.WFjFT ?j??7 !WW' TPfi'W3BfJ5 V THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, FRIDAY," FEBRUARY 15," 1889.- -t wrvw3,;JTy-'wp7 LIVE STOCK BEYIEff. Leading Features of the Week's Trade at Liberty Yards. HEAVY-WEIGHT CATTLE GO SLOW. Stockmen Sot Less Pleased Than Pack ers fl it'u Hot: Market UEDIEjI SHEEP AXD LAMBS DULL Office of the Pitisbueo Dispatch,! TnrrsnAT. Febrniry U, JSS9. The week's local receipts ol cattle are About 10 carloads less than last week and 15 less than the week before. Through re ceipts arc larger than for several months past. "With a falling off of about 300 head in local receipts, under ordinary circum stances there would be an advance in prices. The condition of the cattle trade, however, lor the past few weeks has been an exception to all rules, atid has upset all calculations of stock men. An old-time operator at the Liberty yards gives the following terse view of live stock markets: "Heavy cattle are lower than they have been sii.ee before the war. It seems that nobody wants heavy weights. Butcncrs want nothing above SJfc, and if you ask them more than 4c they get out of the cattle pens as fast as if they had been shot out by a cannon. They argue that it is impossible to compete with" Chicago dressed beef aud pay above 4c per pound. Bcete3 weighing from 1.100 to 1.200, -which can be bought from Stfc to3fc, arc in best demand. The effect of this policy is to drive combiners more and more to dressed beef. The plan adopted by our butchers to compete with the dieted beef trade is defeat ing its own end. Cattle mari:cts. according to the testimony of all Libertv stockmen, are no good. Smooth butcher stock, ranging from 1,100 to 1,400, by a pmchliold their own, as compared with last week's prices. Heavier grades go begging at a decline or 10 to lo cents from last week's prices. When 1,000-pound steers sell at SKc. as they have done this week, and the same would have bi ought 6c a few months ago, it is clear enough to a blind maa that profits to butchers are large now, or !oscs wcie large then. It is ponsibic batchers were working for glory last summer. Verily they have their reward now. Receipts at Chicago to-day were 2S.000head and yesterday 20.OU0 head, with market steuly. At Liberty markets opened weak this morning and prices declined 10c from cstcrda's rates. Before the decline packers here found it profit able to order their hogs from Chit ago. I. re quired the drop of 10c to make au inducement to buy at home "Tlie hog market,"' said one of the leading operators in this line, at Liberty to-dav, s worse than foraveek past," Per contra, a leading packer said, "markets arc coining to where they should have been weeks ago. and bogs are now to be had at a price where there is some margin of profit on products, which lias not been the case since the season opened m November, until the past wtek. hcrp and Lamb. Through local receipts of sheep are smaller th ncek than last, prices vcakeced after Mcncviv because of unfavorable news from Eastern maikets, and are 10c off from prices of las: week r-n all bat very choice grades, which are scarce. Light and medium lambs are hard to selL Follow ing i the report of the w eek's transac tions at the Liberty yards: iiecxhts. cattle. ijiogs. sheer Thro. I Local. ' Thursday 1.SM. Sll .4751 1.100 Fridav GJO, SO 2.700 1,7M Saturday NJ -), 2.250! 1,K0 hunday 1 7 T.lOOi 6.2S0 Moniisv VM . 93 2,0251 tSO Tuesday 120 1,it0 S.IW) Wednesday 1,23) 40 4,725 3.9G0 Total 5,230 1,4V 23,175 20,460 Listwcefc 2,010 1,0(10 20,325 22.S50 Thnrsday 20 1.479 Friday. 2. 1,791 51 Saturday is Ttn s;) J'omUy I,C5I 7,2" 4.127 Unesday 2c,t! 1.1501 4.5IH Wednesday 71 2,003 . 849 a Total .. 1,429. 13.031 10.34.1 " Last week 1,593 10,793 10.146 By Teicarnnh. Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 4.104 head; shipments. 2.C32 lipad; market slow; beet steers Eteadyto 10; lower; cows about steady; stockers and iceding steer active and stead-: good to choice, corn fed, S3 7T,1 10; co'mmon to medium, S2 80 50; stockers and feeding steers. SI W?3 20; cows. SI 252 TO. Hogs Receipts, 9.7J4 head; shipments, 2,GiG; light weight about steadj; mixed and heavy oc low er: market closed a slia'le stronger; gooa to choice. S4 3044C; common to medium, SI 15J 4 25. Sheep Receipts, 1,019 head; shipments, 670 head; market steady; good to choice mut tons, J4 254 50; common to medium, j2 50 8 80. Nev York Beeves No arrivals; no mar ket: dressed beef dull at oVfgTJc for native sides with general sales ot lair to good beef at 60c Sheep Receipts. 6,500 head, and 2.000 hcail earned over from yesterday; very slow tiade, but prices were fairly maintained for good stork; roor to prime sheep sold at H 0TS5 75 per 100 pounds; common to best lambs, S6 006 87J, and a deckload of verv poor lambs at S4 2a, dressed mutton anil at 7 bK" per pound; dressed lambs about steady at c10Uc, with a few choice heavy lambs at lie Ilogs Receipts. L250 head, with 10 car loads to arrive: none offered alive; nominal value, So 20g5 SO per 100 pounds; dull feeling. St. Lotris Cattle Keccints. 1,300 head; ship ments STO head: market steady; choice heavv native steers. S3 80gl 30; fair to good do, SO 3 73; butchers' steers, medium to choice, S2 40 3 10; stochcrs and feeders, lair to good. SI 75ffl 2 M: rangers.com-fcd.S3 0V5,340; grass-f ed.Sl S0 '210. Hog Receipts. 4,100 head; shipments. 1,300 head; market sto.-ulv: choice heavy and butcher?' selections, SI S05J4 4j: packinc, we diuin to prime, S4 30ii:4 50: light grades, ordi nary to best, S4 504 55. Sheep Recclnts, COO head; shipments none: market firm; fair to choice, W U)(S4 75. CniCAOo Cattle Keccints. 13.000 head: ship ments, 4,000 head: market slow and weak; choice to extra beeves, $1 25JM SO; steers, J3 00g4 10; stockers and feeders, S2 305? 5 35: cows, balls and mixed, SI 455 30. Hogs Receipts. 26,000 head; shipments. 10,000 bead; market weaK and 10c low en mixed, 51 40 j?4 ; heavy. SI JO; light. Si 504 75; pig,, $4 00 r?u 00. Sheep-Receipts, 10,COOhe.-.d; shipments 4.000 hood: market Eiow and 010c lower: na tives. S3 50SS 13: nesterns, corn-fed. SI 10 4 65; lambs. S4 C0S0 25. BvffjlIa Cattle Receipts, LCOO bead through: UK) bead sate: steadv; mixed butchers, S2 503. Sheep and lambs Receipts.1,400 bead through; 6,400 head sale; weak and 25c lotvrr: good sheep. SI 404 75; good lambs. So 75 6 2i Higs Receipts. 4,800 head through; 4.350 bead --ale; market slow, 515c lower; mediums. S4 70; Yorkers, S3 00. Haltlmore Beef cattle slow and values c lower: average quality better; best heevp.4KS 4'c; ccncially rated first quilitv. 3Jjle; medium or good fair quality, SvJc; ordmarv thin steers, ovf-n. cows. 24$oc IteceiDts, 1,031 bcatl; sale-. KV head. Receipts of sheep and lambs, 1.S32 head; quotations, sheep, 3K5Kc; Uinbb. 4).0c Cincinnati Hogs qnict; light lower; com mon and iighu $3 0OJJ4 7.i: packingand butchers'. S4 434 65; rectipts, 2,505 head; shipments, 1,185 head. Rnllwny Enterprises in Pern. The Peruvian Minister nf Public Works has . cotified bis intcntion'ot granting a concession for the construction ofarailwaybetween L.ma I tad Pisco, which will no donbt greatly tend to develop the resources of the country, as it tv ill open up the rich districts betueen lea and ltiny, and facilitate the tranoport of ore oli tzincdin the Castrovirreyna mines. The rail way v.ill also pass through the saltpeter-prod uc inc district of Lnma. A branch line is alo to be constructed from Islay to Arequipa. Puno and Cuzca, and there is no doubt that the port of Islay will shortly supersede that of Mol lendo. Drysood. New- York. February 14. There was Im proved business in drygoods to-day with both jobbers and agents, with more confidence and a better tone to the market due to the low condi tion of stocks and to the firm attitude of agents m reference to the recent price cutting of jobbers. Demand is expected to improve for cotton goods. The jobbing trade is entering upon a stage of activitv. Tho woolen goods' Mason shows signs of being nearly over as re gards first orders, the result being better than was anticinatcd. V. hen baby was sick, we qave her Castoria w hen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, wheu she became Miss sl)o clung to Castoria, t hen she had Chddren, she gave them Castoria. mkll-hGO-MWF&SO MABKETS BY TOE. Humors of Pollllcnl Trouble in Europe Giro Whcnt-a ItncUset Corn and Oats Mronitpr Hoc Product Rulo Quiet and Steady. Chicago With the exception of a tem porary spurt, at which time a fair business in wheat was transacted, the market to-lay ruled rather quiet and tame. Outside business showed a marked falling off and local traders also restricted their operations. The opening was Jlc per bushel lower, influenced by tho dull and weak tenor of European market ad vices, and after some slight fluctuations prices declined c more. Later the market advanced lc, partly on report of 100,000 bushels No. 3 red wheat being taken at Buffalo by Cleveland millers, and also by a rumor of some European political troubles, but rather free selling at the advance turned the course of the market down and prices receded IjSc, part ot which decline was very sudden, and the closing for May was about ljfc lower than yesterday, while June and July closed the same as yesterday. Home markets are all lower. It was reported that some 200,000 bushels of wheat had been bought in New York the last few days by New York millers. Corn ruled quiet and steady, with trading of alight volume, fluctuations being within c range. The feeling around the opening was easy, after which a bettcrtone was developed and transactions were at a higher range of prices. Oats were somewhat more active. A stronger feeling prevailed and prices averaged higher. A roodcratclv active trade was reported in mess pork. Prices ruled irregular, though confined within a comparatively narrow range. Opening ales were made at 1212I5c de cline, but a good demand from local and out side operators rallied prices again 15c During the latter part of the session prices gradually receded 1012c, and the market closed quiet. Trading was only fair in lard and the feeling was steady. Prices ruled 2KJc lower and the market closed quiet at about outside figures. Short ribs wero quite active Prices aver agsd higher within a comparatively narrow range, clo-ing at about the outside figures. The leading tutures rancea as follows: WnEAT So. 2. February. SI O4M01 WK 1 0?Kgl 03K: May. SI 07?(C1 0S1 06J? I 00jf; Julv, UaVQui);92?4'683ia Cork No. i February, 3l3i33&;031e: March. 34'i3134KeSJJic; May, 35JS35K 35W"5i- Oats No.2. February. 25252323c: March, eS'ac; May, 2TK272'KZ 27-.C. Mrss Pork, per bbl. Fcbruarv. Sll 10 II 10010 9510 95; March. Sll 12)11 12K 11 OOgll 00; May, Sll 17KH 32)411 15 11 22i. Laud, oer 100 Its. Febrnarv, S6 5M?6 57K 6 .VrfSO S:y.; March. SC KJfjiO S7K6 525a 6 u7: Mav;S3 C56 07KF 6 &!KG 0. Cash Quotations were as loilows: Flour steadv and unchanged. No.2 spring wheat. inal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 5SK1 59. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 00. Lard, per 100 lbs S6 57K (i 60. Short ribs sides (loose), $5 So(ti 05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). So oti567. Short clear sides (boxed). S6 12K6 25. Receipts Flour, S.000 barrels; wheat. 25,000 bushels: corn. 139.000 bushels: oats. 106,000 bushels: rye. 4,000 bushels: barley, 20,0PO bushels. Shipments Flour. S.O0O liarrels: wheat, 30.000 bushels; corn. 135,000 bushels: oats. 02.000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels: barlev, 43,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was steady and unchanged. Eggs steady and unchanged. New YonK Flour dull and easier. Wheat Snot dull and Jic lower: options 5g5c low er and fairly active. Earley dull; ungraded Cam da. 75S3c Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot weaker; options moderately active: April c lower; other months firmer. Oats Spot quiet and weaker; options dull and steady. Hay firm and in fair demand. Hops quiet and firm. Coffee Options opened quiet; June 5 points up; others unchanged to 5 point3 down; closed barely steadv. at 510 points below yes iTda: sales. 29.000 bags Including Fehrnary, 15.65c; March. 15.70laS0c: April. 15 60(gl5.75c; Mav. 15.63S15.S0c: June, 15.751j.85c; Julv. 15iS015.li5: Augu't. 16.05c; September, 16.00 16.10e; October, 16.05: 'pot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, 17J4c Sugar Raw strong: fair refin ing, 4 13-16c:"centrifu!rals 00 tPSt, 5 9-16c; refined quiet and steady. MolassCs Foreign neglected; New Orleans quint. Rice quiet and strong. Cot tonseed oil weak and dull: crndc. 41c; yellow, 4Sc TalIoweaierat55-16c. Rosin strong and in fair demand: strained, common to good, $1 05 (Tl 07. Eggs In large supply, dull and weaken western. 14,14c; receipts. 5.2D3 packages. Pork more active: old mess. 512 25: new mess, S12 5Q5J12 75; extra prime, S12 0012 25. Cut meats fairly active; pickled bellies 12 ponnds at 7ic, 13 piiunds at 7c, 10 pounds at 8c; pickled shoulders. 66Jr; pickled hams. 9J10Jc: middles weak; short clear. $6 60. Lard steadv; better export: Hchtsnecnlatlbn: sales, western steam, 57 0007 05. cTosinir at S7 00; citv. S6 65; Febrnarv. SO 99; March. SO 99; April, SO 99; Mav, S6 !m 00, closing at 57 00; June. S7 01: Jnl'v, 56 KVi7 01. closing at S7 01; August, $7 03: Sep tember, S7 05. Butter in moderate demand; choice uteadj-; western dairy, 13iJ20c; do cream cry, lCt2DVfe; Elgins, 31g32c Cheese dull; west ern. lOJifillc St. Louis Flour quiet but steady. Wheat Market was extremely unsettled with rapid and rather -iolent fluctuations in priee.but the close was onlv Je below yesterday; No. 2 red, cash. 96Kc bid. 7c asked: May. 97'.W?c, closed at fiSo bid; June, 95c, closed at 95V?c; Jnly, 83Jbfic, closed at S6c bid; August, Sjc, closed at 85e nominal. Corn Trading slack and market unchanged; No. 2 mixed. cah, Z?4W;c; March, 2SKc. closed at 2SVfc bid; M.iv. 30-sg:30Jic, cIocf at 30?30&c bid: Julv, 3132c, clod at 31Kc bu'l Augnt, 32Jc. Oats steady: No. 2 cash.23Kc; May. 2G-Vc bid. Rje-No. 2. 43c. Birley-Nothing doipg. Flaxseed, $1 50 pure test. Provisions dull. Pork Sll 75. Lard Prime steam SG 5a Dry s-ilt meats Shoulders. $5 35: longs and ribs SO 15: short clear. $6 2006 30. Bacon Boxed shoulders SG 370 50: longs and ribs, S6 87X 7 05: short clear, $7 107 2a Cincinnati Flour easier. Wheat easier; No. 2 red. SI 00: receipts, 500 bushels; sbiv ments 3.000 bushels Corn ea-ier and lower; No. 2 mixed. 35c Oats heavv; No. 2mixed, 27M 28c. Rve dull; No. 2, 54c. Pork dull and lower at Sll 75. Lard easier at $6 50. Bulkmeats easy; short rib, S6 12K. Bacon easr; short rib clear, S7 60. Eggs barely steady. Cheese firm. Philadelphia Flour firm. Wheat opened a shade lower, but recovered with Chicago, and closed firm at about yesterday's final prices Corn steady and in fair demand for local consumption and export. Speculators doing nothing. Oats Car lots quiet but steady. Milwaukee Flour SteadilVTicld. Wheat neglected; cash, 92c; May, 94Ji'c; Julv, 93Kc Corn dull; No. 3, 29Jc Oats inactive: No. 2 white, 28c Rye steady; No. 1, 45c Barley weak; No. 2, 58c Provisions steadv. Pork, Sll la Lard, S6 57. Cheese firm; Cheddars. lOKc Baltimore Provisions quiet and steadv. Butter firm for best trades: western packed. 165S20c: best roll. 13017c: creamery, 2229c Eggs firm at llf UJc Coffee steady; Itio, fair, 17Jc Toledo Clovcrsced dull and steady; cash. February, SS i5K March. S5 20. PITTSBDRG IEOX. Tho market continues in an unsatisfactory condition so far as business is concerned. Pig is very weak at the quotations, but furnacemen think prices have touched bottom. There is a moderate demand for pipe from the oil conn ti y. There continues to be considerable talk of S2"mils in the spring. PIG Inox Neutral Gray forge, $13 00Q15 23, cash; wlite and mottled, S14 w:14 50. cash; all ore mill. S15 7516 00, cash: No. 1 foundry, S17 i:&S17 50, cash; No. 2 foundry. Siti 5016 75, cash; No. 2 charcoal fimmlrv.Kl 0021 .0. cash: cold blast charcoal, $25 002S 00, cash; Bessemer iron. SIS 73317 00. cash. Fekro-Mangakes": Eightv oer opnt.SOS 00 S 00: spcigel-eisen, S28 0028 60 for a per cent cash. JIasufactured Iron Bars, $1 751 SO, fin da s. 2 per cent off; skelp, grooved, SI SOgl 83; sheared. SI 95g2 00. MUCK BAK $27 502S 00 are the extremes Billets Bessemer steel, S2S 00 cash: nail slabs, S27 752S 00; domestic bloom and rail enils,J19 0019 5O. N'AlLS-lJarlots 12d to 40d, SI 90, CO days; 2 per cent off for cash. Wrought Iron Pirc Discounts on steam, gas and water pipe: I lack. to lf-inch, 55 per cent, 1 to 12 inches, 65; galvanized, 'i to I-inch, 47U per cent: 1H to 12 inches, 55 per cent: oil well casing, 60 per cent: 5-inch cas ing, 37K per net foot; 2-tuch tubing, 13c: boiler tubes, 62J, aud oil well casing, TO per cent off large lots. JlERcnAXT Steel Tool, 8c; crucible spring, 4c; crucible machinery, 5c; open hearth machinery. 2c Rail Fastenings Spikes, 2c per pound, SO days; splice bars 1.801 83c per pound; snuaro nut track bolts 2.85c and hexagon nut. 2.9042 2.93c f. c b. Pittsburg. Old Rails American tecs S24 0024 50 steel do, SIR -30 for short, $19 50 for long. Steel Rails Heavy sections S23g29 cash, at works. ScnAr Ikon No.l wrought, J2121 25 pernet ton; cast scrap, S1550Ifi:wionght turnings, $13 (i. net: cast borings. S1213, gross: car axles. &5 00625 SO, net; old car wheels, $19 00019 50, gross; rail ends, Sl 5020 00; bloom do, $19 60, cash. Metal Slnructs New York Pig Iron American active at $19 UX Coppernorainal; lake. February, J16 63. Lead dull and heavy; domestic, S3 6o. Tin steady; Straits, ill 35. A GOOD DETECTIVE. How Insurance Agents Head Off Pre varicating Customers. SECRECY IN REAL ESTATE DEALS. Petroleum -Again falls Short of Beaching ing the Coveted Dollar Line. VARIATIONS OF THE STOCK MARKET Insurance agents have the business down to a fine point. It is next to impossible to deceive them. By means of colored maps they can at a glance tell the conditions and surroundings o( every piece of property in the two cities and suburbs whether it is brick, frame or composit, dwelling, factory or stable, with the kind of roof and other features which are necessary for the under writer to know. The Dispatch represen tative examined several volumes of the maps yesterday. They are elaborately gotten up and are as accurate as it is possible to make them. They cost about S10 a voume. Two or three incidents of recent occurrence may be cited to illustrate the value of these maps in detecting misrepresentations on the part of applicants for insurance An Allegheny man made application to a Wood street under w ritcr for a 83,000 policy. He was requested to describe his property When he had finished the underwriter turned to bis colored map, looked up the property in question, and prompt ly told his customer that he had made several important misrepresentations He had given an incorrect description of the roof. He had stated that the house was of brick throughout whereas the rear portion was frame. The sur roundings had also been incorrectly stated. The Alleghcnian, finding be was cornered, franklyacknowledgedhiserror.butpalliatedtho offense by saying, be didn't think it would make any difference. Another man repre sented his premises as free from dangerous en vironments. A glan'co at the map showed that within a few feet of his coal shed were a num ber of old wooden buildings belonging to a foundry. .The latest instance was that of a suburban gentleman who said bis house bad a slate roof. Tbe 'map showed that it was of shingles." "These maps are tho best detectives in tbe world." said the gentleman who had them in charge. The Real Estate Exchango project is coming to a head by easy stages It is the general opinion that it will be a go. At a meeting of the general committee at the ofiice of Thomas Liggett, a sub-committee was appointed to draw up a plan of procedure and issue a call to all the real estate men of the city to come to gether and take definite action in the matter. This meeting will be heldsome time next week probably Monday or Tuesday. One of the propositions that will bo considered at this meeting will be in relation to the selection of a building suitable for the purposes of the ex change. Some propose to buy one on Fourth avenue its location they desire withheld at present and remodel it to conform to the plan they have drawn up. They think they could do this at less expense than to put up a new building. "Tho real estate business Is far more active than published reports show it to be," said a prominent Third avenne dealer yesterday. "A large number of sales are not repoited," he continued, "simply because the buyers or sellers sometimes both object on account of tho notoriety tbe announcement would give them. I have sold, perhaps $75,000 worth of property within the past week or ten days that the public knows nothing about, I would be willing to publish the facts, but must obey the wishes of my customers I know of a suburban deal involving over 200 acres of ground that has been on the string for some time and may come to a head any day, but the agent who is handling it does not make the fact known, lest it injure his business For myself I think all deals when consummated should be made pub lic They would make a big showing and add immensely to the prestige of the city in a busi ness point of view. There is less secrecy to our business than there formerly was, and I think the time Is coming wheu everything will be done openly." LOSSES ASD GAIKS. La Norin, Sn-ilcb nnd Wheeling Hlsher Piiilndelphin and Electric Lower. At the stock market yesterday ia Noria again cime to tbe front, being both higher and active, contributing 500 shares to a to.al of 915 sold. Other stocks that showed advances were Switch and Signal and Wheeling gas. Electric, Philadelphia Gas and the Tractions wero weaker. . MOUNIXn. AFTERSOON. Bid. Aiked. Hid. Asked. 525 B2 74 96 9S 62 ; i6i 122 130 69 Cl K0.S 61 .... 61 9.1 2C9 .... 210 .... 50 .... 605f 5.i ss ws,i ss are 29V 30 2!4 aj 3H 35f ZH 3V o 77 75 77 7 .... 4S .... 23 23' 23 .... tn n is in 154 Vi Kllf 40' 3iT 40V( 18 18M IS I8M . 61 CJ stocks. Tilts. 1'ct.S.AM.Ex.. Allcsbenv Nat. Hank. Bank of Pittsburg Com. Nat. Bank Citizens' Nat. Bank... Hrst.Nat.Bankntts'g Fourth :at. Bank Iron A Glass Dol. bix. .Masonic liank iter. A Man- Nat i nk. SIttropolitan Nat. Bnk Pitts S. U'k kim Freehold Bank Pittsburg Gas Co.. III. Chartltri. Valley Gas.. l'hilidelnhla Ut Wheeling Uas Co Columbia Oil Citizens' Traction Pittsburc Traction Central Traction La Noria M. Co fcilTertonM. Co..i West'house Elcc' Union Switch ihlKnal. West'house B. Co.L't. Ex-dlv. At the morning call 100 shares Philadelphia Gas sold at SS; 50 Wheeling, b. o. 30, at 30: 100, b. o. 20. at 30;300 La Noria at 1. hnd 200 at . In the afternoon SO Switch and Signal went atl8:50HazelwoodOil at 3 and 85 Phila delphia Gas at 33. Tbe total sales of stocks at New York yester dav were 256,238 shares inluding: Atchison, 17.84S; Canada Southern. 5.S30: DelawarcLacka wanna and Western, 30.780; Erie. 8,780; Mich igan Central. 4.431: Missouri Pacific, 4.000; Northwestern, 10.080; Reading, 15.200; Rich mond and West Point, 14,795; St. PaiiI. 11,:30: Texas Pacific, 5,900; Union Pacific, 11,320. IX BETTER DEMAND. Tbe Banks Find Employment for Some of Tbclr Surplus Cnsli. There was a "moderate demand for money yesterday, nhich helped business at the banks but In other respects the situation was practically the sarao as heretofore reported, At present oil speculators are the best borrow ers Tbe Clearing House report was the lareest of the week, the exchanges being $2,158,245 14 and the balances $420,914 18. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 1KQ2 per cent, closed offered at 1. Prime mercantile paper, 4B. Sterling ex change quiet but steady at 51 SG for 60 day bills and 54 Si for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York famished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros, Wood street. Xiocal dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: U.S.4Vs. rig U. S. 44S coups U. S.4s, reg U. S.4J.1K0". coups Currencv, 6percenu 1895 rcg- Currency, 6pcrcent. ;8Grcsr. Currency, 6 per rent, 18S7 rcg , Currency, 6pcrcent, IsSsreg Currency, 8 per cent, ISO) rcg 10701108 id) rriosj4 isifffircj 1129 Bid. 120 1 '4 :""'.i2 12b 'i UVA New York Clearings, S12L926.943; balances $4,793,875. Boston Clearings $14,424,692; balances, Sl, 865,211. Money, 1 P6 cent. Baltimore Clearings, $2,185,746; balances, 5370,835. PniLADELPniA Clearings $10,940,031; bal ances 91,531,324. Chicago Money easy at 67 per cent Bank clearings, S9.385,00a St. Louis-Clearings 3,147,983; balances $642,077. EVERYTHING BULLISH. Oil Continues Iti Steady Advance Toward tbe Dollar Line. The oil marttet yesterday was bullish and active. It opened at 8S advanced on good buying to 9 then broke1 to SS, and closed strong at 91. There was heavy trading all along the line. New York was a steady buyer all day. It was reported that late In the day Hilton, of Oil City, dumped a 10,000 block at each & advance. Hero there were quite a number of 25.000-barrel deals The feeling was very firm at the finish, with visions of dollar oil in the near future darzjing the eyes of many of the dealers Everything had a bullish flavor. Carrying was 10 cents to flat after the close. v The" foUowinR tabic, correclea ny lie Witt Dll worth. broker fn petroleum, etc.. corner rtrin avenue and Wood street, Ptllsbnrjr, shows tne order of fluctuations, etc: lime. Blit. Ask. I Time. Bid. Art- Opened S Sa's12:45r. M.... 893 j 10:15A. .... S3 S1H 1:001". M... WM 90H 10:30a. .... t saxl i:tsp. m.... wj JI 10:45A. M.... 8fl M 1:30 P. M.... fOH 0j 11.-00A. 11.... 89H )! 1:45P. M.... 8 i 11:13 A. .... 8?' MK 2:00 P. M.... 91 9I 11:30a. U.... 835-S SM. M5P. M.... 91 91 ll:45A. M.. 89 S! 2:30r. M.... SIM ? K:00M...:... 8)V 89?ji 2:45P. JI.... 9I 91Jj 1Z::5P. m.... 89' 8'iJs,Ctoed 91,"3 .... 12:30r. M.... 83Hf 69"4i I Opened. S3Mc: Ulfthest, 91$.'3i lowest, 695ici clou-0, 91'jc. , Barrels. Drily runs .Jp Avcraiternn Daily sntmnents - SJ ATeraire rhtpmenls t ??; llallr cnarters - S?5S Avcraee etiarters .S'Si Clearances 2,849,000 'ew York closed at tlc Oil Cltv closed at 915c. Itrailiorn closed at 9J"i" New VorK. rerined. ..20c London. reUned. 6 9-ltiJ. Antwerp, retincil. 17jr. Other OH 3tnrketsw Bradford. February 14. Opened, hlghcs.t. SlJic; lowes:, SSic: closed. 91Kc On. City. February 14. Opened. 89Ji hlSn est, 91Jc; lowest, 89Jic; closed, 91c Titusville. Februan- 14. Opened. 89Jic; highest, 91c: lowest, 89Kc: closed, 91c New York, February 14. Petroleum opened firm at69Jio and declined to S9-C in the early trading. A sharp turn was then caused on buying by Standarl oil brokers, and on the an nouncement of an advance in refined the mar ket advanced sharply and sold at 91?-(c, closing strong at 91c Sales, 3,403,000 barrels WANT TO LEAVE THE CITY. A Growing Demand for Building Sites in the Suburbs. There was only a moderato movement in real estate yesterday, so far as could be learned. House renters were out in full force There was quito a demand for lots in tbe suburbs. No important deals were consummated. Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for George W. Acklin, sq.. two lots on the corner of Atwood and Bates streets, Oakland, size 42x100. for $2.t50. The purchasers will com mence building as soon as the weather per mits. Ewine & Byeip sold to Mrs. M.Haley a frame house of four looms and attic on Tenace ave nue. Second ward, Allegheny, for $1,530 cash. W. A. Herron & Sous sold one acre of ground and six roomed frame house at Grove station, Pittsburg and Castle Shannon Railroad, for $2,100. Samuel W. Black t Co.,' 99 Fourth avenue, sold a mortgage for $15,030 for five years at 5 per cent, free of State tax, on a three-story business block on Penn avenue near Tenth street. Ev, ing tBvers sold for Thomas Henly to J. V. Yost No. 71 Boyle street. Third ward, Alle gheny, a brick house, six rooms and hall, lot 18x90 feet, more or less, to a 20-foot alley, for $4,(O0 cash. Mellon Bros sold to George and Elizabeth Taylor a four-roomed house and lot, 21x100 feet. Broad street. Nineteenth ward, for $2,200. Black & Baird sold to William Walls for the Peoples' Savings Bank a lot on Lebanon street. Twenty-seventh ward. South'ine. 25x75 feet on whirh is erected a two-story frame dwelling, for $500; also sold to J. A. Lawson for Henry Kreiline two lots, Nos 17 and 40, in the C. A. Campbell plan on Charles street, Allegheny City, for $1,000. GOOD KEWS From the West Gives Stocks n Boom Coalers and Granscru tbo Strongest on the List Railroad Bonds Reflect tho Improved Feeling. New York, February 14. The Western rail road situation had a much better aspect to-day, and this caused an improved feeling on the street, which was reflected in a more general upward movement, although theadvances were small but uniform. The Chicago advices wero of a decidedly hopeful tenor.and that center' for tho time beingceased tobb the fountain of bear ism information, and the selling of the Grang ers was almost entirely confined to the local Operators for a decline. But these receiving no aid from the usual source turned and began to cover, which resulted in making the Grangers and Coalers, which have so lately beenthe special weak points Ip the market, the strong est stocks on the list. The leports said that two more roads had signed the agreement, and that the success or failure of the undertaking rested principally ith the president of the Illinois Central road, and as no one man would be likely to put himself in tho position of gen eral marplot the inference was that the end was not f.ir off. There was some hesitation in the early trad ing, and the bears renewed their attacks upon Burlington, but met with no success whatever, and soon ceased their operations, when a marked rally took'place all over the list There was a renewal of the effort in the afternoon, but the same result followed and the stock was one of the most prominent in showing a gain at the close. ' The specialties wro again con spicuous, and some marked gams were made among them, while the general list was firm, but without any very strong tendency either way. and the final changes are in most cases fofiiisigniilcant amounts. ,Tlie opening prices were but slightly chanced from last night's fig ures The market was verv quiet, with a firm tone, but the attack upon Burlington caused a yieldingall over thelist and prices were brought ilon to a shade below those of the opening, Burlington touching 99. which was its lowest figure tor the day, Chicago Gas was the strong spot In the list, and a sudden change in the temper of tbe gen eral list occurred at' 11 o'clock, everything moving up with a will ana the Grangers and Coalers taking the lead. The market displa ed more activitv this timo than at any other time of tbe day. Dullness followed and a portion of the morning's improvement was lost, but an other raid upon Burlington failing to have any marked effect, covering was indulged in to a largo extent, and the market again showed animation with decided strength in the last hour. The rehont'd in Burlington was very sharp, and tho best price of the day was reached just before the close, which was active and firm to strong generally at lractional advances for tho day. There were no declines of impor tance. Burlington rose 1, Chicago Gas 1. and Big Four and Chicago and East Illinois proferred 1 per cent. Railroad bonds also showed tho effects of the improved feeling, and with a somewhat larger business displayed a stronger tone, and final figures generally show advances. The sales were $2,120,000. of -which S43S.0UO were Chesa peake and Ohio fives and $130,000 Eric seconds. The principal gains wero Denver and Rio Grando Weitcnn firsts 2 to 90. and Pittsbuig, Paiuesville and Fairport firsts 3 to 99. The following table shows the pricesof active stocks on tbo New York Stock Exchange. Corrected aailj for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Open- HiRh- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Inc. Am. Cotton Oil SV oi-j Ateh.. Top. & S. '.... 5W M'S S3 53 Canadian Pacific 52 5:j 52)4 M' Canada Southern H 5''4 56Ji W Central or New Jersey. M!4 9S!4 98 9S CcntralPacllic Hi. 33k 3.-.T r.M C, Hur. & Qulncy ... 9ilH louj s 101) C, -Mil. &St. l'aul... 01 614 63Jf 61! C, JIU.A fet. P., pt 9J'A C, Itockl. &l' M's 07 D.v 90V C bt. L. & I'ltts l"!i ny ls'i 18' a, M. L. Pitts, pi'.. 41 42 4$ 4I3 C, M. P.. M. A 0 32 S2 M!j 31 a. st. p.,m. so., pr. so aJ Northwestern. ..:1I51 1)$ !; lccij C& JSortliwestern, pr.Hl 141 im- H04 U. U. C &.J 74', U 733,' , 73js Col., Coal A Iron So 36 35 3.-. Col; & Hocking Val 27 Del?, L. & V I 14iy 1 ir.i Del. & Hudson ST.' 137H VXH J 36 Denver .tlMolt iiiST Denver i Itlo 0., pr... 43U 43V 43W 43K E.T., Va. (Sa 9 Jt M 9 E.T.,Va. Jfctia., lstpr 70 E. T., Va. & Ga. 2d pf. liy Zii 23K 22 . Illinois Central JU7J4 1KM Wi l(bli l.nkeKrle.t Western.. 18 it 18K lay Lake Erie & West. pf.. fc)a 58', ss'$ SSH Lake Shore & M. S IM'j 104-s 1C4S 104- Louisville. t Nashville. l 60S 60 61 H Miclii;raii Central WM 91'a Wi 91? Mobile Ohio ! .... 9 Mo K. JiTcxas 2 Mbsouri Pacific .".. 72y T3J T1H 13 New York Central. jmk N. Y.. L. E. &V IS MX 2f,V 3J, N.Y., !.. W.preroi 03 csS 635,' N. Y., 0. &bt. L 19 IS ID 19 N. Y.. U ft St. L. pr. 74 N.Y., C. &6t.L.2dpf 43' N.YAM.E 48! 49 4S 43 '. Y..O.&W Ml UH 18 18J orfolfc ft Western.... 17iJ 17 I7s 17 Nortolk ft Western, pf 52 52U 51& 52 .Northern Pacific 27f Northern l'aciflc prcr. SZ4 62J4 62 G2S4. Ohio ft Mississippi... . 24 24 23M 23"j! Oregon Improvement. t9 61 65 CSJ Oregon Transcon...... 33j 33y zi'4 33"J PacitlcMail as 3s, jsZ Ss 1'co. Dec. ft Kvans 274 2 ZIH 27 Phlladel. ft ltcadliiKw 43 4S 4S 4s0 Pullman Pabicc Car...2l,4 202 201 2)2 ltichmond ft W. P. T.. 27S 27V Wt 73'i KIchmondftW.P.T.pfS2 tax S2 81 St. Paul Duluth .... 3 St. Paul ft imluth pf. to St. 1'., Minn. Man. ..103 10313 ai 1R3! St. Ij. & San Krnn 2GU aiw SM 26 St. L. ft San Fran pr.. MM 6tV 04 St. L. ft San K.lst pr. 110J4 Texas Pacific..,. 2IH J2K 215f 22X Union Pacific KH 06 65K C5!i Wabash .:'.'. 13S 27 Mi 6SH Wheeling ft L. K 66K " Bicrii uuiuu., cJ7a cm .1, 66X BOSTON STOCKS. Tho Larger Proportion of tho Market Wni Wenk nnd Heavy. Boston, February 14. General loans remain qnlet and easy at 23 on call and 3J$3 for time paper. Government bonds are firm at 103109K for 4Ks; 120129 for 4s and 120 131 for Gs. Sterling exchange steady at 4 08 for sight. Si 86 for 60-day and 54 &i for com mercial bills In the absence of bearish news the bulls took advantage of the short' interest in C, B. & Q., Atchison and one or two other stocks, and ad van cell them, but the larger proportion of the list was weak and heavy. Atch.ftToc..lst7s. 118KIWls.Centrat.com... 16K Wis. Central, com. Wis. Central nf.. A.jT. I.ana;r'i7g.iiz Atch. ftTop. K. K... 53!S Boston ft Albany. ..215 lloston ft Jtlaine 156 C, u;&0 100K Clun. San. ft Cleve. M Eastern It. It 79 Flintft Pereat 29 1'llntftPcreM. DM. W Little K. Jk Tt. S. 7s. 107 AllouczM'irCo.(new) ZH Calumet ft Hecla....262 Catalna .' 15 franklin 14 Huron 4 Osceola 10 Pewablc (new) AH Qnlncy 67 Hell Telephone. 222) Boston Land 7h Woicr Power 7 MexlcanCen.com.. 13 "i, u., lsijnon. dus. .u'4 N. V. Nwfnr... 4SWlTamarack 140 N. Y.&NewEng 7s.l27 San Diego 21 Old Colony 172 Philadelphia Stocksi Closlnfrnnotatlons of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stepheuson. brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. KM. Asked. Pennsylvania KaUroad 5-K Keailing KaUroad 21.S 21 7-16 jiuuaio, jriiisqurg ana tvestera..... 10-3 Lehhth Valtev : SH Lehlirli NavlpAtlnn 52 54 JS 524 Northern Pacific 27'i 27U Northern Pacific preferred 62J 62H minlns Stocks. " New York, February 14. Mining stocks clnsed: Amador, 150; Caledonia. 270; Consoli dated California and Virginia, 730; Common wealth, 475; Deadwood, 150: Gonld and Cnrrv, 65; Hale and Norcross. 333; Homestake, 1250; Iron Silver. 310; Mexican. 305; Ontario, 3337; Plymouth, SS7: Sierra Nevada, 2S0; Standard, 150: Small Hopes, 105; Sullivan, 125; Union Consolidated, 280. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The United States gunboat Yorktown made several satisfactory trials of speed yesterday at the Delau are breakwater. The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday afternoon accepted the following bonds: 4is, registered. $5,000 at 1U9J: $40,000 at 109: ilis, coupon. $310,000 at V8. Further advices from Shanghai by tho China steamer state that the famine in Anhni and Kianqsu is worse. In on? province &"J,CC0 families are starving, and altogether several millions are suffering from famine, caused by drought two years in succession. The President yesterday sent tbo following nominations to the Senate: Commodore George E. Belknap to be a Rear Admiral: Captain John G. Walker to bo a Commodore; Commander Silas Casey to be a Captain: Lieutenant Com mander James M. Forsyth to be Commander. At a meeting of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad directors yesterday after noon in Boston, at which all tho directors, ex cept Messrs. Perkins, Payne. Coolidge and Gardner were present, a dividend of 1 per cent was declared. The directors were in session three hours The President has approved the act ex tending the privileges of inland transportation in bond to the Port of Sault Ste. Mane: the act for the relief of the town of Flagstaff, Ariz.; the act authorizing the Choctaw Coal and Rail way Comnany to construct a railroad through the Indian Territory, and the act "for a public building at Sedalia, Mo. Tho Belgian steamer Olbers, Captain Greg ory, from Jew York, Februarys for Liverpool, arrived at Qnoenstown yesterday, having in tow the Cuuard Line steamer Samaria. Tho Samaria sailed from Liverpool for Boston, and on February 10, when 300 miles west of Queens ton n, she broke her shaft. On February 12 she was taken in tow by the Olbers. Jercmie Daignanlt, aged 45, a French Canadian and business man. was arrested in Pawtnckcrville, Mass., Wednesday night for embezzling S4.U00 from Naphtali Parent, of Danville, Quebec, for whom' he was agent in tho sale of hemlock bark. Daignault carried on his operations with some confidence under tho impression that he could not be prosecuted here. Sophia Buck, aged 30, living on tho sccon I floor of a tenement in HnLokcn. N. J., became suddenly inianp yesterday morning nnd threw her 7-months-old babe out of a window, fatally injuring the child. Tho mother was placed under arrest. She was abandoned by her hus band, who left her ill and destitute, and while brooding over her pitiable condition her reason gave way. The policy of letting Are bnrn itself out In tbe Calumet aiulHecla copper mine has proved a poor one. The smoldering flames have gained headway and a large part of the mine is filled with smoke. Tbc'men got out of the mine as soon as possible, and the openings are now being cov ered. The prospects aro that a long and dis couraging fight against the fire, already fought four times twill have to be gone through again. Arguments wero begun this morning in the Unite I States Circuit Court, at Chicago, on tbe application of the Pullman Palace Car Companv for a perpetual injunction restrain ing the Wagner Sleeping Car Company from infringing on the Pullman Company's patents in connection with the manufacture and opera tion of vestibule" cars. Judges Gresham and Blodgett are hearing the case. The arguments will ptobably occupy the time of the court for several day s. A special cable dispatch from London, to the Montreal Gazette, the Canadian Govern ment org.m, sas: "Statements have reached journals here, through New York, that a syn dicate of leading Republicans in the United States controls $100,000,000 which it intends to use in an effort to secure Canada's annexation to the States by a sjstem of wholesale bribcrv in Canada, in event of a dissolution of the Do minion Parliament this year and a consequent general election." Secretary Whitney yesterday issued an or der detaching Commodore George Belknap from his duty 'as commandant of the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, and ordering him to dutv in command of the Asiatic station, to take the place of Rear Admiral Chandler, who died last Sunday. No person has yet been selected as commandant of the Marc Island Navy Yard. Captain F. M. Ramsev was yester day ordered by the Secretary of the Navy to duty as commandant of the navy'jard at fTew York. A. C. Wester, a Northern Montana stock grower, just in from the cattle ranges, says that while the present very agreeable and spring like weather would appear likely to benefit cattle, it came far from it. The Mreams arc frozen, and as there is not a particle of snow on the ground many cattle are in a famished condition for water. It is just cold enough to keep the ico in the rivers. If. as is anticipated, a storm sets in during the latter part ot this month or in March, he fears that there will bo great loss of cattle on the ranges. In advance of the official report of the operations of the Texas and Pacific Railroad for 1888 the following statement has been pre pared, based on estimate of a flrst-class au thority: Gross earnings. 36.467,107: operating expenses and taxes, a,0C6,SJ0; net earnings, Sl.340.737; fixed charges, $1,237,000; surplus, S53, 757. No interest was paid on the second mort trage bonds, and only ono coupon on the new first 5s. Tho interest actually nald was S ner cent on $3,764,000 of prior mortgage bond?," amounting to kk(,uw, ana &$ percent on $21, 019,000 of first mortgage 5s, amounting to Sol'O, 130. or a total ot 733,123, leaving a balance of $307,027. The barn of D. Henry Rieman, In Adams county, Pennsylvania, near Euimittsbnrg, Mil, was destroyed by fire of incendiary origin early ye6terday morning. 'I lie loss was $t,0C0; in sured $1,000. The property destroyed was in the lino of thedczenormorobarnsinysterionly burned recently on tho border of Frederick and Carroll counties, Maryland, and the fire is believed to have been t;ho work of tho same fiends who have become such a terror to the fanning community of tint section. The instru ment usually used in setting fire to the bams is tbe slzo of two fists and covered with wet phos phorus. In tho center of tills ball was an open ing about the size of an egg aud 'filled with powder, into which was stuck a quill. Acting on the circular spnt ont from Phila delphia soveral weeks ago, signed by a number of so-called original members of tho Knights of Libor. George Schilling, the well-known So cialist and labor agitator, has begun the work ot reorganizing several discontented assem blies. Schilling proposed a plan which was agreed to. It wa to tho effect that local as semblies of the Knights all over the United States and Canada should, as far as possible.be induced to reorganize on the secret plan.throw ing off affiliation with tbe General Executive Board and setting np under a modus operandi that should be unknown outside of the order. A conference was held at Cincinnati a 1'cw weeks later, when a Provisional Expcutive Board was appointed and a new GeneralMaster Workman naroetl. The organizers claim that in Chicago alone more than a score of assem blies have cut off all communication with tho General Executive Board, and have organized as a part of the new secret order. Wool Markets. St. Louis Wool quiet and unchanged. Whisky DInrkets. There is a fair demand for finished goods at SI 03. Salvation Oil, the great pain extin guisher is a quick nnd safe remedy. Price 25 cents. ' Wabash preferred.'.... 27K 27Vi 27Ht DOMESTIC MARKETS. Expected Eise in Cheese Postponed Till Lenten Season. TBE PRODUCE TEADE REVIVES NOT Wheat the Only Strong Factor in the Lines of Cereals. UPLAITD PEAIRIE HAT G0E8 SLOW Office op the Pittsburg Dispatch, THUESbAY, February 14. 1889. 5 Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Produce trado revives not. Choice butter and reliable eggs are firm at the recent ad vance. Cheese has disappointed the expecta tions of jobbers by not going up since the open ing of the year. A leading jobber says that the delay in the cheese advance is in part duo to tho lact that Lent begins later thin usual this year.- An experience of many years proves that cbeeso uniformly takes an upward turn imme diately before Lent. An Illustration of the difference in vegetable lines Is furnished by tho fact that a barrel of choice potatoes can be had at less tban the price of a bushel this time last year. The difference In price of apples is as great, and rough greater in tbe price of opkms and cabbage. Produce merchants who close up this winter's trade even are not in the majority. "BpTTEB Creamery, Elgin, 333Ic; Ohio do, 26Q2Sc: fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country rolls. 18j22c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 32034c. UEA2JS Choice medium, S2 002 10: choice peas. S2 052 15. Beeswax 2325c Tfl ft for choice; lowgrade, 16$18c. Cidee S3nd rchncd. $6 507 50: common, S3 504 00; crab cider, S3 008 50 Ifl barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ty gallon. Chefse Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212Kc: New York, fall make. 1213c; Lim burner. HK12KcF domestic SwcitziT cheese. 1313c UniED Peas SI 451 50 Tfl bushel; split ao, 23Kc OT ft. Loos l617c f? dozen tor strictly fresh. FKUITS Apples. $1 00?t 50?l barrel; evap orated raspberries. 23c l ft: cranberries, S3 00 ?1 barrel: $2 40JSS2 30 per bushel. Ftathees Extra livo geese, 5060c: No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c V & HOMIXY-S2 6.3S2 7o ? barrel. Hoxey New Crop, lB17c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatdes. 3540c $3 bushel; S2 CO 2 75for Southern sweets; i3t15g3 50 for Jer sevsweets. POULTKY Livo 'chickens 6375c ?1 pair; dressed chickens, 1313c 1 pound; turkeys, 13 15o dressed V pound; ducks live. S085c li pair; dressed, lj14c f) pound; geese, 10llc per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, S6 "jf) bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 2o; clover, Aisike, $850; clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice. 45 fts. SI 85; blue grass, extra clean. 14 fts. 1 00: bine grass fancy. 14 fts. $1 20; orchard grass. 11 fts. $2 00; red top, 11 fts, $1 00; millet, 50 fts. $1 23; German millet, 50 fts. S2 00; Hungarian grass, 4S fts S2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine crasses. 23c per ft. Shellbaeks $1 501 73. Tallow Country, 4ioc; city rendered. 53Kc TitoriCAL FBUITS Lemons fancy, $3 00 i W) f? box; common lemons, S2 75 $1 box; Messina oranges, $2 503 50 fl box; Florida oranges S3 CO.! 50 $ box: Jamaica oranges, fancv. SB 507 00 $ barrel; Malaga grapes. $5 50J37 00 yl keg; bananas, $2 50 firsts: $1 50i2 00. good seconds, bunch; cocoanuts, $4 C04 50 ?1 hundred; new figs, 12 14c pound; dates, 5$iKe V ponnd. Vegetables Celery. -lO&dOc doz. bunches; cabbages, S3 001 00 J? 100;onions,50c?I bushel: Spanish onions, 7590c f? crate; turnips, 30 40c per bushel. Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, .2021c; choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c: fair Kio. l'KQISKc: old Government Java,26Jc; Mara caibo, 21K22c; Mocha. S031c; Santos." 18 d2Za Caracas coffee, 19JCR21c; peaberry, Rio. 2021Kc: Laguavra, 20XQillc. ROAbTEO (in papers ) Standard brands,22c; high grades 24!'i6Jc; old Government Java, bulk, 31!32; Maracaiuo. 2627c; Santos, 21K 22c: peaberry, 25c; choice Rio, 24c; prime Rici. 21ie;'good Kio. 21c; ordinary. 20c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2If?25c: allspice, 9c: cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. TOSSOc Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 tesr.TJfc: Ohio, 120, Sc; headlight, 150. 9c; water white. lOJc: globe, 12c: elainc, 15c; carnadlne, llc; royaline, 14c. Syeups Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar syrup. S53oc; prime s,ugar syrup, CO33c; strictly prime, 3335c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50o; choice, 48; me dium, 45; mixed, 1042c Soda Bi-carB in Kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in 52c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c uakdles star, inn weigm, iuc; stearinc, per set, y,z parafflne, HK12c. RICE Head. Carolina, 77Je; choice, 6 7c: prime, SJlgOJic; Louisiana, 6g6c Srabcii Pearl. ,2c; cornstarch, 57c: gloss starch, 5Jj7c. Foreiqjj Fi'.uits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers. S2 50: Muscatels S2 23; California Muscatels, S2 35: Valencia, new, 6J67c; Ondara Valencia, VtOtfic; sultana. 7J4C: currants new. 4J5c; Turkey prunes, new, 4lc: French prunes SK13c;Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, Sir, encoanut", per 1C0.S0 00: almonds, Lan., per "ft; 29c: do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnnts,',nap.', 12S15c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12J lbc: new dates 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans. ll15c: citron, per ft. 2122c: lemon peel, per ft, I314c; orange peel, 12&c. Dries Fbuits Apples sliced, per 6.8 c.; apples, evaporated. 67Xc; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 13lSc; peaches evaporated, pared. 2223c: peaencs, California, evaporated, unparcd, ,1213Jc; cherries, pitted. 2122c; cherries, unp'itted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2!24Kc; blackberries, 7J8c: huckle berries, 1UQI2C Sugabs Cubes, TJc; powdered, 73c: granu lated,7c: confectioners' A, Kc; standard A,6c; toft whites. 66Jic; yellow, choice, Ei&'ic' yellow, good, &tQ6c: yellow, fair, bc; yel 10 w, dark, 5c Pickles Medium, hbls (1,200), 5475: me diums: half bbis (600). S2 go. Salt-No. 1 W bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. ?? bbl, $1 05; dairy. bbl. 1120; coar.-ecrvital, bbl, $120; Htiigin s'Eureka, 4 bu sack, $2 80; Higgin's Eu reka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. CAxnkd Goods Standard peaches. SI 600 1 60; 2ds, SI 301 S3: extra peaches SI 33I ! 0; pie peaches. 9uc; finest corn, $1 SOffil 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7OQ90t; red cherries 90cl 00; lima beans, SI 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75 8.3c; marrowfat peas SI I01 li; soaked peas, 70&75c: pineapples, f 1 -lOigl 0; Bahama do, S2 7o; dauisnn plnms, 95c; green gages, JI 25; eggplums. S2 00; California pears, S2 50; dogreerr gages. J2 CO; do eg.g plums, $2 00; extra whilo cherries, $ 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c: raspber ries SI 151 40; strawberries SI 10; goose berries, SI 2UI 50; tomatoes, 92S95c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, SOc; snrrotash, 2-ft canssoaked, 90c; do green, 2tts, $1 251 50: corn beef, 2-ft cans, $1 73; 14-ft cans, S13 50; bated beans. SI 4lsi 4o: looster, I ft, SI lots 1 80: mackerel, 1-ft ransj'roiled. SI 50: sardines. domestic. VJs. $4 23l 50; sardines, domestic, Ks S8 25(88 50; sardines, imported, s, Sll 50 if ou; sardines imported, jjs, jib w; sartiines, mustard, Jl 00; sardines, spl need, 51 20. a'Isii .extra do. 1 aioatcr macKcrei, $36 v? bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, S10; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed. $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4c $1 ft; do medium George' cod, Oc: do large, 7c: boneless Lakp, in strips, 6c; do George's rod in Mocks by, 1V.Z. Herring Round shore, $5 50 ?1 bbl: spfir. S7: lake S3 25 10O-ft half bbl. White fish. $7 W PJO-ftUinlf bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 half bbl. Finnan Ladders 10c -ft ft. Iceland halibut. 13c jl ft. Buckwheat Flour-25;;2c per pound. Oatmeal SO zogs 60 fl bbl. Mixers' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5962c 3 gallon. Lard oik 75c Grain, Flour nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at tho Grain Ex change were 32 airs. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wajne and Chicago, 1 car of oats, 2 of bran, 1 of wheat, 2 of flour, 1 of e. corn. 1 of feed. 2 of hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 2 cars of oats, 5 of hay, 4 of corn, 1 of flour. By Balti more and Ohio, S cars of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of bav, 3 of flour, 1 of oats. 1 of bran. Sales on call, 70 barrels sample flour. Si 60. track; 1 car 2 w. oats, 32c 10 days. The lTjom in wheat is still on, aud our quota tions, as will be seen, are advanced. Flour is firm.'and jobbers report their margins so nar row as to be almost w iped ont. Upland prairie bay shows drooping tendencies. Outsido of wheat and flour, markets for cereals aro in favor of buyers. The holder would be Billing to shade most of our quotations rather than miss a sale. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, $1 OS 1 09; No. 3 re'd. !H.-S1 01. Corn No. 2 vellow. car, SSXic: high mixed ear, 30XE37C; No. 1 yellow, shelled. 3W?40c No.2 yellow, shelled. 37$j3ac; high mixed, shelled, 3fi37crmixed, hclled, S531io: Oats No.2 whitp, KJffiJic: extra No. 3, 313 31c:No. 3 white, 31&31KC; No.2 mixed, 29 30i RTE No. 1 rye. 555356c; No. 2. 5052c: No. 1 Western. 52ftodc. BakleY Ka 1 Canart.i,9095c:Nn.2Canada, SaffijNo.SCanadaSCitf'e; No. 2 Western, 757Sc; No. 3 -Western, u370c Lake Shore, 75 OH)c Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents S8 50 6 75; spring patents 0 "3g7 00; fancy straight, winter and spring, $5 50&5 75; clear winter, $5 0035 2.5. straight XXXX bakers', So 00Q5 25. Rye flour, S3 75. Cons siEAL In paper, 50c ' Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $18 00 20 00 M ton: brown middlings $14 5015 00; winter wheat bran, Jll 7515 25; chop feed. $15 00)18 COL Hay Baled timothy, choice, S15 0015: 23; No. 1 do. $11 2514 50; No. 2 do, $12 00013 00; loose from wagon, SIS O023 00: No. 1 upland prairie. S9 7310 00; No. 2, 58 00S 50; packing do, SC 607 00. Straw Oats S8 008 25; wheat and rye straw, S7 007 25. - Provisions. Large hams. 18 ft3 and upward, 10c; medium hams 14 to 18 fts, lie; small hams, 14 fts and un der, lljc; picnic or California hams, 8c: bone less (in skins), lljic; sugar-cured shoulders 8JJc; bacon. 8c: dry salt, 9c; breakfast bacon. iuc: rouietts (coneiess s. c snotuuersj, iujjc: Tegular smoked sides 9c; bellies, smoked sides, 9c; regular dry salt sides, 8Kc; bellies, dry salt sides 8J4c; dried beef, sets 3 nieces, 10c; dried beef, flats 8c: dried beef, rounds He: dried beef, knuckles lie; pork, mess, $13 50: pork, family, $17 00; pig pork, half barrels S9 00; long sausage, oc. Lara nercps, :zo fts, 7jjc $i ft: fts, 8c H ft: 10-ft dn pails. 60 ft?, TJJc ft: 20-ft tin pails, 80 fts, 8c; 50-ft tin pails 100 fts, Te ft. . Dressed QTrnr. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 fis 55c: 600 to 650 fts, 6 Sc; 700 to 750 fts, 7 7Kc Sheep," 7c ft. Lambs, 8c fl ft. flUHVtii! NbHVtii!!. What terrible visions this little word, brines before the eyes of the nerrous. Headache, Neuralgia, Indigestion, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, All stare then in the face. Yet all these nervour troubles can bs cured tj using For The Nervous . The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains the best remedies for diseased con ditions o." the Kidneys. Liver, and Blood, which alway accompany nerve troubles. It is a Nerve Tonii, an Alterative, a Laxative, and a Diuretic. That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. J)t.oo a Bottle. Seed for full particulars. HrUS, RICHARDSON & CQ..Propritors, BURLIHGTC:;. VT. fel4-92-MF " , M1 ONEY TO LOAN On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of 51,000 and upward. AppWat DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, fe4-22-D No. 121 Fourth avenue. THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. . . - . $200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest. sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. NEARER and NEARER draws the end of Keech's much talked of Reduction Sale. A few more days and the best opportunity that ever presented itself to this thrifty community to buy FURNITURE, CARPETS, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, CLOAKS, &c, will be a thing of the past If you intend to go housekeeping, if you have concluded to move, or if you contemplate refurnishing your house, Take Advantage of this Sale. You may not need the goods immediately, but doesn't a saving of 50 per cent more than compen sate you for the small trouble of storing them away for a little while? But, supposing you haven't the necessary cash just handy. Well, don't let this little matter be in your way, for We Sell on Credit, as well as for Cash. BSee our grand Mahogany Side Boards at half price, displayed in show window. KEECH'S, 923 and 925' Penn Ave,, Neab Nisth Street. Open Saturdays till 10 r. x. fel5orwF WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HOME & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Ml Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, ' and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and seo us. wholesaleIxclusiyely fe22-rX'rD ARMOUR 8c CO., PITTSBURG. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Breakfast Bacon; Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage of tbe finest nualitv, at very moderate prices, received daily irotn their immense cooling rooms at Chicago. WHOLESALE ONLY. de!8-5S-MWT UltOKKlt- PIKAMHAI. Db WITT DILWORTH, BROKER IN PBTEQLEU1VC Oil liought ami sold on lbargw. lei7-21-DSU WHITNEY & STEPHffiSO.l 57 FOURTH AVENTTL. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS TTI HOUGH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN t CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. ap2S-x74 i uau oarreis, iaj us, c f s; tods, woouen. cu fts, 7e f? ft; buckets, wooden, 20 fis 7c. fl ft; 3-ft tin mils. 60 fts. T.c. S3 ft: 5-ft tin nail. Ct Paint's I elerv III GOODS liMMl it- BUTTER, ::: BUTTER, ' :: -BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE , Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General ' Offices,- 708 SMITHFIELD STREET, Telepbone 1423. Blssell Block. PITTSBURG, PA.' Factories throughout Western' Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations Wholesale exclusively. au3-s5C-3ItTT MEDICAL. 330 FEXN AVENUE. PITTSnURtJ. PA, As old residents know and back tiles of Pitt burg papers prove, is tbo oldest established and most prominent physician in tho city, devoting epecial attention to all chronic diseases. From gsjonsgporsoal NQ prrfT JJNT1L KiCDnlIC antJ mental diseases, physical I" CM VUUO decay, nervoas debility, laclt of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulnns, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weal ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un btting tbo person for businessociety and mar riage, permanently, safely anil privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN SSSTeroS blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for lire, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange U n I Itttfl I i ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful svmptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and red cures. Dr. Whi tiler's life-long, extensive experlonca insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-senso principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it here. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8 p. jc Sunday, 10 A. a. to 1 P.M. only. DK. WHITT1ER, Srjj Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. ie8-B-DSuw KHOW THYSELF, TUB SOI1JWC33 CXS" UCETia AScIcntlficand Standard Popular Hefcal TrcabSS 00. thoErrora of Youth, PremctureDechDe,Ifervon and Physical Debility, Impurities of tie Blood, 4lK?!21BaS5BSSirBH5'5 ' X WtfS&T- if '??. Wiimimmmmm ItcialtingtromPoIly.Vilce.Igaorance.Eiceisiwaor Ovcrtaiation.Eneivatineand nnfittlns the victua for Work, Baiiness, tbo Harr.'ed or Social Rehtlon Avcld unskilful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains S00 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful binding, embo3ed, fail gdL Price, only 81.M T mail, post-paid, concealed In pbin wrappsr. lllus trativo Prospectus Freo, if you apply now. Ths dlstingniebed anthor, Wm. H. Parker, Jf. D.. re. ccived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from tho National Modical Association, forth PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.Parkerandacorps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mail or In person, at tho office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL .INSTITUTE. No. 4 Bulflnch St., lloston. Has., lo whom ail orders for books or letters for advice should bo dlrectsd as above. jali-TuFSuwS CHICHESTER'S tWGLISH 2S) ZZ:Z2 IIAlHin) E2iT3. Ortelml, bML onlr crncls aoi .Lit.nt.. n ..--.. V-p.ii 13 SJ t2 VWu,n- MVtazzlrtx. Acftpt no etner. AU DUli ux Elsie. boartl bze, p-tok wrarrwrs. ma itMVgtr. ous counterfeit. 6o4 4. (mmpij for lanlc3Urs ami Jteltef fur Ladle," j letter, far vtn.m nuL 10.0041 l..U &tonnnKO31A0!l3'rI1'l'aTS,ufflt&'m. Famer.'T. !ilcl;esterCliciuiclCo.,ia'li3onSq.jPlilIa.)P. de-a-21-WFsuwk A CURE GUARANTEED HKALTH.ES ERfSY and strength secured by using Am oranda Wafers These wafers are the only rell able safe remedy for the permanent cure of im potency, no matter how Ion; standin-f.sepenn.v torrhoca, overwork, of the brain, sleepless, haras'-ing dreams premature decay of vital power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting; of vital forces; Too per box or six boxes for $1; six boxes to the complete treatment, and with every purchase of six boxes at ono time we will given written guarantee to refund the money if the waters do not benefit or affect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL '"NTsHTUTIO. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING.. Market street, Pitts barff, Pa.. P. 0. box 37 aplU-ko5-MWTSu Orayfn Specific Medicine. TRADE Tit ARK Tub Great TrtADE MARK EDT.Antlnf.ilI iug cure for Seminal Weak ness Bperma torrhca. bnpo tency, and alt diseases tbae follow as a se finrnce of Self-. 1-IUi.llII itsi- Abuse; as loss -s BI7HRE TMIXG.Unlvcrsal Lril AFT?." TAKW. sltmle. Falu la the Back, lllmness of Vlsinn. Pre mature Old Ae and maDy otbr dtseaes that leJd to Insinlty ur Consumptiaa and a Prematura Grave. SrJ,'nH particulars In our pamphlet, which ws dei'.re t eml free by mall to every one. ESThe Specific Medicine Is sold byatl dru-rcl3tsat (I ner nackas-c. or six package for JV or will be sentfrea by mill on the rpceini of the money, br addressing THU1CAY MEDIClMiCO.. buffalo. K. Y. urf acco'iut of counterfi-lt5. we hare adopted th Yellow Wrapper: the onlv pcnnlne. Sold In Pittsburg bvS. S. HOLLAND, corner, SmitliM.! and Liberty strec'.s. initU-kU . r it.AMv DOCTORS UKE PRTVATE DISPENSABY OFHCES. SC3 VESS AVE. -PinSBURGH, PA All form of Delicate and Cco plicated Diseases reanirUu: Cox. riDENTIAI.and SCTESTIFIClIcdl cation are treated at his Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. lake is a member of the Royal Collcso of Physicians and Surgeons, and Is the oldest ami most experience! SfkcCO T In tbo city. Special attention given to Kei . ous Debility from excessirei ntal exertion, iJ. discretions of youth, &c, ct.nsingpli'sicaland mcnLil decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc ; also Cancers, Old Sores, r us. Piles, Ehcumatis and nil diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Crlu. aryOrgan3, &c Consrdtation free ami strictly eonEdcntial. O2icabc2rs0to4aiid7 toSp.m.; Bumla j s 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call ut office or adoroaj K.LAKE..M.D.,Jr.P. ,C.P.Sor J.Lake;3LD. sel-iSl.JTWJ'wk mhwm ItlH Iba il ronu e&rlr decar. lost manhood , etc. I wlfl ena a T&iuabfe nratlsa (pt-iIlhI) conttUninir full particular for home core, re qz eharx. .wor PROF. F. C. FCYLER, Moodui, Conn. t l-aoS-kDsawk DOCTOR WH1TTIER iB&r- .'j-ljlJiUWi-1 r K$GS&2m xTVu&2y Sa. :j