i THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY IT, 1889. BLOOO Hi FIRE Are theUnhappy Samoan Islands K Wrapped by the Action of the Germans. MARTIAL LAW IS DECLARED To Be in Operation Without Regard to Any Nationality. COREESPOXDEST KLEIN'S CLOSE CALL He Narrowly Escapes Capture and Tiial Before a Military Tribunal American Ships Were Prohibited From Landinc Frcipht English and United States Ves sels Boarded by German Armed Men A Destructive Fire nt Apia Tho Ger man Consul Blames It on tho Ameri cans. The steamer Mariposa has arrived at San Francisco with full advices of the situation in Samoa. The German force have con tinued to act in the most high handed manner. English as well as American rights have been repeat edly trampled upon. Kb vessels are allowed to land freight without submit ting to an examination. The German Con sul charges that Americans were implicated in cansing a destructive fire at Apia. Klein, the newspaper correspondent, ar rived on board the steamer. Sax Fkaxcisco, February 16. The steamer Mariposa arrived here to-day from Australia, by way of Samoa. The Mariposa brings the first mail advices from the Sa moian Islands since January 2, when the preceding steamship of the Oceanic Line left there. The Mariposa left the island of Tnluila on February 1, and brings official reports from the United States Consul and American naval officers of the action of the German naval forces in Samoa since the en gagement of December 18 between the natives and Germans, which were forwarded in to-night's mail to Washington. At the time of the departure of the Mari posa, the necessity for the presence of the American man-of-war ordered to the scene is claimed to have been urgent, as the oper ations of the Germans were directed more against the American and English resi dents than against Mataafa and his forces. In the case of the latter chieftain, whom the Germans affect to call a rebel, the Ger man Consul visited his camp to indnce him to accept the German rule, while in the case of the American and Englishmen the right to search the vessels and private houses in Apia was embodied in official proclamations. A formal declaration of war against Ma taafa was made br the German authorities on January 19, and martial law established for the entire islands. On the same day English subjects were seized and taken on board the German man-of-war. Instead of war being prosecuted against Mataafa and his followers, the Germans have neglected them almost entirely, and Tiave confined their operations against American and English subjects. AWA DESERTED. Early in the month of January numbers of Tamasese's Jmen began deserting, there being mutiny by one of his most prominent chicls, who decided that while it might ,bc legitimate enough to fight against their own people, yet they were not willing to join with the Germans in fighting against the natives of Samoa. Apia remained practi cally deserted. The German officers from the war ships and the German Consul made daily trips along the beach in Apia, taking observations of the Mataafa boats, which were drawn up on the beach. On the 18th of January a large boat con taining Tamesese soldiers came fiom up the coast and communicated with the German warship Adler. The same night several deserters from Tamasese's side went to the camp of King Mataafa at Masigi and in formed him that the rebels intended to make a raid upon Apia on the following night, and also assault Mataafa's party. The Germans were to assist the rebels as much as possible, and the American and English residents were to be attacked equally with Mataaia's men. The King at once informed the American and English residents in Apia of this fact, thus giving the men. opportunity to prepare for an at tack. Lieutenant Fillet, of the United States marine corp, in charge of the ma rine guard at the American Consulate, was aroused bv the sentry on that night, and in formed him that fire was in progress in Ma taafala. AMERICANS FIGHT FIRE. With four marines he ran to the scene of the file, about one mile away, and was one of the first to arrive there." It was feared that the residence of the German Consul, Dr. Knappc, was in flames. In a few min utes the fire had communicated to the Ger man postoffice at the other end of the build ing, and reaching across the street, the flames attacked the German Consulate. A large force of sailors from the United States war snip Xipsic was sent ashore to fight the fire. A few minutes later a detachment from the English warship Royalist arrived, and a half tin hour afterward a large force of sailors from the German warships Adler, Olga and Eber arrived, each man carrying a loaded rifle with fixed bayonet, while the American and English sailors brought pumps and axes. The fire in the meantime had spread to the residence of Mr. Schmidt, the German Vice Consul and Staadt Ham burgholm. The American and English residents, among the foremost being United States Vice-Consul Blacklock, tough t the fire, which was only destroying German prop erty.until they were nearly exhausted. The American and English sailors worked until overcome by heat, carrying water, using arcs and saving property belonging to the German traders and planters. TVOKK OFJTHE FLAMES. The store of Grevsmuhl and the large store and residence of A. Shue were de stroyed, as well as the court house, jail, three small German dwellings, several native houses and native churches. "While the fire was in progress Consul Knappe de clared he thought the occurrence was en tirely accidental, due to the carelessness of severai black laborers, brought from other islands to work ou the German plantations, and who were hanging about his residence at the time. Within five or six hours later, however, Consul Knappe expressed himself that the American anil English residents of Apia were implicated in the affair. Consul Kuappc established his offices on the prem ises ot the German Planting and Trading Company. The German warship Eber sailed for Auckland on the 12th, takingjthe dispatches to be sent to the German govern ment concerning tbe burning ot the con sulate. A Mataafa native was publicly whipped in the afternoon in the presence of many American, English, natives and a few Ger mans lor having told tbe German Consul's clerk in the streets a few days before that Mataafa men would soon have bis head. On January 15 a boat belonging to ex United States Vice Consul E. L. Hamilton, manned by two natives, was seized by an armed boat from the German ship Adler while in neutral water of Apia harbor. EXPLANATION DEMANDED. The boat was afterward released, and when an explanation was demanded by Consul Blacklock Consul Knappe replied that it was because the boat had not displayed any national flag. The English merchant steamer Itichmond arrived in Apia .harbor sbortlv before dark on the 18th, but the Vice Consul received no news, and the Ameri cans were left in the dark as to the intention of the American Government to protect its citizens. At 1 o'clock on the morning of January 19 the llichniond was boarded by a crew of armed men from'the Adler.althoughan armed German boat had been watching her about 100 yards distant from the moment she arrived. The officer in command of the former boat informed the Captain of the Richmond that war had been declared by the Germans against Samoa, that the harbor had been blockaded and that martial law had been declared in Samoa. The Captain was further told that no freight would be allowed to be taken from the itichmond unless taken directly to the wharf of the German Trading and Planting Company, where it could he opened and the propriety of admitting it to Samoa would be passed upon by Hcrr Beckmanu, manager of the German firm, and a person who was in no way connected with the German Gov ernment in an official capacity. ACTING BY AUTHORITY. This proceeding on the part of the Ger man warship verified the belief that the Ger man Consul had received important news from his Government. At daylight on the morning of the 19th a small boat from the Adler -was seen anchored about 100- yards astern of the Richmond for the pnrpose of preventing any freight being landed, and also to interrupt any boats going to or coming from the vessel, and ascertain the reason ot their presence in the neighbor hood of the ship. Soon after 9 o'clock in the morning the following proclamation, printed in English and German, hut not in Samoan, was issued by the German Consul: By order of the Imperial German Govern ment 1 herewith proclaim the state of war for Samoan Islands. Any assistance to rebels will be punished by martial law, irre spective of any nationality. Introduction of contraband goods of war is prohibited. All vessels and boats are liable to be searched by the authorities. -The police of Apia henceforth will act under Instructions from the Imperial German Government. Residents of Apia are requested to assist in keeping law and order. Dr. Knappe. Imperial German Consul Apia, January 19, 1&59. This peculiarly worded document was looked upon with surprise by the United States Vice Consul, and the British Consul. The Germans proceeded to act in accord ance with the spirit of the proclamation. AN AMERICAN BOAT SEIZED. Half an hour after the document had been issued a boat belonging to H. S. Moors, an American merchant, which had gone along side of the Itichmond to secure freieht, was seized by the German vessel. When the fact of the seizure was reported to Vice Consul Blacklock some time afterwards, he at once communicated with Captain Mullan, who wrote to Captain Fritze, of the Adler, demanding an explanation of the seizure, and asking that the boat be at once released. The German captain replied that Ger many had declared war against Samoa, and that Mr. Moors' boat was'seized because he had refused to land his goods at the German wharf, and allow them to be examined by Mr. Becker, of the German service. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the German cap tain gave his consent that the boat be re leased, and allowed Moors to land a few head of cattle and sheep at his own wharf, but insisted that all other live freight be landed at the wharf of the German firm. Vice Consul Blacklock addressed a letter to Consul Knappe, requesting him to ex plain in plain terms whether Germany had declared war against Samoa and also if martial law existed. MARTIAL LAW. After several hours the German Consul sent a reply, saying that, "By order of the Imperial Government the German Consul has proclaimed martial law for Samoa un til further orders." No reference was made in the letter as to the declaration of war. Captain Mullan thereupon called upon Captain Fritze and inquired if war had or had not been declared by Germany. The German Captain informed Cap tain Mullan that war had not been declared by Germany. When the officer from the 2f ipsic had occasion to pay an official visit to the Adler, some hours later Captain Fritze once more changed his statement, and told the American officer that war had been declared, al soon after ward wrote a letter to tbe same effect to Captain Mullane. Up to this time Captain Hand of the Royalist, had taken no action toward pro tecting the Richmond against the acts of the Germans. King Mataafa and his chiefs were not disposed to begin operations against the Germans, on hearing the declaration of war, until at least after the arrival of the Oceanic Steamship Company mail steamer due January 27 at Tuluila. LOOKING TO AMERICA. The SamOans hoped that the steamer would bring news from the American Gov ernment, as well as the arrival of Consul General Sewall, in the belief that he would have authority to uphold American rights in faamoa. un tne aiternoon ot tbe 20th the British ship Longfellow arrived in port from Pauline Islands, bound for Queens town and London with guano, having been obliged to put in for provis ions. She was immediately boarded by a crew of an armed boat from the Adler, fol lowed a moment later by a boat from the Royalist. The German officer stated he was not instructed to keep guard on the vessel and the Royalist officer not having positive orders, and the Longfellow's captain having not yet been able to visit the British Consul and prove that his papers were clear, the British naval officer withdrew. The Germans kept armed men and officers on board until morning, when the Longfel low's captain, having proved his papers to be clear, the Royalist sent an armed boat to the ship and forced the German guard to leave. An indemnity bond having been "given the Germans by the Captain of the Richmond the vessel was given permission to land her freight at the German wharf. Mr. Moors was not allowed to land three barrels of cement at his own wharf and therefore declined to receive it. ENGLAND INVOLVED. A proclamation was issued by the British Consul on the afternoon of January 20, in which all the British subjects in Samoa were notified that notwithstanding the proclamation of the German Consul declar ing martial law, they were subject solely to the jurisdiction of Her Majesty the Queen, and the authority of himself, 'and also of high commission sitting at Fiji. Within two hours after the English Con sul's proclamation had been issued Captain Fritze had issued a counter proclamation notifying the British subjects that, not withstanding the proclamation just issued by the British Consul, all English subjects in Samoa were under martial law, and that if they should in any way interfere -vith German authorities, they would be tried by inartial law. An armed guard from the Adler went on Coard of the Richmond, arrested an English tourist named Gillan while he was in his bath, and without giving him time to put on his stockings, but merely his coat and trousers, took him on board the Olga. The consul, Goetelseon, and Captain Hald were informed of Gillan's arrest, and went on board the Olga and demanded an explana tion. Captain Ehradt said Gillan had been arrested because it was believed he was a spy. A BACK DOWN. The German Captain was told that unless he sent the prisoner on board the Richmond at once an armed boat from the Royalist would go to Olga and take him off theship. Gillan was returned to the Richmond with out delay. Consul Goctloseon has informed his Government of the fact that an armed German boat forcibly took a British subject from under the English flag. Vice Consul Blacklock addressed a letter to Dr. Knappe on the 21st asking positively whether the Imperial German Government had declared war against Samoa, and also why King Mataafa and his men were re ferred to by the German Consul as rebels. To this the German Consul replied that the German Government had declared war against Mataafa and his followers, and that they were referred to as rebels because they had rebelled against Tamasese, who had been recognized as King of Samoa by the German Government. In the afternoon the Richmond left for Tahiti, her captain declaring that he in tended bringing heavy claims against the German Government for detention. A proclamation was issned on the morning of January 21 by Vice Consul Blacklock, in which he announces that having been informed by the German Consul that the German Government had declared war against Mataafa and bis followers, he notified all citizens of the United States that they were forbidden to take part in any hostile operationson either side and that as long as they remained non combatants they were entitled to personal immunity and protection. WAR ON A BIO SCALE. The German Consul went to Mataafa's camp and was received bythelatter's chiefs. Mataafa not appearing, the German Consul told them a declaration of W3r and establishment of martial law had been directed against American and English residents ot Samoa, who had been giving Mataafa evil advice and assist ance against the Germans, who were only anxious to he good friends with all Samoans. In case Mataafa and his peo ple refused to make peace, said the German Consul, the Emperor of Germany has.given hini authority to send for all men-of-war, soldiers and cannon he desired to make war. The chiefs informed the consul they wonld make no terms of peace unless a promise was given in writing, made in the presence of the consuls, that Tam asese and Brandeis be sent out of the country, and assurances given that Germany would not attempt to take advantage of King Mataafa and bis government after it had oeen established. Therefore they asked for two weeks in which to consider the German Consul's proposition. KLEIN'S CLOSE CALL. Bismarck's Man Wnntcd to Try the Ameri canHo Escapes In nn American Steamer His Account of Ger many's Dolncs in Samoa. San Francisco, February 16. The steamer Mariposa arrived here to-day from Samoa.havingon board J.C.Klein.the Amer ican newspaper correspondent who has fig ured in the Berlin dispatches as having led the natives in the recent battle with the Germans on the island, but who claims to have witnessed the fisht as a non-combatant in his capacity as correspondent. When martial law was declared on the Islands by the Germans an attempt was made by the latter to seize Klein, but he was rescued by the Americans and took passage on the ocean steamer Mariposa for this port. When the Mariposa left Samoa, the islands were still under martial law, and German aggression had become very marked, and is claimed to have been directed against Americans as well as na tives. The Mariposa left the Samoan Islands on February 1. On that date none of the Ameri can men-of-war ordered to go to the islands had arrived, and the Germans, under the operation of martial law, were in complete control of the islands, and had commenced a search of all vessels in Samoan waters; but, after seizing an English tourist named Gil lan, on the steam packet Richmond, from Auckland, Captain Hand.of the English war ship Royalist, ordered the man released, and prepared for action. The Germans released Gillan on this demand. Goods which trrived on the Richmond for American merchants at Apia the Ger mans would not permit to be landed unless they were taken to a German stoiehouse and passed upon by a German official. The Samoan Times was suppressed on January 19 for stating that bnt for German support all of the Samoans would join Mataafa, and that unless Bismarck was deceived he would not attempt to force his unpopular rule on the country. Prior to this Mr. Cusack, the editor, was fined 5100 for re printing certain American newspaper press comments on the Samoan situation. Captain Fritze, the German Kaval Com mander, on January 23 issued an order in structing all tfie residents of Apia to turn over all guns or ammunition held bv them, and proclaimed right ot search. Captain Mullan, of the American man-of-war Kipsic, protested against this action, stating that the American Government had never recognized Tamasese, and that no power would allow them to seize arms unless used against a friendly nation. German troops, acting as police in Apia, attempted to arrest Klein, but on the advice of the United States Consul he went on board the Nipsic. On January 28 Captain Fritze mane a demand on Captain Mullan to release Klein that he might be tried before a German miiitary tribunal. Captain Mullan replied that he proposed to protect all American citizens in Samoa and that Klein would not be surrendered for trial, and on February 1 ne placed mm on tne Mariposa. BATARD TALKS. He Hopes for a Peaceful Solution of Af fairs la Samoa. Washington, February 16. When shown the advices received from Samoa by steamer arriving at San Francisco to-day, Secretary Bayard to-night said that Cap tain Leary, of the Kipsic, had acted sensi bly in taking care of Klein, the correspond ent. Regarding this man there seems to be a misunderstanding on the part of .the Ger man officials. Quite naturally exasperated by the killing of their countrymen, they had fallen into the error of supposing that Klein was the leader of the native forces, and had wished to punish him. Therelore, he was glad that Klein had gotten back safely to the United States. Of the other events chronicled in the dispatch, the Sec retary pointed out that since its date tele graphic advices showed that martial law had been abolished so far as it applied to foreigners, and that the German officials had been rebuked. He had noticed in the newspapers (although he had no official information on the -subject) that the German Consul. . Knappe, and Herr Brandeis, Tamasese's UUViaci, uu, UUWiUlUg tu OUU1C UUWUIllS had been responsible for fomenting strife, had been ordered home by the German Government. If this was true, the state of affairs promised to be much relieved. Altogether Secretary Bayard was hopeful that a speedy, peaceful and satisfactory settlement of Samoan affairs would be reached, he had, he said, received no news from Samoa later than that sent to Congress and already published. GEEMAN IMPUDENCE. x The Consul Openinc IT. S. Mails Ad Officer Expects War. San Francisco, February 16. John Christafferson, paymaster of the American man-of-war Nipsic, returned from Samoa on the Mariposa, having obtained leave of ab sence. He expressed himself as believing that affairs would end vin war unless action is quickly taken by the American Government. Close watch has to be kept on the German war vessels to prevent any overt act on their part, while the Americans on land are compelled to put up with re peated insults from the German portion of the population. It is openly charged in the islands that Dr. Knappe. who has charge of the post- office, opens the United States mails, only delivering mose ue jees hi. .dom .Ameri can and British citizens at Samoa have denounced Knappe. Personal feeling aeainst him is verv bitter. It is even declared that Knappe had' succeeded in obtaining tne United mates Government's secret cipher, for in a num ber of instances when the Government dis patches of a private nature had been sent through the department, it has afterward been discovered that they had been tam pered with. BISMARCK IS ON TOP, But His Many. Enemies Are Hard at "Work in an Endeavor to Force THE OLD MAN FROM THE FIELD. The Trouble in Prance is the Cause of Anxiety in Berlin, and A GENERAL CONFLICT IS LOOKED FOE. The German Troops Are to be XlaneuTered aslfFer Immediate War. Bismarck's organs deny that there is any truth in the report that he will retire from the Chancellorship. Nevertheless his enemies are making strong efforts to dis place him in the Emperor's favor. A change in the Government is impending in some respects at least. The French situa tion is the cause of much trouble. CCOrYBIGIITEn, 1689, BT TIIK NEW TOBK ASSOCI ATES PBESS.I Berlin, February 16. The semi-official press, after initiating and fomenting excite ment over the rumored intention of Prince Bismarck to retire from public life, now turn round and declare that the agitation has a purely artificial origin. The hints thrown out regarding his successor were obviously designed to influence the Nation alists to return to that absolute submission to the Chancellor, against which recently they have been inclined to rebel. But apart from the allusions of the semi official press, several coincident facts have pointed to coming eventful changes in the Government. The public, discussion of the probable results of a diminution of Prince Bismarck's functions has not produced that general alarm which it was hoped it would create, so instructions appear to have been given to the Chancellor's organs to mini mize the importance of the current report. ICE WILL NOT EETIKE. There is nothing in it all; say! the Co logne Gazette, or at the best it is mere pot house chatter. The Prince is well and pos sesses the fullest confidence of the Kaiser. No one in the country, excepting, perhaps, Herr Kichter, thinks he will either dis place or overthrow him. No earnest politi cal party would disturb itself by debating the chances of the Chancellor's retirement. The Forth German Gazette to-day takes a less scornful tone. It refers to the all-absorbing interest of the topic and finds an explanation for the ferment or the press in the supposed semi-official origin of the arti cle published in the Hamburg Nachrichten and quoted thence by the North German Gazette, which gave unwonted prominence to said article. The paper now declares that it was not written, as was surmised, by any one in Prince Bismarck's entourage. Its suggestions that Count Waldersee would be the Chancellor's successor in nowise ema nated from the Wilhelm Strasse. The conclusion drawn from these contra dictions is that Prince Bismarck, no matter what momentary inclination he may have had to withdraw from the worries of official life, he now means to cling to every post he holds. EXTECTANT AND ANXIOUS. The discussion has had an all-important result in revealing the expectations of the Imperial circle regarding the Govern ment after the departure of Bismarck. The Emperor has not concealed from his inti mate circle his, conviction that Bismarck cannot be displaced. When he chooses to retire the Emperor will not appoint another Seichskanter. The Emperor believes that he himself ought to exercise the functions of Chancellor with a soldier statesman as Adlatos. The refer ence to a soldier statesman points to Count Waldersee, concerning whom Prince Bis marck's organs continue to advise the Na tionalists to cultivate mistrust. The Trau Sckau Wan proverb is thrust upon the Government groups as a watch word. Herr Fischer, a Nationalist deputy and the Burgomaster of Augsbourg, has written a letter to the Augsbourg Abendpost, explaining what incited Prince Bismarck to warn the Nationalists. The Nationalist Committee recently addressed to a number of members of the group a letter advising great prudence and reserve in their attitude toward the internal policy of the Chancellor, whose declining powers, said the letter, be come more and more apparent. AN ANGRY CHANCELLOR. Bismarck got hold of a copy of the letter and raised a hurricane about it, blaming the committee for its treachery. He would have disrupted the committee, but he finally selected a line of action aiming to show the party that his powers were unshaken and that the country could not do without him. An open collision between Bismarck and Waldersee is anticipated over the artillery credits during tne debate in the Kcicbstag early in March. The report of Waldersee, now before theBundesrath, demands a large extra credit. Bismarck opposes the demand, and Schellendorf sides with the Chancellor, denying that there is any necessity for the amount Waldersee recommends. The Em peror is undecided, but he shows a tendency in favor of Waldersee. Whether the internal crisis bursts into an open rupture or not, the fact is certain that the influence of Count Waldersee over the Emperor grows, while that of Prince Bis marck wanes. Count von Schellendorfs long pending withdrawal from the War Office will be hastened by the dispute. The Waldersee circle announce that his succes sor will be General Kaltenboen-Stachan. A MINISTER. "WILL EESIGN. The resignation of Dr. Von Schilling, Prussian Minister of Justice, is also im minent. He has compromised his position by an imprudent speech in the Landtag and by want of judgment. In responding for the members of the Reichstag, whea chal lenged by the Progressist, Hermes, in the Unterhaus, regarding the Geffcken docu ments, Dr. Von Schilling had the im prudence to question the right of the Landtag to interfere and referred them to his statements in the Reichstag. Progressist Munkel had the House with him in the vindication of the right of the Landtag to demand explanations. The po sition of Herr von Scbolz, Minister of Finance, is also shaken on account of the taxation proposals which cause dissatisfac tion to both the Agrarian and industrial parties. The Tagblatt mentions Herr Miquel as likely to be appointed Finance Minister. The statement that the Czar and a Russian squadron will visit Kiel in June is doubt ful. The officials state that the arrange ments for the visit are incomplete. The Emperor's programme is unsettled, except ing a reception to King Humbert in May. WILLIAM'S PLANS. He desires to go to England prior to be ginning the round of work involved in re ceiving return visits from the Czar and Em peror Francis Joseph, and the kings of Italy, Denmark and Sweden. The Schloss Friedrichskron, where Emperor Frederick died, is being prepared for the reception of the imperial family in April. The Emperor tested the working efficiency of the Spandau garrison on Wednesday. He appeared unexpectedly. The call to arms sounded through the fortress and in a few minutes officers were at their posts. The Emperor was greatly pleased and coneratu lated the men and officers. To-day he gave a farewell audience to the Morocco mission. He entrusted the members of the mission with a number of costly presents for the Snltan. The mission will go to Essen as the guests of Herr Krupp.and will negotiate for the purchase of guns. A special Ger man mission will be sent to Morocco. Count Herhert Bismarck daily receives long cipher dispatches from the German Embassyat Paris, and goes personally to present them to the Emperor. If the for eign officials faithfully reflect their chief's opinion the gloomiest. view is taken as to the results of the French crisis. STEONG WAB TALK. General Boulanger is considered to be master of the situation. It is probable that the pending arrangements for tbe autumn maneuvers in Westphalia will, be changed so as to convert the maneuvers intd a warn ing demonstration along the frontier. The plans, which have already been approved by the Emperor, include pontooning operations between Mannheim and Phillipsbnrg, after witnessing which the Emperor would fix his headquarters at Munster for the maneuvers of the Westphalian and Hanoverian corps. The amended programme fixes his head quarters at Mannheim. The Wurtemberg and Bavarian contingent will share in the demonstration, if it is decided upon. The press, of nil shades of opinion, take a pes simistic view of the outlook. . Captain Wissman to-day bade his rela tives farewell at Halle and started for Brindisi, whence he will go to Zanzibar. Dr. Stoecker's action against Court Chap lain Witte has been rejected by the Con sistory. Dr. Stocker asked that disciplinary measures be taken against the court chaplain for lying in the Consistory. Be sides refusing to reprimand Court Chaplain Witte, it is iikelv that the Consistory will subject Dr. Stoeckcr himself to discipline. Herr Hassclman, formerly a Socialist deputy in the Reichstag, has returned from America and started in business in Ham burg. J THE WAT THE MONET GOES. - Appropriations Recommended for Charitable and Educational Institutions. rSPECIAL TELEQKAM TO THE DISPATCH.! HABBI8BUBG, February 16. The House Committee on Appropriations has thus far acted favorably on the following appropria tions: For maintenance of soldiers' orphan schools for two years from next June, 1500,000; Erie Sol diers' Home, $187,300; Western Penitentiary, for salaries and improvements, 141.000; to transport soldiers to Gettysburg during tbe dedication of monuments, $50,000; Pittsburg Homeopathic Medical and Surgical Hospital, to cover deficits and maintenance. $47,000; for settlement ot militarv claims, $15,000; Allegheny General Hospital, 516,000; Pennsylvania Insti tution for Instruction of the Blind, Philadel phia, $102,000; Eastern Penitentiary, $43,000; Northern Home for Friendless Children, for repairs and maintenance. 15,000; Board of Charities, 814.600: School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia, $20,000; Medico Chirurgical Society, Philadelphia, $30000; State Board of Agriculture, 9,000; enlarging bUrial vault of Scott Legion, Philadelphia, $3,000; to establish State boundry lines. $3,000; to provide for Archaeloglcal Survey. $8,000; Home for Friendless. Erie, $5,000: for Huntingdon Reformatory until the regular appropriation is made, $3,000: preparing atlas on which Con gressional, Judicial and Legislative districts are to be outlined, $3,000. Bills have been negatived appropriating $200,000 for the erection of a State lunatic hospital at Beaver; ?27,200 to purchase the William Penn farm, and 10,000 to Hamot Hospital, Erie, and 20,000 to Wills' Eye Hospital, Philadelphia. END OF THE BICYCLE EACE. Stanley Leads to tho Finish, With Ton Blamon Second. New York, February 16. The contest of women on bicycles, which began en Mon day last, ended at midnight to-night with these scores: Stanley, 621; Von Blumen, 92; Oakes, 522; Suallor, 515; Lewis, 490; Baldwin, 480; Hart, 401; Woods, 377; Mc Shane, 372; Armaindo, 273; Brown, 237. Miss Stanley's record of eight hours a day for six days is tbe best by her sex. The fastest 25 miles were covered by Armaindo. They were done in 100 minutes. The best hour's work was that by Jessie Oakes. of 14 miles and 7 laps, or within ten laps of 15 umes. j: uny per cent oi me gue receipts will be divided among the first seven in the race. The amount taken in during the week was $10,212, and the girls share 4,084. Miss Stanley receives 1,634; Miss Von Blu men, $317; Miss Oakes, $613; Miss Suallor, $408; Miss Lewis, $327; Miss Baldwin, $204, and Miss Hart, 83. The manager gave Miss Armaindo 300 and to Miss Woods, Miss McShane and Miss Brown $50 each. THE GRANGER IDEA. Resolutions Outlining a Quantity of Very Desirable Lesl'lntlon. rSrECIAL TELEOllAM.TO THE DISFATCH.1 Washington, Pa., February 16. The Farmers' Institute to-day heartily indorsed the meat inspection bill now before the Legislature. A resolution was adopted protesting against the passage of the reve nue bill prepared by the convention of County Commissioners at Erie, for the reason that it would result in the taxing of sheep, wool-growing being an industry al ready reduced to a very low standard of profit. A report was made favoring a road law providing for the election of two road commissioners in each county in the State and the appointment of a third by the Court of Quarter Sessions, the latter a civil en gineer, whose dutv it would be to act as road and bridge viewer, their compensation to be 3 per day for every day necessarily employed in the discharge of their duties. The bill will probably be substituted for the measure introduced by Senator McLain, of this county. Unless this is done there is but little hope for its passage in the present session. THE PANAMA SITUATION. Discharged Laborers Are Preparing to Leave the Isthmus. Panama, February 15. A large num ber of laborers have been discharged from the canal works, the majority of whom left for the West Indies, Costa Rica and Chili. A limited amount of work continues to be done on all sections of the canal, and total suspension is not expected until the middle of March. On the Hth instant the contractors' em ployes were paid off. The amount of their pay aggregated between 300,000 and 400,000 silver dollars, A great many people are leavingthe isthmus. Perfect order prevails. DON'T LIKE CIYIL SERYIC& Congressman Peters Calls It the Morass of Political Dishonesty. Washington, February 16. In the House to-day, during the discussion of the Sostofficc appropriation bill, Mr. Peters, of Kansas, characterized the civil service law as the froth of political economy, the morass of political honesty and the excelsior of political hyppcrisy." Half Kates to Washington, Via Pennsyl vania Railroad, Allowing stop off in Baltimore in order to afford visitors to the inauguiation all privi leges and at the same time give the benefits of the very low rates which have been fixed for the occasion. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Washington on February 25, 26, 27,28, March 1,2,3 and4,from all stations on its sys tem at a single fare for the round trip. These tickets will admit of a stop off in Baltimore, in either or both directions, thus enabling the passengers by this route to visit both cities. The retnrn coupons of the excursion tickets are valid for use until and including March 7. This rate, in view of the liberal conditions it bears, and the magnificent ser vice which the Pennsylvania Railroad affords, is the lowest ever offered nnder similar circumstances'. For information as to the movement of regnlar and special trains, and for special rates from each sta tion, apnly to ticket agent of the company. Good News for Monday. Here is good news for men who need a new snit of clothes. On Monday we will sell about 320 men's fine tailor-made suits in checks, stripes and broken-plaids, at the extremely low price of $6 00. These suits arc well-made, cut in all sizes, and well worth 15. It's a sale we intend shall last for to morrow only, so come and take yonr choice of these suits, over 30 styles to select from, at 6 00. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia mond sts., opp. the new Court House. Ex tra, jluu styles ot men s English worsted pants at $i 24, wortn $j w. if. u. u. u THE MUSIC WORLD. Eeview of the Friday Evening Con cert of the Mozart Club. TAB OBCHESTRA COMPLIMENTED, How the Soloists Acquitted Themselves From a Critical Point of View. GOSSIP 0P THE WEEK IN HOME CIRCLES Rarely has a finer audience' turned out for one of the Mozart Club's regular con certs than that which comfortably filled Old City Hall on Friday evening. It was a rarely good programme, too, that was of fered. Here it is: Schubert Overture (Kosamnnde.) i Recitative "Anil God said: Let the Waters." Alr-'Rolllng in Foaming Billows." Mr. John B. Trapp. Mozart-"Al deslo dl chl t'adora." Mrs. Mathllde Henkler. Smart "The Bride orDunkerron." (Dramatic Cantata.) Dramatis Persona;. The Sea Maiden Mrs. J. Sharpe McDonald Dunkerron Mr. Paul Zimmerman BeaKlng Mr. E. H. Hermit: Storm spirits, sea maidens and serfs. The beautiful Schubert overture received, ail in all, about the best rendition yet given by the club's semi-amateur orchestra of any entire work in the larger forms. Except for the noticeable deficiency in the first violins, the body of tone was smoother, more sonorous and better balanced than ever before; the presence of three contra-basses and the unusual ex cellence of the violas and the lower brass account for much of the improvement. The wood-wind especially distinguished itself in the dainty naive melody (the third full fledged tune of the overture) that flitted about in little duets among the reeds, flutes and horns. The general average of the accom paniments gets higher with each con cert; many individual points were made and quite frequently the general smooth press and finish ot the work was surprising in view of all the disadvantages under which this orchestra labors. At the same time much remains to he done. More fre quent tuning np would have Improved the strings, though some faulty intonation was doubtless caused by nervousness. The ideal of soft, but firm, accompaniment is yet a long way off; and more full rehearsals will have to be held if rapid and complicated passages are to bo cleanly played. Mr. Trapp displayed a voice of much reson nance and good range, and mostly of pleasing quality; in the last section of the familiar "Creation" aria to the words "Softly purl ins," etc. he sang with taste and expressive ness. That is about as far as fayonble com ment can go for him; a distressing disregard for the pitch and a lack of spiritand vigor of style are the worst points against him. Mrs. Henkler sang very sweetly and purely tho lovely aria that Mozart wrote for Ferrarese del Bene to sing at tho repetition ot "Figaro" in 17S9, three years after the first production. The utter absence of attempts at display in Mrs. Henklcr's style and the fluency of her vocalization deserve a special woro. Henry Smart's cantata is decidedly one of the beSt works of that class yet programmed by the Mozart club. It was written for the Birmingham Festival of 18G1 and has maintained an honored place on the con cert stage ever since. Its dramatic text and construction, its foundation of clear, logical form, its superstructure of striking harmony, broad and inherently beautiful melody, skillfully written voice parts (solo or chorus) and singularly effective orchestration, merit much more detailed con sideration than it is possible to give this morn ing. The performance of this exceptionally inter esting work by the chorus was of no little excellence in the main. A few at tacks were ragged; vianistimo was very rarely attained; the bass were unusually weak and uncertain in many places; apd the pitch was quite lost in the beautiful major close of the stormy minor chorus "Sown! where the cold waters creep." The pood points would take too long to enumerate: suffice it to say that the energy, spirit and hard-working quality of the chorus was apparent in most parts of the exceedingly difficult score, here and there scoring points of great effect. The solo work was uniformly alone the best capabilities of the three singers above named, whose fitness for their trying parts could probably not be ccnialejl by any other trio of local singers. Each has been too frequently commented upon in this column to keep the presses waiting for a recapitula tion oi their sterling qualities. , No one more than the present writer could appreciate the kind thoughtfulness that prompts people to try to lighten his labors by sending in readymade opinions upon tbe high merits of this or that concert, or of some individual per former therein, or of this"school-girl pianist or that infant prodigy with tbe fiddle. But it has become necessary again to remind these well meaning friends that printed musical opinion has determinate value only when one knows tho writer of it and can determine his quali fications for forming an opinion. It all comes back to the personal responsibility of the critic. Such individual responsibility is the corner stone of this particular musical column. ' A single writer is responsible for all opinions ad vanced in it, be they good, bad or indifferent; and he is naturally chary about fathering the opinions of others, though always glad to hear them, and, in argumentative matters, to print them with due credit to their source. In criti cal notices of musical performances, it rarely, if ever, comes within tbe policy ruling this column to print other opinions than those of the writer himself and be cannot pass critical judgment on what he has not personally heard. It is requested, therefore, that musical notes sent to this office be confined strictly to tbe limits of the news item, tbe mere statement of facts: matters of opinion f n such notes are cus tomarily stricken out and their presence calls for an editorial revision which tbe writer is occasionally too much hurried to bestow. This will explain the entire omission of many items that the senders may have fancied were left out from other motives. "The applause and enthusiasm of the public at large are no doubt our chief aim, but we are more truly invigorated and rewarded by the genuine approbation of those whose genius we prize, and who thoroughly understand and ap preciate us." n eoer. Crotchets and Quavers. Mb. William M. Stevenson, the local tenor and teacher, sings in concert at the Greensburg Opera House to-morrow (Monday) evening. Miss E. C. Sohenck; a pupil of that much respected master, S. B. Miller, of New York, is the latest accession to Pittsburg's battalion of piano teachers. Me. C. D. Carter's prize song, "The Stream." was sung by Mme. Maigille at Sher wood's last piano recital in Chickering Hall, New York, and warmly encored. D'irector Phil T. Wise has, it is said, en gaged five non-union players to enlarge the Bijou orchestra for "Nadjy" and "Ermlnie" this week. They were not to be bad in the M. 21. P. U. Another straw. The choirs of St John's and St. Paul's Lutheran Churches, led by Mr. H.P. Ecker and assisted by Mr. CSas. Corcoran, gave a con cert last Monday evening in the Fourth Ward School Hall, Allegheny. THE Apollo Quartet was born and baptized only last night; tbe members are not musical infants, however. Their well-known names are Joseph A. Voce!, George H. Brown. J. Harry Horner and Edward H. Dermitt, with John Fntcbard as accompanist. They will sing for the Grand Army reunion at to be held at Du Bois, Pa., next Tuesday afternoon and evening. A successful concert come off last Thurs day evening in the Buena Vista Street M. E. Church, Allegheny. Post 128 Choir (mislead ingly announced on the bills as "Members of The Mozart Club"), led by Mr. E. H. Der mitt, together with Mrs. Mathildo Henkler, Miss Irene Sample, Miss Mamie Reuck and the new Apollo Quartet constituting tho per formance. A sacked concert for the benefit of the Hebrew poor of the city will be given at La fayette Hall this evening. Rev. Bernstein. Rev. Alter. Mr. J. Kornblum and the Gemert and Guenther Orchestra are to take part. The curious orthography of the programme prom ises, among many other things, a "Song from Lucia di Lamoremore," and a "March Prophet, Mayer Bere." ' The Monongahela Choral Club, of the like named town np the river, is rehearsing Barn ey's "The Lord is King" (Forty-second Psafm), a work of some importance. Tho club num bers some 60 or more voices, is in its second season, and, under the direction of Mr. Charles Davis Carter, of Pittsburg, donbtless accom plishes good missionary work among the na tives of "Hazzardville." "Will Mr.' Stelnway, In making dates for Dr. Hans von Buelow's precious fow American concerts this spring, please bear In mind what Plttsbnrg has done for his Rosenthal venture? And that it was also the best patron of the American Opera Company last year that. In short, Pittsburg Is still hungry where others are sated, and U able and willing to pay liber ally for the biggest musical attractlono? They had a great time up in Quebec the other day welcoming Albanl, to whom one paper referred as "a lady born in our Province, and beyond all doubt the greatest prima donna now living, though five years ago, perhaps, she would ungrudgingly have given place toPatti." That "perhaps" is good. As a bunch of press notices have been sent to The Dispatch from Quebec, our town Is probably upon the route of the Canadian singer's triumphal progress. The veteran impressario. Max Maretzen, was royally feted at the great testimonial tendered him at the Metropolitan last Tuesday in recognition of his hair-century ot service in the cause of opera. Ho first prodnced in this coumry "Prophet," "Africaine," Trovatore." "Traviata," "Rlgoletto," "Faust," "Mignon" and "La Jnive." It seems increditable that one should be living yet who can remember seeipg on the a play bill " -Trovatore,' first timer' The Swedish National Ladies' Concert Com pany, assisted by "Mr. Edmund T. Phelan, humorist and mimic, will appear at Old City Hall next Tuesday evenfng'. If apparently credible reports be correct, the eight pretty Swedish singers in their national costumes offer not merely a novel pleasure to tbe eye but delight the "hearing, as well, with a unique variety of musio upon a higher plane than is customary with such strolling troupes. The Redpath Lyceum Bureau has charge of tbe tour. The Mendelssohn Club, of tho East End, will make its first public appearance in a con cert announced for next Friday evening at Gymnasium Hall. Mr. J. P. McColIum is di rector of this chorus, which numbers already 109 voices, and has under way an amateur orchestral annex, which may assist in the coming concert. The choral numbers include Ries' 15-minute cantata "Morning." Gounod's psalm, "By Babylon's Wave," and several lesser part songs, etc Solo parts will be sustained by Mrs. Adah S. Thomas, Mrs. Palmer, Mr.Robert B, Smith and Mr. F. W. Beart. The Mozart Club will get to work at once to prepare Mendelssohn's great oratorio, ','Elijah" for the spring concert. There is some talk of cutting out about one-third of the score and prefixing a light symphony. This lorthosajce of variety, presumably. But can nothing be done for the sako of art? Serious music-lovers have a right to hear lrom our leading society each year at least one work of oratorio rank, and to hear it in its integrity. Tho omission of the Christmas "Messiah" performance showed enough timidity for one season. To keep truly a leading position in anything takes courage, backbone. Though it does not appear that she ever slipped a piece of ico down Lum Turn's royal back. Mrs. Alice J. Shaw, siffleuse, has really whistled several times for the Prince of Wales. It is upon this fact and tbo ensuing social suc cess on both sides of the water that Mrs. Shaw's repute as a professional whistler is, no doubt, principally based. What other basis it may have curious Pittsburgers may discover by going to bear her at Lafayette Hall next Saturday evening. Signor Tagliapietra, tho famous baritone, with various lesser lights, will uphold tbe musical character of the enter tainment, which is given under tho auspices and for the benefit ofthe Press Clnb. It is a pity that the negotiations for a piano recital here next month by Adele Aus der Ohe have stalled presumably because the May Festival management fear to discount her drawing power for their event She seems to have been stimulated by Rosenthal's success to do better work than ever, judging from reports of her production of Max vogrieb's new con certo at the sixteenth Boston Symphony Con cert Pittsburgers who heard her with that orchestra Jast year would greatly like to hear her in full recital programme; it should rather increase, than lessen, her strength as a festival attraction. Another strong attraction has just been added to the list for the May Festival to open the new Exposition building. This telegram was received yesterday: "Carl Retter, Peh. Announce immediately engagement Jules Perotti, one of the three greatest living tenors; thousand dollars each appearance; his voice phenomenal, high C electrifying. Locke." Without requiring Mr. Locke to give categori cal proof of the above statements, Pittsburgers may well be glad at the prospect of hearing in Perotti the tenor who has scared some of the biggest "hits" of the present season at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, and whose voice and style, it would seem, aro especially suited 'to the concert stage in large halls. Meanwhile rehearsals go on apace and all seems propitious for the great event The Poco-a-Poco Orchestra, Mrs. Dr. J. S. Walters, directress, gave its second concert for this season at East End Gymnasium Hall last Tuesday evening, presenting a widely diversi fied programme, as follows: Overture, Banquet Scblepegrell Poco-a-Poco Orchestra. Vocal duet, Master and Scholar Horn Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Bullock. Tarantella, i'orosctta Ardltl Orchestra. Three Jolly Sailor Boys Marzlals Masters lirobst, WooIdrldKe and Kosser. Selection, Tannhauscr Wagner Orchestra. Vocal solo, The Knight of Old Sydenham Mr. II. M. Bullock. paut secosd. Overture, Barber of Serillc Orchestra. Vocal solo, ZrnanI Rossini ....Verdi Airs. Aaan s. xnomas. Second concerto Mendelssohn Mr. Carl Ritter. Characteristic piece. The Guardmount.EUenberg Orchestra. Ship Ahoy! Stalloy Masters Brobst "Wooldridge and Kosser. March, Musical Exchange Wlegand Orchestra. HE WANTED TO GET BIS WIFE. Mad as a Hatter When He Found Her in Tights In tbo Ballet. rsrrciAi. telegram to the wsPATcn.i New York, February 16. A yonngman who had bought an orchestra eat at the Ca sino to-night ran down the stairs in the lobby just after the ballet had appeared in the second act of "Nadjy," and tried to get through the glass door that leads from the lobby to the stage. The doorkeeper promptly blocked the way. "I command you to discharge my wife this instant," he shonted. "I have been hunting for her three weeks, and I've jnst seen her on the stage, in tights." The man said that his name was Wilson, and that he was superintendent ot a hat factory in Yonkers. His wife, he said, had run away from him because she was stage struck. She is Florence Wilson, who was engaged when "Nadjy" was revived last month, and he stationed himself at the stage door declaring-that he would, recapture her at any cost Mrs. Wilson heard of this threat and went out the other way. She told Agent Barton that she was going to sue her husband for divorce. AEEESTED FOR AN OLD CBIMB. A Telegraph Operator Charged With Sev eral Pension Frauds. tSrECTAL TZtECRAM TO THE DISPATCIT.l Ekie, February 16. George Folwell, a Lake Shore telegraph operator, was taken to Pittsburg this evening to await the action of the United States District Court of Tennessee. Folwell is nnder indictment for taking excessive pension fees and for interfering with the operations of the courts by bribing and offering to bribe witnesses who were to appear against him. Folwell has been nnder indictment foryears. One of his victimspaid him and his partner $1,000 and another paid him 5100. Folwell ways native of the Northeast, and had been in the army, and settled in Tennessee after the war. He had been a fugitive for two years. Folwell alleges that he onlv assisted a man named George Alex ander in getting a pension for a Mrs Exnm, and the $100 which be received from a col ored woman was for getting her .a divorce and not a pension. A TERRIBLE CRIME. An Ex.Freacher Murders Ills Wife, Two Daughters and the Hired Girl. rSFECIAL. TELIQIULM TO THE D1SPATCII.1 Pakkeksbuko, February 16. John Elsmer, a wealthy farmer, formerly a preacher residing in West connty, went home drunk last night, beat his wife for not having supper ready, then, seizing a heavy poker, he killed her; also his two daughters aged 12 and 17, and the hired girl. He then set fire to the lib use andbnrneditto the ground. He has been arrested and jailed. -There is some talk of lynching him. Arrested for Attempted Bribery. Philadelphia, February 16. Horace A. Palmer, manager ofthe Erie City Foun dry, at Erie, was arrested this morning, charged with attempting to bribe a public officer by offering a commission to Samuel L. Smedley, Chief of the Bureau of Sur veys, on goods purchased for the city of Philadelphia. THE GUAM) PABADE,- How the Catholics of Western Penn sylvania Will March Away ON WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. The Orders of the Chief Marshal and tha Line of Uarca. 0XLT. AMERICAN FLAGS TO WATH Everything goes to show that the Catholid parade on Washington's birthday will be a mammoth affair. Orders were issued yes terday, that of Chief Marshal Cosgrova being as follows: PrrrsBUEO, February 18. General Orders, 2to. 1. The headquarters of tbe Catholic organiza tions participating in parade on Washington's Birthday will be!established at Central Hotel. Smith&eld street where all aids de camp will report to the Adjutant-General at 8:30 A. x. The original Grand Army Band will report at 8:15 a. M. Chief Marshal and staff will be designated as follows: Chief Marshal, white sash: Chief of Staff, red sash; Adjutant-General, bine sash. The formation of the parade will be as fol lows: BFlrst division 1'cter Fromm, Marshal, will form on Carson street right resting on Smlthncld street bridge, facing west: wilt consist or Kitter's German military organizations and ail German congregations, organized and otherwise. Second division P. Kockford,- Marshal, will form on Water street right resting on Smithflel J street facing east; will consist of the A. O. II. Klfles (B. of .) and society and all unorganized bodies rrom the different English speaking con gregations on the south side of the Ohio and Mo nongahela rivers. Third divlsIon-T. 1'. Shaffer, Marshal, will form on Uuqu'esnc way, right resting Immediately on the left or the Second division; will consist of all literary and dramatic societies. Fourth divlsIon-J. W. Exlcr, Marshal, will form on Third avenue, right resting on smithfleld street, facing cast; will consist of E. B. A. and all unorganized bodlei from tbe different English speaking congregations on the west side of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers. ' Fifth division-Alderman B. F Mclnerney Marshal, will form on Second avenue, right rest ing on Smithfleld street, 'facing east: will consist of A. O. H.KIflesand society, and all unorganized bodies from the different English-speaking con gregations between the two rivers. Sixth dlTision Stephen Madden, marshal, will form on First ayenne rlgnt resting on Smithfleld street facing East, will consist of all temperance societies, and St. Bridget's, St. Mary's, St. Vin cent lie Paul and St. Joseph's Beneficial socle tics,, belonginf to English speaking congrega tions. . . Seventh division Joseph ICoslnskl. marshal, will form on Fourth avenue, right reatlng ou Smithfleld street facing East, will consist of the KnlghtsofSt. Stanislaus, St. Michael Uniformed Polish Society, the Bohemian Uniformed Society and all other bodies either organized or unorgan ized belonging to the Polka or Bohemian congre gatlons. Carriages will take position on the extreme left. . The column will form at 9 o'clock A. Jt.. sharp, and move prompt at command. Tho marshal of each division is expected to havo his division in line and ready to move and re port to Chief of Staff at the corner of Smith field and Water streets at 9 o'clock sharp. None other than Upited States flags and em blems will be permitted in the parade. The parade will go over the following route: Smithfleld street to Second avenue, to Kos street, to Fifth avenue, to Pride street, to Cald well street, to Fulton street, to Wylle avenue, to Fifth avenne. to Market street, to Sixth street, to Penn avenue, to Seventeenth street, to Liberty street, to Smithfleld street, to Sixth avenue, to Grant street and pass In review. Thomas Cosorovx, rOfilcl.il Chief Marshal. Fbaxk KLirx. Adjutant General. Pateick FOLET. Chief or Staff. Chief Marshal Ccwgrove has appointed the following aids: Michael Mnnhall. John Mnrphy, Thos. Murray. Wm. Morris, James McMahon, "W. l. McAuliaV. Thos. P. McCuIlough, J. A. JlcPlkc, W. J. McMahon, Morris McCne. II. C. Nicholson, U. P. O'Uoherty, Alderman C O'Donncll. J. E. O'Wonnell. J. C O'Donnell. J. J. O'Lcarv, Timothy O' Leary, Jr.. John OT.cllly, Or. J. A. Oldshne, Hon. John O'.Nell. r. O'Brien, P. Connor. Alex, i'lood, D. O'Brien, P. Hammell, Tim O'Brien, James Patterson, James rhelan. Cant. Ed . Quinn, Mick Quinn, Joseph Italic, D. O. Keardun, John Keed, John C. O'Kellly, Com. John Kodgers, John M. Kourke, Dr. P. J. Rowair. Col. F. J. Itutledge, John Ilottm.in, Alderman Phil. Bellly, Alderman M. Kodgers, Mlsa Jtattigan. Chas. Ranker. Uanfel Itlchle, J. A, Skclly, "V". H. Sjkes. A. Schanb. Chas. Schuktn. B. W. Schmidt. Anthony Schuber. Dr. Thomas Sheedy. F. P. Smith. Patrick Smith. A.J.Splele man, John Sullivan. Dr. J. B. Sullivan. W. J. Sohl. c. M. Schaub, F. Smith, John Shields, Dan Shields, J. W. Fine, F. J. Totten. Leopold 11 sack, John Vogcl. Dr. White. M. Walsh, iellx Ward. James Watson, F. J. Weixel. Jcob "Weltel. Jacob Walters. Peter Walters. ,."' JlcCaffrcr. Thomas McCaffrey. W. J. McCain,. Alex McFarland. W..I. McGaiin, F. C. McGerr, B. F. McGrady. T. J. McGrath, Patrick McOraw, Hugh McGulre. John Molam phy. John McFarland. Joseph McCIUJkcy, Daniel McWWIam', James McKeever. Sr., B. McKenna. Dr. J. C. McWhlllen, J. A. Sic. Haily, P. .1. McNulty. J. J. Mitchell. B. McOer mott. C. MeNamara. J. D. Lowry. .Christ. Lamb, C. Lauer, James Lamar. G. M. Lipplck. J. A. Lighten. H. LandgraC, A. Magglnnl. John Mok alt, II. Macfcln, EdwafdM.igee. Daniel Magutre, M. L. Malone, F. J. Maloney. B. Maloy. John Slarron, Frank Martin, Daniel McAfer. John Mc- , Caffrey. Thorn is Grace. William Gammon, Tnos. Ilacket. Michael Ilagan. Theo. Haves. Charles Hook, Charles Houston. John Hackensteln. Thos. Haynei. John llnrlev. P. W. Jovce. Ed. Kcllv, Fred. Kettle. Jllck Klllen, A B. Kennedy, A. F. Keating, Thomas Kellv, Thomas L. Kerin. Georee A. Kerin. Prof. F. F. Kirk. Frank M. Klsner. George Klrner. J. W. Flowers, Ed. Fraunhelm. W. J. Friday. Ed. FilUnger, J. P. Farrell, M. Flanlgan, P. FlanIgan,A.Good, G. Good. P. Gildcn. Fdward Garrlsan. J. F. Gildea, C E. Gllleple, B. Glocljner. J. H. Glon lnger. W. A. Uoulden. J. A. Goulden, W. Gou gan. John Grant. B. Donovan. 31. J. Dowllng, E.T.Duffy. J. Dunlvoy. Paul Dunlvoy, James Daley. Thomas Donahue. Edward Durklnr John Ebner, W. F. Klchenlaub, Chris Evans. H. B. Eckies. Joseph Ebner, J. J. Flanny, P. J.Fahey, John Farrell. Joseph Fenessey, J.' P. Fisher, Kobert Fltzpatrick, Felix Bovle, James Callery; Patrlck Carroll. T. 1. Caey. Thomas Catteral. If. Coll. M. U. Caulcv, William Corbet, Thomas Cnrran. P. 31. Cushlng, J. C. Creegan, Henry Charles, John Carr, lV'pr Carlln. Kdward Daln. 31. J. Daln. Joseph Daschbacb, John Deisenrod, James S.. Dcalln, P. K. Dillon, C. . Dixon. Charles Abel, Peter Amnion, Conrad Auth. A. J. Barr. V. O. Barr. D. Behcn. F. BInz. Tltns Berger, John ISItt ner, D. J. Boyle. James Brell. W. J. Brennan, Dr. J. Brockerhooff, I. D. Buckler, "W. J. Burns. J- S. Boyle, James W. Breeu. F. J. Bradr, John C. Boyle. James Bravaskey, John Blasjock. S. II. Gilson, J.C. Malone, Thomas H. Hughes, Stephen Kirsch, Julius Klose. Prof. II. T. Knake, II. B. Xraucr. Joseph Kerr, J. J. Kramer, C. P. Keeie, "W. J. Kirk. J. JL Kelly, A. J. Knhn. John Law ler. 3Iat Lawler, Thomas Lawler. J. K. Latuhart. Joseph Lappan. F. D. Larkin, John Lee. Michael Llmpcrt. Dr. John Logan and P. J. Longhrev. Tbe Fifth division is composed of lheA.0. H. of Allegheny and sunnandiDg counties and will be headed by the A. O. H. Rifles. Marshal" Mclnerney has issned the following order: iieadqcap.ters frfth division, f Catholic 1'aradb. PlTTSBCKC. February IS, 1SS-J Orders No. 1. I hereby appoint Peter Carlln Adjutant Genera and Terrence Mnrpby Chief-or-Stau. AWs, Timothy Connor, John O'Toole, 31orrts Hoer.. Ilngh Fltzslmmons James Leyden. Thomas O'Connor, Thomas Kelly, Arthur Cruean, Joho Kevln. Din McN.amara, Dennis O'Brien. Jas." Lawless, Thomas Kyan. Patrick Ward, William Jovce. Michael Shauguessev.3IIchaeI Barry. T. J. Carrey, Patrick Farrell. Patrick Darbey, John Mai lor, Timothy Gallagher, JlartlnBrennen. John Kelly. Martin Costeilo. J. D. 31cCarthy. Patrick JlcKlrley. 31. J. McDonald, 31. alahoney, 31. Mc Dennatt, 3Iatt. Cavanangh. B. 3lcGlnness, P. 3t. Connolly. Bartlev Welsh. Patrick KIrley. Daniel 3Ir.Craerov, 31. Beny, Peter Gil csplc, ratrlrt Lamb. Peter King. J. McDevitt, Peter Word. 31. Shaugnessey. 31. Barry, Thomas J. Carey. Patrick Farrell. Patrick Darley. John 3IcDonald, John. 3L-illey, Tlmotnr Connors, John O'Toole. James Lydcn, B, J. McGarrall, Timothy Gallagher, ilartln Brennen, Slartin Costello. John Kelly, Francis E. Carroll, Jos. D. McCarthy. Patrick: 3IcKlrley. M. J. 31cDonald, 1. J. Connally, 3Ilchael Maloney, B. 3Ictlnnlss. The marshal will be designated by a white sash : adjutant general, blue sash; chief of staff, red sash. 3larshal and staff will wear silt hats, dark clothes and bnff gloves without gauntlets. The division will form on Second avenue, right resting on Smithfleld street. All organized bodies. Irom the English-speaking congregations between the two rivers will report at Second avenne to Ad jutant General Peter Carlln, who will assign them to their positions. . The staff will report at 8:30 A. 31. By order of B. B. MclXEKSKT. Official Cblef3UrsbaI. PETER CABLIX. Adjutant General. Terbxsce Mcbpuy, Chler or Staff. JohnF. Shaffcr.Marshal of the Third divi sion, which will be composed of litbrary socie ties, yesterday issned his general prderNo. 2, also in which his aids were appointed. WAS IT STOLEN. A Lot of Jewelry Gets Two Young men la tho CentrnI Station. ' About 12:30 o'clock last night Special Officer McTighe arrested James Martin and William Herron, aged about 18 years, on Fifth avenue, on suspicion of having been ' concerned in a nnmber of robberies in this vicinity lately. Abont 25 minutes before their arrest the two young men had a box of jewelry in their 'possession which they were trying to dispose of at any price.. When the officer'was told ot it he arrested them but they had concealed the jewelry somewhere. The collection consisted of ladies' pins, cuff buttons, etc I t mm jhiittUti., aA-k-.:. - JLx; .. .-. a, a-va':5 jfc &M3iL V -J&jfriSXistty tSaZL&i Lb-JLj&ttlfe- i .J-AAfeir.! -J 4 --ckU-J. 1avj. uSVteab rebFja- --" -k n.i ft. ; 'tuftiiV ri ii"VftfVnfiTrST , .L