THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, FPJDAT, PEBETIAET 8, 1839. "THE'GIPSKS'SOMO. Nearly All of the Family Stricken Down IVith Disease. ANOTHER TAGE TO THE EOMAKCE. Ostracized From Teoplc, in a Tent in This Kind of Weather, THETOCKGWAXDEKEEATDEATITSDOOI! Another page may be added to the Gipsy romance, the sad details of which were re corded in the columns of this paper a fevr weeks ago. The romantic life and sad death of the nomadic beauty, Annie Stan ley, in a tent near the "West End, is yet fresh in the minds of the many readers of The Dispatch. Poor Dick, her husband, is now lying at death's door, and may soon join the wile be loved so well in that mys terious realm which mortals call eternity. The simple tale, so pathetic, so touching, and yet humble in its origin, cannot but excite the sympathy of those who may fol low this recital of their misery. Lying on a bed of straw, covered with a qnilt rather torn and tattered, his pale, emaciated features pinched and worn by the bitterest of physical and mental sufferings, brought out in bold relief by a background of hair as black as a raven's wing, his eyes lustrous and unnatural, as he rolled his head from side to side, and in his delirious moments muttering the wanderings of a fevered brain, poor Stanley battles with a dread malignant disease. Near him on a bed equally primitive rests, or lies, his elder daughter, 3 years old, a victim of the same malady, diphtheria. Their wants are attended to by the mother of Dick, Mrs. Stanley, A PLEASANT OLD LADY. Her face is seamed and wrinkled by the tares of a life of roving from country to country. Even though her attire is poor, her language but a jargon and she is only a Gipsy, this woman is a heroine as brave and "as noble as one whose name is written on the pages of history or of song. A word of sympathy was spoken to her yesterday. She only answered that her way in life was rough, but it might have been worse, and good luck would once again smile upon them. Not one murmur or word of complaint was uttered. Stanley was greatly exposed during the illness of his wife. When she died he and his lather were compelled to assume all the burdens of the interment, and the young man caught a severe cold. This, in con junction with the severe mental strain he had to undergo, proved too much for his naturally not overstrong constitution, and he broke down. He grew rapidly worse, and his life now hangs in the balance. The little girl has also become ill, although not seriously, and is now recovering. The disease is of a contagious character, and the stricken family is naturally shunned by the neighbors. Dick is cognizant of his serious illness, and a day or so ago called his father to his bedside and requested that his body be in terred beside that of his wife. He said he thought he was about to die, and that life was hardly worth living now that he had lost his darling and had plunged his friends into such trouble. A physician has visited the man daily. OSTRACIZED BY AM,. Avoided by all the women who have chil dren of their own, the work has devolved upon the old lady, and, under a load which seems almost too great to bear, she is stag gering on, smiling upon the world and hiding her cares. She must attend to the wants of the two sick people, nurse a child not yet a month old, and at the same time cook the meals of her husband and other child. "William Stanley, Sr., is a great, strong man, with a typical Gipsy face. He and Dick supplied the funds lor the family bv making baskets and wooden articles. The women then sold them and they made a very comfortable livelihood. At present,- how ever, they are laboring under adverse cir cumstances, and although unwilling to ac knowledge it, are in need of pecuniary as sistance. The old man, who has full control of himself under ordinary circumstances, when relating his many recent misfortunes, broke into tears and sobbed like a child. A visit was paid the camp yesterday. The writer was welcomed in a cordial, Gipsy fashion. True to their instincts, they im mediately commenced to trade, and offered to buy any article of clothing that the re porter wished to sell. The low, arched tent was heated by a stove, and the air was so close that it was sickening. It is difficult to imagine how they can exist in such an atmosphere. The interior of the tent had changed but little from a previous visit made by the writer. The inhabitants look more careworn and haggard, as if their many wants were proving too great a weight to carry. For Criminal Libel. C C Dickey, Eq was to have entered suit yesterday for criminal libel and an action for damages in behalf of Representative Charles TV. Robinson against George R. Bothwell and Dr. R. H. Gillilord, of Allegheny, for sending alleged libelous letters to other members of the Legislature. Barry's Tricopherous causes a splen did crop of hair to grow up where before all was barren. Protect Your Families. The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Hew York, since its organization in 1843, has paid to its policyholders 272,481,339 82. The wonderful growth of the company is due in a large degree to the freedom from re striction and irksome conditions in the con tract and to the opportunities for invest ment which are offered in addition to in demnity in case of death. That this appealed powerfully to the popular taste is evident from the "fact that in 1888 the company wrote over 103,000,000 of new insurance. Mr. W. P. "Wooldridge is the local agent. Parties contemplating life insurance should call on him. See statement in the advertising columns. Guns, revolvers, sporting goods at half price, jonnsion, toe gun man, will re move about April 1st to Ko. 706 Bissel Block, and in the mean time is selling off oil old stock at about half price at the old store, 2o. C21 Smithfield st Guipure lace curtains, white and col ored, stripes and small figures, reduced from $10 to So per pair. MWFSU HUGUS & HACKE. Fine Wntchea nt LowcfclTriccn. If you need a watch go to Hauch's, Ho. 293 Fifth avenue, and buy a good one. Your old watch taken in exchange. wrsu "Will Price's window display of fine neckwear excels anv display ever Been in any city East or West Special Kotice. Some handsome de signs in novelty costume patterns jnst ar rived. Hugus & Hacke. MWFSU Fine watch repairing, lowest prices, at Hauch's, 2s o. 295 Fifth avenue. wfsu "Will Price for the handsomest line of men's neck dressings ever shown anywhere. Two Grand Trips. The attention of the traveling public is called to the advertisement appearing else where in this paper to Raymond's vacation excursions to California. They are very popular. Sample Free. Ask your grocer for Electric Paste Stove Polish. 2s"o dust; no dirt. Try it. WILI THEY QUASH IT? The Argument on the Starr Indictment Closed Numerous Defect! Aro They Fntalf The Court's Remark. Before Judges Collier and Slagle, in Criminal Court room No. 2 yesterday after noon, the argnments pro and con on the motion of 11. H. Johnston, Esq., to quash the indictment against Superintendent A. R. Starr, of the Ft. Wayne Railway, were concluded. Mr. Johnston argued that, in a principal count, the offense charged was not one of actual commission, as stipulated in the statute of 1870, but merely one of per mission that "Starr suffered and allowed" thus and so to be neglected or done. Judge Collier, in noting this point made by the attorney for the defense, admitted its force to this extent, that the bill should be more explicit as to just what rules or what du ties were criminally neglected, how and by whom these duties were imposed, and, in every case, stipulating just what particular offense, fully defined,, tho defendant was alleged to have committed, so that, in case of going to trial, tho defendant's attorney might know what be must combat or disprove In order to clear his client. But," said Judge Collier, In a more scriom vein, "what would you say. Mr. Johnston, of an indictment whose only count should charge, in general terms, gross negligence of official duties at a, concededly dangerous railroad crossing, where loss of life was very liablo to be caused by the omission or setting aside of ordinary ana requisite precautions; of a count wherein it should be set forth that the de fendant, having authority to do so, bad set aside, or directed an engineer to set aside, a precaution whose absence resulted in loss of life? Independently of tbis statute, but under the common law. the simple, general law of right, would you not admit that such an indict ment, unless weakened by dependent defective counts, would hold goodT" Undoubtedly," replied Mr. Johnston; "but that's hardly the caso before the court." Judge Collier didn't say whether he thought it was or not: but he and Judge Slagle took the Sapers of both Lawyer Johnston ami Clarence urlcigli, Esq., the latter of whom submitted no especially new arguments to sustain tho in dictment. THAT SHOT TOWER. Tho Now Trial In the f-nlt of Gcorce Grnntz , vs. Price & Co. The well-known "shot tower case" was put on trial yesterday for the second time, before Judge Ewmg." The suit is that of George Grantz against William G. Price S Co., tho foundrymen. The foundry and lead works of Price & Co., are located on Colwell street at the corner of Price street, near Fifth avenue. In 1SS3 the firm built a shot tower about 175 feet in height for the making of shot. Shortly after ward the wife of George Grantz, who lived close to the tower, became seriously III, and her sickness was pronounced lead poisoning. Grantz and his children were also attacked, but in a less degree. The illness, it was alleged, was caused by the atmosphere becoming poisoned from tho heated lead handled in the shot tower. Snit was entered against the firm, and the case was tried before Judge Magee. A verdict for the plaintiff was tendered for $600, and tne case was taken to the Supreme Court. Justice Paxson reversed Judge Magee on errors in refusing to admit testimony and in charging the jury. The decision was given in January, 18SS, ana the new trial which was ordered commenced yesterday. To-Dnv's Trinl Lints. Common Pleas No. 1 Myers, administrator, vs Smith fc Co.; Butler et al vs Bndgewater Gas Company; Schonbcrg vs Schieffelbein: Graff vs Sons of Winklereid; Oliver vs Better: Stewart vs Harbison; Welsh vs Oliver & Rob erts: Hutchins vs Knoxville Land Company. Common Pleas No. 2 Corcoran vs Chess, Cook fc Co.; Hyndman vs Gwinncr: Saitto, Cuneo Co. vs city of Pittsburg; Lcahnian vs citv of Pittsburg. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs James Flanigan. J. M. Hays, D. C. Tracey, Sarah Dillon, Fred Young, Sarah McDermott, Henry Schlobahm, James Ainslev. P.J. Ulricb, David Bennett, J. McK. Russell. Robert Long, J. Gol berg ct al. Michael Kelly et al, Thomas Sarron, Thomas Lemon, William Feix, Emma Weber et al, Louis Runpel, John S. Waddle et aL Mary Bierman, Kehill Aucoran, John L. Lane The Charter Applied For. An application was filed yesterday for a charter for the Howard Plate Glass Company, the details of which were published in The Dispatch a few days ago. Linen From LcenI Quarter. Rae was yesterday found guilty of embezzlement. A VOI.TJNTARY non-suit was taken by the plaintiff yesterday. In the case of the Baden Gas Company against the Ohio Valley Gas Company, a suit on a note. In pursuance of tho order made in the United States Court, the steamer Mayflower will be sold by the Marshal on the suit of Bo vard. Rose & Co. The date of the sale is fixed for Thursday, February 14, at 11 A. it. The jury in the case or E. J. Gillies & Co., against George B. Kelly, that suit on a book ac count arising out of the sale of a lot of adul terated spices, etc., was discharged jesterday, being unable to agree after having been out all night. W. C. ITeelt, of Coraopolis, yesterday filed a petition to havo an inquest in lunacy held on his sister, Martha Neely, who, he alleged, has been of unsound mind for a number of years. An inquest was ordered to be held on Febru ary 25. In Judge Slagle's branch of the Criminal Court 'Squire McMillen and Constable Bell, of Mansfield, were yesterday found guilty of as sault and battery on Jacob Glasser. The snit grew out of ejecting Glasser from his house on a landlord's warrant. The Brewers' Association of Allegheny County were granted a charter yesterday. The officers of the association are: President, Will lam Ebertardt; Vice President, Leopold Vil sack; Secretary, Jpbn G. Walther; Treasurer, Christian Baucrlem; Director, John Nusser. A case involving a number of cross suits is on trial before Judge Collier. John and Lud wig Suin are charged with pointin;; firearms at Paul Kruger and George Bradley. Bradley is charged with assault and battery'on John Suin and John Malseed- is accused of assault and battery on both the Snins. The affair was a row on the Sum's farm near McKeesporL LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1, of Allegheny county. No. 510. March term, 1S8S Commonwealth ex reL vs Elizabeth Dean. The undersigned gives notice that he has filed his final account as committee on above matter and the same will be allowed by the Court on Saturday, March IL 1869, unless cause to the contrary be shown. A. M. MAR SHALL, Committee. feS-25-F NOTICE AN APPLICATION WILL BE made to the Court of Common Pleas No. 1 nf Allegheny county, at No. C18. March term. 18S9, on Saturday, March 2, IMS, by J. H. Rcitz, Samuel J. Keno, John A. Benton, F. Dower man and W. H. Rapp, Hr.. W. C. Ileitx anil A. C. Robertson for the charter of a corporation of the first class, under the general corporation act of 1874. Tho name of said intended cor poration is tho Grandview Hall Association, and the object is to erect and maintain a building containing halls and lodge rooms for public purposes. R. S. KRAZER, Solicitor. fe-Sb-F Auditor's Office, ) Muskingum County. ' Zanesville, O., February 6. 1889. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT is the intention of the County Commission ers orMuskincum county, O., t construct three highway bridges across the Muskingum river in saidcountv; one near the mouth of Brush creek, one at the foot of Underwood street Zanesville. and one near the mouth of Symmes creek. By order of the Commission ers. J. A. KNIGHT, Auditor and Clerk to Commissioners. feS-90-D MARSHALL8 i I MBRIE, 117 Diamond st S' TATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. COUNTY of Allegheny, ss. In the Court of Com mon l'leas jNo. i. jMo.73 .December T.. 1SS7. In the matter of the American Bank, William Floyd vs Lewis Peterson et al. January 12, 18S9, account of receiver presented and on mo tion of attorney for receiver said account is confirmed and James F. Robb, Esq., is ap pointed Auditor to distribute the funds. BY THE COURT. From the Record. iSeaLJ JOHN BRADLEY, Prothonotary. Notice is hereby given that I will attend to the duties of tho above appointment at my office. No. 100 Diamond street Pittsburg, Pa., on WEDNESDAY. February 27. 18S9.at3 o'clock p. M., when and where 'you may attend if vou see proper. fel 55-F JAMES F. ROBB. Auditor. F0R"SaTET -1 C E- In car loads on track, in Pittsburg; $2 00 per ton. Chautauqua Lake Ic? Co., feC-15 210. 43 SIXTH AVENUE. S3"Display advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, ete, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up, to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. PITTS1IUKG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SM Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 21th street and Penn ave. E. Q. STUCKEY & CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. X. STOKELY, Fifth Avenne Market Rouse. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAXD. MCALLISTER & SHE1BLER, 5th a, v. Atwood St. EOUTH8IDE. JACOIl'sPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. C11AS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A..T. KAERCnER, 59 Federal street. II. J.'MCBRIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street F. IL EGGERS & SON, Ohio and Chcstnnt sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EKKY M. GLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. BInle Ilcln. WANTED-THKEE FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS salesmen. Address with reference, DRYGOODS, Allegheny. IeS-41 -VTTANTED-FIRST-CLASS CUSTOM CUTTER V for merchant tailoring. Inquire at FLATH 4 HORN'S, Ms Liberty st. feS-63 WANTED-A COMPETENT SHEET ROLLER. Addre, stating experience and reference, LOCK BOX 29. Pittsburg P. O. fe8-9 -TtTANTED-EXPERlENCED CUTTER AND tt coat maker for steady employment and good salary at 1315 and 1317 CARsON ST., Pitts burg. S. S. fcS-46-FSU -VTfANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER W to go to the country: married man pre ferred. Inquire at P. J. LOUGHNEY, No. 932 Liberty st. fe8-82 YT7ANTED AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S V loot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc : sells at sight. Inquire after 3 r. M., WM. SEMPLE, JR., 155 Federal sf Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-D WANTED-AGENTS IN ALL SECTIONS OF the country to sell our famous Si pants: all wool, to measure, and perfect fit; big money to re liable and progressive salesmen. 1? or terms ad dress HUNTER MFG. CO., Sixth and Sjcamore, Cincinnati, O. fc7-95 XU"ANTED-A LIVE CANVASSER IN EACH V town to sell a commercial specialty, popular and of longstanding. Large commission. Quiet sales. No capital required. Inquire the commer cial standing of our house. Established 1606. YV rite for particulars, Inclosing 2-cent stamp. THE REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO., Dayton, O, Ja23-3-EOD -VTTANTED AGENTS GENERAL AND V local agents to handle the new patent Chemical Ink-Erasing Pencil; greatest novelty ever produced; erases ink In two seconds; no abrasion of paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit; sells at sight; territory absolutely free; salary to good men: sample 3c by mall. For terms and full particulars address the manufacturers, J. W, SKINNER ACQ., Onalaska, Wis. fe8-55 Male nnd Fcmnto flolD. -TTTANTED-IMMEDIATELY-nEAD WA1T- ER. white or colored; steady work, good wages: cooks, chambermaids, house girls, dish washers, nurse girl. MRS. MEEHAN, 545 Grant st. fe4-99-D TTTANTED-L1VE MEN AND WOMEN TO V engage In an easy, paving business at home; can work daytime or e cnlng and make 50c to $2 per hour; sure thing; sample and complete Instructions sent free. Address, WORLD SUPl'LY CO.. Rutland. Vt. Ja2Q-110 WANTED SITUATIONS. -TfTANTED SITUATION BY ENGLISH V bread and cake baker; good references. 2312 CARSON ST., S, 8., Pittsburg. IcS-lo WANTKD-BY A YOUNG MAN WITH CON SIDERABLE business experience, a posi tion as bookkeeper or clerk; can furnish best of references. Address B. M., Dispatch office. fe6-lS-WF WANTED-SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER, clerk or any responsible outside work; references: pcrmincnt place more object than salary. Address PLUMER, Dispatch oibce. re-42 WANTED-SOMETH1NG TO DO ATHOS1E expert mechanic and good penman; an old vet., crippled: head and hands O. K.: good refer ences. Address EXPERT, Box 37, Mahoningtown, Lawrence CO., Pa. fe8-75 -VTTANTED-A GENTLEMAN WHO IS FA- V MILIAR wltb bnslncss details Is open Tor a situation which would be one of responsibility; any reference required can be given. Address A. 1!.. Dispatch office. fe6-64-TUWFS WANTED PARTNERS. TrfANTED A PARTNER WHO CAN INVEST V S50O In a good-paying established business on line of C & P. R. R.; only a man who can do the collecting and can give his entire attention need apply: can make $2oper week: reference ex changed. Address PROFIT, Dispatch office. feS-89 WANTED ROOMS. HOUSES. -TTTANTED-TO RENT DESK ROOM: CEN V TRAL location. Address, with particulars and price per annum, A. M., Dispatch office. let-n -T7AKTEU-BY MAIJ ANU WIFE-A PLEAS V ANT furnished room In the lower part of Allegheny. Address H. K., Dispatch office. fe7-82 -TTANTFJ-3 OR 4 ROOMS BY A COUPLE W without children; must bavenatural gas and water conveniences; rent not to exceed ?20 per month; Fifth ave. or proximity preferred: rerer enccs exchanged. Address PROMPT, Dispatch office. feS-41 WANTED FINANCIAL. -VTTANTED-3lORrGAGES-MONEYTOLOAN VV In sums to suit, at 4, 5 and C per cent. GRAEBING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. apC-el-D TTANTKD-EENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- y LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK & BAIR1), 95 Fourth avenue. a23-a29-D -TTJ-ANTED-KENTS COLLECTED PROMPT V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. JaI9-Sl WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over S4.000; 4" per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 02 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -VVTANTED-MORTGAGES-SUMS FROM S5C0 V to fo,000to loan at )$, 5 and 0 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. fel-47-MWFS -T7ANTED-TO BORROW FOR 5 YEARS V, ?10,UO ou Allegheny City property valued at 830,000; will pay 5 per cent. Address LOAN, Allegheny, Pa. feS-43 Tr7"ANTED-MORTGAGES, 4 AND 5 PER V centlnt.; noState tax; 51,000,000 toloan In sums or S3, 500 and upward, on liuproi cd city prop erty. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't., (BFourthave. feS-GO WANTED-MORTGAGES AT 4i AND 5 PER cent Int. S1.C00,X) to loan on bond and mortgage: Pittsburg and Allegheny property pre ferred. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't., 62 Fourth ave. -TT7-ANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUilS VV from ?S00to8i0,000at 4.S to 6 per cent, ac cording to size and kind of mortgage; no delay If the title Is good. W. A. HERRON & SOSb, 80 Fourth ave. . fel-48-Tup WANTED-TO LOAN $500,000. IN AMOUNTS of 3,000 and upward, on city and suburlian property, on 4 percent, rreeoftax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK i BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D -TTT-ANTED-TO LOAN r200,000 ON MORr- V GAGES: flOO and upward at 6 per cent: $500,000 at 4& per cent on residences or business Jropertv: also In adjoining counties. S. IL 'RENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D -T7-ANTED-MOKTGAGES-?I,OOQ,OOOTOLOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4K Sand G per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK i SON, 105 Fourth a enue. ap7-f41 WANTE D-MISCELLANEO Uh. WANTED-PUPILS TO TUTOR; COMMON branches and college coaching. WILL. Dis patch ofilcc. fe7-90 -TTJANTED - HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND general merchandise tosell at our salesroom or on the premises; storage at lowest rates. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., S3Thlrd ave. fe6-2 WANTED-EVERYBODV TO KNOW THAT H. Terbcyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and sliver, that he can sell as low as the lowest: remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN. SJOSmlttfleldsL noll-MWFSU WANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 90 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny. e erybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at 1150 per dozen; photos delivered when (promised: Instan taneous process. ( mhl3-k27 -TVrANTED-TO SELL AN ESTABLISHED V business that can be attended to by one man. and is now making money, which can be shown: this Is a good chance for a young, active man; 8LOO0 required: reason for selling,! am in other business. Address P., Dispatch office. fe8-88 LOST.' LOST-A BLACK COLL1LDOG WITH WHITE stripe on forehead; medium size and heavy. A reward will be given by returning same to IBS FEDEltAL ST , Allegheny. fe8-23 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOR SALE-FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY on Chatham ,t.,near Wylle; price reasonable. C. BALTENSPERGEE & CO., 1M Fourth ave. feS-87 FOR SALE-A GOOD BRICK HOUSE OF 7 rooms, on Bedford ave. at $3,000. and pleasant location. C. BERINGER Jt SON, 103 Fourth ave. feS-SO-WF FOR SALE-M,O0O WILL BUY FINE PROP ERTY on Third ave., near Market St.; must he sold at once to close an estate, w. . Mo NEILL& BKO., 162 Fourth ave. feS-71-TTFSu FORISALE-IIOUSE AND LARGE LOT ON Thirty-eighth st., between Butler st. and Penn avenne; 7 rooms, ball, cellar, etc.; large lot 53x115 feet; will be sold cheap. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. feG-33-D FOR SALE-COR. REED ST. AND CENTER ave., a well finished 8-room house; all mod ern conveniences; one acre lot; abundance of flowers, shmbberv. fruit and shade trees; easy terms. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. feS-00 FOR SALEON CONGRESS ST., BRICK dwellings rooms, both gases, etc: lot 20x90 feet; a bargain. Bluff street, press brick dwell ing; 7 rooms, vestibule. liaU. both eases, etc ; price J4, 000. ALLES & BA1EKY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. fc&32 FOR SALE-A FINE BRICK DWELLING house or 10 rooms, wide ball, hot and cold water on three floors, with large lot, and good location on new proposed cable road, being No. 411 Wvlle avenue; price only ?5,000. O. BEKINtrER & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. fe6-33-WF East End Residences. mill SALE -CHOICE EAST END RESI- X? DEi'CES. large or small. f!nil or send for new list, free. W.A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. iew-.Mwc FOR S ALE-S5, 500-COZY BRICK RESIDEN CE, 7 rooms, bath, Margaretta street, near cable line. Nineteenth ward. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station strtet. East End. fe7-14-MWF TTIOR SALE-ON AUREMA ST.. LOT 24X120; P frame house 5 rooms, front and side porches, good cellar, etc.. $2,100: S500 cash, bal. on time. THOS. L1UGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-41-MWF6Su FOR SALE A NICE FRAME DWELLING house of 7 rooms, hall and large lot; situate on Sommers street, near new cable road; price only J2.500. c. IJERINUER&SON, 103 Fourth avenue. fe6-36-WF FOR SALE-ON MEADOW ST.. NEW FRAME house or 6 rooms; bath, basement laundry, nat. gas, finished attic and all modern improve ments: lot 30x141; only 1,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-42-MTuFSSu -TTOR SALE ONLY'" S4,00O-AT SHADYSIDE tj station, 6-room frame house, bath, w. c. finished attic; lot 30x150 ft.: only four minutes from station: Immediate possession. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe3-65-MWF FOR SALE ONLY M. 000, ?1.000CASH, A COM PLETE home on Baum St., Shadyslde, house 7 rooms, late Improvements, Inside shutters, re ception hall, location good: lot 50x100 ft. . A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. fe7-3-TTFS FOR SALE-S3.700-OAKLAND RESIDENCE, on Meyran aveuuc,2 squares from cable cars, new house 6 rooms, good style and late style; lot 22x100 ft.; stable on alley In rear; terms easy. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. fcS-76-D FOR SALE ON CEDAR ST., NEAR LIBERTY aye., lot 20x125 to a paved alley: good 3 roomed brick house, good stone foundation and cellar, city water, etc. : 10 niln. walk from Mill vale sta.; fAOOO. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-42-iiTuFSSu 3710R SALE-MELLON ST., E. ., ELEGANT ; now frame house about 9 rooms, all modern conveniences; lot 50x120 to an alle ; also 2 new frame houses. 7 rooms eich: lots 25xl2ii: owner live out of city: will sell cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe5-68-TuWFS FOR SALE-AT OAKLAND FOR 53,000, REA SONABLE payments; 3 minutes from cable line on Atwood St., boue of 6 rooms: lot 20x100 ft., well located: all now rentldg for S300 per year. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe7-3-TTFS FOR SALE AT HS50 A NEW QUEEN ANNE house In the East End, near East Liberty sta tion and Hiland ave.; 6 rooms, finished attic, bath, hot and cold water, w. c, natural gas. etc., etc., and other modern conveniences; immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. feS-32 FOR SALE-S3,200-JUSTONEM1NUTKFROM Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 0 rooms, hall and vestibule, nat. and art. gas, water, screens for windows and doors, front yard: choice location and special bargain. BLACK & BA1RD, 93 Fourth avenue. feO-49-D FOR SALE-J5.500-DESIRABLE EAST END residence, neas steam aud cable cars, new house, late style. 8 rooms, bath, range, nat. gas, washhouse, all well finished and first-class order; lot 40x110 ft. (more ground can be had nt reason able rates): location flrst-class. W. A. HERRON &SONS, MFourth avenue. ic$-77-8,9,12,14,lG FOR SALE-AT SHADYSIDE, FOR 84,000, small cash payment down and balance on monthly Installments, if desired: new house 6 rooms, attic, bath, range, hot and cold water,nat uralgas: lot 30x150 feet: a complete home; only 3 minutes level walk from the station. W. X. HERRON & SONSj No. 80 Fourth ave. feS-76-D' 17IOR SALE-ON5 SOUTH HILAND AVE.. LOT 37x140; selected brick house, parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen on first floor; 3 good rooms aud bathroom on second floor; 3 good rooms In attic: natural gas all through tho house; hot and cold water; large front porch and shade trees; S1I.O0O. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-4I-MWFSSU t FOR SALE-WE CAN SELL YOU AN EAST END residence for M00 cash, and will make payments on balance like rent; this is a brick dwelling situated on South rilland ave., and on line of new cable cars: has every modern con venience, and will be sold. If taken at once, very cheap. RLACK & BAIRD. Do Fourth ave. fe6-52-G, 8. 9, 12, 14, 1G, 19, 21, 23, 26, 23 ITIO K SALE-H250 WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; ball, vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slato mantels and nice chandeliers: this Is only 0 minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK &. BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. feC-49-D 1710R SALE-PRETTY HOME IN THE EAST ? End; street paed with asphalt: complete sewerage; Queen Anne frame dwelling; reception hall, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs. 9 rooms, pantry, furnace: lot 50x100 leet: close to P. R. R. station; price 7,500; terms, SLOW cash, bal ance to suit. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 1 ourth ave. fe4-18-MWP I7IOR SALE-JUST COMPLETED. A VERY late style X? desirable East End residence. brick, 9 large rooms, bath, pantries andlaundiy, large porches front and side, lront and back etalrs. 2 w. c. Inside shutters, tile vestibule, hearths and facings, hard wood mantels, stands back from the street 25 feet, lot 40x121 feet, nicely graucu, corner oummenea ana .imcr sis., con fe8-77-8,9,12.14.16 FOR SALE-SHADYS1DE RESIDENCE, ON one of the finest streets between the station and Fifth avenue cable cars, complete In all Its appointments, with handsome grounds well laid out with walks, drives, shrubbery.frult and shade trees: house has a very commanding appearauce; has 17 rooms. 0 large fine rooms on first floor, 6 on the second floor and 5 rooms In attic; the laundry is complete; cellars arc cemented: large furnace, wide halls, natural gas all through,ample porches, bay windows, etc.: also, stable for 3 horses: lot 105x260 feet. Tlilo is one of the bestlocated dwell ings In the East End, has an eastern and sonthern exposure, and can be bought for 330,000. BLACK &, BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe4-16-MWF Allecheny Residences. FORSALE-S20,000 FOR ONE OF THE FINEST residences In Allegheny; large grounds, near me Darks; all conveniences. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 162 Fourth a.e. feS-73-MWFSU FOR SAUE-UNION AVENUE-FRONTING parks, fine brick residence of 14 rooms with all modern Improvements: lot 22x90x70: large, new brick stable. JNO. J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth ave. feO-34 TTIOR SALE-A 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT-2 A small nouses in Aiiegnenynear Ohio street: lot 20x50 feet: real estate: rent S3H- will sell for 53,100: very cheap. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 S3,iuu: very cneap. jah. Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ItH-ti-!) FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, SECOND ward, Allegheny, hairsquare from the parks; 6 rooms, bath. w. c, natural gas, laundry: lot2itx 110 leet to an alley; price ft 873. JAS.W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe6-33 FOR SALE NORTH AVE., FRONTING parks, 2-6tory brick dwelling 7 rooms, batik h. and c. water, nat. and art. gas: everything in first-class order; price low, terms to suit: lot 19x 100 to alley. J . C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. fc2-46 FOR SALE-ON THE PARKIN ALLEGHENY, handsome brick dwelling; 12 rooms, range, bath. Inside w. c, hall, vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, nat. gas all through; large lot, fine location: very cheap and easy payments. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. ja27-107-27,29, 31. fe2, 4, 6, 8.9, 11, 13, 15. 16 FOR SALE-THREE VERY COMFORTABLE eight-roomed brick houses in Second ward, Allegheny, one square from street cars: prices. S4.60U, 5,500and $6,500 respectively, J2.000 down, balance on time to suit purchasers. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fe8-5U FOR SALE-A 9 PER CENT INVESTMENT clear, a block of 6 new brick dwellings in Allegheny, close to street cars and near the paries; splendid property In prime condition throughout; natural gas, bath and other modem conveniences, always well heated ; will be sold at a nrlce to pay 9 per cent clear: a rare bargain. owner going West. JAS. W. DRAPE Jt CO., 129 Fourth avenue; Pitts burg. ttl-1 Suburban Residences. F0KSAJ(;,!f-1!!TiI,aDBE AND FIL MOREst., Bellefleld. very fine lot 40X184 ft., with 5-room and double attic cottage house; will be sold at 62 Fourth ave. u..A.wii. xmj. uuiij&ru. Agl.. fe8-60 F05,SAIiE7K.1,O:7V1LLK' KIUHT ATTER MINUS or electric road and street car line, a 2-story brick of 4 rooms, slate mantels, tile t,1" r.watcr. nat. gas; lot 25x100; priceonly 2,5C0; bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave- fe7-l-8,9,12, 14. 16, 18,20,22,26,23 FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In .Allegheny county: the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsomefowl house: the grounds are very bCauttful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamentaltrces; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 6 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND LM PR&VEMENTUO.. 85 Knox ivenue, Knoxville borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Suburban Residence. TTIOR SALE-A NICELOT ABOUT 24x120 FEET,' A' in Allegheny, witn small aweuing, near elec tric cars, Allegheny: price only J800. JAS. W, DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, fc7-2 1710R SALE-A SMALL HOUSE AND LOT IN Allegheny, near Fcrrysville avenne electric cars, at a bargain; 6 rooms; Jrall, cellar, natural gas; lot 24x120 feet: trees and shrubbery: price only S2.750: immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. re7-2 FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lot. FOR SALE-LUTS! LOTS1-FINE BUILDING lots on Forty-fifth st.. near cable road: cheap to ready buyer. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 162 Fourth ave. feS-73-8,10,12,14,16 Enst End Lota. T7"OR SALE EAST END BUILDING LOTS, OF JJ all kinds. Call or send for printed list, free. just issued, W. A. H.UUU.n & SU.B, surounu avenue. feG-H-MWr ITIOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN- TON avenne, near HUand ave., each 40x100 teet to 20-foot alley ; price reduced to S35 per foot If sold at once. BiACK JL BAIRD, 05 Fourth aye. fe6-49-D FOR SALE LOTS! LOTS1 LOTSI-GRAZIER. Bennett and Kelly streets, four minutes' walk from Brushton station: no city taxes, with city conveniences; no lot less than 40x137 feet: terms to suit purchasers. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent,512 Smithfield St. fe3-43-TuF lTazelwood Lots. FOR BALE-FIVE ACRES IN TWENTY THIRD ward at Hazel wood. B. and O. R. R., with large front on Monongahela river: well adapted for elthermanufacturlng site or to lav out In lots: will be sold cheap to settle up an estate, HENRI A. WEAVER & CO., 9.1 Fourth ave. fc8-30 Allegheny Lots. TTIOR. SALE SHERMAN AVENUE: LOT 40X X1 110: finest vacant lot on Allegheny parks. A. LEGGATE Jt SON, 31 Federal street, Allegheny. les-sa T7OE SALE-LOTS-KHO MORRISON AVE.. A? Allegheny: S1.000 Klrkpatrlck aye., Alle- ehenv: K1300 Averr St.. near East Park: on your own terms. aye. .' ' .;; .. -'...... - . ...... W. V . MC2t XilLiLi & &U.V, lozfourm fe8-74 Suburban Lota. FOR oft tHALE-RUILDTNOLOTSATTHEMOUTH of the. beautiful Chartlcrs creek IL'. &. L. E. R. lt-. 4 mllH from f Vinrt pjiav terms and low Srlce; call and examine plans at office. W.W..MC EILL & BRO., 162 Fourth avenue. fel-39-MWFS TTIOR SALE-ONE TO THREE ACRES OF choice, level and nicely located ground at Lmsworth. P.. Ft.W. & C. E. R.. with or without Improvements; will bo sold at a bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fc7-99-8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19.21, 23, 28, 23 Farms. FOR SALE-t2,M0 WILL BUYAFARU OF 191JJ acres with a team of horses thrown in. GEO. JOHNSTON. Ag't, 62 Fourth ave. feS-GO TTIOR SALE-OIL FARM, ON LAKE ERIE R. JD It., Stowe township, atPorter's Station; con tains 87 acres; 60 acres good farmland; 27 acres partly rough aud hilly; well timbered : two young orchards, one bearing orchard; oil well producing 90 barrels of petroleum per day within short dis tance. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tele phone 167. fe612 FOR SALE-S2.20O-FAR5I CONTAINING 19IJS acres, about 70 acres under cultivation, balance in tiMbcr; good frame house of 5 rooms and log barn; elegant spring within 30 ft. of house, good orchard, sugar maple camp of 200 trees, team of horses and larmlng Implements Included; all for 2.2U0; the above valuable property Is situate 5 miles from Llgonler and 2 miles from Langhlln town, Westmoreland co. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't., 62 Fourth ave. feS-60 nfnnufncturiug Sites. FOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on Rtveravenue, by 215 feet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue, fc6-49-D Miscellaneous. FOR SALE SEVERAL HANDSOME DWELL INGS In Pittsburg. AUeghenv and suburbs. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't 02 Fourth aye. feS-60 FOR SALE-SMALL DWELLINGS, SOME ON easy payments: call or send for new printed list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth aveuue. feC-55-MWF FOR SALE-SEVERAL VALUABLE PROPER TIES fronting on Penn, Sixth, Fourth and Third aves. and other streets and avenues of the citv. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't, 62 Fourth aye. fe8-60 Fc 10R SALE BIG INVESTMENT-10 ACRES of land lrontlnir river and underlaid with coal and fire-clay: this property Is situate at New Cum norland, W. Va. See BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fc2-37-2. 4,5,6,7,8,9,12.14,16,19,21,23 EOR SALE S3.000 REASONABLE PAY MENTS and long time, near Shadyslde sta tion, on Baum St.. 1 square from Center aye.; 7 large rooms, reception hall, well finished, Inside shutters, late conveniences. LotSOxloOit.; location good: a desirable home, cheap. W. A. HERRON & SON S. 80 Fourth ave. fe8-76-D FOR SALE-CALL FOR ILLUSTRATED PLAN of lots on the boulevards; the finest lots In the East End, fronting the parks and clrcles,wlth 90-foot paved streets, flagstone sidewalks, com plete sewerage system: close to station, surround ed by fiue residences ana at remarkably low E rices; terms, only uu cash, balance to suit uyer: come early, get the pick of lots aud ground floor prices. BLACK. & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnslncaq Cbnnrcsw FOR SALE-FEED STORE IN ALLEGHENY. Best opening In the country for a live man, very cheap. SUEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. fe7-I2 FOR SALE- ACOZY HOTEL IN ALLEGHENY containing 20 rooms, average about 40 regular boarders; situated on a good business street and in a gooa locality; this is a rare opportunity for a live man. Apply to W. II. WALTER, 419 Smith field st. fe7-92 TT'OR SALE-STOKES, STORES, STORES: JL. I drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea. cigar ana tooacco stores, naileries, noteis, restaur ants,, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc.; 100 good citv business chances lor menorwomen. SilEPAl SHEPARD & CO., frl Filth aye. ja30 FOR SALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A LARGE and successful general store. In a manufac turing town, on line or railroad; last year's busi ness, 70,000, mostly cash: a rare opening to an ac ceptable man; 111 health the only reason for sell lug. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., in Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe8-65-i TTIOI! SALE- -THE VALUABLE HOTEL PROP- X" ERTY, all fullv fumlihed nnd In comnletn order for carrying on the bu slness. known as The Chautauqua House" at Mayvllle head of Lake Chautauqua; fuller particulars will appear In a day or two. Descriptive circular will be mailed on application to JAS. W. DRAPE & CO, Agents, 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. fe3-6C F rOR SALE-OH EXCHANGE FOR TOWN property or small farm, will give or take difference 3rence: me lurnisnment oi .national iiotek consisting of 26 well furnished bedrooms, ofUce, icauiiiK ivuui, parmr. uiuuig room, Kltcncn, laundry, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural gas throughout house; hotel located opposite Court House, has a well established trade, and for a pleasant home the town of Beaver cannot be surpassed In the State; this is a fine opportunity for a lite man to make a comfortable living; long lease given. For particulars address E. W. MCGINNIS, or J. H. CUNNINGHAM, Att'y., Beaver. Pa. fe8-29-TuFSu Business Stands. FOR SALE THE NORTHSIDE GRAIN ELE VATOR and warehouse In the rear, with track connections, together with a finely-established and paying business in grain, flour, feed, haj-, etc., etc.: said elevator contains two fast running French burrs, chopping mills, together with all modern appliances for handling grain cheaply and quickly; bin capacity 5Q.00U bu.;sold on easy terms: ill health reason for selling. JOHN P. DEAN, cor. Irwin and North ave., Allegheny. fe7-8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery nnd Metals. I7OR SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND ? boilers; all sizes and styles kept in stock, from 4 to 100 li. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices: mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 b. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa, ja3-92-MWT FOR SALE-23X43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen in operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete; capacity 10,000 In in hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. 150 Irlrst ave. aul-p32-iiWF FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; one 7Xxl2-Inch double engine, double drum; others down to 4xS-lnch, with single or double friction drums: wire and manlla rope, centrifugal Eumps, etc. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, corner acock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. Jal7-uwr Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-ROLL TOP DESK, FOUR CHAIRS, letter press and stand; also, five large sample tables; all new: will sell cheap forca6b. Address B. B.. Dispatch ofllce. fc3-34 FOR SALE 10,000 CLEANED OLD BRICK ready far delivery; In central location: also Iolstand lumber cheap forcash. Address BRICKS, Rspatch ofllce. feS 31 FORSALE-AGOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO, 1 walnut sideboard, 1 mirror-door wardrobe. 2 elegant parlor suits, 3 walnut bedroom suits, 2 sewing machines and a lot of kitchen and lanndrv goods: these goods must be sold. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., 93 Tldrd ave. . feS-68 FOR SALE THE CONTENTS OF ELEGANT residence that we have Just received, com prising parlor suits, bedroom suits, carpets, hat rack, sideboards, mirror door wardrobes, shades, lace curtains, rugs, lamps, engraving, statuary, mirrors, etc.: all goods must be sold be-2?.r-Zebn"iry 15. as owner, Is leaving the city. P1TTTSBUEG AUCTION Cd. 93 Third ave. fe0-61-TUWTSU Pi EO. H. BARBOUR.- IT CIVTL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Dcslgnerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Bulldinz. del2-ke8-u H FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. TO LET. City Residence. mO LET-HOUSE NO. 13 WILSON STREET, Elm. 6 rooms, inquire JL between Logan and Elm, of TAYLOR A BULLOCK, 935 Liberty st. fe3-30 rpO LET-HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS ON PENN also lease and furniture, JL ave.; best location; for sale: only persons meaning business. Apply at 505 PEN NAVE. fe8-J; -0. TO LET-4 AND 6 MILLER ST.. NEAR CEN TRIC ave., 10 minutes walk from Court House: brick dwellings G rooms, inside shutters, vestibule, cemented cellar, natural gas; desirable neighborhood ; 25 per month. feS-73 TO LET-FINE BRICK RESIDENCE, CON TAINING 10 rooms, on Center avenue: has all conveniences; 10 mlnntes from Court House: very large corner lot: shrubbery, fine trees and flowers: possession April 1. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fc-95 TO LET-OR FOR SALE 563 FIFTH AVE., ten minutes lrom Court House; neat two story press brick dwelling, seven rooms and attic, salon parlor, bath, range, hot and cold water, both gases; 30 per month: Immediate posses sion; terms for sale are S300 cash, balance long time on easy payments. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. fel-27-D Enst End KcsiaeDces. TO LET-NEW nOUSE; ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, rnmlshed and only a yeac occupied; tenant will transfer a two year lease conditional with the sale of furniture, carpets, etc.; splendid chance for parties commencing housekeeping; location East Liberty, convenient to trains and both cable Hues: rent moderate. For particulars address P. O. BOX 1003, Pittsburg. fe3-83 Allegheny Residences. mO LET- HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS: ALL MOD nvenlences. Inaulre 27 ESPLANADE X ERN conveniences. STREET, Allegheny City. feS-39 TO LET-NO. 214 LACOCKST., ALLEGHENY, good house, 8 rooms, near Sandusky st. ; $42 per mo. W. A. HERRON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. feS-56-MWZ' T LET BRICK HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND JL attic, large yard, Klrkpatrlck aye., Alle gheny; possession at once. V. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 1C2 Fourth ave. fe8-70-TFSSU TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY press brick dwelling house 9 rooms, finished attic, laundry, natural gas throughout, heater In hall, all modern improvements, Sherman arc. Allegheny. Apply to ROBERT KNOX, JR., 17 Sherman ave., Allegheny City. Jal2-25 mO LET-HOUSES 403 AND 405 FEDERAL ST- 1, extension, a rooms, an modern convenience: alsoNos. 7 and 9 Sedgwick st., 6 rooms, bath and finished attic: storerooms and dwellings 160 and 104 Penna. avenue, Allegheny, lnqulreof J. R. McKEE, 708 Penn ave., Penn Building, room 611. Ja31-73-MWT rpu 10 LET-FOUR NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSES with bath. w. c. natural gas. etc. : ou line of electric roaa, i-errysvme ave., .aiiegneny; two story and mansard. No. 168 North ave., 9 rooms with all modern improvements; also store and dwelline 55 Chestnut st., Allegheny. Inquire of J. A. MCKEE, 708 Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. ta31-73-MWF Hnzclwood Residences. TO LET LARGE DWELLING HOUSE 18 rooms: Second ave., Glenwood, near station; 7 acres of land, stable, orchard, vineyard, city water, gas; good location for first-class boarding house. EDWIN LOGAN, 150 Fourth ave. fe833-EOD Apartments. TOLET-SECOND-STORYROOM. 55X60 FEET, corner of Cherry and Strawberry alleys, suitable for light manufacturing purposes. In quire of TAYLOR 4 BULLOCK, 935 Liberty st. feS-35-D Farm a. TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue; good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent $500. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ay., Pittsburg. 1al5-39 TO'LET OR FOR SALE-150-ACRE FARM, 5 minutes' walk from town of Manor, on Penna. It. It., Westmoreland co.; 13 acres timber, balance cleared: house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McOUTCHEON. 104 Fourth aye. Jal3-30-Jtwp Offices. Desk Room. cVc TO LET (99) OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms In best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK i CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal6-23-D TO LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. B1DWELL & CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. Ja.TO-23 TO LET-FREE RENT-TO APRIL 1. 18S9 Ofllces, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street; Bood light and Crane elevator. SAMUEL W. LACK& CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja29-S6-D TO LET IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Smithfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. - Ja8-32-D TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave- and Wood street. Inqnlrc at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood st. Jal8-51 TO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the interior of Its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a flno location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House, at l'errysvllle, on the x-errysvuicpiauKroaa, witn zi acres ot tana, gooa orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing in first-class order: long lease is given to the right party. For Turther information call or ad dress 1HEDANNER MEDICINE CO., 242FederaI st.. Allegheny City. fe2-l5 Business Stands. TO LET THE FINE STOREROOM 287 OHIO street, AUeghenv: first-class business location. Apply to J. II. AIKEN, 100 Fifth ave. fe8-61 TO LET-SMITHFIELD STREET. 2 THREE story business houses, containing storerooms on first floor. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe6-3 TO LET-NO. 77 RIDGE AVENUE. ALLE gheny. Pa., 6 rooms and bath, now occupied by a physician. Address J. M. FLEMING. Ems woftu. Pa. fc6-28 TO LET-TIIREE-STORY HOTEL CONTAIN ING 30 rooms. In prime order, cor. Ohio and Arch sts.. Allegheny. 118 Diamond st. GEO. D. KIDDLE, Atty, fcO-27 TO LET-(99)-47 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY: storeroom, plate glass front. 4 dwelling rooms: first-class retail location. SAMUEL V. BLACK Jt CO., 93 Fourth aye. feS-53 TO LET-TWO VERY DESIRABLE 8TORE rooms, Nos. 1127 and 1129 Liberty avenue, di rectly onposlte Union Depot. Inquire EXCEL SIOR EXPRESS AND STANDARD CAB CO.. 1133 Liberty ave. fe6-30 TO LET-SANDSTONE QUARRY AT SIET CALF station, A. V. R. R., known as "City Quarry;" also 150 acres of coal to lease or sell: shipments by river or rail. For particulars call on or address D. COLL, Burrell P. O., Pa. feS-67 Special. T O LET-BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL he line or penna. ave. SeeM. P. HOWLEY, st. cable cars, st. 3819 Butler feS-33 PERSONAL. PERSONAL POP THE QUESTION: 200 ways; no two alike; Illustrated, 10 cents. CLIMAX, Chicago, III. fe5-57 PERSONAL-FINE BOOKS-PICTURESQUE America. Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine, Art Treasures ot Germany and 30.000 more books in all departments of literature. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel Building. fe3 PERSONAL YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so be np and make the best of It: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of CO Filth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trial. 'telephone 1558. Jaa FOUND. FOUND-THE THUTH1-WE SUFFERED UN TOLD agonies! Dr. Grlfilth's Ta-vajzon Remedies cured us when all other means failed, and they will cure you: try them: Mrs. O. C. Fink. Foxburg, Pa.: Mrs. Hannah John, d$3 Forbes at.; Tbos. Keefe, Mt. Washington: D. W. James. B. & O. R. R., city, and thousands of others: see testimonials. UKIFtlTH'S DRUG STORE, Third and Grant, Pittsburg; Ta-ya-zon L. C. Syrup, the best for coughs, colds, etc. fe8-97 ELECTIONS. ELECTION CENTRAL BANK, PITTS BURG The annual election for Direct ors of this bank will be held at the banking house. No. 47 Fifth avenue, on TUESDAY, February 12, 1S89, between the hours of 11 A. Ji. and 1 P. M. M. HUNNINGS, Cashier. fe2-97 OFFICE OF THE I PENNSYLVANIA CONSTRUCTION CO., No. 132 First avenue, citv. i ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of tho stockholders of the Pennsylvania Construction Company will be held at the office. No. 132 FJrst avenue, "on MONDAY, February 11, 18S9. between the hours of 12 M. and 1 P. jr., for the purpose of electing five (5) directors to serve for the ensuing year. ja31-89? W. N. VOEGTLY, Secretary. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON") , RAILROAD COMPANY, I General office, Carson street, f Southside, Pittsburg. February 4, 1889.1 ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of this company will be held at this office on TUESDAY, February 19, lSS9,between the hours of 2 and 4 p. if. for the purpose of electing a President and ten directors, to serve during the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before them. E. J. REAMER, Secretary and Treasurer, f e3-14-D AMUSEMENTS. Grand opera house-? YJ 1 E. 1). WILT Lessee andManager. Beginning Monday, February 11. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Engagement of the Beautiful Young American Star, CORA TANNER, In Robert Buchanan's delightful, sparkling, witty new play, 'FASCINATION, Presented with appropriate scenery and the same superb company intact, which made FASCINATION" the leading New York at- traction lor 67 consecutive performances this t season. feS-96 T)UOU THEATER R. N. Gnlick Manager. A. J. Sneddon v Treasurer, Annual benefit of tho ELKS Friday afternoon. February 8, at 1:15 shajp. BIGGEST PROGRAMME EVEROFKERED Eyery Amusement Attraction in the city represented. Tickets SL Box offico now open. fe4-14-atwr BIJOU THEATER CHANGE OF BILL MINNIE PALMER. "MY BROTHER'S SISTER." Next week "The Still Alarm." Only ap pearance in Pittsburg thi3 season. f eS-21 P1RAND OPERA HOUSE T Every evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. EVANS AND HOEY In their new edition of Hoyt's, "A PARLOR MATCH." -Week February 11 Cora Tanner in "Fas cination. fe3-16 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, FRANK JONES as "SI PERKINS " The Pughtown Band. The Apple Bee, Etc., Etc fe3-18 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF FEBRUARY!. The Gilt-Edged Specialty Co. T. J. Hefron, one-legged song and dance artist; Miss Beatrice Vaughan; Mr. Josef Tyson. .Open from 10 A. if. until 10 P. at f el-12 H ARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening. DR. JEKYL AND MR. HYDE. Next week, "A Bnnch of Keys." f el-13 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR BARGES-MISSISSIPPI River Commission, SL Louis, Mo.. Febru ary 8,1889. Proposals are asked till 12 noon February 23, 18S9, for building and delivering at Cairo, 111., or Wilson's Point, La,, thirty wooden barges, in lots of six barges. Attention of bidders is invited to the acts of Congress ap proved February 20, 1833, and February 23, lto", vol. 23, page 332, and vol. 24, page 414, statutes at large. Address as above, CAPTAIN CHAS. F. POWELL, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. fe8-92-8.9.10,ll,20.21 TnE Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Office 233 South Fourth Street. Philadelphia, February 7, 1SS9. C1EALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO JO tbounderslgned (and marked on tbo outside Proposals") will be received at this office until 9 A. M. February 28, 1889, for furnishing all labor and materials and erecting complete the proposed machine shop, erecting shop, boiler shop and smith shop, to be located in the city of Altoona, Pa. Proposals to state, separately, gross sum for (1) iron work, (2) brick and cut stone work, (3) mill and carpenter work, (4) tin and sheet-iron work and spouting. (5) plumbing and drainage, (6) painting and glazing for each building. Plans and specifications can be seen at this office, room IS. Annex building, and also at the office of H.W. Webber, Al toona, Pa. This company reserves the right to reject anv or all proposals. WILLIAM II. BROWN, Chief Engineer. le8-5G-9,12,14,18.1S.20 PROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OIL-JEF-FERSONVJXLE. Ind.. February 7, 18S3. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be receivedhere until 11 o'clock A.M. (central standard time). SATURDAY, March 9, 1SS9, and then opened, for fnrnishing at this Depot 100,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, of 135 flash test, in cases of two five-gallon cans each. Proposals for delivery of the oil at other points will be considered. The Government re serves the nght to reject any or all propos ils. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production, conditions of quality and price (In cluding in the price of foreign productions the duty thereon) being equal, andsuch preference will be given to articles of American produc tion produced on'the Pacific coast to extent of the consumption reqnired by the public service there. All'lnformation furnished on applica tion to this office. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "proposals for Mineral Oil," and addressed to undersigned. HENRY C. HODGES. Assistant Quartermaster Gen eral. U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. fe8-W-8,9,10,U.27,2S TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Office of TnE BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. St. Loins, January a, 1839. ) Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the office of the Board of Public Improvements of the City of St Louis, Mo., until 12 M. of theffltb day or February, 1SS9, at which hour they will be publicly opened and read, viz. : For lighting with electricity for the term of ten years from January L 1890, the streets, public places and such public buildings as may be desig nated in the following districts of the City of St. Louis, Mo., viz.: Letting No. 2,503. The district described as the southern district in ordinance numbered 14, C97,ap- proved December 29, 1383. Deposit required, $5,000. Letting No. 2.504. 'lhe district described as the northern district in ordinance number 14, 697, ap proved December 29. 188S. Deposit required, 35,000. . Bidders will state prices per annum at which are llglitsof2,000-candle powereach. or Incandescent lights, or 30-candle.power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained, for lighting streets and puMIc places: also prices per aunum at which arc lights, ofiOOO-candle power each, or Incandescent lights, of 16-candle power each, will he rurnlshed, operated and maintained forllghtlngpublic build in cs. Everything required for the aboveelectrlc light- iug suaii uu lumuucu auu uiainiaiueu oy mu con tractor. The contract with the city will carry the privil ege of furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines of distribution. The contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of the contract. Bidders must submit with proposals, general and detailed plans and specifications of the pro posed system of distributing the electrlcltv, mode of supporting the lights and wires, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and In closed In envelopes furnished by the Board of Public Improvements. The certificate of the Treasurer of the City of St. Louis that the sum of (5,000 has been deposited in the treasury must be Inclosed with the proposal. The right tc reject any or all proposals is ex pressly reserved. Specifications, form of contract and plans of the districts to be lighted, may be seen at the office of the President of the Board or Public Improve ments or the City of St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 23, 1889. Any contract let hereunder will require the ap proval of the Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Board. HENRY FLAD, President. Attest: EMORY S. FOSTER, Jall-22 Secretary. NOTICES. County. Comjiissioners' offce, i PrrrsBUKQ. January 2S, 18S9. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to-wit: Friday, February 8 Twenty-seventh.Twenty-nlnth. Thirtieth and Thirty-first wards of Pitts burg. Saturday. February 9 Fifth, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-eighth wards of Pittsburg. Bv order of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. Ja29-1 County CojfsussioNEns' Osfice. i PlTTSBURO, February G. 1889. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to wit: Monday, February 11. Fifteenth. Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth wards of Pitts burg. Tuesday, February 12, First Second and Third wards, Pittsburg; First and Second wards. Homestead. Wednesday, Febrnary 13, Fourth, Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth wards, Pittsburg. Thursday, February 14, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Eleventh wards, Pittsburg. Friday, February 13, Nineteenth. Twenty first and Twenty-second wards. Pittsbnrg. Saturday, February 16, Twenty-third ward, Pittsbnrg, and Second ward, Allegheny. Monday, February 18, Ross, South Versailles and Indiana townships. Thursday, February 21. Thirteenth, Four teenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsbnrg. By order of County Commissioners, R. E. MERCER. GEO. Y McKEE. DANIEL McWILLIAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. ClerK fe7-19 MEETINGS. SPECIAL MEETING OF , " ?! CENTER AVE. LODGE No. 121, ' A. O. U. W:. FRIDAY EVENING, February 8. at 8 o'clock, , to make arrangements to attend the funeral of -our late brother, Thomas B. Cluley. s Uj order of " ' J. A. A. BROWN, M. W. T. McMuitEAY. Recorder. fe8-98" THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the New York and Cleve- ' land Gas Coal Company will be held at the offica of the company. No. 208 Wood street on ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 18S9. at 10 v o'clock A. 31.. for the election of officers aud directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of snch other business as ': may be properly brought before the meeting. 3 C. L. DIXON. Clerk. ,3 Pittsburg, February 1. 188!). fe&S-MWT af NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ," CHOUSES FDR ALL i FOR SALE and TO LET. 3 rooms up to 10 rooms. In the beautiful, borouzh of Knoxville, only 1 miles from city postofflce. Beautifnl homes are sold on payments the . samo as rent. By all means visit Knoxville before taking your honse for another year. Never havs there been such oppcrtunities for people to get homes. 83-Tako Southside cars to Twelfth street; and ML Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOXVILLELMDIIROVMNTCO. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, IeS7-TT3Sa KNOXVILLE BOROUGH, To Let THE "RENT LIST," Issued every Wednesday and Saturday by SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., Real Estate Agents, 99 Fourth ave., can he had at the fol lowing places during the renting season: PITTSBURG. Joseph H. Voskubl. store, 3401 Penn ave. Emil G. Stucky tt Co., druggists, Wylle ave., corner Fnlton st, Charles S. Nourse, druggist, Center avecor ner Erin st. Louis H. VogeL druggist, Webster ave., corner Roberts st, J. M. Blackburn, druggist. 3S8 Fifth ave. Charles Schwann, druggist, 1707 Carson st, S. S. Charles Eble, druggist, 009 Penn ave.. East End. A. H. Wilson, druggist, comer Frankatown and Penn aves., East End. S. S. Holland, druggist, cor. Smithfield st, and Liberty ave. Emanuel & Iflrle. druggists, 3610 Fifth ave. ALLEGHENY. W. W. Davis, druggist, Ohio st, corner San dusky st. Joseph P. Urben, druggist, Franklin st, corner Fulton street, Peter Walter, Jr.. I Chestnut st Dan C Hamilton, druggist. 27 Ohio st. C. P. Miles, druggist, Beaver st. Sewickley. John Shannon, general store, Emsworth, P Ft W. & C. R. R. feB-II T O LET- ONLY THREE of the large rooms suitable for office or general business purposes, in the new DISPATCH building on Dia mond street, now remain unrented. THOSE WHO WISH the most central sit uation in the city, with the conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service, electric light and steam-heating, should ap ply at once to the new DISPATCH BUILDING, Nos. 73. 77 and 79 Diamond street. OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on the fourth floor of the Renshaw Building will be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets. fe6-S-D TCEI ICE! ICE!- SPRING WATER ICE. Unlimited quantities, 12 inches thick, in Kempenfeldt Bay, Barrie, Ontario. Convenient to Toronto and Hamilton by rail. BEST FACILITIES FOR SHIPPING. fe3-33 WANTED HOUSES. We want a number of small houses to SELL IN ALLEGHENY. We have a number of cus tomers for houses ranging in price from$l,0CXl to 38,000 in all parts ot Allegheny, and If YOU have one or more to SELL call on us AT ONCE. BLACK 8c BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fefrSO ERESH BUTTER RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTH AVENUE. JaS9-M-Hr AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF BAKERY, AT 2S03 Penn ave.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, ISsy, 2-story brick with frame in rear, bake sbop in cellar, together with stock and fixtures; sale positive, as owner Is leavingcitv: sale com mences 1 P. Jt., sharp. W. JIERRILL, Auc tioneer. leBS-tt pRAND AUCTION SALE ' ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1S89, at 10 o'clock. A. M., At RED LION STABLES, Sixth street Pitts burg. 35 head of Norman and Morgan torses and mares, from 14 to 15 hands high. Con signment from Wm. Hubbard's Stock Farm, Missouri. All the above stock will be sold to the highest bidder. No postponement on ac count or ine weatner. f ec81 J.. A, McKELVY, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE-FRIDAY MORNING, Febrnary 8, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. No. 311 Market street Oik, walnut cherry and mahogany chamber suits, dressers, wardrobes, bedsteads, wash stands, cheval glasses, bookcases, secretaries, chiffoniers, desks, cabinets, folding beds, bed lounges, easy chairs, leather dining chairs, fancy rockers, sideboards, extension tables, hallracks, mirrors, pictures, lamps, dishes, no tions, shoes, harness, wraps, jackets, tea, bed ding, stoves, rugs, curtains, linoleum, hall, room and stair carpets, cigars.silverware, deco rated toilet ware, 2 pianos, center tables, etc and must every bit of it be closed out to make room for new consignments. Now is the time to get a bargain. HENRY AUCTION CO LIM., Auctioneers. fe7-o" A RED FLAG. The wholesale Jewelry store of Chas. Zug smith, Jr., corner Wood st and Sixth ave., will be sold out at public auction, commencing on Monday, February 4. and continue until the entire stock is disposed of. The stock is com posed of diamonds, jewelry. Howard and Elgin watches, silverware of the Rogers and Meridea i make, Seth Thomas marble and Ansonla enameled clocks, safes, show cases and coun ters. Mr. Zugsmith is retiring from the jew elry business. All articles wdl be sold to the' highest bidders. Don't forget MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, at 920 o'clock A. r. J. A. ROBINSON, fel-53 AUCTIONEER. BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS hereby given that the Cresent Foundry Co., Limited, of Allegheny City, Pa., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent ot all the members of said company at a regular meeting called for that purpose, all debts due by the company will be paid by Louis Wertheimer, who will continue the business at the same place, under the name of Cresent Foundry. AH claims dne to the company he is author- izeu lu cniieuu LOUIS WERTHEIMER, WM. V. KISH, LOUIS N. KISH. J. J. KISH'S Estate, per wai. v. MananaLUUlSN.KlSH. f Executors.'"- Alleohrnt, February 6, J toW.I ;r . ". I'liifffllJfiiiiiriifiiiiiiii'fi'iiiii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers