WPPlilPSIlliPPI jt ;srr THE PITTSBURG-. DISPATCH, SUNDAY, PJEBRUART 17, -1889.' f ' 14. t- A GRAND PANOEAMA Unfolded to a Tourist in the Mount ains of Connemara. IRISH BIRDS AND POSIES. Mid-Winter Beauties of Land and Air Poetically Described. A EAEE JI0UXTA1N FL017EE FOTOD tCOBSXSrOKSENCXOrTnE sisfatce. LIFDEN, IRELAND, February 4. In a week's wandering among the Highlands or Connemara two un expectedly winsome objects of study to the walker, aside from the grandeur of scenery and the quaintness of the neasantrv. presented themselves with that rare delight which all travelers experience from a eense of personal discovery. These were the winter birds and wild fowl, and the winter flora of the silent and dazzling Irish heights. In that brief time a score of the former, which were recognized, were seen; double that number of unknown habitats of, or visitors to, the weird and mystic regions, added to the pleasant consciousness or ever present companionship; while the presence of winter flowers were a source of unex pected pleasure and delight. My wanderings lay among the Mamturk Mountains and the lamous Twelve Pins of Bunnabeola, the foimer to the east, and the latter to the west,of the long.crescent-shaped, silvery inlaying of lovely Lough Inagh and its swee far-reaching vale. The origin of the name of the Matnturk range, and in deed or everv river, lake, mountain, valley or town, in Ireland, is interesting. It is derived from the Celtic maum, an elevated chasm or pass, especially one indicating some terrible separation oy internal ele mental struggle, and torc.aboar. Hence maum-torc or, Anglicized, ilaraturk, "the pass ot the boars;" lor local tradition veri fies the ancient annals in wondenul legen dary accounts of battles with legions of wild boars with which the cloud-capped heights were once infested. The great pass itself winds through the glen of Bealnabrack, where is also a wondrous little mountain rivulet of the same name; and is the only inlet into the wild and picturesque Joyce's country. THE TWELVE PUTS. .These, the Twelve Pins of Bunnabeola form the most remarkable single group of mountains in Ireland, if or will I except the Derryuasaggart, Mangarton, the Paps, Coomeuagh, Gleua Purple or M'Gillicudy Beeks, those heights which cluster alwut the enchanted region of Killaruey. "'Pin" is a modification of the Celtic ben, a peak. Beauua Beola, their true name, signifies the "peaks of Beola." Beola was a mighty Fiibolg king who once reigned over all this mountain-ribbed Couneinara region; and his memory is further commemorated in Toora beola (Beola's tumulus, or tomb) at the head ol Boundstone bav, one it those tre mendous iurcchings of the sea, a few miles south of the mountains, where Beola is said to have been buried, and where there are ruins of aformer majestic abbey. The Twelve Pins cot cr an area o about 40 square miles, and comprise two chains or groups connected, or more properly, separated, by the lolly pass. Mam luaeh. Their highest summits are Kmickaunahiggin, Bengower, Littery, Derryclare, and the "hrow" ol Lit tery. "The pa"ss of Mam Inach crowns the wild and wondrous glen of Inagh, through which a mountain torrent dashes to the east to luagh longh; while a twin stream on the west drains tlie mountain heights into the ocean at Arc! bear bay and Clilden. The whole 12 majestic peaks seem to cluster into the one mighty centrjl monarch peak of Knockannahiggin. From whatever direction they may be approached, the scene presented is one of solitude, sublimity, grandeur. The loftiest heights are continu ally wrapped in silvery mists, and the sun light effect, upon and through these are magically indescribable. A. FOREIGN TOURIST. The handsome mountain finch, a rare vis itant of any region in Ireland save in sever est winters, was the very first 'oreign tour ist I met in the Connemara Highlands. He, and a host ol his kin were here dividing the honors with the Comiaught pig that one object on earth which exceeds in monstrous outlines ami impalpable thinness those of the "razor-back" hog of the American South in querulous gropings and scratch ings for the diminutive, delicious mast of the beecn, which skirts in noble massings many ol the lower mountain plateausanJ de files. Here and there where swollen streams had le t uncouth deposits upon their banks, on the shores of tiny lakes where sharp blasts had churned the waters into lury be neath the bases of overhanging clifls, or again at the edges of unkempt mountain roads, flocks of a score or more oi the little mountain buntings were lound, hopping jerkily about and picking at the reluse like alee little old nrolessors pothering over some anatomical study. I did not see tne bittern, bnt I heard his hollow boom in the grew-onie twilight; and taw the superstitious peasant at my side cross himselt hastily and move his lips in prayer. This bird is now an nnusual speci men in the cultivated districts oi Ireland; but among these desolate mountain tarns and bogs it still skulks and booms iu the gray hours between day and night To the ignorant humans near him his call typifies the voice of offended Deity; while many a poor belated wretch, on hearing the bittern's mournful drum, dashes along the mountain paths in an ecstacy ot fear, believing in truth the awful "banshee" is pursuing and wailing its ','keen" of death in his very ears. ODD FEATHERY NATIVES. The droll and nervous, though bright and daring, little bluetit, or "stouechat," as the peasants call it, was here with a myriad followers, about and within the copses skirting dense mountain forests; the wagtail or "devil's bird," fluttered and dashed among the hare limbs above many a secluded rivulet, the nervous energy of its "eloquent tail" plainly indicating all man ner of mountain gossip; and two or three glimpses were had where the wild haw thorne grew of that fabled bird of the Hyr canian lorest, the exquisitely bcautiiul waxwing, whose secondary quills are tipped with bits of wafer-like flawing red. Those "poor men's birds," the humble and roelo diousliunets, mignt be come upon without surprise in winter in the great forests of noble demesnes; but who could extiect to find them in these lolty solitudes? Tet here they are in cloudy flocks, risin;, alighting and uttering their pleasing but mournlul notes as if in response to some mysterious mountain litany unheard by human ears.. In many of these vast and shadowy moun tain valleys, the home-nearing feeling came when flocks of the modest-nlumaged warb lers, the titlarks, rose gracefully irom foot hill ascent to higher hill, and again to loftier lope, their gentle flight so remarkable from their rythmic beat ot wings in unison with clear and piping notes. The learless cross bill in myriads sat munching the seeds of conesju the clustering larcn and fir, or took daintier dessert ol whitethorne berries with saucy nonchalance almost within reach of my outstretched hapd. BEDODISS OF THE AIB. Three specimens of those birds of terrible powers, the perrgrine falcons, were seen; those same feathered Bedouins of the air, whose speed it from BO to 150 miles per hour: the priceless gifts of and to Kings in feudal ages; so prized that Emperors have been bribed with them to assist in destructive wars; and whose pursuit of any other bird f passage is equivalent to its certain death. A few sea-eagles, apparently driven by hun ger from the near coast, wheeled slowly around the valley's rims, their huge, gaunt forms sprawling uncoutbly, their tre mendous snow-white tails flapping like gigantic plumes, and their ugly, un wieldy heads moving :n clumsy jerks, as if set in uncertain sockets, Among the crags, and circling about the highest peaks, but ever wary of human proiimity, the true eagle of loftiest soli tudes was here. Nearly half a hundred were counted in one week's clambering anion? the Highlands; but on no occasion were they sufficiently approachable to en able their outlines to be followed by the naked eye. "With a glass their raven plum age, their royal collar of gold, their bowed, meditative posture, the sudden drooping of their wings as their shrill, impatient screams were uttered, could be clearly dis cerned; and the feeling was irresistible that one is verv far from the haunts of men and J very near to the clouds and sky, when asso ciated with the grandest sublimity of nature where this majestic monarch of the plumy race is in his haunts and home. MIDWINTER SURPRISES. To the nature-loving walker, there is an indescribable delight in the presence of any form of flora in midwinter. And I confess that the glowings of pleasure among these glittering Irish heights were truer and deeper from the emotions thus awakened than from all the majesty ana grandeur in bewildering scenic effects; just as the heart is touched by coming upon sweet and per fect lives where want and squalor are, when greatness among the great often commands but trudging obeisance. "Wild flowers in bleak Irish mountain heights in January! Truly, yes; and here are those I saw. At nearly the summit ot Bengower, I found a little pockety vale in which a rivulet trickled from a soggy tarn. At its northern edge in a little misty dingle, was a mass of Irish furze the corse of England; the whins of Scotland. Down in the very heart of this hank was a bunch of the gay, golden lurze blossoms, as brave and proud as ever shook their blos soms in the balmiest breeze of June. a warm vallev among the Manturks I discov ered several of the purple-edged hellebores, growing as prettily on a bank of leaves as in the beds of a May garden. On the east ern ascent of Littery in four protected nooks were found the modest and best beloved of Chaucer's flowers, his "day's-eyes," and one's heart warms to the crimson-tipped dai sies, breathing out their lives unnoticed in these almost inaccessible mountain fast nesses. Many specimens of the pretty red nettle were seeu, almost always in little clefts ot mighty cliffs where the sun's rays were warm in spite of howling blasts. A MOUNTAIN FLOWER. But of all the rare surprises in mid-winter mountain flowers was that one exper ienced during my last morning in the High lands, just as I was turning down the last descent ironi grim Bengower into the great Connemara road to Clilden. Startled by a rush and a girlish call lrom a hidden path, I turned just in time to receive the head long force ot an irrepressible donkey laden with creels. I caught the beast and held it despite its viciousness, and iu another in stant its companion, a lithe, supple, and bare-legged mountain maiden, the most ex quisitely beauti-ul lass 1 had seen in Ire land, bounded down the path, and, after soundly larruping the obstreper ous animal, thanked me heartily, innocently, bewitchingly, for the tri fling service I had rendered. She was go ing to Clilden to sell a donkey-load of peat. I was also going to Clilden. We three, the maid, the man, and the donkey went to gether. The honest prattle of the little woman, the gladness of the man, the riot ous behavior of that donkey, and the larrup lngs and laughter on that bright winter morning, made the way all too short. And as we parted at Clifden, where one road led to the village and another to the heights above, in all reverence for the unconscious winsomeness, simplicity.purity and bravery of this sv.eet mountain maid, my heart sang all that these lines may tell: TO AN IRISH MOUNTAIN FLOWER. Maiden sweet of wild Bengower. Fairer thou than fairest flowerl Boddiced blue; with skirts of red; Braideen sweeping from thy head; Dainty toes and aiclung feet; Matchless half-shown lunlw deer-fleet: Where in all the circling zone Blend such charms as thine in one? Where are tones in linnet's note Like the music in thy throat; Where in all the faint far South Lurks such languors in a mouth; Where in depths of Irish skies Are such depths as in thine eyes? Dead to all the graces he Who thrills not, as he looks on thee. Dead to grace he who shall first Make thee conscious and accursed. Maiden s eet ot w lid Bengower, Be for aye its mountain flower. Edgar L Wakestan. Back nt Work. Bev. Mr. Huckins (of the Convicts Aid Society, who has gone to Sing Sing to re ceive two discharged prisoners) Aren'tyou glad to get nut again ? One of the paii- Bet your life tre is. You snake his watch, Cooley, an' I'll grab der stud. Judge. Fnndorn'a Box ot Evili Never contained a worse one than malaria. Extirpate it when it first shows its hydra head. If you don't. It will wind its sinuous length about you. and, perhaps, in ttie end crush you. Hostctter's Stomach Bitters annihilates and prevents It So it does dyspepsia, constipa tion, liver complaint, kidney ailments, rheuma tism and nervousness. You cannot select a prompter tonic and alterative. UarrU Tuenter. A royal show, and a big one, too, is pro vided lor this week, the attraction being Nelson's Great World Combination, which opens Monday matinee. It comes, as it is pronounced, a perfect vaudeville avalanche, brinilul or more European novelties ana bright specialty artists than any other show on earth, besides being the largest and most expensive organization that has visited Pittsburg in many years. Heading the list is the famous Nelson family, seven in num ber, who are pronounced without living equals, acknowledged Europe's greatest feature and recognized the premier acrobats of the world. Tne leats penoruied by these peerless acrobats are such as no other artists have ever attempted, and are marked by a degree of skill and daring that simply hold I the audience spellbound. Many other I artists of varied talent contribute to the ex cellent programme. We Unil Do Ei-rrTlulns In our power to further the celebration of the anniversary of Washington's Birthday in a becoming manner. To do so it will be necessary that our employes shall celebrate also. Hence our stores will be closed the entire day, Friday, February 22. Hoppek Bros. & Co. Removal of Johnston's Gnn Store. Big bargains in all kinds of guns, re volvers and sportsmen's goods. All shop worn and second-hand goods will be dis posed of at or below cost before we remove toTOOBissel Block. EtRmple Free. Ask yonr grocer for it. .Electric Paste Stove Polish; saves dust, dirt, labor, women, carpets and furniture. Go to Pearson, the leading photographer, for your cabinet photos. His prices are less than all others. Liver complaint cured free at 1102 Car ton et., Southside. ffr-n fi. ff n MoJt FLORA'S FAIR BOWER, A Eiot of Luxury, Fragrant Exotics and Balmy Breezes at THE SEMI-TROPICAL EXTORTION. A Glimpse of Paradise for the Traveler From the Cold North. SCEKES OF GKEAT HISTORIC INTEREST rwRrrrm roa itn dispatch. South Florida, February 11, 1889. CALA'S day of all days, and one to be remembered in the history of the bright little city, was the Exposi tion. The glory ana sweetness of a hundred Junes was there. Flags and bunting took such shapes as they never knew before fes tooned, draped, furled, twisted into all sorts A Typical ef devices. The glistening steel, flashing sword and martial tread of the military guard"; the officers, firemen, city officials, press, business firms, made a triumphant entry into the ground", and convince I the most skeptical that the flash and dash of Southern enterprise is a reality. Million aire, "cracker." negro, all felt the influ ence of the balmy day, and grewj5nthusia-s tic over the success of the Exposition. Our country cousins, in vehicles from the primitive ox cart to the glittering costly coupe.drawn by silky-coated thoroughbreds, were in attendance. Beauty and chivalry from the surrounding resorts to the bare footed .pedestrian, gazed in admiration and open-mouthed wonderment on the magnifi cence of the display. To the Northerner, just down from the gaunt cold North, with thoughts of his frost-benighted friends at home, the wildest dream of tropic loveliness was more than realized, and he soon feels that delirious height of ectasy that rests so well and so characteristically on the South erner, and forgetting his stiff Plymouth Bock principles feels and enjoys the en chantment ot a clime where endless summer smiles. FLORA'S HOME. The matchless sunlight glints against thej drops trickling irom the basin ot the great fountains. The grass plot is studded with rare, fragrant exotics; deer, pelican and duck grace the erounds, and everything says Flondiil The Peri who would enter the paradise o," this miniature Florida must deposit the talisman the small sum of SO cenjs with the angel at the gate, and not stopping to look behind, halt on the thres hold of this tropical splendor. The bloom and beauty that the hall commands ii be wildering. Flora is the special goddess, and seems to be holdingalong bacchanalian rout of roses, jasmine, sweet-scented violets, etc, exhaling odors enough to sweeten a continent. Comparisons, according to Mrs. Malaprop, are "odorous," and to compare a Southern exhibitiou with any other would only be to distinguish the difference. But sometimes the most enchanting scenes, by the emotions, tender and dreamy that they awake in one, have the power to cast a sadness over the wanderer. Standing at the entrance, gazing down the length of the building, a perfect fairyland greets the visitor. Kich palmettos and palms adorn the aides, a luxqriaiikdts play of orange', lemons, limes and bananas appear, while beds of strawberries, half-ripe pineapples convince us that we are in the flowering, balmy southland. Lemon trees in all states of fruitage, fig trees, pome granate, cocoanut; overgrown, awkward, de moralized cacti, century plants and oranges. Oranges everywhere arranged artistically in clusters, rows and pyramids, among shad dock, grape fruit, persimmon, etc., etc; arches festooned and lined with moss and pulms. The idea ol beauty is so well car ried out that the roost fastidious could only exclaim in admiration. THE EPICURE'S DELIGHT. Added to the luxurious display of the asthetic and beautiful, the more matter of fact vecetable comes into prominence. Eipe tomatoes, egg plant, green peas, corn, etc., mil in moth strawberries in such pro fusion that the nineteenth century epicure cannot but thank his lucky fate that his destiny has been cast under Ore's prosper ous reign. From these glimpses into the four corners of the Peninsula, through the windowsc the Exposition, the resources of Florida prove to be-more varied and more interesting that the world dreams. It is here that the stranger is reminded by that "irrepressible" the land agent that he is in the "orange belt of the Peninsula;" but seeing is believing, and the tourist who will accommodate the kind-hearted gentleman of each department by sampling "the finest variety of the orange" comes awav im pressed with the hospitality of the South erner and a very dangerous case of yie "orange lever," and as quickly leaves an order at the packing room for one, two or several boxes "like the sample" to be shipped to friends at home. The finest, the largest, the most paying groves of the State are surrounding Peala. The Harris grove, containing .200 acres, has just finished its shipment or 0,000 boxes. Does orange growing pay? It is here in this miniature rloridathat the inquisitive Yankee may revel in the desire of his soul asking questions and he does it, too. The prize pumpkin and cabbage weighing 40 pounds paralyze him for a moment, and clutching his gripsack of wooden nutmeg1 with a vengeance, exclaims, "Do tell!" but in another second, with the spirit of hi Puritan fathers, boldly protests, 'Maini and her pine trees kin beat it every time." THE NEW SOUTH. Pallas Athene is guarding the under takers of this enterprise, and the resource and attractions ot Florida are being shown and studied to the advantage of Florida's future. Northern tourists take the liveliest interest in the great display of wonderful and curious plants, flowers, fruits, native woods, etc With the pessimist's views o" the effect of yellow fever 'in Florida, and the inquiries that come from bejond the borders "What of Florida now?" this midwinter exhibition will open a new era in the prosperity of the State, and show the powerful attractions and horticultural ele ments. Tourists coming from the Ice-clad North, ushered into this sample box ot the New South, find it not only a transition, but a wonderful revelation. Ennui Is the bane of the traveler, but he need not feel it,' surrounded by th attractions and changing scenes of O c&j The tropical comforts of the city are every where apparent. Hotels are superb, and at night are gay with music, and all goes "merry as a marriage bell." Tennis and croquet plats, billiards and bowling, fish ing, saddle and driving horses, orchestra day and evening, go to make up lite in this social Eden. All that nature can do to cheer the stranger's heart, whose lot, ac cording to the pensive Hemans, is a "yearn ing anguish," is don in this Southern clime, which is mightier than the sword American gold supplies. , A HUMAN KALEIDOSCOPE. It is on these bright sunny days'that a wonderful scene of animation and careless hnppy lite is presented. Little children in fleecy muslins find "December as pleasant as May." Youths, Northern and Southern, intermingle; cordial greeting and cultured hospitality are everywhere apparent. That contact with nature in all her sunny moods exerts a feeling of profound enjoyment, dis pelling that glum, curt, rushed-to-death air of the oppressed Northerner. Sen timent, too, occupies a high place in the kaleidoscope of life. Moonlight, , music, love and flowers go to make up. this season of gayety, and as a representative of the sunny lands remarked, "The South was first subdued by arms next by capital, and not contented with this. Northern men are now marrying all our beautiful women." All around Ocala are places of historic interest. The most important and exciting events of the Seminole War took place here. It was at Fort King, near Ocala, that the treatv of the Ocklawaha was signed, and here that Osceola led his warriors through Florida Scene. swamp and thicket, decoying our soldiers into dangerous retreats, to find nothing, but satis ying, our officers that a disciplined army was not adapted to the work of sur prising Indians. It was at the council of Fort King that the defiant Osceola, in ven geance for the treason of the old Chief Omatla, under the ruse of signing the treaty, in exulting triumph stuck his sword through the parchment, with triumphant premeditation, through the signature of Omatla. All this recalls the history of the arrest, the tragic frar scenes, and the horrors of the war cry, "Yoho-ehee," which is the gathering war word of the Seminoles, and was always followed by such vengeance ard such retaliation. JI. M. IMAGINING A N1?W JURY. AnEnstern Journal Hns Pitfsbnrg Impanel n YVomnn Joror. To show how one mnstgo away from home to hear the news, it may be mentioned that the New York Graphic says, editorially: The old common law, which permitted women to serve as jurors under certain circumstances, I nas come curiously into play at Pittsburg. An application for such a jury has been made In the Orphans Court. The case isaclsimhy a Miss Mitchell to the estate of Thomas Shee tian, wboe child she claims to be. Sheeban bad a child, which was placed in a convent at an ear'y age and reported to have died. When Sheeban died his estate was valued at S50.000. HiSHite survived bira and instituted an in quiry Tor her child. A number of claimants appeared, attracted by the estate. None of them cauld show any evidence of the genuine ness nf her claim except Miss Mitchell, whose identity was made clear tn the mother through a birth mark. As there are other contestants Tor the estate, a trial In the Orphans' Court is necessary, and a jurv of wnnien has been de manded. The trial will be a novel one in the history of American jurisprudence. The writer proceeds to remark that, if women were to be chosen to do jury dutv, it would be a great relief to the male members of the coniniuiiity, and suggests that, while mere are cases in wnicn woman 8 sympa thetic natnre and impetuosity would make her dangerous to defendants as, for in stance, in breach of promise and divorce suits, where women were plaintiffs but otherwise the writer is of the opinion that, in prosecutions involving morality and hon esty, their strong sense of right and wrong would enable them to "go direct to the heart of the controversy, sweep aside legal forms, quibbles and biased charges of judges, and mete out equal and exact justice, tempered with mercy," etc. In the first place, neither Register Conner nor Mr. Cyrus Gray knows anything of the application for a jury in this case, and, were uue a-heu, me mm wouia oe in tne Uom mon Pleas, as the Orphans' Court does not try cases bv jury. Messrs. Quail and Cotton and other law yers seemed to doubt that a case could be legally triel bnlbre a jury of women in this State, and Mr. Raymond remarked, as to the possible advantages suggested bv the Graphic writer, that, just as at present, re sults would depend on thecharacter of those drawn as jurors. Neither of the Orphans' Court Judges could be found; but it seems that some newsmonger has drawn on his imagination for the delectation ol Gotham readers. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. A Maid Servant Who Troves a Bonanza lo Di ok Stores. The great wish to get something for noth ing is brought out in the story which a charming invalid lady relates to a reporter of a large-hearted maid-servant of hers. Her physician gives a new prescription every day, and, as the invalid's ailment usually disappears after one or two doses of the medicine, a large stock of partially-filled bottles accumulated about the medicine chest. Ann, the maid servant, in all her healthv native curiosity and boldness, asked the lady "for why" this medicine was purchased, how it should be taken, and what were the symptoms of the disorder? Her mistress informed her. and in two minutes Ann complained of 'feelin' quare," and asked permission to finish the bottle. Preparations for colds, sick headaches, toilet water, hair oil and anything that looked like medicine were taken by the girl for her imaginary complaints, and she began growing stout and hearty on her new diet. The invalid is anxiously watching the result. The girl actually takes pride in the num ber of times she has been in the hospital. An Accessory to ibe iUnsiache. Herr Elstesnaben (as the guests ait down to dinner) Vos you der budler 1 The Butler Oi am, sor. Herr Elstcnbaben Yen you lerre me xnein soup, pring a tinyr.Puci. WHIMSICAL WOMEN. Effects of Their Tempers Upon Men Described by Mrs. Frank Leslie. 'A WIDOWER'S MODENFUL PLAINT. A Sweet-Tempered Wife a Kara Iris Worth a Prolonged Search. x HOW WOMEN AEE AFFECTED BY BALLS rWBITTMr TOR THE DISPATCH. HEN a young man, in -..lid i... . t aja a r. a UUtBl Ul uuuuucuuc, telfs you what manner of cirl he intends to marry as soon as he finds'her, he invaria bly stipulates that she must b e amiable. Sometimes he calls it good-tempered, some times easy-going, sometimes jolly, for our jennesse doree are not, as a rule, exact in their use of lan guage, but he means the quality which to my mind is best described by the term sweet tempered, and I generally reply to him, in one form or another: "Certainly. That is probably the one virtue whose presence makes a home a home, instead ol a stopping place, but do you find within yourself the traits that will meet and reward such a royal gift?" My young man generally confesses that he does not, and parades various extenua tions tor a man's irritability or violence, or, worst of all, moodiness of temper, and still insists that the wife, to be a model wile, should be provided with such supereroga tion of sweet temper that she can not ouly contribute her own but ner husband's share of amiability to the family stock. Well, I don't wonder that the young man feels this desire, and I quite agree with him that a truly sweet temper is one of the choicest gifts the airy godmother can bestow upon woman, and I only hope he may find it I 1ITTLE TEMPERS. In going about the world and receiving the confidences both men and women so freely bestow upon some of us, one cannot but s'ee with mingled wonder and pity hoyr many women spoil their own lives and destroy with their own ruthless fingers the illusions clothing every bride iu her lover's eyes, just by giving way to their little tem pers. ".Little tempers!" The phrase always suggests to me that other phrase of "The little foxes that spoil the grapes." If the tempers are really little they should be very easily restrained, and at least hidden, even though, like the classic little fox "bt the Spartan boy, it gnaw deep in its conceal ment. Of course, it is easier to let your foxes run free, and when the joint propri etor of the vineyard says the grapes are spoiled, to exclaim, "Oh, but it was such a little onel How can you make a fuss over that?" Woman's nerves are lightly set; the jar that sets them all in a thrill passes uu elt over the heavier organization of the man; the breeze that to him is only a pleasant stimulus is to her a devastating storm. Last night's ball or theater party or reception is to him a slight feeling ot weariness, to be dissipated by a cold bath and an extra cup of coffee, while to her it is the waste of a weeK s ordinarv vitality. Her nerves are on edge, her vitality depressed, her mental spectacles indigo-blue. The husband per haps is a little surly, perhaps a little teas ing, perhaps unwisely brings up some sore subject or proposes some unwelcome plan. Verv little is enough, and the wife lets loose the little foxes who snap and bark and drag down the fair clusters oi'grapes.until at last the angry man rushes from his home mutter ing a man's almost brutal phrases of wrath, and the wife remains weeping among the torn clusters ot the domestic rine. Or, again, she has been all day worried and worn with domestic cares. They are not rich, and she has to do a' great deal with a very little. tmLE WORRIES. She does not want the children to fall be hind their natural comrades in schooling or accomplishments or dress, and she has to supply with her own fingers and her own tired brain a great many little devices of the toilet and of amusement that other mothers can buy. She grows a little weary of the constant struggle, and her thoughts revert to a richer suitor who could have spared her all this and set her on a pinnacle far above the woman whose children hers are emulating, and, after ali, perhaps it would have been better. Just there she stops, a little frightened atherown thoughts, but when her husband comes home, also tired, also discouraged, also a little dis gusted with life, he finds his wife silent or, as he presently decides, sulky, and disposed, if he talks to her of his business worries, to hint a very disparaging opinion of his abil ity anamemoas. .Naturally the man re seiits this attack upon his prerogative of superior wisdom, and this time it is not a "tiff," but a downright quarrel that ensues, and perhaps that vineyard is never quite the fair and fragrant place it was before. Or, the servants are provoEing, and when reproved becomes impertinent, and the mis tress loses her own temper and indulges her self in scolding the delinquent, who vaguely feels that she has after all won the victory, for she has dragged her mistress down to her own level, and the worst of it is that the mistress leels the same humiliating cer tainty. Or. the children are tiresome and wear ing, and the tired and nervous mother either cannot or will not leave them to the care of others, but yet neutralizes her weary self devotiou by sharp reproo's. sarcasms that sink far deeper than she knows, or angry blows that only harden instea'd of disciplin ing the child. Then there is a temptation to be simply cross that assails every woman, .though she may have neither husband, child nor serv ant' to spend it unon, and this form of ill temper is perhaps the most subtle'and dan gerous of all that assail a woman's soul, for it is all-pervading. You wake up in the morning cross, your toilet is vexatious and unsatisfactory, your breakfast is altogether distasteful, and you are tempted to be sharp with- the servant who brings it to you. The weather is just the bind you most dislike, the person you wih to see is not at home, and the one you don't want to see finds you at home. Every body chooses disagreeable topics of conver sation, and you nearly quarrel with your best friend about the "make-up of the new Cabinet, although yon rars as little abont it as you do about most things. The whole day goes wrong until either "time or vour own resolution, or the advent of some bright, sunny, resolute friend drags you back to good humor almost despite yourself. DEATH OP LOVE. Yes, the little tempers are very various, and many of them very contemptible, but, for nil th'at, their aggregate force is some thing tremendous, and, given time ind lib erty enough, they will not only spoil the grapes, but ruin the whole vineyard and lay it uaste. ' Did you ever hear of the man who, when told that he was to go to his wire's funeral in (he same carriuge with his mother-in-law, replied mournfully, "Very well, if you buve arranged it so; but it will spoil all my pleasure." I always felt that that dead wife and her mother had given way to a great many little tenipers,before the widower's grief lound in stinctive utterance after this fashion. I dare say the man was "aggravating," and perhaps worse; I dare say the wile and her mother could have said a good deal on their side of the question, and of one thing I am quite sure; if the case bad been reversed, the widow would not have said, because she would not have felt, that it waa a pleasure to go to her husband's funeral. For here is a truth which I preient to the consideration mm of my sister women, and I assure them that it is the fruit of much observation and study or mankind. A woman's little tempers will in the course of years make an impression upon a man's estimate of her that no after time can undo; while if she once truly love him, years of bickering or ill-treatment on his part are wiped away and forgotten by the caresses of his returning love, or by the faltering firewell of his dying breath. A woman's resentment ot the little offenses of fered her by the mau she loves is like the. sand upon the beach, so lightly ruffled, so easily heaped into chasms and mountains, but so sure to be placated by the return of the tide, so easily restored to the full integrity of its origiuul condition. But the man's consciousness of injuries is like the rock lying so stolidly upon that shifting beach. The winds blow the sand across hfai, but it soon blows off again. The waves dash over and seem to leave no mark. but the years go by, and twice everv day the sand and the waves together grind away a little and a little of the substance of the rock, and after mapy years, if the sand says, I am tired of this useless war.are, let us be as we were at first, the rock must sadly an swer nay, that cannot be, for he years have worn away what no years can restore. We can only make the best of what is left. Of course I do not mean.that it is only the woman who is to blame in this couditinn of things, nor that a woman is any more bouni than a man to restrain herself and do or leave undone whatever makes for peace in the home, only it is a certain truth that a really sweet-tempered woman will reap more love while she lives and more tears when she dies than a woman who indulges her little tempers, no matter what virtues she may bring forward to counterbalanse them. BETTER THAN RICHES. But, after all, what is a sweet temper? So many things are sweet that are not there'ore agreeable the nauseous sweet of certain medicines when the odious sub-taste pierces through, and one loathes them all the more lor the sweetness, and the mawkish sweet of whey and certain kindred preparations, and warm eau sucree and the mild tisanes they dose you with across the seas in rural parts. No, to be sweet-tempered in any of those ways is hardly better than the little tempers. There must be a richness, a body to the seet to make it delicious; there must be a piquancy to relieve it of monotony. To my mind, there is something very'alluring in. IL. t.. VI i- I ;. r.t- ..." tne laatc ui nuuey, lur in spue oi me intense sweetness nnd the richness, there is a certain subtle reminder of the bee's sting, a certain piquancy suggestive of thedeadlv fight that fellow would have made it some brother bee had tried to forestall him in the lily's breast. There is a tang of animated life as well as the breath of flowers about honey that makes its sweet to "me different from all other sweets, and the nearest type of nature to the sweet temper so much to be de sired in woman. A sweety temper, then, is a temper with force and life enough to blaze up in righte ous wrath when proper occasion calls; for I pity, nay, I despise, the man or woman who cannot be angry at sight of cruelty, or in sult, or deceit, or baseness a "pan ot skim luilk" that cannot be "moved to honorable enterprise" it is a temper that can perceive matter of annoyance and refuse to notice it, a temper that even in the momentof annoy ance can suggest to itself excuses for the annoyer, a temper that can pass over that moment and revert to better things in the past, or look forward to them in the future; a temper that never loses sight of love and its obligations, a temper serenely powerful over speech and affectionately allied with self-respect, a temper whose owner never has to say, "I forgot myself," and never noes say, "i torn you so;" a temper quick to forget injuries and to accept atonement, and retentive of favors and loving word; a temper that can find fault without rousing angry passions on either side, that can re prove a servant without loss of self-control or ot gentle dignity, and can rebuke or punish a child without shaking either its love or its respect. Yes, my young friend, when- you marry by all means secure a sweet-tempered womnn or your wife--that is to say, it you can find her and she will accept yon. But having found your rara avis and I assure you the bird diies exist, for I have seen it pause, before inviting it into your cage, to qnestion with yourself what Inducements you have to offer and what qualities you leel yourself possessed ol that will make the bargain an even one and render you worthy to possess heaven's last, best gift to man. Mrs. Frank Leslie. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The suspension of Edward Hatch has been announced at the New York Stock Exchange. He was a member of the Exchange since July, Cornelius E. Demarest, for many years the trusted bookkeeper of the Passaic Ice Com panp of Paterson, N. J., was arre ted yester day on the charge of embeftllne $2,800. He was released on ball. At Port Huron. Mich., Mrs. Barnev Bender locked her three children, aged 2, 4 and 6 yeir, in the house while she went down town. The children set fire to the bouse, and when res cued by neighbors were unconscious. The two youngest children died and the other is not ex pected to recover. From a report laid before the Canadian Parliament It appears there are at present 19 lepers confined in the Dominion lazaretto at Tracadie, New ttrunswick-8 males and 11 icmaies. jjunng the year two new cases were admitted from the surrounding country. No effort appears to have been made by the Gov ernment to arrest the terrible diease. which is reported to be spreading in British Columbia. Among the passengers on board the steam ship Britannic arriving yesterdav, was the Bwiss, Kuhn, who s cbartred with the murder of a man in Wisconsin. The accused murderer was In charge ot a deputy United States mar shal, and after a brief delay in New York started for Wisconsin. Knbn escaped from this country to England, having obtained se cretly a pa-sage on board the steamship Lord Gough. under an assumed name. At Belvidere. 111., the climax was reached in a war against the saloonkeepers when the fnand jury returned indictments against every iquor man in tle city. Nearlv SO Indictments were found altogether for sellirg liquor to minors and habitual nrnnknrds. The saloon keepers already have a 10,000 damage suit on their hands, anil the fact or their being com pelled to pay J1.000 annual license, together with the expenses of the law snits. will about absorb all of their profits. The temperance people feel happy In consequence. At Church's Ferry, Dak., Sheriff Flynn has had another tussle with the half-breeds In at tempting to culled taxes. Yeerday the Sheiitf seized some horses belonging to aha N breed. He was overtaken before reaching town by a mounted band of 15 half-breeds, armed with guns. They took the horses from the Sheriff and rode oJT, flnng their guns and hooting In the Indian fashion. Late last night a number or the Dakota Natii-nal Guard, ac companied by the Sheriff, went to Duneith and will attempt to arrest all those engaged in the scrimmage. Indignation runs high and blood may be shed. There is no dmger of the white settlers being molested. An Illicit still and a complete, though crude, apparatus for the production of corn whisky, have been unearthed Iu Chicago and seized by the United States revenue officers. A dozen or more person, including several saloonkeepers, are sus ected of complicity with the moonshiners, ami a number of ar rests will lie m ide by the Government authori ties. A local paper saya that from information received it has reason to believe that the work already accomplished is but a side issue, and that right in the heart of the city there are a number of "-tills" with a dailv capacity of over 60 gallons, all of which are running In lull blast and managed by a svndii ate of well known men. The revenue officials promise to give full Information regarding the case as soon as they have "sprung their trap." Independence Rock, the most noted land mark on the overland route to California, was the scene of a remarkable fatality three days ago. Daniel 8tockw ell came to the Territnry troin Ohio last August, and purchased a small ranthe on buffalo creek, near the nick. For four weeks Stock ell has bad as guests Albert and George A very, young-men whose parents reside near Youngstown. O. Last Thursday, while out hunting, or nearing Indepcndeni e Rook, they noticed some rattle forming a large circle of which tliey were the center. Stnrk well, fearing a stampede, counseled fliBbtto Independence Rock, and told them to drop their guns and run for their lives. Stockwell rapidly got ahead of them, and on reaching the roikwas horrified, on looking back, to find that the young men In their desperation had made a stand against the maddened cattle and disc-barged their firearms In the face of the foremost. The beasts In the lead attempted tn change their course, but those behind lorced them, over the luckless young men. The entire herd of at least 600 bead trampled over the bodies ot the Averys. The remains were wholly unrecognizable. Invalids call at 1102 Carson it. and be cured free of charge. A -GOOD CONSCIENCE Is Something That Must he Carefully Trained and Guarded. EIGHT AND WRONG AEE RELATIVE Terms Which Change in Accordance With Circumstances. A TIME WHEN SLAYER! WAS PE0PEE rWMTTXS JOB TOT DISFATCB.l HE question is, how to keep the conscience? That is, how to keep it right and true. This curious conscience of ours, which seems to distinguish so inade quately between right and wrong. "What shall we do with it? How shall we make it keep spiritual time? How shall we make it register moral and available truth? Just here, we introduce a distinction. Bight and wrong are terms which are used sometimes in one way and sometimes in quite another way. If we may put it in the language of philosophy, and thus get 90 sentences into two words: right aud wrong are sometimes taken absolutely and sometimes relatively. Bight and wrong, viewed as external facts, are relative, that is, they may change places. The same act, wrong in one age and place and person, may be right in another. Kight and wrong, in this sense, are simply the best or not best which each age or society knows. They are decided by custom. This, I remember, was one of the points which Mr. Beecher made when he lectured here on "Conscience."' I will borrow some of his strong illustrations. "WHEN SLAVEBY "WAS BIGHT. At the beginning, for example, slavery was right. It was an act of benevolence. It was a distinct advance upon the old fashion of killing all the captives taken in time of war. The nrst slaveholders were enlight ened reformers men ahead ot their time. They were the wiser and kinder leaders who spared the lives of their enemies, and set them to work instead. Slavery then was right. To-day changes in the condition of society have made it wrong. So of many ancient customs set down in the Old Testament. They were right in the days or Abraham, of Joshua, of David, simply because theywere the best then known; to-day, they are not the best, and are consequently wrong. So that it has been excellently said, that to uphold those customs as being. right for us to follow; or on the other hand to say that if they are wrong for us, they must have been wrong for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is as absurd as to say of a shoe which you wore when you were a baby, "This fitted me when I was 3 years old; something is wrong because it doesn't fit ml nowl" We do not need, however, to consult geography or history to show that the same external act the very same act may be right or wrong according to circumstances. The man who sticks a knile into his fellow is a murderer, said Mr. Beecher, unless he is a surgeon. Joseph Cook, in a lecture on conscience, tells this story: "WhenSamuel Taylor Coleridge was a poor boy and a charity scholar in London, he was wander ing one day along the Strand, throwing out his hands wildly to the right and lelt, and one of tbem came in contact with a gentle man's waistcoat pocket, and the man imme diately accused the boy of thievish inten tions. 'No, said Coleridge, 'I am not in tending to pick your pocket; I am swim ming (he Hellespont. This morning in school I read the story of Nero and Leander. Nero was on the European siile.and Leander jwam the Bophorus to meet her. I AM IMITATING LEANDEB. So you have to look beneath the external act to the motive. The act may he right or it mav be wrong, it "may be an imitation ot Leander or an imitation of Fagin. The morality of the act depends upon the motive. And just here we leave right and wrong relative, and stand face to face with right and wrong absolute. The world over, and all the ages through, a bad motive is wrong, and a good motive is right. Slavery was right in the old time, because the motive was mercy. Stealing was right in Sparta, because the motive was not theft, but the development of 'cunning and dexterity. It was right for the Egyptians to say their prayers to the Biver Nile, lor that was the best they knew, and the motive was sincere adoration. The quality of an act depends upon its motive. Now conscience has to do with questions of right and wrong. And according as we mean right and wrong relatively that is, the external act or right ana-wrong absolute that is, the inner motive so is conscience fallible or infallible. Concerning the act, conscience may make mistakes. It deceived Saul when it told him to persecute the Christians. But concerning the motive, conscience makes no mistake at all. So lnngasynuare doing the best yon know how, conscience approves, although your best may not be the absolute best. Hut fall beneath your own ideal; contemplate an act which denies your principle", whatever they are; meditate doing whatever agrees not with the best you know, then conscience speaks, conscience forbids. It is significant that the iuner voice, to which Socrates ascribed the guidance of his life, spoke ONLY TO 8AYNO. The state of the case, then, is evidently this. When conscience silent and inter poses no objection, you may be right or you may he wrong. You are acting up to the best you know,but you may not know so much as you ou.'ht to. Conscience, as we saw, is the joining together ol two kinds of knowl edge the knowledge ot an act with the knowledge ota principle which determines its character. There may be some princi ples higher than the one yon know, which would m?ke your act wrong. So you may be wrong instead o' right. But when con science speaks and says no, then you are wrong. That vou mav nearly alwavs de pend upon. The affirmations of conscience concern the external act, and .may be mis taken; hut the negations of conscience con cern the innerraotive; and no man may with impunity disobey when conscience says no. The keeping of the conscience, then, in volves a two-'old duty. First, we must keep the conscience right, that is, we must so in form it with the broadest and best principles that its- judgment may be true, we must try to make our ideal of life the wisest and highest which is at tainable in our age That is done by inter course both in society and in tooks,with the best men, with the people of the purest and loftiest ideal. Our notions of right and wrong depend lamely upou the opinions of our fellows-As-sociute with the bigoted, the narrow-minded, the men who take low or lax views of . LIFE AND DUTY, and you will lower your ideal, and yonr ignorant conscience will mislead you. The same result will lollow from rending sectar ian religious newspapers, or partisxn politi- tical newspapers, or irom accustoming. yourself to lollow the thoughtsofany writer who takes narrow-minded views of things. You will certainly have a narrow minded conscience which cannot be depended upon. You may even come to have an immoral conscience. The affirmations of conscience I suid.are simply the application of your highest principles to your conduct. 'If you wish to nave a true conscience, you must see to it that yonr highest principles are the highest attainable. The truest and best ideal of life is formed by diligent study of Holy Scripture. Yon 'may bo sure that if you are not making the Bible yonr rule of fife, and Christ your one example of all that is most desirable in conduct, yon have an ignorant and misleading conscience, which mikg& is meekly saying "yes" when It ought to ho stoutly sayiug "no." And then, as a further duty, we most keep the conscience quick. We must see to it that we have a conscience which will be speedy to inform us whenever we fall below our ideal It is easy to make the voice of conscience dim. Be fuse to listen once, and the call will be fainter the next time. Con tinue to refuse and you will silence con science. This is an inevitable law. Dr. South, in his quaint manner, puts this in another way. '-Often scouring and cleansing the conscience will make it bright, and when it is so a man may see his face in it. On the contrary, if conscience, by a long neglect of and 'disacquaintance with itself comes to contrast an inveterate rust or soil, a man may as well expect to see his face in a mad wall, as that such ft conscience should give him a true report of his condition." A FAIBLY GOOD LIFE. Yon will hear people say and possibly you will say yourself "'I live a fairly good life: I harm no man; I do my duty so far al I know it. My conscience does not reproach me." And the answer is: "My friend, what kiud ol a conscience have von got? Is it a quick conscience, and if you did wrong; would it tell you? Perhaps you silenced it long ago by not listening to it. And is it a true conscience? May it not posihly ap prove because you have a low ideal? May it not say to yon softly and. complacently, 'You are doing your duty,' because yotx have never taught it what "duty is? May you not need to educate your conscience? Put your 'fairly good life in the sight of Him who gave Himself to suffer and die that you might live a life other than that; put vour good will toward your neighbor beside the first and great- commandment, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength.' Tell your conscience that there" is such a stand ard of life as that and then listen." We cannot but believe that any man who lives conscientiously shall be saved. But,re member, that that means this and nothing less nor lower. Every man who keeps his conscience diligently,'by learning and fol lowing the will of God as closely as be can, shall be saved. The man who keeps his conscience right by setting his ideal as high as he possiblv can; the man who keeps his conscience- quick, by listening to it and obeying he shall he saved. Keep thy conscience with all diligence,for out of are the issues of life-everlasting. Geobge Hodges. AKT iNOTES AND GOSSIP. A number of pictures from the School of Design have been placed, on exhibition at Boyd's. Mr. D. B. Wax.ki.et is engaged upon soma water-color studies from sketches made during his stay in Holland. Mb. John J. Hammer has had posesslon ot Mayer's window with a display of water-color sketches and some more finished work in oil, two notable examples being a painting noted in this column last week, and a study of the head of a yonng girl. Mb. George Hetzei, is now painting mid summer landscapes of the style whkh he is so well known to favnr, and like many other art ists, he Is also engaged upon works to be seat to some of the exhibitions which take place later in the year. He has nearly completed a very cleverly executed upright picture of a characteristic bit of American forest scenery. Samuel F. B. Morse, the inventor of the electric telegraph, was at one time studying art, in London, and he took a drawing be bad made 'to Benjamin West to atk his opinion of It' westpraiea ana 101a ntm to ioko it noma and finish It. The yonng student bad thought it was already as complete is it could be made, but be rpent another week's work upon It only to be met with the same advice as before, and this wa repo ited a number of times until he gave it np in despair, declaring that he could carry it no further. This was whit Mr. West wanted, and illustrated the lesson he desired to teach. He held that the highest human skill was Incapable of the tak nf doing justice to nature, and that an artist should not rest con tent until he bad exerted all his energies and exhausted every means to attain his end. Some years ago art Interest In this vicinity centered about a few paintings possessed by our citizens many of them rather indifferently executed, with occasionally an odd one or so of somewhat greater merit exhibited for sale. But little atentioii was paid to art in other form, and there K perhaps, no more striking proiif of the material progress made by this commnnltythan tbeebange tnat has come over us In this' particular. "o-r every art is called upon to f n rnl-h for n.S, forms of elegance and beauty. Bare and " valuable specimens of Na ture's handiwork are fashioned into ornaments of pleasing and artistic design. We are now met upon every hand by the finest examples of the potters and decorators art, while costly marbles, splendid brnnzes,art works In various metals, original works and reproductions of the art of other days and of races long since passed away are every day becomiug mure ana more numerous. A marine view, by Mr. A. Bryan Wall. which hung In Gillespie's art gallery last week, is a decidedly unique and original work. The view Is taken looking s'raigbt out to sea, over a beach strewn with boulders half buried in the sand. In hollows on the beach, among the rocks, small po.,ls of ware' still remain, reflect ing the light tone of the sky in striking contrast to the dark rich green of the vegetation with which manv of the stones are more or less covered. Tne beach Itself where it shows in places left smooth and clean by the fallen tide also assists the impression of hardness and solidity conveyed by the scattered boulders. There is In this work no appearance nf artificial grouping or arrangement; it has evidently been painted with truth and fidelity to nature and the color scheme nf the whole is both strong and pleasing. 1 he sky. however, is rather dull and uninteresting, perhaps It was rendered so purposely with a view or centering the attention upon other portions of the picture, but a slight break in Its monotony would scarcely have injured the general effect. Before an artist reaches the stage in bis life at which he produces his best works be will have spent the better part of a lifetime in the study and practice nf art, and even then be will In all probability only be able to do good work in one particular branch of art, and in all his picture" there can surely be traced a certain mannerism or style ol execution which ispecu- -liar to himself and in a great measure beyond his control. This being the cafe It need occasion no surprise it people who have never stud.ed or even thought abont art are lacking in the capacity to discriminate be tween the good, the bad and the indifferent ex amples of works which require such vast and slowly acquired knowledge to thoronglv under stand and appreciate. If it takes time and labor to make an artist it al-o takes a fair share of both to make an intelligent art critic, nr one whose appreciation of the work is ba.ed upon something more substantial than mere feeling or haphazard opinion. In any com munity pnblic opinion, upon this as npon other matters, requires time to grow, and It must be given something to feed upon and to all young and rising cnnimnnitlee this must be largely brought from without, as it does not spring Into exigence spontaneously wherever the need of it is felt, but results from the labors of various peoples anil many genera tions. Of late years this want has been in a great measure upp!ied bv illustrated maga zines and periodicals. wbicli have resulted from the wondrous advance m ulein the art of wood engraving.and the improvements In the various methods of photographic reproduction. Al though .to mannerisms and technical differences is due much of the variety and interest of art products, they are greatly mis-understood by the general public and tn some extent by the artists thenu-elves. Oft n those who may chance to admire carefulness and elaboration of finish are proue to condemn works executed In a broader and more vigorous -tvle as daubs, and on the other hand, the advocates of the broader method of handling sometimes fail to see any virtue In what they con-ucler an unart istlc, mechanical aud workmanlike degree of finish. When the master "minds of artmen who have made the subject a life study, thus hold such diverse opinions and occasionally fail to recognize the good in that which does not appeal to their own , Idiosyncrasies and peculiarities, there is little cause for wonder that the same divergence of opinion is found among those whose apprecia- tion for art is mainly based on their innate love for the beautiful, and whose knowledge of ths suhj -ct is only such as may be acquiesced m til leisure moments of a life busily occupied with otberlntpre.-ts. The whole range of art Is i-o vast, and comprises such infinite variety of feeling and method of expression, that even those who may fairly lay claim to refinement and to the posses son of a cultivated taste need not hesitate to admit that they are incapable of fully appre ciating the merits of every art work which may be submitted for their inspection. It Is only in the more ordinary and common place works that any greit degree of sameness will be found: masterpieces are Invariably stamped with the Indiv duality of the me.n wbo produce them, and thus t caused as much difference between pictures as there is between artists. This being true it of necessity follows that a fiartlr ular class of works will appeal tn certain ndivlduals with great force, while they mar be comparatively blind to the cUlms nf others of perhaps equal merit. There are certain un varying features which all good pictures must possess, since they are lnrobedlenue to the fixed laws of nature and art. and these every indi vidual of refined and cultivated taste should know and understand, out beyond this there la room for a considerable difference of opinion, even among persons of Intelligence andednev tlon. t ' . ... . ...... t - . v . J ... ,J ....'. . - . . tesJfflBSu