Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Butchers Fare Belter Than Drovers or
Stock Misers.
Hojs, Too, Tending Downward Sheep and
Lambs on Reflection
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,
Wednesday, February 13, 1SS9. J
The run of cattle on Monday was 63 loads,
ajrainstSS for the two previous Mondays.
About seven loads have been received since
Monday, making a total of 70 head for the
local trade this week. In the receipts were
eight to ten loads of good to prime stock,
weighm;; from 1,100 to 1,600 pounds, but no
ejtra primes showed up in the entire lot.
Heavy cattlo were 1015c below prices of
last week. The ranse of prices for the heavy
weights was S3 75! 35. Said an old-time
dealer. "Heavy cattle have not sold as low
since 1S62 as they did this week, A fair qual
ity of fat, coarse beeves weighing 1,00 pounds
were soldat3JJc, a price below anything since
the war." All butcher grades weighing from
1,100 to L400 pounds, held up to last week's
prices, but no more The proportion of low
grade cattle in supplies was smaller that" usual.
It is evident, from low prices of cattle, that
butchers must be having a harvest time if
their trade is extensive. While retail prices of
meat change not, cattle are lully oif Si per hun
dred from nrices of a month or two ago. A lead
ing stockman says that export cattle are $1 50 a
hundred below w hat they were six months ago,
which make a difference of S22 to $25 a head.
At Liverpool prices of roeatare reported steady
at the figures of six months ago. If there was
a living profit then, there must be big profit
now with a gain of S3 on a single beeve.
"While butchers are comfortable over the
situation, drovers and commission men do not
find it so comfortable. The cattle trade has
rot for many years been so unsatisfactory as it
is at-tbe present time. Butchers are able to fix
their own prices. With a drop of 20 carloads in
receipts, prices would in ordinary times stiffen
up, but reports from all cattle dealers show
drooping markets and a mean trade for this
Receipts .at Chicago to-day were 2,000 head,
with markets steady on a range of 1 401 90.
To-day is the first time since Saturday that the
downward drilt has been arrested.
At East Liberty markets are quiet with 4 TO
gl SO as the range for heavy weights. Medi
ums are So 00 and lightweight Yorkers lrom
$5 105 15. The demand at Libertv this week
has been about equal to supply. Heavy hogs
continue to be the heavy article of markets. A
nearby farmer who brings to market such as
weirh from 400 to 500 pounds, will find trouble
realizing above Vic for his stock. This price
was accepted last week, and the situation has
cot improved in the meantime.
Sheep and Lnnibs.
With receipts about a half dozen car loads
less than last week, markets held up well with
last week's prices, Monday and Tuesday. To
day, on unfavorable, news from Xew York,
markets show downward tendencies, and prices
are 10c below those which ruled on Monday.
About ten carloads are still on hand, and
holders will be forced to come down a shade
from the ideas held at the beginning of the
week. A few loads were held lrom Monday to
await news from New York. The news failed
to furnish the comfort hoped for. Soma
shippers of sheep and lambs will be forced to
charge up something to the loss account on
this week's deals.
!UcCnll & Co.'s Report.
E. McCall & Co.'s weekly review is as fellows:
The receipts of cattle were light and market
slow at an advance of 10c to 15c per cwt over
last week's prices. We cannot offer anything
encouraging in the cattlo trade for the future,
as there arc a great many cattle to run yet, and
the still houses are f nil of cattle that must he
marketed before the hot weather tcts in. The
only thing that caused an advance this week
was the light run. We give tho following as
ruling prices for the week: Prime. 1.300 to 1.600
ponnds. $4 30f 50; good, L200 to M00 pounds,
$3 C5g4 25; good, L0U0 to L200 pounds. $3 60
4 00; rough fat. L100 to 1.S03 pounds, S3 50?3 75:
common to fair, 900 to 1.000 pounds, 3 003 2s;
bulls and fat cows. 2 00f3 00: fresh cobs and
Springers very duli at SIS ts3i per head.
The receipts of bogs wrrn.liglit and the mar
ket slow at the following quotations: Heavy
Philadelphia, JI 70Q4 80: light Philadelphia?,
averaging 220 to 250 pounds. St 90Q3 00: York
ers. So 00To 10; roughs. S3 50 125.
The receipts of sheep on Monaay were heavy,
and the maiket steady at about last week's
prices. To-day's receipts were fair, hut fully
equal to the demand, and selling 1015 per cent
lower than Monday on all grades except prime.
We quote the following as ruling prices:
Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing
here 110 to 120 fts S4 80S5 00: good wethers,
SO to 100 tts, SI 504 60: fair to good mixed, fc5
to 90 '. SI 104 40; common to fan. 70 to W
lbs. S3 00.55 25; prime lambs, 75 to SO Bs, S3 25
C 00; fair to good, 50 to 65 ibs, S4 S5go 00; veal
calves, 110 to 140 lbs, SO O0S6 5a
Ey Trtccrapaw
Kaksas Citv Cattle Receipts, 5.431 head;
shipments, 1,452. Bulk of supply common.
Market slow and i cak. Choice dressed beef
and shipping steady to weak; others 510c
lower: choice cows steady to Cc lower; com
mon, 10c lower: stackers and feeding steers
quiet and steady good to choice, corn fed,
S3 S54 "20: common ro medium, S2 9003 70;
stockersand feeding steers. SI 5003 4-5; cows,
1 25S2 75. Hogs Receipts, 14,913 head; ship
ments, 2,404; market fairly active and 5c loner;
pooa to choice. SI 304 40; common to medium,
4 154 25. Sheep Receipts, 2,419 head; ship
ments. 1,4S9 head; steady; good to choice mut
tons, 4 254 50; common to medium, 2 50
3 75.
JCew Yoek Beeves Receipts. 770 carloads
for city slaughterers direct, and52 carloads for
the market; market dull hnt firm; ordinary to
choice steers sold at 3 601 75: a few tops at
4 S5&5 00: ordinary to choice bulls. 2 203 00:
exports, 720 quarters of beef. Sheep Receipts,
8,400 head; L5Q0 head earned over lrom yester
day; market dull and a fraction lower; ordi
nary to prime sheep sold at 4 00Q5 80 per 100
pounds, with a carload of fine wethers atS67o;
ordinary to prime lambs, 6 007 75, with a
small bunch of extra State lambs at S3 00, and
a bunch of culls at 5 5a Hogs Receipts, 11,
200 head: market entirelv nominal for live
hogs, but rated steady at 5 255 6a
CmcAGo-Cattle-KeceiPts, 11.000 headship
ments, 4,000 head: market dull and lOgloo
lower; choice to extra beeves, 4 254 60;
steers. S3 O04 10; stockers and feeders,
J2 253 40: cows, bulls and mixed. 1 50
3 00; Texas, slop-fed, $3 75. Hogs Receipts,
81.000 head; shipments,noneanarketdull,c!osing
10c lower: mixed, $4 454 55; heavy, $4 451 60;
light, 4 504 90; pigs, 4 9005 Oa Sheep Re
ceipts, T.OOObead: shipments, 2,090 head: market
rong; natives, 3 00S5 33: westerns, corn-fed,
4 054 70; lambs. 4 756 5a
St. Lours Cattle Receipts. 3,200 head; ship,
ments, 200 head: market lower; choice heavy
r.ative steers. 3 70g4 25: fair to good do, S3,
3 75; butchers' steers, medium to choice, 82 40
3 10; stockers and feeders, fair to good. 1 40S9
2 60; rangers, corn-f ed,S3 003 49: grass-fed,l TO
240. Hogs Receipts. 6,100 head; shipments. 900
head; market steadv: choice heavy and
butchers' selections, J3 455J4 50: packing, me
dium to prime, 4 40fE4 60; light grades, ordi
nary to best, S4 504 7a Sheen Receipts,
L600 head; shipments none; market steady;
fair to choice, S3 004 75.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 2.460 head
through: no sales; feeling steady." Sheep and
lambs No throngh; receipts, 5,000 head; sales
low; good sheep. 4 654 90; good lambs, 8
fi 60. Hogs Receipts. 3,000 head through:
5,250 head sale: market slow, 10315c lower;
mediums, 4 851 90; Yorkers, 5 10.
Cincinnati Hogs in excessive supply and
weaker; common and iight. 3 904 85: packing
and butchers'. 4 4534 to; receipts, 5,300 head;
shipments, 1,700 bead.
Western Railroad Conld Not Stand the
Steamship Competition.
The freight rates from this city to Houston
and Galveston, Tex., have been reduced.
The following are the new rates, which were
put in effect on the 10th inst:
First class, 1 50; second class, 1 25: third
class, 1 05: fourth class, .SG; fifth class, .73;
class A-, .76: class B., .70; class O, .64; class D.-.
.58; class E., .5a
These rates will he subject to the "West
ern classification adjusted to Texas business.
The reduction amounts to about 10 per cent
oil the old rates, which were put into effect
January 20. It was lound necessary to 're
duce them again owing to' the competition
or the steamships .plying between If ew York
and Galveston. A number of Pittsburg
manufacturers were shipping stuff to New
York by rail and theij by ship to Galveston
at a cheaper rate than they could get from
the railroads running west from this city.
In order to get their share of the business
' they had to restore the old rates.
"A little learning is a dangerous
thing." ISo danger in U6in? Dr. Ball's
Heavy Selling and n Snow Storm Break the
Wheat Market Corn andOntsBnrely
Steady Bay rroductt
a Triflo Lower.
Chicago There was active trading in wheat
during the first half of the session at irregular
and lower prices. The market was quieter dur
ing the latter part and steadier. The opening
was weaker, but sold afterward c above yes
terday's closing. .Then followed numerous
fluctuations within lc range for May, after
which prices broke off heavily to a point 2c
below early outside figures, recovered lc of the
decline and finally closed lc lower.
Tbe decline was attributed to free realizing
by some large traders, and as many operators
were long on the market they also fell in line
and commenced to sell. There was some selling
on foreign account, partly long and some short
wheat Therewasnothingspeciallyinthe out
side news to give encouragement to holders.
All markets ruled lower. The snow 6torm was
naturally a weakening factor.
Corn was rather quiet moist of the session,
trading being somewhat limited and trans
actions confined largely to local operators. The
market was quotably steady, and fluctuations
did not vary much from yesterday, being con
fined within Jo range.
A moderate business was done in oats, but
no new or important features were developed.
Quite an active trade was reported in mejs
pork, but the market was rather weak during
the greater portion of the day. Opening sales
were made at 5c decline, which was quickly
followed by a further reduction of 10c Rather
free buying tended to strengthen the market,
and prices rallied 10c, but increased offerings
later, partly on outside account, caused a weak
er feeling, and prices gradually declined 25
27cc. Toward tho close tho market ruled
steadier, and prices rallied 57c and closed
Lard was in fair demand and easier, with
prices ruling TJjQlCc, closing at about medium
There was more pressure to sell ribs, and the
market ruled weak and unsettled. Prices de
clined 1012c, closing steady at medium
The leading futures ranged as follows:
WnEAT-Ko. 2. February. $1 05V1 05
I 0M1 0J5i; Mav. SI O0l 0Mil 071 OS;
Julv, 91&-SV9fe3&c.
Cobs Na 2, February. 34'34'43434c;
March. 34Vc: Mav, SS3o5-)w35c
Oats No. 2. February, 2525Kc: March,
25K25X25K255c; Slay. 27J4227
MESS Pobk, per bbL February, 11 02J;
March, 11 12; Slay, Sll 5011 50U 22J
II 32K-
Lard, per 100 as. Februarv, 6 57K; March.
6 6266 6266 57X86 57K; May, 6 56 75
6 65g!i C7.
SliOBT Ribs, per 100 as. February. $5 82;
March. So 875 S75 S05 82; May, 6 05
66 055 95o97.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dull; dealers asking an advance of 25c, but in
some instances accepting old prices; No.2 spring
wheat, 1 WKl 04K; Na 3 spring wheat,
8590c: No. 2 red, SI HK1 Na Scorn,
34c Na 2 oats, 25&25HC No. 2 rye,
46c Na 2 barlcv, nominal. Na 1 flax
seed, SI 581 59. Prime timothy seed. 1 47
1 4S. Mess pork, per barrel. 11 0011 12.
Lard, per 100 lbs. 6 55. Short nbs sides
(loose). 5 8-Vf 6 05. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed).S5 505 62. Short clearsides(boxed).
S6 12Q6 25. Receipts Flour. 14.000 barrels;
wheai 22.000 bushels: corn. 351,000 bushels:
oats. 154,000 bushels: rye, 7,000 bushels: kirley,
69.000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 12,000 bar
rels: wheat. 24.000 bushels: com. 103,000 bushels;
oats. 67.000 bushels; rye, 5,000 bushclsjbarley, 33,
000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs
steady at 1314c
New York Flour prime. Wheat Spot dull
ant! 2c lower: options less active, heavy and 2c
lower. Barley quiet. Barley malt quiet.
Corn Spot fairly active, irregular and easier:
options lower and Weak. Oats Spot quiet and
firmer: options firmer and dulL Hay firm and
in moderate demand. Hops firm and quiet.
Coffee Options ojiened barely steady, 1020
points oil; closed steady, 20 points below yes
tcrdaj's: irregular; cables quiet: sales, 40.500
bags, including Februarv, lo.6515.70c; March ,
15.7015.75c: April. 15.65iil5.70c; May, 15.70S1
15.80c: June, 15.80c. Julv and August, 15.85
15.95c; September, 16.0016.10c; October, 16.05
16.10c; November and December, 16.10c Sugar
Raw strong: refined steady and quiet. Mo-lasscs-;Foreign
dull. New Orleans dull. Rye
quiet and firm. Cottonseed oil steady. Tal
low dull: dtv.o-c Rosin firm and in
good demand. Turpentine steady, moderate
demand at 47c Eggs in moderate demand
and steady; Western, 1414Jc; receipts. 4.324
packages. Pork lower; old mess. $12 2512 50:
extra prime, $12 00i2 25. Cntmeats inactive;
pickled bellies, 6ff 7c f or 16 and 12 pounds;
Iilckled shoulders, bQic; pickled hams. 93
Ojc Lard lower and more active; sales,
Western steam. 7-027 OS' spot and 7 005g
7 02 c f. and i.;cIoMngat7 00 spot; lair, S7 00;
March. S6 997 02, closing at 6 99; April, 7 00:
Mav. fS 3951)7 01 closmo: at 7 00: June. S7 OOiS
7 Of. closing at S7 00: July, 7 017 04. closing
at 7 01; August. 87 02: September, 7 04. But
ter Choice firm and In fair demandrWestern
dairy, 13kJ20c; oo'creamerv, 16?29c: Elgins, 31
32c Cheese dull; Western, lOKHKc
St. Louis Flour quiet but steady. Wheat
lower; though there was no pressure to sell the
c'osswas Klc below yesterdav; No. 2 red.
cash, 95Jfi9Cc: May. 9S99Kc closed at 9S
9Slc asked; June, 'JOcIclnscl at 95-c bid; July,
SG37c, closed at 86GSGJic: Aiignst, 84c.
closed at S4c bid. Corn nnsettled; No. 2
mixed, cash, 2Je; May. S031!c, closed at
S9?ic bid; June, Slc, closed at 3lc asked;
July. 32'Cc closed at 32c bid. Oats weaker;
No. 2 cash. 24c asked; May, Z7Ja Rye dull: No.
2. 46c Barley neglected: Iowa, 55c Pro
visions unsettled. Pork Sll 75. Lard Prime
steam nominally SB 5a Dry salt meats Shoul
ders, $5 25: longs and ribs 6 10; short Clear.
6 30. Bacon-Boxed shoulders, 6 12?5 25;
longs and nbs, $6 957 05: short clear, $7 10
7 25.
CINCTJWATI Flour barely steady. Wheat
barely steadv; No. 2 red. SI CO: receipts, 500
bushels; shipments, 1.500 bushels. Corn fairly
steady; No. 2 mixed, 34c Oats in fair demand;
No. 2 mixed, 27c Rye steady; No. 2, 54c
Pork dnll at $12 CO. Lard weaker at 6 50.
Bulkmeats and bacon neglected. Sugar quiet.
Eggs quiet. Cheese firmer.
Mn.WAUKEE Flour Fair demand. Wheat
quiet; cash, 92c; May, 95c; July, 94c Corn
Fair supply: No. G, 20Kc Oats dull; No. 2
white, 27a Rye, in moderate request; No. 1,
45c Barley quiet; No. 2, 59c. Provisions
easier. Pork Cash. Sll 05; May, 11 3a Lard
Cash, 6 57; May, 6 65. Cheese unchanged;
Cheddars, 10c
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady.
Butter Best firm and wanted; mediums steadv;
western packed. 1622c: best roll, 1318c;
creamery, 2230c Eggs firm at 14tfHc
Coffee firm; Rio. fair, 17c
Philadelphia Flour was active and
strong. Wheat dull and lower. Cornquietbut
steady. Oats Demand lor carlots slow and
arices barely steady.
Toledo Cloverseed steady; cash, -5 2a
mining Quotations.
New Yore, February 13. Mining quotations
closed: Caledonia. 255: Consolidated California
nd Virginia, 725; Gould and Curry. 250; Home'
stake, 1250; Iron Silver. 310: Mexican. 295;
Ontario, 3150; Savage. 265; Union Consolidated,
360; Yellow Jacket, 350; Hale and Norcross, 390.
Metal markets.
New York Pig iron steady. Copper Cull;
lake. February, 16 60. Lead weaker; domes
tic S3 65. Tin stronger; Straits, 21 35.
Whisky Mnrketib
There is a good demand at 1 03 for finished
Wool markets.
St. LOUIS Wool quiet and unchanged.
They Divided Up as Uiaal.
The Board of Directors of the Philadel
phia Company held their regular monthly
meeting yesterdav, and declared the usual 1
per cent dividend.
BY trifling with a cold, many a one al
lows himself to drift into a condition favor
able to the development of some latent dis
ease, which thereafter takes fall possession
oi the system. Better cure your cold at once
with Dr.Jnyne's Expectorant, a good rem
edy for throat-ails and lung affections.
. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Mutual Confidence a Powerful Factor
in Business Affairs.
Stock Dealers Let Electric Go and Pay
Attention to Philadelphia Gas.
The life of the average banker is not one
ot unalloyed pleasure. He has to guard
the interests of the institution of which he
has charge by ceaseless integrity, lest, by
clerical errors or by reposing confidence in
unworthy persons, losses be sustained which
would cripple the bank or weaken its credit
with the public Honey is a delicate com
modity. It may be correctly classed with
articles denominated perishable. It is af
fected by every influence that permeates so
ciety, whether political or social. Its fluc
tuations afford a gbod measurement of the
condition of the country. In times of agita
tion, or when important changes of
public policy are imminent, it
takes alarm, and, in the language
of the stock board, rushes to cover. Ease
and abundance may be accepted without
hesitation as infallible proof that the com
mercial skies are clear and that there is no
occasion for flying storm signals. These re
flections are the outgrowth of a conversation
between The Dispatch representative and a
prominent Wood street merchant yesterday.
Continuing he said:
f regard confidence between man and man
the backbone of business. Without it nothing
can be done. As society is constituted almost
everything is taken on trust. A man with a
reputation for truth and honor has a great ad
vantage over one whose record in these re
spects will not bear investigation. In discount
ing paper or buying mortgages, we employ
every legal method known to us to fix the
standing of the man and to establish a good
title to the property, but these researches are
far less exhaustive in the cases of men of es
tablished character for reliability than in those
where we have reason to believe advantage
would be taken of ns if tbe opportunity arose.
I know scores of men to whom I would loan
money without security. Their word is as good
as a bond, and when security is required of
him it is merely to guard against accidents,and
to conform to the rules of business. Such men
can always get all the money they want, for, in
addition to being honest, they are careful in
vestors." "How do Pittsburg business men as a class
compare with those of other cities?"
"They are equal to any in all the qualities
essential to success. Tneir judgment in mat
ters with which they are fami'tar in their own
line of busiuess is seldom disputed. Iron
manufacturers East and West very often con
sult men in tbe same business hero before tak
ing any important steps. It is the same with
opr finances. 1 havo known of several of them
being called to Washington to consult with the
head of the Treasury Department 'In ability
and integrity we do not fear comparisons."
Philadelphia Gas Onco More the Feature of
the Mock Klarket.
Trading: at the Stock Exchange yesterday
was fairly active, all things considered, the
total sales amounting to 497 shares. The fea
ture of the day was a spurt in Philadelphia
Gas, sales being made aiSSK- Westinghouse
Electric was slightly weaker at the first call,
and decidedly so at the last. Switch and Sig
nal was about steady and inactive, while La
Noria was not only lower, but entirely no
glected. Tractions about held their own.
STOCKS. Kid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
Pitts. Pet-S.AM.Ex.. 555 6CJ0 ji
Com. Sat. Hank 98 8S
C'ltUens' Nat-Bank... 6IM
Exchange Nat. Bank.. El
Fourth Mat. Dank...... I21K
rrsehold Bank 5Ci
Fld.TitleJc Trust Co... HO
Iron Cltv at!onal SI
Iron A tilass Dol. Sav. 12) 130
.Masonic Bank 68M 59,'f
Iter. Man. Nat i nk. 60 61
Metropolitan .Nat. l)nk 93j
Odd fellows' Savings 215
K. E. S. Bank, 1.1m.... 116
Herman .Nat.. AlPy... HO
K. E.L. AT. Co.,All'y 72
Boatman's Ins 49
Ben Franklin Ins SO
Man. AMer. Ins. GO
l'ennsrlvanla Ins 25 SO
Teutonlatns 50
Western Insurance 5R
Bridpcwatcr Gas.. 50
Chartlers Valley Gas 56
Philadelphia Co ZSH M,1 39J 33
Wheeling Gas Co N r$H
Columbia Oil 3)s 314
Tuna OH Co 65 C3M
WaMiineton Oil Co.... 295f Mi
Citizens' Traction 75 78 76 77
l'ittsbnre Traction 48Jf .... i so
CcntralTractlon 13;, 23 23 23
Northside Bridge Co 51 ....
La Xoria M. Co IK IX 1 1?,
SIlvertonM. Co VA
West'house Elec. 41 42 4I 4IV
UnlonSwltchAblznal. V)i 18 17K 18
Before the first call 60 shares Philadelphia
Gas sold at -S7K, 75 at 37 and 30 s. o..
SO days, at 3Sa. Fiftv shares Central Traction
went at 23. On call 25 shares Philadelphia Gas
changed hands at 36 125 at 38 and 2 at 3
In the afternoon 55 shares Electric sold at
41 50 Central Traction at 23, and 25 Columbia
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
dav were 259.JW9 shares, including: Atchison,
4,230; Canada Southcrn.l 1,400: Delaware.Lacka
wanna and Western, H.750; Missouri Pacific,
4,700; Northwestern. 15,140; Northern Pacific,
preferred. 4,552; Peoria, Decatur and Evans
ville, 3,5)0; Heading, 8.700; Richmond and West
Point, 27,(iS0; St. Paul, 16,500; Union Pacific,
They Help to Make n Good Clcnrlne Honso
The condition of the local money market yes
terday was in all material respects identical
with that of the preceding days of the week.
Checking and depositing were on a moderate
scale, and rates were steady at the usual fig.
ures. The Clearing House report made a good
showing, the exchanges being 2,097,590 62 and
the balances S317.809 51 The secret of this lies
in the fact that the two or three so-called oil
banks did a large business in oil certificates.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 1K2 per cent, last loan closed
offered at VA- Prime mercantile paper, 46.
Sterling exchange dull hut steady at 51 !J6 for
60 davs and $4 SSli for demand.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
Tue Dispatch by Robinson Bros., Wood
street. Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
U. S. 4fs. reg ins 510SJ
U. S. 4,s. coups 109)iaiOD9i
D.S.4sTrce - 12SVai2!f
V. S. 4s. 1907, coups I21(13)J
Unrrencv, 6pcrcent. lSTSreg 120
Currency, 6 per cent. 1896 rejt. 122)
Currency, 6 per cent, 1ST? reg 125)4
Currency, 6 per cent, 1803 rcg 128"
Currency, 6 per cent, ISM rcg 131,'j
A stiffening tendency of pnees indicates a
good demand for this class of securities.
New Yoke CleariDgs, $118,454,734; balances,
Boston Clearings, 516.044,359; balances; 2,
104,477. Money, IK per cent
Baltimore Clearings, $1,911,513; balances.
Philadelphia Clearings, 510,727,093; bal
ances, 41,629,858.
Chicago Money firmer, but unchanged.
Bank clearings, $9,753,000.
Tbe Progress Oil Is Sinking Toward the
Dollar Line.
The oil market opened yesterday with a bull
ish tendency and good- trading. The effort to
reach the 51 line was unsuccessful. The first
quotation was 89c, sold off to 8Sf;c recovered
and gradually advanced to 90c, with a sale of
1.000 barrels at that price. The market then
slumped off and sold at 8S, at which it hung
for some time, and finally closed with a nervous
feeling as to tbe outcome. There was consid
erable general trading during the day, both
East and West, but no large Talocks changed
hands. In giving his views on the situation an
operator said: "The indications to my mind
am that there will be lower nrices to-morrow
.morning, with a recovery later in tbe day, but
we will not sea 51 oil just yet"
A. B. McGrewquotes: Puts, 8S5c: calls, (Kc,
The following taoie, corrected bylJeWltt CIl-
worth, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, i-lltsbur?, how tho
order of Bactuatlons. etc :
Time. Bid. Ajlcl Time. Jfl. As-
Opened "S Sa"H:45r. M.... 8'S MS
10:30 A. M.. S3 S3Ti 1:15 p. It...: 8S' 89
10:flA- M.... m 8SS, 1-JOP. K.... MX W
ll-OOA. M.... 88-li S8V 1:45 r. M.... S9M S9S
11H5A. M.... S8S KUf I:00P. M.... 895. WJ$
11:A. M.... m Mil M5P. M.... 89H k
11:43A.M.... SSV. SS-l:30P. M.... 89J OTj
1!:OOM 885) MS 2:45P. II.... 89 89
Kflp, M.... 83 8STJ Closed SH
U:30P. .... 89 89Ji
Openeic 89c: nighest. 00c; lowut, 88tfc:
closed, 89.Sc
DIly runs fj-g
Averatreruni ,S-S
Dally shlnments 103.55
ATirace shipments I'SS
Uallv charters .- K87Z
Average charters ; - . 5s-li?
Uearaneei .'. 404, COO
New York closed t SSJic
Oil City closea at S9c
Bradiora closed at Kc
Mew York, refined, to.
London, reaned, G 9-1KJ.
Antwerp, refined, lint.
Other Oil Markets.
Bradfoiid. Februarv 13. Opened, 89c;
highest, i8c: lowest. 8Sc: closed. b9c.
Oit, Cin, February 13. Opened, SSc; high
est, 89Kc: lowest,88Kc; closed, 89Kc
Titusville. Februarv 13. Opened, 8Sc;
highest, (SJic: lowest, S8c: closed, S9Kc
New York, February 13. Petroleum opened
firm at 89Kc, bnt sold off to SSc in the first
hour. Buying by Standard oil brokers then ad
vanced the price to 90c. A reaction followed,
on which the market closed steady at 88oC
Sales, 1,799,000 barrels.
A Pointer for People Who Expect to Move
in April.
There was no specjal movement in the real
estate market yesterday, but there was the
usual good demand on the part of prospective
purchasers desiring to rent. One agent said:
"There is not much time left between now and
April, and those wanting to buy or rent bad
better hurry up. It is my opinion the demand
will be so great about moving time that prices
will be advanced. They are always regulated
by the demand."
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a lot 50x150 feet on
Oakland avenue. Fourteenth ward. This street
is now paved and the inquiry is quite active
for building sites indicating greater possibili
ties to sell property on streets that are im
proved; Mellon Bros, sold a lot on Margaretta street.
Nineteenth ward, near Negley avenue. 50x20
feet, to James Rafferty. of Butler, who will
build a nine-room brick residence by spring.
C. H. Love, 93 Fourth avenue, sold for Walter
Green a lot on tho northeast corner of Broad
and St. Clair streets, East End, to W. S. F.
Crowther. for 51,200.
Black fc Baird. No. 05 Fourth avenue, sold to
David D. Lewis, for the B. L. Fahnestock es
tate, a vacant lot on the We6t side of Ward
street, size 69x165 feet, for S2.700 cash. The
purchaser will immediately begin .the erection
of a handsome Queen Anne residence. They
also sold to Patrick Gilleace, for Mrs. Maria
Jardine, a twr-story bnck dwelling and store,
with lot 24x150 feet, situate No. 317 Second ave
nue, Pittsburg, for 53,200 cash.
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold a property this week pn Union avenue.
Allegheny, the lot being S0xll5, for 515,000.
Purchaser's name and exact location of prop
erty withheld at request of parties interested.
The Grnncern Still the Weak Spot Other
Shares Show Advnuces Big Four to the
Front An Upward Movement
Bonds Weakening.
New York, February 13. The stock market
was a divided one to-day, and while in some
cases the best figures of the past week were
reached. In others the lowest prices known for
years wero established. The general tendency
of prices was upward, but the Grangers were
still the disturbing factor in tbe situation, and
the weakness displayed in those cases gave the
rest of the list a rather feverish appearance,
and tbe final changes are irregular. The mar
ket, however, gavo unmistakable evidence of a
disposition to break away from the Grangers
entirely, and outside of those stocks and a few
specialties which have made unusually large
gains, there were no declines to speak of, and
the decided advances were quite numerous.
The announcement late last evening that
Illinois Central had signed the agreement was
contradicted this morning, and bearish dis
patches from Chicago were again predicting the
collapse ot tho Inter-State Association, and
there was renewed liquidation in tbe Grangers
with Illinois Central, Burlington. Rock Island
and Omahapreferred, he.came very conspicuous
for the decltncs established, all reaching the
lowest prices for a long time. The other Gran
gers, St. Paul, Norths estern and some others
wero comparatively well held and came out at
the end of the day about even with last night's
figures. The weakness in stocks mentioned
had a marked influence for a time upon the
rest of the list, but they soon broke away and
for the remainder of the day they were strong
all the way out.
First prices were irregular, but in most cases
loer, declines extending to -per cent. The
weakness in the Grangers appeared Immedi
ately, and Burlington took the lead with a drop
of over a point. At noon most shares were a
shade below opening figures. Comparative
dullness overspread the list in the forenoon,
but Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and In
dianapolis and Big Four came to the front, and
as tho d3y wore along the upward movement
became more pronounced and more animation
marked the trading. The market finally closed
active and strong generally, at small fractions
better tban first figures. Pullman is off 214,
Burlington 1 and Rock Island . but Wheel
ing and Lake Erie preferred gained and
Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian
apolis also gained IK-
The railroad bond market was again compar
atively quiet, the sales of all issues to-day ag
gregating onl v 51,933,000, burtiut of this amount
Atlantic and Pacific fours contributed 5173.000
and the International sixes 5101,000. The weak
ness in the latter bonds was the special feature
of the day, but the general list was also in
clined to droop, and the final changes show a
majority of important declines tor the first
time since the first of the year.
Tho following table shows the prices of active
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected aailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney fc Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
ing. Am. Cotton Oil 59
Atch.. Ton. & S. F.... 5
Canadian Pacihc ...
Canada Southern Wi
High- .Low- Clos-,
est. est. in p.
ai S2M 53
5 an an
93 , 68 977$
!6K . 25 3G
loo1 99 S3H
64 63 SJH
ai e 99U
'4 95 97
31J4 31M JlH
Wi 00! 90
106; iodjJ iosh
74 72 KX
.... .... 35
P . 251 -27
uivi wh m
WJ 13T.H 117
70S 70 7014
m 109 ma
8)6 S7 S3V4
104" 101K 104
SO 59K 59&
90S 00 90M
785 72SJ --Tar
295i 28 t&H
&H 6S esa
4SM i
w .... JSj
'!' S1H 51H
27M 2i VA
ei'A 62 6Mf
?3H 23K 23)i
SB'S 6S 09
33 S3 33J
334 IS'i S8'4
23!f 27 271
m -ISJ 48M
204 2011Z 201 4
27 W I7H
Uf Vi --1
vi . .., 3S)
26 2G . .21.
65 647 M
65'i 65"i M1
27 27 26,'S
X 6W 63
Central of New Jersey. 88
C, liur. & Qulncy....
C, Mil. & St. Faul...
0., Mil. ft St. !.. pf...
C., Kockl. &V
a.. st L. A Pitts
, son
. 96
CSt. L. & Pitts, pf.. .. .
C, St. V., il. & 0 31
C, St. P..M.&0., pf. 90
C. i. Northwestern.... 1C51J
V.& northwestern, pf. ....
O. C. C.&1 TOi
Col., Coal & Iron
Col. & Hocking Val .. I6Jf
Del., L.iW UK
Del. & Hudson 137?a
Denver K1o(t
Denver & KIo G., pr.
E.T., Va. 4Ua
E. T..Y.O. & Ga.. lstpf 70
E. T., Va. & Ga. M pf. ....
Illinois Central 1093
Lake Erie.t Western.. 18
Lake Erie & West. pr.. S7if
Late Shore & M. S 104V
Louisville & Nashville. S3J6
.Michigan Central 90
Mobile & Ohio
JIo K. ATexas
Missouri Pacific 723
N. Y.. L. E. i W 29 ,
N. V., L. E. & W.pref 6811
N. Y., C &St.Ii , . ..
N. Y., C & bU 1.. pf.
N.Y., C. &St.L.2dpf ....
K. Y4A'. E 4S
N. Y., O. & V 18)i-
horfolk ft Western
Norfolk' Western, pf 52
Northern Pacific t 27
Northern Pacific prer. 62
OI1I0& Mississippi... . Tiii
Orejon Improveineut. 6SJ4'
Oreion Transcon...... XI 1
Pacific Mall 3S4
Pco. Dec. ft Evans 23
Phlladel. ft lteadlnjr.. S)i
Pullman Palace Gar.. .204
Richmond ft V. P. T.. 27
KIchmond & W.P.T.pfSlJi.
St. FaulftDuluth....... &A
bt. Paul Duluth pf.. 91
St. P., Minn. Man. ..103
St.L. &San Fran '26J4
St. h. ft San Fran pr.. 5
bt. h. ft San F.lst pC
Texas 1'aciflc. ....".
Unlonl'aclfic 6Sfi
Wabash 14
Wabash preferred....- 27
Western Union foK
Wheeling ft L. E.,
1 64K
Philadelphia Stocks. "
.Closing quotations of Phlladelphla'stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fourth avenue.
emoers.jiew. tork Stock Ex
Pennsylvania Kallroad s.vv
Heading Railroad 2J
Buflalo, Pittsburg and Western 13
Lehigh Valley . 54
Leblgh Navigation 52
U. Co.'s New Jersey.. 28H
Northern Pacific i'
Northern Pacific preferred... 62)
24 5-10
A Railway Plant In Germany.
It it stated that the demand for railway plant
will be unusually large in Germany this year,
and tho Central Board of tha Prussian.Govern
ment railways will shortly make contracts for
7,000 trucks and carriages, 400 locomotives and
800 luggage vans. It may be observed that be
tween 1880 and 1887 the number .of carriages
and tracks on the lines in question increased
by 86 per cent and the traffic by 120 per cent,
and it is supposed that fully 40,000,OU) marks
will be required in order to" meet the present
requirements of the railway traffic in Germany.
It is estimated that this year's production of
pig Iron in Germany will exceed that of last
year's by about 400,000 tons.
Scrap Iron Trade In France.
Bayers and sellers of old rails and scrap iron
have lately had some good openings in France.
The French Eastern Railway Company offered.
14,500 tons of old rails for sale, the bulk of
which was purchased by the Creusot, Chetil
lon, Champiguenlles and Maubeuge works.
Tbe prices ranged from 72 to 83 francs. Tbe
fall in the price of old rails has led to the Vi
lette Works near Paris being closed, and it is
said that the Crenelle Mills have laid in a suf
ficient stock for IS months. It is evident, how
ever, that for the present the supply of old
rails exceeds the demand, and that their price
is likely to weaken still further.
A New Use for Soda IteMdnnm.
M. Viveuot Lamy, who is well known in
French manufacturing circles, has just taken
out a patent for utilizing soda residuum as a'
flux and purifying medium in the manufacture
of pig Iron. The "proportion employed varies
according as tbe ore is calcareous, silicions, or
otherwise. This residuum can be charged from
the top of the furnace with the ore, and may
be mixed with other substances, especially
sawdust and coal dnst, and formed into balls or
cakes in order to obtain greater consistency.
Boston Stocks.
Atch. ft Top.. 1st 7s. H8!
Atch. iTop.K. K... 53
llostonft Albany.. .217
Boston ft Maine 170
c. iift-Q wu
Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 25
Kastern K. K 88
Eastern &. a. u 125,
Fllnr v Pw. , K)
Rutland preferred.. 33
Wls.Central.com... liilf
Wis. Central pf.... 33
AllouezM'gCo.(new) 3
Calumet ft Hecla....265
Catalna 13
Frauxiln 14
FUntftPereM. nrd. 913 M
Mexican cen. coin.. 13
M. v.. lstilort. bds. 70M
N. V. ANewKng... 473,'
N. Y.&NewEag 7s.l27
Old Uolonv 172
Kutlandcommon.... AH
Fewablc (new)..
Qulncv 70
Kell Telenbone 220
Hoston Land 76
Water Power 7?f
Tamarack 142
San Diego 23
The Lewis block will present a very impos
ing appearance when the sky story is com
pleted. 'Wokkmen are putting the finishing touches
to the Germania Bank building improvement,
consisting of 13 new and elegant rooms.
Plans for the new buildings on Wood street,
to replace those destroyed or damaged by the
storm, are abont completed. It is probable all
the buildings will be uniform in height and
The newly elected directors of the Central
Bank are: Thomas Fawcett, Julius Adler, J.
F. Dcnniston, James Wilson. P. H. Hacke. D.
P. Reighard, John E. Ridall, IS. & Holland and
F. P. Bell.
It is common rumor that a fine business house
will beereoted during the present year at the
corner" of Filth avenue and Wylie street, on
the site now occupied by Maeder's tailoring es
tablishment. It will be six stories In height,
and will be composed of brick with terra cotta
At the annual meeting of the New York and
Cleveland Gas Coal Company yesterday, W. P.
DeArmitt was re-elected President, C. L. Dixon
Secretary, and Frank Semple Treasurer. Tho
new Board of Directors is composed of W. P.
DeArmitt, Win. Burger. J. E. Umbstetter,
Henry Phipps, J. Hamilton, Jos. Colvln, J. J.
Dow'ell, Frank Semple and John Walker.
The new Bishop of New Orleans will be at
the consistory to be held in Rome to-day.
JI. SI. Esteo says the printed statement
that he bad written to a friend, saying he
would be in the Cabinet, is wholly untrue.
J. Bellahy, agent for a jeweler in SaultSte.
Marie, Mich., has been arrested in Montreal
for stealing 51,000 worth of his employer's
Tbe French Senate yesterday by a vote of
223 to 52 adopted the bill providing for the re
establishment of the scrutin d'arrondissment
system of election.
Emperor William yesterday gavo audience
to Lieutenant B. H. Buckingham and Lieu
tenant Aaron Ward, tbe military and naval
attaches of the American Legation at Berlin.-
Barney Kennedy, the Dubuque wife mur
derer, has been denied a new trial by the Su
preme Court. His crime was a most atrocions
one, and wholly without justification. He will
he hanged March 4.
In the Canadian House of Commons last
night Postmaster General Haggert announced
that tbe maximum postal matter to be sent
with a 3-cent stamp will be raised from balf an
ounce to one.ounce.
1 Royal Ryder, aged 10 vears, of Youngstown,
son of Edward Ryder, a Lake Shore employe,
died this morning of inflammation of the
bowels, death being caused by eating paper
wads while attending school.
The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday
accepted the following bond offerings: Regis
tered 4Ms. 557,500 at KB; 5166.000 at 10 5S0O.0OO
at 109V: 530.000 at 108, ex-interest, and $8,000 at
109$; fe coupons. 510,000 at 109.
Captain Wissman starts to-night for East
Africa. Some of the members of his staff have
already started. The steamers purchased for
tbe expedition for coast and river servide will
arrive at Zanzibar about the end of the present
The extension of the Quarryville branch of
the Reading Railroad, to connect with the
York and Peach Bottom road, and through that
with tbe Maryland Central, will soon be made.
This will give tbe Reading a direct line to Bal
timore from their coal mines.
In the action for divorce brought against
Marie Temple, the actress, by her husband.Mr.
Izard. Mr. H. W. Leslie, proprietor of tho Lyr
ic Theater, London, co-respondent, from
whom damages were claimed, has been sen
tencedtiy the' Court to pay to Mr. Izard the
sum off5,0C0.
A number of stockholders in the SChicago
Consolidated Bottling Company have applied
to the Circuit Court for a receiver for that cor-
fioration, alleging that it has become hopelessly
nsolvent through dissensions in the director
ate. The capital stock of the company is 5600,
060. William Hafner was appointed receiver.
Fire broke out in the store of Ryan & Diet
zcr, at Honesdale, about 10 o'clock last night,
totally destroying the stores and stock of Ryan
& Dietzcr.'boots and shoes: S. W. Powell, gen
eral merchandise; W.WefferlingASons, bakery
and general merchandise. Several other bond
ings were badly damaged. The loss is about
The Pennsvlvania Railroad has taken out a
charter for a line m New Jersey that will
Shorten the route for through freight to New
York. It is called the Waverlv and New York
Railroad, and will run from Waverly station,
midway between Newark and Elizabeth, across
the Newark Meadows and across Bergett Point
to tbe National docks at Jersey City.
Examination of the persons arrested for
being concerned in the riots at Rome appears to
confirm a theory which the Government would
fain have credited at home and abroad, mme
lv, that the disturbances were instigated by
French emissaries, and the authorities are still
using every effort to eain further information
that will bear out their real or preteudea be
lief. At 2:20 o'clock this morning an alarm of flra
at the Southern Hotel, Wabash avenue and
Twenty-second street, followed by a volume of
smoke which poured into the balls, created a
panic among the guests. The fire department
succeeded m extinguishing the flames after
damages probably amounting to 510,000 had
been inflicted on the hotel ana the property of
A movement is on foot to form a new coun
ty from the portions of Wayno and Susquehan
na immediately adjoining 'Lackawanna. The
towns mat wpum oe in mis proposed newcoun
ty are Thompson, Forest City, Clifford, Dun
daff, TJniondalc, Susquehanna, Oakland, Har
mony, Jackson, .Gibson, Ararat and Herrick in
Susquehanna county, andScott, Preston. Buck
ingham, Manchester and Starucca in Wayne
Reading's Liquor Dealers' Law and Order
Society met yesterdav and adopted a constitu
tion. Similar societies will be organized, if
possible, in every county in Pennsylvania, it is
probable that similar action will be taken at
the. State Brewers' Convention, In Philadel
phia, this week. The society is organized to en
courage members to comply with tbe liquor
law, to elevate the standard of the trade and to
protect respectable dealers against unlicensed
dealers and.violaters of the law.
The fact that the quantity of crude opium
imported yearly into British Columbia from
China has increased from 11,100 to 102,000
pounds since 1878 has attracted considerable
attention at Ottawa, and with a view to ascer
taining how tbe product of this crude article is
disposed of, the matter is to be brought up in
Parliament this week. It is an open secret that
nine-tenths of the prepared opium produced by
tbe 15 oplnm factories in Victoria is destined
for and smuggled into the United States. -
Two Chicago policemen yesterday morning
found, in the middle of tbe road, a barrel that
had evidently fallen off a wagon some time
during tbe night. On examining it they found
it contained the mutilated remains of a woman
in an advanced stage of decomposition. The
feet had been severed from the legs. In an old
bloody apron or shawl were tbe viscera. Tbe
long hair of tbe woman was matted with blood
clots and lay in confusion over thetrunkless
head. The fragments were taken to the
Orders Are Coming in More Freely
for Country Produce.
and Tea Give Indications of an
Upward Movement.
O rriCE or the Pittsbckg Dispatch, l
Wednesday, February 13, 1S89. J
Country Produce Jobblnc Prices.
A Tellable article of butter and eggs is firm
at quotations. Cheese is steady. In alt other
lines of country produce trade continues slow.
Orders, however, begin to come in more freely
from surrounding towns. A Liberty street com
mission merchant whose reports have been of a
blue tint all winter reports to-day that thero
bas been a large increase of orders the past few
days, and that his trouble now arises from se
vere weather which prevents his sending out
stuff. Trade begins to waken up from its long
Rip Van Winkle sleep, and we hope to chroni
cle activity all along the line before many days
have passed.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 333!c; Ohio do,
2628c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country
rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter,
Beans Choice medium, 52 002 10: choice
peas. 52 052 15.
Beeswax 2325c ft & for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, 56 507 50: common,
53 504 00; crab cider, 58 00850 5 barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012o.3i gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make. 1212c:
New York, fall make. 1213c; Limburger,
U12)c: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Wc.
Dried Peas 51 451 50 & bushel; split do,
SMfc f ft.
Eggs 1617c fl dozen tor strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples. 51 00QS1 50 il barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c 3 fi: cranberries, S3 00
f) barrel: S2 4052 60 per bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 30S5c f) ft.
Hojiisy-82 652 7o fl barrel
Hosey New Crop, lb17c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes. 3540o a bushel; 52 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; 53 2o3 50 for Jer-
caw fttTAPtS
Poultry Live chickens, 6375c pair;
dressed chickens, lS15c f) pound; turkeys, 13
15c dressed ?! pound; ducks, live. 80S5c fl
pair; dressed, lAgllc ! pound; geese, 10llc
per pound.
Seeds Clover, choice. 62 fts to bushel, 56 5S
busbel; clover, large English, 62 &s, 56 25;
clover, Alsike, 68 50; clover, white, 59 00; timo
thy, choice, 45fts, 51 85; blue grass, extra clean,
14 fis, 51 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 lis. 81 20;
orchard grass, 14 Sts, 52 00; red top, 14 2s,' 51 00;
millet, 50 Jks. SI 2j; German milletSO as, 52 00;
Hungarian grass, 43 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses. 25c per ft,
SnELLBARKS 51 501 75.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, 53 00
4 00 t box; common lemons, $2 75 fl
box; Messina oranges, 52 C3 50 Jt box;
Florida oranges, S3 003 50 1 box: Jamaica
oranges, fancy,- 56 507 00 f! barrel; Malaga
grapes. 55 507 00 fl keg; bananas, 52 50
firsts: 51 502 00. good seconds, fl bunch:
cocoanuts, $4 C04 50 fl hundred; new figs, 12
14c pound; dates, 6H(3Gc J ponnd.
VEGETABLESCelery. 4050c doz. bunches;
cabbages, 53004 00 31 100; onions, 60c H bushel:
Spanish onions, 15&J0c fl crate; turnips, SO
40c per bushel.
Green coffee has advanced He since Monday
in New York, and markets are very firm. Javas
.are scarcer tban they have been for the past ten
years. Stocks are unusually low in all fine
grades of coffee. Packages are likely to ad
vance at an early day, as they have been for
some time t relatively below tbe price of the
green article. There is also a stiffening in
prices of tea tbe past week. One jobber claims
that gunpowder and imperial teas havo ad
vanced 2c the past week. A New York firm
has lately purchased 55,000 packages of tea at a
cose of over 500,000. The feeling is general
among jobbers that tea has been selling below
its real value for the past few months, and that
present firmness of prices rests on a legitimate
basis. The 55,000 packages which were gobbled
up by a New York firm at a half million would,
says an Eastern paper, have brought 54,000,000
during tbe war.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 021c;
choice Rio, lS20c; prime Rio, lUc: fair Rio.
1718Kc: old Government Java,26c; Mara
caibo, 2122Kc; Mocha. 3031c; Santos, 1S
22c; Caracas coffee. 19K21c; pcaberry, Rio,
2021c: Lacuayra, 20K21Kc
RoAbTED (in paners) Standard brand?,22c;
high grades, 24f26$c; old Government Java,
bulk, 3132; Maracaiuo. 2627c: Santos, 21
22iCc: peaberry, 25c: choice Rio, 2Jo; pnme
Rio, 21Kc; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 20c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c:
cassia. S9c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. ,0Q80c
Petroleuji (jobbers' prices) 110 test.7Jc:
Ohio, 120, SKc; headlight, 150, 9c; water white.
lOJic; globe, 12c; elaine, 15e; carnadine, llc;
royaline, 14c.
Syrups Corn syrups, 232oc; choice sugar
syrup, 3536c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 60c; choice, 48; me
dium, 45; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-carb in s,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine,
per set, SXc; paraffine, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Jic; choice, 6
7c: prime, 5⁣ Louisiana, 66c.
Srabch Pearl, 2Jc; cornstarch, 57c;
gloss starch, 57c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 52 65: Lon
don layers, 53 10; California London layers,
52 50; -Muscatels, 52 25; California Mnscateb,
53 35; Valencia, new, G7c; Ondara Valencia,
7l7c; sultana. 7c: currants, new, 4JJ5c;
uui Key prunes, new, 4i(a,4?sc: frenen prunes,
813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-fi packages, SKc,
cocoanuts, per 100.S5 00; almonds, Lan., per ft;
28c; dnlvica,'19c: do shelled, 40c; walnutJ.tnap.,
12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12
l6c: new dates. 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans, ll15c; citron, per B. 2I22c: lemon
peel, per fi. 1314c; orange peel, 12c
Dries Fruits Acples, sliced, per fi, 8c;
apples, evaporated, 6M7Jic; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
nnpared, 1213Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 5Cc; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2i624Mc; blacuucrries, 75e: huckle
berries, 1012c.
Sugaks Cubes, 7c; powdered, 75c: granu
lated,7c:confectioners' A,6c; standard A,6Jfc;
soft whites. 6V0JJc; yellow, choice, 6g6Kc;
yellow, good, c; yellow, fair, 6c; yel
low, dark, 5c.
PlCKLZs-iledium, bbls (1,200), $475; me
diums, half bbls (600). $2 85.
Salt-No. 1 fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, 51 05;
dairy, fl bbl. 51 20; coarse crystal, f bbl, 51 20;
Higgins Enreka, 4 bu sack, 52 80; Higgin's Eu
reka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard poacher 51 50
1 GO; 2d?, 1 S01 33: extra peaches, 51 351 10;
pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, SI 3001 50; Hid.
Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 80cl 00; lima
beans, 51 10; soaked (If, 85c: string do do, 75
85c; marrowfat peas, 51 101 lo; soaked peas,
7075c: pineapples, 51 401-C0; Bahama do,
52 7o; damson plnms, Coc; green gages, 51 25;
esg plums, $2 00; California pears, $2 50; do preen
gages. $2 00; do egg plums, 52 00; extra white
cherries, 52 90; red cherries, 2fis, 90c: raspber
ries. 51 151 40: strawberries. 51 10; goose-,
berries, 51 201 30; tomatoes, 9295c; salmon,
1-fi, 51 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash,
2-fi can?, soaked, 90c; do green, "As, 1 25(81 50;
corn beef, 2-fi cans, $1 75;" H-fi cans, 513 50;
baked beans, $1 4C1 45: lobster, 1 fi, 51 7o
1 80: mackerel, l-3 cans, broiled, 51 50; sardines,
domestic. Js. 54 254 50; bardmes, domestic.
Ks. 8S 25,$ 50; sardines, imported, ks, Sll 50
12 50; sardines, imported, Us. 518 CO: sardines,
mustard, 4 00; sardines, spiced. $4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel,
530 bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, 540;
extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 32; extra No.
ldot messed. 530; No.2 shore mackerel, 524.
Codfish Whole pollock. 4c f? ft; do medium
George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless bake,
in strips, lie; do George's cod in hlock, 6K
7Kc ilerring Round shore, 55 50 fl bbl; split.
57-Uke 53 25 ft 100-fi half bbl. White fish, 57 fl
lUO-ft half bbl. Lake trout, 5 50 f) balf bbl.
Finnan badders. 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
fl ft.
Buckwheat Flour 22Jfc per pound.
Oatueal-56 306 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 59g62c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Floor and Feed.
Receipts bulletined to-day at the Grain Ex
change were the lightest for months past, the
total being 10 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne
'and Chicago, 4 cars of hay, 1 of middlings. 1 of
barley, 2 of flour. 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg;
Cincinnati and St. Louis. 1 car of hay. Sales
on call: One car sample corn, 3&c sPot! car
b. m. s. corn, SfHc 5 Mars: 5 cars of .upland
pralrio bay, 59 75, 10 days. Cereal markets
show a dull and depressed feeling through and
through. Oats are particularly weak. A bet
ter feeling is reported for ear corn. But tbe
situation all along the line is in favor of buyers.
There is no let-up to tbe boom In wheat, and
holders of flour arc firm in tbeirideas. Upland
prairie hay has all it can do to hold up to quota
tions. . .
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 3 red, 51 07
'Coen-No. 2 yellow, ear, S$39c; high mixed
ear, 36e37c; Na 1 yellow, rteUed. 3040o,
No.2 yellow, shelled, 373Sc; hleh mixed,
shelled, 3637c; mixed, shelled. 3536c:
Oats No.2 white, 32KJ33c; extra No. 3, S1U
32c; No. 3 white, 313lc; No. 2 mixed, 29
30c "
RYE-No. 1 rye. 5556c; No. 2. 50052c: No. 1
Western. 5253c
Barley No. 1 Canada, 9095c;No. 2 Canada,
83385c; No. 3 Canada, 7880c; No. 2 Western.
757Sc; No. 3 Western, 6o07Oc Lake Shore, 75
FLOUR-Jobbing prices, winter patents, 56 50
675; springpatents,S875S7 00; fancy straight,
winter and spring, 5 505 75; clear winter.
So 005 25. straight XXXX bakers', 55 C0Q5 25.
Rye flour. S3 75.
Cornmeal In paper, 50c
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 518 00
20 00 ? ton; brown middlings. 514 5015 00;
winter wheat bran, 11 7515 25; chop feed.
$15 00018 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, 515 0015 25;
No. 1 do. 514 2514 50; No. 2 do, 512 0013 00;
loose from wagon, 518 0023 00: No. I upland
prairie. 10 0010 50; No. 2, 58 00S 50; packing
do, 55 506 00.
Straw Oats. 58 00g8 25; wheat and rye
straw, 57 007 25.
Large bams. 18 fts and upward, 10c; medium
hams, 14 to 13 fts, lie; small hams. 14 fts and un
der, llc; picnic or California hams, 8c; bone
less (in skins), lljc; sugar-cured shoulders,
SJJc; bacon. 8c: dry salt, 9c; breakfast bacon,
10c:rouletts (boneless 8. c shoulders), 10!4c;
regular smoked sides. 9c; bellies, smoked sides,
9c: regular dry salt sides, 8c; bellies, dry salt
sides, Sc; dried beef, sets 3 nieces, 10c; dried
beef, fiats. 8c: dried- beef, rounds, lie; dried
beef, knuckles, lie; pork, mess, 16 50: pork,
family, 17 00; pig pork, balf barrels, 59 CO; long
sausage, oic Lard Tierces, 325 fts, TKc V ft;
half barrels, 120 fi3, 7c fl ft; tubs, wooden. 60
fi'. 78C ty ft; buckets, wooden, 20 fts. 7c fl ft;
3-ft tin pills, 60 fts. 7c?l ft: 5-fttin pails. 60
fts, SJfc ?l ft: 10-ft tin pails. 60 fts, TJJc fl ft; 20-ft
tin pails, 80 fts, 8c; 50-ft tin pails, 100 fts, 7c
H ft.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts,
55Kc: 600 to 630 fts, 66Kc; 700 to 750 fts, 7
7c Sheep, 7c fl ft. Lambs, 8c fl ft.
Jobbing prices of lumber are on the advance.
XJe-iler report that their supplies are costing
more this season than last. SVhile yard quota
tions are unchanged, a change for the higher
is bound to come between now and April.
"pise cnplaned tacd quotations.
Clear boards, per M 00,00
Select common boards, per M 30 00
Common boards perM 2)00
Sheathln? .'. is 00
Pine lrame lumber per 31 22 00(327 00
Shingles, No. 1, IS In. per 31 SCO
Shingles, No.2, 18 In. per M 373
Lath 300
Clear boards, per M 60 03
Surface boards 30 0035 00
Clear. Ji-inch beaded celling 26 00
Partition boards, perM 3500
Flooring, No.l 30 00
Flooring, No. 2 23 00
Yellow pine flooring 30 OOgHO 00
Weather-boardinjr, moulded. No. 1.... 30 00
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 25 00
Weather-boarding, -lnch a) 00
Ash, 1 to 4 in 40 00CMO 00
Black walnut, green, logrnn 45CXYoOCO
Black walnut, dry, log run GOOVtoOO
Cherry R5 01375 00
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 25 0033)00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 23 OOrfx 00
Dry white oak boards, lin 35 004OO0
West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 00325 00
West Va. yellow pine. 1 Inch 25 oorffia) 00
West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 In 25 CO30 00
Hickory, IK to 3 fn 13 0022 00
Hemlock building lumber, perM 13 00
Bunk rails '. 15 00
Boat studding 14 00
Coal carplank IS 00
Ash, 1 to4 In 23 00(330 00
Black walnut, green, log run 45 00SW)oi
Black walnut, dry. log run 30 00(3) Boo
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 17 0010) 03
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 18 MWCO
Dry white oak boards, I in 19 0020 00
WestVa. yellowpine. lin 13 005120 00
West Va. yellow pine, IX In 19 0O22 on
WestVa. vcllow poplar, H to lin IS OOffia 00
Hickory, l4to 3 in 18 00(2 00
Hemlock building timber, ?IM 10CO12 00
Bunk rails 14 00
Boatstudding 14 00
Coal car plank 1800
' ,.
I am satisfied tu.ii Cancer nereditary in my
family. My father died of it. a sister of my
mother died of it, and my own sister died of it.
My feelings may be imagined, then, when the
horrible disease made its appearance on my
side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating in
wardly in such a way that it could not be cut
out. -Nnmerons remedies were used for it, but
the Cancer grew steadily worse, until itseemed
that I was doomed to follow the others of the
family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from
tbe first day, forced out the poison and con
tinued its use until I had taken several bottles,
wben I found myself well. 1 know that S. S. S.
cured me. Mrs. S. M. Idol.
WrNSTON, N. C. Nov. 26, '88.
Send for Book on Cancer and Blood Diseases.
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
Ga. fel-7-TTS
tiret fatnn Itchlnc
nlf-htf worne br
cratclii& Ifaf
H lowed to continue
becoming Very mon SWAYETS OUCT
MiiVr Atops tfa ItcMnc and bleedlnx heaU
ulrerattoii. nnd In moat mampmaTM the turn
ctor. Swatx's Omtobst is told bj druggist, or mailed to
any address oa receipt of price, 50 cts. a box ; 3 boxes, f 1.23
.address letters. DS. 3 WATNB A SO, Philadelphia. Tx.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL, . . - . 200,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEEK. Vice Prest
sel-k33-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
On mortgages on improved real estate in sums
of $1,000 and upward. Applv at
fei-22-D No. 121 Fourth avenne.
Oil bought and sola on margin. dei7-21-Dsu
station. Central Standard Time. Leave for
Cincinnati and bt. Louis, d 7:33 a.m., d 8:00 and
d ll:li p. m. Dennlson, 2:15 p. m. Chicago,
12:05, d 11:15 p.m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m.. 12:0
6:10 p. m. Stcnbenvillc, 5:5.1 a. m. AYashlngton.
6:55, 8:K.i. in., 1:5 3:33, 4:53 p. m. Bulger, 10:10
a. m. Burgettstown, Sll:35a.m.. 5:25 p. m. Mans
field, 7:15. 11:00 3. m.. 6:20, de5;10:4u, p.ra. Mc
Donalds, d 4:15. d 10:00 p. m. ,
from tbe West, d 1:50, d 6:00, a. m.. 3:0. dt:55
p.m. DcnnlsoL, 9:33 a.m. Steubenvllle, Sao p. m.
Wheeling, 1:00, S:43a.m., 3:03, 5:53 p.m. BurirettJ
town, 7:15a. in., S 9:05 a.m. Washington. tuJo,7M,
9:55 a. m.. 2:35, 6.-20 p. ro. Mansfield. 5:35., 9:00
a. m.. 12: d 8:J) and 10:00 p. m. Bulger. l:40p. m.
McDonalds, d 6:33a. m d 9:00 p. m.
d daily; S Sunday only; other trains, except
3L'f rains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
time: lilttannlne Ac. 6:55 a. m.: Niagara Ex..
dalir. 8:45 a. is., llulton Ac. 10:10 a.m.; Valley
Camp Ac, 32:05 p. m.: Oil City and Dnliols Ei
press,2:00 p.m.; UulUa Ac, 3:00p.m.: liittannins
Ac, 4:00 p.m.; Braebnrn Ex., 3:00 p. in.: Kittaan
lns Ac, 5:30 p.m.; Braebnrn Ac.,6:20p.m.: Hul
ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.: Buffalo Ex., daUy.
!:."o p. a.; Unlton Ac. 9:45 n. m.: Braebnrn Ac,
11:30 p. m. Church trains Braebnrn, 12:40 p. m.
and 3:33 p. ra. Pullman Sleeping Cars between
Pittsburg and Bnlftlo E. H. UTLEt. (i. r. &
P. A.: UAV1D McCAEGO. Gen. Snot.
Trains (Cet'l Sfan'dtlme) I Leave. I Arrire.
Bntler Accommodation
Butler Accommodation
Chicago Express (daily)
New castle and Greenville Ex
Zellenople and Koxbnrg Ac
6:00 am
7:20 am
7:10 am
7:3 pm
4:00 nm
920 am
12:30 pm
10 pm
11:03 am
9G am
5:30 am
2:10 pm
i:w pm
5:40 pm
sutler AccorcmoaaiKKi.
Through coach and tleencr to Chicago daily.
Little Fails, N. Y
I was troubled with Headache, Constipation.
Loss of Spirits and Weak Stomach, but sines
commencing the use of your BURDOCK
BLOOD BITTERS I feel better than I have
for years. Have recommended it to many
friends with the most excellent results. ,
after NoTember 28, 1888. train's Iiare Djloa
Station. Pittsburg, a follow. Eastern Standard
Time: -
New York and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ve
Ubale dally at 7U5 a. m. , T -;
Atlantic Express dally for the Eait, 3:00 a.m.
Malt train, dally, except Sunday, 6:55 a. nu Sum
day. mall, 8:40 a.m.
Day express dally at 8:00 a. m.
Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m.
Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m.
Fast Line dally at 9:10 n. m.
Greensburg express 5:10 p. m. week days.
Berry express 110 a. m. week days.
All through train connect at Jersey OtTwltH
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N. Y
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through NV
Y. City.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Mall Train, dally; 8:30 p.m.
Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m
Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p. mu'
Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m.
PastLlne, dally., 11:55 p.m.
For Unlontown, a:4S and assa. m. and 4:23 p.
m.. without change of cars; 1.00 p. m., connect
lng at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union,
town at 9:45 a. m., 12:20. 6:15 and 8.-20 p. m. i
From FEUEBAL ST. STATION. Allezbeny City.
Mall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 6:4a a. nu
Express, for Blalrsvlue, connecting for
Butler 3:15 p. m.
Butler Accom 8:20 a. m., 223 and 5:43 pm,
Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 8 SO p. m.
ireeport Accom 4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m.
On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accom. ....10:50 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation.
connecting for Butler 8:29 a.m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation 11 JO p.m.
Trains arrive at FEUEUAL STREET STATlONi
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m.
Mall Train 2:35 p. m.
Bntler Accom 9:25a. m., 4:40and7ip. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation ..9:52 p. m.
Freenort Accom.7:40 a.m.. 1-3Z. 7a)and llrto p. m.
On Sunday 10:10 a.m. and 7:00 p. n,
Sprlngdale Accom 6:37a. m and 32 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Trains leave Dnlonstatlon.l'lttsonr. as follows:.
For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and
Unlontown, II a. m. For Monongahela City and,
West Brownsville, 75 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday. 1 :01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:tJ
p. m., week davs.
Uravosbnrg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m. '
West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:50 a. m.. 2:00,
6:3) and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Trf
street and Union station.
General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent.
February ia 1889, Central Standard Tune.
As follows from Union Station: For Chics go, d 7S
a. m.. d 12:20, d 1:00. d7:45. except Saturday. 11:20
p. m.: Toledo. 7:25a. m., d 12iSJ. d l:0O aDd excepfl
Saturday. 11:20 p, m.: Crestline. 5:45 a. m-: Cleve
land, 6:10, 73 a.m.. 12 :35 and d 115 p.m.: New Cas
tle and Youngstown, 7:03 a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p. m.;
Youngstown and Mies, d 12:20 p. m.; JleadvUle.
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:03a. m.. 12S0 p. m.; Nlles
and "Jamestown. 3:15 p. m.; Masslllon, 4:10 p. m.;
Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10a. m 12:35, 3:30p. m.;
Beaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m., S 3SD a. ra.; Leets
dale, 5:30 a. m.
ALLEGHENY Rochester. 6:30 a. m.; Beaver
Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.; Leets
dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m., 2:C0, 4:30, 4:45. o:30, 7:00. 9:03
p. m.; Conway. lOOp.m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
m.: Leetsdalc S 8:30 p. m.
TRAINS AKK1VE Union station from Chicago,
except Monday 1:50, il8:0q, dC:35 a. m., d 7:35 p.
n : Toledo, except Monday ISO, d6:3S a.m.. 7:35
S. m. , Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Youngstown and
ew Castle. 0:10 a.m., 1:25,7:35, 10:15 p. m.:Nlle$
and Youngstown. d 7:35 p. m.;Cleveland. d 5:50 a
m., 2:25, 7:45 p. m.r Wheeling and Bellalrc. 90
a. m., 2:25, 7:45 p. m.: Erie and Ashtabula. 125.
10:15 p. m.: Jliisalllon. 10:00 a. ui.: Nlles and:
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. ; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m.,.
1:10 p. m S8:i5p. m.: r,cets(i.ile. 10:40 p. m.
ARRIVE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a.
m.: Conway, 6:50: Rochester, 9:40 a. m.; Beaver
Falls, 7:10 a. m., 6:10 p. m.: Leetsdale, 50. 6:15.
7:45 a. m.. 12:00. 1:4. 4:30, 6:30. 9:00 p. m.: Fair
Oaks, S 3:55 a.m.: Leetsdale, S 6:05 p.m.: Beaves
Falls. S 3:25 p.m.
S, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except
Sunday. felf
COMPANY-Schedulo In effect January 13V
laSO. Central time:
B. & L. E. K. IU-UipXrt For Cleveland, 525,
7:40 A. JI.. 120, 4:15, "9:30 r. 3t. For Cincinnati,
Chicago and bt. Louis. 5:25 a. m., "lD, "3:30 r. M,
For Buffalo. 10:20 A. II.. 4:15 "9:30 p. ir. For Sala
manca. "7:40 a- It.. "1:20, "9:30 p. M. For Beaver
Falls, 5:25,.7:4C 10:20 A. M., 'ISO, 30, 4:15, 520.
9:30 P. a. For Chartiers, 5:23, '55, 60, 57:0V
7:15, 8:40, m.lS, S25, 10:20 A. JI., 12:05, 12:45, 11:25,
1:45, 3:30, 4:45, '5:10. 520, '8: 10:30 P. JI.
ABIUVE From Cleveland, iiSO A. Jr.. '1:00.
5:40. "80 p. jr. From Cincinnati. Chicago and,
St. Louis, 'l:CO. 3:00 p. JI. From Buffalo, 3:30 a.
jr., 1:00, 5:40 p. ji. From Salamanca, 1:00, 80
P. M. From Youngstown. 5:30; "60, 920 A. jr.,
10, 5:40, '8:00 P. JI. From Beaver Falls, 5:30,
6:50, 7:20, 920a. M., I:00. 1:35; 5:40. 8:00. P. M.
From Chartiers. 5:10, 5:22, 5:30, 16:42; "8:3a, 73,
"7:30, 8i, 920, 10:10 A. M., 12:00 noon, 12:30, '102.
15, '3:42. 4:00. 4:T5, 5:00. 5:10, 5:4a 9:12P. M.
P.. McK. Y. IS. K.UEP ART For New Haven,
5:40a. jr., 3:55 P. M. For West Newton. 5:15 p. ju
For New Haven. 7:00 A Jt.. Sundays, only.
ARBTVE From New Haven. 90 A. M.. "5:03 P.
M. From West Newton. 6:45, 9:00 A. M.,55 P. JL
Bally. ISnndays only.
E. HOLBKOOK. General Superintendent. -A.
E. CLARK. General Passenger Agent.
City ticket office. 401 Smithfield street.
Schednle In effect November 29, lSb8. Fr
Washington. D. C. Baltimore and Philadelphia.
11:30 a.m.and '1020 p.m. For Washington. D.C,
and Baltimore, t7:00a.ni. ForCnralerland, t70.
11:30 a. m.. and10:20 p. m. For Connellsvllle.
17:00 and 11:30 a. m., ll:CO, 1 1:00 and "10:3) n. m.
For Uniontoim.U:0O,ll:.a.m., tl0and "4:00 p.
p. For Mt. Pleasant. r7:CO and 1U:30a. m,, tl:03
and 14:00 p. ra. For Washington, Pa.. "7:30,
19:30 a. m., "3:3i t5:30 and '3:30 p. m. For Wheel
ing, "7:30, T9:30a.m., "3:33, "B: p. m. ForCln
clnnatl and St. Louis, 7:30 a. m., 8:30 p. m. For
Columbns, 7:30a. m., '8:30 p. m. For Newark,
70, 19:30 a. m., '3:35, '8:30 p. m. For Chicago,
TiTO, toaJa. m "3:35 and S:30 p. m. Trains ar
rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing
ton, "7:10 a. m. and "6:50 p. m. From-Colnmbns.
In t ton and Cincinnati.
For Wheeling. Columbns and Cincinnati. 11:5$
p m (Saturday only). Connellsvllle ac at S&:30
Daily. Illallr except Sunday. Sunday ouItJ
The Pittsburg Tranaler Company will call for
and check baggage lrom hotels and residences
upon orders lelt at 11.4 0. Ticket 03.ee, corner
Firth avenne and Wood street.
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Co. Winter Time Table. On and alter October
14, 1S33, until further notice, trains will run as
follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern
standard time: Leaving Plttsburg-8:15 a. m.,
7:15a.m.,90a. m 11:30a.m., 1:40p.m., 3:40p.m.,
5:10 p. m. 6:30 p. m., 9:30 p. m., 11: JO p.m. Ar
lington 5:45 a. m.. 60 a. m.. 80 a. m.. 1020 av
m.. 1:00 p. m., 2:40 p. m.. 420 p. m.. 50 p. m
7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving
nttsbnrg-10 a. m.. 12i30 p. m.. 2:30 p. m.. 5:13
f.m., 0u30 p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m.,
0p. m., 4:20 p. m 6:30 n m.
As old residents Know ana back files of Pitt
burg papers prove, is the eldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, deTotius'
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
MCDWHllQ and mental diseases, physical'
l"tnVUUOdecay. nerrons debility, lact
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust.bashfulnesa,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im-,
porerished blood, fading powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for bu3iness,society and mar
riajre, permanently, safely and privately cured;
bCood and skin ssr?tis
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glanduhur
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throai
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
ilDIMARV kidney and bladder derange
UnlllAri I i ments, weak back, gravel. ca
tarrhal discharges, . inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
nrnmpt relief and real cures.
Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experience
fcuares scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as caref uUy treated as it
hers. Offlco hours 9 a. sl to 8 P. M. Sunday,
loi?. to 1-r.M. only. DR. WHITTIKB. 9Ji
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. feS-6-DSUW
For LOST or Failing
MAN HOOD. Nervons-
ness. Weakness ot
Body & Jllnd, Lack of Strength. Vigor and De
velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, 4c. Boot.
MODE of SEir-TBlATJlEXT. and Proofs mailed
(sealed) tree. Address eiuiu .ntuivau i.u.,.
lJuttalo, N. Y.
For men! Checks the wort cases In threa
days, and cures in five days." Price $1 00. at
r nT.TAfrviS'CnnrrfjSTriHR
412 Market street.
6ibs& CiENCBTrTlEALTH." tat
iN . nr mature Decline, and Functional disor
V Mv ArfCTcnrrtCT':AoS".omhMl!ci!KS.
Jl nUS. W 3J1I13T0H CaJ9rwkPlanlwrocU
suffering from th tf
fecta of youufol er
IT8 M 1 ro"L ewly decr tos
manhood, eta
mntsialnst full
I win
full particnUr for horn enre, irw ot
ii wna a TiiOAoie Tjeaoje (Kaxeai
dhat-vo JfTftrWS-
PROF. F. C. FOWCER, Moodu, Conn,
the sneedy cureolNervous lieoiiityrai jianuoou.
Despondency, etc. A eoffioj ' "SJyU . V-SIS
free, sealed. Address SCIENCE of HEALTHt
130 vvestsixtnoircci, winc'"i"M""w
- i