HBB3 2ts B33ip:s '.iWWWT THE PITTSBURG -DISPATGH.V SUNDAY, FEBRUARY -3,1889. !' ALL HOPE IN CAKNOT. Conservative, Sensible Frenchmen Have No Other Way to Turn. BOULANGER ON THE TOP WAVE. Almost Humorous Orders for Court Mourn: in? for Prince Budolf, EDITOR STEM) HAYIXG LOTS OP FUN. The Bismircks Psying 5o Attention U the Stories Told About Them. Conservative Frenchmen are basing all their hopes of a stable government on President Carnot's good sense. They dare say nothing, for Boulanger's popularity just now is too great throughout France. Precise and almost humorous orders as to court mourning for the death of Prince Rudolf have been issued. The Queen's wedding'anniversary, approaching, 'will be the usual solemn, cheerless affair. Ruben- stein and Von Bnlow are making sarcastic comments on the length of each other's hair and ears. TBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, February 2. The condition of things in France remains practically what it was on Sunday night, when Boulanger was declared elected. The Cabinet have shown their determination to stand as long as Paris does not turn them out by force and they have a majority, however small, in the Chamber of Deputies to support them. The Boulungists are quiet and Boulanger is invisible and wisely says very little, wait ing to see if popular folly will do anything more for him. The only hope of moderate, sensible Frenchmen is now in President Carnot, who alone among those in power, has done noth ing to excite the hostilities of the Boulang ists. He is urged to appeal to the good sense of the country, and see what he can do to keep Frenchmen from risking their fate on a man of whose real intentions or ability they know nothing. That such an appeal would have much effect, however, is not likely. "Whoever speaks against Boulanger in Paris just now creates unpopularity, and the only thing to do is to wait and see what will happen. In the meantime, any one in clined to offer reasonable odds would have no difficulty in finding a man willing to bet that, if anybody opens the exhibition of '89, it will be Boulanger. HAVING LOTS OF FUK. Editor Stead's Great Opportunity to Fay Himself Compliments. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, February 2. It is amusing to note how fiercely the British mind continues to theorize over the authorship of the anti Bismarckian article in the Contemporary Review. That article, as I telegraphed you some time ago, was written by Mr. Stead, the editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, the alleged news which it contained being supplied partly by himself and partly by more distinguished personages,but that fact has not yet got back here, the Pall Mall Gazette takes the lead in booming the mys tery which surrounds the article, and which principally lends value to the work of its editor. It prints interviews with the editor of the Contemporary Relieve, who solemnly refuse to divulsre Stead's same, and repro duces columns of extracts from other papers, containing various theories as to the paper's authorship. Even the wily T. P. O'Gonnor is deceived, and the Star gives it out as very evident that the Empress was at the bottom of the article. PRECIEE MOURNING ORDERS. Almost Humorous Minuteness of the Fro. crnmme for the Court. IHY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, February 2. The death of the Crown Prince of Austria has sent the court into monrning, but luckily for the young women who are getting ready to go to the first drawingroom, the mourning will be brief, and will terminate on the 14th, so that they will be able to appear in the gowns which they have meaitatcd and planned for long months back. The orders as to how the court shall mourn are precise almost to a humorous ex tent. Ladies may wear black dresses, white gloves, black or white shoes feathers and pearls, diamonds or plain gold or silver or naments. Gentlemen must wear a black court dress, with black swords and buckles, instead of the usual cut steel which forms their pride. THE BISMARCES UNRUFFLED. Numerous Attempts to Injure Their Repnta tion Having: Little Effect. TBT CABLE TO TUB DISrATCH.3 London, February 2. The attack on Bismarck, which has created so much in terest, has called forth numerous minor at tempts to injure the reputation of the Bis marck family. Lots of little 3-penny writers of society news are relating how Herbert Bismarck, when he was here, made it a point to get drunkjand be carried home when he went to balls; how he only cared for good society because among the better classes the morals are worse, etc. The Bismarcks, however, are thriving as usual, and Salisbury and the people which he temporarily rules are acting as a cat's paw for Germany on the African coast, as before. A SOLEMN, CHEERLESS AFFAIR. Funereal Preparations for the Queen's Wed ding" Anniversary Celebration. IBTCAULETO THE DISPATCH.! London. February 2. The Queen is to celebrate in a few days the forty-ninth an niversary of her wedding, which falls on Sunday, the 10th inst. Like all the other functions which recall th Prince Consort, this is a solemn, cheerless affair. The Queen's health is drunk by all the house hold, who are expected to look very solemn and mournful, as though they could see the commonplace features of Prince Albert be fore them, and the memory of the Queen's dead husband is honored in silence, which means that everybody stands, and says and does nothing. A HUNT FOR OLD BIBLES. Impecunious Peers Overhauling; Their Li braries for Old Relics. TBT CABLE TO THE PISrATCII. London, February 2. Lord Hopetoun recently discovered accidentally, in the library of his country mansion, a copy of the famous Mazarin Bible, which he has since sold for nearly 4,000. All the im pecunious peers in this kingdom are now overhauling their libraries, in the hope of making an equally valuable find Tbe Duke of Marlborough cannot join in the hunt, as he sold the Blenheim library long since, as well as the ancestral pictures. Challenged for Impoliteness. Paris, February 2. M. Laguerre, the prominent Bonlangist Deputy, has chal lenged Deputy La Crox to fight a duel. "While M. Laguerre was speaking in the Chamber of Deputies he was offensively in terrupted by M. La Crox, and for this insult he demands satisfaction. THE OFFICIAL AOTOPSY. .' Physicians Declare Thai the Crown Prince Was Sorely Insane. Vieitna, February 2. The court "sur geons, in their official report on the death of Crown .Prince Budolf, -say that they fonnd a peculiar flattening of the skull internally, a depression of the cebral folds, and an enlargement of the ventricle of the brain. These abnormal conditions, the surgeons say, justify the be lief that the Crown Prince was insane. . Few persons were permitted to view the re mains to-day. The coffin U covered with black, white and gold cloth. The head is not elevated. Only the upper portion of the body is visi ble. The hands are folded on the breast. The face has a waxen appearance. The King and Queen of Belgium and Prince Baldwin arrived here at 10:30 o'clock to-night. The public was excluded from the station. The Emperor, Prince Philip of Coburg, and Government officials were present. The meeting was very affecting. The monarchs tearfully kissed and em braced each other. The Queen isobbed as the Emperor bent to kiss her hand. The Em peror kissed Prince Baldwin upon the cheek. The route to the Hofburg was lined by thousands of spectators, who testified to their reverent sympathy by standing with bared heads during the passage of the im perial party. Another touching scene was enacted upon the arrival of the party at the palace, where the Empress and Crown Princess were waiting to receive the royal visitors. DISCORD AMONG MUSICIANS. Robcnsteln and Ton Bnlow Discnss the Length of Each Other's Hair and Ears. TBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, February 2. Dr. Hans von Bnlow is engaged in a quarrel quite as lively as any of the many in which he has previously figured. Anton Bubenstein, the great Bussian composer, is anxious to produce in Berlin one of his symphonies, and as Von Bnlow's assistance in such mat ters is considered absolutely necessary in the German capital, application was made to him to act as director, and no one sup posed he would refuse, because he has hitherto been known as an ardent admirer of the great Bussian, and upon one occasion even went so far as to kiss Bubenstei's hand and call him "the master." Either Von Bulow's tastes have changed or Itubenstein's genius has deteriorated, for the German has absolutely refused to have anything to do with the symphony. He denounced the work as altogether inco herent, and finished up a most insulting letter by an unkind reference to the length of Bubenstein's hair. Bubenstein, in reply, mildly protests against this extraordinary proceeding, adding: "I am astonished to find that, with his numerous occupations, he should find time to measure the length of my hair. I have never thought of meas uring his ears, although that might perhaps have been necessary. SALISBURY OUT OF SHAPE. The Sackvllle Incident Only One of Many That Prey on Hit Mind. IBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, February 2. Lord Salisbury's health is bad, his family are worried and he is. going to take a rest, if he can find time. The Sackville incident, it is said, preyed on his mind. He is supposed to worry a great deal about foreign governments, and be troubled with insomnia. By the way, some of the English news papers consider it sensible to compare President-elect Harrison's conduct in sign ing an address to Mr. Gladstone in support of home rule for Ireland with Minister Sackville's stupid interference with the politics of the country to which he was ac credited. PROTESTS AGAINST COERCION. A Constable Resigns and Lord Mayor Sexton Snubs Dublin Castle. Dublin, FeDruary 2. Father Marrinan, ot Castle Connell, was sentenced to five weeks' imprisonment to-day for offenses under the crimes act. Constable Clifton, of "Kildysart, has resigned is a protest against the harsh treatment of Mr. O'Brien by the prison officials at Clonmel. Mr. Thomas Sexton; Lord Mayor of Dub lin, has returned the "private entree" ticket sent to him for a coming levee at the castle, with the request that the Commis sioner of Police send him no mor&invita tions as long as the present Government re mains in power. At a mass meeting in Bradford to-day a resolution was adopted protesting against the harsh treatment of Mr. O'Brien. THE STRIKE WILL FAIL. New York Cars Are Beginning; to Resume Practical Operations. N ew Yoke, February 2. The fifth day of the surface road tie-up opens with abundant evidence that the spirit, if not the back bone of the movement, is broken. A very great number of the strikers are looking for work at the stables, and those who still stand aloof appear to be only half hearted in their obstinacy. At the hour for starting cars on the several lines that were running yesterday scarcely a striker was to be seen. At 9.30 A. m. all the cars of the Third, Fourth and Sixth avenue lines were running, and the Bleeckerand Twenty- third street road has considerably increased the number they ran yesterday. The Third avenue line has a policeman only on every fourth car. Shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon the Belt Line Company started a car to make the circuit of its route. The car was accom panied by a large force of police in two patrol wagons. The Belt Line car, after passing over the entire route, returned to the depot at 4:10. Some '200 drivers and conductors came from Boston to-day and a smaller number from Philadelphia. They found employment on the various lines. More are expected from the same places on Monday. POOR BOARD AND POLITICS. A Prospect for a Lively Fight in That Line at TJnlontows. I SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE PISrATCH-J Uniontown, February 2. A bomb ex ploded in tbe Bepublican ranks to-day, and is causing considerable comment as it be comes known. Last Friday the Poor Di rectors elected "W. P. Jackson, of Ohio Pyle, Steward of the County Home, after several ballots, Johnson Carter, a Deputy Sheriff, and John D. Carr, present Steward, also being candidates. The Board ot Di rectors -stands two Bepublicans and one Democrat. Carter was the choice of the Bepublican leaders, and was supported by Carouthers, Bepublican, but conld not get the support of Shipley, the other Bepubli can director. Carter's friends brought great pressure to bear on the directors to reconsider heir ac tion, being assisted by tbe' Democrats, and to-day Hardy and Carouthers met at the County home and elected Carter, his term to commence October 1, Carr to remain in charge until then. The poorhonse always causes the Democrats more .trouble than any otber county office, and bids fair to cause a rupture with the Bepublicans, they having just obtained control of tbe board for the first time. Tnluable Coal Land Purchased. J. W. Moore & Co. yesterday purchased 00 acres of valuable coal lands near the Mammoth works. This is the last tract of coal land in the Sewickley valley. The firicc paid for the property could not be earned. ; Dropped Dead at Whitehall. A married man named Jacob Gillan dropped dead at "Whitehall, Brownsville road, last evening at 5 o'clock. Justice of the Peace Bnrns"was deputized to"hold an inquest, and it will be held to-morrow morn' i- lag. BISMABCK0N TIME. He Didn't Wait to Hear From Secretary Bayard Before Ordering Backward Steps Taken In Samoa Australia Acts In ths Matter. 'Washington', February 2. Secretary Bayard said this afternoon that he had not yetryeived the proposition from Prince Bismarck for a conference in regard to Samoan affairs, but thought it would arrive in a few days. It would, of course, he said, be forwarded through the German Minister here. ' "There is one thing," said the Secretary, "that I think ought to be made clear in re gard to Prince Bismarck's instructions to the German Consul at Samoa to withdraw his demand for control of the islands, and that is this: The communication of Bis marck to Count Arco, the German Minister, announcing his action, anticipated my telegram to Minister Pendleton, saying that the United States would not recognize the martial law declared by the German Consul. It was, therefore, not "a reply to my tele gram, but an anticipation. In other words, Prince Bismarck sent his message to Count Aroo before Mr. Pendleton received the message from me." The Secretary of State to-day received a cable message from Mr. McCoppin, United States Commissioner to the Melbourne Ex position, saying that the Federal Council of Australia has adopted an address to the crown viewing with deep anxiety recent events in Samoa, and favoring treaties guaranteeing independence in Samoa, and also expressing the opinion that foreign dominion of Samoa endangers the safety of Australia. Secretary Barard said that he regarded the action of the Australian authorities on the Samoan question as very important, in asmuch as it indicated that the people of that large and prosperous colon; looked at the situation pretty much in the same light as the American people do, and were not disposed to look favorably upon foreign encroachments in their viciuity. A SALOONIST'S TROUBLES. Money Extorted From n, Braddock Man to Settle Illegal Ijlqaor Cases. About a week ago Joseph Fink, of Brad dock, was returned on three indictments for illegal liquor selling. Pending the decision of Justice Lowry, a man named W. L. Balston went to Fink and showed him a letter he claimed to have received from At torney Vost It was to the effect that if Fink wonld agree to pay $50 the cases against him would not be pushed. Fink: was willing it should te so. In the fore noon of the next day Fink received a letter himself bearing what was afterward dis covered to be a forged signature of Attorney Yost, telling bow the case could be settled by him paying a certain amount of cash to Balston. Fink, in his eagerness to get out of the trouble, gave Balston quite a snug sum of money. He was surprised the next day when he received a notice from 'Squire Lowry that the decision would be rendered. His attorney, who was acquainted with Mr. Yost's signature, pronounced those attached to the letters to be forgeries. Balston was arrested and is now in jail. PRESENTED WITH FLAGS. Tho Stars and Stripes Ran Up on tho Tur tle Creek Schools. The American Mechanics of Turtle Creek presented flags to the schools of that place yesterday afternoon. A parade was partic ipated in by Post 181, from Braddock; Post 199, ot Turtle Creek, and 750 school chil dren, besides the two councils of the Ameri can Mechanics of Turtle Creek and Brad dock. Mr. J. B. Holland, Commander of Post 199, made the presentation address. Other speeches were made by Homer Cas tle, Esq.; County Superintendent Hamilton, Key. Gilfillen and Bev. Sweeney. A LEG CDT OFF. A Ulnn Ipjarod on the Elevated Railroad at Brnddock Yesterday. "William "Wallace was thrown under the wheels of an engine on the elevated road at the Edgar Thomson Steel "Works, at Brad dock, early vesterday morning, and had his right leg so badly mangled that amputation will be necessary. Part of his right hand was also taken off. Chicago Decidedly Kicks. At a meeting of the Board of Trade in Chicago, Friday, a stiff resolution was adopted upholding the dressed beef of that city for health and cheapness, and urging that Legislatures drop the bills before them against dressed meats, as they are brought for selfish motives and will impair the sale of American meats not only at home but abroad. Covlnpton Gordon. Dr. Paul M. Covington, Marine Hospi tal Surgeon for the port of Pittsburg, was married last Tuesday in St. Louis to Miss Belle Stewart Gordon, of that city. The doctor and his bride are now on a tour of the principal cities of the South, and will arrive in Pittsburg in about a month. Secretary Jones III. Mr. Jesse B. Jones, Secretary of the Pitts burg Bifle Club, is lying athis home, No. 426 Duquesne way. very seriously ill with malarial fever. The attending physicians will allow no one to see him. .Suspension of a Bis-Bucket Shop. NEW Yobk, February 2. The continued advance in stocks has forced the suspension of one of the largest bucket shops known as the "Hammonds," Hammond paying off in due bills instead of cash. He Kept the Brass. C. C. Emil says he gave James Orralot of brass and steel for safe keeping. "When he wanted them Orr wouldn't return the articles. Then Emil sued him for larceny by bailee. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading-. Chas. Cank slipped up in Allegheny and broke a leg. Robert Babr, an express driver slipped and fell in Allegheny, and received a bad scalp wound. AbegaxIA reception will be given Thurs day eveninc, on the Southside, by Zeno Lodge .no. via, A.U. u. A. At the usual gospel temperance meeting in University Hall to-night, A. C. Rankin is to make the principal address. Ladies will be admitted free to the Recrea tion Park toboggan slide every afternoon dur ing the balance of the season. The Bepublicans of the Sixth ward, Alle gheny, will bold a suggestive meeting at the schoolbonse to-morrow evening. Yestebdat was groundhog day, but as he did not see his shadow it is said the cold wave flag will have to wave for the next six weeks. Officer Michael Care had his hand bad ly lacerated and bitten last night while arrest ing a man named Charles Moore on Market street. Mrs. Boyd, an old lady aged 75 years, of Temperanccville, fell in a faint on Fifth ave nue yesterday afternoon. 8ho was moved to er borne in a carriage. Henby Leiseicjohjt, jrravedlgger of St. Nicholas Cemetery, entered his cellar with a lighted candle, when an explosion followed, doing about $1,000 worth ot damage. He wasn't hurt. William Miller has been arrested on a charge of stealing an overcoat, a watch and three silk mufflers. He calmly walked np the stairs at Hendricks' saloon on Penn avenue and helped himself. - Mbs. Mary Reese, who was arrested, m Fleishman's store on Friday on tbe charge of shop lifting, gave ball for a bearing next Tues- aay one says sue can easily clear nerseiL .airs. Reese was compelled to spend the night in Central station. SHOCKING A CIRCUS. A Series of Qaite Interesting Elec trical Experiments Hade On SOME OP BAENDM'S WILD ANIMALS Monkeys' Made to Act Like Little Children, Seals Like Crazy Men, A BABOON PUT ALMOST TO SLEEP,' And Son of Them Tate Kindly to the Keels of Inquiring Scientists. Experiments were made yesterday at the Barnum winter quarters in Bridgeport upon a number of animals to witness the effect of electricity, and the results were amusing as well as instructive. Some ot the animals seemed to have their wildest instincts spurred up, while others were almost put to sleep. One poor, dog exhibited signs of hydrophobia and had to be killed. rSFECIAL TXLZQBAM TO TBE DISPATCH.! 4 Ne-w Yoee, February 2. A number of physicians and electricians of this city went to Bridgeport to-day and witnessed a series of interesting electrical experiments upon animals at the winter quarters of the Bar num & Bailey "Greatest Show on Earth." Barnum & Bailey placed the entire menagerie at their service ana ae tailed 20 keepers to assist in the work. Among the visitors were Dr. A. "W. Jackson, of 15 "West Sixtieth street; Dr. F. G. Welch, of 140 "West Forty-second street; Christian C. A. Groenbeck, the electrical expert, and John C. Arford, the Superin tendent of the Bridgeport Electric Lighting Company. The instruments employed were a powerful battery of 42 LeClanche cells and a resistance box of 100,000 ohms. The experiments began at 11 a. M. and con tinued until nightfall, how the baboon acted. The first animal experimented with was a savage baboon, which fought Headkeeper George Conkling and three assistants furi ously, and was not brought into subjection until he had severely Ditten one on the shoulder and tore the clothing off the arm of another. "When securely tied, a sponge at the end of one wire was iorced into his mouth and a second fastened to one of hit jaws. A current of two cells was passed through the animal and promptly re sented by a fierce attempt to break its bonds and escape. The irritation increased with the current until 28 cells were used. Then it grew less, and when 40 cells were applied the animal became lethargic and al most comatose, acting very much like a man orercome with drink. Its resistance was then determined and fouud to be 8,000 ohms, a surprisingly large figure. When released and put back in his caee, the baboon be came furious and attacked the nearest keeper, inflicting upon him several painful though not serious scratches. the tame seal gets mad. A tame seal1 was the next subject It came from its cage at its keeper's call, and entered the circle around which the elec tricians were seated. It allowed the ex perts to fasten one roll of copper wire around its neck and a second around its tail flip pers. The moment the current was ap plied it snapped viciously in every direction. The scientists sprang right and left, upsetting chairs and writing materials, and leaving tbe amphib ian master of the field. "When the current was increased the seal gnawed at the wires and succeeded in disengaging itself from them. The resistance could not be ascertained on account of the seals wet coat, the water act ing as a conductor to the electrical fluid. ' The gnu or horned horse didn't take kindly to science. "When one of the visitors entered his cage-it-attacked him so savagely that three"keepers were obliged to go to his assistance. The animal showed a resistance of 11,000 ohmsj -and seemed paralyzed the moment the "current was turned on. The other animals of the same class behaved in a similar manner, but displayed a much lower resistance, the eland registering 7,230, the oryx 7,010, and the nylghaw 5,090 ohms. MONKEYS ACT CHILDISH. The small monkeys acted very much like little children. The moment they felt the current they screamed and seemed to be in agony. "When the wires were removed they looked puzzled, and three of them took up the electrodes as if to study them. A large blue monkey was so interested that when released he seized the large sponge of the electrode, and in a second was tearing it apart as if to find the current inside. The resistance of the monkeys varied from 5,100 to 7,050 ohms. The sea lion and hippopotamus were dead failures, like tbe seal, from the wetness of their hides. The former displayed irrita tion at one cell, while the latter" took the full force of the battery without wincing. The dogs were operated upon in the same manner as those experimented with by the Medico-Legal Society, in this city last fall, and with similar results. One, after having a moderate current passed through the base of the brain, and showing a lesistance of 8,000 ohms, began to act queerly a few minutes after the experiment, and within a half an hour showed symp toms so like those of hydrophobia that the keepers killed him. veey keenly sensitive. The wild carnivora showed a keen sensi tiveness to the current, manifesting every symptom of rage and distress when even a single cell was employed. Their resistance 5 as high.varying from 8,000 to 15,000 ohms. . wolf to which a mild current was applied created considerable amusement by sitting up on its haunches and cryiug piteously. The elephants proved the star attractions of the day. They actually enjoyed the sen sation in every instance, except when a strong current was passed through the trunk. "When a few cells were employed the huge beasts didn't seem to feel the cur rent, but when the full battery was applied they rubbed their legs together, caressed visitor and keeper alike, and squealed with their apparent delight. Their resistance varied according to the points chosen for the application of the current, but averaged 11,950 ohms. THE FUTDRE FIRST LADY. She i About Through With Her Shopping In the Metropolis. fSFXClAl. TXXXOIUH TO Tin PISPATCH.1 New Yobk, February 2. Russell Har-' rison did not arrive in the city to-day, but his mother is counting on seeing him to morrow. That will be Mrs. Harrison's last day at the Gilsey House. She will give up her rooms to-morrow evening, and spend the next two or three days with friends, starting for Indianapolis on Tuesday or Wednesday with her daughter. Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McKee stayed at the hotel this morning, but after lunch went out for a two hours' walk. After their re turn they received a few callers, among whom were Mrs. E. C. Stedman, the wife of the poet; Levi P. Morton and the Misses Elkins. They dined at the hotel at 7 o'clock and spent a quiet evening in their rooms. . A SIcKeuport Bridge. The McKeesport and Bessemer Railroad Company is agreeable to making its bridge across the Mouongahela river at Eiverton, or at a point near that place, both a passen ger and a railroad bridge if the necessary stock can be secured. Ignatz Reinltz, the American who is charged with having swindled the Commercial National Bank, or New York, by means of forged drafts, and who fled on the steamer Celtic Was taken into fttlfttnriv VAtrIav nnnn I the arrival of the Celtic at Liverpool. IT. WILL NOT BE GENERAL. The Proposed Btriko of Coke Workers Will Likely Prove a Failure A List of the Works Now Idle. The proposed strike in the Connellsville coke region, as announced in this paper yes terday, will not become general. At a number of works the men have come out, bnt the operators seem to be courting a sus pension of operations in different parts of the region. They claim that the production is greater than the demand, which has ne cessitated operating the ovens only five days a week, and some of them only four days.' This has been the cause of some trouble, as the men who only received four days' work claimed that they were being imposed upon. The statement that there was a strike at the Jimtown works of J. M. Sehoonmaker & Co. is incorrect. Several of the drivers struck for an advance in wages, but as the firm intend to abandon a number of the ovens at these works the strike will relieve them of the necessity of discharging some of their employes. All the leading operators were seen yes terday, and none of them believe there will be a general strike. "Heretofore," said one. "when there was any indication of a strike we had orders from our customers for from 60 to 100 cars of coke extra, but this time we have not received an additional or der. This is an indication that coke is not in demand, and a better time could not have been selected for a suspension of operations. The strike of the Limestone workers, in the Mahoning valley, will have the effect of closing down tne lurnaces in that section, and there will be no coke shipped to thefnrnacemen in the valley, whether there is a strike or not." The Youncstown works of J. M. Schoon- maker & Co. are idle, not on account of a strike, but because there is no destination for their product. Not one of the employes of the Leisenrings struck yesterday, and this is considered by the other opera tors as positive proof that the strike will not be general. The little differences, they believej will soon be settled and work will be continued as usual. A telegram from Scottdale, received last night, says: A strike was inaugurated at the following works in tho region to-day: Mammoth, of J. W. Moore fc Co , 503 ovens; Clarrissa mines; James Cochran fc Co., 10S ovens; Calumet Works, 105 ovens. A meeting was held at Frick's Standard Coke Works, and was attended by men from tbe near works. A resolution was carried for all works, except Frick's, to strike, by a ma jority of five. The leaders seem very mnch dis- tnrbed over the report in the morning papers that there was an understanding between them and tbe Frick Company, and it is reported this evening that they intend to deny it. A great many oi the men were Interviewed, and some of them who are working for tbe Frick Com pany do not believe tho strike will be a success unless it becomes general, with Frick's works included. Mr. Frick has not yet signed the scale, but his superintendent, Mr. Lynch, is giving comfort to tbe leaders. Peter Wise, Master Workman of Sub Division 4, K. of L, as a miner now working in tho mines, has been called upon by the mem bers of his organization to take the field to make the strike a success, and he will accept tbe position, as be has the assurance that be will not lose his job when the strike is ended. Tbe Executive Board of Sub-Division i are holding an important meeting to-night, but it will be impossible to get the proceedings in time for publication. TO TEST THEIR STEEfiQTH. An Important Strike of Amalgamated As oclatlon Nailers at Wheeling. The following telegram was received from Wheeling last night: The owners of the Belmont nail factory, whose nailers struck on Wednesday because a nailer had taken 10 machines while i Is con sidered a regulation job. Last night notices were posted informing the men that they must resume work on Monday or take their tools out. This is eqnivilent to a discharge. This afternoon tbe nailers and other mem bers of the Amalgamated Association held an open meeting, at which it was decided to go in a body to the mill on Monday and remove their tools. An impression prevails that the different factories are combined and that the Belmont made the move as a test of the strength of the Amalgamated Association, the other mills agreeing to indemnify them against loss. The men are, of course, also combined and a stubborn contest is to be expected. Ibe Bel mont is expected to attempt to get non-union nailers. WORK FOR 6,000 MEN. The Monongahcla River Mines to Start To morrow. The river mines will be put in operation to-morrow and the 3-cent rate of wages will be continued. There was no strike of the miners, as was stated, as the pits were closed because there was no demand for coal, in fact there is no demand now, but the operators desire to load boats for the New Orleans trade. Al most all the mines will be in operation on Monday and work: will be given to about 6,000 men who have been idle for two months. A coal operator said yesterday that there was a six months' supply of coal at Cincin nati and. New Orleans, and there is no necessity of starting the mines at present. The Machinery Constructors Meet . L. A. 791, attached to N. T. A. 198, K. of L., composed of machinery constructors, met at their hall, 102 Fourth avenue, last evening. The meeting' continued until 11 o'clock, and at its close the members re fused to divulge any of the proceedings. They declined to either affirm or deny the report that they had decided to leave the Knights of Labor. They Want the Tube Works. The Elba Iron Works, on Second avenue, has closed on account of a lack of orders. The firm is trying to secure the control of the Continental Tube Works, and if they can accomplish this object they will resume operations at the rolling mill. A New Industry for itfcKeesport. President Acheson and Secretary Painter of the Novelty Steel Wheel Company, are back from Philadelphia and say that the works will be located on the McKeesport site. Warm Fight for Alderman. A warm contest is expected in the Twelfth ward for the position of Alderman. The Democrats are J. O'Shea, Frank Stamik, Thomas Rafferty and James Driscoll. The Republicans are J. H. Nobbs and Roger Rowe. For Select Couucil the Democrats are Patrick Donnelly and John Blauey, and the Bepublicans are James Clark and Reu ben Smith. The primaries will be held Thursday evening. BIG CARPET KE3INANTS. By This We Mean the Pieces Aro Long Enongb to Cover Any Ordlnnry Room. We have grouped the short lengths of all grades of carpets on our second floor. They will all go this week at the prices we have put on them If you need a carpet, or will need one this spring, come as early in the week as possible for one of these snort lengths. The rush will begin when people learn that we will close them all out at half price. Edwabd Groetzinoeb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Those $S Overcoats. Saturday was busy times at our store. We advertised it as the last day ot our great 8 sale, and .had more than we could attend to; so we have deoided to continue this sale for one day longer. To-morrow (Monday) will positively be the last day these bargains will be offered, and it's the last chance you will have of taking choice of all our elegant kersey, melton, chinchilla and elysian over coats, many of them silk and satin lined, and worth from $25 to 35. for $8. Cape coats and ulsters also included in this sale. P. C. C. 0., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. THE MUSIC WOELD. An Event That Will Interest the Mu sically Inclined Hereabout. SKETCH OF M0BIZ BOSENTHAL, Who Dolighted Liszt When a Lad. and Has Grown to be a Great Pianist A I0DSG YIOLINIST WITH A FUT0EE. Interesting Brents and Gossip of the Fast Week la Local Musical Circles. Judging by the printed opinions oi the foremost Eastern critics and by private re ports of tlip utmost reliability, it can safely be said that the tno appearances of Moriz Rosenthal this week will stand in local annals among the two or three signal events of the current musical season. Un less the coming Mon day or Tuesday should chance to be one of those "off liehts" which Kos- - i v'jnthal, like all art- Monz uoscntiial. " uwaiiunau; ex periences, and unless he should make the great mistake (which no true artist can make) of playing as much upon the fancied ignorance of his audience as upon the piano, intending auditors may fairly expect to hear a performance that will stand out prominently among the musical reminiscences of a lifetime. In the Eastern cities Rosenthal has been pre-eminently tbe the musical sensation of the season, as little Josio Hofmann was last year, not only win ning unanimous encomiums from the critics (at least for his technique; his intellectu ality being a bone of some contention), but drawing extraordinary audiences all the while since his American debut last No vember. A "WONDEBFTJT. CHILD. Moriz Rosenthal was born December 1&, 1862, at Lemberg, in the Province of Galicia, Austriau Poland. His father was a local school teacher. When he was 8 years old he began bis piano studies under Charles Mikull, a pupil of Chopin's. Two years later hemadn his first public appearance at Lem berg, and soon afterward went to Vienna to complete his musical education. There he studied with Joseffy for three years (1974-77), coming out before the public in 1S76 with a programme that included Beethoven's great "Diabelli" variations and Chopin's F minor concerto. Ambitions for a 14-year-old; but successfnl nevertheless. In October of the same year little Moriz played for Liszt, who said he .bad tbe making of a great pianist in him. Thus encouraged, the lad started at once on a concert tonr, in tbe course of which he was named court pianist to tbe Queen of Itoumanla, and even attracted tbe notice of the Czar of all the Rnssias. Very sensibly, however, ho soon gave up concert izing, until he should have studied more. He was accepted as a pupil by Liszt, with whom ne remained a year or more, divided be tween Weimar and Rome. Daily, playing with the great Abbe and in company with such fellow students as Freidbslm, Saner and Siloti, formed tbe best possible conditions for the development of the young pianist's ability, and by December. 1878. he had nrocressed far enough for Liszt to tell him to go to Paris and try His wings. His Parisian snecess was fol- lowed up by others at Frankfort Wiesbaden and St. Petersburg. MADE A MAir OF HIMSELF. At this point in his brilliantly budding ca reer, Moriz Rosenthal had the rare good sense to give up mnsic for the time and devote his energies to his hitherto neglected general edu cation. Too few musical folk nowadays re alize ttiat, as Weber put It, "to be a true artist you must be a true man." Young Rosenthal went back to Vienna tomake a man of himself. He entered the classical gymnasium, worked hard outside tbe classroom and thns made bis final examination in 1883 at the not very late age of 21 years. From published interviews with the pianist since his arrival in this conn try.it wonld seem that he bad profited mnch by bis general studies; his talk,unllke that ot many virtuosi, manifests an active, well-trained mind and more than usual Intelligence. The musical career was at once resumed, and to such good purpose that bis reappearance in Vienna dunng the season of 1883-4 created a gennina sensation. Since that time Rosenthal has been continuously before the European Sublic. until Manager Edwin C. Stanton, of the letropolitan Opera, secured him for the American tour, which has thus far proceeded with such immense success. On this tour tbe pianist is accompanied by the young Vienese violinist, Fritz Kreisler, who passed his fourteenth birthday only yester day. Thisvouns gentleman besran his vinlln studies at 4: at 7 he played in public at Carls bad, and at 10, after three years study In Helmesberger's class, took the first prize at the Vienna Conservatory. He snent two mn years under Massart at the Paris Conservatory where in July, 1S87, he again won the first prize. Since then be has been constantly concertizing with much success. Air interesting and suggestive little pamphlet comes for review from Mr. George Kappel's counters, under the title of "Stray Notes from Famous Musicians." It con sists of a number of terse and meaty extracts from the sayings and writings of the masters judiciously compiled by "G. H. C" which in itials, no donbt, cover the identity of Gertrude H. Churchbiil. who has done other excellent work in the same line. The price of this little broebnre places it within reach of all thought ful students of the art, who would do well to lay it on their tables beside Schumann's "Hints to Young Musicians." High Ideals and true stimulus to earnest work may be obtained by frequent meditation, on pregnant utterances such, for example, as this from Wieck: "Art Is indeed so comprehensive, and every thing in life is so closely connected with it, that whoever loves and fosters it will daily find in it new sources of enjoyment and new incite ments to study. The most experienced teacher of art must be a constant learner." Crotchets and Quaver. Miss Emu a Binc.ier, Miss Mamie Reuck and the Alpine Quartet give a concert at the Fourth U. P. Church, Allegheny, next Thurs day evening. Mb. JahesH. Drake, who was entrusted with the moving of tbe organ from the con demned Shadyside Presbyterian Church, says that Thursday's fire did not Injure the instru ment materially. One can readily see how an organ builder can regard with some fortitude the application of a thorough hose-bath to any orcan dating back into Pittsburg's ante gaseous days. Me. W. A. TjAirEErr was unanimously elected conductor of the new Allegheny Musical Association at the directors' meeting last Monday evening. Mr. Lafferty Is a New Yorker, whoso work here for the last two seasons of the Church Choral Union, as general director and business manager, earned bm the esteem of many of onr mnsic lovers. He will take up his permanent residence in Pitts burg. The Mozart Club's programme for the 15th Inst. Is this: Overture, "Hosamundi." Schu bert; aria from "Figaro," Mozart, Mrs. Ma thilda Henkler: ' Rolling and Foaming Billows (creation), Haydn, Mr. J. B. Trapp; Henry Smart's dramatic cantata, "The Bride of Dun kerron." with Mrs. J. Sharp McDonald as Sea Maiden, Mr. Paul Zimmerman as Dunkerron, and Mr. E. H. Dermitt as Sea King, also chorus and orchestra. The Allegheny Musical Club, Mr. Louis Zitterbart, conductor, will give its second regular concert of the season next Tuesday evening at Masonic Hall, Allegheny. Miss Ida Bnrgy will play Mendelssohn's G minor piano concerto with orchestral accompaniment, tbe Alpine Quartet is down for several numbers, and Mr. Charles Bingham will contribute a cornet solo all in addition to the orchestral selections by the club. Mr. George R. Cbaig has during the week received from the Treasurer of Trinity Church fall payment of his salary as organist for the qnarter ending January L This action ot the chnrch authorities wonld seem to be the best possible vindication of Mr. Craig's position in tbe controversy as to the number of rehearsals called for by his contract. The music commit tee, it wilt be remembered, undertook to dis miss Mr. Craig a conple of months ago because he ceased attending 'more tban thensnalone rehearsal a week. That gentleman, however, feeling confident he was doing all be contracted for, very properly declined to consider himself dismissed. As a result. Trinity bas two organ ists on tbe payroll up to April 1, the end of Mr. Craig's year. The obvious lesson from this and similar unfortunate occurrences is that written contracts are for both parties the a? . X - VSJO I . V.V best and only proper wayot establishing tbe respective rights and obligations of music com mittees and music makers. A reform in this direction Is needed. The "National Swedish Ladies' Concert Company" is tbe name being carried around this country by a double quartet of female voices balling: from Btockholm. Tbelr man ager, Prof. Brand, of tbe university at Madi son, Wis., is In Pittsburg arranging for a con cert at Old City Hall, on the 19th inst. Novel Scandinavian Volts songs, national costumes, two "freak" voices (a bass and a tenor, both women) a much-praised ensemble and a variety of numerical combination are among the points that have won snecess for tbe American tonr this tronpe have been making since No vember under control of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. On Monday evening at Old City Hall Rosen thai will play Weber's Sonata m A flat, op. 39, a group of fonr Chopin numbers and Liszt's 'Lion Juan" fantasia. Kreisler is to contribute Schubert's "Ave Maria," Wienlawskl's Valse Canriceis and ''Faust" fantasia, Alard's Ber cense and Paganini's Moto Perpetuo. Tuesday evening's piano selections are Beethoven's Sonata Appassionata, a Chopin Noctnrne and tbe A flat Ballade, Henselt's "SI oiseau retain" and arrangements by Rosenthal of Davidoff's "Am Springbrnnnen" and of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies; the viollnpieces are Sarasate's Chopin Noctnrne in E flat, a Wieniawski mazurka and his First Polonaise and Leonard's "Souvenir de Haydn." Joseffy wants to stop for a Pittsburg con cert about the middle of this month as he passes westward; at least Manager Tretbar writes to know if anyone here will undertake such a scheme and offers reduced terms for his brilliant bird of passage. The biggest musical attracltoDs generally used to pass us by in silence: of late, and especially this season, they all want to pay ns a call while en route for the vasty West. Wby don't some enterpns intr party start a concert bureau here to take these growing opportunities; by making a business of it, there could be money made, no doubt. Apart from that, it would be of great advantage to tbe community's musical growth. In the latter view, wby conld not the Mozart Club form a plan for such a campaign as an adjunct to their regular activity! Probably some backing could be secured that would re lieve the club of liability to lose anything more than the rent for tbe hall they control. MORE ABOUT MOORE. The Indianapolis Defaulter Wne nn Exceed ingly Smart Sconndrel. Indianapolis, February 2 Joseph A. Moore, the predecessor to John F. Sullivan in his flight to Canada, has undoubtedly been located in Montreal by the Canadian police. The Insurance company, so far as can be learned, has done nothing toward running down Moore. They have not opened communication with the Montreal police or detectives. ri. A business man who has had extensive dealings with the company, says that Presi dent Greene was fairly inlatuated with Moore and absolutely refused to listen to anything against him. He savs: "When Greene came out here, Moore took him to his house and entertained him in royal style. He told his superior glowing stories of the profitable investments which he had made, and Colonel Greene believed them all. He could credit nothing unfavorable to Moore's integrity." One of Moore's favorite tricks was to ride Greene over the city and point out fine buildings, on which he stated the company had loans of a hundred thousand dollars or more, when in fact they did not have a dol lar on these buildings, Moore's loans being' mostly upon such property as was scarcely worth the face of the mortgage. A new transaction of Moore's came to light one day at Munoie. He sold land, representing it unincumbered, to N,athan Anderson, who Said $1,000 down, but now finds the land to e mortgaged for more than its value. The mortgage antedates, but was recorded after the sale. PAWKEB BILL'S BOOMERS. The Wonld-be Settlers Are Becoming; Wild With Enlhmlmm. Caldwell, Kan., February 2. Okla homa Harry Hill and Frank Allbright ar rived here this evening fiom the camp of the boomers in the Chi kasia river, near Hunnewell. The object of their visit to the camp was to in tercede with Pawnee Bill and persuade him to make no move until the bill passed the Senate, as it was not the object of the colony to antagonize the Government if they could possibly avoid it. Pawnee Bill did not like the idea of post poning the raid, but as he had not vet cen tralized his forces agreed to consider the matter, and in the meantime the raiders will change their post of operations from Arkansas .City and Hunnewell to this city. It is expected that Pawnee Bill will arrive here on Monday, with a large crowd of set tlers; and the citizens are wild with en thusiasm. A BEAL H1CE B0MAKCE. Anthony Park Is Surprised By a Qniet Little Elopement. St. Paul, February 2. All Anthony Park, an aristocratic suburb of St. Paul, is in a flutter over an elopement which has just occurred. The principals are Oakes Ames, a cousin of the Governor of Massa chusetts, and Miss Emma Watson, the pretty assistant postmistress at the Park. Younjj Ames has recently attained his majority, and is the proud possessor of some $500,000 in cold cash. Thursday Miss Wat son informed her employer that she desired to take a short vacation and go on a visit to some relatives living in another part of the State. The request was granted and Miss Wat son left on an afternoon train for St. Paul. That evening's mail scattered throughout the Park small white missives announcing the marriage of Miss Emily Watson to Mr. Oakes Ames, of Anthony Park. BEADDOCE'S SCHOOL CHILDREN. An Indication of How the Thrivlns; Little" Boroaih la Growing". The school population of Braddock has increased wonderfully during the past year. The borough schools number 787 scholars, North Braddock 425, Copeland 150, Besse mer 125, and in the parochial and private schools about 800, making a total attendance of 2,287 children. TBere are about 500 children in the town under 18 years of age who are not in school. He Does Not Interfere. In his opinion in answer to the petition to condemn Monongahela navigation lock No. 7, Judge Acheson said the court was not justified in arresting proceedings at this early stage. He directed the District At torney to give notice to the respondent's counsel that on a designated day he will move the court to appoint viewers. Walte on Railroads. Vice President Waite, of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton road, was in tbe city yesterday. He doesn't believe in builds ing parallel lines, and would like to have a State board o( commissioners appointed to pass on the merits of a projected road before money is invested. Fall Dress Salt 818. At this time of the year we always find a big demand for fnll dress (swallow tail) suits. To meet this demand, and to start our week's trade with a rush, we will sell, on Monday onlv, about 65 full dress suits for the light-selling price of $18. The coats and vesu are made of the finest West of England cloth and the pants of imported doeskin. Tailors charge $55 for the iden tical snifs. We have all sizes and can fit anybody, but we offer this inducement for Monday only: Full dress suits, $18. a P. Ca C C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts, opp. the new Court House. . Society Charms and Emblems On hand and made to order promptly. A complete assortment of Masonic, Knight Templar, Mystio Shrine, Pythian, Odd Fel lows, American Mechanics, A. O. TJ. W. and all secret society pins, charms and em blems, at E. P. Roberts & Sons, corner Fifth avenue and market st, wssa WANT ITS COMB GUT.; The State Board of Charities 4 Say the Lunacy Commission is EXBECISISG TOO MUCH POWEB, Tne Insane Asylums Overcrowded With Indigent Lunatics. EYERIBODY 10 HAYE A BOOK 05 BIEDS, The State to Furnish Free Tot Books to the Pallia Schools. There is a conflict of authority between the State Board of Charities and the Lunacy Commission. The former says the latter has too much power, and that it should bo curtailed. The insane asylums are over crowded, and immediate action is necessary' to relieve the pressure. The State is going to issue 19,000 more bird books, and a move ment is on foot to ask that the public school! be furnished with free text books. ' rraOM A STATT COBBISPOSDIKT.l Habbisbubg, February 2. There is trouble between the State Board of Charities and its offspring, the Lunacy Commission. The trouble is, as explained by a gentleman who thinks that they should both be? abol. ished and a Department of Public Charities substituted, that the creature has become greater than the creator. The Lunacy Com mission is theoretically a committee of ths State Board of Public Charities, but having? succeeded in years gone by in having itself clothed with certain statutory powers inde pendent of the board, does as it pleases. What it has pleased to do has not been unanimously indorsed, and the resultis that a bill is now in committee, the intent of which is to repeal the statutory powers of the Lunacy Commission, and leave it as it was originally designed to be, a coumitteo of the State Board. The commission, it seems, js vested with the right to remove from county almshouses and hospitals the indigent insane as it sees fit, qnd place them in insane asylums. EXEECISINO GBEAT POWEB. There is no power to stop them not evea the judgment of tbe local officials of tha asylums, who are said to have on different occasions protested against receiving epi leptic and idiotic children into over crowded institutions, and thus necessarily at most times Into the immediate company of the violently insane. The commission probably acts in this matter with the very best intentions, taking the ground that tha State asylums and hospital are much better arranged from a sanitary point of view; that the food will be better and the medical at tendance mnch superior. Tbe overcrowded conditions of the asylums has nullified all of these advantages. . Dr. Wylie, who was here last week with City Attorney Moreland and Chief Elliot, stated to the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee that for two years past tne cures atDixmont have been only 18 percent, while for years previous they had been 10 per cent greater. He attributed this en-, tirely to the overcrowded condition of tho place. OVEBCEOWDED ASYLUMS. Your correspondent obtained from a mem ber of the Appropriation Committee's sub Committee on Insane Asylums the fact that the Harrisburg Insane Asylum, which, is built to receive but 400 patients, con tains 697; the Norristown asylum, built to receive 1.200, has 1,695; the Danville asy lum, which should have but 700, has 870. Warren and Dixmont have not yet been ' visited, but are in a similar condition. The Lunacy Commission is charged with sending to these asylums many imbecila and other harmless cases that can fully as well be cared for in county aim-houses, and hence the effort tohaie its separate powers revoked and vested in the State Board of Charities. Whether this will produce bet-' ter results is a question. It fc the solution of the difficulty proposed by Philadelphia. A better solution if the State is to care -for . all the imbecile and insane is the. one pro posed by the Chiet of Pittsburg's Depart ment of -Public Charities, namely, that at least one more asylum be built, and that it be bnilt on an economical basis. The Appropriations Committee are giving some thought to this phase of the question, while the Philadelphia end ot the Common wealth is considering the other. -"" Snipsoy. THE PEOPLE'S MONEY. The State Treasurer's Statement of Custodians of the Public Fundi. rSFXCIAI. TSLIGBAil TO THE DISrATCH.1 .. Habbisbpbo, February 2. According to the monthly statement of State Treasurer Hart and Auditor General McCamant there are in the general fund of the treasury $1,490,287 46. of which 5287,889 19 is depos ited in the Allegheny National Bank. Tha Economy Savings Bank, of Beaver Falls, comes up with the sum of $100,000, which have been in the institution since Quay. became Treasurer. Over $600,000 of tha amount in the general fund are deposited in the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank and People's Bank, of Philadelphia. The Com- monwealth Guarantee Trust and Safe De posit Company, of this city, of which Stata Treasurer Hart is cashier; is credited with having $178,000 on deposit, and two other banks of this city have f 93,000 of the Stats funds. The firm of Delamater & Cv 14 favored with a deposit of $75,000. In the statement appears the interesting" . item that advances have been made to mem-C bers of the Legislatureand employes" amounting to $78,370. This represents about one-fifth of the salaries of' these people. FBEE BIBD J00KS.. Si The State to Publish 19.000 CopIe-at Coat ot 8SO.OOO. t TROM A STAFT COBRZSrOTDErr. J Habbisbubg, February 2. A bill has passed the Senate and is now before tha House providing for the printing of 19,000;, more bird books, revised and improved." , The cost will be about $80,000, including; tbe plates, and many members feel that tha i sum might be better spent. The members who think this way intend. " " to rally around Hon. Henry Hall, of Mercer, ) .....An 1.A ....sa.. . ....j. 1..1. Vi.,1 ... At. . ...u tl!.fc ? ntlCU 10 lUUUUUtiU U13 U1.A ill UC CMCUb .lM.f tne otaie snail nereauer inrnisn tex.Doots-- to the schools free of charge. Electric Light Legislation. tmOM A STAFF COSBISFOXPECT.J Habbisborg, February 2.- Dr. McCu lough, of Tarentum, will introduce a bill on Monday night extending the. corporations J act of 1874 to electric light and heat cora-J panies, and a bill to repeal tne special supervisors "law of West Deer township.'j Allegheny county. BIG CARPET REMNANTS By This We Mean the Pieces Are Lens; cnousn to vover .any uruianry uoora. r 4: tt e nave groupeu .at- suuib leugtus 01 tux grades of carpets on onr second floor- They will all go this week at the prices we have put on them. If yon need a carpet, or will need one this spring, come as early in the week as possi- oie ior one 01 tnese snort" lentnns. , , The rush will bet-in when neonla learn that we will close them all out at half price' JUD-WAKD liBOETZETOEB, 627 and 629 Penn avenue, Take Dr. 0'K.eefe's Bitters as a toaifcfl 34 .truta avenue.