2 lO?SE pM?SBTm& DISPATOS, KEttDAY, EBRTTAHY- 8, 1889. i THE MECHANIC HALL "Will be on the Sign Over the F. and II. Building in the Near Future. A BIDDER FOR THE JR. 0. U. A. 11". At the Auction Testerday, According to a Man Speaking on Authority. THE JUXIOES FILL A IMG FELT WAST The adjourned sale of the property of the F. & M. Bank of the Southside was con tinued yesterday morning. Before the sale commenced Mr. J. H. Sorg stated that the assignees were willing to let the property co lor 35,000. Several bids were made then nntil Mr. D. 0. Cunningham offered 531,500, when Mr. H. C. Gearing asked for another adjournment, because he stated that he wanted to consult with some parties who were not present, and who would possibly bid higher. While Mr. Gearing refused to state on whose behalf he had been bidding, it is pretty well understood that he acted for a secret organization, either the "Window Glass Association or the American Me chanics. A visit was made to the homes of Presi dent J. Campbell and Secretary George Cake, of the Window Glass "Workers' Asso ciation, last night, with the view of finding out whether Mr. H. C. Gearing had been BIDDING rOE THE BAJJK property in the interest of that organization. Both gentlemen, however, were absent; but another prominent member of the glass workers' union stated positively that at a meeting of the association some weeks ago it was decided to offer no more than 33,000 for the bank. This fact seemed to be Rood evidence that inasmuch as Mr. Gearing had offered 534,000, he must have represented somebody else. Several prominent members of the Junior Order of American Mechanics were then ap proached and qnestioned on the subject They all agreed that the order is after a building, but there was only one who, from his authoritative position, made the lollowing reliable information: "Yes; Mr. H. C. Gearing has been bidding on the bank property in our interest, al though he was not acting on the given authority of the order. There are several of us, however, who think that, as we have to get a hall anyhow, we MIGHT AS WEXIi rUBCHASE the bank property as any other. It is a well-known fact that we have been contem plating to either build or buy a hall. Our order has a large number of members on the Southside, and none of the councils have suitable or commodious quarters. It was lor the purpose of raising enough money to erect a building that we instituted the fairs in Salisbury Hall last year. "Well, we have now a fund sufficiently large enough to go ahead, and if we can come to terms with the assignees of the bank next week the property will surely become ours.' ' Mr. Gearing was then called upon at his residence, but he was noncommittal. He would neither deny nor affirm whether he was acting for the'Mechanics, but judging from his remarks there seem to be- no doubt about the matter. FOR AN INVESTIGATION. Inspector 9IcAIceie Demands a Speedy Trial on the Cknrgea AKalnstHimlastltntcdby Dr. II. B. Ofr. The following is a copy of a letter sent to J. 0. Brown, Chief of the Department of Public Safety, yesterday morning : Sin Certain citizens of this city having cir culated scandalous stories In regard to my official conduct, both by word of mouth and through the columns of the public press, which stories are false, malicious and untrue in every particular, and are not made from honest or proper motives, I hereby demand, as of right, a speedy, public, Impartial investigation of said charges, in order that the truth may be ascer-, tained aud established to the satisfaction not only of yourself, but also of the public at large. "Very respectfully yours. JOLLS MCALEESE. Inspector of Police, First Distiict Chief Brown gave the requtst immediate consideration, and last evening appointed a Board of Investigation, composed as follows: Gamble "Weir, Superintendent of Police, Chairman; Police Captains Daniel Silvus, George Mercer and Kichard Brophy, and Chief Clerk Department of Public Safety Crosby Gray. The Chief instructed the board to sum mon all witnesses who were connected with said charges, particularly Alderman M. F. Cassidy and Dr. H. B. Orr, to take testi mony relating to said charges, and make a full and complete report or the whole pro ceedings to mm. lne inspector and Assistant superintend ent O'Mara were discharged yesterday by Alderman Cassidy on the charge of disor derly conduct, and the 50 fines were re voked. Each were held for court, however, on the charge of surety of the peace, in the sum of 300 bail. The following is a copy of Chief Brown's order creating the Board of Investigation: To Gamble Weir, Superintendent of the Bureau of l'ollcc Captains Daniel Silvus, George Mercer and Kichard Brophy, and Crosby Gray, Chief Clerk or tbe Department or Public Safety: You are hereby appointed and constituted a board to investigate the charges herein below set forth against John McAlesse, Inspector of Police for the First district: Charge That the said John McAleese, in spector aforesaid, has corruptly received money or other valuable things for the per formance or non-penormance oi tne amies oi his office from certain honses of prostitution and from the inmates thereof. You will summon ana request the attendance of all witnesses that will throw light upon this charge whatsoever, particularly Dr. H. B. Orr and Alderman F. M. Cassidv, making a care ful, thorough and rigid investigation thereof, and report to mo your finding, in writing, in the premises, together with the testimony taken therein. J. O. Bkowit, Chief of the Department of Public faafety. WITH HEATED WATER A New System of Heating Passenger Cars to be Tried Here. THE DEADLY STOVE MUST GO NOW. A Train Being- Fitted Up by the Pennsyl vania Company. PIPES IN THE DOMES OP THE EKGINES A SPIRITUALISTIC SEANCE. A BIG INCREASE In the Population of Allegheny City The Second Ward Entitled to Two More Councilmen nod the Sixth One. Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, will to-day issue his proclamation for the election on the 19th inst, when Common and Select Councilmen and poor directors will be elected. The election will be held under the old city charter of 1870, which allows two Select Councilmen from each ward and one Common Councilman from every 575 resident taxable:. Thirteen of the members of the Select branch will hold over in con sequence of the late decision of the Supreme Court, as follows: First ward, E. S. Hartman; Second, J. W. Lahugh; Third, Thomas Brown; Fourth, Ed win Larc; Fifth. W. W. Speer; Sixth, George A. Cochrane; Seventh, Anton Roethlem; Eighth, Theodore Hueskm; Ninth, Charles H. Hartman; Tenth, Gcorce W. Snaman; Eleventh, Robert McAfee; Twelfth, W. C. Langhurst; Thirteenth, J. G. Walther. The population of the city has increased wonderfully since the last apportionment was made two years ago, and it was thought that almost every ward would be entitled to additional Common Coun cilmen. Mayor Pearson and Chairman James H. Lindsay and James Hunter met vesterday to decide this matter. It was found that the population in all the wards has increased, and some only lack a few more resident taxables to entitle them to an additional Councilman. The Second tard shows a wonderful increase in population, There being an increase of fully 1,000 voters. This entitles the ward to two more representa tives, making the number nine. This is now the largest ward in the two cities. The Sixth ward is entitled to an additional representative. If tbe increase continues the Common Council chamber will have to be enlarged before the election, which will occur two years hence, unless Allegheny is made a city of the second class. Some of the politicians are not satisfied with the turns affairs have taken, but Coun cilman "Win. Bader, who is a candidate for Mayor expresses himself as in full accord with the decision of the Supreme Court. This will give all the candidates for the Mayoralty namely, James G. Wyman, James P. Gregg. Jr., and Charles Geyer, a full year in which to work. t John Rodgers, Jllnnlo Palmer's Husband. Talks to the Spirits. About one of the happiest crowds that has gathered at a spiritualistic seance in this city was that which crowded the parlors at No. 2G Fifth street yesterday afternoon. The seance was given by Mrs. Morse, the medium, to a number of her friends, and a great majority of those present were theat rical people. Among them were Minnie Palmer and her husband, John K. Rodgers, who provoked laughter by his many witti cisms in reply to the spirits. Among the spirits materialized were those of a number of Indians and Lucille "West ern, the well-known subject. The medium asked if any one recognized her. Mr, Rodgers, who was personally and intimate ly acquainted with the lady when alive, said it was not she, but he thought it looked like the medium. Another person was asked to recognize the spirit, but the person addressed was also sure it was the medium. The latter then stated that there were too many positive influences in the room. She admitted that the seance was not an entire success, on account of the unfavorable con ditions under which she was laboring. During her trance the medium said she saw a very pretty baby near Minnie Palmer. This brought the humorous Rodgers to his feet, and he exclaimed: "What's that?" The medium repeated what she had said, and Rodgers asked: "Is it a boy or girl? The answer was, "A girl." Amid roars of laughter the questioner subsided. A Utile later tbe spirit ot n little girl ap peared and began telling of a strange coun try she was in. The genial manager and husband of Miss Palmer jumped up and asked: "Is it a good show country?" Although the seance was not entirely suc cessful, there was no attempt at an expose, and everybody was in the best of humor. A SLUGGING MATCH. TO DIPEOTE CEXTEE ATEXDE. The nnd Avenue to be Fared, Graded Curbed From Soho Street Out. The Board of Viewers yesterday took a Z preliminary view of the intended improve- ; ments on Center avenue which will cost the city about 8375,000. About 5100,000 of this will be for sewers. They are to be con structed on Herron avenue from Center ave nue to Anderson street, Hemans and Kirk patrick streets and Center avenue from Charles to Reed streets. The street is also to be graded, paved and curbed from Soho street to Hiland avenue. At present it is intended to pave the portion immediately beyond Soho street with Bel gian block stone,the balance with asphultum. TWELTE BUTCHERS EXPELLED. Those Who Deal In Chlcaco Meat Will be I Harshly Dcnlt Willi. j At the meeting of the Allegheny County I Butchers' Association last night, it was de- i cided to work for and support French's (meat bill, now before the Legislature, relat ' ing to the inspection of live stock. A reso lution was passed to strike from the rolls and expel 12 members who were charged with selling Chicago dressed meats. Fred Peters was elected a delegate to the Wash ington Inaugural Centennial Committee. The members of the association will give a ball soon. Two Fiftt Ward Fncs Form a Ring on Smiilificld Street. Edward Barry and Buck Cornelius were arrested in front of Fleming's drug store, on Smithfield street, last night for fighting. The quarrel grew out of the hot political contest in the First ward between Matt Cavanaugh and Martin Foley, candidates for Council. Barry is a Republican and a supporter of Foley, while Cornelius is a supporter of Cavanaugh. On Wednesday night they met aud made arrangements to go to a room somewhere in the lower part of the city and fight it out. Cornelins and his friends had a carriage waiting at burr's saloon at 9 o'clock last night, and Barry claims tnat wnen lie got into tne rig Cornelius and five of his friends crowded in, too. He got out, started up the street and stopped in front of Fleming's drug store, when Cornelius and a number of his friends came up. Cornelius invited Barry to fight there, but he relused. As Officer Eagan arrived Cornelius threw off his coat and caught hold of Barry. Two blows were exchanged before Barry was thrown to the ground with Cornelius on top. Officer Eagan forced his way through the crowd, but was caught and held for some time. When he got to the center of the crowd Cornelius had escaped, but was captured afterward. Barry had his finger "badly chewed up. The Pennsylvania Company has almost completed the fitting up of a train of five passenger cars with a new hot water heater that promises to forever settle the question of the "deadly car stove." In about one week the company will make their first test on a run of the train from Chicago to Pittsburg. The new heater is the invention of Mr. E. J. Wilson, of this city, and railroad of ficials say it will solve the question they have been worried about so long, viz: how to comfortably heat passenger coaches with out placing stoves in the cars. If the com ing test of the new heater demonstrates its efficiency the Pennsylvania Company may place it in all their cars on all their lines. The finishing touches are now being placed on the last car, and as soon as it is completed it will be sent to Chicago with the others. The test will be made a great event. A large crowd of railroad officials and others inter ested will go to Chicago aud return on the train testing the heater. It is probable that the train will be sent to different points of the country to show the heater to the officials of foreign roads, HOW THE THING WOBKS. The water is heated over the boiler of the locomotive, and through a series of pipes will be run into the cars. A Fort Wavne engine has been remodeled to heat the water. In the dome over the center of the boiler, which was formerly known as the sand-box, coils of copper pipe will be laid, through this the water will pass. The water, before being heated, will be drawn from the tender on the reverse side of the engine. A three-way cock will con nect with a pipe leading to the dome of the boiler. A steam pump about the size of those nsed to pump air into the air pipes will draw the water from the tender to the dome. In the latter the copper pipes will be coiled as closely as it is possible to get them. As the dome sets upon the hottest part of the boiler, and the steam circulates around the pipes inside the dome, the cold est water can be ma'de scalding hot in a few minutes. As the water becomes heated in the dome. it forces its way through a large pipe lead ing to the other side of the tender. This pipe, by means of a coupling, connects with a larger pipe under the passenger coach. About a foot from the end of this pipe is a "Y" pipe leading up through the floor of the car. From there the hot water is car ried through two-inch pipes under the seats close to the side of the car. There are two pipes on each side. When the water is forced into the car the "Y" SENDS IT BOTH TV-AYS toward the other end of the car. It first passes through the lower pipe, and, upon completing the circuit of the car, it is forced into the upper pipes. After passing through the upper pipe the water is forced through tbe coupling into the next car, and so on until it gets through the train. Upon arriving at the rear end of the last car tbe water back oi it torces it through the pipes back to the place it started from. It re-enters the dome of the boiler and in pass ing through becomes heated again. A con tinuous stream of water is passing through the pipes all the time and the water cannot become cold. Where the pipes are exposed under the cars they are heavily covered to prevent them from becoming cola and reducing the temperature of the water. They are first covered with asbestos, after that they are wrapped with hair cloth, then paper and the whole covered with duck canvas.I After the canvas is put on they are painted. A lew inches over the pipes in the car a foot rest will be placed at each seat. Passengers can place their feet on these in stead of putting them on the hot pipes and getting scorched. For the present the stoves will be kept in the cars to provide against any emergency. At the ends of each will be placed an automatic stop-cock. If the train breaks in two the cocks close the pipes and the hot water is kept in the cars. If a car is side tracked the cocks can be closed and the water will keep hot for six hours. When it is necessary to drain the cars the cocks may be opened and the water allowed to run out. it an tne .tort wayne engines are equipped with the new apparatus the sand boxes will be taken out of the boiler domes and placed under the foot-boards of the locomotives. WILL WIN IN ALLEGHENY. Dr. Hays Says Allegheny Will Give a Prohl. bltlon Majority An Interesting Amend ment aicetlns Held. A Constitutional amendment meeting was held in the "Onion M. B. Church, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Manhattan street, last' evening. The audience was large and enthusiastic. The choir was an excellent one, and the selections were well sung. Dr. Norcross, of the Pittsburg Female College, made an address in which he pointed out the evils of the use of alcoholic stimu lants upon the brain. He advised con certed action upon the amendment question, if its advocates hoped to win, and closed with an appeal to every Christian man and woman to take a part in the battle. Dr. L N. Hays, during the course of his remarks, said that he would rather have waited lnr a few months before submitting the great question of Constitutional amend ment, as the voters of the State were notquito ready for the question, and that the temper ance people needed a little more time to edu cate tho people up to tho passing of the amendment, but now that the Legis lature had forced the question upon them they must fight to win. The eyes of the Union are centered on tho action of Pennsylvania, nnd, if prohibition is adopted. New Yorlc, New Jersey and Maryland will soon adopt a similar amendment. He said he had strong hopes of Allegheny City giving a majority in favor of the amend ment, but there was no hope of their winning in Pittsburg. The liquor element was too strong in this city for them to carry it. Dr. Hays said he was growing more hopeful every day, and that he was quite confident of a final victory. Secretary Collins, of tho State Constitutional Amendment Association, was invited to make a few remarks. He also expressed his confi dence In winning, and referred to tbe grand rally of the temperance people to be held In riarrlSDurg on eDruary m, at wnicn represen tatives had been invited to bo present from every temperanco organization fn tbe State, regardless of religious opinions, and from every church in the State. It fa intended at this State meeting to form one grand organization and to secure, if possi ble, the services of Senator Quay to act as chairman of the body, which will carry on the work throughout the State. Delegates from the Fifth and Sixth wards to the mass meeting, to be held in Lafayette Hall on February 18, were elected. WHAT A BIG CHANGE From the Map Making of Pioneer Pennsylvania to the Present, QUAKEES' 1,000-ACKE TOWN LOTS And Allusion to the Affluence of Fhila delphians in Carriages. 'KO DISTORTIONS AS IN HODEKN DAIS AN ABSCONDING WITNESS In a Murder Case at Jennnette Wns Caught Hero Yesterday. Martin Donley, of the Perkins Detective Agency, yesterday arrested a colored man named Joseph Johnson, who is wanted in Greensbnrg on a charge of being an ab sconding witness in a murder case. , About a week before last Christmas Sam Smith is alleged to have shot a man named Jim Green at his house in Jeannette. John son stated to a Dispatch reporter yester day that Smith was drunk when he shot Green. He would give no other reason tor the shooting. Johnson is the only man who was present at the time the deed was committed, and his testimony is of the utmost importance. He was found in a house on Penn avenue near Twenty-eighth street. WILL OBJECT TO THE LINE. The P. K. R. Trying to Run Another Track Through Brnddock. The Property Committee of Braddock, with tho borough engineer, will hold a meeting to-day with the representative of the Pennsylvania Kailroad in reference to the proposed railroad line which is to pass through the town along the river front. The road is likely to meet with many ob jections, as some of the citizens of the town think they will derive no benefit by the construction of the proposed line. STREET IMPK0YEMENTS. Ordinance Recommended by the Commit tee on Public Works. At the meeting of the Committee on Pub lic Works yesterday ordinances to grade, pave and curb the following streets were affirmatively recommended:Keystonestreet, Duncan street, Boquet street, Halket street and Cabinet alley; boardwalks on Sycamore street and Virginia avenue; sewer on Lotus alley and McCandless street; sewer on South Fourth street; sewer on Bayone and Neville streets. AN AFTERNOON OP PLEASURE. Tbe Elks' Benefit at the Bijou To-Dny, Be ginning at 1)15. The Elks' annual benefit will be held at the Bijou Theater this afternoon, the per formance commencing at 1:15 sharp. It promises to be not only an interesting, but also a highly successtul event, as the ad vance sale of seats indicates that the house will be completely filled. All the the atrical attractions in the city are to take part, making a long and varied programme which cannot fail to amuse. The Elks and their friends will doubtless be there in full force. A Slaughter Honso Burned. A fire broke out in John Herckenroether's slaughter house, in Spring Garden borough, about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It was located a short distance from the city line and an alarm was turned in from box 1C2. When the Allegheny fire department arrived it was found necessary to lav a line of hose 1,000 ieet to reach the burning building. The loss will amount to about 500. Plenty of Floating Ice. There was so much ice in the Allegheny river yesterday that the old ferryboat, Will iam Thaw, was only able to make a trip once an hour. Outraged Maiden Affection. Amelia Butler and Bertha "Singleton, colored, both chose tbe same young man upon whom to lavish theirpure, maiden affections. Their joint bestowal did not agree, and, as true love never runs smooth, a quarrpl en sued. Birdie got the worst of it and sued Amelia before Alderman Porter, who com mitted her to jail for a hearing in court on the charge of assault and battery. The Funeral of Mr. Yates. The funeral of the late Mr. James Yates, who died from injuries received on the Citi zens' Traction road, took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of his son, Dr. W. S. Yates, Penn avenue. The services, which were conducted under the direction of the Masonio order, of which deceased was an honored member, were very impressive. Tbe qualities of geutleness, kindliness and fidelity to every duty, which characterized Mr. Yates to the end of life, were spoken of in a most affecting manner, and earnest sympathy was expressed for his sorrowing family. A Cnso of Malpractice. The Allegheny police are investigating a report that a young lady named Kate Sheffis a victim of malpractice. Her home is on the Southside, but she has been iif the employ of a North avenue family as a domestic. Tbe girl claims that a colored man named Clarence Youn? is resrionsihli" T-Tei- mn. dition, although serious, will not likely re sult in death. MORE LIGHTS FOR LONDON. Tho Pittsburg Electric Company's Second iSngllsh Contract. As was stated in Wednesday's issue of The Dispatch, the Westinghouse Electric Company were advised by one of their agents on Tuesdav that he had obtained a contract for 25,000 more lights. The fact has since developed that the order came from London, England. This makes 50,000 lights which the Pitts burg company has contracted to supply to the English metropolis. River Rates to Advance. The river freight rates will be advanced about 10 per cent on the 18th, to meet In proportion the advance in railroad rates. The river rates are about 30 per cent lower than by rail, but the rivermen usually fol low the railroad tariffs, so that shippers can easily know what the.rates will be approxi mately. Not In the Scheme. The Lake Erie officials know nothing of the imaginary scheme to establish general freight yards for all the roads at Sheridan station. The Lake Erie "has all the yard room it needs at Chartiers, and the officials do not see how a general yard would benefit them. They Will Remove. The Baltimore and Ohio freight offices, in the building corner Wood street and Fifth avenue, will be moved to-night to the Free hold Bank building. The officers are afraid to stay where they are any longer. Some Contracts Awarded. At a meeting of the Allegheny Council Committee on Streets and Sewers the follow ing contracts were awarded: A sewer on Long alley to M. Gallagher, at $700; grad ing Lamont street to Thomas Carson at 51 15 per cubic foot; grading, paving and curbing Perry street to Thomas Carson at. $615 24. A number of ordinances and peti tions of minor importance were recom mended to Councils for approval. For tbe Newsboys' Ilomc. The Ladies Mitten Club, of Allegheny, gave a very successful entertainment in the Fourth U. P. Church last night for the benefit of the Newsboys' Home. Over 700 people were present and a fine programme was rendered. Miss Emma Bingler sang several solos and Miss Lillian Burkhardt gave a number of recitations. The proceeds of the entertainment will amount to over $200. lie Was Tired of Life. Charles Ambercomble, a 65-year-old miner of McKeesport, attempted to com mit suicide last Monday nizht by stabbing himself with a knife. He was in care of a constable on a charge of forcible entry, and he awaited a friend, who was to go bail for him, when he became despondent and tired of life. A Firemen's Library. The "Firemen's Library Committee" has been organized, with headquarters at the Home Hotel. The object is to supply good reading material to the members of the dif ferent fire companies. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incident of a Bay in Two Cities Condensed for Beady Beading. The Republicans of the Fifth ward, Alle gheny, will meet in the schoolhouse to-nisht. The new steel rail works at Duquesne, on tbe B. & O. R. B,, were put in operation yester day morning. The Lincoln Club met last night and made arrancements to observe Lincoln's birthday next Tuesday. William Yagle, of the Sixteenth ward, has been re-elected a member of the Central Board of Education. . v. B. Stanlon, a Panhandle brakeman, had his thumb taken off yesterday while coupling cars near Jones Ferry. Andrew Brown, an employe in Singer, Nimlck & Co.'s mill, had his hand crushed ves terday by an Ingot falling on it. Henrt Cobtwkight, a conductor on the Panhandle, fell off a box car yesterday at Sheridan station, sustaining slight Injuries. The express agents of the city met yesterday and prepared a new tariff, restoring rates to what they were two years ago, before the rate war began. Mrs. Jajies Thompson and her son George, of Boston, Mass., are visiting at the residence ot Deputy Sheriff James A. Stcele.of Sandusky street, Allegheny. Makt Welsh, of Roberts street, com plained at the office of the Anti-Cruelty So ciety yesterday that her three Drothers abused her, and she wants a guardian. colonel Andrews, of the Tehuantepec Ship Railroad, went West yesterday. He says the prospects of the road are bright, and he hopes to seo it built In the future. At a meeting of the Allegheny Ordinance Committee last night the ordinance imposing a license on hucksters and peddlers was af firmatively recommended to Councils. Thieves entered the barber shop of Georce H. Lane, at the comer of Stockton avenue and Federal street, Allegheny, early yesterday morning and stole 19 razors and several boxes of cigars. Officer Charles Schultz, of the Alle gheny police force, was suspended yesterday on a charge of extorting money from a prisoner whom he accompanied to obtain a fine. He will have a hearing on Saturday evenmg. Robert Zeigleueyer, an engineer em ployed at the Allegheny County Electric Light Works, on Virgin alley, was killed yesterday morning. He was on a scaffold, oiling some pulleys, and lost his balance, falling into the Eit. He was removed to Mercy Hospltahwhere e died a few minutes after his arrival. Mart Saeger, an insane woman aged 65 years, was found on Ch'estnut street, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon and sent to the lockup, where she was taken In charge by Major Hunker, of the Poor Board. She claims that she was In an asylum at Dresden, near Phila delphia. An effort will be made to-day to as certain her residence and send her home. The County Commissioners yesterday heard appeals from the assessments in the Thirty second. Thirty-third. Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth wards. The only appeal of any moment was that of Messrs. Friend, Bailey fc Co., the syndicate who purchased the property of Graff, Bennett & Co. in the Thirty third ward. The property was assessed at 319,000. Tbe owners claim that they oiiry paid 8200,000 for it less than a year ago, and. If OGJllU, HVUIU bUB 4V,WV. Few people now living are aware of the importance attached to the province of Pennsylvania by its British owners 181 years ago. It had a historian as farback as 1708, J, Oldmixon. who savs he was "honored with the friendship of William Penn, from whom he obtained much of his information. Mr. Oldmixon says: "This is not the least considerable of our Amer ican colonies, and lor the few years that the tract of land which goes by this name has been inhabited, we believe none has thrived more, nor is more rich and populous. Pennsylvania consists of all that tract of land in America, with all islands thcrounto belonging, that is to say, from the begin ning ot the fortieth degree of north latitude unto the forty-third degree of north latitude, whose eastern boundary from 12 English miles above Newcastle (alias Delaware town) runs all along upon the side of Dela ware river. So that 'tis bounded on the east by the river and bay of Delaware and the Eastern sea; on the north by West New Jersey, or rather New York, for it goes a great way above the Jerseys; on the west by tbe Indian nations about the heads of Sus quahanaugh and Delaware rivers, and on the south by Maryland; and reaches from Pensberry, near the falls of Delaware river, to Cape Hinlope; at the mouth of Delaware bay, near 150 miles but it runs along like a strip of land, being very much crowded in breadth by Maryland." OLD QUAKER AFFLUENCE. Philadelphia, Mr. Oldmixon says, iad at at that date 1,200 houses, and was so flour ishing that many merchants kept coaches. The town lots were large, and owners of 1,000-acre lots and upward had their houses on two fronts, facing the two rivers. Every owner of a 5,000-acre lot had an acre in front, and each small lotholdcr had half an acre on the back streets, byivhich arrange ment the poorest had room for a house, gar den and small orchard. The historian goes into raptures over the plentitude of game of all kinds, and says: "There is the land turtle of 40 or CO pound weieht." Mr. Old- mixon's account of the Indians is humorous, though not so intended. He says Penn be lieved them to be ot the Hebrew race. In 1770, about the time Great Britain was girding up her loins to make a desperate effort for -the commercial supremacy of the world, her surveyors were hard at work locating the province of Pennsylvania by metes and bounds and it is a matter of as tonishment to Messrs. McKee and Mercer and to most people who have examined the result of these old timers' work that they succeeded so well in making a fairly good map of these almost trackless wilds, one that in many respects will compare favorably with those of the present day, notwithstand ing the makers were in hourly danger of losing their scalps while running the lines. The map hangs in the Connty Commis sioners' office and a pleasant half day might be spent in poring over it. It was presented by William King. It is labeled: A map of Pennsylvania exhibiting not only the improved parts of the province, but also its extensive frontiers, laid down from actual sur veys and chiefly from the late map of W. Scull, published in 1770 and humbly inscribed to the Hon. Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqs., true aud absolute proprietaries and Governors of the province of Pennsylvania and the terri tories thereunto belonging. London. Printed for Robert Saver and J. Bennett, map and printsellers. No. S3, in Fleet street. Published as the act directs. 10 June, 1775. ' LONGITUDINAL MOUNTAINS. The only material fault yet found with it is that its mountains run too directly north and south, not having quite tbe proper northeast and southwest trend. There were then but eight counties in the State, or rather province Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, York, Berks, Lancaster, Northumberland and Cumberland. "They were English, you know;" their names would indicate that if nothing else. As to size, all the rest were insignificant compared with Northampton and Cumberland. The first lost itself in the northeast among the "Endless Mountains." In it, according to the map, there was a swamp about 30 by CO miles in extent. Cumberland county began down well toward the south east part of the province and spread itself considerably, extending northwest up to the territory of the six nations and westward it didn t appear to have any boundary, except what was subse quently known as the Northwest territory. This county forms a small patch in the origi nal county, .a. mg swamp is'maricea on the map southeast of Fort Venango, which was in what is now Venango county, at the mouth of French creek. Commencing at the Chestnut Bidge and the Loyalhanna and on to Conemaek old town. They also sailed up "Crooked creek into Indiana county and marked the site of Tohogusse's Cabbins. Our ancestors were more prodigal of letters than we, and they always spelled cabin with two bs. The country about theMonongahela and Yongh iogheny rivers was much better known to surveyors in 1770 than other parts of Cum berland country west of the mountains. North of Yellow creek in Indiana connty was a terra incognita. The trail from Ft. Littleton south of Black Log Bidge to Ft Pitt crossed Bloody Bun, through Allequippy's Gap, through Bedford to Shananese Cabbins, Edmonds' Swamp, the Glades (now in Somerset county), Ft. Ligonier, Four, Nxne and Twelve Mile Buns (the latter Procter's), Colonel Boqnet's Field, Bushy Bun and Turtle Creek. The last natural object distinctly noted is Chartiers Creek. Some creeks are marked leading to Beaver Creek, but the Ohio river gradually fades out into the illimitable West, and the surveyors and geographers were too honest to fill it up with views of buffalos and Indian scalping scenes. That was left to tho geographers of 1840, who peopled Central Africa with deserts, reptiles and fcra; naturco generally. Since the publication of this old map, 129 years ago, these solitudes have been peopled until they number twice as many souls as there were whites in all the colonies at the time the Declaration of Independence was signed. 0SLT TWO WORKS IDLE. The Strlko In the Connellsvllle Coke Region Does Not Materialize. The coke trade seems to be picking up a little and the persons agitating strike seem to be weakening. Yesterday morning McClure & Co., notified their men who were on a strike at the Donnelly works that they were willing to resume operations whenever the men, except the 20 who were discharged, were ready. The firm was not particularly anxious to work but the men were, and the Donnelly works started almost immediately after the order was given. All the works of McClure & Co. will be run five days a week for the present, and if the wage trouble is definitely settled soon it is probable that there will be work at all ovens for six days. The only trouble in the region is at the Standard works of the H. C. Frick Coke Company, and the Mammoth works of J. W. Moore & Co. A number of men are idle at several of the works, but all are in operation. There are a number of ovens at the Hazlett and the Youngstown works that are not in good repair and will not be started unless there is a boom in the coke trade. COAL MINEKS' WAGES. An Importnnt Meeting of Elver Operators to be Held To-Day. The Coal Exchange, composed of river operators, will hold a meeting this after noon to discuss trade and hear the report of the committee that attended the Indian apolis Convention. The delegates sent by the Exchange were excluded from the con vention, and Captain John A. Wood, who returned yesterday, says he cannot under stand why such action was taken. He says the whole convention was a mixed np affair, and does not believe the result will be sat isfactory to the miners or operators. The N. P. TJ. seemed to run the conven tion, and many Knights of Labor were ex cluded. It is not known what rate has been decided upon for the Pittsburg district, some claiming 69 cents and others 79 cents, as at present. Definite information on the subject will be received at the meeting to day, which may have an important bearing on the wages of the river miners. 1I0EE EALLEOADS WAKTED. Pittsburg MerchantsPctltlonthoLeglslatnre for a Law Governing Eminent Domain. CFEOJt A STAVF COBBXSrOXDSNT.I Haebisbueg, February 7. Ex-Speaker Graham to-day presented the following pe tition in the Honse. It was referred to the Bailroad Committee: The manufacturers and business men of the cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny respectfully urge the favorable consideration and passage of the bill now pending (the Junction Railway bill). We can see no reason why the lands of a corporation not essentially necessary to the ex ercises of Its corporate franchises should pos sess an exemption from the right of eminent domain to which the property of every individ ual citizen is subject Corporate property should not be clothed by the law with greater sanctity than that of the individual citizen. We believe it should bear tbe same burdens, be exposed to the same risks and respond in the samo manner to the public needs. In ourcom munity we have seen sufficient illustration of the existing law and of its method of adminis tration to convince us of the necessity of a change in the law and its method of adminis tration to subject corporate property to the power of appropriation for necessary public improvements. In cities situated as ours is. surrounded by hills and approachable only through narrow valleys, the faw as it exists and as it is admin istered is a practical bar to the most necessary public undertakings. To obtain the benefit to our manufactories and places of business from the construction of public improvements which are now barred by corporate property clothed with a practical exemption from the right of eminent domain, we most earnestly urge the passage of a law which would remove the ob structions to such improvements resulting from the law and its method of application as A Bad Shortage of Gas. The residents of the Second ward, Alle gheny, who have been using natural gas furnished by the People's Company, almost froze yesterday morning, as the supply was nearly exhausted in that end of town. Some of the residents had to resort to coal or accept the hospitality of more fortunate neignDors. uney ciaira tnat tnere is always a scarcity of gas every cold spell, and are disgusted with the way the, gas is supplied. Two Roads on the Oats. The Cleveland and Marietta road has broken off its through freight arrangements with the Panhandle. The former road claims that the Panhandle did not treat them fairly in the matter of minimum freight allow ances, nereaiierwe ueveiana and Marietta will issue its own bills of lading from New-comerstown. STRIKERS DEBTS. Several Salts Contemplated Against District 3, Knights of Labor. The success of T. E. Lavine, of L. A. C330, K. of L., in obtaining judgment against D. A. 3 for ?G1 has induced a num ber of grocerymen to take similar action, and J. J. Arnd, a Twenty-third street gro cer, has a bill of 5439 for groceries furnished the Black Diamond strikers which he is anxious to secure. According to the de cision of Alderman Doughty the district is liable, and he will likely enter suit for the amount A number of other grocers and merchants also have unpaid bills against the Knights of Labor, and if all are paid the district will be swamped financially. Master Workman I. N. Eoss says he will appcalthe case, and does not think the dis trict will be compelled to pay the amounts charged against it for the debts incurred by the strikers at the Black Diamond Steel Works. Mount Washington Citizens. A meeting has been called for the citizens of Mt Washington (Thirty-second ward) to meet at the schoolhouse to-mcrrow evening to suggest candidates- for ward offices. Alleged Shooter Arrested. John Dalzauer was arrested by Officer Louis Be tz on the charge of shooting George Biddle through the hand, at a ball fn Bloomfield, New Year's night Another Opportunity For buying high grade furs at wonderfully low prices. We want to dispose of all our furs and are making big reductions in price. xou can save money by coming here. Seal sacques, seal jackets and small furs all must go- SPECIAL ABBANGEMENTS. Purchasers can arrange to take sacques at present, or leave them with ns and pay for them during the Bummer months. This is a rare opportunity for buying seal sacques on easy terms. C. A. SMrurv & Co Manufacturing Furriers ,, , 28 Fifth avtnue. P. a. Measures taken and garments made to order for present or future delivery, d Long Hubbard Sight Gowns 39c. Plain chemise, 17c; with laco and insert ing, 24c; with torchon bosom, 45c; ruffled skirts, 25c; Hamburg skirts, -49c; lace drawers, 19c; Hamburg drawers, 25c; girls' tucked drawers, 10c AU onr fine under wear and infants' cloaks, slips and ladies' wrappers, newmarkets, jerseys, girls' win ter dresses, gretchen coats, blankets and comforts closing out below cost Busy Bee Hive, corner Sixth and Liberty. A RICH FIND. going east the mountains are labeled Laurel Kidge, Allegheny Bidge, Wills, Great Warrior, Alleguippy and Bagged moun tains, Bay's Hill Bidge, South and Trent mountains. North and northeast, the extensions- were named Biver Hill, Shade, Panther Hill, Nittanv's, Bald Eagle, Tus sey's, Jack's, Black tog, Connecochiague, Kittany, or Blue, Petus, Tusqarora, Cushi dun and so on to the Endless Mountains, which were thrown in as A SORT OP ULTIMA THULE. One thing that strikes the observer is the great number of meeting houses and churches dotted over the map. The sur veyors were eitherattached to the Established Church or else they regarded a steeple as sufficient to distinguish it from dissenters' houses of worship. Here you find a picture of a square, unpretending house marked "Presbyterian Meeting House," there one marked "Quaker Meeting House." Then you come to a picture of a building with a tower, or steeple, on one end, and it is in variably labeled "Church." It is possible that dissenters objected to having their houses of worship styled churches. They may have objected to figures of speech. The river below Fort Cumberland for 60 or 70 miles, bore the name of Cohon goronto, where it became the Potowmack. One is impressed with the fact in looking over the map that our ancestors had the good sense todo a measure of scant justice to the aborigines by adoption so many oi their lofty names. While a noble lord might impress his name on a county or city, the Indian names of mountains and rivers were generally retained. That portion of the man most intprpdHnir in this section is that of Cumberland county. The trail from Ft. Cumberland to Ft Pitl is marked. Tho first place noted is Great Crossing, six or eight miles south of Three Forks, or Turkeyfoot, on the Youghiogheny river. Then come Twelve Springs, Great Meadows, Big Bock, Dunbar's Camp, Steuart's crossing, Salt Lick creek, or Jacob s creek, Sewickley creek, and then crossing the Monongahela twice, just below the confluence of the Monongahela and the Yough, and again the former below Turtle Creek, NBAE BEADDOCK'S FIELD. Ft Pitt, "formerly Duquesne," is marked and Killbuck or Smoky Island also; but the island is not named. Following the north shore of the Allegheny river we find Pine creek, seven or eight miles further Dick's creek and Sewickley's old town, five miles further Chartiers' old town. Kittan ning town is shown, but beyond that noth ing is distinotly marked except Toby's and Licking creeks, until Ft Venango is reached at the mouth of French creek. The surveyors then went up the Kiske minetas, then unvexed by either lock or dam, or Judge White's improvements, and marked Black Legs town at the mouth of Booth ib Flynn Discover nn Extensive Bed of Glnss Snnd Rock. An extensive bed of glass sand rock has been discovered by Booth & Flynn in the Ligonier Valley, and the prospecti are that this firm will realize handsomely from the find. The bed is located at the foot of the P mountain east of the town of Ligonier, and una u. j.uviuui iuce, wiiu u imc&ness oi over 100 feet. The quality of the rock will be tested at once, and, if found to be ot value, the Ligonier Valley Bailroad will be extended to the quarry, a distance of several miles. The gentlemen interested believe they have struck it rich. A TIN PLATE WORKS To be Erected by a Foreign Firm With a Capltnl Stock or $100,000. The indications are that Latrobe will get an extensive tin plate works in addition to the large steel plant now being erected in that town. A Scotland firm has about con cluded to locate there. The capital stock of the concern is about 5100,000, and they will employ several hundred persons. The product of the works will be prin cipally fancy ware made from tin plate, and most of the employes of the works will be women. There Is no comfort, night or day. When teeth are suffering from decay. And oh! the pain that we shall feel When bitter hours at last reveal That all our woe came grim and gaunt From our neglect of Sozodont -wtsu SEE our line of satin strined tnni. oil colors, only 75c per yard; actual value, 1 50. iicr vuru. .UUGU3 2B MACKE. MWFsa "Wi-!" Pkice ought to sell every man in the two cities a new scarf for the nerve he displays in bringing such goods to our city. See the value and styles we are offering in spring dress goods at 18c per yard. MWFsn Huous & Hacke. The Paper Hangers' Association. The Paper Hangers' Association of West ern Pennsylvania, which was recently formed, met yesterday afternoon at their rooms on Fourth avenue and adopted a con stitution and bylaws. Ascale of priceswill be arranged at the next meeting, which will go into effect on April 1. Many miners Leave Town. To-day 110 miners who have been working in the Mansfield Valley will leave by way or the Panhandle road lor Seattle, Washing ton Territory. They have been guaranteed work in the coal mines near that place, and are promised $3 per day. Paper Hangers' Seale. The Paper Hangers' Association ofAUe- gheny County, which includes nearly all professional wallpaper hangers in the two cities, will adopt a wage scale of prices at meir meeting juonuay evening next. Fast Trains Delayed. The cold weather and high winds are having their effect on the fast trains of the Pennsylvania road. Last night both the mail and the limited were an hour or more behind time. A freight car jumped the track at Greensbnrg, and this aecident held the trains for a short time. A Perrjavllle Fire. .Early Wednesday morning the drying house of Mr. Warner, in Boss township, near Keating's hostelry, Perrysyille, took fire and was completely destroyed. The loss was about $2,000. John Warner and a hired man were glightly burned about the face and handi. A COUGH 13 THE FIRST WHISPERING of approaching disease. Tickling throats develop Into coughs. SCoughs lead to the qreat enemy consumption. A stitch In time often saves life Itself. KIDD'S FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SOBE THEOAT, INFLUENZA and HOARSENESS. IT IS PLEASANT AND ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR CHILDREN. PRICE, 25 CENTS. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PREPABED bt FLEMING BROS., PITTSBURG, PA MWF Lovely Fitting French Corsets Were $i and i 25, Now for 50c A PAIR. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET Bargains in Kid Gloves, 2SC 35c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 a pair. T. T. T. THOMPSON BROTHERS, 109 Federal Street, Allegheny. new advertisement. JOS. HORNE i CQ.'S PENN AVENUE STORES. Come and see the New Goods This Week. SPRING IMPORTATIONS GINGHAMS and SATINES. Nearly 50,000 yards in stock. The lar gest 'and most complete line of Wash Dress Fabrics ever shown; prices less than you can buy them for in New York. This seems am Is a mammoth purchase, but we are confident our endeavors to offer the largest variety and at close prices will largely increast business in this popular department SPRING NOVELTIES NOW ARRIVING IN WOOLEN DRESS FABRICS. As usual, this stock will exceed any former season's display and prices will bo made satisfactory, while at the same time customers will be pleased with the many exclusive designs special to our house. Choice styles and colorings at 50c, in plaids, stripes and mixtures and solid colorings, in the newest shades. 1,000 yards French All-wool Cash meres full color assortment, at 50c these are special good value. Our Silk Sale Continues A remarkable success. Every yard sold is a certain advertisement of this silk sock, and we invite your prompt atten tion to the great bargains here. New Printed India Silks, At 60c, 65c, SI and 5125, in the latest colorings and most stylish patterns. Black and white, medium and light colorings in Empire and Dlrectolre do . signs. New invoices win arrive dally, offering the largest choice in these beautiful goods. Novelties in New Embroideries and Laces. A complete stock of Thin Whito Goods for spring sewing. Our "Mark-Downs" in the Cloak Room Are making trade lively here. There never was a time when bargains in Wraps of all kinds were so numerous1 as now in this Cloak Department for Ladies, Misses and Children. After-stock-taking Early Spring Styles and Bargains The attractions for this week. A large v force ot attentive salesmon to wait on yon promptly. JDS. HORNE I Cfl::5 PENN AVENUE STORES. .'vji -4- hla '4.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers