Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 16, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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Fancy Country Bntter in Good De
mandLow Grades Go Slow.
Price of Meat Fails to Drop With the De
cline of Cattle.
The retail prices of meat change not,
though cattle and hogs have been steadily
on the decline all the winter. Cattle on the
hoof are 2c per pound lower than they were
a few months ago. Steers weighing 1,600
pounds were sold at East Liberty this week
for 3jc the lowest price since before the
war. At these figures there is an advantage to
tbe batcher of 25 on a single steer over prices
of the early winter. Consumers do not reap the
benefit of this decline, as retail prices continue
Stockmen report that few prime cattle find
their way to the stalls on account of sharp
competition with dressed beef. If bntchers
reaped any profit last fall, their returns ought
to be large now.
At the fruit and vegetable stalls there is cen
eral complaint of slow trade. Wbilo stuff of
every kind is in bountiful supply, and lower in
pnee than lor many years at this time of the
year, demand is lijrbt. Said an old-time dealer:
'I don't know what is the matter with our cus
tomers, for they are certainly contributing very
little to our trade the past week or two. We
have plenty of everything of the best quality in
the line of garden stuff and fruit, but custom
ers are very scarce."
The oyster and fish trade holds up fairly well,
and shows a slight improvement on last week.
The appearance of winter has served to stimu
late the oyster trade. Fresh lake salmon,
speared through the ice, begin to come in freely
and find ready sale.
A creatscarcity of fresh mackerel is reported
by dealers. Not for ten years have mackerel
been as scarce as now. Game is steadily on
the wane, being largely knocked out by game
laws. Choice grades of butter are not easy to
be bad, and are held at outside quotations.
"While low jrrades are hard to sell and creamery
has fluctuated as much as 20c since November,
fancy country rolls have kept on in tbe even
tenor of their way, uninfluenced by the ups and
downs of other grades. Eggs are still firm.
Jobbing rates are 2 to 3c above January prices,
but retail prices are unchanged, except for a
verv certain article.
Florists are not at all jubilant over the situ
ation. In festal lines the week has been a quiet
one, and the trade in flowers feels the effect
Neither in jobbing cor retail lines of market
basket material can it be truthfully said that
the second week of winter's last month shows
an v increased activity in trade.
Following are the retail prices of marketing
The prices called for at the Diamond Markets
remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin
steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure
for very fancy, which are very often no bet
ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts,
from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c;
chuck roast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c;
boiling beef, 5 to 8c: sweet breads, 25c per
pair: beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 5c a
pound: calf livers. 25c apiece: corned beef
from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing
commands 10c: roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c
Iter pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 12)$ to
5c: hind quarters, 15 to 20c A leg of mut
ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings
12c; fore quarter, 8c; lorn of mutton, 15c
Vegetables and Fruit.
Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck;
potatoes, 15c a half peck; celery. 10c a bnnch;
squash, 10 to 25c; tomatoes, 60c per quart
box; pumpkin. 15 to 25c; cabbage, 6 to 10c;
apples, 15c to 20c half peck; bananas, 15 to 25c
a'dozen: lemons. 25 to 30c per dozen; oranges. 35
50c: Malaga grapes, 25c per pound; onions, 25c a
half peck; spinach, 25c per half peck; lettuce.lOc
perbunch.S lor 25c: radishes, 5c per bunch; cran
berries, 15c per quart: cucumbers, 25c a piece;
mushrooms, 31 pound.
Ducks, 75c to 51 00 a pair. Pigeons, 60c a pair.
Mallard ducks, SI a pair; quail, S3 00 to 54 60 a
dozen: canvasback ducks. 5 00 per pair; red.
head ducks, 2 50 per pair. Pheasants, Jl 60 a
pair. Rabbits, 25c a pair. Antelope, 35c pound,
steaks. Prairie chickens, $1 25 a pair.
Hatter, Egga and Poultry.
The best creamery butter is 40c Fancy
pound rolls of country butter are 60c
The ruling retail price for eggs Is 20c
Choice country eggs bring 25c
The range for dressed chickens is Jl to
$1 50 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound; fancy,
Fish nnd Oysters.
Following are the articles in this line still on
the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her
ring, 4 pounds for 2oc; fresh mackerel, 3oc apiece;
Spanish mackerel, 45c to 50c a pound; sea sal
mon, 40c a ponndtblue fish, 20c; perch. 10c;
halibut, 25c; rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c: lake
trout, 12c: lobsters. 25c; green sea turtle, 28c
Oysters: standard, 21 per gallon; select, 1 50
to 1 75; N. V. counts, 1 75 per gallon; snaps,
"90c: shell oysters. 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c
pound; clams, Jl 25 gallon; scollops, 50c a
La France roses, 3 60 per dozen: Bride
roses, 2 50 per dozen; Perles, 1 25 per dozen;
Niphetos, 1 25 per dozen; Bennetts, 2" 00
per dozen: Magna Charta roses, 1 00;
American Beauty, 50cgl 00 apiece; Mermets,
2 50 per dozen; De Wattville. ti 00; carnations,
75 cents a dozen; Violets, 2 09 a hundred;
Lilv of the Valley, 75c per dozen; Maiden
Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda
Easter lilies. 3 50 per dozen: tulips. 75c per
dozen; mignonette, toe per dozen; lilacs, 1 50
a bunch; daffodils, 75c per dozen; Dutch hya
cinths, 20c apiece; freezia, 50c a bunch.
Pig in Better Demand and Prices Firmer
Strel Enlli Active.
Special Eeport by Cable for the American Manu
facturer. Lo-Doy. February IS. Scotch Pig An in
creasing, demand has made prices firmer.
No. 1 Coltness 52s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Sutnmerlee 51s. Od. . o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Gartsheme 49s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Langloan.... 50s. 6d- f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Carnbroe 41s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Shotts -4US. 6a. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Glengarnock 47s. 6d. at Ardrossan.
No. 1 Dalniellington ...43s. 6U. at Ardrossan.
No. lEglinton 42s. Od. at Ardrossan.
Bessemer Pig Market continues firm with
goad business. West Coast brands quoted at
46s UJ for Nns. L 2. 3, f. o. b. shipping point.
Middlesbrough Pig Market active and prices
stron c. Good brands quoted at 31s. 6d.forNo.
Spiegeleisen Market active with prices
irregular. English 20 per cent quoted at
82s. Gd. f. o. b. at works.
Steel Bails This market continues active
and strong. Standard sections quoted at
4 10d. f. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Blooms Irregular market nnd business
moderate. Bessemer 7x7 quoted iZ 17s. 6d. f.
o. b. shipping point.
Steel Billets Market continues firm with
good business. Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted
at 4 5s. f. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Slabs This market has become irregu
lar, with business moderate. Ordinary sizes
quoted at 3 17s. 6d. f. o. b. shippinjj point.
lTop Ends While the market is steady
there is only a moderate amount of business
being done. Bnn of the mill quoted at 2 12s.
6d. f. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Wire Bods Moderate demand and
market steady. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at 5
17f. 6d. f. o. b. shipping port.
Old Rails Steady market and trade fair.
Tees quoted at 2 7s. 7d. and double heads at
2 10s. Od. c i. New York.
Scrap Iron A fair trade bolds this market
steady. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 2s. 6d.
f. o. b. shipping points.
Manufactured Iron Market steady and trade
Stafford, ord. marked bars(to.b.L'pooH 8 12s 6d
" common bars 0 Os Culfe S 15s Od
" bit sheet singles 0 Os Od 712s 6d
Welsh bars, f.o.b. Wales... 5 2s Sd 0 OsOd
Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York,
4s. 00. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od.
Dlctol markets,
New Yoee Pic Imn unchanged. Copper
dull; lake. February, S16 GO. lead steadier;
domestic 3 65. Tin easier and liull; Straits.
Losdojt Pic Tin This market continnes
irregular, with trade active. Straits. 95 0s Od
t for spot, futures (three months), fSjloOd.
CopDer Market dnll and prices rather weak.
Chill bars, 77 10s Od for spot; 73 for f nture de
livery; best selected Englisb.175. Lead Steady
market trade moderate. Spanish quoted at
12 15s Cd. Spelter A moderate demand holds
the market barely stead v. Ordinary Sileslau
quoted at 17 15s Od. Tin Plate Market barely
steady and trace moderate.
a'dveilitemenU for to-morrow' t DISPATCH re
eetved at main office. Fifth avenue, until mid
night, and at branch efflcet until 9 o'clock p. m.
Wheat Firmer and Hljher on Reports of
Sleet and Itnin Corn Quiet Oats
Move Up Hoe Prodncti
Make a Spurt.
Chicago There was only light trading
to-day In the wheat market and it
ruled quiet and at times dull. Outside orders
were few and local operators showed less in
clination to trade and were content with watch
ing the market. Outside news was scarce.
The market opened He higher, and ad
vanced c more for May, fluctuated for some
time within a moderate range and then broke
offc and closed firmer and c higher than
yesterday. Seaboard markets were firm, due,
It is claimed, to a good inquiry for wheat from
Interior millers. This, together with good
buying of July wheat here, based upon the re
port of a sleet storm in some sections of the
winter wheat belt and rain in others, with pre
dictions of colder weather, started the price
for July to ad vance,and in turn reacted upon the
May future and indnced some covering by the
There was a moderate speculative business
in com to-day, trading being active at times.
Transactions were confined largely to the more
distant deliveries, tho near futures receiving
but little attention. May in particular being in
good demand. Offerings were somewhat lim
ited to-day, while a very good inquiry existed
from shorts and other sources. One house is
credited with large purchases firming np the
Oats were active, stronger and higher. Trad
ing was chiefly in May, offerings of which were
rather small early in the session. Buyers were
more numerous especially shorts, several large
operators who have been closely identified with
the market for a month past buyine heavily.
Rather more interest was manifested in the
market for hog products, and the feeling 'was
stronger in a general way. The receipts of
hogs were quite liberal, bnt tho fact that pack
ers were purcbasinc freelyat full former prices
had a tendency to cneck speculative offerings
and encourage a little more buying by local
and outside operators. The receipts of prod
ucts were small and tbe shipments were consid
erably increased. Tradingwas mainly in con
tracts for May delivery. Prices ruled higher
on all the leading articles and the advance was
moderately well supported to the close.
The leading futures raneea as follows:
WHEAT-No.2February,l 04JS: March, Jl Oijfc
May, 1 071 0S1 0701 07; July, B45H
Corn No. 2, February, S4U34Vc; March.
34X34Jc: May, S53635Jfe36c; July, 36
Oats No. 2. February.25Kc: March, 25
28K2526e; May, 27J2SKGZZc;
July. 27c
Mess Pork, per bbl. February, 11 22K
11 22K: March, SU 22XU 2011 22K; May,
S1120U 40U 2011 37K: July, 11 42f
LARD, per 100 fts.-February, 6 006 62&;
March. 6 55Q6 62X6 556 62&: May, $6 SlU
ffl 756 .656 72K;July, S0726 8266 7!&
Sbobt Bibs, per 100 ft?. February. $5 S7X:
March. 5 82)$5 87k5 82M5 87k; May, 6 00
6 076 tOSB 05; July, 6 156 206 156 1
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
steady and unchanged. No.2 spring wheat,
1 04l 04M; No. 3 spring wheat. 3cSl 00;
No. 2 red, 1 041 01. No. 2 corn. 34c bid.
No.2oats,25c. No.2 rye, 46c No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 1 59. Prime timothy
seed, 1 47. Mess pork, per barrel. 11 UU
11 25. Lard, per 100 lbs. 6 60. Short ribs
sides (loose). 5 855 85. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed). 5 605 67k. Short clearsides(boxed).
6 12X6 25. Receipts-Flour, 10,000 barrels;
wheat, 28,000 bushels: corn. lfcO.000 bushels: oats.
10LOUO bushels: rye, 3,000 bushels: barley, 86,000
bushels. Shipments Flour. 7,000 barrels;
w heat, 10.000 bushels: corn. 130,000 bushels: oats.
73.000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels; barley, 21,000
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs
steady at 13llc
New York Flour firm and active. Wheat
Spot strong and dull: options llKc higher.
Rye dull; Western, 525c Barley dulL Bar
ley malt quiet. Corn Spot fairly active and
stronger; options fairly active; early months
H8J4C lower; late months Jcup, closing
nr.11. Oats Spot quiet and firmer; options
quiet and stronger. Hay firm. Hops firm
and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady:
unchanged to 10 points up; closed firm at 15
and 20 points above yesterday; quiet, firmer
cables; sales, 27.250 bags, including March.
15.7515.80c; April. 15.6515.80c; May. 15.650
15.85c: June, 15.7515.80c; July, 15.90S15.95:
August. 16.10c; September. 16.0516.20;
October. 16.20c: December, 16.1016.25c: " spot
Rio quiet and firm; fair cargoes, 17Jc Sugar
Raw strong: refined steady and quiet. Mo
lassesForeign quiet; New Orleans quiet.
Rice quiet. Cottonseed oil quiet: crude. 41c;
vcllow, 4Sc Tallow firm; sale. J90 hhds: citr,
555-16c Rosin quiet and firm. Turnentlne
steady at 47Kc Eggs easy: western, li14c;
receipts, 7,06o packages. Pork firm and quiet.
Cutmeats easy; pickled bellies, 6Vc Lard
stronger: western steam, 7 10; citv. 0 65; Feb
ruary, 7 07 asked; March. 7 07 asked; April,
7 07 asked; May. 7 037 04, closing at S7 03
asked; June, 7 07, closing at 7 09 asked: July,
7 01, closing at 7 11 asked; August.7 12 asked;
September, 7 12. Butter Choice steady;
western dairy, 13g20c; do creamery, 16291c;
Elgins, 3I32c Cheese quiet; western, 10&
St. Loots Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
higher; the market was quiet and uninterest
ing, with an unsettled feeling, but tbe close
was firm at c over yesterdav; No. 2 red, oisb.
9bKc bid; May, 9SK9SKc, closed at 8SK3
9SJu asked: July, E&Ltfic, closed at 86Kc
Corn low er;No. 2 mixed,casfa, 28c; March, 2b
28Hc, closed at 2Sc asked; May, 30islc,
closed at 30c bid; June, Sl31Jc closed at
Sic asked. Oats dull; No. 2 cash. 2425c bid;
May, 27Kc, but none to be had late under 2SVfc
Rye No. 2, 44K5Kc Barley Some de
mand for choice, but low grades about unsala
ble: No. 1 Canada, 82S83c; No. 2 do. 777Sc;
choice Wisconsin, 6570c: fancy do. 73a75c:
low grades Iowa and Minnesota. 4045c: me
dium. 50g55c Flaxseed quotable at 1 50.
Provisions firmer and in better request. Pork,
12." Lard Primo steam $6 50 bid. Dry salt
meats Shoulders, 5 25: longs and ribs, 6 15;
short clear. 635. Bacon Boxed shoulders,
6 S7K; longs and ribs, 6 907 00: short clear,
7 12
Cnfcnnr ATI Flour quiet Wheat quiet and
firm; No. 2 red, SI 00: receipts, 2,700 bushels;
shipments. 1.600 bushels. Corn dull; No. 2
mixed, 3233c Oats quiet and steady; No. 2
mixed, 27c Rve quiet and easy; No. 2, 54c
Fork dull at 11 75. Lard in fair demand at
6 60. Bulkmeats and bacon quiet and un
changed. Eggs dull. Cheese firm.
JdnAVAtTKEE Floor steady. Wheat dull;
cash, 93c; May, 05c. Corn stead v; No. 3,
29Wc Oats steadv; No. 2 white, ZTJJc Rye
neglected; No. 1, 45$c Barley weak; No. 2,
57Kc Provisions firmer. Pork. 11 la Lard,
$6 M. Cheese firnij. Cheddars, lOc
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady.
Batter top grades firm;lowgradessteady: west
em packed, 1620c; best roll. 1317c; creamery,
2229c Egg firm at 1414c Coffee steady;
Philadelphia Flour very quiet Wheat
dull but firm. Corn quiet but steady. Oats
Car lots dull but steady.
Toledo Cloversced dull; cash, 5 17Jf.
Wool Jlnrkets.
New York Wool quiet and weak: domes
tic fleece, 323Sc; pulled, 2339c; Texas, 15
St. Loots Wool ouiet and unchanged;
bright. 26c; coarse braid, 1222c: low sandv,
U18c;flne light, 1723c: fine heavy. 1319c;
tub-washed, choice, 37c; inferior, 3135c
Philadelphia Wool qnlet: Ohio, Pennsyl-
rania and West Virginia XX and above. 33
36c;X, 83c; medinm, 3S40c; coarse. 3a23c;
New York, Michigan. Indiana and Wetorn
line or X and XX. 3132c; medium. 37S9c;
coarse. 373Sc: fine washed delaine X and
XX, 353S': medium washed combing and
delaine, 4142Kc; coarse do. 3940c; Canada
washed combing, 3135Kc; tub washed, S542r;
medium unwashed combing and delaine. SO
32c; coarse do, 230.11c; Eastern Oregon, 1523c;
Valley Oregon, 2229c; New Mexican and Colo
rado, 1520c
New York. February 15. Business with
jobbers was fairly satisfactory for this period
and there was more doing at first hands in cot
ton goods, while woolens were somewhat less
active, with some of tho buyers returning
borne. The tone of the market, as a whole, was
Nice NoTclty In a Normal School Appoint
ment far Mr. Morrow,
Prof. James Morrow, of the Fifth ward
(Allegheny) school, has been elected
principal of the new State Normal School
nt Slippery Rock, Butler county. He was
not an applicant for the position. It is not
known whether he will accept
ProH Morrow has been principal of
the Fifth ward school for ten years. He is
a graduate of Washington and Jefferson
College, and was a classmate of Governor
Cobble Slnnen Freely Used.
It is reported that a large-sized row oc
curred in the Eighteenth ward early yester
day morning, in which cobble stones were
Ircely used as weapons. One of the partici
pants was badly cut abont the head and lace.
His wound were dressed'by a druggist's
clerk. He refused to give his name
Pittsburg Builders Not in Favor of
Abolishing the Lien Law
He Visits the Citj After an Absence of 25
Years and Notes Many Changes.
The proposition at the meeting of the Na
tional Builders' Association at Philadel
phia, to amend the lien law so as to protect
only "actual personal labor performed upon
the property liable to attachment, in amount
not to exceed the value of 21 days' work for
each individnal entitled to protection,"
does not seem to meet with much favor in
Pittsburg. Two or three builders inter
viewed on the subject yesterday said the
lien law was beneficial to owners as well as
builders. It caused the former to be careful
and was a guarantee to the latter.. It was
well enough to protect labor, but there was
no reason why the same protection should
not be extended to the builder who em
ployed the labor. One of the gentlemen re
ferred to said he had known of several own
ers failing before their houses were finished.
In these cases nothing but the lien law
saved the builders from loss. It was impos
sible, he added, for builders to know the
financial standing of owners. If the lien
laws were amended as proposed, the nex
thing would be to require payment in advance.
This wonld restrict building operations, where
as they should be encouraged.
George Chalmers was In the city yesterday
after an absence of 25 years. From 1860 to 1864
he kept a feed store on Water street and acted
as agent for several steamboat lines. In tbe
latter year be removed to Kansas, where he has
since resided. In talking about old times be
said: "Pittsbure has improved wonderfully
during my long absence. I see palaces where
formerly stood shanties. One of the greatest
changes I have noticed is at the corner of Fifth
avenue and Smithfleld street where the How
ard and Kaufmann blocks stand. In my time
nearly all that ground '.ras occupied by tumble
down frame buildings, occupied by barbers,
fruit venders and dealers in cheap jewelry. An
other striking chance is at the corner of Fifth
avenue and Wood street The Western Union
Telegraph Company's building is a great im
provement on the dingy structure that formerly
stood there, and from which the Poif was is
sued for many years. Then there's tbe big
Court House. Well, it's great We have some
fine county buildings out West, but nothing to
compare with this one. But one thing I miss.
There were busy times and stirring scenes along
the river when I lived here. Boats arrived and
departed almost hourly, and the wharf was
crowded with goods. Now everything theie
seems dead. It looks as if it were the policy of
Congress to sacrifice the river interests'for the
benefit of the railroads."
'The East End still has tbe call for unim
proved building lots," remarked a real estate
agent yesterday. "But they are getting very
scarce and dear out there, and people will very
soon have to look elsewhere. The next favor
ite place is Allegheny, where there is consider
able unimproved ground, but.it will soon be
snatched up. I have had several calls to-day
for lots over there. There is not much demand
for Southside property. It is cheap out on the
hill, but people don't anpear to want it The
reason, perhaps, is its difficulty of access. I
understand the Fort Wayne Railroad Company
is talking of putting on more accommodation
trains. If this should be done it will give prop
erty below town a big boajt. There is a great
deal of vacant land down there, most of which
is admirably located for building purposes
Lack of easy access has so far practically kept
it out of the market"
A. B., of Swissvale, asks: "What would it
cost to fill up a lot?" The question is too in
definite to be answered. It would depend al
together upon the amount of filling. Some
lots could be put in good shape for a few
dollars; others would cost hundreds or
thousands. Mr. Westinghouse is filling up a
lot at Homewood that will cost him probably
$500. In many cases tbe filling costs more than
the original price of tbo lot
Some of thol-ocnl Stocks Stronser and Some
Decidedly Weaker.
The total sales of stocks at both calls yester
day were 365 shares, of which 175 were Westing
house Electric, which was higher as well as
active. Philadelphia Gas was under a cloudl
being lower and neglected. Nobody appeared
to want it. Switch and Signal sold the same
as on Thursday, 18, but the feeling was
stronger. LaNoriatook another stride in the
downward direction, and was not wanted.
There was no change in Tractions except Cen
tral, which was a trifle higher. Bids and offers
STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
First fat.Bank Pitts'g 16S
Fourth Nat. Bank..... 122
Iron & Glass Uul. bav. 130
Marine Nat. Bsnk 100
Masonic Bank 58 60
Pitts N. B'fc Com 210
AlleKlieny Gas Co
1'lttsburp Gas Co.. IU. ....
Phlladelnhla Co 3
Wheeling Gas Co 30
Citizens' Traction....
Pittsbure Traction 48!
Central Traction 23
Northslde Bridge Co.. tlH
La. Noria 41. Co 1H
bllrertonM. Co IX
West'bouie Elec 41
UnlonSwltch&Slsnal. IVi
In the morning 70 shares Switch and Signal
so d at 18. 10 Iron and Glass Dollar Savings
Bank at 130, 10 Central Traction at 23, and 23
Electric at 40. .
The afternoon sales were 50 shares of Electric
at 4 100 at 41K. and 100 Pittsburg and
Western preferred at 1S.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 2S1.960 shares, including: Canada
Southern. 5,227; Atchison, 19,210; Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, 16.800; Erie, 8,900;
Lake Shore. 8,500: Missouri Pacific, 5,085;
Northwestern. 23.875; Oregon Transcontinental,
4.500; Heading, 19.4d0; Richmond and West
Point, 5,900; St. Paul. 26.130: Texas Pacific,
C.400; Union Pacific, 10,470; Western Union,
The Situation nt the Local Banks Without
Material Chance.
Information at the banks yesterday in regard
to tho local mney market was to the effect that
there were no signs of a change, either for bet
ter or worse. Discounting continues on a mod
crate scale, while deposits steadily accumulate.
Good paper is taken at 67. with lower rates on
prime collateral. Considerable money has been
loaned during the past few weeks at 6. The
Clearing House report showed aslight decrease
in business between banks, the exchanges drop
nine to 81,909,033 08, and the balances to
S3l614 19. ,
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at Wofi per cent last loan 2, closed
offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper. 46.
Sterling exchange firm at 54 8634 for 60 day
bills and $4 8SJ for demand.
GoTcrnment Bonds. -
Closing quotations in New York furnished
The Dispatch by Robinson Bros., Wood
street Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
U. S.4H. reg lrojjiaias!
U. S. 4ts. coups J,l
U. S. 4s. res 1?8V(
U. S. 43, 1007, coups "'"Bid
Cnrranpr. ftnercenc 1833reZ 120
Currency, per cent. jgreir. lS
Currency, 8 per cent, 1837 rejc ltS4
Currency, epercent, leOSreg. 12s
Currency, 6 per cent, JSJ9 rcg.,
New Yobk Clearings, $121,36,855; balances,
s Tin SRI.
Boston Clearings, ?14,138,042; balances, ,.
712.753. Money, IKper cent
Baltimore Clearings, 2,085,716; balances,
Pnn.ADEI.PHIA Clearings, 59,733,152; bal
ances, il,5K5,551.
St. Louis Clearing 53,277,451; balances,
Chicago Money dull, easy and unchanged.
Bank clearings, 510,460,00a
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
.. 60 CZ
88 37K 3S
StH 29S m
77 76 77
43 ....
:i s.M 24
'ix 'i '"1
i iH i
41 41 41.52
is;s u UK
nished by Whitney b Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York B(octEx-
ebDSt' ' km. Asked.
PtnnvInnlaHlItroad 5534 M
Reading RaUroad.i.. It 7-18
Bofialo, Pittsburg and Western 1J .
Lehigh Valley , 54ft
Lehigh Navigation 52
Northern Pacific , !H
Northern Pacific preferred EH .
Severe Hammering Falls to Moke Sluch
ImprcHlon. on the Oil Market.
The oil market yesterday was active and at
times quite animated. Another advance to
ward the dollar line was made, the price reach
ing 92c. Tbe bulls and bears had a rough
and-tumble time of it all day, the result being
a drawn battle, as the market held up under
the severest hammering it has experienced for
sometime. The opening figures were OlKc.
Good buying soon sent the price np to 92c,
the highest of the day. Heavy hammering
forced It down to 91K and 91Jc, where it hung
untilabout 2 o'clock, when it broke to 91c, the
lowest price reached. Oood buyingthen caused
a reaction to 91e, followed by another period
of depression, during which 91Kc was reached.
This was the closing price. There was a wide
difference in the opinions of brokers as to the
outcome. The bears think tbe market will
slump off, while the bulls maintain that it will
reach still higher figures. Nearly all of them
admit tnat the situation is decidedly bullish.
-A. B. McGrewqnotes: Puts, 00c; calls, 92Kc
The following taoie, corrected oy De Witt Dll
worth. broker in petroleum, etc.. corner linn
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows tne
order of fluctuations, etc. :
Tune. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
bpened 9l Sa's 12:45 p. it.... 81 S1J5
10 :30A. 11.... 91 92 1:15 F. M.... tlH 91V
10M5A. II.... 91V 91 1:30 P. X.... 91i 91V
310A. M.... 91 91V VMT. X.... 91K 91
11:15a, M...; 91V 91 .:00P. M.... 91J4 91H
11:30A. IX.... 9W H MSF. "M 8I?
1H45A. K.... 9 915 2:30P. M.... 91M '&
12.-0OM 91H OlS 2:45F. M.... 1K Wi
12:15 p.m.... SIM 91 V Closed 91,4
12:30 p. M.... 91V 9U
Oneneil. 91c; highest, 92c; lowest. 91e;
closed, 91Mc.
DiQy rani 41,538
ATeraeeruns 3v.67o
Dally snloments 107. 4ol
Average shipments 79,404
Dallv cnarters - UOM
Average charters - 38,141
Clearances iimu..4,5S4,O0O
New York closed at tlHc .
Oil City closed atSlKc
Uradlora closed at 9194.
New YorK. retlnen. J.30C
London, reaned. 6 9-180.
Antwerp, refined, I7iC
A Large Reduction la Stock Operations
In the OhIo"Fleld.
As compared with the first of January, ac
cording to Stowell's Reporter, stocks have been
reduced in the New York and Pennsylvania
region from 18,995,814 barrels to 18,165.607. 47 bar
rels; decrease, 830,206.97 barrels. The produc
tion has decreased from 1,659,465.25 barrels in
December to 1,658.402.08 barrels In January.
The receipts in January were 1,513,011.66 bar
rels, compared with l,6o0)02.37 barrels in De
cember: a decrease of S7,890.51 barrels. In tbe
three States of Pennsylvania, New York and
Ohio the receipts for the month show, as com-
Eared with December, a decrease of 4.873.61
arrels. Shipments have decreased S9.191.90
barrels, while stocks show a decrease of 212,
54a 62 barrels.
The oil operations in Ohio during January
are shown in the following report:
Wood Co.Llma. Flndlay .Total.
Wells completed 23 15 l 39
Drilling 18 8 0 24
Bigs up 30 13 38
Wells abandoned ' 2 4 0 6
Other Oininrkets.
On. Crrr, February 15. Opened, 92c; high
est, 92c; lowest, 91c; closed, 91c.
Bradford, February 15. Opened, 91Jc;
highest, S2iia lowest, 91c: closed. 91Jc.
TrTTJSvn,l,E, February 15. Opened, 92c;
highest, 92Xc: lowest, 90c; closed, 91c.
New Yore, February 15. Petroleum opened
firm at 91c, but after advancing to 925jjC a
decline set in on which the price fell to 91c. A
slight rally followed in which the market
closed at 91c Sales, 1,923.000 barrels.
East End Houses and Lots In Demand Bat
They Are Scarce.
There was a big demand yesterday for unim
proved building lots and small houses in the
East End. Agents say both of these are get
ting scarce. There were fewer renters out
than usual.
James W. Drape & Co. sold two houses and
lots In Allegheny, lots., about 20x120 feet, and
dwellings of six rooms, for 57,750. They also
placed a mortgage on house and lot on Mt.
Washington of $2,000. at 6 per cent; also placed
a mortgage of $1,000 on vacant property in
Kilbuck townsbin, at 6 per cent; also placed a
mortgage of $7,500. at 5 per cent, on a house
and lot near Penn avenue and Ninth streets,
Samuel W. Black fc Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold a mortgage of $4,000 for five ears, at A
per cent, on a three story brick dwelling on
Fifth avenue, near the market house, Eleventh
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for the Freehold Bank to Laura C. Wightman
four lots at Homewood station, Pennsylvania
Railroad, site each 23x135, for a price approxi
mating SiOOO.
Black fc Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold
the property, Nos. 2503 and 2505 Penn avenue,
with lot 42x100 feet through to Mulberry alley,
with six brick buildings thereon, for 512,000
The Bolls Still Loose In Wall Street Stocks
Continue to Climb A Boom In the
Granger Shares Railroad
Bonds Buoynnt.
New York, February 15. The stock market
was more active and stronger to-day, and the
result of the day's trading is to leave almost
everything fractionally higher than last even
ing, though outside of the Grangers there was
little or no feature in the list The extensive
covering of shorts yesterday had the effect of
making tbe market this morning quiet, and
operators evidently waiting for developments,
though the dividend on Burlington helped to
open that stock at a material advance over the
rest of the list. The hesitation, however, soon
encouraged the bears to make a drive at the
Grangers, and while London was a haver of its
specialties, and commission houses were ex
ecuting orders, the room being rather bullish.
Rock Island and Burlington yleldlv readily to
the attacks and dragged the rest of the list with
tbem to a limited extent. The Grangers, how
ever, were doing all the business, and the
fluctuations in tbe others were confined to the
smallest fractions, and possessed little or no
significance. A sudden cnango came over the
temper of the speculation toward noon, how
ever, when It was announced that tbe Burling
ton had signed the agreement, and there was a
rush to buy for both s'des of tbeaccount,wbich
soon recovered all the losses of tbe forenoon
and bronghtprices up to higher figures. Bur
lington and Rock Island took the lead in this
rise, but later Northwestern became very
prominent, and Big Four also crept up on a
comparatively light business. The Improved
feeling extended to all portions of the list, al
though the Grangers and Atchison, which was
bought freely by Boston, monopolized the
greater portion of the business done.
The prices were generally firm at slight ad
vances, bnt Burlington was exceptional with a
gain of per cent, and while the pressure
upon the Grangers knocked Burlington and
Rock Island off about a point each, tbe rest
were dull, and while sympathizing with tbe
weakness displayed in those stocks moved
within the narrowest limits. This condition of
things lasted until noon, when the entire list
woke up and prices rallied sharply, Burlington
moving up 2 per cent, and others in propor
tion. Atchison and Northwestern afterward
became prominent, though a slight reaction
took place toward delivery bour.but the strong
tone continued to the end, and tbe close was
active and strong at the best prices of the day.
Burlington is up 1i per cent this evening.
Northwestern and BigFour 1 per cent each and
others fractions.
Tbe railroad bond list felt the stimulus of
the buoyancy in the share list this afternoon,
and there was a more active and more widely
distributed business with a more decidedly
strong tone than has prevailed for the past few
days. The sales or all issues aggregated $2,210,
000, ont of which Chesapeake and Ohio 5s fur
nished S260.000: Denver and Western assented,
5156,000, and Atlantic and Pacific 4s, $131,000.
There were no specially marked movements in
the list.
The following table shows the prices of active
stocks on tho New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected aailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney 4 Stephenson, members of .New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue:
Open- High- Low- Clos-
esu est. lnc,
Am. Cotton Oil 59K
Atch.. Ton. & 8. F.... H
Canadian Pacific 32i
Canada Southern.. ... M
Central or New Jersey. ....
CentralPaclfic....r.,.. 38
C, Ilur. & Qulncy.... 101V
C. Mil. & St. Paul... M5i
(i, iiil.ibt. P., pr..100
O., KockLAP. ...97
a, Ht. l. & ritts
C su I. Ss Pitts, pf.. ..;.
U, ht.-P., M. &U..i .-
C, Bt.i,M. 0.,pf. 93
54J4 S3!
M 52 63
36 S3 S3
!03g 100X 103
lOOSi 90)2 1C0H
7X 95X 97
i.. 8S
16,- 1889.
a Northwtern....l06X 107X I05
C.& Northwestern,.pf.HW Hl2 141 ,
o. a a ai 73V 74 vsv
Col., Co&l & Iron 35K 36H tX
Col. & Hocking Val .. 27 27 ilk
Del., L.&W U2K H2 143
Del. &Undson II7H H 137tf
Denver Bio U., pf.
g.T.,Va.Ga.. ....... 9 9H W
E.T.,Va. JbOa., lstpf .
& T.. Va. A Ga. 2d pf. 23 23
Illinois Central.. ......109 110 10SK
Lake Erie ft Western.. 1SV 1! 1SH
Lake Erie & West. pr SSJJ 68$ 87V
Lakeghore&M. 8 104l 104J,
Louisville A Nashville, m 60 (OH
Michigan Central BlJa 91K SIM
Moblleft Ohio "
Mo.. K. ATexas 12 13 12V
Missouri Pacific 73jJ 73tf 73
Newlork Central 109S
$ . L. E. A W m M 29
N.Y.,C. ASt.L 19 19 19
N. ., C. A St. L. nf.
N. Y C. A St. L. 2d pf
N.YAN. E 48 S1 47K
N. Y., o. A W W is 17
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk A Western, pf
Northern Pacific 27 Zl 27J,
Northern Pacific pref. eiii 62M C2
OMoA Mississippi..... 23K 24 23
Oregon Improvement. 07K 67Jj 65
Oregon Transcon 33S2 M!i 33
PacificMall 3SB 3HH SSK
Pco. Dec. A Evans 27J 27 27K
f hjladel. A Beading.. 48 49 48)
Pullman Palace Car.. .202 202 202
Richmond A W. P. T.. 27 ZJH 27
HIchmond&W.P.T.pf S3 82 S3
St. PiulADuluth.....
St. Paul A Dulutb pf.. ...-.
St. P., Minn. AMan...l033S 104 VOX
bt.L. ASan Fran 26! 28 28
". L. A San Fran pf.. 64 64 64)
t. L. A San F.lst pf.
Texas Pacific 23 22 21
UnlonPaclflc 65f 66X 63H
Wabash t. u
"abash preferred 27
WeStern Union t$U S6V t&H
Wheeling & L.E m 66
A Hesitating Market Finally Decides to
Strengthen Somewhat.
Boston, February J5. Call loans 24 per
cent: time paper 35K per cent. Loans at
SX are exceptional. Government bonds firm.
The stock market opened steady with some
reactions from yesterday's decline In the Bos
ton and Maine group of stocks, and Bell Tele
phone booming. Otherwise tbe market was
dnll and weak until tbe announcement was
made that the Chicago. Burlington and Qulncy
had signed the Presidents' agreement. This
was the signal for a strong advance in Chicago,
Burlington and Qulncy, and Atchison imparted
a firmer tone to the situation.
A.AT. LandGr't7.113
Wis. Central, com... Wi
AllouezM'gCo.(new) IH
Calumet A Hecla....2S5
Catalna IS
Franklin 14
Huron 4!
Osceola Utf
Pewablc (new) 3
Qulncy 67
Bell Telephone 227
Boston Land "i
Water Power IU
Atch. ATop. tt.lt... S4W
Hoston A Maine lGOft
V. Jl. Vi 101
cinn. ban. A Cleve,
iastern B. K 82!
Flint PereM 29
Flint APereM. nra. 97
K.CSt. J. A CB. 7S.123H
Mexican Cen. com.. 13
M. C lstMort.bds. 70X
N. Y. ANewKng... 43
N.Y.ANewEng 7s.l27tf
Tamarack 140
uKa.aLi.cnam.com. a
Rutland preferred.. 33
San Diego Z3
Imports and Exports for 18S8 Some Very
Striking Feature.
Tbe Bureau of Statistics, at Washington, has
Just issued its summary statement of the im
ports and exports of the United States for the
calendar year 1S83, from which we take the
following figures, showing the imports of iron
ore. and tbe chief articles of iron and steel for
1888 as compared with 1S87:
1883. 1387.
Iron ore, tons 598.756 1,194.301
Pig iron, tons 193.892 487.622
Scrap iron, tons 44,799 213.405
Scrap steel, tons 9,179 26,532
Bar Iron, tons 33,554 40,585
Iron rails, tons 21 241
Steel rails, tons 60,939 137.55G
Cotton ties, pounds 67,88.4,031 48,552,382
Hoop and band iron, pounds 573,383 70,733
Hoop.band and sheet steel. lbs 52.440,195 53,769,270
lngots,blooms. etc.,ponnds..232,258,850 695,635,220
bheet and plate Iron, pounds. 13,976,614 16,023,936
Tin plates, pound 607,231,988 635,792,760
Wire rods, pounds 2a,06ii,lS3 334,534,985
The most striking feature of this statement
is the decided falling off in Importation in 1SSS.
The only articles in the importation of which
there has beea a marked increase are cotton
ties, which have , increased from 4S,552,S32
pounds in 1887 to 67.883,991 pounds in 18S8, an
increase of 40 per cent: and hoop iron, which
increased from 70,783 pounds in 1887 to 673,783
pounds in 18SS. over 800 per cent. There was
also a slight Increase in tin plates, some 5 per
cent, or from 635.792.760 pounds in 18S7 to 667,
231.9S8 pounds in 1SS& On tbe other hand there
have been marked reduction of Imports in
most of the other items.
Bllnlne Stocks.
New Yobk. February 15. Mining stocks
closed: Amador, 150; Caledonia. 275; Consoli
dated California and Virginia, 737; Deadwnod,
150: Eureka, 150; El Cristo. 140; Hale and Nor
cross, 370; Homestake; 1262; Iron Silver. 340;
Mexican, 295: Standard, 145: Silver King, 105;
Silver Cord. 100; Sullivan, 135; Union Consoli
dated, 270; Yellow Jacket, 350.
Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty
ttock Yards.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch.
Friday, February 15, 1889. J
Cattle Receipts, 1,380 head: shipments,
1,900 head; market, nothing doing; all through
consignments; no cattle shipped to New York
Hogs Receipts, 2,300 head: shipments, 3,800
head; market slow; heavy Philadelphia, $4 60
4 70: medium Philadelphia, $4 754 80; pigs'
and Yorkers. S4 804 85; 13 cars of hogs shipped
to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 1,200 bead: shipments, 1.200
bead; market dull and o off from yesterday's
By Teleirrnnb.
New Yobk Beeves Reeelpts. 91 carloads
for exportation alive and dead, 65 carloads for
city slaughterers direct and 33 carloads forthe
market and 6 carloads of sale cattle were in the
pens from former arrivals. Sales were slow
but a clearance was made. Extremes for
steers were S3 704 70: for dry cows, SI 753 15;
for bulls, $2 253 00; exports to-day and to-morrow,
1,050 beeves and-L360 quarters of beef.
To-day's Liverpool cable quotes American re
frigerator beef easier at tc per pound, and
American cattle lower at HM12Kc per pound
for the dressed weight. Sheep Receipts. 3,700
bead, and 3.200 head carried over from yester
day; a rather clow trade at steady prices: sheep
sold at 54 005 70 per 100 pounds, with a car
load of choice wethers up to 6 12; lambs from
J5 507 6a Hogs-Receipts. 3,800 head, all for
slaughterers except 2 carloads; no sales; nom
inal value. So 2035 5a
Kansas Crnr Cattle Receipts, 2.665 head;
shipments, 1,685 bead; beef steers bard to sell
ana 1015s lower; best cows steady and others a
shade lower; stockers and feeding steers
steady; good to choice, com fed, $3 7o4 10:
common to medium, $2 E03 60; stockers and
feeding steers. SI 603 15; cows, SI 25(22 70.
Hogs Receipts, 0,663 head; shipments, 2,615
head; pigs and lightweights steady; mixed and
heavy 5c lower: good to choice light. 54 800
4 40; mixed and heavy, U 154 25. Sheep Re
ceipts, 1,586 head; shipments, none; market
steady; good to choice Texans, Jl 254 50;
common to medium. S2 503 05.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 10.000 head: ship
ments, 4,600 head: market slow and weak;
choice to extra beeves, 4 404 70; steers,
S3 004 10; stockers, and feeders, J2 20
3 40: cows, bulls and mixed. SI 403 10;
Texas corn fed steers. S2 S03 45. Hoes Re
ceipts. 25,000 head;shipments, 8,000 bead; market
opened So lower: closed loss regained: mixed,
$4 33.34 60; heavy. Si 354 55; light, S4 454 65;
pig, $4 754 Oo. Shoepr-Recelpts, 6,000 head;
shipments, 1,200 head; market slow; natives,
53 0035 00: westerns, corn-fed, $4 1004 70;
lambs, S4 7-38 25.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 400 head; ship,
ments, 200 head: market steady; choice heavy
native steers. S3 604 30: fair to good do. S3
3 SO; batchers' steers, medinm to choice, S3 oOQ
3 SO; stockers and feeders, fair to good. SI 8001
2 75;rangers,corn-fed.S3 00350:grass-fed,S170
2ba Hogs Receipts. 4,800 head; shipments,
TOO head;market a shade lower: choice heavy and
butchers' selections S4 3034 4a: packing, me
dinm to prime, S4 30314 45: lhjht grades, ordi
nary to Tiest, S4 404 60. Sheep Receipts,
GOO head; shipment?, none; market strong:
fair to choice, $4 005.5O. .
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 1,840 head
through; 120 head sale; steady; offerings of
steers at $3 0003 Ml Sheep and lambs Re.
ceipts, 600 head throngb: 5,000 bead sale; weak;
good sheep. S4 404 75; good lambs,. 15 75
6 21 Hogs Receipts, 4,500 bead through;
6,000 head sale; active and unchanged.
CrxciNNATi Hogs quiet and lower; com
mon and light, S3 754 65: packing and butchers',
54 404 60; receipts, 2,550 head; shipments. 370
Rongli Rob a Woman. "
Three men entered Mrs. Johnston's resi
dence, No. 73 Center avenue, on Thursday
night and robbed her of 557. She called for.
police and the trio was arrested. At tbe
Central station they gave their names as
Martin Farrell, Frank Gallagher and fn.
Marquis. The stolen money was found on
the person of Marquis. Tbe three men
were each sentenced 30 days to the work
On mortgages on improved
n mortgages on .Improved real estate in sums
of $1,000 and upward. Applyat
1 si,uuua
No. 124 Fourth, avenue.
Choice Apples Scarce and Rrm, Com
mon Stock Drooping.
Balls and Bears Hare a kongh and- Tumble
Tirnle on Wheat
Office of the Pittsbubo Dispatch, J
Fbidat, February 15, 1889. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Choice apples are growing scarcer and de
mand is Improving. There is, however, still
room for improvement. Tbe commission mer
chant who laid in apples at SI 40 in tbe fall and
finds one-third of his stock rotting on his hands
is not very jubilant over the situation when he
closes ont his stock at a little above SI per bar
rel. A sale of 12 ban els of fair apples at SU
was witnessed by The Dispatch commercial
editor to-day at a produce house on Liberty
street. Said a commission merchant, "Ont of
500 barrels of apples I have lost 192 by rot in the
past three months." While tbe crop has been
immense, it has lacked In good keeping quali
ties. Choice butter and eggs are still the firm
factors of produce markets. Cheese is steady,
hut so far has disappointed calculations by not
going up. A rise is almost sure between now
and Lent, if we are to judge the future by the
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 3331c; Ohio do,
262Sc: fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country
rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. bntter,
Beans Choice medium, S2 002 10: choice
peas. S2 062 15.
Beeswax 2325o f) It for choice; low grade,
Cideb Sand reuned, 6 507 50: common,
S3 50Q4 00; crab elder, S3 00850 $ barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ? gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c;
New York, fall make. 12K13c; Limburger,
llK12Kc: domestic Sweiuer cheese, 1313Kc
Dried Peas SI 4501 50 ft bushel; split do,
KGQS 16$17c ft dozen tor strictly fresh.
Fbuits Apples. $1 00QS1 50 3R barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c ff ft: cranberries, S3 00
ft barrel: $2 40S2 50 per bushel.
Ffathebs JSxtra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c 1 B.
HOMIXT-J2 652 7o a barrel.
Homey New Crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c 9 bushel; 12 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer
sey sweets.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575o $ pair:
dressed chickens, 1315c f) pound; turkevs, 13
15c dressed 'tt pound; ducks, live. 8085o f!
pair; dressed, 1314c fl pound; geese, 10llc
per pound.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lbs to bushel, S6V1
bushel; clover, large English, 62 lis, J6 25;
Clovcr,AJsike,$860: clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice. 45&S, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean,
14 lbs, SI 00: bine grass, fancy, 14 Bs. SI 20;
orchard grass. 14 lbs, $2 00; red top, 14 As, SI 00;
millet, 50 Ss, $1 2; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00;
Hungarian grass, 43 fts, $3 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses; 25c per lb.
Shellbaeks 81 601 "5.
Tallow Country, 45c;, city rendered.
Tropical Fbuits Lemons, fancy, $3 00
4 00 13 box; common lemons, S2 75 f)
box; Messina oranges, S2 503 50 Jl box;
Florida oranges, S3 003 50 91 box: Jamaica
oranges, fancy, $6 607 00 $ barrel; Malaga
grapes, So 5007 00 -p keg; bananas, S2 50
firsts: SI 502 OOgood seconds, fl bunch;
cocoanuts, S4 004 50 fl hundred; new figs, 120
14c $) pound; dates, 66Kc $1 pound.
VEGETABLESMJelery. 4O50c dor. bunches;
cabbages, S3 00 4 00 100: onions, 50c 9 bushel;
Spanish onions, 7590c $ crate; turnips, SO
40c per bushel.
Qbeejt Coffee Fancy Rio, 20K21Hi
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio.
17lsc: old Government Java, 26:; Mara.
caibo, 2122c; Mocha, S031c; Santos. ls
22c; Caracas coffee, 1921c; peaberry, Rio,
2021Xc; Laguayra, 20K21c
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands,22c;
high grades, 2426c; old Government Java,
bulk, 3132; Uaracaibo. 2627c: Santos, 21K
22c: peaberry, 25c: choice Rio, 24c; prime
Rio, 21Xc; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 20c
8pices (whole) Cloves, 21625c: allspice, 9c:
cassia. 69c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test,7Jc:
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 0c; water white.
lOc; globe, 12c; elaiue, 15c; carnadice, Uc;
royallne, 14c
Stbups Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar
syrup, 3536c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime. 8335c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 48; me
dium, 45; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in K',
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine,
per set. SKc; paraffine, UM12c
RICE Head. Carolina, 77c; choice, 6
7c: prime 56Vc; Louisiana, 6S6Jc
Sbabch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch; 57c;
gloss starch, 67c
Fobeion Fbuits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels. S2 25; California Mnscatels,
S2 35; Valencia, new, 6JJ7c; Ondara Valencia,
7W7Kc; sultana. 7Jc: currant, new, 4Jioc;
Turkey prunes, new, 4K4c: French prunes,
813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-& packages, SVc,
cocoanuts, per 100.S6 00: almonds, Lin., per ft;
20c; do lvlca, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts,"nap.,
12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12
16c: new dates. 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c;
pecans, H15c; citron, per S. 2122c: lemon
peel, per B. 1314c; orange peel, 12C
Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per &. 8 c;
apples, evaporated, 67c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15018c; peaches, evaporated,
pared. 22023c: peaches. California, evaporated.
unpared, 1213c: cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blactcberries, 78c: huckle
berries, 1012c
Sugars Cubes, 7Jfc; powdered, 73c: granu
lated,7c: confectioners' A, 6c; standard A,6Jfc;
son wnites. c?4(q,x,c; yeiiow, cnoice. oTOCftC;
yellow, good,
yellow, fair, 6c; yel
low, dark, 6c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $475; me
diums, half bbls 1600). S2 85.
Salt-No, 1 a? bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. bbl, SI 05;
dairy, V bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, 51 bbl, SI 20;
Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sack, J2 80; Higgin's Eu
reka, 16-14 & pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 50
1 60;2ds, SI 301 35: extra peaches, SI 351 rO;
els peaches. SOc; finest corn, SI 301 50; Hfd.
o. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cl 00; lima
beans, SI 10: soaked do, 85c: 'string do do, 75
85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 lb; soaked peas,
70g75c: pineapples, SI 401 0; Bahama do,
S2 7o; damson plums, 05c; green gages, SI 25;
eggplnm;,S2 00; California pears, S250;dogreen
gages. 12 00; do egg plums, S2 00; extra white
cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2fis, 90c:. raspber
ries. SI 15Q1 40; strawberrie. SI 10; goose
berries, SI 2U1 30: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon,
1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash.
2-B cans, soaked. 00c; do green, 2&s, SI 251 50;
corn beef, 2-B cans, SI 75; 14-E cans, $13 50;
baked beans. SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, SI 75
1 SO; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines,
domestic s.4 254 50; sardines, domestic,
lis, S8 258 50; sardines, imported. Us, SU SO
12 50; sardines. Imported, Us, J13 00; sardines,
mustard, Jl 00: sardines, spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel,
$30 fl bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40;
extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 532; extra No.
1 do, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24.
Codfish Whole pollock. 4e 51 b; do medium
George's cod. 6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake.
In strips, 6c: do George's cod in block. 6K
7Vc Herring Round shore, 85 50 51 bbl; split.
J-: lake J3 250 10O-B half bbl. White fish, 17 M
100-B half bok Lake front, $5 50 fl half bbl.
Finnan hadders. 10c a 6. Iceland halibut, 13c
? ft.
Buckwheat Flour 2?Q2Jc per pound.
OATMEAL-S6 30Q6 60 V nbL
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5962c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at tbe Grain Ex
change were 37 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne
and Chicago, 1 cars of hay, 2 of oats, 2 of flour,
1 of middlings. By Pittsburg and Western. 3
cars of hay. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St.
Louis, 7 cars. of. bay, 7 of corn, 6 of oats, 1 of
screenings, 1 df flour. There are no new features
in cereal markets, certainly there is no revival.
"Bulls and bears are having a rough and tum
ble fight on wheat," said a leading flour jobber,
"and while tbe-outcome cannot be foretold, it
is my opinion tbat markets will at last settle
down to higher prices than have ruled for some
time past.'" Said tho same jobber: "Farmers
are holding bacK their wheat awaiting the ac
tions of weather, through March, which will
decide the prospects of next season's crop. For
this reason millers find some difficulty securing
good milling wheat, and their stocks are un
usually low. What the weather will do next
month will have much to do In the establish
ment of prices on wheat and floor."
WHEAT-Jobblns prices No. 2 red, II OS
I 09; No. 3red.98c8lW.
Cobjt Nc 2 yellow, ear, 8839c; high mixed
ear, 36K037c; No. 1 yellow. Knelled. S940o
No. 2 yellow, shelled. 37K3Sc; high mixed,
shelled, 3637c; mixed, f helled. 3536c:
OATS No.2 white, 32Kiffl33c: extra No. 3, 310
81Hc;No.Swbite,-31631Kc;No.2 mixed, 29
RYE No. 1 Western. 60Q61r: No. 2. 5556c
BABLET No. 1 Canada, 00S5c; N o. 2 Canada,
8385c;No.3 Canada, 788be; No. 2 Western.
757ec; No. 3 Western, 6o70c Lake Shore, 75
wc .
FLOUR-Jobbing prices, winter patents, 86 50
675; springpatents,$6 757 00; fancy straight,
winter and spring. $5 60&5 75; clear winter,
So 005 25. straight XXXX bakers', $5 00Q5 25.
Rye flour, S3 75.
MlLLFEED-Mlddlings, fine white, SIS 00
20 00- f) ton: brown middlings, S14 50(gl5 00?
winter wheat bran, U 7515 25; chop feed,
$15 00018 00.
Hat Baled timothy, choice, $15 00315 25;
No. 1 do. $14 25Q14 50; No. 2 do, $12 0013 00;
loose from wagon, SIS O020 00: No. 1 upland
prairie. S9 7510 00; No. 2, $8 008 50; packing
do, $6 6007 00.
STRAW-Oats. $3 008 25; wheat and ryo
straw, $7 007 25.
Hogs are 5c lower at Chicago to-day and 15a
at East Liberty. Hog products are selling at
Chicago on a basis of $4 40 for hogs. The range,
of prices there is $4 35 to $4 70. At East Liberty7
the range is $4 50 to $5.
Large bams, 18 lbs and upward, 10c; medium
hams. 14 to 18 lbs, He; small hams, 14 lbs and un
der, lc; picnic or California hams, 8c; bone
less (in skins), llc; sugar-cured shoulders,'
83c; bacon. So: dry salt, 9c; breakfast bacon,.
10c:rouletts (toneless s. c shoulders), lOVic;
regular smoked sides. 9c; bellies, smoked sides,
9c: regular dry salt sides, 8Kc; bellies, dry salt
sides, Sc; dried beef, sets 3 nieces, 10c; dried
beef, fiats, 8c; dried beef, rounds, lie; dried'
beef, knuckles. He; pork, mess, $16 50: pork.i
family, $17 00; pig pork, half ban-els, $9 00; long
sansage, 5c Lard Tierces, 325 lbs, 7fc ft lb:
half barrels 120 lbs, 7Jc fl lb; tubs, wooden. 60.
lbs. 7c ft lb; buckets, wooden, 20 lbs. 7c ft lb;.
3-ft tin pails, 60 lbs. TJfcfl ft: 5-fttin paikfSO
lbs, ee fl ft: 10-a tin pails. 60 fts, 7&c ft ft; 20-ft
tin pails, SO lbs, 8c; 50-B tin palls, 100 lbs, THo
ft lb.
Dressed Meat.
.Armour & Co. furnish tbe. following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 toSoOffis,.
55Kc; 600 to 650 lbs, &6Xc; TOO to 750 lbs, 7
7c Sheep. 7c ft lb. Lambs. 8c ft lb.
I am satlsficu tuat saucer 13 Hereditary in myi
family. My father died of it, a sister of my
mother died of it, and my own sister died of it.
My feelings may be imagined, then, when tho'
horrible disease made its appearance on my
side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating lr
wardly In such a way that it could not be cut'
out. Numerous remedies were used for it, but'
tbe Cancer grew steadily worse, until ltseemed;
that I was doomed to follow the others of the ,
family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from
the first day, forced out tbe poison and con
tinued its use until I had taken several bottles
wben I found myself well. 1 know tbat S. S. S.
cured me. Mrs. S. M. Idol.
Wi58TOy,N.C.,Nov.26,88. '
Send for Book on Cancer and Blood Diseases.
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta,
Ga. fel-7-ns
Cor. Wood and Liberty Stsi
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call -and
see us.
wholesaleIxclusively .
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL. . . . $200,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest
sel-k35-p JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
Eczema,wltchr, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
1i simple ippUcUon of "Swims Qvnxvrt" without
snr internal medicine, will enra aaT cue of Tetter. Silt
Shewn. Bin ronn. Hies, ltcb, Sona. PimplM,SrTPta. U
nomierluotmlBtakijttMUi!?. SolabjdrugjliM,
r icnt tr miU for W cm. 1 Bmm. U Ji. kUmt. D. .
Ewmni Soi.PMlideUJili.pl. aa tout ensf"
Oil bought and sola on margin. de27-21-jsu
As old residents know ana back tiles of Pitt,
bure naners Drove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting -special
attention to all chronic diseases. From
rousibiepersonsfJQ pr;r; UNTIL.
riCDnl IO and mental diseases, physical .
NtnVUUOdecar. nervous debilitr, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem. ,
cry, disordered sight, self-distrust.bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting tho person for businesisociety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throa
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder derange
U Ml I inn I i ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
nrompt relief and re-J cures.
Dr. w nutter's life-long; extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as IX
hero. Office hours 8A.it. to 8 p.m. Sunday, f
10 iVx. to 1 P. K. only. DK, WHITTIER, ji
Penn avenue. Pittsburg; Pa. leS-tt-nsuW
Buffering from th f .
t ecu of youthful er.
mm. Mrlr decaT. lost
oSnfibod.ete. I wlUKnil a raluable treatise (11) .
containing: fall particulars for home cure, tree or
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn.
For LOST or failing'.
ness, weakness of
itmiT- Mind. Lack of Strength. Vigor and De
igtn, vigor ana vt
Excesses, c. Book
T,iAnmpnL eatijid br Errors. Excesses. c. Book.
1IODK of SELr-TBEATjiKXT. and Jfroofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address IU MEDICAL CO.,
Buffalo, N. Y. deS-57.TT8jtwt
For men! Checks tho worst cases in thre-f
days, and cures in five days. Price $1 00. at
ja5-Z)-TTS3u 412 Market street
u Wnnrnna riAMIItr Txtt TVf an riffVf
Despondency, etc A copy oj thisboolcwill be ens
freeealed. Address SCIENCE of HEALTH.
130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. -
JtJ'V LortVIgirrsndManhoodEertoreil Pie-
ME".nE mature Decline and Krnictlonal direr.
P Mw.A!mrtrrtirfiAo'rfStouehMedlefcK.
VTrj n Mljj SI Treatise sent free on application.
Ul KUH V? MlBSTOl C0J'atkPIao.,Swrat.
Ltttle F AliS, N. T
I was troubled with Headache, Constipation.
Loss of Spirits and Weak Stomach, but since
commencing tbe use of your BURDOCK
BLOOD BITTERS I feel better than I havo
for years. Have recommended it to man
friends with, the most excellent results.
fill GOODS ni HIS.