fc practically a hospital steward, though he still -wore the stripes, came to me one day and suggested that I might easily get pleasant relief. I had been somewhat inti mate with him as far as it was possible under the regulations and surveillance to he and he seemed to think he could take me under his wing all right enough. So, one day, says he to me: ' "How would you like to go to the hos pital, Van?' "I told him nothing short of my release from the pen would suit me better. ' "Would you be willing to pay me S3 for it, Van?" he said, 'if I should get you into the hospital and keep you there to help me?' "I told him I would, but I hadn't got the Jo just then, though I expected a friend of mine would come in on next visiting day and slip it to me, as he had promised to do. " 'All right,' said the doctor; 'I'll fix you out!" THE AGREEMENT KEPT. "The next day I was transferred to the hospital department. I remained there until after the next visiting day, when my friend from the outside came to see me. But the money didn't come. My friend insisted that he had not been able to scare it up. I was badly broken up, hut couldn't help it, for I had done my best to raise the cash. That evening Maharneke came to me and said: " ""Well, Tan, did you get the 53?' " 'So,' says I, 'he couldn't scare it up.' " 'All right,' says he, Til fix youl Back you go to the blocks!' "And back to the blocks I did go, the very next day. "Shortly after this, I saw Warden Wright passing throvgh the corridor, and com plained to him that I had been thrown back to the blocks and out of the hospital. I asked him why it was. " 'There was an official complaint against you for not attending to your duties,' said the warden. '"Official, says I, 'the Little Dutch Doctor wears he stripes as well as me. He had me put out of there because, after I worked all day and nearly all night for him, I couldn't get $5 from a friend to pay him for the position.' "The Warden said he didn't believe it; turned on his heel and walked off. That's the truth, and I'll swear to it to-morrow if they want me to. My residence is No. 2118 Larkins alley, Southside, and they know right where to get me if they want my testi mony." A LETTERTO BEAYEB. Graver Allegations Reliably Reported to Have Been Transmitted to His Ex- celicncy, the Governor of Penn- Ulvania Will He Also Take a Hnndt With the duty that the opening of the in vestigation's doors has imposed upon every person who really has pertinent evidence to offer bearing on the McPhillamy charges and other allegations, it would be unfair in any such person now to refuse to disclose what he knows that will clear things tip, either for better or worse. Such individu als, if they should hang back and, at some later day, when the whole matter had been officially disposed of, should renew the damaging stories against one functionary at the penitentiary, would hardlv be entitled to a respectful hearing. The officials have wisely opened the doors for all reliable light to enter. It will be futile, therefore, to wait until after they have obtained all the light possible and formed their conclu sions, to attempt any renewal of such stories &s have not for 20 yWrs damaged or even, heretofore refected upon, the fair fame of .Riverside's management Those who really know anything authentic and reliable that will help to set right the at pres ent somewhat disturbed condition of the prison in this one respect, owe it to the management to come forward now, or hence forth hold their peace. It was in this view of the case, doubtless, that a well-known citizen of Pittsburg had this much and no more to say last evening: "I have written a letter to Governor Beaver, telling him that I believe a high executive position demands of him to take a very deep interest, if not an active part, in this investigation. I have written him that there are graver charges, which have only been 'hanging fire' until such oppor tunity as this should call them out I have written him that if there were evidence of a homicide having been com mitted in that prison within the last four or five years, it would behis personal privilege, if not duty, to get at all the proof bearing upon the case. "I have worked in intimate political con nection with Governor Beaver, and I think I know him well enough to say that he will favor or permit no half-way measures, if there is anything wrong at Biverside." THE INSPECTORS WORRIED. The Charges Against Dr. Maharneke to be Investigated at Once. An informal meeting of some of the mem bers of the Penitentiary Boa'rd of Inspectors was held in Mr. George A. Kelly's office yesterday morning. They agreed that the charges against Dr. Maharneke must be in vestigated at once. They seemed to think the charges were made for financial pur poses. Mr. Kelly said to a reporter: "We have had several informal meetings. The charges are so serious that we will investigate at once. I did not say that we would hire de tectives to ferret out the true inwardness of the thing. I desire the investigation to be as open as possible, and reporters will not be excluded. I regard them as the best kind of detectives." Mrs. Dr. Swift, one of the Board of Visit ors, said she was afraid Mrs. Mair had lost the receipt in changing her residence. She said the inspections were mere forms, and one had to be going in and out all the time to become posted. This Mrs. Mair did to a great extent A LEGISLATIVE INQUIRY Br tbe House In Regard to the ItlTermldo Chorees Probable. A Harrisburg telegram to The Dispatch last eight stated that Secretary Stone was much interested to-day in the report pub lished by The Dispatch concerning the investigation at the Western Penitentiary. He had been at the institution on Saturday, and had heard vaguely of the matter, but had not understood it to be a recent occur rence. Neither had he heard of the inves tigation. The matter, however, was not one that concerned his or any other executive de partment, but rested entirely with the Warden and trustees of the penitentiary. A member of the House Appropriations Committee, who arrived yesterday, said the matter was one that would interest that committee, and "it was not beyond the bounds of probability that an inquiry would be instituted in its behalf." PRESIDENT BIDDLE SUMMONED. The flshlnc Committee of tbe Board of Charities Telegraph Him. It is known that the ladies who compose the Visiting Committee of the State Board of Charities, decided at a meeting yesterday afternoon to send for Cadwallader Biddle.of Philadelphia. Mr. Biddle is President of ihe State Board of Charities, which is a hieher mison authority than a Board Inspectors. It is stated positively that a telegraphic request was sent last night to Mr. Biddle, asking his presence, if possible, in time lor the meeting this afternoon. HOW TO WATER PLANTS. Superintendent Hamilton Claims That to He the Main Study In Bolting Them to Their Perfection. "Can I tell you the secret-of growing plants?" said Superintendent Hamilton to a Dispatch reporter yesterday. "You would have to serve an apprenticeship of seven years to know how to water them; and to know how to water them you must know their habits, their nature. If I were to tell you how to raise plants, and why people cannot make their plants grow, I would have to talk to you seven years. To grow plants you must know their elevation above the ocean in their natural home and the temperature they are accustomed to. To know how to water them you must know their natural wet and dry season. It is a study of nature, of nature's methods and a knowledge of how to assist her in her work of creating her models of beauty. "Jfor instance, taKe an orcnia mat comes from the Magdaline river, in the United States of Columbia, and try to grow it with one from 700 miles further north, then one or the other must die. If vou set a plant that grows 10,000, 12,000 or 14,000 feet above the sea, it is accustomed to pretty cold nights, and that yon must know in order to give it the right temperature. "As I said at first, you must know how to water plants. We have over 2,000 plants in the conservatory, and I could go through any one of the houses at midnight without a lamp, and by tapping against the crock with my finger I could tell whether it wanted water or had too much. Plants cannot be grown by rule; it ;s a study, and the happiest moments of my life have been in watching a new plant or a new cross, and studying its nature, its wants, and see ing it grow to beauty under my guidance." CHINESE CELEBRATE BEY7 TEAR'S In Allegheny With 60.000 Firecrackers and a Fenst at the Central R. P. Church. Yesterday was the Chinese New Year's, and if any evil spirits bother the 37 Chi nese Sunday school scholars of the Central Belormed Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, for the nest year it will not be because the annual festival was not observed by them in true Chinese style, or because the 60,000 firecrackers they set off last night were not loud enough to scare even a modern witch. In the evening the Chinese members of the school with quite a number of their friends who patronized their washa-a-washa houses, gathered in the church. Bev. J. W. Sproul, the pastor of the church, opened the ceremony by a prayer and scriptural reading, followed by some of the Chinese scholars with reading and a song. The party then repaired to the church steps and proceeded to scare away the evil spirits for the coming year by the discharge of 60,000 firecrackers. When the spirits were suffi ciently punished the party repaired to the Sunday school room and tackled the feast given them by William F. Bich, of the Southside Palace Bakery, which lasted un til a late hour. YOUNG LADY AETISTS. The Tasty Work of the School of Design Praised by Friends. The School of Design held its annual re ception at the art rooms, in the Penn build ings, last evening, and indeed the members' friends are many, to judee from the groups of persons, young and old, that gathered around the different pictures, designs and spceimens of decorative work. From the number of young gentlemen present it would appear that the young ladies have a number of admirers of" their handiwork in the sterner sex. And, from a stroll through the rooms, it would seem that their appreciation of the work was wholly justified by the display. It would be hard to say which specimen or class on exhibition received the most at tention. Sufficient it is to state that each class, whether designs, water colors, deco rated china or chart drawings, showed a high conception of art and nature on the part of the pupils. In the water-color class the directors yes terday afternoon awarded Miss Mary Bnvce and Miss Maud Palmer each a silver medal, the competion being close. The rooms will be thrown open to the public for the re mainder of this week.. A NEW BRIDGE. McKeesport Citizens Will Have a Walk Across to Dnqncsnc. The passenger bridge to connect McKees port and Duquesne, 'uhich has been talked of so much recently, has assumed definite shape, and it is certain that the bridge will be now erected by capitalists of McKees port A notice has been given that the charter for a new bridge across the Monon gahela river will be applied for. Dr. Thomas L. White, M. F. Byan, William Denny, Henry Beiber, A. W. Smith and others will form the company. The name will be the Duquesne and McKeesport Bridge Company. The structure will be built from the foot of Biverton street, and will cost not less than $30,000. This is about the coint where the McKeesport and Bessemer Railroad Company propose build ing a bridge. WHITE CAPS IN ALLEGHENY. John Hohmann Receives a Notico and Ap plies for Protection. John Hohmann, a cigar manufacturer of No. 8 East street, Allegheny, applied to the Mayor's office last night for protection from White Caps, stating that he was afraid to leave his home on account of the following letter which he received yesterday morning: PrrTSBCEG, February 4, 1883. John Hohmann: As we beard and know that you don't care for working and don't tend to your wife and child, that we'll give you short notice that you come under onr hands. Tnis is tbe first and last. White Caps' Cojiite. Mr. Hohmann said he always treated his wife and child properly, and though he did not fear the White Cap's, thought the police ought to know of their threats. A SUICIDE FOILED. A Slan Takes Half an Onnce of Chloroform to Poison Himself. Michael Dinner, a runner of the Mahaney Hotel, on Liberty street, yesterday at tempted to commit suicide by taking half an ounce of chloroform. He told his sister that he had taken poison, and she ran imme diately for Dr. Hiett, who succeeded to re store the man with the stomach pump. Dinner lives on Bedford avenue. Two Lndlci nt War. Mrs. C. H. Crumble yesterday sued Mrs V. M. Ashe for malicious libel and mis chief and larceny from the person. Both ladies are well-known residents of the East End. Mrs. Crumble claims that Mrs. Ashe had circulated malicious stories about her, and that she took her watch and poured acid into the works. In this shape it was returned through friends. In Deep Water. Mayor Pearson and City Solicitor Elpbin stone, of Allegheny, held a conference yes terday concerning the number of Select Conncilmen to be elected. Mr. Elphinstone said he hoped something would soon be done to help them out of their, present dilemma. . The Reason Why the late Hqnonga hela Hirer Strike Was Ended. JOHN FLANNERI'S WOEDS DID IT. The Builders Eeported Progress on .Their Kew Building. ALL THE LABOE NEWS OP YESTERDAY John Flannery, editor of the Trades Jour nal, accompanied by a number of delegates to the joint semi-annual convention of the coal miners and operators of the United States, left last night for Indianapolis in a special car, via the Panhandle Railroad. Among the party were John B. Bae, Master Workman, Bobert Watchorn, Secretary of the National Organization, No. 135; Thomas Podany and John Osborne, representing the railroad miners in this district, which is now sub-division No. 1 under the new organization; John Con way, President, Alvin C. Patterson, Secre tary. Patrick McBride and Michael Me Quaid, delegates fromNew National Miners' Protective Union, and a number of others from the different miners' organizations. The operators of the Monongahela river were represented by John A. Wood, Addi son Lysle and Captain W. W. O'Neil; the railroad operators by W..S. DeArmit, F. L. Bobbins and other alternate delegates. One of the river operators, in speaking of the convention, said yesterday: There is a scheme on foot to hold a little con vention of the operators and miners interested In the Monongahela, Youghlogheny, Ohio, Kanawha, Muskingum and Mississippi rivers as a side issue to the other convention. The interests of the operators and miners in these 'districts are MOBE CLOSELY ALLIED than those of tbe other districts. If tbe side convention Is held, then there will be a strong probability that the question the last strike was based on will be settled for sometime at least. The history of this has not yet been told, and, althongu the convention has not yet been held, the publication of tbo matter will do no harm, as tbe delegates will have been called to order before it gets out. The settlement of the strike last Friday was a surprise to many of the operators themselves. At the meeting John Flaunery, the ex-secretary of tbe miners' organization, and John B. Rae, one of the present national offi cers, appeared and pleaded with the operators to declare the strike off and pay 3 cents. Mr. Flannery stated he had made a personal investigation throughout nearly tbe whole river district, and the suffer ing among the idle miners was terrible. He pictured to them the horrors of poverty cansed by the suspension of work since December 1. and asked m God's name that the strike be de clared off. A number of operators said this was impossi ble. They stated they could not afford to pay 3 cents while their competitors in the Kanawha valley were paying but 2 cents. 3Ir. Flannery then asked vliat benefit the operators were de riving from tbe shutdown, and the reply was none. He then said if the operators would pay 3 cents on the Monongahela river, give their assistance to the convention at Indianapolis, it would be an easy matter to bring the Kanawha operators uptothe3-centrate. He showed them wbere it would be better for the Monongahela operators to try and have the Kanawha opera tors PAT THE THEEE-CENT ItATE rather than have a reduction on the Mononga hela. After he had convinced them that it would be an easy matter to establish a uniform ity in the two districts, they passed a resolution to declare the strike off and pay three cents. Mr. Flannery thinks it is an easy matter to do Ifcis, but I do not. As I understand it, tbe miners on tbe Kanawha are not very well or ganized, and I think It will be a hard job to make the operators pay three cents. The mine owners up tbe river would pay four cents if their competitors did the same. All tbey want is a uniformity in the price, and they will take their chances on selling the product. The miners and operators of the Monongahela val ley and tbe Kanawha miners are agreed on one point, uniformity. If they can get the employ, ers of the latter district to see it in the same light there will be an end to strikes in this dis trict. At tbo convention an effort will bo made to have the railroad scale run for a vear Instead of six months, as heretofore. The present price paid for mining in tbe railroad mines is 9 cents per ton. The miners will, of course, try to better this figure, and the operators will try to have it reduced. An effort will be made also to draw up a scale for the river operators which will last a year. This will eventually be done at one of the meetings. A very strong in fluence will be brought to bear to get the Kanawha operators in the scheme, and, if it is possible, it 'Hill be done. The other business which will come be fore the convention has already been pub lished in The Dispatch. MR. MULLEN ON RECONSTRUCTION. Ho Claims That His Letter to Mr. Morgan Wns'Metainorphoscd. Mr. William Mullen, Secretary of Dis trict No. 5, N. P. U., writing to The Dis patch from Mt. Pleasant, stated that the circular published in yesterday morning's issue by seven men claiming to represent a portion of the coke workers, contains a copy of a letter written by him to M. P. Kane, of Morgans, Pa., which, while n,ot differing in words, has been metamorphosed by that committee of seven in such manner as to radically change its meaning. In the pub lished letter instead of beginning a sentence: "Acting in accord," etc., the sentence is continued so as to make the fol lowing sentence, begin with, "The conven tion decided," etc. What Mr. Mullen claims to have written is as follows: I received a letter to-day from William Rhodes, -Secretary D. A. 11, K. of L, asking for a conference between the N. P. U. scale committee and a scale committee of the joint convention. Acting In accord with the spirit of the convention held in Columbus, wbere the N. P. U. was formed from both of the miners' organizations, the convention decided to recog nize no ortramzation but the N. P. U. of Miners and Mine Laborers. Under the circumstances I cannot act in tbe matter. Yours respectfully, William Mullen-. Becrctary District No. 5, N. P. U. Of the matter Mr. Mullen proceeds to say: Very little study will show that the changes made in tbe sentences give the letter the ap pearance of stating that Rhodes' communica tion was In accord with the spirit of the Co lumbus Convention, and that tna convention of District 5, If. P. U., ignored the Columbus Convention's decision. My letter explains itself. The motive which actuated that com mittee in resorting to such tactics cannot be -uorthyof mucb credit from either friends or enemies. William Mullej?. PRESSMEN'S STRIKE OFF. Tbe Conservative Methods of Printers Pre Tcnt Trouble Again. At the meeting of the Pressmen's Union No. 13 Saturday night last, the strike against two job printing offices in this city was declared oft. The strike was inaugu rated several weeks ago without the usual notification or consultation with Typograph ical Union No. 7. Both organizations be long to the International Typographical union aim ueiuru oruenug a siriKC one should notify the other. According to the laws of the organization a member holding an International Typographical Union card cannot work in a shop struck by the Press men's Union. The action of the latter in ordering a strike without consulting No. 7 caused a number of the members of the lat ter to become indignant. The latter i is the reason the strike was declared ofi". This is the second time the newspaper printers have prevented strikes by their conservative methods. Tbey Accent tbe Reduction. The employes of the Braddock wire mill, who have been on a strike for some time, will go to work to-day. They had a meet ing yesterday, and it was decided to accept the reduction of 8 per cent in their wages. River 3llnes Start Up. All the river mines started yesterday to supply the New Orleans market while the water is high. The old rate of 3 cents per bushel will be paid to the men. About 7,000 idle miners resumed work. THE BUILDERS' EXCHANGE. The Committee on tbe New Dnlldlng Re ported Progress. The Builders' Exchange held their regu lar monthly meeting yesterday. The ques tion of erecting a new building for the use of the Exchange was brought up but noth ing definite done about the matter. A number of sites in the business portion of the city upon which tho committee has secured options were suggested. The com mittee was continued, and will further re port at the next meeting. A number of the members of the Exchange announced their intention of attending the convention of the National Association of Builders at Philadelphia on the 12th, 13th and 14th. They will go as individuals only, upon special invitation from tbe National Association. Among those who will go are W. S. Sharon, editor of the Builders' Gazette; A. Basner, of Basner & Dinger; Beese Lindsay, of Beese Lindsay & Co., and T. J. Hamilton, of Murphy & Hamil ton. HE MAKES NO DEFENSE. Shepardson Held for Conrt on the Chnrso of Embezzlement. Paul Shepartlson, formerly Financial Secretary of Typographical Union No. 7, had a hearing before Magistrate Gripp yes terday on a charge of embezzlement. Bob ert Baglin, the prosecutor, was the only wit ness, and he testified that Shepardson since last July had embezzled $231 from the Union. Shepardson made no defense, and was held for court. THE ALLEGHENY CHARTER. Legislators and Citizens Leave to Take a Hand In the Proceedings. The rear car on the fast line East last night contained a happy crowd of members of the Legislature and Senators on their way back to Harrisburg to take a hand in the festivities to-day incident on the Alle gheny charter question. Among those who were there were Senator Graham, Bepre sentatives Bulger, Marshall, Jones, Dravo, of Beaver; Messrs. John Neeb, George Von Bonhorst, W. P. Price, James Hunter, Commodore Koutz, Wm. Francis, Jr., and 'Squire Leslie, of Lawrenceville. Captain Dravo said: I have just bad a conference with a number of leading Allegheny citizens, and I certainly shall oppose any hasty legislation in the mat ter. It is not a question of whether Allegheny City shall be made a city of tbe second or third class. I voted against tbe measure before and I think I shall vote against it to-morrow. When that committee was down at Harrisburg before they tried to railroad it through in three con secutivo days. This was entirely wrong and I told them so at the time. I have it on tbe authority of tbe people themselves that when tbe bill was being rushed through the commit tees one Senator and two Representatives who were Its warmest supporters bad not read tbe bill. They were not acquainted with its main provisions. There are a number of little points in the measure which I would like to be enlightened npon before saying much about it. 1 was told by several of the people I was with this after noon that if tbe bill is passed before Alle gheny holds her election, it will havo to be made a third-class city. Commodore Kountz, who was going down in the interest of the Citizens' Committee, said: I'm not troubling myself about whether Allegheny becomes a second or third-class city now. It is tnis hasty legislation I am opposed to. There are a number of people down at Harrisburc who imagine that they will just run things to suit themselves on this bilL They think they can railroad tbe matter through in any shape they wish, but they will find out something to the contrary when we appear on the scene to-morrow. I tbink the citizens of Allegheny know what they want, and they will not accept any snap judgment from any legis lators from this city or any other. Ex-Eepresentative John IJ. Robinson, of Delaware county, was on the train. He was in tbe city yesterday on private business. THE PROHIBITION Y0TE. Speaker Boyer Is tho Choice of Politicians for State Treasurer. A well-known State politician, whose name has appeared often in The Dispatch was in the city yesterday. He began thus: I would rather you would'nt use my name to-day; but it is about settled that Harry Boyer, Speaker of the House, will bo the next Re publican candidate for State Treasurer. West ern Pennsylvania is coming to tbe front in State politics. The reason why Pittsburg has never cut more of a figure in political deals is the fact that the people are too busy here to pay any attention to politics. In Eastern Pennsylvania prohibition will have a close shave. In tbe agricultural dis tricts in Chester, Berks, Delaware and other counties the people will vote for it, but the towns and cities will be heavily against it. Prohibition is bound to lose in the State at large. WAKING THE SLEEPER. Talk That tho Titusville, Cnmbrldgo and Erie Rond Will be Bnilt. There is some talk of reviving the old Titusville, Cambridge and Erie railroad. The road was projected as a branch of the Nypano in the palmy days of the oil excit ment, when Titusville was the center of the region. Part of the road bed was graded, but the rails were never laid. The oil bubble burst, aud left Titusville fiat on its back. After that the Nypano people had no desire to enter the town, and they dropped the scheme as they would a red hot iron. The road was projected to run between Titnsville and Erie. WHO EN0WS JAMES FREEMAN? His Sister In St. Louis Wonld Like to Hear From Him. Mayor McCallin received a letter yester day from St. Louis asking for information concerning James Freeman, who came to Pittsburg 39 years ago. He is supposed to have resided on Liberty street. nelvn Chnts. Belva Loekwood was in the city yester day. She says prohibition does not really probibit, but she hopes it will carry in this State anyhow. She goes to Paris next Mav to represent the Universal Peace Union. Governor Beaver will send with her a parchment copy of the grant of King George to William Penn. The Dccreo Reversed. The Supreme Court at Philadelphia yes terday reversed the decree of Judge White, restraining the Department of Awards by a preliminary injunction from purchasing two Amoskeag fire engines. The officials around City Hall were jubilant when they heard the result. Oil and Iron Rates Go Up. Certain commodity -rates from Chicago to St. Paul will be advanced to-day. The only two articles affected in this territory will be oil and iron. The former will be advanced from 17 to 25 cents, and iron from 15 to 17 cents. Gilt Edge Praise. At a meeting of Gilt Edge Lodge No. 62, Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association, a series of resolutions were adopted extolling the Bhondda Glee society for singing for them in their concert. The society will at tend the inanguration, and have been as signed to Governor Foraker's division. No Extra Par for Police. The fire department was paid yesterday for January, and the police will receive their boodle to-day. Many.of them thought they would receive extra pay for the Wood street wreck, but Superintendent Weir says they will not. BELTA ON HIGH LIFE. The Famous Lady lectures at Brad dock on Washington Customs. SEE DISPOSES OP THE SURPLUS. Society and Office Seekors Torn to Tatters in Her Remarks. A MODEL BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER Miss Belva Loekwood lectured last even ing in Braddock on the subject of "Social and Political Life in Washington." The lecture was under the auspices of Prof. List, who has conducted a cou S3 of lectures during the winter. A large audience was present and enjoyed the sayings of a woman of national reputation. Dr. T. U. Boyle introduced the speaker, who, after a few introductory remarks, plunged into her interesting discourse. An outline of her address follows: I will describo 'my impressions of Washing ton after a residence in that city of over 23 years. Washington is to the American what Paris is to the Frenchman, and what Mecca 13 to the Mohammedan. Washington is a grand and beautiful city, with its fine streets, Impos ing buildings, interesting reminiscences, which makes it the home of the historian, add ing to these her literary and social worlds is what makes it so attractive. Here genius and capital centers, fine homes abound, scats of learning are many.and there is a social stratum devoted to sciences and art. Washington is a cosmopolitan city. It may not be tbe geograph ical center of the country, but tbe United States, in this age of progress, may make any city its center. This age is so progressive that the young men and women of to-day must be progressive to keep pace with it, and great thing may be expected withinjthe next decade. Tbe culored people of Washington form two nintbs of its population. Every grade is represented from the laborer on the street to learned doctors and lawyers. They have their homes and hold high offices. For many years Washington's tax collector was a colored man. Prominent colored men are found In tbe Sen ate, the House, in the legal and medical pro fessions. Their faculty for obtaining and their facility for holding offlco has made them a race to be respected and applauded. In Washington's population are found the German and tbe Irish. Italian and Hebrew, the Indian wbo is visiting the Great Fatber, and men of every race and complexion. It has its tramps, wbo have an admiration for its jail and who, like the Mikado, never wears a garment that has been washed. Unlike our Western cities it has no Sunday ball bames, theaters or opera. Profane or vul gar language is rarely heard on Its streets and It holds to her old laws. Three weeks ago a man was arrested and fined in Philadelphia for being a common scold. I see by this that the good old, said city is gradually coming around to our platform. , Washington bas no booms in oil or gas wells, or in buildinc lots. Tbe city Is made up of Government officials. There are thousands of Government clerks who spend all they can make or borrow and their salary is generally spent before it is earned. THEY LOSE All, ABILITY for other work after a few years' service, and a change in the administration fills tbem with consternation and dismay. Many of tbem in Washington to-day have shingles ready to be come lawyers and claim agents after Mr. Har rison is Inaugurated. Washington is a healthy place, and when a Congressman once comes to the city he usually decide! to remain a lifetime, but his constitu ents invariably in such a case never return him. Cleveland's fine mansion, Butler's resi dence and hosts of others are monuments of a country's and a State's ingratitude to public office bolders who were not returned. Tbe boarding mistress of Washington usually tries to get a house which is all front rooms. It is usually ready f urnisaed, so that her land lord cannot attach her for rent due. After getting several hundred dollars in debt she flits and takes her boarders with her. Her object in life is to educate ber boy and get him into a Government office. Her daughters are edu cated how to catch a husband. Litigation in Washington, and it seems to be the case all over tbe country, bas become not the question of law and justice, but that of halr-splittine technicalities. Lawyers in this country can argue that black is white and White, black. No defaulter is convicted unless he is so depraved as to be without money. Office seekers, old soldiers and women with Government claims hang around Washington. Tbey are lead on by a hope which finally leaves tbem broken down and poor. AH expect to have their wishes fulfilled, and claim they have tbe right to have their Congressman push their claims exclusive of all other busi ness. The keenest and busiest of all of Washing ton's population is tbe newspaoer man. Tbey have a multitude of duties, among them the description of society events, with the costumes worn by those in attendance. Tbe fair dames usually write out a description beforehand and have them printed on a slip of paper which is banded to the reporter. There is a keen com petition among tbe ladies as to who shall be the best dressed. Washington is full of well dressed, cultured and beautiful ladies. Dress is indigenous to the female sex and is one of the attributes of her beauty. A lady remarked to me a. few days ago, "The consciousness ot being well dressed gives me more peace of mind than religion ever could." BELIGIOUS WASHINGTON. A Washington church is usually made popu lar by the President attending it St. John's Church has been made famous because the Chamberlain wedding was celebrated there, and it was there the Whitney baby was christened. Washington and Buchanan also attended the church. Madame Cleveland at tends Dr. Sunderland's churcb, and when she is present the aisles and galleries are filled with Washingtonians who endeavor to get a glimpse of tbe famous lady. The prevailing religions of tbe District of Columbia are Catholicism and Methodism. There is a senseless prejudice existing against the former belief, the spirit of which succeeded in defeating Scott and BlalneinaPresidental contest, and raised such an excitement in Boston a few weeks ago. Ibis spirit is entirely unknown in Washington. Congress this year has occupied overbalf the session with settling the tariff bill and arrang ing General Harrison's Cabinet, All the Sen ators and over half tbe members of the House do not object to an appointment in the Cabinet. There nave been almost endless debates on tariff. If women were in power do you think they would waste words. They would put silks, laces and cbewing gum on the free list and not stop at wool or iron. As to the sur plus, if women were in Congress, there would be no surplus. If I bad tho distributing of the surplus, tbe pension office would be destoyed and every honorably discharged soldier would receivo a pension. I would erect new build ings and give the unemployed work, and then establish industrial schools in our great cities among its slums. I believe that the future of this country depends more upon the education of tbe masses of people than on its army and navy. People in Washington easily adjust them selves to political changes. Previous to tbe election of 1884 a good Democrat could not bo found in Washington. A few months ago a good Republican n as unknown. Strange to re late good Republicans are now plentiful, and Democrats are diappearing. There are no voters in the District of Columbia. I am glad there is one place wbere men have the same political advantages as women. Tbe number of people who are willing to sac rifice home and everything for office is almost incredible. Office seekers are lawyers with out clients, doctors without patients, editors without subscribers. Washington society can be entered by anv ono who is well dressed, has plenty of small talK and much check. Dancing is not a favor ite amusement Tbe inaugural ball is only a grand reception, and it tbe ministers would abolish the champagne and wine, tbey would do more good than by attacking dancing. Miss Loekwood then spoke on the lob byist at Washington, his duties and his tricks to secure the passage of his measures, and on several of the minor points in Washington life. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Two Children Died From That Cause Yes terdayNo Inqaosts. Two children died yesterday of cholera infantum. One of them was Howell Diet rich, aged 4 months, on Marshall street. Eleventh ward, Allegheny, and the other Matthew Powell, a 2-year-old child living at the foot of Twentv-third street. Homeopaths' to Confer. Drs. Seip, McClelland and Williard, homeopathic physicians, went to Harrisburg last night to confer with other committees about the legislative bill to have doctors ex amined by a board before being allowed to practice. A report ot what the homeopaths will demand has already appeared in Tjie Dispatch. LAEGE SCALE Are tbe Arrangements of tbe Innnsnrntlon Being Completed At Least 40,- 000 Men Expected to be in the Procession. tSrlCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCTI.l Washington, February 4. In all the list of inaugurations, in no other instance have such elaborate preparations been made for an imposing pageant as for the inauguration of President Harrison. The preliminaries are now practically complete. The pieces of the unparalleled pyrotechnic display are all arranged. Brodt, ot the Bellevue Hotel, in Philadelphia, is laying his final plans for the magnificent supper which will be provided for the patrons oi the ball. The ball tickets are now out and are selling rapidly at ?5 each. Many of them, of course, are being taken by specula tors, who will get get $50 for them before the evening of the 4th of March. More money has been paid into the treas ury of that Inaugural Committee than on any for occasion. Already the expenses of the great affair are provided for, and it is possible that the receipts from one source and another will go far toward reimbursing those who so liberally advanced the money. Though there are'yet applications coming in for places in the procession, these are so nearly closed that the number and identity of the various divisions of the mass can be almost certainly listed, and General Beaver and Adjutant General Hastings are now en gaged in making the final disposition of the many civic andmilitary organizations. Governor Beaver is expected to be here in a few days, when the permanent programme will be made out and announced. Pennsylvania will so far outshine all other States in the pageant that she will rightfully be given tbe most conspicious place in the procession. Up to the present time the civic organizations which, are booked number about 21,000 individuais,and the military 13.000. It is probable that enough more will apply,and others fall into the procession without formal arrangement, to swell the procession prdper to at least 40,000 persons. Architect Clark, of the Capitol, is pushing the work on the great marble terrace at the west front of the Capi tol, that it may be finished by the day of the inauguration, and thus enable the "tens of thousands of visitors to see the vast build ing to the better advantage than it was ever seen before. MUST HAYE IT INSPECTED. A New Dressed Meat Bill Introdnced In the Ohio Legislature. fSPECIJLt. TILIOKJUI TO TI1E DISPATCZI.1 Columbus, February 4. The meat in spection question was revived to-day by the Lower House, where a bill was introduced which makes it unlawful for any person to ship into the State dressed beef, veal, lamb or pork for human food, without its being subjected to an inspection and stamped or labeled. The Governor is given power to appoint as many inspectors as he deems necessary, and their compensation is to be fixed by a commission composed of the Gov ernor, Auditor and Secretary of State. The bill provides a maximum penalty for violations of not more than 600 fine or 30 days' imprisonment. The bill diners from those defeated in that it touches only dressed meats. This measure eliminates some of the objectionable features which were urged by members against the bill for inspection on foot, and it is believed will meet with favor among the members. STBICHNINE FOIJ QUININE. Fatal Dllstnke of a New York Floor Walker His Wife Barely Escapes. rSrZCIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE E1SPATCH.1 NE'W Yoek, February 4.' William H. Hill, a floor walkerat B. H. Macy & Co.'s store, died this morning at his home in Central Mt. "Vernon, of a dose of strych nine. .He had been in the firm's employ for three weeks, going to them from Daniell & Sons, of Broadway, by whom he had been employed for 15 years. The strychnine was mistaken for quinine, which had been prescribed for a cold trom which he was suffering. He bought the strychnine two years ago to poison rats with. The pack age bad been lying about tbe bouse and was mistaken for quinine and for a cold. After Hill took the dose his wife since, taken tasted the stuff to be certain that it was quinine, and the doctors barely succeeded in saving her life, while the husband died in great agony. DEAD OR ALITE. A Texan Desperado Killed by a Fosso While Resisting Arrest. riPECTALTKLIORAit TO THE niSPATCH.1 Gainesville, Tex., February 4. De puty United States Marshal Swaine's posse, who left Purcell, Idaho, last Thursday in pursuit of Charley Stein, the Kansas desperado who shot United States Marshal John McAlister Wednesday night at Pur cell, overtook and surrounded the fugitive Saturday morning, 100 miles north of Pur cell near the Kansas line. Stein refused to surrender and a general fusillade followed in which Stein fell dead, his body being pierced by several bullets from Winches ters. The dead body was brought back to Purcell yesterday by the posse, where it was buried. THREW A KNIFE AT HIS FATHER. An Allegheny Son Defends His mother From Curses. Officer Trapp, of the Forth Wayne depot, discovered an old man of 60 running down Excelsior alley last night, crying for help and covered with blood from a cut in the head. When taken to the lockup he refused to state the cause of his condition, but his wife soon arrived and stated that her son, Frederick Morton, came home last night and heard his father enrsing his mother because he did not want his daughter to go to the theater, and as the father would not stop the son threw a penknife at him, striking him above the eye. After having his wound dressed the father was locked up, but the son escaped the police. Another Corry Bank Dividend. Washington, February 4. The Con troller of the Currency has decided a second dividend of 25 per cent in favor of the cred itors of the First National Bank of Corry, making in all 75 per cent on claims proved, amounting to 5172,957. Roads Joining; Hands. There will be a meeting of the Central Traffic Association in Chicago on Thursday to hear the report of the Committee on re organization. The organization will be continued, and Blanchard has consented to remain at tbe head. Aldrich Will Soon be Here. Mr. Lemon said yesterday that no de mand had yet been made for Aldrich, the bunko sharp, and the papers were not signed. The 15 days allowed him to make an appeal have not yet expired. Importnnt to Soldiers nnd Their Heirs. Soldiers and their heirs who have unset tled claims, or who wish to apply for pen sion, increase or bounty, should call upon Mr. J. U. Couover, representing the well known firm of Soule & Co., Attorneys, of Washington. D. C, who will be at tbe Cen tral Hotel, Pittsburg, Pa., from Thursday, February 7, to Saturday, February 16, in clusive, for the purpose of giving free ad vice to all claimants. Claimants should bring their discharges and all pacers rela tive to their cases. New bounty bill gives $100 to certain soldiers and heirs, and new pension bill benefits thousands who do not know their rights. Mr. Conover will give you full par ticulars. If yon cannot call, write to Soule & Co. and state your case. QUARTER MILLION To be Turned Into Local Coffers for Electric Light Plants. OEDEES FOE 24,250 NEW LIGHTS, To be Made by the Westinghouse Electric Company Tery Soon. EDISON'S COMPANY SEED IN EARNEST Three representatives of tbe Westing- house Electric Company telegraphed their firm yesterday almost simultaneously tnat they had secured contracts for incandescent lighting, the total of which amounts to 24,250 lights. The contracts will go to New York City, St. Louis and Council Bluffs, Iowa. In New York a company will start a plant of 10.000 lights. This is the first time that the Westinghouse alternating current will be made use of in New York City to such an extent. In fact the Edison Company has hitherto enjoyed almost an exclusive monopoly in New York City. The contract for St. Louis amounts to 12,000 lights, which, with the order of 5,000 lights coming from the same city some time ago, gives the Pittsburg Electric Light Company a representation of 17,000 lights altogether, or nearly three-fourths of the large contract to London, England. The company in Council Bluffs will com mence their plant with 2,250 lights, and in crease as the demand requires. There will be eight 3,000-light generators furnished for the establishment of these three plants, and with the additional ap purtenances of other machinery, wiring, globes and dynamos, the erection of the three stations will cost 5250,000. The Westinehouse Electric Company has issued a circnlar purporting to contradict the statement made some time ago by the Edison Electric Company, that according to the decision of the Supreme Court in the Bates case, every incandescent light outside of the Edison system is an infringement on their patents, rendering all of them liable to heavy damages to the Edison company. The Pittsburg company now states as an offset to this that there is a suit pending against the Edison company for the in fringement of the Sawyer-Man patent for incandescent lamps. This patent suit covers every incandescent lamp, and was awarded to Sawyer and Man after a four years' figit of interference in the Patent office with Edison. A decision in favor, of this patent, which is owned by the Westinghouse Electric Company, will therefore render every Edi son company liable to this company for damages, and to an injunction preventing the further use of this invention. The suit is being pushed vigorously, and a decision is expected very shortly. MAKING-PREPARATIONS. .Catholics Determined to Hnvo a Monster Parade on the 22d. The delegates from the city Catholic churches met in the rooms of the Columbus Club yesterday to make further preparations for the Catholic parade on Washington's Birthday. Mr. J. A. Golden explained the object of the meeting. On motion the officers of the meeting were -to iorra a committee to call on the pastors of the churches to urge their congregations to organize and turn out. St. Joseph's Church will turn out 1,000 men, independent of the societies. Mr. McCauley stated that there would be 20,000 men in line from the societies. An Advisory Committee was appointed to act with Chief Marshal Cosgrove, and assist him in his work. A SENATOR'S PROPOSITION. Newmyer Wants the City to Show That His Lien BUI Is All Wronc. Senator Newmyer states that when the city officials convince him that the city has more right to maintain perpetual liens than other people have, or that its officials are paid to perform duties that they need not perform unless they choose, he will quit his advocacy of the bill requiring tax liens, etc., to be renewed every five years. Tit for TaW John Kirkpatrick had a hearing yester day for assault and battery. Michael Garvey claimed that he pulled his mother's hair and dragged her along tbe street. He also hit Garvey in the mouth. Kirkpatrick then sued Garvey for hitting him with a paper. Both men gave bait for court. Boys' Salts. Special sale of boys' suits this week at the Hub. We oner special bargains in clothing for boys and children. In order to make room tor spring goods our entire stock must be sold at any price, and now is the time for every man and boy who don't have much money to get big bargains at the Hnb. For underwear, 6uits, overcoats, pants and clothing of all kinds come to the Boston Clothing House, 439 Smithfleld street. All lovers of the delicacies of the table use Angostura Bitters to secure a good di gestion. De. O'Keefe's Bitters regulate the liver, stomach and bowels. 34 Fifth ave. TO CLOSE HP PARTNERSHIP re quires quick sales. SILKS and DRESS GOODS all re Vised in price. CLOTHS and WOOLENS all revised in price. DRESS GOODS of every description all revised in price. Domestic and House Furnishing Goods, Table Linens, Napkins and Towels, all revised in price. Cloak Department, containing many choice garments, so much revised that prices will astonish yo'u, as all winter garments must be sold. Trimmings, Handkerchiefs and Neck wear all revised In price. Winter Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Cardigans and all beavy goods cut deep to close. BIBER 1JASTDN, 505 AND 07 MARKET STREET. I have this day sold my interest in the firm of HEARD, BIBER & EASTON to my late partners, who will continue the business; assuming all liabilities and interests connected therewith. JAMES B. HEARD. ja2s-TTS8a Prosperous mad Popular, Among the stanch, reliable old life in surance companies whose &nnual statement is looked forward to with interest and read with satisfaction is that of the old National Life of Vermont, which appears elsewhere in our columns. The confidence which Pittsburgers place in this corporation will be found to rest on ample groundsby giving this thirty-ninth annual statement a careful reading. It is a magnificent showing, of which any company may eel proud. In every important point there have been sub stantial gains and progress over any year in its history of over a third of a century. When one considers that the National is a very conservative company, restricting its business to a few large business centers north of Mason and Dixon's line and will only write 525,000 on one life the volume of new business reported is enormous and nnenualed in the history ot life insurance in this country. It is gratifying to know that of the large gains in member ship, assets, income, surplus, in surance written and in force, no agency in the United Stages contributed so large a share as that of O'Neil & Lyne, the popular and well-known Pittsburg man agers, who wrote during the past year nearly 53,000,000 of new business, amounting to over 5100,000 in premiums. This volume of business had never before Tieen written by any agency in the National in its 40 years' experience, and by very few managers of any of the leading insurance corporations in the United States. That it shonld have been accomplished, it was necessary to have a popular, equitabla contract, backed by a solid old financial institution such as this thirty-ninth annual statement shows the National of Vermont to be. Attention, Railroad Men. Chinchilla coats and vests (you probably call them reefers) are just the thing that wonld interest you. "We have got about 195 of these garments on hand. They coma in brown and blue, and the sizes run from 34 to 44. The regular price for these goods was 515, 518, and even 520 for some of them, hut a speedy sale pleases us best, and for to morrow only you can take your pick and choice for ?5, 55, ?5. Positively only ona garment sold to each purchaser.' Jr. C iy. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. JDS. HDRNE R EDSI PENN AVENUE STORES. SPRING GOODS IN STOCK. HUNDREDS OF'PIECES NEW INDIA SILKS, ..T3tO ' NEW INDIA SILKS, 60c to $2 50 a yard. Tho grades at 60c, 65c and $1 are great values. Notice the quality of the cloth and the novelty of the designs. The "mark downs" in Silks are thy greatest bargains you ever saw. Moires, Satin Bhadames, Failles. LOWEST NOTCH PRICES CLOAK ROOM. CLOAK ROOM. . -x Fifty to 100 garments sold everyday , . Jackets. Ulsters. Raglans, Newmar kets, Plush Coats and Jackets. Also, Children's Coats and Suits. 1 -A Onr Imported French Dresses -""' M Half Price, to sell them quickly. NEW DRESS GOODS . ' IT 3 . Coming in daily. New Embroideries ?" New Laces, New White Goods. ? GREAT BARGAINS -15- MTJSLIN UNDERWEAR STOCEi jfijjf- V J ' - 4 JDS. HDRNE I ED.'Bt: "- '; PENN AVENUE STORES T XeS-ii If MT I .. I . - T '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers