Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 06, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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The Horseman Conies Here to
Buy Thoroughbreds.
About the Alleged Pdnger He Took
Out West.
An Important Meeting of the Allegheny
County League.
There is alwayssomething interesting and
instructive to learn about horse matters in a
talk with Frank Van Kess. He is one of
the best known horsemen in the country. He
arrived in this city yesterday, his object
being to purchase a few colts from Captain
Sam Brown. This means that Mr. Van
Kcss is inclined to go fully into the running
business. During a conversation with a
Dispatch representative at the Mononga
licla House yesterday afternoon, he not only
fully explained his reasons for investing in
the runners, but made an important state
ment regarding the expulsion of Sire Brothers
'and himself from the American Trotting Asso
ciation. Ho said:
1 am on my way to Kentucky, and I have
stopped over hero to see if I can buy some
thoroughbred youngsters from your popular
townsman. Captain Brown. I will go to
Brownsville this evening and will meet the
Captain there to-morrow. I will look through
his yonng stock. He tells me he has some
pood ones, but I have not received their ped
igrees yet.
"I am interesting myself in the runners
because there is more money in that class of
racing than in handling trotters. A man can
make more money in one or two races with a
runner than he can in two or three seasons
with a trotter or pacer. I can see numerous
men who know nothing at all about horses
doing well on the turf by owning two or three
tolerably (rood ones. If these persons can make
a success of it without any knowledge, 1 think
I ought to do something with the knowledge I
have. I have been directly interested in horses
for 20 years, and 1 owned a runner or two when
I was 11 years old. I used to ride them, too, in
the western part of If ew York State. I have
six or 6even vouDgsters now, and a 3-year-old
filly named Mamie IS, by None Such.
"Of course I will be too much interested in
my runners to make any engagement next sea
son to drive for any trotting stable. I may
drive a few races during the circuit, but that
will be all. I had a runner last year for which
I paid a good price, but he broke down and I
lost considerable money. 1 want to get that
money back. Sire Bros, have made me an oiler
to drive for them next season, but I cannot ac
cept it. I don't kuow who ti ill drive for them,
but thev will get a good man no doubt. I saw
Harry Wilkes last weok. He used to be a fa
vorite trotter here, and horsemen will be glad
to fearn that he is all right. He i as fresh as
paint, and all that has been wrong with him
was a splint that developed some time ago.
''However, he will be heard from when the
campaign opens. Harry is a great horse."
Mr. Van Ness was asked about the expulsion
of himself and the Sire Brothers from the
American Association. In reply he said:
"That is a matter about which I have said very
little so far, simply because we thought there
was nothing in it. The case will certainly be
reopened at the sprinc meeting of the associa
tion, when the entire facts of the case will be
presented and doubtless the decision of the last
meeting of the board will be rescinded. The
Sire Brothers and myself are absolutely inno
cent of attempt to defraud either the
Detroit Association or any other. The facts
of the case are simply these: I received a rc
onest from Mr. Hemrich. of Rochester, to
take charge of a road horse that was considered
very fast I replied, asking how fast the horse
could go. and was told that he was a little bet
ter than 2:30. I replied that this wa3 scarcely
fast enough, but that 1 would drive the horse
If they desired me to do so. Mr. Hemrich
thought that he was fast enongh to win at some
of the "Western meetings. I consequently en
tered him at Detroit, and named hint Lexing
ton. I did not start him there, however. X
subsequently started him at St. Louis and Kan
sas City, but certainly never dreamt that he
was a ringer. He got fourth money at St.
Louis, and then I was informed that the horse
was Ad Terry, and had a record. I at once
paid $275 out of my own pocket
as entrance money, etc., and the Sire
Brothers paid 12-5 to the St Louis Asso
ciation. These facts, 1 think, have never
been placed before the public, and I can easily
prove that the horse was represented to me as
an untried roan horse. Had I known he was a
ringer 1 certainly would never have been fool
enough to take him from place to place, and
beyond all I would not have lost money on him.
I feel confident the board will reverse its de
cision. I have some good friends on the board
and I can trnst tbem to be influenced by the
facts that will be submitted to them."
Mr. Van Ness expressed the opinion that the
coming season will be a great one, both for
trotters and pacers. He expects to see many
first-class pacers.
Fete McShnnnlc's Term Accepted by the
Canadian CInb.
Pete McShannic's terms have been accepted
by the Hamilton club, and if all goes well he
will sign with that club in ten days' time. He
received a dispatch from Hamilton last evening
telling him that the club directors had unani
mously authorized Manager Swartwood to sign
McShannic is to receive 81,300 for the five
months. These terms are better than if he had
remained with Pittsburg. He would only have
received $1,500 for seven months here; beside
living is considerably cheaper at Hamilton
than at Pittsburg. He thinks that he will gp
a thorough try to play ball at Hamilton, md
has made his mind up to change his style f
batting, that is he will not use the sacrifice
method every time, but swing for ail he is
Yestcrdayafternoon he received a dispatch
from Dave Itowe, asking his terms to join the
Denver club. He also received a letter from
Manager Barnes, of the St Paul club, asking
him to play there. Pete, however, was not very
well treated bv Barnes in 1887. During the lat
ter part of 1SS8 JlcShannic played with the St
Pauls, and at the close of the season under
stood that he was to play there in 18S7. He was
not told different until about a week before
the season opened. That caused him to be
knocked from pillar to post. He is now satis
fied that he can get to Hamilton and be under
Swartwood's management
Wheeler's Bulletin.
Columbus. February 5. Wheeler Wikoff,
Secretary of the American Association, to
night issued the following bulletin of con
tracts: With Athletic Ed Seward; Baltimore,
Chris Fulmer; Cincinnati, W. V. Carpenter,
John A. McPnoe, Leon Viau: Kansas City,
James M. Burns. James A. Donohue, John
McCartv; Louisville, J ohn Ewing, Thos. Ester
brook; Cleveland, T. C. Nicholson, J. R. Mc
Alecr, James S. Faatz, Jos. Lobeck; Chicago,
C. A. Farrell. Clarence Duval (mascot):
AV'astiington, Owen Carthv, II G. Kbright;
Syracuse, B. McLaughlin: Toledo. W'. Bolcnus,
Geo. '. Stallinc, W. P. Wehrle. F. C. Smith;
Ht Jose. T. J. Flood, J. D. Curtis, D. J. Ma
lioney, C. F. Whitney: Milwaukee, Jos. Narii;
Minneapolis, A. C Jantzen, F. T. Pierce; St
Paul, W. Farmer, J. Pickett C. Broughton, C.
T. Riley: Minneapolis. C. H. Hendershot J. T.
Bymas; Omaha, Jos. Straus: Denver, John J.
Paley; Peoria. C. J. Robert-!. C. O. Hoffman,
C. E. Stapleton, J. Reeves, J. Newman, M. II..
Brundlelecom, A. Fisher. J. Sheehan. F. Hcff
ner, A. McCauley, C. W. Haskens. Released
By Columbus, C. E. Stapleton; Detroit C. W.
Bennett: Boston, J. Hornung; Cleveland, A. P.
Albert, Ed Keas; Omaha, E. Moyer: Chicago,
W. A., Geo. Nulton; Worcester, Grant
Briggs, E. F. Flanagan.
Ansel Not Sold.,
Another reported sale at Palo Alto is an
error. The telegraph announced several days
ago the purchase by Colonel Russell, of Boston,
of the stallion Ansel, l.y Electioneer. The
negotiations, if negotiations there were, have
fallen through and Ansel will remain at his old
home for awhile at least It is now reported,
though not generally believed, that Colonel
Russell is trying to bnf S. J, Rose's famous
(StambouL It can hardljj be possible that nego
tiations are pending, as (just after the Grand
National was trotted the writer asked Mr. Eose
if he would sell the horse, and the reply was
that he would sell him for S50.000. provided that
the purchaser should also buy all the other
stock upon the farm, which meant that so long
as L. J. Rose was proprietor of the Rosemeado
studStambonl would remain there. The horse
will co East and try for the hie grand circuit
trophies this season, but when the season is
over he will return to California. 'Frisco
An Importnnt Sleeting of the Allegheny
County Bnsebnll Lcnpue.
An interesting meeting of the Allegheny
County Baseball League was held in the law
office of Mr. Cox, corner of Fourth avenue and
Grant street, last evening. The business dis
cussed was of great importance to the league,
as one of the questions was whether or not the
leacue be increased from a membership of four
clubs to that of eight
All the lour clubs at present in the organiz
ation were represented, each by two delegates.
President McCarthy was in tho chair and W.
J. Uarr performed the duties of secretary. The
first business was the reading of the report of
Mr. Burt Edwards, the official scorer. He
placed the clubs as follows:
Won. Lost
Homesteads 10 3
East End Athletics t s
Uraddock Blues S 7
Uuquesnes 1 11
Homestead was. therefore, declared the
champion team of the Allegheny County
League. The following resolution was tnen
passed: That the Secretary be Instructed to
extend to Mr. Al G. Pratt tne thanks of the
Allegheny County League for his Kindness in
presenting to the winning club of the season
of ISSSa handsome pennant with the follow
ing inscription worked upon it in large silk
letters: Homestead Baseball Club, Champion
1SS8, Allegheny County League.
On motion of Mr. Barr the election of officers
was postponed until the next meeting, so that
representatives of the new clubs might partici
pate in the election. After an interesting dis
cussion it was unanimously resolved to havo
eight clubs in the League next season instead
of four. It was further agreed that each club
put up a forfeit of f 23 as a guarantee of good
faith to carry out the requirements of the
The Secretary then read the list of applica
tions for membership, omitting, of course, the
names of the fonr clubs &lready,in the league.
The new applicants are as follows: Solar Tips.
Allegheny; T. M. Marshalls. Allegheny; River
side Grajs; Allegheny; Oaklands, Etna Stars,
Etna; W. J. Kuehnes, Allegheny: Emsworths,
Sewickley Blue Stockings. It was decided to
lay the applications over and invite two dele
gates from each club to attend the next meet
ing. The clubs applying are all good ones, but
it might be safe to say that the lucky four will
be the Etna Stars, Oaklands, Emsworths and
Sewickleys. Of course it depends to a great
extent on what kind of case each makes out
If each of the clubs named, however, gets
thoroughly organized and can show that it
means business they will all be in the league.
The prospects of the league are excellent; at
least that is what Messrs. Schooly, Jones, Barr
and others said. The meeting adjourned to
meet at the rooms of Al. G. Pratt on Febru
ary 18.
Manager Phillips Trll About a Promising
Yoang Short Stop.
The local club is making efforts to secure a
young short stop now that Rowe ab
solutely refuses to come here. The
progress mado in the matter and
the expectations of success can be
learned from the following statement of Man
ager Phillips. He said:
"Several weeks ago Fred Dnnlap wrote me
an excellent letter containing suggestions re
garding the welfare of the club that did credit
to him. I wish I was at liberty to make his
suggestions public and they wonld show how
mucn ne nas tne weitare ot tne cluo at heart
All that I can say is he recommended a certain
young player, whom he knows to play in our
club. Fred is certain that he cau
soon be made a first-class man be
cause he is willing to take advice. Dunlap
further pointed out that it is much better for
a clnb and the public to have a man who will
take instructions than havo one of these
who think they know it all. Well, I have had
a letter from the young man in question, and
he says he is willing to play here." He has im
plicit confidence in Dunlap as a player, and a
teacher and he is frank enough to say: 'I know
that I can play a fair game, but I have much to
learn, and I want to learn it' Now a youth
like that is promising; much more so than
those who claim they have nothing to learn at
Mr. Phillips was not in a position to say who
the young man is, any more than he is in a
minor league. It is likely that he will be
President Hewitt Means to Hnvo
Montgomery Wnrd.
Washixgtox, February 5. President Hew
itt was spoken to to-day about Ward going to
Boston, and said:
"Mr. Ward is going to play right here in
Washington, and unless he does he will remain
idle next season, and he is too sensible a man
to attempt anything of that kind. AH this talk
about his not playing here is rot When Mr.
Day and myself signed that agreement last No
vember in regard to the services of Mr. Ward
for the season of 1SS9, we knew exactly what
we were doing. I agreed to pay $12,000 for
Ward when he figncd with the Washlngtons,
and stand ready to-day to carry out my part of
the agreement And I know Mr. Day will do
the same."
"It is stated, Mr. Hewitt, that a proposition
was made to you last week to give you Wise
and Morrill and $12,000 or even more for Ward's
release. Is there any truth in that statement?"
"Not a syllable. I have never had a line from
the Boston club in regard to the Ward matter.
How such a story could get in circulation is
beyond me. Of course, Boston is anxious to
get Ward."
Ho Says Thnt He Met Rovro and White at
President Nimick yesterday confirmed the
statement published in yesterday's Dispatch:
to the effect that he had met Rowe and White
at Buffalo. The President stated that both
Rowe and White emphatically said that they
will not play ball this season, but will act as
stated in yesterday's Dispatch. Mr. Nimick
states that at the League spring meeting Bos
ton will lay claim to White and Pittsburg will
lay claim to Rowe, and they will be placed on
the permanent reserve list if thev refuse to
play this season. If this is done Mr. Nimick
says they can never play again without tho
consent of the Boston and Pittsburg clubs,
Mr. Nimick is not certain whether or not they
can manage tho Buffalo club legally, but bo
thinks the fact of their owning it may protect
For Hie City's Good.
Moro than half of the capital stock for the
natatorium has now been subscribed. Yester
day one of the wealthiest and best known local
philanthropists subscribed '2.500 toward the
enterprise. In forwarding his check he said:
"I do not subscribe as a business venture, but I
do it for the good of the city. A natatorium,
such as is proposed, is what Pittsburg has been
In need of for many years."
Wnnts to Stay Here.
Ed. Foley, a local pitcher, who pitched for
the Zanesvillc, O., Club last year, may probably
pitch for the W. J. Kuehnes next season. He
is applying for a saloon license, and if he is
successful he intends to connect himself with
the local amateur clubs. He is a good pitcher,
and was considered one of the best in the 'In
state League. If the Kuehnes secure him
they will be strong in the box.
Home Tnlcnt Beaten.
The second of three scries of rifle matches
between Messrs. Huggins and Rothwell on the
one part and Richardson and Jewell on the
other, was concluded yesterday in favor of the
Eastern men. The scores were as follows:
Huggins and Rothwell, 819; Richardson and
Jewell, 835.
. Sporting Notes.
Martix Duck, the pitcher, has signed with
John Greenhouse, of Oakland, has re
solved to sell his speedy roadster. Star Jr., by
American Star Jr. Here's a bargain for some
body. The Cleveland team as now made up in
pitchers, Bakely, O'Brien, Sprague, Duck;
catchers, Zimmer, Lohbcck; infield, Faati,
Strieker. McKean and Tebeau; outfield, Mc
Aleer, Radford, Twitchell; substitute, Nichol
son. John Thomas, of St Claire, wrote to John
L. Sullivan that while learning to box his
(Kullivan's) style he broke an arm and was dis
abled from work. Sullivan wrote a letter as
follows: "Find inclosed S3. If you can make a
living at anything else don't follow boxing.
There is nothing in it"
Vast Haxtiuest has found a berth for his
brother Charley. He has been signed to play
first base for the Canton club, of tho Ohio
State League. Ho may succeed and become a
good player, but he can never reach the posi
tion in the baseball world held by his famous
brother, for the material isn't in him.
Like Ewing, Washington's new catcher.
Ebright is nicknamed 'Buck." It is thought
that he will develop Into a great catcher. He
is highly gratified at the thought of plaving
with Washington next season, as he thinks
that nnder Ward's management the team will
hold an enviable place in the League.
The Charter Bill Legislated Out of
Sight and tho Sister City
Pending Inter-Municipal Legislation Now
Applies to Allegheny, Although
A EcmirtaMc Change Xoted In the Attltndc of Col
onel T. 31. Bayne,
Further action in the' Allegheny charter
bill rests with the servants of the city in the
Legislature. It was placed out of sight on
the House calendar yesterday, and the Su
preme Court decision leaves her as she is.
The third class city legislation now before
the statesmen will apply to Allegheny. It
has passed the House, and Senator Hutan
says he cannot prevent its passage in the
Senate. The most surprising feature of the
matter seems to be Colonel Bayne's change
of heart. His conversion came too late,
however, as the appended telegrams show.
rrr-ou a staff cobhespoxdejtt.i
Hakmsbueg, February 5. At 12:45 A.
M. a conference of Allegheny legislators,
councilmcn and citizens adjourned, and the
councilmen and citizens resolved to leave
further action on the Allegheny charter bill
entirely to the representatives in the Legis
lature. The latter accepted the trust in a
neither halcyon nor vociferous manner.
Congressman Bayne attended the meeting,
which occurred in a parlor of the Lochiel,
and Senator Bntan and Representatives
Robinson, Shiras and Marshall, were pres
ent The others were Messrs. Hunter, Ken
nedy, Francis, Bradley, Snamen, John
Neeb, Price. Bradley, Nelson P. Reed,
"Walter Lyon and Commodore Kountz.
Senator Bntan convinced the conference
that the passage of the inter-municipal bill
would put Allegheny in the third class,
and it was generally agreed she didn't want
to be there. Colonel Bayne made long speech,
in which he finally arrived at the conclusion
that tho Pittsburg charter was a very good
thing, had worked well in Pittsburg, and might
' do so in Allegheny. Why he didn't think so
sooner the gentlemen present were too delicate
to inquire, and Colonel Bayne didn't say. Many
telegrams were read from Allegheny business
men, Showing that they considered Mr. Bayne's
second position a good one. Tho telegrams had
been received earlier in the day, however, be
fore Mr. Bayne had arrived at that conclusion.
To-night Mr. Bayne repudiated the allegation
that he had been influenced in any of his acts
by city printing considerations.
Senator Rutan, before to-night's meeting,
stated to your correspondent that in his opin
ion the decision of the Supreme Court on the
act of 1871 left Allegheny as she is, but at the
same time the legislation for third-class cities
that has just passed the House and will come
ud in the Senate to-morrow will anDlv to Alle
gheny, whoso representatives have taken no
part in shaping it He says he is powerless to
prevent its passage in the Senate, as there are
24 cities that demand its passage. For that
reason ho desired instructions from the com
mittee of Allegheny Councils and citizens, but
didn't get it Represantatives Robinson,
Shiras and all the other Alleghenians con
curred in this opinion. Simpson.
How the Charter Bill Was Legislated Ont
of Sight Allegheny in tho Third Class.
Hakkisbueo. February S. The fine
Italian hand of Colonel Thomas Bayne,
member of Congress, is seen by many in the
relegation to-day of the Allegheny charter
bill to a place far down the calendar that
the third Tuesday of February will have
come and gohe long before it can be reached
and disposed of. Colonel Bayne is .said to
have come here firmly impressed that the
whole matter was only a scheme of Colonel
Nelson P. Beed to scoop some "Allegheny
Citypap. Hedidn't rid himself of the idea
after arriving, and is credited with having
shaped things the way they went in order to
protect his own interests. As both Mr.
Bayne and Mr. Beed are credited with be
ing solid with Colonel Quay, the situation is a
highly interesting one, and though Mr. Bayne
succeeded in carrying his point against Mr,
Beed, he finds himself wondering to-night what
kind of au explanation he will give to his Alle
gheny constituents who wanted a second class
charter for the city.
A large delegation from Allegheny City
came, saw and was conquered with hands
down. Ex-Speaker Graham led off with a po
tion signed by 1.100 citizens of Allegheny ask
ing for less haste iu the effort to place the city
in the second class. The contingent from the
north side of the river whose namo their city
bears, stood round impatiently in the lobbies or
occupied scats here and there with acquaint
ances until their measure might get a chance.
Earlier in the morning they had informally
conferred on the subject without result, and
the burden of talk turned on the matter of city
printing and the merits and demerits of having
the papers bid so much per thousand of cir
culation for the city advertising, or of leaving
to Councils the whole question of who is the
lowest and best bidder.
The inter-municipal bill was special order for
third reading and final passage at noon, and
the clerks took turn about in exercising their
voices on it for more than an hour, when
they finished, the bill passed easily by 170 to 3.
Then came the special order for the classifica
tion bill, and the Allegheny charter measure.
The hour was late, and the members had a hun
gry look that denoted a determination to ad
journ or take a recess. The latter was opposed
by Mr. Stewart, of Philadelphia, and Mr. Gra
ham, of Allegheny, on the ground that there
were a number of important committee meet
ings on hand for the afternoon. At the
Speaker's suggestion the first section of the
Allegheny bill was read to get the matter be
fore the House. Mr. Robinson then made a
motion that the bill be a special order for sec
ond reading to-morrow at 1120, and for third
reading the succeeding day at the same hour.
Mr. Brooks, of Philadelphia, who burned his
fingers with the Allegheny matter last Friday,
opposed this in view of tho petition presented
by Mr. Graham and representations from other
sources. He thought the interests of tho
people would be served by the delay that would
occur by letting the bill revert to its regular
place on the calendar. An , overwhelming
majority, that had become heartily sick of the
Allegheny inharmoniousness, voted according
to this way of thinking, and then adjourned
the House for the day, while Representative
Shiras was trying to get the Speaker's eye to
call np the classification bill.
Allegheny is therefore left out of the second
class, and the representatives of her Councils
who came here to see her step gracefully for
ward into that company find that they are
forced into the third class, with no opportun
ity of getting out of it until after the election
has anchored them safely there for another
two years, and as they have had no hand in the
making of the third-class bill they don't like it
One of the Novel 3Iensnre Before the
Legislature A Rallvrny Commission.
Hakbisburg, February 5. Among the
bill's introduced in the House to-day were
the following:
To prohibit treating to liquor, imposing S3 to
J100 for a violation of the law.
To prevent the killing of deer for three
To appoint a board of railway commissioners.
at a salary ot $3,000 a year.
Relating to the licensing of detectives, mak
ing it a misdemeanor to act without a license.
The bill authorizing the election of assessors
for three years m boroughs and townships
passed finally.
m o Dusiness oi general importance was trans
act at the night session of the Senate.
Will Walt for tho Encnmpmcnt.
Hareisbuhg, February 5. The Soldiers
Orphans' School Committee met to-day, and
after considering the general subject resolved
to do nothing decisive until after the G. A. R.
encampment at Erie, which meets next Tuesday.
Continued from First Page.
it as a punishment and not a part of the medi
cal treatment There were from 20 to SO men
in the hospital. I went as a patient then I be
came tho doctor's personal attendant Some
times I put up the medicines. He was never
cruel to me. I had no ill feeling toward tho
Slagle How long do they stay there?
A. As long as they can stand the doctor
I wanted to get away myself.
Scott Do you know of the doctor extorting
money for delicacies? r
A. No, sir; but have seen him put deli
cacies intended for prisoners on his own table.
He used to have five or six friends on Sunday.
I saw him strike a man with his fist in the face.
The man did not fall down, because there wero
nurses back of him to hold him up. Ho struck
another man in the back of the head with a
buckled strap, six inches long and an inch wide.
His name was Bishop. Ho.pulled Phillips' hair
because he would not submit to the electric
battery, and hallowed.
Sawyer What language did he use?
Slattery He swore all the time. His swear
ing was extraordinary. He did not disable
men by this treatment that I know.
Crnel to Crazy Men.
Sawyer Were those men sick who were mis
treated? A. They were demented. Georgo Keck had
the brain fever after the battery was put on
him for one hour. He was sick for three weeks.
They were demented, or supposed to be.
Warden Wright How do you know?
A. Phillips is dead. Bishop Is in the lunatic
asylum and Keck is crazy. Maharneke Is kind
to me, excepting.his bullying and swearing. I
oniy know one case of whero he took delicacies
from prisoners for his own table. It took three
waiters to wait on him and his
friends. They were five or six
Germans. Tho fruits were intended for
Frank Thompson. His sister brought them up
from Steubenville. She gave them to Mahar
neke and he kept them from Wednesday until
Sunday, when they ate them. Thompson did
not know they were for him, as he was crazy.
He is known as "Gyp." He didn't recognize
anybody, but he knew enough to eat oranges.
I havo seen him eat apples.
Warden Wright Not very often?
A. Yes I did. I did not see the sister
bring them. The doctor told me of it. He also
told me he would go to Steubenville and do this
and that to her, that would not be right to say.
I am friendly enough to the doctor, though he
thinks he is too far above me to speak to me.
1 have seen him pull Thompson's ears, but
never do anything likely to harm him. I went
to McPhillamy's cell and told htm all right, I
would appear as a witness.
McCutcheon Those cases cited are all you
know of ?
A Yes, sir.
A Pertinent Query.
Wright Do you know if Bishop was insane
before he came here?
A. I do not When they. took him away
I heard he went to a Maryland lunatic
asylum. I hear only from talk also that
Phillips Is dead. No, the prisoners did not gen
erally see the doctor treat patients badly. He
generally took them in the wash room or other
places. I helped to hold the victims, the men
who were to get the battery or get slugged. I
never saw the battery used, except for punish
ment. I think it was used as a punishment
from its effects, blood gnshing from eyes, nose
and mouth; then they would become stupid
and did not appear to know anything. I never
saw Dr. Rankin present or use tne battery.
Tho prisoners then went out and an adjourn
ment was made until after supper. During all
this time Slattery (the man who is serving time
for shooting Myers at Schntzen park) was tell
ing his tale of torture, Maharneke smiled, as if
it were fun.
Is Followed by the Testimony of Mrs. Mair
and James W. Miller, Who Mnkes
Iho Most Startling Allcgn
, tions Yet Mnlinrneke
Suspended After
After a simply elegant snpper in the
handsome dining rooms, with Warden
"Wright at the head of the table, and the
board, reporters and ladies seated comforta
bly around, the investigation was again
taken up, and the announcement made that
Major Montooth would be present, in order
to be able to advise the board in case any
legal steps were to be taken.
Chairmain Kelly suggested that Mrs.
Mair be called upon to testify in order t,hat
the ladies be not detained. The lady -objected,
however, and said she was used to
keeping late hours in temperance work.
McPhillamy was asked how many wit
nesses he intended to call, and answered 40
or 50.
Kelly It is impossible for us to hear that
many. We will, however, listen to four or
McPhillamy then asked that Dr. Ayres
be called; but it was ascertained that
Maharneke was not hospital steward at that
Scott Mr. Kelly, put down the name of
James W. Mlllei, in tho interest of McPhil
lamy. Mr. Kelly Did yon call him?
McPhillamy I did. It will be almost im
possible to pick out my best witnesses from
such a large number.
Prisoner 8658 was called and sworn. His
name is James Biley, and he had been in eight
months. He had been in the hospital not quite
24 hours. He did not know why he bad been
taken to the hospital. He had a boil on his
head. In answer to question lie said:
"Dr. Maharneke put me in a straightjacket.
He took me npstairs, strapped mo down and
put the battery to my bleeding lead. Tho
first time he said to me: 'I'll kill you or I'll
cure you. xousaid. you were playing off,' and
I said I wasn't. He said he had orders from
headquarters to put the battery to me the
second time, and I have no idea why he did it.
I acknowledged to him that I was playing
off for 1 was afraid of his threats. After I was
put in the second time he said to me: 'You
keep your mouth shut' Only give mo a chance,
gentlemen, and I will tell. I saw him put
another man in the straightjacket. I' don't
know who he was. They put the straight
jacket on me at once. I don't know who
ordered it on. I haven't any idea.
The Doctor Whispered.
Dr. Maharneke here went to Mr. Kelly and
whispered, and Mr. Kelly asked if the prisoner
had received a note from McPhillamy that he
was wanted, and ho said he had not. The
boil on his head was about as big as a marble,
and was not bleeding on account of Dr. Ma
harneke's treatment.
Prisoner 8019, a negro with his head tied up,
then' was sworn. His namo was W. T. Brown.
He had been in the hospital in '86.
Kelly Did you notice any cruelty ?
A. t wasn't treated very well myself, but I
did not see any acts of cruelty. T heard pro
fanity from Dr. Maharneke once. 1 was thero
five weeks and heard nim swear once at a
nurse. He said damn. ICthought I did not
get proper treatment Dr. Maharneke broke
my tooth out and my face has been bad ever
since. It has been so for over three years. I
was treated for scrofula, but would bo well
to-day if my tooth had not been broken," and
indeed he was a pitiable object as he slunk
back to his cell. r
Prisoner 7755 was sworn. His name was John
Wilson, and his time expires in May. He said:
"I was In Dixmont, but I don't want to answer
what does not concern this case. I want to tell
what I know of the brutality I saw in the hos
pital. I was Insane, but I am not insane now.
Kelly I do not consider the witness com
petent Scott I will call for James W. MiUer.
The Strong Witness.
James W.Miller then stepped quietly In from
the hall ana Mr. Kelly explained why he had
been called, .
Kelly Were you an Inmate of this place ?
Miller I was, for S years 9 months and 10
days. I was in the hospital once, nursing Jimmy
Elliot; then I came back myself as a patient
The first time was early in the summer of '86.
Dr. Maharneke was steward. I kuow of acts of
cruelty by orders of Dr. Maharneke. I did not
seeiiim cruel to any prisoner. I heard him use
profane language. It was of almost daily oc
currence. It was something that startled me,
though I am not easily shocked. It would last
sometimes two minutes or-longer.
Kelly By whom were these acts of cruelty
executed ?
Miller The prisoner I have in my mind was
one Thompson, nicknamed "Gyp." I have, at
Maharncke's orders, stripped him off and put
him into a bath tub and" scrubbed him with a
common broom until his flesh was taken off.
He was childlike, and it was necessary to bathe
him often.
Kelly Did you protest?
Miller Mr. Kelly, people do not protest In
this institution without incurring a penalty
which 1 have felt When I was acting assist
ant cook, 1 saw a sane man put into the bath
tub by the Doctor's orders, and ducked until
he fainted, while the Doctor stood by until be
laughed with glee. I complained to Mr. Reed.
Mr. Reed noticed "Gyp's'' face was scratched.
He asked the cause, and Dr. Maharneke came
to me and said Reed would censure me, and I
should endure the censure, and he would see it
fixed. Reed came to mo and said it should not
occur again, and the broom business was dis
continued and the ducking substituted.
An Inspector Assnmcs.
Kelly You said Dr. Maharneke received
Miller Did I say that to you?
Kelly You mado no such statement
Miller Ask your question, sir, and I will
answer it Dr. Maharneke did ask and accept
bribes from me. Tho first he asked and ac
cepted was after I had visited tho hospital for
the purpose of seeing Jimmy Elliott He was
near dead, and he asked me to stay nntil he
died. It was necessary to have the warden's
consent; but Dr. Maharneke said If I
would give him 8, which he needed badly,
he would get mo the privilege. I did
get this privilege, and I gave him f6 for the
privilege. I stayed until Jimmy died, and
was buried. I was sent to tho nlock after El
liott's burial, and returned to my work. The
effect of nursing Elliott and the many months
spent in your cells here resulted in an attack of
typhoid fever. Dr. Bankiu visited me, and
treated mo very kindly. One afternoon, when
I was worse, Dr. Maharneke came to my cell,
alone, and said if I mado it worth while, he
would get me into the hospital. I asked what
it wonld cost, and he said "35 now;" and I gave
it to him. I was carried over. Ho came to my
bedside one evening, and, as I judged, under
the influence of liquor. He said he wanted
some money. I said I had none, and he said I
must get some, if I wanted to stay there. A
friend sent two 5 bills over to me, and that
same evening the Doctor came to my bedside
evidently under the influence of liquor.
Thnt Little Receipt.
I was afraid he might forget I gave him 8-5,
and he pulled out a pad, and wrote a receipt,
worded as I can't repeat It was a receipt for
the So I had just given him. Tho receipt was
worded as usual. I still had $5 left I was ill
for some time, and when I got in condition to
eat I asked for something different Mahar
neke suggested beef tea, and said ho would
have Dr. Rankin give it to me for SI. Then I
got cornstarch for five or ten days for a dollar;
then eggs, a dollar; then butter, a dollar, and l
finally gave him the last dollar of the So for
milk for a certain number of days.
I expressed a desire to Mrs. Mair for a
chicken. She kindly said I could have it
That night the Doctor came to my bed and told
me he had a beautifully stewed chicken and
said if I gave him $5 1 could have it for break
fast I had sent over to the block for $10. I
showed Maharneke one of the So bills and told
him if he would give me somo evidence I could
have the chicken in the morning, he could have
the So. He gave me some sort of a receipt I
do not know where the receipt is. 1 gave both
of the receipts to Mrs. Mair.
Pnld In Piecemeal.
When I was able to get up and around, it was
discussed whether I return to the block or re
main in the hospital. Dr. Maharneke told me
it would take S10 to keep me in the hospital. I
paid him 5 and told him I would give him the
other. One evening he approached me sud
denly and said he must have the othor So. I
borrowed it from the assistant hospital
steward, and stepped into the Doctot's room
and handed it to him.
Scott How many times did these cases of
cruelty occur?
Miller It was certainly more than ten times
these scrubbings were given by order of Dr.
Maharneke. If I had roported these cases, I
would have gone to the dungeon. I was afraid
to. I complained to Mr. Reed, but not tho
officers. From the fact that Dr. Maharneke's
word from the hospital was sufficient, I know
it he asked me to De sent tnere, i would nave
Scott Mr. Miller the case would have been
serious if Warden Wright had consigned you
to the dungeon because you complained of
Miller Any complaint I 'ever saw made by
Maharneke always met with punishment the
dungeon. I say this from others experience,
not mine. Itook these receipts from the doctor
as a protection, and he did not object. I only
asked receipts in these two cases, because the
first time I thought he was under the influence
of liquor. The other time I knew him to be a
man who did not keep his promise, and I want
ed to be sure I would get the chicken or the S3
back. I did not complain because I was afraid.
I do not know of anyono personally who was
punished for such complaint
Asking the Impossible.
Scott What conversation ensued at the
time the doctor gave you the receipt?
Miller I don't think I could repeat it all
Slagle Wasn't "Gyp's" case such that ho
had to be looked after?
Miller I said he was insane and childish,
and they had to wash him frequently. The
washing was a necessity; but tho broom was
not I did not get the chicken all at once. It
came in small pieces. I did not say I did not
complain. 1 did complain to Mr. Reed In
spector Reed. I told him, out in the ball, of
the selling of whisky, and asked him to investi
gate. Marharneke came to mo and asked if I
had made any complaint. I only complained
once, find did not speak to any other inspector.
Mr. Reed was the only one I spoke to, because
I considered him the only one I could trnst
Rather a lively laugh went'around here; but
the Chairman severely rapped to order.
Scott If prisoners were in the hospital and
money were extorted, I think we should hear.
Mr. Kelly then objected, and Mr. Swift said
quietly that it surely came under the head of
Miller continued I recall one case. I was
suspected of having handled whisky received
from Dr. Maharneke, which fonnd its way into
the block. I was called into the rotunda
Warden Wright brought the prisoner in and
asked if he had received the whisky from me
or Jacob Rosenberg. The prisoner said he had
received it from neither. I was returned to the
hospital and Jackson Sullivan, the assistant
steward, said if any more fuss was made I
could say it came from Maharneke, and 1
could refer them to him (Sullivan).
Somewhat Significant.
A few evenings after I heard Warden Wright
and Sullivan talking loudly. Sullivan and
Maharneke peddled it, and Wright said he did
not Relieve it A short time after the whisky
was locked up, and the Doctor allowed to
handle it only in the presence of a third party.
It was the general talk of the prison, and I
saw myself the whisky was taken ont of the
care of Maharneke.
Then Mr. Miller, by far the coolest man in
the room, was excused. It was certainly a
most dramatic situation. Cool, handsome
Miller, an ex-convict, hick in his old place, and
telling of what he said he knew had occurred
there when he was an inmate. His testimony
made a tremendous impression upon all alike
He talked with a quiet air of conviction.
Mrs. JInir Again.
Mrs. Mair in reply to a question said: "I re
ceived two receipts from Mr. Miller, but I
san't find them. I had moved and destroyed
many papers, and I have reason to think they
were destroyed, for which I am very sorry. I
did not think the matter would ever come up.
I read the receipt The one was a receipt for
So. It was signed by the Doctor. I never saw
his handwriting. They wero folded together.
I merely smoothed them out and put them
away. I know one of tho receipts was for the
chicken. Mr. Miller told mo of it I was
conscious it was for tho chicken
and I so reported it at tho meeting.
I reported it to tho ladies hear; also to Mrs.
Brnnot and told Mr. Sawyer I knew there were
bribes. I went to Inspector Reed, and said the
hospital should be exam.ned. My words did
not seem to meet with any credence from him,
and my interview latled hardly ten minutes,
when I withdrew. I received the receipts in
tho latter part of November, 1SS6, and somo
two months after I had tho conversation with
Mr. Sawyer. I had the receipts in my pos
session, but made no complaint to the warden.
I would have preserved the receipts, had lover
thought there would be an investigation.
'I know Mr. Miller's handwriting very well.
Thoso receipts were not his handwriting, but
entirely different, I assure you. I am not
familiar with Maharneke's writing. I had no
doubt then they were written by the Doctor,
and I have no doubt now. .
Not tho Only Case.
In my report to the Board 1 said one receipt
was for SS, and that Mr. Miller said be wanted
money for this purpose, and I sent him $10
through the chaplain. 1 had done it for others,
before for the same purpose."'
Mr. Scott then asked for an explanation, and
Mrs. Mair said sweetly:
"Mr. Scott I wish yon would ask me why I
did not report the matter to the officials
But Mr. Scott didn't ask it.
Mrs. Mair I was afraid to mention it to the
board or prison officials because I feared the
doors of this prison would be closed against
me, and thus stop my poor, weak work here,
thai was so dear to my heart, thus forever
shutting me out from these poor men here.
I felt I was not a welcome visitor here. I felt
my coming here was almost an innovation, and
did not wish to antagonize anyone. I wa3
treated well, but with the perpetual conscious
ness I was not welcome. I have been meek
and quiet I have1 not been troublesome.
When I sat here the other night and heard
three convicts make their statements In regard
to the escape, no one contradicted them, yet
they apparently were clven no credence. How,
then, could J, a poor, weak woman, say. "Gen
tlemen, I do not think your steward a fit
He Wanted Light.
Mr. Slagle What makes you think so?
Mrs. Mair The general reception of the
testimony and the general tenor of the re
marks. Mr. Slagle What remarks?
Mrs. Mair I decline to answer the question;
both Mrs. Swift and Mrs. Holdcn have the same
Mr. Slagle I do not allow any man, or
woman, to put words into my month.
lIMrs. Mair I say the general tenor. I did not
complain to Mr. Reed, because I did not think
tho complaints were received. They were not
received. I hinted; but I was only one woman,
and I had but the word of convicts. The
.widest latitude was given at tho last hearing
all of that. sir. I think I have fully re
turned thanks forwhst courtesies I have re
ceived here.
The beautiful, sweet face of Mrs. Mair had
tnrned a trifle deeper in color under her deep
mourning veil daring her earnest talk, and her
llttlo row with Mr. Slagle; bat she was amply
supported on either side by a lady, and had the
sympathy and support of every one who heard
her kind words when her voice trembled just
a little bit in telling of her hopes and fears of
her quiet work among the sick and unfortu
nate In tno Western Penitentiary.
Mrs. Mair (continuing) I can say very cor
dially when I did bring some complaint to the
warden one year ago, in regard to somo trouble
in another part of the institution, that the
warden took immediate steps to right every
thing. Not only this; ho went Into the hospital
and gave orders that every facility be given me
to have free access In reading and talking to
the patients.
Nearly Bnrncd to Death.
McPhillmy sat auiet during all this, but in
answer to Mr. Scott, said he desired Messrs.
Fanning and Robinson recalled, they having
testified at the last investigation.
Iu the meantime Frank Hilton, a convict,
was sworn. Ho had been in the hospital for
several months, had been sick with the rheu
matism. Kelly Did you know of any cruelty?
Hilton I know of two cases myself, and
heard of four. William McClane, myself,
Paddy Quinn, Joseph Hanner.
McClane was in bed next to me. I think he
had an internal hemorrhage. Maharneke
came to him and told bim to shut up and did
nothing for him. Paddy Quinn was dying.
They picked him up bodily, took him away and,
I think, he died soon after. Then
the burning. They put on some
kind of poultices that burned a fellow
nearly to death. I don't think Dr. Rankin
knew of it I saw a man burned with poultices
the same as I was. I saw a good deal of hustling
around. They had a way of, when a man was
near dying, of picking him up and hustling
him from one room ta another, and cursing
and swearing. Maharneke swore at the patients
and nurses. He wasn't kind to me. Yes, the
rheumatism left me, but it left me in the
spring, not after I was burnt
Sawyer What do you mean by hustling?
A. When a man was dying two or three men
would hustle him around. Maharneke had
sense enough not to swear before a dying man.
Here the witness pulled up his trousers and
showed an enormous black, deep scar almost
as big as a man's hand, which he said had been
put on in '87.
Witness continuing It was done to torture
me. They put a red-hot poultice, one after the
other, on the sore. Some men are treated like
gentlemen: others like brutes. There were men
with rheumatism who were not treated as I
was. I tell you it was meanness.
Robinson was recalled, and his testimony, as
beforeprinted in The Dispatch, was read to
him. He agreed to all the points in his former
testimony, and he had never heard of any
arrangement between Maharneke and Jim.
Robinson I want to ask Warden Wright why
I was nut out of the hospital while others were
kept there who aided men'to escape, and stole
tho sheets and made ropes of them. I don't
tnink you treated me right
Wright I never heard of it
McPhlHnmy'B Stntemcnt Corroborated.
John Fanning No. 8391 was then recalled and
Mr. Slagle, at Mr. Scott's suggestion, read from
his own notes in regard to Fanning's previous
testimony. Fanning, it will be remembered,
was one of the prisoners who mado the futile
attempt to escape. Fanning agreed perfectly
to .this testimony as printed except that a
change was made in regard to the exact place
on the wall they were to escape
Scott McPhillamy accuses Maharneke with
collusion. Do you kuow of this?
A I did not In tho first place, but in
my own opinion I did before the night was
over, juy association was only witn McPhil
lamy. I am from Pittsburg and am here for
McPhillamy I want other witnesses. It's
no use of me trying half-way business. Two or
three witnesses know only one thing. I don't
know what every man knows.
"We naTe been locked in our cells and al
lowed to see no other prisoners," exclaimed
Mr. Scott then suggested that if the ladles
had any further testimony it shonld be offered.
Mrs. Mair asked her printed testimony to be
read in order to see whether she thought it CDS'
rect. This was done by Warden Wright and
she agreed that her testimony as given was
correct in every respect.
Fanning Father Canevln heard Maharneke
use profane and vulgar language. My brother
was in the hospital and Warden Wright said
he was going to die and I went up to see him.
Dr. Maharneke said I could go up and nnrse
bim. Br. Rankin and Maharneke treated him
well, but his nurses, Fox and a colored man,
treated him badly.
Scott Maharneke is on trial.
Fanning Well, my brother got well.
Scott Have you anything more to say about
that man over there (Maharneke).
A Nothing more than I have said.
It was then suggested that his irrelevant tes
timony be stricken from the record,
Mr. Scott was then asked if he desired Mc
Phillamy to produce any more witnesses and
he Baid he wanted any additional witnesses
Produced and any additional testimony,
ut it was a question for McPhillamy to
answer. Mr. Scott thought the gentleman
had given all opportunity for investigation.
McPhillamy I havo one witness who can
prove positively that Maharneke sold whisky
at $1 a pint He sent word to me to-day.
Kelly There is no necessity of repeating tes
mony, but we will give yon every opportunity
to substantiate your charges.
McPhillamy I have a man on the Southside
who can be brought here. Jackson Sullivan,
and Father Canovin, and John Van Staten, 1
would like to have produced. He is out, but
there is a man iu here now, No. 7632, 1 want
called; also Peter Bowen and a doctor I havo
forgotten his name. Jackson Sullivan is sup
posed to know about the hospital. I think I
can prove by him he paid Dr. Maharneke $50
for a position in the hospital.
Satisfaction Promised.
Scott If a fair attempt is made to seenro
these men, will you bo satisfied that you have
had a full presentation of your case?
McPhillamy Yes, sir; I will.
Scott Then when we adjourn notice will be
given to these men wanted, also a man named
Simon, to appear hero at a certain time and
give their testimony.
McPhillamy I want the man also who carried
the notes to Dr. Maharneke.
It was then suggested by Mr. Scott that the
adjournment be made, when they did adjourn
until 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Another
witness, and the last for the evening, a convict,
was called. He came in, rather sleepy looking,
and gave his number as 7G32. Mr. Kelly smiled
benignly upon him when be announced that ho
wonid affirm rather than swear.
Daniel Enfield. No. 7632, had been here since
'81; had been in the hospital twice; Manarneko
was hospital steward. He went first for rhou
matism. Had not seen any cruelty the first
time, The second time, in July last he had
seen cruelty: in fact it had been inflicted upon
himself. He said: The poultices were too lint.
I had been troubled with inflammation. Ma
harneke enrsed me. ily pocketbook was
missing and I charged Fox, and Maharneke
came out and cursed me. I made a state
ment to him and he said: 'I'll make
yon suffer for dat' They jerked a man off tho
bed and threw him on the floor. Maharneke
gave no reason. No. I don't know anything of
the Doctor selling whisky in the hospital.
McPhillamy Did you not send me word you
could testify that? I am notpositive this is the
A. Yes. Thero is a man in tho same
range, No. 9, who says he bought six
Fints from Doctor Maharneke at $1 a pint,
told a man there was a person on tho range
had bought this whisky at SI a pint
Mistaken Identity.
"The witness is relieved," said Mr. Kelly; and
he appeared to be greatly relieved, indeed.
McPhillamy I want the witness for whom
I mistook this man. He is in No. 9 cell. I want
another witness, too; but I do not want his
name published.
Prisoner George W. Holmes, No. 8232, a very
black colored man, indeed, was sworn. He had
been here 2 months. Personally he did not
know of Maharneke's cruelty or profanity. He
said: "Maharneke has a colleague who will let
a man have all he wants. The man's name is
Frank, and he will let you have it for $1 a pint.
I bought some from him. Ho says it comes
from Maharneke. Frank is assistant steward.
I never got it from Maharneke direct I never
loaned or gave bim money personally, but gave
it to other men and suppose they gave it to
him. I never paid Maharneke for whisky he
gave me as medicine. I got it from Steward
h rank. I gave Frank $6 altogether for whisky.
The only understanding I had with him was
that he charged me SI a bottle. I only connect
Frank with Maharneko because ho goes with
him. From the time I got the. first bottle to
the time I got the last bottle was (consulting
his diary) first on the .16th of May last
year, the last one the 12th of Jan
uary, the others between. My diary
is a calendar.. You see I mark on
the days, D, you see. stands for dungeon when
I get put In." Here some great fun was created
by his explaining his unique diary where aD
pointing npward meant whisky on a certain
date a month ahead.
Prisoner Blank, a fine looking man. but very,
very thin, was sworn, but his name not given.
He told Dr. Maharneke that McPhillamy told
him to como and see him at once to fix that
matter np or McPhillamy said there would be
trouble. The second message a few days after
he told him again to come and fix the matter
that day. He did not exactly know the nature
of the business. He often carried messages.
The two messages were of the same purport
Maharneke said: "I will go over and
see him." At the time of the second
message Maharneke said: "1 guess he wants to
see me in regard to that matter Frank Auch
enbaugh referred to." The witness was then
relieved and shook hands with Mrs. Mair. Re
called. Mr. Sawyer asked of him: "Did you
ever give the doctor any money?"
nu Privilege.
A. Under the laws of the Criminal Court I
must not answer;
Scott There will be no punishment the
warden says and the Board agrees.
Prisoner At times I have given Maharneke
money. I can't tell exactly, but as many as 3
or 4 times. Cannot state the exact date, but it
was within the past year. The first time it
wouldn't exceed $2. I cave it to him for medi
cinefor stimulants. It was not whisky, it was
alcohol pure. I diluted it and mixed with cod
liver oil.
Scott You asked for it? Did you tell Mahar
neke why you wanted it?
A.-Idid. I mixed it with cod liver oil. Yes,
sir; he made me pay for it
Sawyer Altogether, how much did you give
in the past two years.
A. I can't say the exact amount; several
dollars. I gave it to him directly. Yes, he
asked me for it, as that was the condition by
which I got If The amount was probably a
pint or" less. I did not get the cod liver oil from
the Doctor. An assistant gave me some of it
Yes, we were expected to take cod liver oil
alone. I have got alcohol from the Doctor
without paying for it I offered him money.
He has asked me for money. He borrowed
money from me and be paid me back. I asked
once for cod liver oil and alcohol once without
paving for it, and I got it.
McCutcheon Did he ever borrow money he
did not return?
A. Yes; I believe he still owes me a couple
of dollars. He began to supply me with alcho
hol, and borrowed money from me at about the
same time.
Wright You distinctly state an officer of tho
Drison borrowed money from you and paid it
A. Yes, sir; paid me back in money. Only
once he paid me money by an order, and that
was when he was first released. He also bought
a couple of small articles for me.
Adjourned till Thursday at 3 P. M.
The Little Dntch Doctor Suspended by the
Warden, Pending the Result of the In
vestlgntlon He Takes HI" Sus
pension Coolly A Lawyer
Considers tho Evidence
Yery Damaging.
Immediately upon the conclnsion of the
last man's startling testimony, Warden
Wright moved over toward Maharneke, and
those who were near heard the whispered
order, that he (Maherneke) shonld consider
himself suspended, pending the result of the
investigation. He took it very quietly, and
it is doubtful if three people in the room
knew that such an order had been given, so
qnietly was it all done.
The investigation was then postponed
until 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, when it
was understood that McPhillamy should
have his required witnesses present, and
George I. Beed undertook the responsibility
of informing them all that they were to be
B. C. Christy, representing the visiting
ladies of the State Board of Charity, said at
the conclnsion of the testimony of the last
witness that if Maharneke had been be
fore a court of law he wonld
have been condemned with one-half
the testimony, as there was no contradiction
and all told a story that was blasting. He
considered the testimony of the last un
named witness perfectly damning to Mahar
neke. The party quietly left the hospital and,
escorted by Warden Wright to the large
exit, found it 'after midnight, and the cars
had stopped, garden "Wright then offered
to the press and his friends his private car
riages for their disposal, and all left after
thanking him for his uniform kind treat
ment, and no one, outside of two who heard
it, knew that he had heard enough to sus
pend the doctor.
The Navy Department Preparing to Let nn
Expensive Contract.
Washington, February 5. The state
ment which has been made to the effect that
vessels had been chartered by the United
States to carry coal to Pago Pago is prema
ture. The Navy Department is negotiating
with ship-owners to carry about 3,000 tons
of coal from Hew York or Philadelphia to
the Pago Pago coaling station, but no agree
ment has yet been reached. The last ship
ment of coal to this station was made in
1882, and the supply of 2,500 tons sent at
that time has not yet been exhausted.
The fuel will cost the Government a good
price, the charges for transportation being
from $12 to $13 per ton. It will take the
vessel carrying the coal 90 days to reach its
destination, the voyage being about 16,000
miles long, and requiring the rounding of
the Cape of Good Hope and the passing of
the southern coast of Australia.
Ho Wonld Like to bo Senator From West
Yirginla Himself.
Charleston, W. Va., February C.
Democrats held a conference to-night on the
Gubernatorial contest and on "United States
Senator, but at a late hour they had not
agreed on any definite plan of conduct.
President Carr, ot the Senate, is out to-night
full-fledged for United States Senstorto
succeed Kenna. Mr. Carr is a Union Labor
man, and has stood aloof from either Demo
crats or Republicans, but the former elected
him President of the State Senate.
He has three followers in the House who
will vote for him, if he can secure 43 other
votes. Shonld he be successful in getting
the Democratic vote he will be elected.
Ho Stoic a Typewriter.
Detective Jacob Lohr, of Cleveland, ar
rived in the city last night and will leave
to-day with William Whitcomb, who is
charged with the larceny of a typewriter
from a business man in Cleveland. Whit
comb was arrested here a few day3 ago
while trying to sell a 575 typewriter to
William Martin, a dealer, for $50. It was
found that the machine was stolen in Cleve
land, and the authorities there were notified.
Tho Engineer's Testimony.
James Graham, engineer of the Two
Brothers, testified before the United States
Government inspectors yesterday in the
examination into the causes of the explosion
of the two boats. In his testimony he de
clared the boilers of the Two Brothers were
in good condition, and that there was plenty
of water.
A HnsbnDd With n- Hatchet.
Lucinda Graham sued her husband,
Charles, a colored man, yesterday, alleging
that he attacked her with a knife and a
hatchet, last Saturday. He was sent to jail
on a charge of aggravated assault and bat
tery. Not Thnt Henry.
An item was published in this paper on
Monday to the effect that Henry Myers was
arrested in a raid. In justice to Mr. Henry
Myers, of the Lake Erie road, it may be
stated that he was not the "Hennery."
Illegal Liquor Selling.
Martin Dixon, of the Southside, was ar
rested yesterday charged with selling liquor
without license, on Sunday and to minors.
Alderman Schaeffer committed him to jail
in default of $1,500 bail.
j.i ,i'..i " .,1
0 ' m '
For Western Penn
sylvania, West Vir
ginia and Ohio,
clearing, colder, fol
lowed by rising tem
perature Wednesday night, northwesterly
PrrTSBtJBQ, February 5. 1SS9.
The United States Signal 8ervice officer fa
this city furnishes the following.
3tesntemp.......... 31
Maximum temp.... 49
Minimum temp. .... 17
Kanze .... 33
Precipitation. 10
Klrer at 5 r. M., 5.4 fut a fall ot 0.1 feet la tbt
lilt 24 hours.
Ono Mnn Killed and Two Others Injured in n
Street Car Blot An Officer and a
Condactor Arrested for
the Deed.
New York, February 5. "A striker
shot and killed by an officer!" This was
the startling news which was flashed through
the city this afternoon. Startling because
it was not expected, nearly every one be
lieving that the life of the great strike had
to all intents and purposes ended. Just
after 1 o'clock, as though by a preconcerted
movement, the strikers quickly assembled
at the corner of Sixty-second street and tha
Boulevard. There were women and chil
dren, too, in the throng, and on the faces of
all there were the unmistakable signs of
suppressed excitement.
Opposite Central Park, as a car of tha
Boulevard line came bowling southward
and reached the corner, it was stopped by a
mob of strikers, the numbers being vari
ously stated. Policeman Thomas E.
Schneider was the only officer aboard the
car. The conductor was Charles Walker
and the driver's name is Frederick Kindorf.
Suddenly a stone was hurled. It was like a
signal, for immediately aperfect shower of
rocks and stones was hurled at the police
man. The volley of missiles smashed every
window in the car. Officer Schneider
jumped off the car and attempted to drive
back the rioters.
The ofHcer drew his revolver as the mob
rushed upon him. He fired twoshots in the
air, bnt the strikers did not run but rushed
madly upon him. Schneider then fired
three shots point blank at the crowd. All
the strikers ran bnt McGowan, who was left
in the throes of death. The fatal bullet en
tered the back of-McGowan's head, pene
trated the left eye and caused almost instant
death. Two other men were hit, but they
were carried off to their homes by their
friends. Officer Schneider reported to
police headquarters, and afterward, nnder
arrest, to the Essex Market Police Court.
At a preliminary hearing it was shown
that the conductor and driver also emptied
their revolvers at the crowd, and that it was!
more probable that the fatal shot came from
the conductor. Justice Patterson thereupon
discharged the officer and issued a warrant
for the arrest of the conductor, who, with
the driver, was later arrested, the latter as a
The strike on all surface roads haq to
night been officially declared of no avail by
the leaders oi the strike. The men will get
to work as soon as they can.
S. S. Cramp Purchases tho Craft Formerly
Owned by J. C. RIshcr.
Mr. S. S. Crump has purchased all the
river craft formerly owned by J. C. Eisher.
The purchase includes the steamers Tom,
Dodsworth, Smoky City, J. C. Eisher and'
Twelfth Ward Suggestions.
The Twelfth ward Republicans held a
suggestion meeting last night at the Spring
field schoolhouse, with the following re
sults: Select Council, David Kobh, Reubea
Smith, Thomas E. Perry, James Clark; Al
derman, J. B. Kobbs, James Manus, Joseph
Warner; constable, John Solvyn, Bichard
Allen, Charles "Volk, John Cramer, Louis
L. Allen, James Park, George Strahley.
The primary will be held on Saturday.
A Cable Car Victim.
Mr. James A. Yates, who was run pver
by a Citizens' Traction Company car at
Fenn avenue and Seventh street Saturday
morning,died from his injuries last night at
the Mercy Hospital. Coroner McDowell
will hold an inquest to-day.
A Job for a Crippled Soldier.
Washington; February 5. Tha Senata,
Committee on Pensions to-day ordered a favor
able report upon the nomination of William
L. Willson to be Pension Agent at Washing
ton. Mr.Willson is at present a Pension Agent
is a soldier, who lost both legs in battle, and
has been supported for reiDpointment by all
the old soldiers of the district.
A BOOH t0 Housewives.
The farmer and working man who hare been out ia
the mnd all day can wash thoir boots cleanbefora
nterinfithohonse. Thejwfll bo Soft, Polished
and 0ry9 II dressed with
If ikes housekeeping easier.
Sates Sweejying and Scrubbinff
The boots win wear a great deal longer, w21 not got
stiff and hard in snow water or rain, and will ba
WATERPROOF. Ladies, try it. and insist
that your husband and eons use it. Oacoaweelc
for Gents Shoes and once a month for Ladies'.
rnequaled as a Harness DresslnsudPreserver
Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Druggists, 4c. .
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia
DR. F. A. COOKE, D. D. S.,
Tolces the opinion of his profession regarding
"In my judgment it meets jnst the desired
need. AfterusingThe Polisher my teeth haya
a smooth, clean feeling that cannot be obtained '
with the bristle brush."
Time. Ther.
7:0O x. v 4S
10:00 A. K 44
IMF. M 34
4:00 P. M 24
7:00 F.M 13
10:00 r. 31 18