PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY IT, . 1889.-; HEADY FOR A CHANGE Beal Estate Men Who Believe That -May Should Be Moving Month. A SLY DIG AT AP1UL FOOLISHNESS, With Some Good Seasons Why a Month Later Would Be Better. QUAETEELI COLLECTION IDEA STEONG. Fittsburg moves on April 1, not because it is All Fools Day. nor because Pitts burgers are all fools, but possibly, because there is just a little bit more old fogyisru in the composition of our people than is abso lutely necessary to make a well-balanced judgment Ex-Mayor Henry A. Weaver states that the day was fixed in the time of Edward IT., and that, and that alone, is probably the reason we adhere so tenacious ly to a custom which should have no bind ing force in cities where agricultural opera tions are not carried on. Even in Phila delphia, which in 1708 was divided into 1,000 and 5,000 acre lots, and might have been styled an agricultural city, the people do not icel compelled to move on April 1, but take any time that is mutually convenient. "Ve are greatly wedded to the past in some respects and still keep alive customs that were once salutary and even indispensable, but which are now absurd. For instance: "We are informed that certain instruments of writing must be given under seal or they are not binding, and further. that there is a vast amount of solemnity at tending the making of a seal, though it is usually a very common kind of a scrawl a character that the man who signs his name with an "X" "his mark," can make as well, if not so elegantly, as the most a complished writing teacher. LIKE THE ATEIL FOOL. Those who do not know the origin of the rise of a seal, and are curious enough to in quire, will see at a glance that its mainten ance, though perhaps not injurious, is absurd, but not more so than the custom of moving on April 1. It is related that Gnatimozin smiled while lying on a bed of hot coals, and compared it to one of roses. He probably had in mind the adage that every rose has its thorn. A lady commenting on his painful end re marks that "never housewife notable smiled on a rainy washing day," and she might have added that none ever smiled on a. blustry moving day in early April, nnlcss it be one of that restless class of femininity that reorganizes the position of furniture at intervals solely for love of change. Some of this class can endure more than man, if it brings with it change. All the real estate dealers and agents, save one, lound in their offices yesterday, were in favor of pushing moving day further along into the season. Mr. G. H. Love thought the weather alone ought to be suf ficient reason for the change. He said that in some cities they got along well enough without having any special time for moving, as they rented bv the month. He thought the monthly plan vou!d work well here when business was brisk, but that in dull times it might cause considerable loss, as manv people when out of employment woufd leave houses vacant. The only ob jection Mr. Love could think of that might arise would be that some people might be inclined to insist that rents should be paid along with the regular quarterly settle ments. READY TOE THE CHANGE.' Mr. John AV. Herron was in favor of the change to May 1, as in every respect more satisfactorv than the present time. He said Philadelphia got along well without any special time, and his plan broke the monop oly of professional movers, who, on moving day, are able to turn up their noses even at plumbers. Mr. Bums "V. Herron coin cided with his brother's views. Mr. Beckwith, of Cooper & Beckwith, was equivocallvin favor of a change of date. Messrs. Berfnger & Son were in favor of the change, and without any mental reserva tions. Mr. S. "W. Black was heartily in favor of the change, as it is now settled beyond a doubtbythe experience of all semi-centenarians that wmtei prolongs his stay fullv a month longer than hedid 40 vearsago. Yere the time changed, tenants would be better able to suit themselves also. Black & Baird are in favor of a change, and will co-operate with a movement to make leases 13 months in order to bring about regularity subsequently. Ex-Mavor Henry A. "Weaver and! his partner, Mr. Marshall, were both favorable to the change. Mr. "Weaver stated that April 1 was originally fixed to accommo date the agricultural interest in the time of Edward IV., when there wasn't any other industrial interest to speak of. And the date was made with reference to the plant ing of spring crops. There is no reason why the custom should apply in cities. SELr-EVIDEST ADVANTAGES. Mr. George Johnston was in favor of change, and didn't consider it necessary to give any reason, as, he said, the advantage was patent to anyone who had ever moved in bad weather. Mr. James Dickson favored the idea, and thought the saving in the matter of health was a sufficient argument in its lavor. Mr. V. W. McNeill, of McNeill & Bro., said the entire trouble would be gotten over in the first year, and that persons could buy property to better advantage when the weather had settled so as to show just what it was at its best Mr. Ailes, of Alles & Campbell, favored the change, and withont any mental reserva tions. Mr. S. J. Fleming agreed with the ma jority, and for similar reasons. Mr. Lyon, of Graebing & Lyon, thought the gain to health ought of itself to be suf ficient reason for the change. Mr. L M. PennocK refused.to talk, say ing he hadn't time, but added: "Of course I am in favor of a change." A gentleman in Mellon Bros, bank said there wasn't any donbt they would prefer May 1 to April 1. Mr. John F. Baxter was also one who did not see any room for argument, and added that the reform could be accom plished with bat little effort, if the agencies would combine for the purpose, and exert their logic on both landlord and tenant. The last place visited was that of Dixon &Co. Here only was the proposition op. posed. The gentleman who spoke for the firm said he could see no benefit to be de rived, and thought the change would be dis organizing. THE QUARTERLY LOGIC The opposition "here manifested consists olelyin the detachment of rent payment from the regular quarterly settlement day, but this, as suggested by many dealers, might be an advantage, as frequently fam ilies find enough trouble to make other quarterly settlements, and were the rent quarter shoved a month ahead it might be provided against more easily, and many . pay monthly anyhow. Those who may have scruples on account of prescription may get a grain of comfort from John SeTden who in the days of James the First and of Charles the First edified people by his Table Talk. Scldcn says: "Twas the custom of the Jews (if the year did not tall out right, but that it was dirty for the people to come up to Jerusalem at the feast of the Passover, or that their corn was not ripe for their first fruits), to inter calate a month and so to have, as it were, two February's, thrusting up the year still higher, March into April s place, April into May's place, etc, whereupon it is im possible for us to know when our Savior was"born, or when He died. E. G. Hats & Co., have just sold 37 pianos to the employes of Westinghouse Air Brake Works; this is the largest order ever placed in the city. A GANNON BALL MINE. Tho Surprising Discovery of a Sewer Con tractor In Sknnk Hollow History of ilio Aloat Modern Sort Impugned. Mr. Evan Jones has found iron mine in Skunk Hollow. He lound it while exca vating for a sewer in that classic vale, and it is manufactured iron. When one bf the workmen urned out a somewhat corroded cannon ball there was a suspension of work while the matter could be debated. No an tiquarians being in the party; the discussion was fruitless, save as a stimulant to study, and the matter might have gone into obliv ion again had it not been that, from time to time, more balls were unearthed, until Mr. Jones found himself in possession of a large quantity of iron. r Then it was supposed there might have been a battle there, and history was ransacked in hopes of finding some account of "ambition's honored fools" murdering each other to advance the claims of the Houses of Hanover and Orleans, but to no purpose. Old timers recollected that they had heard that the arsenal was established in that vicinity in 1615, and that its establishment was still a matter of neighborhood gossip in their youthful days; but they had never beard that its testing ground was in Skunk Hollow. Mr. Devlin, who has charge of the ceme tery in the neighborhood, conld not recol lect of hearing of any cannonading in that section, nor could ruins of any fort be found. As the balls were all found within the compass of CO feet, some of them tightly wedged between the slate strata, it was thought by some that the fire had been con centrated, as though a fort were the objective point Ex-Mayor Weaver destrovs the historical romance by stating that Kuapp & Wade there tested their Columhiads, made about the opening of our late civil war. The fact that incidents that made a great noise less than thirty years ago and were talked of by the entire country, are already forgotten by the'mass of the generation that participated in them, seems to indicate that all history is but little more than the indis tinct recollection of a dream. TEMPEEANCE AT THE BIJOU. The First of a Series of Meetings Itnn by Local Good Templars. To-night the Independent Order of Good Templars open their fight in this section for the prohibition- amendment, with a mass meeting at the Bijou Theater. The princi pal speaker will be L. F. Cole, of Wiscon sin, the lecturer for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. An address will also be made byBev. Mr. Neale, Mr. James Fellows will read an original peom, and there will be recitations by Miss Torley and Miss Wilson. The music will be a feature of the meeting. A double quartet has been or-" ganized, its members being Mrs. M. It. Sands, Mrs. Amy Challinor, Mrs. E. Hart, Mrs. J. It. Fife, W. Fisher, W. S. Jones, Philip Johnson and O. W. Jones. The programme arranged is as follows: Quartet, "When I Can Bead My Title Clear;" double quartet, vesper hymn; Mrs. Challinor and chorus. "My Boy is on the Street To-night;" double quartet, "Abide With Me." The meeting will be free, and everybody is invited. BANNED poWDER. HICKORY KUT CAGE. One cup of butter, 1 cup of sweet milk,3 epgs (whites and yolks beaten separately), U nutmeg grated, 1 teaspoonful extract ot lemon, 1 pint hickory out kernels chopped, 1 pint currants wash and dried, 1 pint of seedless raisins; mix together; add 5 cups of flour having in it 1 measures Banner Baking Powder; bake l'i" hoars in a toler ably slow oven. This cake will keep for months. There is no economy in using inferior and so-called cheap baking preparations. It would be well for the economical and prudent housewife to count the cost and final expense in the use of an inferior baking powder and compare the difi'erent results, which are largely in favor of the high test pure cream tartar powder. The Banner Powder is composed of 99 per cent pure crystal cream tartar, giving it the most powerful leavening force, hence it always does more and better work with a given quantity ot flour than any other. The. "Banner Eecipe Hook" is replete with valuable household information for baking tea biscuit, rolls, muffins and all kinds of fancy cakes; instructions for roast ing meats, fish and fowl; for preparing French and mayonnaise dressings, and mak inc all kinds of desserts. Every lady should have one of the books. Order a pound can with the Banner Recipe Book from your grocer. If he cannot supply the book, send your address to B. B. Powder Co., P. O. box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., and we will mail it free. E. G. Hays & Co., have just sold 37 v.. "iu u j.t n,v. juj niu pianos to the employes of "Westinghouse i Brake "Works; this is the largest order e Air ever placed in the city. MEETINGS. VrOTICE-MEMBERS OF TWIN CITY 1 COUNCIL No. 121. Jr. O. U. A. M will meet at their hall, Nos. C8 and 70 Ohio street, on TUESDAY. February 19. 1689. at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Henry Bichter. Members of sister counrils are" invited to at tend. . J. GEO. MEISTER, Councilor. RUSSEL DUNCAN, Rec Bec'y. fel7-77 Headquarters lieutenant James ) m. lyle camp 2, sons of veterans, Alleqheny, Pa. ) General Order, No. 2: BROTHER YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI FIED to appear at camp room in fall Uni term, with Memorial badge, on Tuesday after noon, February 19, at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend rue luncrai 01 ouriate Drotner, Henry Klchter. Sister camps are respectfully Invited to attend. Bv order JOHN YOCHEM, Captain. HENRY EICHENBKRG, First Serceant. felT-Oo -TtftENCH LESSONS. PROF. GEORGE GIBSON, Teacher of the French Lancuace. Address care of H. KLEBER&BRO., fel"-2 SOS Wood street. 100 HINTS FOR PASSENGERS TO EUROPE. A pretty little book containing them pre sented free on application in person or by P. C. MAX SHAMBERG & CO., Representatives of the Nord Deutscher Lloyd, 27 Sinithheld SL. Pittsburg, Pa. fcl2-91-wsu WALTER J. OSBORNE. RICHARD HARROWS. BARROWS fc OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street. Telephone No. SB! se2-k56-TTE8u ANTHONY GUCKERT. Manufacturer of DESKS AND TABLES, ALL KINDS OF WOOD TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING. Corner Cherry and Strawberry alleys, Pitts. burg, Pa. noU-m82-6T L. ' r til I- rt . fi C Q o o o ft i III M Ur. fife THE BEST S3Display advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Lei, eta, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For te accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been established at the following places, where Want,.For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements ire to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TnK- Dis patch. rrrrsBUKG. THOMAS McCAFFREV, 39 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and renn ave. E. G. STUCKEY&CO., W'ylle are. and Fultonst. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. east ent. J. "W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEll SHEIULER,5thav. Atwood St. SOUTUSIDE. JACOB SFOnN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAHM, 1T07 Carson strest. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHElt, 59 Federal street. 11. J. MCBUIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED IL EGGERS. 171 Ohio street. F. IL EGGEUS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut it. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. TnOM AS MCHENRY. Westernand Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EKKY M. GLEIM. Rehecea and Allegheny aTes. WANTED-HELF. 3Inlc Hcln. -TTTANTEO AN EXPERIENCED GEB.MAN V cook at once. 41FOUKTHAVE. fe 17-30 -TTTANTED GOOD MACHINERY MOI.1IEHS V in a neighboring city. Address' COPE & DRAG, Dispatch office. fcI0-52 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR to canvass In city: also man to take branch office. Apply to S. W. HOLLAND, 6 Sixth street. fclS-34 -TTTANTED A HARNESS MAKER ONE t who can make carriage harness and other fine harness. Apply at HARTMAN &, HOST'S, 1200 Penn ave. fcl7-22 TV7-ANTED-EXPERIENCED LODGE OR- V G ANIZERS for benevolent order, paying liv ing and death benefits. ROOM 63, Ashland Block. Chicago, 111. fe 17-39 TTfANTKD-A FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND VV cake baker; must lie clean and tobcr: to board in family. ROBT. MORROW & CO., Woodland avc, Allegheny, Pa. fel7-l WANTED-A GOOD SOLICITOR TO TAKE orders for a new ledger trial balance book; call berore noon. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT ING AGENCY. Room 402, Hamilton Building. fel7-75 WANTED-BOOK KEEPER A COMPETENT man that understands thoroughly the ad justment or accounts. COMMERCIAL AC COUNTING AGENCY, room 402, Hamlllon building. fc!7-76 "TTTANTED AGENTS TO SELL OUR SALA VV MANDER tipped Iampwlck; everlasting: light equals gas: SCO per cent 'profit: sells rapidly; samples 10 cents. PHOENIX LAMP WICK CO.. Elmlra, N. Y. feI7-37 TTTANTED A FIRST-CLASS STENOG- VV RAPHER and tvnewrlter onerator: one familiar with bookkcening preferred: cive refer ence and state salary expected. AddressX. Y. Z., Dispatch office. fel7-58 TTTANTED-SALESMEN TO SELL BY SAM V V PLE to the wholesale and retail trade; sal ary f30 per week: permanent employment: 2 cent sump for particulars. BRISTOL il'F'G CO.. Box 677, Chicago, IIL fel7-34-wsu TTTANTED SALESMEN: AGENTS; GAS V V burners that light themselves; a grand suc cess: everybody buys them: (10 dally eaMlv msrie: 5 prize medals: secure territory. MATCHLESS CO., 132Headest., N. Y. fe!7-3S-Su WANTED-A GENTS IN THIS CITY AND outside towns to sell Dr. O'Kecfe's pills and hitters: steady work: can make S12 to (IS per week, II R. O'KEEFEA CO.. Homeopathic chemists, 34 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. fel7-s2 WANTED-GOOD RELIABLE AGENTS FOR the only responsible Live Stock Insurance Co. In the State, having paid tin, 000 in claims in this cltv alone. Call on J. A. GORDON. Gen'l Apt,, 36 Sixth St., Kooin 11. fel"-17 WANTLD-WE DESIRE TO ESTABLISH A general agency in Pittsburg or vlclnltv, to control the sale of a staple article of dallv con sumption; any energetic man with small capital may secure a permanent, paving business. For particulars address GREENWICH ilANUFACT URIKGCO., KVeseyst, N'.Y. fel6-46 Female TlelD. WANTED-A GOOD FEMALE COOK; AP PLY on Monday at the KEYSTONE no TEL, Fourth avc., city. felT-94 -TTTANTED-HOUSEKEEPER-ALL APPL1- V CANTS will please state their age and arcom- Ellshmcnts and references. Address Box X. A. -, Dispatch onlce. fe 17-32 -IT7-ANTED-RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN V for light, general housework; this will be a home for the right person. Apply 3436 FORBES STREET, Oakland, with references. fel7-60 , "TTT-AXTED-A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL COOK; TV Bust be a reputable. Intelligent woman, pot over middle age: none others need apply; the right kind of a woman can have a steady place at. .good wages. AddressorcallatthePAHKHOTEL, New Brighton, Pa for one week. fel4-76 Dlalc nnd Fcmnlo HelD. WANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN FOR Twin City Dramatic Club. Address first letter to MR. ROBERT URAY, No. 85 Sixth ave., Pittsburg City. fcl7-93 TTTANTED AGENTS. MEN OR WOMEN, TO V sell Missouri Steam Washer to families: ar guments in Its favor numerous and convincing; sales made without difficulty; prollts large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense ir not satisfactory: write lor illustrated circular and terms. J. V ORTH, 64 Bcekman, N. Y. no25-w80-su WANTED-SITUATIOXS. WANTED-POS1TION AS BOOKKEEPER BY an experienced man: satisfactory refer ences. Address B. K., Dispatch office. fel7-21 -TTTANTED - SITUATION - BY ENGLISH V bread aad c&kc baker; good references. BAKER, 2312 Carson St., S. S., Pittsburg, l'a. fe 17-31 WANTED-11Y A YOUNG MAN 17 YEARS of age. situation in office or store; can fur nish city references. Address CLERK, box 330, Pittsburg postofflce. fcl7-6I WANTED-BV YOUNG LADY, POSITION as assistant bookkeeper or bill clerk: can give best of reference as to character and ability. Address 44, Dispatch office. fel7-65 -TTJANTEO-A SITUATION BY A KEG1S iV TEREU pharmacist; German, single; em ployed now, but wishes to change March 1. Ad dress ALUM, Dispatch office. fel-59 WANTED PARTNERS. -TTTANTED -A PARTNER WITH FROM' VV (5,000 to (19,000 in cash to go In an estab lished mfg. business. Address 1). PARTNER, Dispatch office. fc!7-20 WANTED-PARTNEB-BUSINESS ESTAB LISHED: young man with ,1,000 capital to take chargeof office: must be a No. 1 man and well acquainted In the city; none other need ap ply. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Third avenue and Wood St.. cltv. feI6-96 WANTED BOARDING; "TTTANTED-BOARD AND TWO ROOMS, FOR VV man and wife and two children, in Jewish family. Address U., Dispatch office. fel7-fi9 -TTTANTED-FROM APRIL 1ST, BOARDING V forfamllyorthree(twoadultsand one child) at Edgewatcr, Oakmont, or IIuIJoq (A. V. R. R. ). Address BOX 53, Hulton, Fa. fe!7-113 TTTANTED-BOARD AND ROOM BY A V young gentleman: room not to be more than four blocks from Carsonand Eighteenth stt.. and 4 00 or J4 SO per week. Address E.. 17U7 Carson St., S. S. fe 17-117 WANTED-UOOMS. HOUSES. WANTER-BY TWO YOUNG MEN, FUR NISHED room in East End, near either cable line, Audress B Dispatch office. feI7-SO -TTTANTED -TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, YV with board, April 1; reference given. Ad dress, with terms, PERMANENT, Dispatch office. felO-32 TTTANTED-IMMEDIATELY 3 OR 4 ROOMS VV for housekeeping: centrally located, with nat. gas and water. Address E. G. W., Dispatch office. fel"-23 "TTTANTED-BY APRIL 1ST. 3 TO 5 ROOMS V V for bousekeeplng: no children: central loca tion; modern improvements; reasonable rent. Address 101, Dispatch office. fe!6-16 TTTANTED-TO KENT -HOUSE OF 8 OR 8 VV rooms. In good location, with all conveni ences; nw house preferred: can give reference. Address W. R. H- Dispatch office. fel7-115 WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 4tf. S AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; 114 Fourth ave. J&-U-2-5U WANTED-MOK1GAGES-MONEYTOLOAN on cltv and suburban property at 4,'j to 6 percent; all application receive prompt atten tion. J. K. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth avc. feI6-72 TTTANTED tfOUTGAUES-l. COD, 000 TO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4, Sand 6 per cent, and on Jarms ln Allegheny and aoja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and BoonrDac propeny at a per ccm; nu i&x: we win also loan money on improved farms in Alle gheny, Beaver. Fayette. Washington and West moreland count!es;any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Je3-as-su WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTEU-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE money to loan on flrst-class security. LASHELL RANKIN, 87 Fourth ave. fel7-44 -TTTANTED -RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES Jfc BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-81 WANTED-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST rates of Interest: no delay; rents collected: prompt settlements. J. C REf LLY, 77 Diamond it. fel7.114 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -TTTANTED-ELECTION PRINTING AND ALL W kinds of printing. V. H. BARNES, 94 Fifth ate. fcl7-97 -TT7-ANTED-TO EXCHANGE A HOUSE AND V lot for machinery to starta small foundry. Address JOE DOUGAN, St. James Hotel, city. fel4-8 WANTED-TO MAKE BROMIDE PRINTS and finish them in cravon In the finest style: also a few solicitors wanted. PITTS. BRO MIDE CO., 531 Smilhfleld St. fel"-84 -TT7-ANTED - BUYERS FOR GOLD AND VV silver watches, chains, clocks, diamonds, silverware, elc, at 1 per week; Rogers' knlvei and forks 75 per set for cash. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal St., Allegheny. fel7-lS-MWFSa WANTED-AUCTION SALES OF REAL estate, merchandise at stores and household goods at residences, by SM1THSON & MOORE, General Auctioneers, office room 58, Eisner build ing, corrier Fifth avenue and Wood street. fcl3-lS WANTEO-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest: remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, SJOSmithfield St. noll-MWFSu w ANTE1I-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 90 Fifth avenue Pittsburg. and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is maklug fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous Droccss. mhl3-kZ7 -TTTANTED-IT KNOWN THAT AUFRECHT'S V ELITE G AL1.ERY.516 Market St., Pitts., will make a handsome framed. life size crayon and 12 cabinets for 55, for a short time only: this offer cannot be equaled anywhere else, with fine work, come soon; cabinets SI per doz.; bring children. 1C17-86 -TTTANTED I'D INFORM THE PUBLIC V V generally and our patrons in particular that our Dressmaking Emporium and Cutting bchool will be located at our present place for the next year. We arc prepared to fill all orders for spring costumes of evcrv description on the short est notice possible. Ladles can enter our school at any time; board furnished thdse from a distance, bend for terms. Agents, dressmakers and others are requested to confer with us, as we arc pre pared to open a Garnlcr's Dressmaking School In every cltv and town In the country. Write at once to M. J. GARNIER, Inventor of Garnler's Tailor System of Cutting, 25 Sixth ave. (Opp. Trinity Church.) fel7-87 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-A HOUSE AN D LOT ON FOURTH avenue, between Smlthneld and Grant sts.. if applied lor soon. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth. 1ICUUC, JC14-K FOR-SALE-PENN AVE. PROPERTY: VALU ABLE, desirable and well located: good In vestment to oulck buver. ALLES BAILEY, 1M Fourth avc ; tol. 167. ien-su FOR SALE-ONLY tSO-SMALL PAYMENT down, the balance same as rent, 2-sty fr. house, 6 rooms, in good condition, on nisnmrck way, near High School; lot 30x75. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. fel7-114 FOR SALE-WEBSTER AVE.. AT A BAR GAIN, two-story and mansard brick, 7rooms and storeroom: also brick house in rear of 6 rooms: rents for G00: in best or repair; lot 20x127. J. K, COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. felS-72 FOR SALE -BLUFF STREET. BETWEEN Magee and Stevenson, press brick dwelling of 7 rooms, vestibule, hall; good cellar; both gases; possession at once; price ,u. ALiLiKS As 11A1- LEY, 164 Fourth avc. Telephone, 167. feI7-4 FOR SALE-A 2-STORY FRAME DWELLING, containing 7 rooms; city water; natural gas on street: lot 25x150 from Mission to Lincoln st., near Sterling, head of S. Twentv-second street; price S130O. G. J. BLE1CHNER, i208 Carson st. fe!3-13 FOR SALE-taOOO-LARGE AND CONVENI ENT dwelling. No. 137 Bluff street, in excel lent order; brick stable on premises; lot 38x165; will shade a trifle for cash. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fel7-4f FOR SALE-BLUFF STREET, NEAR COL LEGE, new brick house 8 rooms, hall, bath room, Inside w. c, finished basement; a'complete house, all late Improvements; lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. ZtUUtKA- UUWAUD, NO. 20 Bluff street. fc!7-45-E0D FOR SALE-DAVIS ST.. JUST A FEW DOORS from. WylU ave. cable line, an elegant 2 story brick dwelling of 6 rooms and attic, bath, h. and c. water, a. and n, gas; perfect In every respect and price right; lot 20x80. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. fe!7-114 FOB SALE-DAVIS STREET, THIRTEENTH ward, new brick house 6 rooms; finished attic, hall, vestibule. marMe mantels, good cellar, laundry, natural and artificial gas: street sewered aiiu wicu; uiu uo uuuKut m a oargain. j. it. COOPER CO.. 107 Fourth ave. felS-72 FOR SALE-5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON Shelley st, between Webster and Bedford avenues, and near head of Penn Incline: lot 20x110 to an alley; price (1,650, (650 cash and the balance can remain on tne property as long as tne pur- VUkt?l Ulav UUC j. 1. LVYL, SM T . LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. rei4-io-Tnssu FOR SALE-FIVE-HOOSI BRICK HOUSE ON Shelby St., between Webster and Bedford avenues and near the head of f enn Incline: lot 20 xtlO to an alley: price $1,650; S6S0 cash and the bal ance can remain ou the property as long as the purchaser may desire. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. fel7-47 FOR SALE-FIFTH AVENUE RESIDENCE, near Jnmonvllle street, a new pressed brick house, 8 rooms, bath room, electric bell, w. c. 's, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, cement cellar, laundry aud all the latest lmprove- uieuis; lui. iijiiu aiiu zircei. Call or address NO. 620 FIFTH AVENUE. fel3-4MVThFSU FOR SALE-BLUFF ST.. NEAR CHESTNUT st.. new press brick dwelling mansard. 10 rooms, vestibule, hall. bath. w. c, h. and c. water, tile hearths, slate mantels, inside shutters, both gases, etc Lot 23 ft. 91n.xl39to an alley; to a quick buyer a bargain In this property. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 1 Fourth ave. Telephone, 167. fel7-4 East End Residences, FOR SALE-S27, 000 -MODERN RESIDENCE with all Improvements, at Shadyilde, lotldOx 300. STKAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, i'lttsbnrg. fe!7-43 FOR SALE-56.500-NEW AND SUBSTANTIAL dwelling house of 11 rooms, has all conven iences: lot 36x100 feet; located on Oakland avenue. Oakland W. C. STEWART, 111 Fourth ave. fel7-6S-YF6SU FOR SALE-?17,S00-SUBSTANTIAL BRICK of 12 rooms; having all conveniences: lot 65x 175 leet; located on one of the finest paved avenues in East Liberty. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fel7-H FORSALE--ON PENN AVE.-NEW FRAME house, 8 rooms, reception -hall, bathroom and all modern improvements: convenient to both steam and cable cars; only $4,000. THOS. LIG GETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-75-TTFBSu FOR SALE-fl5,O0O-BRICK JtESIUENCE OF ten rooms, almost new, with all modern con veniences, lot 80x265, situate on Penn avenue, near Wlneblddle 6treet: a bargain. STRAUB & jiuKicis, corner wooa street ana aura av&nue. onu 17-4; Pittsburg. fe!7-43 FOR SALE-f5.800-MODERN BRICK RESI DENCE of eight rooms, recently comcleted; corner lut, suusieu iu vaunuu; owner neeas monevlnhls business is only reason for selling. STKA"UB MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fel7-43 FOR SALE-30,00O-ACTUALLY WORTH $35,000. modern and substantial dwelling of 12 large rooms, having all conveniences; lot 114x 412 feet: this property Is desirably located In Shadyside, on anaved avenue, bavlng good sew erage. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe!7-18 FOR SALE-SiaOOOi-NEW BRICK QUEEN Anne dwelling of 10 rooms; has all conven iences; lot 50x150 feet; located on a Daved avenue In a well Improved neighborhood: nothing better for the money In the East End. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. fel7-18 FOR SALE-CORN ER LOT ON HILAND AVE., 64x180; brick house (about 3yrs. old), recep tion ball, parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen on first floor, 4 bedrooms, bathroom and linen closet on second floor, 4 good rooms in attic, basement lannary, furnace, natural gas and all modern Improvements; 5 minutes' walk from either line of cable or street cars. THOS. LIG GETT, IM Fourth ave. felo-75-TTFSsu TjWR SALE-?14,000-NEGLEY .AVE. NEAR 1 Penn; corner lot; elegant brick residence; four rooms and reception ball on 1st floor; 4 good bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor, and 4 bedrooms in attic; also laundry, large linen closet with drawers and shelves; extra w. c. Jn basement large front and back porches; electric bells and speaking tubes: house all wired for electric lights.: slate mantels and tile and marble hearths fljg stone pavement: one minute's walk from cable cars: a delightful home In an elegant neigh borhood; this price Is with sewering, paving and curbing all paid; terms reasonable. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fel7-6S-wrssu Allegheny Residences. F5,5AL,Erf'00O-;A NKW' AND SUBSTAN TIAL brick of 9 rooms; elegantly finished luiuukuuui iuuiicu ucar uariks, m second ward Allegheny. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth a-e. fel7-18 FOR SAL.E-A NUMBER OV DWELL1NOS LO CATED on Kldgc ave., Lincoln ave.. North ave. and otber itood streets In Allegheny. Parties desiring to purchase will find It to their Interest to see VV. C. STEW ART, U4 Fourth -ave. before buying. fei7.18 FOR S A L E-ffi,500 TWO-STORY AND mansard brick residence. No. 195 Jackson street, second ward, Allegnenv: honse well finished, In flrst-class order, and a Dargalnat this figure. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fe!7-43 FOR SALE-SMALL THREE-ROOM HOUSE and a good lot near Wood's Run, Tenth ward. Allegheny City; the lot rronts on two streets: price U0O. and is very cheap: buyers most not ex pect a larm or a palace for the price: it Is near the iron works. C. H. LOVE, No. S3 Fourth avenue. fel4-5S-Tll6SU FOR SALE OR TO LET-THREE-STORY brick building, with power; suitable for light manufacturing; situated on .East Ohio street, where it has frontage of 120 feet, and extending hack 117 feet to West Penu R. R. ; can be bought chean. as owner lives In another Htntn RTR a Fi if ft MORRIS, corner Wood Street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. . fel7-B FOR SALE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE Allegheny Residence. FOR SALE-UNION AVENUE, ALLEGHENY, fronting parks, fine residence of 14 rooms, with all modern improvements: large lot: new brick stable, itc JNO. J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth ave. fel4-91 FOR SALE-S5,500-E1GHT-ROOMED DWELL ING, modern conveniences, side entrance. etc.: No. 75 Perry St.. Allegheny. STRAUB MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fel7-43 FOR SALE-I GOOD 2-STORY BRICK HOUSES in Allegheny: one ot them SiUOO and the other 6, 500; these properties are both very desira ble and good value: terms to suit. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. fel3-28 FOR SALE-CIIARTIERS ST.. ALLEGHENY, 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, h. and c. water, and all other modern improve ments; price low; lot 20x124 to alley. .1. C. REILLY; 77 Diamond st. rel7-114 FOR. SALE-M.600-NEW PRESSED-BRICK dwelling of eight rooms, containing all recent conveniences, situated In Second ward, Allc KSt. STRAUB A MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. fel7-43 T7IOR SALE-S5. 50O-MODERN EIGHT-ROOMED X" dwelling, finished in good style, laundry, bathroom, etc.: corner lot, Klrkpatrlck avenue. Second ward, Allegheny."- STRAUB A MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fel7-43 FOR SALE -16,000 -ALLEGHENY PARK property; house modern and very comforta ble: will exchange for a deiirable suburban home of less value, with difference In cash or secured by first mortgage. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. fel7-4? FOR SALE-SMALL 3-ROOM HOUSE AND A good lot near Wood's Run, Tenth ward, Allegheny City; the lot rronts on 2 its.:. price, fnOO and is very cheap buyers must not expect a farm or a palace for the price; it is near the iron works. C. H. LOVE, W Fourth ave. fcl7-47 FOIJSALE-TWO HANDSOME OUEEN ANNE houses in Second ward, Allegheny City; new nd complete: all the modern Improvements: one ortnemhas9 rooms and the other 11; we have a full description of them, and would say thev will have to be seen' to be fully appreciated: these houses will be offered at a price that will sell them, c H. LOVE, Ho. 93 Fourth avenue. fe!7-17 Snbnrbnn Residences. FOR SALE-WE HAVE TWO GOOD PROPER TIES at Bellcrne: prices M.200 and S2.30O res pectively. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fclG-B FOR SALE 3 BRICK DWELLINGS AT Bclleflcld, located between tFirth, avenue and Forbes St.. at prices libout S,00O: each these v. ., uesiraoic properties tor tne money, u H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. feI7-47 TTIOR SALE-DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AT one J- Ingram at TA55U, 3,000, SG,5GO, J9.COT ot the prettiest and most convenient nl laces for a : Mtiimrs home out of Pittsburg. STRAUB MORRIS. corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-A NICE house ami 3 lots In. Mead ville. Pa.; fine lawn, terraced and shaded: natural gas, bath, inside w. c, and all modern improvements: S0,500, or will trade for nttsburg property. L. M. WORUEN, 77 Fourth ave. feIC-00 1710 R SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST : beautiful suburban places in Allegheny county: the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house; thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery; fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 6 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxville borougb. Jal9-9 FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lot FOR SALE-LAWRENCEVILLE LOTS ON Hatfield and Walnut streets: desirable and cheap, 167. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. fel4-90 FOR SALE-LOTS ON LIBERTY AND PENN aves., also on Wvlle ave, ; reasonable rrlce and desirable In location. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. fel4-90 East End Lots. FOB SALE-BOULEVARD LOTS FACING the circle and parks: cheapest and best lots in the E. E. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. fe4-19-4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 FOB SALE-f.5,500. WORTH 7.0G0. AN ELE GANT lot. 82x175 feet, desirably located on one of the fluest avenues In Shadyside. W. O. STEW ART, 114 Fourth ave. fe!7-18 FORSALE-3,750, LOTS 50x175 FEET. DESIRA BLY located In Shadyside: only a few left: are worth more money; neighborhood Is flrst-class. W. C. STEWART1, 114 Fourth ave. fe!7-I8 TTOR SALE-FINEST LOTS-DALLAS STA- J? TION, Penna. Railroad wlll he sold lower than any in theneighborhood;fronting on Grazier aiiccb, 1 iniuuies ui station. MELLON BROS., East Liberty. fel4-80-FSU FOKSALE-ffflAFOOT, 116x140 FEET. A3 A whole or to suit purchaser; located on At lantic avenue, within three minutes' walk of cable cars and eight .minutes' irom Shadyside. station. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fel7-H FOR SALE-4 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON Bennett street, each 40x135 feet to24-footalley, Bank or Commerce addition plan, Brushton sta tion; act quickly and secure this rare bargain. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthneld st. fel7-55-Tussn FOR SALE-THE CHEAPEST LOT IN THE East End for the money; 50 feet front on Lib erty avenue, Shadyside; close to Wineblddle ave nue, bv 140 feet deep to a 20-foot alley facing the cast. Inquire of C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth ave nue. fel7-47 FOR SALE-60 FEET FRONT ON TENN AVE NUE by 200 feet deep to Mignonette St., west of Hlland ave.. East End, city; this property will be sold at a price that makes it a good investment: there is a brick honse on it. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. fel7-ff T710R SALE-ONE OFTHE MOST BEAUTIFUL jl sues n high, with from Fifth fox a fine residence In the market: sets h rmagnlflcent view; abt. 4 mln.. walk from Fifth ave. cable cars; elegant neighborhood: 196 ft. front by i it. iront oy aDt. oju 11. aeep. 1111 abt. 300 ft. deep. THOS. LIG- GETT, t!4 Fourth ave ieil-4-MTT35U FOR SALE-CORNER-60 FEET FRONT ON Klppey street. Nineteenth ward; lately paved with asphaltum; very handsome residence street: good residences, all Improvements; street sewer, gas, water, etc., paid; price only S3,8001X sold soon. MELLON BROS., East Liberty. iel480-FSu FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTSI ON SOUTH Hlland ave.. Walnut st., Howe St., IlcCuIly st., Rouast., Conrad St., O'Hara St., Rural ave., Penn ave.. Walllngford st.. Barton st., and all the principal streets and avennes in the East End, at lowest market prices. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. feHWMTTBSu FOR SALE-S65 A FOOT FRONT. 116x163 FEET (will sell half), located on Rebecca street, Shadyside, adjoining handsome residence of Sam uel Hajnilton. Esq.. well elevated, eastern ex posure, faces the .Baum Grove, convenient to cable cars and station. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fel7-18 FOR SALE-TWO HANDSOME BUILDING lots 43 ft. front, Elyslan avenue, close to Fifth avenue; aristocratic neighborhood; within two blocks or Point Breeze Church; the price, (1,600, is one-balf lower than any lot as well situ ated can be bought In this neighborhood. MEL- jju- UHU9,, xist xjioeny. icij-ju-ttbu Hazelwood Lots. FOR SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or the city; only 12 min utes by the B. & O. ; 24 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at 300, $403, tMO, SGOu, S700, (800, tl.OOO, according to location and size of lot;termsto:suitnurchasers. GEORGE C. BURG WIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSU Allcahcnv Lou. FOR SALE LARGE LOT ON NORTH AVE NUE. Allegheny City; fronting the parks. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. fel7-47 FOR SALE S14.600 CASH WILL BUY A block of lots, 175x125, situated at comer of two very desirable residence streets In Allegheny; particulars on application. STRAUB t MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. fel7-43 Snbnrbnn Lots, I710R SALE-LOTS AT EMSWORTH, CON ' VENIENT to station; one of the finest loca. tlons on the Fort Wayne road; large, beautirul lots at low prices. Call and see plan. J. R. COOPER UO., 107 Fourth ave. felS72 F" 'OR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! LOTS1- YY liklnsburg lots. 52x120 each, fronting on so ft, streets, macadamized and sewered; nat. gas; sidewalk from station: the finest location In the, puiuuitii; prices low anu easy paruieuis. d. a. coot 'PER & CO. 107 Fourth ave. fel6-72 Farms. T7V nOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN-SEVERAL JL good farms near city. LASHELL RAN KIN, 67 Fourth ave. fel7-4l FOB SALE OR EXCUANGE-320 ACRES OF land In southwest Missouri: direct title from the Government, office. Address MISSOURI, Dispatch iei7-c FOR SALE-CHEAP OB WILL TRADE FOR city property 23 acres, house of 6 rooms, barn and other outbuildings, orchard and vine yard; will also cell stock and Implements; this farm Is one mile from station. Address CHARLES MEACHEK, Stoops Ferry P. O., Allegheny co.. Pa. feS-33-wsn Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-BARGAINS IN RESIDENCE PROP ERTIES In Pittsburg, Allegheny, Uaiel .wood, Bcllevue, Emswortb and Coraopolls; also a large number of lots and manufacturing sites. LASHELL & HANK1N. CT Fourth ave. fel7-U STRAYED. O' FRED HARRISON. Oakland Dairy, one milch cow. Owner must come forward and prove same, pay charges, or she will be sold according to law, fc!7-104 STRAYED-OR STOLEN-RED COW, FROM the residence of MRS. HANLEY, fcccondave., near gas works, Liberal reward if returned. felo-70 LOST. LOST-ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, A LIGHT roan cow, A suitable Teward will be paid to finder if returned to JOSEPH UcNAUGHER. Linden ave., Allegheny. felS-U FOR SALE BUSINESS. BuslneM Chnnrcs. T7IOHBALE-A GROWING AND PROFITA BLE business, well advertised, wcllestab- llshed.no competition: rare chance lor actlye man with 8350. Address C. R., -Dispatch office. fel7-4S FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED RETAIL grocery, In Allegheny, doing a large business, mostly cash; location one of the best In the city. For Information address LOCK BOX15S, Alleghe ny, Pa. feI6-2 FORSALE-A FINE GROCERY BUSINESS IN a town 7.C00 to 8. 000 Inhabitants, doing a bust- ness of 11,700 to ?1, 800 'per month: reasons for sell lng, buslncs interests In' the West. Address J, W. H., Dispatch office. .. felS-12-wrsu. FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED TIN AND hardware business: No-1 location, with large Jobbing trade; reasonable rent; a rare opportu nity: satisfactory reason for selling. Address FLEMING & HAMILTON, Third ave. fel6-24 TTOR SALE-STORES, STOKES, STORES; X1 drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, snoe, tea. rlirAF nnd tnharpn fttnrpn. lialfprlpa- hntpls. restaur ants, confectioneries, -boarding houses, coal works; etc.; 100 good city business chances tor men or women, si SHEPAED & CO.. 54 Fifth ave. JaOT BnilncM srnndsw TTV OR SALE-240X270 FEET, ON DUQUESNE J? wav.. corner of Fifth st. W. C. 114 Fourth ave. STEWART. rcii-is F OKSALE-30,0SUBSTANT1ALP1EOEOF property located corner of an n ley on one of tne nest Dusiness streets in i iitsour;; nm irn for 12,250; Iot24xl60tect: particulars to principals only. VV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fel7-18 . ' FOR SALE-BEST BUSINESS LOCATION IN Mansfield; large storeroom, and dwelling (f 7 rooms: good cellar, gas all through the house: good stables 1SX24: lot 40x140 to an alley. Inquire of M. FREDERICK. Mansfield, or address MANS FIELD VALLEY, PA. fe!2!9-TTSSn. FOR SALE-S100.0CO-TnE LARGEST AND best located plecet or property snltablc for retail trade In Pittsburg; owner has been holding for 3140. MO. hut will take. Die above price if sold at once: particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, lltFourthave. fe!7-18 FOR SALE-WISHING TO RETIRE. I OFFER my old established business stand (with or without stock): dolugS20, oco annually: store, ware house, dwelling and stable: 3 hours from Pitts burg; on C. & P. R. R.. general store, Kensington, Col. Co., O. C. E. RICHARDS. fel3-3J-EOD FOR SALE-SEVERAL -PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fourth ave.: also a number of pieces on Penn ave.. Smlthneld st. and other good streetstwllltakcpleasureln giving full fiartlcu; lars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase-. W C' STEW'ART. 114 jfourth ave. feI7-18 I7ORSALFi-THENORTHSIDK GRAIN hLE- VATOR and warehouse In the rear, with track connections, together with a flnely-estah-llshed and paying business In grain, flnnr, feed, bay, etc., etc.: said elevator contains two fast running French burrs, chopping mills, together with all modern appliances for handling grain cheaply and quickly; bin capacity 50.00U bu.:snht on casr tcrnis;lll health reason for selling. JOHN P. DEAN, cor. Irwin and North avc., Allegheny. fc7-S8 FORSALE-MACniNE SHOPS-CONSISTING of machine, boiler, blacksmith and wood shops and foundry: a complete first-class manu facturing plant, wjth tools and patterns, fully equipped for the employment of 100 to 150 men: the works are now In operation with some 40 to 50 men; all buildings are of turlck with slate roofs, have a river frontage, with railroad switch; gas and water on the premises; fuel Is cheap, and the location for health and pleasant surroundings is nnsnrpassed. The owner, desiring to retire from business, will sell at an extremely low price on easy long-time payments; no cash down required: a grand opportunity toanyone with some capital to engage in manufacturing: to the right party a part 01 lucworaing capital wouiu oe suoscriueu. i-ussession given oy jvprti next. Address JOHN COOPER. Mt. Vernon. O. fclo-18-Ssa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Itlctals. FOR SALE-CHEAP-ONE SMALL ENGINE and tubular boiler; one stack. 26x24; one bell, 20-lnch, weighs 10U pounds, extra sounding; one medium-sized safe at IRON' YARD cornerMarket and Greenwood avenne, Allegheny. fe!7-78 FOR SALE-ONE 10x18 ENGINE; 1 2-FLUE boiler; 40-Inch diameter, 18 feet long and stack; all in good condition, and selling in ac- count of increasing Dower and DlanL .. ". , . ......- 1'IllfiJSUL CLAY POTTERY WORKS, East End. city. fe5-71-TTSSU FOR SALE WE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE lot of No. 1 second-hand engines and boilers, all sizes, from .2 np. up, taken in exchange for new; we gQt them cheap and they will go cheap; also new engines and boilers, every size and style.at rock bottom price s.UAME'S MA CHINE DEPOT, 97 First avc. fe3-y77Su Horse. Vehicles. Livestock. Arc. TTIOB SALE-VERY CHEAP-GOOD HORSE. X' 1,300 lbs., narness and spring-top wagon. In quire on Monday, KKEBS grocery store. Fifth ave. and Neville st, iew-w FOR SALE-TttOTIING STOCK-A MARE BY Bed Wilkes, bred to Groslean, rec. 2:30; a mare by Hamlet; a mare by Falkenbag, 3.063, In foal to Groslean: also, several other broodmares and some desirable colts and fillies at greatly re duced prices ror the next 3e davs. tor further particulars address H. S. DENNY, Llgonler. Pa. ferMi miscellaneous. FOR SALE -CHEAP; SIDEBOARD. HAT 'RACK, bookcase, bedroom suit, library suit, etc. : in good condition. Inquire H. A. WOLF, 162 Sheffield st.. Allegheny. fe!7-89 t6 let. Cltv Residences. TO LET-A BRICK HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, hall, bath, both gases; good cellar; 423 Web ster ave., cor. Trent St., near Penn Incline or Cen ter ave. cars. W. J. PRENTICE, 1009 Liberty ave. fel6-28 ' TO LET-HOCSE 102. FULTON ST., 7 WJOMS. with, hot and cold water, both gases: also house SO Hazel st, 4 rooms, water and natural gas. Inquire HllNBVKEA, Jr., 037 and 839 Liberty st. mo LETNO. SIS WEBSTER AVE.. RRICIC JL dwelling of 8 rooms, finished attic good ccl- lar. large yard, both gases, bath tub: all in good order. 1, range, w. c. and Inquire at SKEE'S KESTAUKANIV1M Fifth ave., city. ien-u East End Resiaences. TO LET-A HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS: ATTIC lanndry, bath and stable; both gases: near Ben Venue Station; rent t30. Address KENT, Dispatch office., fel7-6 TO LET-ONLY S25 PER MONTH-FREE rent to April 1; near I'enn avenue cable line, 12 entirely new 8-room brick dwellings, onMlffiin St.. near Main St., only 5 cent fare and 12 minutes' time; can go to dinner; comeearIy and get pick of houses. BLACK & BA1BU, 95 Fourth avc. fel7.67 AlleabenyResidenees. TO LET-W TAYLOR AVE.-HOUSE OF S rooms and storeroom; 4-room house rear 29 bampsonst.;6-roomhouseBellevae: 3 unfurnished rooms Montgomery ave. BUTTERFIELD & VAN DEN HOFF, 10 Federal St.. Allegheny. fel7-127 Snbnrbnn Residences. TO LET-AT INGHAM, p., C. & ST. L. K. E house or 7 rooms, hall, good cellar; well of good water: 2K acres of ground. J. K. COOPER JtCO., 107 Fourth ave. fe 17-100 TO LET 10-ROOMED HOUSEi WITH STABLE and grounds,, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne K. R. ; also a 5-roomed bouse close to above sta tion. Inquire of owner on premises, 0.8. HUD-LESTON.- . fc!7-25 Apartments. TO LET-UNFURNISHED PARLOR ON first floor: also front bedroom, furnished, at 51 EAST DIAMOND, Allegheny, JeI7-66 mO LET-3 VERY NICE ROOMS IN ALLE- JL GHENY; Address FURNITURE, Dispatch office, re 15-50 TO LET-TIIE BEST' FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen to yourself: we furnish dishes, table, linen, etc, natural and artificial gas. 41 LOGAN ST. fel7-110 TO LET-HANDSOME FURNISHED ROOM with bathroom ndjolnlng; suitable for oue or two gentlemen: both . eases . and everything flrst-clasi. 428 PENN AVl fel7-W mo 10 LET-THE THREE UPPER FLOORS OF No. G31 Smlthneld street: suitable for resi dence, omcesorcinu room purposes. STIIAUli MORK1S. corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fel7-43 Offices, Deik'Room, Arc. TO LET-FRONT OFFICES I( BUILDING corner Water street nd Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. HID WELL CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. JaSr-23 TO LET-OFFICE ON FIRST FLOOR UN FURNISHED; centrally Ideated in Alle gheny; has been occupied by physician for two years. Address 33, Dispatch omce. fell-6f TO LET SINGLE AND. CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third avc, and Wood street; also warehouse and basement No. 213 Wood st. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood St. JalS-51 TO LET-2 NICE CHEERFUL OFFICE ROOMS; good Ught;.deslrable location.) Ho. 1127 Lib erty ave., second fldor; also, storeroom and cellar. No. His Liberty ave., directly opposite Union depot. Inqnlre EXCELSIOR EXPRESS AND STANDARD CAB CO., same building. fel7-lll Bnainem Stands. TO LET-ROOS1 2.60,. WITH GOOD POWER: Inquire 26CO SMALLMAN ST.. city. fe!3-46 O LET-BUSINESS STAND-GOOD LOCA TION. Inquire at 619 SMITHFIELD ST. fel3-21. rpc IO LET-THETHREE-STORY BRICK BUILD ING. No. 4K9Bntlerst.. Pittshnrff. HTHA1IB ft MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. ' '. fel7-43 rpo LET-THE STOREROOM. NO. 173 FIFTH X ave., opp. Court House.. running through to "Wylie ave.; new plate glass fronts on Fifth ana Wylle aves; possession March i: rnnulrcat AUF HAMER'S CIGAR STORE, on the premises. fel7-S6 , ' TO LET THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House, at Perrysvllle, on the Pearysvlllc plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings; sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and. every thing in flrst-class orders long lease is given to the right party. For further Information call or ad dress THE DAN NEK MEDICINE CO., 242Federal St.. Allegheny City. fe2-U NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HAVEYOU MORE MONEY Than to Know What to do With? -IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THE BARGAINS 43$4 GUSKY'S 4WW$rt04WW Will offer this week. They are in the store to speak for themselves and the price tags on every article and garment offered speak far more elo quently than anything that can' be said in cold type. They are silent witnesses to what can be truly said to be the most sensational slaughter of prices ever known. We've Pushed Prices Down to a Point That must meet with the approval and patronage of the poorest as well as the richest person in the country. THIS WEEK!!! IS THE WATCHWORD OF THE WISE! THIS WEEK!!! IS THE BANNER OF THE PRUDENT! The phenomenally low prices we're naming will find a responsive chord in every bargain seeker's heart. Everything we offer is at a figure which is a challenge to any or all other dealers of this city to come within 25 per cent of it Every bargain we have for you is "catching" enough to make a thousand people want the same thing.. IF YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR LOWEST PRICES, NOW IS YOUR TIME, NOW! You will find high standard value in everything but price. Now, don't you pay any attention to what others advertise that is if they say they undersell us. Don't spend a single dollar until you've visited our store and convinced yourselves that you can save big money by buying here. "Money talks" every time and nowhere else will you find it go so far as ,.: with us this week. ALREADY ARRIVED, A MAGNIFICENT ASSORT MENT OF SPRING OVERCOATS. You should make "it a point of seeing them, whether you wish to purchase or not :) GUSKY'S TO LET. TO LET-10O-ACKE FABJI, NEW BARN AND house, near Wall station, Penna. It. It.: Secession April; annual rent, ISO. MELLON KOS., East Liberty. lelS-41-rsa . Special. TO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL INGS on tlie line of I'enna. are. and Butler st. cable cars. seeii. r. howlex, ssiuutier . fei-33 St. FOUND. F iOUND-THETRUTH!-WE SUFFERED UN TOLD agonies! Dr. Griffith's Ta-Ta-zon Kera- eaics curca us waea su ocner means xaitea. ana they Trill cure you; try them: Mrs. O. C. Fink, i'oxburp, l'a.; Mrs. Hannah John, esa Forbes st.; Thos. Keefe, Mt. Washington: D. W. James. B. & O. K. K., city, and thousands of others; see tes timonials. GRIFFITH'S DRUG STORE, Tblrf and Grant, Pittsburg; Ta-va-zon L. C. Syrup, the best for coughs, colds, etc. fel7-103 FEBSONAL. PERSONAL-FINE BOOKS-PICTURESQUE America, Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine, Art Treasures ot Germany and 30.000 more books in all departments of literature. LEVI'S lioOK. STOKE, berenth Ave. Hotel Building. fe3 AUCTION SALES. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OI large consignment of carpets, furniture and honse furnishing goods, which must all be sold next TUESDAY, February 19, at the rooms, No. 311 Market street, at 10 o'clock sharp. Everything must go, as the owners, hare been summoned from the city, and onr orders have been to sell the goods without reserve. Fine group parlor suit in plosh, 7-piece haircloth suit, folding bed, sofa, couch, bed lounge, pier mirror, 4 chamber suits, brussels and ingrain carpets, window shades and curtains, ward robes, bedsteads, bureaus; washstands, tables, chairs, rockers, bedding, ball rack, pictures, toiletware, sideboard. piano,clocks. bed springs, mattresses, towel racks, dishes, silverware, cut lery, glassware, cooking utensils, linoleum, lanndry f urnishments, etc. Now la the time to buy. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. fel771 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE FULTON STREET prop-rty. THURSDAY, February 2L 2 o'clock F. M., on premises; 6-room brick dwell ing, No. IIS Fnlton street, convenient to Wylie, Center and Fifth avenue cable cars. (Six min utes from postofficc.) Will positively be sold to highest bidder; rare chance for a home or investment. SMITHSON fe MOORE, Auctioners, Eisner Building, Cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st felf-13 NOTICES. County Commissioners' Office, i PlTTSBURO, February 8. 18S9. THE COUNTY- COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to wit: Monday, February 18,-Ross, South Versailles, Indiana, Sprlngdale and East Deer townships. Thursday, February 21. Thirteenth, Four teenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsburg. By order of Connty Commissioners, R. E. MERCER, GEO. Y McKEE. DAN'EIi McWILXIAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. fe7-19 BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I bave bought the interest of James M. Garfield, deceased, in the firm of -Garfield, Fertig&Co., and will continue the business at the old place. All collections will bo made and accounts settled by me. - FRANK FERTIO. 65 and 67 Sandusky street, fel6-29 " Allegheny. FOR SALE-' -BY- J. R. CDDPER i ED., 107 FOURTH AVENUE, Swellings in all parts of Pittsburg, Allegheny, East End and Suburbs. Bargains and first-class Investments. A number of the best BUSTNESa PROPERTIES IN THE CITY Choice building and manufacturing sites. fel7-108 NOT- o We'll show you them, - $( YOUR FAVORITE STORE, 300 to 400 Market sited iel7-TTSsn RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE WINDSOR ATLANTIC CITY. Excellentlocation;unob3tructed ocean TieiTs; cuisine and appointments ot the best. Steam heat throughout the hotel. O. WATERS. W. E. COCHRAN.Chier Clerk. ,f e!7-TTS3a THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. Ou the beach, sea end ot Virginia avenne. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9,1889. jal3-72.MWFSu BUCK & McCLELLAN. ON THE BEACH. Atlantic City, n. J HADDON HALL- felG-5t EDWIN LIPPEMCOTT. OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA. HYGEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from Fort Monroe; open all the year, accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic surround incs. Turkish. Russian. Roman. Electric and HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas. Average temperature for winter 48. Absolutely free from malaria. All things considered, tho most comforatable and delightful resort at which to spend the winter months in the United States. Send for descriptive pamphlet. noZ7-y40-Tnirsu F. N. PIKE. Manager. -3HDUBEBFQR ALI FORSALEandTOLET. 3 rooms up to 10 rooms. In the beautiful borough of Knoxville, only 1 miles from city postofflce. Beantifnl homes are sold on payments thai same as rent. By all means visit Knoxville before taking your house for another year. Never have) there been such opportunities for people to gee homes. .OS-Take Sonthside cars to Twelfth street and Mt. Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOXVILLE LAKDIMPROYOJMT CO. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, I eS-57.TT8Su ' KNOXTLLE BOROUGH. LAFAYETTE HALL SATUBDAY, FEBRUARY 23. MATINEE AND NIGHT. Under Auspices Pess Club. MRS. ALICE" J. SHA, THE FAMOUS 'WHISTLING PRIMA DONNA, Witt a TaleilEu Sap'rili Company. Containing Miss Ollie Torbett, Violinist; Miss Edith Pond. Singing Reader; Mrs. Jennie R. Campbell. Accompanist for Mrs. Sbaw; Mr. F. V. Downey, Pianist and Accompanist; and GUSTAY TH ALBERG, THE SWEDISH TENOR. Tickets for sale at Hamilton's Music Store, 91 and 03 Fifth ave. Prices, II. 75 and SO cents. fel7-116 Tt O LET- ONLY THREE of the large rooms suitable for office or general business purposes. In the new DISPATCH building on Dia mond street, now remain unrented. THOfE WHO WISH the most central sit uation in the city, with the conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service, electric light and steam-heatlng, should ap ply at once to the new DISPATCH' BUILDING. Nos. 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street I i s 4 3 ? ? i