TTTirTlffTTMt '? ' 'ff?5W5f??P5WT Vjgv 4 THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1889. 5. I " r r V J- ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, ISia VoL 44, So. 5. -Entered at Pittsburg Post office, November 11. 1837, as second-class matter. Business Offlce 97 and99 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 70 Diamond Street This paper hnving more than Double the circulation ofonyotber In tho Pinto outside of Philadelphia, its ndianiages as an adver tising medium Mill bo nppnrcnt. TE1UIS OF THE DISPATCH. Jt)STAGE TREE tK TBS UNITED STATES. DAILY Disr-ATcn, One Vcar t 8 00 Daily DisrATcn, Per Quarter 2 Daily Dispatch. Oneilonth ,u Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one TOLT 10W Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, per quarter 150 Daily Dispatch, Including fcunday. one month 90 Fchtay DisrATCH, 150 Weekly Dispatch, one year 123 Ba Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at 35 cents per week, or lncIudlngtheSunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY. FEB. 12, 1SS9. THE DAHKEST HOUE. It would be underestimating Mr. Bal four, the now famous instrument of Tory rule in Ireland, to suppose that he is either a weak or incapable person; but conceding the truth that he is by temperament and purpose the fittest exponent of Toryism his generation has known, it still remains that in counting upon main strength and force as the means of governing Ireland he has been sowing the wind, which will ultimately destroy the suprematy of his party. At all times he has bc.n ready with pleas to jus tify the imprisonment of the Irish members, and their severe treatment in prison. His contention has been that they should obey first the coercion laws, or, breaking these, and finding themselves in prison, they should live up to the prison rules and regu lations, or else be treated as other prisoners who infringe them. This argument has met with applause from Sir. Balfour's party, but when the struggle is seen to continue, and the results promised from this discipline arc farther away now than when it was begun, the En glish people will not remain satisfied. Ihey will revert to the fact that these laws which Mr. Balfour is so severely administering in Ireland are exceptional; that they create new offenses known in no other part of the British Dominion; that they destroy the right of free speech on political subjects; and that, by their application, many men who are elected to "Westminster to take part in the government of the country, find them selves in prison, in place of sitting with equal voice in the same hall with Mr. Bal four. There arc signs that leading members of the Liberal Unionist combination are grow ing restive under the continued state of things in Iteland. Coercion laws have never resulted successfully for any political Darty in dealing with that problem. The most experienced of all British statesmen, Mr. Gladstone, threw them to the winds after a long trial; and the Tories cannot succeed by them. Should Balfour fail, it will doubtless be the last of the system of repression and coercion. Much as he is hated by his opponents, all recognize that be is the most determined of the Tory leaders; that he is least liable to be influ enced by agitation against him; and that, if he fail in governing Ireland by coercive methods, there is no one who can hope to take up the task where he leaves off with the slightest prospect of success. Thus, with the Home Rulers, the darkest hour is that before dawn. TOP-HEAVY CAPITALIZATION. The crash of the Ohio and "Western Coal "Company, which has already been noticed, appears upon further details to be an utter wreck. This concern was one of the results of the policy attempted a few years ago of erecting a huge system of fictitious capitali zation on the foundation of the Hocking coal business and trying to inject some value in it by combination. It was an at tempt to follow the example of the Standard Oil Company, without business perception enough to recognize its impossibility, or honesty enough to withstand the temptation to try to secure its illicit gains. The strug gle to carry the burden of fictitious values has been dragged on for some years; but the inevitable result has been reached. The sooner these hugely watered concerns are wiped out and reorganized on a basis of honest values, the sooner their business will be restored to health and prosperity. BEvTEWING CITS' EXPENSES. As everybody is, or should be, concerned in any scrutiny of city affairs which tends to establish due economy, as well as efficiency in the administration, the Mayor's message to Councils yesterday, and other proceed ings in those bodies, will be read with inter est. Particularly is this so because of the pending appropriation ordinance and of the approaching election. It may be said of the taxpayers that they are cheerfully will ing to pay all that may rightly be re quired for a good government It follows, as of course, that they are entitled to a full return for their money; and, if in any par ticular they do not get it, explanations are in order. Several points were raised yester day which Councils and the heads of de partments must consider. The growth of Pittsburg promises to be extraordinary within the next few years, in volving large expenditures and important works. It is only by frank and free criti cism and comparison o f notes that the best results can be hoped for, and it is the duty of Councils to examine every matter, not from the point of view of personal or politi cal considerations, but in a strictly business light. "Wherever charges of extravagance or inefficiency are made, they should exam ine and act upon them promptly and squarely. PUGILISTIC ELOQUENCE. An ingenious writer on sporting matters has evolved a curious theory regarding the results to be obtained from cross-breeding in pugilists. His conclusions are hardly worth discussing here in so far as they concern the physical side of pugilism. It appears rea sonable on the face of the arguments ad vanced to believe that the mixture of na tionalities has a distinct bearing upon the evolution of the pugilist as a fighter with his fists. That side of the question may be northy the consideration of experts on the subject. But in these days surely we are justified in preferring to inquire the causes of the singular ability displayed by pugilists everywhere to fight with their mouths. "Whence comes this enormous gift of the gab? as the classic ringstcrs would say. Has the mixture of English, Irish and American blood anything to do with the display of eloquence which the meeting of any two or more pugilists always brings forth? The learned writer in his disquisi tion on cross-breeding in the production of ring champions unfortunately has failed to enlighten us upon this point. 'He contents himself with the commonplace conclusion that the best fighters with fists have the blood of three nationalities in their veins. Doesn't he knowthat it is not good form any more for a pugilist to use his fists? He cannot be much of an observer of the fighting frater nity if he has not realized that the tongue is stronger than the fist, not absolutely inside the ring but as near it as pugilists of this era ever care to come. What we should like some technical ex pert to demonstrate to us is the origin of what may be termed pugilistic eloquence. Is it the Irish strain contributing the "blar ney," for which the race is famed, the Brit ish strain with its national characteristic of boastfulness, or the American strain with its spread eagle tendencies, which has had the most weight in the evolution of the pu gilistic orator? And if it takes three nations to produce a John L. Sullivan, a Charley Mitchell or a Jem Smith, how much does it take to turn out a Congressman, the next in the scale of eloquence, who can talk the House into ad journment in ten minutes? THE BTJILDEBS' BULL. The deliverance of the Builders' Ex change against the Coroner's jury which found a verdict in the case of the "Willey building disaster, assumes the ex-cathedra character of a papal bull, in denying the right of anyone but the Builders Exchange to pass judgment on that affair. This is not calculated to encourage outside comments; but those who are not experts in building may feel themselves qualified to perceive gaps in the builders' logic. "We are told on authority that all the ma terial in the building was of the best char acter; that it was put up under the supervi sion of the best architect by a first-class contractor, with the inference that every thing was done just as it should be. On these premises the public can hardly fail to perceive that it is a most illogical conclusion for such a first-class building to fall down in a wind that did not severely strain any of a hundred other buildings within a radius of a thousand feet, including two that were little further along toward completion than the one destroyed. Is the view of the ruins and the list of the dead merely an imagination to be dispelled by this solid reality of first-class material and talent? Or are we to infer that these are possible results from the use of the best bricks, mortar and builders, with the apparent conclusion that safety is to be secured by the resort to second-class ma terial? The intimation of one of the builders that the Coroner's jury should have found that Providence was a fool for sending a wind that would blow the building down, is evi dently intended to place the responsibility for the disaster as an act of God. But while a builder may speak as an expert on building matters, he is not necessarily an expert on Providence. The public is very well qualified to perceive that Providence was not so foolish" as to blow down the Hussey building within 200 feet of the one which fell, and to draw the obvious infer ence. TOO LATE IS THE SESSION. The debate in the House of Representa tives yesterday on the Elliott-Smalls contest affords a remarkable illustration of the in efficiency and inanity to which partisan control has reduced that body. It is not alone the remarkable nature of the discussion, which paid not the slightest attention to the evidence in the case, that shows the inability of the parties to take into consideration real and vital issues. That is a singular feature; but it is not the most phenomenal one. It is the spectacle of a legislative body which has postponed the settlement of the question who was elected in the Congres sional election of 1886 for nearly three years, and now, laying aside necessary busi ness, in order to fight the bloody shirt issue over on both sides, with reference to a seat the term of which expires within three weeks. If the House cannot decide its contested cases before its terln has practically expired it should have sense enough to leave them alone when there is pressing business to be done. NO TRUST IN PIG IRON. Concerning the intimation of a disagree ment between the furnace owners of the Mahoning Valley and their employes "a Pittshurg iron man" is quoted by the city papers as saying that it would be a good thing for all the furnaces to chut down one month, from which the usual deduction is drawn that "the furnace owners should come to some kind of an agreement to limit the production." If the furnace owners and their employes cannot agree as to wages they will, of course, shut down; and it may also be taken as a fact beyond dispute that so long as there is a profit in the production of pig iron they will not shut down. The pig iron industry is peculiarly the -one which, by its' records, is able to confute all the factitious theories about the restriction of production andthe benefits of pooling, by the fact that it has been the case for twenty years, when the production of p"ig iron does not pay that the furnaces go out of blast. If the price is at a point where some furnaces can run at a profit, those which cannot shut down, when prices are readjusted so that they can get a profit they blow in again. This is the natural and legitimate way of preserving the equilib rium qf supply and demand, and its result is to put the prices of pig iron at the level which yields a decent return to the estab lishments that are in operation at any given period. . "What would be the difference in results obtained by the pooling or trust policy of an arbitrary restriction of production? In the first place the policy i$ impossible, for if the furnaces at present in operation should try to raise prices by restricting production, it would at once bring in the hundreds of stacks that are out of blast waiting for a favorable turn of the market. Imagine, for the sake of argument, that the whole indus try could be united in such an effort, and it is plain that the judiciously located and best constructed furnaces wonld be losing the profits of steady operation in order that the furnaces that are out of date or inju diciously located may share the profits of arbitrary restriction. That is the true meaning of all combina tion attempts to restrict supply. It means that the legitimate results of improved processes and careful judgment are to be prevented from reaching ihe public. The pig iron industry will not adopt any such policy, because it cannot. A PEOPEE AMENDMENT. "While there may be sincere and well founded differences of opinion as to the justice or good results jf the"'valued pol icy" insurance bill which is being mooted in the Legislature, there can be no doubt of the justice of the movement to secure the al- teration of the legislation which prevents the adoption of the "factory mutual" sys tem in thisState. It is proper for legisla tion to regulate insurance to the extent of seeing that no false pretenses are used and that the assets reported by the companies are valid; but it is' highly improper to dis tort the pretense of regulation into the ex clusion of so legitimate and economical form of insurance as the factory mutual. If, as is stated, the law of 1887 prevents factory and mill owners from furnishing mutual in surance for themselves, it simply builds up a monopoly in the interest of the generally excessive ratio of expenses in the regular in surance companies. That is legislating in the interest of a class and not of the people. The wrath tif Wall street at the events on the stock market during the past week finds utterance in the declaration of the New York Telegram's financial column concern ing the Chicago crowd, that "these "Western money masters are a horde of common gam blers, with less notion of commercial in tegrity and personal honor than obtains with the average faro dealer or bunko steerer." The fact that the Chicago gang came out on top seems to make the denun ciation pertinent. It takes that kind to get the better of the "Wall street money masters. It is a little singular that no one has yet pointed out the inference that the failure of an Eastern guano company is due to the fact that a Democratic administration has charge of the affairs of Slate. The discovery that after a season of "Wag ner, the performance of "II Trovatore", at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, was the most attractive thing of the season, is like a dash of cold water to the ultra "Wagqerians, while the Philistine Herald actually glories over the disgraceful fact that New York still likes its opera with some "go" in it. If Balfour can only freeze and starve to death all of his political opponents the problem of Tory Government in England wonld seem to be completely solved. The official reports concerning that Mc Alisterville school epidemic afford a sum total of information to the effect that the officials do not know what is the matter. That is probably just what is wrong. The public wishes to know what is the matter, and it wants officials who make it their business to know when anything is the matter. The Tobacco Trust has gone to pieces, as all combinations of that sort are bound to do unless they have some special grip to shut out fresh competition. Edgekton's loss of a month's salary as Civil Service Commissioner rouses the in dignation of the Democratic politicians; but it is not half as objectionable to the people as the fact that he had previously drawn four years' salary for his services in nullify ing civil service reform. The report that New York is left out of the Cabinet has at last struck the Big Four in its vital parts, and the inevitable con vulsions are supervening. Another cold wave is reported to be bearing down on us freighted with blizzards. If it is not wrecked, as the one predicted on Saturday was, the usual report of a gas shortage may be expected in the hill dis tricts. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Lord Salisbury has purchased an estate at Villefranche, in the Riviera, and will build a splendid mansion there. Cassius M. Clay has presented the revolver given him by President Lincoln for his defense of Washington, D. C., in 1861, to Colonel J. "W. Caperton, of Richmond, Ky. Dr Cornelius Logan, cousin of the late John A. Logan, and formerly Minister to Chili, is said to be not averse to re-entering diplo matic life. The Spanish mission would suit him. Mns. Ltvermobe, of New York, says her husband is a Republican, while she is a Prohi bitionist; hs is a protectionist, and she a free trader; he has a pew in one church, she in an other; he has one doctor, she another; and yet they are happy and harmonious and never dream of quarrelling. Fairly well settled in life, Valerie, Arch dnchess of Austria, and Franz Salvator, Arch duke and half-brother of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, will be when they get married. The bride's fortune is a round $1,000,000; Parliament adds $250,000, and papa Francis Joseph gives $50,000 a year as long as they live. Paul Loyall, who died recently at Vallejo, Cal.,Tent to California as secretary to Com mander Farragut when tbo latter took charge of Mare Island Navy Yard upon its establish ment in 1854. Loyall was attached to the Gulf Squadron during the Mexican War. He has re mained in California since 1854. He was the eldest brother of the late widow of Admiral Farragut "General Boulanger has to my mind" It is Blowitz the Great who speaks "a short but great career before him, because there is no one else before the public at the present moment, there is no other man to take away his popularity, which certainly docs exist; he is the popular hero for the moment" "Do you not, then, consider him a clever man?" "It is his adventure, not the man, that is wonderful. I think that he cannot last long if he ever gets to power, as he undoubtedly wilL There is nothing in the man, and, although, as is well known, he has th'e greatest confidence in him self and his lucky star, his ,falL In my opinion, will be far more rapid than bis rise, and will be complete when it does come." TWO WHITE CAPS UNMASKED. They Get Into a Fight, Loso Their Dis guises and Are Recognized. Special Telegram to The IHspatcn. New York, February 11. There appears to be at least two White Caps in Flushing. About 1 o'clock Snnday morning two men wearing masks knocked at the door of a house In Gar den street, occupied by an old couple named Cunningham ana tneir two sons. Old Mr. Cunningham opened the door. The men said they had been deputized by the "White Caps to call for Mr. Cunningham's eldest son, James. They were told he was not at home, that he had gone to New York and hadn't returned. The two men pushed their way into the bouse and espying the younger brother. Thomas, said he would do. Thomas alleges they dragged him out of the house and began beating him. His aged father attempted to interfere, and the men turned on him. Daring the fight the masks were torn from the faces of the men. Mrs. Cunningham ran out of the house crying "Murder." Police man Kinney bad heard the cnes and ran to the house, but when he got there the men had made their escape. Both the father and son say they recognized the two men as Thomas Bulger and James Doyle. They appeared to be under the influence of liquor. The old man and his son were badly handled by the alleged White Caps. No arrests have been mado as yet. THE RUSSIANS AND WHISKY. They Regard Our National Drink as a Toper Regards Lemonade. From the Hew York Sun. J The Russians who have failed to show New Yorkers how to dance In their jnmping-jack evolutions at the Eden Musee are not without honor in this country. Their power to absorb whisky has almost paralyzed every man about town who has seen them at the bar they pa tronize. It seems that our national drink is regarded by them as a toper regards lemonade. It does not take bold of a throat accustomed to the fluid fire called vodki, which Russian peas ants are used to drinking. So these foreigners take whisky by tbe small tumblerful. When tney are cnarcea aouoie prices ana u uarien der says to them that the Usual price of a bath is 60 cents they think they are being -swindled. THlr TOPICAL TALKER, Hymns That Are Sang Everywhere Good Words Harnessed to Poor Tunes mean ness in the Contribution Box Rives' Scotch Rhymes Notes of the Day. A Presbyterian clergyman of this city, who was in the congregation at the morning service in tho Point Breeze .Presbyterian Church, tells mo that he was struck by the choice of hymns on that occasion. One of these hymns was the beautiful "Lead Kindly Light," and another, which is not so well known, be ginning, I think, "We may not ascend to heaven." The former is from the pen of tho great pillar of. the Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Newman, while tho latter was written by our great Quaker poet, John G.Whittier. It was curious and very pleasant to find the works of two such opposite geniuses levied upon to supply tho songs in a Presbyterian service. Thcro is another thing that anybody who attends services In churches where musical matters aro not zealously attended to will have noticed, namely, the poor judgment too often shown in the apportionment of tunes to words in the hymns. Grand old airs are harnessed to sloppy lines that are too long or too short for the musical metre; and robust noems, infused with divine fervor, not seldom are thrown away upon jingling modern melodies. List Sunday I heard that remarkably stirring tune, born in the church of the sixteenth cen tury, which Episcopalians still use with due respect as an accompaniment to the Christmas hymn, beginning "Come all ye faithful!" twisted and strained to carry some tawdry sen thnentalism of recent concoction. It was very hard to sing, as the choir would freely confess, and in the singing the grandeur of the melody was absolutely destroyed. Probably the critics are tired of chastising Amelie Rives-Chanler, or some of them would have dissected her Scotch songs In last month's Century before this. They do not invite very serious attention, but Scotchmen will be the first to ask why tho fiery young poetess choso to write her songs in Scotch, for evidently she has no very Intimate acquaintance with the language of Bums. Perhaps the songs would have been more Intelligible in English, even in Amelie Rives' English. Take for example the following lines from one of the songs: "The wan moon looks fa' patiently From oot a scarf o' rainbow llcht, Like a woman pale wl mony a grief Dresst oot in colors llcht." What does she mean by "scarf o' rainbow licht?" Is "scarf to be taken as a Scotch word when it may possibly mean a cormorant, or is it in the English sense of a shawl or sash? A cormorant will not fly in the context, but how a pale moon comes to be looking out of a rain bow scarf is past the knowledge of a plain student of nature. TnE treasurer of a fashionable church in Pittsburg told a friend tho other day that ho feared meanness was on the increase. It seems that when the money taken up in collections in this church is examined a great many mutilated and foreign coins, and even a few counterfeits, are always found. "Itis very disgraceful," said the church offi cer, "and tho practice of passing coin in church that cannot be used elsewhere is growing. Sooner than let the church losomoney by these frauds, for the banks will not take bad coins from anybody, I have hitherto made good the loss myself. But I am discovering that this means a heavier expenditure than I can afford, and I want our pastor to direct the attention of the congregation to the matter." One of this treasurer's friends advised him to get rid of the bad coin on bobtail street cars, but the treasurer pointed out with a sigh that most of the defective money took the shape of quarters, half dollars, and even dollars, which cannot be disposed of anywhere. . Talking of mean people who get rid of bad moneyundera cheap cloak of charity, a num ber of people would like to know who it was that obtained admission to the Tennis Club tableaux in Sewickley a week or so ago by false pretenses and a Canadian dime? It is some time now since the wind and the Willey building played the leading parts in a never-to-be-forgotten tragedy, but here's a lit tle record from that Black Wednesday which may be of service at a later date. "I had to see a good deal of the crowds that gathered about the scene of the disaster on Wood and Diamond streets," said a banker of this city, whose offices are near the wreck, "and I observed that the sightseers who flocked to the spot for days after the accident seemed to proceed on a common line of action. They would push and squeeze their way to a place where they could see something of what was going on, and then patiently await the discovery of some unfortunate victim's body in the ruins. When the body was carried out that corpsof spectators wonld depart, their curiosity apparently being satisfied. Another crowd would seize upon the vacated vantage posts and await the discovery of another dead man, when they would scatter like their prede cessors. But until some incident, like the find ing of a body, occurred, the same morbidly curious crowd would hang together. "It struck me at the time that the crowds could have been kept moving all the time, thus saving the police and the rescuing party a great deal of trouble, If a dummy had been placed on a stretcher and carried in and out at stated intervals. The crowd would have melted away each time, I feel sure." LOOKING AT BOTH SIDES. Work nt Mendville for Prohibition and Tnlk for High License. Special Telecram to the Dispatch. JIeadville, February 1L The Constitu tional Amendment Association of Crawford county was organized at the Court House this evening. The meeting was largely attended and very enthusiastic. The association is on a strictly non-partisan basis. Thirteen delegates were elected to represent tbe county at the State Convention on tbe 19th instant A resolution was adopted requesting all the pastors of Crawford county to preach prohibition sermons on Sunday, February 24. While the meeting was In progress at the Court House, Robert Graham, Secretary of the Church Temperance Society of New York, ad dressed a large audience at Christ P. E. Church. He favors high license and is opposed to the adoption of the prohibitory amendment A QUEER EPIDEMIC That Carries Off Its Victims Faster Thnn Iho Yellow Fever. "WABASn. Ind.. February 11. A disease, which invariably proves fatal, is epidemic in this city amongchildren. Its symptoms at first are those of ordinary croup, but in the later stages they more nearly resemble those of membranous diphtheritic croup. So far 47 deaths have occurred. Physicians acknowl edge their inability to cope with the disease. Its ravages seem to be confined to this city. Dr. J. H. Ford. Secretary of tho Board of Health, says that yellow fever. In its most viru lent form, does not approach this phase of croup in point of fatality. DEATHS OP A DAY. Colonel Henry J. Hunt WASHINGTON, February 11. Colonel Henry J. Hunt (retired). Governor of the Soldiers' Home In the District of Columbia, died at 10:2) o'clock this morning from a complication of diseases. He was In his 69th year, and was appointed Governor of the Home about four years ago. Colonel Hunt was born In Detroit. September 14.J819. His grandfather. Thomas Hunt, herved as a Colonel in the Kevolutlonary War, and his father, Samuel W. Hunt as a lieutenant -in the regular army. Colonel Hunt served through the Mexican War and was twice promoted for gal lantry. He was wounded at tbe capture or the City or ilexlco. He was promoted to Alajoron Slay 14, 1SGL and commanded be artillery on tbe extreme left in the battle of Hull Itun. After suc cessive promotions he was appointed Chief of Ar tillery of the Army of tho Potomac, and on July 6, 1884, he was breveted Major General of Volun teers, for ''faithful and meritorious services" at Gettysburg. It was General Hunt who concen trated the artillery fire npon Pickett's famous di vision and almost annihilated it. He was retired as a Colonel in 1SS3, and appointed Governor of the National Soldiers' Home In this city. Cardinal Pltra. New YoitK, February 11. A cablegram to the Catholic yews, of this city, announces the death of Cardinal John Baptlste Pltra, who" was the sec ond In rank In the sacred college. He was born at Champforgull, France, on August 1, 1812. He was made Cardinal March 18, 1863, and was one of the six Suflragan Bishops of the Koman Pontiff. Rear Admiral Chandler. WASniNGTON, February 11. The Navy Depart ment Is Informed that Kear Admiral Chandler, commanding the Asiatic station, died at Hong Kong yesterday from an attack of apoplexy. Edward Crnil. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Carlisle, February ll. Edward Crall, business manager.oftbeHarrlsburgC'aM. died at 6 o'clock yesterday evening at his house on South Pitt street, this city. AT THK TIIEATEES. Cora Tanner In Fascination The Still Alarm and Other Plnys. The extraordinary sight of a play properly set and in the hands of actors from star to the least subordinate entirely competent and trainod into that nlceness of execution that be speaks discipline enforced by a clever manager was presented at the Grand Opera House. If Mr. "Wilt be well advised he will mark down February 11 as a red-letter day in his diary; the audience that appreciated the many charms of "Fascination" last night will do so, any way. It Is not anything of a great recommendation to say that "Fascination" is the work of Robert Buchanan, for at the present moment we can - n Annll J ,! .. -.M i J not recall a play of his that possessed any re- mariiiiuie merit, uut "fascination" is an in teresting, though confessedly an Improbable ?lay. Its plot is extremely direct, and easy to ollow. The heroino doubts her lover's fidelity, dresses In man's clothes, follows her lover into some rather questionable company, witnesses what is apparently his duplicity, and manages to quarrel with him there and then. Dot she also, by means of tho masculine disguise is enabled, to discover that her lover was oniy mrea irom her side ror tne moment by an adventuress, and through the machina tions of a very improbable alleged French Count Thai's the play's story in a nutshell. There is hardly an unconventional situation in the play, removing from consideration the heroine's assumption of a man's clothes. The dialogue is crisp enough, and except in the first act there is no lack of action. The first act is tedious.. The second act is by far the best, though the incident of the theft of the ring 1s dragged in with indecent haste to make a telling finale. Miss Cora Tanner played the heroine Lady Madge Blashton, and as a man Charles Mar low. In giving full sweetness to her womanly side of tho character, and a pert boyish Im petuosity to tho masquerade in man's gar ments. Miss Tanner was successfuL She was very captivating in a thoroughlyrobust English way as the woman in love, and it must be confessed that in our judgment she was even handsomer as a young blade of the jeunesse doree. It is not an easy role that Miss Tanner fills so well; but it is one which could be easily made offensive and vul gar. Happily for everybody Miss Tanner avoids the pitfalls-wliich, perhaps, Mr. Bu chanan would probably blame her for doing and tho consequence is that with all its riski ness, notwithstanding the depravity of many of tho characters, "Fascination" is not im moral, not even suggestive, in fact All the actors who assist, to use the popular phase, Miss Tanner, are of the kind that can make the dullest kind of play tolerable. In fact, even with portions of "Fascination" one could not help thinking how very mediocre they would be if presented by less gifted actors. Mr. Edward Bell is more than handsome as Lady Madge Slashton's lover: it is his for tune to possess a fine face, but he has added to it a manly manner which gives force to the sentimentallsm sometimes his element Count La Orange, the villain or the play, is given with all tho power for which Mr. P. A. Ander son is famous. Mr. Anderson's character act ing is a thing apart, and, with all Its exaggera tions and minor defects, it is high arL In this placo it may bo suggested that the CounCs advances to Lady Madge in the first act are absurdly gross in form, and such as no man would offer to an acquaintance even in the lowest circle of actmaintanee. In thn last act may we ask Mr. Anderson if he thinks it right for the Count to stand while addressinc Lady Madge at some length. Mr. Augustus Cook is virile and pleasing as Lord Sam Slash ton, and Mr. Lionel Bland shows a triumph of make-up and eccentric comedy as the Luke of IlurUnghame. Miss Eleanor Carey as Mrs. Delamere is satisfactory, and every Individual in the company deserves laudatory mention. The comic curate presented by Charles Coote is exaggerated, but very funny. Tho scenes in the play are set with a magnifi cence that is 6eldom seen outside of New York. Taken as a wholo "Fascination" is worth see ingtwice or even thrice. Bijou Thenter. "The Still Alarm" Is one of the few modern melodramas which are likely to outlive the present generation of theater goers. Although it has already been played in this city twice, it would be hard to name an attraction better calculated to draw a big house. The large and enthusiastic audience at the Bijou Theater last evening found the play as Interesting as though its thrilling scenes were all new. The handsome pair of cream white steeds, the brightly glittering engine and the other para phernalia which but a few months ago were being used to show Englishmen how Ameri cans fight fire, were all there In excellent form. Everything went smoothly and satisfactorily. The great fire scene, In which the interest of the playis mainly centered, was managed bet ter than ever before, and was Intensely thrill ing and realistic. The company contains few new faces, and therefore criticism of individual performances would be superfluous. Suffice it to say the leading parts, and especially the comedy roles, were well sustained. Hand some Harry Lacy won new laurels as the hero of the piece, and was repeatedly recalled. The staging was admirable, and f nlly up to all re quirements. Mr. Joseph Arthur is to be con gratulated. As long as he continues to pro duce his play in such excellent style, Pitts burgers will doubtle33 continue to flock to see it, no matter how often it comes. Harris' Theater. While James B. Macki'e is not the Grimes that 'Gene Canfield was in Hoyt's "Bunch of Keys," this week's bill at Harris' Theater, he is about the best of the present cast, though he is ably assisted by Charles Burke as Snaggs. "A Bunch of Keys," the earliest of Charles H. Hoyt's peculiar series of successes, is not one of his best, but it is a sufficient vehicle to carry a company of lively fun-makers through its three acts of merriment and iollltv. bricht popular songs and graceful dancing. The hotel scene gives a specially gooa opportunity for a satire on the popular manner of running a pub lic house, and the guests are ideal guests. The "Bunch of Keys," Louise Sanford, Ada Both ner and Nellie L. Dowers, of the present com pany, mreejoujr gooa gins, iook ana act tneir roles, and Bertie Conway does a neat bit of soubrette work, and is quite pretty something very appropriate but not always seen in her class. Charles H. Stanley, the 6 illy Spooner, has a fair tenor voice which is appreciated in the quartettes. Manager Grover has begun the promised improvements by makingarrange ments to facilitate the sale of tickets some thing the many patrons of this house will be glad to have done. "A Bunch of Keys" will be given every afternoon and evening this week. The Academy. The Academy gives its patrons a very enjoy able bill of fare this week in the shape of Hydo's Big Specialty Company, which contains some neat attractions. Imro Fox, the comic conjurer, convulses the audience with laughter at his tricks, while Miss Helene Mora, the female baritone, treats them to a decided nov elty. The American Four, in their farcical situations, keep the house in a continuous roar, and closo a programme which is certainly en joyable. ' Stage Notes. The Casino Mnseum has many new curiosi ties and other attractions. Harry Williams has a good attraction in Hyde's Specialty Company, of which further notice will be made to-morrow. The Bijou will enjoy a season of opera next week. The attraction will be Rudolph Aron son's Erminie Company, with such artists as Pauline HalL Marie Jansen, Jennie Weath ersby, Isabelle Urpuhart, Kate Uart, Francis Wilson, Charles Plunkett Harry MacDonongh, John Brand, George 0 1ml and A. W. Maplin. The repertoire is Erminie" and "Nadjy," and the scenery, wardrobe and accessories are said to be superb. BLOCKING GREEN GOODS MEN. A Yolqmlnous Bill in the Scnnto Providing for Their Punishment. "Washington, February 1L A voluminous substitute has been reported to tbe Senate for the bill passed by the House to prevent the use of thcmails for the purpose of swindling by what is popularly known as the "green goods game." The substitute makes it unlawful for any p erson to use or to induce another person to use the mails for the purpose of defrauding, by the negotiation or sale of pretended coun terfeit money or securities, under penalty of a fine of $500, or imprisonment for 18 months, or both. The use of a fictitious name or address for this purpose is also made unlawful and sub ject to the same penalty. It Is made the duty of the Postmaster Gen eral to instruct postmasters that where the question of identification of the receiver of letters believed to be of the character in ques tion be raised, they shall summon said receiver into their presence and if the identification is not satisfactory, his letters shall bo sent to the Dead Letter Office. Letters of this kind are declared, to be unmailable. DEAD QUICK AND QUICK DEAD. A Woman Who Alternates Between This World and the Next Chardon, O., February 1L There is con siderable excitement and the doctors are much puzzled over the case of the wife of John Gloin, contractor and builder at Mulberry Corners, Oils connty, who apparently died last night After having been laid out she revived toward morning, talked to her husband and seemed rational. She appeared all right until about noon to-day, when she again dropped dead. Physicians are watching the case, and it is the general topic of conversation. THE SCOTOH-IEISH. The Work Done by This Hnrdy Kaon in Opening Up and Civilizing the Country Their Impress Upon the History of the United States. rWBITTEN FOR TUB DISPATCH. In 1885 several articles by "Deacon" appeared in The Sunday Dispatch concerning tho Scotch-Irish people, in which the writer was much interested. Recently the following, which prompts the writing of this paper, ap peared in the Associated Press dispatches: Columbia. Tenn.. Jannarv 25. There will as- semble here on May 8 next a congress or tne L Scotch-Irish race. Every State In the Union, Can- r m .. -m, . . . . A.J ada and the United Kingdom will bo represented by prominent representatives of this race, who will participate In the exercises of tbe congress. The object of the congress Is to revive memories and to compile a history of the race, showing its impression on American civilization. It will be devoid of religious or Dolltleal significance. Dis tinguished scholars will deliver orations commem orating the deeds ot the Scotch and Irish. The opening address will be delivered by Colonel He ctare, of Philadelphia. Dr. John Hall and other eminent divines have accepted invitations to speak. A feature of especial interest In connec tion with tbe Congress will be a reunion of ex Confederate and Federal soldiers. It seems to me that steps should be taken to have Western Pennsylvania represented in this convention. It is a well-known fact that the Scotch-Irish were the pioneers in its settle ment; the Irish proper, English, Dutch and other races following. It was the Scotch-Irish who battled with and subdued the savages and wild beasts; who made tho first paths through the trackless wilderness, cleared away the for ests, built the first log schoolhouses' and churches, and made the paths ot civilization smooth for their children's feet What the Puritans did for New England, the Scotch-Irish did for the Middle States, Penn sylvania, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio; noT did they stop here; they were the pioneers of many of tho more Western States. The history of New England the character, conquests and achievements of the Puritans has been voiced in story and song until it is familiar ro every school-going child. To illustrate, in 1874 tbe writer visited Boston. Taking passage at New York on one of those magnificent Sound steam ers, he was landed at Bristol, Conn., where he took the cars; the ticket said "Old Colony Rail road." Those words "Old Colony" brought to his mind reminiscences of the early history of the "Colonies," their contests with the Indians, the stirring events which were enacted, prior to and during the Revolution, at Lexington, on Boston Common, In Faneuil Hall and on Bunk er Hill; all passed vividly through his mind as he had read' them in "Peter Parley's Tales" when a small boy; places which then seemed so far awaj he never expected to see them, now made readily accessible by the progress of American civilization. Even the history of the Pennsylvania Dutch has been written. But, where Is there a history of the Bcotch Irlsh? There is none, except such as is pre sented in connection with the biographies of our generals, statesmen and heroes of Scotch Irish birth. Why should not their history be written and transmitted to posterity, that their children may be inspired to emulate their ex ample? It was they who had the backbone to formulate and publish the first Declaration of Independence in 1775, from which Jefferson obtained the model for that of 1776, 'Twas they who led the star of empire from the Dela ware to the Golden Gate and enabled American civilization to bathe its feet in the placid waters of the Pacific, and reach his helping hand to the Isles of the sea. They were the pioneers in all grand and great reform movements in the regions where they placed themselves. Our common schools, academies, colleges and churches voice the Interest they exhibited in education; in the scientific, moral and religious welfare of the people. Rldpath's description of the character of the Puritans is so apropos to the Scotch-Irish, that I beg the reader to allow me to reiterate it here. He says: "They were In the beginning a vigorous and hardy people, firm set in the principles of honesty. They were sober, in dustrious, frugal, resolute, zealous and stead fast They esteemed honor above preferment and truth more than riches. Loving home and native land, they left both for the sake of free dom; and flnding freedom, they cherished it with the zeal of martys. Without influence, they became influential; without encourage ment, great Despised and mocked and hated, they rose above their revilers. In the school of evil fortune they gained the discipline of patience. Suffering without rause, brought resignation without despair. Themselves tbe victims of persecution, they became the found ers of a colony a commonwealth a nation. The gaze of tne puritan was ever turned to posterity. He believed in the future. His af fections and hopes were with the com ing ages. For his children he toiled and sacrificed; for them the energies of his life were cheerfully exhausted. The system of free schools is the enduring monument of his love and devotion. "The printing press Is his memoriaL Almshouses and asylums are the tokens of his care for the unfortunate. With him the outcast found sympathy and the wanderer a home. Their re ligious faith was gloomy and foreboding. Human life was a miserable journey. To be mistaken was to sin. To fail in trifling ceremo nies was deemed a grievous crime. Dissenters themselves they could not tolerate the dissen sion of others. Within tbe austere and gloomy fabric dwelt the very soul of genius and free thought Under the ice-bound rigors of the faith flowed a current which in fatalism could congeal no superstition poison. The heart of a mighty tumultuous liberty-loving life throbbed within the cold, stiff body or for malism. A powerful vitality which no disaster could subdue, no persecution quench, warmed and energized and quickened." The Scotch-Irish came here for the same reasons and under the same impulses as did the Puritans. "What brought them thus afar. Bright Jewels of the mine. The wealth of seas, tbe spoils of war? They sought a faith's pure shrine. They crossed the mountains As of old the Pilgrims crossed the sea, And made tbe West as tbey the East, The homestead of the free. It is said that the Scotch-Irish, inspired with the love of liberty which their forefathers, the Ulster Scots, manifested at Bannockburn and Drumclog, Derry and the Boyne, furnished men for the volunteer companies of Pennsyl vania in '76 in proportion of five-sixths of tho whole. It is probably no exaggeration to 'say that without the Puritans and their compeers, the Scotch-Irish, "America' would have been a de lusion and liberty only a name. Itis high time a true history of the Scotch Irish in this country was written. It is slipping away. Much of itis now irrecoverably lost or only remains as traditions; and on that point allow a quotation from "Deacon's" article of August 9, 1885: "If the material were in reach to accomplish the work, an interesting volume, or sev eral interesting volumes, might bo writ ten in regard to the manners, customs, usages, social characteristics and domestic cir cumstances of the Scotch-Irish. Perhaps no one person could Write such a history himself. It would require a division of labor and a com bination of effort to perform the work with any degree of accuracy. Tbe only way by which it could be done wonld be by a number of persons in different localities, fully compe tent for this task, gathering up in their re spective districts such facts as have not,becn totally forgotten and furnishing them to some person possessing ability to arrange and syn chronize them. By this means a comparatively full and accurate history of this famous and distinguished people might be obtained." This is jast what such a convention shonld andprobably will set itself to acctKcplish. The Keystone State should be represented there. Steps should bo at once taken to secure that end. How shall it he done? John of Venango. FULLY CORROBORATED. Experts Confirm tho Testimony ns to tho Wnslilngton Aqueduct Tunnel. Washington, February 11. The Joint Con gressional Committee investigating the con struction of the aqueduct tunnel for increasing the water supply of Washington, have received the report of Engineers Wilson and Greff, of Philadelphia, two of tho experts who examined the work for the committee. It fully cor roborates tbe testimony of the witnesses ex amined by the committee, and recommends that the tunnel be relinrd throughout It is taid the engineers stated that tho lining was not satisfactory or in accordance with the terms of the contract for more than 15 feet altogether. To do the work, it is estimated, will cost $750,000. He Will be a Bore. The untutored American citizen who can boast next fall that he has this year beheld the Carnival In Montreal, the Washington celebra tion in New York and the Exposition In Paris ought then he able to givo his friends attract ive sketches in variegated colors. Will Help to Count tbe Vote. Washington, February 1L Speaker Car lisle to-day appointed Representatives Ermen trout, of "Pennsylvania, and Baker, of New York, to act a3 tellers for the House in count ing the electoraLvote next Wednesday. LIFE IN HEW YORK CITY. Lost Iler Heart Playing Poker. IXXW YOBK BtTBXAU SPECIALS. New York, February It Jacob H. Van Zandt, a bookkeeper in the office of tbe Amer ican Express Company, accuses Police Captain Grant of alienating Mrs. Van Zandt's affec tions. Mr. and Mrs. Van Zandt were married nine years ago. They led an ideal married life nntil last summer, when Captain Grant, an old friend of Mrs. Van Zandt, taught her to play poker. After that Mrs. Van Zandt neglected: her husband, her house and her baby to play penny ante with the police captain. Three months ago she told her husband she had ceased to love him and wished a divorce. Captain Grant confessed to Mr. Van Zandt that ha loved Mrs. Van Zandt At his request Mr. Van Zandt agreed to give his wife cause for a divorce suit, in order that she might make herself free to become Mrs. Grant Three weeks ago Mr. Van Zandt backed out of this agreement, and his wife left him. Mr. Van Zandt now sues Captain Grant for $10,000 damages. Captain Grant's conduct will be In vestigated by the Police Commissioners. The Pen for a Preacher. The Rev. Robert J. Johnson was sentenced to-day to two years in tbe penitentiary. Ho was arrested last week for obtaining money by false pretenses. He confessed that be bad squandered thousands of dollars he collected from the rich church members on Murray Hill ostensibly for tbe purpose of erecting a church in Essex, NewiYork. A Baby Princess Baptized. A baby princess was christened in the Uni versity Place Presbyterian Church yesterday morning. Her mother is Mrs. Graham, niece oLihelate Queen Emma, "of tbe Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Graham is the son of a wealthy Maiden Lane jeweler. Oot S500 on a Straight Tip. Wilbur Gunn, leading tenor in a large up town church, had Albert G. Underbill up in court to-day for swindling him out of goOO. Un derbill told Mr. Gunn a few months ago that he had a straight tip on certain stocks. He showed references to prove that he was a member of the New York Produce Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. Mr. Gunn lent him 600 on his note to invest in the straight tip. The tip was no good. Gunn couldn't collect Underbill's note when it fell due, so ho had him arrested. Wind-Up of a Varied Life. Martin Althaus, a Brooklyn saloonkeeper, 61 years old, hanged himself this morning. Althaus had led a' varied life. He was original ly a shoemaker. He became a carpenter at the age of 30. Five years later he was employed by the Western Union. He drew $2,000 in a lottery and bought a saloon. At one time he was worth many thousand dollars. He became financially emDarrassed and his place was closed by the sheriff. His failure in business led him to commit suicide. McQande Gets a Chnnge of Venae. Boodle Alderman McQuade will be tried in Saratoga county. The application of his coun sel for a change of venue was granted to-day. McQuade was convicted about two years ago. He passed 20 months in the penitentiary, but was released by the Court of Appeals on ac count of a technical flaw in tne conduct of his triaL THEIR FIRST ANNIVERSARY Is Nicely Celebrated bv the Third U. P. Society of Christian DndrnVor. The Young People's Society of Christian En deavor of the Third U. P. Church of Alle gheny, celebratedits first anniversary yesterday evening. The exercises were opened by the singing of appropriate hymns, which were followed by an address of the Rev. John Brooks, of the Nixon Street Baptist Chapel. He took the place of the Rev. H. B. Grose, who was unable to attend, and spoke very in terestingly on the "Patience of Christ," urging his hearers to imitate this quality as much as possible, as tbe lack of it was a great point of our national character. THE PITTSBURG CLUB'S QUOTA. The Fortnightly Cotillon Largely Attended Last Klghr. The Pittsburg Club held its fortnightly cotillon in the club assembly room last even ing, with a good attendance. No special floral designs wero used, the guests individually bringing their own quota, which, Indeed, was not limited. The regular cotillons of the club are In gTow ing favor, and furnished a pleasing contrast to tbe many other events in tho society world. Extensive preparation aro also being made for tbe concert to be given1 to-night The favors last night were very unique. West End Entertainments. The Nordecs: Club, of the West End, will give a select party at the West' End Rink, on Wednesday evening, February 27. Their social gatherings are always popular and well attended. The first annual reception of the F. M. Rea Encampment. No. IIS, I. CO. F will be given at the West End Rink, on Thursday, February 21. Gernert and Guenther's orchestra will furnish tbe music. For n Church Benefit. An entertainment will be given intheLytie Opera House, at Braddock, for the benefit of the Episcopal Church, on February 19. The Alpine Quartette, the Haydn Quintette and Mr. Byron W. King will take part, A Hospital Concert. The Schubert Club will givo a concert for the benefit of the Homeopathic Hospital on next Monday night in tbe chapel of that institution. DAKOTA'S LITTLE WAR. Tho Governor and Legislature are Still on the Oats. Bismarck, Dak., February 1L The war between Governor Churcn and the Legislature is still on. There were several measures pro posed by different members as a means of de feating tbe Governor by securing his Im mediate dismissal from his position, bnt the leaders of the House considered them to be not advisable jnst now. However, a resolution was adopted unanimously which will have the effect of cutting on tne one way tne Gov ernor had to return the fire of the Legislature. This resolution declares that no communica tion foreign to business oi legislature and ter ritory shall be read to tbe House, and Speaker and Clerk are mado sole judges of what reports shall be received. The avowed purpose of the resolution is to prevent the Governor from making another such attack as on Saturday, when ho "went lor" the Legislature and his own predecessor without gloves. Tbe feeling in the matter grows more bitter all the time, and there Is once more some strong talk of an adjournment until the successor of Governor Church shall have been appointed. This action bad about been givm up until tne recent engagement and now the Republicans In the House and Council are willing to do almost anything to defeat Governor Church. THEIR FAITH WAS WEAK. Twenty-Two Faith Care Believers Afraid of Immersion in Ice Cold water. Kew York. February 11. Twenty-two New Jersey faith cure believers were found wanting yesterday. They were to be immersed in the icy waters of New York Bay at Greenville. Not one of them appeared. Strange to say.althongh the bay for 200 feet was frozen over with ice from one inch to three inches thick, yet in the baptismal pool the water was clear and invit ing. About 500 persons wero on the ground to witness the baptizing. They attended the prayer and praise meeting in the chapeL Confirmed by the Senate. Washington, February 1L The Senate to day confirmed the following appointments: Colonel Joseph C. Breckcnridgc, Inspector General; Lieutenant Colonel William A. Buck er. Assistant Paymaster General, with the rank of Colonel; Major Charles M. Terrell, Deputy Paymaster General, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel; Thomas J. Anderson,. of Iown, Associate Just'co or the Supreme Coftrt fit Utah: E. P. Johnson, of Utah, Judge of Pro Toate, Box Elder county: Joseph D. Jones, of Utah, Judge of Probate, Utah county. The Cost of Living. From the New York Herald.l The cost of living in this great and glorions country becomes continually less and less. For. merry you gave a bootblack 10 cents for black ing your shoes. Now you give him 5 cents for his work and a 5-cent tip. A Chance for the Old Dame. From the Oil City lilliztrd.l The newspapers are trying to guess who will be President Hanison's cook. What's the matter with the Widow Butler? CUHIOUS CONDESSATMS, there are six prosperous Shakespeare clubs in Concord, Mass., and talk of organixlnj; more. A diamond of wonderful purity weigh ing 240 carats was found at the Jajersfontein mine In South Africa on Christmas Day. Besides acting as his secretary, Captain Zallnski's wife is of assistance to nim ta a great many ways. She does not share the traditional timidity of her sex in regard to guns, and a quite capable of firing a cannon on occasion. A convert at a recent revival in Mo berly.Mo., in going forward to make his pro fession of a change of heart astonished the good pastor by handing over a bottle of whisky and a slungshot, which he said he wished to re nounce along with his other evils. He snowed his faith by his works. Twenty-five years ago a couple were married in Brockton, Mass., and Uvea together tor five years. Then they separated and for 20 years have not lived together, but they have not been divorced. The odd thing about it i that every Sunday night he calls on his wife and spends the evening with her. Twenty-five years ago a couple wert married in Brockton, Mass., and lived together for five years. Then they separated and for 25 years have not lived together, but they have not been divorced. The odd thing about it 13 that every Sunday night he calls on Ms wife and spends the evening with her. Fourteen thousand tons of beets were crushed in the beet sugar factory of Clans Spreckles, in California last season. The sugar from these beets weighed 1,640 tons. The farmers who entered upon Deet culture netted an average of $33 an acre. Next season the production of beet sugar will be much larger. jm 1880 there was a dinner given in a country house in Madison connty, Indiana, and the guests included Governor Williams, Con gressman Bynum and 11 others. Governor Willlanjs called attention to the fact that bnt 13 were present, and several commented upon tbe superstition relative to this number. At the present date only three who were present at the dinner are living. It is said that Jack the Ripper is in Rome, Ga. It is reported that a negro in Hell's Hollow saw a man with a box containing a dozen mors. The man told the negro that hs was Jack tbe Ripper. The colored people are very much frightened. Notes signed "Jack the Ripper" have been received in a dozen or more places in the State during the past week. Practical jokers doubtless penned them. Eldorado Roberts, while chopping a plank at his sawmill at Villa Rica, Ga.. the saw running at full speed, got his right arm caught in the saw, and it was cut off just below the elbow. He walked about -400 yards to the hotel, carrying his right hand in bis left it only holding with a small skin, which his brother but off. A doctor was called in later and am putated tbe arm two inches above the elbow. The steward of Mr. Vanderbilt's yacht Alva entered a large fruit and confectionery store on Baltimore street just before the yacht sailed and purchased nearly $75 worth of con fectionery and fruits. Before leaving he asked for some hothouse grapes, and was told by the proprietor that the price would be S6 per pound. The steward gave an order for ten pounds and asked that they be sent to Mr. Vanderbilt's yacht The storekeeper declined to fill the order, because he did not know of Mr. Vander bUt. A a graveyard in Griffin, Ga., are ten graves in one plot containing the bodies of five wives and the five children of a citizen of the town. The slabs are so arranged that the first is that over the first wife; then comes that over the first little child's grave. Then the second wife and tbe second child follow. The whole series, therefore, reads as follows: "My wife Marie, aged 25. Little Simeon. My wife Jane, aged 3L Little Georgia. My wife Anna, aged 27. Little Birdie. My wife Maria, aged 23. Little Ruth. My wife Betsy, aged 30. Lit tle Hope." The most ingenious method for beating the no-license law can be laid to the credit of Brockton, Mass. ThU is what Is called, for want of a better term, a traveling saloon. The saloon is a big woman who wears a rubber belt around her waist filled with pockets in which are whisky and rum. When she sees a cus tomer she simply raises her jersey, turns a stopcock in a flexible tube and permits the liquor to run into a tin cupwhicb she carries in her pocket Tho customer drinks, pays, she smooths down her jersey, puts the cup in her pocket and hunts up another customer. Some of the ancient public records in the Orange county Clerk's office are of curious interest One is a beautifully and elaborately engrossed parchment deed, executed March 28, 1734, conveying by Edward Bagge 800 acres of land, located In- what is now the toifn of Blooming Grove, to Sylvanns White, minister, and others, with this curious proviso attached: "Reserving out of tbe within grant unto our sovereign lord, the King, his heirs and suc cessors forever, all trees of the diameter of 21 inches and upward, at 12 Inches from the ground, for masts for the royal navy, and also all such other trees as might bo fit to make planks, knees and other things necessary for the use of the said navy." The following compilation of facts and figures will Interest those who are curious about tho odd things of the great Book: The Biblo contains 66 books, 1.1S9 chapters, 33,173 verses, 773,002 words and 3,5S6,4S9 letters. The word "and" occurs 46,287 tiines,tbe word "Lord" 1,855 times, "reverend" but once, "girl" but once, in third chapter and third verse of Joel; the words "everlasting fire" but twice, and "everlasting punishment" but once. The mid dle verse is the eighth verse of the one hundred and eighteenth Psalm. The twenty-first verse of the seventh chapter of Ezra contains all the letters in the alphabet except tbe letter "J." The finest chapter to read is the twenty-sixth chapter of the Acts nf the Apostles. 1 be nineteenth chapter of Second Kings and tbe thirty-seventh chapter of Isaiah are alike. Tbe longest verse i the ninth verse of the eighth chapter of Esther. The shortpstis the thirty fifth verse of the eleventh chapter of St John, viz.: "Jesus wept" The eighth, fifteenth, twenty-first and tbirtv-first verses of the one hundred and seventh Psalm are alike. There are no words of more than six syllables. J- CLIPPED BITS OF WIT. MotherBobby, yon shouldn't speak so crossly to yonr father. You never bear him speak crossly to me. Bobby-He dassent, ma, he's Jast like me, b dasscnt. The Epoch. Before and alter: Bride Darllny, please pat your lips to my tea, 'Twill sweetrn it? Wife (ten years later) )Iy tea's too hot Will iam, please look at lta momentl Cincinnati Com mercial Gaiette. There was a young man from St. Panghl, Who went to his girl's house to caagbl. She was berating the servant In language quite fervent ow he doesn't go near her at anghl. -Minneapolis Tribune. "My dear," said a vervfashionableyoung wife from the head of the stairs, "have yoa seen, anything of my white kid slippers? I have searched everywhere for them." "Did you look In the bed? You came In very late last night, and I think yoa forgot to take them off. "The Epoch. The Bonlanger Make-TJp. General Bou langer I have changed my mind about getting a divorce from you. Mrs. Bonlanger And why? "I hear that a person named Napoleon got di vorced lrom his wife, and people are comparing him with me. I do not wish to follow tbe example ot so unimportant an lndlvlduaL Vo Jorts Weekly. Jack was waiting for his wife to get ready for the theater, and Impatiently exclaimed: "for goodness sake. Mary, why do yoa have six but tons on your gloves? It takes yoa forever to get started. Wouldn't two buttons do just as well?" 'No, dear. If there were only two buttons fast would leave four vacant buttonholes. Mow Jnst tie my vell-that's a dear nan." Minneapolis Tribune. m "Wife (petulantly) Such a lump of sel Oshnesst The bouse was full of strange noises last night, and I didn't close my eyes once; and there yoa were sleeping like a log. Burglars might have carried us both off and you wouldn't have known It Husband (wearily)-Don't fret, dear. If they ever carry yoa off they'll bring yoa back..So York Weekly. "I want to see the wheels go round," Said little Tommy Green: But father had a reason sound Why tbe wheels should not be seen. Formother 6at beside him there. And on the lnslue case Of his gold watch was pictured fair Another woman's face. Jeweler's Weekly. Stranger (at the door) I am trying to find a lady whoso married name I have forgotten, bnt I know she lives In this neighborhood. Per haps you know her a singularly beautiful crea ture with pink and white complexion, sea-thelt ears, loTcly eyea, and hair such as a goddess might envy. Servant-Oieatly. sir. I don't know Voice (from head or ltairs)-Jne, tell the gen tleman I'll be down In a minute. -.via.Jor Weekly.