THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1889. !je M$mit ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, lSUi Vol. 43, Jio. 3Ct Eutered at t'lttsburj: I'ost oBce, OTcmbcrI4, 1S37, as stcona-ciass matter. Business Office 97 andGO Filth Avenue. News Eooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. This paper having wore than Double the circulation ofnny other in the State outside of Philadelphia, its advantages as an adver tising medium Trl'.l be apparent. TEK31S0F THE DISPATCH. rOSTACE THEE IK THE UX1TEO 6TATES. DAILT Disr-ATCH, One Year. 5 8 00 DAILT DisrATCn, Per Quarter IW Daily DisrATcn. One Mouth '" Daily DisrATCH, Including Sunday, ons year. 1000 Dailt DisrATcn, including fcunday, per quarter 150 Daily Dispatch, Including fcunday. ono month. . SO BLTCDAY Dispatch, cneyear. ISO Weekly Dispatch, one year 13 The Daily Dispatch 1 delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, or lncludlngtlicsuudar edition, at SO cents per week. PITTSBURG. TUESDAY, FEa 5. 1SS9. A TIMELY BECON SIDEEATION. The Prison Inspectors acted wisely yes terday in promptly reconsidering the first purpose of President Kelly to hare the in quiry into the charges against the peniten tiary hospital steward a secret one. There would have been a peculiar unfitness in sit ting with closed doors, because the inspect ors themselves, being charged with the duty of supervising the institution, are in a de gree responsible for its administration. On the other hand, it is the public who support it; and there need be no apprehension that the public are incompetent or unjust in such matters. They understand pretty fully about what degree of weight should be given to this or that testimony. They are not moved by passion or prejudice, and those who manage their trusts, if they really have nothing to fear, will always find it the safest and best course to be per fectly open and frank with the public. As for the charges so far made, or any others that may be brought up, they must now be sifted to the bottom. No two opinions exist as to the course that must be pursued if they are sustained; while if they arc disproved the officials will have suc ceeded in putting a quietus on charges that certainly must have been annoying if not damaging. Now, also, is the time for the Board to hear openly from any other parties with complaints to make. If in open meet ing, under the solemnity of an oath and facing cross-examination, evidence is given of wrongs that should be rectified, it will have a weight which clearly cannot be ac corded to mere rumors. However, this investigation results, whether in establishing or disproving the charges, the proper way in this and in all such cases is to inquire into them fearlessly and above board. The public will make up its judg ment when it hears the testimony. peachment and would deserve to be deposed for usurping a power reserved to the Con gress of the United States." This is intend ed to prove that the Presidentand Secretary of State could do nothing to check the German aggressions. But in that case the President and Secretary Bayard are liable to impeachment, for over two years ago they committed th e Government clearly to the policy of demanding from Germany a pledge against any attempt at annexation. The same principle would have sent Secre tary Seward and the administration of 1665 to an impeachment court, for they very decidedly told France that she must leave the Mexican government alone, and followed the declaration by the movement of troops to the Mexican frontier, winch resulted in the restoration of Juarez. The Fosl-DUpatch's constitutional principle proves too much. trated that Bacon wrote Shakespeare's works, another disputante arises who shows to his own satisfaction that Ben Jonson wrote Bacon. It only remains for someone to per form the easiest task of all, and prove that Shakespeare wrote Ben Jonson's plays, and the circle will be complete. In estimating the stability of the French republic, it is no more than fair to recog nize that France has got through her elec tions without even a riot. Time was when an exciting election in Paris carried with it the probability of a revolution. The fact that an election can now result adversely to the Government without disorder, proves that the French are rapidly learning self-government. THE TOPICAL TALKER. AN OLD HUEND ONCE HOEE. The Central Traffic Association which hag been in a condition of suspended animation for several months is going to be re vived as a part of the general fashion of railway officials of swearing off from the vicious habits of cutting each others throats. This traffic association is an oft-revived organization, its basic princi ple being to fight against the pernicious idea of running each road on the principle of doing business for itself. The Central Traffic idea is that each railroad must bols ter up all its rivals. This looks like a very philanthropic and generous idea; but it wholly fails to include the shipping public in the range of its philanthropy. Unless it succeeds in reducing the enforcement of the Inter-State Commerce law to a dead letter, it will do no special harm. It may repeat its former efforts in the direction of trying to crowd rates up; but if it does it will re peat its old record of flying to pieces again as soon as the advanced rates check business. THEIR FINAL SAY. After wabbling about somewhat ever since the law was passed on the true interpreta tion of the "Wallace act of 1874, ordering city contracts to go to the "lowest responsi ble biddei," the Supreme Court yesterday indicated what we suppose must be taken as its final dictum. It dissolved the prelimin ary injunction of our local Common Pleas against the purchase of the Amoskeag en gines. No opinion was filed, so something is lost to students of judicial construction. But it mav be presumed that the Supreme Court rests upon its early decisions of the Wallace act, that the statute was not meant to shut out the discretion of the city authorities, and that fraud would have to be shown to support an injunction. This was the Court's view in the first cases under the act, though later deliverances seemed to tend otherwise. While a good many readers of the act have always thought that the legislature clearly meant what it said, viz: To exclude the choice and discretion which the Supreme Court allows, most people of practical busi ness experience will agree that if city agents are competent and faithful it is better to have them use their knowledge and discre tion for the city, just as private agents do for their principals. Of course the door is opened to favoritism, but the public must watch for that; and, if the officials abuse their trust, bounce them. That, any how, is now definitely laid down as the law. Perhaps, also, it is the best sense, as certainly the cheapest article is not always what is needed, nor is the lowest bidder necessarily the safest or the most desirable. The decision puts upon the public the duty of observing closely their servants; and, again to these latter it gives not merely discretion in choosing between bidders, but constant accountability to the public for in telligence and honesty in awards. If un just discriminations are made criticisms will be sure to follow. Where awards are open and reasons are expected for any de viation from the lowest-bidder rule, no time need be lost in estimating whether the dis cretion is well or ill used. In view of the fact that Blaine is re ported to stand in the way of John C. New's appointment to the Cabinet, and that New is alleged to be an obstacle to Blaine's entrance, the cynical opposition may sug gest that it will be a hard matter to decide which has the greatest claim on the public gratitude. Fasiiion occasionally gets a violent set back. For example, Miss Maggie Grady, of Springfield, 111., rejoiced in a bang of excessive length till Saturday last. Then while she was at work her bang caught in some shafting, and, in less time than the most adept Indian could have done it, she was scalped. Moral: Keep your bang out of your eyes and out of the shafting. Count Herbert Bismarck demons trates the pure disinterestedness of Ger many in the Samoan matter with the same convincing disregard of the facts that Mr. S. C. T. Dodd uses in showing the philan thropic and beneficial work of the Standard Oil Company. The Harvard College baseball nine has been bereft of its best pitcher by the heartless abtion of the faculty in suspending Mr. Bates. Harvard graduates are conse quently thunderstruck at the reckless dis regard of the real objects of collegiate insti tutions, by permitting such a trivial matter as the rules of that institution to interfere with its baseball supremacy. WHEN THEY AEE WELL OFF. It is generally asserted, and in some cases on what seems to be pretty good authority, that Senator Allison declines a Cabinet position because he prefers to keep himself in the Senate as a factor in future Presi dental contests. It is also alleged that Sen ator Sherman takes a similar view. Where upon the New Xcrk Sun warns them, terse ly but emphatically, that "To be a pro fessional candidate for the Presidency is to throw away all reasonable hope of being elected President" This is true enough; but it does not by any means prove that Allison is not smart, and Sherman also, if he has had the choice, in preferring to stay in the Senate rather than go in the Cabinet Either one of them can exert more power in the Senate than they could in the Cabinet, and in proportion to the worry and friction than they could in the Presidental chair. Sher man was a remarkably successful Cabi net officer, but he holds a stronger position to-day than he did as Secretary of the Treasury, and a far more comfortable one than he would have had if his long cherished ambition had been gratified last year. Allison can hold his Senatorial seat indefinitely. If his Presidental hopes are fulfilled, he will, after a term in the Presi dental chair, be retired from public life. The comfort and power of a really able Senator is enhanced rather than diminished by the large element of the membership who represent big bank accounts and let their money talk for them. It is a good thing for a man to know when he is well off; and, though Senators Allison and Sherman do not seem to be fully posted on that point, they are likely to remain in their very comfortable seats in the Senate, and exert the powerful influence on public affairs which they hold there. SPECIAL PLEAS. Some special pleas on the Samoan ques tion are worth noticing for their apt con cealment of important portions of the truth. Count Herbert Bismarck's extended state ment, addressed especially to the people of the United States, is principally significant as showing the conclusion of the German Government that it cannot fjord to antag onize the United States on the Samoan ques tion. But the plea that the Samoan chiefs are constantly in a state of warfare, and that Germany is only protecting the lives and property of German citizens, carefully blinks the fact that Samoa was at peace, when Germany trumped up a claim against Malictoa, declared war upon and deposed him, and plunged the island into war anew, by setting up a puppet of the German repre sentatives. Another special plea is offered in behalf of the administration by the St Louis Post-Dispalch. That generally wide awake paper bays: "Any' President who, without authority from Congress, commits our Government to the policy of supporting any foreign prince or Government on other than American J soil, against enemies do mestic or foreigs, would be liable to in A HEROIC DOSE "A Family Doctor" sends to the London Globe a prescription for curing burglars of their nocturnal habits which he thinks will prove a specific. The ordinary dose of a re volver bullet, he regards as too much in the homeopathic line, and his treatment is based decidedly on the kill and cure principle. "I would recommend," he says, "capsules of buckshot, which, being more spreading, would be more efficacious. If the domestic pharmacopoeia does not provide this remedy the want could soon be supplied by enter prising gunsmiths." This remedy judi ciously applied ought to decrease the spread of burglary which now appears to be epi demic on both sides of the sea. But there are doubts of its practical utility. If the house holder should resort to it as a general thing, there is reason' to fear that the burglars would follow the example of their bigger prototypes, by getting up a combination and appealing to the law-making power for the protection of their vested interests against the destructive assaults of a prejudiced people. Educational essentials. The information which comes from Lon don that a fashionable boarding school there devotes a large share of its attention to teaching young ladies to get in and ont of a carriage, is interesting and important as showing the lines of female education which the prevalent Anglomania is likely to develop. The importance of this branch of education may not be apparent to those whose hearts are as vet uninspired by the aim of reproducing in this country the manners and customs of the nobility and gentry; but a possible utility may be sug gested by two views of the proper female ac complishments in connection with the use of vehicles, that have come from foreign parts to this city. An Englishman of some social standing, who recently paid an extended visit to friends in this city, while at lunch with a number of ladies one day, exercised the pro verbial insular frankness by telling them that American ladies were not properly edncated. Upon being challenged by a somewhat outspoken young matron, he re plied: "I mean that they are not taught to ride in a carriage properly." This gives us a glimpse of the importance to true educa tion, of the art of using the carriage, with out which no lady, however gracious, cul tured or kindly, can hope to take rank in England. The complementary view, if the term may be so adapted, is furnished by the remark of a Polish or Hungarian addi tion to our population, who wa heard on one of our street car lines deriding the idea of stopping the cars to let women off. They would not stop for them in the old country, he declared, "Dey make 'em yump !" Here, then, are the two essential lines of female education as outlined by two au thorities from abroad. Those who are to rank in the cultured class have got to learn the art of getting in and out of a carriage in the highest style of. affectation; those who ride in street cars have got to learn to jump. There have been indications that some of the cable employes were adopting the Polish idea and '"making them jump." The mass of the American people will, we think, prefer the indigenous style of getting into a carriage the simplest way, and of preserving for the great mass of our female population the right to get out of pnblic conveyances the safest way. NorwTTSTANDiNG the decided vote in Select Council last night, the public will be likely to agree with Mr. Bigham that the concentration of the cable cars on Fifth avenuo will be more convenient and safe than to have them roam all over the city. Colonel Shepabd has the merit of printing texts which bear with especial severity on himself. A recent one was that which spoke of the necessity of having your righteousness exceed "the righteous ness of the Scribes and Pharisees." Col onel Shepard may not rank very high as a scribe, but the text applies just the same. The coke troubles take a unique form when they show the strike against the lower rate of wages to be a failure, while that against the company that is paying the highest rate is reported to be in full force. Thietx thousand dollars, in round num bers, is not an extravagant sum for keeping Pittsburg's sanitary affairs in good shape; but the public has a right to know what is done with the money. The Sanitary Bureau is certainly not a proper place for providing political favorites with fat berths. Expert and active workers are wanted there. Tips About the Typewriter and Somo of tho Remits of Its Use. TnET say that ex-Chief Justice Gordon, of the Supreme bench, is one of the men to whom the typewriter, tho machine and not the girl, has come as a blessing. Before the typewriter was invented lawyers will remember that Judge Gordon's opinions in his own handwriting wero almost illegible. Some people used to insinuate the Judgo's strong point was not his spelling. Anyway the typewriter has been a great con venience to a great many laymen as well as Judges and lawyers. There is hardly a profes sion or commercial class that has not found a way to utilize tho labor-saving machine. . Confusion Is sometimes caused by the indis criminate, use of the word typewriter to denote either the operator or the machine. A case in point: Said Robinson to Smith the other day, "I've got a new typewriter." Replied Smith anxiously: "Blonde or bru nette?" And Robinson being called away at that mo ment Smith was soon circulating the news that Robinson was boasting of a pretty girl he had employed as secretary. Finally the report reached Robinson's wife, and she could not bo convinced that the new typewriter was a cold piece of mechanism nntil she bad visited her husband's office and taken observations there for herself. V Judge Ewtng has an eyo for more than tho mere routioo of Common Pleas. Talking of the typewriter a day or two ago, Judge Ewing said: "Wo have an immense amount of type written manuscript to read, and somo of it is trying stuff to the eyes. A good deal of it comes on thin paper, and tho typewritten text is often so blurred that after reading two or three hundred words I find my eyes affected as they might after looking for a while into a pal ing fence. Your eyes travel along, but the dis tinct outline of what the words convey is lost upon you. Some of the typewriting is very Dad, indeed." .,. "The stenographers and typewriters," con tinued Judgo Ewing, "have caused an enormous multiplying of legal papers. In equity and divorco cases heard before a master it is now customary to employ a shorthand re porter and have all the testimony reproduced by typewriter. By this means a great mass of evidenco in extenso is produced, through which no Judge can find time to wade. Usually there is threo or four times as much testimony re ported verbatim as is necessary. The long hand reporter who used to take the proceed ings bofore a master was accustomed to leave out the irrelevant matters and condense his re port to narrative form. I prefer the old fash ion." It is probably a fact that most men who learn to dictate to a stenographer are tempted to be discursive. Sometimes this habit of rambling from one subject to another in a desultory manner is a positive advantage to a man, but of tenor it betrays him into a lax verbosity than which nothing is more undesirable in business correspondence or literature. One of the few men who have reason to con gratulate themselves on finding in the habit of dictating a spur to their inventivo faculties is Joseph Howard,- Jr., the eminent raconteur. He says himself that he finds that he can wander on from subject to subject, from a topic of the day to the reminiscence of some event of 50 years ago which it suggests, with far greater ease when he is talking to his stenographer than he can with pen and paper before him. Other writers of the same class could never produce so much matter indifferent as most of it is nnless they had the assistance of steno graphers and typewriters. Look at another famous special correspondent, Georce Alfred Townsend ("Gath") how could ho grind out with the regularity of a clockwork machine threo or four columns a day that Is 5,000 or 6,000 words if he had not tho mechanical aids of shorthand and the typewriter at his dis posal? But it is another matter altogether to aver that the style of these writers' products, and the matter as well as the manner, are improved by the machinery which gives speed to their deliverance. TUB SOUTH PENN SALE Ha n Favorable- Effect Upon the New York Stock Market. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. New Yoke, February 4-Henry Clews & Sons say to-day: Various influences contribut ed toward producing a much better tone on the Stock Exchange during the last few days. Transactions widened considerably and the market displayed an unmistakable decree of strength, which reflected itself in a sharp ad- 4 vance in prices toward the close of the week. The first development which led to this change was the meeting or Western railroad Presidents in Chicago on Wednesday, at which the revision of the agreement forming tho In-tcr-Stato Railway Association was completed, and a resolution passed making Mr. A. F. Walker, at present a member of the Inter State Commerce Commission, Chairman of the Executive Board. It is perhaps to be regretted that the Burlington, "Soo" and Illinois Central roads have not been induced to enter the agree ment; but these companies do not show any hostility to the movement, and. as tho agree ment will embrace 22 comnanies when all havo signed, its importance can he easily under stood. Another factor of importance was the report ed acquisition of Southern Pennsylvania by the Vanderbilts, and their expected intention of turning it over to tho Pennsylvania. This negotiation does not yet appear to have been actually consummated,.'and it is understood there are legal difficulties of some consequence to be overcome, still such a great scheme as mis win unaouDteaiy nave a lavoraoio influ ence upon trunk line affairs in removing one very important clement of uncertainty. In ad dition to these factors, there has lately been an excellent investment demand for better class securities, which was most conspicuous in bonds, andextendedsomewbatintostocks: The coal stocks continued strong, under lead of Delaware and Hudson, in spite of lessened activity in the coal and iron trades and a woakening in prices of both. Gross earnings on the various lines again made favorable comparisons with last ear; probably more tho result of better rates than increased traffic. In the money market thcro was no change, except that funds are still ac cumulating and tho prospects of continued ease are more assuring, since the Bank of En gland rate was unexnectedly reduced and tho probabilities of gold'exports thereby consider ably diminished. Under such influences as these, the improve ment is not surprising, and manipulation is certain to be more or less active while they last. Stocks have been accumulating in strong hands for some time past; and, if a general bull movemencan be inaugurated, it Is not likely that it will be wanting in support from large holders; in fact, there are already iudications of the advance being of this character. For somo time to come, therefore, we anticipate a more active market, accompanied with more or less irregularity, tho genoral tendency of prices being upward. JOHN SMITH'S PETITION. AT THE THEATERS. Tho Attraction!, Grave and Gay. Daring tho Present Week. Tho "Dr. JekyU and Mr. Hyde" of Dore Davidson's 'creation, as seen this week at Harris' Theater, Is not an imitation of Richard Mansfield's dramatization of tho same work, given at the Bijou last year." It is entirely original, and almost as weird and fascinating as Stevenson's novel. The rapid changes in Dr. JekylVi dual existence, from good to bad and vico versa, are made by Mr. Davidson in a wonderful manner, and yesterday called forth bursts cf applause, and the actor was repeated edly called before the curtain something very rare at this house. Mr. Davidson's version of the singular story on which the play is based Is a far more pleasant one than that of Mansfield, in that Instead of ending in the frightful death of Dr. JekyU it has a peaceful climax, in which a neat little love story finds a happy termina tion. Miss Ramie Austen, as Winifred, the schoolmaster's daughter, is pretty, win ning and sufficiently strong in the portions of tho play demanding a forceful woman, whose thoughts of vengeance for tho death of her father for awhile over balanced even her strong love for the man who, under the Influence of a mysterious drug which brings out all the evil in a man's nature and banishes the good for a time, is supposed to have killed that father. The rest of the company is equal to the work in hand. A little spice of comedy is interjected to relievo the horror which pervades the drama. Large audiences are the rule at Harris' Theater, but it Is safe to sav that overy performance of "Dr. JekyU and Mr.Hyde" will make Manager Grover wish daily that his house was large enough to accommodate the srowds that wish to witness a remarkable performance. lie Asks Coneross for a Balloon to Get to His County Scat War. Washington, February 4 President pro tern Ingalls to-day laid before the Senato tho following petition: To the Honorable Senate and House of Represen tatives: Your humble petitioner would respectfully beg that your honorable body pass the bill in troduced by Senator Butler, of the South Sea Islands, empowering the Commissioners of Whitman county, Washington Territory, to issue bonds not to exceed $100,000 to build a Court House and jail in the town of Colfax. Now, your petitioner most humbly prays that you doublo the dose, and give them the priv ilege to raise 5200.000. It will take this amount to keep the county seat down in this hole. And while you are about it, give us $50,000 more to build a balloon to get down to the county seat. And your petitioner will ever pray. John Smith. The petition was referred to the Committee on Territories. THE EEAS0NS WHY. Mrs. The stock market still appears to intimate that the "agreement between gentlemen" is not so omnipotent as its organs crack it up to be. The cry of distress over the small profits of the railroads will be worthy of some at tention when railroad stocks and bonds represent actual and bona fide investments. Three per cent on a capitalization which is two-thirds water is nine per cent on the cash invested. And nine per cent invest ments are at a premium nowadays. PUBLIC PEOPLE PARAGRAPHED. The Akron miller who is quoted in our commercial columns as saying that his mills' have been "restricting product in connection with other mills of the West, and we al ready begin to perceive some advantage from our course," may perceive the. ad vantage better than the consumers and pro ducers who are squeezed by this attempt to establish arbitrary prices for flour. But the report that also appears in our commercial columns that "the flour trade has been ex ceptionally dull and lifeless," may still leave a practical doubt whether the success of the conspiracy to make bread dear is as complete as represented. Ignatius Donnelly having demon s- M. Sakasate, tho famous violinist, now en joying a period of success in Berlin, is soon coming to this country. The Queen will start for Biarritz on March 4. She will tiavel in strict privacy under tho name of Countess Balmoral. Max O'Rell gleefully announces that his book on "Jonathan and His Continent" Is en joying a marvellous success in its French edition. It is said that the Duchess of Marlborough, once Mrs. Hammersley, of New York, will be presented to the Queen on the came day as Mrs. Chamberlain. Mb. Sfxtboeon had two teeth kn ocked out the other day in falling down stairs. Never theless, he says, he would "gladly suffer an other such smash to win a prayerless sinner." Dr. Maby Waixer is masculine in her gart, but she cannot stand tobacco smoke. She went up to the Capitol in Washington a few days ago to attend a meeting of tho House Committee on District of Columbia Affairs. When she entered the room tho air was blue with the Incense of cigars. Mary was incensed at once, and, covering her nose with her hands, rushed from the apartment. Senator Allison is a great worker. He retires early and rises early, eats a simple breakfast, reaches the Capitol long before his colleagues and pegs away at committee work until noon. He always stays through the ses sion of the Senate and watches every move ment until adjournment. He then returns to committee work till dinner time. He is very systematic in his habits, and is thus enabled to accomplish a vast amount of work. He takes plenty of exercise and seldom indulges in the dissipations of society. Harold Marsh Sewall, our Consul Gen eral to Samoa, is a man about SO years of age, who was graduated at Harvard and later at the Harvard Law School. His father, Arthur Sew all, P:esldent ot tho Maine Central Railroad, is the Maine member of the Democratic Nat ional Committee. Young Bewail was Vice Consul at Liverpool before his promotion to the samoan uonsul ueneraiship. He is a man of imagination, and upon reaching Apia at once became intensely interested in the ro mantic features of the Samoan affair. Me. CnoATE, President of tho Old Colony Railroad Company, believes there is, in homely phrase, more than one way to kill a cat. A wrecked ship, bearing the date of 1626 was re cently dug up on Cape Cod, and given to the Pilgrim Society of Plymouth. "Can't you ship it to us over your road free?" they asked him. "No-o,"' he said, "Tm afraid I can't The inter State law won't let me. But," ho added, re flectively, "what did you say the date was? 1626? Ob, then we can fix it I can make a special tariff for ships and marine articles manufactured previous to 1627." And under the "special tariff' the venerable hulk went free. Civilization Overdone. From the New York 'World.! In portraying the advanced civilization of a thousand years hence M. Jules Verne has cre ated an unpleasant Impression on a certain class of the community. He has represented it as within the power of the men of that period to regulate the climate. To most peo ple this seems a desirable attainment, but it deprives at one blow the wives and daughters of well-to-do citizens of the excuse of going somewhere for ..their health. This is bad enough, but still worse is the "phonotele phote." an Instrument with which he describes Mr. Smith in this country as not only talking with his wife in Pans, but seeing her and noting her movements. Paris under such cir cumstances to many would lose its attractive ness. Clearly there may be such a thing as civilization overdonel THE HADST0NE FAILED. Notwithstanding; Its Application, a Man is Dying; From Hydropbobln. Paiatine, III., February 4. William Frost, aged 45 years, is dying from hydrophobia. Hewas bitten in the face by a rabid dog six weeks ago, the wound bleeding freely. He had the sore cauterized and afterward resorted to the madstone treatment The stone adhered to the wound for several hours at the first applica tion. On a second trial it would not adhere, and from this it was believed that all danger was past It was not until last Friday that this feeling of security was disturbed. On that day Mr. Frost fell ill and symptoms of hydrophobia rapidly developed. Horrible convulsions suc ceeded, and all hope has been abandoned by the attending- physicians. Three other persons were also bitten by the dog, but fortunately all have Escaped Mr. Frost's sad fate. Flcmming Explains About That Suit Against Ex-Senator Patterson. Philadelphia, February 4. In tho suit of Mary B. Flemmlng for damages for breach of promise of marriage entered against John J. Patterson, ex-United States Senator of South Carolina, the statement ot the cause of claim was filed to-day in the office of the Protbono- tary. In the statement filed the plaintiff al leges that Mr. Patterson promised to marry ,her, that a date for the marriage was fixed for jseveral different times, but in .each case was postponed by tho defendant and that the de fendant has since married Mildred Frank, of Waukesha, Wis., who is now his wife. In consequence of the engagement the nlaln tiff alleges that she laid ont and expended large sums of money in preparing for marriage, and that in consequence of tho breaking of the engagement or promise of marriage by the de fendant she has suffered loss of position, disap pointment annoyance and tho loss of sums of money, wherebv she has sustained damages to the extent of 850,000, and therefore sho brings this suit THE BURNED COPPER MINE. BUou Theater. It is hardly necessary to introdnco tha amus ing lttj;lo actress. Miss Minnie Palmer, to a Pittsburg audience, but it is pleasant to remark that she has not'suffcred by mingling with the "dooks and dookesses" of England. She has been away from Pittsburg for more than a year, and a very large audience gathered at the Bijou last niqht to welcome her. She appeared in "My Sweotheart," tho play In which she scored her earliest success. It is not a wonderful drama, neither good nor bad in a superlativo degree. It contains an abundance of opportunities for a display of Miss Palmer's voice, which is small but sweet, and her ability in dancing, which Is very great The company supporting her is very fair, and the Bijou man agement have staged the piece in a very hand someway. The set in the second act 13 especial ly refreshing in its soft tone. It is also pleas ant to be reminded that there are other scenes besides those we have seen in comedy, tragedv and opera for years. To-night Miss Palmer repeats "My Sweet heart" Among the manifestations of respect which the audienoe showed Miss Palmer last night was an immense bouquet of roses. THE GOSSIP OP GOTHAM. Ono of the Customs of the Country. IXSW TORE bureau specials. Nbtv Yore, February 4. A Swede who knew nothing of the English language went to the Government building to get a registered letter from tho postofflce. Several hundred appli cants for positions in the postal service were crowding Into the room where the medical ex aminations of tho Civil Service Commission were being conducted, and the Swede somehow fell into line. When his turn came he was ushered into the examining room. Tho doctor was in a hurry and didn't question him. He was put on a scale and weight taken, placed under an upright and height recorded, his outer clothing removed and body subjected to a severe thumping, was made to draw lone breaths and given further exercise before the examination was finished! "What's your name?" asked tho doctor. The Swede present ed the notification card Bent him by tho regis try department An interpreter was sum moned. A few minutes' conversation revealed to the Swede the fact that a mistake had been made. He thought the postofflce authorities very strict andsupposed the medical examina tion was the custom of the country. He was condncted to tho proper division. Used Kerosene With the Usual Kesnlts. Mrs. Catherine Garry poured kerosene from a can upon the smoldering fire In her kitchen stove this morning. An explosion followed. The clothing of Mrs. Garry and her young daughter caught fire, and they ran screaming Into an adjoining corridor. Tho neighbors extinguished the flames. Both will probably die. Grand Opern House. Thcro is no doubt about the standing of Messrs. Evans and Hoey as comedians of great cleverness and originality. They are essentially different in their conceptions of humor, and nothing could be more diverse than the charac ters they assume in "A Parlor Match." They are the life and soul of Hoyt's whimsical piece, and for the most part the fun they make is of tho most wholesome kind. As usual the audience wentoffitsfeet into roars of laughter every two minutes. The company is good as a whole, as well. The Innocent Kidd of Miss Minnie French Is the samo piece of incessant motion and good humor, colored with tho bright light of a very clever individuality. In these days "A Parlor Match" must be dubbed a very high class attraction It is worth any two of the awful farce comedies on the road to-day. Hnrry Williams' Academy. Frank Jones reapneared at tho Academy last night with the old favorite, "Si Perkins." It Is a laughable piece, well done, and evidently as popular as ever. The house was crowded last night, and the humors of the pieco and the music of the Pughtown Band seemed to be highly appreciated. SYMPATHY APPRECIATED. Tho Anstrinn minister ot Foreign Affairs Returns His Thanks. Washington, February 4. The following telegram has been received by the Austro Hungarian Legation at this capital, from Count Kalnoky, Minister of Foreign Affairs: "You will please tender to the President of the United States in the namo of His Majesty, of tho Government and of the people of Austria-Hungary, the warmest thanks for the tele gram of condolence presented through Minis ter Lawson, which was received here with tho highest appreciation. "Kalnoky." TRANSATLANTIC NOTES. The Sevres dessert scrvico in Windsor Castle is valued by an expert at fully 100,000, the punch bowl alone being estimated at at 10,000. The value of the china at Buckingham Palace and that of Windsor together is thought to ex ceed considerably 200,000. Victoria's will was made in 1876, engrossed on vellum, and is now a great bound volume fastened with a lock, with several blank pages left lor subsequent codicils. The last was made recently and distributed jubilee gifts. Some are left to the State, and the others are distributed among the members of the royal family. M. Jacques, tho unsuccessful candidate in Paris against Boulanger, estimates that his election expenses amounted to 2,000,000 francs. The chief expense was for bill sticking, 100,000 being pasted up every day in competition with a still larger number put up by Boulanger. But the question Is where does the latter get his money? Robert Louis Stevenson writes from Tantira, that he has taken to going barefoot and is doing well. In his own words: "I write this just after having dismissed Oil (the sub chief, in whoso house I live), Mrs. Oil. and Pairai, their adopted child, irom the evening hour of music, during which I Publlckly Blow on the .Flageolet i The Canadian Government will soon adopt a policy of hostility toward immigration. All alien laborers, except British, will be prohibited from coming to Canada, and the funds which the Dominion Government has hitherto granted in aid of immigration, amounting In tho ag gregate to a quarter of a million sterling, will be withdrawn. On January 11, says the Glasgow Herald, Mr. Charles Spinks exhibited in Leith Harbor a small working model six feet long, of a vessel with improvements in the construction of the propeller, which he has invented and patented. The vessel is constructed in the ordinary man ner until toward tho stern, where, instead of ending in a single keel, a double keel is formed. which completely encases the propeller, and on either sido the keels are fitted with sluices, to be used as required. It is claimed that from the position of the propeller between the two keels, it can never bo thrown clear of the water, consequently rendering it safer and greatly reducing the strain on engines and macninery, and also, from the protection so afforded, is not nearly so liable to accident as is the case with proprellers as at present situ ated. It is further held that a higher rate of speed will be reached by the improvements. From the tests the vessel appeared to go as fast astern as ahead. In the case of going ahead by raising the starboard sluice, an ad ditional motive power was gained by the rush of water through the aperture acting on the propeller as on a horizontal turbine, and on re versing the engine, by closing that sluice and opening the one on tho port.aide, a correspond ing acceleration of speed wa the result la the backward movement Calumet's FIro Did Grentcr Damage Than Was at First Supposed. Calumet, Mien., February 4. Six mining Captains went underground in tho Calumet mine lastevening. Theyfoundthattbefire had extended downward 1,500 fee t from the starting point, making the total depth of the burned district 2,100 feet This is a disappointment to the management, as they had felt confident it would not burn down at all. The experiment of letting the fire in the mine burn out has proven that the forcing down of carbonic gases saved tho mino below where the fires started in former fires. There is no possibility of finding the remains of the dead miners whoso escape was cut off when the fire broke out, 03 they must have been consumed. OUR MILITARY FORCE. Notes of the Stage. The Casino Museum has surpassed itself this week with Hefron's Specialty Company and a host of new curios, including tho won derful one-legged dancer. The crowds are un usually large at this popular place of amuse ment. The cngagoment of Cora Tanner, which takes place at the Grand Opera House next week, in view of the great popularity of the handsome and accomplished star, and the marked success which her new play, "Fascina tion," has achieved in all cities where it has been seen, there is good reason for anticipating splendid business throughout the week. Tho old-time manager of the Pittsburg Opera House, Mr. C. D. Hess, who is the associato manager with Colonel William E. Sinn in his amusement enterprises, is now in the city com pleting arrangements for a most elaborate pro duction of "Fascination" next week. MT. M'GREGOR'S COTTAGE. Wo navo Eight million Men That Can Fight if Neccssnry. Washington, February 4. Secretary Endi cott to-day transmitted to Congress the report of Adjutant General Drum, giving the strength of the organized militia of tho various States and Territories, and the force of men available for military duty not organized. The totals arc: Commissioned officers, 837; enlisted men, 98,109; numoer oi men avaiiaDio Dut not organized, 8,104,628. Works of Art Wanted. Washington, February 4. In the Senate to-day Mr. Sherman offered a resolution which was referred to tho Committee on Library, in structing that committee to inquire into the propriety and expediency of purchasing Bier stadt's pictures, now In the Executive Man sion, of "Yellowstone Falls," "Yellowstone Park," "Giant Geyser" and "Yosemite in Winter. Tho memorial Association is making Ar rangements to Take Chnrgo of It. Albany, February 4. Major William War ner, member of Congress from Missouri and Commander-in-Chief of the G. A. R; General N. M. Curtis. Department Commander G. A. R. for this State; Adjutant General Josiah Porter; William J. Arkell, President of Judge, and John Kellogg, President of the Saratoga, Mt McGregorand Lake George Railroad Company, as the Mt McGregor Memorial Association, by act of Legislature, passed December 31, will meet in this city for organization to-morrow. The corporation is created for the purpose of receiving the title of the Drexel cottage on Mount McGregor, in which the lato General U. S. Grant passed the last months of his life and died. Teaching Truo Temperance. Father O'Hare is conducting a novel temper ance movement In Greenpoint a few miles from the city. He is preaching against the evils of drinking in saloons, and of treating. The men who sign his pledge are allowed to drink only at home, and are bound not to buy drinks for their friends. Father O'Haro thinks that his work would havo been much less suc cessful had he preached total abstinence. Greenpoint saloonkeepers, who have paid littlo attention to the many temperance crusades in their village of late years, are much excited over Father O'Hare's new crusade. A Kind-Hearted Wonltby Widow. At tho trial of the Stewart will casn to-day, Judge Smith described his aunt Mrs. Stewart, as a "tender, kind-hearted, simple-minded, confiding person," who had much confidence In Judge Hilton's honesty. When houpbraldedber forconveyingher big business interests to Judge Hilton without exacting a written acknowl edgment, Mrs. Stewart told him how Judge Hilton had promised her. In return for her confidence, an income of $1,000,000 a year from the estate. Altogether, Judge Bmlth gave Judge Hilton a pretty rough raking. He con fessed he had been intimate with the Hilton family during Mrs. Stewart's lifo merely for the purpose of keeping an eye on thn Judge. He had been afraid the Hiltons would induce Mrs. Stewart to will them the Smiths' slice of her property if they were not well watched. A Panic in a Mnnslon. At noon to-day the house of H. C. Nevins, a wealthy broker, caught fire. The panic-stricken servants ran screaming Into the street leav ing theirsick mistress helpless In bed. When tha firemen arrived the interior of the house was all ablaze. Two men groped their way to Mrs. Nevins' room. She was unconscious. They wrapped her in wet blankets and carried her down the burning stairway to the street Both men were badly burned. The cook fainted in the kitchen and was dragged out by the coach man. Ten thousand dollars' worth of furniture and bric-a-brac was destroyed. Defeat Meant Death. James Waters, of Brooklyn, 27 years old, pol itician and ex-Supervisor, cut his throat with a penknife this morning. His recovery is doubt ful. Waters ran for re-election to the super visorship last fall and was defeated. He has been drunk ever since. Return of tho Jonnltn. After an absence of over three years in the waters of China and Japan, the United States man-of-war Jnanita arrived this morning at quarantine. The cruiser came back via the Suez Canal. The last port she touched was St Thomas, where she put in in January for coal and fresh water. The Jnanita is commanded by W. O. Wise, has a crew of 18 officers and 205 men, and an armament of 8 guns. Current American Fiction. From the New York AVorld.l American fiction now has a prominent repre sentative in the man who "simply stopped over a tram for a friendly call on General Har rison." DEATHS OF A DAI. Dr. Lusk. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Butler, February 4. The funeral of Dr. Joseph Lusk will be held to-morrow at 2 o'clock P. M., and will bo under direction of the Masonic Order. About three months ago Dr. Lusk was last seen on the street since then he has been confined to his office with heart trouble. On Saturday even ing he ate a hearty supper, and sat in his office to receive somo gentlemen visitors. One of them asked how he felt and heieplled, "I am feeling particularly well this evening." These were bis fast words and within five minutes he was dead. He was offlne address and 6tood high in his pro fession. With remarkable calmness he talked of death and to friends would carefully explain the disease of his heart and whv it was impossible for him to live many weeks. He was 63 vcars old and leaves a wife, two sons and three daughters. Jadgo William M. Merrick. Washington, February 4. Judge William M. Merrick, of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, died at his residence in this city this evening, of gastric complaint. He was a native of Maryland, about 70 vcars of aire, and was for two terms a member of Congress from that Btate. He served on the Credit Moblller Committee, and made tho principal report of the investigation, lie served as a member of the old Circuit Court of the District from 1855 to 1863, when the court was legislated out of existence. President Cleveland appointed him to the place be occupledat tho time of his death. Mary H. Fiskc. New YortK, February 4. -Mary H. Fiske, the brilliant and versatile writer, and wife of Ste phen Fiske, the well-known llterateur, died this morning. She was connected with the Mew York Mirror, and wrote under the nom de plume of 'Giddy Gusher." She also wrote for the St. Louis Republican, Chicago Herald. Tribune and JCtwt, and the Post and Herald of Washington. Mrs. Fiske had been 111 for some time ft her home, No. 71 West .Ninety-third street Rev. George Charles Street. Chicago, February 4. The Bev. George Charles of the Cathedral of Bts Peter and Paul, in this city, died at Whiter Fart, Fla., yesterday, aged 75. Natural Gas la Mew York. Oswego, N. Y January 4. Natural gas con tinues to flow from the well at Shady Creek with a great roar. Every precaution is being taken to prevent the gasbeing ignited until the tools can be removed. The contractor thinks there is plenty of gas, and gas well stock cannot be bought at any price. Many people aro visiting the scene. Arrangements are being made to pipe gas through the village. STREET CAR ETIQUETTE. FOR LADIES. Always speak in a loud tono of voice in a horse car. It attracts attention. Never tell the conductor where you wish to get off. He is supposed to know. Never thank the man who gives you his seat He might think you wanted to flirt with him. If you have three or four bundles lay them on tho seat beside you, especially if the car is crowded. You will not be so crowded yourself. Always stay down town until 5:30 or 6 P. jr. This will give you a chance to make somebody who has been standing all day give you his seat ' Always try to stop the car on the near side of the crossing. You will have to walk to the other side and this makes a good excuse for jawing the conductor. If the conductor carries you a block or so be yond your destination look daggers at him and turn up your nose. Thvs will have? tendency to make him feel good. Do not wait for the car to stop before getting off, but alight with your face to the rear of the car. The result will be unpleasant, but you will have shown your independence. If you have a lady friend in the car always kiss her and tell her to "be sure and call" be fore getting off. This gives the horses a chance to rest and pleases the conductor. This urbane official will be particularly pleased if you stop to add a choice bit of gossip to your parting ad monition. ron gentlemen. Never give your seat to a lady unless she is young and pretty. Make a practice of spitting on the floor. Do not omit It if a lady is sitting opposite you. If you have a plugged nickel give it to the conductor for your faro. He will havo to make it good. Always smoke on the rear platform. Ladles who dislike tobacco smoke will be enabled to get accustomed to it It is a good plan to read a newspaper In tho streetcar. It gives you an excuse for not no ticing that a lady wants a seat If there are any pretty girls on the car stare at them hard and persistently. This has a ten dency to make them feel comfortable. Make a practice of whistling in the cars. Your traveling companions will be obliged to hear it, and they may possibly delight in listen ing. Cross your legs so that they will occupy the full width of the aisle. This will afford addi tional exercise to the conductor, who Is badly in need of it New York Evening Bun, A Fiend Conld Do No Worse. Tha old St James Hotel, in Marion, N. J., was set on fire to-day. The building is five stories high and is of wood. It is occupied as a tenement About 15 families live in it At 6 o'clock this morning one of the tenants on the top floor smelled smoke. He found the entire stairway between the second and third floors in flames. The tenants "had all they could do to get out of the building in safety. The fire was put out A pile of half-burned shavings, some small pieces of lath, and a lot of rags saturated with kerosene oil were found under the stair way. There are no fire escapes. Want to bo Tried at Home. Backed by the affidavits of "Napoleon" Ives and Partner Stayner, the lawyers of that notor ious pair have made a motion before Judge O'Erien, upon whose order they were arrested in the suit of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Company, to recover (500,000 of cash and securities they are alleged to have stolen, for a change of venue to Kings county, on the ground that both of the defendants live there, when tho law permits them to. The motion will be argued to-morrow morning. In the meantime the pair are confining their talents to amusing each other in Ludlow street jail. It is understood that the evidence of fraud and peculation that has thns far been de veloped in the civil suit will be presented to the grand jury that convened to-day. Wound Up In n Rnttle of Crackers. The Chinese New Year celebration closed this evening, and Chinatown turned out en masse and shot off millions of firecrackers. From 6 o'clock to 8 Mott street was crowded with sightseers. One firm alone shot off over $200 worth of small firecrackers. They be lieved that this extraordinary liberality wonld enable them to keep away bad luck for the balance of the year. CUBI0US CONDMSAHOBS. China's solitary railroad is 81 miles long and cost 9,000 a mile. It uses American locomotives. An elephant lately died at Bombay in the800th year of his age, and naturalists figure from this that any elephant of regular habits will have no trouble in pulling along for at least 230 years. A Mississippian boasts of having had the agua for 7! straight years with only ons break of three weeks. He set out to beat tha shakes at their own game, and there are 160 pounds left of him yet Just for a joke, a Des Moines man put an old clay pipe in his store window and labelled it: "Martha Washington's pipe." Within half an hour a patriot called and punched his head and broke the pipe. Mrs. Mary Brunner, who lives on a farm near Derby. Pa., is 102 years old. She has 171 descendants living. She was never taught to read, and passes her time smoking, which has been a solace to her for tho last 65 years. S. P. Hutchinson, the millionaire grain speculator of Chicago, rarely spends as much for his lunch as his clerks are accustomed to spend. Hj may frequently be seen in a cheap restaurant making a meal of a sandwich and a enp of coffee, at a total cost of 10 cents. A novelty is reported from Hastings, England, in connection with the performance of "The Yeomen of the Guard" at the theater. The stage has been connected by telephons with various private houses and hotels, so that numbers of people are nightly bearing tha opera without seeing it A London caterer proposes to run luncheon wagons through the business streets. A Boston confectioner the other day re ceived the following note: "Sir, when I was a child, over 30 years ago, I took off your counter in Brattle street a little sugar man, price prob ably one cent, and it has troubled my con science off and on ever since; and once I sent monev to you by a friend and she was ashamed to deliver it so I inclose it by mail (50 cents) and beg that you will acknowledge it" Several months ago Colonel J. G.Truitt, of Troup county, Georgia, presented a fine) Maltese cat to a friend in Hogansville, and carefully confining the mouser In a sack, sent him up there via the railroad. The cat seemed to bo well pleased with his new home, and quietly caught mice and purred before the fire until last week, when he took a notion to visit his old home. Not having the necessary funds to pay railroad fare, he took the nearest routa across the country, and surprised his old master by appearing in time for breakfast one morning this week. Some time ago Bert Coverston, of Barnesville. Kan., witnessed an interesting fight between a blue racer and a hawk. Ho saw two hawks apparently fighting in afield, and approached them without difficulty. With a pole be killed them, and upon turning one of them over noticed the head of the snake strik ing out from the hawk's wing. Upon Investi gation he found that the snake had wound it self about the hawk's neck, and was choking it to death. The other hawk was attacking tho blue racer in attenmts to release his mate. Tho hawks wero bur fellows, and tha snaka of medium size. If left alone it would have un doubtedly killed both of the birds. , Bub Pratt, of Troup county, Georgia, ia the owner of a valuable horse. A short time ago the horse strayed off, and diligent search failed to locate his whereabouts, and Mr. Pratt had about given up all hopo of seeing the ani mal again. Thirteen days after he was missed, a negro boy, while bunting in the creek swamp, found the horse in the bed of the creek stand ing in the water, the high banks on either side preventing the horse's escape. He immediately reported the matter to the owner, when several of his neighbors went with him to relieve tha horse of his long imprisonment The bank of the creek had to be dug down, and when tha incline was completed the horse lost no time in rushing to the top. though he was much ex hausted by the terrible exposure. He bad been in tbo creek 13 days without other food than that ho had picked from the almost bare banks. The -hair about his legs all dropped off from being in the water so long, but be seemed to suffer no further damage. An old lady, but a portly one, heavily veiled, came into a St Louis street car tha other day, and set a huge, well-filled basket down. It chanced to intrude on the toes of a superbly dressed voung woman opposite. Sns immediately was indignant She abused mar ket baskets roundly, and then abused the peo ple who carried them. Then she allowed tha opinion to escape that people who carried baskets had no business to ride on streetcars. And then sho decried against poor people being allowed to ride in every street car. Some cars should be reserved, she said, for genteel folks. The girl mortified everybody. The veiled lady said not a word until both motioned the driver, and the car stopped. "Hold on! Take that pall," said the elder lady. Her tormentor looked a moment in astonishment "Take that pail, Martha, and carry it home. This basket is all I can manage," repeated the elder. "Why didn't you tell me who you were, moth er!" asked the crestfallen girl, as she picked up the basket and went out while the occupants of the car giggled. Father Camien, who has been devoting himself to the lepers exiled at Molokai. in tha Sandwichlslandtrroop, Is actually giving his life to them. He Is thus described by a priest who is his assistant: "Leprosy has done its work in turns, at his ears, his eyes, nose, throat, his hands and bis luncs. The poor father is com pletely disfigured; his voice Is almost extinct Fortunately he has yet the use of bis hands, which a great number of our people have lost; and also that his feet are not yet falling to pieces, as happens to so many here. He is yet so useful, so necessary, and that for many things. He has under his charge over lOOleper orphans. This in itself is not a light burden, there bcinc; no ono to help us but leper boys; besides, the number Increases every week. The father has also begun (about a month after my arrival) to build anew church, 30x70 feet 40 feet of which is of stone, and the rest of wood. We have only one mason, a white leper, an Irishman. Father Damien Is the head carpen ter, and his helpers are two or three leper boys. Althongh I am not a leper, I could not leave here to go to any other of these islands without a proper certificate from the Board of Health. But I have no wish to go anywhere. My mis sion is here, and hero Til remain." Doubtless this priest will lie in the same grave which ia destined for Father Damien. SIFTED DOWN. THE NATION'S DEBTORS. Sonators Discuss the Fabulous Sum Owed by the Pacific Railroads. Washington, February 1 The Union Pa cific funding bill was taken up in tho Senate to day. Mr. Frye stated that tho Central Pacific had bepn included in the bill because the attor neys who had appeared for that company had not seemed to manifest any great desire for a settlement: and because there was no parallel between the cases of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific. The Union Pacific Company was entirely solvent and could make a settle ment that wonld make the payment of the debt absolutely certain, and would increase the security that now existed. The Union Pacific could pay the wholo debt in 0 years. It was apparent that the Central Pacific could not submit to a similar settlement. Therefore, the committee had determined to proceed with the consideration of the Union Pacific question alona. The condition is worse than it was ten years ago. Mr. Mitchell made a motion to recommit the bill. He spoke of tho enormous amount that would be due by the Pacific railroad com panies to the Government at the time of the maturity of the debt 8147.924,000. Any legisla tion having for its purpose tho payment of that almost fabulous sum had to be regarded as ot the very utmost importance. If there was anything in Mr. Frye's suggestion that the Central Pacific was not in a solvent condition as the Union Pacific that fact was an addi tional reason why the Central Pacific should not have been omitted, but should rather have paid precedence in the Settlement Mr. Frye then said: "I ought to say, in justice to the Central Pacific, that, in the last month, that company has shown a disposition, and a very great desire to make somo settle ment and adjustment of its debt with the United States, and thcro is now pending before the committee an amended bill which the committee is called to consider to-morrow morning," Divorce in Philadelphia. From the Philadelphia Times. Although only 13 divorces were granted by the Philadelphia courts yesterday It would not be filr to lay the blame for this decrease at the feet of the learned judges. At various times these gentlemen have shown that they can do better than this, and it is to be pre sumed that they will do it again. The bad ven tilation of the court rooms is probably mora at fault We know a man, a brave, true hero, Who, when themercury drops to zero. Will hold the babe, as few men conld, So that bis wife can split the wood. Boom for Begrets. Missionary (to pris oner) -My poor friend, don't you regret what brought you here? Prisoner Indeed I do. and when I get oat the duck that peached on me will regret it toot The Farmer "Was Probably Eight Ex cited Sportsman (to farmer) Say. did you see a bird fall anywhere about here? I shot at one just now and saw the feathers ny. Fanner No, I ain't seen nothin' of it I guess when the feathers Hew the bird flew with 'em. They Disturbed His Slumbers. Jack Say. Gus, will you please leave your trousers out In the hall to-night? Gus Good heavens t Jack, what do you want me to do that for? Why, the pattern Is so loud that they keep me awake. De Bore (after a prolonged call where he wasn't very welcome and at a loss what next to say) How lonely that old clock looks ud there? One or the girls It doesn't have to stay there. The other girls-No; .we let It run down occa sionally. De More took the hint and running down him self, hastened home. Pa, I want you to buy me a gun for my birthday. My son. it 13 not Bale for you to have a gun. Pa, don't you know that a boy of my size can shoot a gun? Yes, I know that a boy of your size can shoot a gnn.but I also am aware that by a strange coinci dence, a gun can shoot a boy of aboat your size. Gilhooly You seem to have the blues. Gus De Smith Yes, I am feeling somewhat de spondent The young lady to whom- I was en gaged has gone back on me. Jilted you, has she? What is ber name? Miss Anne Jones. Well, if you bad studied your grammar properly when you were at school you might have found ont that an" is always an Indefinite article. A Fair Average. Friend Allow me to congratulate you. I hear that your danghterhas married a foreign nobleman. Mr. Goldbug-Yes. It's pretty tough on me, but by a streak of good luck her sister has eloped with a steady street-ear driver, so the affliction is some what mitigated. This Is a world of compensation, and 1 can't expect all my girls to doas well as tha one who married the street-car driver. The Modern "Way of Fighting. Profes sional Puglllst-Dldyou send my last challenge to all the papers? Secreury-Certainly. And publish the card calling BUllman a liar and a coward ? Of course. And tell the reporters how I licked four fellows last night? Yes, sir. v Then I'll get ont There's a fellow coming around who's threatened to lick me, andldoa't want to meet hlml - All from Jtxat Sitingt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers