Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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A Survey of Live Stock Transactions
at Herr's Island.
Snpplj of Sheep and Lambs Light
Hojs More Slowly.
Office oir the Pittsbceg Dispatch,!
MONDAY. February 4, 1SS3. J
The number of cattle received this week
is 30 loads, against 31 last -week and 29 the
week before. In the receipts were five or six
cars of heavy stock, weighing about 1,600
pounds. The balance ranged from 1,100 to
1,100. Trices were firm at an advan.ce of 15c
over a week ago. The crude showed a good
average as compared with several weeks back
and a decided improvement on supplies of a
month afro.
Heavy cattle, weighinc from 1,500 to 1,600,
ranged in price from So to $5 25. There was
none under 1,100. A f err few of these, which
were thin stock, sold as low as S3 25. The range
of prices for bulls was S2 25 to S3. Veal calves
were in better supply than for several weeks
Sast, but prices held up well, with range from
: to 7c, according to qualitj.
Sheep and Lnmbfl.
ago and 100 less than t o weeks ago. Demand
was fully equal to supply and markets were
more active than for some week' past. Some
dealers report ashade higher prices than last
week. Lambs are somewhat scarce. As clip
ping time approaches a short supply is ex
pected. The range nf prices for sheep was oi
to 5c and for lambs hi to 6ic.
Receipts of hogs were 600, the same number
as last jfonday. and for three or four previous
Mondays. Prices were 85 O05 50. the best
prices being obtained for light weights, from
160 to 1&5 pounds. Heavy hog are 25 to 3oc less
per rat. than light packing hogs. Anything
above 200 went slow, and the neavierthe slower.
This season has been unfavorable all througn
to hcavj -weight hogs, and in this differs from
previous seasons.
Tho Flour Situation.
J. J. "Wbaley, who represents a large flouring
mill firm of Akron, O.. was one of the visitors
to the Grain Exchange to-day. His views of
the flour and wheat situation were given as
follows: "The mills which 1 represent made
their full quantity of flonr, as much as they
ever did. until 60 dajs ago. For various
reasons vt e have been restricting product since
that tim in connection with other mills of the
"West "we already begin to sec some ad
vantage from our course. Trade lia been un
comfortably quiet since the beginnirg of the
3 ear. but within the past few daj s is looking
up. It has not been easy to obtain full sup
plies of the best grade wheat. From our own
county of Summit, however, a fair supply of
62-pound wheat of the best grade has been re
ceived by oar mills. The near-by article holds
up better in average than that fiom the North
west gram fields. You may say to The Dis
patch readers that the Akron millers con
sider the worst over and are confident of more
active tiade and better markets from now on."
Tho Ontlook.
A large flour jobber here talked in the same
strain as to the outlook of trade. Said he: "I
do not recall the time when our trade was as
fiat and lifeless as it has been all January.
The band to mouth policy has been pursued by
bujers, which was natural in view of drooping
markets. Now 1 am confident we are at bot
tom, and any future changes will be for the
better. On poor grades of flour holders would,
no doubt, be willing to make concessions on
quotations. But on high grades there is a
grow ing firmness, and trade in this line is less
in favor of buyers than it was a week ago."
The faith and hope that trade in all lines is
on the verge of greater activity is so general
with tradesmen that a revival cannot be far
Tli- Tpipirmnh.
-icrtr- -w,-c- tj tj.-.. v , j,
-i. t j j j .; rr:..T z. --- ---
erers' direct; total for week, 9,950 head. Open
ing prices much the same as on Fri
day last, but before the finish
there was a decline of 10c per 100
pounds: common to prime native steers sold
at S3 Su4 90: extra do, S3 005 15; bulls and
dr cows, S2 003 25. Sheep Receipts. 15,600
head; making 41,800 head for the week; 2,000
head were carried over Saturday: dull, weak
and lower: ordinary to prime sheep, S4 12X9
6 50 per 100 pounds; a carload extra do at $3 15,
and a carload premium wethers at Sd 25.
Lambs sold at $5 507 50, with a few selections
at S7 75. Hogs Receipts. 13 000 head, making
39,300 for the week; market firm at $5 355 75
per 100 pounds, outside figures for choice
Chicago Cattle Kecelots. 16.600 head: ship
ments, 1,000 head; market weak and 10c to loc
lower; choice beeves, $4 004 30; steers, S3 00
3 90: stockers and feederu. S2 203 40: cows,
bulls and mixed, SI 403 00: Texas steers, S2 50
3 50. Hogs Receipts. 22. K) head; shipments,
u,U00 head; maikft opened weak and closed
strong; mixed, $4 554 5: heavy, S4 604 65;
light, 54 7051 90: skips, S3 505 oa Sheep Re
ceipts, 6,500 head: shipments, 2.000 head: market
steady; natives. $2 9065 00: western corn fed,
S4 404 90; Texans, S3 004 50; lambs, 55 COS
6 25.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1.500 head: ship
ments, 200 head: maiket steady; choice heavv
natUe steer-., $! 754 23; fair to good do, S3 00
fz3 SO: butchers' steers, medium to choice,
$2 531 10; stockers and feeders, fair to
good, SI fcOE2 75 rangers, corn-fed. S3 003 60;
grass-fed. SI 602 SO. Hogs Receipts, 3,300
head; hhipnients, 600 head; market steady;
choice heavy and butchers' selections. $4 70
4 80; packing, medium to prune, S4 C4 75;
light grades, ordinary to best, S4 701 85.
Sheen Receipts, 200 head; shipments, 300 head,
market strong; fair to choice, S3 003 Sa
Buffi-alo Cattle Rf-ceipts, 1.600 head
through; 3,000 head sale: slow at steady prices;
prime steers. $3 754 63: good butchers', S2 50
5 00; veals steady at $5 006 00 for good to
choice: milch cows firm at $35 0OSJ45 00 for good
to prime. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 1,200
head through; 9.000 head sale, with 4,000 head
held oven steady; good sheep $1 504 75; good
lambs S6 006 60. Hogs Receipts, 4.500 head
through; 18,750 head sale: fairly active and
weak, to 15c lower on mediums at $4 855 00;
Yorkers weak to 5c lower at $5 205 80.
CnrcnrifATi Hogs stronger; common and
light 54 255 00; packing and butchers'. $4 70
4 95; receipts, 3,000 head; shipments. 300
If. Ferrouillat, French Minister of Justice,
has resigned his office.
A bill has been introdnced in the Reichstag
providing for a loan of b0,000,000 marks for ex
penses on account of the army, the navy and
the State railways.
The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday
afternoon accepted the following bonds: Four
and one-halfs, registered. $12,000, at 109; 4Kper
cent, coupons, 8,000, at 109.
Advices from various points in New En
gland and Canada show that the weather is
extremely cold, the thermometer ranging from
30 to 40 below zero this morning.
There is talk of a betrothal of Prince
Emanuel, eldest son of the Duke of Aosta and
nephew of King Humbert, to Archduchess
Margaret, daughter of Archduke Charles Louis
of Austria.
The Berlin correspondent of the Roioe
Yremya states that he has reason to believe
that England and Germany have concluded an
alliance similar to the Anglo-Italian conven
tion, having for its object the protection of the
Northern seas and ports.
The strike among the sailors has extended
to Dublin, at which place vessels are prevented
from sailing, owing to the impossibility of ob
taining crews. The shipping companies at
Cork and some at Glasgow have conceded the
advance demanded by the men.
About 25 Naval Academy cadets were
found unsatisfactory in their studies in the
semi-annual examination just closed at An
napolis, and a number of them will either re
sign or be dropped. About 20 are members of
the fourth class, and one is a first class man.
The various carpenters' unions of Chicago
are now actively consolidating and preparing
to repeat their demands of a year ago lor the
eight-hour day and 35 cents per hour as the
minimum rate of wages. Their efforts in this
diiection last year were unsuccessful. The
painters, the gas fitters, the derrick handlers,
the bricklayers, the tile layers and plasterers
have, they claim, announced their intention of
joining the carpenters, and a vigorous effort
will be made to carry their point.
fllrtnl Markets.
New Yoke Pig iron dull. Copper dull and
easier: lake, February, $16 7a Lead steady
and inactive; domestic, $3 77K. Tin quiet;
straits, S21 8a
Wool markets.
St. Louis Wool quiet and unchanged.
Whisky market.
Xhe ruling price Is $1 03 for finished ood&
Whcat Unsettled bnt Close Fractionally
Higher Corn and Oats Lower Pork
nnd T.nrd Hnmmered bat Hold
Their Ground nnd Fin
ish Steady.
Chicago Trading in wheat to-day was light
and the market quiet duringmost of the early
session, with more doing later. The feeling
developed, however, was firm and an appar
ently strong undertone existed. There was
nothing specially new to be brought to light,
but one thing noticeable was that there was
less pressure to sell or fight the advancing
prices. There was good steady buying. The
opening wasJ4c higher than Saturday's
closing, and quickly advanced He more; later
receded K but again became strong, ad
vanced lie, ruled strong, and closed 2Kc
higher than Saturday. There was a rumor
about whsat in California being advanced, in
fluenced some by fears of damage to the crop
on account of too dry weather.
Corn was very auietand fluctuations were
narrow, being confined to lie range. The feel
ing developed was easier, due largely to pros
pective larger receipts.
Oats were more active during the latter part
of the session. The feeling was easy and prices
declined a shade.
A moaetately active trade was reported in
mess pork, but the market was unsettled. Of
ferings were fair early and prices opened fully
10c lower than the closing figures Saturday,
followed by a further reduction of 10c during
the early part of the session. Later the de
mand improved slightly and prices rallied
2225c and closed firm.
Trading in lard was moderate. Prices were
about 5c lower at the opening, and a further re
duction of 25c was submitted to. Toward
the close the feeling was steadier and prices
rallied TJQ 10c, the market closing steady.
Short ribs were moderate demand and easier.
Opening sales were made at 5c decline, and a
further reduction of 57Jc was submitted to.
Toward the clo&e prices rallied again and the
market closed comparatively steady at outside
figui es. m
The leading futures raneea as follows:
Wheat No. 2. February. 95K09596Kc;
Slarch,95-!iiJbV953'I6c: Mav, 97cJl 00
GVTJZdgn 00c: July. s9!WeS990e.
Corn- No. 2, Fcbrnarj, S535Kc; March,
3535c: May, 3b3636c
Oats No. 2, February, 254ic: March, 26c:
Mav, 27K27K2727?ic
Mess Pork, per bbl. Februarv. $11 40;
March,Sll 50; Mav, $11 65U 7011 4511 7a
Lakd. per 100 Iks. Februarv, S6 90; March,
S6 K6 92KS6 82K6 92K; May, S6 S57 02
Siiobt Ribs, per 100 ft. February. 86 00;
March. $6 056 07X66 02K6 0 May, $6 17X
G6 Z9geo lu6 22.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 96Xc; No.
3 spring wheat. 75$7bc; No. 2 red, 96Wc
No. 2 corn. 354c No. 2 oats, 25c. No.
2 rye. 47c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1
flaxseed. SI 60. Prime timothy seed, nomi
nal. Mess pork, per barrel, $11 37X11 40.
Lard, per 100 lb. $6 9a Short ribs sides
(loose), S6 056 10. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), S6 006 12U. Short clear sides
(boxed), S6 37Xo 50. Sugar Cut loaf,
7joS)c; granulated, 7c; standard A. 6c.
Receipts Flour, 6,000 barrels; wheat, 8,000
bushels; corn, 144,000 bushels: oats. 123.000
bushels: rye, 3,000 bushels: barley, 57,000 bush
els. Shipments Flour. 5,000 barrels; wheat.
7.000 bushels: corn. 109,000 bushels: sats, 81,000
bushels; rye. 1,000 bushels; barley, 24,000
At the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was stead: fancy creamery, 2627c;
choice to fine. 2022c; fine dairies. 1822c;
common, ll12c Eggs weak at 12KlSc
New YonK Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
Spot dull and ie higher: options moderate
ly active and Higher. Corn Spot active and
firmer; options more active and firmer on early
months; weaker on late. Oats Spot dull;
options steady and dull. Hay dull. Hops
firm. Coffee Options onened steadv at 62)15
points up; closed steady at 1015 noints above
Saturday; sales. 25,250 bags, including Febru
ary, 15.6C15.70c: March and April, 15.70
laeOc; May. 15.7015.75c: July, 15.8015.90c;
August, 15.95c; September, 16lb 10c; October,
16.10c; December, 16.15c; spot Rio Ann; fair
cargoes, lTJc. Sugar Raw dull; refined
steady and quiet. Molasses Foreign qniet;New
Orleans dull. Rice quiet and strong. Cotton
seed oil dull and nominal ;crude,4-c: ycllow.49c;
Tallow quiet; city, 5 516c Rosin dull. Tur
pentine firmer at 47c Begs in moderate de
mand; firm: Western. 1516c; receipts, Z741
packages. Pork steady: old mess, $12 b05?13;
new niess. $1313 25: extra prime. S12 50013.
Cut meats steady: pickled bellies, 10 and 12
uo nauis. juiauin&c. iuiauies naiei: snorc clear.
I- opened five points lower, advanced
nine points: closing arm: sales western steam.
S73ZX&7 37W, closing at S7 40: city. 6 85: Feb-
ruary. $7 33; March, $7 21. closing at $7 30 bid;
April, $7 33; May. $7 257 26, closing $7 34 bid,
June, S7 2-7 35. closing at $7 35 bid; Jul v. $7 35
bid; August, $7 35 bid; September, $7 35 bid.
Butter Fair demand and firmer for choice;
Western dairy, 13?J19c; do, creamerv, 162Sc;
Elgins, 29JS30c Cheese quiet; Western, 10K
St. Louis Flour firm in sympathy with
wheat, but no higher. Wheat Prices followed
other markets from the opening and closed
firm, with May ljjc and July ljc above Satur
day. No. 2 red, cash and Februarv. 93Kc; May,
9i?f 93Kc closed at 93JjJc: June."92Kc, -closed
at 93Kc bid; July, 83S4Jfc closed at 84c
Corn Lower: No. 2 easn. ""HjTiKxftO. Mnmh
30K30Kc; May, 32Vc; July. 33'c Oats slow;
No. 2 cash. 25c asked. Rye dull; 46c bid. Bar
ley easier; sample lots of Wisconsin, 7072c;
No. 1 Canada, 82S3c Flaxseed, $1 50.
Provisions dull and weak. Pork, $11 75.
Lard Prime steam. $6 75. Dry salt meats
Shoulders, 5 25: longs and ribs, $6 15: short
clear. S6 35. Bacon Boxed shoulders, $6 76;
longs and ribs. $7 057 15; short clear, $7 12K
7 3a Hams,1012c
Cincinxati Flour unchanged: family. $4 10
4 25; fancy. Si 654 SO. Wheat dull; No. 2
red. 9Sc: receipts, 1,500 bushels: shipments,
2.500 bushels. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, 34c
Oats steady; No. 2 mixed, 28c Rye steady; No.
2, 54c Pork barely steady and irregular at
$12 25. Lard easier at SO SO. Bulkmeats quiet;
short ribs. S6 25. Bacon quiet; short clear.
$7 75. Butter strong for fancy, poor for others;
fancy Northwestern creamery, 30c; good to
Snme Ohio and Indiana creamery, 1723c
ugar quiet: hard. 7K72c; yellows, 6UGKc
EESS,HK12c Cheese firm.
Philadelphia Flour weak. Wheat dull;
prices ruled firm and closed Kc higher in sym-
Sathy with the advance in the w est. Corn
arlots in good demand and firm. Nothing
doing on speculative account. Oats Carlots
steady; demand light. Provisions dull and
prices favor of buyers. Butter steadv; fair de
mand; extra Pennsylvania creamery, 28c; do
prints, 30c Eggs firm: Pennsylvania firsts,
1515c Cheese dull ; part skims, 6Sc
Milwaukee Flour dull and unchanged.
Wheat higher; cash, 89c; Mav, 93Kc; Jnly,92Ji
92cCorn dulj. Ko- soic Oats dull: No.
3 white, 28c Rye dull; No. 1, 46ic Barley
dull; No. 2, 60Kc Provisions lower. Pork,
111 25. Lard, So 8a Cheese firm but quiet:
Cheddars, 10'Ac
Baltimore Provisions dull and unchanged.
Butter high grades in active demand; medl.
um and inferiors quiet; western packed, 16
21c; best roll. 1218c: creamery, 2029c Eggs
steady at 1314c
Toledo Cloverseed steadv; cash, $5 25:
February, $5 22X; March, $5 27J
Grain In Sight.
New York The visible supply of grain on
Saturday, February 2, as compiled by the New
York Produce Exchange, was as follows:
Wheat, 34,874,S3S husbels; decrease, 721,396
bushels. Corn, 13,323,294 bushels; increase, 95,685
bushels. Oats, 8,064,846 bushels; decrease, 55.4T4
bushels. Rye, 1,693,091 bushels: increase, 63,677
bushels. Barley, 2,384,130 bushels; increase,
5,114 bushels.
Coroner McDowell Begins the Work of
The Coroner yesterday began the investi
gation into the explosion of the boilers of the
Two Brothers.
H. B. Hulings, one of the owners testi
fied that the boat had just been repaired,
and the boilers were examined last May.
He said the engineer Graham was a good
one, but drank sometimes. He had been
drinking for a week before the explosion,
but was sober on Saturday morning.
John Bishop, who helped Graham out of
the water, said he was perfectly straight,
and he did not smell any whisky on him.
Inspector Sullivan said Graham was a
practical engineer. He said 100 pounds of
steam conld not break the boilers. They
stood a pressure of 195 ponnds when tested
last May.
Engineer Graham was too badly injured
to be present. The investigation will be
resumed to-day.
Salvation Oil, the great pain eradi
cator; no mineral or other noxions ingredi
ents. 25 cents.
Db. O'Keefe's Ladies' Tonic Beau
tiful skin, bright eyes, sprightliness. 34
Fifth ave.
Invalids call at 1102 Carson rt. and be
cored free of charge.
Db. O'Keefe's Bittees thoroughly re
mote bile from the system. 31 Fifth are.
Wild Predictions of Fifteen Dollars
a Barrel Next Winter
Salt Water Reported to bo Troubling Some
of the Lima Oil Producers.
Baltimoreans were considerably agitated
on Saturday over a report that flour will be
$15 a barrei next winter. The report conld
not be traced to an authoritative source, bnt
it found many believers and had some effect
on 'Change. The attention of a Liberty
street dealer was called to the matter yes
terday. He pronounced it preposterous.and
added: "There is nothing to warrant such
a prediction. It was probably put ont by a bull
clique as a feeler preparatory to an attempt
to corner the market, and most probably
originated in Chicago. The conditions for
bid such prices. I will gladly enter into a
contract to supply every family in Pittsburg
with flour next winter at S8 a barrel, and be
glad of the chance to get such a price."
The attention of Mr. Wlgley, local mana
ger of Dnn & Co.'s Commercial Agency,
Wood street, was also called to the report,
"It is only a scare," ho remarked. "There's
nothing in it. With a large wheat surplus in
the country the talk of $15 flour is ridiculous.
That would practically mean a famine, which
would require more that one year's failure of
the wheat crop to bring about. Indeed, there
conld be no such thing without a failure of the
crop all over the world. Local crop failures
have very little significance with our system of
rapid transportation. A shortage in one place
can soon be made good by the excess in an
other. It takes but a few days to bring wheat
from Washington Territory, Oregon and Cali
fornia to the Atlantic seaboard or the Gulf
coast. Supplies would reach the people long
before they would starve. This is one advant
age of our magnificent railroad system. In th o
early part of the century, when transit was
slow and very expensive, local failures were
sometimes very serious. This wa3 the case in
1S16, 1 think It was. There was no winter.
Wheat was almost a flat failure. Flour went
up almost out of sight. Supplies could not bo
obtained from abroad In time to relieve the
distress. But this could not happen now. We
could draw upon Russia, India, Egypt and all
other wheat-producing countries. Steam has
made famine practically impossible in any part
of the civilized world. It could not happen
without a total failure everywhere."
"What Is the outlook for thegrowing crop of
"It Is too early to say much about It There
has been very little snow so far in any part of
tho conntry, but this Is offset by the mild
weather that has generally prevailed, which
has kept wheat from freezing. Reports so far
as received shows that it stands well.and prom
ises at least an average crop. Later on condi
tions may change for better or worse; but I can
see nothing in the situation to cause alarm."
Several grain commission men were ap
proached on the same subject. They had beard
nothing of the Baltimore story, and thought it
was on a par with Gulliver's travels, Sinbad
the Sailor and other similar creations of the
It Knocks the Life Out of the Stock
Stock dealings yesterday were without note
worthy feature, the total sales for the day
amounting to only 64 shares. Prices, as a gen
eral thing, were a little offish in the morning,
but a trifle stronger in the afternoon especially
Traction and La Nona. Philadelphia Gas was
fractionally weaker. There was a scramble for
bank stocks, but tho offerings were few and far
between. Bids and offers comprised:
Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
: 16S
50 .... 4S
5IK 56 ....
S3 39 38 38
28J 28j 28'( iSH
77 78fe 77 79
48,S 49s 43 50
57 ....
IS 2
.... 1
33 38f 37tf 3..4
1'is 1S; .... 19
Commercial Nat. Bank
Exchange Nat. Bank..
First Ant. Bank I'ltts'g
Fourth Nut. Bank.....
1 ld.Title & Trust Co...
Iron City N ational
Iron A Glass Uol. bav.
Keystone Bank
Metropolitan at. Bnk
Odd Fellows' SaTines.
K. E. S. Bank, Llm....
German National......
K. E. L. &T. Co
becond Nat.Bk. All'y.
Brldgewater Gas
Chanters Valley Gas..
fhlladelohla Co
Wheeling Gas Co
Citizens' Traction
l'ittsburif Traction
Northside Bridjjc Co..
l'.V.ACK. E. pref ...
La3orla 31. Co
MlrertoiiM. Co
West'bouse Elcc
Union Switch hlgnal.
At the morning call there were sales of 50
shares of Philadelphia Gas, at 39; 2 shares
Electric at 39, and 10 Wheeling Ga. at 2S.
The afternoon dealings were limited to 2
shares of Electric, at 38.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 255,622 shares, including: Atchison,
16,360; Canada Southern, 8.305; Delaware. Lack
awanna and Western, 14.440; Erie. 9,190: Lake
Shore, 5,460; Michigan Central, 7,315: Missouri
Pacific, 6,425; Northwestern, 9,315; Northern
Pacific preferred, 3.200; Oregon Transcon
tinental, 3,500; Reading, 16,900; Richmond and
West Point. 11,630; St. Paul. 17,527; Texas, 4,270;
Union Pacific, 4,9o0; Western Union, 18,481.
Accumulation of Checks Swells
Clenring House Report.
The banks received considerable additions to
their surplus cash yesterday from deposits," but
checking was light. The accumulation of
checks since Saturday noon augmented the
clearing house business to almost twice its
norma proportions, the exchanges being
$2,422,552 40 and the balances $365,220 67. These
figures represent the results of legitimate oper
ations in tbe various industries of the city and
vicinity, the specnlative element embodied in
them being scarcely worth mentioning. Rates
were steady at former quotations, with occa
sional recessions. A Wood street bank 10 ane d
S25.000 at 5 per cent on gilt-edged collateral.
Money oqjcall at New York yesterday was
easy at 2 to 5 per cent; lastloan 3; closed offered
at a Prime mercantile paper. 46 per cent.
Sterling exchange dull, but steady at SI 86 for
60 day bills and H S8 for demand.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
The Dispatch by Robinson Bros., Wood
street Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
U. S. 4Ks. 1891, rep. 1W108
U. S. 4(45. 1891, coupt 109J
U. b.4s, 1907. rCK ISffin
U. &. 4s. 1907. coups 127)4(31128
Currency, 6pcrcent. 1895 reg 120 bid
Currency, 6 per cent. 1896 re. .....122 bid
Currency, 6 per cent, 1887 reg 125 bid
Currency, 6 per cent, 1893 reg 123 bid
Currency, 6percent, 1899 rcjr 131 bid
bales at dote of 9,000 4 per cent coup, at 10924".
New Yobe Clearings, $79,375,797; balances,
Boston Clearings, $17,797,668; balances,
$2,000,939. Money IK to 2 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $11,92097; bal
ances, $1,634,518.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,627,807; balances,
Chicago Money oasy and unchanged. Bank
clearings, 810,847,000.
St. Louis Clearings, $3,219,576; balances,
Brush Creek a Disappointment Salt Water
In tbe Lima Wells.
Yesterday was interesting on the Petroleum
Exchange for its dullness. There was a bull
ih feeling before the opening, caused by the
Brush creek wells showing a smaller output
than had been expected, and by a report of a
large percentage of salt water in the Lima
wells, but this stimulant was soon exhausted.
The initial figures were 86, -around which there
was some covering and a little buying. This
show of business inspired more confidence,
and tho price advanced to 86c, the highest of
the day.
A few gales were made at this Juncture, bnt
as there was nothing to sustain the market it
soon began to descend, finally closing steady
at o6c 2-io better than tbe opening, with sales
and bids. Nearly every operator had a theory
to account for the dullness, but a veteran cf
the ring hit the nail squarely on the head when
he said: "There is no market because there
are no orders."
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 85c; calls,
Ine rollowing taoie, corrected Dy Uc Witt DH
worth. broker in petroleum, etc. corner liftn
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc :
Time. Bid. Ask. .Time Bid. Ask.
Opened M Ss I2t45r. X.... 88 881
10:15A. it.... 8 6K 1.-00P.-K... 86 86H
10:3OA. M.... 88 S6H 1:15 r. M.... 86 86
10:45a. M.... 8S 86 l:S0p. M.... 80 86)i
U.-0OA. It.... 88 S64 l:P. Jf.... 88 86Ji
11:15A. M.... S8 SSJi l.-OOP. M.... 88 M!
11:30A. M.... 88' 66V4 IU5P. M.... 86 8o)i
11:45A. M.... 86) 8 :30r. M.... 88 S6!j
12:00 jf SH 86X 2:45 P. M.. 86 8SH
12:15 p, M.... 88 83 Closed mii ....
12:30 P. M.... 86 SCi-il
Opened. 86c; highest. $6,Hc: lowest. 85c;
closed, 8c
Clearances , - .... 594,000
New York closed at SGe.
uu uty closed ai s.
Bradford closed at Stjkc
Hew Tone, relined. 1c.
London, refined. 6l.
Antwerp, refined, 17C
Field News.
Clerac No 2, Brush Creek, came in since Sat
urday evening at a 25-barrel rate. It was shot
yesterday morning and temporarily improved.
Jennings No. 4, Banerline, was completed Sat
urday evening and is good for 25 to 35 natural.
It will be shot light to-day.
These wells were expected large from sur
roundings. It looks as if the prolific streak
there runs northwest and southeast. Jennings
3, same farm, northeast of 4, is making 4 bar
rels per hour.
Other OH Markets.
On, City. February 4. Opened, 86c; high
est, 86c; lowest, 85c; closed, 86Kc
Bradford, February 4. Opened, 85c; high
est, b6Kc; lowest. 85c: closed, 86Kc
TrrtJSVTLLE. February 4. Opened, 85c;
highest, S6c: lowest, 85c; closed, 86c
New Yoke, February 4. Petroleum opened
strong at 86c, but after the first sales the
market became very dull, and fluctuations
were confined within a range of Jo all day.
The transactions wore very small and the close
was dull at 8Sc Sales, 451,000 barrels.
A Real Estate Sinn Who Thinks Pittsburg
People Would Like Them.
Pittsburg is falling in line with the Eastern
idea of apartment honses.orflats. It has several
influential advocates among local leal estate
dealers. Said one of these yesterday after
noon: "I think flats are really necessary here.
Many business men who do not own houses of
their own would like to live reasonably close to
their offices or stores. This they cannot do at
present, owing to the impossibility of obtain
ing suitable apartments for their families. The
erection of flats would obviate this difficulty.
Besides, the high prices asked for ground
will soon make them indispensable. It is cheap
er to build in the air than to spread ont on the
ground at $500 or $600 a front foot. I know of a
gentleman who is talking of trying tho experi
ment near Second Avenue Park."
"Are they safer"
"Perfectly so. I have not heard of any of
them falling down or burning up in the East.
They can be put up as securely as other houses.
And then, with all the modern improvements.
They are very comfortable and convenient. I
think our people would like them."
Far OfTTacoma Leaving Pittsburg Behind
In the Race.
Pittsburg real estate men who are engineer
ing the Exchange movement will have to stir
their stumps or they will be distanced in the
race by less important communities. A letter
was received yesteraayby aFourthavenue gen
tleman from Tacoma, Wash. T.. containing the
Intelligence that that bustling little city was
about to organize a Real Estate Exchange, the
dealings being so large that they could not be
satisfactorily handled any other way.
This is progress in the right direction, and
tbe fact should stimulate Pittsburg real estate
dealers to put themselves abreast of the most
advanced movements of the day in regard to
the systematic and expeditious transaction of
business. The reputation of the city demands
this much at their hands.
Real Estate Allowed to Tako a Temporary
Rest Few Sales.
There was nothing specially significant in
real estate operations yesterday. There were
more renters abroad than buyers.
Samuel W. Black 4 Co., No. 99 Fourth ave
nue, sold for $3,000 for J. P. Bailey, a lot 38x142
on the northwest corner of Craig and Bayard
streets, in the Fnlton place plan of lots, Four
teenth ward. The purchaser will erect a hand
some brick residence at once.
Black &. Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for
John H. Hammer a new three-story pressed
brick dwelling on Union avenue, Allegheny
City, heme a lease-hold property, with lot 33x80
feet, for $8,000 cash.
A Reactionary Movement Canscs the Entire
List to Weaken Coalers and
Grangers Lead tho Decline
A Rnly and Recovery.
New Yoke. February 4. The stock market
to-day was reactionary, and while the amount
of business done shows a marked falling off
from the average of the last few days of last
week, the course of prices except in the Van
derbilts and specialties was downward almost
throughout the day, although the impression
made upon prices was generally slight. London
came lower this morning, and there was after
ward considerable selling for that center which
encouraged the continuance of the liquidation
In progress on Saturday, and in some directions
it became quite pronounced. The traders were
also at work to bring about a reaction,
although the general temper of the room was
still bullish.
The news of the day, however, was not of an
encouraging nature, and the selling of the
Grangers and the Coal stocks was helped along
by the recent decision of Judge Brewer, which
was looked upon as likely to delay if not se
riously impede the formation of the Inter-State
Association, and the attention of the street was
drawn more to the immediate and probable
future effects of tbe accumulation of coal, both
at tidewater points and those of the interior to
which it has been shinped. Under these con
ditions the Grangers and Coalers were the
leaders of the decline which ensued, although
outside of Burlington, Rock Island and San
Francisco preferred there was no great im
pression made upon them.
First prices were generally slightly higher,
but quite irregular, and the market remained
fairly steady for a short time, but soon derel
oned weakness, and under great activity prices
yielded all over the list, while the fluctuations
were confined generally to the smallest frac
tions. Bier Four was prominent for strength.
as were also the Vandorbilts, but the Grangers
were weak, and Burlington dropped over a
point. There was a slight rally toward noon,
but the market became quiet, and during the
afternoon at times positively dull, while the
general list continued to yield slowly, with no
marked movement anywhere in the list except
those in Pullman and the Vanderbilts. A
more pronounced upward movement occurred
in the last hour, and tbe market closed quiet,
but comparatively firm, at something better
than the lowest figures.
The sluggish tone of the stock market ex
tended, to an extent, to the trading in railroad
bonds, and the market to-day was less active,
the sales reaching only $1807.000, and the tone
was not so strong as usual of late, in several of
tho leading issues, among which the Readings
were most nrominent and received t.ii.v
Most of the list, however, still continued on the
npward march, and tho final changes show a
large majority of marked advances. The
Chesapeake and Ohio 4s certificates con
tributed $232,000, and the Reading 4s 5120,000 to
the day's total.
The following table shows tho prices of active
stocks on tho New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue-
ypen- High- tow-
iug. MM
Am. Cotton Oil 5iy$
Atch.. Top. & a. F.. 53
Canada Southern 54
Central of cw Jersey. 85
Central faclflc.
C. Bur. & Quincy..., I10H
C, Mil. & St. Paul... tiH
C, Mll.&bt. P.. pf....l(BJi
C KockL&P 100X
a, St. L. & Pitts 18
c st. l. & pins. pf.. sua
C, St. P., M. & 0 33M
a, bt. p..m. &o., pr. ....
C. & Northwestern.... USX
C.& Northwestern, pf. ....
0. C. C. &I 65J
Col., Coal A Iron 32j
001. & Hocking Val .. 27
Del., L. &W MIX
Del. & Hudson 137
Denver A Rio U., pr.. ......
E. T., Va. AUa......... 9
E. T.,Va. A Oa.. 1st pf 69
E. T Va. A Ga. 2d pf. 23Jf
Illinois Central. .......115
Lake Erie A Western.. I7K
Lake Erie A West. pr.. S5W
Lake Shore A M. 8 104
Louisville A Nashville. 50K
Michigan Central 90
Mobile A Ohio 9
Mo., K. ATexas 13!
uiMourtPiciac nn
108X 107!
67Ji 6-H
Kit S5U
23 !
1M H
New York Central.. ...110M
H. V.. L. E. & W 29j
N. Y L. E. & W.pref 67K
N. Y., C. &bt. L 19
N. Y., C. & St. L. pr.. 77
N.Y., C. &St.L.2dpf ....
JJ. YN. E 47)
N. Y., O. & W 18
Norfolk & Western.... 17K
Norfolk Western, pf 52J
Northern Pacific 26X
Northern Pacific pref. 6I
Ohlo& Mississippi 23
Oregon Improvement. 71X
Oregon Transcon 31K
PaciflcMall Z1H
Feo. Dec. & Evans
Pblladel. & Beading.. 49
Pullmaa Palace Car...l98
Blchmond & W. P. T.. 25
Kichmond & W.P.T.pf 81
bt. Panl& Duluthpf.
gt. 1., Sunn. Man
gt.L. &san Fran 26
St. L. & San Fran pf.. 64
8t. L. & ban F.lst pf.
Texas Pacific 22
CnlonPaclflc 64J?
Vabash 14
"abash preferred 27
"estern Dnion 86
V heeling- L. E 67?
K 29, 29K
67 67H 67
MS Wi i0'4
77 75 75
, 43)4
A 4bX 45H
1H 83i 'S3
W 17 V'A
52J, 52 52
26H 2S& 26
6iM eoh 60
23 23 2ZU
71K TUTS 70)4-
31l ' SIX SIS
S7M S7 S7K
49 48 48)
198 m 195)4
26 25ft 25)j
81 S0)i 80
28 26 23X
MM 63S 03 H
221 UK 21
64X 54). 64)4
14 14 Wh
27 26V 26)4
MH 63,'i 86W
677a 67 67
Killed by the Exceedingly Low Wages of
the German Operatives.
Erom the North British Mail.
It is only fair to say that the difficulties en
countered by manufacturers have been mainly
due to the terrible competition both abroad
and on the Paris market, fnr which German
industry is responsible. German operatives
working on novelties are satisfied with wages
unparalleled in the annals of trade.
Among the operatives in Saxony weekly
wages have fallen in a most marvelous manner
indeed, it appears that while the better-class
operatives in the mills are obtaining 10 francs
per week for their labor, others devoted to the
less skillful operations are actually not receiv
ing more than about 5 francs per week. It is
almost impossible to conceive that this state of
things can get any worse. In the face of labor
wages like these, competition is an impossi
bility. New Iron mines In Spain.
Wo learn from a resident in Bilboa, says the
Glasgow Mall, that the exportation of iron ore
from that port amounted in 1888 to about 3.500,
000 tons, as against rather more than 4,000,000 m
1887. The most important outlet last year was
Great Britain, which received 69.1 per cent of
the total shipments: while Holland is debited
with 17.9, Belgium with 2.9, France with 9.7, and
the United States with 0.4 per cent. It isstated
that the Bilboa mines will have shortly to com
pete with still richer iron mines that have been
discovered in other parts of Spain, and have
the advantage of containing a considerable
percentage of manganese.
A New Rnilvrny In Uruguay.
"We understand, says the North JBritish Mail,
that a powerful syndicate has proposed to the
Uruguay Government to construct a railway
from Colonia to Bage, on the Brazilian frontier.
The contractors engage, moreover, to estab
lish agricultural stations along tbe line, and re
quire a 6 per cent guarantee on the working
capital, the cost of the lioe being estimated at
5,000 per kilometer. It is stated that the De
partment of Public Works, to which the pro
iect has been submitted, is inclined to favor it,
iut wishes to alter the tracing of the line from
the hill country to the plains.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur-
brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue.
msnea dj n miner a siepnenson,
Members New
York Stock Ex-
24 9-18
Pennsylvania Kallroad bii
Reading Railroad U
BuHalo, Pittsburg and Western 12Stf
Lehigh Valley..." S4
Lehigh Navigation 51??
Allegheny Valley bonds MX
Northern Pacific....,, 2SX
Northern Pacific preferred 60jJ
Boston Stocks,
Atch. 4Toc..lst7s. 114)4
A. Jb T. Land Br' 1 7s. 112
Atch. 4. Top. K. K... 52J4
Old Colony. 17051
Rutland preferred.. 38
Wls.Central.com... 16
AIlouezM'gCo.(new 3Ji
Calumet & Hecla....280
Catalna 17
Franklin 15
Huron 5
Osceola 17
Quincy 70
Bell 'telephone 210
Boston Land 7H
Haier Power 8K
.ousiuu z Aioany...m
C. 13. &Q 109
Clnn. Ban. A Cleve. 25K
Eastern R. K 91
Flint rereM 30
FllntAPereM. nrd. 97
Little K. & Ft. H. 7S.106M
Mexican Cen. coin.. MK
M. c. IstMort. bds. 70)i
. Y. ffiftewCng. .. 46H
N.Y.Newng 75.126
Tamirlsh 150
San Diego 22i
Hints to mineral Water manufacturers.
A correspondent of an English paper, writing
from Rome says that when sending mineral
water to Italy exporters should bo careful to
put it in ordinary claret bottles containing
rather less than one litre, as in this case the
duty will only be 3 instead of 8 per cent.
Empty bottles of this description can, more
over, be sold by the importer, while all other
kinds are unsaleable.
Minlne Stocks.
NEW York. February 4. Mining stocks
closed: Bodie, 170: Caledonia 250; Consolidated
California and Virginia, 837; Commonwealtb,
650; Deadwood 150: Eureka, 150: El Cristo,
160; Homestake, 1275; Iron Silver, 315; Mutual,
140; Ophir, 525; Plymouth. 850: Standard, 150;
Silver King. 110; Small Hopes, 100; Union Con
solidated, 310.
Business Notes.
Ex-Mayor Weaver was able to be at his
office yesterday. He had a slight congestive
chill on Saturday.
There is talk of erecting a hotel on Oak
alley and Seventh avenue. New York capital
ists are at the bottom of the scheme.
TnE project for a penny savings fund in
Pittsburg, advocated in The Dispatch a few
days ago, will probably materialize in the near
future. R. H. Smith has the matter in hand.
The project for a bridge from McKeesport
to Duquesne has taken shape even sooner than
was expected. Yesterday notice was given by
Messrs. T. L. White, H. H. Swaney, W.J.
Denny and others that application will be
maae lor a charter.
It is estimated that the number of female
workers in the United StateB reaches the re
spectable total of 3,000,000. Of these 000,000 are
engaged in agricultural pursuits, namely, in
the cultivation of cotton; 640,000 are employed
in factories, 530.000 are laundresses, 2S0,000 mil
liners, 60.000 seamstresses, and 690,000 are en
gaged as dealers, teachers and telegraph
clerks. To this may be added 250who are prac
ticing as members of the medical profession.
Shot In the Loc
Albert and Powell Doro, two boys, went
to Bachner's butcher shop, Centeravenue, to
shoot rats. The rifle was accidentally dis
charged, and the ball lodged in Powell's
right leg above the knee.
Cor, Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week In
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
ure; lnteni Itching
and tl ii sins i most at
night I worse br
Acrstchlnr. If at
lowed to continue
ITCHING PILES.ffiSrtas'ffislls
becoming Terr or& SWAYNE'S jOI.NT
MENT ton the Itching and bleeding, heal
Hlcerntlan.ftndln moit eaiet remoTei the to
mora. Swayve'i Oihtmkkt U f old bj druggist, or mailed to
mj iddreH oa receipt of price, 60 cti. a box ; S boxes, tlJli,
Address letter!. DR. SWATME SOS, FMladelpaia, Fa.
Toronto, Ont.
Burdock Blood Bit
ters cured me of oft
recurring Sick Head
ache, from which I
have suffered for years,
often rendering labor
C. Blackett Robinson,
Publisher "Canada Presbyterian."
I thank you for the great good BURDOCK
BLOOD BITTERS have done me. I was long
subject to very severe Sick Headache. By
using two bottles I was permanently cured. .
5, 1889.
Monday's Customary Quiet Reported
by 'Produce Dealers. -
Situation of Grain and Haj Continues in
Buyers' Favor.
office of PrrrsBUEO Dispatch, I
Monday, February 4, 18S9. J
Conntry Produce, Jobbing Prices.
Monday Is tbe slow day of the week always In
conntry produce lines. To-day is no exception
tothernle. The commission man who talks
cheerfully of the situation has not been around
for the past month. Firms that come out even
since tbe holidays are in tbe minority, accord
ing to the testimony all along the line. Demand
for bntter, eggs and cheese has improved the
past week. Foreign and domestic fruits and
vegetables go slow. The feeling is strong and
general among commission merchants' that
bottom has been reached, and that trade is sure
to show more activity within a few days.
Beans Navy from store, prime hand picked,
J2 002 10 per bushel; medium, 2 00; Ohio and
Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, $2 00
2 10; imported do, $1 902 00: Lima, 6cper ft;
marrowfat, S2 752 SO per bushel
BUTTER Creamery, Elgin, 2931c; Ohio do,
2527c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c: country
rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 2U
Beeswax 2325c per ft for choice; low
grade, 1618c
Cidek Sand refined, S6 507 50, common,
S3 504J4 00; crab cider, fS 008 50 f) barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c $ gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c;
New York, fall make, 1213c; Limbnrger,
HJ12Jc: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Kc
Dries Feas 51 45S1 50 fl bushel; split do,
2K3c p a.
Eggs 1516c fl dozen for strictly fresh.
Fbutts Apples, SI 00 to Jl 50 f) barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c $1 ft; cranoerries, S3 00
$ barrel: 2 4002 60 f) bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots. 3035c Sjfl ft.
HOMKfY S3303 40 barrel.
Homey New Crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 3540o 53 bushel; J2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; 3 2o3 50 for Jer
sey sweets.
PorLTKY Live chickens, 6575c pair;
dressed chickens, 1315c pound; tnrkevs, 13
15c dressed f pound; ducks, live, 8085c W
pair; dressed, 1314c jR pound; geese, ,10
lie $ ponnd.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis to bnshel, J6 per
bnshel; clover, large English, 62 Its, 6 25;
clover, AlsIke,$S 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 4o fts, SI 85: bine grass, extra clean.
14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20;
orchard grass, 14 fts, S3 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00;
millet, 60 fts, SI 25; German millet, 50 fts, S2 00;
Hungarian grass, 43 fts, S2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tbopicai. Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00
4 00 box; common lemons, S2 75 V
box; Messina oranges. 52 603 50 J) box;
Florida oranges, S3 00S53 50 box: Jamaica
oranges fancy, $6 607 00 53 barrel; Malaga
grapes. $5 607 00 fl keg: bananas, S2 oO
firsts, 31 502 00; good seconds 53 bunch; cocoa
nuts, $4 004 60 ft hundred; new figs, 1214c 53
pound; dates, 56c 53 pound.
Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches;
cabbages, S3 004 00 "f 100; onions, 50c 53 bushel:
Spanlsb onions, 7590c 5f crate; turnips, 30
jjiuc f Dusnei.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 20K21Ke;
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio,
17lSXc; old Government Java, 26JC; Mara
caibo, 21K22c: Mocba. 3031c; Santos, 1S
22c: Caracas coffee, 1921c; peaberry, Rio, 0
21ic; Laguayra, 20K21Kc
ROASTED(in papers Standard brands,22c;
high grades, 242fiKc; old Government Java,
bulk, 3132c; Maracaibo, 2627c; Santos. 21K
22jC: peaberry, 25c; choice Rio, 24c; prime
Rto, 21c: good Rio. 21c: ordinary, 20c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 212oc; allspice, c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c
1 vtroleuji (jobbers' prices) 110test, TJc;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc: headlight, 150, 9c: water white.
Wc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; camadine, llc;
royaline, lie ""
Syrups Com syrups, 2325c: choice sugar
syrup, 3536e; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prune, 3335c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 48c: choice, 45c;
mixed. 4042c; new crop, 43o0c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3j4cj bi-carb In Js.
5c: bi-carb, assorted packages, o6c;salsoaa
in kegs, lc; do gtannlated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9Jc; stearine,
per set, 8Jc; paraffine, HK12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 7Jic; choice, 6
7c; prime. 56Kc; Louisiana, 06ic
hTABCH Pearl, 2c;c6rnstarch,7c:glo3s
starch. 63i7c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels,
S2 35: Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia.
77Kc; sultana, 7&c; currants, new, 1
oc; Turkey prunes, new, 4KlKc; French
prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft pack
ages, 8c: cocoannts, per 100, SO 00; almonds,
Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c;
walnuts, nap., 12U15c: Sicily filberts. 12c:
Smyrna Lgs, I2y ibc: new dates, o6c; Brazil
nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c: citron, per ft, 2122c;
lemon peel per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Anples, sliced, per ft, 8c; ap
ples, evaporated, 67Kc; apricots, California,
evaporated, 1518c;peaches,evaporated, pared,
2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1213Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, nnpitted, 66c; raspberries, evap
orated. 2424c; blackberries, 7J8c; huckle
berries, 1012c
StfQABS Cubes, 7JJc; podered, 7Jc; granu
lated, 7ic: confectioners' A, 7c: standard A,
7c:softwnites,66 r;yellow,choice, 66Kc;
yellow, good, Kj46,t; yellow, fair, 6c; yel
low. uarK. ojjc
Pickles Medium , bds (1,200), SI 75; me
diums, half bbls (600), S2 85.
Salt No. 1 53 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, $1 05;
dairy, 53 bbl. SI 20: coarse crvstal, f? bbl, SI 20;
Higgin's Eureka. 4 bu sack. $2 80; Higgin's
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods standard Peaches. SI 50
1 60; 2ds, SI 301 35; extra peaches, SI 351 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, Jl 30P1 50: Hfd.
Co. cori.. WS90c; red cherries, 90cSl 00; lima
beans, $1 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7585c:
marrowfat peas, $1 KK51 15; soaked peas. 70
75c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 95c; green gages, SI 25: egg
plums, S2 00; California pears, S2 60; do green
gages, S2 00; do egg plums. S2 00; extra white
cnernes, &; w: rea cnerries, z as, wc: raspner
ries, SI 151 40; strawberries, SI 10; gooseber
ries. $1 201 30: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1
ft, SI 752 10: blackberries, 80c; succotasb, 2-ft
cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, SI 251 SO;
corn beef, 2-fi can, SI 75; 14-fi cans, S13 50:
baked beans. SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft. SI 75
1 80: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines,
domestic, , $4 254 60; sardines, domestic
K. $8 25S 50; sardines, imported.-Ks, $11 50
12 50; sardines, imported, sr& 00: sardines,
mnstard, S4 00; sardines, spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. S36 53
bbl; extra No. 1 do, messed, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed.
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
Pollock, 4c 53 ft; do medium George's cod, 6c;
do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's c d in blocks, 6X7Kc Herring
Round shore. So 50 53 bbl; split. S7; lake. S3 -25
fl 100-ft half bbl. White fish, $7 100-B half
bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 f) half bbl. Finnan
hadders, 10c 53 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c 53 ft.
Buckwheat Flouk 2Ji2c per pound.
Minebs' Oil No 1 winter strained,
53 gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change were 52 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne
and Chicago, 9 cars of hay, 7 of flour, 1 of
wheat,l of malt.l of oats,l of feed. By Pittsburg,
Cincinnati and St. Louis, 6 cars of hay, 7 of oats,
5 of corn, 1 of middlings, 1 of wheat, 1 of screen
ings, 1 of flonr. By Baltimore and Ohio, 4 cars
of hay, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie,
2 cars of hay, 2 nf flour, 1 of corn. Sales on call,
1 car of w. middlings, sample, 17c, track: 1 car
w oats, 31e, track. It is too early in the week
for any changes in the markets. Buyers appear
to regara me situation as in tneir iavor. Hold
ers are unwilling to make concessions, and so
trade remains quiet.
WHEAT-Jobbing prices No. 2 red, $1 04
1 05 No. 3 red, 90Q05c
Corn No.2vellow, ear, 39B40c;high mixed,
ear. 3SJ30c;No.l clIow, shelled, 3839e: high
mixed, bhelled,38g37c: mixed, shelled. 3536c
Oats No. 2 white, 3333Kc: extra No. 3,
3233Jic;No. 3 white, 3131c; No. 2 mixed,
Rye No. 1 rye, 5556c; No. 2, E052c; No. 1
Western, 52053c
Barley No. 1 Canada, 90a5c: No. 2
Canada, 8385c; No. 3 Canada, 7880c; No. 2
Western, 7578c: No. 3 Western, 6570c: Lake
Shore. 7o80c
Flour Jobbing brlces. winter patents, 86 50
6 75; spring patents, $8 75i7 00: fancy straight,
winter and spring. So 750 00; clear winter
$5 505 75; stnght XXXX bakers', $5 25qp 50.
Rye flour. $3 75.
CobnmeaIi In paper, 6070c
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $20 50
21 00 53 ton; brown middlings, $17 5018 00:
winter wheat bran. $15 501S 00: chop feed
$15 00018 00. '
HAY-Baled timothy, choice. $15 60316 00;
No. 1 do, $15 0015 25; No, 2 do, 912 0013 00;
loose from wagon, S23 0026 00: No. 1 upland
prairie. $10 0010 50; No. 2, S3 009 60; packing
do. S5 005 50.
Straw Oats. J8 00S 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 007 25.
. Price of lard has been reduced Jc on all pack
ages. Large hams. 18 fts and upward, lOKc; me
dium hams, 14 to-18 fts', lie; small hams, 14 fts
and under, lljc; picnic orCallfornla hams, 8c:
boneless (in skins),' HKc: sugar-cured shoul
ders, 8Kc: bacon. Sc: dry salt, 9c; breakfast
bacon, 10c; rouletts (boneless s. c shoulders),
10c; regular smoked sides, 9c; bellies,
smoked sides, 9c; regular dry salt sides, 8c;
bellies, dry salt sides, 6c; dried beef, sets 3
pieces, 10c; dried beef, fiats. 8c; dried beef,
rounds, lie' dried beef, knuckles, lie; pork,
mess, $16 60; pork, family, S17 00; pig pork, half
barrels, $9 00; .long sausage. 5c Lard
Tierces. 325 fts. 7c 5a ft; naif barrels, 120 fts,
7Kc 53 ftr tubs, wooden. 60 fts. 7e 53 ft; buck
ets, wooden, 20 fts, 7Kc 53 ft; 3-ft tin palls, 60 fts,
7o 53 ft; 5-ft tin pails. 60 fts, SJc fl ft; 10-ft tin
Sails, 60 fts. 7c ft ft; 20-ft tin pails, SO fts, 8c;
Mh tin pails, 100 fts, 7c fl ft.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts. 5
6Kc: 600 to 650 fts, 66Kc: 700 to 750 fts, 77Kc
Sheep, 7c 53 ft. Lambs, 8c 53 ft.
Has the City's Officer a Right to Collect
His Official Fees? A Larffe Principle
City Attorney 3Ioreland yesterday filed a
motion in behalf of the city in tbe case of
the city and Vincent Stevens, city ganger,
vs the Globe Refining Company. The suit
is in court in the shape of an appeal on tho part
of the defendant from the judgment given by
Alderman Gripp in favor of the city. It is a
test case to decide the authority of- the ganger
to gauge and collect his fees foroilshipped from
tho refineries of Pittsburg to other places.
Heretofore it has been the practice to gange
only the oil sold to parties in Pittsburg. City
Ganger Stevens, however, took the ground that
the law held that ail oil, gasoline, etc, manu
factured, refined, sold or offered for sale in the
in the city should be gauged. Inconsequence
he decided to gange oil shipped from the city,
and made a test case on a shipment made by
the Globe Refining Company, by snlng to re
cover the penalty for selling or offering for
sale without having first had the stuff gauged.
Theshipmentconsistedof 160 barrels of oil,
60 barrels of rasoline and 3 tanks of oil. and at
the penalty of $1 for each barrel and tank, judg
ment was given m favor 01 tbe city lor
An Almost Unprecedented Situation for
Criminal Court Jurors.
Anybody at all familiar with the workings of
the late somewhat famous grand jury knows
that it was the policy of that body to indict no
body against whom there was not. in its judg
ment, proof enough for a conviction on the
spot. Of course that fact did not necessarily
render every Indicted man guilty by any means,
for the same principle a man to be regarded
as innocent until proven guilty prevails in in
dicted men's cases as in preliminary proceed
ings. But the fact related above certainly is
an interesting one, if considered in connection
with the other fact that, of tbe seven men who
went to the bar of Criminal Court justice yes
terday, six were acquitted, and the seventh
may be, as he is yet on trial.
J. Van TJllam was found not guilty of assault
and battery on J. F. Gorman.
John Cornyn was acquitted of assault and
battery on Patrick Connors.
xnomas. Salmon was round not guilty of
the larceny of some household goods from Jen
nie New, of Braddock.
Edward Bartlett, of Wylie avenue, was ac
quitted of maintaining a nuisance in the shape
of a ferocious dog.
James Burns was also acquitted on the same
Annie "Weigert was acquitted on a charge of
assault and battery.
James Moreland, of McKeesport, is on trial
for maintaining a nuisance. He is charged
with hauling a dead horse to the farm of Will
iam Calson and leaving It there
Evidence That the Late William Bnrko Was
a Clenr-DIinded Man.
The contest of the will of "William Burke was
continued yesterday in the Orphans' Court be
fore Judge Over. All the testimony taken was
in support of the will, which leaves
the entire estate to Burke's son, "William
Burke. James McAfee, Mrs. Hnntzinger and
John S. Lambie, Esq., a subscribing witness,
testified that Burke was of sound mind and in
telligent, though somewhat feeble in body on
account of his age.
Attorney Penny, Mr. Burke's lawyer In the
lunacy proceedings which had been brought
against him by his children, testifled-that be
was then of sound mind and a clear-headed
George Elphinstone, Esq., testified that he
had known Mr. Burke, and that he regarded
him as a remarkably clear-minded man.
The case was. continued until this morning to
take the testimony of Major A. M. Brown, the
scrivener of the will, and a couple of other wit
nesses. WITH $100,000 CAPITAL.
The Incorporation of the Hotel Dnqnesno
Compnny at ILast.
The charter of incorporation of the Hotel
Duquesne Company was filed in the Recorder's
office yesterday. The capital stock of tbe Com
pany is $100,000, divided into 1,000 shares at $100
a share. The stockholders are James P.
"WItherow, 374 shares: William Witherow, 375
shares; Thomas Deegan, 123 shares; Charles
Weingartner. 123shares,and Joseph Ii. Hunter,
1 share. Ten per cent of the capital stock has
been paid over to the Treasurer, Mr. Hunter.
To-Dny's Trial Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1 Furrell vs Johnston;
Melhorn. for use, vs Heinrich: Butler et al vs
Bndgewater Natural Gas Company: Gillies &
Co. vs Kelly: Bailey vs Carnegie. Phipps & Co.:
"Wilson Snyder Manufacturing Company vs
Stranb et al, two cases; Baden Gas Company vs
Ohio Valley Gas Company; NapoIItan vs Mala
testa; Myers, administrator, vs Smith A Co.;
Park and Orton vs Allegheny county; King vs
Common Pleas No. 2 Corcoran vs Chess,
Cook & Co.; Mason vs Elk; Grantz vs Price
et al.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs W. F.
Spade, George H. Havens, James Hartzell, A.
W. Gross, Thomas O'Brien. T. C. Harbison,
John Rodgers, Wesley C. Creal, Teresa Lee,
James Flanigan, Catharine Langhlin, Thomas
Harrison (2), John M. Halges, D. C. Tracev. A.
W. McMillenet al (2), Sarah Ddlon, Fred
Young. John Moran, William Alker, Sarah
McDermott, William Tuinny et al; James
Moorland, E. S. Nenlin, John Ready, Margaret
Messmag, Michael Bnrk, Andrew and Mar
garet McCnne. Henry Schlobahm. Charles W.
Roe, James Burns, James Ainsley, John L.
Lang, Thomas Phillips, Richard Ford, Joseph
Vincent, Maurie Ray, P. J. Ulrich, R. P.
Lines From Lesnl Quartern.
B. Frank: Eschelxan was admitted to the
bar yesterday.
The contract for printing Controller Speer's
annual report for 18S8 was let yesterday to W.
P. Bennett at $1 55 per page. Tbe book will
contain about 160 pages.
The Connty Commissioners yesterday beard
appeals from tho assessments in the First,
Fifth and Sixth wards, Allegheny. None were
of particular importance.
TnE suit of Augustus McConnell against
the Citizens' Passenger Railway Company for
injuries received by being accidentally pushed
off a car, is on trial before Judge Ewing.
The suit of Henry Doerr against the Pitts
bnrg and Birmingham Passenger Railway Com-
fiany for damages for injuries received by be
ng struck by a car is on trial before Judge
In the case of Finlay and Christina Johnston,
administrators of Rev. Thomas Johnston,
against Franklin Paff, a suit on a mortgage, a
verdict for the plaintiff was taken by consent
yesteroay tor ioM 02.
In the two suits of Theodore Koernlg, execu
tor of Casper DIttell, against Jacob Schmer
beck, actions on notes, verdicts were rendered
yesterday for the plaintiff for 5368 55 in one
case and 3122 85 in the other.
Elgin Parker yesterday entered suit
against Lindsay & McCutchcon for $2,000 dam
ages. Parker was a carrying boy in the de
fendants' mill and had a finger cut off while
working at a polishing machine.
The case of P. B. Reilly, administrator of
Mary J. Hern, against Annie M. Hern, ex
ecutrix of James K. Hern, Is on trial before
Judge Stowe. The suit is an action in eject
ment to settle a dispute as to the title to some
property on Penn avenue.
In the suit of George Ponndstone against
Philip Hamburger and George W. 'Jones, to
have Hamburger included as a partner In the
firm of George W. Jones, In an action for a bill
tor whisky, a compulsory non-suit was entered
yesterday. A motion was at once made to have
the non-suit taken off.
A second divorce salt has been entered by.
Mrs. Carrie B. Coleman against her husband,
"William H. Coleman. The first suit, which was
for absolute divorce, was withdrawn, and tho.
second one asks that she be divorced from his
"bed and board and allowed alimony for herself ,
and child.) Infidelity is alleged as in the first
Patrick: McCurdy yesterday entered sulS
against the city of Allegheny for $5,000 dam
ages. He claimed that while walking along
Beaver avenue and crossing a side street he
was knocked down by a sled, a number of men
and boys being engaged in coasting on tho
street. He alleged negligence on the part of
the city officials in permitting the coasting oa.
the street.
If it was possible to go through life with
out once taking a cold, manv of the minor,
and not a few of the more serious ills of life)
would be avoided. But since it is idle to
hope for so happy an exemption, it is well
to remember that Dr. Jayne's Expectorant'
is a sure curative for coughs aud colds,
asthma and bronchitis.
Every Pound Warranted Pure.
Russell Uhi&Co.
Wholesale Shippers and Dealers
CREAMERY. It cannot be beaten for quality..
Mail and Wire Orders receive prompt attent
tlon. TELEPHONE No. 15.
No. 158 MAIN ST.,
On mortgages on improved real estate in sums
of $1,000 and npward. Applv at
fel-22-D No. 124 Fourth avenue.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL. . . - . 8200,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest.
sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
Oil bonght and sold on margin. de27-21-Dsu
As old residents know ana back files of Pita,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
gsponsioie persons NQ pr.L7
MCDn1IQand Juen1 diseases, physical
111 LnVUUO decay, nervous debility, lack;
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orv, disordered sight, self-distrust,bashfulnes3,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandulac
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throa
ulcers, old sores, are cured for hf e, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1IDIMARV kidney and bladder derange
U nlnnn I i ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. whittlers life-long, extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as IC
here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 p. Jf. Sunday,
10 A.1C to I P. H. only. DR. WHITTIER, 93)
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. aS)k-5-D3uw
know thyself:
"-i 3C3J-hLPUCgE3 OS
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous
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Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
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from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
FHYSICALDESILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mall or in person, at tbe office of
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orders for books or letters for advice should b
directed as above. j
frafrertagfrom tie ef
fects of joutnroi er
ror. earlr decay. lost
manhood . eta 1 will send a Taioaoie (realize iseaw
concainiiur full particulars for home care, free
1 Talaable treatise (sealed)
ihimr- address.
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn, j
For LOST or falling
AV eAkness of
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velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book.
Mode of SKLF-TkeatmJ2t. and 1'roofs mailed
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Bnffalo, J. Y: deS5-37-TTSAwk
d "?tCIECE of HEALTH." fof
thespeedy cure of Nervous ueDinivostaiannooa,
Despondency, etc A WKoUhislK)ok: will be sent
free7ealed. Address SCIENCE of 1IEAI.TH,
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LostTlgorandMantioodKestored. Pr
matnra Decline and Functional disor
Hers cared uHAotU Stomach Medicines.
Sealed Treatise sent free ca application.
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