THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, - TUESDAY, FEBRUARY "5, 1889. 3 OUTFfflEAVE. The Central Traction Company to Take Its Loop. EIGHT OF "WAY IS GRANTED, And the Company is Negotiating for Power House Property. OHLY A LITTLE SNAG LY COUNCIL, And it Tields Dnder a Tote of 40 to 1, Backed by Argument. XO MORE CABS TO BE ON FIFTH AYEXUB Several weeks ago The Dispatch pub lished the fact that the Central Traction Railway Company was negotiating for the purchase ol the old colored church property on "Wylie avenue, near Tnnnel street. The object was to devote the site upon which the church stands for a power house. Since the negotiations haTe been going on, and it is probable that the purchase of the prop erty will bemade in a few days. The company have been very quietly at work securing ground in the vicinity of the church. They have already purchased sev eral large lots in the rear of the church, and fronting on Tunnel street. On April 1 they will begin the work of tearing down the tenement houses which now stand on the ground and will put up a magnificent power house and other buildings. The people now living in the houses have been ordered by the landlords to vacate by that time, and they are now looking for other places of abode. The lot they have purchased is directly back of the colored church and runs back 134 feet from Tunnel street. They are now trying to secure the lot en the south side of it Part of what is commonly known on the Hill as "Irish Bow" stands on this lot. The ground is owned by the Hon. Christo pher JIagee, and his sister, Jane, who lives at the Monongahela House. WILLING ONLT TO LEASE IT. It is said that the owners refused to sell the ground outright, but will lease it to the company. The lot the company purchased was owned by Hiss JIagee, who did not want to sell, but upon being pressed named a figure which she thought would scare the company. She was surprised, however, by the directors of the road promptly taking her at her offer. It is supposed that the main part of the power house will be in the rear, while the cables will pass through the ground upon which the church now stands. The latter has been offered with the ground for 520,000. An official of the company was seen yes terday, but would not talk on the purchase of the property. He said: "We will begin work on the line as soon as possible. It will be completed by Sep tember 1. "We have figured the time down, and find that we will be able to run cars from the Court House to the Minersville station in 12 minutes. It has not yet been decided upon what route the line will take cast of Fulton street There is one thing cure, though, and that is that the people on Center avenue will be taken care of." The gentleman intimates that an electric loop would be run around Center avenue, where there was little room for double trac tion tracks, and it would be too expensive to run a cable. I WHAT COUXCIL DID. A resolution asking the Department of Public "Works to repair Liberty avenue from Thirty-third street to Penn avenue was adopted in Common Council yesterday. When the ordinance giving the Central Passenger Railway right to construct its tracks, work to begin within 90 days and be completed in a year, was called, Mr. Bicham opposed the giving up of Fourth and Sixth avenues, and suggested that the Fifth avenue tracks be used by the Central Eailway, leaving some room for wagons. As to street railway lines he had no objec tion, but to traction railways he had. He finally postponed his amendment until the traction part of the matter was reached. There were no nays, and the ordinance passed finally. Then the ordinance granting the Central Traction Kailway Company right of way came up, and Mr. Bigham moved to amend the first section by striking out all giving power to go elsewhere than on the Pittsburg Traction Railway after striking Fifth ave nue. HIS CHIEF OBJECTION. Mr. Bigham said that, when streets were once taken up by the cable roads, they were of but little use for other vehicles. He thought vehicle travel was certainly en titled to the use of Fourth and Sixth ave nues. Mr. Magee agreed that it would be equally convenient to the company to come down Fi'th avenue, but held that it wouldn't be to convenient for the public He said he didn't think the traction tracks had hurt travel on Fifth avenue materially, and that Mr. Bigham's proposition would give a con tinuous chain of cars going down and up Fifth avenue, so that wagons could scarcely cross. They might as well put a wall across Smithfield street. He thought in time there would be but one cable track from Smithfield to Liberty, as two were too many. Mr. Carnahan opposed the amendment, for the reason that the Pittsburg Traction Company has now 30 cars on its road, and will likely have more soon, and they run at intervals of 2) minutes (both ways), so that even pedestrians have to keep their eyes skinned to get across in safety. The Central Company would require AX LEAST SO CABS, and the intervals would not be more than a minute and a quarter. Sixth avenue had but little travel, and could accommodate the new line, and so could High street Mr. Duncan also jumped on Mr. Bigham's back, metaphorically, and added that the Pittsburg Traction Company would be cer tain to kick, and, to get on to Fifth avenue, the purchase of buildings at the intersection of Fifth and Wylie avenues would be neces sary. He also held that the Pittsburg Trac tion Company could not be coerced. Mr. Bigham replied that the suggestion as to the cost ot buying property was of no value, as corporations asking exclusive privileges must expect to pay for them. All parties then got into arithmetic for a time; but, though "mathematics is an exact science," the figurers did not reach the same results. Mr. Bigham "flocked by himself on the Tote on the amendment, and stuck to it on the vote on final passage, the vote being 40 to 1 for passage. The ordinance locating Landwehr street, from Penn avenue to Station street, was passed finally. Mr. Wright's resolution instructing the Chief of the Department of Public Works to notify the Baltimore and Ohio Kailway Company to open Boss street to the Monpn gshela river, was adopted. A Shave for 1.15 of a Cent. Colgate fc Co., N. Y., will mall you a sample of Demulcent Shavtoc Soap sufficient for a month for 2 cents. TUB BRICK 1'OR BEADING. The Chamber of Commerce Will Not Touch the Charter Issue. The Chamber of Commerce held a regular meeting yesterday. Captain McClelland was put on record as protesting against the resolution passed by the Chamber, with reference to local political candidates. The silver brick from Colorado arrived, but it turns out to be for the Beading sufferers. The members thought a mistake had been made, and the Pittsburg brick had gone Fast A committee was appointed to look up the matter. A communication from the Allegheny Citizens' Committee, was read asking the Chamber to call a meeting of representa tives of the two cities and the Chamber to devise a charter for second class cities. The Chamber decided it was inexpedient for them to co-operate with any committees on the charter Question. The resignation of Beuben Miller was laid on the table. 1IANLI MINISTERS. Rev. Howard Grose Defines the Good Preacher A Manly Alan. At the monthly meeting of the Evangeli cal Ministers' Association, held yesterday, Eev. H. B. Grose read a paper on "The Man in the Minister." He said the minister of to-day must be a man among men, not a Pecksniff or a Uriah Heap. He should be like Jesus, who went everywhere to save souls. 'Tis not the collar or the cut of the garb that makes the minister, but his manliness. He may be irregular in features, but he must be regular in his life. The minister should not be afraid to preach the whole gospel, or declare his honest convictions. BIG BARGAINS In Plnnoa nnd Organs, New nnd Second Hand. Don't delay calling at our warerooms if you want a No. 1 piano or organ at a great bargain. We have made a big reduction in our prices, and are determined to close out our present stock of.pianos and organs, both in the new and second-hand. Our orders tor spring stock are now being placed with manufacturers, and during this month we will make the biggest reduction in pianos and organs ever offered in this city. We can suit you in prices and terms. Don't hesitate to call on us and examine these in struments, as we have them at all prices. Our selection of second-hand pianos and organs embraces all of the fine makes ot in struments. Priees being low on these. Call early aud make your selection at Mellor & Hoene's Palace of Music, 77 Fifth avenue. Attention, Railroad Men. Chinchilla coats and vests (you probably call them reefers) are just the thing that would interest you. We have got about 195 of these garments on hand. They come in brown and blue and the sizes run from 34 to 44. The regular price far these goods was f 15, $18, and even $20 for some of them, but a speedy sale pleases us best, and for to-morrow only you can take your pick and choice for $5. So, $5. Positively only one garment sold to each purchaser. P. c. c. c, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House, Don't Forget the Sale Of Royal Worcester, Doulton, Crown Derby, Pointon and other artistic wares, be sides real and imitation bronzes, French marble clocks, lamps, etc, that can be bought at a reduction of from 20 to 40 per cent from the market values, at W. W. Wattles', jeweler and importer, 30 and 32 Fifth avenue. This is an extraordinary ot fering, as in many cases the prices asked are less than cost of importation, but our object is to reduce the stock as much as possible, prior to sending our bnyer to Europe. TTS Attention. Railroad Men. Chinchilla coats and vests (you probably call them reefers) are just the thing that would interest you. We have got about 195 of these garments on hand. They come in brown and blue and the sizes run from 34 to 44. The regular price for these goods was $15, $18, and even $20 for some of them, but a speedy sale pleases us best, and for to-morrow only you can take your pick and choice for $5, $5, $5, Positively only one garment sold to each purchaser. P. c. c. c, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. REAL ESTATE SAYINGS BANK, UE, 401 Smithfield Street, cor. Fourth Avonne. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $38,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent tts Muskets, Carbines, Swords and Sabers, And a great lot of other goods, at almost any price to close out before April 1, when we will remove to 706 Bissel block. J. H. Johxston, 621 Smithfield s.t Db. O'Keefe's Bitters Ladies clear complexion, vivacity, robustness. 34 Filth ave. Liver complaint cured free at 1102 Car son st, Southside. Dr. O'Keefe's Bitters exhilarate without intoxication; a good tonic 34 Fifth ave. Special Sale. to, $6 and $8 pants to order and $25 suits at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street. Thsn. Db. O'Keefe's Bitters strengthen the aged and weak. 34 Fifth ave. MEETINGS. PrrrSBUitG, November 28, 1888. NOTICE. A MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of the McKeesport and Besse mer Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. Ill Fourth avenue. Pitts burg, Pa., at 2 p. xr. on Tuesday, the 5th day of February, 18S9. for the purpose of considering and holding an election upon the question of increase ot the capital stock and indebtedness of the Company. By order of the Board of Directors. Ie5-28 y. T. WALLACE. Secretary. Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad Cohpant, January 24. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT a regular meeting of the directors of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad Com pany, held January 22, 1880, It was unanimously resolved that a special meet ing of the stockholders of said company be held at the office of said companv in the citv of Youngstown, State of Ohio, on FEBRUARY 2b, 1SS9, at lOo'clock A.JL, to consider the advisa bility of increasing the capital stock of said company to $4,000,000, and also to consider the advisability of increasing the bonded debt of said company from 32,000,000 to 4,000.000, and issuing the bonds of the company, secured by a second mortgage, therefor. JOHN G. ROB INSON. Secretary. Ja24-38-Tu NOTICES. County Commissioners' offce, i Pittsburg. January 28. 1SS9. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to-wit: Tuesday. February 5 Third and Fourth wards, Allegheny City; First, Second and Third wards of Homestead borough. Wednesday. February 6 Borough of Wil kinsburg, Mifflin, West Deer, Scott and Mar shall townships. Thursday, February? Thirty-second, Thirty third. Thirty-fourth, Thirty-hfth and Thirty sixth wards of Pittsburg. Friday, February 8 Twenty-seventh.Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first wards of Pitts burg. Saturday. February 9 Fifth. Twenty.fourth, and Twenty-eighth wards of Pittsburg. By order of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. ja29-4 V"i abslth; ; BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, . ,. .... ' Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TTS 82-Visplay advertisements one dollar psr square for one insertion. Classified advertise ment n this page such as Wanted, JrBale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken or lest ihanflty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morninor: l Advertisements are to be prepaid except -where advertisers already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. riTTSBUBG. THOMAS McCAFFREV, 33u9 Bntlcr street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24fh street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. bTOKELY, Firth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAXD. MCALLISTER A SHEIBLER,Sth av. & At wood st. EOCTIISIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAEM, 1T07 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEItCHEK, 59 Federal street. McBRIUE BROS., Federal and Ohio streets. FEED n. EGGEK3. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEUS & BON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. I'ERRYM. GLEIM- Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. Mule Hels. WANTED-A BARBElt, AT 217 OHIO ST., Allegheny. n sfeK-45 -TTTANTED-A RELIABLE MARRIED MAN V Apply before 10, room 4, 49 Fifth ave. feS-51 -TTTANTED-EXPERIENCED WRAPPERS AT V FLEISHMAN & CO., 504, 60S, 608 Market st. feS-63 -rfTANTED BOY THAT CAN 1 V press and set type. H. AV. FEFl) JOB JUERGEN, fc5-94 t type , 75 Dii Room 42 Power Hall WANTED-FIRST CLASSBARBERf WniTE): no other need apply. GEO. WOLF, Jr., No. 36 East Diamond street, Allegheny City. fc5-S0 WANTED-MELTER-Ol'EN HEARTH STEEL xneltcr; must be experienced, with first class recommendations. Address X, Dispatch office. feS-97 TTrjANTED-BY THE 1ST OF JIARCH-A 11E ?V LI A BLE droit clerk: who speaks German and English, and who Is registered as manager. Address SENNA, Dispatch office. feS-36 -TXTANTED-A CRACKER SALESMAN AC- V QUAINTED with the trade on II. O. R.R. to Cumberland; P. R. K. to Tyrone, and A. V. R. K. to Oil City. Address BOX 95, Allegheny City. fe"-C2 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL CLINK'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc.: sells nt sight. Inquire after 3 p. m., WM. bEMPLE. JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-D WANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN IN U. b. to sell Dr. O'Keefe's bitters; steady work: can make (12 to t't per week. DR. 0'KEEFECO., hon.eops.thlc chemists, 34 Firth ave fe5-86 -TTT-ANTED-MAN OF GOOD ABILITY WHO Tt can furnish undoubted reference, to nil a permanent and responsible position: state busi ness, experience and age. Address H. P., Dis patch office. fe5-79 -VT7"ANTEl-COACHMAN ONE WHO UN- V DERSTANDS the care of horses and a cow; must havo good city reference: wages fifty (850) dollars per month. Apply at NO. E6 WATER ST., second floor front. feS-37 VT7"ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING TV powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners ormlllmen can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASHIRO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-88-TTS VrTANTED- AGENTS GENTLEMEN CAN T V VASSERS to sell on commission lavator, a laundry article: readily sold with good profit; wagon furnished for delivery: applv at once. H. HOLTZMA-N & SONS, 35 Sixth St., Pittsburg. fe5-87 Female HelD. TTANTED FEJ1ALE COOK. 'WHITE OR vY colored, at a hotel 15 miles from the citv; mnst be experienced and able to cook for GC people: good wages. Apply to ALEX HUTCHlbOA . A o. 4 Diamond Square, Pittsburg. fc5-l ninlo nnd Female flelD. WANTED AT ONCE, 1 GARDENER, 2 farm hands, woodchopper, waitress and chambermaid for private family, house girls 'and nurses, 40 cooks and chambermaids, girls for hotels and boarding honses, washerwoman. MRS. MEEHAN, 545 Grant st. fc4-99-D WANTED-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO engage In an easy, paving business at home: can work daytime or evening and make 50c to t2 per hour; sure thing: sample and complete instructions sent free. Address, WORLD bUPPLY CO.. Rutland, Tt. JaSMlO WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED-POSITION BY AN A NO. I draughtsman. Address C E., Dispatch office. fe5-39 TT-ANTED-SHIFP1NG OR OFFICE WORK V by voung man of experience. Address E. H., Dispatch office. fe5-49 -VTTANTED-FOSITION AS PLATE ROLLER; tV 3-hlgh mill preferred; 15 years experience. Address J. O., Dispatch office. ja31-53-TT8 TTANTED-SITUATION AS COMMERCIAL V agent by young man of experience: refer ence furnished. COMMERCIAL, Dispatch office. fc5-46 TT-ANTED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG IV man as bookkeeper, or general office work; hive had experience: good references. Address G., Dispatch office. fe5-50 "TTTANTED POSITION AS CASHIER OR V assistant bookkeeper by a young lady: had two years' experience; can give good reference. Address J. c. Dispatch office. re 3-43 WANTED-POSITION OF TRUST BY AN English lady In a private family: excellent needlewoman: good references. Address VERA, 113 Seventeenth street, Southside. fel-39-Tusu -rrr-ANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN-POSITION V. In a plumbing and gasntllng establish ment: has had two years' experience. Address APPRENTICE, P. O. Box 650, city. fe5-47 -VTTANTED-FOsrriONS BY ENGLISHMAN vV and wife as butler and waitress, chamber maid cr cook: best references. Address JAS. CHARLESWORTH, 1306 Muriel street, S. S. fe5-33 WANTED PARTNERS. WOTED-GENTLEJlAN WITH pub CAPI TAL to take half Interest In good paving business, and to take charge of office: only those meaning bnslness need apply. Address BUSI NESS, Dispatch office. fei-66 WANTED-BY A MANUFACTURING FIRM, who are desirous of cxtendiug their busi ness, a man who has $5,000 to $3(1000 to Invest and situated so he can take an active Interest In the management of the business. Address FIRM, Dispatch office. fe5-C9 WANTED BOARDING. -TTTANTED-BY MAN, "WIFE AND 9-YEAR- V OLD GIRL, room and board; private family; convenient to car line: plain home comforts; price moderate: Allegheny City or Fifth avenue caole line. Address, giving particulars, HOME C051 FORTS. Dispatch office. fe-82 WANTED FINANCIAL. w ANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 Tier cent. GRAEUINU & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-cl-D -TTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- V LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BA1RD. 85 Fourth avenue. a2$-a29-D TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED FROMFT V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-Sl TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP W ERTY. over J4.000; AH per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVEB4CO., 62 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUMS from 8800 to 120,000 at 4H to 6 per cent, ac cording to size and kind of mortgage; no delay If the title is good. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel-48-TuF TTTANTED-TO LOAN 8500.(100. IN AMOUNTS V of 83,000and upward, oncltyand suburban property, on iH per cent, free ortax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK A BAIBD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D WANTED-TO BORROW 115.000 FOR FIVE or ten years on No. 1 property worth over double that amount; rents for nearly 84.000 per annum; state lowest rate of Interest. Address L. M., Dispatch office. feo-43 TTTANTED-TO LOAN 8200,000 ON MORT- V GAGES; !100 and upward at 6 per cent; 8500,000 at t!4 per cent on residences or bnslness property; also lu bujuiuiuk imuuucs, o. XI. KEN OH, 125 Fourth avenue. .. OC31-C84-D TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-ll, 000, 000TO LOAN T V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on farms In Allegheny and aaja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out or Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TTTANTED-BY PEAESON, LEADING PHO W TOGHAPHER, 95 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at (1 60 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process: mhl3-k27 WANTED-INFORMATION OF RELATIVES of the late Henry Drcan, or Phlla.: pleae communicate with CARL G. MEININGEK. 1320 North Eleventh St., Philadelphia, with whom he was as one or the family for 18 years; think he has relatives by the name of McClellan; adjacent papers please copy. ft5-6 WANTED-jIISCELLANEOPS. TTTANTED-IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TV to write a good business Hand, write a bns lness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out an ordinary account, write a receipt, write a promissory note, reckon the discount on It for days, months and years, and get a general knowl edge of bookkeeping, penmanship and arithmetic, attend the College of Commerce, 96 Fourth ave. W. W.McCLELLANR-Prln. no3-sl00-Tug FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. FOR SALE-FINE- PROPEKTV COB. PENN and Fourth st, : lot 21x110 ft. to an alley, with large and very desirable bouse of 4 stories. W. A, HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel-52-TTFS FOR SALE-ON WEBSTER AVE., NEAR Erin st., lot 45x100 feet, with brick cottage of 6 rooms: price 93.000, on very easy payments. W. A. IIERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-S3-TTS FOR SALE-S4.500-?1,000 CASH, REMAINDER on easy payments, one square off Fifth ave.. corner Logan and Caldwell sts., brick house of nine rooms. W. A. HEREON & SONS., 80 Fourth ave. fe5-D0-TTS FOR SALE-SEVERAL DWELLING HOUSES on line or or near tlie line or the new Center ave. cable line: a rare chance to 6ecure a bargain In property sure to enhance in Value. O. i'ER INGEIi & SON, 103 Fourth ave. feo-93 FOR SALE-ON WYLIKAVE., NEAR GREEN St., lot 23x114 feet, with two brick bouses on tne rear part now Dnnginga good rent, wun room to build In front :oni on wyue ave.: an lor vile 12,500 If sold at once. W. A, HERRON SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-SJTT8 IJ'.OK SALE-3 DWELLINGS-A GREAT BAB JD GAIN; a good 2-story brick dwelling. No. 2 Federal St., Pittsourg, one door from Wylle ave., aod two small brick dwellings In rear; all in good condition; both gases; always rented to desirable prompt paying tenants. MORRIS & FLEMING, JOG Fourth ave. Ja31-71-TTS FOR SALE-(99)-f!.8X CRAWFORD STREET, 100 yards from Fifth avenue cable; 10 min utes walk from P. O.; modern 2-story mansard brick dwelling. 8 rooms, vestibule, inside shut ters, stone hearths, gas, water, laundry, back Sorch; first-class repair; good yard; lot 75 feet eep to alley; very easy terms: a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. fe5-75-TTS East End Residences. FOR SALE ON MEADOW ST.. NEW FRAME house of 6 rooms; bath, basement laundry, nat. gas, finished attic and all modern improve ments; lot 30x141; only 4,000. THOS. LlUGB.Tr, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-42-MTurssu FOR SALE-ON CEDAR ST., NEAR LIBERTY ave., lot 20x125 to a paved alley: good 3 roomea brick honse, good sione foundation and cellar, city water, etc.: lOmln. walk from Mlll vale sta.; 2,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fe3-42-MTuFSSu FOR 8ALE-"COLTART SQUARE," OAK LAND If you want a complete and perfect new home, of modern architecture, examine the "Coltart Square" property before buying else where: prices low; terms easy. W. A. HERISON JtbONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe3-64 FOR SALE-MELLON ST., E. E., ELEGANT new frame honse about 9 rooms, all modern conveniences; lot 50x120 to an alley; also 2 new frame houses. 7 rooms each: lots 25x120: owner lives out of city: will sell cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe5-68-IuWFS FOB SALE AT A BARGAIN, ROUP ST., Queen Anne frame dwelling of 11 rooms: re ception hall and bathroom: bay windows full height of house: triple windows In library and room above: ample closets and china cupboard; artificial and natural gas; good cellar with laun dry having stationary tubs and stove; hot and cold water; front and rear porches; lot 42)$xlCS to a 20-foot alley: good stable on rear of lot: terms easy. BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. fel-64-D FOR SALE-S5.000-NEAR FIFTH AVENUE cable cars, frame dwelling of six rooms and finished attic, hall, vestibule, natural gas, center chandeliers, slate mantels throughout, tile hearths downstairs and slate hearths upstairs, range, hot and cold water, inside w.c, slate roof, front and rear porches, cemented cellar under whele house, laundry and furnace In cellar, china closet In dining room, hard wood staircase, elec tric bells: this is a very desirable home and In 5ood location: easy payments. BLACK Is A1RD, 95 Fourth avenue. lel-CI-D FOR SALE-J3.00O-A SHADYSIDE HOME. near station, new Queen Anne dwelling of handsome design, containing S large rooms and two finished attic rooms, elegant reception ball with fireplace and pretty open hard wood staircase, a very complete oathroom, good sanitary w. c and stationary mar ble top washstand, also extra w. c. in cellar, laun dry with stationary tubs, natural gas range, slate mantels throughout, electric bells, exceptionally fine chandeliers and gas fixtures, house complete ly papered, cemented cellars, bay windows, large porches; lot 50x120; a good Investment for prompt buyer; must sell. BLACK & BAD3D. 95 Fourth ave. fe5-76-TTS Allcshcnjr Residences. TTIOR SALE-NO. 2)6 BEBECCA ST., ALLE- JQ GHENY, lotlOxloOlt., frame house6 rooms. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 1 r ourm ave. fc2-50-TTS FOR SALE HARE CHANCE TWO LOTS 20x60 ft. each, three frame dwellings with lot 4.1x60 ft., and brick dwelling with lot 20x60 It. on Arch St.. Allegheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE, At torney, 118 Diamond st. Ja31-78-D , FOR SALE NORTH AVE.. FRONTING parks, 2-story brick dwelling 7 rooms, bath, h, and c. water, nat. and art. gas: everything in first-class order: price low: terms to suit; lot 19x 100 to alley. J . C BEILLY, 77 Diamond St. fe2-46 FOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS, FOUB new, 6-room houses, with bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas; lotOSxlOO. or larger. If desired: situated on line of Ferrvjvlllo Ave. Elec tric roid. Inquire of J. A. MoKEE, 708 Venn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-rrs FOR SALE-99)-BIDWELLST., NEAR FAY ETTE, Allegheny, modern dwelling of 8 rooms and attic, bath, range, laundry, furnace, slate jnantels, porch, bay window, etc.: hand some lot almost 40 feet front; price, 812.000, on small rash payment and long time. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe2-35-TUS FOR SALE CALIFORNIA AVENUjS. ALLE GHENY, 2 minutes from Superior station, P., Ft. W. & C. R. R.. only $6,000, on terms to suit purchaser, a new Queen Anne frame dwell ing of 12 rooms, hall, vestibule, walnut staircase, slate mantels, nat. and art. gas, range, h. and c water, bath. Inside w. c, and stationary w. s., laundry with stationary tubs; registers through out whole nouse, nice porches, front and rear; slate roof; lot SOxlGO to an alley; this Is a handsome residence, and a fine location and at a reduced price for a few days only. REED B. COYLE & CO., No. 131 Fourth ave. fe5-34 FOR 8 ALE-THAT HANDSOME BRICK RESI DEN CE (almost new) on North avenue, Alle gheny, corner Palo Alto street, fronting on the parks, 10 large, cheerful rooms: library and sitting room, lavatory and bath, stationary washstands with marble tops, and hot and cold water through out; several elegant Plllard marble mantels: natural gas; inside shutters; china closets and Fiantrles, elevator, laundry and drying rooms, urnace; dry cellar nnder the whole house, etc, etc.: to be sold at public saleon Tuesday afternoon, ebrnary6,at2ofclock, in our office, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg; title perfect; the premises can be examined any afternoon on presenting our card, which can be obtained at our office. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2-27-D Snburbnn Residences. FOR SALE BEAVER ROAD, EMSWOKTH, P., Ft. W. & C. U.K. ; rare bargaln:rrame house "rooms; large grounds, fruit trees, natural gas, good water. BLACK & BAlRD. 95 Fourth ave. - fel-64-D TTIOR SALE FINE BRICK DWELLING X? house of 12 rooms, bath room. iuu u. , .vwu.0, ui.,u iwiu, IIU, BIIU tVLU water and all conveniences; large lawn with the finest of shrubbcrr; large vegetable garden, fruit, etc; at Emsworth, convenient to station. C. BERINGER & SON., 103 Fourth ave. fc5-93 ITiOR SALE-HANDSOME bUBUBBANBBICK residence on P. R. R. Just beyond city line and near station, having ten rooms, double halls, bath room, range, hot and cold water, natural gas, together with fine stable and carriage honses; also 2 acres of ground covered with choice fruit, flowers; only 811,000; on terms to suit. BLACK A BAlRD, 95 Fourth ave. fel-C4-D FOR SALE OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny county; the house is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide erandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsomefowlhouse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvlllc borough. . Jal9-9 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN home, with stable and two acres of ground, nicely laid off in walks, flowerbeds, shrubbery, etc.; on Une of electric road, Pcrrysvllle ave,, Al legheny; house contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and city water, thus combining the advantages of the country and all con veniences or the city. Inquire of J. A. McKEE. 70S Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. ja31-72-TTS FOR SALE-CHEAP AND IN EASY PAY MENTS. In large or small lots, by the acre or as a whole, 130 acres of the finest building prop erty on Mt. Oliver,, adjoining Knoxvllle and Bcltzhoover boroughs, two minutes walk from electric cars; Castle shannon R, R. runs through the property; It is level, healthful, good water, partially underlaid with coal, limestone and building stone; 20 acres timber; the most availa ble suburban property in the market for dividing 'JJIt.1?.'" a rare cnnnce-..APP1J' at once to J. nA.UIVon.ProPer!K' 9' ML BAUMGART. 101 S. Nineteenth St.. Pittsburg. Ia29-3Q-TTS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. &c F" OR SALE-NICE PONY, GOOD TO RIDE OB , 5?v1l.I?0T?00lworilnB hrse and harness. 4ooZ irtuAa AVE. fe5-63 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES. 18x22. 1 Ball engine, 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and SSmh hoppera. rendering eMlSf e'e. VLLTEA lelwirTS lemlaTe" cor.Thlrty.secondst. FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horse power un. fe.UMrArpniiPS.,eV:4,;ctiIor 'wrlte for prices. FAHEY A PFaLLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v35)j-TTS FOR SALE-ONE 10x18 ENGINE; 1 2-FLUE boiler: 40-inch diameter, 18 feet long and stack: all in good condition, and" selling on ac count of increasing-power and plant. PH03NIX CLAY FOTTEBYWORKS, East End, city. fe5-71-TTSSu FOR SALE-LOTS. Cltr liot FOR SALE-(S9)-MCLAIN AVE., THIRTY FIRST WARD, or Allentown, nice level lot 25x150; cheap to quick buyer. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave. fe5-o7-TT8 I7IOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING ? lots, 22jjxl20 feet, on the cor. Wylle ave. and Porter st.. Eleventh ward, perfectly level, with streets paved and sewered. W. A. HERRON & SONSNo. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-93-rrs FOB SALE-ON WEBSTEK AVE., NEAR . Erin St., lot 19x120 feet, or ?1,000, one-fourth cash and the balance on easy paymentsrthls Is but two sqnares from tho proposed Center ave. cable line. W. A. HERRON A bONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-83-TTS FORSALE-LOTSILOTSI-FEBRUARY9, 18S9, at 3 o'clock, and every Saturday tberealter on the premises, ' 'West End Place. ' ' Thlrty-fifth ward, Pittsburg: 40 minutes from Fifth ave. and Market st. ; near the terminus of West End street car line, ana known as "Halcrman's H1H," at auction: terms, 85 rash, balance in monthly pay ments of 85. with interest at 4 per cent. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja20-54-TTS East End Lou. FOR SALE BOULEVARD LOTS FACING the circle and parks; cheapest and best lots in the E. E. BLACK & BAlRD. 95 Fourth ave. fe4-19-4,5,7,9,ll,13,15,17,19,21,23,2o,27 FOB SALE-DESIRABLE BUILDING. LOTS on Barton St., near steam and cable cars, at Shadyside. W. A. HEBRON SONS. 60 Fourth avenue. fcS-89-TTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS ON OAKLAND avenue (which Is paved). 3 minutes off Fifth avenue cable line: very desirable; price and terms reasonable. W. A. HEBKON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. leS-SK-ns FOR SALE THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near HUand; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees: price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. Jal9-12-TTS FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA TION, P. B. It., convenient Jo steam and streetcars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging Irom fWOtoSKIO. In quire of D. C NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. no2S-T78-TTS T7IOR SALE LOTS! LOTS! LOTSI-GRAZIER, S! Bennett and Kelly streets, four minutes' walk from Brushton station; no city taxes, with city conveniences; no lot less than 40x137 feet: terms to suit purchasers. Secure plan from JOHN F, BAXTER, Agent.512 Smithfield st. fe3-4S-Tur Ilnzclwood Lots. FOB SALE SEVERAL VERY DESIBABLE building lots at Hazelwood, convenient to the station: city water, natural and artificial gas mains: will be sold at a low figure prior to March 1. GEORGE C. BURGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSu FOR SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or the city: only 12 min utes by the B. Jt O. : 21 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at 8300, 840O, S500, S600, sroo, S80O, tl, 000, according to location and size of lot: terms to suit purchasers. GEORGE C. BURGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSU Allegheny Lot. FOR SALE-SHERMAN AVENUE; LOT 40x 110: finest vacant lot on Allegheny parks. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal street, Allegheny. fc5-93 Forms. TCTOB SALE-A BABGAIN A FABM OF X? about 33 acres one mile from Braddock sta tion. In Braddock township: suitable for garden- lng, dairy or farming. JllUHK13rtiUlllU. jus luuriaare. J13I-71-TTS Dllscclloneons. FOR SALE-BIG INVESTMENT-10 ACRES of land fronting river and underlaid with coal and fire-clay: this property Is situate at New Cumberland, W. Va. -See BLACK & BAlRD, 93 Fourth aye. fe2-37-2. 4.5.6,,19,21.3 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Holiness Chnnces. FORSALE O1LLANDS-800 ACRES FEE IN Wood co Ohio. Three wells on this land; dally production 150 bbls: 800,000 ir taken im mediately. BOWMAN & LAMPMAN, Toledo, O. fe2-6-D FORSALE-SS00 CASH; OFFICE BUSINESS: monopoly; business done by contract; will payS20O a month for next 6 years: everything shown. Aaaress jasiux i,r.Aiir.u, uispsicu office. feS-72 XT' OR SALE-STORES, STORES, STORES: JL i drusr. drv roods, croccrv. notion, shoe. tea. cl&rar anu tobacco stores. baKeries.notels. restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc.; 100 good city business chances lor men or women, si SHEPABD & CO., 64 Fifth ave. Ja30 FOR SALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A LARGE and successful general store, In a manufac turing town, online of railroad; last year's busi ness 70,000, mostly cash; a rare opening to an ac ceptable man; 111 health the only reason for sell ing. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., i Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. " fc2-27-D Bnslness Stands. T1 IOR SALE-CORj PENN AND THIRTEENTH st. : now paving 81. 800 rent per year: lot 50x100 it. to sprinff aiiey; J Dusiuess nouses ana a awen- ings: price low nnd future enhancement sure. W. A. n.zntMjn, ov luunu avenue. fel-52-TTFS FOR SALE-(99)-WAREHOCSE PROPERTY on Church ave.. near Sandusvy St., Alle gheny, frontage of 40 feet on the R. R. and 80 feet In depth: fine location for business requiring a B. R. siding; we have sold three of these proper ties in this block within a year. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. fel-58-p TO LET. AUccheny Residences. TO LET-NO. 22 ANDERSON ST.. ALLE GHENY, 10 rooms and late Improvements, near Ninth street bridge: possession can be had at once If desired. W. A. IIERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe2-50-TTS TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY press brick dwelling house 9 rooms, finished attic, laundry, natural gas throughout, heater In hall, all modern Improvements, Sherman ave.. Allegheny. Applylo ROBERT KNOX, JR., 17 Sherman ave., Allegheny City. Jal2-25 Farms. rpo 10 LET-A 20-ACRE GARDEN FARM NEAR Evergreen: good six room honse. stable and outsiae ouiiaings: immeaiaic possession. Apply to D. E. FERGUSON, 128 Forty-third St., city. fe5-54-TT TO LET-VALUABLE DAIRY FARM IN Beaver Co. ; 100 acres at sta. on P. & L. E. R. R.; good bulldlngp, orchard, well wateredetc. : reasonable rent. Inquire ofWM. MITCHELL & CO., 514 Wood St., city. feS-53-TTSu TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue; good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent fWSO. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third av., Pittsburg. Jal5-39 Offices. Dealt Room, cfcc TO LET-(99) OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms in best location; rnll fof prices. bAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal6-28-D TO LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. BID WELL & CO., corner Water street'and Cherry alley. ja30-28 TO LET-FREE RENT-TO APRIL 1. 1880 Offices, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street; ood light and Crano elevator. SAMUEL W. LACKT& CO., 99 Fourth ave. ja29-85-D mO LET IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, and Seventh avenue JL Smithfield. Liberty well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. jaS-32-D rpO LET-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND JL fioor, 518 Smltbfield St., opposite City Hall ana aajoiuing uuqi Duquesne Hotel, with chairs. desk, etc. .UUllltIS A I'LEJllMO, 10G Fourth . de4-d6J-TTB ave. TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ac. nnd Wood street. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and IS Wood st, JalS-51 TO LET-DESIRABLE FRONT OFFICES AT SlOpcrmonth and upward: well lighted, with wide entrance and hallway: In that fine new build ing cor. Federal nnd Isabella sts., Alleghenv. W.A. HEREON A SONS, No. 60 Fourth ave fe2-93-iTS TO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Gcrmanta Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior of Its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House, at Perrysvllle, on the Ferrysvllle plankroad, with 21 acres ofland, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing In first-class order: long lease Is given to the right party. For further Information call or ad dress THEDAN NEB MEDIC1N E CO., 2)2 Federal st.. Allegheny City. feZ-15 Bnslness Stnmls. TO LET-NO. 108 MARKET ST.-3-STORY business or warehouse; 855 per month. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe5-8S-TWT8 rpo LET- BUSINESS HOUSES. f!()R. I.IBPB. JL TY, . -., umiuuuu nun xct.T eta., nni rein separately or togetner. v. a. .ueiucon a sons, 80 Fourth ave. fc5-8S-TWTS mO LET-830- W YLIE AVEN UE, N EA K CHAT- t: storeroom 18x60 and cellar: nrt. X HAM street: and nat. gas. PITTSBURG CO.. LIM., Real Es tate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue. fe5-53-TTS TO LET NO. 93 WATER ST.-LAHGE 3 story business or warehouse, 160 ft. deep, to First avenue; elevator: all In good order. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel-51-lnFS TO LET-CONTINENTAL HOTEL, NO. 13 Carson street, .Central Hotel, No. 17 Carson street: lot 32 ft. by109 ft.; corner Carson street and bridge. H. S. KIEHL, Room No. 2, 77 Fourth ave. fe3-45 TO LET-859-CENTER AVENUE STORE ROOM and dwelling, 5 rooms, storeroom and basement: store can be had at any- tune: aU In good condition: storeroom alone, 818 per month. PITTSBUBG CO., LIM., Beal Estate and Insur- Buwi iauuiaTcnuc, ieM.TTS TO LET. City Residences. TO LET-NO. 27 FIFTH STREET. NEAR Penn, new house 10 rooms. W. A. HERKON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe5-83-TTS TO LET-NO. 8H PENN AVE., NEAK NINTH street, large dwelling 10 rooms. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel-51-Turs TO LET-NO. 814 PENN AVENUE, GOOD house; three stories; 10 rooms; near Ninth street W. A. HEREON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave- nue. fe5-88-TTS TO LET-BU1CK HOUSE OF 8 BOOMS AND hall, hot and cold water, natural and Illumi nating gas; Webster ave.. near Center ave. cars and Penn Incline. W.J. PRENTICE, 10C9 Liberty st. fe5-44 TO LET-AT 827 A MONTH: NEW HOUSE 8 rooms, natural gas: on Elm St., one square from Fifth ave. : possession can be had at once If desired. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-93-TTS TO LET-S20-ARCH STREET.2STORY FRAME dwelling, 5 rooms, lot 20x60 teet: will take 115 per month till April L PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Beat Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth ave nue. fe5-53-TTS TO LET-fSO-WYLlE AVENUE, CORNER Logan, 8 rooms, lanndry: new; most desira ble residence in the Seventh ward. PITTSBURG CO.. LIM., Beat Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue. fc5-53-rrs TO LET NO. 430 WEBSTER AVE., CORNER house. 6 rooms and finished attic, both kinds of gas, washhouftc, bath and range: 825 a month; 27 for two families. W. A. HEBRON A SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-93-TTS mO LET-J13-CASSATr STREET. CORNER JL Bldge avenue, Eleventh ward. 3 sanares above Fulton, 6 brick dwellings. 4 rooms each. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and insur ance, 138 Fifth avenne. fc5-53-TTS TO LET-827-CLIFF STREET. CORNER CAS SATT, Eleventh ward, 4 brick dwellings, 8 rooais each; parlor, dining room and kitchen on the first floor. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Real Es tate and Insurance. 133 Fifth avenne. fe5-53-TTS TO LET 835-ELM STREET, TWO 2-STORY houses on Elm street, 8 rooms each, bath, laun dry, etc.; new houses: alley In rear of both, elec tric bells; modern: elegantly flulshed. PITTS BURG CO., LIM., Beal Estate and insurance, 138 Fifth avenne. fe5-53-TTS rpO LET-822-JOHNS STREET, NOS. 2, 4 AND JL 6, one square from Center avenue, Thir teenth ward (paved street), 7 rooms, hall, vesti bule; slate mantel In parlor, both gases. PITTS BUBG CO., LIM., Beal Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenne. fe5-53-TTS TO LET-OR FOR SALE-563 FIFTH AVE., teu minutes lronl Court Honse; neat two story press brick dwelling, seven rooms and attic, salon parlor, bath, range, hot and cold water, both gases; $30 per month: Immediate posses sion; terms for sale are 8500 cash, balance long time on easy payments. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth avenue. fel-27-D East End Reslaencen. TO LET-FRAME DWELLING. 1EN ROOMS; all late Improvements; situate Ulland ave nue. East End. Inquire GRAFF, UUGUS A CO., 632 and 634 Liberty street. fe5-70 TO LET-NO. 713 AIKEN AVE., GOOD NEW brick, 7 rooms, bath, range, both kinds of gas, well sewered, near steam and cable cars; $30 per month. AV. A. HERRON A SONS. No. SO Fourth ave, fe2-93-TTS TO LET-813-ZULEMA STREET-OB FOR sale 3-story frame dwelling. Fourteenth ward, Plttsbnrg. flvo rooms; lot 32x70, running back to line. PITTSBURU CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue. fe5-53-TTS TO LET-818-ZULEMA STREET, FOUR TEENTH ward, Pittsburg, 3-story frame house and storeroom, hall, front stairs, pantries; will lease this property for three years and pay all taxes, except water taxes, at 813 per month, and with stable 22 per month. PITTSBUBG CO., LIM., Beal Estate and Insurance, 338 Fifth ave nue. fe5-53-TIS TO LET-NEW HOUSE-ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS: furnished and only a year occupied; occupant wIU transfer a two-year lease to responsible party and who will buy the furni ture, carpets, etc.: splendid chance for parties about commencing housekeeping; location East Liberty: handy and convenient to steam cars and both cable lines: rent moderate. For particulars address P. 0. 1063, Pittsburg, Pi. fe2-2-TuS8u Hazelwood Residences. TO LET-J20-FLOWERS AVENUE, NEAR Second avenue, Hazelwood, 2-story frame, 6 rooms; lot 25x100; elegant location. PITTSBURG CO.. LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue. fe5-53-TTS TO LET S30 HAZELWOOD AVENUE. Twentv-thlrd ward, 2-story frame house. 7 rooms and attic; natural gas: porches: lot lJOx 350: nice garden lot; fruit of all kinds; an elegant residence. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenne. fe5-S3-TT8 Apnrtmcnls. TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED FOUR (4) room flats suitable for housekeeping, store rooms and dwellings, with natnral gas. Inquire of SAMUEL MUSGBAVE, 44 Fourth street. fe3-40-TWSU Special. TO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL INGS on the line of Penna. ave. and Butler st. cable cars. st. SeeM. P. HOWLEY, 3819 Butler fe3-33 PERSONAL. PERSONAL COURTSHIP: NEW IDEA:7,000, 000 people to select from: 200 chances for 10c; 3, 000 for fl. CLIMAX, Chicago, IU. fe5-57 PERSONAL-FINE BOOKS-PICTURESQUE America, Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine, Art Treasures ot Germany and 30. COO more books In all departments or literature. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel Building. fe3 PERSONAL YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so benpand make the best of It: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trial. Telephone 1558. Ja8 REMOVALS. KEMOVAL AVE HAVE REMOVED OUR news depot from the old place to No. 1314 Seventh ave., Beaver Falls, Pa.; all Pittsburg papers and periodicals can be had there; all pay ments for papers to be made there also on and after the 6th day of February. A. HAGEMANN A SON. fe5-56ll OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. DEPART3IENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ''I EOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the openinc of ler street, from AVilkins avenue to Forbes avenne: Glenwood avenue, from Second avenne to Lot 38 in Plan of Upper Glenwood, and Dal las avenue, from Irwin avenne to Forbes ave nne, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOAV, f e2-22 Chief of Department of Public Works. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 1 Pittsbubo. Feb. L 18S9. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Nineteenth street, from Penn avenue to the Allegheny river; Linden and McPherson streets, from Edjjerton avenue to Fifth avenue extension; Our alley from Stevenson street to Logan street; AVestminster street, from Pit cairn street to Lilac sewer and Lilac street, from AVostminster street to a point near Elmer street, havo been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) davs from date. E. M. BIGELOW. 1 e2-22 Chief of Department of Pnblic AVorks. BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE havo purchased of L. p. Rider his patent, dated July 9, 1875, for improvement in casting axle boxes and other tubular articles, and tbat all parties infringing said patent will be held strictly accountable. KINZER & JONES. Pittsbubo, January 17, 18S9. KINZER & JONES, FOUNDERS, 101 TO 111 PENN AVE. Seamless Axle Boxes, Pipe Balls and Fine Gray Iron Castings A specialty. ja!9-77-TT& RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE WINDSOR REOPENED FEBRUARY L 1889. Extensive alterations have been completed. Hot and cold sea-water baths attached. Every room heated by steam. G. WATERS. AVM. E. COCHRAN.Chief Clerk. feS61-TTSSu HOT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-class in every particular. Steam Heal, Open Fires. Porchesrincloied in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climate for the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools, Finest in America; Waiers unexcelled anywhere In curative power or luxury. G.K.LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. jal&58-D OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA.. HYGEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from FortMonroe; open all the year, accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic surround ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas. Average temperature for winter 18. Absolutely free from malaria. All things considered, the most comforatable and delightful resort at which to spend the winter months in the United States. Send fox descriptive pamphlet. no27-yJ-xnrStt F. N. PIKE, Manager, LEGAL NOTICES. Law oflices CHARLES F. McKENNA, 116 Fifth avenue. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE-LETTERS of administration cam testamento annexo on the estate of the late Thomas E. Pollard, of the city of Pittsburg, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all parties In debted will make immediate payment and those having claims wUl present the same duly probated without delay, at office and ware honse, corner of Penn avenne and Eleventn Street, Pittsburg. MRS. M. E. POLLARD. fe5-96-Tn" Administratrix C. T. A. rl THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS of Allegheny County In the matter of transfer of license at No. 49 March session, 18S8, from Thomas E. Pollard by M. E. Pollard, Administratrix c. t a. of Thomas E. PoUard, deceased, to M. E. Pollard, widow and sole de visee of said decedent. Notice Is hereby given that on Friday, February 15, 18S9, at 10 o'clock A. M., the application for transfer of wholesale license ot Nos. 1014 and 1016 Penn ave., corner of Eleventh st. Fourth ward, city of Pittsburg, from Thomas E. Pollard, by his Administratrix, to M. & Pollard, sole devises and widow of de cedent, will be heard by said court, at which time all persons interested for or against the transfer of said license shall be heard. feo-02 D. K. McGUNNEGLE, Clerk. TO JOSEPH SLACK AND MARX" ANN SLACK, his wife, and all others, the heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Fielding, late of the county of Allegheny, In tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased- Yotf are hereby notified that John F.AVheless, William S. Riddle and Elizabeth Riddle Payne, Elaintiffs, have filed a bill against yon and aurence W. Prophater in the Court of Com mon Pleas No. 1 of Allegheny county, in said Commonwealth, at No. IU March Term, 1SS9, the substance whereof is as follows, viz: The said plaintiffs are the owners and are in quiet possession of a piece of land in the First ward. City of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, being lots Nos. 2 and 3 in the plan laid out by Edward Stephens, recorded in Deed book vol. 83, page 63, said lots together having a frontage on the northeasterly side of South avenue, formerly Sank lane, of CO feet and a depth of 150 to an Matthew Fielding, about the year 1816, by deed dnly executed, conveyed and delivered gossession of said premises to Edward AV. tephens. The title of said Stephens is now duly vested In said plaintiffs. And said Stephens and his vendees and elaintiffs have been since about the year 1813 in notorious, adverse, con tinuous and exclusive possession of said premi ses. Said deed from Fielding cannot be found, and Is believed to have been lost. Laurence AV. Prophater, ono of the heirs of Matthew Fielding, asserts that plaintiff's title to said premises is invalid, and that be and yon are the true owners thereof, and thereby pre vents plaintiffs from selling the same. And the object of said bill is to obtain from the court a decree that plaintiffs' title to said premises is good and valid in law and equity, and to compel you and Laurence W. Prophater to release to plaintiffs all your claims to and Interest in said premises as heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Fielding, deceased, if any such inter est yon have. And the plaintiffs, having made search for yon in Allegheny county, and not being able to find you, made affidavit thereto and presented tho same to court. Wherenpon the court have made this order: "And now to wit, February 2,1889, the fore going affidavit is presented in open court, and upon consideration thereof, it appearing to tbe Court that Joseph Slack. Mary Ann Slack and all others, tbe heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Fielding, late of the connty ot Alle- fheny in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania eceased, defendants in the case, cannot npon diligent search and inquiry be found so as to be personally served with process, and upon motion of H. and G. C. Bnrgwin, attorneys for plaintiffs, it is ordered that the said Joseph Slack, Mary Ann Slack and all others, the heirs and legal representatives of said Matthew Fielding, be notified and required to cause an appearance to be entered for them on or before the first Monday of March, 1889, to the bill of complaint filed against tbem in this case, and that a copy of this order and a statement of the substance and object of said bill be published as provided by law in the Pittsburg Dispatch once a week for three weeks." Note. If you fail to comply with above di rections by not entering an appearance in tbe Prothonotary's office on or before the first Monday of March, 1889, the bill will be taken pro confesso, and a decree made against yon in your absence. H. &. G. C. BURGWIN. Attorneys for plaintiffs, 150 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. February 2. 18S9. fe5-41-Tn AMUSEMENTS. Q-RAND OPERA H0D3E-EXTRA ! The Event of the Season ! One week only, including MATINEES WEDNESDAY and SATUR'Y, Engagement of the Beautiful Young American Star, CORA TANNER, (Under tbe Management of Colonel Wm. E. Sinn, of the Park Theater.Brooklyn,) in Robert Buchanan's Delightful, Sparkling, Witty New Play, FASCINATION, Presented with Magnificent Scenery and the same Superb Company intact, which made "FASCINATION" the Leading New York Attraction lor 57 Consecutive Perform ances this season. Since then Boston.Brook lyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton have been FASCINATED with FASCINATION." feS-77 M ORITZ ROSENTHAL, The world-renowned phenomenal pianist,in TWO (2) GRAND ROSENTHAL CONCERTS At Old City Hall, MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, February 1 and 5, 1889, Assisted by the famous Austrian bov violinist, MASTER FRITZ KREISLER. Chas.E. Pratt Accompanist Admission (including reserved seat) SI 00 -G9Seats at Kleber's, commencing Wednes day. jaS0-21 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. EVANS AND HOEY in their now edition of Hoyt's, "A PARLOR MATCH." AVeek February 11 Cora Tanner In "Fas cination. fe3-16 H ARRY AV1LLIAMS ACADEMY .l.VlllUli. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday, FRANK JONES as "SI PERKINS." The Pughtown Band. The Apple Bee, Etc., Etc fe3-18 CASINO MUSEUM AVEEK OF FEBRUARY!. The Gilt-Edged Specialty Co. T. J. Hefron, one-legged song and dance artist; Miss Beatrice Vaughan; Mr. Josef Tyson. Open from 10 A. jr. until 10 p. jr. fel-12 ART EXHIBITION PITTSBURG School of Design, Penn Building. Exhi mtionfrnm 10 A.M. to 5 r. M. Opens TUES DAY, FEB. 5, continuing during the week. Admission free. Soring terms begins Feb. 12. A. W. HENDERSON, PrincipaL fe3-21-TTS B IJOU THEATER TO-NIGHT- MINNIE PALMER MINNIE PALMER. "MY SWEETHEART." Next week-"The Still Alarm." fe5-21 TT ARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening, DR. JEKYL AND MR. HYDE. Next week, "A Bunch of Keys." fel-16 ELECTIONS. ELECTION CENTRAL BANK, PITTS BURG The annual election for Direct ors of this bank will be held at the banking house, No. 17 Fifth avenne, on TUESDAY, February 12, 1889, between the hoars of 11 a. m. and 1 P. M. M. HUNNINGS, Cashier. fe2-97 office of the 1 Pennsylvania Construction Co., No. 132 First avenue, citv. ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING ' of the stockholders of tbe Pennsylvania Construction Companv will be held atthe office. No. 132 First avenue, "on MONDAY. February 11, 18S9. between tbe hours of 12 31. and 1 p. M., for the purpose of electing five (5) directors to serve for the ensuing year. ja3I-S9 AV. N. VOEGTLY, Secretary. Pittsbubo and Chicago Gas Coal Co., j Pittsburg, Pa., January 22. 1889. J THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of this company to electa President and Board of Directors for the en suing year, and to transact such other bnslness as may be necessarv, will be held at Room 11, Bissell block, on TUESDAY, February 12, be tween the hours of 3 and 1p.m. J. A. SMITH, ja30-ll-30,fe5,12 Secretary. Pittsburg and Castle Shannon! Railroad Company, General Office. Carson street. Southside, Pittsbubo. February 4, 1889.1 TILECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING JCi of the stockholders of this companv will be held at this office on TUESDAY, February 19, 1889, between the hours of 2 and i p. H. for the purpose of electing a President and ten directors, to serve during tbe ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before them. E. J. REAMER, Secretary and Treasurer, fe3-ll-D NEW AMTERTlSEatESTS. HDUBEB FDR ALI FOR SALE aM MET. 3 rooms up to 10 rooms. In the beautiful borough of Knoxvllle, only 1 miles front city postofflce. Beantiful homes are sold on payments the same as rent. Bv all means visit Knoxvllle before taking ( yonr honse for another year. Never have tnere oeen suca opportunities ior people to get homes. 4STake Southside cars to Twelfth street, and Mt. Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. KNOXVILLELAM) IMPROVEMENT CO. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE fe87 KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. TO LET. ONLY THREE suitable fof office or general Dusinesa purposes. In the new DIS PATCH building on Diamond street, now re main nnrented. THOSE WHO WISH MS nation in the city, with tbe conveniences of lassenger and f reighfelevator service, electric igntanuaieam-neannc; snonia appiv at on to the new DISPATCH BUDLDING. Nos. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. FIFTH AVENUE. Dwelling houses that can be converted into bnslness properties: prices from 5,900 to $12, 000, on payments of 1500 cash and balance on longtime. Properties now paying fair rate of Interest, and enhancementis certain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO, 99 Fourth avq. Established 1878. ja31-TTS CONSUME YOUR' OAVN GARBAGE ET stoves and ranges while using the same f ot -cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir. -cular, containing full Information, call on ot address JAMES ANDERSON, 53 East Diamond street, je5-n57-TT3 Allegheny. Pa. GEO. H. BARBOUR. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Bnildlngs, Room 62 Eisner Building-del2-k66-r 61 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. WALTEH J. OSBORNE. RICHARD BABBOW3. BARROAVS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, SO Diamond street. Telephone No. 812 se3-k56-TTS3a EDUCATIONAL. i r piTTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE Unsurpassed for health and comfort. Music, elocution, fine arts, English literature, classics, French. German, etc. Full courses of study. Largest and best equipped school for ladies. Twentv-three Instructors. The next term will begin January 29. Send for catalogue to REV. A. H. NORCROSS, D. D.. Ja6-13-Tns Pittsburg. Pa. AUCTION SALEb. AUCTION SALE OF AVRECKED freight, at 311 Market street. TUESDAY AFTERNOON at2 o'clock, embracing in part shoes, ladies' coats, dishes, notions, fancy goods, groceries of all kinds, shades, carpets, etc- etc HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneers. fe3-75 AUCTION SALE OF 2 PIANOS. HALL, room and stair carpets, in brussels, in grain and rag; parlor suits, in plush.Drocatelles. silk and haircloth: chamber suits, folding beds, washstands,bureans,chiffoniers,baIlracks.deskj cabinets, wardrobes, bedsteads, sideboards, extension tables, mirrors, pictures, easy chairs, rockers, bed lounges, springs, mattresses,bang ing lamps, rugs, curtains, bedding, stoves, etc., TUESDAY MORNING, Februarys, at 10 o'clock, at No. 311 Market street. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM Auctioneers. f e3-71 ADJOURNED ASSIGNEE'S SALE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, at 10 A. Jr., will be sold a: public auction, on the premises, corner of Carson and Eighteenth streets.Twen-ty-sixth ward, Plttsbnrg, the Farmers and Me chanics' Bank building, and lot 40x120 feet, either as a whole or in two or three parts. Also, on the same day, at 2 P. jr., on the premises. Maple street. Twenty-seventh ward, will be offered for sale nine building lots in the plan of the aforesaid bank, adjoining the school yard and gronnds of St. Michael's Church. L H.SORG. H. I. BERG, Jb.. L. S. CUNNINGHAM, fe2-13 Assignees. A RED FLAG. The wholesale Jewelry store of Chas. Zug. smith, Jr., corner AVood st. and Sixth ave., will be sold ont at public auction, commencing on Monday, February 4. and continue until the entire stock is disposed of. The stock is com posed of diamonds, jewelry. Howard and Elgin watches, silverware of tbe Rogers and Meriden make, Seth Thomas marble and Ansonia enameled clocks, safes, show cases and coun ters. Mr. Zugsmlth Is retiring from the jew elry business. All articles will be sold to the highest bidders. Don't forget. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, at 9:30 o'clock A. 31. J. A. ROBINSON, fel-53 AUCTIONEER. PROPOSALS. TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. . Office or the Board or public Improvements, St. Louis, January a, 1889. ) Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the office of the Board of Public Improvements of the City of St, Louis, Mo., until 12 m. of the 23th day of February, 1889, aVwhlch hour they will be publicly opened; and read, viz. : For lighting with electricity for the term of ten years from January 1, 1399, tbe streets, pnblls places aud snch public buildings as may be desig nated In the following districts of the City of SC Louis, Mo., viz.: Letting No. 2,503. The district described as the southern district In ordinance numbered 14, 637, ap proved December 29, 1383. Deposit required, tiOCO. Letting No. 2. 504. The district described as the northern district in ordinance number 14,697, ap proved December 29, 1888. Deposit required, 15, 000. Bidders wiil state prices per annum at which are lights of 2,000-candle power each, or incandescent lights, of 30-candIe power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained, for lighting streets and r mbllc places: also prices per annum at which are Ights, of 2, COO-candle power each, or incandescent lights, of 16-candle power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained for lighting public build lngs. Everything required for the aboveelectrlc light ing shall be furnished and maintained by the con tractor. The contract with the city will carry the privil ege of furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines of distribution. The contract will contain stipulations by which tbe City of St. Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of the contract. Bidders must submit with proposal... general and detailed plans and specifications or the pro posed system of distributing the electricity, mode of supporting the lights and wires, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and In closed In envelopes furnished by the Board of Public Improvements. The certificate of the Treasurer of the City of bt. Louis that the sum o( 15,000 has been deposited In the treasury must be Inclosed with tbe proposal. , Tbe right to reject any or all proposals Is ex pressly reserved. SpecIUcatlons form of contract and plans of the districts to be lighted, may be seen at tbe office ot the President of the Board of Public Improve ments or the City of St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 23, 1889. Any contract let hereunder Will require the ap proval of tbe Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Board. HEHBY FLAD. ... . President, Attest: EJWBYS. rOSTZR. , JaU-3 Secretary. 1 2 Jm jjjjgji&la 'WtmsWsmKtmtJtatammtwtmtKtMtmm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers