. THE MIQUE DIMERS That Dave Been Served By the Caterer ot the Inaugural Ball. AX AKTIST IN TflE EATIKG LIKE. A 'Good Storj About a Southern Senator Who is ot Hicli. BILL JIOBRISOX AND THE DUCK rconnEsroxD-cE or toe Disr-ATcn.i Washington, February 3. Mr. George C. Boldt, who has been selected by the In augural Committee to serve the supper at the inaugural ball, was in town the other day making arrangements for his tasK, which is simply a herculean one. He may have to serve supper for 5,000 people, and perhaps for 15.000 people. The difficulties of his undertaking are self-evident. Mr. Boldt has made name and fame as the proprietor of the Hotel Bellcvue, in Philadelphia, where, for the past six years, the dinners of the Clover Club have been held. He is to Philadelphia what Deltnonico is to Ncw York, and the Inaugural Committee feel that the feast end of the great quadrennial ball could not have been placed in better hands. Some of the most unique and brilliant dinners ever given In this or any other country have been given at the quiet and petite Hotel Bellevue. Boldt is an artist as well as an epicure, and he haB developed some exquisite artistic and material ef fects. "Perhaps the costliest dinner I ever served," he said to me, "was the one given to Franklin B. Gowan, in February, 1882, by the railroad presidents of if ew York and Philadelphia. 3Ir. Gowan was then the President of the Heading Railroad. Mr. "W. H. Tanderbilt was one of the 30 guests, I remember. The name of Mr. Gowan, lormed of Jacqueminot rosebuds, appeared on the wall of the room in letters 10 inches high. Ked-birds were served which had been kept on ice for ten months, and the Roman punch was brought to the table in the tenders of miniature railway trains, ond of which was placed before each guest. The tiny trains were set upon steel rails, and the engine and cars bore the initials of the Beading Railroad. The dinner cost $50 a cover. "In that same year Mr. Clarence Lewis gave a dinner in honor of Miss Agnes Rob erts, the niece of the President of the Penn sylvania Railroad. A dozen of the season's debutantes were present, and I was bidden to produce some quietly startling effects. This is what I did: The dinner was seved in a corner of the larce ballroom. The table was snrrounded by Japanese screens six feet high. The center ornament of the table was an enormous ball of violets. The mo ment the Sevris coffee-cups were placed on the table a spring was touched. The ball of violets fell apart, exposing a great bunch of La France roses a ball favor to the guest of honor. In another moment the screens were whisked away; a score of cages containing chirping canary birds were seen hanging from the ceiling; music came from a hidden orchestra, and the ballroom was at the disposal of the dancers. All of this was brought about in an instant. The effect was charming and the guests were de lighted. "What had been a cozy diniugroom a moment before was changed into a large ballroom without the slightest confusion or noise. The accomplishment of this was a bit theatric, perhaps, but it was very effec tive. "In October. 1881, Mr. Clarence H. Moore gave a dinner of 15 covers to Mrs. Richard son, of London, formerly of Philadelphia. The table was strewn w ith antumn leaves and chestnut burrs. A different set of elaborately decorated plates was lurnished for each course and each plate was an art study. The favors for the ladies were solid silver card cases with the monogram of the recipient engraved on one side and the menu and date on the other. Jeweled scarf pins were given to the men. The dinner cost over S100 for each person. "Mr. Rodman "Wanamaker, in October. 1888, gave an ante-wedaing dinner to 18 men. The table was set in a grape arbor in the middle of the largest room in the hotel. Two hundred and fifty pounds of grapes were suspended from natural vines. The apartment was illuminated by hundreds of tiny fairy lamps. There was no other light in the room. Large trees were placed against the wall of the room as though growing there. Graveled, serpentine walks, strewed with leaves, led from the central ar bor throughout the room. Miniature sum mer houses abounded, and in another arbor the orchestra was concealed. The result was perfect. All the effect of a dinner in a pri vate vineyard was produced. Mr. Boldt has given several "Greek" dinners. The prandial customs of the an cients are followed as closely as comfort and convenience will permit. The room is hung with garlands and over the table wreaths and garlands are carelessly thrown. Rugs are hung on the walls. Silver tankards take the place of glasses. The men must wear a laurel wreath and a muslin robe. A boar's head cdorns the center of the table. Roast kid, served whole, is one of the features, and dates and powdered nuts form the de sert. The menu is printed in Greek as well as English. Silk and plush table decoration was first introduced in this country by Mr. Boldt. In referring to dressing a table, he said: "I look upon the table as Worth looks upon his subject. I throw a lot of silk or other material on it, adjust or crease it until I am satisfied. I pin a bit of ribbon at one point, a silken bow at another; throw a flower here, a leaf there until an artistic and happy result is attained. I sit up nights striving for new ideas." Mr. Boldt's collection of china is a very rare and valuable one. The most notable portion of it is the "Crown Head" set of dinner plates. It was painted on his order by Dessard at the Royal Sevres factory, Paris. Each of the 18 plates contains a perfect portrait of a king, queen, prince or princess, and the cost of each plate was the modest sum of ?S7. They have been used on but four occasions. The first was the Moore dinner; second, the "Wanamaker en tertainment; third, a luncheon given to Mrs. "W. "W. Astor, and fourth, for the luncheon given by Mr. George "W. Childs to Mrs. Cleveland while she was in Phila delphia attending the Constitutional Cen tennial Celebration. They are works of art, and the envy of every lover of ceramics. The Southern members of Congress are notably poor. All of them, to be sure, are not guilty of that greatest of faults (as it is regarded in Washington), but it is the rule rather than the exception. A story is told of a well-known Senator from a Southern State which is based on this peculiarity. The Senator was poor so poor that he found great difficulty getting through his canvass. In his extremity he did not hesitate to bor row a few hundred dollars here and there, probably consoling his conscience with the thought that he was going to Congress not so much for his own good as for the good of the State and her people. One of the constituents of whom he solicited and ob tained a small loan was a farmer not over burdened with this world's goods himself. Of him the Senator obtained $200. He did not think of repaying it and the lender did not think of asking tor it. One day, a year or more after the election, the farmer's wife found that the store of money was running low. The crops had been Lad and the expenses of the lamily heavy. She suggested to her husband that be apply to Senator for the little loan made at the time of the election. The far mer wrote but he received no reply. He wrote again and received a, short note telling him that the Senator was so engrossed with public duties that he could not attend to the matter immediately. At length, becoming a little aggravated and being moved to ac tion by the urging of his wife, he determined to come to Washington. He came, and shortly after his coming he called upon the Senator. He was received in the most ef fusive manner. The Senator was delighted to see his old friend. Other Senators were passing through the corridors of the Capitol at the time thev met. The Senator 3topped them. "You must know my old friend," he said to them and introduced them to him, one after another. The next day he took his friend to see the President; took him through the Departments and showed him the most profuse, though inexpensive, at tention. It was four days after his depart ure for the Capitol that the farmer returned to his home. His wife greeted him with open arm. "Did you see Senator ?" she asked. "See him?" said the husband. "See him? Whv, he took me all over Washington. He is the finest man in the country. He took me up to the White House, wife, and in troduced me to President Cleveland. He took me everywhere." The eulogy continued for a long time. When it was concluded, the wife said: "But, John, did you get the 200?" The question seemed to embarrass her hus band a little. "To tell you the truth.'Man dy," he said, "I didn't. To tell you the truth, I loaned the Senator another 5200." Colonel Bill Morrison tells a good story at his own expense. He has a red-haired brother living in Illinois whoso custom it is, when occasion serves, to take his gun and go in pursuit of the wary duck. While he and a companion were on an excursion thev were noticed bv two Germans. One of them said to the other: "You see dot fel low? Dot's Bill Morrison's brother." "Ish dot so?" said the other, and he re garded Mr. Morrison with some interest. In a few minutes a duck flew up and both of the sportsmen shot at it It fell and Mr. Morrison said that he had shot it about eight feet from the ground and that it had been killed bv his bullet. His companion insisted that it was his shot that had brought down the game and that it was 30 feet from the ground when it was hit. After a few minutes of argument, they started after the duck and as they returned Mr. Morrison had it in his hand. But he still argued in a rather violent manner that the duck was but eight from the ground when it was shot and that his bullet had brought it down. The second German thereupon spoke to the first. "You say dot's Bill Morrison's bruder?" he aske'd. "Yes, dot's him," was the replv. "Xo, it isn't," said the other. "If dot was Bill Morrison's bruder he don't give a tarn whether dot duck been tree feet or tirty feet from de ground so long he got de duck." Not long ago the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay started for Florida. Before his depart ure he gave the two press associations a formal notification that he would oppose the appointment to office of any one who ap plied to him for an indorsement before March 4. The reason for the announcement is lo be found in the enormous proportions that Senator Quay's mail was begluning to assume before he went away. He was re ceiving at the time he left Washington about 100 letters a day, written by office seekers. They came from every part of the Union. He received one from Oregon the day before his departure addressed to "The Hon. Senator Colonel Matthew Quay, Esq." It was written by an entire stranger. That capped the climax. He issned his pronun ciamento on that. His mail has not sensi bly diminished, but his announcement will give him excellent excuse hereafter for get ting rid of bores and those to whom he owes nothing, and will not prevent him attend ing to his friends. O'Bbien-Bain. THE FERGUSON OBSEQUIES. Impressive Services in Commemoration of a Life Tlint YVn Lovely and Klch In Worlliv Promlnc. Grace Episcopal Church, Mount Wash ington, was filled in pew and aisle yesterday afternoon by friends come to pay the last token of respect over the mortal remains of Miss Edith K. Ferguson, the artist. The casket was almost hidden beneath a wealth of the flowers her pencil had been wont to portray so faithtnlly. In a few touching words the rector, Rev. R. J. Coster, paid rich tribute to the young life whose large attainment and greater promise, artistic, literary, womanly, makes Its untimely end all the sadder. Equally touching was the beautiful hymn, "Rock of Ages," as sung by Miss Belle Tomer, Mrs. C. II. Humbert, Messrs. F. J. Bnssman, E. H. Dermitt and W. A. Mc Cutchcon, accompanied by the organist, Mr. Melville Stunt. Mrs. Humbert also sang a pathetic solo selection. The pall bearers were Messrs. John Hammer, II. S. Stevenson, E. W. and A. Y. Smith, Chris Metsinger and C. W. Scovel. After the impressive services were concluded, the family and immediate friends followed their beloved dead to her filial resting place in Allegheny Cemetery. Thu descended the curtain upon a life drama which, though so brief, was of more than ordinary interest Edith Ferguson was not one to hide her tal ents In a napkin. Thouch her true, womanlr heart was thoroughly responsive to the love and comfort of the home circle, her earnest na ture early impelled her to devote herself to a serious life work in the art for which nature had so richly endowed her. After graduating with highest honors at the Pittsburg School of Design, she spent some three years at the En ropean art centers, making a special study of Spanish life and art in Seville. Returning to Pittsburg, she entered upon an active profess sionallifc, wbi:h, in spite of her modest and re tiring disposition, had already won high meed of success. She soon was chosen for the faculty of her alma mater the School of Design, and the pretty little studio she built by her MC Washington home becaino well known in widening circles as a source of dainty, artistic crea tions. Her special talent was for illustra tion in water color; editions de luxe of choice poems may be found in some of Pitts- Durg s most luxurious parlors attesting tho originality of design, the skill in execution and the rare poetic appreciation she brought to this uraucii ui an. Nor were Miss Ferguson's talents confined to pictorial art alone; she could drop the pencil and wield the pen instead, with uncommon skill. Under the nom de plume of "Edna Fletcher" she has from time to time contributed to The Dispatch bright, thoughtful letters upon life and nature as seen in her artistic rambungs, besides an occasional modest bit of verse with the true ring in it. These special talents, through which Edith Ferguson touched the world at large, were set in the pure gold of a nobly rounded character and enhanced by many graces of mind and heart, which she freely devoted to those who knew her best and who mourn her most. PRICES DOWN AGAIN Until May 1, 1SS9. A handsome half-life-size crayon portrait", in a beautiful gold, bronze, oak or silver frame, all complete, for $5. Also, our fine $2 cab. for SI SO per doz.; our fine S3 cab for ?2 per doz.; our fine 55 cab. for $2 50 per doz., and a large family group picture S3, at "The Elite Gallery," 616 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. Mihsu B.&B. "After, stock taking bargains" in every uepariuiem sueires kj oe Cleared to make room for our large spring importations, and prices to do it to-day. Boggs & Buhl. Guipure lace curtains, white and col ored, stripes and small figures, reduced from S10 to $5 per pair. aiwrsu Hcgus & Hacke. To-day 10,000 yards double width dress goods, suitings, imported Scotch suitings, at 25c all 50c values 25c. Boggs & Buhl. Special Notice. Some handsome de signs in novelty costume patterns just ar rived. Huous & Hacke. aiwrsu B. & B. New advance stvles India silks to-day, 50, CO, 75c, SI, SI 25, SI 40. Styles of "In diasV that are exclusive and distinctive. Boggs & Buhl. A GENIUS IN STRIPES. The Strange Career and Remarkable Inventions of a Convict OF A SCIENTIFIC TURN OF MIND, Whose Ingenuity Enabled Him to Escape Many Times Prom Jail, BUT DEPEAVITT DE0YE HIM BACK Whether Mr. Gerry's bill to provide death-dealing electrical apparatus for the State prisons passes or fails, Warden Dur ston, of Auburn need not fear that he will be left without means of executing con demned criminals in accordance with the law which took effect on January 1. He has in his custody an inventor whose re sources and talents will surely relieve him from any anxiety on that score. Clarence F. Tiear, who rejoices in the occasional possession of several other names, and a physique so diminutive as to permit of his crawling through a very small hole, has been for a quarter of a century astonish ing prison officials with practical inventions and ingenious escapes. His last claim to celebrity comej under the former head, and is founded upon an electrical medical and surgical cabinet which has just been placed in the prison hospital. Dr. Sawyer, the physician of the institution, pronounces it a valuable apparatus, and says it is com plete in every respect. The entire outfit is of the finest workmanship, and is contained in a polished walnut cabinet. One of the appurtenances is a gastroscope, with an electric light for internal examinations. There is also a laryngoscope and a cautery handle, besides numerous other devices useful iu the multiplicity of medical opera tions now carried on by the aid of electricity. Batteries for galvanic and faradic currents, or both sombined, are provided, and the black walnut case is really an example of multum in parvo. It would not be sur prising to hear that Tiear had designs for an electrical chair which would meet approval. AN IHTEllESTING CITAEACTER. The reason for the free sway that is given to the little convict's invention by the prison authorities is found in his propensity for escaping when he has nothing else to do. He has been known to resign a steady job in the machine shops of the departed con tract system for a precarious existence out side, but as a general rule it has been en forced idleness which has driven him out to seek employment Such is the desire for his company, however, that he has an apart ment near the headquarters of the guard, and receives every attention from his guardians. His mind is diverted in various ways from the thought that a small hole drilled out of an iron door, a few keys, a ladder, and a rope might be the means of carrying him to other menus. Mr. Tiear's character is not devoid of humor. It is related of him that on one oc casion he made a midnight tour through portions of Wayne and Oswego counties with a load of recently acquired furniture, which he distributed piecemeal at stated in tervals. The horses and wagon, also fresh acquisitions, were disposed ot to confiding purchasers. It wns in 1862 that Tiear, as a boy of 12 years, entered the Western House of Kefuge at Rochester. He is not much bigger now than he was when he attained distinction among the bad boys of Clyde. The Eefuge lite was not to his liking, and, observing that the dinners of the workmen employed in the erection of a new buildings were brought in, he one day picked up a dinner pail and walked out with the free children after the dinner hour. Ilis father brought him back a week afterward. The youthful Jack Shepard "hid out" several times, but did not get away until regularly discharged on July 29, 1804. He returned within a year under sentence for larceny, and be haved so well that his father, upon remov ing to Iowa two years later, secured his re lease. A few months later he forsook the Western farm, and shortly appeared at Monroe County Penitentiary under -sentence of three years for robbing freight cars. Being occasionally sent on errands to a cel lar commuicatingVith an outer court yard. he improved the opportunity given to file off the lock. Donning a workman's over alls and throwing an iron pulley on his shoulder, he represented himseif as a work man from a citv machine shop. A CHECKERED CAREER. Me walked to Kochester with a prison foreman who happened to be going the same way. When they separated he threw the pulley away. Six months later, in Novem ber, 1868, Oswego county sent him to the Eeluge under the name of Charles Keith. He had risen to the dignity of a store bur glar. Recognition by a fellow prisoner led to his serving out his unfinished term in the penitentiary. Then he returned to the village of Mexico, robbed the same store, was arrested, and again entered Oswego jail. He escaped, was recaptured, and would have escaped the second time but for timely discovery. Then he set the jail on fire, and tried to run out during the confu sion. The jailor's wife, for whom he was only a good-sized handful, niade this at tempt a failure. A fourth trial proved suc cessful, and "Slippery Charley" returned to business outside. Tiear was always as successful in getting into jail as in getting out, and was next ar rested in Lockport for stealing a horse in Buffalo. On account of his vouth and ap parent innocence ho got off with n light sen- icuuc iu iuc xjuu vrvuiuv .iremicnuary. There he broke out of his cell and assaulted a watchman. He was sentenced to five years in Auburn for this, but parted com pany with the Sheriffat Cauandaigua, leav ing that officer without ceremony. Trans ferring his attentions to Cayuga county horseflesh, he was lodged in the Auburn jail, from which he made two ineffectual at tempts to escape. In March, 1880, Judge Day sentenced him to ten years in Auburn prison, which he is engaged in serving. In November, 1882, Tiear drilled a square plate out of his cell door in the north wing, and was found at midnight picking the lock of the messroom door in the south wing. The lock was "mixed," and it was necessary to cut it off before breakfast was served. Principal Keeper Boyle, who has great confidence in Tiear's abilityjgave him the lock, and the convict finished the pick ing operation in a twinkling. On February 16, 1884, Tiear achieved his greatest feat in escaping, although three days elapsed before he lett the prison. He got a year of liberty by it. Committingsome offense which would insure his confinement in the "jail," he was searched for tools and then left in solitary confinement. The jail is visited only at long intervals by the guards and by waiters with bread and water. Although stripped and put into a frush suit of clothes, Tiear managed to secrete saws upon his person. By the second night he had a hole in his door big enough to let him out into the corridor. BACK TO THE BASTILE. When the cnards came in to look at him he hid in a corner and stole out behind them. By the time they had reached his cell be had a good start down the prison yard. Badly aimed shots were firea, and one benumbed his right arm. Placing a jaaaer against ine wan ne ma. The wall was double guarded, but after the first night the guard was withdrawn. Tiear said after ward that his injured arm prevented his go ing over until three nights after. The lad der again against the wall and a rope on the outside showed the officers how he had fooled them. Prior to leaving Tiear robbed a prison contractor's office and safe, and stole a suit of clothing left hanging in a shop by a foreman. After this Tiear found employment among the skilled machinists of the Remington Works at Ilion. When he left Ilion he took with him a friend's wife and enough furniture no begin housekeeping in Syracuse. In February, 1884, a Syracuse detective recognizefl him and chased him. Tiear and the detective exchanged .shots, but the little Jack Sbeppard was at last run down in Senator Hiscock's grounds. On June 22, 1887, Tiear "stowed away." Double guards patrolled the yard and walls for three nights. The inclosure was indus triously searched for two days. On the third day (Sunday) the entire force of offi cers had jnst been detailed for what is known as the "general search," when Tiear, dusty, thirsty and hungry, rapped at the door of the keeper's hail. He said he knew he would be found, and didn't want to cause any more trouble. He was gladly welcomed, but was sent to the jail just the same. He is still inside, and when his sen tence expires officers who have warrants for him will meet him at the prison gate. Among Tiear's inventions is a combina tion lock which he defies anyone to pick, and which he couldn't pick himself without the combination; an electrical burglar alarm, which he knows how to circumvent, and a delicate instrument, for examination of cases of heart disease. iVTeto York Sun. A Now Beaver Briilce. rSrECut. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 Beaver Falls, February 3. A compa ny has been formed here and application made for a charter to build a bridge across the Beaver river, extending from the foot of Tenth street to a point northwest of New Brighton. The structure will be of iron, three spans, and will be 750 feet long, and to cost not less than S40.000. The survey has been made and work will be commenced when the weather permits. This will con nect Beaver Falls with roads leading to New Castle and other towns in that direc tion. Barry's TRicornEROus eradicates scurff and dandruff, cures diseases of the scalp and hair. n. tB. 45-inch embroidered skirtings at half price to-day, 35 cents and 50 cents. Forty five inches wide nt these low prices to-day. Boggs &Buul. MARRIED. WILSON HAMNETT At tho M. E. Church. Wilkinsbuig, on Tuesday evening, January 8, 1889, by the Rev. J. Franklin Core, assisted by Dr. C. W. Smith, Jas. A. WILSON and Miss Margaret J. Hamnett, both of Wilkinsburg. 2 DIED. BROWN On Sunday, February 3. 1889. at IU.3U O'UOCK years. A. il, Robert Brown, aged 32 Funeral services at his la'te residence. Key stone streot. Eighteenth ward, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the fam ily are respectfully invited to attend. BODER At tho parents' residence, 61 Race street, Allegheny, on Sunday, Februarv 3, lfcS9, at 820 p. m., Maria A., daughter of F. J. and S. A. Boder, aged 31 years, 8 months, 16 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. 2 BURNS On Saturday, Februarys, at 8 A. if., Sarah Burns, relict of thelato John Burns, Shaler township, aged 76 years. Funeral will take place from her late resi dence, Mlllvale borough, Monday, February 4, at 2 o'clock. Funeral services will bo held one hour ealier. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. 2 CULBERTSON On Saturday, February 2, 1SS9, at 4 o'clock p. M.. Emily C. widow of tho late Albert Culbertson, in the 65th year of her age. Funeral services at her late residence, 166 Sheffield street, Allegheny City, Tuesday, February 5, at 2 P. M. Interment private at a later hour. '2 DE HAVEN On Friday morning, February 1. 1889. of pneumonia. Miss Alice De Haven. sister of the late Harmon and David De Haven. Funeral services at the residence of James M. De Haven, Shaler township, Allegheny county, Pa., on Monday horning, February 4, at 10.80 o'clock. Interment private. GAIL At 67 Cedar avenue, Allegheny, on Sunday, February 3, 18S9, at 8:40 P. M Albert Gail, agent for Gail & Ax, of Baltimore, Md., in the 23th year of his age. Notice of funeral hereafter. GIliLlLAND Suddenlv, on Saturday, Feb ruary 2, 18S9, at 4 P. it, JOHN GiLLlLAND, aged 65 years. Funeral on Monday, February 4, 1889, at 2 p. 21., from the residenco of J. P. AVillock. Mifflin township, near Willock's station, on B. A O. R. R., Wheeling division. Carriages will leave Bemmelrock Bros.' undertaking rooms at 10:30 A. if., No. 1720 Carson street, Southside, Pitts burg. Friends are invited. HOLMAN On Sunday, February 3, 18S9, at 2:15 A. Jr., at the residence of his parents, V. A. and E. L. Holman, California avenue, Alle gheny, Evebett Whitehouse, agcd5 years and 6 months. Funeral sorvices at the residence Monday, February 4, at 7:45 p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. Interment private. HERRON Snddenly, on Sunday morninp, February 3, 1S89, David R. Herron, aged 61 years. Funeral services at tho residence of his brother, R. G. Herron, No. 68 Center avenue, on this (Monday) afternoon at 230 o'clock. Interment private. IVES On Sunday morning, February 3, 1SSD, Levi S. Ives, aged 56 years. Funeral services at bis late residence. No 274 Sandusky street, Allegheny City, on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. InternTent private. KING On Saturday, February 2, 1839, at 12:05 r. M., at his residence, 248 Bedford avenue, Robert Kino, fn his 81st year. Funeral services at Third U. P. Church. Dia mond street, 130 p. si., on Monday, February 4. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. 2 KOERNER Sunday morning, February 3, at 620 o'clock, Mary Elizabeth, beloved wife of WilliauvH. Kocrner, In her S9th year. Funeral services at her late residence. No. 72 KIrkpatrick avenue, Allegheny, on Tuesday, February 5, at 2 o'clock P. M. Interment pri vate at later hour. 2 McGLENN Saturday, February 2, at C o'clock A. M, Mrs. Jane McGlenn, aged 74 years. Fnneral services at 2X0 o'clock Monday, February 4, at the residence of her brother, D. K. Reynolds, 132 Sandusky street, Allegheny. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 McKELVY Friday at noon, February 1, 1SS9, Frances Graham, wife of W. M. Mc Kelvy. Funeral services on Monday morning, February 4, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of her husband, 261 Ridge avenue, Allegheny City. Interment private. D McCAFFERY On Friday. February 1. 18S9, at 11 a. m., Thomas F. McCaffery, in the 36th year of his age. Funeral will take place from the residenco of his mother, No. 9 Wilson street, on Monday at 830. Mass at St. Paul's Cathedral at 9 A. M. Friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. 3 RUSSELL At Sharon, Pa., on Saturday afternoon, February 2, 18S9, James Russell, SB,, in tho G9th jjar of his age. Funeral services from St. John's Episcopal Churcb.TrESDAY afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 2 SMITH-At Wilkinsburg, Pa., on Sabbath, February 3, 18S9, at 8 a. m., Dr. Wm. J. Smith, formerly of the West End, Pittburc, Pa., in his 77th year. Funeral services will bo held at his late resi dence, Franklin street, Wilkinsburg, on Tues day, February 5, at 2 p. m. ANTHONx- MEYER, . (Successors to Meyer, Arnold fc Co.. Lim.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Office and residence, 1131 Penn avenue. Tel. ephone connection. mylO-h53-MWF John L. Trexlkr. Paul Baukb. BAUER & TREXLER, Undertakers and Embalmers, Livery and Sale Stable. No. 378 and 380 Beaver are. Branch office, 679 Preble ave., Allegheny City. Telephone 311G. fllnnfiAHH Tllia vn. A Ta aus-toz-MTnau FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. cC J. B. MUIinOCll, Mn eauxiitiJiLiii sr. Telephone 4Z3. ded-ft-MTVi1 CHOICE ROSES Including all the f anoy varieties-Carnations, Lily of the Valley, Maidenhair Fern, etc. Prfces always consistent with quality.. JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, Telephone 239. 08 SinTHrrELD St. deSS-MWF TEPRESENTEU IN PITTHBUR(i.iN 1SCI ASSETS - . S9JD7L69633. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 81 Fourth avenue. Ja20-s2-D NOTICE OF REMOVAL! About Feb. 1 We WiU Remove to 37 FIFTH AVE. (NORTH SIDE OF STREET). On account of removal we will offer our en tire stock of. Silver Plated Ware, Clocks, Bronzes, Statuary. Onyx Top Tables. Brass Cab inets, Piano Lamps and Choice Art Goods at a Great Reduction in Price. S-This will be a rare opportunity to pur chase tine goods at a very low price. WATTLES & SHEAFER, ' JEWELERS, 54 FIFTH AVENUE. ja7-MWF THE .:. BARGAINS -UJ- DRESS and WRAP TRIMMINGS STILL CONTINUE. We have just finished stock-taking, and a great many bargains are offered in Trimmings of every kind by the yard, in black and colors, in bead, cord, silk and tinsel goods, as well as in waist trimming sets, panels, ornaments, etc.; fur trimmines, muffs, boas, etc., all at greatly reduced prices. This is the best time in tho year to buy Jet and Fancy Bead and Tinsel Trimmings. Give the Trimming Department a visit. And don't forget that we have a full lino of DRESS LININGS OF EVERY KIND. Several customers have told us lately that they did not know we kept linings. Of course, you know wo have braids, bindings, books and eyes, tapes, pins, needles, dress shields, casings, whalebones, dress extenders, etc, etc A lot of Pearl Buttons, first quality, worth SI 50 a gross, at SI a gross, put out on the coun ter. On the Corset counter there is a number of Bargains in Ladies' Corsets. You will know more about them if you come to tho depart ment. A few SILK UMBRELLAS at very large reductions from original prices. We commence opening on FRIDAY, February 1. Now Embroideries, New Laces, New Handkerchiefs, New Hosiery, New Fancy Baskets, New Drapery Silks, etc., etc. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. f0l-D MUSTGO As we need room the balance of our Fur Stock will be sold at al most give-away prices. THE HATTER, 434 MARKET ST. fel-stwy YELLOW 8IGNS. YELLOW TUBS. Use "Peerless Brand" BALTIMORE FRESH RAW OYSTERS. Selected andpacked with cleanliness andcare by O. H. PEARSON & CO., BALTIMORE, MO. They are the BojI. Ask your Grocer for them. jati-74-D STEAMKilS AXD EXCDUSIONb. TORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST JLl route to London and the Continent. Express Steamer bervico twice a week from New York tq Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. Ss.Saale Jan.30. 530 A.M. I Ss. Fnlda.Fob.9, 1 P.M. Ss. Ems..Feb.2,7A. M. Ss.Lihn.Fcb.13. 3p.m. Ss. Travo Feb. 6. 10 A.M. Ss. Elbo.Feb.16.8 A. M. First Cabiu, Winter rates, from S75 upward. MAX SCHAMBERQ fc CO., Agents, PrttS burp, Pa. OKLUICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York City. Ja29-71-D ANCHOR LINE. United States lUnil Steamers. SAIL EVERY SATURDAY FROM NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Calling at Movllle (Londonderry. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Liverpool or London derry, Sti and $53. Excursion. (90 and 100, Second-class, fJO. Steerage, po. Mediterranean Service, btcamshlps at regular intervals from NEW YORK TO NAPLES DIRECT. Cabin l'aisase. 80 and ?100. Third-class, ?30. Drafts on Great llritaln, Ireland or Italy, and letters of credit at favorable rates. Apply to HENDfcKbON BROTHERS. New York, or J. J. McCOUMIUK. Fourth and Smith Held: A. D. bCOHEKffi SON, 415 Smitlllleld St.. l'ltUburs; WILLIAM bEMl'LE, Jr., Ib5 federal st., Allegheny. qoS-lSG-uwF ABps, WM. SMPl'S, Imi-Tvil WM, SEMPUE'A Attractive Bargains in Seasonable Goods This Week. , Dress Goods Fifty pieces Tricots, solid colors and mixtures, to be cleared at i2jc. Special bargains in Tricots and Habit Cloth at 25c and 31c. Very superior finished Cloth Suitings at 37jc. Colored Cashmeres and Henriettas, 46 inches wide, at 50c, down from 75c. All our 75c fancy imported Dress Goods now 50c to clear. Broadcloths now 90c, were $1 25, finer,, qualities at $1 25 and $1 50. New spring Dre ssGoods open to-day, five cases, handsome qualities and new designs; first of the season, 25c to 37ja Come and see the new goods opening daily. Silks Grand bargains this week in black and colored Dress Silks. Special prices and large lines of Surahs, Peau de Soies, Armuxes, Satin de Lyons, Gros Grains,, Baratheas, Faille Francaisses etc. ? New Wash Goods. American and Scotch Ginghams. American and French Satines. White Goods, entirely new patterns. Cre tonnes. Full lines Lawn Tennis Cloths at marvelously low prices. New Muslin Underwear, Chemise and Drawers, Night Dresses, Skirts and Corset Covers, in a great variety of qualities, for Ladies, Misses and Infants, at low prices. Linen Department Special values in Table Linens from 20c up. Our 50c quality is well worth 65c. Turkey Red Tablings, .25c, 37jc and 50c. New Towels and Napkins. Cloak Department 500 garments to be closed out. The recently reduced prices will do it Greatest bargains yet in Ladies' Gloth Jackets, Raglans and Newmarkets. Seal Plush Jackets, Coats, Wraps and Modjeskas. Misses' Jackets and Coats. Children's Coats and Gretchens. Large lines perfect-fitting Jerseys, black and colored, plain and braided. Closing out all our made-up Suits. Ladies' Suits and Dresses, in all the desirable materials for the season, will be cleared at low prices. Black and colored Cashmere and Henrietta Suits. Black and colored Silk Suits. Plain and braided Cloth Suits. Misses' and Children's Suits. All of the best workmanship- and stylish garments. Examine prices. Lace Curtains Our new spring importations now opening. New and exclusive designs and grand values. We have them frorn 50c up, and call special attention to qualities and designs at $1 25 to $5 a pair. Turcoman and Chenille Curtains and Portieres at low prices. Window Shades and Curtain Poles, all styles. . Samples sent when requested. Mail orders will have our prompt Bargains in Furs, Blankets, Flannels and Underwear to clear. wiTiTjIjo: 165. 9 iiiI-ir SALE -CONTINUED WITH- "Forget-Me-Nots" for the Cleanly. Colgate's Brown Windsor Soap at 6c a cake. Colgate's Turkish Bath Soap at 6c a cake. Colgate's Honey Soap at 9c a cake. Colgate's Almond Soap at gc a cake. Colgate's Pansy Soap at 9c a cake. Colgate's Glycerine Soap at 9c a cake. Colgate's Dermal Soap at 13c a cake. Colgate's Eau de Cologne Soap at 17c a cake. Colgate's Jockey Club Soap at 21c a cake. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap at 21c a cake. Pear's Unscented Soap at 10c a cake. Pear's Glycerine Soap (without perfume) at 15c a cake. Pear's Transpatent Soap at 20c a cake. Pear's Shaving Tablets at 20c a tablet. Pear's Shaving Sticks at 17c a stick. Fragrant "Forget-Me-Nots" for Everybody. Colgate's Violet Water at 15c and 35c a bottle. Colgate's Rosodora Cologne at 71c a bottle. Colgate's Ylang Ylang at 71c a bottle. Colgate's Muntiflora Toilet Water at 71c a bottle. Colgate's Eau de Cologne at $z 10 a bot tle. Legrand's Violet Perfume at 60c a bottle. Legrand's New Mown Hay at 60c a bot tle. Legrand's Sweet Briar at 60c a bottle. Legrand's Violette Oe Parma at Si 17 a bottle. ' Plraud's Violette De Parma at ?i 10 a bottle. Eau de Cologne at 4c a bottle. Courdry Lavender Perfume at 47c a bot tle. Lubin's Lavendar Water at 55c a bottle. Farina Cologne Toilet Water at 92c a bottle. Fleishman & Cos NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG, PA. jaJ9-D FINE SHOES, NEW STYLES, FIRST-CLASS MAKES. LADIES' and GENTS' WAUKENPHASTS. WAGNERS, 401 Wood St., Cor. Fourth Ave., PITTSBURG. fel-33-M-svi" VI , ir-I-l-TV-r A INSURANCE CO., -XLl L LN -CO. Hartford. Conn. Assets, January 1, 18S7 rJ,56S,S3 50 EDWARDS & KENNEY, Agents, Q Q Fourth avenue. Pittsburg lala-SOon1 J 167 and 169 FEDERAL . DANZIGEE & -SUCCESSORS TO- MORRIS H. DANZIGER, SELLING WITH A BIG LOSS -ALL OTTK- Cloaks, Wraps, Plush Coats, Cloth Newmarkets and Jackets. Our Cloak Room crowded all day long with Ladies wlio fully ap preciate the matchless bargains we are offering now. Our big effort now is on Ladies7. Muslin .". Underwear, Aprons, Corset Covers, etc. Our fortunate purchase for ready cash, at our own prices, from an overstocked manufacturer, will enable us to offer to our patrons the very best value in either city. Ladies see our bargains in White Goods, Torchon Laces, fine Embroidery, Table Linen, Towels, Lace Curtains, Napkins, Raw Silk Table Covers. Our bargain tables all over our big store will asfonish you. Take elevator to second floor for Glassware bargains and Apron bargains. f DANZIGER & SHOENBERC Nos. 42444648-50-52 Sixtli Street 538-540-542 Penn Ave, feS-irwr EEBOH Offers anything in his mam moth stock at one-half its value for 30 days, to reduce stock and make room for goods. Come, it will pay. ix it rzr u 923 and 925 rLLUn. Penn Avenue. ZNTeair? ZT:nL-bi2- S-tn?ee1j- "Open Every Saturday Till 10 Jal-srwT RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SEAL GARMENT BUYERS. An nnnsually large stock, which we are de termined to sell, of Sacques, Jackets and Wraps, in Alaska Seal Skin, warranted. Owinj: to the November advance in Seal Skin next year's prices must be Usher, so it is the part of wisdom for ladies to buy now, especially as we oner sucn genuine Dargains as quocea: A few Wraps, small sizes, $75 to $100. A few Jackets at 175, small sizes, 33 to 36 bust. Splendid Sacqne, 3S inches lone, at $125. And otbers at correspondingly low prices. PAULSON BROS., MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 441 WOOD STREET. N. B. To those who are known to ns we will sell garments on monthly payments. ja9-MWF D tJNOAN C. WHITE, Bnlldins Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smltbfield, Pittsburg. sei-c23-Jrwy attention. r li Kit siEiiPijiirs STREET. ALLEGHENY, w SBOENBEEG, P. M. HERE IS THIS RICE AUTOMATIC ENGINE Guaranteed to pull a saw through a log without slackening- jpeed. Guaranteed to do more work, with less fuel, than any engine built. HANDSOME, DUKABLE, HIQH-CLASS The J.T. N0YE MFG. CO.JBuffao,N.Y. jai&MTWT ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBUBG, PA. ABOUT CATARRH. J.M. JewelL Asst. Bunt Boys' Industrial School, Lancaster, (X, says: I have no hesitation inrec ommending your catarrh remedy. It is bv far superior to any other preparation I have ever used. Its curative ef fect is marvelous. Mrs. 31. J Hatton, 72 Fortv-third street, says: The Anchor Catarrh Remedy cured me of an a&rravated case of catarrh of lonz standing; which 1 considered hopeless, as T.nad used many other preparations withont relief. We would be glad to have yon give our ca tarrh remedy a trial. You will never regret it. jaSorwr 7IRESH BUTTER ; RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVENSON A CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTH AVENUE. jaMS-inr? 5 PA. 4 1 4 4