Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 03, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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leaches a Point Where Language
Utterly Fails to Describe It
She Trince of Coercionlsts Warned j the
Lord Major of Dublin
Jalfonr Fays So Attention to the WarniD?, but Is More
Balfour'a brutality has reacted a point
where adjectives iail to do it justice. Tbe
list of victims of his coercive policy for tbe
past week is a long one. Ibe Lord Mayor
of Dublin bag thought it necessary to warn
the author of Balfourism that he is going
loo far, and that an end ot some of his out
rages most be made or no one can be an
swerable for the consequences.
itOKBOjf, February 2. Copyright.
The brutality of the English rule in Ire
land, or what is more expressively called
Balfourism, has reached a point at which
BO string of adjectives, however carefully put
together, can give an exact idea of it. One
might as well try to give an idea of the pop
ulation of the world with aid of one's
fingers and toes. Therefore, those who sym
pathize with the Irish cause are now re
duced to expressing their feelings by means
of plain statistics. The following are tbe
statistics for one week, from January 23
to 30: ,
Four members of Parliament, "William
O'Brien, Dennis Kilbride, David Sheehy
and J. L Carew; two Catholic priests, one
newspaper editor, 35 less prominent Irish
men, and two Irishwomen, were charged un
der the coercion act. Of these 44 accused,
34 were condemned to various terms of im
prisonment, one woman was discharged and
the other nine men will be tried and doubt
less dnly sentenced at later dates.
Balfour's removable magistrates, it "will
be observed, perform in workmanlike fash
ion their task of imprisoning every real
Irishman brought before them.
The late novelty in the Balfour system
is the trying of men in their absence. Dr.
Tanner, M. P., who now roams about with
constables after him, would have been treat
ed in that fashion but for the vehement pro
tests of Tim Healy; but 11 young men
charged with disturbing Balfour's peace of
mind by unlawfully assembling, and who
were less ably looked after, were each in their
absence sentenced, without appeal, to three
months' imprisonment, after having ap
peared three times, provided with counsel
to defend them, only to have their case ad
journed, once because a constable who was
to have testified against them had catarrh.
and on two further occasions for equallv
valid reasons
Balfour's priest-hunting is not the least
energetic ally carried out by his various
branches of warfare against the Irish cause.
Besides one in jail he has four priests under
sentence awaiting imprisonment, and there
is a sixth, Father HcFadden, whom Bel four
is trying to get, but who for the moment is
too well watched by his parishioners, who,
in detachments, guard his house nightly.
Balfour's plan for weakening the home
rnle vote in the House also proves efficacious.
Ed Harrington is doing six months' hard
labor, Finucane five months and O'Brien
four months. Condon is sentenced to four
months, and there are other charges pend
ing. John O'Connor is under four months'
sentence, with the case appealed. Sheehy
it sentenced to four months; Tanner
wanted, with no doubt of his conviction
when he is got. Cox is being tried, Dennis
Kilbride is wanted, Carew is wanted, and
Sheehan, M. P., is convicted but not im
prisoned, because his health is so poor that
Balfour is afraid to take the risk of his
dying in jail
Respectable Tories have no objection to a
man lite "William O'Brien being stripped
naked and otherwise brutally treated in
jail, but they would perhaps consider it bad
form to lock up an M. P. and kill him.
Therefore Balfour wishes to avoid that on
tbe same grounds, as while he was stealing
O'Brien's clothes, he decided that priests
should not wear the prison garb, for fear of
antagonizine the powerful Catholic Tories
and prejudicing the Vatican against the
glorious cause of coercion.
Balfour is thorough wherever fear does
not check his operations, and there is no
doubt he meditates, and if not interfered
with, will make numerous additions to the
long list of Irish M. P.'s who are not to
attend the opening of this session of Parlia
ment. It is, however, just possible that
Balfour has gone a little too far with poor
O'Brien, and that something may come of
it There are a good many men in England,
even among the anti-home rulers who
don't think it a joke to take a man like
O'Brien, throw him upon the floor, shave
his head and beard, deprive him even of his
spectacles, and leave him in a cold cell
almost blind and naked. It is certain there
are a great many men in Ireland who will
be glad of an opportunity to pay Balfour
with interest when the opportunity arises.
The following telegram sent to Balfour
by Mr. Sexton, Lord Mayor of Dublin, is
business-like and from a man who means
what he says:
can't be misunderstood.
The illegal and brutal violence offered to
Mr. William O'Brien by your agents inClonmel
jail has excitedlunexampled indignation and
disgust throughout the whole country. Men of
all political opinions agree in denouncing tbe
system of attacking and breaking down 'jur
political adversaries by torture, iir. O'Brien
nas now been naked in his cell lor 36 hours.
To-night we learn that he is lying speechless,
and that the prison authorities, considering his
condition dangerous, have applied to you for
Instructions. X think it my duty to warn you
that the anger of the public is rapidly reaching
a point at which restraint may not be possible,
and that if you delay to instruct your agents to
abstain from violence and torture, and to have
regard to Mr. O'Brien's character and position,
public judgment will hold you personally re
sponsible tor his safety and for the peace of
this country, now placed in tbe utmost danger.
I ask you to send me a reply to-night.
Thomas Sexton, Lord Mayor.
Balfour made no reply to the above nor to
a note which was sent by hand at 2 o'clock
this morning, pressing for a reply. To-night
Balfour is banquetting and speech-making
with his Dublin Castle hirelings and some
Dublin Tories, who are masquerading for
this occasion as Liberal Unionists. The
character ol the performance may be gath
ered from the fact that even English news
paper men will not be admitted. Balfour
supplies his own shorthand writer, who will
lurnish revised notes, etc
There is evidence in London that Sexton's
letter has produced some effect on Balfour'a
mind. Preparations for trouble are every
where visible extra police are about, de
tectives are on hand in unusual numbers,
walking abont in that studied, aimless way,
which means business, and officers in the
barracks have had private intimation that
they might possibly be called upon for
troops. If anything is meditated in the
way of violence Balfour is wise in acting as
though be were the one most apt to suffer
ffor it.
HlSTED. the onlv nhotoEranher in tbn
city making first-class work, 41 Fifth ave.
Cabinet photos, all styles, tl 50 per doz.
.PromDt delivery. Lies' txmular callerv.
SlO and 12 Sixth sL siwrau
Fine Watcbe at Lowcit Price.
Ifyou need a watch go to Hauch's, No.
15 Fifth avenue, and buy a good one. Tonr
old watch taken in exchange. wrsn
Million! of Dollar Worth of Property De
stroyed by the Flames One Man
Killed and Others Injured by
Falling Wnlli In
surance losses.
Buffalo, February 2. The city was
visited to-day by the most disastrous fire in
its history.
At 2:35 o'clock fire was discovered on the
fourth floor of the five-story building owned
and in great part occupied by Boot & Keat
ing, wholesale sole leather dealers, at the
corner of Carroll and Wells streets. The
fire spread with frightful rapidity, and was
aided by a strong wind. The entire depart
ment was at once called out, but their work
was seemingly without avail.
The loss is fully 13,000,000. Among the
Buildings destroyed were tne lollowing:
HoSeld's leather and belting works; Na
tional Express Company's barns; Jewett &
Co. 'a stove warehouse; Boot & Keating,
sole leather; Sibley & Holwood, candy;
Swift & Stambach, stoves; S. F. Eagan and
A. T. Kerr, wholesale liquor dealers;
Broescl and Arlington Honses; the Danbury
Hat Manufacturing Company; "W. Bey
nolds, shoes; J. E. Lewis & Co., wholesale
grocers; Sidney Shepard & Co., tinware;
Henry Hearn, candy! Fowler & Sons, car
riage hardware, and a number of other
About noon a number of firemen were at
work inthe ruins in the rear of the Arling
ton Hotel, when the western wall of the
rear extension fell without any warning.
All of the menVere out of the way of the
falling bricks and timbers but Dominick B.
Marion, of engine 10, and John Jloest, fore
man of engine 9. Jloest was struck on the
head with some of the bricks, receiving bad
scalp wounds and being otherwise injured.
Poor Marion was instantly buried in tbe
ruins, and if not killed at once, nis lite
must have been soon crushed out by the im
mense weight resting on him. Frantic ef
forts were made by his comrades to reach
him, but without avail.
Several firemen were injured by falling
walls, and Chiet Hornung had one of his
hands nearly severed by glass. Although
suffering great pain, the Chief remained at
his post, superintending the work of the
firemen. There were reports of loss of life,
but so far they are not confirmed. A guest
at the Broesef House reported that he bad
seen a man fall into tbe burning building.
A young man who was watching the fire fell
dead from heart disease. Shortly after 10
o'clock one of the walls in the rear of the
Arlington House fell, burying four men.
They are being dng out.
The following is a list of insurance as far
as completed:
Niagara, J11.500: West Chester, SQ.500: Ham!
burg-Bremen, 54,000: Anglo-Nevada, t2,625;
North American, $2,000; Phoenix. London,
S3.750; Connecticut, $1,200; North America,
81,000; Hawlev-Bremcn, $1,000; Eliot, of Boston,
$2,750; Milwaukee Mechanics'. S2S.000: Newark,
$10,000; Alliance, $2,000: British America, $1,000;
Glens Falls, $3,000; Duchess County, N. Y.,
S3,b00; Northern, $7,500; Citizen's, $6,250;
Traders', $4,000; Detroit, $500; Commerce, $3,250;
Lancashire, $8,750; Merchants', Providence,
R. L, $1,000; Traders'. Chicago. $1,000: St Panl,
$7,500: Merchant's. $3,750; North Union. $8,500;
City London. $5,000: London Assurance. $1,500;
Buffalo German, $9,082: Boylston, $2,600: Lon
don, $8,250; North British and Mercantile, $9,.
500; Imperial, $3,750; American, $5,000; Royal
ton, $5.1)00: Franklie, $4,000; Minneapolis, $1,000;
Qneen's, $5,000: Fire and Insurance Association,
$4,500; People's, $3,500; National, 1,000; Empire
state, k,ouu; noaimans, ;i,ow; jnercnants'
and Traders', $3,000: Liverpool, London and
Globe, $5,350; County, $8,000; Spring Garden,
$7,000; The Sun,$16,500; Secunty,$L500; Franklin
$1,000: Hanover, New York, $8,500; Hartford,
$35,750: Heading, $4,000: Citizens, Pittsburg. $8,
000; Fire Association of New York, $5,000; Con
cordia, Milwaukee, $14,000; Phrenix, Hartford,
$17,750; Lyon, of England, 11,000; Providence,
Washington, $7,000; Scottish, of Edinburgh,
$1,000; Nentune, Boston, $4,000; New Hamp
shire. 10.500: Fire Association of Philadel
phia. $2,500; Commercial, California, $2,000;
Fidelity, Cincinnati, $3,000: Duchess, of Pough
keepsie, $7,500; Guardian, England, $17,000;
British-American, Toronto, $18,500.
Acquitted of Murder.
Bellfontk, February 2. The first
murder trial in this county inside of 15
years ended to-day. Andrew Baronovski,
a Hungarian, was tried for the mnrder of
Barnard Cassidy. After the jury was out
two hours and a half they bronght in a ver
dict of not guilty.
Those 8S Overcoats.
Saturday was busv times at our store. "We
advertised it as the last day of our great $8
sale, and had more than we could attend to;
eo we have decided to continue this sale for
one day longer. To-morrow (Monday) will
positively be the last day these bargains
will be offered, and it's the last chance you
will have of taking choice of all our elegant
kersey, melton, chinchilla and elysian over
coats, many of them silk and satin lined,
and worth from ?25 to 535, for 58. Cape
coats and ulsters also included in this sale.
P. c. c. c,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the
new Court House.
The New China Store.
Messrs. French, Kendrick & Co., 516
Smithfield street, are in good hopes that
tbev will be able to open their new store and
make their bow to tbe public on or about
the 14th inst. They have an absolute wealth
of new goods to submit to your notice, in
cluding the advance samples of the first
manufacturer in the world Mintons. Out
side New York and Boston these goods have
not been Been even by the trade. They pro
pose to lead in this business, and recogniz
ing their abilities, several important manu
facturers have intrusted them with their ex
clusive agencies for this district.
Until 9Iny 1, 1SS9.
A handsome half-life-size crayon portrait,
in a beautiful gold, bronze, oak or silver
frame, all complete, for $5. Also, our fine
$2 cab. for?l 50 per doz.; our fine $3 cab
for $2 per doz.; our fine $5 cab. for $2 50
per doz.", and a large family gronp picture
$3, at "Tbe Elite Gallery," 516 Market si,
Pittsburg, Pa. Mihsu
The Finest T91I11 In the World!
Via Union and Central Pacific roads. Sixty
four hours from Conncil Bluffs or Omaha to
San Francisco. A Pullman vestibuled
train; steam beat, electric light, bath rooms,
barber shop, library and dininc car a pal
ace hotel on wheels is The Golden Gate
Special, every "Wednesday.
The Best People In Two Cities
Patronize the Elite Gallery, 516 Market
street, Pittsburg, for fine photographs at low
Clearance sale guns, revolvers, etc., at
J. H. Johnston's, G21 Smithfield st. Great
est bargains ever offered in all kinds of
goods until about April 1st, when we will
remove to No. 706 Smithfield st.
Cupid Union Bleasase Co.
"Messages of IO ve" (valentines) in all
sbapes and forms can be had in largest
variety and lowest prices at main office of
L. Breuninger & Co., 535 Smithfield street,
Pittsburg, Pa. 3,7,10,12
The largest gallery on the Northside; the
cheapest on any side for the best photos and
crayons. Come mothers, bring the babies
to Stanford & Co., 68 Federal st Mihsu
De. O'Keefe's Bittebs remove bile
from the system. 31 Fifth avenue.
See our line of satin striped moires, all
colors, only 75c per yard; actual value, $1 50
per yard. Huous & Hacks.
A Hist to Patrons.
Low prices won't last ranch longer for
fine work at Elite Gallery, 516 Market street,
Pittsburg, therefore place your orders early
and bring the little ones. 'Use elevator.
Take Dr. O'Keefe's Bitters for bilious
ness. 34 Fifth avenue.
Continued from First Page.
truth, sign a certificate couched in vague
terms in which the word "Herzschlag"
should appear. . They refused absolutely to
do so.
There is every reason to believe that the
Emperor didn't know the real cause of his
son's death until "Wednesday evening.
A semi-official story, one of hundreds go
ing about, was to the effect that at 6:30
o'clock on "Wednesday morning the Prince
sent for his valet, Soschek, who found his
master sitting on the bed, half dressed, with
his shirt front covered with blood. The
Prince said something about bleeding from
the nose, and ordered his horses harnessed.
As there was no court carriage there, Brat
fisch, the cabman who had been singing
comic songs, fixed up his two-horse vehicle;
but when tbe valet went to inform his mas
ter, there was no answer, and the door being
broken in, he was found dead. The descrip
tion of the wound, however, makes it such
a serious one, the front of the skull being
blown ont. that it would have been abso
lutely impossible for the Prince to have
breathed, much less spoken, a moment after
he had been shot.
Another version is to the effect that when
the valet was first called there was no sign
of blood, and that it was while waiting for
the horses to be harnessed that the Prince
suddenly determined to kill himself.
It is needless to say that dozens of more
or less intimate friends of the Prince Have
come forward to testify to his mind having
been deranged for some time, and to qnote
unlimited circumstances in proof of their
statements. It is naturally desired to show
that the Prince's mind was unsettled, and
the cause of this is most generally attribut
ed to a fall upon his head, which he sus
tained not very long ago.
The suicide theory is strengthened by the
fact that a few weeks ago he sent all his
papers and his will to some State officials
to nave them put in order, and that last
week, upon hearing that the matter hadn't
been completely attended to, he wrote to
Minister Monsieur de Szogyenyi Marisch,
saying that he relied upon him to take care
of his papers in case of his sudden death.
The Archduke Charles Louis, the brother
of the Emperor, has disappointed Austria
by renouncing his right to tbe throne in
favor of his son, the Archduke Francis
Ferdinand. Unlike himself, his son is not
particularly popular, and nothing much is
known of him except that he is good
natured and indolent. He, in his turn, has
renounced the title of Grandduke ot Mo
dena, and the enormous fortune which he
inherited with it in favor of his brother, the
Archduke Otho.
In future Ferdinand will be known as the
Archduke heir, and live in Vienna and get
ready for his work as Emperor, when the
time comes. He is unmarried, and that
fact will serve to a certain extent to make
him popular in Viennese society," in which
he has never as yet made any great figure.
It is not known whether he Is a man of Ger
man sympathies, or, like the late prince,
intensely hostile to Bismarck, which is the
only fact to be ascertained which is of real
interest to Europe in general.
The women will be interested to learn that
the train of the dress to be worn at the
funeral by the Crown Princess will be made
of the mourning dress used by the great
Empress Maria Theresa at the burial of her
husband, Francis of Lorraine. The man
mer of the burial of the Prince, one would
think, would deter almost any man from
suicide. According to the usage in the case
of all Austrian archdukes his heart will be
buried in a silver urn in one place, his in
testines in another, and the rest of his body
in a tuira.
Except in the way of the tremendously
tragic happening of Kudolt's death, whicn
has caused and will for some time cause so
much excited diseussion, it is of little
European importance. It is pointed out
most especially as another of the many in
stances in which nature has intervened in
Bismarck's favor, clearing from his path ob
stacles that oppose themselves to his plans.
This apparent fatality has impressed French
men particularly as a wonderful and dis
tressing thing.
Since writing the above I have received
the report of the Viennese physicians who
conducted the post mortem examination.
The conclusion at which they pretend to ar
rive, and. which purports to be based upon
the conformation of his brain, is that the
Crown Prince had a tendency to insanity,
and that, beyond all question, he was insane
at the time he killed himself. This, how
ever, is nothing more than an attempt on
the part of the doctors to please the imperial
family, and perhaps to overcome the scrnnle
of the Catholic Church in granting burial
in sacred ground to a suicide who was re
sponsible lor his actions, though it is prob
able that other means could be found for
overcoming such religious scruples in the
case of tbe heir to a throne.
I hear from a friend at the Foreign Office,
one who hasn't direct access to the red box
containing tbe Foreign Minister's dis
patches, but who is well informed, that the
story of the betrayed Princess and the en
raged brother offering the choice of commit
ting suicide or fighting a duel is semi
officially confirmed. I don't think, how
ever, that is sufficient reason for giving en
tire credence to it. It is safe to say that if
this tragic death was anything else than a
case of suicide brought on by despondency
or drink, that this generation, at least, will
not know the real story, and that if it is
ever positively known, it will come out
when a certain number of important persons
shall have died, and so make the publica
tion less dangerous to its authors than it
would be at present
Full Dress Snlt SIS.
At this time of the year we always find a
big demand for full dress (swallow tail)
suits. To meet this demand, and to start
our week's trade with a rush, we will sell,
on Monday onlyl about 65 full dress suits
for the sight-selline price of $18. The coats
and vest are made of the finest West of
England cloth and the pants of imported
doeskin. Tailors charge $55 for the iden
tical suits. AVe have all sizes and can fit
anybody, but we offer this inducement for
Monday only: Full dress suits, $18.
P. C. C. O.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp, tbe new
Court House.
I will remove my place of business to
the corner of Smithfield street and Seventh
avenne, Bissell block, on or about March 1.
Previous to removal I will close out my
present stock at reduced prices.
Walter Anderson,
Merchant Tailor,
Cor. Wood street and Sixth avenue,
Absolutely Pure,
This powder never varies. A marvel of pur
tty, strength and wbolesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow esi, snort weigni, aium or nnospnate pow
sola only meant, kuxal hkinh
106 Wall St. N.Y.
" ' oc5-ml8-MWTSU
Insurance Association,
JOHN IRWIN, JR., President
W. M. GIBBS, Vice President.
B. R. KRAMER, Treasurer.
PRANK K. KOHIiBR, Secretary.
List of Losses Paid in
Uryrick, John, Youngstown, Pa 8
Brownfield, L. B., Hoydentown, Pa..
Wood, William L.. Falrchance, Pa..
DunweU, Charles T., New York, N.Y.
West, John H., Hollidaysburg, Pa....
10 00
10 00
20 00
25 00
10 75
15 71
600 00
40 00
10 00
25 00
10 00
15 00
15 00
30 00
25 00
60 00
16 00
Jvress, joun, nttsDurp, fa.
Shoppard, J. D., Baegerton, Pa...
iiaunman, i1.. west .beesporcra.
Taylor, W. B., Parkersbure, W.
xuoore, J. w.. f alroanK, a
Holland. J., Pittsburg, Pa
Lisbon, 1). H Latrobe, Pa
Durr, W. Cy Falrchance, Pa
Williams, H. S.. Fairchance, Pa
Fehrenbach. E-, Erie, Fa
Donahue, W., Barnbarts Mills. Pa.
Mans,W. C. Hollldaysburc, Pa....
Snyder. P. W., Hollidaysburcr, Pa....
Serena, J. M., Long Run, Pa
20 00
Williams, I., Dunbar. Pa 15 0U
Byson, A Dunbar, Pa.
60 00
Cargo, T, H., Allegheii
Chesney, G, Alleghen.
oiauie, r., jriiisDure, i'a..
Slane. J. E.., Grafton, W.
Miller. O. H..Renfrew. Pa.
SO 00
90 00
AVoodard, J., Couderport, Pa 20
Christy, R. W., Sabbath Rest, pa 50
martin, u. !(,, iioaring springs, ra...
Hopkins, AV. C. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Jeffries, W. H., Belwood. Pa
Otto,N, 8., Rochester, Pa
Headlogher, J. H., Grafton. W. Va. . .
20 00
9 4S
23 00
30 00
10 00
15 00
30 00
20 00
20 00
40 00
45 00
30 00
10 00
6 71
10 00
uoer, W. 1., Washington, Fa
Ball. W. B., Charleston, W. Va
Guffey, J. G., West Newton, Pa
Beighley, L N., Uniontown, Pa
Shannon, J., Mahaffey.Pa
Harvev, L., Sonestonq, Pa....
Schwab, G.. Paddys Run, Pa
Weber, J., Rockton, Pa
Hutchinson, J. K., Allegheny, Pa....
nacgan, r. ai.. rouocK, ra.,
aggan, P. M.. Pollock, Pa. 10 00
aines, W., Rathburn, Pa. 10 00
Cote. A.. AVestPort-Pa.
30 00
80 00
60 00
14 40
85 71
12 60
25 00
12 14
27 88
7 14
10 00
10 00
10 71
AVilhelm, D. K., Portage. Pa
Emick, S., Evans City, Pa
Marburger, P., Callery, Pa.
Atkinson. J. B.. Parker's Landtng.Pa.
Gue, J. A;, Pittsburg, Pa
Lally, J., Brownfield, Pa
Hizen, S., Jr., Hopwood, Pa
Maust, F., Brandonvllle, W.Va.
Darnell, A. L., Fairchance, Pa
Hoffman, Fred, McKeesport, Pa
Mounts, W. H., Mapleton Dep't, Pa..
Speir, B. E., Greenville, Pa
Baker. F.. Moundsville, AV. Va
Scott, C. J.. Parkersburp, W.Va
AVade, B., Moundsville, W. Va
Taylor, A. R., Benwood. W.Va
10 00
10 00
63 57
iiauie, George T., Braddock, Pa.,
ee T., Braddock, Pa 63
.AV., Saltsburg, Pa SO
Graham, W. W., Saltsburg, Pa.,
VorntnilA B Tj Plavnlnni) l"i
Davidson, T. M-. McGee's Mills, Pa...
Halfele, J. M., Petrolia, Pa
Standiford, H., Washington, D. C...
Uallanan, J. T.. Washington, Pa.
Hayes, S.B.. Tyrone, Pa
23 67
70 00
25 00
15 00
28 35
10 00
15 00
125 00
10 00
22 10
15 00
15 00
15 00
30 00
10 00
null, C A.. Tyrone, Pa
Buck, W. F.. Hollidaysburg, Pa
Demmler, L. F., Pittsburg, Pa
Davis, H. P., Altoona, Pa.
Fitzer, M.. Mahoningtown, Pa
Sullivan, T. P., Eagle Village, N. Y...
Barrett, J., Mahoningtown, Pa
Cummings, J.. Cokeville, Pa
AVolf, W?J., Painsville. O
Butterfield. J., Wheeling AV. Va
Cameron. F. S.. Mahomnctown. Pa...
20 00
Cole. L C, So. Oil City, Pa 36 CO
loung, r., iiomaaysDurg, ,ra 67 14
Wineland, J. L., Bedford, Pa 60 00
Curry, J. A Renfrew, Pa 10 00
AVise, J. J., Austin, Pa 67 50
Haggerty, J. 1' Franklin, Pa u 00
Logue, AV. D., Butler, Pa 13 57
r uiton, u. it, Allegheny, i'a
20 00
wiarg, j., r airoatiK, ra
3 57
McNerney, P., Pittsburg, Pa!
12 86
10 00
13 57
Sbultz, A., Brownfield, Pi
Hamilton. A. D.. Saltshnrr. Pa
Doran, J., Dunbar, Pa 25 71
Carter. W. H., Union City, Pa......... so 00
Mejler, J. K., Pittsburg, Pa........... 60 00
vauance, a., jonnstown, i'a ,
Andrews, J. M., Allegheny, Pa
Hall, AV. J.. Tylersturg, Pa
Browning, E. C, AVellsburg, W. Va..
20 00
35 71
16 07
25 00
9 63
AVest, D Reading, Pa 20 00
Brownlee. J. E., Costello, Pa 10 50
crosier, ueorge, oyster, Pa
Romack, L., Evans City, Pa
Kain, Thomas, Jr., Fairchance, Pa...
Barton, D., AVharton, Pa
Stevenson, William, Burnside, Pa..,
Til, nl.n d T.n.nha T .
10 SO
10 00
10 00
20 00
"""rii'"-'U""""c1 j. a o
5 71
Miller, ilv Lancaster, Pa 12 50
Bennett, J. H., GreensDurg, Pa 10 00
Hovey, A, Austin, Pa ' 7 50
eisi,A. Jti, Lancaster, I'a 75 00
Hill, Wm., New Castle, Pa 8 93
Tawney, A., Byrointown, Pa 3 21
Helwie. W. L.. Allegheny. Pa 9n m
Hill, Mrs. J. E., Gaflipolis, 0 105 00
Schaffer. J.. Wheeling. W. Va
Conners. G. W., Parkersburg, W. Va.
Earnest, G. P., Parkersburg. W. Va.
Ebert, C. W., Parkersburg, W. Va. . . .
Wade, B. Mouudsvillo, W. Va
PhillipSjJ., Sharon, Pa
Vcacb, H West Middlesex, Pa.
Hild,H., Larimer Button, Pa
Kaufman, C, Clarion, Pa
Smith. A Horton, Pa
12 S6
SO 00
10 00
10 00
12 86
39 28
20 00
25 00
25 00
-..,., u. x., oiiuvua, ril 2Q
Bloan, n. A., Clintonville, Pa 28 57
Harvey, S. C. Mapleton Dep't, Pa.... 40 00
Richards, J. K., Weilsboro, Pa SO 00
Krockmore, J., Youngstown, Pa 12 86
Painter, J. M., Fairbank, Pa 3 53
Fink, L., Fitz Henry, Pa 6 00
Dalzell, W. A. b., Wellsburc. W. Va.. 40 00
McCnne.D. P-lJunbar, Pa 80 00
Trout, H. U, Lancaster, Pa 10J 00
White, T. L., McKeesport, Pa 60 00
Schneider, J. G Bellevernon, Pa 40 00
Francis, L. H., Corry, Pa 50 00
Shields, John, Allegheny. Pa 45 00
Handley, a A.W., Ubarleston, W. Va. 25 00
Gardener. J. W.. New Castle, Pa 20 00
WoU, L, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa 175 00
Smouse, T. F., Bedford, Pa 5 71
Koll, Wm., Allegheny. Pa
25 00
10 00
10 00
18 00
10 00
10 00
17 14
2 14
2,500 00
Genres, D. W., Homestead, Pa
Druminond, H. J., Wheeling, W.Va.
Gleason, J.. Fairchance, Pa
Gonkcr, L., Sharon, Pa
llellinger, S., Mt. Pleasant, Pa
Grace, .. BrownHcId, Pa
Riffle, J. W.. Johnstown, Pa
Weiinish, D., Johnstown, Pa
Finley, R. M., Johnstown, Pa
Murray, G., Johnstown, Pa
Murray. O., Johnstown, Pa
McCIoskey, W. L.. Hyner, Pa
Hamilton, S. O., Bellalre, O
Charnock. G. W. Wheeling W. Va..
19 23
Mayer, C, Pittsburg, Pa. fio oo
MendenhalL U. G., Belpre, 0 20 00
Blackson, L P., Denmston, Pa 25 00
Crow, G. S., Bellalre, 0 10 oo
Loll, J.. Frj burg, Pa 2000
Flynn, P. J., BcTlwood, Pa bo 00
Fisher, V. K, Fnadiug, Pa 60 00
Griffith, E., HemlockPa SO 00
Kane, T. M., Grafton, W. Va is 00
Hartman. J.. Erie. Pa.
15 00
25 00
ro- A 1.-..:. ii. rr
Haas, P., Wllliamsport,Pa 23 00
Coleman. T. A.. Pittsburir. Pa.
60 00
7 10
10 00
Douds, J. C Fairbanks, Pa....
Whittscl), D. C, Saltsburg, Pa
UUltl, a.,UUUllSt,UWU,A7tt O 4
Breakiron, J. R, Dunbar, Pa 21 28
ueiozier, 1., jounstown,ra,
SftrVP. W- H- T) JI tnn n
10 00
Beckard, U. O., Renova, Pa.
Deal, G. H., Bedford, Pa
Miller, J. H., Pittsburg, Pa
Serrinco, P., Dawson, Pa ,
Gates. J. L., Curwensviile, Pa
Carmichael, J. F., Washington, Pa,
Williams. L, Dunbar, Pa. ,
Brenner, O,, Hollidaysburg, Pa....,
Miller, J. M., Harrison City. Pa....
Lang, George, Harrison City. Pa...,
5 71
15 0U
JO 00
20 00
25 00
20 00
S3 21
15 00
20 00
18 57
60 00
Kicnaras, j. t., weiisuoro, I'a,
.Disuup, j. a.
GO 00
JMiglisn, W. K Austin, Pa 30 00
Stone, W.O., Brownfield, Pa 27 &8
Hebbits, H., Suterville, Pa 10 71
Shortman, J. B., Compton. Cal 10 00
Faust, L N., Johnstown, Pa 30 00
Holmes, Freo, Suterville, Pa 21 43
Hartman, J., Urie, Pa 4 2S
Buyer, C. H., Hollidaysburg, Pa 25 00
McNaughton, G. P., Renova, Pa 20 00
Martin.B.Dj.RoaringSprings'.Pa.... 15 00
Deemer, J., Keynoldsville, Pa 19 28
Rankin, J. P., Sewickley, Pa . ... 25 00
wai a., i-uisnurc I'a 20 00
Morrow, J., Grcensburg, Pa 7 80
Garris, F., Fairbanks, Pa 3 57
Fink, L., Fitz Henry, Pa ,... 15 00
Wilson, J., Fairchance, Pa 10 00
10 00
ueisey.j., wneeung, W.Va,
Parks, F. D., Pittsburg. Pa...
Rttter, F., Pittsburg, Pa.
23 00
imn ni a
cngusn, j., wouuersport, Fa. 20 00
Fnzharris. J., Hollidajsburg, Pa 51 43
Fitzgibbons, J.. Coalport, Pa 25 71
BDencer. H.. E. Hickorv: Pa. i;m
Woomer, B. H., Bellefonte, Fa 12 80
Lampman, J. S., Wilkesbarre, Pa 25 00
Kronenwetter. C, St. Marys, Pa IS 00
Curry, J. A, MeCalmont sta.. Pa 10 00
Pankauch, John, Brownfield, Pa 250 00
McFarlane. J. Kyle, Bellefonte, Pa.,, 63 57
Biles, W. P., Union City, Pa 175 00
Wvnant. J. C. Grafton. W.Va.,
15 00
Rutherford, J. M., Philadelphia, Pa...
Barnes, J. B., Dunbar, Pa
Strayer, L., Ebensburg, Pa
Carr, J., Bellefonte, Pa
Doolej, J. M., KnOxville, Tenn
Kldcr, B. F.. Callensburg. Pa
Rhodes, J.. Uniontown, Pa
Stiver, S. B., Mill Half, Pa
Hughes, E., PhiUipsburg. Pa
ftuinn, E. C, Altoona, Pa
Donahue, J., Fairchance, Pa
Humphreys, i., Fairchance. Pa
Shearer, M. D., Johnstown, Fa
Doyle, J., Johnstown, Pa.
McFarland, T. B., Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Hall, R., Milesbure, Pa
AVeiland, F. A., Allegheny, Pa
Meyer. J., Johnstown, Pa
Sbuman. C. K, Pittsburg, Pa
Kramer, AV. A., AUegheny, Pa
Fortney, J. H., Carlisle, Pa
Currier, C. A., Allegheny, Pa
Forsyth, W. J.. Titusvllle. Pa
Stewart, J., Fairohance, Pa
Reno, J, B., Sewickley, Pa
Herrington, A. F., Bradford, Pa
150 00
30 00
25 00
22 60
14 23
10 00
40 00
8 70
20 00
20 CO
30 00
7 14
7 50
12 60
10 00
38 29
60 00
25 00
60 00
15 00
SO 00
15 00
17 86
60 00
10 00
Stockdale, G. A., Braddock, Pa 28 67
iteely, u. a., r airouauce.jra zi oo
Black, F. B., Myersdale, Pa 25 00
Smith, T. R., 0mah3, Neb 25 00
Wingard, C, Saltsburg. Pa. 7 H
Pipes, AV. S., Waynesburg, Pa 100 00
Chambers, J. S., Oral ton, W. a 154 28
Klotz, E., Allegheny, Pa 88 57
Garrett, S. H., Mansfield, 0 12 5U
Heneel, S., Saltsburjr, Pa 15' 00
Moore,M. M., Saltsburg, Pa , 6 00
Georce, P. N., Hemlock, Pa 8 67
Bensenick. C. E Irwin, Pa 21 43
Ohumacbt, B., Bellefonte, Pa 12 60
Sears. J. J.. Piedmont, 0 40 00
Anderson, D. E., Xenia, 0 25 00
Hughes, E., Pnillipsburg, Pa 28 67
anuman. u. x., jrjik&uurir, sr a
i, Pa.,
5 85
Powers, C, Sandy lake,
25 00
20 00
10 00
5 71
175 00
8 57
30 00
107 14
45 00
23 67
If od
Dannals, S. H., Hollidaysburg, Pa....
HarklessJ., Callery, Pa ,
Hailc, J. B., Brownfield, Pa.
Wise, J., Bellefonte, Pa
Stewart, G., Pleasant Gap. Pa ,.
Buchanan, J. L., Johnston, Pa
Bossie, J., Dents Run, Pa
Gates, J. jL, Mahaffey, Pa
Schott, S. D., Clarion, Pa
Young, C. C, Brandenburg. Ky
.LlJfUU, II. 1-, Ulftinj-iuui, l A, ll ou
George, F. L., Hemlock, Pa 15 00
Liyon, w. f-, -i(rniy-iour, -a.,
George, F. L., Hemlock, Pa....
Shank, C. M., Fairchance, Pa.,
Holler, J. v., uraaoocK, fa
Rome, G., MansUeW Vall-y. Pa..
Creamer, D. S., Altoona, Pa
Romack. L. E., Evans City, Pa...
Farlev. J.. Sharon. Pa
10 00
22 60
8 57
40 00
Blackson, I. P., Denison, Pa..
10 00
15 00
Webber, J. A., Johnston.
60 00
Bosetti, J., Port Royal, Pa 12 11
.uyier, a., oircievuie, ra..
20 00
10 00
Ullill, JL. VJ.. uuuci, A. a... ......
Briggs, G. W., Mt Union, Pa. ,
Ryland. C. B., Fairchance, Fa
Martin, D. AV., Roaring Springs, Pa..
D t.U A n Tn.l Un
36 43
25 00
25 00
20 00
xnmDie. i. n., nuisaaie, jra.,
McCullough, AV. S.. Wheeling, AV. Va.
Hagan, AVllliam, Braddock, Pa.
Mndee. E. E.. Snrins Creek. Pa 15 00
Nelson, A. D.. Sanders, Pa -10 00
Smith, J. M. Parkersburg, AV. Va 21 43
Hare, J., Johnston, Pa 50 00
Bowser, A. W., Parker's Landing, Pa. IS 21
Brown, J., Washington, D. C 52 35
Baker, F. S., Rochester, Pa. 85 71
Helms, J. H, Lock Haven, Pa 10 26
Chambers. T. S.. Oyster-Pa 10 00
Kellum, AV., Pittsburg, Pa 9 01
William, H. S., Fairchance, Pa 6 43
Rice, J. V.. Parksbure, Pa 12 60
Meco, A.. Fitz Henry, Pa 5 00
Bartlett, M Fitz Henry, Pa , 22 67
Adams, AV. J., Hllllards, Pa 600 00
Sargeant, A. I. Pittsburg, Pa 20 00
Robinson, H., Hollidaysburg, Pa 75 00
Currie, T. E.. Mapleton Dep't, Pa 6 43
rir.ll 1 Hr Tnr.nc.nn.n P. Oft AO.
Muhlbrouner. AV. F., Allegheny, Pa,
Ebert, A, AVilkesbarre, Pa
Healer. J.. Suterville. Pa
4 23
20 00
250 00
25 00
75 00
10 00
10 00
25 00
8 57
15 71
10 71
84 28
10 00
Keichllne, P., Bellefonte, Pa..
Forsythe, W. J., Allegheny. Pa.,
xiiupuuuu, J., uviseuriiiK, Jrtt....,
Dennell, LT. Greensburc, Pa ,
Davis, T. W., Pittsburg. Pa ,
Daniel, A, Leisenring, Pa ,
Burris,J. C, Bellefonte, Pa
Newbaum. G., Bellefonte, Pa....,
Byerley, W., Fairchance, Pa.
Twitmire, T. W.. Belletonte, Pa..
AVldeman. Charles, Gallitzin, Pa.
"lfFn.4r W Tnlnetnnrn Ta
25 00
Shriver, P., Johnstown, Pa 20 00
Cribbins, J. C, Erie, Pa. 40 00
Kelly, B., Fairchance, Pa. 28 93
Harriman, W. II., Mawglen, Pa. 8 57
Thompson, T. M., Archie. Pa. 30 00
Conlin, J. T.. Rochester, Pa SO 00
Abernetbv, B. E., Ashville, Pa 43 03
Holmes, W. W., Birmingham, Pa 50 00
Matten, H. Mutual, Pa 11 43
Culyer. M. B. Philadelphia, Pa 25 00
Sedersky, 8.. Bellevernon, Pa SO 28
Smith, JVPittsburc, Pa 10 00
Younsr, J. W.. Roaring Springs, Pa. . . 100 00
Bagg. J. M., Bridgeport, 0 1,000 00
Palmer.C. A., New York, N. Y 31 50
Imris, R., Morris Dale Mines, Pa 10 00
Rosenfeld, J., Pittsburg, Pa 42 8fl
Wister, J., Belletonte, Pa 142 86
Criswell. A. J.. Martmsbnrg, W. Va.. 40 00
Tewell, L, Fairchance. Pa 25 71
Leedwanrey, M., Brownfield, Pa 23 57
Udvanokl, C, Leisenring, Pa 20 00
Sutton, G. H., Latrobe, Pa 10 00
Hanley. W.. Claridee, Pa 17 88
Benrytson, A.. West Newton. Pa 67 14
Logston, H., Hopwood, Pa 8 57
Hull. S Brownfield, Pa 8 57
Sholl, W. S., Bellefonte, Pa. 30 00
Love, T., Bellefonte, Pa. 15 00
Brenner, J., Hollidavsburg, Pa 6 43
Lee, J., Bellefonte, Pa 5 00
Ott, A. Axeman, Pa 5 00
White, W. H., Sewickley. Pa 39 23
Leedwarney. M., Brownfield, Pa 11 79
Christy, H. L., McKeesport, Pa 64 28
Rankin. C. Uniontown, Pa 4 28
Rowe, A. A CanBonsbnrg. Pa 50 00
Rice, W. J. New Castle, Pa 50 00
James, H., Tyrone. Pa 67 50
Kiclil, H. 8., Pittsbnrj:. Pa 25 00
McKee, J. B., Wheeling, W. Va. 60 00
Clarey, M.. Johnston, Pa 15 00
Jackson. T., Smithton, Pa 5 00
Gallagher, S. P., Allegheny, Pa. 25 00
Wilson. T. R.. Flemington, Pa 100 00
Kline, H.. Allegheny, Pa 38 67
Krall, A. M., Benwood, W. Va 10 00
Ellis, C. J., Buffalo, N. Y 50 00
Wilson, F. P., Falrchance, Pa 15 00
Whitehill, Z. T., Knox, Pa SO 00
Hough, C, Fitz Henry, Pa 30 00
Brjson, A. Dunbar, Pa 16 57
Cornelia, S., Fitz Henry, Pa. 15 00
Staub, C, Dawson, Pa 60 00
Armstrong, A. L., Pleasant Gap 1143
Woomer, M., Bellefonte, Pa 10 00
Wilhelm, J., Lima, 0 10 00
Walker, A W., Erie, Pa. 25 00
O'Hare, H., Wheeling. W. Va 10 00
Wilkins. H. B.. Nicholson. Pa. 25 00
Swarmer, E. H., Bellefonte. Pa 4 28
Bartlett, D., Jr., Bellefonte, Pa 15 00
Hazel. J. F., Bellefonte, Pa 2 14
Webber, J. A, Johnstown, Pa 10 00
Brumbaugh, G. M., Washington, D. O 12 0
Wayt, Wm., Cresap, W. Va 12 S6
Reed, T. R.. Axeman, Pa 3 67
Coleman. T. A., Pittsburg, Pa 1S5 00
Wright. W. L., Pittsburg, Pa 50 00
Knauer, C Pittsburg. Pa. 12 50
Gardner, C. O., Vest Newton, Pa 250 00
Faust, L N., Cambria City, Pa 135 00
Bently, W. B., PhiUipsburg, Pa 30 00
Rankin, A, Brownfield, Pa 19 28
Gong, J., Brooklvn,N. Y 45 00
Brumbaugb, J. H.. Huntingdon, Pa.. 67 86
McMnnn, T., Titusville. Pa 30 00
Fields, R.. Fitz Henry, Pa 15 00
Downey, S. B., Lancaster. Pa 60 00
Reed, J. T., New Alexander, Pa 10 00
Farley, J., Erie, Pa 17 H
Sinouse. T. F., Bedford, Pa 5 00
Moore, P. M., Hollidaysburg, Pa 6 43
Fillenbaum, J. H., Bellefonte, Pa 4 28
Orbison, T. J., Bellefonte, Pa 30 00
Smith, J. S., Kent, 0 60 00
Hall, N. T., Cleveland, Tenn 24 00
Finney. J. A., Ligonier, Pa 92 86
Dope, M. E. Muncy Valley, Pa 22 50
Grove, S. K., Wheeling, W. Va 20 00
Tonkcl, L. A., Uniontown, Pa 10 00
Flynn, J., Johnstown, Pa 3 57
Dolan. B., Pittsburg, Pa 12 50
Painter. J. M.. Klttannin?. Pa 95 m
Dunn, V. G., Latrobe, Pa 14 28
Henry, a., Aieauviiie, i'a
Kaup, T. A, Axeman, Pa ,
Lccker", Jos., Fairchance, Pa....
Williams. T. K., Lima, O
Meyer, J., Fairchance, Pa
Novotncy, M., United, Pa
Kerr, J. M., Pittsburg. Pa
Nonille, P. J., Rochester, Pa
Porter, W. T., SheakleyviUe. Pa.
Campbell, E. L.. E. Liverpool, O.
25 00
7 14
3 62
7 80
60 00
SO 00
37 14
16 07
15 00
Martin, T. R., Wilkesbarre, Pa. 350 00
Gllmen, C. B., Lexington, Ky 25 00
Brown, G. W.. Erie, Pa 17 14
Vastovitch, A., Gallitzin, Pa
15 00
18 57
15 00
25 00
63 67
uiiii, J. a-, Lancaster, i'a
Cnllers. W. II., Allegheny, Pa
Klein, M., Allegheny, Pa
Gardner, J. W., New Castle
Brubaker, E. B.. Eric, Pa".
ITalla .T Tt RrnwnflaM Do
6 43
Dunklebarger, J., Bellefonte, Pa 10 00
Marcik, P., Dawson, Pa 27 14
Saddler, S. L., New Alexander, Pa.... 66 00
Garngan, J. B., Pittsburg, Pa. 4 60
Cost per year arerages 812 to $14, according to
Send for application form to
K, KOHLER. Secretary,
91 and 93 FIFTH AVE.,
Evaporated Baspberries, 30o lb.
Evaporated Blackberries, 10c lb.
Evaporated Eing Apples, 10c lb.
Evaporated TJnpared Peaches, 10 and 15olb.
Evaporated Pared Peaches. 25c lb.
Evaporated Apricots, 22c lb.
Prunells, 18o lb.
French Prunes, 10, 15, 18 and 20e lb.
German Pears, 15c lb.
Pitted Cherries, 22c lb.
Virginia Extra Clover, 19 and 20o lb.
Extra Fancy Strained, 25o bottle.
Fancy Clover in laree fare. 75o far.
Fancy Clover in medium jars, 45c jar.
It is delicious; 25c per jar.
50c, 75c and $1 25 per can.
IST" Housekeepers' Guide, our monthly
price-list, mailed on application.
i uiiuunui. uc uuiii
18 Diamond (Market Square),
Clearance Sale of JAPANESE GOODS
at NO. 10 SIXTH ST.
Murderous Blow
Unparalleled Sweep-Out,
All 811, $12,
813 and $14 Suits or
Pick them out now
FOE, $10.
Any 815, $16, 817 or $18 Suit or
Overcoat, you can pick out now
FOE $12.
Awful Slaughter in Hats, Fur
nishings, Boys' Clothing, Ladies'
Cloaks, Wraps, etc,
Corner DiaiM aid SiUuM Streets.
Those who contemplate buying
Furniture would do well to call on
ub to examine our new spring
goods, arriving every day. The
finest goods that we ever have
N. B. Odd pieces and Fancy
Chairs, lett from the holidays, sold
at liberal discounts.
Dili, CLOSE & MS,
630 Smithfield Street,
The Most Complete
Stock in the city.
We also manufacture this
wonderful combination
Easy Clialr.
No. 3 SIXTH ST.,
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
' S3 SJSctxi Street, IPlttsbura:.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometer!,
Thermometers, etc.
ARTIFICIAL EYE8 made to order,
and warranted. Always on band a
large and complete stock. jaS-TTSSu
A. complete assortment of Optical Goods.
The best stock of Artificial Eyes. Spectacles
and Eye Glasses in gold, silver, steel, shell and
aluminum frames. Glasses and frames per
fectly adjusted at
KORNBLUltPS Optician Store,
jalS-MTWTFsnwk No. 37 Fifth ave.
Whin tmc Oiathi i euo
BTTHC UtCOr TMI mil.iou,
which is the sune to the emis u
ffluaeaue to the eras, and may
be worn months without remoru.
Y Sold only by
H. A.WALES, Bridetpert, Cobs.
Bankers and
tires of Ocean Steamship 'Lines, 527 Smith
field street, Pittsburg, Pa., sell Drafts, Money
Orders, Foreign Coin, Steamship Tickets, etc,
at lowest N. Y. rates. ja20-wsn
ODIIIII UlBITPahilessirciiredlnlOtoSe
rltim nHBIl Days. Baniunnm or Eoma
Treatment. Trial rres. No Cure. No Pay.
tbk umra bxvzdt Co, La Jarette. lad.
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents,
131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfield, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
ITi i'fl .rTvllMtilliiiffiiffn)nrll
InT s5 Han I IIP pjs3
t " IWilwlM Himlll Til
vta?lfir. W .Rf
imt s ' M 1 1 M -. trxv
delight and profit by the economi
cal portion of this community, will commence to-morrow morning
with an array of bargains that will prove irresistible to intending
purchasers. This sale, as its name implies, is made the vehicle by
which we propose to
H w House ul 1
as far as this is possible by a general, fearless and decisive mark'
doiyn in our prices. Don't think that this proceeding is a matter of
choice with us (how silly 1 it involves us in too heavy losses for
that), but, as a matter of fact, we are compelled to submit to this
reign of sacrifices and reductions by the approaching arrival of our
mammoth spring stock.. It is room, then, what we want; rooml
room! room! and the only way we can get it is to sell winter goods.
must make room for the new. But this is no easy task. It requires
more than mere talk, or big newspaper advertisements, to quickly
turn into cash a stock of merchandise as vast as ours. There is but
one thing that will do it, viz;
mis, thick in mil
That we have availed ourselves of this remedy a short stroll through
our various departments will answer more pointedly, more eloquent
ly, more convincingly than any pen or tongue. It's dollars to dimes
that your most sanguine expectations will be exceeded. You will
see the finest and choicest Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Wraps, Shoes.
Hats and Furnishing Goods marked at prices that will simply make
you stand aghast and wonder. You will think your very eyes are
deceiving you on looking at our price marks, but the figures are
Tight there, plain and simple, and they don't lie. We have stopped
at nothing to gain our end, and do you know that much of our suc
cess in business is due to this very fact of taking a loss as cheerfully
as a profit Let other merchants pack their goods away, lose inte
rests and pay storage and insurance on them, and, then, when next
winter comes, be stuck with a lot of old, shopworn and unsaleable
merchandise that are considered dear at any price. Who, then,
think you, fares best?
The Plucky Merchant Who Takes . ,
His Loss Now, or the Old
Fogy Who Takes
a Bigger Loss Later On ?
Don't you think it is better to take one's medicine timely than
wait until the disease is beyond cure? It doesn't take a philosopher
to decide this question. Your common sense will tell you that
Kaufmanns' is the proper course to pursue. And now, dear reader,
when will we have the pleasure of seeing you? If you take our ad
vice, you will come soon, for, as is always the case, the best bargains
will undoubtedly go first Come this week by all means, and, you
can't help getting a bargain that'll amaze you. Don't think that the
winter is nearly over, for the real cold weather is yet to come, and
a Suit or Overcoat for man or boy, or a Newmarket or Jacket for
lady or miss, if bought at Kaufmanns' House Cleaning Sale, will
prove a most shrewd and timely investment It should be remem
bered, too, that many of the garments offered at this sale are of
medium weight, which makes them just the proper thing for spring
Clltl'f iFClitS, TlKL'lfB Iffl
to come and see us. This sale will give them an excellent chance
to replenish their stock at low prices. No jobber or manufacturer
has' ever offered desirable and seasonable merchandise for as little
money as will buy it at this sale. But, bear in mind, it makes no
difference whether you be dealer or consumer, whether you buy a
hundred dollars' worth or five dollars' worth, CASH ONLY buys'
goods at this sale. Don't ask for credit, if you don't wish to be
refused, and, we repeat, '
This sale, which has been looked
forward to with anticipations of
feS- '
er H,
jto&f'Jti .,& i
-J. .
K 3&rAU-.'
X. 1i
&Wi5- t, .a