THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, PEIDAT, FEBRUARY 15, 1889. 1 DUSKY YALENTINE .'t fas the One Beceived Yesterday by President-Elect Harrison. r 1EADIKG SOUTHERN COLORED HEN Strongly Insist That an Attorney General be Appointed WHO WILL PEOITCT TDEIE RIGHTS. ivames Modestlj Sot Mentioned, but Laisston Heads the Delegation. A conference of Southern colored men assembled at Indianapolis yesterday. Prof. Langston, of Virginia, was the chief spokesman. They presented an address to General Harrison asking that especial care "be taCen in the selection of the Attorney General. A man Is wanted who will secure fair elections in the South. Other callers sk lor minor offices. rSrECI AL TELEGRAM TO Tint DISFATCH.l Indianapolis, February 14. General' Harrison's valentine was black. It was presented by a delegation of negroes, headed by Prof. John SI. Langston, and the burden of it was a plea on behalf of the black race of the South that General Harrison should choose for his Attorney-General some man able and willing to enforce the Federal election laws in the South for all tbey were worth; with "a mailed hand," as Senator Matt Quay would probably have ex pressed it. Prof. Langston's delegation was the only really representative body of colored men that has been here since election. In it there were representatives of the States of Virginia, South Carolina, Kentucky, Ten nessee, Georgia, Florida and Missouri, and it brought also letters from Louisiana, Mis sissippi, Arkansas, Maryland, "West Vir ginia, Alabama, Texas and North Carolina. The delegation was understood to be op posed to Mahone, but no open reference was made to this fact. They neld a confer ence with closed doors, and formulated the followine address, which was presented to General Harrison: WANT A FAIR ELECTION. The undersigned would assure you that tbey are loyal members of the Republican party; that they reside In States severally which are overwhelmingly Republican, and upon any fair election would give their respective electoral votes to such party by a large majority. Such, however, are the undue" Influences Hind frauds brought to bear against the great body of voters of these States that the desires of the Republican masses are constantly defeated. We believe that the fifteenth amendment should be maintained with fairness and vigor, and that ample protection through Federal agency should be Riven every citizen. We cannot doubt that you agree with us in such opinion, and that you desire that such ob jects shall be accomplished in the Interest of the 7,000.000 of American citizens, who to-day in the South are practically disfranchised and whose cause we represent and plead. In view of our present and propccti e condition under your administration of the Government we are profoundly interested in the construction of jour Cabinet so far certainly and specially as concerns the Attorney Generalship thereof. We offer you the name of no man for such position. Such a coarse would, we apprehend, be unbecoming. We ask simply that a person be appointed to the position whose cordial ac ceptance of the great American doctrines as respects citizenship and the ballot for the humblest of our citizens, however formerly slaves and outcasts, would lead him to search dtfhcently and thoroughly for the law in their behalf, uninfluenced in judgment against our cause by reason of ill-founded, though strong predilections and prejudices. A PARAGON INDEED. The importance and absolute necessity of the BDpointmcnt to the position which we name of a man, who in addition to great learning in the law. is free from undue feeling and bias, be comes apparent in a ample moment's reflection. This officer, with bis assistants and subordinate ngentu, is of the first importance. Such being oar opinion, we have ventured to bring it formally and earnestly to your consideration. If you have anticipated in such appointment, already made, the suggestions which we here offer, we shall ever be your grateful, delighted fellow-citizens. The General had a number of callers. About noon General Dan Macauley, now of If ew York, but formerly Slayor of this cfty, arrived, accompanied by Senor H. F. Guz man, Kicaraguan Minister at Washington, and Colonel E. D. Woodruff of Anburn, 2T. Y. They called on the General, and spent a pleasant half hour. They were not here on any political mission, but on their way to St. Louis and Chicago. They will spend to-morrow in the city. General Sla cauley would like to be the next Marshal of the District of Columbia. Among the other callers were Milton ST. Butler, who was president of the electoral college of Nebraska; M. D. Cary, of Cleve land, who was a captain in General Harri son's brigade, and John S. (Valter and Oliver T. Morton, the three sons of the late Senator Morton. John will be an appli cant for his old place as surveyor of the port at San Francisco. LAB0K LEADERS IN COUNCIL. Powderly, Gompern and Other Are Arrang ing n Fntnre Programme. Philadelphia, February 14. A meet ing of leaders of labor associations was held here to-day. Among those present were General Slaster Workman Powderly and the General Secretary of the Knights of Labor; Samuel Gompers, the President, and the General Secretary ot the American Fed eration of Trades, and representatives from the National Organization of Firemen and Switchmen. Messrs. Powderly, Gompers and H. Wal ton were appointed to prepare an address for distribution among the organizations of the country. A number of letters in reply to an invita tion to attend the meeting were read, among them one from P. SI. "Arthur, of the Engi neers' Brotherhood, in which he says h caunot attend officially, but adds: "If there is anything I can do personally to bring about a better understanding between the Brotherhood and other labor organiza tions I am ready and willing to do so, so long as it does not conflict with our present laws." Letters were received also from Grand Slaster Seargeant, of the Locomotive Engineers; Grand Master Wilkinson, of the Brakemen, and Wm. A. Simscottv General Secretary and Treasurer of the Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association of America. AN I31PEXDLVG OCEAN WAK. The Steanhlp Lines Are Commencing to Cut Freight Rates. New York, February 14. In regard to the impending war in ocean rates, a White Star official said this morning: It is true that we have made a cut in freight rates. This step is taken by ns in self-defense. "We learned that other lines were making cuts on the sly. Therefore, we have declared open war. You sec, we could not well do otherwise under the circumstances. Our cut is about SO jer cent in west-bound rates on dry foods. In 1 Act, our rates are based on a measurement of 40 cubic feet, and the reduction is from 15 shillings to 7 shillings and 6 pence. No change bad been made in the east-bound rates. The voice of the agent in charge at the Cunard Line office was lond for war. He Intimated in unmistakable terms that'the managers of his company were prepared for war. "We are fully able to bold our own in a struggle lor public patronage," he said, "and no other line can outdo ns in cutting rates." The representatives of the Anchor, Inman and National Companies are also prepared for the fight If oil is not speed ily thrown upon the troubled waters the public may expect to witness the most bitter warfare that has ever broken out between the transAtlantic lines. Barry's Tbicophebotjs warranted to cause new hair to grow on bald heads. Bichly perfumed. BLOOD MONEY. A Solicitor of the Times Gives the Amounts Paid for the Alleged ParneU Letters Many Thousand Ponnds Were Paid Oat. London, February 14. Mr. Soames, so licitor for the Tunes, testified before the Parnell Commission to-day that he visited Dublin in 1888, in quest of evidence. He had an interview with a person who was introduced to him as a former employe in the office of the-League, andjwho produced a slip bearing the signature of Miss Anna Parnell, Jspecimens of Patrick Egan's handwriting and a bundle of documents, which the witness inspected at length.' He copied some of these documents and made notes of others. At Attorney General Webster's request, the witness submitted genuine specimens of Mr. Parnell's signature. Soames said he had obtained specimens of the writing of Mr. Henry Campbell, Sir. Parnell's secre tary. He had no means of judging who wrote the letter a fac simile ot which was published. On cross-examination the witness said he was not consulted regarding the publication of the articles on Parnelhsm and crime, though he knew they were being prepared early in 1887. Sir. Flanagan, the son of an Irish Judge, co-operated with a gentleman in preparing the articles.' Up to January, 1888, 12 letters had been obtained from PiggotL Later more letters written by Eean, Kelly and Davitt were obtained, making a total of 17. He did not know precisely what was paid for the letters. Probably whatever was paid passed through him. The first pay ment of 1,000 was made to Houston. It was partly lor his expenses in going to America and partly for the payment of Dr. Slaguire and other assistants. The succes sive subsequent payments to Houston were 200, 30,10,12,180,550,342and 100. Witness paid Sloser about 2,000, Kirby 250, and another agent named Thompson 300. Touching Mr. Davitt's letter, the witness said he took pains to form a conclusive opinion. He decided that it was gennine. Before the court adjourned Attorney Gen eral Webster said that he desired to state that Mr. Flanagan had written for the Times withont the knowledge of nis father. Sir Charles Russell remarked that he quite believed that. A SUMMER PARADISE. Atlantic City Will be Ready to Receive All Comers Next Season. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Atlastic Crrr, February 14. This almost world-famed winter seashore resort of America is now right on the verge ot what really promises the most prosperous season in its history. Undoubtedly Atlantic City is greatly favored. Select whatever American resort you will for retirement temporarily from the cares of business, the incessant wear and tear of society preced ing the Lenten season, and you will not find any so peculiarly adapted to your own personal ailments. The location of this "City in the Sea" is superb. The many ad vantages of this renowned health restoring resort could be enumerated by scores. The hotel people in Atlantic City are enterpris ing, and manage their houses upon the most liberal and approved methods. Attention is called to these as being every way desir able as to location and accommodation: Brighton, Messrs. F. W. Hemsley & Son; W'averly, Mrs. J. L. Bryant; Shelbnrne, A. B. Boberts; Islesworth, Messrs. Buck & SIcClellan; Seaside House, Charles Evans; Haddon Hall, Edwin Lippincott; Mansion House, Chas. SIcGlade; Hotel Traymore, Messrs. W. W. Green & Co.; Chalfonte, Messrs. Elisha Eoberts & Sons; Windsor, Mrs. Geo. Waters; San Marcos, Isaac Solo mon. Bound to Create a Sensation. Novelties, that's what we're all looking for. Something out of the ordinary run. Well, here it is; a gennine bombshell. The P. C.-C. C. will place on sale for Friday and Saturday only 490 men's fine suits about SO different patterns and $6 isthe figure you can make your selection lor. It's a $6 suit sale, and a fine business suit worth 15. in 30 different patterns and many neat eSects in stripes, plaids and broken checks, can be had for $6, to-day and to-morrow only, at P. C. C. O., corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Crowded, Rain or Shine. This week only at "Elite Gallery," 516 Market st, Pittsburg, crayon framed and 12 cabinets 55 00. Cabinets 51 00 per doz. of anybody. Stanford & Co. Fine photos, crayons and pastels, at lowest prices, 68 Federal st. WF POWDER Absolutely Pure- This powder never varies. A marvel of put ity, strength and wholcsomeness. Store eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be bold in competition with the multitude of ow est. short weight, alum or phosphate nw ders. Sold only in cant. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, 106 Wall Su N. Y. ocm46-MWT8U D. R. SPEER & CO., FRAME BASH, DOOR ASD BOX FACTORY. THIRD STREET AND DUQUESNE WAY mhS-dSl P ATENTS O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. 131 Fifth avenue, above Hmithtleld, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. seZ9-UU The Winter Seaside A CCESSIBLE FBOM: IXJdl-VT- TOBK CIT-2 Via C. B. B. of 2f. JT. and PMla. and Beading B. B. through in 3 3-4: hours. Leave Liberty Street Ferry at 230 P. K. Via Pennsylvania B. B. through in 4 Fiows. Courtland Street Ferry; Dcsbrosses Btrcet Ferry 1220 P. M. jfib: L-IDEXiPBCI.,, Via Philadelphia and Beading B. B. 85 minutes. Via Pennsylvania JR. B. OO minutes. These Hotels are never closed. modern appointments. Always comfortable. Command a large Winter patronage. THE TBA YMOBE, W. W. Green & Co. THE ISLESWOBTH, Buck t& McClellan. (Opened Feb. 9.) SAN NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers of suffocation while lying down; to breathe freely,sleep sound ly and undisturbed; to rise refreshed, head clear, brain active and free from pain or ache; to know that no poisonous, putrid matter de nies the breath and rots away the delicate ma chinery of smell, taste and hearing; to feel that the system does not, through its veins and ar teries, suck up the poison that is sura to under mine and destroy, is indeed a blessing beyond all other human enjoyments. To purchase im munity from such a fate should be the object of all afflicted. But those who have tried many remedies and physicians despair of relief and cure. Sanfoed's Radical Cote meets every phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to tho most loathsome and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional. Instant in reliev ing, permanent in curing, safe, economical and nevcr-failine. Sakford's Radical Cube consists of one bottle of the Radical Cube, one box of Ca tarrhal Solvent, and one Improved In haler, all wrapped in one package, with treatise and directions, and sold by all druggists for SI 00. Potteb Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. (fc PAINS AND WEAKNESS J9flk0f females instantly relieved by that Br new, elegant and infallible Antidote M to Pain. Inflammation and Weakness, & the CntlcurnAntUPnln Plaster. The first and only pain-subduing plaster especially adapted to Cure Female Pains and Weaknesses. Vastly superior to all othcT plasters yet pre pared. At all druggists, 25 cents; five for SfOO; or, postage free, of Potter Dbug and Chem ical Co., Boston, Mass. w CHAS. PFEIFER, 3 SMITHFIELD STREET. 100 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. Men's Pm-nishing Goods. A full and complete line of E. & W. and C. fc C. brands Collars and Cuffs. Neckwear Our Specialty. SHIBTS MADE T- ORDER. Cleaning, Dyeing and Laundry Offices at above location. Lace Curtains laundried equal to new. se!9-yl9-MWF ALLEGHENY'S GRAND CENTER OF ATTRACTION. BAR GAINS THIS WEEK FOR EVERYBODY. DOUGLAS $c EVIACKIE Have been and are so busy that it is utterly impossible to write an advertisement this week, and would merely state that every department is teeming with new. fresh and seasonable goods, all marked at such prices as will recommend them to the most fastidiously economical buyer. Very special attention is directed to our mammoth stock of domestic, French and Scotch dress Kins bams. There are over 00 lovely styles to select from, and the prices have been made so as to be attainable by all. Then our immense stock of white goods, for beauty and excellence of finish and design Is simply incomparable, while the prices, ranging as they do fromSc to 25c a yard, are assuredly marvels of cheapness. Again our magnificent line of ladies' mnslin underwear for really artistic merit, loveliness of trimming, durability of material, and extreme lowness of prices is undoubtedly the handsomest and cheapest collection ever displayed under one roof. COME AND SEE US, IT'LL AMPLY REPAY YOU. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, .ALLEGHENY. fe!3-Mwr DANZIGER & -SUCCESSORS TO- MORRIS H. DANZiqER. The Whole Town Talking of Our Gigantic Forced Our builder, -with an army of workmen, will take charge of our bis store in the next few days. Many important ohanges to be made in all our departments, and new departments to be added. First and fore most will be our big ZDIRfZ- GOODS IDIEZFIRTIlIEIDTT Our "Wide-A wake HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT And Our POPULAR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Will be ENLARGED TO DOUBLE ITS FORMER SIZE. All this means that we will have to hustle and move goods lively out of the way of our builder and give him ample room to accomplish his task without delay, and this is how we are going to do it: Inaugurate a O-IO-.A.IETTia FORCED ALE- And sell our goods regardless of cost or value for the'nezt 15 days. Startling Values will be offered MONDAY AND THE NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS. Startling Bargains in Muslitis. Lonsdale Muslin at 6c a yard. Chapman Muslin at 6c a yard, tilendale Mnslin at 4fc a yard. Gorland Mnslin at 4c a yard. Piedmont Muslin at bc a yard. Monroe Muslin at (c a yard. Allen Prints at 5c a yard. Dark Prints at 5c a yard. Startling Bargains in Turkish Towels. Thousands of Fine Turkish Towels at 9c, 12c, He Startling Bargains in Blankets and Comforts. Startling Bargains in Bemnants of White Goods, 100 Dozen of Perfect-fitting Corsets at lie, former price 59c , 100 Dozen fine French Women Corsets at 56c former price "ic, 100 Dozen of the well-known R. & G. Corsets to'day at 74c Startling Bargains in Glassware.- Thousands of Glass Tumblers at 4c each. Thousands of Glass Fruit Dishes at 14c each. Thousands of Glass Spoon Holders at 9c each. Thousands of Individual Salts at 2c each. Thousands of Glass Celery Holders at 16c each. Startling Bargains in Bodies' Muslin Underwear and Aprons. 16c for Ladies' Swiss Vests. . 33c now for Ladles' Vests, former price 49c 39c now for Ladies' Vests, former price 59c 29c now for Ladies' Gray Vests, former price 49c. The Last and Most Telling Mark-Bown on All Our Ladies' Wraps, Jerseys, Misses' and Children's Coats. Now Is your time tj buy. Look at the Odds and Ends in Fine Hosiery, and marked away down regardless of cost or value. Look at our grand line of Fine Embroideries and Torchon' Laces. Wednesday Morning We Place on Sale Thousands of pairs choice and selected patterns of Lace Curtains. We bought them away under the price, and will be sold at less than half the regular price usually charged in other stores. Make a note of this. DANZICER lc fi-M-M-M fill Sl. Resort of America. All superbly equipped with THE WAVEBLY, Mrs. J. L. Bryant. H ABB ON HALL, Edwin Lippincott. (Opened Feb. 15.) MABCOS HOTEL, Isaac Solomon. (Formerly of Bingbam House, Fbila.) RESORTS. Atlantic Cllr. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the boach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru arv 9 18S9 jal&-72-MWTSU BUCK & McOLEIiLAN. THE ELDREDGE, NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenue, within three minutes' walk to depot or beach. Large cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. SIRS. E. J. ELDREDGE, Proprietress. fell-3-p ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTELS, Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or lor sale by L G. ADAMS & CO., Real Estate Agents,. Heal Estate and Law Building, Atlantic Cits', H. J. felJ-6-p THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Bait water baths in the house. Elevator, f el565-D E. ROBERTS & BONB. HOT SPRINGS, N.O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. Flrst-elats in every pirtlcular. Steam Heat, Open Fires, Porches inclosed in glut, Superb Location. Ideal Climate for the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools, Finest in America; Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. jalSoS-D OLD POINT COMFORT, VlRGHSIAi HYGEIA.HOTEL. 100 yards from FortMonroe: open all. the year, accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic surround ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-Inclosed verandas. Average temperature for winter 4S. Absolutely free from malaria. All things considered, the most comforatahle and delightful resort at which to spend the winter mouths in the United States. Send for descriptive pamphlet. no27-y40-Tnrsn F. N. PIKE. Manager. OT CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Deslgnerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room C2 Eisner Bnlldlncr. del2-k66-D 61 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. SHOENBEEG, t. SHOENBERC - a542 Pel kit. felO-MWT Sale. . ATLANTIC CITY, Phenomenal Growth and Prosperity . Dry, healthy climate. 4. Most approved method 2. Pure city water. 5. Longest, dryest, safest 3. Artesian water at depth 1 7. Unequaled railroad facilities; three distinct and J etnperature 5 9' Why? Gulf Stream, pouring its tropically heated waters within 60 miles of Atlantic THE SHELBUBNE, A. B. Boberts. , HOTEL THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GET 'EM OUT AND NO FOOLING. 8oo Men's Suits Worth $20, This week MA This week liPlU. 500 Men's O'Coats.Worth $20, Inis week This week Hats, Furnishings, Boys' Clothing, Ladies' Cloaks and Wraps. Prices cut in two. SALLER & CO, Comer Diamoiifl aM Smlfiifield Streets. lelO-Mwrsu ITEMS OF .:. .:. INTEREST. We know every item that enters into the cost of the Clothing we sell; buy mate rials in large lots to get them low; figure these 'things close ly; and faking the advantage given by our extraordinary business make the small profits do us. We place our Clothing into your hands at such prices as will be a full' equivalent for your money, and up to the highest span in the direction of economy and long wear. P. S. There is no let-up on the $8 Made-to-measure Trousers. Best value ever given for so little money. WanaMaker & Brown, Sixth street and Fcnn avenue. fe!5-D A complete assortment of Optical Goods. The best stock of Artificial Eyes. Spectacles and Eye Glasses in gold, silver, steel, shell and aluminum frames. Glasses and frames per fectly adjusted at KOBNBLUWS Optician Store, jalS-MrwTFSuwk No. 37 Fifth ave. ERESH BUTTER RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO- GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, I SIXTH AVENUE. ja&fi9-MWT FOR THE MONTH HOPPER BROS. & CO. PIONBEES OF LOW PEICES, ever on the alert to better the condition of customers, and make it worth their while to go out of their way to deal with ns, particularly at this season of the year, when trade is light, have reduced their prices in every department at least 20 per cent. This holds good only for the month of February. All goods purchased during this Seduction Sale will be stored, if necessary, for from 1 to GO days without cost. "We guarantee to show the largest line of Bedroom Suits in the city. Our ?20 Antique Suit is a great favorite in the market. You should see it; everybody is astonished. Have turned out some particularly nice Parlor Suits in fhe last 60 days. Are not fighting with competitors in this line to see -who Can sell the cheapest, but are fighting mighty hard to give our customers better goods for less money. Our position to do so is from the fact that we make our own goods in this line. "We furnish a house complete from the cellar to the attic. Our Carpet Department is the envy of most all dealers in carpets. And why should we annoy them? Simply because re do not depend on that department for any expense money, it being a side line, hence we can nndersell houses who deal exclusively in car pets. We have also a full line of Stoves and Ranges (city make). These goods are posi tively guaranteed to be good bakers. Kemember, we want your trade, and will do any thing and everything legitimate to get it, and respect it after we have it. HOPPER BROS. & CO., 307 WOOD STREET, BET. THIRD AND FOURTH AVES. DAVIS SEWING MACHINE A SPECIALTY. Passenger Elevator. Open Saturday TJntU IO o'oloclc. felO-wrsn 100 ft. 6. Continuous beach drive for g miles. ' to 10 degrees warmer in winter. City, or nearer than any other THE WINBSOB, G. Waters. (Opened Feb. L) BBIGHTON, F. W. Hemsley & Son. CHALFONTE; E. Boberts d Sons. (Moved 400 ft. nearer the ocean.) HEW ADTEHTISEMENTW. SK30TAL ATTENTION ' IS CALLED TO Our New and Perfect Ingrain Stainless BM Cotton, Lisle ai Silk Hosiery for LADLES, CHILDREN AND MEN. The above hosiery will merit your attention for the following reasons, which makes them superior to all others: They do not stain the skin or clothing. Tbey do not turn green or change color in any way, either from washing or perspiration. The dye does not affect the fabric and cause the stocking to fall in holes. They being made ingrain insures durability and elasticity, - All are double heels and toes. Children's with double knees. Prices are lower than all others for same quality. Every pair guaranteed as above. We have sold a very large quantity of them already, and have not had a single complaint. All grades. Ladies' from 29c to finest. Chil dren's from 33c up. Men's from 25c up. For sale here only. A, G, CAMPBELL & SONS, 710 PENN AVENUE, PENN BUILDING, Bet. Seventh and Eighth Sts. fel2-TUFSu HERE IS THIS RICE AUTOMATIC ENGINE Guaranteed to pull a saw through a log without slackening speed. Guaranteed to do more "work, with less fuel, man any engine omit. HANDSOME. DURABLE, HIGH-CLASS The J.T. N0YE MFG. CO.,Buffalo,N.Y. ja2-5a-Mwir RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA COMl'ANY'S LIKES February 1X 1S39, Central Standard 'lime. TRAINS DEPAKT As follows from Union Station: ForChlcafro,d7:23 a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00. dl:5. except Saturday. 11:23 . m. : Toledo. 7:S a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00 and except aturday. 11:20 p.m.; Crestline. 5:45 a.m.; Clere Iftnd,6:10,7:25 a.m., 12:35 and d 11 :05 p.m.: New Cas tle and Voangstown, 7:05 a. m.. 12:20, 7:45p.m.; Yonnpstown and Mies, d 12:20 p. m.; Meadvi'.le, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:05 a. in., 12:20 p. m.; Nilcs and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.; Alasslllon, 4:10 p.m.; Wheeling and lSellaire. 6:10 a. m., 12:35, 3:30 p. m.; Beaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m., S 8:20 a. m. ; Leets dale. 5:30 a. m. . ALLEGHRNY-Bochester, 6:30 a. m.; Bearer Kails, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.: Leets dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. in., 2:C0, 4:30, 4:45, 5:30, 7:00. 9:00 p. m.; Conway, 10:30p.m.; Fair Oaks, 3 11:40 a. m.: Lcetsdale. S8:Dn. m. TRAINS AK1J1VE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1:50, d6:0O, d6:3S a. m., d 7:35 p. m.; 'loledo. except Monday 1:50, d 6:15 a. m., 7:35 &. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Yonngstown and ew Castle. 8:10 a. m., 1:25, 7:35. 10:15 p. m. ; Mies andYonnEstown. d 7:15 p. m. ; Cleveland, (15:50 a. m., 2:25, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and llellalrc, 9:00 a. m., 2:25. 7:43 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabnla, 1:25, 10:15 p. m.; Masslllon, 10:00 a. ni. ; Ntles and Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a, m., 1:10 n. m., 3 8:25 p. m.: Lcetsdale. 10:40 p. m. ARRIVE ALLiQHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a. m.: Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.; Heaver Fills. 7:10a. m., 6:40 p. m.; Lcetsdale, 5:30, 6:15, 7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 4:30, 6:30, 9:00 p. m. : Fair vans, a 0:00 a. m.;i.eeisaairv a oaop. m.; Heaver Falls. S 8:25 p.m. S, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except Sunday. fell PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON R. K. Co. WlnterTime Table. On and alter October 14, 15S3, until further notice, trains will ran as follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern standard time: Leaving Fittsbnrg-6:15 a. m., 7:15a.m., 9:30a. m., 11:30a.m., 1:40p.m., 3:40p.m., 5:10p.m. 6:30 p. m., 9:30 p.m., 11:30p.m. Ar lington 5:45 a, m., 6:30 a. m 8:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 2:40 p. m., 4:20 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving Fittshurg 10 a. m.. 12:50 p. m 2:30 p. m., 5:10 p.m.. 9:30 p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. id., 12 m 1:50 p. m., 4:20 p. m., 6:30 m. JOHN JAHN. Hupt. EXTRAORDINARY OF EFBRUARY. N. J. .:. Attributable to: of sanitation and drainage. bathing beach in the world. separate routes. into Atlantic Ocean, sweeps point in United States. 'SdnHilHs -SMH9HEHHBPf?flMl SEASIDE MO USE, Charles Evans. THE MANSION, diaries McGlade. fela-62 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UADIS,SH0PPING, SHOULD ALWAYS MAKE IT A "POINT" TO VISIT KAUFM ANNS' ' HANDSOME AND SPACIOUS CLOAK DEPARTMENT. All things considered, you cannot spend a more profitable or pleasant hour than a call at and a leisure stroll through these vast Cloak Parlors. Why? The reason is plain. First Courteous salesmen and obliging salesladies are always ready to "show you through," whether you wish to buy or not Second Kaufmanns', being the only house in Western Pennsylvania sending its buyers to the European markets, always show the latest styles from London, the "Haute Nouveaute's" from Paris and the "Neuesten Moden" from Berlin fully two (often three -and four) weeks in advance of any other house in Pittsburg or Allegheny. Third Kaufmanns' as sortment is the Jargest in the city by big odds; to tell the truth, they show more goods in one corner of their" grand Cloak Depart ment than the entire stocks of the very houses which daily fill the advertising columns of the newspapers with loud claims and noisy pretentions. Fourth Kaufmanns' are the Pioneers and Champions of the Ladies' tailor-made garments system, and there isn't a woman in the land who doesn't prefer the superior fit and make of the tailor-made article. Fifth Kaufmanns' prices are invariably the lowest in the city. These five reasons we ask every thinking woman in both cities to consider. "Be sure you're right, then go ahead" and buy. We have just unpacked NOVELTIES in INFANTS1 SLIPS and DRESSES We have them from 19c up. Beautiful white and colored Dresses for 29c. Very handsome Dresses in flannels, basket cloths and cashmeres, also white batiste and Hamburg embroidery trimmed Dresses at 79c, 98c and upward. Infants' white and colored em broidered cashmere robes, very fine, for $1 75. Infants' Capes, with quilted satin facings, all colors, at $1. Children's cashmere and jersey Dresses, up to size 12, puffed sleeves, yokes, Mother Hubbard styles, etc., all imagineable new colors and shades, from $3 up. Look! 300 Infants' white embroidered Caps will go at 12c each. SEE OUR OWN IMPORTATION FROM PARIS -oy- LADIES' BEADED WRAPS. Our assortment of beaded spring garments is grand and superb in the extreme. We have them in silk, grenadine, cashmere and cloth, beaded all over, o- partially beaded, also with transparent beaded sleeves. Prices rang? from $2 90 up to S25. The early comers will have the advantage of making their selections from an unbroken assortment We also show a complete assortment of plain Lace Wraps, and make a specialty of Mourning Wraps and long garments. Everything we show is new and fresh not a single gar ment being from last year's origin. LADIES' NEW SPRING JACKETS The vast diversity of styles and colors of these lovely garments is only equaled by our truly gigantic assortment Description can't convey an idea of the many new conceits. Come in, see them, try them on. Get something that'll suit your form and harmonize with your complexion. Every one of our new spring Jackets is tailor made and fits to perfection. JUST RECEIVEDI .:. FRENCH SILK BASQUES Ladies, you'll find them the most artistic, tasteful and charming garments ever seen in Pittsburg. You can get any high and pro nounced color, as well as any delicate shade. All sizes and the prices are most reasonable, indeed. SZE'IEjOI-A-Xj I we have just placed on sale joo Ladies fleece-lined, tailor-made Stockinette Jackets, worth $5, at $2 39. ) KAUFMANNQ Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street. POSTSCRIPT! Now's your last chance to buy Seal Plush Sacques and Jackets for half price. We don't want to pack 'em away, if reduced prices will sell them. KAILttOADS. BALTIMORE AND OHIO KAILROAD Schednlosln ellect November 29, 13. For Washington, 1). C, Baltimore and Philadelphia, 11:30 a.m. and lOsu p.m. For Washington. 1).C, and Baltimore, f7:Q0a.m. ForCam-erland, t7:0O, '11:30 a. in., and 10:20 o. m. For Connellsvlllc. t":O0 and '11:30 a. m.. 11:00, t4:00and " For Unlontown,t7:00,, tl:0O and '4:00 p. p. For Mt. Pleasant. t7:00 and til :30 a. m,, tl:00 and M:0O p. m. For Washington, l'a.. 7:3B, 13:30 a. in., 3:33, t5:30 and "8:30 p. m. For Wheel ing, 1X3. 19:30 a.m., "3:35, 8:30 n. m. For Cin cinnati and Ht. Louis, 7:30a. m., S&Op. in. For Colnmbna, 7:30 a. m., 8:30 p.m. For Newark, 7:30, :30 a. m., 3:35. s:30 p. m. For Chicago, 7:30, t9:30a. m.. 3:33 and 3:30 p. m. Trains ar rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, 7:10 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. From Colambns, Cincinnati and Chicago. 7:i5a.m. and 9:10 p. m. From Wheeling. 7:, 10:Wa. m., t5:0, 1:10 p, m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. For Wheeling. Colambns and Cincinnati. 11 sW p m (Saturday only). ConnellsrUle ac at J3;30 am. Dallv. tOallr except Snndajr. SSnndar onlr. Thft lltthiiriyTranlcrCOTBninT will call for and check baggago lrom hotels and residences upon orders left at 11. & U. Ticket Office, corner Fifth avenne and Wood street. W. SI. CLEMENTS, CHAS. O. BCULU General Manager. Ucn. Pass. Agt. PITTSBURG AND LAKE KK115 RAILROAD COMPANY Schedule In eCcct January 13, 189, Central time: P. ills. H. It. R. DirAnT For CleTeland. 3:23, 7:40 a. it.. l:ffl, 4:1 ":30p. M. For Cincinnati, Chicago and Bt. Louis, SOS x. X., 'liSO, 9:30 P. M. For Buffalo. 10:20 A. M.. 4:15 'i-.SO r. X. For Sala manca, "7:40 A. M., l:20, 9:30 F. u. For Beaver Falls, 5:23, "7:40, 10:20 A. JI., '130, 3:30, 4:15, 5:20, 9:30 V. H. For Chanters, 535, 5:33, 60, 17:00, 7:15, 8:40, :, 9:23, 10:20 A. M.. 12:03, 12:13, 11:25, 1:45, 3:30, 4:43, '5:10, 5:20, t:X, 10:30 r. jr. ABRITI From Cleveland, 5:30 A. It.. '1:00, 5:40, "SiOO P. Jr. From Cincinnati, Chicago and Bt. Louis, '1:03, S.-OO P. II. From Buffalo, 5:30A. M., 1.-00, 5:40 P. jr. From Salamanca, 1:00, SaW P. M. From Yonngstown, 5:30, so, 9:20 A. M., "1:00, 5:40, '3:00 P. Jr. From Bearer Falls, 5:0, 0:50,7:20,9:20a. jr., 1:00. 1:35: 5:40. 8:00. P. M. From Chartlers, 6:10, 5:22, 5:30, 16:42," ; 7:08, "7:30, 8:30, 930. 10:10 A. M.. 120 noon, 12:30, 1:U. ,1:35, "3:12. 4:00, 4:13, 5:00. 5:10. 5:40. "0:12 p. M. P., McK. AY. K. K.-DEPAuT-ForNewHTcn, 5:40a. Jr., 3:55 P. JI. For West Newton. 5U5 p. JI. For New Haven, 7:00 A Jr.. Sundays, only. ARravi From New Haven. 9:C0 A. JI.. S:03 p. JI. From West Newton. 6:15, -9:00 A. jr., '3:05 P. Jb Daily. ISnndaya only. E. IIOLBKOOK. General Superintendent. A. E. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. City ticket oHcc, 401Smlthflc!d street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Iralns leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): lilttannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m. : Niagara Ex... dally. 8:45 a. m., Uulton Ac. 10:13 a.m.; Valley Camp AC, 12:05 p. m.; Oil City and Dubois Ex- SreJ3.2:(J0 p.m. ;Ilultn Ac, 3:00p.m.: Kit tannin; c, 40 p.m.; Braeburn Kx., 5:10 p.m.: Klttaan lng Ac 5:30 p. m. ; Braeburn Ac, 8:20p.m.: But ton Ac, 5o p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally, 5:50 p. m.; Uulton Ac. 9:45 n. m.: Braeburn Ac, tn rhnrch trains Braeburn. 12:40 D. m. and 9:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. u. uxlkx. u. P. A.: Vavid MCCARGO. Gen. Sunt. P. rrrsBUHG and western railway Trains (ltlstan'Qumcj j.eaiv. Arrive. Butler Accommodation Day Ex. Ak'n.Tol., CTiuKane Butler Accommodation Chicago Express (daily)...... New Castle and Greenville Ex Zellenople and Foxburg Ac. ttntl AaAmmfvlltlAn 6:00 am 7:20 am 9:20 am 12:30 pm 1:50 pm 4:40 pm 7:10 am 733 pin 4.00 Din U:0S am 9:35 am 3:30 am 2:10 pm &:tu pm Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally. - ( feU-D llAII.UOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ON AND after November 2S, lxu. trains leave Union Station, Pittsburg, as follows, Eastern btandard, Timet MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ves tibule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express dally Or the East. 3.00 a.m. Mail train, daily, except Sunday, 6:55 a. m. San day. mall, 8:40 a. m. Day express dilly at 8:00 a. m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express daily at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express dally at :15p. m. Fast Line dally at 9.C0 p. m. Greensboro express 5:10 p. in. weekdays. Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. All through trains, connect at Jersey City wlta boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. S. Y., avoiding double ferriage and Journey through N. Y. City. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally 820p.m. Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m. Paclne Express, dally 12:45 p.m. Chicago Limited Express, dally........ 8:30 p.m. Fast Line, dally 11:55 p.m. SOUTHWESr PENN RAILWAY. For Unlontown. t:45 and s:35a. m. and 433 p. m., without change of cars; 1. GO p.m., connect ing at Greensbnrg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m., 12:20. 6:15 and 830 p. m . WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDERAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City. Mall train, connecting for Blairsvllle... 8:4a a. m. Express, for Blalrsville, connecting for Butler 3:15 p.m. Butler Accom 8:20 a. m., 2:3 and 5:45 p.m. Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 630 p. m. Freeport Accom.j 4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m. On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30 p. m. North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 60 p. in. Allegheny Junction Accommodation. connecting ror Butler. 830 a. nu Blalrsville Accommodation 11:30p.m. Trains arrive at F.EDERAL STREET STAriONt Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m. Mall Train 2:35 p.m. Butler Accom 9:25 a. m., 4:40 and 730 pm. Blalrsville Accommodation 9:52 pirn. Frcenort l:3730anrill:00p. m. On Sunday 10:10a.m. and 7X0 p.m. Sprlngdale Accom. 6:37a. m., and 3:02 p. za. North Apollo Accom. .....8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. m, MONONOAHELA DIVISION.' Trains leave Union stttlon. PI tisnurg. as follows: For MononraheU Cltr. West Brownsville and Unlontown. ila. m. For Monongabela City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday. 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, S:40 . p.m., weekdays. Drarosbnrg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:50 a.1n., 2:00. 630 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p.m. ncket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try rwat anH TTaitnn air it inn ' CHAS. E. PUGH. J. K. WOOD, Gen'l Pass'r Agent. General Manager. PANHANDLE ROirrE-NOV.n. 1SES. UNION station. Central Standard Time. l,eavn for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a. in., d 8:05- and d 11:15 p. m. Dennlsan, 2:45 p. m. Chleairn 12:05, drifts p.m. Wheeling, :30 a. nC. nS Kram th- AVt- dKId rfln M -.- . Dennlsou 9:35a.m. hteubenvllie. 5ai S. m Wheeling, 1.50. 8:45 a.m.. 3:05. 5:55 p.m. BnrletSl town. 7:15a. m.,S!t-OSa.m. Washington. 6-St-S" 9:55 a. m 2:35, 630 p. m. MansfleldTs" iSk a. nu. 12:45 d 8: M and 10:00 p. ST Bulger iV ?s McDonalds. d6:35a. m.. dVaTOp. m " "P-1"' BundLy!75 8 Sand35r onl3r; " train, except 5:55, 8: a. m.. 1:51, .3:30. 4:55 p. m. Bulger, UVio a. m. Burgetutown, SU :35a.m., 5:25 p. m Mani nelo, 7:15, 11:00 a. m.. 6:30. dS:35; 10:4a am.! 5 Donalds, d 4:15. dl0:0On. m. P-ra. Mc-