2 .'THE PITTSBUEG DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1889. I I 9 CLOSINGUPGIRCUITS Westinghouse and Edison are Sure to Consolidate. ONLY A QUESTION OE GASH. A Case Before the U. S. Circuit Court Will be Decided Saturday ABOUT THE INCANDESCENT LAMP. And Westingliouse Claims Priority on the Sawjer-JIan Patent AN UKPKECEDENTED BUSINESS. The consolidation of the Westinghouse electric interests and the Edison Company now seems to be on the point of being an ac complished fact. The -wheel of fortune, which for so many years has been in the hands of Mr. Thomas Edison, ready to tnrn in his direction at any moment, is suddenly falling from his grasp, and is showering its sparks upon Mr. "Westingliouse at eTery turn of the axle. All the patent suits and interference cases between the two great American electric currents that hare come to public notice lately were evidences of ab solute defeat for one side or the other. The decision of the Supreme Court in the Bate re frigerator case turned out to be an ad vantage to Westinghouse, and on next Sat urday the last straw by which the existence of the Edison Company is independently suspended may be snapped to pieces. The suit in question was brought by Westinghouse as the owner of the Sawyer Han patent on fibrous carbon which is now used IN ALL IXCAXDESCENT LAMPS, Edison's included. It has been pending be fore the courts for several years, owing to forced delays caused by the Edison Company. Thomas Herr, Esq., solicitor for Westing house, however, returned from Xew York yesterday, and stated to a reporter of this paper that all the testimony had been taken in the case by last Saturday, and that a hearing had been set by the United States Circuit Court to take place here on next Saturday. If the court decides and Pittsburg elec trical men believe the great probability is that such will be the case that the fibrous carbon patent belongs to Sawyer & Man (now Westinghouse), then all the lamps put up by Edison, 1,000,000 in number, are infringements upon the Sawyer-Man patent; ergo, the Edison Company is gone, unless the two consolidate. A representative of this paper questioned several of the highest officials of the West inghouse company on the subject of con solidation yesterday afternoon. They were all willing to talk, but not to be quoted by name for publication. There was, however, no necessity for a Bishop to read their minds, for it was stamped upon their very foreheads that they were expecting the sign ing of the last paper every day. XS AWFUL COMPARISON. "To-day is the 5th of February, and we have sold already over 50,000 lights this month," said one of them. "That is a larger number of lights than the Edison company sold during the whole of last year," said another. "We have been advised by telegraph this morning of an order for 25,000 lights, an order equal to the London order; and so far our orders for this month represent nearly 5700,000, an amount of business which is unprecedented in the electric world." This was another statement of one of the West inghouse men. But a gentleman who was more dis posed to talk than the rest of them said: "The consolidation of the Edison and Westinghouse companies is simply a ques tion of dollars and cents now. They both long ago realized that one is an absolute necessity to the other's absolute success. Both know that they are both owning val uable patents, and each of them is afraid that the other might get the best of him." This suit, however, which is to come up next Saturday, may bring about the climax in favor of Westinghouse, and if so, Edi son will have to come to terms. LOST BONDS OP PITTSBURG. A Philadelphia Bank Will Probably be Ont $245 by the Loss. City Treasurer Denniston yesterday re ceived a letter from the cashier of the Cen tral National Bank of Philadelphia, stating that several coupons of city of Pittsburg bonds, aggregating 5245, due January 1, 1889, had been lost in that bank. The writer asked that payment be stopped, and also wanted to know what kind of an in demnifying bond would be required on the lost bonds in the event of their being after ward found. Mr. Denniston replied that bond coupons were like Government currency, and must be paid when presented. No'bond of in demnity could be accepted. A LOTTERY ANYHOW. The Sugtcstion Might or Slight Not Bring the Relief Wanted. As the Legislature is now abont to take hold of the subject of jury reform, it is widely suggested that to the qualifications at present prescribed, "when intelligent and judicious," should be added "honest,"but as the Qualifications already prescribed seem to be set aside whenever some people wish to have them, the addition would probably only tend to render the matter moreobscure, and it is already sufficiently so when some men's names come out twice a year, though only put in once. If this isn't so, liars are almost as plenty as David once supposed them to be. BUSY MERCHANT TAILORS. An Important Convention to Commence In Sew York City To-Dnr. Mr. A. L. Sailor, of Sailor & Pitcairn; George Campbell, A. A. J. Gaskill, ot the Pittsburg Packet Company, and Mr. An drew Venny left for New York last evening to attend the Merchant Tailors' Convention to be held in that city during the next few days. The convention will clcse with a banquet at the Hotel Brunswick. A num ber of other merchant tailors will attend the meeting. TIIE FINANCE COMMITTEE. They Refer the Appropriation Ordlnnnco to n Sab-Committee. At the meeting of the Finance Committee yesterday the appropriation ordinance was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Magee, Carnaban, Ford, Hollidayand Mac Gonigle. The 3ity Controller and Treas urer were instructed to close up a number of valueless accounts of delinquent tax col lectors and broil en banks. HOLY GHOST COLLEGE. The Results of the Seml-Annnal Examina tions at the School. During the past few weeks semi-annual examinations have been held at the College of the Holy Ghost on -Bluff street. The results of the examinations were announced yesterday by the reverend President to the faculty and pupils. The names and per centages of the pupils who stood the highest in their respective classes are as follows: Senior class A, College department,Greek, Jerome Otter, 93; Latin, Jerome Otter, 98; English, Jerome Otter, 95; mathematics, Frank Danner, 95; sciences, Maurice Goulden, 90. Junior Class Greek, Henry Bierman, 95; Latin, Henry Bierman, 79; English, Fred crick Bausch, 98; mathematics, William McMullin, 95; sciences, Henry Bierman, 98. Sophomore Class Greek, Frederick Bausch, 95; Latin, Bobert Lawlor, 82; English, William Stadelmann, 82; mathe matics, Edward Coll, 91; sciences, Bobert Lawlor, 98. Class B, Business Department, gram mar and composition Edward Eeilly, 95; arithmetic, Edward Eeilly, 100; practical bookkeeping, Edward Eeilly, 93; theory of bookkeeping, John Dauer, 95; commercial law, Eduard Beillr, 98; Christian doctrine, Edward Keilly, 92." Class C, Academics Department freshmen, Greek, Frederick Frommherz, 88; Latin, John Walsh, 85; English, Frederick Fromm herz, 90; mathematics, C. Gibney, 100; geol ogy, Frederick Frommherz, 88. First Academic, Greek, Edward Glenn, 99; Latin, John Fisher, 97; English, H. Patterson, 90; arithmetic, W. Vilsatk, 98; bookkeepinc, H. Patterson, 100; elocution, J. Dunlevy, 98. Second Academic, Latin, J. Began. 85; bookkeeping, Leo Ley, 97; English, John Gruseck, 98; elocution, James McGann, 98; mathematics, Patrick Toole, 100. ..Class D, preparatory course First divis ion, J. Larkm, 100; geopraphy and cram mar, C. Grace, 100; reading and spelling, O. McGann, 100; arithmetic, E. Grimm, 100; dictation, J. Larkin, 97. Second division Geography and gram mar, C. Sterile, 68; catechism and Bible history, C. Sfecdle, 97; reading and spell ing, H. Schleim, 98; arithmetic (XSteedle, 100; dictation, C. Steedle; 94. THE EXPOSITION OPENING. The Directors Decided to Throw It Open About September 1. The directors of the Exposition met yes terday and decided to open the Exposition about the first week in September. The fol lowing resolution was passed: Whereas, The time has come when the Question mutt be settled as to whether wo shall have an Exposition this fall or not; therefore, be it Resolved, That we have an Exposition, the openinc of which shall be about the first week in September, and while we need at least $a5. OOOto finish the buildings, still we have faith to Deneve mat our people win see to It that the necessary funds will be forthcoming in due time to carry to a successful finish this grand enterprise. The plans of power hall were presented, and referred to the Property Committee. They will be considered next Tuesday. During the week subscriptions to the amount of 52,300 had been received. The following were admitted to life membership: James McCrea, Dr. Thomas W. Shaw, "Will iam Ross Proctor, Dr. E. A. Wood. Joseph S. Brown, Dr. J. N. Dickson. Dr. J. H. Mc Clelland. William Clark's Sons & Co. (second subscription), James E. Shocnberg, Henry Auction and Storage Company, J. P. Farley, Robert F. Mayer. F. E. Schenck, Kaskel Solo mon, William McKenney fc Son, Wharton, Bakewell & Co., L. Goldsmith & Bros., John L. Georpe. Harris Theater. Snowden d. Peterson, Metatithic and Asphalt Paving Company. The loans were: J. M. Montgomery, 100; Samplincr & Eich, 50; Oppenheimer & Kauffman, 25; Chaddock & Owens, 525. BELLEVUE'S ELECTRIC K0AD. It Slay Not be Operated Acnln Just Yet, For People Will Wnllt. For several days it has been reported that the Bellevue Electric road would suspend operations entirely, owing to a want of patronage. A reporter for The Dispatch met A. J. Clancy, manager of the road, and, when asked if the assertions were true, the gentleman stated that some of the patrons had lost all confidence in the road on ac count of its being idle so mucb.and that every time it was so it was for the want of fuel. But it is now the intention of the officials not to start the road until they can supply it with the necessary fuel without causing any further delay. It may be a week or a month; but it can be stated that the road will run. although, since it has been built, it has not turned one cent of profit into the projectors' pockets. People who wanted the road built to save their legs, now walk up the hill instead of patronizing the enterprise. THE CANAL MODEL. A Practical Exhibition of tlio Nlcnragunn Wnter Wny To-Morrow. The model of the Nicaragua Inter-Oceanic Canal will reach the city to-morrow after noon, and will be on exhibition at the Chamber of Commerce on Friday. The model was made by Vaule Carter, of Brook lvn. a rraduate of the Naval Academy. Tt shows the topography of the country as well as the workings of the canal. The miniature lakes in the model will be supplied by the city mains, and from them will be drawn the water for the canal, as on the isthmus. The boats are drawn through the model by a magnet, worked through the locks and sent on in the exact manner planned for the canal. The model will be 20xG feet in size. The public is invited to see it. DEMOCRATS NOMINATE. They Meet in the Twenty-Ninth Ward School House and Choose. The Democrats of the Twenty-ninth ward assembled in the school house last night for nomination of candidates for the coming election. There were about 40 people present. Mr. Charles Kauffeldt acted as Chairman and Mr. John Aul as Secretary of the meeting. There was hardly any excitement, and the following nominations were rapidly made: HenrvLauer, for Select Council; Frank Iminikus and S. Salsbury, School Directors; W. Meis, Assessor. At the close of the meeting a resolution was passed condeming the present city ad ministration and disapproving of the cut ting of the hump. STRONG OPPOSITION. The South Fcnn Scheme of the Tnndcrbilts Meets Trouble. Mr. D. Herbert Hostettcr returned from the East yesterday morning, where he had been sounding the New York and Phila delphia stockholders as to their intentions in the South Penn deal. He said he found strong opposition to the Vanderbilt plan of absorption. He stated the Vanderbilts would not sell to the Pennsylvania road, and that he would not be surprised if Mr. Gould would take a hand in the affair. A TICKET TO AMERICA. JohnLipta Forgot to Tarn Over the Money Received for It. John Lipta was sent by Jacob Thoma to the office of a steamship agent to get a ticket for a passage from Europe to America ex chanced for 31. Lipta secured the money, but did not turn it over to the owner, who has sued him before Alderman Keilly. Received Ills Sentence. Charles Litzinger, a member of the fa mous Fleck gang, who was arrested at the instigation of Special Agent Houghton, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, was convicted in Greensburg yestcrdaa on the charge of robbing freight cars. He was sentenced 18 months to the "Western Penitentiary. THE BOLD BEN BRILL. A Bobber Chieftain Writes From the Eiverside Penitentiary, BEGGING THAT A FRIEND BE FREE. Graphic Description of a Band of Burglars' Ignoble Ending. VIC1T3IS OP IELL0W-BACKED HOTELS At the Board in coming meeting of the Pardon Harrisburg application will be made for the release of a young man from Eiverside whose criminal history can be traced directly to the effects of reading dime novels. Five years ago Ben Brill and a young fellow named Koch, both from the South side, were sentenced to 13 years in the peni tentiary. Yesterday Attorney S. A. Am nion received statements from both prison ers to be presented to the Pardon Board, giving a full history of their escapades. The letters themselves are marvels of conH struction, couched in the most eloquent language and the most grandiloquent style imaginable, containing all the studied set phrases of the regulation novel. The graphic Ben Brill starts out to tell of an organized band of boy robbers on the Southside, their rendczvons and secret pass words, and of the many petty peculations committed by them; all under the guidance of their acknowledged chieftain, whose chosen robber name was Ben Brill. He lived a double life, did this bold Ben Brill, and in private life hustled around a South side mill, accompanied by some such harmless name as Smith or Johnson. "When the shadows fell o'er the hills, unas suming Johnson became the scowling, cruel chieftain Ben Brill, the chosen leader for a gang of dime-novel readers and till-tappers. CRUSHED, BUT DEFIAKT STILL. In bold Ben's confession, now in Am nion's hands, the crushed but still defiant chief tells of how he first met Koch in the mill, and how they were first drawn to gether by a discovered affinity existing in a mutual love for yellow-backed literature and wild adventure. The idea struck the peerless 18-year-old chief that Koch would make an excellent tool, and he confesses in touching and tender words, how he undei mined the youth's natural honesty, how he painted the robber s lite in bcautitul colors, and threw a. glamour of romance of the stealing of a mere piece of bologna from a butcher shop that proved irresistible to the aspiring Koch, who hesitated and fell. Then the brigand chieftain tells of a couple of insignificant sneak-thieving acts, and then in an awe-strnck way goes on to whisper of one dark and gruesome night while breaking into a house, they awakened the inmates, and fled ingloriously before do ing any more damage. As pursuers were hot upon the trail, the panting chief whispered an order that they make a "datoor" and thus foil the foe. As the attempted burglary was out in the suburbs, this brilliant -maneuver necessi tated a semi-circular chase of about 15 miles, but with clenched teeth THE ORDER WAS OBEYED by the single follower Koch, and over fence and under hedge, now hiding or dodging, now sneaking or crawling, now leaping like a hound or trailing like a snail, the Jones & Laughlin tunnel is reached at last. "Stop," ordered the watchman. "On, my brave band," yelled Ben Brill, who dashed into the tunnel, followed by the brave band in the shape of limping Koch. Here a new difficulty presented itself in the shape of an other watchman, who, according to Brill's statement, did a dastardly act by drawing a weapon, and without one word" opened fire upon the devoted band of two. Brill fell at the first fire, and thinking his wound was fatal, implored Koch to fly and save him self. "Never," said the "intrepid youth, and seizing his supposed dying chieftain by the collar he yanked him "through the tun nel, out along the river bank, and hid him in some tall grass. "For God's sake, fly and save yourselfl" hoarsely whispered bold Ben Brill, as he felt his life slowly ebbing' away, and the trembling man flew, not to save himself, but for a doctor. He returned with a physician, and found the dogged chief not dead, but arrested, a piece of plaster patched up the gory wound and both were led off to jail. The scene is then transformed to the court room. The two culprits having no money, had connsel appointed, and Brill goes on to tell he was amazed on being told to stand up for sentence, as they had no trial, and had not pleaded guilty. His counsel came and whispered to him that Judge White had said he would double the sentence on every one of the seven indictments if the trial weren't finished that morning, so he had pleaded nolle contendere on the whole seven. NOT UP IX LATIN. As "nolle contendere'' isn't greatly used in dime novels, neither of the boys knew what it meant, so they agreed to the action of their counsel, and almost fell out of the box when Judge White gave them 13 years each to the penitentiary. "Our treacherous, perfidious counsel," writes the crushed robber chieftain, "de serted us at the hour of our direst need, be cause he knew we had no money. By this ignoble, traitorous act, he caused my inno cent companion, Koch, to plead guilty of five of the seven indictments, of which he was innocent, and I alone am guilty." He then goes on to say in a very earnest wa- that poor Koch really was innocent, an i that he did not ask for pardon himself, but only asked the board to pardon his un fortunate tool. He then goes on to tell of his conversion to the faith by Chaplain Milligan, and ends with another tirade against the treacherous, traitorous, perfid ious counsel. Koch's statement is even more volumin ous, covering 27 sheets of legal cap, written on both sides. The language is just as grandiloquent, though it is written in a more submissive spirit than that of the un conquered chief. Mr. Ammon will go to Harrisburg about the 15th. It is a work of Eure good nature on his part, as poor Koch asn't a penny, but talks mistily of intangi ble rewards somewhere else. REPEATING THE PROTEST. I.ndlcs of the Public Charity Board Reply to the Hamnno Society. The following communication on a mooted case is self-explanatory: To the Editor of The Dispatch: The Committee on the Board of Public Char ities for Allegheny county understand that tlicynere summoned to appear before the Humane Society to answer for charges brought against their agent Only one of our members received any summons, which she did not deem neenssarv to heed, as the board had made no charfres, but had entered its protest, which It now emphatically repeats, that no society has any right to send young girls, whether they be cood or bad. to saloon boarding houses. Mrs. Mary H. Br.nsoT. Chairman, Jlns. Frances L. Swxft, Mks. Catherine A. Ouuny, Mks. Christine T. Holden. .Mrs. Ellen D. C. Maib, Secretary. GERHANI COMING IN. Forty Teutons Among iho 66 Foreigners Who Yestcrdny Applied. Up to noon yesterday there were 66 de clarations of intention by foreigners to be come Americanized. Of these 40 were Germans and Tour Huns. Of the 66, but one signed his name "A.," his mark. With Special Programme. The montly meeting of the Pittsburg Cen tral Circle of the C. L. S. C. will be held to morrow evening, at the X. M. C. A. rooms. The programme is a special one, and is of more than ordinary interest COUNTY DEMOCRACY. It Asks tho I'oatotnce to Keep It Fingers Ont of Karannngh's Fie. The County Democracy met last night at its hall, No. 512 Smithfield street, D. J. Boyle presiding, P. M. Carr Secretary. Bills to the amount of $37 were approved and six new members elected. A committee ot five was appointed to pro cure quarters for the club G. T. Kafferty, W. J. Brennan, "William J. Friday, P. Foley and J. M. Guffy. Chairman Boyle urged that each member constitute himself a committee to urge pur chase of tickets for the club reception on the night of the 15th inst. Mr. F. J. Kirk said it was important that the political situation be given some consid eration, as a letter carrier not a resident of the First ward was working against Mr. Mat. Kavanaugh. Mr. Kirk moved the ap- E ointment of a committee to notify Mr. iarkin and see if the matter could not be remedied. Mr. Fox said he thought, as the P. O. had uniformly worked this way, it ought to be allowed to have full course to run and be' glorified in its fight against the Democratic party. Several things not complimentary to the P. O. management were said, and the Chair stated that the committee would be ap pointed subsequently, and it was gathered that the mover was like to he namea as the head. Mr. Ennis urged the booming of the pro ject for a new clubroom. He said the large attendance so soon after defeat showed the club's vitality to be unimpaired, and it ought to have more room for action. The "Walters building, on Sixth avenue, is re garded as the coming headquarters. The club then went into executive session for the transaction of private business. AN ICE HARYEST. The P. R. R. and Pennsylvania Company Get 300 Can From Chnntnuqnn. The recent cold snap has created qnite a boom among ice men, who now Chink that there is a prospect that a harvest may yet be put in. An ice man sauntered in a drugstore last night, shrugging his shoulders and sniffing the air. "When asked what was the matter, he said: That air feels good. That's bread and bntter to me if it keeps on cold, and if it don't we ice men will have to migrate, I guess, to a colder clime. It smells like ice, though, to me. There is eight inches on Pine creek, up the Pittsburg and Western Railroad, and the Cbautauqna Lake Ice Company have commenced to harvest it. However, the ponds are so small that the weather will have to keep cold in order to f rcczo them over again. Tho P. R. R. and Pennsylvania Company are sure of some ice, anyway, as the Chautauqua Lake Company loaded 200 cars for them at Chautauqua Lake Monday and 100 Tuesday. There is 12 inches on Chautauqua lake now, and you can be sure that it will be cared for, every pound. None of the company's other ponds are frozen over, though. If it should thaw to-morrow and not freeze up again you can go down to Union depot next summer and cool your palate. THE SURVEYS COMMITTEE. A Number of Street Ordinances Affirma tively Recommended. At the meetipg of the Committee on Sur veys yesterday ordinances vacating "Will iam, Olive, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Bebecca, Susanna, Philip, Fort, Fayette and Sarah streets, two unnamed alleys and part of WInebiddle street, included in the Wine biddle plan, were affirmatively recommend ed. This plan was laid out and the lots re corded in 1865. The city never recognized or approved the plan, and the heirs could not make a good deed on the lots sold from it, on account of the streets the citvhad laid out conflicting with those in the plan. Ordinances were affirmatively recom mended relocating Lowry street, from Sec ond street to the Monongahela river; Black street, irom Clearview to Bebecca street. A number of ordinances establishing the grade on streets in the outskirts of the city -wen?, passed upon. GIDDY GIRL FLIRTS. Officer Harrison Snys Ho Will Make It Interesting- for Thrm. Officer Mike Harrison, of the TJnion de pot, has discovered the latest train on the Pennsylvania Bajlroad. It is a train that never goes and its passengers are in the most cases girls whose ages are anywhere from 15 years upward. They are always waiting for a train, and in the meantime improve their chances by cafrving on a flirtation with anybody who will flirt with them. The pleasant officer has grown care worn over the difficult task of breaking up the habit and has determined to make it interesting for them. He warned one or two last evening to remain away from the depot. The girls in question do not always bear bad characters,but only intend to hare a little fun by "mashing." SOME CLOSE BIDDING. The Contracts for Allegheny City Printing Awarded Last Night. The Printing Committee of Allegheny Council met last night to award the con tracts for the year. Barrows & Osborn and James McMillan bid on the annual reports, the former bidding $825 and the latter 5852. The lowest bidder got the contract. The Armor Lithographing Company received the contract for lithographing, their bid be ing ?S7. The following bids were received for stationary and blanks: James A. Reed, $870 60; E. "W. Elton, $669 25; John Ogden, $652 30. The latter was awarded the con tract. ALLEGHENY SCHOOL AFFAIRS. Will the nigh School Full Term be Extended Another cnrf The monthly meeting of the Allegheny Board of School Controllers was held last night. Superintendent Morrow reported an enrollment of 12,497 pupils, and an average attendance of 10,702. It was decided to ask for an appropriation of $172,000 to defray the expenses for the coming year. Mr. Wood burn, from the Committee on Grades and Text Books, reported in favor of extending the High School term from two to three years. The matter was laid over until the next meeting. A STfiONG OBJECTION. Secret Societies Will Oppose the BUI of Iicelslator Kreps. The secret, beneficial and insurance nrrtprs doing business in this State, are opposed to tne Dili introauccu in tne .uegislature by Bepresentative Kreps, of Franklin. .The bill provides that every beneficial and in surance order shall be debarred from oper ating in the State except to pay $300 for funeral expenses at death, or pay a stated sum of money during disability. Some Eeople claim the insurance companies are ack of the bill. It will exclude from the Commonwealth all the beneficial orders. CHURCH WORKERS C0NTENB. Tho Southern Convocation Opens Proceed ine for To-Day. The Southern Convocation of the Diocese of Pittsburg opened in St. Mark's P. E. Church, South Eighteenth street, with a sermon last night. At 10 o'clock this morn ing the rcgnlar session for business will commence, and at 7:30 o'clock to-night there will be a church workers' conference. Fred Fnrke III. Mr. Fred Parke, the popular ex-theatrical manager, is seriously ill at his residence, the Hotel Federal, Allegheny. He was taken sick on Saturday with pneumonia and bronchitis. Last night his physicians said that he would recover. TUMBLEKS TO 'GO UP. A New Classification Issued by the Railroads Yesterday. WILL GET EVEN WITH SHIPPERS. How the Latter Have Been Misrepresent ing Their Goods. GREAT LOSSES TO THE COMPANIES The railroads running west of Pittsburg yesterday issued a new official freight classifi cation which will go into effect on the 18th inst. By the new classification a number of petty practices by which the railroad companies have been cheated out of thousands of dol lars annually will be stopped, and another step taken to prevent false representation in shipping goods. The most important change in the new classification is the one pertaining to glass ware. The minimum on a carload of glass ware has been raised from 16,000 to 24,000 pounds, thus increasing the rate. In the past there has been a great amount of trouble caused by shippers of glassware such as table ware, lamp chimneys, bottles, etc., representing them to be tumblers, which are shipped at lower rates. Tum blers are heavier and less liable to break while in transit, and on this account they have been taken at a rate much less than that given for ordinary glassware. Under THE NEW CLASSIFICATION, glassware is made second class in less than carloads and third in carload lots. The minimum weight has been made 16,000 pounds. Bottles have been made second class in less than carloads, and fourth class in carloads. "When shipped in 30-foot cars, which is very seldom, the minimum weight will be 20,000, and in cars over 30 feet in length, 21,000 pounds. Tumblers will be taken as second and fourth, the same as bottles. Lamp chimneys have been made second and third, minimum 16,000. On October 23 of last year a special classi fication was issued, making glassware and chimneys in car load lots take the same class rates as tumblers. Up until that time the rates on tumblers were lower on account of a lower classification. Table ware men and lamp chimney manufacturers shipped hundreds of car loads of chimneys, etc., at the lower rate. The practice got so general that the railroads had men inspect the ship ments before the cars were sealed and locked. CHAKGES AND DENIALS. According to the classification of the lines west of Chicago, chimneys, bottles, tumblers, etc., were placed in the same class. The officials of the initial lines here charged the representatives of the 'Western lines who have offices in the city that they encouraged the practice to misrepresent the shipments. The "Western agents denied the charge and the practice was continued, not withstanding the efforts of the Pittsburg roads to stop it. Heretofore the rate ou tumblers to Chicago was filth class, or 17 cents. Glassware was third class, or 27J cents per hundred. This made a difference of 10 cents per 100 pounds, or $20 per car. This made a great difference to snippers, and the majority of them continued the practice. Under the new classification which will go into effect on the 18th, it will be no ob ject to snippers to misrepresent tneir gooas. If they make out a shipping bill for a car load of tumblers they will have to pay the same as they would on a carload ot bottles. Theywili have to pay for 2,400 pounds in stead of 1,600 asat present. The new classification takes wire out of the sixth class and puts it in the fifth class. Notwithstanding this it can be shipped under the special classification on iron arti cles, which is enforced by the Eastern lines. THE SHIFTING CENTRAL. The New Traction Cars Will Go Ont Wylle Avenue, Sure. To-morrow the Central Traction Compa ny will hold a meeting to decide upon a plan for the power house of that company on "Wylie avenue. The company has se cured several lots near the corner of Tunnel street ana y yue avenue, une ot tnem is on a 50-year lease. A final decision will also be made by the board as to whether or not the cable is to run out Wylie or Center avenues. One of the directors of the company stated to a Dispatch reporter yesterday that the cable would go up Wylie avenue. "I do not think, that there will be any opposition to that by anybody," he said, "because it is almost impracticable to go along Center avenue for this reason: There is a deep grade out Center avenue, which would require a great deal of filling in and other improvements, which are not neces sary on "Wylie avenue." A NEW RAILROAD. The Fennsy Snbmtts the Flans to tho Brad, dock Council. A plan for a new railroad has been pre sented to Councils at Braddock by the xrennsyiyania xiauroaa company lor a line of tracks extending from a point at Turtle creek through the borough of Braddock. It runs along the north shore of the Monon gahela river, between the latter and the P., McK. & Y. B. B. They didnot divulge their intention, but asked that it be submitted to a committee of Council, with whom the representative of the company could hold a conference. The Borough Property Committee and the Borough Edgineer have been appointed to consult with them as to what they desire. This route has been surveyed recently, and it is now certain that the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company proposes extending an other line through the town of Braddock. A SERIOUS RUNAWAY. An Allegheny Dairymaa Dangerously la. J tired Yesterday Afternoon. A serious runaway occurred in Allegheny yesterday afternoon which may result in the death of a dairyman named Ingham, who resides in the Eleventh ward. Alle gheny. He was driving along Pennsyl vania avenne, when the horses became frightened and ran away. The patrol box at the corner of Pennsylvania and Irwin avenues was demolished, and Mr. Ingham was thrown out, sustaining serious internal injuries. The irightencd team broke the safety gates at the Ft. "Wayne crossing and nar rowly escaped being run down by a locomo tive. Pieces of the vehicle were scattered along the street, but no one but the driver was injured. HE WANTED HIS BIEDS. A Man With a Kirnnao Delusion Bothers Depot Oalcials. A man named "William Thomas, who gave his residence as New York and said he Ijyas an agent for a French veneering com pany, attracted attention at the Union depot last evening. He claimed he broucht some birds to the depot the evening before and that the ticket agents "were trying to hide them away in the office. He was asking every lady who would listen to him if they did not hear the birds singing. Mr. Thomas was well dressed and was not drunk. It is supposed he is insane. He purchased a ticket for Columbus and left for that city on a late train. "Act well your part, there all the honor lies," and buy Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. COAL MINERS STRIKE Because Wngea Are Reduced and the Weight for a Ton Increased. A strike has been inaugurated at the Millwood Coal Company's works, near Greensburg. The, company gave notice to the employes on Saturday that a reduction of 2 cents per ton would be enforced, and that 2,240 pounds should make a ton, mak ing a reduction of 7 cents per ton. The drivers and mine laborers were reduced 10 per cent. The miners held a meeting yes terday morning and decided to strike and the works are idle. Several hundred men are effected. The strikers are especially worked up over the order of the company to increase the weight for a ton which is fixed by law at z,uuu pounds. A big mass meeting of the cokers was held at the Standard mines yesterday morn ing, but no definite action was agreed upon. There are about 75 or 100 coke drawers at work at these works and they are liable to quit at any time. GOVERNMENT CRUISERS. A Special Rate Made for the Armor Plate to San Francisco. J. A. Hall, agent of the Pacific Bailroad in this city,yesterday received notice that a rate of 80 cents per 100 pounds has been made by the Transcontinental Association on Government cruiser plates from this city to all Pacific coast points. This is a special rate made for the armor plate now being shipped to Mares Island by Park Bros. & Co. Oliver Bros. & Phillips and Carnegies are making the plates. The rate formerly in effect was?l 15 per 100 pounds. The Pittsburg shippers complained of the high rate and had it reduced. FREIGHT KATES ADVANCE. Iron Articles and Fnlnu to the Northwest Go Up a Few Cents. The freight rates on iron articles from this city to all points between St. Paul, Minneapolis and Minnesota Transfer were yesterday advanced from 2 to 3 cents per 100 pounds. "White lead and paints were also advanced about the same. An Unfounded Chnrge. The report that one of the members of D. A. 3, K. of L., had embezzled $118 of the money appropriated to the Black Diamond steel workers, is incorrect. An auditing committee was appoiuted at the last district meeting to go over the accounts and have just completed a report which will be pre sented at the meeting of the Executive Board this eTening. Theywili report that they have foiud receipts "and vouchers for every cent donated by the district to L. A. txwu. Secretary IUhrtln for Labor Commissioner. The frienJs of "William Martin, Secre tary of the Amalgamated Association, have announced hm for the office of Commis sioner of Labor, and he has decided to be a candidate. He has the support of John I Jarrett, whose name was at one time men tioned for tie position, but who does not (desire it, anl also Hon. M. S. Qnay. The o.uiaiKauiauu .tt.ssuuiai.iuil &QU SIOU. w 11- lam McKinley, of Ohio, are urging his ap pmtment. He Deserves n Itlerinl. Thei membership of D. A. 3, K. of L., is increasing according to reports received at heidquarters, particularly among the brick mdcers. Master "Workman James Hooper, of 1. A. 2946, says the members of his local are'taking more interest in the order than eveibefore. One of the members, who is employed ont of town, travelled 30 miles to attejd the last meeting. Tbo Sontliern Conl Trade. Catain W. W. O'Neil. Joseph Walton and 'Simpson Horner, the committee ap poincd by the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Com-any to look after the interests of the concrn in New Orleans, returned yester day.! Mr. O'Neil was seen at his office and said hat the mission of the committee was a secet. Prices are not as low as reported. and he prospects are good. Workers Will Watch Prices. L.T. Upton, L. L. Litzinger and James Hontr have been elected to audit the prices of rJlsupon which wages of the sliding scaleare based at the Edg3r Thomson for the jar 1889. This has never been done befop, although the firm granted the men the trivilege when the scale was offered. A Big; Contract for Axlrs. National Tubular Axle Company, of Eiesport, yesterday shipped to the armcry at Snringfield, Mass., 100 of the heavr tubular axles to be used in mounting cannfn and other heavy army vehicles. The axlej were made after a design of Colonel Bufmgton. I Now Brick Woikt. Booth & Flinn have purchased a tract of landkn Stanton avenue, East End, and will put tp a brick works in a few weeks. A contact has been let for the machinery, and wheri the works are completed employment will le given to about 100 men. Will Andlt the Accounts. The Board of Trustees of the Amalga mated Association has been called to meet on Saturday night. The accounts of the officers will be audited and other business of importance will be transacted. GENUINE FURNITURE BARGAINS. Henry Bcrffcr, 642 and 644 Liberty st., cor. Sixth aye. A positive and genuine clearance of the remaining last season's patterns in every de partment of our large iurniture establish ment. "We are determined to gain floor space as rapidly as possible for the display of our new designs for the coming spring trade, letting the loss be what it may, as wc are bound to be first with a complete new line of goods in every department. "We will also have our large carpet de partment ready for business by the 15th instant, with a full line of fresh new pat terns rizht from the manufacturers, at most reasonable prices. Henry Berger, Liberty St., cor. Sixth ave. Boys' Suits. ' Special sale of boys' suits this week at the Hub. We offer special bargains in clothing for boys and children. In order to make room for spring goods our entire stock must be sold at any price, and now is the time for every man and boy who don't have much money to get big bargains at the Hub. For underwear, suits, overcoats, pants and cloth ing of all kinds come to the Boston Cloth ing House, 439 Smithfield street. White Bed Spreads SI 00, Are $1 25 Quality, And a good fair bed spread at 85 cents; also in better goods to finest. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S, Penn Avenue Stores. At 50c a yard we are showing some attractive new snrim: dress goods. very irvvpsu Hugus & Hacke. Society Charms and Emblems On hand and made to order promptly. A complete assortment of Masonic, Knight Templar, Mystic Shrine, Pythian, Odd Fel lows, American Mechanics, A. O. TJ. W. and all secret society pins, charms and em blems, at E. P. Roberts & Sons, corner Fifth avenue and market st. wssu SLEEPLESSNESS.indigestion and pain are horrors that Parker's ginger tonic will abate. Parker'sHairBalsamaidsthehairlgrowth. 1,000 pairs skates at cost. J. H. Johnston, 621 Smithfield st. A GEEEN GOODS CASE Causes the Arrest of Porter Worlby Local U. S. Authorities. A PE0MISE OF $500 FOE ONLY $100 Gets a Latrobe Penman Into Trouble as a Fraud. Serious NO QUEEE GOODS Iff HIS POSSESSION. United States Deputy Marshal Cham bers, of Pittsburg, yesterday arrested Porter Worl, an alleged "boodler," in this city. Mr. Worl will.be given a whirl by Com missioner McCandless at 2 o'clock this after noon. A few weeks ago J. A. Kohler, a resident of Somerset county, received a letter from Mr. Worl, in which the latter stated that he believed Kohler to be a man of honor, etc. He said he had some business to transact which Kohler would find to his advantage, and asked the latter to correspond with him. The latter made believe that he had swal lowed the bait, and the only thing left for Mr. "Worl to do was TO LAND THE STJCKEH. Kohler wrote him letters on the 22d and 28th of last month, and, as a result of the correspondence, a meeting at the American House in this city was arranged. Worl promised to give Kohler $500 in counterfeit money which could not be detected for $100 in good money. Kohler told him to be on hand with the "goods" on Tuesday morn ing. Before going to meet Mr. Worl, Kohler went to the United States District Attor ney's office, and laid the case before Colonel Allen. The latter had a warrant issued fur Mr. Worl, and put it in charge of Marshal Chambers. The officer proceeded to the hotel and met the slick citizen, Mr. Worl. He immediately placed the man under ar rest; but the latter demurred, saying he did not deal in counterfeit- money, and none could be found on his person. The latter part of HIS ASSERTION "WAS TRUE; but he will be tried for violating the postal laws, by using the mails for unlawful pur poses. Worl's scheme evidently was not to sell counterfeit money for good money, but, as the officer believes, to make out that he had some and then fleece tne man to whom he was trying to sell it. His alleged method was to have a package of brown paper with a good $5 bill on top and a $1 bill under neath. He would show this to the person with whom he was negotiating, and claim ing there was $500 worth of counterfeit money in the pile, the same as the $5 bill, he wo'uld sell the package for $100. Telling the man not to open the package until he got to his room, for fear, of detection, Worl, might skip ont. When the dupe opened the package he would have about $6 worth of good money for his $100. "Worl is a native of Latrobe. A Bin Sacrifice. For Thursday we shall offer the most tempting inducement to purchasers of high class clothing that we have ever annonnced during our wnoie Dusiness career, we nave on hand about 60 French montagnac over coats, all sizes, lined with Cutter's finest quilted satin, trimmed in the most expen sive manner high class tailoring can devise, and manufactured to sell for not less than $50. Our price on Thursday for them will be $20. An accurate idea of the value of these garments can be formed lrom the fact that a yard of the raw material in these coats cost between $10 and $12. We have placed these overcoats on one counter for your in spection, and advertised them a day in ad vance, as onr imported French montagnac overcoats, selling on Thnnday for the'sac rificing price of $20. None sold before Thursday, 9 A. m. P. C. O. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. See the value and styles we are offering in spring dress goods at 18c per yard, arwrsii Hugts & Hacke. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue. tVFSu A COUGH IS THE FIRST WHISPERING of approaching disease. Tickling throats develop into coughs. Coughs lead to the ereat enemy consumption. A stitch in time often saves life itself. kidFs COUGH SYRUP. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA and HOARSENESS. IT IS PLEASANT AND ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR CHILDREN. PRICE, S3 CENTS. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. prepared BY FLEMING BROS., PITTSBURG, PA. 3IWT Tableau Vivant, in our Corsets. Lovely Fitting Kid Gloves, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1 00. Toboggans, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c and 1 00. ::: T. T. T. THDMPBDN BROTHERS, 109 Federal Street, Allegheny. felorwF inHOCOLATE AND COCOA BAKER'S, J Halliard's. Fry's, Whitman's, Epps' and Wilber's table chocolate, cocoa and confections in every variety, for sale br JNO. A. RENSHAW & CO.. ja26-WS Liberty and Ninth sts. SUGAR CURED HAMS The finest brands of bams, dried beef and breakfast bacon, cured expressly for family use, for sale by JNO. A. RENSHAW & CO.. Ja26-WS Family Grocers. NEW ADVERTISEJrgSTH. ,, JDS. HDRNE k ED.'S PENN AVENUE STORES. Come and see the New Goods 'UZ This Week. SPRING IMPORTATIONS. GINGHAMS and SATINES. 1 Nearly 50,000 yards in stock. The lar gest and most complete line of Wash Dress Fabrics ever shown; prices less than you can buy them for in New York. This seems and Is a mammoth purchase, but we are confident our endeavors to offer the largest variety and at close prices will largely increua business In this popular department SPRING NOVELTIES NOW ARRIVING IN WOOLEN DRESS FABRICS. As usual, this stock will exceed any former season's display and prices will be mads satisfactory, while at tho same time customers will be pleased with the many exclusive designs special to onr house. Choice styles and colorings at 50c, in plaids, stripes and mixtures and solid colorings, in the newest shades. 4,000 yards French All-wool Cash meres lull color assortment, at 50c these are special good value. Our Silk Sale Continues A remarkable success. Every yard sold is a certain advertisement of this silk stock, and we invite yonr prompt atten tion to the great bargains here. New.Printed India Silks, At 60c, 65c, SI and il 23, In the latest colorings and most stylish patterns. Black and white, medium and light colorings in Empire and Directoire de signs. New invoices will arrive dally, offering the largest choice in these beautiful goods. Novelties in New Embroideries and Laces. A complete stock of Thin Whito Goods for spring sewing. Our "Mark-Downs" in the Cloak Room Are making trade lively here. There, never was a time when bargains in Wraps of all kinds were so numerous as now in this Cloak Department for Ladies, Misses and Children. After-stock-taking Early Spring Styles and Bargains The attractions for this week. Alargs ; force ot attentive salesmen to wait on -you promptly. V JDS. HDRNE i ED.'S PENN AVENUE STORES! MTCWT
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