Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 11, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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VJifMUi, rfNK?qeirff''xafTK-aBfiiunEnaHKKb tiAtKfSf.aNBfKL'tt'Z
" ! I Cr , - ? Vi ' r E ' rV '
" ' ' ft.
Eey. T. DeWitt Talmae Preaches on
the Duties We Owe to
General and Generous Redistribution
Brooklyn, February 10. Before an au
dience gathered from all parts of the earth
the Her. T. De "Witt Talmage, D. D., ex
pounded passages of Scripture descriptive
of stirring scenes in David's life. Led by
organ and cornet the multitudes joined in
Time, like an ever rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream
Dies at the opening day.
The subject of Dr. Talmage's sermon was
"Our Own Generation," and his text, Acts
xiii, 36: "David, after he had served his
own generation by the will of God, fell on
That is a text which has for a long time
been running through my mind, but not
until now has it been fully revealed to me.
Sermons have a time to be born as well as a
time to die, a cradle as well as a grave.
David, cowboy and stone slingcr and
fishtcr and Czar and dramatist and blank
verse writer and prophet, did his best for
the people of his time and then went and
lav down on the southern hill of Jerusalem
in" that sound slumber which nothing but
an archanuelic blast can startle. "David,
after he had served his own generation by
the will of God, fell on sleep."
It was his own generation that he had
served; that is, the people living at the time
he lived. And have youever thought that
our responsibilities are chiefly with the peo
ple now walking abreast of us? There are
about four generations to a century now,
but in olden time life was longer, and there
was, perhaps, only one generation to a cen
tury. Taking these facts into the calcula
tion, I make a rough guess and say that
tliere have been at least 180 generations of
the human family. With reierence to them
we have no responsibility. Ve cannot
teach them, we cannot correct their mis
takes, we cannot soothe their sorrows, we
cannot heal their wounds. Their sepulchers
are deaf and dumb to anything we might
say to them. The last regiment of that
great army has passed out of sight. "Vc
might halloo as loud as we could, not one
ol them would avert his head to see what
we wanted.
I admit that I am in sympathy with the
child whose father had suddenly died and
who in her little evening prayer wanted to
continue to pray for her father, although he
had gone into heaven and no more needed
her prayers, and looking up into her
mother's" face said: "O, mother, I cannot
leave him all out. Let me say, 'Thank God
that I had a good father once, so I can keep
him in my prayers.' " But the ISO genera
tions have passed ofE Passed up. Passed
Jown. Gone forever. Then there are tren-
erations to come alter our earthly existence hundred million, fifteen thousand, liften hun-lmsrp-Kipd
nprhiiiK 180 venerations morp dred and fifteen. Iot slrmchy apparel, not
nasceasea, peraaps j.ou generations more, d ,. nnt insnffir-iont imi. hut
perhaps 1,000 generations more. Y e shall
not see them, we shall not hear any of
their voices, we will take no part in their
convocations, their elections, their revolu
tions, their catastrophes, their triumphs.
"We will in no wise affect the 180 genera
tions gone, or the 180 generations to come,
except as from the galleries of heaven the
former generations look down and rejoice at
our victories, or as we may by our behavior
start influences, good or bad, that shall roll
on through the advancing ages. But our
business is, like David, to serve our own
generation, the people now living, those
.whose lungs now breathe and whose hearts
now beat. And mark you, it is not a silent
procession, but moving. It is a "forced
inarch" at 21 miles a day, each hour being a
mile. Going with that celerity, it has got
to be a qiuck service on our part, or no
service at all. "We not only cannot teach
the lSOjgenerations past and will not see the
180 generations to come, but this generation
now on the stage will soon be off and we
ourselves will be off with them. The fact is
that you and 1 will have to start very soon
for our work or it will be ironical and sar
castic for anyone after our exit to Eay of us,
as it was said of David, "after he had served
his generation by the will of God, he fell on
Well, now, let us look around earnestly,
prayerfully and in a common sense way
and see what we can do.for our own genera
tion. First of all let us see to it that, as
far as we can, they have enough to eat.
The human body is so constituted that three
times a day the body needs food as much as
a lamp needs nil, as much as a locomotive
needs fuel. To meet this want God has
girdled the earth with apple orchards,
orange groves, wheat fields and oceans full
ol fish and prairies full of cattle. And not
withstanding this, I will undertake to say
that the vast majority of the human family
arc suffering either from lack of food or the
right kind of food. Oar civilization is all
askew on this subject and.God only can set
it right.
Many of the greatest estates of to-day
have been built out of the blood and bones
of unrequited toil. In olden times, for the
building of forts and towers, the inhabitants
of Isnahan had to contribute 70,000 human
skulls, and Bagdad 90,000 human skulls,
and that number of people were slain so as
to furnish the skulls. But these two con
tributions added together made only 160,000
skulls, while into the tower of the world's
wealth and pomp and magnificence have
been wrought the skeletons of uncounted
numbers of the half fed populations of the
earth, millions of skulls.
Don't sit down at your table with five or
six courses of abundant supply and think
nothing of that family in the.next street who
would take any one of those five courses be
tween soup and almond nuts and feel they
were in heaven. The lack of the right kind
of food "is the cause of much of the drunk
enness. After drinking what many of our
grocers call coffee, sweetened with what
many call sugar, and eating what many of
our butchers call meat, and chewing what
many of our bakers call bread, many of the
laboring classes feel so miserable tbey are
tempted to put into their nasty pipes what
the tobacconists call tobacco, or go into the
drinking saloons for what the rumsellers
call beer. Good coffee would do much in
driving out bad rum. Adulteration of food
has got to be an evil against which all the
health officers and all the doctors and all the
ministers and all the reformers and all
the Christians need to set themselves in bat
tle array. How can we serve our generation
with enough to cat? By sitting down in
embroidered slippers and lounging back in
an armchair, our mouth puckered up around
an Havana of the best brand and through
clouds of luxuriant smoke reading about po
litical economy and the philosophy of
strike'? Kb! Ko! By finding out who in
Brooklyn has been living on gristle and
sending them a tenderloin beefsteak. Seek
out some family who through sickness or
conjunction of misfortune have not enough
to eat and do for them what Christ did tor
the hungry multitudes of Asia Minor, mul
tiplying the loaves and the fishes. Let us
quit the surfeiting ot ourselves until we
cannot choke down another crumb of cake
and begin the supply of others' necessities.
"We often see on a small scale a reckless
ness about the welfare of others which a
great warrior expressed on a large scale,
when his officers were dissuading him from
a certain campaien, saying: "It would cost
200,000 lives," replying with a diabolism
that can never be forgotten, "What are
200,000 lives to me?"
So far from helping appease the world's
hunger, there are those whom Isaiah de-
scribes as grinding the faces of the poor.
You have seen a farmer or a mechanic put a
Scythe or an ax on a grindstone, while some
one was turning it round and round, and
the man holding the ax bore on it harder
and harder while the water dropped from
the grindstone, and the edge of the ax from
being round and dull, got keener and
keener, and the mechanic lifted the ax
glistening and sharp and with edge
so keen he must cautiously run
his finger along lest while exam
ining the implement he cut his hand to the
bone. So I hare seen men who were put
against the grindstone of hardship, and while
one turned the'crank another would press the
unfortunate harder down and harder down
until he was ground away thinner and
thinner, his com tor t thinner, his prospects
thinner and his face thinner. And Isaiah
shrieks out: "What mean ye that ye grind
the faces of the poor?" Itis an awiul thing
to be hungry. It is an easy thing for us to
be in good humor with all the wo: Id when
we have no lack. But let hunger 'take full
possession of us and we would all turn into
.barbarians and cannibals and fiends.
I am glad to know that the time is com
ing, God hasten it, when every family in
the round world will sit down at a full
table, and it will be only a question
between lamb and venison or between
partridge and quail on toast, and out of
spoons made out of Nevada silver or Cali
fornia gold the pastries will drop on tongues
thrilling with thankfulness because they
have full enough. I hare no idea God is
going to let the human race stay in its pres
ent predicament. If the world winds up as
it now is it will be an awful failure of a
world. The barren places will be irrigated.
The pomologists, helped of God, will urge
on the fruits. The botanists, inspired of
the Lord, will help on the gardens. The
raisers of stock will send enough animals
fit for human food to the markets, and the
last earthquake that rends the world will
upset a banqueting table at which are
seated the entire human race. Meanwhile,
suppose that some of the energy we are ex
pending in useless and unavailing talk
about the bread question should be ex
pended in merciful alleviations.
I have read that the battlefield on which
more troops met than on any other in the
world's history was the battlefield of Leip-
sic, 1G0.00O men under 2apoleon, 250.000
men under Schwarzeberg. No, no. The
greatest and most terrific battle is now being
fought all the world over. It is the strug
gle for food. The ground tone of the finest
passage in one of the great musical master
pieces, the artist says, Vas suggested to him
by the cry of the hungry populace of Vi
enna as the king rode through and they
shouted, "Bread. Give us bread!" And
all through the great harmonies ot musical
academy and cathedral I hear the pathos,
the ground tone, the tragedy of uncounted
multitudes, who with streaming eyes and
wan cheeks and broken hearts in behalf of
themselves and their families, are pleading
for bread. k
Let us take another look around to see how
we may serve our generation. Let us see
as far as possible that they have enough to
wear. G oil looks on the human race and knows
just how many inhabitants the world has. The
statistics of tho world's population are care
fully taken in civilized land?, and every few
years officers of government go through the
land and count how many people there are in
the United States or England, and great accur
acy is reached. But when people tell us how
many inhabitants there are in Asia or Africa.
a: best it must he a wild guess. Yet God
knows the exact number of people nn our
planet, and he has made enough apparel for
each, and if there be fifteen hundred million,
fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred and fifteen
people, tner there is enough apparel for fifteen
ragged apparel, not insufficient apparel, but
appropriate apparel. At least iwo suits for
every being on the earth, a summer suit and a
winter suit. A irood nair of shoes for everv
living mortal. A good coat, a good hat or a
good bonnet and a good shawl, and a complete
masculine or feminine outfit of apparel. A
wardrobe for all nations adapted to all climes,
and not a string or a button or a pin or a hook
or an eye wanting. But, alas! where are the
good clothes for three-fourths of the human
raceT The other one-lourth have appropriated
The fact is there needs to be and will be a
redistribution. Not by anarchistic violence.
If outlawry had its way it would rend and tear
and diminish until instead of three-fourths of
the world not properly attired four-fourths
would be In rag. I will let you know how the re
distribution will tate place. By generosity on
the part of those who nave a surplus, and in
creased industry on the part of those suffering
from deficit. otall, but the larce majority of
cases of poverty in this country, are a result of
idleness or drunkenness, either on the part of
the present sufferers or their ancestors. In
most cases the rum jug is the maelstrom that
has swallowed down the livelihood of those
who are in rags. But things will change, and
by generosity on the part of the crowded ward
robes, and industry and sobriety on the part of
the empty wardrobes, there will be enough for
all to wear. God has done his part toward the
dressing of the human race. He grows a sur
plus of wool on the sheep's back, and flocks
roam the mountains and vallejs with a burden
of warmth intended for transf erance to human
comfort, when the shutters of the factories
reaching all the way from the Chattahoochee
to the Merrimac shall have spun and woven it,
And here come lorth the Rocky Mountain
goat and the cashmere and the beaver. Here
are the merino sheep, their origin traced back
to the flocks of Abrahamic and Davidic times.
In white letters of snowy fleece, God has been
writing for 1,030 years his wish that there might
be warmth for all nations. While others are
discussing the effect of high or low tariff or no
tariff at all ou wool, you and I had better see if
in our wardrobes we have nothing that we can
spare for the shivering, or pick out some poor
lad of the street and take him down to a cloth
ing store and fit him out for the winter. Don't
think that God has forcoiten to send ice and
snow because of this wonderfully mild Janu
ary and February. We shall yet have deep
snows and so much frost on the window pane
that in the morning you cannot see throngh it;
and whole flocks oi blizzards, for God long ago
aeciareu uai winter as wen as summer snail
not cease, and between this and the spring
crocus we may all have reason to cry out with
the psalmist: "Who can stand before his
Again, let us look around and see how we
may serve our generation. What shortsighted
mortals we would be if we were anxious to
clothe and feed only the most insignificant part
of a man, namely, his body, while we put forth
no effort to clothe and feed and save his soul.
Time is a little piece broken off a great eterni
ty. What are we doing for the souls of this
present generation T Let me say it is a genera
tion worth saving. Most magnificent men and
women are in it. We make a great ado about
the improvements in navigation and in loco
motion and in art and machinery. We remark
what wonders of telegraph and telephone and
stethescope. What improvement is electric
light over a tallow candle I But all these
improvements are insignificant com
pared with the improvements in the hu
man race. In olden times, once in a
while, a great and good man or
woman would come up and the world has made
a great fuss about it ever since, but now they
are so numerous we scarcely speak about them.
We put a halo about the people of the past,
but I think if the times demanded them it
would be found we have now living in this year
18S9 SO Martin Luthers. 50 George Washingtons,
50 lady Huntlngtons, 30 Klizabcth Frjs. Dur
ing our Civil War more splendid warriors in
North and South were developed in four years
than the whole world developed in the previous
20 joars. I challenge tho 4,000 years before the
Christ and the IS centuries after the Christ, to
show me the equal of charity on a large scale
of George Peabody. This generation of men
and women is moro worth saving than any of
the IfcO generations that have passed off.
But where shall we begin? With ourselves.
That is the pillar from which we must start.
Prescott, the blind historian, tells us bow Pi
zarro saved his army for the right when they
were about deserting him. With his sword he
made a long mark on the ground. He said:
"My men, on the north side are desertion and
death, on the south side is victory; on the north
side Panama and poverty, on the south side
Peru with all its riches. Choose for yourselves;
for my part I go .to tho outli." Stepping
across the line one by one, his troops followed
and finally his whole army. The sword of
God's truth draws the dividing lino to-day. On
one side of it are sin and ruin and death, on
the other side are pardon and usefulness and
happiness and heaven. You cross from tho
wrong side to the right side and your family
will cross with yon and yonr friends and
your associates. The way jou go they will
go. If wo are not saved, we will never save
anyone else. How to get saved? Be willing to
accept Christ, and then accept him instantane
ously and forever. Get on the rock first and
then you will be able to help others upon the
same rock. Men and women have been saved
quicker than I have been talking about it.
What, without a prayer? Yes. What, without
time deliberately to think it over? Yes. What,
.without a tear? Yes. believe! That is all.
Believe what? That Jesus died to save you
from sin and death and bell. Will yon? Do
you? ion nave, isometiung makes mctbinK
yon have. New light has come into vonr
countenances. Welcome! Welcome! Haill
Hail! Saved yourselves, how are you going to
save others? By testimony. Tell it to your
family. Tell it to your business associates.
Tell it everywhere. We will successfully
preach no more religion and will successfully
talk no more religion than we ourselves have.
The most of that which you do to benefit the
souls of this generation, you will effect throngh
yonr own behavior. Go wrong, and that will
induce others to go wrong. Go right, and that
will induce others to go right. When the great
Centennial Exhibition was being held in Phila
delphia, the question came up among the
directors as to whether they "could keep the
exposition open on Sundays, when a director,
who was a man of the world, from Nevada,
arose and said, his voice trembling with emo
tion and tears running down his cheeks: "I feel
like a returned prodigal. Twenty years ago I
went West and into a region where we had no
Sabbath, but to-day old memories come back
to me, and 1 remember what my glorified
motner taugnt me aoout Keeping ounaay, ana
I seem to hear her voice again and feel as I did
when every evening I knelt by her side in
praver. Gentlemen, I vote for the observance
of the Christian Sabbath." And ho carried
everything by storm, and when the question
was put, "Shall we open the exhibition on Sab
bath?" it was almost unanimous, "No," "No."
What one man can do if he does right, boldly
right, emphatically right.
What it we could get this whole generation
saved! These people who are living with us the
same year and amid the same stupendous
events and flying toward the future swifter
than eagles to their prey. We cannot stop.
They cannot stop. We think we can stop. We
say, "Come now, my friend, let us stop and
discuss this subject,'' but we do not stop. The
year does not stop, the day does not stop, the
hour does not stop. The year is.a creat wheel
and there is a band on that wheel that keeps
it revolving, and as that wheel turns, it turns
365 smaller wheels, which are thei days, and
then each of these S65 wheels turn 24 smaller
wheels, which are the hours; and these 24
smaller wheels turn 60 smaller wheels, which
are the minutes, and these 60 smaller wheels
turn CO more smaller wheels, which are the
seconds, and they keep rolling, rolling, rolling,
mounting, mounting, mounting, and swiften
ing, swiftening, swiftening. Oh, God! If our
Feneration is going liko that and we are going
with them, waken us to the short but tre
mendous opportunity.
I confess to you that my one wish is to serve
this generation, not to antagonize it, not to
damage it, not to rule it, but to serve it I
would like to do something toward helping un
trap its load, to stop its tears, to balsam its
wounds and to induce it to put foot on the up
ward road that has at its terminus acclama
tion rapturous and gates pearline and garlands
amaranthine and fountains rainbowed and do
minions enthroned and coroneted, for I cannot
forcetthat lullaby in the closing words of my
text: -Liavia, alter ne naa servea nis own gen
eration by the will of God, fell on sleep."
And what a lovely sleep it was! Unfilral Ab
salom did not trouble it. Ambitious Adonijah
did not worry it. Persecutinc Saul did not
harrow it. ifcxile did not fill it with nightmare.
Since a red-headed boy amid his father's flocks
at night, he had not had such a good sleep. At
70 years of age he lay down to it. He has had
many a troubled sleep, as in the caverns of
Adullam, or in the palace at the time his ene
mies were attempting his capture. But this
was a peaceful sleep, a calm sleep, a restful
sleep, a glorious sleep. "After he had served
his generation by the will of God, he fell on
sleep." Oh, what a good thing is sleep after a
hard day's work! It takes all the aching out
of the head and all the weariness out of the
limbs and all the smarting out of the eyes.
From it we rise in the morning and it is a new
world. And if we, like David, serve our
generation, we will at life's close have
most dcsirablo and refreshing sleep. In it will
vanish our last fatigue of body, our last worri
ment of mind, our last sorrow of soul. To the
Christian's body that was hot with raging fe
vers so that the attendants must by sheer force
keep on the blankets, it will be the cool sleep.
To those who are thin blooded and shivering
with agues, it will be the warm sleep. To those
who, because of physical disorders, were terri
fied with night visions, it will bo the dreamless
sleep. To nurses and doctors and mothers who
were wakened almost every hour of the night
by thoso to whom they ministered, or over
whom tUey watched, it will be the nndisturbed
sleen. To those who could not cet to bed till
late at night and must rise early in the morn
ing and before getting rested, it will be the
long sleep.
Away with all your gloomy talk about de
parture from this world. If we have served
our generation it will not be putting out into
the breakers, it will not be the fight with the
King of Terrors; it will be going to sleep. .A
friend writing me from Illinois says that Rev.
Dr. Wingate, President of Wake Forest Col
lege, North Carolina, alter a most useful life,
found his last day on earth his happiest day,
and that in his last moments he seemed to be
personally talking with Christ, as f nend with
friend, saying: "Oh, how delightful it IS. I
knew You would be with me when the time
came, and I knew it would be sweet, but I did
not know it would be as sweet as It is."
The fact was he had served his genera
tion in the gospel ministry and by
the will of God ho fell on sleep.
When in Africa, Majwara, the servant, looked
into the tent of David Livingstone and found
him on bis knees, he stepped back, not wishing
to disturb him in prayer, and some time after
went in and found him in the same posture,
and stepped back again, but after awhile went
in and touched him, and lo! the great traveler
had finished his last journey and he bad died in
the grandest and mightiest posture a man ever
takes on his knees. He had served his gen
eration by unrolling the scroll of a continent,
and by tho will of God fell on sleep. Grim
shaw, the evangelist, when asked how he felt
in his last moments, responded: "As happy as
I can be on earth and as sure of glory as if I
was in it. I have nothing to do bnt to step out
of this bed into heaven." Having served his
generation in successful evangelism by the will
of God, he fell on sleep
In the mnseum of Greenwich Hospital, En
gland, there is a fragment of a book that was
found in the Arctic regions amid the relics of
Sir Tohn Franklin, who had perished amid the
snow and ice, and the leaf of that piece of a
book was turned down at the words, "When
thou passest through the waters I will be with
thee.ft Having served his generation in the
cause of science and discovery by the will of
God, he fell on sleep.
Why will you keep us all so nervous talking
about that which is only a dormitory and a pil
lowed slumber, canopied by angels' wings?
SleepI Transporting sleep! And what a glorious
awakening! You and 1 have sometimes been
thoroughly bewildered after a long and fatigu
ing journey: we have stopped at a friend's
house for a night, and after hours of complete
unconsciousness wo have opened our eyes, the
high risen sun full in our faces, and, before we
could fully collect our faculties, have said:
"Where am I? whose house is this? and whose
are these gardens?" And then it has
flashed upon us in glad reality. And I should
not wonder if, after w e have served our genera
tion and, by the will of God, have fallen on
sleep, the deep sleep, the restful sleep, we
should awake in blissful bewilderment and for
a little while say: "Where am I? What palace
Is this? Who hung this upholstery? What
fountains are these tossing in the lightr Why,
this looks like heavenl Itis. Itis. Why, there
is a building grander than all tho castles of
earth heaved into a mountain of splendor, that
must be the palace ot Jesus. And. look there,
at those walks lined with a foliage more beauti
ful than anything I ever saw before, and see
those who are walking down those aisles of
verdure. From what I have heard of them,
those two arm in arm must be Moses and
Joshua, him of Mount Sinai and him of the
haltinc sun over Ajalon. And those two walk
ing arm in arm must be John and Paul, the ono
so gentle and the other so mighty. And those
two with the robes as brilliant as though made
out of the cooled off flames of martyrdom,
must be John Huss and Hugh Latimer.
But 1 must notlook any longer at those gar
dens of beauty, but examine this building in
which I have just awakened. I look out of the
window this way and that and up and .down,
and I find it is a mansion of immense size in
which I am stopping. All its windows of agate
and its conlonades of porphyry aad alabaster.
Why. I wonder if this fs not thehouse of "many
mansions" of which 1 used to read? Itis, it is.
There must be many of my kindred and friends
in this very mansion. HarkI whose are thoso
voices, whose are those bounding feet? I open
the door and see, and lo! they aro coming
through all the corridors and up and down all
the stairs, our long-absent kindred. Whv,
there is father, there is mother, there
are the children. All well again. All young
again. All of us together again. And as we
embrace each other with the cry. "Never more
to part! Never more to part!" the arches, the
alcoves, the hallways echo and re-echo the
woras, "Never moro to part. Never more to
part." Then our glorified friends say: "Come
out with us and see heaven." And some of
them bounding ahead of us and some of them
skipping beside us, we start down the ivory
stairway. And we meet, coming up, one of the
kings of ancient Israel, somewhat small of
stature, but haviuga countenance radiant with
a thousand victories. And as all are maklnc
obeisance to this creat one of heaven, I cry
out, "Who Is he?" and the answer comes:
Tnis is the greatest of all the kings of Israel.
It Is David, who, after he had served his gen
eration by the will of God, fell on sleep."
S3. For One Week Only. 85.
A half life-size crayon, handsomely
framed infold bronzed silver,including one
dozen cabinet photos, all for the small sum
of 5, at the Elite Gallery, 616 Market st.,
this offer.
Continued from Seventh Page.
it was running incessantly. Trade in cloth
and serge was brisk on account of the
Franco-German war. What is one man's
loss is another man's gain. The rattle of
guns in France produced the rattle of the
looms in Yorkshire; and every bullet put
through a renenman s or a uerman s uni
form put a sovereign into the pocket of a
cloth weaver in England. Such is the law
of equilibrium in nature.
Business was brisk among the cloth work
ers, but slack-among the linen weavers; the
dead on the battlefield were not bnried in
winding sheets, least of all in figured
An unusnal downpour of rain had taken
place, lasting continuously 48 hours. The
very windows of heaven seemed to have
been opened; at sunset the sky had par
tially cleared, but there were still lumbering
masses of cloud drifting over the face of
heaven, as icebergs detached from the mighty
wall of black vapor that still remained in
the, west, built up half-way to the zenith
over the great dorsal range, a range that
arrested the exhalations from the Atlantic
and condensed them into a thousand streams
that leaped in "fosses" and wriggled and
dived among the hills, and cleft themselves
roads, to the east or to the west, to reach the
To-night the Keld was very full, so swol
len as to hare overflowed, or rather to have
dived under the embankments, and to ooze
up through the soil in all directions in
countless irrepressible Bprings, transform
ing the paddocks into ponds, and the fields
into lagoons.
Thetowpath was the only walk that was
not a mass of mud or a sop of water. It ran
well above the level of the fields and the
rain that had fallen on it had drained
or, as the local expression had it, siped away.
Along this towpath Jeremiah walked with
his hands behind his back, brooding over
his difficulties, seeking a solution that es
caped him. If he remained silent, he must
be content in a year or two to surrender
Salome to another. If he spoke, he might
lose herimmediately and completely; for
were she to refuse him she must at once
withdraw from under his roof and remain
estranged from him permanently.
But what if she were to accept him? He
who was nearly thrice her age? And what
if, in the event of her accepting him, her
heart were to .'wake up and love another?
Had he any right to subject her to such a
risk, to impose on her such a trial? "Would
there not be a sacrifice of his own self-respect
were he to offer himself to her? "Would the
love he would demand of her, given hesita
tingly, as a duty, forced and uncertain,
make up to him for the frank, ready, spon
taneous gush of love which surrounded him
at present?
"I am in a strait," said Jeremiah Penny
comequick, again. ""Would to heaven that
the decision were taken out of my hands and
determined for me."
He had reached the locks. They, were
fast shut, and the man in charge was away,
injhis cottage across the field; there was no
light shining from the window. He was
asleep. No barges passed up and down at
night. His duties ended with the daylight.
The field he would have to cross next morn
ing to the lock was now submerged. Mr.
Pennycomequick halted at the locks, and
stood looking down upon the lower level,
listening to the rush of the water that was
allowed to flow through the hatch. He
could just see, below in the black gulf, a
phosphorescent, pr apparently phosphores
cent halo; it was the foam caused by the
fall of the water jet, reflecting the starlight
As Jeremiah thus stood, irresolute, look
ing at the lambent dance of the foam, a
phenomenon occurred which roused his at
tention and woke his surprise.
The water in the canal, usually glassy and
waveless, suddenly rose, as the bosom rises
at a long inhalation, and rolled like a tidal
wave over the top of the gates, and fell into
the gulf below with a startling crash, as
though what had fallen were lead, not
;What; was the cause of this? Jeremiah
had heard that on the occasion of an earth
quake such a wave was formed in the sea,
and rushed up the shore, without premoni
tion. But he had felt no shock, and reallv a
petty canal could hardly be supposed to
act in such events like the ocean. "
Jeremiah turned to retrace his steps along
the path; and he had not gone far before he
saw something else that equally surprised
In the valley, about two miles above, was,
as already said, .Mitchell s mill, lying
athwart it, like a huge stranded Noah's
Ark. It had five stories, and in each story
were 20 windows on the long' sides; that
made just 100 windows toward the east, to
ward Jeremiah; 100 yellow points of light,
against the somber background of cloud
that enveloped the west.
The night was not absolutely dark; there
was some light in the sky above the clouds
from stars, and a cresent moon, which later
was hidden, but it was not sufficient to have
revealed Mitchell's without the illumina
tion from within. Here and there a silvery
vaporous light fell through the interstices
of the clouds, sufficient to give perspective
to the night scene, insufficient to disclose
anything. Now Mitchell's was distinguish
able as five superimposed rows of twenty
stars of equal size and luster.
All at once, suddenly as if a black cur
tain had fallen over the scene, all these
stars were eclipsed not one by one, not in
rows, by turns, but altogether, instantane
ously and completely, sniffea out at one
snip, and with the extinction Mitchell's fell
back into the common obscurity, and was
no more seen than if it had been blotted out
of existence.
"Stopped 1" exclaimed Mr. Pennycome
quick, involuntarily.- "That is queer. I
thought they were at full pressure, running
night and day."
"What followed increased his perplexity.
He heard the steam whistle of Mitchell's
shrill forth in palpitating, piercing call,
not briefly, as if to give notice that work
was over, not peremptorily, as signaling for
a new batch of hands to 'replace such as
were released; not jnsistingly, as calling out
of sleep, but with a prolonged and growing
intensity, with full force ot steam, rising in
volumes to the highest pitch, as though
Mitchell's great bulk were uttering a shriek
of infinite panic and acute pain.
And then, from the hillside, where stood
another mill, called Poppleton's, howled a
"syren" another, contrivance invented by
a perverse ingenuity to create the greatest
possible noise of the worst possible quality.
"Surely there must be a fire," said Jere
miah, "only bless me! I see no flames any
where." Then he heard a tramp, the tramp of a
galloping horse on the towpath, and he
stood aside so as-hot to be ridden over. A
parting in. the clouds let down a soft gray
light that made the surfaces ot water into
sheets of steel, and converted the canal into
a polished silver skewer. Along, down the
towpath, came the horse. Jeremiah could
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pur
ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco
nomical than tho ordinary kin ds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow est, snort weight, aium or phosphate now
sola only in.cam. KUYAL BAKING
100 Wall SUN. Y,
just distinguish a black traveling" spot. He
waited, and presently saw that a man was
riding and controlling the horse, and this
man drew rein somewhat as he saw Jere
miah, and hallooed, "Get back! get backl
Holroyd reservoir has hurst."
Then along the towpath he continued at
accelerated speed; and disappeared in the
darkness in the direction of the locks.
- The alarm bell on the roof of "Penny
quicks" began to jangle. The news had
reached the night watch, and he was rous
ing the operatives who lived in the mill
fold. Then the "buzzer" of the yam-sphi-ning
factory brayed, and the shoddy mill
uttered a husky hoot. Lights started up,
and voices were audible, shouting, crying.
"What was to be done?
Jeremiah Pennycomequick considered for
a moment. He knew what the bursting of
the reservoir implied. He knew that he
had not time to retrace the path he had
taken to its junction with the road. He
was at the point where the valley expanded
to its fullest width, and where the greatest
space intervened between him and the hill
side. Here the level fields were all under
water, and before he could cross them,
wading, maybe to his knee, the descending
wave would be upon him. He looked
toward the locksman's cottage; that of
fered no security, even if he could
reach it in time, for it lay low
and would be immediately submerged.
He turned, and ran down the path toward
the locks, and as he ran he heard behind
him not the roar, for roar there was none,
but the rumble of the descending flood, like
the rumple and mutter of that vast crowd
that swept along the road from Paris to
Versailles on the memorable Sth of October.
Then a wet blast sprang up suddenly and
rushed down the valley, swaying, the trees,
and so chill that when it touched Jeremiah
ns he ran, it seemed to penetrate to his
bones and curdle his blood. It was a blast
that traveled with the advancing volume
of water, a little forestalling it, as the light
ning forestalls the thunder.
Mr. Pennycomequick saw before him the
shelter hut of the locksman on the embank
ment, a shelter hut that had been erected as
a protection against rain and wind and frost.
It was of.brick, and the only chance of es
cape tnat onerea lay in a scramble to the
How mysterious it is with our wishes and
our prayers! "We labor for many a year
with taut nerve and ambition, keenly, un
swervingly set on some object. "We hope
for it, ana it is as though the heavens were
brass, and ourprayers could not pierce them,
or as if it were indifferent to our desires; it
is as though a perverse fate smote all our
efforts with paralysis, and took pleasure in
thwarting every wish, and frustrating every
attempt to obtain what we long for. At an
other time, hardly knowing what we say,
not calculating how what we ask may be
accomplished, not lifting a little finger to
advance its fulfilment, we form a wish,
vague and inarticulate, and instantly, com
pletely, in the way least expected, and with
a fullness hardly desired, the prayer is
answered, the wish is accomplished.
"Would to heaven," Jeremiah Penny
comequick had said twice that night on the
towpath, hardly meaning what .he said,
saying it because he was in perplexity, not
because he desired extraneous help out of
it, "Would to heaven," he had said, "that
my course were determined for me," and at
once, that same night, within an hour,
Heaven had responded to the call.
( To be continued next Monday.")
See our handsome costume patterns;
entirely new designs just arrived.
Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102
Carson st, Soutbside.
Two beautiful lines of American challis,
new spring effects, at 8c and 20c per yd.
mwfsu Hugus & Hacke.
Catarrhal Dangers.
To he freed from the dangers of suffocation
while lying down ; to breathe freely.sleep sound
ly and undisturbed; to rise refreshed, head
clear, brain active and free Irom pain or ache;
to know that no poisonons, putrid matter de
nies the breath and rots away the delicate ma
chinery of smell, taste and hearing; to feel that
the system does not, throngh its veins and ar
teries, snek up the poison that is sure to under
mine and destroy, is indeed a blessing beyond
all other human enjoyments. To purchase im
munity from such a fate should be the object
of all afflicted. But those who have tried many
remedies and physicians despair of relief and
Sanford's Radicai. Cube meets every
phase of Catarrh, Irom a simple head cold to
the most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in reliev
ing, permanent in curing, safe, economical and
SANFORtfs Radical Cuke consists of one
bottle of the Radical Cube, one box of Ca
tarrhal Solvent, and one Improved In
haler, all wrapped In one package, with
treatise and directions, and sold by all drugeists
for 81 00.
Potter Dhuo asp Chemical Co., Bostojt.
Of females instantly relieved by that
new. eleerant and infalllhln AntMnm
to Pain, Inflammation and Weakness,
the Cuticnrn Anti.PntnPlnafn,- Thn
first and only pain-subduing plaster especially
auapieu 10 uro i emaie rains ana weaknesses.
Vastly superior to all other plasters yet pre
pared. At all druggists, 25 cents; five for $1 00;
or, postage free, of Potter Druo and Chem
ical Co., Boston, JIass. wf
J. M. Jewell. Asst. Sudl Bovs'
Industrial School, Lancaster, 0
says: I have no hesitation in rec
ommending your catarrh remedy.
It is bv far superior to anv other
preparation I have ever used. Its curative ef
fect is marvelous.
Mrs. M. J Hatton, 72Forty-thIrd street, says:
The Anchor Catarrh Remedy cured me of an
aggravated case of catarrh of long standing,
which 1 considered hopeless, aslhad used many
other preparations without relief.
We would be glad to have you give our ca
tarrh remedy a trial. You will never regret it.
DM AflHTIfifUrFTni
UMili) MMA1M
Baps, Surprising, Startling, ConviDeing, faej-Smg,
In announcing this great sale, to commence on FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8, would say that
this is no antiquarian museum, but an overaccumulation of remnants made during the very
busy season since opening their New and Elccant Stores. Wo have just finished stock-taking.
All goods of passing fashion, all odds and ends, will be included in this, the greatest Combina
tion, Remnant, Stock-Taking Sale ever inaugurated lu Western Pennsylvania, all at prices that
speak in thunder tones of money saved by every purchaser.
Following are a few samples. Prices no object. Remnants, Odds and Ends and Goods of
Passing fashion. All, all, must go, let the loss be what it may.
Remnants of Striped Plush to go at 15c a yard.
Remnants Of Black Brocade Silk Velvets at 25c a yard.
Remnants of Black Brocade SiIks will be put out at 12c a yard.
Remnants of Double-width Dress Goods as low as Sea yard.
Remnants of Sateens to be given away at So a yard.
Then we've got about 3,000 more of thoso celebrated Curtain Ends at 10c, 15c and 25c each.
They're simply wonderful.
Odd Sizes in Ladies' All-Wool Cloth NewmarKots for $1 each.
Odd Sizes in Ladles' Cloth Jackets for 31 and $1 GO each.
Odd Sizes in Ladles' Seal PJush Wraps that were $22 50, now S9 SO.
And lots of others. Come early and get the pick. You'll be pleased. It'll pay you.
151 and 153 Federal Street, Allegheny.
No Reason Exists
And, Whafs More, You Know It
When You Put Your Eye '
On the Price.
Youths' Sizes, 11 to 2, All
Tip, Button Shoes,
Solid Leather,
Another Blow.
Boys' Sizes, 1 to 5, Tip-Toe, Solid Leather,
Tap-Sole Bals,
Men's Buff Sewed Tip, Button,
Lace and Congress Dress Shoesat
Cor. of Sandusky st, near Market
House, Allegheny.
8oo Men's Suits Worth $20,
This week (T J H
This week ijlU.
500 Men!s O'Coats, Worth $20,
This week
This week
Hats, Furnishings, Boys'
Clothing, Ladies' Cloaks and
Wraps. Prices cut in two.
Corner Diamoi anfl SmliM Streets.
A complete assortment of Optical Goods.
The best stock of Artificial Eyes. Spectacles
and Eye Glasses in gold, sliver, steel, shell-and
aluminum frames. Glasses and frames per
fectly adjusted at
KORNBLUSPS Optician Store,
jal3orrwTFSuwk -No. 37 Firth ave.
D. R. SPEER & CO.,
Co. Winter Time Table. On and after October
14, 1&33, until further notice, trains will run as
follows on every dar except Sunday, Eastern
standard time: Leaving flttsburg 6:f5 a. m.,
7:15 a.m. ,9:30a. m 11:30a.m., lMOp.m., 3:40p.m.,
5:10p.m. 6:30 p. m., 9:30 p.m., 11:30p.m. Ar
lington 5:43 a. m., 6:30 a. m., 8:00 a. m., 10:2; a.
m., 1:00 p. m., 2:40 p. m., 4:20 p. m., 5:50 p. m.,
7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, le&vln?
Plttsburg-10 a. m.. 12:50 p. m., 2:30 p. m., 5:10
9:30 r. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m.. 12 m..
:50p. m., 4:20 p. m 6:30 n, m.
, itaa iiaiiA. supt.
Schedule In effect November 29, 1888. For
Washington, D. C. Baltimore and Philadelphia,
11:30 a.m. and 10:'J0 p.m. For Washington. 1).U,
and Baltimore, t7:00a.ni. For Cumberland, t7:00,
11:80 a. m., ond10:20 p. m. For Connellsvllle,
t7:0O and '1UZ0 a. m tl.'CO, t4:CO.ind "10:20 d. m.
For Unlontown,t7:0u.tll:30a.m., tIKOand41:00 p.
p. For Mt. rieasant, 17:00 and 111:30 a. m,, tl:00
and 14:00 p. m. For Washington, Fa.. "7:30,
19:30 a. m., 3:35, 15:30 and 8:30 p. m. For Wheel
ing, "7:30.19:30 a.m., 'Z-.35, S:30 p. m. For Cin
cinnati and St. Louis, "7:30a. m., 8:30p. m. For
Colombns, "7:30 a. in., '8:30 p.m. For Newarfc,
7:30, 19:30 a. m., "3:35, "8:30 p. m. For Chicago,
iiai, p:.Kia. in.. JMoanu b:.hj p. m. trains ar
rive, from Philadelphia, Baltimore and W ashing'
ton, 7:10 a. in
:50 n. m.
From Columbus,
Cincinnati and Chicago, 7:45a. m. and 9:I0p. m.
inn -v:iop. :
15:00, "9:10
From Wheeling, "7:45, 10:0a. m
Ta:uu. -v:iu 1
m. Throngh sleeping cars to Baltimore, Was!
lngton and Cincinnati
or Wheeling. Columbus and Cincinnati. 11:55
p m (Saturday only). Connellsvllle ac. at 53:30
"Dally. IDallyexccpt Sunday. JSunday only.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage Irom hotels and residences
upon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street.
General .Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt.
TprrrsnuuG and western railway
jl Trains (cet'l stan'dtliae)
Butler Accommodation
Day Ex.Ak'n.Tol..Cl'n. Kane
Butler Accommodation
Chicago Express (dally)
Newcastle and Greenville Ex
Zellenople and Foxburg Ac.
Butler Accommodation
6:03 am
7:20 am
7:10 am
7:23 pm
4:00 Dm
9:20 am
12:30 pm
1:50 nm
11:05 am
9:36 am
5:30 am
2:10 pm
4:40 pm
5:40 pm
Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally.
WflflF 01
At a recent assignee sale of the stock
of a prominent Lynn, Mass., Shoe
manufacturer, the agent of the firm of
J. Kaufmann & Bros., Pittsburg, bought
over two-thirds of the entire stock.
This is unquestionably the largest pur
chase of the kind ever known. (Boot
and Shoe Gazette.)
The above is self-explanatory and needs no comment. Al wa
will add is that these goods are of the class we have the exclusive
reputation of carrying The Very Best. The purchase required a
very large amount of Spot Cash and we got every pair at a ridicu
lously low price. The- entire stock is new and fresh, having been
especially manufactured for the coming spring trade. We are now
going to give you bargains in Shoes as you never saw or heard of.
for we have just placed on sale our entire purchase at amazingly
low prices. But even this is not all, for in pursuance of our rigidly
enforced business rule ot never carrying goods from season to sea
son to become "shopworn" or "out-of-style," and to close out all
Odds and Ends and regular lines of Shoes that we have decided to
change for others now in process of manufacture for our new spring
stock, we open our annual Clearance Sale of Shoes simultaneously
with our big Assignee's Sale purchase. '
These Two Sales Merged Into One
gives the people of Pittsburg and vicinity the greatest opportunity
to buy fine, stylish, solid footwear for positively less money than the
cost of manufacture. "We quote a few specimen bargains, but they
are not a one-hundreth of the great bargains offered:
Ladies' French Kid hand-turned Boots at 4, worth $6.
Ladies' bright Dongola Boots at $2, worth 3-
Ladies' hand-sewed Waukenphast Boots at $3 50, worth $5.
Ladies' hand-turned bright Dongola Boots at $3, worth $5.
Ladies' straight goat Dongola top Waukenphasts at2 75, worth 4.,
Ladies' patent leather tip Waukenphasts at $3, worth $4 50.
Ladies' glazed Kangaroo Boots at $3, worth $4.
Ladies' bright Dongola Boots at $2 50, worth 4.
Ladies' hand-sewed Kangaroo Boots at $3 50, worth $5.
Ladies' patent tip hand-turned Boots at S3, worth $5.
Ladies' French Kid Boots at S3, worth $4 50.
Ladies' patent tip Oxfords at $1, $1 25 and Si 50, worth $2, $2 50
and S3..
Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers at 75c, worth Si 50.
Ladies' "Louis XV" Opera Slippers, Si S worth S4.
Ladies' Toilet House Slippers at 60c, worth Si 25.
"Old Ladies' Comfort" hand-sewed Shoes at Si, worth S2. '
Misses' Dongola, French and Curacoa Kid Boots (n to 13 j) at
Si 50, worth S4.
Misses' Pebble Goat Boots (n to 2) at Si 50, worth S2 50.
Men's Lace and Congress Shoes at Si 95, worth S2 50.
Men's Lace and Congress Shoes at $2 15, worth $3.
Men's Working Shoes at Si 50, worth $2 50.
Men's hand-sewed Lace, Congress and Button at S5, worth S7.
Men's Calf Lace and Congress at S3, worth S4.
Men's French Calf Lace and Congress at S4, worth $5 50.
Men's hand-sewed Lace and Congress at S4, worth $6.
Infants' Low Button and Oxford Slips at 35c, worth Si.
Children's Calf Foxed, Goat and Kid Shoes at $1, worth S2 50.
if you ever expect to want Shoes, if you ever wear Shoes, attend
this sale. But remember Time, Tide and Goods at such sweep
ingly reduced prices wait for no man or woman either, for that
matter. '
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
COMPANY Schedule In effect January 13,
1989, Central time:
P. & L. K. K. K. Depabt For Cleveland, SOS,
7:40 A. M.. 1:30. 4:15, 9:20 p. jr. for Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis, 5:23 A. It., 1:20, 9:30 r. M.
For Buffalo. 10:20 A. it.. 4:15 "3:30 r. 11. For Sala
manca, "7:10 A. M.. 'ISO; 9&0 V. M. For Beaver
Falls, 5:25, 7:40L 10:20 A. M., '1.-20, 3:30, 4:15, 5.-C0,
9:30 P. M. For Chanters, 5:25, "5:35, 6:50. 17.-CO,
7:15, 8:40, '9:06, 9:25, 10:2) A. M.. 12:05, 12:45, 11:25,
1:45, 3:30, 4:43, '5:1(11 5:31. '8:20, 10:30 P. M.
AnniTK From Cleveland, 5:30 A. jr.. 1:00.
5:10, 8:00 P. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
St. Louis, 1:03, S:00P.M. From Buffalo, 5i30A
jr., '1M, 5:40 p. M. From Salamanca, 1:00, OO
P. M. From Younsrstown, 5:30, '6:50, 9:20 a. m.,
1:00, 5:40, '3:00 P. Jl. From Beaver Falls. 5:30,
8:50.7:20. 9:20 A. M.. '1:00. 1:35: 5:40. "8:00. P.M.
From Chartlcrs. 5:10, 5:22, 5:30i 6:42, -6:50, 7:08.
7:30, 8:30, 9;2u, 10:10 a. IX., 12:00 noon. 12:3a 'Uli.
1:33, 3:42, 4:0ft 4:35, 5:00. 5:10. 5:4a "S:12 P. M.
F., JlcK. & V. K. K. Depaut For .New Haven,
5:40a. m., 3:55 P. . For West Newton. 5:15 P. II.
For New Haven, 7:00 a jr.. Sundays, only.
AKIUVE From New Haven, 9:00 A. It.. 5:05P.
jr. From West Newton, 6:45, 9:00 a. ji.,5:05P. M.
Dally. Sundays only.
E. IIOLUKOOK. General Superintendent.
A. . CI.AItK. General Passenger Agent.
City ticket office, 401Smithfleld street.
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
time): Klttannlng Ac, 6:55 a, m.: Niagara Ex.,
dally. 8:45 a. m llulton Ac. 10:10 a. m. ; Valley
Camp Ac, nan p. m.; Oil City and DuBols Ex-
press,z:uu p.m. ; iiuiitn .a.c,d:wp.m. : muanuing
Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 5:00 p.m.: Klttann
lng Ac. 5:30 p. in. : llraeburn Ac, 6:20p.m.: llul
ton Ac, 7:30 p. in.: Buffalo Ex., dally,
8:fflp. m.; Hnlton Ac. 9:45 p. m.: braeburn Ac,
11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m.
and 9:33 p. m. 'Bnllman Sleeping Cars between
Plttsburgand Buffalo. E. H. UTLEi. U. F. Jt
P. A.: DAVID McCAIiUO. Gen. buot.
February 10. 1839, Central Standard 'lime.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7:23
a. m., d 12:20. d 1:00. d7:45. except Saturday. 11:20
S. m. : -Toledo. 7:25 a. m.. d 12:20, d 1 :00 and except
atnrday. 11:20 p m.: Crestline. 5:45 a. m.tCleve
lnnd, 6:10. 7:25 a.m., 12:35 and d 115 pfm.: New Cas
tle nnil Youngstown, 7:03 a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p.m.;
Younirstown aud.N lies, cl 12:20 p. m.; Meadvl'le,
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:03a. m.. 12:20 p. m.: Nlles
and Jamestown. 3:15 p. m.: Masslllon, 4:10 p. m.;
Wheeling and Bcllaire. 6:10a. m.. 12:35, 3:30 p. m.;
Jlcaver Falls. 4:00, 5:05 p. m., S 8:20 a. m.; Leets
dale. 5:30 a.m.
ALLEGHENY Rochester. 6:30 a. m.; Beaver
Falls, 8(1 11:00 a. m.: Fnon, 3:00 p. m.: Leets
dale, 10:00. 11:45 a. m., 2:00, 430, 4:43, 5:30. 7:00. 9:00
p. m.; Conway, 10:30p.m.: Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
in.: Leetsdale. 5 8:30 n. m.
TRAINS AR1C1VE Union station from Chicago,
except Monday 1:50, d6:0O, (16:35 a.m., d 7:33 n.
in.; Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 6:35 a.m., 7:33
p. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Yonngstown and
Newcastle. 9:10a.m., 1:25, 7:33. 10:15 p. m.: Nlles
and Youncstown. d 7:3.5 p. m.tClcveland. d5:50a.
m., 2:25, 7:43 -p. m.: Wheeling and Hellalre, 9:00
a. m., 2:25, 7:43 p. in.: Erie and Asbtabnla, 1:25,
10:15 p. m.; Masslllon. 10:00 a. m.: Nlles and
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. ; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m.,
1:10 p. m.. S 8:25 p. in.: Leetsdale, 10:40 p.m.
ARRIVE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a.
ml: Conway. 6:59: Rochester, 9:40 a. m.: Beaver
Fills, 7:10 a. m.. 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:50, 6:15.
7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:43, 4:30. 6:30. 9:00 p. m.: Fair
Oaks. S8:53a. m.; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. a.: Beaver
Falls. S 8:25 p. m.
S, Sunday only; d, daUy; other trains, except
Sunday. telt
IG .:.
- Ofc
after November 28, 1888. trains leave Union
Station, Pittsburg, as follows. Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ve
uuuie unit at ;u u. jii.
Atlantic Express dally for the East, 3:00 a.m.
jiaii train, uauy.excepiaunaay, ouaa. m,
day, mall, 8:40 a. in.
Day express dally at 8:00 a. m.
Mall express dally at 1 :00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m.
Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m.
Fa3t Line dally at 9:00 p. m.
ureensonrg express a:iu p. m. weec aays.
r express 1
rough trains connect at Jersey Cltywltlt
r "Brooklvn Anuex" for BrooHvn. N. Y..
li:wa. hi. wmk aajs.
boats of "Brooklyn Anuex" forllrool
avoiding double ferriage and journey through N.
Y. CItv-
Trains arrive at Union Station as roUows:
Stall Train, dally 8:20 prm.
Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m.
Faclnc Express, daily 12:45 p.m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m.
Fast Line, dally 11:55 p.m.
For Unlontown, a:4S and o5 a. m. and 4:23 p'.
m., without change of cars; 1.00 p. m.. connect
lng at Greensbnrg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 9:43 a. m., 12:20. 6:15 and 8:20 p. m.
From FEDERAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City.
Mall train, connecting for Blalrsville... 6:4 a. m.
Express, for Blalrsville, connecting for
Butler 3:15 p.m.
Butler Accom. ........ 3:20 a. m., 2:25 and 5:45 p.m.
Sprlngdale Accom 11:49 a. m. and 6:20 p. m.
Freeport Accom 4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m.
On Snnday 12:50 and 9:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation.
connecting ror Butler 8:20 a. nx.
Blalrsville Accommodation 11:30 p.m.
Trains arrive at FEDERAL STREET STAtlONt
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a.m.
Mall Train 2:35 p. m.
Butler Accom 9:23 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. ro.
Klalrsvlllo Accommodation 9:52 p.m.
Freenort Aceom.7:40a.m 1:32, 7:20 and 110 p. m.
On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 70 p. m,
Sprlngdale Accom 6:37 a.m., and 3:02 p.m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. xa.
Trains leave Dnlonstation.Pittsourg, as fbOowt:
For Monongahela City, est Brownsville and
Unlontown. Ha. m. For Monongahela City and
West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40p.-n.
On Sunday. 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela Clty,-5:4a
p. m., week days.
Dravosburg Ac weeX days. 3:20 p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation, i:50a.m HCBl
6:20 and 11:33 p.m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try
street and Union station.
General Manager. Gcn'I Pass'r Agent.
station. Central Standard Time. Leave ror
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 8:00 and
d 11:13 p. m. Uennlson, 3:45 p. m. Chlcacro.
12:05, d 11:15 p. m. Wheeling, ?: a. m., S.8
6:10 p.m. SteubenviUe, 5:33a. m. Washlneton!
8:558:35 a. m.. 1, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulmr.-
a. m. Burgettstown, bll:33a.m., 5:25 n. m. Mans,
field. 7:13, llaa. ra.. 6:30. dS:33;lo:4u. TvYnTMo.
Donalds, d 4:15. d 10:00 p. m. "
From the V est, .1 1:50, d 6:00. a. m., 310S, d 8:35
p.m. DcnnWot, 9:&a.m. SteubenviUe. 8-OSn mT
Wheeling. 1:50, 8:43 a.m., 3:03. 5:55 p.m. Burgettt
town, 7:15a. m.,S9j05a.m. Washington JllL
9:55 a. m 2:3d, 60 p. m. MansfleldTslSr 9?0
a-m... 12:4.3 djra) andl0.-COp.ro. Buleei.lSon.ii:
aieuonaias, qs:aa.m.. d9ap. m.
u u.uj, i? duuiuj viuj; otnei
ether trains, except
t : ,