Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 05, 1889, Image 1

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to Bent can secure
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Can reach the best
class of Investors
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PATCH. The best
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tnftp.A ,thb Lia-
In Indiana County to Bring Out
the Full Strength of the
Temperance Vote,
Fortlie ConstitntionalAmend-
ment in That County,
it is Claimed.
Is the Earnest Cry of the Friends of
Prohibition, Who Seriously
Fear That the
Jndje Harry White, the Pioneer of Pro
hibition. Talks in an Inter
esting Strain.
Indiana is another of the strictly agricul
tural counties of Western Pennsylvania
which will cast a majority of votes for the
Constitutional amendment. Judge Harry
"White talked to our special commissioner in
an interesting strain. Thus far The Dis
patch's canvass of counties shows the fol
lowing result:
o o
2 S 2.
Counties. , 0
5 ? g
Armstrong... .Ilnfavorof 8.9SG Adopted
Bedford. Infavorof ; 8,111 Adopted
Cambria Against 11.702 Defeated
Cameron Infavorof 1,345 Adopted
Clarion........ Fairlv sure 6.95 Adopted
Elk Against 3.197 Defeated
Faette Veryd'btful 103 'Adopted
Forest In favor of 1.W1 Defeated
Greene. Infavorof G.&T0 Adopted
Indiana Infavorof 7,(S0H (Adopted
Jefferson Infavorof 7.5i" Adopted
Potter. Infavorof 4,414 .Adopted
Somerset Infavorof 7.SS2 1 Adopted
Venango In favor ot 8.587 Adopted
Warren Infavorof 7.P15 (Adopted
Washington ... In favor of 13.219 . Adopted
Westmoreland. Close 19.95S 'Adopted
Aggregate of votes for Harrison, Cleveland
and risk.
traoM ock special commission-eim
INDIANA, February 4. "Good Lord,
give us somebody to lick!" That is not
exactly the way Macaulay's ornate pen de
Ecribed the prayer of Oliver Cromwell's
soldiery, but it is actually the way temper
ance people out in Indiana county talk
when you ask them about the Constitutional
amendment campaign. In the period of its
glory Cromwell's army had things all its
own way. The leaders are said to have
feared dullness, lest carelessness and de
moralization should he the result within
the ranks. A prayer for activity was not
unfamiliar in the camps at such seasons.
So strong and preponderating is the pub
lic sentiment in this county that the Consti
tutional amendment will sweep everything
before it next June if a full vote can be
gotten out. Liquor men have so few friends
here that the temperance people will have
practically no one to fight. Unless they
can find some scapegoat upon whom to ex
ercise their fighting spirit they are really
afraid that sufficient enthusiasm cannot be
aroused among the masses to bring out the
full vote. It's a pity, too, for there are
some famous war dogs in Indiana.
Most Fight or Prny.
But when Cromwell's soldiers could find
no excuse for fighting, they went to pray
ing. That is what Indiana people will
probably fall back upon. The county was
settled by the good Scotch-Irish pioneers,
whose influence for morality has been
marked throughout Western Pennsylvania.
Their descendants still keep the county
straight. On Sabbath this town is literally
isolated from the balance of the world, not
a passenger or freight train, telegram or
mail bag arriving or departing. All this
state of affairs will have a powerful influ
ence in the current campaign.
As long ago as 1867 local prohibitory laws
were enacted for the benefit of Blairsville,
Saltsburg, East Mahoning and a number of
other townships in Indiana county. These
are still in force, the courts having decided
that they were not repealed by the Brooks
high license law. In Indiana town and the
balance of the county absolute prohibition
was inaugurated a few years ago by the well
remembered action of General Harry
White, after he had been elected Judge.
Time's Whirligig.
Judge White refused every license ap
plication, and has done so steadily ever
since. I just learned of a rather remarka
ble coincidence in this particular. General
White was a member of the State Senate
when the general liquor license law of 18G7
was passed by the Legislature. He had as
listed in framing it, and had actually
written the sections placing such unlimited
powers in the hands of the Judges of courts
and providing for the presentation of re
monstrances against applications for
licenses. He did this, never dreaming that
years afterward he would be called upon as
a Judge to interpret these sections for the
first time in his own county, and m a way
that would set the examine for many other I
that would set the example for many other
judicial districts to imitate. After the
whirligig of time had thrown the handsome
soldier-statesman in and then out of Con
gress, it landed him high and emphatically
dry on the bench of Indiana county's
It was then that he ere ated a sensation by
refusing all licenses, holding that it was not
in his power to do otherwise, as the re
monstrances were signed by more people
than the petitions, and the law was plain on
that point Ab he had been the author of
that part of the law. he said he guessed he
should know. This was only a few
years ago. It was a revelation to the
Judges of most all other counties, except
Washington, and many of them took the
ame ground that Judge White did. The
Supreme Court, in an indirect manner, af
firmed the principle, and now that part of
the Brooks bill is practically a transcript of
the old law.
Jndgo While Talks.
In regard to the present temperance cam
paign, Indiana people all seem to take im
mense pleasure in agreeing upon either
2,500 or 3,000 as the majority for the amend
ment. One or the other of these estimates
is given by each of the gentlemen named
below, so that repetition will be avoided by
this general statement
Judge White was not at all averse to talk
ing on the subject. He said:
I am in favor of the amendment, I am anxious
to see it adopted, and I shall vote for it That
is about as forcible as I can state my position
Tbero are so many people, and people, too, who
have convictions on this question, who are
afraid to speak out. They are afraid of it. It
is a matter of too great importance to be silent
about Whisky selling and making should be
stopped. This is the proper way to accomplish
that end. The question seems to be, will pro
hibition prohibit? I say it vi ill. It has done it
here in Indiana county. And it has been suc
cessful in Kansas. I know that because I trav
eled in that State recently and made a personal
investigation of the state of things out there.
Will it carry in Pennsylvania? Well that is
not easy to predict It will depend nearly alto
gether upon the vote in the larger cities.
There the amendment will requlie very hard
work, and considerable courare. The senti
ment to enforce it if adopted may not now
exist In some counties of the State, but it will
come with the development of things under
the new way.
An Enemy Sought.
A. T. Morehead, editor of the Progress,
The feeling in Indiana county is all so much
the same way that there is only one danger,
and that is apathy. We need something to
fight. If the liquor men would only show their
hand in this connty and give us some excuse
for fighting, it would stir the people up. It
mn&t be borne in mind throughout the Stato
that this campaign is not for Pennsylvania
alone. We will have to contend with money
and influences from the liquor interests in Chi
cago, St Louis, Cincinnati and New York. If
we aro defeated it will set back prohibition 20
years. If we win the prohibition sentiment
will gain footing fast In all the great States
around us.
John A. Finley, the County Register and
Recorder, estimated that in Indiana county
40 per cent of the Democrats and 70 percent
of the Republicans will vote for the amend
ment S. C. Thompson, the Democratic Deputy
of the Internal Revenue Department, said
that the election iu his district would be al
together non-partisan. He had observed
that the sale of liquor in drug stores
throughout the county was steadily de
creasing, agd the amount of whisky pro
duced by distillers in Armstrong county
was going down, too.
Early to Work.
Hon. John B. Elkin, who was the father
of the oleomargarine law while in the State
Legislature, a few days ago said:
The county is nearly altogether made up of
the agricultural class, and they will give a
tremendous vote for the amendment In the
towns of the county temperance sentiment has
steadily gamed with the absence of all licensed
bars. There is no partisan feeling iu the cam
paign. All parties aro the common enemy of
liquor traffic here. We will try and have
effective organization in order to get out the
full vote. We were early at work in this re
spect having held a Constitutional amendment
meeting a month agf before the Legislature
had acted yet A big audience was present,
Jndgo White attended, and Belva Lockwood
hapDcmng to be in town, also made a speech
for us.
As the general opinion among traveling
salesmen seems to be that there is no busi
ness of any account in a town where license
is not allowed for the sale of liquor, I asked
A. W. Wilson, the leading merchant of
Indiana, to compare his present trade with
the five years prior to Judge White's re
fusal of licenses. Mr. Wilson replied that
more women came to him with money from
their husbands to buy goods than were ever
able to have hosc money before. Busi
ness, he said, was better in drygoods, gro
ceries and shoes, than it was with liquor
licenses in force.
United States Commissioner J. R. Wilson,
Prothonotary J. A. Scott, J. II. Leech, Esq.,
Judge Blair, Sheriff Mack and ex-Senator
Hood, who were recently interviewed on
this subject all predicted from 2,500 to
3,000 majority for the amendment in Indi
ana county.
L. E. Stofiel.
Prohibitionists Are Harmonious In
Campaign for the Amendment.
Hareisbubg, February 4. Several
members of the Executive Committee of the
Prohibition party of the State have arrived
to attend the meeting to-morrow, called for
the purpose of devising means for the vig
orous prosecution ot the campaign in favor
of the prohibitory amendment The Pro
hibitionists here say .that the main object of
the prospective conference is to take steps
looking to hearty co-operation with the
various temperance organizations of the
State in the effort to engraft on the Consti
tution the proposed amendment, and that
prospects are bright, and that all associa
tions formed to eradicate intemperance will
work harmoniously together.
The party Prohibitionists have no desire,
it is said, to monopolize the work of the
campaign, and if deemed necessary to the
success of the cause would be willing to
take any position in the ranks of the tem
perance army. Some of them think that it
would probably have been more prudent if
James Black, of Lancaster, President of the
State Alliance, had called the initial meet
ing of the Prohibition campaign instead of
Chairman Stevens, ot the Executive Com
mittees, but-if this was a mistake no ma
terial harm would be inflicted on the cause.
Rev. George Finley, of Allegheny county,
who has been an ardent temperance advo
cate for 30 years, expresses his joyful sur
prise at the strong sentiment prevailing in
his neighborhood in favor of the Constitu
tional amendment
A Lively Mnyorallty Outlook In the Cam
paign at Eric.
Ebie, February 4. The Democratic City
Convention met to-night and nominated C.
S. Clarke for Mayor, T. S. Alberstadt, Con
troller, and Jeremiah McCarty, Assessor, in
accordance wun oamruay mgnt s caucuses,
Cjevelandi a prominent iron manufacturer,
..i. ,o. v.n 41il nnt -o ;;.,'. .. j:
who has been called out as a citizen's candi
date. Clarke is a candidate for the salary of
82,000, which has just been enacted by
Councils, and Cleveland will act without
salary. The campaign promises to be an
exciting one.
Looking; for n Genuine Blizzard In miose
sola and Dakota.
St. Paul, February 4. Another cold
wave is prevailing to-night in the North
west The Signal Service folks expect the
mercury to drop to zero by morning. This
morning at Winnepeg and Minnedosall,
Manitoba, the thermometer registered 14
below zero. Light to moderately heavy
.snow has been general throughout' Dakota
and Minnesota last night and to-day. '
Judge Brewer's Enforcement of the Rates
Fixed by the Iowa Railroad Commis
sioners Expected to Result In
Commercial Disaster.
Chicago, February 4. The decision of
Judge Brewer, refusing the request of the
Iowa roads for an injunction against the 'en
forcement of the schedule of rates proposed
last summer by the Railroad Commissioners
of that State, was a complete surprise to
the officials of the interested roads. It is
quite certain that the Iowa Commissioners
wtll not be slow to move on the roads if
they fail to promptly adopt the schedule
prepared for them last summer. The decis
ion means a horizontal reduction in rates all
oyer the State of Iowa of about 30 per cent
Not only will Iowa rates have to comedown,
but rates in Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas
and Missouri will be pulled down by the
unyielding laws of competition to the same
general basis.
In order to learn if there was any possi
bility of averting the threatened disaster to
the great railway systems of the West THE
Dispatch correspondent called on some of
the leading solicitors connected with these
corporations. Solicitor Walker, of the St.
Paul road, said: "The decision is -a great
surprise. It removes the last legal barrier
and leaves the roads at the mercy of the
Iowa Railroad Commissioners. I see no
means now of preventing the enforcement
of the Commissioners' low schedule of rates.
It is unfortunate, because it means, if the
rates are enforced as it is claimed they will
be, bankruptcy for the Iowa roads and dis
aster to the commercial interests ot the
Solicitor W. C. Goudy said: "There is a
general understanding regarding the de
cision. It does not settle the Iowa railroad
cases, as many supposed, or as the dis
patches lead the public to infer."
Judge Brewer reaffirms what he said in
the opinion he rendered last August. He
seems to leave the question as to reasona
bleness of rates to be decided on the evi
dence presented at the final hearing, rather
than deciding that question upon the affi
davits presented on the argument of the mo
tion. The only course for the railroads to
pursue is to take their evidence for the pur
pose of showing that the rates fixed by the
commissioners are not compensatory, and
ask a decision from which either party may
appeal to the Supreme Court, where alone
the disputed question can finally be set
tled. Tronbles never come singly. Following
closely on the heels of the railroad contro
versy in Iowa comes an order from the Kan
sas Railroad Commissioners that the roads
in that State discontinue their present sys
tem of charging live stock shipments "by
weight and return to the old carload system.
The Missouri Railroad Commissioners take
a similar stand, and threaten complaint be
fore the inter-State Commission.
Primitive Observance Nans to llavo a New
Convent in New York.
New Yobk, February 4. Archbishop
Corrigan is about to introduce into New
York the Dominican nuns of the primitive
observance, who maintain a perpetual ado
ration of the blessed sacrament The build
ing of a convent for these sisters at Lafay
ette avenue, near Hunter's Point, where a
site has been purchased, will also give Mr.
John D, Crimmins an opportunity to build
a memorial to his wife, who was one of the
foremost charitable workers among the
Catholic ladies of New York. Mr. Crim
mins will pay for the chapel of the convent,
the outside cost of which is put at $25,000.
An anonymous contributor has sent to
Archbishop Corrigan 510,000 to help build
the cloister.
Archbishop Corrigan was the first to in
troduce the order into the Eastern States,
when he was bishop of Newark. The par
ent house is in Newark. Although the life is
very severe the institution is prosperous, a
recent accession being a sister-in-law of
Fire Commissioner Purroy. The nuns
never eat meat ar"l during lent observe
what is known as the "black fast," that is,
abstinence from even eggs and milk. Two
nuns kneel constantly before the blessed
sacrament in the tabernacle day and night.
The nuns support themselves by making
vestments and altar ornaments and by
illuminating books. The new convent will
be called Corpus Christi Convent.
The West Virginia Result Declared on Ev
erything Except Governor.
Charleston, W. Va., Februarys
The balloting for a United Stales Senator
was continued to-day, with results about
the sameas usual. Three ballots were taken
It is not likely that any material change
will be made to-morrow, and it is safe to
predict that there will be no election.
The time of both Houses to-day was occu
pied in jointassembly in discussing Lively's
resolution that the returns be opened and
the result declared for all the Slate officers
except for Governor, At 6 o'clock a 'recess
was taken until 7:30, and after another two
hours of debate the resolution was passed
by a vote of 38 to 37. A resolution was in
troduced by Mr. Hanen that, as according
to the returns, General Gofl" was elected by
a maiority of 110, that he be declared duly
elected Governor for the term of four years,
provided the resolution shall not in any way
conflict with Judge Fleming's rights to con
test. This resolution under the rules lays over
for one day. It is stated that a Democratic
delegate said in conversation a short time
ago that no matter how the matter might go
in the beginning there was enough honesty
in the Democratio party to give Goff the
Governorship when tue nnal contest came.
But the Grim Reaper Brooked No Delay and
Immediately Gathered Him In.
New Haven, Conn., February 4. Jay
Cowdry, of Hartford, came to this city
Saturday, and yesterday went out to West
Haven to treat Mrs. Nathaniel Hale, who is
a patient of his, he being one of the school
of Mind Cure Physicians. Last night he
gave a lecture to a few guests in Mrs. Hale's
parlor on "Christian Science."
After reading from his manuscripts a few
moments, he made the statement to his
hearers that the Christian scientists could
defy death. Scarcely had the words left
his mouth when he fell over backward and
became unconscious. After being carried
to an adjoining room he rallied slight
ly, but died in an hour. Dr. Shepard at
tended him and states that apoplexy caused
his death.
The State Association Will Meet at Mend.
tIIIc, Commencing To-Day.
Meadvixle, February 4. The fifteenth
annual session of the Pennsylvania State
Dairymen's Association wili assemble in
this city to-morrow, and continue in session
three days. Addresses will be made by
Hon. J. C. Sibley, Hon. Hiram Smith, Dr.
Charles C. McLean, Prof, James W.
Robertson and others.
There will be about 300 farmers and
.dairymen present at the meeting. The ad
dresses are expected to be very interesting.
Major McEinley Considering the
Offer of Allison's leavings.
But in the Cabinet He Conld Make His Way
Easj to the Senatorship.
Allison Feels Bart Becauso Ha is
Accused of Being
One of the entertaining Cabinet stories,
in which considerable credence is being
placed because its source is the gentleman
who first knew of Senator Allison's declina
tion, is that Major McKinley is seriously
considering the advisability of accepting
the Treasury portfolio. His chief objection
seems to be that of several Senators, he
doesn't care to be second choice. Pride is
preventing more than one man from accept
ing cast-off shoes.
Washington, February 4. A Republi
can Senator, who stated the day Mr. Alli
son returned from Indianapolis that he had
declined to be Secretary of the Treasury,
said to-day that Major William McKinley
is now struggling with the same question
that confronted the Iowa Senator's waking
moments until he penned his letter of re
fusal on Thursday last. Mr. McKinley, ho
says, is being urged to become
Fairchild's successor, and his friends
in the House are quite generally
advising him to accept This Senator, who
is in frequent communication with General
Harrison, says there is no truth in the re
port telegraphed from Indianapolis yester
day, that the President-elect has said that
no man in Congress is being considered for
a Cabinet place. It is true, he thinks, that
no'Senator will get into the Cabinet because
none of them would lower their pride suf
ficiently to become the second choice of the
Many of Major McKinley'a friends, how
ever, are emphatic in pointing out to him
that he cannot afford to refuse such an
honorable place as that which Mr. Allison
has declined for political reasons. These
reasons do 1not apply to Mr. McKin
ley as they did to Senator Allison,
Even if the Presidency were out of the
question, a place in the Cabinet can be
made the stepping stone to the Senate. The
latter body is a much better point from
which to reach the Presidency than the
Cabinet, but from the head of the Treasury
Department to the Senate is a much shorter
Major McKinley has no chance to be
come a Senator now, because Charley Fos
ter and Fire-alarm Foraker both stand in
his way for the vacancy that may soon oc
cur by the defeat of Mr. Payne or the volun
tary retirement of John Sherman. As Sec
retary of the Treasury, Mr. McKinley could
send his enemies abroad or dispose of them
elsewhere. If it came to a contest h
could beat them -with the power of the
Treasury behind him. If he turns a deaf
ear now to General Harrison's offer it will
be because be sees the Speakership within
his grasp and feels that his political horizon
has a brighter look from the height of the
Speaker's'cbair than from the position of a
Cabinet officer.
The statements made that Major McKin
ley would not even consider an invitation
into the Cabinet are denied by the men who
know him. He is in fact considering the
matter now, and there are many men at
both ends of the Capitol-beside the Senator
quoted, who are ready to wager that the
popular Ohio member will be the next Sec
retary of the Treasury.
The docility with which Blaine's enemies
in the Senate have settled down to the con
viction that he is to be the next Secretary of
State is remarkable. Two months ago at
least three-fourths of the Republican Sene
tors were bitter in their opposition to the
recognition of the man from Maine, and to
day all but one or two smilingly admit
that he has been put down as the Premier
of the administration. They predicted
unanimously the disruption of the party
should he be chosen, and now they calmly
see him renting a big house for the pur
pose of taking charge of Washington
society for the next few years
without a murmur. Although nothing
definite has been learned about Blaine,
every man in the Senate thinks he has been
offered and accepted the Secretaryship of
State, and the party still lives. The Sen
ators are nearly all against Blaine, but they
still have great fear of him, and are very
careful now not to openly criticise his se
Senator Allison feels somewhat hurt at
the insinuation in certain quarters that he
has been trifling with General Harrison,
when from the very first he has been deter
mined not to go into the Cabinet, and
though recently he seemed likely to yield
to the pressure put upon him by the President-elect,
he has never given the General
any reason to suppose he wanted a Cabinet
appointment, or wouia even take it except
under compulsion.
Six weeks ago a gentleman in this city
learned of an effort made by a number of
New York politicians to kill off Senator
Allison as a possible Secretary of the Treas
ury, with a view to opening the way for
Tom Piatt. The gentleman went to the
Senator and told him what he had found
ont Senator Allison said:
"I am very much obliged to you for tell
ing me about the scheme, bat please do
nothing to head it off. If there is any dan
ger of General Harrison's offering me a
place in the Cabinet I hope these New York
people will succeed in their efforts to pre
vent it. I really couldn't accept, and it is
a very delicate matter to decline. Offering
a man a place in the Cabinet is a good deal
like offering a girl your heart, and a declin
ation is rather mortifying to one party and
embarrassing to the other, so I hope no offer
will be made me."
Slr.'Bayne Succeeds la Waking a Dull Con
gress for a Little While. .
Washington, February 4. A break in
the monotony of the filibustering in the
House to-day was made by Mr. Crisp, of
Georgia, who stating that it was apparent
that nothing would be done under a sus
pension of the rules.called up as a matter of
the highest privilege the conference report
on the bill to amend the inter-State com
merce act The points upon which the
conferees have been unable to come to any
agreement relate to the transportation of oil
in barrels and in tank cars, and to confer
ring concurrent jurisdiction upon the State
courts to hear and determine questions aris
ing under the act
The amendment relative to the transpor
tation ot oil gave rise to some discussion,
Mr, Bayne, of Pennsylvania, making a
motion that the House recede from the
amendment. The motion was advocated by
Messrs. Bayne, Stewart of "Vermont, and
White of New York, and ODDOsed by
'Messrs. Crisp and Grosvenor, of Ohio.
-FEBRUARY 5, 1889.
The Fight Over the Mensuro Waxing Ex
ceedingly Warm An Anti-Petition.
Washington,' February 4. The fight
over the international copyright bill is
waxing warm. "Mark Twain is here to
stay with the, bill for awhile, and is to be
joined by other eminent writers. Mr.
Clemens spent all of to-day in the press
galleries with the correspondents, and in
corridors wrestling with obstinate states
men, The opposition is also well repre
sented, and to-day had offered by Judge
Chipman, of Michigan, a petition which
recites the strongest argument against the
passage of the bill. As it embodies the
complete ground of opposition it is here
with appended in full. The petition recites:
First That the bill Is not really an interna
tional measure; copyright should be a subject
of treaty negotiation and based on reciprocity.
No rights' should be granted to foreign authors
in America that are not granted to Americans
Second The bill has been drawn in accord
ance with the desires of a combination of selfish
interests, similar to the great printing houses,
which form an international trust to enhance
enormously the price of books.
Third The bill will give to publishing mo
nopolies the right to raise the price of foreign
books sold here to the level ot the high prices
abroad, ignoring completely the interests of the
Araorican people who buy and read books. The
wuuiesome enect oi cneap literature cannot oe
Fourth Important business and labor inter
ests would be injuriously affected. The paper
industry would be damaged, and the demand
for printers, electrotypers and pressmen in the
United States reduced to an enormous degree.
Fifth It is doubtful if the interests of
American authors would be advanced bv the
passage of the bill they would still be li)om
petion with foreign authors, who, there is no
reason to assume, would be less formidable
competitors if protected by copyright Our
great American authors need no protection;
many of them have secured enormous for
tunes, and tho profession is better paid in
America than in any other country in the
Sixth Compensation shonld not be made to
.foreign authors by the granting to them by
Congress of the right to collect a royalty on
their books sold here, leaving American pub
lishers as free to reproduce as at present but
without creating a monopoly in foreign liter
ature in this country.
Seventh If the bill is amended in this re
port, tho House of Representatives will find
that the selfish combinations which have pre
sented the bill do not want such a measure of
justice to foreign authors.
In conclusion tho petitioners pray that the
House will defeat the bill as it stands or sub
stitute an equitable measure granting to for
eign authors a reasonable royalty on their
books published in this country, and saying to
the American people that system of free com
petition in the publishing business which is
more wholesome, important and iar-reaching
than can well be imagined. .
Tbonght by tho Author of the Bill the Only
Present Means of Reducing the Surplus.
Washington, February 4. Mr. Co wles,
of North Carolina, in speaking of the tariff
situation to-day, said: "It is absurd to sup
pose that any .tariff legislation can be ac
complished at this session. There are but
24 legislative days left; the last 6 of these
are, under the rules, 'suspension days,' and
each Monday is set apart for a certain order
of prescribed business, leaving but 15 days
in which to do general work. The expres
sion in some of the papers that the Ways
and Means Committee intends to bring in a
compromise bill with the hope of passing it,
is all bosh.
"The only chance for any reduction of the
revenue, and at the same time giving the
people relief from the burden of taxation
and the most vexatious and intermeddling
portion of our tax laws, was for the ApDro
priations Committee to have reported
promptly my bill, which is nothing more
than what the Ways and Means Committee
approved at the last session and pressed be
fore Congress and the people. I thought
and still think that the committee will act,
but a child may understand that it is high
time that the bill was on the calendar if any
result is to be accomplished, and that is
what I most earnestly desire. If a majority
of the committee refuse to join in a favor
able report, let them report it adversely and
a minority report can "be made which the
House can adopt and pass the bill.
"With' the lights before me and the lights
of the last campaign behind me I think it
is the most stupendous stupidity for the
Democratic party not to seize the first op
portunity to repeal the tobacco tax and give
to the people the other relief contained in
these provisions of the Mills bill, and I am
satisfied that, if given the opportunity, it
will meet with strong approval from both
sides of the House."
A Cat on tho Pay for Carrying the Malls
Prevented for the Present.
Washington, February 4. The rail
roads were saved to-day from a cut of 13 per
cent of the pay for carrying the mails Dy the
fact that there is no law that compels them
to carry the mails, and many Congressmen
were afraid that if the rate of pay were cut
down the roads would refuse to carry the
mails and the entire postal system would
stop. More substantial than the fear that
the roads all oyer the country would refuse
SO cents for the work because they were not
ouered a dollar was the tear that they would
refuse to run the fast trains which are now
operated under arrangement with the Post
office Department, and, except in the South,
without extra compensation. '
The proposition to make a reduction of 10
per cent was defeated in the committee by
a vote of7to6the members dividing not
on party lines, but pretty closely on geogra
phical lines. The Eastern men were in favor
of the cut The present appropriation bill,
however, contains a clause making the car
riage of the mail compulsory, and when this
is done Congress will be less timid about
touching the rates of pay.
The Proposition From Prince Bismarck
Received by Secretary Bayard.
Washington, February 4. Count Von
Arco, the German Minister, called at the
State Department this afternoon and had a
conference with Secretary Bayard in regard
to Samoan affairs. He informed the Secre
tary that he had received a communication
from Prince Bismarck to the effect that the
German Government proposes a resumption
at Berlin of the consultations which took
place in Washington between representa
tives of Germany and Great Britain and the
United States in 1887, on the subjects of
The above information was furnished to
the press by Secretary Bayard, with the
statement that it was all he would say on
the subject at present. It was therefore im
possible to obtain to-day the full text of
Prince Bismarck's communication. It is
probable, however, that it will be trans
mitted to Congress to-morrow or the next
day, with Secretary Bayaid's view of the
A Bill Introduced in tho Senate to Sell Pitts
burg Government Property.
Washington, February 4. Senator
Cameron introduced in the Senate to-day,
and had referred to the Committee on Mili
tary Affairs, a bill providing for the sale at
auction of the Government property in
Pittsburg, on Penn avenue and Garrison
It is the same bill introduced in the
House early last session by Representative
Dalzell, and it is now introduced in the
Senate to save time in case the House
should pass it in the last days of the session.
Two Brothers of the Murdered Man
Issue a Sensational Address.
Of Bold and Brntal Deeds Enacted
Political Purposes.
Eat Decided to Hale a Firm Stand for What He
Beliered Weie Ills Eights.
Powell Clayton and W. H. Clayton,
brothers of the murdered John M. Clayton,
have issued a statement to the public. In
it they charge that the crime was a political
assassination. A lull history of the events
leading up to the deed is given! A number
of very serious charges are made against
the officials of the State.
Little Rock, February 4. General
Powell Clayton and Judge W. H. Clayton,
brothers of the Hon. John M. Clayton,
who was assassinated in the night of Jan
uary 29, have furnished the following state
ment to the public:
That the publio may understand the circum
stances leading up to and culminating in tho
assassination of our brother, John M. Clayton,
we desire, oyer our own signatures, to make
the following statement of facts:
All believe that this was apolitical assassi
nation, and it will be therefore necessary for
us to refer to the political conditions and cir
cumstances surrounding it We do this in no
partisan spirit, bnt only that justice may be
done our brother and that a knowledge of the
facts which led to this assassination mayinduce
the people ot this State to correct the evils
from which this and other great crimes have
sprung, and that however sad the circum
stances may be to us, his martyrdom may re
sult in good to the people of this and other
Although since the commencement of the
last political canvass for State officers in Ar
kansas, many political crimes have been com
mitted in different parts of the State; in this
statement however, we will confine ourselves
to the limits of Conway county, within which
Blummervllle, the scene of this murder is
situated, and only to those circumstances
which in our opinion led to the commission of
the crime.
Prior to the September election and during
tho canvass a political clnb was organized at
Morrillton, the county seat of Connor connty,
with one Stowers, fresh from Mississippi, at its
head. This club soon after resolved itself into
a militia company, and about two weeks before
the election, at a time of profound peace in the
country, the Hon. Simon P. Hughes,then Gov
ernor, not only supplied it with State arms, but
furnished it with a full supply of ammunition.
This was the beginning of the troubles in Con
way county. From this time until the day of
election Stowers, with his armed partisans, al
most daily paraded the streets of Morrillton.
On election day their gnns wero deposited,
loaded and ready for action, in a convenient
place in the building in which the election was
held. On the morning of that day the Repub
lican Judge of Election, on his way to assume
tho duties of his office, on a frivolous and pre
concerted pretext was arrested, whereupon
Stowers, with his men, marched to the polls,
and, upon nl3 nomination and their votes, he
and another person was elected to fill the
By these unlawful proceedings the Election
Board, composed of citizens representing both
political parties, was made solidly Democratic
Whether Stowers and his men at this time were
acting as a political clnb or as a company ot
State militia, we are not advised, but certain it
is their loaded guns were near at hand. While
at Morrillton these things were being done, the
citizens of the town of Plummeryille, who
wero nearly all opposed, politically, to our
brother, whilo those of tho farming parts of
the precinct were his political friends, the lat
ter greatly outnumbering the former, collected
at the voting place before the hour fixed by law
for the opening of the polls and organized a
full set of election officers of their party, and,
when the two Republican judges appeared,
they found their places usurped and the elec
tion in f nil blast
The result of the September election, so con
ducted in Conway county, was a complete
change of its political status, so far as its offi
cers were concerned, but not as to the senti
ments of its people. Under these changed con
ditions, about two months thereafter, the Con
gressional election occurred, John M. Clayton
being the Republican candidate and U. R,
Breckinridge the Democratic The day before
this election M. V. Benjamin, a prominent Re
publican lawyer of Little Rock, and one of Ar
kansas' best citizens, was sent to Conway
county by the Republican State Committee,
with instructions to use his best endeavors to
secure an honest election.
Upon his arrival at the depot at Morrillton,
bo was confronted by an infuriated mob of
several hundred citizens, who threw him from
the cars, assaulted and beat him, pulled from
his face handfuls of beard, and met all of bis
appeals to their humanity with kicks and cuffs,
finally shooting him in the forehead with a
weapon of a sufficient force to imbed and
flatten a bullet upon his skull. A short time
afterward Mr. Benjamin died, telling his wife
before death that his sufferings were due to the
treatment received at the hands of the Morrill
ton mob.
On the following day, being the day of elec
tion at Plummeryille, at the hour for opening
the polls, the two Republican Judges were on
hand, ready to perform their duties, but were
ignored by the Democratic Judge, who put in
nomination two members of his own party, and
upon a mere affirmative vote, without putting
the negative, declared them elected and they
were installed. The Republican Judges, not
being permitted to act, accompanied by the
Republican United States Supervisor, under
took to open polls elsewhere, but were
notified by Democratic party Sheriffs, five of
whom were present that they would not be
permitted to do so.
Under these and other threats they aban
doned their purpose, and the Republican Su
pervisor returned to wnere tno election.
nrst orgamzea, was oe
mained in the faithfnl
first organized, was being held, where he re
mained in the iaitnim perioi
until the polls were closed.
erformance of his duty
)5ed. Whereunon the
election judge, by whose illegal action the
hoard was organized, as before stated, took the
ballot box and carried it from place to place,
through the town, followed, however, persist
ently by the faithful supervisor, Charles Wahl.
At last, finding that he could not shake him
off, be and the supervisor returned about
9 o'clock to the polling place, finding one of
their judges there.
Remaining few minutes .ho again left at
tempting to carry the box with him, which he
only desisted from doing by the insistance of
the supervisor that the box should lie left at
the polling place with the other juCe who was
there. About half an hour thereafter four
masked and armed men rnsbed ii.to the room,
and at the muzzles of their pistols compelled
the remaining judge and supervisor to turn
their backs, wheieupon theyseized tne box and
poll books and carried them away.
We are informed by Wahl and other credita
ble persons that the box so stolen contained
C97 ballots, of which at least 272 were cast for
John M. Clayton. Upon learning of these un
lawful "acts, together with many others in
different parts of his district, be (Clayton)
felt it his duty to institute a contest for his
seat in Congress, and for the purpose of ascer
taining the actual yoto cast for bim at Plum
meryille precinct, that he might engraft that
tact in his notice of contest, he employed a
responsible citizen named Alexander, of the
Plummerville precinct to obtain the names of
over 450 such voters, when on the 17th of Decem
ber his work suddenly terminated by reason of
the events which wo now proceed to detail.
On tho 17th of December Wahl, the afore
mentioned Supervisor, was inveigled into a
game of cards at night in the back room of a
doctor's office in Plummerville, when he was
seated in close proximity to a glass door,
through which he was shot by a irould-be assas
sin, the ball piercing the lobe of hts left ear
and cutting a gash in his neck about three
inches long. Wahl fled to the house of the
aforementioned Alexander, where he remained
tul daylight, after which he teached his home
and soon after repaired to Little Rock, where
he now remains for safety.
This attempt upon the life of Wahl so
alarmed Alexander as to cause him to abandon
his wort and fly from the State. For the
crimes above enumerated no man has been ar
rested by State or county authorities, nor has
any official reward been offered.
John M. Clayton went to Plummeryille un
armed and unescorted, recognizing the futility
of such precautions against the stealthy assas
sin, and believing that bis opponent Mr.
Breckinridge, who was aware of the condition
of affairs In this county, would be willing and
able to restrain his partisans. While passing
through Little Rock, on his way there, he said
to Hon. Henry M. Cooper, In response to a sug
gestion of danger: "I do not believe that I will
be harmed, but men who yoted for me believe
that I was elected and so do L and I will go
there, even at the risk of my life." And so he
After having engaged for several days In tak
ing testimony, about 9 o'clock T. M. of January
29, while in his room at his boarding
house, in the act of sitting down at
a table near a window to write to
bis motherless children, he was shot through
the window by concealed assassins a few feet
from him and instantly killed. We were nn
able to remove his body until 330 P. Jt. of the
next day, up to which time the Sheriff of the
county had not appeared, being, in the lan
guage of his deputy, engaged in the more im
portant business of collecting taxes. Nor had
any citizen of the town made the slightest ef
fort to trace or apprehend his murderers.
1 ho foregoing facts we stand ready to sub
stantiate in every essential particular, and
every oue of them we believe to be a material
link in the chain of circumstances surrounding
and leading to the inhuman murder of our
brother, John M. Clayton.
Powell Clayton,
W. H. H. Clayton.
An Actress Is Wedded After Signing an
Agreement to Immediately Leave the
Groom She Now Sacs Her
Husband for Desertion.
New York, February 4. Mrs. Caroline
Aurelia McNair, nee Hill, soubrette of the
Gibson & Ryan "Irish Aristocracy" Com
pany, appeared against her husband, Rob
ert McNair, an actor in the Scanlon Compa
ny, at Jefferson Market Court to-day,
charging him with abandonment At the
examination it appeared that the couple
had lived together for -i years as man and
wife before they were formally married, on
August 30, 1888, by Judge Ehrlich, of the
City Court Mrs. McNair said she was
compelled to write and sign the following
agreement, at McNair's dictation, on the
morning of August 30, before he consented
to marry her:
L Caroline Aurelia Hill, do hereby agree by
all that I hold sacred that. In consideration of
Robert McNair agreeing to marry me legally, I
solemnly promise that from the time of the
marriage I will never molest or exact from
Robert McNair anjr of the duties of a husband
in supporting me, nor will ever interfere with
him in any manner whatever. I also solemnly
promiso to agree to procure a divorce from him
upon my own responsibility. From the time of
the marriage ho, Robert McNair. shall be free
from me in ail respects.
Caroline a. Hill.
Anna Moktland.
In place of separating after the ceremony
was performed, as they had agreed to do,
they lived together a few days longer. Then
they parted. Justice O'Reilly ordered that
McNair give bail to pay his wife $8 alimony
each week. McNair had no bondsman, and
was locked up.
Fivo Persons Killed In a Horror Similar to
That ia Pittsburg;.
OMAnA, February 4. High wind at 2
o'clock this afternoon blew down the large
section of the east wall of the Max Meyer
brick building, on the corner of Farnum
and Eleventh streets, which was recently
gutted by fire. Two buildings on the east
side were wrecked. Five people are known
to be killed, and several others injured, and
two people are believed to be imprisoned in
the debris. One of the crushed buildings
was brick, occupied by P. Boyer & Co., safe
dealers, and D. Dunbar & Co., engravers,
and the frame building occupied by Edward
Oleson, clothing man. Oleson was taken
from the ruins crashed, burned ana
dead. Mrs. Hincher, who lived in the sec
ond story of the frame building, died shortly
after being taken from the ruins. Mike
Martin's dead body was found under the
boiler in the basement of the brickbuilding,
crushed into a shapeless mass. Thomas
Houston, employe of Dunbar & Co., died
about 4 o'clock this afternoon.
The injured, so far as known, are: G. H.
Silver, engraver, shoulder crushed and
finger broken; E. A. Phileo, engraver,
bruised; John Jackson and Miss Emma
Oliver, slightly injured; Charles Blake, a
draughtsman, injured about the face and
will lose his left eye; Charles Csesar, fire
man of Dunbar's art department, was badly
bruised, but succeeded in getting out with
out assistance. George S. Emeries and E.
A. Phileo, employes of Dunbar & Co., es
caped with slight injuries.
A later dispatch says that the bodies of
Peter Boyer, senior member of the firm of
P. Boyer & Co., and Rudolph Mitchell, an
insurance agent, have been taken from the
ruins. It is believed that there are no
more bodies in the ruins, and the search
has been discontinued.
An Attica Woman Who Has Slumbered for
Thirty-Three Days.
Attica, N. Y., February 4. Mrs.
Emma Althouse, the sleeping woman, this
evening completed the thirty-third day of
her present sleep, and there are no indica
tions that she will ever arouse from the
comatose condition. This is her longest
sleep,and when she entered upon it she told
her sister that it would probably be her
last. Her breathing to-day was an inter
mittent series of gasps. Twice have the
physicians tried to awaken the woman,
but without much effect A galvanic
battery was applied, cold water thrown
on ber face and other means
used, but she didn't regain consciousness
and only exhibited a little more life. No
nourishment has been absorbed oby the pa
tient, efforts to feed her with milk and
whisky having been practically unsuc
cessful. The case puzzles the doctors who are un
able to account for it. A year ago one
sleep lasted 30 days. The first sleep oc
curred in August, 1837, when Mrs. Alt
house slept three days.
The Brooklyn Street Car Men Are Thinking;
of Going; to Work.
New York, February 4. A committee
of three from the striking employes of
Deacon Richardson's Brooklyn street car
lines, and Commissioner Florence F. Dono
van had a conference at Mr. Richardson's
residence to-night, which opened at 7:30 r.
2f. and lasted till 11 o'clock. The result was
tba't Richardson gives this ultimatum:
He said he would take back such drivers
and conductors as he needed to fill places,
but would not discharge any of the compe
tent new men now employed in the place
of the strikers. He would not take back
the tow boys, but would employ men in
their places. He only required of stable
men less than he employed hitherto. This
morning the proposition will be submitted
by the committee to the various assemblies
for action.
. r
The Riverside Hospital Row is
to be Investigated, but Not
in Secret, To-Day.
Is Evinced by the Officials in Charge
of the Penitentiary.
John Tan Stnnden Tells a Story of Baying;
His Way Into the Hospital on a Promise
to Pay, and Then Going Back to the
Blocks Becaase He Couldn't The Jimmy
Elliott Incident A Letter With Homicide
In It Is Sent to the Governor The Visit
ing Committee Summons Cadwallader
Biddle A Possible Legislative Inquiry.
The penitentiary investigation goes on to
day. President Kelly's remarks about con
ducting the Riverside inquiry with secrecy
seem to have been officially regarded as
somewhat premature. The doors are to be
open to the press, not closed as Presi
dent Kelly thought at first they ought
to be. The only really new developments
are another possible bribery witness, a let
ter to Governor Beaver, an intimation of a
Legislative inquiry and a telegraphic sum
mons to Cadwallader Biddle to come on.
The penitentiary investigation, which has
undoubtedly awakened a wider interest than
any like local event of recent years, will
proceed at Riverside to-day. (Since the pub
lication of what President Kelly said on
Sunday about the public being- entitled to
no further information through the news
papers on the subject, the Board of Inspec
tors have decided, with evident fairness and
wisdom, to proceed with doors compara
tively open'. They have also concluded that
instead of any postponement whatever, it
would be prudent to proceed at once in their
line of duty.
Consequently, at 3 o'clock this afternoon,
if there shall be no further change of pro
gramme, the Board of Inspectors will meet
at the prison, to conduct the investigation,
and, as they now say, to conclude it, if pos
sible. To this end they have invited not
only the resident members of the Board of
Charities to be) present, but also one repre'
sentative from each of the five or six Pitts
burg daily newspapers that issue morning
editions. The members of the press thus in
vited have been assured of every facility for
giving the fullest possible report on the
proceedings, in order that nothing be con
cealed or withheld.
In this connection it is but fair to say
that the publicity which the investigation
has already attained has tended to bring
forward many men who fancy they have a
grievance against the penitentiary officials.
These men could hardly be expected to en
tertain pleasant or grateful recollections
towards an institution where, as convicts,
they had been necessarily subjected to rig
orous discipline. So, as a very natural con
sequence, many of them, including a few
discharged subordinates of the prison staff,
are ready to give currency to all sorts of
rumors intended to be ruinous. To that
class, or its apologists, The Dispatch
gives no heed, for it would be manifestly
unfair, pending an investigation that should
rest solely upon fact and justice, to lend
currency to vague, indefinite, irresponsible
charcres, utt i with an animus all too evi
dent, against everything connected with an
institution that has heretofore deserved the
public respect accorded, so far as the public
The question of the hour, which the offi
cials have finally shown a fair disposition
to have answered, is: Were and are there
any such actual abuses in Riverside Peni
tentiary as have been charged, under oath,
to its account? And if so, who was or is re
sponsible for them? With the answer to
this question anonymous or TSgue allega
tions have nothing to do.
That there has been money in the prison,
circulating among the prisoners, though en
tirely against the rules, has been admitted
by the inspectors, who say that, so long as
visitors are permitted to enter from the out
side, they cannot be prevented from slipping
a little cold cash to their friends beWnd the
bars. That is one thing. The use these
prisoners may or may not have made of this
money is another.
As bearing upon good Mrs. Mair's allega
tion that she for a long time held a receipt
from Dr. Hahameke to prisoner No. 6316
for 5 paid by the prisoner to the doctor for
the delivery of a charity chicken to the
sick man, an ex-convict, who is now, ap
parently, living an honorable and indus
trious life, and who is not afraid to
vouch by name for the accuracy of his in?
formation, gave some seemingly important
news to a reporter yesterday.
The ex-convict's name is John Van
Standen, and he was in prison during the
years 1883, 18S4 and 1883; how much longer
is immaterial. He is now a faithful em
ploye in one of the glass factories on the
Southside. Mrs. Mair's testimony, as to
the scene at Jimmy Elliott's coffin, when
her prayers for the dead were alleged to
have been interrupted by brutal official
profanity, recall to Van Standeu the inci
dent upon which his statement turns and
he promises to appear before the board this
afternoon and swear to every word of it
van standen's story.
Van Standen said to the reporter just
what follows:
"I remember the prayer by Jimmy
Elliott's coffin, and its rude interruption,
perfectly. I stood there, with head bowed,
and with one hand in that of No. 6816, and
another In the hand of another prisoner.
"I also remember another incident one
directly bearing upon bribery allegations
just such as those now sworn to against Dr.
Maharneke. In the fall or summer of 1885,
sometime after I had been a cook in the
prison kitchen, I was in my cell, and quite
as much also 'in he dumps.' I
was sick of what l had daily to
do, and was ready to jump at almost t
means of relief. Mabarneki
DP 1