed sumptuary laws, "which
vex the citizen and interfere with individual
But this denial of the right of prohibition
Implies the duty of regulation; and though the
just power or the State does not extend to the
prescription of the drink, diet or dress of the
individual man, it does extend to the preven
tion of any abuse of his private right affecting
his neighbor or society at large, and I favor the
enactment of any laws, however stringent,
which may be necessary to that purpose, and
in any event the rigid enforcement of those
now in existence Conscious of the terrible
evils of excessive indulgence, we do not at
tempt to eradicate them by a species of legisla
tion which has never failed to increase them,
but which inevitably brings on the desperate
resistance of a natural right, and with it a tram
of illicit crimes and disorders. I cannot better
conclude this paragraph than by the following
passnge, from the hand of the illustrious Til
den: Tildcn's Utterances.
Such legislation springs from a misconception
of the proper sphere of government. It Is no part
ofthedutyof the State to coerce the Individual
man, except so far as his conduct may affect
others, not remotely and consequentially, but by
violating rights which legislation cannot recog
nize and undertake to protect. The opposite prin
ciple leaves no room for Individual reason and
conscience, trusts nothing to eelf-cnlture, and
substitutes the wisdom of the Senate and Assem
bly for the plan of moral government ordained by
rrovldence. The whole progress of 60cietycon-
slsts in learning how to attain, by independ
ent action or voluntary association of
individuals, those objects wbicb are at first at
tempted only through the airency of Government,
and In lessening the sphere ot legislation and en
larging that of the individual conscience and rea
son. To-day, while the Democratic party is in
favor of sobriety and good morals, it disavows a
system of coercive legislation, which cannot pro
duce them, but must create many serious evils;
which violates Constitutional guarantees and
sound principles of legislation; which Invades the
rightful domain of the Individual judgment and
conscience, and takes a step backward toward
that barbarian age when the wages of labor, the
prices of commodities, aman's food and clothing,
v ere dictated to him by a Government calling
itself paternal.
A Prohibition Prophecy.
A. B. Farquhar, a prominent resident of
York, and a leader among the Prohibition
ists, said:
I feci confident that York county will adopt
the Constitutional amendment by .from 500 to
MO majority. There is thorough organization
among all the temperance people, and we held
a big meeting for the commencement of the
campaign on Tuesday night last. Both the old
political parties were well represented. We
there decided to hold a county convention on
March L .Each township and each ward of the
city and boroughs have been solicited to form
local committees. Everything possible to win
is being done.
Tncre has been a decided change in the sen
timent of York county people since the local
option days. That issue was defeated in this
county. We are Democratic by 4,000 majority,
but recently we elected a Republican Judge of
known temperance principles by 950 majority.
That fairly represents how an anti-liquor issue
is regarded by our people.
I believe the State will come down to the
Susquehanna river in Jun'c with 70,000 majority
for prohibition, and that cast of the Susque
hanna the vote will bo a tie. So there you
have my estimate of Pennsylvania's majority
for the amendment. York will help to make
a tic east of the Susquehanna.
At the. meeting of which Mr. Farquhar
speaks, the following well-known York
county people were present: Messrs. John
II. Small, A. B. Farquhar, George H.
Buck, M. B. Spahr, J. F. Thomas, Samuel
Small, Samuel Gotwalt, Jere Carl, W.
L&timer Small, J. A. Dempwolf and James
McConkey, of Wrightsville; G. S. Bill
meyer, James H. Blasser.D. W. Crider, B.
F. Stroman, Charles Klinefelter and Alex.
York County Dutch.
Although the York county Dutch are of
the most pronounced type, they are not all
lor beer and license. Among the more re
ligious families of their number the prohi
bition sentiment is strong. The farming
element of the county is made up princi
pally of these Dutch people. Some of them
are Dunkards, and they, more than the
Mcnnonites or Amish, will favor the adop
tion ot the amendment.
The county's majority against local
option in 1873 was only 1,894. Then the
distilling business was large, and neoDle
were averse to forcing the removal to other
counties. How there are only six distilleries
and one brewery there. In fact, there
were bnt 114 applications for licenses in the
whole county last month. The town of
York voted for local option and the county
against it. This campaign the sentiment
for prohibition seems strongest again in the
town and considerably stronger in the coun
try districts than it was 15 years ago.
Temperance people may find another
grain of comfort in the fact that the Democ
racy ot York county, or a majority of it,
has been notorious for its perversencss in
voting with that wing of the party to which
Chaunccy F Black did not belong. That
gentleman's influence has been greater in
other sections of the State than between the
Susquehanna and the Maryland State line.
But Mr. Black will take no active part in
this carepaign. L. E. Stofiel.
Two Men Knocked Unconscious by the Fatal
Electric Light Wire.
Baltimore, February 17. Last night a
telephone wire on Camden street parted,
and one end in falling was caught on an
electric light wire, over which it hung sus
pended, nearly reaching the pavement.
Someone, to get it out of the way, wrapped
the broken wire about an iron awning post.
Soon after, William Thiemer and Peter
Schumacher, two clerks employed in adjoin
ing stores, met near the post and engaged in
conversation. While moving aside to let a
crowd pass, the two men came in contact
with the post A moment later both lay un
conscious on the sidewalk. The electric
current had passed through the telephone
wire and charged the post.
It was fully two hours before the two
clerks were restored to consciousness. Those
parts of their body that had come in con
tact with the post were discolored. They
are still very weak from the effects of the
Judcc Daffy Tempted to Tarn the Tables
on a Reporter.
Hew Yoke, February 17. A young man
in evening dress who was arrested in West
Twenty-eighth street last night for intoxica
tion, described himself at Jefferson Market
Court to-day' as David Morrison. When he
was arraigned at the bar Justice Duffy said
to him:
"I think I know yon. Yon are Morrissey,
who wrote me up in The Surf while I was
at Long Branch last summer. You said I'd
been sued for breach of promise. It is a long
road that has no turning. I guess I'll get
even with you now, young man."
Justice Duffy scowled a minute and then
said: "Well. I guess you may go. Don't
write any more articles about me."
Coming Home.
London, February 17. Among the pas
sengers on board the steamer Etruria, which
sailed from Queenstown for New York to
day, arc the Archbishop of San Francisco,
the Bishop of New Orleans, Sir Bachc
Cunard, Mr. Joseph B. Hughes, United
States .Consul at Birmingham, and Mr.
Willoughbv Walling, United States Con
sul at Leitti.
The Wnnnmaker of China on a Visit to the
United State A Ble Man of Many
Millions What He Sees to
Admlro In This Country.
fsrECiAL telegram to tiie dispatcii.i
Hew Yoek, February 17. Baron Lf Yen
Pang, a distant cousin of Li Hung Chang,
the "Premier of China, who is considered
the Wanamaker of China, arrived here
with a small bodyguard of secretaries and
interpreters from the West, via British Co
lumbia, last evening. He is not only a big
man financially, but physically as well.
He is 53 years old, nearly 6 feet in height
and straight as an arrow. His -financial
agents in this city are Messrs. Wing Wo
Chong, 33 Pell, and Sinn Quong, of 32 Mott,
and he is at present stopping with them.
He said that for years he had been told
of the wonderful city of New York, with its
rich Americans, and he decided to take a
trip around the world to visit New York
and other places of interest, and at the
same time to call upon his financial agents
in Australia, Bombay, Mandalay, Bur
mah, Honolulu, San Francisco and Vic
toria, B. C. His headquarters as a whole
sale dealer in general merchandise oi the
world's market are with Kwoug Lun Hai,
San Yin Lien and Wing Yuen Wo, of
Hong Kong, All of these firms are using
Li Yen Pang's mpney in their business, for
which he gets only a percentage of the net
proceeds. He has been on his tour for
about seven months and has visited Bur
mah. Li Yen Pang is a very pleasant; and jolly
old man, but he does not mingle with his
countrymen here, being kept by his friends
in the inner recesses of their establishments,
and he is only approachable to those having
business with him. It is said that at least
52,000,000 of the Baron's money is invested
with Chinese merchants ot the United
States. He speaks bitterly of the existing
treaty, and says that on its account he will
not invest any more monev here. The
present impression in Chinese mercantile
circles in China, he says, is that a general
boycotting of American merchandise will
undoubtedly be carried out. He will re
main in the city for a few days to see New
York. He is said to be worth nearly 40,
000,000. NO TEANCE AT ALL.
Prncticnl Tests of the Sleeping Girl of Har
rlsburg Prove Her n Sort of Fraud
Not Able to Stand llio
Ammonia Bottle.
Haxrisbueg, February 17. Miss Lillie
Bodmeyer, aged 15 years, who is alleged to
have been in a trance for nearly three weeks
at Steelton, is gradually resuming her nor
mal condition. The girl, it is claimed by
her minister and others, has been in com
munication with heaven, and thus obtained
information which enabled her to foretell
events, and give accounts of occurrences of
which she could have known nothing.
These reports have created a great sensation
in Steelton, and hundreds of people have
gazed on the wonder.
In order to investigate this mysterious
case, two physicians, two lawyers and a
clergyman visited the room in which the
girl has been lying since her alleged con
version at a religious revival. She was
asked to open her mouth, which she refused
to do, apparently not hearing the request.
A spoon was then procured, and by its per
suasion she opened her mouth, although
she struggled against it. The lady of the
house insisted she was in a trance, and the
girl's minister, who came in after the inves
tigation had begun, stoutly maintained that
the girl wasnmder the power of God.
One oi the. physicians then tested the
"trance" by holding a bottle of ammonia to
her nose; the test worked well, and the
"trance" was not strong enough to keep the
girl from squirming and objecting to the
dose. Several other approaches were
equally rationally objected to and the
"trance" was shown to be a bad case of
nervous irritation, brought on by the un
due excitement. The physicians finally
advised that the girl needed nothing but
rest and isolation from visitors.
A Faithful Mnlo Killed br the Drill Break.
tag Tnto a mine.
Litchfield, III., February 17. A ter
rible tale of a subterranean mystery was
solved here yesterday at 10 o'clock. While
Sam Varner, head driller for the Litchfield
Natural Gas- Company, was at work at a well
on the Potts farm, about a mile and a half
from the town on the Mount Olive road, the
drill got stuck and refused to respond to the
efforts of the machinery to raise it The
drill is composed of a large bar of steel,
weighing about half a ton, and is drawn up
by a windlass, then dropped sometimes as
much as 50 feet.
Mr. Varner worked for nearly an hour be
fore he could get the drill free, and he then
brought it to the surface, to make an exam
ination. As it came to view he was aston
ished to discover that it was covered with
blood, as was the rope for several feet above
the drill. Late in the evening the mystery
was explained by the presentation of the
following bill by the Litchfield Coal Com
pany: Litchfield, February 17.
Litchfield National Gas Company to one
tt,1a Irilleri w mtn (nmtiinv'l Hrill thf.ilnw
S50. and fellow citizens, there was never a more 1
faithful or useful mule in a coal mine than old
Tom, who has met so tragic a death.
The Central Labor Union Meeting Breaks
Up With a Flsht.
New York, February 17. The Central
Labor Union meeting to-day adjourned soon
after convening, in the midst of a row which
threatened to be attended with many bloody
heads. The Socialistic faction retired from
the hall in response to a call that all leave
who desire to reorganize the Union.
A delegate In the rear of the hall got into
a fight ana received a-bruised face. He ran
forward to the platform covered with hlood.
The sight of blood enraged the members of
the ODDOsing faction, and the Socialists
bared their arms to meet the expected bat
tle. Some blows were exchanged, and then
Chairman Jablinowski sprang from the
platform and declared the meeting ad
journed. 21UEDEB WILL OUT.
The Victim's Body Washed Up by c River,
and Convicts the Criminal.
Louisville, February 17. At Somerset,
Ky., Henry Worley has been arrested for
the murder of one Troxtile on December 8,
18S8. At the time of the murder the body
of Troxtile was hidden, and, though eleven
persons were tried as murderers and accom
plices, a case could not be made, and be
cause the body was not found.
A Texr days ago Nelson Perkins found the
body of Troxtile, where it had been washed
up lroni the Cumberland river. Itwasingood
state of preservation, and bore evidence of
the murder. The Coroner's jury found that
Troxtile had been killed with a blunt in
strument by Worley and others.
Not Amendable to United States Laws.
City of Mexico, February 17. The
suits brought in New Orleans against the
concessionaires of the Mexican Internation
al Improvement Lottery will not affect the
company, as it is incorporated under Mexi
can laws and is in successful operation here.
Experienced by the Whiteheaded
Bouncer of St. Thomas' Church.
But Obsequiously Shows All to Seats Eisut
Beneath trie Altar.
Dr. Brown Alludes a Couple of Times to the Unfortu
nate Matter.
The independent bouncer of St Thomas'
Church has experienced a decided change of
heart Not even he could stand the awful
roasting given him by the press for his un
manly, unchristian conduct last Sunday
and his even worse utterances on the subject
since that time. He didn't bounce anybody
from the chureh yesterday. He didn't even
snub anybody. On the other hand, he was
almost obsequiously respectful to all non
pewholders. The pastor called attention to
the fact that the church welcomes strangers.
He will not allude to the subject again.
New Yoek, February 17. The wet
weather kept many pewholders away from
the 11 o'clock service at'St. Thomas' Church
to-day. but persons who were not pewhold
ers were on hand in considerable numbers
some time before the service began. Many
more came afterward. The latter fared the
better, for they did not have so long
to wait for seats. Those who arrived
15 minutes before the service had
to stand 15 minutes longer, those
who arrived ten minutes before, ten
minutes, and so on, for Superintendent
Williams' rules are as unalterable as the
law of the Medes and Persians, and under
them no person, not a non-pewholder in St.
Thomas' Church can get a seat until the
Psalter.even when the church is half empty,
as it was to-day. By the time the Psalter
was reached, the center aisle of the church
was crowded with standers nearly all the
way up, and late pewholders had all they
could do to squeeze through. The rear part
of the side aisles was also crowded.
While the standers waited, pews on
either side of them were either empty or not
more than half filled. Two or three ladies
in the center, when unable to stand any
longer, sank down in the nearest empty
seat Superintendent Williams, on this
occasion, in place of bouncing them, not
only bade them go up higher, but himself
led the way to a front seat More than one
pewholder gave seats to persons who stood
near their pews, but as aTnle the pewhold
ers read the responses or listened to the
prayers and portions of the Scripture Dr.
Brown and his assistant read, without pay
ing attention to the strangers within their
That it was not until 25 minutes past 11
that all the non-pewhoiders were seated was
no fault of Superintendent Williams, after
his unalterable rule had left him free to act
His white head could be seen first in one
Sart of the building and then in another, as
e conducted thejstrangers to the different
empty pews. Two well-dressed men finally
got urea ot waning ana tnrnea to go out,
showing their disgust by their looks. Super
intendent Williams chased after them, and,
overtaking them in the vestibule, asked
them if they didn't want scats.
What caused Superintendent Williams
manifest change of heart was made evident
when Dr. Brown, after congratulating the
congregation that the collection of the pre
vious Sunday for the archdeaconary to min
ister to the poor and the afflicted in the city
had amounted to $2,582, said:
"I call attention to this because you
doubtless have sympathized and regretted
with me, as I have with you, upon the
widespread misrepresentations which has
been made of the parish, giving the impres
sion that it is not interested in the poor.
This misrepresentation sprang from an ar
ticle crystallized about an incident of dis
courtesy which, if true, is reprobated, but
which is denied, and against which 30 years
of service is entitled to consideration.
"The impression has been conveyed, unin
tentionally no doubt, that the conduct com
plained of was on the part of a warden, or
other member of the vestry. This mistake
the local journals have corrected, but it has
been spread broadcast by the Associated
Press, and I am in constant receipt of ex
tracts from newspapers in other parts of the
country containing comments reflecting on
the church and its officers, which have been
made under this mistaken impression.
"It is, therefore, necessary to correct this
error, and to deny officially, and from this
official desk, that any warden or vestryman
was guilty of the discourtesy in question. A
lamentably unnecessary and cruel wrong
has been done this parish, which is working
in the fear of God, and I am proud.of the
magnmcent worn it uas uone. u me xenten
season which is approaching I trust this
work will be continued."
All this was said at the reading desk at
the time announcements of coming events
were made. When he mounted the pnlpit
before beginning his sermon Dr. Brown
spoke as follows:
"I want to add to what I have already
said that this church, whatever the opinion
of any single man, is open to all, rich or
poor, and that, under all circumstances,
seats will be supplied gratis to all who come,
so far as possible. A free, loving and
affectionate invitation is extended to 'all
worshipers. I say this because it is fitting
to make a public announcement of the gen
erous open-heartedness of a parish of whose
record in the cause of Christ I am proud."
Dr. Brown's sermon, which had for a text
I. Corinthians, ix., 25, set forth the true
idea of the church as opposed to the popular
one, and contained no further reference to
the subject on which he had spoken so
strongly. After the service he told the cor
respondent ot TnE Dispatch that he
would never allude to it again.
A Young School Teacher Quarrels With His
Sweetheart and Suicides.
Kansas City, February 17. Joseph
Dailey, aged 10, school teacher,living near
Atchison, Kan., came to the city yesterday
and last night visited his sweetheart, a
handsome young lady, 18 years old, living
with her parents on Wyandotte street.
They had a quarrel, and the young man
left the house about 11 o'clock. He after
ward drank some, and at 2 o'clock this
morning shot himself through the head in a
hotel where he had engaged a room. He
died at 10 o'clock.
She Poisons Her Husband and Compels Her
Daughter to Commit Perjury.
Butte, Mont., February 17. Mrs. Mag
gie Page was arrested here last evening for
poisoning her husban J, John Page. She
compelled her little daughter to say her
father took some poison himself, but the
child was unable to keep the deception, and
the Coroner's jury returned a verdict
against Mrs Page.
A Fonrtcen. Story Offlce Building Collapses
When It is Nearly Completed Tho
Fonr Upper Stories Left Hang
ing In the Air.
Chicago, February 17. One of the
tallest office buildings in America collapsed
this morning and a number of workmen
rushedoutjust in time to escapebeing crushed
under the mountain of wreckage. The
Owings block is the ruin! It was a beauti
ful gothio structure, 14 stories high, situated
at the corner of Dearborn and Adams street
just opposite the postofnee and, in
the center of the business dis
trict. Tue ten lower stories fell
one after another, leaving the walls of
the four upper floors and the roof standing
in a decidedly shaky condition. In the
tenth story the tile flooring was defective or
was damaged by tne natural settling of the
building. Without the slightest warning
the great mass of tiles and girding forming
the injured floor crashed to the story below,
carrying that with it, and the two together
acting like a huge piledriver pounded a
way for themselves to the bottom. About
125 workmen have been steadily engaged in
the building, but to-day being Sunday, less
than a dozen were on hand, and all escaped.
The superintending contractors were sum
moned and took a survey of the wreck.
Neither seemed to have any idea of the
cause of the accident, or if he had any he
carefully kept his opinions to himself and
joined in the self-congratulations of the
workmen that the accident did not happen
the proceeding day when scores of men
were at work. The building, which was
rapidly approaching completion, is consid
ered one of the finest in the city from the
standpoints of convenience, strength and
architectural magnificence. Its upper
stories were of pressed brick, the three
lower of stone. The roof was completed
about three weeks ago. The interior was
entirely of tile, supported in place by mas
sive iron girders. Work has been pushed
as rapidly as possible and the contractors
have at times literally filled the structure
with workmen.
One of the Witnesses in the Divorce Case
Signs a Confession She Now Claims
alio Wns Coerced Into Ad
mitting Her Gnllt.
rersciAii tslkqrak to thb dispatch.i
Columbus, O., February 17. There is
an evident intention to try the Church di
vorce case in the newspapers. A Sunday
paper, with a" sensational turn, publishes
the shorthand report of Mrs. Church's testi
mony wh,ich was given Friday, and in the
same connection submits a certificate, pur
porting to have been a confession, to Bev.
J. B. Eis, pastor of the Sacred Heart
Church, by Teresa Scherzinger, the cook
in the Church home, admitting in a few
words that the allegations against her con
duct and that of Colonel Church were true.
This confession has not as vet been nlaced
belore the court in evidence. It is alleged
by the defense iat Miss Scherzinger was
called to go nnd see Father Eis on the morn
ing that Mrs. Church left home, and that
when she arrived Kev. Eis said to her that
she was guilty, and that she should copy the
confession referred to and sign her name to
it; that Colonel Church and wife were al
ready divorced, though there might be some
litigation about the custody of the children;
that he would retain the statement, and
that it would never be seen bv any person
except himself. She says she told him that
it was untrue, and that she could not sign
such a statement.and that then he threatened
that If she did not sign it he would go
and tell her family all that had happened,
antf sue-would-be ruined at any rate.
She claims to have been coerced in this
manner into signing the paper, and says
that Rev. Eis then ordered her to go to her
own home; that Church was a bad, man, and
if she went back there that he (Church)
would kill her. She, however, went back
to the Church residence after, her clothing,
and told Colonel Church what she had done,
and the latter at once had her make affidavit
to this statement, which will no doubt be
offered in evidence at the proper time.
The Enloer Fnld to Charles Perkins, the
Wcll-Known Sport.
Bochesteb, N. Y., February 17.
Charles Perkins, who died at his home in
this city last night, was one of the best
known sporting men in the country. He
was 55 years old, and was sick but a few
hours. Heart disease was the trouble.
A wife living lu;re and a
son, George Perkins, of Minneapolis,
survive. Perkins became especially well
known in connection with pugilist Heenan,
whom he frequently accompanied. He was
the princinal backer of Evan in the Sulli-van-Eyan
fight, and lost heavily on him.
He was an expert at all games of chance,
and was never afraid to "sit in" with the
best of them. In war times, when money
was plenty, he used to go around with $500
bills stuffed in his overcoat pocket, and in
those times of stiff games he made money
Almost before he was in trousers he be
gan to show a love for athletic sports and
games of all kinds, and the proficiency he
afterward gained as a scientific boxer came
to him naturally. He was married 33
years ago, and although his travels and en
gagements took him into strange places, he
was al way tenderly devoted to his family.
He followed the trotters through the Grand
Circuit for several years, and was -always
to be found heavily backing his opinion. Of
late he liyed quietly at home.
Organized by Government Officials A Jndgo
tlio Game Captured.
Springfield, Mass., February 17.
Deputy United States Marshal Willis ar
rived here to-day with Judge Peden, of St.
Clair county, in custody. The Judge is
one of the two judges arrested a year ago
lor refusing to order the levy of a special
tax to pay the interest on railroad bonds.
A warrant was sworn out against him re
cently for the same offense, but the Mar
shah found it difficult to arrest him owing
to his many friends.
Last Friday a big fox drive was organized
by Uncle Sam's officers in an adjoining
county, and as Judge Peden was a great
sportsman they anxiously awaited his
presence. He arrived on the scene riding a
white mule, and while the chase was in
progress an attempt was made to arrest him.
He lumped off the mule and made for the
brush and Willis fired four shots at him.
The Judge never stopped, but he couldn't
out-foot a horse, and was finally captured.
He is now in jail here, and has a very poor
opinion ot the United States Government. '
A Woll Known C'ouplo With Fifteen Chil
dren Now Seek Divorce.
Youngstown, O., February 17. The
village of Kiles, seven miles west of here,
was thrown into a fever of excitement yes
terday, when the fact was made known that
Mrs. Hanna Simpkins, wife of William
Simpkins, had begun proceedings for di
vorce and alimony, on alleged grounds of
extreme cruelty. Mr. Simpkins is the
wealthiest man in Niles. The couple have
been married for 35 years, and their union
has been blessed with 15 children.
At Apia are Resented by the United
States Consul, and He '
Enforced Upon American Citizins Residing
at Samoa.
Australia's Protests Against Germany's Attempt to
Seize the Islands.
Germany's aggressive and insulting
actions towards the United States iu the
Samoan. matter is confirmed by the latest
news from the islands. The affair has
stirred up public feeling in Australia, where
the independence of the Samoan Islands is
a serious matter, and England is asked to
take decisive steps to preserve their
San Fbancisco, February 17. Further
advices received on the Mariposa say that
on January 23 Captain -Fritze announced
that he would thereafter exercise police con-
' trol in Samoa. Consul Blacklock declined
to recognize this proclamation. Before
evening Captain Fritze had issued another
proclamation. In this document he re
quested all civilians of Apia to give infor
mation to the German officer ot the guard on
the shore on the number of firearms and
quantity of ammunition in their possession
oa or before the evening of the 25th. All
firearms and ammunition were to be official
ly sealed, and all arms and ammuuition of
which no information had been given were
to be seized, and the owner or owners of the
same punished by imprisonment or by de
portation. Captain Mullan wrote some vigorous let
ters to Captain Fritze on the evening of the
21th, protesting in the name of the United
States Govermnent against the latter's
proclamation of the previous day concern
ing the police in Apia. The Government
of Tamasese, said Captain Mullan, had
never been recognized by the United States
Government. As to the possession of the
firearms by American residents of Apia, no
power has authority to take possession of
them unless used against a friendly power
or while in transit for such use.
Captain Mullan also said that in his
opinion the condition and state of war in
Samoa did not warrant martial law being
proclaimed. The civil courts of Apia still
existed and weie in operation, and if any
citizen offended against the law they could
be tried there. Martial law could not arise
from threatened invasion; the necessity
must be actual and present and the invasion
real. Referring again to the proclamation
concerning firearms and threatening impris
onment and deportation, Captain Mullan
said that even if necessity for martial
law had arisen, the proclamation of
Captain Fritze in regard to firearms was
an unprecedented, uncalled for and a sur
prising one, and one which would astonish
citizens of all free countries. The American
captain added that he would call the at
tention of his Government especially to this
proclamation, which was without warrant
of law in a free government, having drfe
regard for safety of its citizens.
Captain Fritze replied to this that he
would leave the question as to his authori
ty to declare martial law to ms superior
officers in Germany.
On the night of January 21 Klein was
taken on board the American man-of-war
Kipsic, having eluded the German police.
On January 28 Captain Fritze sent the fol
lowing letter to Captain Mullan: "The in
formation has reached me that an American
citizen, Mr. J. C. Klein, is on board the
United States ship Nipsic. If that should
be true, I hereby request that you would
surrender him to the German military
tribunal on board the ship Adler for cause,
as has been laid before me, maintained and
witnessed by oath, that he, in a conspicuous
manner, was concerned in the attack on the
landing party of the Olga on December 13,
A reply was sent to Captain Fritze by
Captain Mullan, in which the latter said
he was obliged to give protection to every
jxuidiciiu uiuieu ju oauiuu wuu was enti
tled to it. The charge made against Klein
by the German authorities could not be
settled, but would have to be considered
and finally passed upon by the Governments
at Washington and Uerlin. He therefore
positively declined to deliver Klein to any
German naval or civil authority in Samoa.
Klein was taken by the Nipsic to Tutuila,
and placed on board of the Maraposa bound
for this port.
Melbourne papers brought by the steam
ship Mariposa relate that an incident, grow
ing out of Samoan complications, was devel
oped at a public dinner given at the close of
the Melbourne Exposition by Chief Com
missioner Sir James McBain to Mr. Frank
McCoppen, Commissioner for the United
States, just prior to the departure of McCop
pen for the United States.
In his speech Sir McBain spoke of the
close ties of relationship existing between
Australians and Americans. McCop
pen in reply spoke of the future
growth of fraternal feeling between
the two countries and also touched
upon the growth of commerce between the
two countries. McCoppen said: "Bight in
the track of that commerce lay certain
groups of islands which possess much inter
est for both America and Australia. America
is now striving to preserve the autonomy of
those islands, but Australia is silent still
and silent all. It would be deplorable if
in a give-and-take game now being played
by the statesmen of Europe, the independ
ence of those most interesting islands should
be sacrificed."
This sentiment was loudly applauded by
Sir McBain and his guests, while Herr
Wcrmuth, the German Commissioner, got
got up and left the room. Melbourne pa
pers commented upon the incident as an in
sult to the host and the American Commis
sioner. Australian and New Zealand pa
pers uniformly applaud the prompt action
of the German Government in dispatching
war vessels to the scene of the disturbance,
and severely criticises the inaction of the
home Government of Great Britain.
The Sydney Star of January 18, comment
ing on the Samoan troubles, says:
The Government ot the United States has
evidently determined to protect the interests
ot American citizens in Samoa, and to prevent
Germans from running rough-shod over the
patriotic leaders, Mataaia and his followers.
Great Britain shows a desire to do the same,
ana it is to be hoped that the same energetic
steps taken by President Cleveland bo
followed by Lord Salisbury. The un
warrantable deposition and deportation
of Malietoa, and the effort to establish
a tool of their own on the throne of Samoa,
added to their harsh treatment of the natives,
and foreign residents have generated fonnlda
blo rebellion against the Germans, and it seems
more than probable that if the patriotlcleadcr,
Mataafa, is left to deal with the forces of the
usurpers, the latter will he o?erthrown. It Is
to be hoped that the American Admiral will
arrive in time to prevent the defeat of that
patriotic army.
If the forces of Admiral Kimberly be not
sufficient to accomplish this, the British Ad
miral in those waters would be justified Intend
ing his assistance. The conduct of Germany
throughout this matter is not likely to cause
, The Australian and New Zealand jour
rials, almost without exception, in their edi
torial expressions are strong and in many
cases bitter as regards the action of the
Germans at the Samoan Islands, The Auck
land, New Zealand, News, of "January 12,
A moro humiliating and degrading spectacle
than this of British warships cowed and
silenced in tho presence of German outrage, is
hardly to bo conceived, and a pernsal of the in
cidents which have occurred at Samoa, and the
violence of these people, who have shown their
unfitness for colonial extension by their rough,
unreasoning and arrogant treatment ot weak
races is enough to make the blood of every
British subject boll with shame and indigna
tion. Had England not been committed to tho
maintenance of the treaty rights of Samoa no
blame could have attached; as it is, her
conduct is shameful, and the presence of
British war ships at Samoa, silent and motion
less In the presence of tbo Germans, who are
proceeding in this high-handed and lawless
fashion, Is degrading to the British navy. We
may be disposed to accept with a gram of salt
any of the statements as to the events preced
ing, which emmate from writers heated in the
contest; but in the face of the fact that there
was poaco in Samoa till the Germans set up a
usurper on the throne, and the fact that the
vast majority of the people are now in revolt
against the usurper, and the farther fact that
tne laun, tne wora, tne strenztn ot England
were pledged for tne maintenance of Samoan
independence, the present attitnde of England
in Samoa is painful and humiliating to the last
No further mail advices can be expected
from the Samoan Islands until 'March 16,
when the steamship Zcalandia will arrive
with information to the close of the present
month. In the meantime. Admiral Kim
berly, with the man-of-war Trenton, rein
forced by the man-of-war Vandalia, will
have reached Apia, and possibly the Omaha
from the Asiatic station. New Zealand and
Australian papers express the belief that
Admiral Kimberly will be able to re-establish
the rights of American citizens as soon
as she arrives.
A dispatch from Berlin says the Govern
ment is willing to effect a settlement of the
Samoan question upon the basis of the
United States Government's proposal at
the Washington conference, namely, the
establishment of a joint American, German
and English control over the Samoan Gov
ernment through the Consuls of the three
Tho Widow Friend nnd Her Accomplices
in the Electric Sugar Fraud Ar
rested in Michigan They
Promise a Sensation.
Ann Arbob, February 17. All the par
tics interested in the Electric Sugar Re
fining Company frauds was arrested at Mi
lan last night, the Sheriff returning to this
city about midnight with Mrs. Olive E.
Friend, William E. Howard, Emilv How
ard, Gus Halstead and George Halstead,
and placing them in the county jail, where
they are confined. They were arrested for
obtaining money under false pretenses,
three indictments having been found against
them by a grand jury" of New York last
January. One is issued for fraud against
the sugar company, and two on complaint
of Dawson N. Fuller, of New York.
On these indictments requisitions were
made on the Governor of Michigan, who
issued warrants for their arrest on February
1. The trouble has been to get all the par
ties within the State at the same time.. Mrs.
Friend was in concealment and Howard
was at Windsor. Yesterday morning they
returned to Milan, feeling sure that no
criminal action wa3 to be brought, but they
were arrested as above stated.
As it was late no bail could be obtained,
and they remained in jail. Howard threat
ened that when they got to New York there
would be a sensation greater than bad ever
stirred that city.
A Fretty Woman Not Afraid to Admit Sho
Sold Whisky on Sandnr.
New Yobk, February 17. Justice Mur
ray never sat jn judgment over a much
prettier culprit than Louise Schroeder, of
1514 Avenue A, who stood before him in the
Harlem Court to-day. She was held for
violation of the excise law. When the Jus
tice asked her if she sold whisky this morn
ing to Detective Dugan when he entered the
place through the side door, she answered
"yes," in a fine, clear tone, and smiled at
the apoplectic" appearance of her lawyer,
who gasped: "She's wrong, your honor. She
pleads not guilty. I'm her counsel, and am
sure she didn't sell to the officer."
In spite of his violent efforts to have her
plead not guilty she looked straight at the
Justice again and said, "I sold that whisky,
and am not here to lie about it. I'd rather
take the consequences than lie."
Her lawyer retired confusedly to com
mune with himself, and an audible smile
went around. She furnished $100 bail, and
when she left the court room there was more
than one compliment for her pluck and
Chicago Irishmen Will Parade Because tho
Others Display the English Jack.
Chicago, February 17. The council of
Irish-American societies in Chicago decided
to-day', after a hot debate, to have a St.
Patrick's Day parade this year. The cus
tom fell into desuetude here several years
ago, it being urged that the money which
the parades cost would produce better re
sults if forwarded to Farnell.
One of the arguments used by a delegate
to-day in advocacy of the old-fashioned
street procession was the statement that
since the Irish-Americans had cease waving
the green flag in the public thoroughfares,
the British-Americans had taken to march
ing and flinging aloft the hated English
jack. Therefore, urjred the delegate, the
Irish must show their strength by parad
ing as of yore. The parade will take place
on Sunday.
A Banqnet Held in Boston la Hlemory of tho
Slartyred President.
Boston, February 17. The anniversary
of the birthday of President Lincoln was
celebrated yesterday afternoon by the Massa
chusetts Club. The celebration took the
form of a banquet, at which ex-Governor
Clafliu presided. About 40 members of the
club were present. The guests of honor were
Charles Uonney, of Ubicago, and lion. J. 11.
Langston, of Virginia, ex-Minister to Li
beria. Ex-Governor ClaQin, after extolling the
virtues of Lincoln, introdnccd Hon. J. M.
Langston, who made a telling speech, in
which he dwelt on the vast benefits which
President Lincoln had conferred on the col
ored race.
The President Wnnts to Clear Up Official
Business and Will Not Receive Cnllcrs.
Washington, February 17. The Presi
dent announces that to enable him to dis
pose of pending business requiring his
personal attention before the close of his
term of office, it will be an absolute necessity
that he have this week for such work, free
from interruptions, and he must, therefore,
be excused to all callers.
Mast Give Its Vnlnc.
Louisville, February 17. Suit was to
day entered in the name or the State of
Kentucky against Manager Charles Smith,
of the Western Union Telegraph Company,
for $500 penalty for failure properly to re
port the company's property for taxation.
Filling Tisrjurg Hotels at
-a EapifiyJJnst Now,
Senator Eutan Thinks To-JIorrow's Event -Will
be a Begular Eouser.
John Fulton litely to be Caosen as the Commander f
the Campaign.
Although the Prohibitionists are to meet
in State convention at Harrisbuig to-morrow,
none of the capital hotels are filling -up.
Private residences are expected to ac
commodate most of the 800 delegates. A
rousing big convention is expected by Sena
tor Butan. How the masses of the Demo
cratic party will vote on the amendment is
a burning question just now. They are ex
pected to ignore the matter, and thus profit
by its passage if it does carry.
HaKRISBUBG, February 17. There is no
indication at any of the hotels in this city
of the near approach of a State Convention
of Prohibitionists to form plans for tha
prosecution of a campaign in the interest of
the Constitutional amendment to prohibit
the manufacture and sale of intoxicating
liquors in Pennsylvania. Unlike political
conventions, scarcely any rooms have been
engaged at the hotels by persons who intend
participating in the convention, from which
circumstances it i3 inferred that private
residences will accommodate a large num
ber of the 800 or more delegates who will
make up the anti-liquor body. Perhaps the
Prohibitionists think it would be out of
place for them to stop at places whose busi
ness the adoption of the amendment would
greatly hurt if not destroy. The hotel pro
prietors here are not enamored of the prin
ciple of prohibition, but they are ready to
accommodate its disciples.
The Legislature having adjourned over
the election, the delegates to the convention
will have very little difficulty in securing
quarters on Tuesday, although they have
not taken the precaution to engage rooms.
some op tiie peepakations.
The choirs of the several churches will
meet to-morrow evening for the rehearsal of
music to be sung at the convention. One
of the features of the music will be a colored
chorus. The Executive Committee of tho
Constitutional Amendment Association,
with representatives of other temperance
organizations, will meet to-morrow evening
to map out some of the work of the conven
tion, which is expected to finish its business
by Tuesday evening.
The ladies will be largely represented in
the convention. Among those who will be
conspicuous in its proceedings, will oe Mrs.
Dr. Swift, President of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union,of Allegheny.
John Fulton, of Johnstown, President of
the Constitutional Amendment Association,
will be the president of the convention in
the opinion of Senator Sho waiter, who is the
Presidentof the Butler County Amendment
Association, andjias been elected a delegate
to the-State convlntlott?' The Senator. also
thihksMV. jj'ulfbnT will be at the head of
the prohibitory force during the campaign,
by virtue of his position in the Constitu
tional Amendment Association. The atten
tion of the Senator being called to the
report of the probable selection of Senator
Uooper to command tne prohibition army,
he expressed the opinion that there is not
much in this story, as the Delaware county
Senator was a high-license man, and inti
mated that he was not in sympathy with the
prohibition cause.
Senator Butan predicts a very large con
vention, in which all the prohibition ele
ments will be harmoniously represented.
The Senator is curious to know the probable
attitude of the Democratic leaders in the
prohibitory campaign, he having been told
by what he regards as good authority that
tliey will use their influence in having the
masses of the party follow the example of
the Democratic Senators, who, with a few
exceptions, refrained from voting on the
joint resolution proposing the amendment.
He seems to think the Democrats want the
amendment to prevail, in the hope of a re
vulsion of sentiment following its adoption,
and consequent advantage accruing to tho
party. He also intimated that the Demo
crats would then favor a" general amend
ment of the Constitntion, inclnding the
wiping out of the prohibition feature, as a
popular measure. So far as he was con
cerned, he thought that instrument should
be amended to reduce the members of the
House to 100 and to permit special legisla
tion, which was greatly needed, especially
by the several cities whose wants were in
many instances widely divergent, and as a
result a general code was not adapted to
their government.
A Desperado, Peppered With Backshot, Es
capes on the Run.
Louisville. Kt., February 17. John
Wells, after an absence of several years, re- -turned
last week to his-pld home, Three
Springs, Hart county. Thursday night
he met Bill Clymer and his
wife at a pnblic dance. During
the evening Wells made sqme insulting re
marksabout Clymer's wife. The next day
Clymer and Wells met in the road, a
stranger at the same time riding by upon
a horse. Both the former had guns.
Clymer cocked his gun and leveled it
at Wells. Just as he fired Wells jumped
behind the stranger's horse. Most of the
load of buckshot lodged in the horse's head
Killing him, but several of the bullets
struck a deck of cards in Well's breast
pocket, just over his heart, glancing off and
not injuring him.
Clvmer fled after the shooting, with
Wells pursuing. Clymer escaped him then,
but Wells is still looking for him. Both
men are desperadoes of the worst type.
Clymer has been in dozens of shooting
scrapes, and last fall a negro cut bis throat
from ear to ear, but he recovered.
A Kentucky Girl Rides 15 Miles in an Old
Calico Dress to Get Slarrled.
Louisville, Kt., February 17. Near
OwingsviUe, in this State, Joe Byron, a
young farmer, eloped yesterday with the
daughter of Mr. Cyrus Alley, a well-to-do
citizen. Mr. Alley had forbidden Byron's
attentions, but was compelled to leave home
yesterday on business, and to prevent his
daughter from eloping during his absence,
he took with him all her clothes except an .
old and faded calico dress.
As soon as the old gentleman was out of
sight, although the weather was very cold,
the girl, clad in thcold calico and with
out' bonnet or wrap of any kind, mounted a
horse and rode alone a distance of 15 miles
to join her lover. They then went to Ow.
ingsville, where the young lady was pro
vided with suitable clothing', and they wen