Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
THE PITTSBUKG- DJSPATCH WEDNESDAY, -FEBEUAET 6;- 1889.-. 3 MICKLEDTWINC1TT. Allegheny Delighted at Being Made a Legal Third-Class Town. THE SuTEEME COURT'S BIG FLOP. Delinquent Tax Collector Greer Saja He's 3fot EuledOut. THE TEEASDEEE AND OTHEES HAPPI At Philadelphia the Supreme Court yes terday reversed its own judgment as en tered in the case of the city of Beading versus Savage. The question involved -was the validity of the municipal act of May 23, 1874. The act authorizes cities of the third class to accept the benefits of its provisions for regulating their municipal affairs, and defines in various -ways the p'owers and du ties of their officers aud the methods of col lecting taxes. Judge Ermentrout, in Berks county, de cided that this act, under which the city of Heading had administered its affairs for 14 years, was unconitutional and void. "When the case was argued on appeal in April, 1888, this judgment was affirmed by Supreme Court. The City Solicitor of Heading applied for a reargnment The Judges decided to file an opinion at once, so as to allow cities like Allegheny, Heading aud others to know as to where they stand in reference to the act of 1874. Yesterday the Court made the following order: In view of the importance of an earl y decision of this case we liave concluded to enter judgment in advance of the opinion, which will be filed later by Mr. Justice Green. The judgment heretofore entered in this case is vacated, the order of court below striking off the lien and quashing the writ of scire actas, and all pro ceedings thereon are reversed and set aside; the lien and all proceedings thereon are rein stated "and a procedendo awarded. This decision practically leaves the city of Allegheny under the same system of gov ernment she has enjoyed for the last 18 years. The election of all citv officers, their mode of election and the ratio of repre sentation in both branches of Councils will remain as heretofore. '0 FURTHER MUDDLE. There is now no necessity for new legisla tion governing cities of the third class, the act of 1874 being sufficient for their pur poses. The result of the decision is that the act of 1874 will stand. If there is no new legislation, then the charter and laws of the city of Alleghenv, passed prior to 1874, re main in force, and Allegheny stands in the position which she took prior to the act of 18S7. The act of 1887, which had had been held to be unconstitutional, gave to Alle gheny City the office of Collector of Delin quent Taxes and the Board of Assessors, and certain provisions in relation to the classification of property and collection of taxes. These offices and provisions referred to are possibly wiped out by the decision as to the act of 1887. It may be necessary to procure from this Legislature a general "law covering thee points. A general smile of approbation over spread faces of the majority of Allegheny's City Hall officials yesterday afternoon, on receipt of the news of the action of the Supreifte Court reversing its decision and now making the act of 1874 constitutional. When shown the first reports of the new phase in the charter muddle by a DlSFATCH reporter. Delinquent Tax Collector Samuel Greer engaged in the following interview: That's all right. It's jnst what every one wants. We now stand just where we did before, and I am sure that all the others around the hall will tell you the same thing. The city will now come under the act of 1870, and oerything will inoTe along as before" "Hut, Mr. Greer, how will it affect you?" said the reporter, showing the statement in the evening paner. from ex -Solicitor Rodgers, that, asAllcghcn stands in the position in which she took prior to the act of 1SS (which has been held to be unconstitutional, and under which the offices of Delinquent Tax Collector, tho Board of Assessors and CERTAIN PROVISIONS in relation to the classification of property and collection of taxes were given these offices, and provisions w ere doubtless wiped out by the de cision as to the act of lsS7, and that it will be necessary to procure from the Legislature a general law covering these points in order to retain the offices provisions. Collector Greer was eaual to the occasion. and, rushing to the Controller's office, pro cured a copy of the charter of 1870, and flashed up the following section (No. 14), bearing on the subject: Section 14 Tl.e other officers of said city, to be elected bv Councils, consist of a Treasurer, Controller, Engineer, Solicitor, Superintendent of Water Works and such other officers as Councils may from time to time deem neces sary. Said Mr. Greer, pointing to the last part of the section: "It will all be under the control of Councils, and the office will have to be established by ordinance, although it may be possible some legislation may have to be enacted in regard to the control of the office." City Treasurer David McFerren said: It's inst what we want; the city isn't ready yet lor the second class and they ill now have time to study the matter. The present decision gives us power to go on legally with our pres ent Government, which, I think, will be satis factory to all. The national census of next year will undoubtedly give us 100.000 popula tion, and it may be that we will then liai o to change our code, and we will then know better what we do want. All others seen by the reporter expressed about the same opinion of general satisfac tion that the light was clearer to a solution of the muddle which has engrossed the minds of all citizens since its inception. HUG US & RACKE, Fifth Avenue nod Market Street. Special early spring opening. Wash goods A most attractive display this week of fine Anderson zephyr ginghams. New designs of domestic ginghams; many attractive styles equal to imported goods. New designsof Prcnch and American sat eens in choice and novel styles, many that are confined exclusively to ns which, as heretofore, cannot be obtained outside of our establishment. New designs Toil Du Nbrd, Drap de Ven ice, English" percales, India challis, etc, etc Fancy flannels Our own importation of fine French and Scotch flannels, in stripes, figures and checks. Styles particularly adapted for gowns, blouse waists, skirting and shirting. A special bargain is our 35c and COc qual ities and an elegant assortment to select from. Kew and original designs in embroidered flannels, from C5c per varj upward. aiwrsu Hnjcs & Hacke. A Biff Sacrifice. For Thursday we shall offer the most tempting inducements to purchasers of high class clothing that we have ev cr announced during our whole business career. We have on hand about 60 French montagnac overcoats, all sizes, lined with Cutter's finest quilted satin, trimmed in the most expensne manner high class tailoring can devise, and manufactured to sell for not less than 50. Our price on Thursday for them will be $20. An accurate idea of the value of these garments can be formed from the fact that a yard of the raw material in these coats cost between SJ10 and ?12. We have placed these overcoats on one counter for jour inspection, and advertised them a iav in advance, as our imported French montagnac overcoats, selling on Thursday for the sacrificing price ot 20. None sold before Thursday at 9 a. m. P. C. C. C, Dor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House Accident Insurance. J. T. Cunningham, 51 Lewis Bloct. still -epresents the National Benefit Association f Indianapolis, and is reaping very satis factory results on account of the deserved popularity of that institution. W WHY HE MOVES. A Portion of tho Argument In FtiTor of Qunablpe tho Starr Indictment la the BUI an Irregular One t Other Court News. The argument to quash the indictment in the case of the Commonwealth vs A. B. Starr, Superintendent of the Ft "Wayne Railroad, was only partially heard before Judges Slagle and Collier in the Criminal Court yesterday afternoon. When K. H. Johnston, Esq., the attor ney for the defendant, had spoken for a short time Judge Collier complained that the room was too cold, and adjourned the ar gument until to-day. Mr. Johnston, as far as he went, argued that the four counts should bo quashed, because two distinct offenses are charged in each one of them. This, Attorney Clarence Burleigh, for the Commonwealth, admitted, and was willing to amend the indictment by striking out the name of John Culp in the four counts. Mr. Johnston cited a number of cases to prove that on this ground the indictment should be nnashed. He claimed farther that the indictment avers that the train was running at an illegal rate of speed, thereby violating a city ordi nance. Mr. Johnston held that in such a case the substance of the ordinance, at least, should be given, and the speed of tho train as nearly as possible should be determined to show that it was illegal. An indictment must state facts, not conclusions of law. It should state the of fense with certainty, else no sentence should be given. In addition the indictment should set forth the personal duty of the defendant, which Mr. Johnston claimed the four counts do not. The conclusion of his argument and the other side will be heard to-day. SEATED BY THE COURT. Colonel Moore Assails) Wlshnrt and Porter Daring a Trial. The case against W. F. Schade, a Butler street newsdealer, charged with selling the .Police Gazette, was taken up in the Criminal Court before J udge Collier yesterday. A copy of the paper was produced, and selections'were read to the jury. H. A. Goddard, a Law and Order League detectiVe, testified that he had bought the paper from Schade. J. C. Carlisle, a con stable, testified to serving the process. Captain Alexander Wishart testified to seeing the paper exposed at Schade's store. W. D. Moore, one of the attorneys for the defense, questioned the witness on his manner of business as agent for the Law and Oruer League, and on his record in the army. When Captain Wishart admitted that he had been dismissed from the service, Mr. Moore wanted to stop; but the Captain managed to say that his dismissal was unjust, and that he was proud of his record as a soldier. Later Mr. Moore and District Attorney Por ter had a dispute over the selling of the paper, the question being if Schade personallv sold it. The dispute was ended by the Court telling Mr. Moore to take his seat. In his argument Mr. Moore held that the pic tures were no more immoral than can be seen at any theater. He held that the publication of facts was not illegal, and the prosecution must prove obscenity and falseness to prohibit tho sale. Captain Wishart came in for a very severe and scathing denunciation. District Attorney Porter closed tho case with a speech in which he claimed that tho paper was obscene and indecent. The jury will be charged this morning. To.Day's Trinl Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 Melhorn. for use, vs Hemncli: Butler et al vs Bridgenater Natural Gas Company; Gillies & Co. vs Kelly; Wilson Snyder Manufacturing Company vs Straub et al, two cases; Baden Gas Company vs Ohio Val ley Gas Company; Napolitan vs Malatesta; Myers, administrator, vs Smith Co : Park and Orton vs Allegheny county; King vs Ilarman. Common Pleas No. 2 Corcoran vs Chess, Cook . Co.; Grantz vs Price et a ; Hyndman vs Gwinner; Boner vs city of Pittsburg; Satteo, Cuneo fc Co. vs same; Leatman vs same. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs James Flanigan, Catharine Laughlin, Thomas Har rison (2). John M. Haiges, D. C. Tracev, A. W. McMillen et al (2), R. S. Perkins, Sarah Dillon, Fred Young, i-arab. McDermott, Mar garet Messmag, Andrew and Marv McCune, Henry bchlobahm. Charles W. Roe. James Ainsley, Thomas Phillips et al, James Vincent, Mauno Ray. P. J. Ulrich, John Sum et al (2), George Bradiev, John Malsecd (2), David Ben nett, John M. R. Russell, Robert Lang, J. Gold berg. Michael Kelly ct al, Thomas Carton, Thomas Lemon (3), Win. Feix. Emma Weber ct al, Louis HuppeL James L. Waddle et aL Lines From Lerol Quartern. Is the suit of W. S. Bailey, managing owner of the steamship Pera. against Carnegie Bros. & Co.. jraroishee proceedings, a verdict was rendered yesterday for tbe defendants. Maby Finntcan yesterday entered suit against Catharine Gavin, Samuel Bowder, Richard Borling and John Deuseter forSoOO damages f or illegally ejecting her from her house on Llgonier street. Sixteenth ward. Jorrs Kurtz yesterday entered suit against William Guckert A Co. for 1,000 for injuries sustained in being compelled, for lack of a fire escape, to leap from the defendants' burning building, fourth floor, on November 28, 18S7. In Judge Slagle's branch of the Criminal Court yesterday William and Charles Finney were acquitted of assault and battery on John Wallace. The jury is out in the case of Will iam Alkcr, tried for assault and battery on Dolly Scott. Bichard Ford is on trial for perjury. Morris Rosendokf and Philip Browarsky yesterday entered suits against David Roscn thail for $10,000 damages each. They claimed that Rosenthall maliciously sued them for larceny, for which they were arrested in Cin cinnati and brought to Pittsburg. They were tried and acquitted. R. BCAR3f ahan, ESQ., yesterday filed a notice of appeal from the decree of Judse White in favor of the city in the equitv pro ceedings brought for the Denny and Schenley estates against the city and the Board of As sessors in regard to assessing leased property to the owners instead of to the lessees. AtjamReineman yesterday filed a bill in equity against Joseph Lofink, Mary Hoelscher and Fred Walschmidt. Remeiuan stated that he bought several lots in Allegheny at Sheriff's sale on judgments His title, he claims, is clouded bj a fraudulent mortgage given by Mary Hoelscher to Walschmidt, a fictitious deed having been made of the property to her. He asks that this deed and the mortgage bo null and void. The charter of the Ore Reduction Company was filed yesterday in the Recorder's office. The directors of tho company are George Wcstinghouse, Jr., Lemuel Barrister and bain nel T. Wellman. The capital stock is $30,000, divided into COO shares at $50 per share. The object of the company is to hold, purchase and sell patent rights for inventions and designs, with the right to issue licenses for the same and receive paj therefor. The hearing of appeals from assessments was continued jesterdayby the County Com missioners. When tho Sixth ward, Allegheny, was reached considerable trouble was oc casioned. William Carmichael. the ward as sessor, Mas not present, and it was said he had left the city. The accusation was also made that, when making the assessments, after agreeing with the other assessors on the figures. he would go home and change them, having charge of the books. The matter was finally adjudicated. HORSFORD'ri ACID PHOSPHATE For Impnllcd Vlmllty And weakened energy, is wonderfully suc cessful. Go to tho nest. Dr. Charles S. Scott, C24 Penn ave., oppo site Home's, is the best extractor of teeth in this vicinity. He never fails and you suffer no pain. Patronize him once and, our word or it, you will never go elsewhere. New Block Diaconnl Jncketa, Fine cords and widewales perfect fitting 556 50 to 517 all new. JOS. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. 1,000 Pain SUntcH at Cost All sizes, 40 cents to $2 50 a pair, at J. H. Johnston's, 621 Smithfleld st. The Guns and Revolvers Must Go. As we shall remove about April 1 to V06 Bissel block, we will dispose of all old stock at about half price, and new stock at greatly reduced prices. J. H. Johnston, 621 Smithfield street. Fine watch repairing, lowest prices, at Hauch's, Ho. 295 Filth avenue. wfsu Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102 Carson St., Soutbside. Special Notice. Some handsome de signs in novelty costume patterns jnst ar rived. Hugos & Hacke. mwfsu S3Displag advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 39 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn ave. E. O. STUCKEY Jt CO., Wylie ave. and Fulton st, N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. east esd. J J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Fcnn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHE1BLER, 5th av. & Atwood St. SOUTH8IDE. JACOB srOHN'. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAKM, 1707 Carson street, ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. McBBIDE BKOS., Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRYM. GLEIM. Kebeccaand Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. Male Hclo. -TT7VANTED-ONEFIRST-CLASSTOOLMAKER VV lor toolroom. Address P. o. DKAWEK No. 1054. fe6-5 WANTED-GLASS ENGRAVERS. APPLY at KING GLASS CO., foot or Eighteenth St., Sonthslde. fe6-35 TT7"AJTED-MELTER-01':E:s'HEAKTUS'rE:EIj Vmelter; mut be experienced, with first class recommendations. Address X, Dispatch office. fe5-97 -VTTANTED-TW O BOYS TO LEARN THE V barber trade: one most have a little expe rience. Apply at M. SEININGER'S, 83 Irwin ave., near Jackson St., Allegheny. feG-25 -TTTA N T F. D AGENTS TO SELL UK. V O'Kecfe's pills: steady work: can make 12 to SIS per week. DR O'KEEFE & CO. Ilomeo- patulc Clieinlsts, 34 nrtn avenue. reG-43 -TT7"ANTED-SALESMAN TO TRAVEL WEST with manufacturer's agent, capible of sell ing the best trade. Applv edncsd.iv. s A. K.,to 2 p. II., Anderson Hotel, 217. GEO. W. MILLER. fe6J4 TTTAm KD AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S VV loot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, ete.: sells at sight. Inquire after 3 P. M., WM. SEMPLE. JK., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-D WANTED-IMMEDIATELY HEAD WAIT ER, white or colored; steady work, good wages: cooks, chambermaids, house girls, dish washers, nurse girl. MRS. MEEHAN, 543 Grant st. fe4-99-D T7-ANTE1) - AGENTS GENTLEMEN CAN V V VASsERS to sell on commission lavator. a laundrv article: readily sold nith good profit; wagon'furnlshed for delivery; applv at once- H. HOL1ZMAN A, SONS, 35 Sixth st , Pittsburg. fe5-87 -VTTANTED-AMAN WHO IS THOROUGHLY V V experienced in all branchesof the furniture business; one who has some experience as sales man and collector; some knowledge of book keeping necessary; seeurlty required. Address SEWIOKK M'F'G CO.. Dispatch office. fe6-60 TrrANTEU-MAN TO TAKE THE AGENCY V V or our safes: slie 2Svl8xl8 Inches: weight 500 lbs.; retail price S35. other sizes in proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the safe pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. SC8-P92-WS -TTTANTED-A LIVE CANVASSER IN EACH V V town to sell a commercial specialty, popular and of long standing. Large commission. Qulcc sales. No capital required. Inqulrethe commer cial standing of our house. Established 136i. Write for particulars. Inclosing 2-cent stamp. THE REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO., Dayton,L, JV23-3-EOD rcmnlo FlelD. -VT7"ANTED-AGOODLADYCOOK. ADDRESS VV W. J. D., Dispatch office. fe6-16 "TTf ANTED FEMALE COOK. WHITE OR VV colored, at a hotel IS miles from the dty; must be experienced and able to cook for GCpecple; good wages. Apply to ALEX HUTCHISON. N o. 4 Diamond Square, Pittsburgh fe5-35 Illale nnd Female nolo. XVTANTFD-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO VV engage In an easy, paying buslnets at home; can work daytime or evening and make 50c to S2 per hour; sure thing; sample and complete Instructions sent free. Address, A OHLD SUPPLY CO.. Rutland. Vt. ja2fl-110 WANTED SITUATIONS. -TTT-ANTED-SHIPPING OR OFFICE WORK V by voung man of experience. Address E. II., Dispatch office. ft-t-49 -TTTANTED-A POSITION BY A MAN TIIO V thoroughly understands horses and theband Ungof them; the bestof references. Address E. R Dispatch office. fe6-23 -TTJANTFD-BY A YOUNG MAN WITH CON V SIDEKABLE business experience, a posi tion as bookkeeper or clerk: can furnish best of references. Address B. M., Dispatch office. fe6-18-WF -TTTANTED-A GENTLEMAN WHO IS FA- I MILIAR with business details is open for a situation which would be one or responsibility; any reference required can be given. Address A. B.. Dispatch office. fc6-64-wrssu WANTED PARTNERS. TTTANTED PARTNER WITH CAPITAL OF VV about $5,000 to engage in manufacture of sub stitute lor ice: new invention. tAddress A. P., Dispatch office. fe-2l WANTED-GENTLEMAN ITH ?200 CABI 1AL to take half interest in good paving business, and to take charge of office: only those meaning business need apply. Address BUS1 NESS. Dispatch office. fe5-66 WANTED BOARDERS AND LODGERS. WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR PARLORS facing park: best location in the city. Apply 23 MO MUOMERY AVE.. Allegheny City. fe6-a TTTANTED-A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR VV two gentlemen to occupy furnished front room, with or without board; no other boarders; 5 minutes' walk from both cable lines; 10 from East Llbcrtv I. R. IE. station. Apply at once 504 N. HlLANDAt E.. E. E. fe6-5S WANTED BOARDING. WANTED-NICE BOARDING PLACE BY a oung gentleman of refinement from East at moderate rates; central location; single room. Address KAST. Dispatch office. fe6-20 WANTED FINANCIAL. WAN1ED-RENTS TO COLLECT IN ALL parts of both cities; established 1853. W. A. HERRON &SONS, SJFourth ave. fel-49-ws WANTED-MORIGAGES-MONEYIO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4M, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBING LION, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D -TTT-ANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK Su BA.IBD, 95 i ourth avenue. a23-a29-D -TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED 1'ROMIT- IT LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES t BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-81 WANTED-SIORTGAGES ON CITY FROF EB1Y. over $4 000; 4 cer cent; no tax. HENRI A. WEAVER i, CO, 82 Fourth at enuc. mh2-a22-D TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-SUMS FROM fjCO V to jC0,00(ito loan at 41, 5 aud 6 per cent. JAS. . DRAPE Co., 129 1 ourth avenue, Pitts burg. fel-47-MWrs TTTANTED-MORTGAGES WE CAN LOAN V $500 to fJ0,O0O on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEX AN DEB & LEE, 313 Wood St. fc2-19-MWS WANTED TO LOAN So00,000. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 43 percent, free 01 tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 9a t ourth avenue. se2I-d26-D "XTANTED-TO BORROW 15.000 FOR FIVE V ortenvearson No. 1 property worth over double that amount; rents for nearly $4,000 per annum; state lowest rate of interest. Address L. M., Dispatch ofHcc- TC5-48 TT7-ANTED-FROFERTY 0F ALL KINDS TO V sclL houses to rent, rents and accounts to collect; personal attention and prompt settlements guaranteed. THOS. MCCAFFREY, Notajy Pub lic, 3509 Butler street. fe!2-kl6-w -T7-ANTED-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT V GAGES: ?10O and upward at 6 per cent; 300,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property; also In adjoining counties. S. U. 1 BEN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D TITAN'TED-MORTGAGES-fl, 000, tOOTO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at VA, 5and 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT, BENTS TO collect, prompt returns, monthly lettle ments. Itemized statements with check; insurance ami repairs attended to, thus relieving landlords or all annoyances and losses connected with the management of tnelr property: also mortgages from f(0 to any amount In keeping with location and value of property and no delay. If title be good J. DFHMl'lT. 4C7 Grant st. fe6-19-WThB WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND general merchandise to 6cll at our salesroom or on the premises: storage at lowest rates FITgjBURG AUCllON CO., S3 Third ave. fe6-62 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TTANTED-A GOOD FAMILY TO ADOPT A VY healthy male child 1 week old. Address H. K. L.. Dispatch office. fe6-45 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO CALL AND sec our line oi photos and crayons; lowest prices for fine pictnres. STANFORD & CO.. 68 Federal st. JaS-93-wssn TTANTED-EVEBYBODY TO KNOW "THE VY ELITE" GALLERY. 516 Market St.. Pitts burg, Pa., will make cabinets for f 1 00 per doz. until May 1, 1889; use elevator. 1all-S9-w6SU -TTTANTED-EVEBYBODY TO KNOW THAT VV H. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and sliver, that be can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 530 bmlthneld st. noH-jtwrsu TXTANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING FHO W TOGKAFHER, 86 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he la making line cabinets at f 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: lnstan- taneons process. mhl3-k27 TTTANTED-IN FORMATION OF RELATIVES VV of the late Henry Urean, of Phila.: please communicate with CARL G. MEININGER, 1320 North Eleventh St., Philadelphia, with whom be was as one of the family for 18 years; think he has relatives by the name of McClcllan; adjacent papers please copy. fe5-60 WANTED-TO LET SPACE IN LIVELIESr drygoods house In Kansas for any depart ment except S and 10 cent goods (known as counter goods): this we have and the owner of It has cleared S20O a month since April: space to let is on second floor adjoining department mentioned; man or woman with small capital can make money: rent of space, with show window on tho street, S35 per month. For additional particulars address JAMES H. FOSTER, Leavenworth, Kan. fe6-38 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. FOR SALE A GOOD BBICK HOUSE OF 7 rooms, on Bedford ave. at (3.000. and pleasant location. C. BERINGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. fe6-38-wp FOR SALE-SEVERAL DWELLING HOUSES on line ofor near the line ofthe new Center ave. cable line: a rare chance to secure a bargain In property sure to enhance In value. C. BER IN GER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. feJ-93 FOR (SALE-HOUSE AND LARGE LOT ON Thirty-eighth st., between Butler st. and Penn avenne: 7 rooms, hall, cellar, ete ; large lot 55x115 feel; will be sold cheap. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. feS-33-D FOB SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND Caramel allev. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic: lot 20x80 feet; low price and easy terms. ln oulre at GERMAnIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. de-19S-ws FOR SALE A TINE BRICK DWELLING house of 10 rooms, wide hall, hot and cold water on three floors, with large lot, and good location on new proposed cable road, being No. 411 Wvlle avenue: price only S3, M0. U. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. fe6-36-WF East End Residences. T7 rOR SALE -CHOICE EAST END KESI- JJ DEN CES, large or small. Call or send for new list, free. W.A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. leS-55-MWF FOR 8ALE-ON AURELIA ST.. LOT 24x120; frame house S rooms, front and side porches good cellar, etc.. S2.100: S50O cash, bal. on time. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 1 ourth ave. fe-41-irwTSSU T7AOB SALE-A NICE FRAME DWELLING U 1 hnnsc of 7 rooms, hall and large lot: situate on Soramers street, near new cable road; rWce only 2.500. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. fe6-36-WT T710RSALE ATMELLONBROS., 6349 STATION V i street, tast Liberty, a beautiful 4-room dwell ing, one square from Penn avenue, near both cable lines and East Liberty station; price only 2,200, If sold this week. feS-lO-WThs -mOR SALE-ONLY M.00O-AT SHADYSIDE t? station. 6-room frame house, bath. w. c. finished attic; lot 30x150 ft,: only four minutes from station: lmmcdlite possession. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe3-65-MWT FOR SALE-"COLTART SQUARE," OAK LAND If you want a complete and perfect new home, of modern architecture, examine the "Coltart Square" property before buying else where: prices low; terms easy. W. A. HERRON &SONS, SO Fourth ave. fe3-64 FOR SALE-MELLON ST., E. E., ELEGANT now frame house about 9 rooms, all modem conveniences; lot 50x120 to an alley; also 2 new frame houses, 7 rooms each: lots 2jx120 owner lives out of city: will sell cbeap. SAMUFL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe5-6$-Tuwrs IrWR SALE-AT H850-A NEW QUEEN ANNE ' house in the East End, near East Liberty sta tion and Hlland ave.; 6 rooms, finished attic, batb, hot and cold water, w. c., natural gas. etc, etc, and other modern conveniences, immediate nosscsslon. .IAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 1 ourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe6-32 FOR SALE-f3.20O-.IUST ONE M1N UTE FROM Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and vestibule, nat and art gas, water, screeus for windows and doors, front yard; choice location and special bargain. BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth avenue. fc6-49-D T7IOR SALK-ON SOUTH HILAND AVE . LOT C 37x140; selected brick bouse, parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen on first floor; 3 good rooms and bathroom on second floor; 3 good rooms In attic; natural gas all through tbe house: hot and cold water; large front porch and shade trees; 11.000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-41-5twrssu -. FOR SALE-WE CAN SELL YOU AN EAST END residence forSSOO cash, and will make payments on balance like rent; this Is a brick dwelling situated on South rilland ave.. and on line of new cable cars, has every modern con venience, and will be sold, if taken at oncevery cheap. BLACK A BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. fc6-52-0, 8. 9, 12, 14, 10, 19, 21, 23, 25, 23 FOR SALE-H250 WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; balk vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels .ind nice chandeliers; this is only 6 minutes' from Liberty statlou. BLACK & BAlBD, 93 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-PRETTY nOME IN THE EAST End; strict paved with asphalt: complcta sewerage; Queen Anne frame dwelling; reception hall, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, 9 rooms, pentrv, furnace: lot 50x100 feet: close to P. R. R. station; price f7,500: terms, f 1,000 cash, bal ance to suit. BLACK & BAlBD, 95 1 ourth ave. fc4-l8-Mwr FOR SALE-SHADYS1DE RESIDENCE, ON one ofthe finest streets between the station and Fifth avenue cable cars, complete In all Its appointments, with handsome grounds well laid out with walks, drives, shrnbbcrv, fruit and shade trees: house has a very commanding appearance; has 17 rooms. 6 large fine rooms on first floor, 6 on the second floor and 5 rooms in attic; the laundry Is complete; cellars are cemented: large furnace, wide halls,natural gas all through, ample porches, bay windows, etc.: also, stable for 3 horses; lot 105x260 feet. This is one ofthe best located dwell ings in the East End, has an eastern-and southern exposure, and can be bought for $30,000. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe4-ls-Mwr Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE-UNION AVENUE-FRONTING parks, fine brick residence of 14 rooms with all modern Improvements: lot 22x90x70: large, new brick stable. JNO. J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth ave. feS-34 T70R SALE A NICE LOT, 1V120 FEET. Vi 1TH X' small ouuoing tnereon. near 1'errvj.vlllp vc electric cars, Aiiegneny; loroniy juuo; a bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. fe6-31 FOR SALE RARE CHANCE TWO LOTS 20x60 ft. each, three frame dwellings with lot 49x60 ft , and brick dwelling with lot 20x60 It. on Arch St.. Allegheny. GEO. D. 1UDDLE, At torney, 118 Diamond St. Ja31-78-D FOR SALE 179 FRANKLIN ST., ALLEGHE NY CITY, a good brick dwelling, 9 rooms, large lot. all modern Improvements: a good, sub stantial home for anyone: price only (6,500. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. fe6-42-ws FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT. SECOND ward, Allegheny, half6quare from the parks: B r noms. bath. w. natural gas, laundry: lot2ox 110 leet to an alle; ; price S4.87o. J AS.W P1M U X7. .1 A ' DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth at enue, 1'lttsburg, ft-32 FOR SALE NORTH AVE., FRONTING parks, 2-story brick dwelling 7 rooms, batb. b. and c. water; nat. and art. gas: everything In first-class order; price low, terms to suit; lotl9x 100 to alley, i . C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond st. fe2-48 T7OR SALE A NEAT DWELLING OF ms. hall, cellar, natural eas. etc... nnii lnt Jj rooms, hall. 21X120 feet, near l'errysvllle avenue electric cars. Allegheny: price only $2,800: Immediate posses sion. JAS. W. DRAPE; & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe6-31 FORSALE-ONTHE PARK IN ALLEGHENY, handsome brick dwelling; 12 roonio, range, bath. Inside w. c, hall, vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, nat. gas all through; large lot, fine location: very cheap and easy payments. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja27-107-27,29, 31,162,4,6,8,9,11,13,15.16 Sn Durban Residence. FOB SALE-OR KENT-AN ELEGANT 10 ROOM house, with all modern Improvements: easy access to the business center of llkinsburg and R. It. station: pleasant surroundings J G HUGHES, Aood street. Wilklnsburg. fe6-99-ws FOB SALE -FINE BRICK DWELLING house pf 12 rooms, bath room, hot and cold water and all conveniences; large lawn with the finest of shrubbery; large vegetable garden, lrult, etc.: at Fmsworth, convenient to station c BERINGER & SON., 103 Fourth ave. fe5-93- FOB SALE-THE ELEGANT RESIDENCE ,,,.P.r,.operiT.i0filr.s- A- "". at the corner of Filth and Market streets, Frecport, Pa., con-sl'tingofa2-storv brick dwelling of 15 rooms, having a front of 30 feet, and extending back 93 feet, with a hall 10x36 feet; natural gas through out; a good pavement all around: wellshaded with maple trees; the ground of the premises Is 88x100 feet: a !atn,wlth shrubbery and peach trees bear ing: the property can be bought very chean. HENRY A. REAVER A CO., 92 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OFTHE MOST beautiful suburban places in Alleghenr county; the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsome fowl bouse: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees: the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 6 acres or ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, KSoxville borough. jai9-9 FOR. SALE-LOTS. East EndOrOti. FOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN-1-ON avenne, near Hlland ave., each 40x100 ieet to 20-foot alley; price reduced to Roper foot If sold at once. BlACK & BAIRD. 93 Fourth ave. fe6-49-D Hazelwood Lota. FOR 8ALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT HA ZELWOOD, B. & O. B. B., Twenty-third warn: trams run to station In 10 to 12 minutes: price 1150 to 1300: ; terms made to snlt purchasers. 8. McCKICKAKT, new No. 1010 Penn avenue, no4-h9-W8 Alleehenv Lots. TfOR SALE-SHERMAN AVENUE; LOT 40x X' 110: finest vacant lot on Allegheny parks. A, LEGGATE It, SON, 31 Federal street, Allegheny. Suburbnn Lefts. FOR SALE-BUILDING LOTS ATTHEMOTJTH or the beautirnl Chartlers creek (P. & L. E. U. B.1, 4 miles from Conrt House: easv terms and low Sr've!..ca and examine plans at office. W. W. Mc EILL& BRO., 162 Fourth avenue. fel-39-JiWFS Forms. F 'OK SALE-FARM OF 80 ACRES IN MIFFLIN townshln. 1 mile from Homestead and Du- quesne: good buildings, orchards, etc. Inquire oi C. A. O'BRIEN, attorney, 402 Grant st. Ja26-82-ws FOR SALE-OIL FARM, ON LAKE ERIE R. R., Stowe township, at Porter's Station; con tains 87 acres; 60 acres good farmland; 27 acres partly rough and hilly; well timbered: two young orchards, one bearing orchard; oil well producing 90 barrels of petroleum per day within short dis tance. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tele phone 167. fe6-12 ninnnfnctnrlns Sites. FOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on ltlver avenue, by 215 feet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cbeap to quick buyer. BLACK JtBAIRD, 95 Fourth aenne. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-60 ACRES OF FINE LAND ON line of railroad and river: convenient to 2 stations on P., Ft. W. & C R. R.; well adapted for manufacturing sites and suburban homes, dairy or market garden purposes: an excellent dwelling house -n lth natural gas; complete set of outbuildings suitable for dairy purposes; abund ance of water, large qnantlty of fruit trees ofthe choicest varieties, ornamental trees, shrubbery, grapevines, etc, etc This Is probably the most valuable dairy and market garden farm with finest orchard on line of railroad: would exchange In part for city property. Particulars from J AS. W. DRAPE CO., U9 Fourth ave., Pitts burg. fe!-26-Mwa miscellaneous. FOE SALE-SMALL DWELLINGS, SOME ON easy payments: call or send for now printed list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth fe6-55-MWF FOR SALE-EAST END BUILDING LOTS. OF allklnds- ('All nrcpnil fnpnrlntpd Hit. frip ll.ltlcinb. II. TTV1ttll.,f .- UI.VU on U....W W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth fe6-55-MWT avenue. FOB SALE-BIG INVESTMENT-10 ACRES of land fronting river and underlaid with coal and fire-clay; this property 1 situate at New Cumberland, W. Va. See BLACK BA1RU, 05 Fourth ave. fe2-S7-2.4,5,6,7,8,9,12,14,16,19,2I,23 FOR SALE-LOTS I LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! A small cash payment and balance monthly or annually, as desired, will buy a fine building site 40x137 feet. Bank of Commerce addition. Brushton station; call or send for plan. JOHN F. BAX TER. Agent. 512 Smithfleld street. fe3-t7-MKS FOR SALE-CALL FOR ILLUSTRATED PLAN of lots on the boulevards: the finest lots In the East End, fronting the parks and circles, with 90-root paved streets, flagstone sidewalks, com plete sewerage system: close to station, surround ed by fine residences anu at remarkably low E rices; terms, only S5UQ caBh, balance to suit uyer; come early, get the pick of lots and ground floor prices. BLACK Jfc BAIRD, 95 h ourth ave. fe4-13-srwF FOR SALE-EAST END -SEVERAL VALU ABLE houses and vacant lots near cable road. FOR SALE Osborne 1 house and about 4 acres ground; will be sold for $4,500; owner going West. FOR SALE Emsworth Fine Queen Anne frame house and vacaut lots. FOB SALE l'lttsbnrg-On Reed street, 4 frame houses: must be sold soon. FOB SALE-Lawrencevllle-Lots on Fortieth and Ilsk streets; house on Harrison street. FOB SALE Bellevue Houses and vacant lots on longtime. FOB SALE Allegheny City Eleventh ward, 22 lots on easy terms. FOR SALE W llkinsburg 5 small houses and one large Queen Anne residence J list completed. FOBSALE-Near Herron Hill One piece oj ground 72x103, one square from new cable road. FOB SALE Mt. Washington One lot on Kear- sage, near Grace st : S700: long time. Call soon on J. DERMIiT, 407 Giant street. fe6-19-WThS FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR 8ALE-$300 CASH: OFFICE BUSINESS; monopoly; business done by contract: will pay $200 a month, for next 5 years: everything shown Auuress jiaiLii ijx&xia juu, uispaicn office. fe6-9 TT'OB SALE-RETAIL GBOCEBY STORE IN JD the East End: will invoice aboutone thousand dollars: good location. Inquire of CllAS. F. FRAZER, city: drummer for Arbuckles & Co., 800 to 803 Liberty st. fe3-95-wsu I7OK SALE-STORES, STORES, STORES; ? drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding bouses, coal works, etc.; 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Filth ave. Ja30 Business Stand. FORSALE-BESTAURANT AND BOARDING houeofl4 rooms: furnished: good business. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. feO-11 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and McMI. FOR SALE-A GORDON PRIMING PRESS, with three orfcur cases of type, at a bargain. Address J. B. BARK, 52 Logan st , Pittsburg. fe6-14 FOB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWT FOB SALE 28x48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation; price on application; also a new strange Co. stive ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-MWP FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7)xl2-lnch double engine, double drum; others down to 4x6-inch. with single or doublo friction drums: wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, corner Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. JH7-MWF Miscellaneous. TT'OR SALE-CHEAP-ABOUT 15 TONS OF P floor plates: also a lot of puddling boshes and cast Iron columns. J. B. JONES X BUO.. 50 to 60 Morgan St., Allegheny. fe6-13 FOR SALE-THE CONTENTS OF ELEGANT residence that we have Just received, com prising parlor suits, bedroom suits, carpets, hat rack, sideboards, mirror door wardrobes, shades, lace curtain, rugs, lamps, engraving, statuary, mirrors, etc.: all goods must be sold be fore February 15, as owner Is leaving the city. FITTTSBURG AUCIION CO. 93 Third aye. fe6-Cl-TUWFSU PERGONAL. PERSONAL-MARRIAGE MADE EASY pages, illustrated, 1. Pages for exam lna 10C CLIMAX, Chicago, HI. el 104 lnatlon. ieo-o PERSONAL COURTSHIP; NEH IDEA;7,000; OiO people to select from; 200 chances for 10c; 3,000 for (1. CLIMAX, Chicago, 111. fc5-57 PERSONAL-FINE BOOKS-PICTUBESQUE America, Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine, Art Treasures ot Germany and 30.000 more books In all departments of literature. LEVI'S BOOK brORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel Building. fc3 PERSONAL OU WILL BKA LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so be up and make the best of It: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, or 65 Filth avenne, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trlal.'lcleplione 1558. Ja8 REMOVALS. KEMOVAL WE HAVE REMOVED OUR news depot lrom the old place to No. 1314 Seventh ave., Beaver Falls, Pa ; all Pittsburg papers and periodicals can be bad there; all pay ments for papers to be made there also on and after the 5th day of February. A. HAGEMANN A SON. Te5-56 ELECTIONS. ELECTION CENTRAL BANK, PITTS BURG The annual election for Direct ors of this hank will bo held at the banking house, No. 47 Fifth avenue, on TUESDAY, February 12, 1889, between the hoars of 11 a. m. and 1 P. M. M. HUNNINGS, Cashier. fe2-97 Office of tiie 1 Pennsylvania Construction Co., No. 132 First avenue, citv. ELECTION -THE ANNUAL MEETING " of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Construction Companv will be held at the office. No. 132 First avenue, on MONDAY, February 11, 1889. between the hours of 12 M. and 1 p. 31., for the purpose of electing five (5) directors to serve for the ensuing year. ja31-89 W. N. VOEGTLY, Secretary. PrTTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON"! Railboas Company, I GENERAL OFFICE, CARSON STREET, f Southside, Pittsburg. February 4. 1889. 1 ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING of tbe stockholders of this company will be held at this office on TUESDAY, February 19, 1889, between the hours of 2 and 4 p. jf. for the purpose of electing a President and ten directors, to serve during the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before them. E. J. REAMER, Secretary and Treasurer. fc3-14-D TO LET. Citv Residences. TO LET-OR FOR 8ALE-563 FIFTH AVE., ten minutes lrom Court House; neat two story press brick dwelling,, seven rooms and attic, salon parlor, bath, range, not and cold water, both gases; J30 per month: Immediate posses sion; terms for sale are S500 cash, balance long time on easy payments. SAMUEL W. BLACK & L'O., 99 Fourth avenue. fcl-27-D East End Reslaences. TO LET-HOUSE, 8 BOOMS AND BATH BOOM, conveniences, gases; large side lot; fine location: five minutes from Fifth avenue cable and near railroad station. Inquire 33 UNION AVENUE. Allegheny. fc6-70 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-NO. 214 LACOCKbT., ALLEGHENY, good houe, 8 rooms, near Sandusky st-; ?42 per mo. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fe6-56-MWP TO LET-HOUSE 8 ROOMS: MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, 37 Taylor ave, Allegheny. Inquire 39 N. DIAMOND, Allegheny, or EAGLE ROOFING CO., 141 Water st. fe6-l TO LET-HOUSE 6 BOOMS; MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, 29 Sampson St., Allegheny. Inquire TIN. DIAMOND, Allegheny, or EAGLE BOO FIN G CO., 141 Water st. fe6-l TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY press brick dwelling bouse 9 rooms, finished attic, laundry, natural gas throughout, heater In hall, alt modern Improvements. Sherman ave.. Allegheny. Applyto ROBERT KNOi.. JR., 17 Sherman ave., Allegheny City. Jal2-25 TO LET-HOUSES 403 AND 405 FEDERAL ST extension, 5 rooms, all modern convenience: also N os. 7 and 9 Sedgwick st., 6 rooms, bath and finished attic; storerooms and dwellings 160 and l&l Pcnni. avenue, Alleghenv. Inquire of J. U. McKEE, 703 Penn ave., Penn Building, room 611 Ja31-73-MW? TO LET-THREE 3-STORY BRICK DWELL INGS on Sheffield St.; contain 8 rooms cich, finished In the latest style and ha e every modern convenience, with or without stables ana carriage houses. Applv to J. L. ARNOLD, No. 109 Shef field t., or A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st.. Alle gheny. Jal9-Sfi-ws TO LET-FOUR NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSES with bath. w. c, natural gas, etc.; on line of electric road, rerrysville ave., Allegheny: two story and mansard. No. 163 North ave., 9 rooms with all modern Improvements; also store and dwelling 55 Chestnut St., Allegheny. Inquire of J. A. MCKEE, 7C8 Penn ave . Penn building, room 611. Ja31-73-MWF Apnrtmcnln. LET-SOME UNFURNISHED FOUR 41 rro X re room fiats suitable for housekeenlng. store rooms and dwellings, with natural gas. Inquire of SAMUEL MUSGRAVE, 41 1 ourth street. fc3-40-TWSU Farms. mO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN JL Nineteenth ward, near Tenn avenue; good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent Sono. S1RAUB & MOBBIS, corner Wood St. and Third av., Pittsburg. Jal5-J9 TO'LET OR FOR SALE-loO-ACRE FARM. 5 minutes' walk from town of Manor, on Penna. R. it., Westmoreland co.: 15acres timber, bnbuice cleared: house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCHEON. 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-MWP Offices. Desk Boom. &c TOLET-A FURNISHED CONSULTING ROOM for a physician. Apply, 1 r. M. dally, DU. CHRISTY, 813 Penn ave. fe2-12-WS TO LET-2 CONNECTING SECOND-STORY front rooms, suitable for pbyslclan; alsol furnished room. 430 PEN NAVE. fe6-2 TO LET-(99) OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms in best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK Jfc CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal6-23-D TO LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. BIDWELL & CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. Ja30-28 TO LET-FREE RENT-TO APRIL 1. 18S9 Offices, cor. Fifth avenue ana Wood street; Sood llRht and Crane elevator. SAMUEL W. LACK& CO , 99 Fourth ave. J-129-S6-D rrtO LET- IN THE MqCANCE BLOCK, and Seventh avenue. X Smithfleld, Liberty well-11rhted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. Ja8-32-D TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ae. and Wood street. Inquire at A. GARRISON lOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 AVood st Jal8-31 TO LEf-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT, 'lhe Gennanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood st, having changed the interior of Its building by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as thcAMilte House, at l'errysvllle, on the Perrysvllle plankroad, with 21 acres ofland, good orchard, birn, stibllngs. sheds: and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing In first-class order; long lease is given to the right party. For further liuormatlou call or ad dress 1HE D AN NER MEDIC1N E CO., 242 Federal st. Allegheny City. fe2-l5 Business Stands. TO LET-NO. 108 MARKET ST. 3-STORY business or warehouse; $55 per month. W. A. HERRON &SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe5-8S-TWTS TO LET-SM1THFIKLD STREET, 2 THREE storv business houses, containing storerooms on first floor. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe6-3 JL gheny, Pa., 6 rooms and bath, now occupied by a physician. Address J. M. FLEMING. Ems- worth, Pa. fe6-23 TO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES, COR. LIBER TY, Diamond and Ferry sts.; will rent separately or together. W. A. HERRON Jt SONS, 80 Fourth ave fe5-8S-TWTS mo 10 LET'-THREE-STORY HOTEL CONTAIN ING 30 rooms. In prime order, cor. Ohio and arcn sis., .Aiiegneny. ijr.u. JJ. lUUULtX, Ally, 118 Diamond st. fcG-27' TO LET-TWO VERY DESIRABLE STORE rooms, Nos 1127 and 1129 Liberty avenue, di rectly onposlte Union Depot. Inquire EXCEl -SIOHEXPEESS AND STANDARD CAB CO., lirj Liberty ave. feO-JO TO LET-THE ELEGANT STORE BOOM, with nlate glass front, 287 Ohio st .Allegheny, at present occupied by . J. Stager as wholesale ana retail confectionery: one of the best locations for this line of business in the city. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Fifth ave. fe6-37 TO LET-NO. 5156 BUTLER ST., NEW BRICK business house. 2 stories high: size of store room 20x70 feet; supplied with elevator: good new stable on rear; first class location for grocer or furniture warerooms; reasonable rent; possession at ouce. See THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. fe2-59-MWS TO LET-FOUR -LARGE, WELL-LIGnTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 sqjare feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing, li building know as the Cnas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenne, Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny A ood Carving Co. Ja23-25-3tws Special. TO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL INGSon the line of Fcnnaae. nnd Butler st. cable cars. SceM. P. UOULEi, 3819 Butler st. fc5-33 TO LET-HOUSE -ALSO LEASE AND FUR NI1URE for sale or a 14-room house; best location on Penn ave. Those ineinlng busmen only may Inquire on PREMISES, No. 51b Penn ave., between 2 and 5 r. M. fc6-59 TO LET-BY BLACK & BAIRD, 95 FOUR1H avenue, dwellings, stores and olhces In Pitts burg, Allegheny, Oakland, East End, Southsiilc and In all parts of suburbs; our "loLet'MIstsare issued every Wednesday and Saturday of each week. For revised copies of these lists call upon am oftlicfollowingmimed: C. F. Nourse, No. 190 Centeravc. J. M. ISlackhnrn, No.-ltell th ave. J. P. Urben, Franklin and t-ultonsts. Emll G. Stucky & Co , yllo ave. and Ful ton st. A. H.Wilson, Penn and Frankstownave. George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont st. Jacob Spobn, No. 2 Carson st. M. Blackburn. No. 3343 Penn ave. Peter Walter. Jr., No. 64 Chestnut st. Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Caraon St. E. Holden & Co . 63 1 cdenl st. J. F. Caldwell. Alinhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis H. Vogel, Webster ave. cor. Roberts St. Ja26-64-WS TO LET-THE "BENT LIST" OF SAMUEL . BLACK A CO., Real Estate Agents. 99 h ourth ave. can be had at the following places during the renting season: riTTSBURG. Jo'cph H. Vosknhl. store, 3104 Penn ave. Emit G. Stucky & Co., druggists. lvlie ave. corner ulton st. Charles F. Nourse, druggist. Center ave., cor ner Erin t. Louis H. Vogel, druggist, Webster ave., corner Boberta st. J. M. Blackburn, druggist. 388 Fifth ave. Charles Schwann, druggist, 1707 Carson St., S. H. Charles Eble, druggist, 6009 Penn ave.. East End. A. H. Wilson, drngglst. corner Frankstown and Penn aves , Ea't End. S. S. Holland, druggist, cor. Smithfield St. and Liberty ave. Emanuel & Ihrlg, druggists, 3610 Fifth ac. ALLEGHENY. W. W. Davis, drngglst, Ohio St., corner San dusky st. Joeph P. Urben, druggist, Franklin st , corner Fulton street. Peter Walter. Jr., 64 Chetnnt st. Dan C. Hamilton, druggist. 27 Ohio St. John Shannon, general store, Erasnortb, P., Ft. WA-C.H.H. fc6-41 FOUND. FOUN'D-THE TRUTH!-WE BUFFERED UN TOLD agonies! ur. GrlBlth's Ua-va-zon Remedies cured us when all other means failed, and they will cure you; try them: Mrs. G. C. Fink, ioxburg. Pa.; Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes St.; Tbos. Keefe, Mt. Washington: D. W. James. B. A O. K. it., citv, and thousands of others: see testimonials. GRIFFUH'S DRUG STORE, Third and Grant. Pittsburg: Ta-va-zon L. C. Syrup, the best for coughs, colds, etc. fe8-66 MEETINGS. "W'OTICE- Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the Shaner Gas Coal Company will be held at the office of the company. Room 10, Coal Ex change, corner of Water and 8raithfleld sts., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 12, at 2 P. M., for the election of five directors to serve for the en suing year. fe6-7-MW THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the New York and Cleve land Gas Coal Company will be held at the office of the company. No. 208 Wood street, on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1889, at 10 o'clock A. 31.. for the election of officers and I directors to serve during the ensuing year, and ' tn tf,A n nan A.f .... t ..1. ...h aw lin.lt.aaa 401 ..w tu uauMnUUU (f. BUU1 UvUC. ,uaaut..? w jnay be properly brought before the meeting. C. L. DIXON, Clerk. PlTTSBUHQ, February L 1889. fe6-5-MWlr NOTICES. County Cojimissioneks' Offce, Pittsburg, January 28, 1889. I THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to-wit: Wednesday, February 6 Borough of Wil kinsburg, Mifflin, West Deer, Scott and Mar shall townships. Thursday, February? Thirty-second, Thirty third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth and Thirty sixth wards of Pittsburg. Friday, February 8 Twenty-seventh,Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first wards of Pitts burg. Saturday. February 9 Fifth, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-eighth wards of Pittsburg. Bv order of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. Ja29-t BUSINESS CHANGES. PISSOLUTION NOTICE-THE FIRM OF 1 J. Wilbert's Sons & Co. (Albert Wilbert. J. Wilbert and S. C. Dally), Commission Merchants, have this day dissolved by mutual consent. The affairs of said firm will be set tled by the undersigned at the old place. No. 015 Liberty street. Persons having claims against said firm wil please make them known at once. Persons being indebted to the same will please make prompt settlement S. C. DALLY. JOHN A. WILBERT. Pittsburg, Pa., February 1,1889. feSVI-wsu Pittsburg and Southern Coal Co., 1 (A corporation of West Virginia) Pittsburg. January 3, 18S9. ) THE SYNDICATE HERETOFOREEXIST ING in connection with the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Co. was dissolved November SO, 1888, by limitation. The business hereafter will be conducted by the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Co. alone, a corporation of West Virginia, with a paid-up capital of $100,000, at their gen eral office. Rooms 13, 14 and 15, Iron Exchange Building, No. 8 Wood st. JOSEPH WALTON. President. JAMES DICKSON. Secretary. T. H. GIVEN, Treasurer. Vice Presidents: JNO. A. WOOD. SAM'L S. BROWN. jaI8-39oiwr OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Department of Public Works, Pittsburg. Feb. 1. 1889. 9KS'j TTHI "VT OT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE H reports of Viewers on the openinc of Heeler street, from Wilkins avenue to Forbes avenue: Glenwood avenue, from Second avenne to Lot 38 in Plan of Hoper Glenwood, and Dal las avenue, from Irwm avenue to Forbes ave nue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, f e2 22 Chief of Department of Public Works. Department of Public Works, 1 PlTTSBTJKO. Feb. L 18S9. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of .Viewers on the construction of sewers on Nineteenth street, from Penn avenue to the Allegheny river; Linden and McPherson streets, from Edeerton avenue to Fifth avenue extension; Our alley from Stevenson street to Logan street; Westminster street, from Pit cairn street to Lilac sewer andXilac street, from Westminster street to apoint near Elmer street, havo been approved by Councils, which action will be final, nnless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) davs from date. E. JI. BIGELOW, te2-22 Chief of Department of Public Works. AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING LAND WEHR street, from Penn avenue to Sta tion street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by tho authority of the same. That Landwehr street from Penn avenue to sta tion street bo and the same shall be located as follow", to-wit.: The east 15 foot line shall begin on the north 5-foot line of Penn avenne, at a distance of 753.ll feet west of a stone monument on tbe west 10-foot line of Denniston avenue; thence deflecting; to the right 83 desrees 20 minutes for a distance of about 357.53 feet to the north 5-foot line of Station street, and the said Land wehr street from Penn avenue to Station street shall be of the widths shown on tbe plan here to attached, which is made a part of this ordi nance. fe6-63 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Garden alley, from Main street to Brown alley, in the Seventeenth ward. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the Dassace of this ordinance. Garden alley, from Main street to Brown alley, at a width of 15 feet, in accordance with a plan on file in the Department of Public Works, known as plan of the borough of Lawrence ville, approved bv the Borough Couu eds March 22, 18C7. The damages caused thereby and tbe benefits to pay tbe same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly of tue commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of tbe second class to provide for the im- Erovement of streets. lanes, alleys and public ighways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for the asess ment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting tbe use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, AD. 1S!7. fe6M8 AMUSEMENTS. Q-RAND OPERA HOUSE-PXTSA ' The Event-of the Season ! One week only, including MATINEES WEDNESDAY and SATUR'Y, Engagement of the Beantiful Young American Star, CORA TANNER, (Under the Management of Colonel Wm. E. Sinn, of the Park Theater.Brooklyn,) m Robert Buchanan's Delightful, Sparkling, Witty New Play, FASCINATION, Presented with Magnificent Scenery and the same Superb Company intact, which made "FASCINATION" the Leading Now York Attraction for 57 Consecutive Perform ances this season. Since then Boston.Brook lvn, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton hate been FASCINATED with -FASCINATION." fe77 B IJOU THEATER- R. N. Gnlick Manager. A. J. Shedden Treasurer. Annual benefit of the ELKS Fridiv afternoon, t ehrnary 8. BIGGEST PROGRAMME EVEROFFERED Ev ery Amusement Attraction in tbe city represented. ' Tickets $1. Box office now open. fe4-lI-MWF . B1 IJOU THEATER- CHANGE OF BILL MINNIE PALMER. "MY BROTHER'S SI&TER." Next week "The Still Alarm." Only ap pearance in Pittsbnrg this season. f c6-21 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. EVANS AND HOEY in their new edition of Hoyt's, -"A PARLOR MATCH." Week, February 11 Cora Tanner in "Fas cination. feS-18 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night. Matinees Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday, FRANK JONES as "SI PERKINS " The Pughtown Band. Tho Apple Bee, Etc., Etc fe3-18 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF FEBRUARYS The Gilt-Edged Specialty Co. T. J. Hefrou, one-legged song and dance artist; Miss Beatrice Vaugban; Mr. Josef T son. Open from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M. fei-12 TT ARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening, DR. JEKYL AND MR. HYDE. T Next week, "A Bunch of Keys." f o8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET. ONLY THREE suiSSe ill 'JS ? general business purposes, in the new DIS PATCH building on Diamond street, now re main nnrented. THOSE WHO WISH SWiffi nation in the city, with the conveniences of Eassenger and freight elevator service, electric ght and steam-heating, should applv at onca to the new DI8PATCH BUILDING. Nos. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. SPECIAL SALE. ForlOdaysonlv, No. 268 Locust st, Alleghe ny, an elegant 3-story brick dwelling; contains 9 rooms, attic, large drying room, laundry, pan tries, closets, heater, etc. The house built back from the street, with front and side yard and porch, good brick sta ble and carriage house; lot 48x130 ft Tho owner having removed from ths citv, will give you a bargain. Call at office for ad mission card. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St. Allegheny. fe84-W3 OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on tha fourth floor of ths Renshaw Building will be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets. fe6-8-D Wanted houses. We want a number of small houses to SELL TN ALLEGHENY. We have a number of cus tomers for houses ranging in price from $1,000 to $8,000 in all parts of Allegheny, and if YOU have one or more to SELL call on us AT ONCE. BLACK & BAIRD, 05 Fourth ave. feOO SPECIAL SALE For 10 days only. No. 115 Page street-Allegheny, brick house, 2 stories and mansard: contains 8 rooms, bath, laundry, pantries, closets, etc.; yard in front and rear. For card of admission call at office. A- D. WILSON, fe6-4-ws 5a Federal St, Allegheny. FOE SALE ! -ICE- In car loads on track, in Pittsburg; 52 00 per ton. Chautauqua Lake Ic? Co,, fe6-15 NO. 43 SIXTH AVENUE. SPECIAL SALE For 10 days only. No. 132 Market street, Alle gheny, brick house 7 rooms; bath, laundry, sta ble; side porch; corner lot 23x100 ft. Look at the property aud call for price and terms. A. D. WILSON, fe6-4-ws 65 Federal St., Allegheny. ERESH BUTTER RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVENSON fe CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTH AVENUE. ja6-60orwT SPECIAL SALE For 10 days only. No. 25 Garfield avenue, Alle- frheny, new brick house 8 rooms; bath; range, anndry; good lot 25 ft- front; fine location. For prico and terms call on A. D. WILSON, f e(M-W3 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. TNCORPORATED 1794 THE INSURANCE I COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, of Philadelphia. Cash assets S 700.101 03 Losses paid since organization 13.541.827 00 GEO. W. DEAN & CO., 101 Fourth ave. nolS-rlO-ws GEO. H. BARBOUB CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Building3, Room 02 Eisner Buildintr. dpl2-k66-D C4 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF BAKERY. AT 2S0S Penn ave.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY" 13, 18S9, 2-8tory brick with frame in rear, bake shop in cellar, together with stock and fixtures; sale positive, as owner is leaving citv: sale com mences 1 P. M., sharp. AV. MERRILL, Auc tioneer. ieo-D MOURNED ASSIGNEES SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, at 10 A. M., will be sold a: public auction, on the premises, corner of Carson and Eighteenth streete,Twen-ty-sixth ward, Pittsburg, the Farmers and Me chanics' Bank building, and lot 40x120 feet, either as a whole or in two or three parts. Also, on the same day. at 2 P. M.. on the premises. Maple street. Twenty seventh ward, will be offered for sale nine building lots in tbe plan of the aforesaid bank, adjoining tha school yard and grounds of St. Michael's Church. I. H. SORG. H. 1. BERG, Jr.. L. S. CUNNINGHAM. fe2-43 Assignees. A RED FLAG. Tho wholesale Jewelry store of Chas. Zug smith, Jr., corner Wood st and Sixth ave.. will be sold out at public auction, commencing on Monday, February 4. and continue until tha entire stock is disposed of. The stock is com posed of diamond", jewelry. Howard and Elgin watches, silverware of tbe Rogers and Meriden make, Seth Thomas marble and Ansonia enameled clocks, safes, show cases and coun ters. Mr. Zugsmith is retiring from the jew elry business. All articles will be sold to ths highest bidders. Don't forget. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 4, at 9.30 o'clock A. Jf. J. A. ROBINSON, fel-53 AUCTIONEER. PROPOSAL?.. TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Office or tiie ) Board of Public iMFROVEmcfTg, ST. LOUIS, Januarys, 1889. ) Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at tbe office of the Board of Public Improvements of the City of St. LouIs.Mo until 12 31. of the 23th dayofFebruary. 18S9, at which hour they wUl be publicly opened and read, viz.: For lighting with electricity for the term ot ten years from Januiry 1, 1890, the streets, pnbllo places and such public buildings as may be desig nated In the following districts ofthe City of St. Louis. Mo . viz.: Letting No. 2,503. The district described as tha southern district In ordinance numbered 14,697,ap proved December 29, 1883. Deposit required, $5,060. Letting No. 2,501. 'lhe district described as the northern district in ordinance number 14,607, ap proved December 29, 1SSS. Deposit required. 55,000. Bidders wlil.state prices per annnm at which aro llgbtsof 2.000-cwidlc power each, or incandescent lights, or 30-candlc power each, will be furnlsbed. operated and maintained, for lighting streets and public places: also prices per annum at which aro lights of2.000-canole power each, or incandescent lights, of 16-candle power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained for lighting public build ings. Everything required for the aboveelectrle light ing snail ik iurni5u ilshcd and maintained by the con- tractor. Thc contract with the citv will carry the nrlvll- ege of furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along tha' lines of distribution. lhe contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St. Louis may acquire tbe entire e.eo tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of tbe contract. Bidders mnst submit with proposals, general and detailed plans and specifications of the pro peed system of distributing the electricity, mode of supporting the lights and wires, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and In closed in envelopes furnished by the Board of Public Improvements. The certificate of tha Treasurer ofthe City of St. Louis that the sum of S3,O0Ohas been deposited In the treasury must be inclosed with the proposal. Tiie right to reject any or all proposals Is ex pressly reserved. Specifications, form of contract and plans of tha districts to be lighted, may be seen at tbe office of tbe President of the Board of Public Improve ments or the City of St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 23, 18S9. Any contract let hereunder will require the ap proval of the Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Board. HESKY FLAD. President. Attest: v1, EMORY S. FOSTER. J jan- secretin -t 3 1 4 3 i 1 4