Ktf-KSiE 2 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, HNTAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1889. f A KATIOML WOMAN, Bright Belva A. Lockwood, Objects to Bain in Pittsburg, and Then KEVEETS TO WIDER SUBJECTS. She Will Attend the Universal Teace Union to be Held in Paris. PI10H1BITI0U STEOXGLT INDORSED "Can you show me the way to The Dis PATcn -writing rooms?" asked a quiet voiced lady on Fifth avenue last evening. It was just growing dark, but still daylight enough remained to show her to be short and stout, with a bright face surmounted by white hair and a low-plumed cap. "Certainly, madam." "Thank you. I always like to -walk with a nice looking young man." The young fellow rallied from the shock beautifully; bat aiasl his gallantry got clean away with his good sense. "And I, madam, always like to talk to a nice look ing old ladj 1" The chunk of silence that intervened was only broken by the soft splat, splatter of her rubbers, and the steady plunt of his num ber nines. There was a1 dreary drizzle on, but she carried no umbrella, and her seal coat looked as if it had been combed the wrong way. At the street crossing she gathered ier skirts in both hands, smiled sweetly at the big policeman and was on the other side before the amazed gripman conld even Teach for the gong. IT MIGHT BE WOESE. "Is there anything," she queried, turn ing a handsome face toward her "guide," who could scarcely keep within hearing distance, "is there anything more disagrees able, or unpleasant, than a rainy day in Pittsburc?" Then she continued thought fully, "Yes, there is something even more disagreeable, and ihat is a rainy day in a country town, surrounded by people who have no ideas to exchange and look upon a public character as a public show." Arrived at the office the lady was asked whom was to be announced as the visitor, and the quick reply, "Belva A. Lock wood," so confused her attendant that he murmured his thanks and something about the honor of the affair, as if she had invited him to dinner or suggested that he be her manager for a new course ot lectures. Belva Lockwood's talk then was at once delightful and instructive, and with a run ning fire of comment!! and opinions, she told something of her plans and intentions. She is lecturing at present and doesn't feel inclined to give that field up, as it has become such a great part and parcel of her life. Her talks to several hundred people, however, have not spoiled her one whit for conversation with a single ordinary mortal, who had been taught to shudder at the thought of a strong-minded woman, but now found it the easiest thing in the world to listen to a woman whose name and ideas . are national. Her present lecture course lasts for two months longer, when she will take a rest preparatory to a foreign tour. "When asked what she thought, and what she was going to do in regard to the prohibition agitation now going on, her answer was peculiar to terse f. "Prohibition" Of course I will talk pro hibition. "Why, I talked prohibition long before that party was born, and I am talk ing it still. "I haven't been invited yet," she contin ued, "though I think I shall lecture for the Amendment Association. It is hard to say anything new in regard to the liquor trade, but I have some ideas I would like to, and expect to ventilate iroin the lecture plat lorm." PEACE OIT EABTH. As Miss Xiockwood is known to be the bead and front of the Universal Peace Union, the first question upon that score seemed a happy one, and she opened up at once. "This idea of Peace Union," said she, "is at once beautiful and sensible. We want arbitration, not war; sense, not force of arms; brotherly love and mutual interests, not bickerings and reprisals. "Now you can easily see the sense of the idea. War does not settle anything except iorthe time being. The principle still remains. "War is simply barbarism, a relic of the davs when might was right. Here is the idea in a nutshell. Suppose you owned a house, and I wanted it. I am bigger than yon, and lick you.thus acquiring the house. Now is that right? It is war, however. A gunboat is noargument A shell is no rea son. Dynamite and bombs do not consti tute the eternal principle of right, and war muM; become a thing of the past. "We should be too dignified to indulge in petty pquabbles in reeard to the fishery question. "We should not talk of war over bamoa or Hayti, but we should amicably settle all such questions by arbitration. "lam going to Pans to attend the Uni versal Peace Congress, to be held there dur ing theExposition.They are making elaborate preparations there for the reception of dele gates from all over the world, and I expect to meet a couple of bright French women who have taken up the work there, though most of the delegates will be men. After this, I will attend the Peace Commission in Geneva; so that altogether I shall have quite a bnsy and interesting summer of it. Meanwhile," concluded Miss Belra, smil ing comfortably, "I will continue my lec tures. I will remain here over Sunday, and will talk to the Millerstown folks on 2Ionday; then down through the Ohio towns." 0P1UJ1 OP K0 ATAIL To Sylvia StUwell, Who Tried to Shuffle Off With It. Sylvia SlilwelL a colored girl living at No. 158 "Water street, received a package of opium from a friend in Ohio yesterday morning, and about noon swallowed a large chunk of the deadly gum, probably not less than 21 grains, supposing the original amount to have been one anda half drachms; the residue weighing 59 grains. About 6 o'clock in the evening, the other inmates of the house becoming alarmed, broke open the door of her room and found her in a stupor, from which they could not arouse her. Dr. Marshall, of Second avenue, was called in, and, alter administering the proper antidotes, aided by vigorous flagella tions to the soles of her leet by two sturdy assistants, succeeded in .restoring her to consciousness and a realization of the fact that her attempt to shuffle off had been thwarted. AT DEATH'S D00E. Mr. John C. Smith Stricken Down, With paralysis or the Heart. Mr. John C. Smith, who has been the doorkeeper of the Criminal Court for many years, is lying seriously ill at his home in Ingram with paralysis ot the heart. Mr. Smith came to Pittsburg from Greens burg in 1829, and is one of the oldest and most respected citizens of the city. His two sons, Percy F. Smith andE, D. Smith, have won distinction in journalism and the railroad business. The former isjjow an editor, and the latter Division Passenger agent of the B.&O. Mr. Smith is now almost 80 years old, and during the County Centennial hit reminis cences of the early city were read with interest. Last night he was not expected to live. .A SERIOUS CUTTING AFFRAY. Four Workmen Attacked by nigbwarmen and Mike Cnvnnaugh Slabbed, It la Tboncht Fatally. A stabbing aflray which may result fa tally occurred between Hatfield and Harri son streets on Forty-eighth street, last night. Mike Cavanaugh was stabbed three times in the left side, below the heart, it is thought fatally, and others slightly cut. From the story as learned by a Dispatch reporter last night, it seems that John E. "Welch, who keeps a boarding house on Forty-ninth street, Luke "Welch, Mike Cavanaugh and Thomas Summerly, early in the evening left John Stark's barber shop on Butler street, and, on their way home about 7:30, went into Jackson's saloon, at the corner of Forty-eighth and Harrison streets. Each took a glass or two of beer, except Cavanaugh, who "does not drink," but took a couple of classes of cider. As they left the saloon and were near Plum alley they were accosted by a fellow named Date Donnelly and a companion, afterward thought to be a certain Hoonan. One said: "I never knew an Irishman to be hard up yet. Give us 10 cents." This led to words, and Hoonan .finally grappled Cavanaugh, and Donnelly crappled one of the others. Final ly. John "Welch went, as he said, "to bring Cavanaugh home." when it is alleged that Hoonan pulled out a big dirk and stabbed Cavanaugh in the left side three times, and then ran. Summerly, who was grappling with Don nelly, was also slightly stabbed in the fore head. Dr. Sheedy, who attended Cavanaugh, said the wounds were serious, and he could not tell yet how it may result. About 11 o'clock the police arrived on the scene, and it is thought they can easily apprehend the parties who did the cutting. Cavanaugh is a man of about 30, who works in a mill. A MASTER AWARDS $73,000. A Climax Reached In the Famonn Old Ull cation for a Settlement in the Firm of McClure & McClrary. One of the most important cases, and one of local interest both in Pittsburg and Mc Keesport, is that of McCleary .versus Mc Clure, in which James Cook, Esq., of Pitts burg, the master, on Friday awarded to McCleary the sum of $73,000. The case is one in which C. E. Stuckslager, assignee of John"W. MeCleary, of McKeesport, through his attorney, W. S. Patterson, Esq., brought suit against A. M. McClare for settlement in 1879, and the large amount involved in connection with the long litigation follow ing the action, renders the proceeding all the more interesting. The point reached through the award of the master means that a final conclusion is close at hand. For 19 years prior to the time the action was brought, McClare & McCleary com posed a wealthy, prosperous and widely known lumber and sawmill firm, doing business at McKeesporl, and owned the ex tensive and valuable Bed Bank timber land ot Jefferson county, and in all those years thev never had a settlement. Just prior to 1879 McCleary assigned to C. B. Stuck slager, cashier of the People's BaJk of that place, and A. M. McClure assigned to W. I. Gillesnie. of Pittshnrp: James E. Patterson, ot McKeesport, and Andrew Mc Clure. Stuckslager brought suit to recover McCleary's interest in the Bed Bank property. He lost the case, and had to pay $800 costs, but hung on, and brought suit in 1879 for a settlement. Joseph Cook was appointed master in the case by the Court, and, on account of his ill health, James Cook, Esq., was substituted. The case then dragged along until lour months since, when the last testimony was taken, and was followed by the award of the master Friday. The testimony, or report, of the master is voluminous, there being 75 pages of it. April 1 is the limit of the time allowed to file exceptions in the case, when it will be argued before Judge Stowe. It is then probable that it will go to the Supreme Court. The McCleary side of the case are confident of receiving $40,000 or $50,000, and probably the full $73,000. A KOTABLE DECISION, Judge Stowe Sustained After Ten Yearn' Reversion Tito Limit to Damages by Loss of Life Knocked Out. A Supreme Court decision has been given that reverses a former decision of the Supreme Court, sustains Judge Stowe after reversing him ten years ago, and revokes an act of Assembly. It provides, also, that the amount of damages recoverable from corporations for injuries resulting in death shall not be limited by law. Heretofore the maximum was $5,000. The case in which the decision was rendered was an appeal by the Penn sylvania Bailroad from a decision that gave a woman $14,500 damages for the death of her husband on account of alleged negli gence. The act of 1SG8 limits the amount to $5,000, while the State Constitution of 1861 provides that no act of the General Assembly shall limit the amount. This clause of the Constitution first came up in connection with the act ot 18C8 in the case of Langdon versus Pennsylvania Kail road before Judge Stowe, and" over $5,000 was awarded. The case went to the Su preme Court, where he was reversed. The two cases were exactly similar, but Judge Paxson in the latter reverses himself and his opinion of ten years ago. In his re marks Paxson said his views had undergone serions change. He said the fact that the company was chartered under the act of 1868 did not form a contract with the State, as no consideration was paid for it It was merely an additional franchise. He said the act was repealed by the pro visions of the Constitution, and concludes with: "I .nake no -apology for my change of views. Had I adhered to those formerly expressed there might haye been occasion for one." The opinion is a great surprise to all the lawyers of the State, and will have a power ful bearing upon future suits against rail road companies for damages for a death or injuries. DOWN ON SECTARIANISM:. The General Pnrade Committee, Jr. O, V. A. M., DUconraees a Rellclona Tnrnonf. At a meeting of the General Parade Com mittee of the Jr. O. TJ. A. M.,held last even ing at the Moorhead building, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, This General Committee, con sisting of members from the Councils of the Jr. O. U. A. M. interested in the Wash ington's Birthday parade. In view of the fact that there has appeared in ono or two citv papers articles tend ing to draw the Jr. O. U. A. M. into a religious controversy, and recognizing the fact that any sectarian subjects are forbidden introduction or discussion at any meeting of our order, and erratically denying that we have atany meet ing of our committee questioned the rfclit of any man or body of men to observe in a patri otic manner the birthday anniversary of the honored ana revered wasnington; De it Resolved, That we deprecate the fact that ay sectarian issues are Deinc forced into this matter, and that we regret that any religions denomination has seen fit to parade on that dy as a distinctively sectarian body, thus endeav oring to force sec.arianism Into what has hith erto been a purely patriotic demonstration. Resolved, That we do not dispute tbeir right in this land of liberty to parade, so long as tbey do not Interfere with the public peace or the liberty of others, and do not display anv other nags than the Stars and Stripes of the Unfled btatcs of America, the one country that grants to all law-abiding residents absolute civil and Teligious liberty. Sb. B. M. Hanita. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa. street, rinsocrg, ra. esu TALK ABOUT FRAUDS. How Some Candidates in Allegheny Explain Their Defeat. A LIVELY CONTEST IS EXPECTED. The Primaries in Pitsbnr Wards, Also field Last Evening, LESS EXCITING THAN THE NOBTHSIDE'S The game of politics is always an excit ing one to those who are holding the cards, and who never seem to know just what is "trump" until after the primary or regular election has been held. This is true of the primaries that yielded their last political shuffle last evening; and it is true, perhaps, to an increased degree, Pittsburg's half dozen caucuses most of them equivalent to election and Allegheny's veritable strug gles for supremacy are reported below, the latter getting precedence because they wera more closely contested. The cry of fraud at the close of P.epub lican primary elections in Allegheny has not been heard for years, but yesterday there were a number of candidates and their friends making strong assertions in that direction. Several men announced publicly in the City Hall that some people would be arrested for perjury before many days. The city building was crowded last night with friends of defeated candidates and tneir friends, and the charges made against the people who had anything to do with their defeat would fill a big book. The returns from the Ninth district of the Second ward, it is said, looks like a war map, and an effort will be made to throw it out The only alteration in the returns as announced yesterday, if the district is counted, will be to elect Buente over Win ters for Common Council by 4 votes. WHAT THE COUST HOWS. The count in this district was made at 2 o'clock and given to ex-Mayor Wyman, who brought it down to the Health Office, where Delinquent Tax Collector Grier was figuring up the result This count showed the following result, which, it is claimed, is correct: Select Council, one to elect Henry C. Lowe, 810; Georco J. Parkin, 717. Common Council, nine to elect Crulkshanks, 1.231; McDonald, 1,127; Curry, 1,074; Parke. 1,032; Drum, 891; Hunter, 962; JIcKirdy. 920: Bell, 903; Winters, 895; Buente, S93: Gregg, 877; Miller, 710; 11c Hendry. 3S5; Palenbach, 267. For School Directors Messrs. Ford and McMullen were chosen, and for Constable three different returns were received, but the one that will likely be counted is as fol lows: Lang, 552; Kynd, 549; Jiagen, 519. This was the closest fight in the ward, and Bagen may contest on account of the re turns received from the Ninth district When the returns from the Ninth were received, it is stated, a bottle of ink had been upset on the sheet and some of the numbers are illegible. Several of the marks' show (so the persons who saw the sheet state), that four votes were counted five, and, in some instances, six votes were counted five. This will not affect the result as stated, except in the case of Winters and Buente'for Common Council, and, possibly, in the constabulary-contest. A very determined and successful effort was made in the Third ward to defeat Charles W. Gerwig, the reason- given being that he worked against the awarding of the electric light contract to the Westingbouse Company. Mr. Gerwig was only defeated, however, by a few votes. HOW HE ACCOUNTS FOB IT. His defeat is accounted for in this way: When the suggestion meeting was held each candidate gave $3 toward the fund for print ing the tickets. These tickets were not dis tributed in some districts, but in their place were tickets that did not have Mr. Gerwig's name printed on them. The proper tickets were not distributed in some districts until 6 o'clock, an hour before the polls closed. Mr. Gerwig appeared at City Hall last night and seemed in good humor. He said: "I have been a candidate for 13 years at almost every election held, and never was defeated in mv life before. There is a man that helped to do me up," -and he pointed to Bobert D. McGonnigle, of the "Westing house Electric Company. Mr. McGonnigle did not denv it, and the two chatted pleas antly together as if nothing had happened. It was stated, later in the evening, that Mr. Gerwig would be a candidate on the Citizens' ticket on Tuesday, and show some people "where they are wrong." This re port, however, could not be confirmed. The complete returns from the Fourth ward were not received until yesterday. They show that "William Bader did what has never been done before in a close ward contest He received almost every vote cast The official result is as follows: Select Council William M. Kennedy, 631; W. K. Fried, 459. Common Council, seven to elect William Bader, 9S5; John W. Stacv. 776; U. H. Stouffer. 673: P. Walter, Jr., Col: Jacob Ehman, 615; John Vogler, 391: H. C. Robison, 57S: Hiram Landis. 513; John H. Short oil; David Martin, 426; Andrew Lysle, 421; James W. Prescott, 2SL NOT A KICKEK. This defeats Hiram Landis, one of the oldest Councilmen in the city. He said last night that he had been fairly defeated, although the vote was close, and he did not propose to make a contest. The Republican primary in, the Fifth ward was held last evening, and the result was as follows: Select Council, James H. Lindsay, no oppo sition; Common Council (five to elect) Adam Amnion, 6S0: George I. Rudolf, 61S; Charles W. Dablinger. 632; Charles W. Ifehthill. 513: J. It. Wolfe, 479: Charles V. Lewis, 412; R. W. Fisher. 353: W. C. Cooke, 261. Tne first named are, therefore, elected; bnt Mr. Lewis disnutes thecountand claims he is the fifth man on the ticket j.ne uemocrauc primary m me mu Ward resulted as follows: Select Council. M. Hannan: Common Coun cil. Louis Gcrber and M. McCarthj. ' The citizens of the Third ward met last night and nominated the following ticket: Select Council, E. Wertheimer; Common Council, Theb. Sriepeke, Sr., Lorenz Laut ner, GeorgeJ. Lacher. C0BA0P0LIS HARM0HT. A Very Large Dose of It nt tho Suggestion Mcelinc Held Lnst Evening Only Can ons With a Brass Band. There was exceeding great harmony in Coraopolis last night It wasn't exactly of the kind of which Dryden sang, and from which he said this "universal fratnebegan," but it was equally effective, a more-than-2-to-1 kind. Mr. Alfred McCabe presided, and the occasion was a primary meeting to nominate borough officers. - It soon became apparent that there were incongrnous elements in the meeting, and the majority, with a horror of , the "sniooth-ing-board" methods which, gave the death blow to the political aspirations of Jimmy Hickey, decided to give the smooth-bore a stab under the fifth rib, by passing a reso lution, two or more to one, that anyone might nominate himself if he chose, and that all the names should be printed and voters take their choice of names on the ticket, a method which insures a vast amount of scratching and will lorce the Re turning Board to earn its money. , As though this weren't sufficient har mony for one day, the meeting adjourned to lively music, the Coraopolis brass band playing "Marching Through Georgia" apd other lively airs. It was a politic move, for though the musio might not altogether soothe the savage breasts of the disap pointed, it at least drowned their discprd ant mutterings. It isn't every primary' or suggestion meeting that can afford the lux urv of a brass band. The main part of the ticket -nominated was: For burgess. Dr. W. S. Bamsey; council. D. K. Jolly. Samuel Marshall. f Jeremiah Curry and J. D. Hamilton; jus tice of the peace, aquire d. jr. Derree and A. Matchett The band hadn't blown itself out when the express train thundered up to the sta tion. THE TWESTY-THIED'S TUSSLE, Dr. Evans, Select Councilman, Gets There Agnin nt Iho Primary. In the Twenty-third ward, Dr. C. Evans, the present Select Councilman, defeated his oppnent, Joseph C. Eckley, by 40 votes... There was an unusually heavy vote polled, and a strong effort was made to defeat Dr. Evans. In the First, or lower precinct, it was thought he would receive a majority of the votes cast; but instead, he was snowed under there to the tune of 149 to 41. Dr." Evans voted and fought against the city charter and the firemen and other city employes in the ward voted against him. In the Second, or middle, "district Evans re ceived 172 votes, while his opponent cot but 64. In the Third precinct hs got 66, while Eckley received but 26. The majorities re ceived by Evans in the two latter precincts enabled him to overcome the large'vote against him in the First. Evans has represented his ward in Coun cils about 15 years. If he had not received the nomination last night, his friends say they would nave run him as a Citizens' candidate. The Democrats of the ward met last night in the schoolhouse and nominated for Select Council W. E. Tustin; Assessor, Joseph Connelly; School Directors, .Andrew Whit taker and John Neelan. IN OTHER WARDS. Various Results of Iho Primaries That Were Lenst Exciting;. The least exciting of the primaries held in Pittsburg last evening are reported concise ly below: Fourth ward Democrats For Select Council, Joseph A. Glesankamp; for School Directors, present incumbents indorsed. Eleventh ward Republicans For Ward Assessor, J. P. WilUson. Fourteenth ward Republicans For Select Council. John M. Anderson, without opposi tion; for School Directors (on a lively fight), William Holmes and William McElroy. Fourteenth ward Citizens For School Di rector, Thomas B. Evans, tho contractor and builder, who is a thoroughly independent can didate. Mr. Evans served two terms as ai rector, having been elected as an Independent in IbSi, and again in 1SS5 on the Republican ticket. Seventeenth ward Republicans For Select Council, W. C. McKinle. by 373 majority. Twenty-fifth ward Republicans For Select council, Herman itonrxaste. dv ajl majority. Twenty-sixth ward Republicans For Select Council, Charles B. Dietz; for Alderman, D. J. McGarey. by 450 votes against J. N. Jarrett's sm. Twenty-eighth ward Republicans Entire ticket of suggestion meeting indorsed with a will. Twenty ninth ward Republicans For Select Council, John Bentz (no opposition) Thirty-fifth ward Republicans For Select Council. A. C. Robertson, br a vote of 3 to 1 wgainst all opposition. i IN THE ELEVENTH. The Republicans Object to an Alleged Con federate Candidate. The Bepublicans of the Eleventh ward met in the schoolhouse and indorsed H. P. Ford for Select Council. He had no oppo sition. After the meeting a committee on resolu tions consisting of George Fleming, Joseph Brown and David W. Semple made the tol lowing report: - Wheeeas, The information has come to the citizens ot the Eleventh ward that George Schmidt, the candidate for Select Council on the citizens' ticket has at times stated that he had served in the Confederate army, and the said statement has been verified by reputable citizens of the ward; therefore, Resolved, That in view of the above facts we deem it but just to the voters of the ward. tha$ the information bo known that they be able to vote intelligently at the coming election next Tuesday. WHEN PARTISANS PALL OUT. The Prohibitionists or Versailles Township Tnke Heart Again. There is a red-hot fight in Versailles township over the amendment, and the out look is good for prohibition. The Bepubli cans and Democrats are split up, and the Prohibitionists are taking advantage of it to push a steady canvass. Old politicians of the township say that the amendment will carry with a good ma jority. PIT! THE CONSUMER. How the Cry for Chcnpt Necessities Has Resulted In Wholesale Adulteration Some Frightful Examples. Some apologists for adulteration of food and drink products lay the blame for it to the rage for cheap goods, which, they say, has taken possession ot the majority of peo ple, and to such an extent that it is difficult for an honest dealer to made a living in trade; and they argue that the average man cannot be expected to develop sufficient vir tue to deliver him at all times from tempta tion. In theory, the law. presumes that, where there is a wrong there is a remedy also, and if this is so in all ca'ses, nerve ought to be sufficient to discover and apply it. Doubtless adulteration has been prac ticed ..from a very early period, but this country did not suffer very materially from it until a period within 30 years. In 1858 sugars cost very nearly twice as much as they do now; but glucose wasn't in the market sugars were sweet then. Textile fabrics were dearer then than now; but they were generally honestly made, and buyers gained in wear what they lost in cost, and more too, for less tailoring was re quired. The high price of coffee during the war led to its adulteration, and people who ceased to buy the green berry and roast it for themselves, were subsequently sickened by the suggestion that the ground abomina tion they were using contained not only chicory root, but also horse liver roasted, said liver generally having been taken from horse's that have died of old age or dis ease. Much tea was popularly supposed to be used once and then put through some process that restored its color, and then mfced with the fresh article and resold. These are samples of the general adultera tion bred by high prices. But meantime adulteration Itad become a science, and in order to continue the reali zation of enormous profits, as prices de clined, it became the refuge of scoundrels who refused to content themselves with old time profits. They doubtless reasoned that they had at least a shadow of excuse from the fact that adulteration had become gen eral, and if a man who adulterated railway stocks, etc., with water could be held to be a gentleman and a benefactor, why not a man who mixed acid and sulphate of lime and made thereof cream of tartar? It is true the watering of railway stocks did not directly destroy people's stomachs, but the step from one grade of rascality to another lower, is easy. In relation to the subject of food adultera tions Mr. Flood, of Arbuckle & Co., said yesterday that there .were a number of firms in New York who did nothing else but manufacture adulterations. They sell pepper and ginger per pound cheaper than itcan be bought in its unprepared state. Xn the case of pepper Mr. Flood would advise people to grind the grains. He cites a case where whisky was sold in Ohio for SI 60 per callon when the tax was 52. The adulteration of candy has been largely reduced in the past few years. Resisted Arrest. Julius Metzgar, a scissors grinder, ac cused John Swabb of larceny yesterday. "When the officer tried to arrest him last night he fought ' hard, and Devrieut, a friend, assisted him. Both men were locked op. DID.MR. SCULLY SKIP? The Ex-Priest Said to Be in Two Very Distant Localities at Once. P SELLS HIS GOODS AKD GOES, It is Said, to Enter Upon Sone Occupation Outside the Fnlpit. INTERVIEWS WITH THOSE WHO KNOW The Messiah Baptist contrregation of Lawrenceville (Bev. F. K. Scully's charge) were again thrown into no little excitement yesterday, over the sudden disappearance of their pastor, the ex-priest; nothing hav ing been seen or heard of him since last Wednesday night until the receipt of a tele gram from him yesterday afternoon dated Philadelphia, stating that he would not be back for a week, and to get someone to fill his pulpit His landlady stated to a Dispatch re porter that he had sold his furniture Wednesday, stating that he was going TO BOOM DOWN TOW1T for a time, and would then go on a visit to his mother, who is sick near New Orleans, and that if anyone wanted to see him, such person could find him at the hall in the evening. Mr. White, one of the official members of the church, said: "He had very little to say at the meeting Wednesday night. He said he expected to visit his mother in New Orleans soon, but did not state when, and, before he left, said : 'If nothing happens to me, I will preach next Sunday morning and evening.' "He had $57 that had been contributed to purchase a lot, "but some of his congregation were suspicious that he was going away, and requested him to give it up, which he did. The church gave him the proceeds of the fair, nearly $300. I don't think there is any thing wrong; but his going away so sudden ly, without letting any one know, looks bad. I am now endeavoring to see a man who knows the condition of TIIE CHUBCH FINANCES, and if I hear nothing more from Bev. F. B. Scully by Tuesday or Wednesday, may give you a good item." Mr. Thomas Montgomery, who was Mr. Scully's backer in his late trouble, and purchased the furniture now sold, nas next seen and at first said that Bev. F.B. Scully had gone to New Orleans on a visit, but later stated that he was now in the East on a business trip of his own, as he proposed entering a new calling, and would visit different points before going to New Orleans. Mr. Montgomery would not state the nature of the supposed new occupation, but said Mr.' Scully was going to write a letter for publication, and send it to him to give to the papers, explaining his action, and that he would probably be back here again in three weeks. HOW GKEELT WAS FOUND. The Story Entertainingly Told by Iiicuten. ant Hnrlow nt the Press Club. Members of the Press Club and invited guests were richly entertained for an hour or more at the club rooms yesterday after noon. Lieutenant Harlow, of the United States Navy, at the solicitation of some of his newspaper friends, gave an informal talk concerning the adventures and experi ences of the Greely relief party in the Arc tic region. The Lieutenant is a most inter esting and agreeable conversationalist and his descriptions of the scenes that he had witnessed, tne dangers mat tne party en countered and the habits of the strange peo ple of the North were all exceedingly graphic. He exhibited hundreds of photo graphs, taken by himself while on the expe dition, which gave a better idea than any language could of the widely different sub jects with which his narrative dealt The story was spiced here and there with anecdotes and enlivened by descriptions of personal adventures, many of them of an amusing nature. The oft-told story of the Ceding of Greely and the six other famish ing survivors, as repeated bv the man who bore such a conspicuous part in.the rescue, was exceedingly touching and impressive. At the close of his remarks Lieutenant Harlow. was voted the thanks of the club, and a first rate lunch was then served to all present. CALLING LANGST0N A FOOL. Fred Douglass Says it Won't Do to Fat a Colored Man ia tho Cabinet. Fred Douglass passed through the city last night en route to Washington He had been making addresses in Arkansas. Mr. Douglass said: I am personally acquainted with General Harrison, but 1 have not visited him since he was elected. 1 believe in (riving a man time to write his messaee. John M. Langston paid his respects to tho President the other day. Lang ston has conceit enough to think he is as smart as John Sherman, and he wants to go into the Cabinet. He is all for langston and nobody else. It was ho that lost the State of Virginia for the Republicans. The colored people used tq be modest It requires a man with marked ability to fill a Cabinet position. My people should educate themselves first in statecraft before they assume to be statesmen. Langston is a fool it he thinks he can discharge the duties of a Cab inet officer. The colored class is only a small proportion of the population, and they haven't any more right to make demands of such a high character as a class than the Irish or Germans. It is a great mistake. There will not be a colored man in the Cabinet I think it is settled that Mr. Blaine has been offered the position of Secretary of State, but I hopo ho will decline. I would like to see Mr. Harrison the central nguie in tho administra tion. Blaine has too large a following, and in the end it would injure bis standing. ART AND ACTORS. The School of Design Preparing for Private Theatricals. The Amateur Art Association of the School of Design are preparing to give a rendition of " Pygmalion and Galatea," on next Thursday afternoon. None but mem bers of the association will be allowed to witness the production, which will be given in the model room of the school, and in ap propriate costumes, five male and four le male characters. Two of the ladies will form the orchestra, manipulating the' guitar and mandolin. This same production was to have been given some time ago, but it was postponed on account of the participants having to drop it to prepare for the recent exhibition. CASES FOE THE CORONER. Three Unfortunate Men Who Meet Death la a Violent Manner. The body of an unknown man was found on the bank of the Monongahela river at Homestead yesterday. 'Squire Oeffner, of Homestead, was notified to hold the inquest. 'Squire Bughrey, of Coraopolis, notified the Coroner last evening that an unknown man had dropped dead near that place. The 'Squire will hold an inquest to-day. Bouonoro Nicolorinna, one of the victims of the dynamite explosion at Allison Park, on the Pittsburg and Western Bailroad, yesterday, died on the war to the Mercy Hospital. The body is at Flannery's un dertaking rooms. Coroner McDowell will hold an inquest to-day. A Teacher In Trouble Miss Gertrude Kingham, a teacher in the Lawrence, school, was held for court yester day for assault and battery. Mrs. Keating claimed that she whipped her boy with un necessary severity. A COMPLETE WRECK. The Grand tnko Coal Company's Fallnre as Bad as Conld Be Hints of Unsecured Creditors Who May Suffer. Mr. Joseph B. Williams, the head of the defunct Grand Lake Coal Company, is completely unnerved by the firm's failure. He spent yesterday at his home in Sewick ley. All the members of the firm are hard working men, and their credit in Pittsburg was good. A gentleman remarked yester day that thev could have borrowed 1,000, 000 if they wanted it The members of the company are com pletely ruined financially. They have lost the fruits of years of hard work. There are also a number of unsecured creditors that cannot hope to realize a cent. The public preferred creditors of the com pany are W. N. Bobbins & Co. and John Shoup&Co. They will lose little or noth ing in the wreck, but Bobert Gumbert, a coal operator, may be affected. About four days ago the Joe Williams, at Louisville, was mortgaged for $20,000 to I. D. Eisher. It is understood that a levy will also be made on this boat in a few days. The company's troubles began with the building of the Montour Bailroad. They spent and lost a large amount in its con struction. The road proved a failure and left them in the lurch. The company then entered the great coal pool known as the Pittsburg and. Southern Coal Company. Coal to the amount of 400,000 belonging to the pool was sunk at New Orleans last fall, and the Grand Lake Company lost in that disaster one-seventh of the amount, or over $50,000. Said a riverman yesterday: It cannot be denied that the big steamer J. B. Will-airs was a failure. There was never enough work for the boat to do. It is capable of towing 1,000.000 bushels of coal; but it was found to be too largo to work in tho up nvcr. I am willing to bet that the rich nvcr coal operators are not as wealthy to-day as they were 15 years ago. They have been losing money for a long time, and there are actually no profits to be made in the business. The minersgetall tho money there Is in the trade. They are not willing to work for less; but the timo is coming when they will have to, or be out of employment Natural gas has really helped the coal business for the river men. Their markets are more remote than they used to be, but the prices have kept up. MAI BE A HITCH. Some Talk Abort the Amalgamated Associa tion Scnlo for This Year. The delegates to the next Amalgamated Association Convention, which will be held here in June, will bo elected next month, and they will be instructed as to what wages are desired by the iron workers. At this convention the annual scale for iron and steel workers will be drawn up, and there will likely be a hitch this time. A member of a labor organization, in speaking of the outlook for the settlement of the wage question, said: The Amalgamated Association will not h.ivn as plain sailing as before. Singer, Nimick ft Co. are running full and are turning out good work, but their men have no connection with the Amalgamated Association. Tne Solar Iron Works, the Black Diamond Steel Works and Dilwortb, Porter & Co., are all non-union con cerns, and there will likely be a big fight before a scale is adopted, and many of the iron men will try to operate their mills without a scale. They seem to be willing to pay tho prices de manded, but are opposed to some of the ob jectionable rules by the Amalgamated Asso ciation. ' Several members of the organization who were seen believe that the present scale, if presented, will be signed and no trouble is expected. D. A. 3 in Good Shape. Master Workman I. N. Boss, of D. A. 3. Knights of Labor, is making a tour of all the locals in the district. He visited the members of the order at Butler on Friday, and last night addressed a meeting of L. a! 1623, a mixed local, at Kittanning. Mr. Boss says the order is growing, and he be lieves D. A. 3 will have more members than ever before the next annual meeting is held. The Selling- Price of Coal. The Pittsbvrgh Bailroad coal operators, who attended the meeting of the Shippers' Association in Cleveland, returned yester day. They say that nothing special was done, and an adjourned meeting will be held in Chicago next Thursday. At this meeting the selling price for the coming sea son will be fixed. Wngcs Must Come Down. At the next meeting of the Coal Ex change, composed of river operators, next Friday, a committee will be appointed to hold 'a conference with a miners' commit tee on the rate to be paid this season. They claim that it will be impossible to pay the 3-cent rate, as the price of coal in the lower market is lower than ever before. Death In the River. The dead body of Michael Toole was found at 5 o'clock last evening on the banks of the Monongahela river, below the Brad dock Wire Mill, at Braddock. There were no marks of violence on the body. There mains were taken to Williams' undertaking rooms, in Homestead. Toole was about 35 years of age and a metal breaker at the Homestead Steel Works. They Waived a Hearing;. George B. Bothwell and Dr. B. H. Gilli ford, of the Sixth ward, Allegheny, who were charged by Hon. Charles W. Bobin son with criminal libel, waived a hearing before Mayor Pearson, yesterday, "and gave .bail in the sum of $1,000 for trial at court. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Rending Ax insane man. giving his name as Thomas W. Cooper, was arrested at Herr's Island yes terday aft eraoon. TnE-meetlng of the committee of the de funct F. d. M. Bank with President Sorg was not held as had been announced. Jaiies James, a roll catcher at the Soho mill, was severely cut on the head yesterday by being struck by a falling block and tackle. He resides on Blaine street. It shonld have been H. Browarsky, not M. Browarsky, who was accredited with getting in the Central station while be was in a condition of more or less insanity the other evening. Charles Weishum-eh, a 10-year-old boy employed in Ben Morris' shooting gallery, at 3531 Butler street was accidentally shot in the leg yesterday morning. His Injury is quite painful. While oiling an engine, Friday night in tho Panhandle roundhouse, the workman acci dentally struck the lever, when the cnslno ploughed through the brick wall before it could be stopped. St. Augustine's Young Men's Literary So ciety will, on next Friday afternoon, present the St Atifrnsttnc school with an American flag. John F. bchaffer will make the presenta; tion speech. A special meeting of tho Western Pennsyl vania Humane Society will bo held to-morrow afternoon at 3.20 o'clock, in the Society's rooms, Penn Building. Special business will claim the attention or members, anda general attendance is requested. IN the equity case in which John B. 'Xaft tried to compel A. C. Hall and W. W. Acbeson to assign to him certain patents for the manu facture of steel carrlace wheels. Judge Stowe has handed down an opinion in which he dis misses the bill at plaintiff's cost This settles the ownership of the patents. A texpebaxce meeting will be held this afternoon at 3-30 o'clock m the Moorhead building; corner Second avenue and Grant street, under the auspices of Golden Circle Di vision. Sons of Temperance. L. S. Oole, Esq., Grand Lecturer of tbo Good Templars, will address the meeting in tho interest of the Con stitutional amendment In Criminal Court Dr. H. B. Orr, against In spector McAleese and Boger O'Mara, for sure ty of the peace, the first named refused to di vulge the names of parties who were said to have talked of the officers receiving moneys. The doctor's wife ana mother testified to the officers' visits, and the latter testified for them selves. Dr. Orr was ordered to pay the costs. THEIKOW CASTINGS. The Westinghonse Interests May Start Another Industry TO BE LOCATED AT WLDERMING. It is Not let Decided Whether They WH1 LeaTe Allegheny. A DEED FOR OYER 31 ACRES OF LAND The Penn Fuel Gas and Electrical En gineering Company have about decided to build a foundry and machine shop of their own at Wilmerding, on the Pennsylvania Bailroad. This will be near the works of the Westinehouse Airbrake Company, and it is very probable that all of Westing house's enterprises will be moved to the new little town springing up near Turtle Creek. On Monday last the deed for the purchase of an immense tract of land which wquld more than be enough for everything " Mr. Westingbouse is connected with, was filed in the Kecord er's office in this city. The entry of the transfer is to the effect that the Westing house Airbrake Company purchased a tract of land in North Versailles township containing 31 and 805-1,000 acres for ?90, 000. The Fuel Gas Company, of which Mr. Westingbouse is president, got their cast ings, cocks, gates, etc., from the Gas City Manufacturing Company. This company also SUPPLIES THE PHILADELPHIA COMPANX with castings. Most of their output goes to the latter company. The demand for the cast ings has become so great that the Westing house people will manufacture their own, and save a great amount of money by the operation. "When the company builds the foundry for the manufacture of castings for their pipes it will have aa employment ca pacity of several hundred men. The Westinghonse Airbrake Company have not yet decided whether they will va cate their works in Allegheny or not, when they open the new shops at Wilderming. At first it was the intention that as soon as the new works were built the shops in Alleghe ny would be devoted" to other purposes. A number of schemes have been suggest ed for the old shops. It was rumored that the company knowing they could sell the property for a fancy figure would dispose of it. Other schemes were to the effect that Mr. Westinghonse would use the buildings for some of his new enterprises which arc continually bobbing np. It is stated that the treatment of the Westinghonse Com pany in the awarding of the electric light contract in Allegheny has naturally made the company not very particular whether the city get any benefit from their existence or not. At that time no attempt was made by the officials of the company to conceal THEXE CHAGRIN. They said that they distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars in Allegheny City every year, and when they came to bid on a contract they were ruthlessly shoved aside for some foreign company that never did the city a cent's worth of good. The new airbrake buildings at Wilder ming will not be completed until the latter part of the summer. The company now does not expect to do any work in the shops until September. There has been no brick work done yet on the machine shop, and the stone work on the foundry has not yet been completed. The boiler house and black smith shop are not quite finished yet, either. As soon as the weather will permit the work will be pushed to completion. When the snops are opened it is expected that the majority of the men now living in Allegheny will move to the new town. The company will erect a number ot dwelling houses lor the occupancy of their employes. THE FIRST TRAINB READY To Ran To-Morroiv Over the McKeesport and Bellcvernon Bailroad. The McKeesport and Bellevernon Bail road is now open for travel from McKees port to Elizabeth, and the first trains will leave the Pittsburg.McKeesportand Yough iogheny Bailroad depot at McKeesport Mon day morning at 7:10. There will be four trains a day each way from the start, and more will be put on as needed. Ticket Agent Hopkins, at the "Mickey" depot at McKeesport, has been appointed joint agent for McKeesport. The road is solid, and the trains run over it easily. WILI. YOU COME? Our Inducements Aro Grrater Than Ever. Look at These Prices. 12 cans Standard Tomatoes 00c 12 cans Sugar Corn 85c 12 cans Choice Peas 80c 12 cans String Beans 80c 12 cans Table Peaches.., ?1 30 12 cans Blackberries 70c 25 lbs Turkey Prunes 1 00 20 lbs French Prunes 1 00 20 lbs Good Evaporated Peaches 1 00 16 lbs Choice Evaporated Peaches 1 00 16 lbs Choice Evaporated Apples 1 00 10 lbs Large German Plums 1 00 Gibs Fine Evaporated Apricots 1 00 12 bottles Home Made Catsup 75c 20 lbs Boneless Cream Cod Fish 100 50 1-lb bars Navy Scrubbing soap 1 00 25 bars Proctor & Gamble's Ivory soap 1 00 2G bars Proctor & Gamble's Lenox soap 1 00 26barsSohultz&Co.'sSUr soap 1 00 Extra Sugar-cured Hams per lb 10c A reduction of 23c per barrel on flour. lbbl Patent Amber .- 5 60 lbbl Ermine Amber 6 25 1 bbl White Swan (our best family) . .. 6 50 1 bbl Fancy St. Louis 7 00 Choice Boasted Coffees per lb, 22c, 25c and 28c. Goods delivered free to all parts of both cities. To those living out of the city will pre pay freight on all orders of 510, 15 and up ward. Send for catalocue. M. B. Thompson, 301 Market street and 69 Third avenue. WSU The New Exposition Buildings, When finished, will draw crowds to our city, possibly as many as are now attracted to that famous resort for bargains, where the masses congregate daily, now acknowl edged by all odds" as the leading bargain bouse ot the city. Careful management, close expenses, with the use of printer's ink, when it will prove effective, have enabled the Busy Bee Hive to sell goods away under the prices of other houses. For proof of this, note a few of the bargains oficred tlm week: Ladies' plain chemise 17c, with Ince aud inserting 24c, with torchon bosom 45c; long Hubbard owns,39c; ruffled skirts, 25c; Hamburg skirts, 49c; lace drawers, 19c; Hamburg drawers, 25c: skirt chemise, ruffled skirt, 65c; large cambric aprons, 10c; girl's tucked drawers, 10c; chemise, 15c; ladies' jersey vests, with ribbon, lilc; ladies' calico wrappers, 50c to SI; fine cashmere wrappers, 52 50 up; bucle jerseys, 60c; boys flannel waists, 35c up; our double rein forced unlaundried shirts, 48c, worth 75c. Big reduction in prices of corsets: 19c worth 35c, at GOc worth 75c; our $1 corset for 75c; nil our fine corsets, including P. D., I. C, C. B., S. C, Dr. Warner's, Dr. Ball's, Madame Warren and Toy's, at reduced prices. Our clearance sale of winter goods still on. Ladies newmarkets, jackets, jer seys; girl's winter dresses and coats, plush bonnets, blankets, comforts and allinfants' goods at cost, and below cost, this week. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. E. G. Hats & Co., have just sold 3T pianos to the employes of Westinghonse Air Brake Works; this is the largest order ever placed in the city. MAKSHELI, THE CASH GROCER, Will Save Too Money. Let her go, Gallagher! The mild winter paralyzed prices in evaporated and canned goods. There is a big lot of them on the market and they must be sold in a very short time. Get on to the prices and see if you ever heard their equal. Dried peaches, 6 fts. 25c; Calif, evap. peaches, 3 lbs. 25c; Calif- egg plums (mon sters), 3 lbs. 25c; Calii prunes (beauties), 3 lbs. 25c. 5 cans corn, 25c; tomatoes, 3-lb, C3ns, 86c per dozen; blackberries, 2-H. cans, 65c per dozen. Turn to the market reports in this paper and compare my prices wtth the wholesale quotations. Yon will find my prices are the lowest The fruits are new and good and bargains. Send for weekly price list and order by mail. Orders amounting to 10, without counting sugar, will be packed and shipped free of charge to any paint within 200 miles. Give me a trial; I will save you money. I have agents in East End. Southside, West End, in-upper part of Allegheny, in Manchester and Wood's Bun. Send mo your name and my agent will call on you every week and take your order. Maeshell, 79 and 81 Ohio st ,cor.Sandusky,AUeghenT. A Creditable Institution. Mr. Simon, formerly of Pittsburg, now of McKeesport, has lately finished a large and fine brick building on Jerome street, colled the McKeesport National Sanatorium. It contains Turkish, Russian, electric, mas sage, needle, domestic and swimming baths. The physicians of McKeesport are recom mending the establishment as a cure for many diseases, and a good thing to help healthy people to keep healthy. Many travelers from the East have visited the place and found it as complete an institu tion as there is in the country. A number of Pittsburg people are visiting this place regularly, deriving much benefit therefrom. The sanatorium has a good Pittsburg trade, and to further accomodate this trade, Mr. Simon has secured tickets from the B. & O. B. B. Co., good for passage to and from McKeesport, which are presented free to all purchasers of tickets for the Sanatorium. The B. B. tickets are good for all points on the B. & O. B. B., between McKeesport and Pittsburg. PIANO CLUB INCREASED TO 37. E. G. Hoys fc Co. Receive the Order. The Westinghonse Airbrake Piano Club has increased to 37 members, and all are unanimous in their praise of the quality of tone and durability of construction of the Mathushek pianos. The many superior ad vantages these pianos have over others con vinced the members of the club that all could be pleased by placinjr their order with E. G. Havs & Co., 75 Fifth avenue. A cordial invitation is extended to the pub lic to call at our warerooms, where our salesmen will take pleasure in showing thesa instruments. Good Kews for llXonday. Here is good news for men who need anew suit of clothes. On Monday we will sell about 320 men's fine tailor-made suits in checks, stripes and broken plaids, at the ex tremely low price of 6 00. These suits are well-made, cut in all sizes, and well worth $15. It's a sale we intend shall last for to morrow only, so come and take your choice of these suits, over 30 styles to select from, at 56 00. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia mond sts., opp. the new Court House. Ex tra. 100 styles of men's English worsted pants at 51 24, worth S3 00. P. C. C. C. Fine Miller Piano for $173. An elegant four-round corner Miller piano, with all improvements, excellent tone and rich rosewood case, for 175. A bargain, at J. M. Hoffmann & Co.'s, 537 Smithfield street. Also a Haz,elton, Hardman, Steinway and Gale piano at 150, 175. 190 and S215. General asents for the celebrated Sohmer pianos and the superb Colby pianos. E. G. Hats & Co., have jrist sold 37 pianos to the employes of Westinghonse Air Brake Works; this' is the largest order ever placed in the city. The Day We Celebrate. Being Americans in every sense of the word, and wishing to celebrate m a manner becoming to every American citizen the anniversary of Washington's Birthday, our stores will be closed the entire dav. HOprEK Bnos. & Co., 307 Wood st S3, $6 and "S Pnnts. For a good fitting suit or pants go to Pitcaien's Tailoekto Emporium, 434 Wood street E. G. Hats & Co., have just sold 37' pianos to the employes of Westingbouse Air Brake Works; this is the largest order ever placed in the city. Peakson's cabinet photos are admired by everybody. Try him and see for your self. Iinrge Iot of Seines, Xrls and Fishlnc Tackle To be sold at cost before April 1, at J. H. Johnston's, C21 Smithfield st A choice- line of white goods, linens, towels, napkins, etc. Hucus & Hacke. MWFSU E. G. Hats & Co., have just sold 37 pianos to the employes of Westinghonse Air Brake Works; this is the largest order ever placed in the city. The most efficacious stimulant to excite the appetite are Angostura Bitters. WINTER GARMENTS. A VARIETY OF STYLE3. NOT MANY OF EACH. r 1 LOWEST PRICES MADE. Jackets. $1 25, S2, J3, J5. Trimmed Mantles, Astrachan tad Braided, So, S6, $8 and 310. Beaver Newmarkets, Directoire " fronts or tight-fitting, S3. SS, $10 and- "" $12 many of these only one-third "' original price. Plush Jackets, S3. S3. $10 and $12. i Plush Modjeakas, $10, $12, $15 and SB. jH" Alaska Seal Cloaks or Jackets. WiS; savo you large amounts of money or?'" best grades. I ZZZ .' BIBER ilABTDN, ' ,- fe9-Tissu ,.J ...