THE- PITTSBURG- BISPATOH, ' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, ' 1889 TREY AEE MISTAKEN. Eastern Men Under the Delusion That Pittsbun: Keal Estate is BOOSTED BT INFLATED VALUES. Electric Males Another Grand Spurt and Jumps Almost Ont of Its Boots. A BIG DAI IX THE PETROLEUM EING It is a curious fact, but none the less true, that some of the Eastern corporations which have been loaning money on Pittsburg real estate are over-careful in placing money on some of the best securities of this kind. The tendency has been to cut the valuations as put upon local properties by the owners and dealers. They claim as an excuse that prices have become inflated and a reaction will follow. There is nothing like being cautious and erring on the right side for one's own self for protection, yet a great mistake is made anj injustice done to Pitts burn when 6uch an inference is thrown upon local property valuations. Pittsburg claims to have some excellent financiers. They have rroved themselves such bytbe manner in which they have risen from the ranks of men of limited means to those of wealth and influence. "When snch men arc willing to pay the prices asked and know they are getting a bargain, those who are not acquainted with the value of real estate in the city should have considera tion enough to give them credit for at least a small grain of common sense. , Pittsburg is no longer a village, a borough, nor a town (neither is our neighbor across the river), and there is cause for local values in crcasirg, as any stranger conld see if he would but visit the city and carefully study its topog raphy. Let him look at the older part of the city and outlying wards and note the increasing population and manufacturing interests, the necessity for increased facilities for doing busi ness and the increased business that is being done, and his skepticism would soon be dis pelled. What is the cause of the increased height in the buildings. Simply that business icquircs more room and the business portion of the city is so located that it cannot spread, con sequently must go up. A stranger who has not been in the city for the last ten Tears will note this improvement, and if he be a careful ob serveras wellasa casual inquirer, he will find that the dilapidated buildings and unimproved building sifes in the business portion of the city are held either by those who are well ad vanced in years ana wealthy, and are satisfied with the present condition of things, or by es tates which have not yet been settled or are in such a shape that those who would improve are unable to get control of them and make the necessary improvements. Property is certainly in demand, and there is oo difficulty in seeing it and filling up all clegible building sites with large and handsome buildings. The business portion of the city is unfortunately located between two rivers, and those flanked by hills, thus making the space in which the business is done limited, and causing a demand for business places which necessarily increases the price to an apparently high figure and makes values seem inflated, but the only way to appreciate this condition is the same as with natural gas by personal in vestigation. This would at once establish the fact that valuations are not inflated. There has been no boom in real estate, as careful business men can see if tney 'Hill review the growth of the city particularly the main bust cess portion for the last ten years. ILECTEIC OX THE JUMP. It Sells nt 42, Brcnkins Last Week's Record Central Traction Listed. The event of the day at the Stock Exchange was another spurt in Wcstinghonse Electric From 41 bid in the morning, it advanced to 42 in the afternoon, with 42 asked. A small lot sold at 42. The increasing business of the company and the scarcity of stock were assigned as reasons for the great strength it dis played. Central Traction appeared upon the list for the first time and started off at a cood pace, sales being made as bjgh as 23. .Switch and Signal made another burst of strength, be ing bid up from 16 at the first call, to 18 at the last, with 20 asked. La Noria and gas were weaker, with the exception of Wheeling, which was fractionally stronger. VOBSTSG. ATTEKITOO. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. .J'lttebiirg lias lM ill. Philadelphia Co Wheellnt Was Co Columbia Oil Citizens' Traction yittsbnre Traction Central Traction horthslde Bridge Co.. Laorla M. Co Weefhonse dec Union Switch bicnal. 6is .... 6H S7H SIH 373, 375 28'a 29 3'i 3 4 .... 4 75 78 75 78 4S 49 tSK .... 23i 24 22 3 SI .... ' V 14 If 'i 41V 2'. 42,-s lb'A 1CS 18 20 The moraine sales were 100 shares Switch and Signal at 16. 50 Philadelphia Gas, s. o., 30 days, at 37$ 25 regular at 37J& To Wheeling Gas at 2 100 Central Traction at 23, and 150 Electric at 4IK. In the afternoon 20 shares Philadelphia Gas went at 3 20 at 37, 5 Electric at 42, oO Cen tral Traction at 23. oO at 23. and 150 at 23. The total sales at both calls were 815 shares, of hich 300 were Central Traction. The total sales of stocks at Sew York vester dav were 314.819 shares, including: Atchison, 6,7711; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 11.400; Canada Southern. 12,360; Erie. 6,4S0: take Shore. 5.262: Missouri Pacific, 5,309: Northwest ern. 11.316; Northern Pacitic preferred. 9,099; Oregon Transcontinental. 5.850; Peoria, Deca tur and Evan-ville, 6,910: Heading, 9,000; Rich mond and West Point. 17,360; St. Paul. 18,210; Union Pacific, 61,835; Western Union, 5,655. W0KKIXG EASILT. Business at the Banks In Harmony With the Weather. Yesterday was a quiet day at the banks, partly on account of the weather and partly on account of the absence of anything of a special nature to do. Resnlts of Saturday afternoon's and night's retail bnsiness swelled the deposits considerably, but otherwise there was no feature. The doubling up of checks raised the clearinghouse report to respectable dimensions, the exebances footing np $2,10C,56S 85. and the balances S2o,077 69. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, last loan 2 per cent, closing offered at 2 per cent. Prime" mercantile paper. 46 per cent. Sterling exchange dull hut steady at SI 86 for 60 davs and SI S! for demand. Government Bond Closing quotations in New Y ork furnished TEE DisrATCH uy Kobinson street. Local dealers charge a an eighth on small -lots: It. S. 46. reg U. b. 4tfc, coups U. b. 4s rer V.'t. 45,1907, coups Currency, 6percent. lS)rcg Currency, 6pcrccnt. ;s"6rc? Currency, Cpercent, 18U7reg Currency, 6pcrcent, lbOSre? Ciinency, 6percent, 1899 Kg Bros., Wood commission of , 1(8 (ffiioSM; VSHfrbmiJi 123?!ffil2! KxX3A Bid. , 120 122 ."'..".125 12S 131 New Yoee Clearings, 572,475,124; balances, J6.43U17. Boston' Clearings, $16,318,181; balances, $1,755,288. Money, per cent. Philadelphia Clearings, $9,253,190; bal ances, SL322.6U6. Baltimore Clearings, $2,221,272; balances, f20S,669. CHICAGO Money dull and unchanged. Bank clearings, $19.8M,000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,151,45S; balances, $451,499. PSICES HELD UP. A Lively flay at the Oil Exchange, With Ilcavy Trading. The oil market opened yesterday at SSc Sat urday's closing quotation with a strong feel, wg and heavy trading all along the line. Sproulo: Lawrence were good buyers here, while Stevenson and Lowry sold. In New York, where the feeling was even more bullish ttan in Pittsburgh Otois. Fisher and Uowe scooped In some big blocks. Hilton,-at Oil City, dumped about 150,000 barrels. When the pricetouched 8Sc the highest point of the day the bears brought all their tactics into plav to cause a break, but they met determined lesifctanco at every steD. and the impression they made anon the market was very slight. There was a larce Increase of orders, and this alone was sufficient to prevent a slump. Plenty of business alwavs signifies good prices. The final quotation was $S! i better than the opening with a steady and hopeful feeling tliat-the good times had come to stay. Carry ing rates wei e 25 to 30c Some loans were made at Joe. Refined was i4c lower at London and Antwerp. ' A- B.McGrew quotes puts at 8 calls at 89 89. lbe following ttbie, corrected by De Witt Dll- worth, broker In petroleum, etc. corner Fifth avenne and Wood street, l'lttsbnrg, shows the order or fluctuations etc: Time. Bid. Ask.1 Time. Bid. Ask. Opened 88 Sa'-s 12:P. M.... 8S' 8S! 10:15a. M.... MH FSil 1:00P. H... S8X SSX 10:3)A. H.... fcSH SSV 1:151". M.... Siii SS! 10:45a. m.... B3H t&H VJOr. X.... t& 8SX 1IKOA. M.... SS'd Mm l:45P. M.... E8S S 1I:15A. W.... SSW tS !r. .... SV(, S8 11:SA. M.... SSS4 SMs Mr. K- S8V SSW 11:45a. II.... 8SVI S8S Sir. M.... 884 S8Ji 12:00 M S84.I 6SC 5:45 P. St.... 85 83j J2::SP. m.... SSV SStf'Closed SS .... li:30P. M.... SSI 83; Opened. 88c: Mfthet, S5Ke: lowest. 87c; closes, tSXc Barrels. Dftly runs t. 36.TS5 Average rahi 22-5i Dally shloments 2.3$ Average shipments Irlfr llallr charters 3l2So Avcrape charters - 85.; Clearances - .... -,814,000 Hctt York closed ai RSJic Oil City closea at S8Sc. Jiradiora closea at SS V- ew VorK. relined. 1c London, renned. 6H4. Antwerp, relined. 17C A Strike Near Kepler's Corner. Yesterday evening some Miilerstown oper ators struckawellontheJ.CMcCulIoUgh farm, near Kepler's Corners, which shows good for 100 barrels. The well is on about a 47 degree line, and in fourth sand. Several of the wells in that vicinity are doing 3 to 10 barrels. Olhrr Oil Mnrkets. Titusville. February II. Opened, 8Sc; highest, 8Sc: lowest, 87c; closed, 8S.c. Oil. City. February 1L Opened, SSJc; high est. SSc; lowest, S7c; closed. SSJc Bradford. February 11. Opened, SSJgC; highest, 8Sc: lowesr. S8c: dosed. 8Sc New York, February 11. Petroleum opened strong at 8bc but after the first sales became heavy and sagged off tS7c A rally then followed, in which the decline was entirely re covered, after which the market became quiet acd closed steady at 8Sc Sales, 1,268,000 bar rels. ON THE HOME STEETCH. House Buyers and Renters Tarn Ont Agnln in Fall Force. As April approaches the regular flitting time in Pittsburg the demand for houses, both for purchase and rent, becomes more and more pressing. Nearly all of the local agencies were overrun with applicants yesterday, and a large amount of business was done. Frank O. Van Gorder, 5S16 Penn avenue, sold for Andrew Reimer to Mrs. M. E. Williams, lot 20x100 feet, corner Park avenue and Auburn street, Twenty-first ward, for $650 cash; for the same owner, to Miss Kate E. Kattigan,lot25x 100 feet, on Auburn street, for $750 cash; for the same, to Mrs. A. M. Willmann, lot 20x100 feet, on Auburn street, for $600 cash: for Xavier Loeffler to Robert E. Twyford, three lots, each 43x100, on Joseph street. Twenty-first ward, with frame dwelling, for $2,650: for L. H. Voigt tn Frederick T. Menccs, lot 29x100 feet, comer Mignonette and Bcatty streets. Twentieth ward, with frame dwelling, for $1,800; for Abram Reimer to George R. and Charles H. West, business property on Penn avenue. No. 6025, lot 20x145 feet, to Kirkwood street, for $7,500. Black & Baird, No. 9i Fourth avenue, sold to John A. Roll for J. R. fc M. L. Preston, a vacant lot on the corner of Iowa and Adelaide streets. Thirteenth ward, being 110x116 feet; considera tion not given. They also sold a fine suburban residence op the Pennsylvania Railroad, with large grounds, for $16,500, further particulars of which cannot yet be given. ReedB. Coyle & Co- 131 Fourth avenue, closed a mortgage of $1,700 on .Bloomfield prop erty, one or 41,300 on Knoxville property, and one of $1,500 on Allegheny property, all for three years at 6 per cent. W. A. Herron Sons sold lot No. 35 in Rnch plan, 22x100, for $300. James W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of 4,000 on houses and lots on Elmer street, city, at 6 per cent: also a mortgage of $1,000 and a mortgage of $700 on property in Mckeesport, at 6 per cent. SPECIALTIES STB0KGER. Rnmored Transfer of the Bit Fonr to the Bee Line Strengthens the Stock Mar ketUnion Pacific Funding Bill a Ball Card. New York, February 11. The stock market was remarkably strong to-day. although the advances were in the specialties principally and three leading groups of shares. The Trunk lines. Grangers and Coal stocks were all quiet, and fluctuated within the narrowest limits. The late report of the proposed transfer or the Big Four to the Bee Line may have had something to do with the strength in the market, but those stocks were neither of them active, and neither made ahy advance. There was heavy selling of Chicago, Burllncton and Quincy for .Boston account, and this hadsome .influence to check to prevailinc bullish 'feeling but its ef fect upon prices outside of the roads closelv connected with Burlington was very slight, and it was a subject of universal'-comment that in the face of such decided weakness jn that stock that the general list exhibited snch marked buoyancy. The rumor that the Nebraska Board of Transportation intended to demand the adop tion of the Iowa tariff was the chief cause for the weakness displayed, bnt the report of the earnings for the past year was not without its influence, and the stock dropped over three Eoints, although a material recovery was made efore the close of business. The fact that the Union Pacific f undine bill has at last cot be. fore the Senate was the occasion of making Union Pacific and Oregon short line the strong features of the list, and both on very large business made marked advances. Among the specialties shoning the most important gains were Memphis ana Charleston. Peoria, Decatur and Evansville, Columbia and Greenville pre ferred, Pullman, Virginia Midland, Denver, Texas and Ft, Worth certificates and Evans ville and Terre Haute, At the opening of business the feeling was very bullish, but first prices were quite ir regular as compared with the final figures of Saturday, but advances were in a majority and the chances extended to J per cent. The market soon gathered strength, although Bur lington showed at once the weakness which afterward became so marked a feature of the dealings. The specialties took the lead in the upward movement, but Oregon Short Line came to the front, soon followed by Union Pacific Burlington was strongly attacked after noon and the trading in the rest was some what restricted by It for sometime, but the list soon recovered its tone, and further gains ere made all along the line and the weak stocks made some recovery before 2p.m. The amount of business done underwent a marked increase with the return of confidence, and the last hour was very active and the mar ket closed strong generally at close to the best figures. Burlington shows a loss of 2 per cent, but the rest of the list are almost invariably higher. Union Pacific rose 2K. Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth certificates 1, Pullman. Peoria, Decatur and Evansville and Canada Southern 1 each, St. Paul lji and Chicago and East Illinois 1 per cent. Railroads bonds were active but remarkably well distributed, no one issue showing any special animation, although the sales extended to $2,029,000. The tone was generally strong but was quite irregular, and final changes are divided. The gains include Peoria 2nds, 3 to 74. The following table showsthe pricesof active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney fc Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange. 57 Fourth avenue: Open- High- Low- Clos ing. 33 K 55 H 97"i 3G5( 103S SOi 1005 97 IS 41 3155 01 jj IOCS 36H iSH 1MW 1C5 JUS 16U S7S m CO WJ, 10M 12 iroii 2954 68 75-1 H 47' JS 17 275J 6:54 a; 70 SiH Sj)i 27S 20551 2 81 395 S3 101 K -26 63 111 21. inxr. esu est. Am. Cotton Oil. ... Atch.. Top. & S. F, Canadian Pacific... f!anada Southern... b3 S3,' ... M! 66 97s 36 10-554 64H I COS S7S 41J4 IS 1067 7U H 27'i HI SiH 97 3S ma C-1,'4 VJH 90S 18 U 41 31J 91-i IUCi n" se'4 141 Central orA'ew Jersey. 97.'i Central Pacific 35 C, Hnr. & Quincy.... 105 a. Sill. & St. Paul... -GJ'4 C, Mll.ASt. P.. pr.... Wt C, Kockl. 4.P. 97 C, feU L. & Pitts 18X C, bU L. & Pitts, pf.. 41 C, M.P..M. &0 31 C. St. P., M. AC, pr. SIX C & Northwestern. ...1PC3( C& northwestern, pf. C C C. AI 74 Col., Coal iron ar. .. 2M ...Hl Del., L. & V Del. & Hudson Denver&KloG Denver & Bio li., pf. E. T.. Va. & Ua.. 1st pf .... Illinois Central Lake Erie & Weetern Lake Erie & West. pf.. ST! Lake Shore & M. S IW'i Louisville A Nashville. 5')H .Michigan Central SO Mobile Ohio 11 Mo.. K. &Texas 12 Missouri Pacific TZH S7S 104 'MX n 12!4 73k 5754 sax 90 10M KH J2 Aew lorK central, A. Y.. L. E. Jb W. .. 28 29?i 28J A. "r., L. E. & W.pref C9 N. Y., C. &M.L 19 X. 1.. C. & St. L. Pf.. .. 10H 19 A-. V., C&St.L.2dpf 4P4 41 48' IS 4l4 47. 16,', 3. 1 &.a. . A. V.. O. & W ... li.- Norfolk & Western Norfolk li Western, pf 5IS Northern Pacific....... 279, Northern Pacific prcf. 62 Ohio Jt Mississippi... . 23V Oregon Improvement. 70;, Oregon Transcon 32 Pacific Mall 34.S Pco. Dec. & Evans 26K Phlladel. & Kcadlnc. 4Si Pullman Palace Car.SBS Klchmond & W. P. T.. 2i Richmond & SI fct. Paul liuluth fct. Paul A Dnluth pf.. ... M. P., Minn. &Man...l02 St. L. A San Fran 26 St. L. A Ban Fran pr.. 63U St. h. & San F.Ht pr. Texas Pacific 3 273, 62."4 24 7054 33'i 38 23 4J 203V 27 S1H liili 27J 61 23 ' 705, 32H 3SJS 2CH 4S5i 2C3S 26 65 22tf'- 21X Union Taclflc 6IJi IVanash... Wabash preferred 27 Western Union S6 Wheeling & L. K.".... (S e&H 64 mi U 27! S5M 85J, G5X 65 So1 665, THE TERRITORIES. Population and Property Valnatlons of the Froppectlve States Dakota Leads. So much interest is now felt in the condition of the Territories owing to the prospect of Congress taking action toward the admission of two, if not three, of them before the ad journment of the present session, that a West ern statistician has compiled the following table of population and property valuation from the report of the Secretary of the In terior: Property! Territories. Population. Valostlon. Alaska 41.S30 S,O0a,OOQ Arizona S3. 000 79,000,000 Dakota 600,000 181,420,974 Idaho 100,000 21,2iS,0U0 Montana 140.000 67,000.000 .New Mexico 173,000 43,157.920 Utah 210,000 46,379,000 WashlnRton 167.9S2 84.621,182 Wyoming 65,000 The figures of population for Alaska, Utah, Washington and Wyoming are estimates; for the other Territories they are those of recent census returns. Boston Slocks. Boston, February 1L The stock market was strong and Union Pacific and Orefon Short Line higher, and. barring a break in Chi cago, Burlington andQuincy and the weakness of several other stocks, notably the coppers, were sufficient to make the general character of the trading irregular. Atch. iTop. K. K... 5354 Hobton & Albany.. .214 JSoston & Maine 172 0-. B. U ua 1nn. San. A Clevc. S Eastern K. It 90 Eastern It. 1L 6s 125 Flint A 1'ereM 29 Flint AFereJl. DM. H7 Little K. &Kt.S. 7s. 107 IS'j M. C lst.Mort. bds. 71 2. r. AKewKne... 48 A'. Y.AAewEni? "s.127 Old Colony 171 Kutland preferred.. 37 U Wis. Central pf.... 28 AllouezM'KCo.(ncw) 4 Calumet & Ilecla....270 CatalDa 16 FranKlln '. Huron 4K Osceola 16 rewablc (new) Quincy , .. 70 ..220 ieu reiepnone. Boston Land.... Water rower.., It Tamarack 14: San Diego A CONNECTING LINK. Soft Coal Fields to be Tapped by a Short Railroad. A little line of railroad, not much more than a dozen miles long, which is about to be built in the Clearfield soft coal region, will make a very formidable inroad into Pennsylvania Railroad coal traffic It will be practically an extension of the Beech Creek Railroad, though constructed by independent parties, and, be sides pnshing into a region hitherto dependent on the Pennsylvania system, will open up val uable coal properties. It is anticipated that the small extension will get as much as 00,000 tons of coal per year, a good part of which will be diverted from the Pennsylvania Railroad. Engineers will be put on the line within ten days. It is to be backed by a number of Harnsburg men, together with shippers who will be benefited by its com pletion. Philadelphia Stocks. Closlnsouotationsof PhiladelDhla stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenne. juemuers .aciv xorK atocK Jx- change. Pennsylvania Railroad Reading Railroad BuQalo, Pittsburg and Western. Lclilsh Vallev Lehlsh Navigation Northern FaclAc Bid. .. 55 .. 21 7-H .. 13S .. S4H .. SIX Asked. sm 131, 51H 52 27V 62H ''A Northern Pacific preferred 62 Mining Stocks. New Yoek, February 1L Mining stocks closed: Amador, 150: Bodie. 155; Caledonia, B H, 270: Consolidated California acd Virginia, ex dividend, 750; Commonwealth, 500; Deadwood. 150; Gould and Curry, 270; Hale and Norcross, 450; Homestake. 1325; Iron Silver. 320; Mutual, 145; Plvmouth.&50; Savage, 295; Silver King, 110; Small Hopes, 105; Sullivan, 125; Yellow Jacket, 400. TBADE 3I0YEMENTS. Jobblnc Interests ItUIue From the Slough of Despond An Improved Tone to markets Pork Packers Sat isfied With lbe Situation. Office of the Pittsburg DispTcn,l SIokday. February IL 1SS9. The marked features of last week'stradein country produce lines were" the upward movement in butter and eggs.. A 3c ad vance agreed on by the Elgin Butter Board on Monday has been fully sustained. There is greater activity at the advance than during the low price period. A reliable article of country bntter is in firmer demand at higher prices than for a month past. One of our leading job bers in the line of eggs and butter, who has a reputation for pnttlng facts without addition or subtraction, reports: "I am handling as much stuff in one day as I did in three a week or two ago, and get better prices. We had a long siege of sluggish mar kets following the holidays, much longer than was comfortable. It now looks as though we naa turned ine comer ana are on start tor the active trade movement which comes usually at this time of the year." The first month of 1SS9 has made a record for low priced butter and eggs, which has bad no parallel in recent years. As toother lines of country produce, no active movement is yet YiMuiE. rui puuttuea. appic?, uuiuua, cauoage and turnips trade drags its weary way along,' as it has done since the fruits of the earth were gathered. The provident housekeeper who stocked his cellar in the fall with winter's sap plies of xruit and vegetables, and took the risks and losses from rot and frost, finds this one of the exceptional seasons when bis thrift and foresight did not bring their usual reward. The hand-to-mouth policy paid best this season. In the line of grain and hay, wheat is the only article that gives indication of advance the past week. The upard movement in wheat is, without doubt, largely speculative, but the fact stands that it has gone up 8c above the lowest price of the weei before. Corn, oats and hay showing arooping tendencies, and while our quotations are lowered in the past few days, It Js reported that even these prices have been shaded in private deals. Retail grain met chants complain that a much larger pro portion than nsual of low grades are coming lorw?.rd this season. Said one of our leading retailers: "I have found it difficnlt often this winter to secure a choice article of oats, not withstanding our markets have been glutted. While we have had immense crops in the land, quality is much below the average." The speculative boom in wheat has thus far madeno impression on flour other than the de velopment of a firmer tone. One of our leading pork packers who claims that the price of hogs has been higher than hog Eroducts all this season, said that the situation ad changed for the first time on Wednesday last. "I claim," said he, "that since November 1, when the packing season opened, there has been no time when hog products would have yielded an equivalent for the price we have had to pay for hogs till this week. There would have been aloss to the packer who did not have a special trade for special cuts if he had made an immediate turn of his products. In other words, if we had sold each day's packing as we put it away, we would have lost money. At last hogs have reached a price wherethere is a small margin, and some compensation for our labor and investment. When we consider the cheapness and abundance of corn, prices have been altogether too high all season from the packer's standpoint." The hide market shows a firmer tone the past week. Light weights are up Jjc as compared with January rates. A leading dealer reports that bottom has been reached, and that greater activity in trade is at hand. Said he: "I have seen heavy steer hides lower tban they are now, but have never known light hides and calfskins as low as they have been the past month or two." , . , A representative of the largest harness leather tannery of Allegheny reports: "We believe that our industry is In a better shape than for some months past, and the situation and out look are brighter tban a week ago. There is a firmer feeling to the trade, and we expect in a week or two to report an active movement all along the lines of leather. Our worst months are S'ovetnbcr and December. January was much better than the same month last year. We had an advance of 2c per pound in Septem ber for our harness leather, but this was lost in the dull months that followed, so that prices are jut the same as a year ago. The fluctua tions of the year have been but 2c per pound, whereas they have been as much as 4c in the same period within a few years." British Grain Market. London, February 11. The Mark Lane Ex press, in itSweekly review of the British grain trade, says: English wheats continue depressed. Buyers are apathetic. The sales of English wheat during the past week were 50,032 quar ters at 29s 7d against 54.9S5 quarters at 303 5d during the corresponding week last year. For eign wheat is more active and firmer but quo tations are unchanged. Beans and peas are 6d and lentils is loner. At to-day's market only the poorer English wheats were offered; the tendency was downward. American was a turn dearer for good Califor nia white; no red winter was offered. Flour was stronger, influenced by the rise of 2 francs per sack in Paris; American advanced 6d. corn was steady. Beans and peas recovered 6d.; DOMESTIC MARKETS. Old Fashioned Winter Weather En courages Produce Men, BUT THE REVIVAL STILL LINGERS. The Old Story of Quietness in AH Cereal Lines Reported. HERR'S ISLAND LITE STOCK DOINGS Office of the Pittsburg Dispatch, J Monday, February 11, 1SS9. 5 Country Produce Jobblnc Prices. It is too early in the week to furnish pointers on country produce trade. Commission men who were seen report the usual Monday quiet ness of trade. Old fashioned winter weather is the principal crumb of comfort to merchants. As last week's trade was animprovement on anything since holidays in the line of batter and eggs, it is hoped and believed that other lines of produce will fall into line and join in the upward movement before this week is over. Nothing more can be said than that the tone of trade is an improvement on what we have had for a few weeks past. And yet there is room for farther improvement before trade reaches a satisfactory basis. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 333lc; Ohio do, 262$c: fresh dairy packed, 2U23c; country rolls, lS22c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 3234c Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice peas. 82 052 15. Beeswax 2325c ft for choice; low grade, 1618c Cider Sand refined. S6 507 50: common, $3 504 00; crab cider, $3 008 50 9? barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c gallon. CHEESE Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212Kc: New York, fall make. 12igl3c; Iilmbureer. HK12c: domestic Sweitzer cheese. 130130- Dried Peas 51 451 50 H bushel; split do, 2Kc f ft. Eggs 104817c 33 dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples. SI OOffiSl 50 1 barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c 'ft ft: cranberries, S3 00 ? barrel: J2 40S2 50 per bushel. Ffathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, ajgSSc fl ft. Hominy $2 652 75 barrel. Honey New Crop, lb17c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes. 3540c W bushel; 2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; $3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c pair; dressed chickens, 1315c si pound; turkeys, 13 15c dressed $3 pound; ducks, live. 8085c p pair; dressed, 13I4c f? pound; geese, 10llc per pound. Seeds Clover, choice. 62 fts to bushel. $6 bushel; clover, large English, 62 Iks, $6 2o; clover, Alsike, $S 0; clover, white, 9 00; timo thy, choice, 456s, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, $1 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 Its. $1 20; orchard grass. 14 fts, 32 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00; millet, 50 fts. SI 2S; German millet, 50 fts, S2 00; Hungarian grass, 4S fts, S2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine crasscs, 25cper ft. Sheixbarks SI 501 75. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered. 5.5Jc. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00 4 00 ?! box; common lemons, S2 75 box; Messina oranges, J2 03 50 t' box; Florida oranges, S3 C03 50 II box: Jamaica oranges, fancy, S6 607 00 $ barrel; Malaca grapes, So 50J27 00 -p keg; bananas, S2 50 firsts: $1 502 00, good seconds, H bunch: cocoanuts, 84 004 50 $ hundred; new figs, 12a 14c pound; dales, 5J46Kc $ pound. VEGETABLES-Celerv. 4050o doz. bunches; cabbages, S300l 00 fl 100; onions, 60c $ bushel; Spanish onions, 75S0c crate; turnips, 30 40c per bushel. Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2021Kc; choice Rio, 1820c; prime Rio, 9c: fair Rio. 17KlSJc: old Government Java, 26Kc; Mara caibo, 21J22Kc; Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 18J 22c; Caracas coffee. 19j21c; peaberry, Rio, 2021c; Lagnayra, 20K21Jc Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,22$c; high grades, 21i26c; old Government Java, balk, 31032; Maracaibo. 2627c: Santos, 21K 22Jc: peaberry. 25c: choice Rio, 24c; prime Rio, 21J4c; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 20c Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c: cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 70S0c Petroleuji (jobbers' prices) 110 testTc: Ohio, 120, SKc; headlight, 150. 9c; water white. 10Uc; globe, 12c: elainc 15c; carnadine, HKc; royaline, lie SYRUPS Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar syrup, 33S5c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c N. O. Molasses Fancy, EOe; choice, 48; me dium, 45; mixed, 40042c, Soda Bi-carbln kegs, 3Kc; bi-carb in Js, 6c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine, per set, SKc; parafflne, 1112c Rice Head, Carolina j7c; choice, 6 7c: prime, mvag; .Louisiana, ot&tC Srabch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 5K7c: gloss starch, 5Ji7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65: 'Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers. S2 50: Musc3tels. S2 25; California Muscatels, $2 35; Valencia, new, 6Ji7c; Ondara Valencia, 7JiS?7Kc; sultana, 7?c: currants, new, 4K5c; Turkey prunes, new, 4K44c: French prune", 8K13c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, SKc, cocoanuts. per 100.56 00: almonds. Lan.. per ft: 29c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts,iap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12K 16c: new dates. 5&6c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft. 21022c: lemon peel, per ft. 1314c; orance peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 8 c; apples, evaporated. 6?i7c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, lo18c; peaches, evaporated, pared. 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 12K13Xc: cherries, pitted. 21022c; cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor ated, 24024Kc; blackberries, 7K08c: huckle berries, 10012c Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 75ic: granu latedjc: confectioners' A 6c; standard A,65c; soft whites, 6Kc; yellow, choice. 66c; yellow, good, b6Jc; yellow, fair, 6Jc; yel low, dark, 5Jic Pickles Medium, bbls (L200), $4 75; me diums, half bbls (600). $2 85. Salt-No, 1 fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, SI 05; dairy. bbl. SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20; HigghVs Eureka, 4 bu sack, $2 80; Higeln's Eu reka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 500 1 60; 2ds, SI 3001 35: extra peaches, SI 3501 to; pis peaches. 90c; finest corn, $1 3001 60; Hid. Co. corn, 70090c; red cherries, 90cl 00; lima beans, SI 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 750 85c; marrowfat peas, SI 1001 15; soaked peas, 7075c: pineapples, $1 401 0; Bahama do, S2 7o: damson plums, 95c; green gages, SI 25; eggplums. $2 00; California pears. 82 50; do green gages. $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries. $2 90; red cherries. 2fts. 90c: rasober- ries, $1 1501 40; strawberries. SI 10; goose- J Demes, si zuiai ou; tomatoes, iaaoc; salmon, 1-ft, $17502 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked. 90c; do green, 2fts, SI 2501 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75; 14-ft cans, S13 50; baked beans, $1 4001 45; lobster, 1 ft, $1 75 1 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestic, i. $1 254 50; sardines, domestic, Ms, $8 2508 50; sardines, imported, ks, $11 50 12 50; sardines, imported, Jjs, $18 00; sardines, mustard, $4 00; sardines, spiced, $1 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloatcrj mackerel, $36 ft bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4Kc fl ft; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, "c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks 6X 7Kc Herrine Round shore, $5 50 fl bbl; split. S7: lake S3 25 fl 100-ft half bbl. White fish, $7 fl 100-ft half bbl. Lake tront, $5 50 ft half bbl. Finnan badders. 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft a. Buckwheat Flour W&lMc. per pound. Oatmeal-56 306 60 fl GbL Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5962c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grnln, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 4S cars. By Pittsbnrg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 10 of hay, 2 of barley, 1 of e corn, 1 of bran, 3 of. flour, 1 of wheat. Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 7 cars of corn, 1 ot oats and feed, 4 of hay, 9 of oats, 1 of bran, 1 of flour. By Baltimore and Ohio, 3 cars of bay. Sales on call, 1 car shelled corn, sample, 35c, track; 1 car w w bran, $14 75: 1 car choice Iowa upland, S10 25, 10 days; 1 car 2 w oats, 32iic February. The hoped-for revival in cereals is not yet here. While markets are in favor of buyers, holders are unwilling to make concessions. The wheat boom is still on; and flour shows more firmness than for weeks past Wheat Jobblnc prices No. 2 red. $1 060 07; No. 3 red. 95Ig97c Corn-No; 2 yelow. ear, 38039c; high mixed ear, 36037c; No. 1 yellow, shelled; 3940c No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37K3Sc; high mixed' shelled, SC37c; mixed, shelled. 35036c: Oats No. 2 white, 32J33c; extra No. 3. 31K 32c; No. 3 white, 3131Jc; No. 2 mixed 29 SOc Rye No. 1 rye, 55056c; No. 2, 50052c; No. 1 Western 52053c. Barley No. i Canada, 9095c; No. 2 Canada, S3E85c;No.3Canada,78S0c; No. 2 Western. 7507Scj No. 3 Western, 6o4670c Lake Shore, 75 NIC 1 Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, $6 50 675; spring patents, S6 .5006 75; fancy straight winter and spring. $5 .-005 75; clear' winter, $5 0005 25. straight XXXX bakers', $5 0005 25. Rye flour, $3 75. Cornjieal In paper, SOc Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $18 00 20 00 ft ton; brown middlings, $14 60015 00; winter wheat bran, $14 75015 25; chop feed. $15 00018 00. "HAT-Baled timothy,- choice, $15 0015 26; Un t A .. A:au rt. XT. n J- 1A Avmia tv. loose from wagon, SIS 0023 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $10 00S10.50; No. 2, S3 008 50; packing dovS5 506 00. Straw Oats. S8 008 25; wheat and rye straw, ?7 007 25. Provisions. . A drop of 10c on hogs at Chicago is reported to-day. At -Liberty markets are quiet but prices unchanged. Large hams. 18 fts and upward, 10Kc; medium hams, 14 to 18 fts, lie; small hams. 14 fts and un der, HJc; picnic or California hams, 8c; bone less (in skins), HJc; sugar-cured shoulders, 8Jfc; bacon, 8c: dry salt, 9c; breakfast bacon, 10c:rouletts (toneless s. c shoulders), 10-c: regular smoked sides. 9c; bellies, smoked sides, 9c; regular dry salt 6ides, SKc; bellies, dry salt sides, SJc; dried beef, sets 3 nieces, 10c; dried beef, flats, 8c; dried beef, rounds, lie; dried beef, knuckles, lie; pork, mess, SIB 50: pork, family, $17 00; pig pork, half barrels. S9 00; long sausage, 5Jic Lard Tierces, 325 fts, TJfc ty ft; half barrel", 120 fts, 7c ?l ft; tubs, wooden. BO fts. "c fl ft; buckets, wooden, 20 fts. 7c ft ft; 3-ft tin pails, 60 fts. 7c fl ft: 5-6 tin pails. 60 fis, 8c fl ft; 10-ft tin pails. GO fts, 7c fl ft: 20-ft tin pails, 80 fts, 8c; 50-ft tin pails, 100 fts, 7c fl ft. Dressed Mcnt. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts, 55c; 600 to 650 fts, 66Kc; 700 to 750 fts, 7 c. Sheep, 7c fl ft. Lambs, 8c fl ft. Live Stock nt Herr'a Island. The receipts of cattle this week are 29 cars against 30 last week and 31 the week before. Four loads wero heavy stock weighing .about 1,600 pounds The balance ranged from 1,100 to 1,400. There were very few light cattle in re ceipts. The run averaged up better in quality than for some weeks past. Two or three heavy steers, weighing 2,000 pounds, were sold at 4c The best price paid was for those weighing 1,500 to 1,600, the range for which was S4 75 to 85 00, 25c lower than last week. Good medium butcher stock from 1,100 to 1,400 pounds ranged from S4 25 to 81 50. Veal calves were scarce and firm, but prices remain as quoted last week, from 6 to 7c The price of bulls was $2 25 to S3 00. Receipts of hogs have varied very little from 600 head for a number of weeks. Heavy, rough hogs, weighing 400 and upwards, were very slow at $4 50. Light weights ranged from So 00 to S3 40. The run of sheep and lambs was light, the total beins5 head against 800 for the two previous weeks. Prices went up a JTc and everything was cleaned up at the advance. One good bunch sold at 5. Lambs were sold at 5 to 7c and at these figures there wero not enough to go round. Market showed dropping tendencies in every line excepting sheep, and this saving clause of trade was due to scarcity of supply. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Mnrkct at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. Monday. February 11, 1889. Cattle Receipts, 1,960 head: shipments, LOCO head: market active and firm at last week's prices; 13 cars of cattle shipped to New York to day. Hoos Receipts, 7,900 head: shipments. 6,200 head; market fair; medium Philadelphia?, 81 95 05 00: heavv hogs, 84 7004 80; pigs and York ers. S5 lO0o 75; 25 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 7,600 head: shipments, 6,600 head; market firm at last week's prices. Br telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts, 4,300 head, making 11,200 head for tho week. Fresh ar rivals included 83 carloads for exportation, 94 carloads for city slaughterers direct and 71 car loads for the market Sales were slow at about Friday's figures. Poor to fairly prime steers sold at S3 4004 85 per 100 fts, a few extra do $5 0005 15 and 3 carloads at S3 25. Dry rows and fat bulls sold at '$1 9003 20. Sheep Receipts 11,300 head, making 23,800 bead for tho week. Firmer and higher for good to choice offerings of both sheep and lambs; dull and barely steady for in ferior to ordinary stock. Sales of sheep were at S3 5006 CO, with a carload of extra wethers at $6 25. Lambs ranged from So 5007 60 with a few of the tops sold at $7 7508 00. Hogs Re ceipts 6.700 head, making 29.330 head for the week. No sales on the live weight reported. Nominally at 85 2505 60. Kansas City The Live Slock Indicator reports: Cattle Receipts, 2.508 head; ship ments, none Dressed beef and shipping steers steady to a shade stronger; fat cows strong; common, steady to weak, stockers and feedine steers steady; good to choice corn fed. $3 80 4 20: common to medium, S3 0003 70; stockers and feeding steers. $1 5003.20; cows, $1 25 2 75. Hogs Receipts, 3,512 head; shipments, 641 head: steady; all sold early; good to choice. $4 5004 55; common to medium, $4 2004 10. Sheep Receipts, 1.427 head; shipments, 220 head; stronger; good to choice muttons, $4 250 4 60; common to medium. $2 6003 75. St. Louis Cattle Receipts, dull: shinments. 600 head: market steady: choice heavy native bteers, S3 8UB4 4U; lair to gooa uo, S3 uo3 75; batchers' steers, medium to choice, $2 6003 10; stockers and feeders, fair to good. $1 8002 70; rangers, corn-fed. $3 0003 40: grass-fed.1 600280. Hogs Receipts. 3,100 head; shipments, 2,600 head; market strong; choice heavy and butchers' selections, S4 5004 60: packing, me dium to choice, 84 4504 60; light crades, ordi nary to best, $4 6004 75. Sheep Receipts, 200 head; shipments, 200 bead; market steady; fair to choice, S3 0004 80. Chicago Cattle Receipts, 12.000 head: ship ments, 4,000 head; market strong for good, others steady; choice to extra beeves, S4 25 04 SO; steers, S3 0004 20; stockers and feed ers. $2 1003 40: cows, bulls and mixed, $1 40 3 50. Hogs Receipts. 2,000 head; shipments, 6.400 head: market slow and 5c lower. Sheep Receipts, 8,000 head; shipments, l,500head: mar ket firm and 10c higher: natives, S3 005 10; western cornfed, $4 4004 80; lambs. 85 0006 60. Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 2200 head through; 2,200 bead sale. Market steady; prime steers $3 7504 10. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 600 head of through; 1,100 head sale. Sheep active at 10015c higher; cood stock, $4 6504 90; lambs firm at $6 006 60 for good. Hogs Re ceipts. 4,500 head of throucb; 15.000 head sale; market fairly active and 5c higher; mediums, $4 90; Yorkers, $5 15. Cincinnati Hogs easier; common and light ti 0004 85: packing and butchers. $4 600 4 75. Receipts, 3.840 head; shipments, 480 head. Baltimore Hoes Market dull and fnllv ysc lower, witu a lull supply; quotations, 7c; receipts, 9.2S0 head. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Mr. Parnell will bring an action for libel against the Times in the Irish courts. A shock of earthquake was felt yesterday at Bolton and Manchester, England. No damage was done. It is denied that General Boulanger, in a recent interview, Slid that he favored the es tablishment in France of a constitution similar to that of the United States. A goldsmith in Vienna has poisoned his five children with cyanide of potassium. After administering the poison to the children he took somo of it himself and died in great agony. As tho Treasury figures have not yet been returned from the Public Printer, the Ways and Means Committee will not bo able to re port the tariff bill back to the House before Thursday next. Judge! O'Brien, of New York, has handed down a decision fixing Saratoga county as the place for the trial of ex-Alderman Arthur J. McQoaide. The time is left to the District Attorney as to when the trial will begin. Yellow fever is making progress in Brazil, and so numerous are becoming the gastric and other fevers which have been the usual pre cursors of epidemics in other Vcars that the sanitary authorities are looking forward to an epidemic this summer. At Chattanooga a coal tar boiler at the Creosoting brick works of Guild, White & Gillespie exploded this morning, causing the death of Charles Falls and fatal injuries to his son. Both of the men were covered with coal tar, and the body of the former was burned to charcoal. Judge Barrett, of the New York Supreme Court, yesterday banded down an opinion in which ne denies the application of the North tuver sugar Kenning uompany, ine recently dissolved member of the Sucar Trust for a stay of proceedings pending the appeal to the General Term. The President yesterday sent tho following nominations to the Senate: Norman J. Cole man, of Missouri, to be Secretary of Agricul ture; Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, to be As sociate Justice of the Supremo Court of the District of Columbia, vice William M. Mer rick, deceased. . A big postoffice robbery was committed at Amity, Ark., on Saturday night The office is kept in the store of W. C. Hayes,-whoisalso the postmaster. Thieves entered the window, blew open the safe with powder, and abstracted $7,000, part of which is Government funds and part Mr. Hayes' money. A postoffice inspector has started for the scene. Julia Mahar, 56 years old, died yesterday morning In a miserable hovel in Webster, R. L, of paralysis. The case is particularly horri ble, as her husband had given the woman no care after she became incapable of doing any more work. The neighbors say she was left alone, and rats ran the hovel and gnawed away at the woman's extremities while she layyet alive, but unable to drive them away. The flesh was badly eaten from her thiKhs, and even the face had been attacked. The police learned of the matter and induced the neighbors to watch with the woman while life remained. Death came to her relief yesterday morning. i MAEKETS BY WIEE. Wheat Boomed by a Goad Demand and Llcht Offerings Corn a Shade Hlshcr Pork Unsettled Lard and Short Ribs Steady. Chicago Only a moderate business was transacted in wheat and operators generally described the market as dull during the early part of the session, but the latter half was more active all round. The early feeling was rather easy, influenced some by belief that the decrease in the visible snpply would not De as large as had been expectetLand the snow storm was also taken as favorable for the winter wheat, as the plant was reported bare of snow. Tho opening was xAl4.c lower than Saturday's closing, and after few slight fluctuations prices adyancedlc for May and 2c for July, receded some, but again advanced 2c for May and 3c for July. The closing was 2Jc higher for May and 4c higher for July than Saturday's closing. No special reason was given for the advance other than there was some demand and not much wheat offered. The featnre of the market was strength developed in the July future. In corn trading was fairly active, and the feeling firmer. The market opened at Satur day's closing prices, was easy for a time, but it soon became apparent that there were a good many purchasing orders to be filled, and the market advanced c reacted ic ruled steady, and closed a shade higher than Satur day. There was a moderate business in oats with in a range of c A fairly active speculative trade was report ed in pork, and the feeling was somewhat un settled. Early in the day a weaker feeling was developed, and prices ruled 7U10c lower. Later the demand improved, and prices rallied 17K02OC, but settled back again 2K05C and closed quiet Trading was comparatively light in lard, and the feeling was easier. Prices averaged lower, and the market closed comparatively steady at medium figures. Only a lair business was reported in short ribs. Early in tbe day the market was easy, and prices ruled 25e lower. Later the mar ket was stronger, and prices rallied 205c, and closed rather steady. The leading futures raneea as follows: Wheat No. Z February. $1 03: March. $1 O1501 O3K01 01: May, $1 0301 05I 02 1 05; July, 9O0oS994c Corn No. 2, February, 3334K330 34c: March. ZlRZiVeMmVAc: Mav. 35kia 35c. Oats No. 2. February, 2425c; May, 27J 27Kc Mess Pork, per bbl. February, $11 37K: March, Sll 47j; May, $11 50011 72K011 47 11 67JC. Lard, per 100 fts. February, $6 70; March. $6 70S6 72K06 6506 70; May, $6 8006 820 6 7ott 80. Short Ribs, per 100 fts. February. $6 02K 602g: .March, $6 0006 02; May, $6 12 Cash quotations were as follows: Flonr steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat $1 031 03& No. 3 spring wheat, 9295c; No. 2 red, 81 0301 03. No. 2 corn, 34c. No. 2 oats, 25c No. 2 rye. 46c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 69. Prime timothy seed, $1 50. Mess pork, per barrel, $1173K0115O. Lard. !er 100 lbs. $6 70. Short ribs sides loose). S6 0006 10. Dry salted shoulders boxed), S5 5006 00. Short clear sides (boxed). S6 2506 37K. Receipts Flour, 9,000 barrels; wheat 17,000 bushels; corn. 249,000 bushels; oats. 145,000 bushels: rye, 9,000 bushels: barley, 54,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 7.000 bar rels: wheat 11.000 bushels: corn. 161,000 bushels: oats. 66,000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels;barley, 33, 000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was steady: fancy creamery, 27029c; choice to fine, 20022c; fine dairies, 20022c; good to choice, 18020c. Eggs steady at 130 14c New York Flour stronger; in some in stances lOchieher. Wheat Spot 22c higher; options lj2c higher and fairly active. Barley quiet and steady. Barley malt dull. Cornmeal active and weaker. Corn Spot HHc lower; options H05c lower and steady. Oats Spot dull and weak; options neglected. Hay qniet and firm. Hops firm and quiet Coffee Op tions opened steady at 10015 points up, closed barely steady: Februarys points down, others 510 points up; moderate business; chiefly local; sales, 58,250 bags, including February, 15.80015 85c;March, 15.90015.95c: April and May, ia85l6.OOc;Jnne,16.OO16.IOc;JnIy,iaoO01B.15c: August 16.1516.25c; September, 16.2516.3oc; October, 16.30016.45c: November, 18.10016.45c; December, 16.35016.40c: spot Rio dull: fair cargoes, 17c Sugar Raw firm: refined strong and in fair demand. Molasses For eign steady; New Orleans doll. Rice quiet and strong. Cottonseed oil steady. Tallow firm; city, 505 7.16c Rosin dull. Turpentine strong at 475Jc Eggs qnlet and easier; Western. 15015J4c; receipts, 5.364 packages. Pork strong; old mess. $12 20012 75; new mess, $12 75013: extra prime. $12 50013. Cutmcats easier; pickled bellies, e?i7Je: do hams. 910c: do shoulders, 6oSc; mid dles steady. Lard lower, raldine bv packers; qnlet; saleef Western steam, 87 16"7 17; city steam, $C 70; February, $7 11; March, 87 lo7 14, closing at $7 11; April, $7 13; May. $7 1307 17, closing at i in; June, 10: juiy ana August, $7 16: September, $7 1707 22, closing at $7 17. Butter Choice firm and in moderate demand; Western dairy, 13020c; creamery, 16029c; El cins. 31031KC Cheese slow and easy: Western. lO011c St. Louis Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat higher. Shorts had quite a scare in to-day's market The weather was cold and dry and stock showed aJarge decrease, which with rood buying put fne price uo l15fc early in the day; the close was firm' and 2 2c above Saturdav's; No. 2 red, cash. 95c nom inal: May, 9609SKc closed at 9SJc; July, 8iS5Jc, closed at 87c bid. Corn quiet: No. 2 mixed, cash, 28c; March, 282Sc closed at 28Kc bid; May, 3056030. closed at30c asked: July, 31Kc Oats lower: No. 2 cash, 2402oc: Mav 27c asked, 27Kc bid. Rye No. 2, 45046c Barley Lifeless. Flaxseed quotable at $1 oO, pure test Provisions firmer. Pork $12 00. Lard Prime steam nominal at $6 6006 65. Dry salt meats Shoulders, $5 25; longs and ribs, 6 20; short clear, $6 40. Bacon Shoulders, $6 75; longs, $7; nbs, $7 12: short clear, $7 75. Cincinnati Flour In moderate demand; family, $4 2004 35: fancv, 84 7504 90. Wheat quiet and firm; No. 2 red. $1 00; receipts, 2,000 bnsbels; shipments. 4,000 bushels. Corn irregu lar and unsettled; No. 2 mixed. 3434c Oats steady; No. 2 mixed. 27028c Rye quiet and steady; No. 2, 54c Pork easy at $12 00. Lard dull and lower to sell at 86 65. Bulkmeats In light demand: short riDs, SO 25. Bacon easy; short clear, $7 62. Butter firm; fancy new western creamery, 33c; prime dairy roll, 13015c Linseed oil in fair demand and firm at 56058c Sugar quiet and easy; hard refined, 77Jc; New Orleans, 6i53ic Eggs doll. Cheese firm. Philadelphia Flour steady, with better trade in spring wheats, winters continue very dull. Wheat Nothing doing in options, and prices largely nominal. Corn Spot in better aemana; iutures ruiea sieaay, out export de mand very moderate and speculators doing nothing. Oats Carlots dull: prices steady. Provisions quiet and steady. Mess pork, new, $15 00015 60; prime mess do, new, $14 50; do family, $15 50016 00. Hams Smoked, 110 11C Lard Refined steady at SSc But ter firm for fine grades; other grade neglected; Pennsylvania creamery extra, 29030c: do prints extra, 31c Eggs dull and easy. Cheese steady; part skims, 67c Milwaukee Flour quiet, and unchanged. Wheat strong: casb,92c; May, 95KC; July.94c Corn dull; No. 3, 29c Oats steadier: No. 2 white, 2Sc. Bye- in fair demand and easier. Pork, $11 40. Lard. $6 70. Cheese firm but quiet; Cheddars, 10c Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady. Butter top grades firm, mediums steady; west ern packed, 1622c; best roll. 13018c; creamery, 2230c Eggs firm at 1415c. Coffee firm; Riofairatl7c. Toledo Cloverseed steady; cash, $5 17; Febru?ry and March, $5 20. Brazilian Coffee Mnrkct. Rio Df. Janeiro. February 11. Coffee Regular first, 6,800 reis per 10 kilos; good sec ond. 5,300 reis; receipts during the week, 92,000 bags; purchases for the United States, 37.000 bags; clearances for do, 2,000 bags; stock, 411,000 bags. Santos, February 11. Coffee Good aver age, 5,700 reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the week, 72,000 bags; purchases lor the United States, 36.000 bags; clearances for do, 20,000 bags; stock, 304,000 bags: Grain In Sight. CHiCAGO.February 11. The visible snpply of grain in comparison with that of last week, as reported by the Board of Trade, is as fol lows: Wheat 34,190,000 bushels; decrease 6S4, 000 bushels. Corn, 14,135,000 bushels; in crease. 758.C00busheIs. Oats. 8.0S0.000 bushels: "increase, 5,000 bushels. Kye. 1,696,000 bushels; decrease, iw Dusneis. canoy, sa7,uuu bushels; decrease, 146,009 bushels. Wool Markets. St. Louis Wool quiet and unchanged. Bright medium, 1926c; coarse braid, 12 22c; low sandy, 11018c: fine light, 17023c: do heavy, 13019c; tab washed, 37c: inferior, 31 35c Metnl Markets. New Yoek Pig iron steady. - Copper dull and stronger; lake, February, $16 60. Lead quiet and weaker; domestic $3 70. Tin qnlet and heavy; Straits $21 25. The French Chamber of Depntiesbas ap proved an additional convention relative to tbe exchange of postal orders between France and the United States. Send Your Namojand Address With 2 cents to Colgate & Co., 55 John, et, N. Y., for a sample of Demulcent Shaving Soap. JI'INERNT PLEADS GUILTY. He Did Not Return IlleirnI JJqnor Sellers Inspector McAIeeae Socked for tbe Costs In Connolly's Case. When Judge Collier's branch of the Criminal Conrt opened yesterday morning, Constable P. Mclnerny, of the Fifth ward, was placed on trial, for the second time, on the charge of not returning illegal liquor sellers, and making a false return, knowing there were violations of the liquor law" in his ward. The first time he was tried be fore Judge Slaglc and the Jury disagreed. Tbe hearing yesterday had been hardly begun when Mclnerny's attorney stated that his client would enter a plea of guilty on the sec ond count of the indictment that of not re turning Illegal liquor sellers. This concluded the trial. Constable P. M. Connolly, of the Ninth ward, who was charged with a similar offense, was put on trial next Inspector McAleese, who was also the prosecutor In this case, was pat on the stand. He stated that tbe information against Connolly had been brought on informa tion received. All the evidence was but bear say. Upon this Judge Collier stated that It was not right to try a man on hearsay evidence, and that the only thing necessary was for the jury to find a verdict of not guilty and to place tbe costs. The jury returned in a few minutes with the verdict of not guilty, and placed the costs of the case on Inspector Mc Aleese INJURY OF CHARACTER, The Patterson Salts Against the Marine Bank-Began Yesterday. The suits of T. A. Baird Patterson against the Marine National Bank, are on trial before Judge White. The suits, it is stated, grew out of a refusal on the part of the cashier of the bank to cash a check issned by Patterson. The latter was agent for a part of 'the Patterson estate and was trustee for the balance in which some of the heirs held a life interest A check was made cut by Patterson as agent on the bank but payment on it was refused, tho cash ier stating that there were no funds there. The refusal, it was claimed, was made at the request of one of the heirs of the estate, for which Patterson was agentand trustee. Shortly afterward Patterson was removed as trustee and tho Fidelity Title and Trust Company ap- Jiolnted in his place. The snlt be now brings s for the value of the check on which payment was refused, be claiming that there was money to meet it on deposit also for damages for tbe injury to his reputation caused by the refusal to cash his check. A NOVEL POINT. Tho Manufacturers' Gas Company Served With nn Injunction. In the equity suit of Bryce Brothers, the Soutbside glass manufacturers, yesterday, the novel question was raised whether or not the Manufacturers' Natural Gas Company had the right to discriminate in favor of those making tbe first contracts. Tho company claim they have this right and can shut off the gas from their newest customers when the supply rnns short This thev can do under an agreement existing since May 1SS8, between the gas com pany and some of the stockholders who were to get tho gas before the general public was served. The plaintiffs claim the agreement is unlaw ful on acconnt of the fact that the consumers to whom the agreement was made were repre sented in the Board of Directors. They say if the supply is shut off for SO minutes their 34 pots would be destroyed. A preliminary in junction restraining the company from turning off the gas was granted. STOLEN BRASSES. Two Junk Dealers Found GuIIly of Reeelv. lug Them From Thieves. J. Golden and M. Sherman were tried before Judge Collier for receiving stolen goous. The two men were in the junk business on Forbes street Several months ago Golden was driv ing a wagon along Fifth avenue, when it broke down. A policeman advised him to remove the load in tbe wagon so it could be repaired. Golden objected so strenuously that tbe offi cer's suspicions were aroused. He lifted the cover concealing the contents of tbe wagon and saw a lot of brasses, syphon couplings, etc He arrested Golden on suspicion. Tbe brasses were identified as some that had been stolen from a vessel of tbe Grand Lake Coal Company. The informations were lodged against Golden and his partner, Sherman. They claimed to nave bought the articles. The jury yesterday rendered a verdict of guilty, but recommended the prisoners to the extreme mercy of the court. OBSCENE LITERATURE. Another Newsdealer Found Guilty of Selling the Police News. In Jndge Slagle's branch of the Criminal Court tbe entire day was taken up in disposing of the balance of the Police Gazette and Police Jieics cases. George W, Havens, of Penn avenue, was tried for selling obscene literature in the shape of the A'ews. Tbe evidence was similar to thatof Schade and Gross, tbe dealera who were convicted. A verdict of guilty was rendered. Thomas O'Brien, T. C. Harbison and John Rodgers, the rest of tbe dealers charged with tbe same offense, at the conclusion of the trial of Havens, entered pleas of guilty. To-Dny' Trial Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 Butler et al vs Bridge water Gas Company; Welsh vs Oliver fc Roberts: Luebbe & Bro. vs Grasser et al, two cases; Kleber et al vs Lnpton et al; Smith vs Guify et al; Fisher vs Monongahela Connect ing Railway Company: Wilson Snyder Manu facturing Co. vs Straub et al, two cases; Gart side et al vs Pittsburg Junction Railway Com pany; Trussell vs Republic Iron Works;Hucke stein & Co. vs Columbia Iron and Steel Cor Strand & Co. vs Thornton. Common Fleas No. 3 Corcoran vs Chess, Cook & Co.: Saitta, Cuneo & Co. vs city of Pittsburg; Leatman vs same; Dewces vs De wees et al; Ehrstein et al vs Hassler et al. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs James Flanigan, J. M. Haiges. D. C. Treacy, Fred Young, Sarah McDennott P. J. Ulrich, John McR. Russell. Thomas Carson, Wm. Feix, Emma Weber et al, Louis Rnppel, John L. Waddle, Eehill Aucoran. John li LauTHenrv Hayslip, Joseph Jones, E. W. Jackson, Hyman Guidinsky, James Quinn. Lines From Legal Quarters. Mary Baerman was found cuilty of as sault and battery, and fined $10 and costs. The juryi3 0ut inthesuitof George Oliver against James Better, for the price of a wagon that Betler was accused of confiscating. Subpcenas were issued yesterday in the divorce cases of Agnes Bair against Harry W. Bair, and Mary Combs against Charles K. Combs. The "shot-tower case" of George Grantz against Wm. G. Price & Co. is still on trial be fore Judge Ewing. The day was taken up yes terday in hearing expert testimony for the de fense. The suit of Jacob Graff against the Sons of Winkelreids, of Pittsburg and Allegheny, for sick benefits, which he claimed to be due him and they refused to pay, is on trial before Judge Stowe. IN tho proceedings of Tyson and Totten against Louis LePage and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, garnishees, a verdict was rendered yesterday in favor of the plaintiffs and judements ordered to be issued for them for $1,087 33. The Clerk of the United States District Court yesterday received a transcript from United State3 Commis-ioner Hahn, at Scran ton, in the case of Carnmilla Cincq'ue, charged with passing counterfeit coin. He was held in bail for the March term of conrt A verdict of $100 for the plaintiff was ren dered yesterday in the case of James Mason against Fred Elk. The suit has been on trial for several days. It was for damage to Mason's farm caused by the sinking of the mines be longing to Elk beneath it and tho draining of water from the mine into Mason's springs William Jones yesterday filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus. He alleged that his 12-year-old daughter was restrained of her liberty by Milton Ncely, of Franklin township. Tho child, it is claimed, was living with Neelyj who refused to give her up to her father. A writ to bring the child into court Saturday, the 16th iust., was issued. A. C. Houston, assignee of G. W. Wilkins, yesterday entered suit against Lynch fc Robin son for $2,500 damages. He alleges that among the property assigned to him by Wilkins, for the latter's creditors, were two barges contain ing some merchandise. These, he claims, were surreptitiously seized by the defendants, while lying in the Allegheny river at Freeport, and brought to Pittsbnrg and appropriated. Messrs. Cogan & Bay yesterday entered suit ageinst Messrs. Shields and Dewees. com prising the Osceola Coal Company, for $390 33 for merchandise furnished. This is the com pany of which one of the partners. Shields, entered equity proceedings against Dewees to have judgments given by the latter declared void, alleging that Dewees gave the judgments to defraud Shields and the firm's creditors, the firm haying become Insolvent. The President has approved the act to en large the powers and duties of tbe Department ' of Agriculture ' and to create an executive, department to be known as tbe Department ot Agriculture: the act constituting Columbus, O., a port of delivery, and the act to provide, for the deposit of tbe savings of seamen of ths navy. The act to abolish Circuit Court powers of certain district courts of ths United States and to provide for writs of error in capital cases became laws without ths President's signature. tlSI - I am satisfied mat cancer is Hereditary in my , family. My father died of it a sister of my- . mother died of it and my own sister died of It ' My feelings may -be Imagined, then, when the horrible disease made its appearance on my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating in wardly in such a way that it conld not be cut out Numerous remedies were used for it bnt tbe Cancer grew steadily worse, until itseemed that I was doomed to follow the others of the family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from tbe first day, forced out tbe poison and con tinued its use until I had taken several bottles, wb en I found myself well. 1 know that S. S. S. cured me. Mrs. S. M. Idol. Wesstoit, N. C. Nov. 26, '88. Send for Book on Cancer and Blood Diseases. The Swijt Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta. Ga. fel-7-TT3 WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO.;- Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., . Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesale"exclusively fe22-r8S-D THE FREEHOLD BANK. No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. . . - . $200,000 00.- DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest sel-k33-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. Eczema,-Itchy. .Scaly, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT The iliaple application of "SwATina Onmnrr" without any Internal medicine, will eaa any eaj of Tetter. Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Eheum. Rintirorm. Files. Itch. Sores. Pimplw, ErrsipHa. ail SKIM HISEASSS ao matter hov obstinate or loa luadinc. bold by dragstsw. or lent 6T null ror w CM. J .soies, .i-u. auuicj-. 8wti i go.t. PUUddjht. P- Ai jour diogckt fort. -jlI ONEY TO LOAN On mortirases on improved real estate in sums oi ji,uuu ana upward. Appi v at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 121 Fourth avenue. fei-22- UROKEKS-FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, ' BROKER LV pbtboletxm:, . Oil bought and sold on margin. de!7-21-D3U WH1TSEY & STEPHEKSOft 57 FOURTH AVENUK ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS TJIP.OUGII MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. aD2S-xT5 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITT.ER 330 PENN ATKNUE. PITTSBURG. PA As old residents know-ana back files of Pitt burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From, cBREDPerson3 N0 FEE UNT,L" MCDWflllQ and mental diseases, physical IM LnVUUO decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mam cry, disordered sight, self-distrust,bashfulne, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un. fitting the person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ferW. blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandular , swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange UnlMrtn I i ments,weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and. other painful symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive exprienca Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles, Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8 p. jr. Sunday. 10 A. n. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 84) Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. itb tt-D3uw. khow thyself; a . . ... i.u .! k"! T. f l.1 M4 A Sclentincand Standard Popular Hsdical Treatise oa the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervona and l'hyjlcai DeDUiiy, impurities oi ineuioou, IJSSS Kcsnltingtrom Folly, Vice, Ignoranee.Ez cesses Qf Overtaxation. Enervating and unfitting the victim, for Work, Bnsiness, the Marr.'ed or Social Relation. Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Bfautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.00 by mall, poot-paid. concealed in plain wrapper. 111ns- , trative Prospectus Freo. If you apply now. Tha distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D.. re ceived the COLO AND JEWELLED MEDAL from tha National Medical Association, for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.Parkerandacorps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mail or in person, at the office of THE FEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE. No.4 Bulflnch St., Boston. Mas'., to whom all orders for books or letters for advice should t directed as above. ; jalo-Tursuwk HARE' REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in threa. days, and cures in five days. Price $1 00. at J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE. jao-ia-TTSsu 4 12 Market street. MEN ONLY a rosmvK cuke . For LOST or Falling . MANUOOD.Nervons Body & Mind. Lack of Streneih. Vigor and De velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, &c. Book, Mode of Self-Theatmest. and Proofs mailed, (sealed) free. Address KllIK MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. de3-S7-TTSJfcwfc - lira?. tcj.Jic v. FSEE PRESCRIPTIONS araraom ElSi "SCIENCE or HEALTH,'.! for thespeedy cureof Nervous Deblllty.Lost Manhood. . Despondency, etc A copy of thu boofcwlll be sent freo-aled Address SCIENCE ofHEALTH. 130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.- - aelSjlwrrswk WEAK jumesms. now to act. LostVteorandXsnhoMRwtoTei Pre. mttnra Decline and Fnncliona dlsor. Mn sflE suture Deelfaie and Functional diior. Stro k .den cared Kithtnd Stomach Medicine. isal4 Treatise lentrree on application. "RCT0X Ca.lSfarkrlan.Snrrwi. d8-15'-jrTT3W" urcAti I TOflerfnifrom tl ef- IB MI MB t WO feet of ox youthful er 'arir dKtr. let ror. earlr decsv. lost manhood etc. l win KDaa Tatoaoie rreaiisc k Taluable treatise (sealed) eontaimnx Iau particular, lor win cure. xreo ot chanre. Anuress, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodu, Conn 1-noWkDSuwlr. - AJ3MuZla&liMi3SMM J0p$L A&jPSKKr ' ' IfflfflHll i V tmw'WiMB