Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 14, 1889, Image 1

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Itising- In THE DIS-.PATCH.
On the Question of Prohibition,
and Emphatically Indorses
the Amendment
And Will Do All in His Power to
Strangle John Barleycorn.
Effect of the Amendment on Industrial
Interests He Does Jot TliinU Revenues
Would be Materially Affected The
Sumptuary Lsvi ot Menaced Moral
Suasion Not Effective Absolute Prohibi
tion the Only Way to Stop Drunkenness
He Thinks the Amendment Will Carry
How the Quakers Stnnd
General Master "Workman Powderly comes
out for prohibition. In an interview which
our special commissioner had with the
famous Knight of Labor he depicts the
evils of intemperance; pronounces moral
suasion fruitless; denies that personal lib
erty is assailed by Constitutional amend
ment, and discusses the economic and in
dustrial phases of the June election. While
in the neighborhood of Philadelphia our
commissioner found that Chester county
will ghe a majority of votes for the
amendment. Thus far The Dispatch's
canvass of counties shows the following
4 " ?
S o o
S 2.
3 e?
g. 9 g
Armstrong.... Infavorof 8.9S6 Adopted
Bedford. Infavorof 8,191 Adopted
Berks Against 2S,S2 Defeated
Cambria....... Against 11.702 Defeated
Cameron....... Infavorof 1,345 Adopted
Carbon Doubtful 7,177 Defeated
Chester Infavorof 19,785 Adopted
Clarion Fairlvsure 6.945 Adopted
Columbia Verv'd'btful 7.416 Defeated
Elk Against 3,197 Defeated
I"aette Verydbtful 14,263 Adopted
Forest ....Infavorof 1.601 Defeated
Greene. Infavorof 6,630 Adopted
Indiana ... . Infavorof 7,609 Adopted
Jefferson Infavorof 7.525 Adopted
Lackawanna. Against 2L.195 No vote
Lancaster.... Against 32.9S7 Defeated
Lehigh Against lb,U Defeated
Luzerne Veryd'btful SL55S Adopted
Montour.. . .. In favor of 3,195 Adopted
Northampton . Against 17,103 Defeated
Nonhumberl'd Fairl sure 12,776 Defeated
Potter Infavorof 4 431 Adopted
Sehujlkill Against 2a,'teU Defeated
Somerset Infavorof 7.SS2 Adopted
Venango In favor ot h.5S7 Adopted
Warren ..Infavorof 7,645 Adopted
Washington . Intavorof 11.22$ Adopted
Westmoreland. Cloe 19.95S Adopted
Wyoming Infavorof 3,996 Adopted
Aggregate of votes for Harrison. Cleveland
and risk.
Philadelphia, February 13. There is
one little vote that will go into the ballot
box on June 16 without hesitation- It will
not stick half way. Between firm fingers,
and propelled by the whole heart and soul
of a courageous man, it will be sent straight
to the center of Constitutional amendment's
white heap of tickets.
The voter will be Terrence V. Powderly,
General Master Workman of the Knights of
Labor of the United States.
In fearlessly unfurling his colors to the
breeze, this leader of the American working
people becomes a notable figure in the cam
paign, and though he may take no active
part, immeasurable may be the influence of
his silent example. He speaks only for
himself. But how many will listen?
Mr. Powderlr's Reasons.
I made it convenient to be at the Windsor
Hotel in order to meet the General Master
Workman when be came in for his dinner
during a recess of the Executive Board's
quarterly session He appeared much re
lieved when he found that I did not wish to
worry him on industrial pursuits, and I
imagined his pleasant face really lighted up
with something akin to gladness when I
told him what subject I had called to inter
view him upon. Dinner was not quite
ready yet, and to improve the time I asked:
"Are you for or against the Constitutional
"I am for the amendment," replied Mr.
Motioning me to a chair beside him, Mr.
Powderly answered the question as follows:
I am in favor of the adoption of this Consti
tutional amendment for the reason that the
experience of a life time has demonstrated
that drunkenness is a curse. It is the cause of
more poverty than anything else that can be
named. It is alleged that poverty is the cause
of drunkenness. That to a certain extent is
true. Bnt remove the opportunity to become
a drunkard, and poverty can go no further in
the direction of lowering the family and bnne
lng more poverty to the innocent ones depend
ent on the parent
About Personal Libertr.
I am not a Prohibitionist, and have taken no
part in that agitation, except such as every
temperance man may have taken. In 1868, with
four other persons, I assisted in organizing the
first temperance society in Luzerne or Lacka
wanna county, and since that time I have been
a member of the Father Matbew Society. Our
efforts have been dc oted exclusively to what
is known as the moral suasion idea, but I find
that moral suasion ceases to be effective as the
temptation to drink becomes stronger. AVhilo
the tempters are as numerous as five In a single
block,tbere is but little hope for the man whose
business calls him upon the street, and whohA
within him a love for liqnor.
It is claimed that we have no right to inter
fere with the personal liberty of our neighbor
That is true, but it is also true that ourneich
bor has no right to interfere with ours. For the
one man whose liberties will be tampered tilth
through prohibition five others will be mere
secure in their liberties. To illustrate: I have
teen a society with a membership of SOO de
rttoyed by the actions of ono member, whose
Jove for liqnor was so strong that he could not
atterd a meeting except under its influence.
He alwajs managed to keep within the bounds
of the law and thus save him from expulsion.
While sober he was all right, but In liquor he
was a fiend, and his fiendishnes broke the so
ciety up. Thus the liberties of SOO were inter
fered with by one whose personal liberty to be
a ruffian must not be restricted.
It Industrial Effects.
It is also urged that the adoption of this
amendment will throw vast numbers of people
out of employment, and that those who are
now in the liquor business will be deprived of
tbeir means of earning a livelihood. I grant
that it may entail hardships for such pers ont,
but those who are in the liquor traffic are con
versant with the laws of business, and should
(understand bow it can all be readjusted. The
men who are spending all their raonej,for
whisky will pick up callings and have more of
their earnings to Invest in clothing, food and
other articles of trade. Tney will also be ablo
to go a little farther and buy some ot the luxu
ries of life which they cannot do now. It ero
better that the few who now sell liquor.be
turned into idleness for a time, than that thou
sands, of honest men should be driven into
drunkards' graves.
The thought does not strike those who sym
pathize so deeply with the liquor dealer that
no invention is made in machinery which does
not throw thousands of workmen out of "regu
lar employment, and forces them to pick np
new pursuits. The hardship.! they have to en
dure are greater than those which may fall to
the lot of the liquor seller, for tho latter class
of men are better off in the possessions of this
world's goods than the mechanic who is dis
placed by labor-savlnR machinery.
Ivotlilnn Sumptuary About It.
I do not think that the adoption of this
amendment" will Interfere In any way with
taxes, and if it does lessen revenues, although
a poor man, I am willing to .pay a tax to sup
port in Idleness tho man who nowaispenses this
hellish stuff, rather than tax the strength and
brain of this State as it is now taxed by the
rum-seller. The taxes in our large cities to
maintain police discipline will be materially
lessened, and in the country districts I don't
see how it will make any difference to the far
mer. It will better his prospects instead, for
where a man now spends money for a drink of
water with bad whisky mixed m it, he can then
save his money to buy more grain, and get tho
water for nothing.
Nor do I consider this amendment in the line
of sumptuary laws, as so many are crying just
now. Liquor cannot be regarded In the light
of food, or even as one of the necessities of
life. I have never tasted a drop of liquor, and
I am 40 years of age. What I have done other
men can do, and hun dreds of thousands of tho
other men would do as I do were the tempta
tion removed or had they their lives to live
over azain. So it is not legislating against
food or drink, but against temptation and
crime, when we vote for prohibition.
Intemperance Paralleled.
Some men say to me, "Whatever the Lord
has put in this world is for a use. Here is
liquor. Isn't It to be used?" Yes, and the
Lord put iron ore in these mountains, but He
never intended that it should be made into
jimmies and burglar's tools. If men will not
listen to advice and reason, if their appetites
have become so depraved as to lead the brain,
then the temptation should be removed, and
there is no more effective way of doing this than
through absolute prohibition. If a man is
known to have a mania for suicide the law
will prohibit him from taking his life in so sud
den manner, andlseeno reason why we should
not establish a law which will prohibit a man
from not only taking his own life by slow de
grees, but ruining his hopes of salvati on here
after andthe temporal happiness of wife and
children.'' And now that the question has come
before the people of Pennsylvania I shall vote
for prohibition.
There is a clause in the Constitution of
the Knights of Labor which debars saloon
keepers from membership in the order.
Men will not be accepted even in whose
families liqnor is sold. In his great speech
before the national convention of the
Knights at Minneapolis, Powderly said:
I am not ashamed to say that I would rather
see a man sober than a drunkard. It is better
to educate our children to be temperate than
to be drunkards. There is not a man living
who will say that it is right to bring into the
home that which damns tho head of the family.
There are those who have threatened to leave
the order because of my position on this ques
tion. I say to all who would withdraw for such
a cause, "Go." I will trust the fate of this
nation with sober men and women. 1 will
never take back one word of what I have said
on the temperance question, so help me God.
Mr. Powderly believes the issue will be
carried in the State, because thousands of
drinking men are anxious to vote for it to
get temptation out of the way. He says
temperance people themselves will be re
sponsible if it is defeated.
Chester for Drouth.
Lying close to Philadelphia is one county
that will not be influenced by the city in its
vote upon the Constitutional amendment.
That is Chester. Its rich agricultural sur
face is populated by an old etork of people
whose tendencies are all for prohibition.
Here are some of the views of citizens:
Charles H. Pcnnypacker I think that the
amendment will carry in the State: yet it may
depend very much upon what the Catholic
Church will do in the matter. In this county it
will have 2,000 majority.
W.W. MacElrce I think that the prohibiti on
amendment is a move in the right directio n. I
only hope that it will pass, and shall give my
vote to that on d.
Dr. W. P. Snyder, Prothonotary My opinion
is that the amendment will have in this county
between 4,000 and 5,000 majority.
Chester carried local option by 2,000 ma
jority. About the Quakers.
There are many Quakers of course in the
Chester valley. As indicative of the fcel
inc among them on this question this is
given as an account of one of their meetings
the other day:
The consensus of opinion was that it was a
religious question, that church members wonld
not be held blameless if they voted against it,
and that in fact the fate of the amendment was
in the hands of the church people. It was also
urged that everything possible be done to dis
courage the prescribing of liquor by physicians.
The "sisters" particularly spoke with great
earnestness. One said that their society was
always foremost in all reforms and they could
not hold back now. The sisters could not vote,
but they had influence, and if the brothers
voted against prohibition "they should be
shunned." The conference lasted about two
hours. L. E. Stofiel.
Prominent Persons Arrested for Incendiar
ism nnd a Double Murder Three
Jailed and Warrants Issued for
Others A Deed Commit
ted Last August.
Chablestojt, W. Va., February 13.
On the morning of August 17 the storeroom
of Wallace & Kelly, in West Charleston,
was burned, together with all of its con
tents. Simon Wallace, one of the proprie
tors, and his mother, Mrs. Kacbel Wallace,
slept in the rooms over the store and thev
perished in the flames. As, they were in
good health and known to be light sleepers,
it was soon whispered that they had been
foully dealt with. The evidence at the in
quest showed that the fire was of incendiary
origin, and it was reported later that a wag
on load of goods was taken from the store at
a late hour in the night.
Rewards aggregating about 82,000 were
offered by the county and private individu
als, and detectives have been working on
the case unceasingly collecting evidence,
and to-day S. A. Higginbottom, John Morn
ing, John Oliver and Minnie Ford, alias
Bodley, were arrested on three separate
warrants, two each for murder and one for
incendiarism. Warrants are also out for
Givcns, a prominent farmer, who has here
tofore borne a good reputation, and John
S. A. Higginbottom owned a building ad
joining the storehouse, which was also
burned, he getting its full value in insur
ance, and Givens, his father-in-law, is sus
pected of being the person who took away
the wagon load of goods. It is believed
that one of the party will turn State's evi
dence. A Wnr Khlp lo Leave for Samoa.
San Feancisco, February 13. In
structions have been issued to have all the
stores on board the United States man-of-war
Monongabela by Friday. She is ex
pected to leave direct for Samoa Monday
or Tuesday of next week.
Mrs. Harrison Gives Her Farewell Recep
tion in Indianapolis, and It Is Well
Attended A Foolish Young;
Woman's Bunko Game.
Indianapolis, February 13. Mrs. Har
rison gave her last reception this afternoon.
It had been intended to close the reception
at 5 o'clock, but at that hour the callers
were still coming, and as it was "positively
the last performance," the management de
cided to keep the doors open as long as peo
ple were coming. The result was that the
afternoon reception became also an evening
one, and it was late to-night before the last
of the callers went away. Among the call
ers during the evening was a large party of
the Republican members of the Legislature
with their wives. General Harrison helped
the ladies receive during the evening. Mrs.
Harrison and Mrs. Mclvee were very tired,
but e en to the last had a pleasant word for
every comer, even to utter strangers who
dropped in purely from curiosity.
Mrs. Harrison and her daughter have
been annoyed recently by the antics of a
young wonuu formerly living in this city
who is being interviewed in different cities
as an intimate friend of the fomily, and say
ing that she is going to Washington with
tbem upon an invitation to make a long
visit at the White House. It is said that at
Washington recently she carried her im
posture so far that a reception was given in
her honor, upon the strength of her sup-
?osed nearness to the family of the next
'resident. The young woman's standing in
this city is not of a sort to favort her with
the acquaintance of the Harrison or any
other reputable family, and she is
simply playing a bunko game upon silly
people anxious to make themselves solid
with the administration.
Jersey City Storekeepers Given a Lesson by
the Police.
New York, February 13. Chief of
Police Murphy, of Jersey City, detailed
detectives Clos and Smith to rob the stores
in Newark avenue to-day of anything they
could lay their hands on. They stole six
pairs of police shoes from Daniel O'Sul
livan's store, two valises from E. E. Wes
sel's, some expensive cloaks from C. P.
Friend's, half a dozen pairs of rubber boots
from C. P. Herman's, six pairs of ladies'
slippers from F. W. Herman's, a quanti
ty of jewelry from various jewelry stores,and
other minor things from many merchants.
They took their plunder to police head
quarters, where it is now awaiting Its
The robberies were meant to teach the
shopkeepers a lesson. For more than two
months complaints have poured into police
headquarters of many petty robberies by
shoplifters. Lately the Chief has been ad
vising the complainants to keep a better
watch Over their goods. They protested that
they kept as good a watch as was; possible,
and that the neatness with which the rob
bing was done showed that a gang of pro
fessional shoplifters were at work. It was
to see whether a close watch was kept that
Clos and Smith were sent out. The detec
tives say that they might have stolen a
thousand dollars' worth of goods and not
been caught.
Delegations From Surrounding Tqwns At
tending the Church .Divorce Trial.
Columbus, February 13. The testimony
in the Church divorce case to-day was not
so sensational as it has been for a few days,
but some of the extravagant stories as to
Colonel Church and his hired girls was con
firmed in part A line of evidence was also
introduced to show that Mrs. Church is of
an amiable disposition and able to gctalong
with almost any person.
The Court continued to inforce the rule
that no young girls or boys should be ad
mitted to the room during the progress of
the trial. It is expected that the plaintiff
will occupy all of this week in putting in
evidence. Some of the leading ladies of
Columbus have found it convenient to go
on extended visits in order that they may
not be called as witnesses in the case. Yes
terday delegations of ladies came from tiro
of the suburban towns and applied for ad
mission to the trial, but were unable to get
in and went awav complaining.
Harrison nnd Morton Will Be Inaugurated
in Suits of Amerlcnn Cloth.
New Yoke, February 13. When Kussell
Harrison was here John F. Plummer asked
him how his father was going to dress for
the inauguration. Mr. Harrison said in
black worsted diagonal. "Imported. I sup
pose?" asked Mr. Plummer. "Your father
should wear American goods. It's a mis
taken idea that they make better goods
abroad. The American mills turn out the
best stuff in the world."
The upshot of it was that Mr. Plummer
sent five pieces of American-made cloth to
Mr. Harrison and Mr. Morton. The looms
were all set for spring goods, which all the
mills are now making, and a loom had been
specially set for the inauguration cloth in
the Spnngville works at Rockville, Conn.
A single piece of the finest quality dead
black diagonal worsted was the result. It
was divided between Mr. Harrison and Mr.
Morton, and Mr. Plummer smiles hourly
over the graceful note of thanks which he
received over the distinguished signatures.
Ravaging Syracuse, the Disease Having
Spread From tho Penitentiary.
SrBACUSE, February 13 The smallpox,
which was supposed to have been suppressed,
has broken out again in this city with
considerable virulence. Three new cases
have developed in differents parti of the
town within the last two davs, all of which
are "traceable to the Frazer & Jones shops
at the penitentiary, a part of which was
used as a hospital 'while the disease was
prevailing in that institution. The quar
antine there was raised several days ago.
There has been about a dozen deaths at
the county house, about four miles from the
city, but the disease seems to be under con
trol there.
If the Yonng Man Gets Drunk Ho Loses the
Denver, February 13. The trial of the
Hiram Barker will case, in which nearly
Sl,000,000 is involved, began here to-day.
The will provides that Hiram Barker, son
of the testator, shall receive 3,000 yearly
until his death; that it he keeps bober ten
years he can draw 25,000 at the expiration
of that period, and a like amount on simi
lar conditions at the end of each succeeding
ten years. If he gets intoxticated once he
loses all.
The son will try to show that his father
was insane.
New York's Natural Gas Well.
Oswego, February 13. The drill was to
day removed from the well at Sandy Creek,
where natural gas was recently discovered.
The pressure of gas then blew a stream of
water six inches In diameter high in the air.
The as then came in large quantities. The
well is being piptd.,
Claim That Their Business is Lawful
and Should be Protected.
Against the Submission of the Prohibition
measures to be Immediately Taken to Combat the
Temperance Agitation.
The brewers of Pennsylvania, in con
vention yesterday, declared that the pro
hibitory amendment without an indemnity
clause was a dangerous and unjnst measure.
President Straub, of Allegheny, said that
brewers were being constantly harassed, and
that if the amendment failed they would
nearly all get out of the business before it
could again be submitted to the people.
Philadelphia, February 13. The
Pennsylvania State Brewers' Association
300 strong and representing all -sections of
the State, assembled this afternoon in
Young Mannerchor Hall, Sixth and "Vine
streets, and united its many voices in a
vigorous protest against the submission of
the prohibitory amendment for the State
Constitution to a popular vote. The meet
ing was presided over by President Theo
dore F. Straub, of Allegheny, who made a
vigorous speech on the rights of liquor
dealers, giving in brief the plans to be pur
sued in the coming battle against prohibi
tion. In the course of his speech, President
Straub said:
"We arr here to utter no vain complaints,
to make no disagreements with those who
oppose us, but rather to enter formal pro
test against the submission of the prohib
itory amendment to the Constitution of the
State to popular vote without adding to it a
clause indemnifying those whose interests,
in the event of the amendment being acted
upon affirmatively, will be absolutely and
forever destroyed.
"Notwithstanding the ease and flippancy
with which some men talk of curtailing
others in the enjoyment of tbeir rights, and
of absolutely destroying those rights, the
operation that leads to the accomplishment
of this end is a dangerous one, and savors
strongly of underhanded injustice and dis
honesty. Tbe right of manufacturers to
make and sell beerln this State at this mo
ment is as undoubtedly lawful as is the
right to make and vend shoes and stockings.
The brewer and the drygoods man are both
protected and their respective interests,
made safe by the same laws whose sanctity
has enabled each to carry on his business
according to his industry. A change of
sentiment, however, a feverish desire of
some to apply force in the administration of
public affairs without consideration of those
against whom the full weight of inch force
will most.unjustly be applied, Is financial
rnin. This is'the position we" occupy and
the plain statement of our views on the sub
ject. Statistics relating to the brewers' in
dustry will be obtained and carefully com
piled and sent broadcast through the State
by, our Executive Committee, so that the
people may know just what their votes will
signify one way or the other."
In speaking of the coming election Mr.
Straub said: "If the people shall decide
against the amendment, we, as brewers, will
have several years of immunity from a fur
ther considerationof the question sufficient,
at least, to enable those who so incline to
place their properties in such condition as
to dispose of them and settle up our business
with the best advantage to ourselves, and
that' there may be many such seems probable
from the natural desire of men to escape from
the harassing care which the constant agita
tion of the subject necessarily entails. Ir( on
the other hand, the decision shall be against
us, the brewers will view it with calmness
and complacency, and be among the first to
bow submissively to the new law as they
have in the past invariably bowed to the
Speeches were made indorsing the Presi
dent's address by C. Bobinson, of Scran ton;
P. Bessinger, of Beading; T. E. Helb, of
York, and C. A. Mnller and C. Class, of
this city. In all of the speeches the senti
ment of the members was unanimously in
favor of high license and against prohibi
tion. The following officers were elected for the'
ensuing year: President, Theodore F.
Straub, of Allegheny; First Vice President,
John Gardiner, of Philadelphia; Second
Vice President, Henry Fink, of Harris
burg; Secretary, Henry P. Crowell, of Phil
adelphia, and Treasurer, Jbhn Barbey, of
Philadelphia. An Executive Committee
consisting of 31 members, with C. Class as
Chairman, was also elected. A Campaign
Committee was chosen out ot the Executive
Committee to take charge of the active
work of the campaign, subject to tbe ap
proval of the Executive Committee.
Hungry Wolves Said to be Devouring Sheep
In Westmoreland County.
Gbeensbukg, February 13. A report
comes from Cook township, this county,
that a pack of wolves are running at large
in that neighborhood. The farmers are
greatly alarmed at the situation and fears
are entertained that their herds will suffer.
Sheep have been killed in many localities
in the southern end of the county, but the
farmers, believing that tbeir death was
caused by dogs, took steps to rid the neigh
borhood of the animals. Since tbe wolves
have been seen by hunters in the dense un
derbrush at tbe loot of the mountains the
owners of stock have had their fears won
derfully increased. One farmer, it is re
ported, has had five or six sheep killed one
night this week. The sportsmen here will
doubtless organize a nunting party and
make an effort to run down the wild ani
The Detroit District Decides to Join the
Regular Brethren.
Detkoit, Mien., February 13. The
Detroit Presbytery of the United Presby
terian Church, comprising the parishes of
Detroit, Port Huron, Fort Gratiot, Bruce,
Brockway, Fremont, . Frazier. Alpena,
Long Bapids and Maple Bidge, formally
withdrew from the creed to-day and will
unite with the regular Presbyterians. The
general body was much opposed to the
secession and a rather lively debate was In
dulged in at this morning's session.
The reason for this action is that the Gen
eral Assembly finds that the money for mis
sion churches can be expended to better ad
vantage in other parts of the country than
in Michigan; and that the small churches
in this State can get more efficient aid from
the Presbyterians than from the United
FEBRUARY 14, 1889.
Terrible Results or tho Recent Violent
1 'iarihqnnUe Not n Building In San
. Jpap Escaped Ono Very Ro
inarkable Phenome-
non Occurs.
PXwama, February 11. The following
are. the details of the recent earthquake in
Costa Bica: At 8 p. si. December 28, while
the' inhabitants of San Jose, the capital,
were preparing to enjoy the entertainment
which had been prepared, a strong shock of
earthquake caused general alarm. At 11
o'clock another and stronger shock oc
curred, leading all to believe that another
would soon follow. For this reason no one
retired to rest.
Thus all were awake, when at 450 a. m.
a movement occurred which was more than
a simple earthquake, being really a fear.'ul
cataclysm similar to that of September,
1811. The edifices which suffered most in
San, Jose were the cathedral, the Carmen
and Merced churches, the Presidental pal
ace, the artillery barracks, tho national
palace, the central barracks, tbe national
printing offices and tbe Union Bank.
it may be truly said that not a single
hoTue escaped injury, while many are not
safe to live in and others are completely
wrecked. It has been necessary to close tbe
churches and prohibit worship in them.
Whole streets are blocked with ruins. No
trains ran until the bridges were examined
and found to be in good order. Losses in
San' Jose amount to more than 2,000,000,
while all the principal edifices in Alajucla
are damaged.
At La Laguna, distant some six miles, a
most extraordinary geological phenomenon
took place, and the earth has assumed the
appearance of a rough sea. The father of a
iamily and four of his children were buried
together, while the mother and her young
child were thrown by the motion of the
earjh a distance of 10,000 meters, although
shetdeclares she believes the earth swallowed
her. and then ejected her where she was
found. Here tbe hills have changed their
position and the ground is full of cracks.
Serious Charges Mado Against the Ohio
State Railroad Commissioner.
Colusibus, February 13. The State
Senate has authorized an investigation of
theoffice of State Commissioner oi Bail
roads W. S. Cappellar, who is Chairman of
the Republican State Executive Committee.
Mr. Cappellar came very nearly'being de
feated for confirmation for a second term by
the Senate last evening, and he believes
that his chief clerk, B. J. Fanning, is re
sponsible for the greater part of the senti
ment against him.
As a result of the talk which is going
around, Capellar this morning discharged
Fanning, and a stormy scene ensued be
tween them. He charges Fanning with in
competency; that he has been working
against tbe interests of the administration
by writing letters to Senator Sherman and
ex-Governor Foster.
The Senate has secured information from
some quarter, and it is supposed to be Fan
ning, that Capellar has misappropriated the
funds which were appropriated for the pur
pose of having bridges inspected, and that
he has had none of this work done the past
year. The committee is not all friendly to
Mr. Cappellar.
T-eforon's Southern Record Shows Him to
r to? a Scoundrel.
Spbhigfield, O., February 13. Cap
tain Jonas Drury, of this city, is well
acquainted with Leparon, the informer,
LeCaron having forged the Captain's name
at Chattanooga. Drury was in the United
States service removing bodies of soldiers
buried Sonth to the National cemeteries.
It was he that found the seven Andrews
raiders who were hanged at Atlanta. While
at Chattanooga the Captain served as wit
ness in a murder trial' in a court where
LeCaron, known to Drury as Beach, was a
deputy sheriff. Drury's fees ran up to 18.
While Drury was away LeCaron forged
his name to a receipt and drew the money.
Drury says LeCaron was a noted character,
and before leaving Chattanooga swindled a
threshing machine firm out of $3,000.
They do Damage to the Amount of Four
Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Memphis, February 13. A destrustive
fire broke out at 0 o'clock to-night in the
Nealy block, corner of Main and Gayozo
streets. It had its origin in the third story
of M. Schwartz's retail drygoods store, 397
Main street, and spread to the adjoining
store occupied by the Mansfield Drug Com
pany, which, with Schwartz's store, was
completely destroyed.
M. Schwartz's loss of stock is about $30,
000; the insurance cannot be ascertained.
The Mansfield Drug Company's loss on
stock is 8100,000; insurance, 890,000, divided
between local and foreign companies. The
loss on the building will amount to $63,000;
insurance, $40,000. The loss is total.
Serious Accident- to Julia Marlowe's Com
panion nnd Manager.
Chicaoo, February 13. Ada Dow, Miss
Julia Marlowe's assistant manager and
chaperon, was the victim of a serious acci
dent to-night during the performance of
"Twelfth Night" at the Chicago Opera
House. Miss Dow was standing in the
wings of the stage when a heavy piece of
scantling in the scenery above in some un
accountable manner became loosened from
the fastenings and fell heavily to the floor.
The scantling struck Miss Dow across the
side of the head and face. She fell sense
less and was quickly removed to a hospital.
A Name of a County In Honor of Governor
Church to be Changed.
Bismakck, February 13. Probably
nothing could better show the feeling that
has been aroused against Governor Church
in the Legislature in tbe warfare that has
now been going on between them for several
weeks past than the introduction of a bill
changing the name of Church county to
McCormick county.
Secretary McCormick is Governor
Church's most bitter political enemy, and
the Legislature in this proposed action has
the intention of eliminating the name of
the present Governor from the map of his
The Fate of, the New Railway Association
In the Balance.
Chicago, February 13. A call for a
meeting of the Presidents of all the West
em roads interested in the proposed Inter
State Commerce Railway Association has
been issued by President Hughitt, of the
Chicago and Northwestern. The meeting
will be held at the Grand Pacific Hotel,
Chicago, next Tuesday at 10 A. M.
The committee appointed to secure signa
tures to the agreement will make its report,
and it will be decided once for all whether
the Presidents' scheme is to be consummated
or abandoned. -There are still come roads
that reiuse to sign.
Fires Strangers in the Midst of Their
Prayers if They Venture Into
The Plan of Free Salvation Is Not Favored,
as the Church is
Running a Church on Easiness Principle?, Ef eardless
of Christianity.
St. Thomas Church, New York, Is a bus
iness institution. Pew rents are weightier
than piety. It rejoices in the possession of
a business-like and muscu)ar, Superin
tendent, who welcomes the intruding
stranger to the street with a suddenness
that is startling and somewhat discourag
ing to seekers after salvation who do not
belong to McAlisler's "four hundred."
The gentleman states the self-evident fact
that he is without sentiment, and that he is
running the church for the money there is
in it -
New Yoek, February 13. "We haven't
anv room in our church for people who
haven't paid for their seats. Our trduble is
not to find places for strangers, but to keep
them out. We don't ask them to come, and
we don't want them. If they come, they
are in the way, and we have hard work to
get them out of the way; but we manage to
do it nevertheless. We have to watch them,
but they sometimes elude us and contrive
to find seats somewhere. Then we have to
tell them very plainly to get up and go out.
And we make them do it."
Mr. Benjamin W. Williams said these
words to-night at his home, 167 West Forty
filth street He is the chief lay manager
of the affairs of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, of St. Thomas, at Fifty-third street
and Fifth avenue, and it was of St.
Thomas' Church that he was speaking.
The congregation of the parish of St.
Thomas is probably the wealthiest in the
city. Its members are foremost among the
400 of fashion and 400 of wealth. The
Bev. William F. Morgan, D. D., one of
the most noted ministers in New York,
was the pastor of the flock for many years.
He died somewhat more than a year ago,
and the Bev. John Wesley Brown, D. D.,
was selected as his successor only after con
siderable searching by the congregation. He
gets a large salary and has an assistant, who
is well paid also. Mr. Williams is officially
styled in the parish year book as "Superin
tendent of Buildings and Collector."
The declaration tbat this rich church has
not room at its morning prayers on Sundays
for strangers, and that if they take seats in
tbe soft-cushioned pews they will be put
out, was made by Mr. Williams to-night in
his answer to a story about an incident
which occurred at the church a. week ago
Sunday. On that morning a lady from
Detroit, Mrs. George W. Moore, who
was visiting this city, , ' entered
the vestibule of St Thomas', and stood for a
minute at the door waiting for some one tq
offer a seat to her. Np one doing so, she
herself found aa empty pew. She kneeled
in prayer, and while in the midst of her
devotion says that Mr. Williams came
along, placed his hand on her shoulder, and
thus forcing her to raise her head, and said
to her: "Who told you to come to this
She answered that no one had told her,
and she said that Mr. Williams said to her,
"Well, this is not your pew, and don't von
come in again uuless you are invited. Now
get out." She was surprised, and doing as
she was told, she rose and went away.
When the story was related to Mr. Will
iams to-night ne said: "Well, I did
tell her to get up and go out. She
had no business there. It was not her pew,
and she was not placed there by any usher."
The lady who makes this complaint was an
intruder, and I,had to put her out.
"Why, such things are common every
Sunday. Come up any Sunday morning
and you can see for yourself. It was only
last Sunday that a lady and gentleman, I
suppose they were such, for they seemed
well dressed, stood in the aisle and asked
me if they could have a seat. They named
a particular pew. I said no, and told them
to wait, reminding them that the longer
they waited the better they would
fare. I had to go somewhere for a
moment, and when I came back I could not
seethe lady and gentleman. But I looked
for tbem, and there thev were in the pew
they had spoken of, on their knees praying.
I suppose they were praying, for they
looke'd devout enough; but whether that
was the case or not doesn't matter. I don't
have to consider such things, and, not
bothering to think of that side of the case, I
went straight to the pew and told them to
get'out. They did."
"What is the theory on which you act?"
"It isn't any theory. It's plain business.
Do you suppose you could go into the thea
ter and take any seat you please? No, of
course not; and the same rule is followed at
St Thomas' Church. You go to the Casino
and pay 0 cento for an admission
fee and stand up in the lobby,
but you can't have a seat. "Well, we
don't charge any admission fee, and after
you are in we treat you the same as if you
were at the theater. If you have a seat
coupon at the Casino you get a seat If
you have a right to seat at St Thomas'
Church you get your seat. If you have not,
why then you don't"
"But a church isn't a theater."
"That's something I don't have to take
into consideration. We have signs upon
the doors to the gallery saying that all the
seats up there are rented, and that strangers
must not take them, but they beat their way
up there when the ushers are not watching,
and then we have to put them out.-"
"Then the plan ot free salvation is not
"No, sir; not at all. That's all sentiment.
It won't work in this age, and it won't do
in such a congregation as tbat of St Thomas.
We don't ask people- to come, for we don't
want them. "We don't advertise in tbe
papers 'strangers welcome,' as somechurches
do. Free salvation. Umph. If we" were
Methodists we might have an usher stand
ing at the door and go out and greet
people and say: 'How are you, brother?'
'glad to see you, sister, bless the Lord;
come in and have some salvation.' But we
are not that kind. It won't work even on a
small scale in the church. It would be
queer to see the pew holders of the church
when they observe some stranger standing
in the aisle rise and throw their arms
around the stranger's neck and greet
them with that same exclamation of 'Bless
the Lord, I am glad .to see you in church.
Come in and sit with me.' It's a mistake
to suppose that that is what St. Thomas' is
for. No, I am not looking for souls for the
pews. It's the dollars that are wanted."
"But do you consider that consistent with
the idea of Christianity?"
"I don't consider the question of Chris
tianity. It's none of my business whether
the people that have seats are Christians or
pagans. As for the theology of the ques
tion I don't have time to think of that. The
minister is hired to look after such matters."
Of the Fenian Brotherhood Disclosed at the
Hcarine In the Patrick 9IoIIoy Per
jury Cose Plots, Arms
and Dlssulses.
Losdos", February 13. The hearing In
the case of Patrick Molloy, who is charged
with having testified falsely before the Par
nell Commission, was resumed in the Bow
Street. Police Court to-day.
Mr. Walker, managing clerk for a Dub
lin solicitor, testified that the London, Times
had employed him to collect evidence. He
had an interview with the defendant, Mol
loy, who, after much pressing, stated that
he joined the Fenian Brotherhood when 16
years of age. Soon after becoming a mem
ber he discovered the dangerous character
of the organization. The 'members, he
found, were pledged to engage in secret ef
forts against the Government, and to con
vey arms for the purposes of the brother
hood. He himself had handed arms to Mi
chael Fagan, an Invincible, who was after
ward hanged. Molloy joined tbe Invinci
bles in 1882, being introduced by Carrey.
At a meeting of the Invincibles the murder
of Judge Lawsan was discussed. Patrick
Esan was present at that meeting and, upon
leaving, wrapped himself up in a big cloak
in order to disguise himself. Egan also at
tended a later meeting, at which the failure
of the attempt upon Judge Lawson's life
was discussed.
Thet witness said that Molloy, before
making this statement, demurred against
giving information on tbe ground that he
would incur great danger by so doing.
When the witness read to Molloy the latter's
written statement regarding his admission
to the Invincible organization, tbe oath of
membership in which contained the words:
"To lose, it necessarr, life," Molloy became
greatly agitated. The hearing was ad
A Crack Indiana Lodge of rhe Uniform
Rank Suspended.
, Indianabolis, February IX Kokomo
division No. 8, Uniformed Bank Knights
of Pythias, has been suspended by Supreme
Chancellor of the World, William Ward,
for insubordination. This is one of the
most widely known of the drill squads of
that organization and has captnred many
prizes for proficiency. Last June, at the
meeting in Cincinnati of the Supreme
Lodge of the World, a drill for large prizes
was one of the features. The judges were
officers of the regular army, detailed by the
United States Government to act as such.
The first prize wa3 awarded to the Hastings,
Mich., division. The Kokomo Knights, in'
stead of protesting in a legal way, rushed
into print and made charges reflecting on
the honor of the judges. The Supreme
Chancellor ordered Kokomo to apologize to
tbe judges and gave tbem 30 days in which
to do so. This Kokomo refused or failed to
do and tbe division was suspended until the
next meeting of tbe Supreme Lodge. Their
only appeal is to the Supreme Lodge of the
An 11-Ycnr-Old Boy Becomes a Hopeless
Ravins Mnninc
Middletowk, N. Y., February 13.
John Powers, 11 years of age, living with
his1 widowed mother, in this city, has long
been permitted to indulge in a passion for
smoking .. cigarettes, with the result
that he has become a raving maniac, and
was taken "yesterday to the Orange county
Insane Asylum for restraint and treatment.
In the more violent paroxysms of the dis
ease he wants to break and destroy every
thing he can lay his hands on, and the
united strength of two men is barely suffi
cient to restrain him.
One of his hallucinations is that he has
been bitten by a mad dog, and he has
spasms of yelping and frothing at the month,
as though suffering from hydrophobia. The
several physicians who have seep him unite
in pronouncing it a case of acute mania,
brought on by excessive cigarette smoking,
and are inclined to think that the boy will
never be restored to sound mind.
A National Prohibition Conference In Session
at Lonlsville.
LOUISVILLE, February 13. TheNational
Prohibition Conference met here this after
noon. About 300 delegates from abroad
were present, including ex-Governor St
John, Bev. Dr. Brooks, lately the party
nominee for Vice President, Miss Frances
Willard and other party leaders. A long
discussion sprang up during the afternoon
over the woman suffrage question. The
majority report on resolutions was against,
but a m'inority report was brought in, and
after a sharp fight, was adopted. The reso
lutions indorse the Indianapolis platform
To-night has been devoted to speeches by
party leaders. About 2,000 are present At
the State convention held this morning, A.
Cobb, of Owenton, was nominated for State
Treasurer. The election takes place next
August. The conference continues to
Dr. Homer Eaton at the Head of the Metho
dist Book Concern.
New Yoek, February 13. The Book
Committee of the Methodist Episcopal
Church commenced their annual session
this morning. They will be in session
Wednesday.Thursday and probably Friday
of this week. Bishops Andrews, of New
York; Foster, of Boston; Hearst, of Wash
ington; Foss, of St Paul and Joyce, of
Chattanooga, were present
Cincinnati was decided upon as the next
place for holding the annual meeting. This
afternoon a successor to tbe late head of the
Methodist Book Concern in the East, Mr.
J. 5L Phillips was elected. He is Dr.
Homer Eaton, of Burlington, Vt The
office is a most important and desirable
one, being considered better than that of
Maine Wants All Telegrams Sent Inside ot
an Hour.
Augusta, Me., February 13. An act
was presented in the Senate to-day provid
ing that the sender of a message may main
tain an action against a telegraph or tele
phone company for damages resulting from
error or delay in transmission, and that
proofofthelapseof an hour between the
tender and delivery of a message shall be
prima facie evidence, but an additional half
hour is allowed for each connection.
Tho Consulting; Engineer of the Boston and
Albany Stricken Down.
Boston, February 13. E. S. Philbrick,
the widely-known consulting engineer,
dropped dead in the cars on the Boston and
Albany Bailroad to-night while going to
his home in Allston. Heart disease was the
probable cause of death. Mr. Philbrick was
consulting engineer for the Boston and Al
bany Bailroad, but he was known to rail
road men and civil engineers all over tbe
country. He was 65 years old. His mother,
who is 96 years of age, and his wife survive
Can rea.cn" the best
class of Investors
through THE DIS
PATCH. The best
men In business can
also be reached,
throueh THE DIS-
'v j
Henry ba' Cleverly Cornered
by t Hall During
&&k On
We Are Not Going to 'the Demnition
Bow-Wows let Awhile.
Wayne MeVeagh Thinks tbe Australian
Style Will Cure All Election EtIIs
More New Insurance Bills Important
Educational Bleasmres Oleo Defended
by PIttsburgers lu Committee All the
Business Transacted at Harrlsbnrg
Henry George was cornered by Henry
Hall, a Mercer statesman, yesterday. The
Apostle of Socialism was forced to admit
that this glorious Bepublic has prospered
in spite of the social inequalities which,
Mr. George believes, will wreck our insti
tutions. The admission was adroitly wrnnz
from the pessimistic Socialist, and caused a
sensation. The benefits of the Australian
system of voting were, however, fully ven-
tilated before the Judiciary General Com
mittee after the episode noted. The work,
of the Legislature is appended.
Haeeisbueg, February 13. The place
where Henry George used to part his hair
has been worn smooth and bare by the de
nuding processes of old Father Time. To
day a series of blushes welled up from Mr.
George's face and dyed the bald spot crim
son when he discovered that the brainy
Chairman of the Judiciary General Com
mittee of the House, Hon. Henry Hall, of
Mercer, had driven him into a corner. Mr.'
George, however, bravely took his medicine
without trying to wriggle out of it, and he
even smiled as he tasted the bitter dose.
Mr. George, in advocating the Australian
system of voting, had been telling the com
mittee that the country was all awry.
"Never," he declared, "since the decay of
the Boman empire, had such great wealth
been concentrated in the hands of so few,
and never had poverty been so generally
distributed." Under the present conditions
of society the republic must go down in
ruin. The only thing that could neutralize
the evils inherent in the present system of
unequal possessions was the political equal
ity that would result from the establish
ment of perfect political equality by throw
ing the secrecy of the Australian system of
votfng around the American citizen as ha
exercised his sovereignty at the polls.
he battleA hiset geobge.
Chairman Hall then took hold of Mr.
George, and by a series of skillful questions,
drew from him an admission tbat while the
inequalities in which he saw so .much
danger, had continually existed there had
been progress in spite of them. "There
have been men in all ages, Mr. George,"
said Chairman Hall, in an interrogative
tone, "who have impressed their individu
ality npon their times, and pushed them
forward in spite of contrary influences;
such men, for example, as Napoleon and
Gladstone and as yourself, Mr. George, who,
by force of character, impress your peculiar
views on a considerable following."
"There have been such men, Mr. Chair
man," responded Mr. George, "as Napoleon
and Gladstone and even as myself, since
you honor me by placing me in the same
category, or in contrast, who have done as
you say." '
"Then you admit, Mr. George," said
Chairman Hall, "that in spite of the social
influences you speak of there has been
why the spectatobs smiled.
Mr. George admitted in a somewhat re
flective manner that there bad been progress
in spite of the pessimistic views he had just
advanced, and the members of the commit
tee, the spectators, and the deputation from
the Civil Service Reform and Citizens' As
sociations of Philadelphia smiled with the
Chairman as they saw tbat he had won from
the great Socialist, in spite of his own con
trary statements, that the world had all
along been going bravely forward to better
things against the very circumstances that
Mr. George had declared would certainly
snnff out the robust life of the giant Bepub
lic of the Western World.
The first speaker before the committee
was Hon. Wayne MeVeagh, ex-Attorney
General of the United States, whose thin
form dilated with eloquenceand whose eyes
flashed as he explained at length to the
committee and spectators the necessity tbat
existed for placing all citizens on apolitical
equality by secrecy of the ballot, as an off
set to the social differences produced by the.
concentration of wealth. Only by doing
this, said Mr. MeVeagh, could we hope to
perpetuate our Republican institutions.
Mr. MeVeagh, however, a little later
strongly denied, when Mr. George claimed
fellowship of opinion with him on this
point, that he in any degree shared in the
pessimistic views of the great Socialist He
was really an optimist, and had great faith
in our Republican institntions, which he
merely wished to further fortify.
All the evils that at present throng
around our elections, according to Mr. Me
Veagh, are to be cured by the two cardinal
principles of the Australian system the
printing and furnishing of the ballot by the
State to the voter, and the privacy given
him in placing it in the ballot box. 'No one,
said Mr. McVeagb, who admitted that he
had mixed much in practical politics, would
care to pay for a vote when he had to de
pend on the mere honor of the dishonorable
person he had bribed.' There would be no
I tarty workers at the polls to provide bal
ots, because officers of the State alone could
furnish them. Party workers would gener
ally be knocked out, and the voter would be
left to himself to vote as he pleased.
Mr. George took this same general view,
and stated that had it not been for tbe in
troduction of the Australian ballot in Great
Britain the Irish party would never have
been able to push to the front against the
fierce opposition of the long dominant
George Burnham, Jr., son of the principal
proprietor of the Baldwin Locomotive
Works; ex-Lieutenant Governor Black and
Hon. Jqhn Fow were the other speakers.
Mr. Fow spose in behalf of a bill intro
duced by him, which is in many respects
superior to the bill prepared by the Civil
Service Reform Association of. Philadel
phia. Henry George and Thomas G. Shearman
to-night addressed a public meeting in the'
House of Representatives in favor of the
Continued on Sixth Fagt,