WANTED-CTXAS CIAL. CTTTANTEU-MOKTG AOES-MOMEYTO LOAN VV in suns to suit, at 4K, " Pr ?'; RAFKt(l LYON. 135 Eourth ave. ap6-el-D TTrANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- .BLACK A BAIKD. 93 fourth avenue. aa-aS9-D -TTTATED-MOnTGAOES LN MHif B VV small amounts: current rates or Interest. DENNISON A SCH WAN. btatlon st. andlILK. :TTTANTED-KENTrf COLLECTED 1'BOMIT V L.Y- oroperty managed with satisfaction. ALLES a'BAILEy; 161 fourth avenue, Jef- TTTANTEU-MOKTGAOES ON CITY PBOl' VV EBTY. oTer S4.O0O; 4i Der cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVEB A CO.. WFourth avenue. mn-a:-L V to $500,000 to loan at H. 5 and 6 per cent. JAS W IlKArE A Co., 129 ourth avenue, Pitts burg. fel-47-MWTS TT7-ANTEU-TO BORROW FOR S YEARS V $10, too on Allegheny City property valued atSM,cw: will pays per cent. Address LOAN, Allegheny, l'a. le8-43 TT A N T E D - 1IORTUAOES IN ANY amounts: 4H to 6 per cent; cltv and country: no delay. SAiuur.L, . ituAun. w.. w Fourth avenue. Ja20-S5-MThS WANTED-HOUSES TO KENT AND RENTS to collect on inonthlr settlement. with Item lied statement. L. O FKAZIEK, Real Estate Uroler. Forty-fifth and Butler 6ts. fefrfll-aws WANTED-MOKTGAUES WE CAN LOAN fMO to a.W0 on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDKK A LEE, 3H Wood st. feI-19-MWS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -TTTANTED A HAMMOND OR REMINGTON typewriter: must be In cood condition Ad dress, staliug price, etc.. P O. BOX 117. city. fe9-55 -TTTANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND W general merchandise to sell at our salesroom or on the premises; storage at lowest rates 1'ITTSBUKG AUCTION CO.. KSThlrd ave. le6-62 -fTTANTED-TO SELL-AN ESTABLISHED V business, centrally locates: this is an ex cellent chance for a man who has some experi ence In the house furnishing business: rent rea sonable; 5 years lease: CUM nece-sary; part cash. Imlancc secured. Address H. K. P., Dispatch office. re9-68 -TTTAN1ED-BY PEARSON. LEADING l'HO V TOGKAPHER. S Fifth avenue. Httsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at f 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. xnhl3-k27 -TTTANTED-TO SELL AN ESTABLISHED VV business that can be attended to by one man. and is now making money, which can be shown: this is a good chance for a Young, active man; $i,O0O required: reason for selling. 1 am in other business. Address P., Dispatch office. leS-SS -TTTANTED-1F YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW to w rite a good business hand, write a bus iness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out an ordinary account, write a receipt, write a promissory note, reckon the discount on it for uays, months and years, and get a general knowl edge or bookkeeping, penmanship and arithmetic, attend the College of Commerce, 96 Fourtn ave. y. W. McCLKLLA.M). Prln. no20-slOO-ToS FOB. rALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CUT Residences. TTIOR SALE ON DUO.UESNE HEIGHTS. X Cowan st., S-room houe. all Improvements lot 47xl39: only $2,500; eay terms. E. D. W1NGEN ROTH, 100 Fourth ave. fe9-83 FOR SALE ON WEBSTER AVE., NEAR Erin sL, lot 43x100 reet, with brick cottage of 6 rooms: pnee $3,000. on very easv payments. "W. A. HEKltON A SONS, No. 8U Fourth ave fe2-93-TTS FOR bALE-tfl.S0O-Sjl.O0O CASH, REMAINDER on easy payments, one square off Fifth ave.. corner Logan and Caldnell sts., brick house of nine rooms. W A. HERKON A SONS., 80 Fourth live. feS-90-TTS EORSALE-FOR J9.K-FINE MANSION OF 10 rooms; every Improvement and 2 corner i: S minutes from P. O. : so Yards from rractlon; no greater bargain. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 604 and 50G smlthfield. fe9-43 F)ll SALE-HOUSE AND LARGE LOT ON Thlrtv-eiglith St., between Butler st. and Penn avenue: 7 rooms, ball, cellar, etc.; large lot &3xllS feet; will be sold cheap. JAS. W. DKAPE A CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. fe6-33-D FOR SALE M.500-HATFIELDSTBEE1, SEV ENTEENTH ward, good brick dwelling, 6 rooms, attic lia.IL, slate roof: lot 0x73 feet to nllev; good, cheap property on very easy terms. L. O. FKAZIEK, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. fe9-Sl-MWS FOR SALE-$2.250-MT WASHINGTON. 2 minutes Irom Incline. 2-story frame of G rooms. lialL shutters, front and rear porches, irood cellar, house newly papered, fine view of cltv: lot23x82. BLACK A BA1RD, MFourthave. re7-U0-7, 9. 1113,15,19, 21, 23, 25, 27 27OR SALE-COK. REED ST. AND CENTER ? ave., a well finished 8-room house; all mod ern conveniences; one acre lot: abundance of flowers, shrubberv. fruit and shade trees; ea6y terms. GLO. JOHNSTON', AgL, 62 Fourth ave. feS-60 TTtOR SALE-ON CONGRESS ST., BRICK JJ dwelling: 4 rooms, both gases, etc: lot 0x90 leet: a bargain. Bluff street, press brick dwell ing; 1 rooms, resilbulc hall, both gases, etc : VTix $4,000. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave Tel. 167. re8-S2 TTIOR SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND JJ Caramel allev. Thirteenth ward, a neat -storv brick dwelling or S rooms and finished attic: lot 20x80 feet: low price and easv terms. In quire at UERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. de6-19S-w8 FOR SALE-ON WYLIE AVE., NEAR GREEN st., lot 23x114 reet. with two brick houses on the rear part now bringing a good rent, with room to build in front on Wylie ave.: all ror $2,500 ir sold at once W. A. HERRON A SOAS, No. 80 Fourth ave. re2-93TXS FOR SALE-?2,700-L1BEKTY AVENUE, SES TEENTH ward, new substantial frame dwelling. 5 rooms, finished attic hall, vestibule, Uate mantel. Inside shutters, well finished all Through: lot 0x100 feet to allev: verv easy terms. L. O. FKAZIEK, Forty-ftrth and Butler sts. re9-91-Mvs TTIOK SALK-$300 DOWN BALANCE MONTH JD LY payments, a good brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, hot and cole water, w. c. hall and dry cellar, all in good order: nice lot; side en trance: title perfect, near Center avenue; 10 min utes from Court House JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe9-58-MwS FOR SALE(99)-R.8C0 CRAW FORD STREET, 100 yards from i irth avenue cable; 10 min utes walk from P O.; modern 2-storv mansard brick dwelling. 8 rooms, vestibule inside shut ters, stone hearths, gas, water, laundry, back Sorch: first-class repair: good yard: lot 75 feet eep to alley: vcr easy terms: a bargain. SAMUEL W- BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth avenue. fc5-75-TTS Enst End Residences. TTIOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS. A TWO JJ STOKY brick dwelling In First ward. city. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenne. re9-38 FOU SALE-$3,0O-JUST ONE MIN UTE FR03I Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing ore rooms, hall and vestibule nat. and art. sras, water, screens Tor windows and doors, front jard; choice location and special bargain. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue re6-49-D TTK1R SALE-$5.50O-DESIRABLE EAST END T residence near steam and cable cars, new house lateetvle 8 rooms, bath, range nat. gas, washhouse, all well finished and first-class order; lot 40x110 ft. (more ground can be had at reason able rates): location first-class. W. A. HERKON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenne fcS-77-8,9,12,14.16 TTIOR SALE THE CHEAPEST PROPERTY IN J? E. E : new residence or 8 rooms, with all mod ern Improvements; lot 30x151: without exception the best bargain ror the money to-day in East Lib erty: only 5 minutes from station and cable cars, find $4.V) wilt take It, on easy terms. W. S. PATTERSON, 6326 Station St.. E. E. re9-10 FOR 8ALE-AT SHADYSIDE, FOK $4,000, 'Small cash payment donn and balance on monthly installments, if desired; new hohse 6 rooms, attic bath, range hot and cold water, nat ural gas: lot 30x150 reet: a complete home; only 3 minutes' level walk from tbe station. W. A. .HKKl'.ON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave feS-76-D .TTIOR SALK-ON SOUTH HILAND AVE- LOT C 37x140; selected brick house parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen on first floor; 3 good rooms and bathroom on second floor; 3 good rooms In attic; natural gas all through the house: liot and cold water; large front porch and shade trees; 111.000. THOS. LIGGETT; 114 Fourth ave fe3-41-SIWF6SU TTIOR SALE WE CAN SELL YOU AN EAST X EN D residence for $.100 cash, and will make payments on balance like rent; this is a brick dnelllng situated on South illlandavc. and on line of new cable cars: has ever' modern can 't enience and will be sold, ir taken at once very cheap. BLACK A BAIRD. 85 Fourth ave. fe6-52-6,8.9,12,14,16,l9,21,3,6,8 TTIOR SALE-H25" WILL BUY A MEADOW iJJ street duelling or 8 rooms, nicely arranged; lialU vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches, range bathroom, hot and cold water, jiatural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice -bandcllers: this Is only 6 minutes' from Liberty -tlallon, BLACK A BAIKD, 95 Fourth avenue fe6-49-D TTIOR SALE-NEAR SHADYSIDE STAT10N-A J. neatys-story Irame dwelling or 5 rooms and bathroom; nice attic range hot and cold water, Inside w.c. Inside shutters, marble mantels, cup boards, wardrobes, etc. Just new and latest im provements; rood lot and perfect sewenge; price onlv Jifioo. BLACK A H A1KI, 95 Fourth avenue. re65l-7,9,ll,IS,lS,18,0.2,25i27 TTIOK SALE-JUST COMPLETED, A VERY JJ desirable East End resideuce late style brick, 9 large rooms, bath, pantries and laundry, large porches lront and side front and back talrs. 2 w. c. inside shutters, tile vestibule liearths and racings, hard wood mantels, stands acV from the street 25 feet, lot 40x121 reet, nicely "graded, corner Summerlea and Elmer sts., con venient to cable and steam cars, one Bquarelrom Jfllswortli ave: onlv $7,800; terms reasonable. Wi A. HERKON A SON'S, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe-77-8, 9, 12.14.16 TTIOK BALE nOOO-A. gnADYSIDE HOME, JJ near station, new Oueen Anne dwelling of liandsome design, containing S large rooms and to finished attic rooms, elegant reception liall with fireplace and pretty open hard wood staircase, a very complete oathroom, rood sanitary w. c and stationary mar tile top washstand. also extra w, c In cellar.laun dry with stationary tubs, natural gas range slate mantels throughout, electric bells, exceptionally line chandeliers and gas fixtures, honsc complete ly papered, cemented cellars, bar windows, large p0rcb.es; lot 50x120; a good Investment for prompt r lurer; mult tell. BLACK A BAIKD. 95 Fonrth ,.! , fe5-7-TtS FOB. SALE-IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE Eait End Residence!. FOU BALE-FRAME HOUSE OF BROOMS; attic: natural gas; lotxl20 to an alley: $2,200. DENNISON AbCBWAN, station at. andP. K. K. re9-7 TTIOR SALE-S3,S00 ONLY, THAT HANDSOME JD 7-toomed house near UUand ave., above school house; lot 3GH front. 6349 Station st. MELLON BROS., let-u-Tnssu FOR SALE-15-KOOM BRICK: BATH ROOM; slate mantels; wide halls: line chandeliers: near cable roads: 3. L.: $11,500. DENNISON Jb fcCHWAN, Bt . st. and P. K. K. fc9-67 T710R SALE-A NEW FRAME DWELLING: X hardwood finish: slate mantels; fine bath room: range; lotsOxloS: prlce$j,203. ASCHWAN, bt. st. and P. R. B. DENNISON re9-67 JJW IOR SALE-ON AURELIA ST.. LOT 14X120; frame bouse 5 rooms, front and side rjorcbes. good cellar, etc.. $2.100: S300 cash, bal. on time. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fonrth ave. fe3-41-irWTSu FOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, Meadow St., E. E., i rooms finished attic. Iiantrv. porches, n. .; lot 2txlrt; price f2.S50. 1E.NN1SON A bCHWAN, Station st. and P.R.R. feS-67 FOR SALE-2 SMALL HOUSES AT SHADY SIDE, convenient to Fifth avenue cable cars, at $1, 600 each : lot 36xl38 feet to an alley. Terms from JAS W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe9-59-D FOUSALK-ATMELLONBROS..6W9 STATION street. East Liberty, a beautiful 4-room dwell ing, one square from Penn avenue, near both cable lines and East Liberty station; price only $2,200. If sold this week. fe6-I0-WThs FOR SALE-ON MEADOW ST.. NEW FRAME houn-orc rooms; bath, basement laundry, nat. gas, finished attic and all modern Improve ments: lot.TOxM; only $1,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe.V42-MTUFSSu -T7I0R SALE-FRAME HOUSE: SEVEN LARGE J rooms: bathroom; range; fine mantels: wide halls; a very desirable residence, paved street; Iotfl0xl65: price$10.0u0 DENNISON ASCII WAN, Station st. and P. R. R. fe-67 FOR SALE-ONLY' $4000, $1,000 CASH, A COM PLETE borne on Banm st., Shadyside, house 7 rooms, late Improvements, Inside shutters, re ception hall, location good: lot 50x100 It. W. A. UERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. re7-3-TTFS FOR SALE-$3,700-OAKLAND RESIDENCE, on Meyran avenue.2 squares from cable cars, new house 6 rooms, good style and late style; lot 2x100 ft.: stable on allev In rear; terms easv. W. A. HERKON A SONS. So Fourth ave. fe8-76-D FOR SALE AT OAKLAND FOR $3,000, REA SONABLE pajments; 3 minutes from cable line on Atwood ft., house of 6 rooms: lot 10x100 ft., well located: all now renting for $300 per year. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe7-3-TTFS FORSALE-$3,00WILL BUY AN EXCELL ENT frame dwelling or 7 rooms, bathroom, pantry, city water, natural gas, etc., 30x134 reet on an East End avenue, convenient to steam and cable cars. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. re9-!7 FOR SALE-2 NEW FRAME HOUSES, 5 MIN UTES from Roup station, 6 rooms, bath, finished attic, pantry, porches, cement cellar, n. B: lot 29x110; price $3,600 each: terms to suit. ENNISON ASCUWAN, Station St. andP.R.E, fe9-G7 FOR SALE ON CEDAR ST., NEAR LIBERTY ave., lot 20x125 to a paved alley: good 3 roomed brick house, good stone roundation and cellar, city water, etc.: 10 mln. walk from MI1I vale sta.; $2,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-42-MTuFSSu TTIOR SALE FIVE MIN UTES FKOM STATION ; I a' new irame uouse oi 7 rooms: recepuon nan: finished attic: bath; front and back porches: grained throughout: slate mantels: slate roor: lot &X132. Inquire F. K. GIBSON. Holland street, Wllklnsburg. feS-8 FOR SALE MELLON ST., E. E., ELEGANT new frame house about 9 rooms, all modern conveniences; lot 50x120 to an allev: also 2 new frame houses, 7 rooms each: lots 5x120: owner lives out or city: will sell cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe5-6S-TuWT8 FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT BRICK dwelling and large lot on l'enn avenue. East End: a most complete residence; large rooms and modern throughout; lot 100x130 feet; price only 5H,O0Q.$l,Oi0cash, balance In annual payments. AS. W. DKAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pitts, burg. re9-53-MTus FOR SALE -$1. 000 CASH AND BALANCE AS a rental will buy two frame dwellings or 6 rooms each; speaking tubes, natural gas. etc; good sewerage: corner lot 72x100: within 4 min utes walk to steam or cable cars: price $6,000: a good investment W. S. PATTERSON, 6J26 Sta tion st. re9-10 pi OR SALE-$13,5O0-$5.O00 CASH. BALANCE on long time, will purchase 3 desirable resi dences ors rooms each, with ali the modern con veniences, well sewered and on one or the leading pat ed avenues; 3 minutes to steam and cable cars: rental $1,200 a year. . S. PATTERSON. 6320 Station St., E. E. fcD-10 FOR SALE AT $4.850-A NEW QUEEN ANNE house in the East End, near East Liberty sta tion and Ulland ave.; 6 rooms, finished attic, bath, hot and cold water, w. c natural gas. etc, etc, and other modern conveniences; immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe6-32 Allefflieny Residences. FOR SALE NO. 96 REBECCA ST., ALLE GHENY, lot 20x100 It., frame house 6 rooms. M . A. HERKON A bONS, 80 Fourth ave fe2-50-TTS FOR SALE A GOOD FRAME HOUSE OF rooms, corner lot and large stable on Adams St., Allegheny. C BERINGEK A SON, 103 Fourth ave fe9-C9 TTIOR SALE-THREE FRAME DWELLINGS. JJ lot 49x00.rt., Nos. 52, 64 and 56 Arch St.. Alle gheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney. 118 Dla- mond st. re9-3I FOR SALE-UNION AVENUE-FRONTING parks, fine brick residence or 14 rooms with all modern improvements: lot 2x90x70: large, new brick stable. JNO. J. HOWLEY, 17 Fourth ave. feS-34 FOK SALE-$7S0 WILL BUY NEAT 3-KOOM frame house (no shanty) on level lot; 5 min. walk from Union Line cars. Eleventh ward, Allegheny. C. BALTENSPEKGER A CO., 154 Fourth ave. re9-70 ITIOR SALE-A 10 PER CENT 1NVESTMENT-2 ? small houses In Allegheny near Ohio street; lot 0x50 reet; real estate: rent $313: will sell ror $3,100: very cheap. JAS. W. DKAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. reS-65-D FOR SALE-179 FRANKLIN ST., ALLEGHE NY CITY, a good brick dwelling, 9 rooms, large lot, all modern Improvements: a good, sub stantial home for anronc: price only (6,500. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. fe6-42-ws TTI( JJ ward, Allegheny, hair square from the parks: 6 rooms, bath. w. c, natural gas, laundry: lotx 110 reet to an alley: price $1,875. J AS.W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. re6-32 -p) IOR SALE A DOUBLE 2-STORY FRAME house or 6 rooms: will sell at a bargain, as owner wisues io leave. Apply on premises. Spring Garden ave. near the car stable Alle ghenv. FRED BOEHMEK, Insurance Agent. fe9Aa ITIOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS, FOUR . new, 6-room bouses, with bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas: lot 33x100. or larger, if desired: situated on line or Perrys Hie Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire or J. A. MCKEE, 70S Venn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja3I-72-TTS FORSALE-ONTHE PARKIN ALLEGHENY, handsome brick dwelling: 12 rooms, range bath. Inside w. c, hall, vestibule laundrv with stationary tubs, nat. gas all through; large lot, fine location: very cheap and easy payments. BLACK A BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. J a27-107-7,29, 31, re2, 4, 6, 8. 9, 11, IS, IS. 16 FOK SALE TWO HANDSOME QUEEN Anne houses in Second ward, Allegheny City: new and complete: all the modern Improve ments: one of them has 9 rooms and the other 11: we have a full description of them and would say they will have to be seen to be fully appreciated: thebe houses will be ollered at a price that will sell them. C. H. LO VE, N o. 93 Fourth ave. fe9-52 FOK SALE-A 9 PER CENT INVESTMENT clear, a block of 6 new brick dwellings In Allegheny, close to street cars and near the panes; splendid property In prlmecondltlon througLout; natural gas, bath andothcr modern conveniences, alwa) s well heated; will be sold at a price to pay 9 per cent clear: a rare bargaliuowncr going est. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. fe7-2 "m JJ property In Allegheny; on one or the finest av enues, contiguous to the parks and Western avenue cars; 10 rooms: library, lavatory, bath, natural gas. and all other necessary appliances, all in perfect condition; large lot, side entrance, brick stable and carriage house on the rear; $19,000: payments to suit. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. re9-82 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN borne with stable and two acres or ground, nicely laid off in walks, flowerbeds shrubbery, etc.; on line or electric road, Perrysvllle ave., Al legheny: house contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable ror storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and rlty water, thus combining the advantages or the country And all con veniences or the city. Inquire or J. A. MCKEE, 70S Penn ave., Penn building, room Gil. J131-72-TT8 Suburban Residences. FOK SALE-THE ELEGANT RESIDENCE propertvorMrs. A. B. Veaer, at the corner or Fifth and Market streets, Freeporu Pa,, con sisting ora2H-story brick dwelling of 16 rooms, having a front of 30 feet, and extending back 96 feet, with a hall 10x36 feet; natural gas through out; agood pavement all around; welt shaded with maple trees; the ground or the premises Is 83x100 feet: a lawn, with shrubbery and peach trees bear ing; the property can be bought very cheap. HENKY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth avenue fe4-3-MW8 splendidly finished and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house: thegrounds arc v ery beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a verv moderate price KNOXVILLK LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., S5 Knox avenue KnoxvIIle borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE-CHEAP AND CN EASY PAY MENTS. In large or small lots, by the acre or as a whole 130 acres of 'lie finest building prop erty on ML Oliver, adjoining KnoxvIIle and Beltzboovcr boroughs, two minutes walk from electric cars; Castle shannon K. K. rnnsthrongh the property: It is level, healthruL good water, partially underlaid with coal, limestone and building stone: 20 acres timber; the most availa ble suburban property In tbe market for dividing Into lots; a rare chance. Apply at once to ,1. JIANDL on property, or PH. UAUMGARr. 104 S. Nineteenth St., Pittsburg. Ja29-30-rrs XOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Suburban Residences. FOrcSALE-A NICE, NEW FRAME HOUSE of 5 rooms, with large lot. at Emsworth for $2,500. a BEKINGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. fe9-69 TTIOR SALE LARGE HOUSE WITH 7 ACRES C or ground, good orchard, 3 miles from P. A L. E. K. R.. at 11,500; very cheap. C. BEKINGEK A SON, 103 Fourth ave. fe'J-O -ITIOR SALE-A NICE PROPERTY, NEAR X" Laurel station, with houso of 7 rooms and 2 acres of ground, at.J5.SO0, on Ft. Wayne R. K. C BERINGEK. 103 Fourth ave. fc9-C9 FOR SALE A NICE LOT ABOUT 24x120 FEET. In Allegheny, with small dwelling, near elec tric cars, Allegheny: price only S0u. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 12 Fourth avenuePlttiburg. rc7-2 FOR SALE-A FINE RESIDENCE, AT EMS WORTH, having 12 rooms with all modern improvements, eiegantlawn and first-class neigh borhood. C. BEKINGEK A SON, 103 Fourth ave ave re9-G9 FOR SALE-COR. D1THRIDGE AND FIL MOREst., Bellefield. very fine lot 40X184 ft., with 5-room and double attic cottage house; will be sold at a bargain. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt., C2 Fourth ave. fcS-60 FOR SALE-J3.000 AVILL BUY A NICE suburban home: frame cottage, 4 rooms, nat ural gas. etc., IH acres or land, at Emsworth; fruit and shade trees; stable, etc ; excellent water. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. fe9-27 FOR SALE OR RENT AN ELEGANT 10 ROOM house, with all modern Improvements; easy access to the business center of Wllklnshurg and R. R. station; pleasant surroundings. J. G. HUGHES, Wood street, Wllklnsburg. fe6-99-ws FOR SALE-KNOXV1LLE, RIGHT AT TER MINUS of electric road and street car line a 2-story brick of 4 rooms, slate "mantels, tile hearths, city water, nat. gas; lot 25x100; prlceonly $2,800; bargain. BLACKT & BAIRD, 95 Fourtn ave. 167-1-8,9,12,14.16,18,20,22,26,23 FOR SALE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, WITH 1H acres or bcautirul land, brick house or 9 rooms, finished attic, bathroom, natural gas, range, heater, w. c, etc.; within 3 minutes' walk or station, ALEXANDER A LEE. 313 Wood st. Ic9-28-ws TTIOR SALE-A SMALL HOUSE AND LOT IN Allegheny, near Perrvsvlllo avenue electric cars, at a bargain: 6 rooms; hall, cellar, natural gas; lot 24x120 reet; trees and shrubbery; price wuij a,ou; imineuiaie possession, .as, it. XJtlAriL ; A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe7-2 FOR SALE-1N SEWICKLEY HOUSE AND large lot at a rare bargain, 9 rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, w. c natural gas, mar ble mantels,dryceltar,porch,hall, etc.: all In ex cellent order. Fine large lot, stable and carriage house etc, and price only $5,500; very cheap: best value in the place; only i minutes from railway station. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth av e Pittsburg. fe9-59-D FOR SALE-10-ROOM HOUSE WITH 3 ACRES ground and 10-room house with 6 acres ground, near Hawkins station; 9-room house with 3 acres ground, 5-room house with 2 acres ground and 8-room house with & acre ground, near Swiss Talc station, P. R. R.; also, near same station, 3 double houses, 4 rooms aud attic each side, with lots 30x100, and 3 double bouses, 4 rooms and attic each side, with lots 25x100. MCCUNE A COUL TEK. Agents. 93 Fourth ave. fel-39 FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lata. FOR SALE-BOULEVARD LOTS FACING the circle and parks; cheapest and best lots in the E. E. BLACK A BAIKD. 95 Fourth ae. fo4-19-4,5,7,9,ll,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27 TTIOR SALE DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS X? on Barton St., near steam and cable cars, at Shadyside. W. A. HERKON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. rea-89-TTS FOR SALE-IN THE EAST END-A HAND SOME building lot, 36x120 reet, on Elysian street, near Penn and Fifth avenues, at only $300. ALEXAN DER A LEE, 313 Wood st. fe9-27 F IOR SALE TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN- iom avenue, near inland ave., eacn40Xioo leet to 20-foot alley; price reduced to 835 per root If sold at once. . BiACK ABAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. le6-49-D FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS ON OAKLAND avenue (which Is paved). 3 mlnntcs off Firth avenue cable line: very desirable: price and terms reasonable. W. A. HERKON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fe5-89-TTS ITiOK SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL ? land on Stanton ave., near Hlland; situation unsurpassed: fine rrult and shade trees: price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. Jal9-12-rrs FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST LOTS ON Firth avenue, near Shadyside: it Is about 130 feet front by 266 feet deep; will sell as a whole or divide; will sell low and on terms to suit. C. II. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. fe9-33 TTIOK SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA JJ TION, P. R. K., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging from $400to$S00. In quire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave, East End. no28-y78-TTS TTIOR SALE-$70 PER FOOT FRONT-THAT JJ elegant building stteraclug east; 110 ft front by 170 reet, corner or Margaretta st , and Ncgley ave: Margaretta st. to be paved by present owner. d.ikiso & Btuiu.i, station si., and P. R. K. fc9-67 FOKI SALE-BIG BARGAIN-FORBES ST., lot 85x300 ft., five minutes walk rrom cable cars: one or the finest and healthiest locations In Allegheny county; Hsold at once wlllgo at a bar gain. Principals only address FORBES ST. LOT, Dispatch office re9-7; FOK SALE-LOTSI LOTS! LOTS! LOTSI-A small cash payment and balance monthly or annually, as desired, will buy a fine building site 40x137 reet. Bank or Commerce addition, Brushton station; call or send for plan. JOHN F. BAX TER, Agent. 612 smlthfield street. re3-7-Mws Ilnzelwood Lots. FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT IIA. ZELWOOD, B. A O. K. K., Twenty-third ward; trains run to station in 10 to 12 minutes; Srice 1150 to 1300: terms made to suit purchasers. . McCKICKART, new No. 1010 Penn avenue no4-h9-WS -70K. SALE-SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE JJ 1 building lots at Hazelwood. convenient to the station: city water, natural and artificial gas mains; will be sold at a low figure prior to March L GEORGE C. BUKGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth a e. lel-43-TTSSu FOR SALE-FIVE ACRES IN TWENTY THIRD ward at Hazelwood. B. and O. K. R., with large front on Monongahela river: well adapted for eithermanufacturingslte or to lav out In lots: will be sold cheap to settle up an estate. HENRI A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth ave. feS-30 FOR SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or the city; only 12 min utes by the B. A O. : 21 trains a day each way; building lots ror sale near tbe station at $300, $400, COO, $600, $700, $800, $1,000, according to location and size of lot: terms to subpurchasers. GEORGE C BUKGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. rel-43-TTSSu Miscellaneous. POK SALE SEVERAL HANDSOME DWELL INGS in Pittsburg. Allezhenv and suburbs. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't, 62 Fourth ave feS-60 FOR SALE SEVERAL VALUABLE PROPER TIES fronting on Penn, Sixth, Fourth and Third aves. and other streets and avenues or the cltv. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't, 62 Fourth ave. feS-60 TT7OR SALE BIG INVESTMENT-10 ACRES JJ oriand fronting river and and underlaid with coal and fire-clsy: this property is situate at New Cumneriand, W. Va. See BLACK A BAIKU, 95 Fourth ave. rc2-37-2.4,5,6,7,8,9,12.14.16,19,21,23 FOK SALE $5,000 REASONABLE PAY MENTS and long time, near Shadyside sta tion, on Baum St., 1 square from Center ave. ; 7 large rooms, reception hall, well finished, inside shutters, late conveniences. Lot 50x100 R.; location good: a desirable home, cheap. W. A. HERKON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave feS-76-D -po OK SALE-EAST END SEVERAL VALU ABLE houses and vacant lots near cable road. FOR SALE Osborne 1 house and about 4 acres ground ; will be sold ror $4, 500; owner going n est. FOR SALE Emsworth Fine Queen Anne frame house and vacant lots. FOK SALE Pittsburg-On Reed street, 4 frame houses: must be sold scKn. FOR SALE Lawrenccvllle-Lots on Fortieth and Flsk streets: house on Harrison street. FOR SALE Bellevue Houses and vacant lots on longtime. FOR SALE Allegheny City-Eleventh ward, 22 lots on easy terms. FOR SALE Wllklnsburg 5 small houses and one large Queen Anne reBidenceJust completed. FOR SALE-.Sear Herron Hill One piece of ground 72x100, one square from new cable road. FOR SALE Mt. Washington-One lot on Kcar- sage, near Grace 6t. ; $700: long time Call soon on J. DERMITT, 407 Giant street. fe6-uVtt"rhs F lOK SALEBY TnOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3509 Kutler street, bargains In Dronertv. $3,500-On Thirty-ninth street, above Penn ave nue; lot 20x100, with almost new brick business house and dwelling, ball, 5 rooms and finished attic: $2,500 cash, balance to suit. $6,750-No. 4605 Butler street, lot 0x100, 2-story brick business house and dwelling, hall entrance: 1-story frame in the rear; waterand both gasses In house; easv payments. $4.650 No. 4008 Llbertyave. lot 22x100, neat new 2-story brick dwelling, hall. 6 rooms and finished attic inside shutters, porches front and rear, newly painted and papered. One-third cash, bal. to suit. $U650-Lot on Forty-seventh st., below Butler. 20x139 ft.. 10 Inches running through to Home street, first-class lot to build on. both streets; $1,000 cash, bal. to suit. $4,300On Center ave near Roup sl bandv to steam and cable cars, L. 11. McCroky's residence property, lot 32x152 ft., neat new frame dwelling or hall, 6 rooms, bath, .hot and cold water, both gases, porencs irom ana rear, newiy painted and papered. Easy terms. tfi200-No. 363 Main St.; lot 2Hx97. Neat frame dwelling or6 rooms. Easy terms. $1.900 On Stanton ave. Cunningham's resi dence, adjoining John Herron and McKee prop erty. Lot 40x120. No. 1 frame dwelling or 6 rooms, porches front and rear, grapes, shade and fruit trees. Half cash: balance to suit. $2.600 On Charlotte St., between Thlrty-rourth and Thirty-fifth sts. Lot 22x100, running back to Smallmanst. Frame house 5 rooms and finished attic and frame of 3 rooms, all renting ror $336 per year: $900 cash: balance to suit. Am so bnsy selling and renting, hare no time to advertise any more this week, but I will guaran tee all parties that are wanting to buy real estat that I can save them cash by calling personally on me any day, between 8 A. M. and 9 p. m. Have hnndreds orhouses, lots and farms Tor sale for rich and poor for cash and easy payments, or vou can send for my Immense for sale list, mailed free; carriage always in waiting to take parties to see property. 'iHOS. MCCAFFREY, the leading Notary Public and Heal Estate Agent, 3509 Butler st; telephone 16U-2. fei-70 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lot FOR 8ALE-(B9)-MCLAIN AVE., THIKTY FIRST WARD, or Mlentown, nice level lot 25x150: cheap to quick buyer. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.,, 99 Fourth ave. rei-67-TTB OR SALE-A LOT' 40x1025 FEET ON FIRST avenne, .near Ferry street; well situated rora large warehouse or some light manufactory. C. H.LOVE, NO. 93 Fourth avenue. rc9-33 OR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING lots, 22SX120 feet, on the cor. Wyile ave. and Porter St., Eleventh ward, perfectly level, with streets paved and sewered. W. A. HERKON A SON S, N o. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-93-TT8 FOR SALE-ON WEBSTER AVE.. NEAR Erin St., lot 19x120 reet. for $1,000. one-rourth cash and the balance on easy payments: this IS but two squares from tbe proposed Center ave. cable line. W. A. HEKRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. re2-93-TTS FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS1-FEBRUARY 9, 1889, at 3 o'clock, and every Saturday thereattcr' on the premise "West End Place. " Thirty-firm ward, Pittsburg; 40 minutes rrom Firth ave. and Market St.; near the terminus or West End street car line, ana known as "Halerman's H11L " at le, ana known as "Halerman's urn. " at a; terms. $5 cash, balance In monthly pay or$. with interest at 4 per cent. SAMUEL .ACE A CO., 99 Fourth ave. JaiSO-SJ-TTB auction: mentsori W. BLACK Allenhcnv Lota. ' FOR SALE LARGE LOT ON NORTH AVE NUE. Allegheny City, fronting the parks. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourtn avenue. fe9-38 FOR SALE-TWO LOTS, 20X00 FEET EACH. Arch st., near Ohio st., Allegheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney, 118 Diamond st. fe9-30 TTIOR SALE-SHERMAN AVENUE: LOT 4ux JJ 110: finest vacant lot on Allegheny parks. A, LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal street, Allegheny. fe5-93 V7IOR HAl.RT.OTS tun VflRKTSON AVE.. JJ Allegheny: $1,000 Kirkpatrlck ave, AUe- JJ Allegheny; $1, gheny; $2,300 Avery ry St.. near East Park: on your own terms, w. ave. W. MCNEILL ABRO.. 162 Fourth ie-i Suburban Lots. FOR SALE LOTS-CLOSE TO EMSWORTH station lots of various sizes at low prices and terms ro suit buyers. J.K.COOPER A CO., 107 rourthave rc9-81 TTIOR SALE-ONE TO THREE ai:hes OF - tUVUA, ICIC1 BUU (lltCIV lUt.lCU K.wua " Emsworth. P.. Ft.W. A C. R. K-. with or without Improvements: will be sold at a bargain. BLACK A BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. rc7-99-8, 9, 12, 14, 1 6, 19. 21, 23, 26, 28 Farms. F IOR SALE A LARGE NUMBER OF FARMS at all prices. C. UEUlNGH.lt A SO. "H Fourth ave. iwno FOK SALE-52,200 WILL. BUY A FARM OF 191K Acres 'with a team of horses t brown in. GEO JOHNSTON. Ag't, 62 Fourth ave. fe8-60 n; OR SALE 12 ACRES BEAUTIFULLY SITU ATED ground, near Wlldwood station, A. it. Jici-U.i. tuuLlLlL as jouruisve. re9-39 FOR SALE-FARM OF 80 ACHES IN MIFFLIN township, 1 mile from Homestead and Du quesne: good buildings, orchards, ete Inquire 01 C. A. O'BRIEN, attorney, 402 Grant st. Ja26-82-WS FOK SALE-84 ACRES NEAR BRINTON STA TION, 70 acres near Swlssvale station, 1 10 acre piece and 1 27-acre piece near Wllklnshurg station. P. It. R.. all desirable ror laying out In lots MCCUNE A COULTER, Agents, 9S Fourth ave. re9-39 FOR SALE-OIL FARM, ON LAKE EKIE R. R-, Stowe township, atPorter's Station; con tains 87 acres; 63 acres good farm land; 27 acres partly rough and hilly; well timbered: two young orchards, one bearing orchard; oil well producing 90 barrels of petroleum per day within short dis tance. ALLES A BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tele phone 167. fe6-12 FOR SALE-$2.200-FAHM CONTAINING 191M acres, about 70 acres under cultivation, balance in timber: good frame house or fi rooms and log barn; elegant spring within 30 ft. or house, good orchard, sugar maple camp or 200 trees, team of horses and larnilng Implements Included; all for $2,200; the above valuable property is situate 5 miles from LIgonlcr and 2 miles from Laughlln town, Westmoreland CO. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't., 62 Fourth ave. feS-60 FOK 8ALE-60 ACRES OF FINE LAND ON line or railroad and river: convenient to 2 stations on P.. Ft. W. A C. R. R.: well adapted for manufacturing sites and suburban homes, dairy or market garden purposes: an excellent dwelling house with natural gas; complete set or outbuildings suitable ror dairy purposes; abund ance or water, large quantity of fruit trees or the choicest varieties, ornamental trees, shrubbery, grapevines, etc, etc. This is probably the most valuable dairy and market garden farm with finest orchard on line of railroad: would exchange in part for cltv property. Particulars from JAS. W. DKAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pitts burg. le9-59-D Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on Rlveravenue by 215 feet in depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to qnlck buyer. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue fc6-49-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-LEADING o'r'ocERY: DAILY cash sales $100: can be doubled: handsome, large room In best location; nice fresh stock; in voice, $3,600; rare chance. C. U. FOLSOM, Lima, Ohio. fc9-13-TTSSu FOR SALE-HOTEL, FURNITURE AND lease tor sale or the Getty House Yonkers, pavlucyear around: the only first-class hotel In city or 30,000 Inhabitants. Address GETTY HOUSE, Yonkers, N. Y. re9-43 FOR SALE-CIGAR STORE: DAILY SALES about $15; can be doubled easy; fine room In splendid location: nice fixtures, well-selected stock tobacco, cigars, pipes, etc. ; invoice $750: a great opening: making money fast. C. H. FOL SOM, Lima, Ohio. TeS-lS-TTSSu -CO It SALE-STORES, STORES, STORES; X! drug, dry goods. grocerv. notion, shoe. tea. cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc. : 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SHEPARD A CO., 51 Fifth ave. JaSO FOR SALE A CUSTOM SHIRT BUSINESS, including patterns: complete system, with full instructions in artof cutting; linen, muslin, and good will; buyer can make $2,000 per year; present owner Is in other business, which takes all his time; price $600. Address ., P. O. Box 63, city. re9-7l FOR SALE AHALFINTERESTIN A LARGE and successrul general store in a manufac turing town, on line or railroad; last year's busi ness, $70,000. mostly cash: a rare opening to an ac ceptable man; ill health the only reason ror sell ing. JAS. W.DKAPEACO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. reS-65-D FOK SALE A GENERAL COUNTRY SI ORE, In one or the best small towns in the State on lne or three railroads, and the best and oldest stand In the town; a rare opening; business pay ing well: sales nearly $3,000 a month, mostly for cash: satisfactory reasons Tor selling. Particu lars from JAS. W. DKAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fc9-56-MV,s Business Stands. FOR SALE-THE NORTHSIDE GRAIN ELE VATOR and warehouse In the rear, with track connections, together with a finely-established and paying business in grain, flour, feed, hay, etc., etc.: said elevator contains two fast running French burrs, chopping mills, together with all modern appliances for handling grain cheaply and quickly; bin capacity 50, OOu bu,;sold on easy terms; ill health reason for selling. JOHN P. DEAN, cor. Irwin and North ave, Allegheny. fe7-88 TTIOK SALE THE CHAUTAUQUA JJ property, with complete outnt ai furnbhment, at head or Lake Chautauq HOTEL and entire furniahment. at head or Lake Ctiautaue.ua. Mav- villc. N. Y.. at railroad station; 55 bedrooms, par lors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables, commodious kitchen, cloak rooms, barber shop, office aud barroom; also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms, adjoining hotel, icehouse and cooling room: large barn for livery purposes and all necessary outbuildings: over 4 acres or ground tasterully laid out with orna mental aud shade trees, spacious lawn, etc., etc.; everything Is in perfect order and in condition to continue the -business in its usual prosperous state; tbe most profitable hotel stand on the lake; a rare chance ror the right man; can be bought at an immense bargain; satisfactory reasons for sell ing. Fuller particulars from JAS. W. DKAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fe9-56-MW8 I'OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dfce. FOR SALE-LIGHT DELIVERY WAGON. IX QUlKEorEUDOLFHSCHMlTT, 89Jamesst., Allegheny. re9-16 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Ball engine. 1 smill dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, ete VELTE A MCDONALD, Pennave., cor. Thirty-second Bt. Jel6-i63-rT8 TTIOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND I? machinery: engines from 4-horse power up, boilers; pumps, etc.: call or write for prices. FAHE1 A PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. n denot. Bi-wti.n-Tc ap24-v35X-TTS FOR SALE-ONE 10x16 ENGINE; 1 2-FLGE boiler; 40-inch diameter, 18 feet long and stack; all In good condition, and selling on ac count of Increasing power and plant. PHfENIX CLAY POTTERY WORKS, East End, city, rc5-71-TT8SU Miscellaneous. FOR SALe-40,000 CLEANED OLD BRICK ready ror delivery; In central location: also Ioistand Inmbercheaprorcasb. Address BRICKS, lispatch office. re8 31 1TIOKSALK-AGOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO. 1 walnut sideboard, 1 mirror-door wardrobe 2 elegant parlor suits, 3 walnut bedroom suits, 2 sewing machines and a lot or kitchen and laundrv goods: these goods must bo sold. Pl'ITSBUKG AUCTION COT, 93 Third ave. fe8-S PERSONAL. PERSONAL-UNMAKRIED-7,000,000FEOPLE to select from; 200 chances, 10 cents: 3,O0O,$l. CLIMAX, Chicago. HI. ' fcM7 TjERSONAL-FINE BOOKS-PICTURESQUE X America, Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine, Art Treasures ot Germany and 30.000 more booki In all departments of literature. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. Seventh Ave. Hotel Building. fc3 PERSONAL-YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time, alive, so be np and make the best of It: see that vour wearing apparel always look, neat and tidy. DICKb'ON, the Tailor, of C5 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, -second floor, makes a specialty or fine cleaning and reoalrmg; give him- a trial. Telephone 1558. JaS TO LET. City Residences. mi) LET-NO. 27 FIFTH STREET, NEAR X Penn. new house 10 rooms. W. A. HERKON fe5-88-TTS buns, 80 Fourth avenue. mo r.trrHiins!!: niv 13' WILSON STREET, Klm ft moms. Inanlre JL between Logan and Elm. 6 rooms. Inquire ofTAYLOK A BULLOCK. 935 Liberty st. feS-36 TO LET-A LAKGE RESIDENCE ON FOURTH avenue, near Smlthfleld street. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. feO-57 TO LET-NO. 814 PENN AVENUE, GOOD house; three stories; 10 rooms; near Ninth street. W. A. HEKRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue. re5-8S-TTS mO LET-AT 827 .A MONTH NEW HOUSE 8 X rooms, natural gas: on Elm St., one square i : possession can oe naa at once if HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth desired. W. A. ave. lez-yj-TTH TO LET-20 ARCH STREET.2STORY FRAME dwelling, 5 rooms, lot 0x60leet: will take flSper month till April L PnTSUUHG CO., LIM Real Estate and Insurance, 138 Firth ave nne. re5-53-TT8 TO LET-JS0-WYL1E AVENUE, CORNER Logan, 8 rooms, laundry: new; most desira ble residence in the Seventh ward- .PITTSBURG CO.. LIM Real Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue. rc5-53-TTS TO LET-A BRICK HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, hall, bath, both gases; good cellar: 428 Web ster ave, corner Trent st., near Penn incline or Center ave. cars. W. J. PRENTICE, 1009 Lib erty ave re9-46 TO LET-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING OF 8 rooms bath, w. c, near Center avenue, city; 10 minutes from Court House; rent $4U). JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe9-59-D O LET-NO. 430 WEBSTER AVE., CORNER house 6 rooms and finished attic, both kinds of gas, washhouse, bath and range: $25 a month; $27 ror two tamlltKS. W. A. HEKRON A SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. re2-93-TTS mo LET- HOUSE ALSO LEASE AND FUR FtF! fnr unit, nf n. ll-ronm house; best X Nil URE for sale or location on Penn ave. Those meaning business only may Inquire on PREMISES, No. 505 Penn ave., between 2 and 5 p. M. re9-65 TO LET-S27 -CLIFF STREET. CORNER CAS 8A1T, Eleventh ward. 4 brick dwellings, 8 roojis each; parlor, dining room and kitchen on the first floor. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Real Es tate and Insurance. 133 Fifth avenue. reS-53-TTS TO LET-$35-ELM STREET, TWO 2-STORY houses on Elm street, 8 rooms each, bath, laun dry, etc.; new houses: alley In rear or both, elec tric bells: modern: elegantly finished. PITTS BURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insurance 138 Fifth avenue re5-53-TTS rpo LET-2-JOHNS STREET, NOS. 2, 4 AND X 8, one square from Center avenue Thir teenth ward (paved street), 7 rooms, hall, vesti bule: slate mantel in parlor, both gases. PITTS BURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue. feS-M-TTS TO LET-FINE BRICK RESIDENCE. CON TAINING 10 rooms, on Center avenne: has all conveniences; 10 minutes from Court House: very large corner lot: shrubbery, fine trees and flowers possession April 1. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. re8-95 TO LET-FORTY-FIFTH ST..SEVENTEENTH ward, brick. 6 rooms, attle ball, natural gas, etc., $25 per mo.; Forty-fifth St.. brick. 5 rooms, attle etc.. $18 per mo.; Main St., Seven teenth ward, brick, 5 rooms, attle etc., $16 per mo.; other small dwellings at low rents: call at our office: list changes dally. L. O. FKAZIEK, Forty-Hfth and Bntler sts. re9-91-M W8 East End Reslaenoes. mO LET-HOUSES. LARGE AND SMALL. IN X all parts or the East End. DENNISON A SUHWAN. Station St. and P. R. R. re9-67 TO LET-NO. 713 AIKEN AVE., GOOD NEW brick, 7 rooms, bath, range both kinds or gas, well sewered, near steam and cable cars; $30 per month. W. A. HEREON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. re2-93-TTS rpO LET-513-ZULEMA STREET-OR FOR JL sale 3-storv frame dwelling. Fi ourteenth ward, Pittsburg, five rooms; lot 32x70, running oacK io line. ni'isuuKU (JU-. 1.131., net Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue. fe5-53-TTS Allezhenv Residences. mO LET-ON BOYLE ST. ALLEGHENY, X brick house or 3 rooms at leriuonm; lm- mediate possession. ALEXAN A LEE, 313 re9-27 rv 00a si. TO LET-BRICK HOUSE 6, ROOMS AND attle large yard, Kirkpatrlck ave,, Alle gheny; possession at once. W. W. McNEILLA BRO., 162 Fourth ave. feS-70-TFSSu rpo LET-FINE 1VKOOJ1 HOUSE, NO. 62 jl. unescnui si. Allegheny, range, bath, laun- dry: now a doctor's office and boarillncr. ill. GA W, VIELSACK A GOFF, 105 Fourth ave. lev-w a 10 LET-ON STEWART. NEAR BIDWELL .St., Allegheny, brick house 5 rooms: water, natural gas, etc.: $15per month: Immediate pos session, ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. fc-27 TO LET-NO. 22 ANDERSON ST.. ALLE GHENY, 10 rooms and late Improvements, near Ninth street bridge: possession can be had atonceirdeslred. W. A. HEKRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe2-50-TTS TO LET-ON KIRKPATRICK AVENUE, Allegheny, two brick houses of 6 rooms each, finished attic; bath; gas: nat. gas; halls, etc; at $K per month: water rent paid: possession April L ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. fe9-27 TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STORx" press brick dwelling bouse 9 rooms, finished attic, laundry, natural gas throughout, heater In hall, all modern Improvements, Sherman ave. Allegheny. Apnlyto ROBERT KNOX, JR., 17 Sherman ave., Allegheny City. Jal2-25 TO LET-TWO 2-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS on Sheffield st. ; containing 8 and 12 rooms each, finished in the latest style and have every modern convenience, with or without stables and carriage houses. Apply to J. L. ARNOLD, No. 109 Shef field St., or A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st.. Alle gheny. Jal9-8$-ws Hnzelvrood Residences. TO LET-$20-FLOWEKS AVENUE, NEAR Second avenue, Hazelwood, 2-storr frame 6 rooms; lot 25x100: elegant location. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insurance 138 Fifth avenue. re5-53-rrs TO. LET-$30 -HAZELWOOD AVENUE, Twentv-third ward, 2-story frame house, 7 rooms and attic; natural gas: porches: lot 150x 350: nice garden lot: fruit of all kinds; an elegant residence. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Heal Estate and Insurance 1& Fifth avenue fe5-53-TTS Suburban Residences. LET-AT EVERGREEN. TWO HOUSES To or 10 and 12 rooms, with large grounds: three and four acres: possession at once. ALEXAN DER A LEE, 313 Wood St. re9-27 TO LET-(99)-SEWICKLEY FURNISHED bouse, brick residence on Broad St., 1 sqnare from station; $50 per mo.: Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave fe7-5-MThS TO LET 10-KOOM HOUSE WITH 6 ACRES ground and 8-room house with 2 acres ground, near Hawkins station: can give immediate posses sion. MCCUNE A COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. fe9-39 TO LET-NICE SUBURBAN HOME NEAR Cityline wlth2or4acres of ground: plenty of rrult: bard and soft water: frame house8rooms; hall, porches, etc. A. D. WILSON, 53 Federal street, Allegheny. feS-34 TO LET-AT IIULTON, A. V. K. R.. BRICK house or 9 rooms and two finished attic rooms, bath, w. c, nat. gas. etc.; about acres or land, shade and fruit trees, grapes, etc.: pos session April 1. ALEXANDER A LEE 313 Wood st. fc9-27-D TO LET-AT SEWICKLEY. A GOOD FRAME house or nine rooms, beside bath and all modern conveniences; lot 80x125; good stable; three minutes from station: possession April 1, 1SS9. Apply to S. B. LIGGETT, on the premises, or ROOM 203, Penna. Co. Office 1033 Penn ave nue city. re9-26-TusSu Apartments. TO LET-SEVERAL VERY NICELY FUR NISHED rooms with board, Shadyside Ad dress A. B., Dispatch office. I'e9-41 TOLET-SECOND-STORYROOM, 55X60 FEET, corner or Cherry and Strawberry alleys, suitable Tor light manufacturing purposes. In quire ofTAYLOK A BULLOCK, 933 Liberty st. fe8-35-D Farms, TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue; good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent $300. STKAUB A MOREIS, corner Wood st. and Third av., Pittsburg. ., Jal5-39 Offices. Desk Room, fcc. TO LET-TWO OFFICES ON LIBERTY ST., near Sixth St., opposite Firth ave.; excel lent location; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fonrth ave. Pittsburg. , re9-59-D TO LET- IN THE Smlthfield. Liberty MCCANCE BLOCK, and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger aud merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D rpo LET-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND X floor, 518 Smlthfield St.. opposite Cltv Hall and adjoining Uuquesne Hotel, with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS A FLEMING, jCG Fourth ave. de4-d63-TT8 TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and AVater streets, and Third ave. and Wood street. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood St. Jal8-51 TO LET-DESIKAULE FRONT OFFICES AT $10 per month and upward: well lighted, with wide entrance and hallway: In that tine new build ing cor. Federal and Isabella sts., Allegheny. W. A. HERKON A SONS, No. 60 Fourth ave fe2-93-TTS TO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. Ibe Gcrmanta Savings Bank. 423 Woodst., having changed the Interior or Its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. deII-75-D rpo LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN X as tbe White House at Perrysvllle, on the Perrysvllle plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds: and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing 12 first-class order: long lease Is given to the right party. For further Information call or ad dress THEDANNER MEDICINE CO., 212 Federal it., Allegheny City. fez-15 TO LET. Offices. Desk Boom. dee. TO LET-(9)-OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms In best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth are. JalS-28-D TO LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. BIDWELL A CO., corner Water street and Cherry all ey. JaSO-28 TO LET-FREE RENT-TO APRIL 1. MS9 Offices, cor. fifth avenue and Wood street; Sood light and Crane elevator. SAMUEL W. LACKA CO., 99 Fourth ave Ja29-SS-D Business Stands. mo IO LET-SMITHFIELD BTREET. 2 -SMITHFIKLD STREET. THREE- storv business houses, containing storerooms on nrst noor. iSL,Aun. a haiku, wj jroarin ave re6-3 mO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES, COK. LIBEB- JL. II, VU separately or TY, Diamond and Ferry sts.; will rent r togetner. w. a. uiutKurt a suns. 80 Fourth ave ibwo-twzb TO LET THREE-STORY HOTEL CONTAIN. IMG 30 rooms. In prime order, cor. Obloand Arch sts.. Allegheny. 118 Diamond st. GEO. D. KIDDLE, Atty. leo-zj TO LET-(99)-47 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY: storeroom, plate glass front, 4 dwelling rooms: nrst-class retail Innatlon. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 93 Fourth ave. res-5 TO LET-FINE LARGE BUSINESS ROOM on Fifth avenne between Wood and Market streets; rent low to a good tenant. W. A. UER- re9-25-MTT8 KOI4 A SU.NS, jno. 80 Fourth ave, TO LET-$30-WYLIK AVKNUE.NEAKCHAT HAM street: storeroom 18x60 and cellar: art. and nat. gas. PITTSBURG CO.. LIM., Real Es tate and Insurance 133 Fifth avenue. reo-53-TTS TO LET-$15 PER MO., LARGE COR. BASE MENT, well lighted: owner will fit np same to suit tenant. No. 14 Federal St., Allegheny, W. a. iiEatn.u.n aauna, w jeounn avenue. re7-4-TTS rriO LET-287 OHIO ST.-ELEGANT STOBE X ROOM with plate glass front, at present oc cupied as a conrectlonery: first-class business lo cation. Apply to J. H. AIKEN. 100 Fifth ave. re9-43 TO LET-TWO VERY DESIRABLE STORE rooms, Nos. 1127 and 1129 Liberty avenue di rectly opposite Union Depot. Inquire EXCEL- SIOK EXPRESS AND ST L'ANDABD CAB CO., 1131 Llbertyave fe6-30 TO LET-SANDSTONE QUARRY AT MET CALF station, A. V. R. R., known as city Quarry;" also 150 acres of coal to lease or sell: shipments by river or rail. For particulars call on or address D. COLL, Burrell P. O., Pa. feS-67 TO LET-S29-CENTEK AVENUE STORE ROOM and dwelling, Brooms, storeroom and basement: store can be had at any time: all In good condition: storeroom alone, $18 per month. PUTS BURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insur ance 133 Fifth avenne. feS-W-TTS TO LET-NO. 5156 BUTLER ST., NEW BRICK business house, 2 stories high: sl2e or store room 20x70 reet; supplied with elevator: good new stable on rear; first class location ror grocer or furniture warerooms; reasonable rent: possession at once. See 'IHOS. MCCAFFREY, 309 .Butler St. re2-59-MWS TO LET-FOUK LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 square reet). for heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. IS. Head bolt works. Grant avenue Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of SIR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager or the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-3tW8 TO LET -$700 PER YEAR, BUTLEK ST., Seventeenth ward, large storeroom, 5 dwell ing rooms, counters and shelving; locatlou very good rorany retail business: S504 peryear. Forty fifth and Plummer sts., storeroom, 9 dwelling rooms, counters and shelving. L. O. FKAZIEK, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. fe9-91-tws TO LET-StS-ZULKMA STREET, FOUR TEENTH ward, Pittsburg, 3-story frame house and storeroom, hall, front stairs, pantries; will lease this property Tor three years and pay all taxes, except water taxes, at SIS per month, and with stable ?22 per mouth. FTTTSBURO CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Firth ave nue. fe5-53-TT8 Special. TO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL INGS on the line of Penna. ave. and Butler st. cable cars. SeeM. P. HOWLEY, 3319 Butler st. r&5-33 TO LET-BY BLACK A BAIRD, 95 FOURTH avenue dwellings, stores and offices In Pitts burg. Allegheny, Oakland. East End, Southslde and In all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are' issued every Wednesday and Saturday of each weeic. x or revisea copies 01 tnese lists can upon any of tho followlngnamed: C. F. Nourse, No. 190 Center ave. J. M. Blackburn, No. 388 FI th ave. J. P. Urben. Franklin and Fulton sts. Em 11 G. Stucky A Co., Wylie ave. and Fal lon st. A. H. Wilson, Penn and Frankstown ave George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont st. Jacob Spobn, No. 2 Carson st. M. Blackburn, No. 3313 Penn ave. Peter Walter, Jr., No. 64 Chestnut st. Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Carson St. K. Uolden A Co.. 63 Federal st. J. F. Caldwell. Manhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis H. Vogel, Webster ave. cor. Roberts St. Ja26-64-wg LOST. LOST-ON MONDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 4, at West End Kink, a valuable hairpin. A liberal reward will be given if left with W. C. GUNDELFINGER, No. 119 Steuben street. West End, city. re9-68 FOUND. FOUND-MONEY-IN KUHN'S CONFEC TIONERY. Loser can have by calling ror same and proving amount, and paying advertls ing expense. fe9-77 AMUSEMENTS. FDR SALE BY J. R. COOPER & CO, 107 FO URTH AVENUE, Dwellings In all parts of Pittsburg-, Allegheny, East End and Suburbs. Bargains and first-class investments. A number of tbe best BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN THE CITY. Choice building and manufacturing sites. B IJOU THEATER MINNIE PALMER. Matinee, "MY BROTHER'S SISTER." Evening, "MY SWEETHEART." Next week "The Still Alarm." fe9-21 riEAND OPERA HOUSE JT Every evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. EVANS AND HOEY in their new edition of Hoyt's, "A PARLOR MATCH." Week February U Cora Tanner in "Fas cination. fe3-16 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, FRANK JONES as "SI PERKINS " The Pnghtown Band. The Apple Bee, Etc., Etc. fe3-18 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF FEBRUARYS The Gilt-Edged Specialty Co. T. J. Hefron, one-legged song and dance artist; Miss Beatrice Vaughan; Mr. Josef Tyson. Open from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M. fe4-12 ART EXHIBITION PITTSBURG School of Design, Penn Building. Exhi bition from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Opens TUES DAY, FEB. 5, continuing during the week. Admission free. Soring terms begins Feb. 12. A. W. HENDERSON, PrincipaL fe3-21-TTS LECTURE ON HOME LIFE BY REV. FRANCIS M'CARTHY, a J. St. Paul's Cathedral, Sunday evening, Feb ruary 10, 1SS9. Doors open at 7 p. M.; lecture begins at 7:15. Admission, 23 cents. fe9-t4 TT ARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening, DR. JEKYL AND MR. HYDE. Next week. "A Bunch of Keys." fe4-16 BUSINESS CHANGES. -JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE 1 have purchased of L. P. Rider his patent, dated July 9, 1875, for improvement in casting axle boxes and other tubular articles, and that all parties infringing said patent will be held strictly accountable. KINZER & JONES. Pittsbuko. January 17, 1889. KINZER & JONES, t FOUNDERS, 101 TO 1U PENN AVE. Seamless Axle Boxes, Pipe Balls and Fine Gray Iron Castings A specialty. jal9-77-TTS EISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS hereby given that the Cresent Foundry .Limited, of Allegheny City, Pa., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent oi all the members of said company at a regular meeting called for that purpose, all debts due by tbe company will be paid by Louis Wertheimsr, who will continue the business at the same place, under the name of Cresent Foundry. All claims due to tbe company he Is author ized to collect, LOUIS WERTHEIMER, WM. V. KISH. LOUIS N. K1MH. J. J. KISH'S Estate, per WM. V. KISH andLOUIS N. KISH. Executors. Allegheny, February 6, 1889. fe7-9 CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 63 East Diamond street, je5-n57-TT3 Allegheny, Pa. HiJHniJSEBJQR ALL- FOESALElndTOLET. 3 rooms tip to .10 rooms. In the beautiful borooeh of KnoxvIIle only IK miles from city postofllce Beautiful homes are sold on payments the same as rent. By alt means visit KnoxvIIle before talcing yonr honse for another year. Never have there been such oppcrtnnities for people to get homes. 5-Tako Southside cars to Twelfth street, and Alt. Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOmLELAIIDIMPROVKMMTCO. OFFICE, 83 KNOX AVENUE, fe7-TTSStt KNOXVUXE BOROUGH. FIFTH AVENUE. - Dwelling houses that can he converted Into business properties: prices from. $5,900 to 112, OOO, on payments of 8500 cash and balance on longtime. Properties now paying; fair rate of interest, and enhancement Is certain. SAifUEJj W. BLACK 4 CO, 99 Fonrth ave. Established 1378. Ja31-TT3 T O LET- ONLY THREE of the large rooms suitable for office or general business purposes, in the new DISPATCH building on Dla- mond street, now remain unrented. THOSE WHO WISH the most central sit nation in the city, with the conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service, electric light and steam-heating, should ap ply at onco to tbe new DISPATCH BUHDINO. Nos. 73. 77 and 79 Diamond street. SPECIAL SALE. For 10 days only. No. 263 Locust St., Alleghe ny, an elegant 3-story brick dwelling; contains 9 rooms, attic, large drying room, laundry, pan tries, closets, heater, etc Tbe house built back from the street, with front and side yard and porch, good brick: sta ble and carriage house; lot 48x130 ft. The owner having removed from the cltv, will give you a bargain. Call at office for ad mission card. A. D. WILSON, So Federal St.. Allegheny, f eS4-ws OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on the fourth floor of the Renshaw Building will be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets. feG-8-D Who f ants TM House in AlleEiw. On corner ot two best streets? Street cars pass it. Splendid shade trees, front, side and rear yard; porch, ete; IotllxlOL House has seven large rooms, finished attic and side en trance; handsomely painted, papered and. in perfect order; laundry, nat. and art. gas. bath, large cellar,! a rnace, marble mantels. A complete and pleasantly situated home. This is cheap, and will' be sold on. easy terms. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avS. f e9-14-D rCE! ICE! ICE! SPRING WATER ICE. Unlimited quantities, 12 inches thick; In Kempenfeldt Bay, Barrie, Ontario. Convenient to Toronto and Hamilton by ralL BEST FACILITIES FOR SHIPPING. feS-52 SPECIAL SALE For lOdars only. No. 115 Page street. Allegheny, brick house, 2 stories and mansard: contains 8 rooms, bath, laundry, pantries, closets, etc.; yard in front and rear. For card of admission call at office. A. D. WILSON, f elM-ws 55 Federal St., Allegheny. WANTED HOUSES. We want a number of small houses to SELL IN ALLEGHENY. We have a number of cus tomers for houses ranging in price from 31,000 toS8,0001nallpartsof Allegheny, and If YOU hare one or more to SELL call on us AT ONCE. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. feg-60 SPECIAL SALE For 10 days only. No. 132 Market street, Alle heny, brick house 7 rooms; ba'h, laundry, sta le; side porch; corner lot 23x100 ft. Look at the property and call for price and terms. A. D. WILSON, fe64-WS 53 Federal St., Allegheny. SPECIAL SALE For 10 days only. No. 23 Garfield avenue, Alle gheny, new brick house 8 rooms; bath, range, laundry; good lot 25 f c front; fine location. For price and terms call on A. D. WILSON, leSA-'WS 55 Federal St Allegheny. ri EO. H. BARBOUR, H" CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 03 Eisner Building. del2.k66-D 61 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. Walter J. Osborne. Richard Harrows. BARROWS fc OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street. Telephone No. 812 se2-k5G-TTS8U c. A. BALPHj BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 13H. se5-n60-TTS -INCORPORATED 1794-THE INSURANCE I COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, of Philadelphia. Cash assets $ 700.101 00 Losses paid since organization 13,544.827 00 GEO. W. DEAN & CO., 101 Fourth ave. nol8-rl0--ar8 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF BAKERY, AT 2808 Penn ave.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1889, 2-story brick with frame In rear, bake shop in cellar, together with stock and fixtures; sale positive, as owner is leavingcitv: sale com mences 1 p. JL, sharp. W. MERRILL, Auc tioneer. fetw-D 1 RAND AUCTION SALE ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1889, at 10 o'clock. A. u.. At RED LION STABLES, Sixth street, itts burg. 35 head of Norman and Morgan horses and mares, from 14 to 15 hands high. Con signment from Win. Hubbard's Stock Farm. Missouri. All the above stock will be sold to the highest bidder. No postponement on ac count of the weather, f e&81 J. A. McKELVY, Auctioneer. A RED FLAG. The wholesale Jewelry store of Chas. Zng smith, Jr., corner Wood St. aud Sixth are., will be sold out at public auction, commencing on Monday, February 4. and continue until the entire stock is disposed of. The stock is com posed of diamonds, jewelry, Howard and Elgin watches, silverware of the Rogers and Merldta make, Beth Thomas marble and Ansoaia enameled clocks, safes, show cases and coun ters. Mr. Zngsmlth Is retiring from the jew elry business. All articles will be sold to tbe highest bidders. Don't forget. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, at 930 o'clock a. m. J. A. ROBINSON, fel-53- AUCTIONEER,
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