e-jMsa mtyFKgiPfjrwz - '"5SS? 'wMW'wgiipNMwpsg'RMfwf THE , PITTSBUKG- - 35ISPATCH,' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1889. r H -EXPEHTVEBD1CT Intended by the Builders' Ex change to Undo Things AS TO A CYCLONE'S WEEOK. ,Tliey Assail tile Coroner and His Jury for Alleged Errors, AND LAY IT ALL TO PEOYIDEtfCE. A Bed Hot but Entirely Unanimous Meet- ing and its Kesnlt. WHATtfE. SHAKOS SATS OP IGNORANCE The Builders' Exchange has denounced Coroner McDowell l'or his finding in the recent JWilley building disaster. At a special meeting yesterday of the members of the Exchange the Coroner -was roundly abused for the verdict of the jury. A reso lution was adopted and placed on the books of the Exchange, and a copy with the seal of the organization ordered sent to the Cor oner tor his perusal. A few days after the rendition of the ver dict of the Coroner's jury the President of the Exchange called the Directors together and -sent out a notice of a special meeting to considw -the verdict After much discus sion a committee of six of the leading mem bers of the Exchange was appointed to make a detailed examination of the ma terial used in the "Willey building and re port at a special meeting of the entire Ex change. The committee was composed of the very best builders in the city. Each member was the foremost representative xf his particular branch of the business. They went quietly to work, secured samples of all the material used and analyzed them. -The mortar was given to a competent chemist snd an impartial examination of everything was made. The members of the committee completed the examination Saturday last and yesterday made their report. The re port was as follows: , THE EXPERT TEEDICT. Your committee have carefully examined the stenographic report of the evidence pro duced before the Coroner's jury on the disaster at the Willey building, and we find that there was no evidence offered before the jury which in any way shows that the contractors or own ers, or any persons connected with the erection of the building, were responsible for the dis aster. "When the report was read one of the members jumped to his feet and made a motion to adopt it. The report was then put in the shape of a resolution, and a mo tion made to adopt it as the unanimous sen timent of the members of the Exchange. This was carried with an amendment to send a copy of the resolution to the Coroner. The object of the investigation by the Ex change was not for the purpose of protecting a member of the craft Mr. Hupkestein, al though a member of the Exchange, is not the most popular man in it, and there can be no question of sentiment in the matter. The majority of the members were-confident that the disaster was not the fault of poor material or workmanship, and to contradict the verdict of the Coroner's jury they were willing to be put to.great expense. At the meeting yesterday the members of the committee stated that everything that went into the building was first class, and the Coroner's verdict was at variance with the facts. They produced the specifications for the material, and found that parts of the work had been done in a better manner than had been specified. This was particularly the case with the walls, which were thicker than they needed to have been. HE CALLED IT EED HOT. After the meeting W. S. Sharon, editor of the Builders' Gazette, said: "We had a red hot meeting, and nearlv every person there expressed hi3 indigna tion" at the Coroner's verdict We have kept our months closed about the matter until we made an investigation and found we naa room to taiK. xnere can be no question about the result of the investiga tion. The members of the committee are first class men, of many years experience and they certainly have" the ability to judge. One of them is about the finest builder that can be found in the United States. "They made a fair examination of every thing. The walls were found to be better and thicker than were called for in the specifications, and everything else was up to the handle. The specifications called for first-class workmanship and materials, and the committer found that the contractor had lived up to them in every respect. The resolution was adopted without one dissent ing voice, and I think the Coroner will find he has made a mistake." SEVEKE CRITICISM. In the current issne of his paper, Mr. Sharon says: "Who can contemplate a more disgraceful in sult to the dignity of the law than the proceed ing ot the Allegheny County Coroner in the "W lley-Weldin building catastrophe? It is a shame that such proceedings shbnld be per mitted in the land of free schools. Just look a moment, a Coroner not above the ordinary in telligence of the every day laborer, a jury con sisting of men who know no more about tbe erection of a building than the Arabs, sitting in judgment on. .the plans of a skilled and learned architect, and the carrying out of his speci this pecincations uy skilled builders: Certainlv is the climax of tbe sheerest nonsense. They might as well condemn the Almighty by finding the wind guilty of blowinc too hard. Under what statute could tbe architect builder or owner be tried, if they should m their verdict find either guilty of gross neglect? There is a wide range in diversity of opinion in respect to winter building. In Norway build ings are erected, and have been for centuries, where the thermometer was 40 degrees below zero, and buildings are in perfect state of pres ervation that have stood for 1,000 years. The following named members of the Exchange left last night for Philadelphia to attend the convention of the National Association of Builders, to be held at Phil adelphia beginning to-day: W. S. Sharon, T. J. Hamilton, Mr. Mnrphy (of Murphy & Hamilton), Robert Mawhinnev, S. A. Steel, M. W. Kaufman, A. Ea'sner and Reese Lindsay. They go as visitors, and not as delegates from the local Exchange. A full report of the programme of the con vention was published in The Dispatch some weeks ago. The banquet of the Pittsburg Exchange, which was to have been held within the next few weeks, has been declared off. PLEASAXT, IF TRUE. Rumor That the Second Avenue Car Line Will Bo Improved. It is rumored that the Second avenue car line has been purchased by a syndicate, of which Mr. James Callery is President, and that it will be placed in a first-class condi tion. Tbe line is to be extended to Glen wood. Neither Mr. Callery nor the Messrs. Fawcett, the gentlemen who now control the road, will affirm or deny the rumor.- Ilaitlnsi on tbe Fence. Adjutant General D. H. Hastings was in the city on private business yesterday. He declared he knew nothing about Harrison's Cabinet, and he wonld not express himself either way on the prohibition issue. He declined also to discuss State politics. FOE WAYS THAT ARE DARK. Bow a Xocnl $1,000,000 Dressed Beef Enterprise Hns Been Pushing the Bntclicrs' BUI for n. Purpose. The peculiar phases that are constantly arising in the fight against dressed beef, and the constant agitation of the question in and out of Legislative circles, have long conspired to present a mystery to local deal ers and tbe public at large. That there was some power behind the throne, endeavoring to undermine the local strongholds of Swift and Armour, has been a prevalent impres sion in the minds of many. Yesterday a Dispatch reporter succeed ed in delving beneath the surface of corpor ation secrecy far enough to learn that the power behind the throne was a reality, and that dressed beef interests had a greater power than the local butchers to oppose the importation and sale in Pittsburg. It will be remembered that The Dis patch last summer gave exclusively the outline of a project of a mammoth local dressed beef company, composed of promi nent citizens, with a capital of 81,000,000, who were secretly working out a plan to es tablish large slaughter houses, and not only control the local trade but otherwise en croach on the Chicago firms' stronghold. As The Dispatch reporier learned yes terday, the company formed last summer has not been lying dormant but has been watching things, and quietly working on the sly, not trusting to get their charter until they were assured that they had a clear field. Informal meetings have been hejd from time to time, and every person connected is sworn to secrecy, as a leaking of'identity even in the least degree would give Swift and Armour the tip, and defeat the local plans. WEAK SOUTHERN IRON. Mr. Andrew Cnrneclc Return From a Trip Throncli ibe f-onth, and Says That Sec tion Can't Compete. Andrew Carnegie arrived in the city last evening from the South, where he had been spending a few weeks looking into the iron industries of Georgia and Alabama. The millionaire was in a great hurry, and very little could be learned of his trip. "I was in Atlanta and Birmingham," he said, "and I must say that I was pleased with both cities. I was interested in the iron industries, but, of course, they can't be compared to Pittsburg." "Do you think the South will become a dangerous competitor to Pittsburg?" "Certainly not, in the iron business. This is the great center of the iron trade." "How about pig metal?" "Well, we don't pretend to manufacture much pig metal in Pittsburg. We usually import that from other places. There are a great many fnrnaces in Alabama, and they turn out good pig iron. Now, I don't want to be quoted any further on this subject I don't want another Chicago discussion. That cost me a heap of money and trouble, and I don't intend to say that this and that place can more than compete with Pittsburg in the manufacture of iron." When asked if he intended to invest in Southern iron, he did not reply, but jumped into a carriage and was driven off. Mr. Carnegie was unaccompanied, and was met at the Union depot by two of the young lights in the firm. NEW CARS AND ENGINES. The Allegheny Taller Road Experimenting With Sienm Heating. Superintendent David McCargo, of the Allegheny Valley road, started for Old Point Comfort last night with Mrs. Mc Cargo, who is not well. Mr. McCargo stated that he is anxious to get rid of the car stove, and for some time has been experimenting with steam from the engine on two express trains. He finds that the tubes that carry the steam must be perfectly horizontal, or the plan won't work. If there is the slightest bend in the pipe, the flow of steam is interrupted, and the pipe freezes up. This is the only fault he has to find with the experiments, but he hopes this defect can soon be remedied. A few days ago the road issued a contract for 200 more freight cars and three new en gines of class A. Two of them will be used in the yards and the other will be sent out on thu road. Mr. McCargo said that the road was now well supplied with rolling stock and motive power. POUR COLORED TOUGHS Succeed in Raisins a Row on the 9:20 Walls Accommodation. Four drunken colored toughs entered the 920 Walls accommodation last night and proceeded to make themselves heard. When warned by Condnctor C. P. Linhart they produced a revolver,knife and razor. With a brakeman's assistance the plucky conductor captmed two, the other pair meanwhile bombarding the train. A glancing stone struck Linhart's eye, bnt did not injure it badly. The prisoners, whose names are Henry Whieler and William Eussen, were lodged in the East Liberty station house, and, at this morning's hearing, will proba bly be severely dealt with, as they belong to a gang ot toughs who have been the source of serious trouble to the conductors for a long time. THE LOCAL PROHIBITIONISTS. A Mcetln of the County Committee Was Held Yesterday. At the meeting of the County Central Prohibition Committee held yesterday after noon George Findley, Esq., te viewed the work done at the Harrisburg Convention. He said every person there would have gone to jail if it would advance the cause of prohibition. A letter from A. A. Stevens, Chairman of the State Executive Committee was read. In it the writer said: It will be readily seen that the Constitutional Amendment Association with its Don-partisan principles could not consistently meet in con vention a third party whose principles are par tisan, but since it is assured now that party politics will be banished, I think our common cause will be a success. COKE WORKS MAI CLOSE. If tbe Valley Farnnceaien Strike, tho Ovens Will be Banked. A Pittsburg iron manufacturer says the action of the Mahoning Valley f urnacemen in demanding a reduction of 10 per cent in wages March 1 is due to the depressed con dition of tbe pig iron market Ifthemcndo not accept the reduction and the furnaces are banked this will ne cessitate the closing down of a number of coke works in the Connellsville region. If the fnrnaces close down the coke operators will not care mnch whether their men strike March 1 or not Gas Exploded, bat Did No Harm. From a leak in the escape pipe of the nat ural gas line on the corner of Carson and South Fourteenth streets yesterday, a lot of gas accumulated in the cellar of the build ing under the German Savings Bank. A plumber Went into 'the cellar to repair the leak, and struck a light, which caused an explosion; but little damage was done. A Cole Dodge. Ella Murray and Anna Walton com plained to .Mayor ifearson, of Allegheny yesterday, that they had been swindled by an employment agency. The latter had a dodge of clipping from The Dispatch, ad vertisements for help wanted. After charging the applicants 50 cents they would simply send them to answer the "ads." M INSURANCE KICK. The Companies Now Strenuously Ob ject to the Proposed New VALUED POLICY INSURANCE BILL.' They Say it Will Drive (tat Capital and Eaise the Premiums. NEW FIGTJEES OP GENERAL INTEREST t Insurance companies and insurance peo ple are just now greatly exercised over the valued policy law that has been presented to the Legislature, passed second reading, and comes before the sub-Insurance Com mittee Wednesday evening. This law is not only of interest to insurance people, but of vital interest to commercial men and to the public at large. In order to get at the exact meaning, pur pose and effect of the proposed law, a call was made upon Mr. W. A. McCutcheon, of one of tbe large insurance companies lo cated on Fourth avenue. The gentleman seemed to have the matter very well in hand, from an insurance side, and, in the course of the conversation, said: There are laws in several States resembling this, but they are not so broad nor so iniquitous from a general insurance standpoint. This move proposes to make it obligatory to ex amine property and place a valuo before it is insured, and the value so placed is the face of the loss if the property is destroyed, and no re course or evidence can be offered to show the property is worth less. The second portion of theb'li says any per son procuring a policy is deemed the agent of the company, and this will revert against us in several ways, because 33 per cent of the policies procured are handled through brokers, and where heretofore these brokers have been con sidered the agents of the people desiring tbe policy, this law makes them tho agents of the companies. REASONS AGAINST IT. How our arguments against this bill are many, and I think very strong, and a few facts in regard to insurance will not be without in terest to a public that is really as greatly inter ested as we are. In the first place, the percentage of losses in the United States has Deen increasing every year for the last ten years. Not only this, but the increase in fires of unknown, or suspicious origin increase in proportion. Now under the existing laws it is absolutely necessary to prove actual arson before we can even hope to have a jury bearing, so it can easily be seen bow this proposed law puts a premium on crime. Suppose, for instance, a factory has been built, and the original purpose for its erection having been withdrawn, it is worth perhaps not one-fifth of its former value. -Still, if this property were burned the owner would get the lull value, and if that isn't a premium on arson I don't know what is. fto law has as yet ever been passed that pre vents a proper valuation of goods or personal property on the same day the fire occurred. That is. suppose goods which have a fluctuat ing value were destroyed, we can value them at tho price at which they may be replaced on that day, not at what they might have cost This rule, you see, acts both ways, as the value may as easily be higher as lower at the time. With buildings, how ever, it will revert against us every time, for the value of a building al ways depreciates, and under this valued policy law we must pay its former value.uot its actual present value. Some years ago the valued policy law went into effect in New Hampshire. Tbe insurance companies took action at once, and all foreign companies not incorporated under tbe laws of that State withdrew entirely with the conse quence that in one year tbe ratio of losses de creased 7.5 per cent In Wisconsin over three years ago, a similar law was passed, though somewhat more just than the .Pennsylvania law. The companies did not withdraw and the indemnity was still to be had, with what effect? Tbe effect was exactly opposite to that of New Hampshire. The fire ratio increased steadily until it reached 100 per cent, while the valuation of property decreased. The increase in the per cent or suspicious or unknown cases were so great that the Insurance Commissioner made a ery strong appeal, seconded by the Governor, to the Legislature, to have the ini nuitious law repealed. There is'no easy word for it: it is increasiug the moral temptation so largely that it is actually placing a premium on crime. ALL AGAIKST THE COMPANIES. Any one who has watched the laws cannot but see how legislation has been steadily against the insurance companies. This is strange when it is borne in mind that tbe insurance loss is the greatest of any other bnsiness in the world. Every other loss but that of insurance is that of one man to another, thus tending to the other man's gain. The insurance logs, however, is a dead loss to the country. We pay for goods that are absolutely swept out of trade, and out of existence. Just let me give you some figures to show the tremendous business threatened by this law. In 1S79 the loss by fire in the United States was $77,703,700, or .195 per cent of the entire property valuation. In 1SS6 the loss was $104,921,750, a percentage of .21 per cent and ,in 18S8 it was Sl"3,uuu,uuu, witn a still nigner per cent of tho total valuation, and were it not for insurance companies there would be an absolute with drawal of just that much capital. In case legislation arid the courts of justice continue to bo directed as steadily against the companies as has been in the past, it is only a question of time when insurance capital will be entirely withdrawn, and the effect of this withdrawal can scarcely be calculated if these enormous losses fall directly upon the com mercial people and interests of the country, in stead of being divided as they aie in infinites imal sums among a legion of stockholders. Pennsylvania is one of the great insurance States, and even under present circumstances, it is a prosperous company indeed that can pay tho interest on its invested capital. Then what would our situation be if circumstances are made to revert against us even more than they In rnral districts, where this present bill is largely supported, it is impossible for us to get a man to accept our agency alone. Ho goes into other business, and as a result his valua tions are generally away off. These country districts are supporting the bill because there is no insurance capital, and because there are no insurance interests there. AT THE MEltCY OP OTHERS. The law will, if passed, throw us completely at the mercy of either intentional and fraudu lent overvaluation, or ignorant overvaluation. In either case we are the sufferers, and this law proposes that we shall have no appeal and that no evidence can be allowed afterward that tbe property was not worth the stated value, even though it might have been ten times overvalued. Outside of speculative stock there Is no stock so generally held by citizens as insurance stock, and our own busi ness men, widows and women who depend en tirely upon them for a livelihood, will be ut terly left. In case tho act does pass tbe companies, if they do not entirely withdraw, will at least withdraw a large portion of their outside capi tal. This will make it difficult to insure, and it would be very bard to get proper values, as the companies will certainly place lower values, besiac's the withdrawal ,of competition wilt most certainly tend to increase the rates, and that is where our business people will be touched. Insurance companies never desire to carry over 80 per cent of a risk, and while they do not deny that some injustice has been done, it has been caused by the over-anxiety of outside ad justers who are too willing to make, if possible, some salvage for their companies. The insurance capital invested in Pennsyl vania is 513,000,000. with assets of more than double that. Three and one-half millions are invested in Pittsburg and Allegheny and the greater part of the balance in Philadelphia. I would say in conclusion that these enormous interests cannot be touched without the gen eral public being equally affected. A NEW GALYANIZEE, Lead Is Well Recomuiendcd as a Protector of All Kinds of Iron. A. L. Bonnafon. of Philadelphia, has a new process to coat iron of all kinds with lead instead of galvanizing material. It is not affected by acids, and he claims it will not corrode. He is about completing a contract with the National Tube Works to use his lead for coating pipes. All the poisonous material in the lead is removed by arsenic, so'that water running through the pipes will not be contaminated. Mr. Bonnafon is organizing associations in all branches of the iron industries. Thnt Grip Gave Way. The grip on car 201 of the Citizens trac tion line brokelast night at the, Forks of the Road, and travel was" delayed for some time. THE REBEL SPY. ' Belle Boyd the Confederate Pctticontcd Courier In the City Lnst Night She ii tho Gennlno Rebel Spy. The original Belle Boyd, the famous rebel spy, was in the city last evening, and left for Greensburg, where she is now making her' headquarters. While in the city a Dis patch reporter had a short chat with her and she undoubtedly proved that she is the genuine Belle. To the reporter she said: I am not seeking publicity, but ,-I would like to set myself right before the public Since the publication of tbe stories that Belle Starr, who was murdered in Indian Territory, was the Belle Boyd of Stonewall Jackson fame, I have been considerably annoyed and worried by a great many people who think I am an imposter. In Greensburg, where I have been living, the people believe me as they have the proofs of my identity. I have fhreo children to raise and I cannot afford to allow their lives to be clouded by havine my name associated with Belle Starr or any other persons who are imposters. I was born in Martinsburg, Berkely connty (now West Virginia). May 9, 1313. My father was Benjamin Reed Boyd, of Martinsburg. I was educated at ML Washington Female Col lego at Baltimore county, Maryland. I bad just left school when tbe war broke out, and I determined to enter the Confederate service. During my career as a spy I was a prisoner for 11 months in the old Capitol and Carroll prisons in Washington. 1 was twice sentenced to be shot, but each time managed to get re prieved. In May. 1864,1 ran the blockade, and was captured and banished by President Lincoln. I sailed for England August 25, 1864. My first marriage took place shortly afterward to Lieutenant Samuel Wylde Harding, of the United States navy. I first went on the stage at the Theater Royal, Manchester. England, in May, 1&66. After the general amnesty was proclaimed hy President Johnson I returned to America, and made mv first appearance at Ben Be Bar's Theater in St. Louis. A short time afterward I joined a stock company in Cincinnati, under the name of Nina Benjamin. My second marriage was to Colonel John Swalnston Hammond, on March 17, 1S69, in New Orleans. My 'health was failing at tho time and I left the stage. I took a trip to Cali fornia, and my mind becoming impaired I went to the asylum for the insane in Stockton, Cat I afterward came back to Maryland to be treated by Dr. Stokes, of Baltimore. The first time anv persons tried to imnerson- ate me was when f was ill and was reported dead. Ono or two women tried it but were not successful. In 1S83, while living in Texas, a woman calling herself Belle Boyd, but known in private life a s Mrs. Murphy, was traveling through the country telling people she was the 'Rebel Spy.' I succeeded in running her down, and the woman left the State. A short time afterward I was granted a di vorce from my husband, and on January 9, 1885, married Nat R. High, the actor, of Toledo. I began to travel with him, delivering recita tions, etc The first recital of my life was in Toledo at an entertainment under the auspices of the G. A. R. I have since been delivering lectures throughout the country, and am wait ing to hear from several posts in this city. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS. The Opening Session of the Allegheny Presbytery Sunday School Teachers' Institute Held Last Evening. The first institute of the Sabbath school teachers of the Allegheny Presbytery was commenced last night in the First TJ. F. Church, on Union avenue The auditorium of the church was well filled. The Rev. D. F. McGill was the leader of the meeting. A choir composed of the choirs of all the churches, and lead by Prof. W. A. Lafferty, rendered some beautiful singing. A book of selections from the Psalms, set to music, was printed especially for the Institute. The exercises of the evening consisted of addresses from Eev, J. 31. Fulton, 1). D., and the Rev. B. F. Vincent, D. D. Dr. Fulton spoke on 'The Aims and Or ganization of the Sabbath School." In his address he gave his ideas of a goood Sabbath school, and the best methods for reaching perfection. Dr. Vincent, wljb followed Dr. Fulton, had for his subject "Mistakes Corrected." The first mistake, he said, was the relation of church and Sabbath school as understood by many. One way to explain it was the anecdote of the woman who was calling her. ciiuu. ooiue.uoys piaying uj unu tuey werft, told that their mother was calling them One replied: "Her ain't calling we. Us don't belong to she." Continuing, the speaker said that the church and Sabbath school were one. Everyone who ioined church joined the Sabbath school as well. One mistake was in teaching the cate chism as a parrot would be taught to talk, without thought. Another mistake was the selection of teachers. Taking young peo ple and taking ones for convenience be cause they were handy or a friend had a class across the way. The speaker advised advanced classes in the school and a more thorough knowledge of the church. In conclusion, he severelycritioised listless teachers. A FURTHER HEARING WAIVED. The Case Acnlnst tbe F. & 31. Rnnk Cashier Will Go to Court nt Last. The adjourned hearing of Mr. H. F. Voigt, ex-cashier of the defunct Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, which was to have taken place yesterday aiternoon, did not come off, because J. S. Ferguson, Esq., the attorney for the defense, was busy with an other case. To a gentleman who went to see him and asked him when the hearing might be held, he said: "I do not know; I am so busy that I cannot tell when it may be held. Well, I guess I will waive a hearing of the defense altogether, and let the case go to court." Mr. Voigt is still in jail, and he does not know whether he will be able to secure the required $10,000 bail or not. TO THE BRAZILIAN CAPITAL. A Tjarse Order of Underground Cable Shipped to Rio Janeiro. The Standard Underground Cable Com pany has shipped 180,000 feet of under ground cable to Rio Janeiro, Brazil. This is the largest order of cable ever shipped to a South American port. The wire will be used by the Westing house Electric Light Company, at present wiring the capital preparatory to lighting it by electricity. THE REAL CAUSE. I. N. Rom S.-iys Pittsburg Foundries Cannot Tarn Ont Yokes Frist Enough. In reference to the statement that the yokes for the Penn avenue cable line were made in Eastern cities because the labor was cheaper. Master Workman I. X. Ross, of D. A. No. 3 says this is untrue. The real cause was the Pittsburg foundries could not turn them out fast enough. The Old Third's Lon-r Idt. The Republicans of the Third ward, Alle gheny, met in the North avenue school house last night, and suggested the follow ing ward ticket: Select Council. E. Wcrthelmer, Wm.Wet tach and Hugh Renwlck; Common Council, Charles.Gerwig, B. F. Rynd, R. L. Thompson, Chas. Splane, J. G. Ebbert, Charles Simon. JohnH. Eback,T. C. Harbison, Henry Stuck man. Theo. Striepecke, Wm. Swindel and John Datt: Poor Director, James Brown and Charles Alston; School Director, Henrv Albright. Charles Sheriff and George Lysle; Constable, James Z. Brown. The meeting was harmoni ous throughout, and was presided over by R. B. Scandrett ' Slncle Decided It. The Eleventh ward Republican Club met last night to decide which, one of three school directors was elected' for the one year term. Judge Slagle was one of the candidates, and he settled the question by accepting the short term. , Tbe Prohibition Convention. The committee to arrange for the Prohibl tion County Convention, Friday next at 10 A. M., finished their work yesterdav. The indications are that every ward, borough and township will be represented. PRONOUNCED A FARCE The Riverside Trial Criticised by Representative Stewart. HE CALLS IT NARROW AND UNFAIR The Legislature Expected to Do a Little Probing of Its Own. ANOTHER CASE OP CRDELTI EXPOSED Representatives Graham, Robinson, Stew art, Jones, Richards and Chalfant returned to Harrisburg last night. The general im pression the legislators say they have of the Western Penitentiary is that there is tome thing wrong in the institution, and that, before any money is appropriated for its benefit, a full and open investigation, with power to get and take all the facts, should be made by the Legislature. Mr. Stewart expressed himself rather forcibly on the subject as follows: Hook on the Western Penitentiary as it is eonducted at present with a great deal of sus picion, and I for one will vote in favor of a legislative Investigation. The late investiga tion strikes me as nothing more than a farce. It began at the wrong end. Somebody is the man who is responsible for the institution, and it should be seen first that he Is all right. The idea, in such an investigation, confining tbe prosecutor to certain Specified charges, and then RULING OUT EVERYTHING that showed that the subordinates were dere lict in their duties and that tbe Institution was not properly conducted! It was not a fair mode of trial. All that tbe prisoners could bring forward against the management of the institution should have been beard. Senators Robbins, who asked for an investi gation in tbe Senate, told me of a horrible case of cruelty that came to his ears, long before this investigation was started. A client of his. a miner who bad been convicted of manslaugh ter, was confined in tbe penitentiary. He had gone with a crowd that got into a riot and a man .was killed. Somebody had to suffer for it, and he was. selected. Tbe Senator said he was impressed with the man's sense of honor, and he still has perfect confidence in him. The miner told him, when he was released, that while he was confined at Riverside be was asked to do something which he refused. To coerce him they applied an electric battery to him until the blood ran out of his ears. This institution now asks for 387,000 from the State. I, for ono, will have to be satisfied that such cruelty is not often practiced before I will vote for the appropriation, TBISONERS ALWAYS KICKING. Hon. James L. Graham said he thought a Legislative investigation would be ordered, but he was loth to see it. He was Overseer of the Poor once in Alleghenv for nine years, and, while in that position, had visited all the penal institutions of the State. His experience was that the prisoners always had some complaint to make and were never satisfied.- Mr. Robison stated that his alien bill would come up for first reading to-day. He is confident the measure will pass. It pro vides that tbe property of aliens, acquired during a three years' residence in the country, shall be confiscated, unless they declare their intention of becoming citizens at the end of that time. Mr. Robison said such a law existed in Illinois. Controller Morrow and Delinquent Tax Collector Ford also went to Harrisburg last night; the former to explain a few points in a new street bill to he introduced, and the latter to use his influence against the bill to tax the benevolent features of secret socie ties. Mr. Ford claimed tbe bill was backed by the old insurance companies, and that it took away from the poor man the only op portunity he has of insuring his life. AMENDMENT MASS MEETINGS In Enst End and Oakland to Select Delegates to tbo Convention. A mass meeting of East End citizens was held in Liberty Hall last evening to elect delegates to the county Constitutional amendment convention which meets in this city next Friday. A similar meeting was also held at Oakland M. E. Church. At the East End meeting Eev. C. V. Wil son was the first speaker. Among other things he said: Does prohibition prohibit or not? That is not the question. Tbe question with us is whether we want it to prohibit or not. I do not know but some officer may become recreant to bis trust, but that is not the question. Do I want prohibition or not? On this I vote yea or nay. The saloon element are on the alert and we mnst do likewise and put our force in the doubtful sections. Rev. Mr. Wilson was followed by Rev. Mr. MacKay, Rev. Mr. Challant, Rev. Dr. Samuel W. Miller of Saltsburg, Pa., Rev. Mr. Kumler and others, in warm speeches lor tne amendment, alter which tbe lollow ing names were announced as delegates: Nineteenth ward. D. Linhart, Lewis Krebbs. Samuel Morrison, John Lelyrezom, C. Elwood; Twentieth ward, John R. Rush, Kev. Mr. Butler, William Sprague, Rev. R. B. Ewing, Anarcw nicnmona; xwentv-urst warn, air. Brissen, J. D. Weeks, Dr. McNeill, Peter Dick, A. J. E. Means; Twenty-second ward, William R. Frew, Joseph Lyon, Rev. Mr. Patterson, J. D. Turner. At the Oakland meeting the following were among the speakers: Mr. F. D. Chantler, Rev. Dr. W. J. Holland, Rev. Mr. Ross, J. W. Morelandand Major More land, the latter taking the question from a legal standpoint. The following were the delegate elected to represent the Fourteenth ward: Rev. Dr. Holland, Rev. Dr. Beazell. Rev. Mr. Ross, Alexander Murdoch, Earnest M.Morrow. A DANISH CONSUL An Old Claim Against tho Danes Expected to be Soon Settled. Louis Bagger, Royal Vice Consul of Den mark, Norway and Sweden at Washington, arrived in the city last night to attend to some legal business of a private nature. Mr. Bagger stated that the best of feeling prevails between the United States and the countries he represents. Away back in 1850 a Danish war ship fired on an American vessel. The claim has never been settled, and when brought to the notice of the Government the matter was referred to the British Minister at Athens as arbitrator. Mr. Bagger said that just be fore he left Washington he heard the Min ister was ready to report his decision, and some correspondence between the countries is expected to pass. MOVE UP FRONT, PLEASE. A LnwrcnceTllIe Citizen Refused, and Was Kicked Oil" tho Car. Edward Dravo, a resident of Lawrence ville, refused to accede to the conductor's modest request to "Move up front, please," on a Citizens traction car, the other night, and as a consequence the conductor, he claims, kicked him off the car. For this little pleasantry on the part of the conductor, whose name is Wm. Galway, Mr. DraVo entered suit before Alderman Doughty for assault and battery. The Alderman held Galway for trial at court. Mr 1st is D. mv 17th is P, and Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the entirety. Price 25 cents. Two Days Lonscr. Onr sale of 59 suits will continue two days longer, to-day and Wednesday. It is our first suit sale of the season, and comprises about 340 elegant tailor-made suits, manu factured from imported cheviots, fancy worsteds, English cassimeres, etc., at 59. We had a great call for them on Monday, and so extended the sale for to-day and to morrow. The suit3 are all superbly made, lined with heavy silk-finished serge, and 5'J is the quick-selling price thev go tor. P. C. C. C.xor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. At Hamilton's You can buy pianos and organs at less price, considering the quality of the goods, than anywhere else. FURNITURE DEALERS FEASTED. A Die Banquet Closes Up a Bnsiness Meet ing of the Pittsburg and Alleghenv Furniture Exchnnsc Tbe annual meeting and election of officers of the Pittsburg and Allegheny Furniture Exchange was held last night in the new establishment of A. J. Logan, on Third avenne, and, as usual, the business part of the meeting was concluded by a grand banquet. The meeting was opened by the retiring president of the society, MrJ John Hage nian, who, in a short address, spoke of the furniture business in Pittsburg during the last year, which may be summed up by say ing that the year has been one of the most prosperous for the business. Then the elec tion took place, the result being: President, W. B. McLean; Vice President, W. F. Eichenlaub; Secretary, A. J. Logan; Treas urer, Herman Flechsig. The business having been hurried through, the assembly adjourned to a floor below, where a very elaborate spread was laid, awaiting the guests. There were two long tables arranged:here, each with a seat ing capacity of 75 people, and by the time everybody had found a place there was not an empty chair to be found anywhere. While the guests endeavored to swallow a very hot oyster stew, the Grand Army orchestra performed a popular march. Alter the last course of the extensive bill of fare had been dis posed of Mr. J. M. Fuller, who acted as master of ceremonies, called upon Mr. John Kenworthy to respond to the toast, "The Pittsburg and Allegheny Furniture Ex change." The speaker acquitted himself uuuiu iu me aubisiuukjuu oj ujs audience uy recounting the success the Exchange had had, and the benefit it had been to the trade generally. The next toast was, "Our City," responded to by Colonel John Murphy. The speech of Mr. W. H. Keech, how ever, in answer to the toast "To the Trade.,' was ot more than general interest. That gentleman gave his audience a glance at a picture of the furniture business in the past, present and future. He spoke of the beau tiful antique styles of ;furniture; dwelt for awhile on the picturesqueness of the re naissance style of the fashions of the age of Queen Anne, then the French, Spanish, etc., until he arrived at our modern period, of which he said that the artisan was now able to furnish his little parlor in a style which would have aroused the envy of mil lionaires 50 years ago. KNIVES AND PISTOLS. An Affray Which Will Probably Result In Two Deaths. SPECIAL TXLEGIULM TO TBE DISrjlTCH.l Shakon, February ll.A terrible cut ting affray which will probably end in the death of two persons, occurred at Orange ville, a small hamlet 8 miles north of Sharon, Saturday night. Jeff Hamilton and John Martin of Greenville, became in volved in a quarrel with a German, who re fused to give his name. Hamilton and Mar tin drew pistols and opened fire on the Ger man, who grabbed a knife and stabbed Mar tin just below the heart and then plunged the blade into Hamilton's neck. Martin is dying and Hamilton is in a precarious con dition. The German was terribly used up and his ribs were smashed by the infuriated men. The principal parties have been arrested. Yesterday a number of Hamilton's friends went to Orangeville for the pnrpose of re leasing him, but the citizens formed a guard around the building and drove tbe attack ing party away. Bloodshed was only averted by the determined action of the resi dents of the place. He Will Try nis Go. Here. B. W. Loomis, the inventor of the pro cess to make fuel gas, stopped over in the city last night on his way to Chicago. -He expects to put one of his machines in a Pittsburg mill in a short time, but could not say which one. A Floating Sawmill Burned. , The floating sawmill owned by Messrs. Cook & Graham, in the Monongahela river, caught fire from the furnace last night, and burned to the water's edge. Loss about 55,000, without insurance. The Boiler Explosion. Boiler Inspector Neeld said yesterday that the evidence adduced so far, shows that the boiler of the steamer Two Brothers burst under a pressure of over 500 pounds to the square inch. Devlne Versus Levine. Morris Devine yesterday accused Morris Levine of stealing 517 from his trunk last December. Devine had Levine arrested, and he was put in jail in default of 5500 bail. In tho Co arts. Perhaps. It is now stated that the trouble between Inspector McAleese and Assistant Superin tendent O'Mara and Dr. Orr will be settled in the courts. Democratic Nominees. The Thirtieth ward Democrats met last night and made the following nominations: Select Council, William Nolden: School Directors, Harry Sellers and Ed McMnllen. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents or a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Rcadine. Jonx McCallt, employed in Wightman's glassworks. West End, had his leg broken by falling from a bench yesterday afternoon. The Twelfth ward Democratic nrimaries were held last night and nominated JohnW. Driscoll, for Alderman, and John Exler. for Select Council. The Democrats of tho Fifteenth ward met in tbe Lawrence schoolbouse an? nominated J. P. Lentz, for Select Council; Joseph Fuhrer, Jr., and F. P. Souders, for School Directors. Tnojf as Packard, one of Alderman Por ter's offlcers,received a notice that if he did not behave a Pittsburg branch of the White Caps would pay him a visit. The officer looks upon the affair as a joke. The silk flag presented by the Jr. O. U. A. M. to the O'Hara School, to be given to the 'room having the best average attendance during the month of January, was awarded to Room .No. 10, taught by Miss Jcnnlo De Armit. Reuben Smith, of the Twelfth ward, who was defeated by Thomas Perry for the Select Council nomination on the Republican ticket, stated yesterday that be would not run inde pendent, as requested by many Republicans of that ward. Martin Simon's barber shop at No. 153 Robinson iStreet, Allegheny, was robbed on Sunday evening. Tbe thieves secured a num ber of razors. The robbery occurred before midnight, as they tamnered with the clock and stopped It, NOTES ON NAVIGATION. The stage of water is about 3 feet. Both rivers are comparatively free of ice. The Tom Lysle arrived from below yesterday with a tow of empties. "It cannot be denied," said a railroad coal operator yesterday, 'that the Kanawha river coal is injuring the river operators in Cincin nati. The rivermen will deny this and run down the Kanawha coal as an inferior article but denials will not replace lost revenues. Tho coal is inferior, but for all that it is cheaper than the Pittsburg coal." River Tclcrtrnmi. -SrSCIAL TZLEGIUUI TO TIIK DlSf ATCTT.1 WAitKEN River 1 foot 7-10 inches and stationary. Weather cold and snowing. Moboantown River closed. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 32 at 4 v. K. Brownsvilie River 6 feet and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 23 at 6 P. u. G05E TO EUROPE. A Westlngbonsc Representative to Estab lish a Brnnch In London. , Mr. James T. Humbird, the Assistant General Manager of the Westinghouse Electric Company, left this city last night for New York, en route for Europe. Mr. Humbird has only returned from England a few months ago, where he had been all last summer, in the interest of his company. It was he who secured the electric light contract of 25,000 lights in the city of London, and as that contract has recently been duplicated, it is thought that Mr, Humbird will go to England to establish a branch office of the Westinghouse interests in London, to be known as the European branch of the Westinghouse electric works. When the gentleman was asked last night at the Union deDot as to the object of bis European trip he only stated that he was going on bnsiness. Further than that he did not tare to say anything, although he did not deny that an English branch of the Pittsburg electric plant would be estab lished by him. AN ALLEGHENY INVESTIGATION. Charges Mndo Against the Pay Roll of the Water Drpariment. The Allegheny Water Committee met last night. Bills and the payroll, amounting to 510,746 63 were approved. In this matter Mr. Steffan stated that a charge had been made that the payroll contained the names of a number of employes designated as leak inspectors, and that the number was far in excess of the requirements of the depart ment. In justice to the Superintendent, as well as the committee, he suggested that the Chairman appoint a committee to investi gate the matter. There was no discussion on the question whatever, and Messrs. Cochran, Steffan, Stayton, Henricks and McGearywere ap pointed to investigate and report as to the necessity of employing ten leak inspectors to do the work of the department. A number of minor contracts were award ed by the committee. TO BEAT THE L. & 0. Drug-risls Working to Have Xo Sunday Laws Affect Them. J. J. Miller, an Alleghey druggist, went to Harrisburg last night to see what legisla tion he could have enacted to relieve drug gists from the petty persecutions of the Law and Order Society for violations of the Sun day law, as he expressed it. Mr. Sliller would not say whether he rep resented the druggists of both cities or no, but he intimated that he was an advance guard sent out to feel the way, and if any thing can be done the druggists will make a combined effort to have the Sunday law changed in respect to their business. Two Days Longer. Our sale of 59 suits will continue two days longer, to-day and Wednesday. It is our first suit sale of the season, and comprises about 340 elegant tailor-made suits, manu factured from imported cheviots, fancy worsteds, English cassimeres, etc., at 5!). We had a great call for them on Monday, and so extended the sale for to-day and to morrow. The suits are all superbly made, lined with heavy silk-finished serge, and 59 is the quick-selling price they go lor. P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. NO PAIN. Never Fails. Dr. Charles S. Scott, 624 Penn ave., oppo site Home's, never fails to get the teeth and reots all out, and does it absolutely without pain, and his artificial teeth always fit. Marvin's Orange Hlossorn. Have Yoa Tried Them? Marvin's Orange Blossom soda cracker is undoubtedly the finest cracker ever pro duced. Try it and be convinced. ' tisu FINEST ON EARTH. Scott's Mineral Bain Teeth Warranted for Life. No other dentist in this vicinity can make this work. Don't give yonr order until you have seen them, at 624 Penn avenue, oppo site Home's. Cupid Union Message Co. "Messages of Love" (valentines) in all shapes and forms can be had in largest variety and lowest prices at main office of L. Breuninger& Co., 535 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. 3,7,10,13 Removal of a Gun Store. J. H. Johnston will remove about April 1 to706 Smithfield street, Bissel block. Clearance sale every day immense bargains offered at No. 621 Smithfield street. 85, 86 and SS Pants. For a good fitting suit or pants go to PiiCAiEif 's Tailoring Emporium, Tuf 434 Wood street. At Hamilton's You get the finest outfit that is given; every thing rich, tasty and well made. Secure a sound mind, which seldom goes without sound digestion, by using Angostura Bitters. LrvER complaint cured free at 1102 Car son st., Southside. WINTER GARMENTS. A VARIETY OF STTLES. NOT MANY OF EACH. LOWEST PRICES MADE. Jackets, $1 25, J2, S3, $5. Trimmed Mantles, Astracban and Braided. S5, 56, $8 and $10. Beaver Newmarkets, Directoire fronts or tight-fitting, 83, S3, $10 and $12 many of these only one-third original price. Plush Jackets, S3, $3, $10 and $12. Flush Modjeskas, $10, $12, $15 and $20. Alaska Seal Cloaks or Jackets. Will save you large amounts of money on best grades. BIBER I EASTDN, fe3-rrssu TWO T00XG MEXICANS. . ' They Keprcsentcd Tbrmselves ns Writers for n Publishing House and Wanted to Do Up Pittsburg. Constable Charles Porter o'f Alderman McMasters' office arrested two youn? men, supposed to be Mexicans, just as they were ahout to embark on the 10 o'clock Baltimore and Ohio train for Washington last night. They gave.their names as Francis Vega and Felipe L. Eguia. They arrived in the city Friday, Febru ary 1, and went to the St. Nicholas Hotel. They represented that they had been sent out by a Mexican publishing company to write up the big cities and the industries of the United States.. Both of them were well dressed, bufhad neither baggage nor overcoats. On their -representation that their trunks were com ing by express, the proprietor, did not in sist that they should pay in advance. j On the following Sunday he asked them about their board, their trunks not having arrived. They replied that their luggage was atthe American Express office. They said they were expecting to receive a good sum from Jones & Laughlins whose work sthey were writing up. ; The two young men had been writing let- ". ters to all the big firms in the city. Ono day they sent out 22 such letters, addressed to all the prominent iron manufacturing concerns. On Tuesday the hotel keeper went to the American Express office and ' found that there was no baggage for such persons there. Then he sent to Jones & Laughlins and learned that the two young fellows had written to them for passes to go through the works, but had no contract to write them up. On Tuesday the proprietor entered an information against the two men for obtaining boarding" nnder false nre tenses. Before the warrants were served they left the hotel. On Sunday they applied to Chief Elliot, of the Department of Public Charities, for transportation to Washington. The Chief questioned them closely. Their knowledge of Mexico convinced Mr. Elliot they were all right. He granted them the passes with the understanding they should depart for Washington on the 10 o'clock train last' night. This information reached Constable Porter, and he was on hand to meet them. They were taken before the Alderman, and in default of 5500 each, placed in jail for a hearing next Monday. JDS. HDRNE 4 CD.'B PENN AVENUE STORES.. SPRING GOODS IN STOCK. HUNDREDS OF PIECES NEW INDIA SILKS, i M NEW INDIA SILKS, COc to $2 CO a yard. The grades at 60c, 65c and SI are great values. Notice the quality of the cloth and the novelty of the designs. The "mark downs" in Silks are the greatest bargains you ever saw. Moires, Satin Rbadames, Failles. LOWEST NOTCH PRICES -IS OCR- CLOAKROOM. CLOAK ROOM. Fifty to 100 garments sold every day. Jackets. Ulsters, Raglans, Newmar kets, Plush Coats and Jackets. Also, Children's Coats and Suits. Our imported French Dresses tX Half Price, to sell them quickly. NEW DRESS GOODS j. Coming in daily. New Embroideries, . " '- ) New Iacest New White Goods. ' - GREAT BARGAINS " i-f, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR STOCKS " JDS. HORNE i m:w. f ' --. fl PENN AVENUE STORES. ifc. -..- feS-xrs tvmfaiml i-1 ii i.mtf,iiihT.lili' iMstii