r M Utjr T By Mr. Hills, "VTlio DecMeS tlieAldricli Tariff Bill HAS W BIGHT TO EXIST. Tne House Claims the Sole Eight by law to Do Such Work. ANOTHER TAEIPP BILL TUBNS UP, Mr. JIcMMin Has & Pocket Edition of the i illills Bill to Present THE MIKORITI TAKES TIME TO CONFER The House "Ways and Means Committee reported back the Senate Finance Commit tee's tariff substitute yesterday. In doing so they caused a sensation. They respect fully ask to return, the measure to the Senate, with the information, politely con veyed, that to the House alone, under the Constitution, belongs the right to formulate tariff bills. In reply to this the minority of the committee, Republicans, hare as yet nothing to say, being among those who were surprised. "Washington, February 15. Mr. Milk, of Texas, from the Committee on "Ways and Means, to-day reported back the Mills tariff bill with the Senate amendment, and by direction of the Speaker it was referred to the Committee of the "Whole. Mr. Mills also reported the following resolution, which he said presented a question of privilege, and the consideration of which, he said, he would ask the House to enter upon on Tues day next: .Resolved, Tnat the substitution by the Sen ate, under the form of an amendment for the bill of the House No. 9031 (the Mills bill), of another and different bill containing a general revision of the laws, imposing impost duties and internal taxes, is in conflict with the true intent and purpose ot section 7, article L, of the Constitution, and that said bill be returned to the Senate with the respectful suggestion that said section rests in the House of Repre sentatives the sole power to originate such a measure. .Mr. McKinley, of Ohio, said the Consti tutional objection raised by the majority of the committee to a reduction of the revenue had been called to the attention of the com mittee only this morning. He therefore re served the minority right to file their views. WHAT THE BEPOBT CONTAINS. The report of the Committee on Ways and Means upon the Senate amendments' raises the Constitutional point that the bill, as it came from the Senate, is a violation of the provisions of the Constitution allowing the .House ot .representatives power to origin ate reve-ue bills. Therefore the accom panying resolution directs the return of the bill to the Senate. The remainder of the re port is -devoted to an explanation of the points of difference between the Senate and House bills and an argument intended to prove that the Senate bill is in no sense a proper amendment of the House bill. The committee, at its meeting this morn ing, practically decided to report a bill making an estimated reduction in the reve nues of about 570.000,000. After reading the report on the Senate tariff bill, submit ted this morning, the committee took up for consideration a revenue reduction bill offered by Mr. McMillin, of Tennessee. The bill' was read through, but pending a vote thehour of adjournment arrived and the committee adjourned. SIMILAB TO THE MILLS BILL. The McMillin bill is substantially the same as the Mills bill, with the exception that the cotton and chemical schedules of the latter bill arc struck out, as is also the iron schedule with the exception of the pro visions relating to pig iron, railroad ties, structural iron and tin plate. The free list in the McMillin bill is almost identical with that of the Mills bill. It does not in clude .molasses, laces for hats and sponges, which were perhaps the princirml articles placed on the free list by the Senate Finance ' uomtmttee. une or two articles which were on the free list in the Senate bill and were not included in the free list of the Mills bill are added to the free list of the latter, but it is said by a member of the majority of the committee that there are only a very few articles on the Senate bill's free list not pn the free list of the Mills bill. SEVEKE ON THE SENATE. The report of the committee, in referring to the Senate Finance Committee, says: They no longer contend, as in former years, thar Congress, in laying duties, should dis criminate in favor oi the home producer to an extent sufficient to cover the difference in the' cost of production, but they now demand that the tax shall be so high as to prohibit the importation of foreign goods, in order that the home market shall be kept for the home pro ducers, where they may combine and sell to the Some consumer at prices as high as the traffic will bear. And this they are pleased to call "protection to American industry." The industry they are protecting is the industry of robbing the taxpayers, limiting production, locking out. discharging and starving labor. The policy of the party represented by the Finance Committee is a policy of restriction not only against importation of products, but restriction acainst the distribution of wealth among the masses by permitting them to buy where they can buy cheapest and sell where they can sell highest It Is a restriction against the employment ot labor a restriction against demand for employment and better wages. It is contended by them that if we exclude for eign imports our own manufacturers and their workmen trill supply them, and that will give employment to our own people. FIGURES MADE TO TALK. The report then adduces figures and statistics of the operation ot the tariff law in past years, to meet the Senate's contention, and declares that those years which showed decreasing importations were among the darkest in our industrial history. It is con tended that reduced duties mean larger ex portation, and that increased importations mean increased prosperity; that 90 per cent of the goods consumed in the United States are produced at a lower cost than in "foreign countries, which is a sufficient answer to the scarecrow that free importation would result in ruining our industries and labor. It is said that reduction in rates will in crease the importation of the articles now imported, constituting less than G per cent of the consumption, but it would not bring to thiscountry any of the articles now pro duced at home, because they can be and are produced and sold here cheaper than thev can be produced abroad, and imported and sold here in competition with our own. Manufacturers favor high duties because they enable them to combine upon prices far in excess or ordinary profits. AID FOE TOE CONSUMER. The lowering of duties will not increase the importation of any of the articles which we manufacture at home. But it will lower the price of these articles to tho consumer. It will inci ease the importation of certain kinds of raw materials or partially manu . factured materials, and of such manufac tured articles as can not be produced here. The committee say: We therefore ran not consent to ''the barrl. era" which have been so unhesitatingly erected by the substitute of the Senate. The policy defined and declared by the Finance Committee is destructive of all American industries ex cept that of the building and privileged classes, who are to bo enriched and kept so by aprostltutlon of the taxing power of the Gov. eminent. It prohibits importation, prohibits exportation, prohibits employment, locks out and distresses labor, and' promotes destitution and suffering throughout the land. The Senate bill has changed the ad valorem rates wherever it could be done, and substi. tuted specific rates in their stead. Till change will reduce and simplify the laws, but increase pal mystify them. It ft for that purpose that HESENATESNUBBED TT"T8WFinSOie&H ryifrVP- -?rW&Z$tfW'W-r .$(''; thepeclBcx IsaisooV audit Is becanse the ad valorem tax will not answer that purpose that it is condemned by those who favor high rate! taxation. As a justification for the many changes from ad valorem to specific rates by the Finance Committee, it is charged that "enormous frauds" have been perpetrated under- the ad valorem system. Frauds are not the product of any particular system, and no system is exempt from them. Fraud is the product of taxation, and its evidences are to be seen in all systems and at all rates, high and low, and the number and magnitude of the frauds are measured by the amount of the burden imposed upon the taxpayer and the facility for its evasion. The report Bays that there is no good reason why the sugar bounty provision of the Senate bill should be adopted, and con cludes with the statement that there will really be no reduction in customs revenue under the provisions of the Senate sub stitute. DOING A BUSHING BUSINESS. The Senate Passes 41 Individual Pension Bills in 13 Minutes. "Washington, February 15. The Senate to-day took up the individual pension bills on the calendar and passed all of them, 41 in number, accomplishing the task in 12 minutes. The consideration of the Texas outrages resolution was resumed at 2.-2B, and Mr. Coke proceeded with his argument against the resolution. Without finishing his speech Mr. Coke yielded the floor -to Mr. Gibson, who of fered resolntionexpressing the sorrow of the Senate at the death of the late Representa tive Bobertson, of Louisiana, and proceeded to eulogize the life and character of the de ceased member. After appropriate re marks by Senators Eustia and Reagan the Senate, at 4:45, as a further mark of respect, adjourned till to-morrow. SURE TO ADD FOUR STATES. The House Refuses to Reconsider Its Action on the Territorial Bill. "Washington, February 15. By a vote of 144 to 109 the House tabled the motion to reconsider the vote by which the conferees on the Territorial bill were instructed to consent to the admission of South Dakota by proclamation, and without another vote on division. The remaining instruction relative to the admission of North Dakotu, Montana and "Washington by proclamation was agreed to without division, and the bill again sent to conference, after the adoption of the preliminary instruction clause by a vote of Teas, 149; navs, 101. The 'House then" passed the Senate bill appropriating $250,000 for the protection of American interests in Panama. In a Fair War to be Sold. fSTECIXI. TXLIOHAM TO THE DISPATCH!. 3 "Washington, February 15. The bill introduced the other day by Senator Cam eron, providing for the sale by auction of the Government property on Garrison alley and Penn avenue, Pittsburg, was favor ably reported to the Senate to-day from the Committee on Military Affairs. GOFF MUST BE SEATED. That is the Cry of the West Virginia Repub lican Clubs Resolutions Adopted Denouncing: tbo Tactics of the Democratic Legislator. rSFECTIL TXLXOBXM TO THE SISFATCH.l Pabkebsbtjbg, February 15. The State League of Republican Clubs met in con vention here to-day. Nearly 100 clubs were represented, and upward of 500 delegates were in attendance. The present status of political affairs in the State was discussed at length, and much feeling was manifested on the subject A series of very strong res olutions denouncing the course pursued by the Democrats were unaniniouslyadopted. The resolniions.after reciting that General Goff was legally elected Governor, and that the Democrats are guilty of treason in at tempting to deprive bimof hisseat,continue: Resolved. That it is the sense of this league that Hon. Nathan Goff should, on the 4th day of March next, quality and assume the duties of the office of Governor; that the fact that his 'right to hold the same is contested by a man whose strongest plea is that he didnoteet votes enough, and the pretense of illezalRe publican votes, does not impair his right or duty to hold the office until removed by the sentence of the conrt created by the Constitu tion to determine such cases in the manner prescribed by law. Common decency, if noth ing else, would seem to dictate that this great shame which is sought to be brought upon the State, should at least be deferred until the form of law has been complied with. Resolved, That it Is the judgment of this league that the Republican members of the Legislature should not aid in extending the session of a Legislature, the Democratic ma jority in which have shown themselves more partisan and unfair than any Legislature which ever-assembled in this State. The action of the Governor in issuing cer tificates to the Democratic rather than the Republican Congressional candidates was also denounced. An appeal was made to the people of the State to enter a protest in the matter. MOST FIGHT OKCE MORE. Itlycr Refuses to Consent to LeaTins; it bs a Draw. Chicago, February.15 McAuliffe must fight Myer agaiu or forfeit his share of the $5,000 stake money. Myer and his backer, Alf Kennedy, came up from Streator this evening, and entered formal protest against taking down the money at stake in the recent world's championship lightweight prize fight at North Judson. Such a proceeding within 72 hours after the fight was Myer's privilege under the arti cles of agreement, and the money therefore remains in the hands of the stakeholder, Harry Ballard. The articles stipulated that either narty might demand another meeting in case of a draw, or, if both were willing, to take down the money. McAuliffe says he is willing and ready to decide the matter. The Bicycle Score. New Yoek, February 1C After 40 hours of riding the three leaders of the women bicyclists at 1 o'clock this morning were: Stanley, 519; Von Blumen 491; Suallor, 441 S0R0SIS SECRETS are given to the vublic in to-morrow's Dispatch byabrigJU young lady xclto penetrated thesacred precincts of lltit fa mous woman's club. Headers should remember that thltis the first report of a meeting of the Sorofis ever printed. For To-Day Only. "Who ever heard of men's fine tailor-made suits selling for fG? The price is ridicu lously low, and what is more remarkable the value is there too. For to-day only we will, sell men's fine tailor-made suit's in cheviots and cassimeres, about 30 different styles, worth fully 515, for 50. The patterns are iq checks, stripes, broken plaids and many neat effects, and they are rare bar gains indeed. We expect a big rush, but we'll have on hand an extra force of sales men to wait on you. This 5G suit sale for to-day only, at the P. C. C. C, cor.Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. B. t B. Handkerchiefs New styles, beautiful shear linen, with-3-inch colored border, 25c, and stylish. See them. Boqgs & Buhl, Allegheny., Dunlap's and all other leading styles of spring hats to-day at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s, 28 Fifth avenue. Notice. Our representative, Miss McGowan, will be at the Anderson from February 18 to 23, where she will be pleased to show to the ladies of Pittsburg and Allegheny onr spring and summer styles In infanta and children's fine wear. E. A, Mobkison, 833 Broadway, New York. DPNLAP'a and all other leading styles of spring hats to-day at C, A, Smiley. $ Co.'g, 28 Fifth avenue. TEEl'. HTTSBTJBG- DISPATCH,' SATTJBEAYj Wffl. DO THEIR DUTY. The Legislature Will Investigate tho Penitentiary it the PKESEST INQUIRY SATISFIES IT- That it is Merely Being Held for White washing Purposes. APPB0PBIATI0H BlIiLS TO BE PUSHED, Torment Ibem Being Vetoed alter the Lcgiihv tare Adjtnnu. The Legislature is waiting for the result of the pending inquiry at the penitentiary. If it appears to be merely a whitewashing scheme,' the people's representatives will at once reopen the investigation. The appro priation bills will Je carefully guarded this session, and will be passed in such time as to allow the Legislature to take final action on. them, if they are veted by the Governor. IFBOlf A ETAFr OpBBESPOXSXXT.l Harbisbtjbg, February 15. The "West ern penitentiary appeared before. the.Legifr- I lature again this morning in the shape of a resolution introduced by Captain Skinner, of Fulton county, proposing a joint com mittee of the Legislature to investigate ser ious charges he was prepared to lay before the committee when appointed. His resol ution also contemplated the withholding of all appropriations until the matter had been fully sifted. After considerable good tempered debate the resolution was referred, with Captain Skinner's indorsement, to the Committee on Appropriations, the mo tion to that effect being made by Mr. Mar shall, of Allegheny, seconded by Mr. Nes bit The position taken by Messrs, Marshall, Graham and Chairman Dearden, was that the proposed investigation was premature, in view of the fact that the report of the in vestigation of the Board of Inspectors was not yet before the Legislature. "When that report was made intelligent action could be taken. Chairman Dearden said .he and the other members ot the Appropriation Committee had given certainly as much thought to the "Western Penitentiary as any other members of the House and would do their duty. He wished to see a prima facie case established before making a definite move. The com mittee couldn't afford to go on a wild goose chase. Captain Skinner said it was charged by newspapers and reputable citizens of Pittsburg that the investigation of the in spectors was merely for whitewashing pur poses. Mr. Graham defended the inspectors as honorable and high minded gentlemen, and Captain Skinner responded that the charges weren't his. SIMPSON. AFEAID OP THE VETO. Appropriation Bills to be Passed Early to Give a Chance to Save Them. FBOJI A STAFF CORRESFONDEST.i HAEBisBrBO, February 16. The present Legislature does not propose to abdicate its functions, so far at controlling appropria tions is concerned, in favor of the Governor, who two years ago vetoed a number of ap propriations to various institutions after the close of the session. The Legislature hav ing adjourned, his action could not be nullified. This year the Governor will not be given an opportunity to have the final say on bills of this character, unless he api proves them, as the House Committee on" Appropriations will push them to an early passage, so as to get them in the hands of the Governor several weeks before the final adjournment He will then have the option of signing them, allowing them to become laws by the expiration of the ten days allowed for the examination of bills, while the Legislature is in session, or return them to the House in which they originated with his objections. In the latter event the Legis lature could overrule his veto with a two third vote and save the appropriation. The House Committee on Appropriations is exceedingly active, and in less than thiee weeks expects to have all the bills in its possession before the House. "With this ob ject in view, sub-committees have been ap pointed to inquire into the needs of the several institutions that have made applica tion for State aid and have not received the favorable action of the committee. These committees have been granted leave of ab sence for the whole of next week, and are expected to complete their work in that time. The General Committee will, the following week, discuss the result of their investigation and make prompt disposition of the bill. The appropriations demanded aggregate about 6,000,000 and in a number of instances they have been reduced CO per cent The amount asked for will probably be reduced about 52,000,000. A prominent member of the committee is authority for the statement that the Legis lature will not adjourn until it has had an opportunity to pass on the objections to ap propriation bills if the Governor should ex ercise the veto power on any ol them. DOfl'T WANT TO FIGHT. International Difficulties to bo Peaceably v Bellied by Arbitration. ISPICIAL TBLMRAM TO THE DISPATqt.l Habbisbdbo, February 15. In the House to-day Mr. Garrett, of Delaware, of fered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of Pennsylvania, that our Senators be instructed and our Representatives in Con gress be earnestly requested to use all proper means to secure the passage of a law that shall authorize the President of tho United States to take the proper steps for concluding uitli the Government of Great Britain a treaty which shall stipulate that any differences or disputes arising between the two Governments which cannot be adjusted by diplomatic agenev snail oe rcicrreuioa court ot arbitra tion, which shall provide for the settlement of all International difficulties which may arise, without resorting to the cruel methods ot war and bloodshed. Resolved, That we invite the co-operation of the Legislatures of the different States to join us in calling the attention of their respective members of Congress to the importance of speedy action on some of the measures now before Congress for international arbitration. TOOK AN APPEAL An ImportantTest Case Carried to tho United States Supreme Court. fSrlCIAL TXLBGIU.U TO THB DISPATCH.l Haebisbubo, February 15. Attorney General Kirkpatrick was to-day notified that the case against the Delaware Division Canal Company, which was recently decided in favor of the Commonwealth by the State Supreme Court had been appealed to the United States Supreme Court. Theappealis based partly on the alleged violation of the Federal Constitution by the Impairment of the obligation of contracts by the, effort to collect the tax on loans. The amount involved in this decision of the State Supreme Court and in that of the Chester City municipality case, both of which were decided in favor of the State, is from $600,000 to $700,Q00 for the years 1886, 1887 and 1888. A Grist of Bills. tFEOM A STAFF COKRXSFOITDKNT. Habbisbtjbg, February 15. There have been introduced in the House 560 bills, of which 367 have been reported from commit tee. Between 60 and 70 of these haye been negatived. Taxlas Foreign Lobar, fSFKCIAI. TXLXaRAM TO TBI SISTATCB Habbisbubo, .Febrnary 15. In the -J7 f House to-day a favorable report was made on the bill 'requiring corporations or indi viduals employing unnaturalized foreign labor to pay a tax for every person t so em ployed, with .an amendment reducing the tax from 25 to 15 cents, and excepting per sons who have taken out their first papers. TO IHYEBTIGATB. Sub-Committees Appointed to Visit -Institutions Asking; for Btuto Aid. tFEOM A STAFF COEBXSrOKSXNT. Habbisbubo, February 15. Chairman Dearden to-day obtained leave of absence for the Appropriation Committee for all of next week. The committee has been divided into sub-committees for all next of week. Messrs. Loomis,Haiisett,Cory and Marion will visit the charitable institutions in Blair, Beaver, "Westmoreland, Crawford and Lawrence counties; Messrs. Thompson, Billingsley, Baldwin, Fow and Marshall will visit those institutions in Pittsburg and Allegheny, the penitentiary, free dis pensary, Mercy Hospital, Home of the .FrJehdless,Home-fbr Aged Colored "Women, Hospital for Children, Children's Aid So cietyund the Society to Prevent Cruelty to Children. Dr. Neff and Messrs. Marshall. Loomis, Lemon and Andrews will vlsitlO charitable institutions in Philadelphia not yet re ported -on." Messrs. Lemon, Losey and Corey 'will investigate the- institutions in Lycoming and McKean; Messrs. Dickinson, Losey and Sands will investigate the insti tutions in Lebanon, Berks, Lancaster and Montgomery;' Messrs. Taggart, Potts and McCormick.will investigate the institutions in Lackawanna and Lehigh. DBESSED BEEF IN OHIO. Four Bills Introduced In tbe Boajie for Its Inspection The Authors Are Hope ful of Favorable Action An Adverse Senate. tSFZCIAI. TXLXOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Coltmbps, February 16. Since the overwhelming defeat of what was known as the Geyser beef inspection bill in the Senate last week there has been a tendency to trans fer the agitation to the lower House. There are no further bills of the character before the Senate, and a majority of the members are individually onrecord as being opposed to any measure which will require the in spection of beef on, foot within the State, claiming tbat.it would be unjust not only to the larger shippers from Chicago, St Louis, Pittsburg and otherpoints,but that itwouldV be an Impracticable law. There are at pres ent four such .bills before the House, three of which provide" for the inspection of all stock intended lor ioou on toot, ana one oi them requires the inspection of dressed beef only. The latter bill, which was introduced by Representative Ankney, authorizes the Governor to appoint inspectors in all or as many oi the towns and cities of the State as he may deem proper, whose duty it shall be to inspect the meat which is ottered for sale and condemn any which is considered unfit for food, and any person found disposing of meat which is not up to a certain standard is to be fined not more than 91,000 nor les3 than $100, and suffer a brief imprisonment. The other three bills provide for the inspec tion of all beef and other animals intended for food, on foot, and authorizes the authori ties in cities, towns and townships to ap point inspectors for the purpose, as many as maybe required. The exception is made in the measures that in case of farmers, who raise their own cattle and butchers who do the same, there shall be no inspection re quired. These measures are all in the committees of the House, and the authors express the opinion that each of their bills will be recommended for passage. The bills, or some one of them, ma) meet with favor in the Lower House, 'n amended form, so as to include the best features of nil. ALAS, POOR FIOEiDA. There is Wailing and No Money In the Land of the Orange. Commercial Agent Sproul, of the Chicago and Alton road, yesterday received a letter from a friend in Jacksonville, Fla., in which he said: This is decidedly an off year for the State, though they would lead one tojbelieve that tbe opposite is true. At this season of the year Jacksonville is usually thronged with people, but a stranger on the streets these days is a rare thing. Tbe stores are deserted. Many of them are closed, or shopkeepers sit idly by do ing nothing. Rents have fallen remarkably and vacant bouses are abundant. Just across the river not one of the houses is occupied. What is true of this city can be applied to the whole State. Florida is practically dead, and yellow jack has been the cause of the de pression. A -'large portion of the Southern part of the State Is submerged with water, and the land is rendered useless. Alas, poor Flor ida, how are tbe mighty fallen! Young Tnrrcll Released. Marion C. Turrell, the young Alle ghenian who was sent to jail for forgery committed at Tarentum last December, was released yesterday and returned to his home, The case, which was a particularly sad one was published in this paper on Monday. Burgess McC6rmick, who made the information, withdrew the charge when he learned that it was the first offense and that young Turrell had been driven by despair to commit tbe crime. Nailers' Wages Talc e a Prop. Beading, February 15. At Birdsboro to-day the Broode Iron Company posted no tices in their nail works, where they employ 300 hands, that owing to the, low prices of nails they would be obliged to reduce the cost of manufacture in order to continue running. The employes are asked to accept a reduction, commencing March 1. The amount is not stated. The firm has already reduced the wages of its puddlers from $3 25 to S3 per ton. Dr. Orr Keeps It Up. At an early hour this morning Dr. H. B. Orr sends to the press another open letter, saying he is not through with 0'Mara and McAleese, but will yet prove all he set out to Know against them. He again says he had no faith in the police hoard he refused to appear before with witnesses, and makes allegations which, until there is some legal proof to base them on, are entirely improper for publication. Two Bis Balls. Glendon Lodge No. 04, of the Amal gamated Association, composed of the strikers at Dilworth, Porter & Co.'s mill, held their annual ball.at Odd Fellows' and Turner halls, Southside, last night Fully 3,000 persons were present at both halls, and an enjoyable evening was passed. The pro ceeds' of the entertainments are- for the benefit of the strikers. Tbe Alpine Quartet Concert. The Alpine Quartet,assisted by the Central B. P. Choral Society, gave an entertaining concert last night at tne Central B. P. Church, Allegheny, Mr, S. M. Brown act ing as accompanist. Two recitations by Mr. S. Kingston were also rendered. Penusy .Improvements. The Pennsylvania road will build new depots at Jeannette, Boup and Swissvale this summer, costing about $6,000 apiece. Fifteen wooden bridges on the Southwest branch will be replaced at a cost of $70,000. They Chanced the Polling; Place, An order of court was made yesterday changing the polling place of the First dis trict of the Sixth ward, Pittsburg, from Ho. 242 Fifth avenue, to the office of Alderman Nolan, No. 17 Forbes street, HUnLINu, fully titerfbinrtMnorrv?s Dispatch. -The rules ana diagrams will ena ble new beginners to soon perfect themselves in thepastlme. JEBRTORYL.;lSi 1880. SAMPAN WHITE B00E, Giving Germany's Official Statement of the Troubles at Apia. NO TREATIES- WERE VIOLATED, Bat the Military Measures ere Simply for Betaliation. KLEIN, THE AMERICAN, TOO PfiOMINENT. French Journalist Befosts a a Duet. Challenge to Fight Germany has issued a "White Book on the Samoan affair. Americans and Englishmen are charged withprovokingconflicls between the belligerent natives and the modest and peace-loving Germans. It is admitted that existing treaties preclude the annexation of Samoa, but it is claimed that necessary re prisals were not in conflict with the spirit of these agreements. The Italians blame German Socialists with causing the recent riots in Rome. M. Bochefort, the Parisian journalist, has, strange' to say, refused an invitation to pistols and coffee. Beelkt, February 15. In the Beichstag to-day a White Book in reference to the Samoa.matter was introduced. It comprises 44 documents, extending from December 8, 1886. to February 5,1889. Among the documents relating to recent events is the report of the German Consul at Apia, dated February 24, 1888. It describes the en deavors of Americans and Englishmen to provoke conflicts. A dispatch dated Sep tember, 1888, deals with the revolt of Mataafa and the support given to him by Captain Leary.TJ. S. K. After an account of the attack upon the Germans on December 18 comes a telegram from Count Herbert Bismarck, dated' Janu ary 1, 1889, to the .German Ministers at 'Washington and London, directing them to inform Secretary Bayard and Lord Salis bury respecting the attack, and ordering the Minister at "Washington to complain to the United States Government that the Ameri can Klein was prominent in the fighting. The Ministers were further instructed to de clare that Germany adhered to her treaties and would respect the rights founded thereon, and they were to appeal to both governments to co-operate actively with Germany and re-establish tranquility. SIMPLY' RETALIATION. On January 8 Count Herbert Bismarck telegraphed to the German Consul at Apia that on account of an agreement with the United States and Great Britain the annex, ation of Samoa by Germany was out of the question. A dispatch sent to the German embassies at London and "Washington on January 13 states that the object of the military measures against Mataafa and his partisans was to punish the murderers of German soldiers and to secure to German subjects the possession of their property. A document dated February 2, which was sent by Connt Herbert Bismarck to Ad miral Baron Yon Der Goltz, Chief of the German Admiralty, says: Germany is not at war with Samoa, as the term is understood by international law, but she regards Tamascse as the rightful ruler and Mataafa as a rebel, against whom and his fol lowers retaliation must be enforced. Anyone standing by them is a promoter of the conflict between them and the Germans and must take the consequences. Count Herbert concludes by declaring that nothing is changed in the legal, position oi foreign subjects in Samoa. The White Book ends with a long report from the German Consul at Apia. The re- Sort is dated January 4, and has 13 appen ices dealing with events from December 4, 1888. A MODEST DEHAKD. These record that on December 19, Mat taafa, in a humble letter, sought to open negotiations with the Consul, but would not surrender himself, although pledges were ziven that his life would be snared. In a subsequent letter Mataafa promises to surrender in the presence of the British and American Consuls. The German Consul declined to entertain the Offer. On November 24 Prince Bismarck sent a telegram saying that if 'the vindication of Tamasese was impossible, the utmost ad vances shguld be made to reconcile him with Mataafa, On December 3 Dr. Knappe reported that the American commander at Apia was stirring up tne natives against tne Germans. On December 17 Mr. Blacklock complained that drunken sailors from the German man-of-war Olga bad committed outrages in Apia, entering houses and wounding men and women. Dr. Knappe reported later that foreigners had spread a rumor that the Germans had been forbidden to interfere. This rumor had the effect of en couraging the natives, ,vho stoned German sailors and destroyed German properties. In January, 1889, Prince Bismarck notified Dr. Knappe that reprisals were necessary, but only such as were consonant witlwthe treaties with England and America. The Chancellor said, "Because Mataafa assaulted Tamesese we shall interfere only by succor ing Tamasese. "- Prince Bismarck charged Dr. Knappe to. entreat the other foreign Consuls to com bine in order to restore peace. ' GEFFCKES GETTING BACK. He Will Snc tho Imperial Frosecntor for Violation of Seereey. Mdkich, February 15. It-is stated that Prof. Geffcken has initiated anaction against the imperial prosecutor for violation of secrecy in private correspondence and for the unauthorixed publication of intellectual property. It is also stated that he is preparing to issue a pamphlet at Zurich entitled "Bis marck and the Imperial Tribunal." Don't Care to Fight. Paris, February 15. M. Bochefort has been challenged to fight a duel by M. Pilotcll, a French artist residing in Loudon, but has refused to accept tbe challenge. The trouble was caused by an insulting article written by Bochefort criticising Pilotell's caricature, of General Boulanger. Will Impench the Ministry. Buchabest, February 15. In the Chamber of Deputies to-day the vote of yes terday rejecting the motion to impeach the Brntiano Ministry was confirmed. A fresh motion to impeach the ministry was thereupon introduced, the charees against the Cabinet's loreign policy being omitted. Tuey Usually Do, Paeis, February 15 The fourth draw ing of the Panama Canal lottery bonds of 1888 took place to-day. There w a large public attendance. M. Brunet explained that owing to the position of the company it was necessary to suspend the drawings of other issues. The best prizes fell to the company. Germnns Causing; Trouble In Rome. Bome, February 15. Premier "Crisp! has complained to Prince Bismarck that revela tions showed that prominent German Socialists consorted with Frenchmen in causing the agitation in Borne. To Rednce the Deficit. Madbid, February ,5, The Bepublican General Villacampa has died in prison. The Government has decided to sell the famous Torreyieja salt mines jn order to re duce the budget deficit. . Disgruntled Autocrat. Vienha, February 15. Much comment has been caused here by the news of the holding of a Ettssiatt '. court balL It is stated that.the Czarina tried to prevent it, but that the Czar insisted upon holding the ball because of .similar action in Austria during Russia's mourning period. The, Danish Embassy alone was invited to the Bossian ball. A FBENCOIX. Manifestos to be Issued In Heplr to .General Bonlnnger's Outburst. Pabis, Febrnary 15. M. Meline paid a voluntary visit to President Carnot late this evening and expressed his willingness to form a Cabinet. M. Felix Pyat places the whole trouble to the credit of M. Ferry, He says that M. Floqnet was half dupe, half accomplice and played into M. Ferry's hands. At a meeting of the Extreme'Left, at which M. Clemenceau presided, a commit tee was appointed to prepare a manifesto in reply to General Boulanger's address of yesterday to the Electors of Departments of the Seine. The committee drafted a mani festo in which the Opportunists were de nounced as the authors of the downfalLof the Cabinet. At a meeting of the Radical Left it was decided to co-operate with the Extreme Left in issuing a manifesto and a combined meeting of the two groups was held for the purpose. At this meeting the draft pre pared by the committee was read. A heated discussion followed. After a long debate the meeting, being unable to come to an agreement, adjourned nntil Saturday. CRISP CRISPI Boldly Defends Bis Course and Demands a Tote of Confluence. Eome, February 15. In the course of a debate in the Chamber of Deputies to-day on Signor Bonghhl's motion of confidence that the Government would repress further disorders in Bome with the greatest en ergy, Premier Crispi said that the recent riots in this city were not in ques tion so much as the whole policy of the Government. In several capitals of Europe similar disorders had occurred, but had not occasioned protracted Parliamentary debates. The fact was the opposition' had seized this chance to attempt to overthrow the Government. In conclusion the Premier said:- It is for this Chamber to jndge of my con duct. I see nothing in it to alter. I always will gorem with the greatest faith in a system of liberty combined with public order. If my policy is not confirmed by in explicit vote of confidence I shall not stay here another Quarter of an hour. NO ANNEXATION. Sir Charles Tapper Says Canada Will AN ways bo an English Colony. London, February 15. Sir Charles Tap per, speaking at a banquet to-night, said he was amused at the report of the retirement of Sir John McDonald from the Canadian Premiership and the union of Canada with America. He hoped the day was far re mote when Sir John McDonald would be retired. "While desiring friendly communication with the United States he thought it un likely that question of annexation of Canada would never be seriously considered by the latter country, which would ever re main a British colony. WIND0M JOINS THE PILGRIMS. The Ex-Secretary Starts for Indianapolis to Secure His Old Job. rSriCIAI. TELEGRAM 10 THX DISPATCH.1 New Tokk, Febrnary 15. William "Windom left New York yesterday morning for Indianapolis, which interesting political center he visits on the invitation of General Harrison. It is under stood that he is to receive the offer of the Treasury portfolio. He still votes in Minnesota, though,, for several years his business interests have kept him in New York. The friends of ex Senator Piatt appear to be in a comfortable frame of mind, and no ways fearful that their favorite is in the soup. All ot the justification that Is tangible for this feeling lies in the report that is going about of the following brief dialogue: Fnend of Mr. Piatt Senator, what is all this talk about you and the Navy Department? Would you take that portfolio? Senator Piatt Would you refuse it if it wa offered to youf F. of Mr. P. freflectivelvl We-l-L n-o. Senator Aldrich, of Michigan, was at the Fifth Avenue Hotel this evening, and was asked what they knew in "Washington about the Cabinet. "They don't know any more in Washington than they do here," he said. "Do yon think they know any more in Indianapolis than they do here?" "Not much, I guess. My belief is that Blaine and Wanamaker are the only men whom General Harrison has decided upon." Senator Miller was at tho Jb nth Avenue Hotel, too. In the center of a considerable croup he raised himself on tip-toe to in quire: "Do I look like a distributor of seeds ?" THE BURLINGTON SIGNS, . Only Two Roads Left to Come Into the Pro posed Association. (SrSCIAL TELEOEAit TO TBE DISPATCH. Cuicauo, February .15. President P.er kins, of the C, B. & Q. Boad, to-day signed the agreement for the proposed Inter-State Railway Association, and it is now believed that the proposed combination among the western roads is an assured fact. The first news of the changed attitudeof the Burling ton was received early to-day in Boston. Prices on the New York Stock Exchange took a plunge upward, Burlington scoring an advance of three 'points and closing at 183. In Chicago, however, the report that President Perkins had signed the agree ment wasn't believed until late in the day, when it was officially confirmed. President Hughitt, Chairman of the Committee on Signatures, removed all doubts aa to the authenticity of the report, declaring to Toe Dispatch reporter that the agreement had finally been signed by President Per kins, The directors of the Illinois Central road will meet in New York early next week and decide what position that road will take. It is believed, however, that they will direct President Fish to sign the agree ment. The Denver and Fort "Worth and the Denver and Bio Grande roads have signed the agreement, and It is believed that when the Presidents get together next Tues day it will develop that not more than one or two roads have failed to sign. A Big BInzo at Nashville. Nashville, February 15. The Union Stock Yards here was burned to the ground this afternoon. The fire then spread to a hotel and consumed or partially consumed eight other storehouses, dwellings and. sta bles, amounting to an approximate loss of 860,000, with $10,000 insurance. Lafayette Sophomore Suspended. Easton, Feljruary 15. The sophomores of Lafayette College were suspended last night by the faculty for hazing, and went to their homes to-day. Before the arrival of the train on which they departed they had their photographs taken with their "grip sacks in hand. A New Treaty With Japan. Baltimobe, February 15. The Sun has a special from "Washington which quotes Secretary Bayard as saying that Minister Hubbard is ' on the eve of negotiating a treaty of amity and commerce with Japan. CHINESE CURIOS a'hMPX'ly jyank O. Carpenter Jfn fo-morroto'j Dis patch. ' DuNLAt's. and all other leading styles of spring hatr to-day at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s, 28 Fifth avenue. "up?. fl.: PITY FOR THE POPE The Bishops of the United States ' Unite in a letter in latin EXPRESSING .DEEPEST SYMPATHY Fflr His Present Sad Condition and Borrow for His Persecution. THE! PBiYFOR HIS AH) AND SICC0E, And Implore Him t Bely Fully ca the Pnpfieeles of the Palmist. A letter of condolence and sympathy with, the Pope, written in Latin, and serif by tfie bishops of the United States, signed by Cardinal Gibbons, has been translated and is now published in .America. In it tha bishops express heartfelt sorrow and hearty indignation at the indignities heaped upon the Holy Father, and also the hope that such things may not always be. They con-" jure His Holiness to remember the prophe cies of the Psalmist, which will comfort him. rSrXCIAI, TZLXOBAil TO TUB SISr-tTCtt.1 New YORE. February 15. This letter, written in Latin, has been received by tbe Pope from the Bishops of the United States, in whose behalf it was signed by Cardinal Gibbons, and dated January 12. It has been sent back to this country by the Boman correspondent of the Catholic News. Most Holy Father: Nature has Impressed npon the souls of all good sons to cheerfully join for the protection and encouragement of the father, should he be in distress and a sor row and grief burden him. This may also be required of us in your present Situation. "We are well aware that you have not only fallen into the hands or the ungodly, but that you are completely in their power, and under their domination, thus making your daily life one of ignominy, of grief and of oppression.' Hence it will not seem strange that, with the soul alert, full of zeal, and tearfully we are deplor ing your sad condition; for we are your sons and bishops, and. as such, subordinate to the general head. "Whenever the head suffers, the whole body suffers the same pain. It being, however, not possible to release our father from bis sdrrow and his distress, we may at least indicate through this letter that we ara sincerely sympathizing with Your Holiness, and will, in ardent prayer, implore God, the Just Judge, for the aid and succor in distress. HATE FOB TICTOP. EMMANUEL. When. 13 years ago, we learned that your princely city bad been taken by the wicked army of an ambitious King, we, in common with our priests and our people, heartily de plored and abhorred this sreat sacrilege, so much more so, indeed, because this sacrilege was not committed by worshipers of idols or hetordox persons, but by a Icing who still want ed to boast of his Catholic name, though, de liberately and designedly, ho most cruelly de stroyed your faithful army. Mindful of our duty, we have, in print and verbally, before Catholics and non-Catholics, in sight of the whole world, puDIlcly and frankly denounced and condemned this sacrilege. But, Most Holy Father, your enemies were not contented with tha victory achieved by violence and deceit, thus conquering your city and your principalities, and pnttlngyour people in the most abject bondage. They endeavored to taint and corrupt your people by bad laws, irreligious and immoral institutions, and evil examples. There is to he noted a constant ex tension of their furr, their threats, and their hatred in the persecution of Christ's Vicar, tha Catholic religion, and the faithful. These wicked people, in their insolence, are acting in a manner that would justify the supposition that their aim was to set aside God's authority on earth and to deliver a sain tho world Into tha power of Satan, who, according to St. Paul, ruled it before Christ appeared. LIFE CONSTANTLY EMBITTEEED. Thus it has come to pass that we observe daily how, after they have taken you, the delegate of Christ, prisoner, they as the Jews did to Him constantly embitter your life with indignity and disgrace, grief and sorrow, gall and wormwood, cruelly tormenting and placing the cross heavily npon you. And to have you follow perfectly the footsteps of your Lord and Master, there are not wanting tbe Pilates and Herods, who, devoid of all justice, piety and religion, robbed you of your liberty and delivered you into the bands of your enemies, without from motive of cowardice or fear raising a hand for tbe protection of you or the church. They make the poor excuse that destiny has been adverse, or the times unfavor able, and go so far that they make complaints directed against such insolence, sacrileges and attacks, punishable by fine and imprisonment, thus prohibiting the defense of the church by spoken or written word. It is certainly carrying punishment to excess when, having placed people in cruel bondage, their just complaints are made an additional offense, and they are threatened with other torments should they dare to deplore their sad condition. Wnat may be the aim and purpose of such persecution? That wicked law is not only directed against tne sacreu rignia oi your defenders, it Assails even your sacred per son. This purpose was undoubtedly kept in view when this ungodly law was made. The intention is to deprive you for tbe future of all power for governing the church, not only in Italy, but throughout the world. Thus arro gantly tbe government of the church insti tuted by Chri3t Is sought to be destroyed and His promise nullified. THE CHUBCH DEMANDS LIBERTY. The mission of the church' demands liberty. This liberty is, above ail, required by the head of the church in administering Ills' holy office. The body is powerless when separated from tbe head. For the protection of the freedom of our supreme ruler we are continually ready to make the greatest sacrifices; for this liberty is the main part of the heavenly inheritance brought down noon the earth by the Lord him self and left to lis, Hla sons. It will, therefore, not 'appear strange to anyone that we hold this liberty, as becomes us, in higher esteem than anything else, as valuable, indeed, as Ufa itself. Thus, be of good cheer. Leo: you the most snpreme and best of high priests. Remember the prophecies of the Boyal Psalmist, which will comfort you and all truly good. The Psalmist well said that the Lord will rise and judge your cause and scatter your enemies. He win rise and cover your adversaries with eternal disgrace. He will arise and protect His Zlon which the wicked imagined they had cap tured. Weyour sous, trust in these prophe cies of tha Holv Boot and tha Dromises of our Lord Jesus Christ, and will pray, unceasingly and ardently, that the time will soon come when you can govern t he ehurchwith complete liberty, and when yon will change tbe wolves into lambs and make them members, of yonr flock. At your feet we humbly implore tbe Apos tolic blessing. For To-Day Only. "Who ever heard of men's .fine tailor-made suits selling for $6? The price is ridicu lously low, and what is more remarkable the value is there too. For to-day only we will sell men's fine tailor-made suits in cheviota and cassimeres, about SO different styles, worth fully 515, for $6. Tho patterns are in checks, stripes, broken, plaids and many neat effects, and ther are rare bar gains indeed. "We expect a big rush, but we'll have on hand an extra force ot sales men to wait on you. This $5 suit sale for to-day only, at the P. a a a, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. A Venture. "We bought the production of a Large Hat Factory. All are marked to sell at $2. Over. 100 dozen have. been crowded in onus and we don't know where to put them. To Get Boom "We will for to-dav only sell eTery one of these hats at $1 SO. C. A. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth, avenue. Dtjnlap's and all other leading styles of spring hats to-day at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s, 28 Fifth avenue. DIED. MARSHALL-At Brushton, P. B. R.. Satur day. February 18. 1H5 A. it. Mrs. SCSAS E. Marshall, in tbe 67th year of her aze. Notice ot funeral hereafter. RICHTER At his late residence, 19 Center street, Allegheny, on Saturday, February 14, 1SS9, atl20oA.x., HiSrt RicHtxk, aged 30 years months IS days. Notice of funeral hereafter. 5.'A