Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 11, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlie Most Beceut Temperance
Legislation Favored
Liquor Men Who Would Like to See
the Anti-Treating Law.
Teopleon the Fence at the Present Junc
ture Scored ly a Pastor.
The anti-treating bill, which -was intro
duced in the Legislature on Tuesday last by
Representative McConnell, of Chester
county, is becoming the subject of conver
sation among barkeepers and saloon owners
of this city. Quite a number of the Alle
gheny county legislative delegation came
home Saturday morning to spend Snnday
with their friends, and, in a well-known
saloon downtown one of them was found
Saturday night, giving information about
the biU in question. For the purpose of
determining how the saloon keepers of this
city regard the measure, a Dispatch re
porter made the rounds of a number of
saloons. The interviewing had to be done
over the heads of crowds of drinkers, as it
was impossible to get near the bars on ac
count of the rush.
The first one seen was Sir. E. Beinemann,
of "Wood street For a tavern keeper, Mr.
Beinemann made several really startling
statements. He said:
"I am notin favor of anymore new liquor
legislation. "What we want is a few
amendments to the Brooks law. I wish
that, instead oi introducing new bills on
the saloon question, the price of a license
could be made 51,000 instead of $500. The
law should also be amended to make the
saloons close earlier than they do. Twelve
o'clock is too late, and there is no necessity
of keeping a house open until that time.
The people who patronize barrooms at that
hour of the night are not those for whom
there is any necessity of accommodation.
You will not find the merchant or the busi
ness man in a saloon at that time of the
"It is not the man who comes in for his
drink, takes it and then goes quietly about
his business that frequents, these 12 o'clock
houses. It is done, on the contrary, by the
young men who are out for 'a time,' and
will stay out as long as there is a saloon
open. If they closed up at a respectable
hour these same joung men would be at
home in bed.
"I wish the law would be amended so as
to make every saloon in the city close at 8
o'clock in the evening. I close my place
of business every night at 9 o'clock, sum
mer or winter, except on Saturdays, when
we are open until 11. This will be the last
winter, though, that the house will be ojjen
later thin 9 o'clock.
"In regard to the anti-treaiing law, I
think it would be a good thing if a heavy
imprisonment awaited barkeepers found
violating it. The law would be a good
thing if it could be enforced; but I am
afraid it could not.
"It would prevent young men from get
ting drunk. If a man had to pay for the
beer and whisky he consumed, there would
be less jocularity about it, and consequently
less drunkenness. When seven or eight
young men go into a saloon, each one wants
to 'hold his end up,' and, therefore, when
one treats, they think it necessary to 'have
one all around.' Then they go somewhere
else and do the same thing. Before many
visits are made, they are drunk. I am sat
isfied that a great amount of the drunken
ness is from, this cause."
Matt Weiss, who has kept a saloon where
he now is for the past 21 years, said: "The
law would never work. If it would, I am
satisfied it would be a good thing. I am in
favor of every man buying and
drinks. If each man paid for his own, there
probably would be less drunkenness. The
most trouble we have from treaters is with
oung men. When they come in they
think they are under obligations to 'set 'em
up' all around. In a little time they get
"Minors give us more trouble than any
one else. A barkeeper who sells to a minor
should be imprisoned. I am in favor of
Francis Murphy's doctrine. If you want a
man to quit drinking, no laws under the
sun will stop him. Xou must educate bim
up to it"
J. "W. Piatt, whose place is the resort of
a great many of the politicians and sporting
fraternity oi the city, said:
"That law would not be a success, for the
reason that it would be in direct conflict
with what Americans have been brought up
to. There is no sociability in one man
drinking alone. When a man who has
worked hard all the week wants to take a
drink or two on Saturday night, he must
have his friends to join him. It would be
all right for the Germans and other Euro
peans, who have been educated to the idea
of each man paying for his own drinks.
"Why, in Germany you might as well ask a
man to let you pay his wash bill as to pay
for what he drinks while with you. To
offer to pay his score would be to insult
"I think the bill will go into committee,
and there it will die for tne want of a drink.
If it comes up in the House there are too
many good fellows there who will vote
against it All the Allegheny county dele
gation would go against it, with probably
the exception of Graham and Kesbit It,
by chance, it became a law it would be vio
lated every day."
Public Temperance Meeting.
Colonel Zi. F. Cole, of "Wisconsin, will
lecture on the Constitutional amendment at
Braddock to-night, under the direction of
Bessemer Iodge of Good Templars. A pub
lic meeting of all interested in the pro
hibition amendment will be held immedi
ately after the lecture. The latter will be
for the purpose of selecting delegates to at
tend the conntv convention to be held in
Lafayette Hall, this city, on Friday, thclSth
Prohibition Argued.
"A Plea for Prohibition by an Agnostic,"
Wat argued by Harry Hoover in Maltby
Hall yesterday. He at first dealt with sta
tistics, but said the main argument against
prohibition was that it did not prohibit,
and, besides, it was a blow at personal
liberty, but on the whole, he argued, a
change could not make things any worse.
The Faramonnt Question.
The usual very well attended temperance
meeting was held in the Moorhead building
yesterday afternoon. The music was con
ducted by Mrs. Dhffy, and after Scriptural
reading by Mrs. Jones, Chaplain of the
union, several well-known speakers ad
dressed the meeting upon the paramount
Rev. E. C Hughes Leaves No Doubt of His
Position on the Amendment Issue by
Pointing; Oat Some Others.
Eev. E. C. Hughes, of the Trinity M. E.
Church, preached on the subject, "On the
Fence," with regard to the Constitutional
amendment, yesterday morning. He said:
The old leaders of wrong doing teU us that it
is no use to try to prohibit wrong doing by pro.
hibition. Men who read history and men Mho
help to make history Know better. It is true
we should not undertake to change a present
and existing law without serious consideration.
It is equally true we should not sustain a law
without serious consideration. When time
and public sentiment change, patriotic men
should change. A true man does not join an
issue as be joins church, for time and eternity.
What is a legitimate issuer It is a voluntary
association of citizens of any Commonwealth
for the enactment of a law which they deem for
the best interests of the majority of the people.
We are sometimes called upon to vote for a
mean man because he is pledged to a righteous
issue; but we are never called upon to vote for
an unrighteous issue. That would be an insult
to the lowest conscience.
Old observers who are supporters of the high
license law are opposed to the new issue of
prohibition. If nothing has been accomplished
by high licenso during the past 30 years, then
high license is not a success, and it is true
American citizens should support a new issue.
They admit that the old Issue, high license, has
not fulfilled the desired object
Objections to prohibitory laws are poor and
weak. The first objection is that they are of
the same nature as sumptuary laws. This ob
jection is the result of ignorance. Sumptuary
laws prescribe what man shall eat and drink.
Prohibition proposes nothing of that sort It
holds men back from ruin and death. It as
sumes that ne who cannot control his appetites
should have them controlled for him. It em
phatically says that he who cannot refrain
ought to be restrained.
Another objection is that "Prohibition does
not prohibit." Possibly it cannot at once or
absolutely. No law against wrongdoing is
an absolute success. The law against murder
is not a perfect protection against loss of life.
That liquor prohibition does not prohibit, how
ever, is absolutely false, and can be proven by
an examination of the laws of the country
where prohibitory laws are enforced. Budd
hists and Brahmins to the number ot 340,000,000;
Confucians to the number of 200,000,000. and
Mntiumtnnriins to the number of 1GU.000.000.
have had effective prohibnory laws for over
1,000 years, and have no drunkenness, except
where enlightened America, by her influence,
puts the cup to their lips.
They say people are not ready for it The
brewers and saloon keepers will never be ready
for it. o people are ever in advance of the
Suppose Moses had said to the people: "l ou
are not ready to forsake idolatry." He surely
had better reasons for doing so than those who
say we are not ready for prohibition. He then
would have said to them: "Idolatoryis very
bad. The worship of the true God is yourduty,
but then you are fond of idols, and it is diffi
cult, if not impossible, for you to give them up:
and theiefore,if some of you have enough
monev to pay me MOO or $1,000 a year, I'll
license you to make idols and sell them to the
public. I'll come around every morning and
get a little idol: but mind, you must not sell
them after 10 o'clock at night, or on Sunday or
to minors; and then, eventually, people will
cease worshiping idols!"
Pastor Hughes showed the absurdity of
saying that prohibition will abolish any
source of revenue, and asked that every
Christian vote in favor of the amendment
next June.
Tcmpernuco Meetings Held in Various Parts
of the City.
A meeting was held in the interest of the
Constitutional amendment at University
Hall, on Sixth street, last evening. Mr.
John W. Moreland presided. A large au
dience was present and manifested much in
terest in the exercises. Addresses were
made by "William Worth, Esq., A. M".
Brown, Samuel McCord, Esq., "Broad-ax"
Smith, Jacob Beese, Charles Robinson and
William "Wormlindorf, Dr. Harry Bullen,
Captain J. IL Barbour and others.
The Moorhead Union, "W. C. T. U., held
a large meeting in their hall last evening.
It was presided over by Mrs. M. J. Allen.
Addresses were made by Charles Tussey,
Captain S. P. Borland and James "Warner.
The W. C. T. V. Doesn't Pin Its Entire Faith
Upon the Amendment.
The "W. C. T. U. is in a quandary as to
whether remonstrances will be filed against
certain applicants for license or not Some
of the ladies are greatly in favor of it in
order to be on the safe side should the
amendment fall through, while others are
equally convinced that no division of the
forces should be made, but that all should
concentrate their efforts upon the Constitu
tional amendment
The probabilities are, however, that no
matter what the decision arrived at during
the coming week, there is no doubt that
some unfortunate saloonists will be con
fronted as usual with a formidable array oi
A Lawrencoville Rector Gives Advice to
Parents of Young Men.
Bev. "W. If. "Webbe, rector of St. John's
P. E. Church, corner Main and Butler
streets, delivered an address on the subject
of "How to Keep Young Men Out of the
Saloons," last evening. He pointed out the
great temptations of the city and the saloon
and advised the parents to make the home
attractive to the boys and to provide inno
cent and entertaining amusements for them.
A large audience was present and paid
close attention to his remarks.
Oaklnnd's Temperance Mass Meeting.
A temperance mass meeting will be held
in the Oakland M. E. Church to-night at
7:30. Addresses will be made by Clarence
Burleigh, Eq., Major W. C. Moreland and
T. D. Chantler and others. Good singing
will be a feature.
An TJglr Trestle Wreck on the P., V. it C.
Near Belle Vernon Fifteen Cars Piled
One Upon Another in Falling.
One of the worst freight wrecks that has
ever occurred on the Pittsburg, Virginia
and Charleston Bailroad happened Satur
day about midnight at Maple Creek trestle,
near Belle Vernon. Fifteen cars of mer
chandise were piled one on top of the other,
but fortunately nobody was killed. One of
the brakemen saved himself by jumping,
but was slightly braised.
The railroad employes think the accident
was caused by train wreckers, but lor what
purpose they could not say. The train,
which was No. 41, going "West, was rolling
along at the rate of about 25
miles an hour. Near the trestle
the engineer discovered an obtruclion
on the track, but too late to stop his train.
He reversed his engine, but as he did so it
struck the obstruction. The engine jumped
over it; but, as soon as the first car struck,
the coupling between it and the engine
The engine ran along the ties, while the
ears began to pile on top of the obstruction.
Some ot them went over the embankment
and the contents of the cars were scattered
all over the ground.
A wrecking train and crew were sent to the
scene of the disaster. It was late yesterday
when the tracks were cleared enough to al
low trains to pass. It was found that the
obstruction consisted of several large ties
placed across the rails. The detectives of
the company will investigate the case. It
is appalling to think what might have been
the result had this been a passenger train.
A Lost Boy.
Joseph Blatney, a 7-year-old boy was at
the Seventeenth ward station bouse last
evening waiting for someone to claim him.
The little fellow was found wandering about
the streets of Lawrence ville.
A Young Man Commits Forgery to
Support His Dying Sister,
He is Committed to the County Jail Under
an Assumed Name.
A heart-broken mother and her two boys
who are just recovering from an attack of
typhoid fever, occupy a second-story back
room in a large house at 199 Fulton street,
Allegheny. Her eldest son, who has been
the only support of the family for five years,
who was the husband, father and loving
brother, had been missing since December
18, and yesterday his mother learned that
since December 21 he has been occupying a
cell in the county jail, charged with forgery
and false.pretense.
The case is a particularly sad one, and
there was cause for committing crime, or
rather mitigating circumstances if the boy
is really guilty of the charges against him.
Marian C. Turrell was a professor at the
Holy Ghost College in this city until about
a year ago, when his health failed, and the
doctor ordered him to travel or secure out
door employment His sister Clare was a
teacher and her health failed also, and
she was compelled to give up her
position. They had been the only
support of their mother and two younger
brothers. The family were in very straight
ened circumstances, and one by one the ar
ticles of fnrniture that once filled a beauti
ful home were disposed of to provide
necessaries of life for the family until now
only one room is furnished, and the family
are compelled to give up that room. The
reason is not given, but it is presumed that
the owner has not received rent for the same.
"When young Turrell was compelled to
give up teaching he secured employment as
a book agent for Kunz & Co., of 02 Fourth
avenue. He was not a success, that is, he
could not earn enough to support the family
and provide his invalid sister with the
medicine and delicacies that she required,
and from a lack of these necessaries she is
now dying in a hospital, having been re
moved to the institution a week ago, when
all hope of ever hearing from the missing
son and brother had been exhausted.
A sewing machine in the room showed
how Mrs. Turrell had been enabled to pro
vide for her two boys durinz their illness,
and by careful nursing she saved the life of
the eldest, a bright lad of 12, when the doc
tor said he could not recover. She worked
hard, hoping to hear from her son, but the
only missive that came was one dated at
Kittanning and mailed on December 21, at
which time her son was in jail awaiting
trial for the crime mentioned above. He
evidently expected to be released, as he
would not write to his mother telling her of
the charges against him. The letter is as
Kittasmxo, PA., December 2, 1683.
Dear Mothfe I was unable to come down
on Wednesday evening, although I was exceed
ingly anxious to concerning Clare. I hope to
ba with vou next week. Snow has been fallinc
Old winter seems to be setting in to stay. 3s o
doubt you experience the same. Did Carrie
apply for the school? But it is futile to ask
the question, as 1 can both ask it and get the
answer when I see you.
My health is good, notwithstanding a slight
cold in the head which has troubled me ever
since I left you.
That the Great Healer may lay His finger
upon our suffering cherub, that the All Power
ful Father may be with you. all to guide and
guard is my earnest prayer.
most auecuouaieiy,
Your son,
"When a Dispatch reporter called at
Mrs. Turrell's residence-last night, he was
ushered into the only occupied room in the
house, and the first words the woman
uttered were; "Do you bring me news of
my poor boy ? " She then burst into tears
and could not speak for several minutes.
The room, which served as a kitchen,
dining room and bed room, was well fur
nished. The two sick boys were asleep on
a bed lounge. A large picture of a hand
some young man hung on the wall, and di
rectly'opposite was a picture of a beautiful
young lady. They were the pictures of
Mrs. Turrell's son, who is in jail, and
in the hospital. The little bovs were sleep
ing quietly and knew nothing of their
mother's great grief.
The story of her son's crime is given in
her own words:
'I thought he was deadtuntil thismornine,
when Burgess McCormick, of Tarentum, called
and told me that he was in jail. He had gone
to-that place after he left home and began to
collect money for a Catholic university at
Washington, D. C, and also a Catholic church
at lleyeradale, Pa. He had credentials from
Bishop Kane, of Richmond, and Bev. Mr.
McEvoy. These, they claim, were forged,
and I guess they were. He gave his
name as John McDermott, and was sent
tojail. He would not divulge his name and
residence, but only said he was the only support
of a widowed mother. My poor boy knew it
would break my heart if I knew what be had
done, for he never did anything wrong in his
life. It is hard to believe him guilty of a crime.
I would rather have received news of his death;
anything but that he had taken what did not
belong to him. He was driven to desperation,
no doubt, because he knew how we were situ
ated, and poor Clare was so ill and the boyssick
with typhoid fever. He did it for us but, oh I
wish he bad let us starve rather than have com
mitted a crime."
"Maybe it is not your son that is charged
with the crime. Possibly a mistake has been
made," said the reporter.
"There is no mistake; the description the
gentleman gave of him to-day is so perfect
that it is impossible to be mistaken."
"Will you visit the jail in the morning to see
your son? He may be able to make an ex
planation." "Visit my son in jail? Oh, no, I could not see
him behind the cold bars. It would kill me
and him too. I do not know what to do. I
have forgiven him and will now try and bear
my trouble. Mr. Kunz, who employed my son,
agreed to take my little boy to work in his
office, and if he is able to go out to-morrow I
will let him go and we may get along."
"When asked about her previous history,
Mrs. Turrell said:
"My husband, W. 1). Turrell, was a farmer
and we lived very comfortably in Susquehanna
county until nve years ago. junnon suppc
himself from the time he was 14 years of
ilnrion supported
14 years of acre
and educated himself with his own money. He
is only 20 years of age and my invalid daughter
is 29. When my husband died Marion secured
the position of principal in the Greenwood
Seminary, Columbiana county, and my daugh
ter was one of the teachers. About two years
ago we came to Allegheny and my son secured
a position in the Holy Ghost College. He re
mained there until a year ago, when he went to
work lor Kunz & Co."
Mrs. Turrell could nqt repress tears while
telling her story and frequently stopped to
utter a prayer for her erring son.
The publication of a picture of the miss
ing man led to his identification, or he
probably would have been tried and either
acquitted or convicted nnder his assumed
name, and thus have prevented his mother
from obtaining any knowledge of his crime.
A Weil-Known Glassblower Dead.
Simon Mertel, a well-known glassblower,
from the Southside, died yesterday morning
at Marion, Ind., where he had gone to last
October to work in the newly established
Fstep glasshouse. His family, however,
still live on the Southside. Mertel is the
fourth'member of the Window Glass Work
ers' Association that has died within the
last two weeks.
Tor can buy two bottles of Salvation Oil
for SO cents, look to your interest. Try it
Father McCarthy, the Head of the Jesuit
Mission Priests, Delivers an Interesting
Eev. Francis Xavier McCarthy, formerly
a well-known clerical priest of this diocese,
but now the head of the band of mission'
fathers of the Society of Jesuits, with head
quarters in New York, under the auspices
of the "Columbus Club," lectured in the
basement of St. Paul's Cathedral last even
ing. Father McCarthy is an old Third ward
boy, and there was a large outpouring of
old friends to see him. The subject of the
lecture was "Home Life," and during his
remarks the speaker said:
In spite of tlio fact that our literature is full
of romance and fiction in regard to homes, I
am afraid that in the defense of homes at the
cost of lives it is greatly to be feared that the
homes are decaying from us. What was God's
intention of a home? When God in the begin
ning of the creation took np from the face of
this earth the slimy body of man and breathed
life into it and gave him a being, ho also gave
him a knowledge of what he was created f or.r
He was given all the forms ot the lower crea
tion. He was not only given a human soul, but
the slime of the earth was infused with the
angelic spirit. He was not only to share in all
the forms of the lower creation, but he was
also to snare witnthe angels the immortal
spirit of the divine ages. God also set before
him the fact that it was not good for man to be
alone. He put him into a sound sleep, and he
fore awakening He created Eve out of one of
Adam's ribs. God gave each of them to un
derstand that they were created for one an
other. They then formed the marriage con
tract and offspring was to be the result of their
In reality hnman society is based nn mar
riage. After marriage comes motherhood.
This is the verv motive God had in view
when ho created Eve for Adam.
In regard to children they have a right to the
truth and knowledge of the law of God and by
the disposition of Almighty God they are to re
ceive their intellectual rights, moral rights and
likewise the social rights of their parents. If a
child was brought into the world, without mar
riage, by a mother not a wife, in no reality has
the child a social being. Men would not be
ready to make all the sacrifices they have been
known to if they thought the honor they would
win would not reflect on their posterity.
In some places there is what is known as
compulsory education. They do not take into
consideration the families that may object to
the kind of education, kind of hooks intro
duced, etc. The people will talk about God's
inborn freedom, His natural dignity, etc, yet
they will trample His life underfoot. What
ever is done to the rights of a family is done to
the subversion and overthrow of society. The
home in reality is the family.
There was a falling away of the honors and
rights of women by the introduction ofpolyga
my and the introduction of divorce. The lat
ter is only a thin disguise for polygamy.
1 have already stated that home in reality is
a paradise, where all the streams of love find
their fount.
Why do we love our country? We know it's
the land of our sires, it's the place where their
bones rest in consecrated soil, it's the place
where our cradle was rocked and our tomb will
be opened. It's a strong family attachment
When the lovo of famdy ties grows cold then
farewell to all sense of patriotism. The home
is the place where the intellectual mind nurses
its development and is bent in the direction of
all things that are good. Everything must
have its concentration within the narrow cir
cles of the home."
In conclusion Father McCarthy said: "No
matter what may be said about the training
given in the schools, the rays of light which go
to form that day which we call life radiates
from the God-swept circle of the hearthstone."
How Bard Ho Finds it to Get People
Pay His Smallest Bills.
The trials and tribulations of a young
doctor are sometimes enough to give you the
blues," said a juvenile member of the medi
cal profession on the Southside yesterday
"It is extraordinary how the people will
impose upon you and ask yon to do things
for nothing. Now, I had an experience
with a family the other day. The people
are well-to-do and they make a pretense of
belonging to the better class of our residents
on the Southside. Well, a little girl of ha
family had been playing on the street
and by some accident or other she ran a
splinter into her hand. The thing of course
was verv painful and the child screamed
frightfully. The mother sent for me and I
pulled the splinter out of the little girl's
hand. A few days after I presented a bill
to the family; well, you never saw such as
tonished people in all your life. They
never expected that I wanted to be paid for
a trifling thing like pulling that splinter
out of the child's hand. At the same time
those people will pay a cobbler for putting
a small patch on an old shoe. But that is
different, they say.
"Experiences of that kind are very fre
quent. People think, because it does not
take a physician long to do work of that
kind, he ought not to be paid for it."
How Some Railroad Operators Find Amuse
ment on Dull MstHs.
A Dispatch reporter was standing in
the waiting room of a suburban station the
other evening looking through the grating
that separated the waiting room from the
telegraph operator, who sat leaning over the
table moving the men on a checker board as
if playing a game of solitaire. Suddenly
he threw up his hands as the instrument
stopped clicking, and exclaimed:
''Hey, Ehody, old boy, that's the third
game!" Then glancing up suddenly and
seeing the reporter in the window, he said:
"Did you ever see a game of checkers
played by wire ? This makes the third game
I've played 'E. O.' to-night We play every
night when business is slack."
"Who's 'K. O.?' Oh, he's the operator at
B. N., a station about 80 miles down the
line. Ton see, all the squares are numbered
on this board, and E.O. has a similar board.
"We choose our men, and designate which
side we will play on, and then I tell E. O.
to move No. 23 to SO, for instance, and so
on. It's an old game; my father used to
play it during war times, in General Eose
crans' tent with the first operator down the
line, when there was no war news."
FromTo-Day Jones fc Lnncbllns Commence
to Use Their Own Gas.
The Jefferson Natural Gas Company has
finished its line from Jefferson township to
the American Iron Works, on the South
side, and the connections will be made to
day with the pipes in the mills.
Jones & Laughlins' contract with the
Philadelphia Company will not run until
next April; but the mills have been so fre
quently short of fuel lately that the firm
has decided to bring its own gas into the
place at once.
The new line is eight miles long and is
composed of 16 and 12-inch pipe. The
company has already three wells in, each of
them showing an .average gas pressure of
500 pounds.
It Kcsnitcd in Death.
Mrs. Maggie Matchett, who was burned at
her home, 117 Fast street, Allegheny, on
Saturday night, died at the Allegheny
General Hospital yesterday morning. She
was carrying a l&mp and slipped and fell.
The lamp exploded and set fire to the bed,
and the woman was fatally burned before
assistance reached her. She was 34 years of
age. The Coroner will hold an inquest this
In the Arbiters' Hands.
Max Moorhead left for Harrisburg last
night. He stated that the sale of the locks
of the Monongahela Navigation Company
was in the hands of the arbitrators, but that
he had the right to appeal from their deci
sion, if it didn't suit him. '
Old Knbblsb on Fire.
A lot of rubbish in the cellar of Lindner's
store on' Canon, near South Nineteenth
street, caught fire yesterday, and a still
alarm was sent to the engine house. The
blaze was extinguished without much
1 r. I
Boggs ButUigain the Victims of a
Systematic Bobbery.
On a Charge of Carrying Away a Number
of Valuable Articles.
Another systematic, and what may prove
to be an extensive, robbery was discovered
at Hoggs & Buhl's drygoods store, on Fed
eral street, Allegheny, last week. On Sat
urday Detective John E. Murphy, who had
been working on the case, located a
number of valuable cloaks that had
been stolen. The firm at once
made information before Mayor Pearson
against William McKenwn, a young man
employed in the wrapping department. A
warrant was issued and Young McXeown
was placed under arrest. James Crow,
Chief of the Fire Department, gave bail for
the prisoner's appearance at a. hearing in
the sum of $1,000.
The police officials could not, or would
not, give any information of the case, as an
effort is being made to keep it qniet. . A re
porter for this paper obtained the details of
the robbery from one of the clerks in the
store. The prisoner was engaged in the
wrapping department, and is acensed of
wrapping up cloaks that had not been paid
for and removing them from the store.
The stolen goods were sold to the occu
pants oi several disorderly houses in the
First ward, and it is believed the prisoner
received about 150 for the cloaks. The ex
tent of the robbery cannot be given, and
whether the boy is guilty or innocent will
not be known until after the hearing, which
will be held before Mayor Pearson to-day.
Boggs & Buhl have suffered more from
shop-lifters and sneak-thieves than any
other firm in the two cities.
Patriotic Sentiments From the Pulpit In
Honor of Washington.
The ministers seem unanimous on the sub
ject of holding services on the centennial of
"Washington's inaugural. Here are conden
sations of their sentiments:
Bishop Whitehead writes: "I approve most
heartily and will gladly do all in my power to
arrange for appropriate services within the
churches in my jurisdiction, for truly there is
much for which this nation may earnestly
praise God."
Eev. E. P. Cowan, of the Third Presbyterian
Church, sajs: "I will arrange for a service,
provided such arrangement is a general thing
among other churches."
Bev. L. Mayer, of the Eighth Street Temple,
says: "It will give me great pleasure to co-operate
with the committee on that day of
thanksgiving for the blessings enjoyed under
this clorious Government with ail its noble in
Rev, George T. Purves, D. D., First .Presby
terian Church, says: "I will be willing to hold
services April SO, and the First Church will
naturally be the place to hold union services it
snch be thought advisable."
Eev. D. Jones, of the First M. P. Church,
writes his willingness, and Rt, Eev. K. Phelan,
coadjutor Bishop of Pittsburg, says: "I am free
to say I am in favor of such services, for many
reasons; but, unless it is generally observed, it
will do more harm than good. I will willingly
join in the services."
Eev. E. E Donehoo heartily co-operates, and
will bold bervicesin the Eighth Presbyterian
Church; Eev. C. V. Neeson, of the Church of
St John, favors the idea, and hopes for uni
formity of action in the Eoman Catholic
Chnrcb, and many others write of their plea
sure in agreeing to the idea.
On that day the mass meeting will be held
in Central Eink, and Major E. A. Montoofh
and either ex-President Hayes or J. D. Cam
eron will deliver the oration.
Drygoods House Destroyed With $13,300
Loss Wife of the Proprietor Burned.
About 6 o'clock last evening a terrible
crash, followed by the breaking out of the
large plate glass windows, with subsequent
volumes of smoke and fire pouring out of
the front of the building, told that "W. A.
McDevitt's large drygoods house and car
pet store, on the corner of Ninth street and
Braddock avenue, was in flames.
The entire room is gutted, and nothing
remains on the first floor bnt smoldering
rnins of a well stocked bouse. The loss on
stock will reach $12,000, on which there was
an insurance of but $5,000, placed with
Pittsburg insurance agencies. The loss on
the building is about 1,500.
Mr. McDevitt had just put in an exten
sive new stock of goods, and he feels his loss
very keenly. His wife ran into the store
room to try to extinguish the fire, and was
quite severely burned about the face, also
having a portion of her hair singed off.
Mr. McDevitt metwith a similar fate in his
efforts to put out the flames. The fire com-
Eany did good work, but it was fully an
our and 30 minutes before they got it
under control, and it looked for a time as if
the entire block would be consumed.
The origin of the fire is unknown, bnt it
is supposed to have ignited from a match
struck by a little son of Mr. McDevitt, who
was playing about the store in the after
The Venerable Janitor of the Eighteenth
Regiment Stricken Down.
Captain Norman M. Palmer, janitor at
the Eighteenth Eegiment headquarters. No.
29 Fifth avenue, was seized with a stroke of
paralysis and fell to the pavement in front
of that building about midnight. He was
taken to the Homeopathic Hospital in the
patrol wagon.
He is about 70 years of age, and has been
janitor for the regimental headquarters for
several years. Yesterday he was not feel
ing well, and during the evening one of the
officers of the regiment invited him ont to
have a cup of coffee. He was unable to
eat anything, and was just returning to his
room in the building when he was seized.
His condition at midnight was critical.
LaOertr Will Soon Present One, Which
Is Considered Perfect.
At the meeting of the Councils this after
noon they will be asked to approve a new
street bill for this city, which will be pre
sented to the Legislature by Mr. Lafferty.
It is intended to take the place of all bills
now in existence referring to streets in any
particular. It was carefully prepared by
Controller Morrow and City Attorney
Moreland, and they say it will stand the
severest tests in the courts.
It follows very closely the act of 1864,
with the modifications shown to be neces
sary by Supreme Court decisions. It will
make changes in nearly every class of
street legislation now in force.
An Injured Man Is Refused Admittance to
, Ills Boarding House.
John McDermott, a boirder at John
Lyons' place, on South Sixth street, was
run over by car 13, of the Birmingham street
car line, on Saturday night. The man had
his arm badly cut and also sustained a
scalp wound. The boarding house keeper
refused to. take the injured man into the
house, 'but Policeman Charles Gusnther
carried bim in and left him on the sofa.
The officer states that the man had been
boarding with Lyons for over two years.
11, 1889.
That Pullman Cnr Robberjr on the Pennsy,
Near Jshnitown, Described by the Only
One Who Escaped.
Last Christmas "Eve a Pullman car was
robbed near Johnstown, while the train was
held by a wreck and the passengers were
asleep. The most meager details of the
affair crept into the newspapers some days
afterward. Detectives were put on the
case, but so far they have worked in vain.
The funny part of the whole thing is that
the special agent of the Pennsylvania road
was on the train at the time. Several
notorious crooks were seen to board tie ex
press by a few who recognized them at the
Union depot, and it is believed the job was
done by them.
The only passenger in the car who was not
robbed turned up yesterday at the St.
Charles' Hotel In the shape of a pleasant
drummer. Said he to a reporter:
That was the slickest job that I ever saw done.
I was the only man who escaped, and it was be
cause I happened to occupy an upper berth
and they could not get at me. The thieves not
only carried off the overcoats of the passen
gers, but all other clothing they could grab, as
well as the grips. Some of the men were in a
sorrv plight in the morning when they oke up
in Harrisburg with nothing but a shirt and
trousers. Even their shoes had been stolen.
One drummerhad paid: J73 for a new over
coat a few days before In Sc Louis. This was
gone with the rest of his traps. I saw him not
long ago, but he never got his coat back, Ar
buckle, of Baby Bunting fame, told me be lost
$700 and a gold watch besides his overcoat.
The scene in the morning, when the passen
gers awoke, was quite realistic There was a
bowl from every quarter of the car, and then a
lot of jabbering men in dishabille began to al
ternately swear and console each other.
Some were minns coat, vest and shoes,
others had some of these articles, bnt
everybody complained of having lost some
thing except myself. Fortunately I happened
to have slept on my overcoat, and that is what
uaved it. The poor porter, who had fallen
asleep, felt very crestfallen, but we all agreed
to use our influence to have him retained. I
heard afterward he was fired. At Harrisburg
the robbed passengers nirged out in cheap
hand me-downs, and my friend, who had lost
his $75 overcoat, donned a J2 nlster. The Pull
man Company is responsible for the losses, but
I understand that they have not refunded yet.
Something Wrong With the Saturday Night
Combination Evidently.
Jnstice Gripp looked sorto' lonesome yes
terday morning when, after the eighth case
had been disposed of and he had shonted
"next," in a mechanical sort of way, the
Lieutenant said in an apologetic tone:
"That's all."
"That's all," said the Conrt with surprise.
"Where's Where's the rest?"
"There ain't none," was the reply, with
more unction than grammar, and in sheer
amazement His Honor said a swear word,
then gave himself ten days for contempt of
The captain has wrestled with the blaze
boozer for nigh unto 40 years, but never
before had he seen such a light Sunday
morning hearing, and never before had the
holy day passed without at least one man in
the ceUs, bnt yesterday was a red-letter day,
and he was obliged to call up for company
his memories of an interminable array of
vags, thieves, robbers and thugs of days
gone by.
The eight cases were easily disposed of.
Emma Mclntire was drunk, dressed up,
and glad of it, but berfun only cost her $1
when she told the court he looked just like
her youngest handsome son.
J. C. Carrol was disorderly at 4 in the
morning, which is vastly different from be
ing disorderly at any other hour. They
had it in for him, but the gentleman qui
etly forfeited his 30 deposit, and Bob didn't
know whether he was sorry or glad when he
gathered it in.
Len Kendall drunk, d. f. pleads guilty
was the official record, but in justice to
Kendall it might be said that d. i. simply
means defendant.
Teddy Desmond, fiehtine at a ball on the
Mil, discharged.,! JTlje court had been there,
and handed do. Ml .an .opinion that it would
make the angel ofpeace fight.
James Hamlin wouldn't leave Kate's
house, wherever that is, and his affection
for Catharine cost him just $6 40. A couple
more combinations of whisky and care were
easily disposed of, and the court left Cap
alone in his glory.
A Union Depot Agent Declines to Change a
Suspicions BUI.
The ticket agents at the Union depot are
held responsible for all losses incurred
through their own mistakes or negligence.
To protect themselves they are constantly
on the lookout.
Last evening a fellow stepped up to the
window and wanted 550 changed. His ap
pearance was against him, and the agent
said he hadn't that much money in change.
The other clerks were notified, and as he
tried each one of them he received the same
answer. The fellow walked away, growling
about a "chump office," and declaring that
he would go on the train anyhow without a
"Why, haven't you change for $50 in this
office?" asked an astonished, but innocent,
"Certainly we have," responded the
agent; "but I don't trust him. I am not a
money expert, and the hill may be a coun
terfeit, tor all I know."
After a time, however, the agent took the
money, and the suspect was happy.
A Letter From Germany to Find n. Girl
Nnmed Hnggermnnn.
Mr. Louis Nielander, of Bedford avenue,
had a letter forwarded to him frojn Castle
Garden recently inquiring after a girl of 17
named Haggermann, who left "Wuerzberg,
Germany, about a year ago, in company
with a doctor named Luther, who, it is al
leged, absconded and took to flight.
The girl's parents are very anxious to find
their daughter, fearing she has been ill
treated. It is stated that Lnther will not
be disturbed if the girl will disclose her
Left His Home nnd Family.
A man named Steele, living on Forbes
street, near St. Agnes Church, left home
last Friday with $35, and has not been heard
of since. His family are in destitute cir
cumstances, and are anxious to learn bis
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Coadensed
for Ready Beading.
A jaxse alarm of fire was sounded in Al
legheny from box 85 yesterday morning.
The name of O. S. Hershman was omitted aS
having been nominated for school director of
the Thirty-second ward.
The Republicans of the Fourth ward, Alle
gheny, will hold then-suggestion meetingin the
school house to-morrow evening.
George Sutttiiasket acensed John 11 an
drnff yesterday with hitting him with a brick.
Mandruff is now in jail on a charge of assault
and battery.
A meeting of the colored voters of the
Twelfth ward wfllbe held in Palace Hall next
Thursday evening to nominate Independent
A laeokes at the Carrie Furnace, named
Thos. Fannon, was crushed to death yesterday
morning by a mass of iron ore. The Coroner
will hold an inquest this morning.
Geoboe able and Thomas Wells were ar
rested by Officers "Welsh and Wachter last
evening, charged with being suspicious per
sons. They were locked up in the Fourteenth
ward station.
Mb. Best, ot Braddock, is in town looking,
for a large white bull. The bnll was stolen
Saturday morning, and the owner traced two
men ana the bovine as far as Sobo. He wants
the detectives to aid in finding them.
The Young Men's Democratic Association
met yesterday afternoon at Marion Hall. Fifth
avenne and Marlon street, for the purpose of
getting a hall. President Charles P. Hall ap
pomted a committee of three, composed of
Frank Buggeman, C. B. Blum and J. B.
Schmidt, to ret a hall and report at their next
meeting, on Thursday evening.
Coal Operators Hope the Men Will Work
for 70 Cents a Ton Hoosler Mine Own
ers Afraid of Legislation.
"I don't think there will be a lockout,"
said a coal operator yesterday who had at
tended the Indianapolis convention. "I
think we will be able to agree on the price
at the Columbus meeting. The basis has
already been arranged. The men would
prefer to have one price all the year round.
On an average they are paid 75 cents per
ton for the year in the Pittsburg territory.
The present state of the market, however,
will not warrant us in paying that much.
About 70 cents is all that we can afford to
give, and I believe the men will agree to it.
"At Indianapolis the miners were quite
liberal in their demands. John McBride
is an intelligent man, and I found him to
be better posted than most of the operators.
"The Indiana operators were responsible
for the hitch; They were afraid of a few
ugly bills before the Legislature on mining
and the stores. One of the miners told me
that the bills were supported by a lot of
political loafers. -There is a miner in the
Legislature, bnt he did not introduce them.
Some of the miners are in favor of the
measures, and'others are opposed to them.
As a result, the operators were rattled, and
did not feel inclined to determine on a price
until they knew what was to be done.
''Chicago used to be a fine market for the
Indiana coal men; but the free use of oil in
many of the mills has knocked them ont.
Since then they have been looking around
for markets like the rest of us. "W. L.
Scott, in Northern Illinois, is a serious com
petitor; bnt we manage to ship most of our
coal to the Northwest."
An Accident on the Citizens' Traction Lino
Hinders Travel.
Eeluctant church-goers will have as an
excuse for non-attendance last evening the
fact that there were no cable cars running
at church time, and that they waited for a
car until it was too late.
As car No. 122 on the Butler street divis
ion was about to pass from the Bntler street
cable to the Penn avenue cable at the Forks
oftheEoad, about 5 o'clock last evening,
the gripman failed to pick up the cable on
time. The result was that there was a
grand jumble. The grip got wedged in the
condmt, and the car was thrown from the
track. It required two hours' work to get
the grip out of the slot.
Meanwhile no cars on the two divisions
of the road could pass either way. The de
lay was annoying as it occurred at a busy
time of the day, for Lawrenceville has lots
of church people.
The Evening Paper Will Be Started If 835,.
OOO in Stock la Token.
Several hundred German citizens gather
ed in the American Protestant Association
Hall, corner of Ninth and Liberty streets,
last night to disenss the feasibility of estab
lishing a German evening paper.
It was decided it 835,000 worth of stock
is subscribed the paper will be started. Over
250 shares at $5 each were taken at the meet
ing. Another gathering will be held soon
on the Southside.
Wonld Not Pay His Fare
A. Heed, of Lawrenceville, quarreled
with a conductor on the Citizens' line cable
car yesterday. He insisted he had paid his
fare, and the conductor claimed he had not.
He began to act disorderly, when the con
ductor called an officer and had him ar
rested. Choice styles all wool spring dress
goods, in stripes and plaids, new colorings.
MWFSa Hrous & Hacke.
Mnskets, Carbines, Swords and Sabers,
And a great lotot other goods, at almost any
price to close ont before April 1, when we
will remove to 706 Bissel block.
J. H. Johnston, 621 Smithfield si.
Extra good values in black cashmeres,
at 50c, 60c and 75c per yd.
siwrsa Hcaus & Hacke.
Constitutional amendment mass
meeting at Liberty Hall, EastEnd, to-night,
Invalids call at 1102 Carson it and be
cured free of charge.
A new line of our famous $5 jackets now
opened. Come at once before the assort
ments of sizes are broken.
mwfsu Huous & Hacke.
Liver complaint cured free at 1102 Car
son st, Southside.
Price, 25 cents, at all druggists.
Lovely Fitting French Corsets
Were $i and $i 25,
Now for 50c a pair.
Now is the time to get
.Bargains in Kid Gloves,
2Sc, 3Sc Sc, 7Sc and gi 00 a pair.
T. T. T.
Z09 Federal Street,
r- . 'f.
'HEW ADvraTJigEMKrrS. .
JDS. -HDRNE i'caa
Our February Display
Now ready in every department. Lu
est productions in Spring Novelties,
from foreign and domestic manufactur
ers, in good to best qualities and at
very close prices. Large advance Im
portations in
Woolen dress fabrics
Arriving every day. Fancy Plaids,
Single and Cluster Stripes, Check Suit
ings and exquisite colorings in Paris
Dress Robes in the popular Empire and
Directoire styles.
New spring colorings in All-wool
American Dress Goods, in Plaids,
Stripes. Plain and Mixed Color Suit
ings, 33 to 50 inches wide, at 50c a yard
not only a very largo assortment, bu
very good value and every yard new..
Several cases newly imported
Finest French Printings, in exquisite
colorings and designs exclusive to this
department, from 81 25 to S3 0 a yard;
many of these beautiful fabrics In single
dress pattern lengths. Our stock also
includes special values at lower prices,
In new styles and colorings.
New Fancy Striped and Plaid Surah.
Silks In latest and ultra shades, for
making np with the new French Cash
mer es ana plain weave woolen fabrics.
A bewildering array of patterns and
colors in
In addition to our already enormous
stock, from 25c to 60c a yard, and ths
best American Ginghams also are here,
together with the new French and
American Satines of best makes, all at .
popular prices.
New arrivals in choice styles in Em
broideries, narrow edges, mediant
widths, skirtings and flouncing. Prices
conceded to be lower than ever before.
White Goods, Yoklngs, Reverings,
Nainsooks, Check Mulls; also, special
bargains in Linen Laces and in Trim
ming Laces, Drapery Nets and Fins
LaceFlouncings. Increased business in
Muslin Underwear Department
Is due to the especial good values and
large variety.
Entire stock of Ladies' Long Cloth
Garments, Ulsters, Raglans, Nswmax
kets, and also Short Cloth Wraps at
greatly reduced prices. Another ship
ment of the celebrated
Cloths and Napkins to match, now oaC
sale the best goods for the money to
be had. -"-'
Now is the time to make frequent
visits to the store; the new goods w!H$
Interest you on every hand.
ZZZ r-4
! Tim,