Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 03, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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    i ' ?, '" '--- THE PITTSBUIIGI- DISPATCH,, SUNDAY. . FEBKTTARY ,3, 1889. - ' ' 13 "B
V 111 III I I HS I IJLlMLlnl ln sporting anairs, arc apparently a nine wiser - XIUUlllJJUU -Lit, JJJ.lA.LJAs
r lln I llViil 111 Hit HI. now m-in wnen trconnor rowea i-eiereon. it .. of ffcB Allen K.tnin Dismissed The estate, was commenced Out not closed up on CentralPacinc ... ..... m
Some Talk Begarding Spald
ing's Homo Programme.
TtTTTir TT-rn-nT i at to nnTinnrn
II AAA muAJJm' " vxxvuiii-i
A Few Words About the Wrestlers
and Their Hippodromes
Opinions About Mitchell, Bmitli and the
Other Puffillsts.
Despite all the glory that seemed to have
fallen to the lot of President Spalding and
his two teams, the indications are that there
is trouble ahead of them. If all declara
tions are correct Mr. Spalding is to be re
minded of the fact that he may be able to
propose, but there are other magnates who
claim to hare a right to dispose. Whatever
the result may be there lias been plenty oi
noise re-ardine the matter during the week,
. -
and the bulk of the noise has been against
Spalding & Co. The matter at present
Stands like this: Sir. Spalding proposes
to have his teams play a series
of ball games when they return to this country (
In April, ilany of the players are reserved by
other clubs ana the latter are Inclined to have
their plajers on April L, or as soon after it as
the arrive in this country. This is principally
tho condition of things at present, and I only
remind readers of the fart so that anj dicus
Blon or the matter may be tho easier con
ducted. There never was one side of a ques
tion except there was another at least, and it
may be that many sides of tho question at
issue will be discused. Of course Spalding's
arrangements for a series of games in America
before the chainpions'np season begins were,
doubtless, considered unmindful of any inter
ference byclub3 whose players are Journey
ing with bpalding. It may, therefore, be that
if the latter hears of the numerous complain
ings, grumblings and threats, he will abandon
the American programme he has arranged.
He may be inclined to carry it out, and if tho
plajers stick to him, then will begin a big tug
of war.
It is eiy to understand that the clubs that
demand their players from the Sualdmg com
bination on April 1 hare baseball law on their
side. Mr. Spalding has no rule or anything
like it to defend hiin, and any defense he may
make or that may be made for him must be
built on something other than law. While there
is no rule to defend him or tho players with him,
the clubs that desire their players have some
strong arguments In their favor entirely out
side of the rules. Manager Phillips, of the lo
cal club, put the case of Pittsburg iery con
cisely and forcibly to me jesterday dnnnga
conversation. He said: "We do not desire tUe
services of Carroll and Hanlon on April 1, or
as soon as they return, because of any Ungen
erous feeling toward President Spalding. On
the contrary, wc would be disposed to assist
Mr. tjpaldmj in any possible way were our own
wishes only to be consulted in the matter. The
public, however, is a fac'or. We have closed
engagements with several Western cities for
spring exhibition games, and the western peo
ple certainly expect us to take our best team.
We agreed to do that, and if we break faith
considerable trouble may be caused. Again I
am certain that the admirers of the local club
would nor like to see its prospects jeopardized J
.Mutv.i "uv.iut wuicui uui ucDiuicu j
tn nlar jlewlifira lint,) Tho rliqmmAnthin ,a,. j
--rrf --- ,, , i -"m V i
""ri". v,u,,u(ui...uliicMuij, j
will neeti jots oi practice, ue lias oeen, ana
1 think i-i vet, playing first base for
the A.li-Americans, and there is a
big difference between first base and catching.
We have some new pitchers, and we want to
see who of our catchers can hold them
best. I still further want to point out that if
either Carroll or Hanlon were to get injured
Tf-'l" SiSK i
them beside losing their servli-es. This reallv
is one oi tne great ieatuvs. r or instance.take
r,r.,r.,tf Th.rrfni, ), -,.i.,i,. , ,,,!
1U.1BI.I Alwvuw ! .au UU) 74AIVIA 1ft
remarkable catcher in Earle, and be is catch
ing Crane right along. Crane will break an
bodVs hands u. and it may be that K trie's
hands will be injured when the championship
season commences. This would be a big lobs to
Cincinnati. I don't say this wonld all bannen.
league and national agreement are based
forbid any such games as proposed by Mr.
Spalding. Both teams are League teams, and
We all know that they are not allowed tonlav
against e icb other at the time mentioned by
Sir. Spalding."
Itisonlyfairtosaytbattheieis much com
mon sense of a very good business quality in
wnat manager I'nunps says. The only real
sound argument in his favor, however, is the
rules. The law in the matter is really so plain
that all controversy about it ought "to cease:
but it is a fact tha" there is as much sentiment
In baseball as anythirg else. This sentimental
iti has time and again caused very plain, and
rigid rules lobe l.-noicd. It would be super
fluous to recall the many instances that have
ccurred In proof of the abm e statement. But
everi club is out Tor all the money possible to get,
and it is thought that if the Australian plac
ers, as they are called, can be held back until
the championship season opens they mil lie
drawing cards at the respective cities. This
probably is the great mcentiieto the opposi
tion agamst Spalchr.fr. It is a pity that Hi's so.
Mauv baseball admirers would like to see the
two teams just as they w ere in Australia. India
and Europe. President Spalding has. or at
leasj wll have by April, carried out a g'gantic
venture, indeed; one that his done more to
popularize Amelica's national game through
out the world than ever thing put together in
the baseball business. Sentiment ought to
prompt all of us to give him all the help and
encouragement we can.
Wrestling Is evidently to a great extent tak- J
Ini. fli hlqpn ftf mill!! Imrtnr, C.n.ntl..l.t '
-Wfa ... ...- v- !.. v...u. UIUW HJC iai
ter has been bo extensively vetoed by the police I
authorities the Wrestlers have anneared bVnr
the public in larger numbers than usual and t
scarcely a day passes without our attention (
being drawn to some contest for some kind of
championship. Readers of The Dispatch !
ieaaing wrestlers are worse nippoaromers than I
ever the professional scullers were, -fills cer
tainly makes them Very bad, but it's true.
Peirre, Tom Cannon and others seem to have
had a gi eat time Of it at Scranton wrestling for
international and other championships. They
tried to get Introduced to a Pittsburg audience,
but the powers that be were a little too wise for
them. The latest in the wrestling busi
ness is the very easv defeat of Tom
Connors by Carkeek, at Milwaukee. They are
both Enghsh and the former is well known
here. 1 wouldn't, and rouldn't if 1 would, at
tempt to explain how Connors was throw n three
out of four times by Carkeek. I never knew a
man who could accomplish that tasR providing
Connors was not inclined to allow him to do it
it nas loiiR ucen a wen Known iact tnat Evan
Lewis, the "Strancler," could down Carkeek
whenever he wanted to. e all know that 1 ray. Eolian, Montrose, Galore and Belvedere.
Lewis had in this city the hardest task he ever 1 Ho fts.; Yum Yum and Aurelia, IIS tts. De
had in his life to get a fall from Connors. These faulter, Richmond, Inspector Band Tara'con
facts nnerrincly CO to show that there is "gomn- 112 Bs.; Hvnocrite. Bella a. Gonro ami ni
thing rotten in the State of Denmark" as far as
these facts merely to make the prediction that'
if matters are not chanced wrestlins will co ,
rU&kllIJ 13 vuiivwucu. Uln AlieLUOD ID
the road of boxing and other sports that
that have '
been ruined by dishonety. There is a desire
on the nart of almost all police authorities m
encourage sport of a respectable and ennobling
kind, but the day has gone nast when fraud, de
ception and trickery will be tolerated.
Judging from the contents of a letter I re
ceived the other day from San Francisco, it
seems that O'Connor and Gandaur are not go
ing to have the pleasant and profitable time
they expected.. From the day on which the
alleged match was made I have steadily ex
pressed the opinion that the proposed contest
was simply for the receipts; that is. the money j
that conld be extracted from the public It JsJ
now Known as a fact that it was never Intended '
ov either O Connor or Gaudanr to have the
race under mit nther conditions. Tbev
went to California for the purpose of rowing '
1 . r" . ai?K tne way of ;
S3i.2 S "VEf" ..,b0P",, Uh'
were hteh
was good reason whv they
Should .
U...0 ,
oe. O Connor some time ago cleared nearlv
SkOOOwhenbe lowed Peterson, and this fact
gave eTery assurance that there would De an
other good harvest. However.it is likely that
all the hopes or Messrs. Gaudaur and O'Connor
trill be blighted. The people at 'Frisco, at
1 t
least that portion flf them who take an Interest
in sporting affairs, arc apparently a little wiser
now thin when O'Connor rowed Peterson. It
seems that O'Connor on that occasion made a
"clean sweep" and the sporting people .of
'Frisco nave not forgotten it At any rate
O'Connorcannot get the same terms as far as
the "Gite is concerned, as he did when he
rowed Peterson.
It may be, therefore, that the proposed race 1
will not take place, mere certainly will De noj
race if the receipt feature is not satisfactory,
and up to date It is not. There w ill be no stake
putup,so that people can juage lor tnem-
I selves as to the merits of the race. O'Connor
j is certainly not actios in a way becoming a
I champion. He is endeavoring to mislead the
nnhiln. Snmo nponle would say hoodwink in- !
stead of mislead. Professional sculling is at a
I very low ebb In America just now. and O'Con- i ""
' nor and Gaudaur'sMt to California will not I Friendship Conclave meets tomorrow
make it an v better. Already public confidence I night Deputy Supreme Archon Stephen Col
jii the iirooosed race is ffone. and it may be a "ns will install its officers.
financial failure if it does take place. But. I
wonld like to know why O'Connor
Tint makinc? a match with Searle.
Australian. The latter has declared himself
O'Connor or ambody else for therhampionsblp s- TJ , Trent, Esq of this city, has been ap
of the woril He, however, declines to row foV ! P?llTtSi:halm:in o JUe SuP;fme Committee
the title outside of Australia. He bis a perfect . nJ?W.ntl. Appeals, nee Harry Emmons,
r ght to demand this condition, and there is no r Wilmington, Del., who resigned.
reinn wby O'Connor should not accommodate T. S. Fleming, District Deputy of Scottdale
feearle as soon as possible. When O'Connor and Monnt Pleasant district, is a candidate for
defeated Teemer the former's backers gave national delegate at the approaching G. A.R.
everybody to understand that O'Connor would ' encampment at Erie. He is a member of the
take a trip round the world and defeat all tho post at Scottdale.
scullinz champions that could be lonnd. It
w ould be better for rowing and Eports general
lv if O'Connor would try and do that instead of
arranging hippodrome races at Fnf co.
There were many interesting features of the
dog show that ended on Friday. Probably tho
most interesting and pleasing was the good at
tendance during the four days. I don't know
yet whether or not the society lost or gained
money by the venture, but I do know that the
X aon t Know
attendance was much bettertban was expected.
The sh0 however, was far short of previous i
I shows, and it is not unrair to say that in quality
- ..- -w .nn.lnr.tn Tf- nnl.lrl hlVA llAPt, '
better managed and better arrangements
inside the rink could have been made.
Tha great feature, however, was the
absence of almost all the leading
dogs throughout the country. For this the
local socieU was responsible. The society
withdrew from the American Kennel Club, and
in doing that It left the best company in the
country. The A- K. C. is strong, and is made
up of all the bet societies in tne country.
Owners of dogs are of opinion that any prizes
secured at mows not governeo. uy us luies are
not iorth very much. Pittburg's show was
not under its auspices or regulations, -and as a
result scores of the champion doss w ere not
here. Tbis fact mav induce Pittsburg to get
back to the A. IC C. as soon as possible.
I was told the other day that efforts will be
made shortly to organize a new dog fanciers'
society here. The gentlemen interested in the
matter are mostly youns men who own con
siderable stock themselves. It is claimed that '
tne oid-ocietyiackstuat pusu i ana vigor nee- . fa ihe c',ty should address the following per
cssarj'to make a big and successful show in I ons. p iu Gallacher 45Rppd ati-eat Tllntrlct
Pittsburg. I fear there U considerate truth in bTp'utj ?iol aUwirS fK pfmloFouneentn
this .btatement, and it would be . a .great: benefit j except the Twelfth; J. W. Sullivan. 305 Main
to the cityit some young blood was imparted I street. Grand Deputy. wiU for the present at
to the onrunzatiou. If a new society is t tend to tho Twelfth ward and all wSrds from
j ear.
One of the big surprises Of the week was
"Mitchell's challenge to Smith. The former
wants to fight Smith 12 rounds for S2.C00 a side.
In tiie face of what Mitchell stated ln this
country not long ago this is somewhat of a sur
prise. Mitchell insisted that he could not fight
l . m .. '.
. ..... u. .. ., -"" - - - ---" -
these two men would attract a large audience,
and doubtless Mitchell and Smith hu e had tho
matter talked over. Public boxing is killed in
America now, and it will be some time before
it will find favcr in the eyes of the powers that
fe.ME 0A,":eAn'i!h.x.e2h.1
been here doing business will return to their
native land, and w e may hear of a boxing boom
on tne other siue shortly.
Patsy Cardiff is not a stickler in the matter
of black or w bite men. He does not object to
Peter Jackson because the latter is a colored
man, and he has signed articles to fight the big
Australian in Anrli next. The nronosed battle
will be one of exeat interest and has alrcadv
created much talk In sporting circles. The con- I
test will be interesting because it will afford an i
opportunity iu juuge ui .jaujtsuirs science, i
n .... - - . --..i
varolii is a gooa trial uorse in a matter oi tins I
Kina: indeed. 1 nave always looked unou hlra
as a boxer rather than a prize ring fighter. He
Is ; oung and powerful, but ho seeing to lack
that fierce quality found in first-class fighters.
However, he is a clever man and will keep the
big negro busy. I do not expect to see Cardiff
win. i iuiukiacKsun is iuu inng in tne arms
ahd too active in the legs for Patsy. It is rather
gardKcotesr Whence cof bSe"
too soon, however, to make any predictions re-
approaches I may have a few more words to
,,f tiip mitter
ay on me matter.
Jack McAuliffe and Billy Myers will have
their fistic argument during the latter part of
next week, or in the beginning of the week fol
lowing. A letter received in this city from
Billy Madden, the other day, states that Me.
Mia., is training
McAnliffe, and both trainer and principal are
confident of victory. The Myers party are also
confident, and the battle promises to be a des
perate one. I expect to see McAuliffe add an
other victory to his alreadvlbnglist. He has
bad more experience than Myers, and is more
EcientiHc and also a little stronger. Myers is a
good man: we all know that, but he has never
been In front or an opponent like McAuliffe.
Tie latter is training inMers' own district,
and the betting in and about Chicago show s
McAuliffe to be a 2 to 1 favorite.
It is likely that a battle will soon be arranged
between Domlnick McCaffrey and Jack Demp
sey. The former has a forfeit of SS00 up to (
u;uk viiuci Astziuiisvj ui iiiiuuiiy else to a
finish. He prefers Dempsey, however, and
states that if the California Athletic Club will
give ?3,000 he will bet DempSej $5,000 on the
outside. This will give the winner $10,000, pro
viding the arrangements are for the winner to
take alk McCaflrpj's offer Is genuine and he
means every wotI he says. Dempse has re
peatedly declared his w illingness to meet Mc
Caffrey If the Athletic club will give the 5.000
pure. It is likely that the monev will be of
fered,and if it is. there will be a remarkable
light to a finish. It may be that arrangements
for the battle will be made in a few days; at
least something definite will be beard regard
ing it. Peinoix.
How the Runners Are Denlt With for the
NEW Tore, February 2. Secretary J. O.K.
f"06 "as..QB a P'enQia Handicap,
lDDUKn Bome OI WB owners oi younger horses
may argue tnat ne snouia nave nut a few
pounds more each on The Bard, Firenzi and
i-lkwood. The latter was the winner last year
1? f,?8..13
"" - j --. , .. , .... - ,Uo., jua-
tng a neck nnisb with him. Terra Cotta has
two pounds less this year, while Firenzi, who
finished third in the memorable struggle of 18SS
with 117 lbs., will have to carry six pounds
more if she faces the starter. As last year
The Bard has been assigned the post of honor
with 180 lbs., while Hanover has 123 lbs or
six less than the previous handicap.
The declarations in ail the important handi
caps are to be made by the 20th Inst., after
which anti-post bettinc will begin in earnest.
The following are the weights to be carried
in the 8uburl.au Handicap: The Bard, ISO
E.8.: Kingston and Firenzi. 128 ft.: Hannr 194
fts.; Egmont and Sir Dixon, 122 Bis.; Raceland.
Klkwood, Prince Royak Terra Cotta, 120 lbs.
each: Eurus. 119 B,s.:Badire. 110 Bs.Jo.1i-p iJ
Oyster, Uu fts.; Jacobin, 108 Iks.; Wary. Gallifet r
ilUll vuiuinurik lV38.:DWOrARTPr UK W.o
Barrister, Marauder, Champagne Charley and"
Niagara, 105 as.; Montague and Falcon. 104 ,..
Larchmont and Prose, 103 lbs.; Fitz James, Vol
unteer. White. Drumstick. Eolo. Tenr,
Torchlight, Bendigo. Pocatello. San Simeon
and Ei elms, 100 lis.; Quito, Donnybrook, Clav
fotockton, Brian Born and Prodigal, 9S fcs.' Car
roll and Charlie Dreux.97 &e.; Insolence Dar
lington, Wyndon, ftj lbs. each; Echo, 84 ftj
Heydeyand Monmouth, 93 lbs.; Bonny Kitty
Wahsatch, Sobranje and Fugato, 90 lbs.
The following are the weights for the Brook
lyn Handicap: The Bard. 127 lbs.; Kingston. 12
Ins.; Hanover, 122 lbs.; Raceland, Sir Dixon
Earns, Egmont, Terra Cotta, Elkwood and
Prince Uojal, 120 lbs.; Belviderc and Exile 116
lbs.; Judge Murray, 115 lbs.; Gallifet, Go'reo
and Swllt, 112 lbs.; Jacobin, Bella B. Defaulter
and Richmond. 110 lis.; George Ovster Quito
Peg Wellington and Marauder, Ids lbs.; Torch-
Hffiit Win". lAivhmorit l hAal T V
)S ever. 107 lbs each; .Niagara and Connemara.
103 lbs.: San Simeon. Longdate. Eolo anrt Tnl
specror'B. lMlbTpoteU foT W"n"'
bon. Insolence, Drumstick, Eloe, aid Falcon.
.'bs.; Barrl..er. Specialty. Mon SuhTtS
ni - Knn i.ii .j.nn,.fi k.ma.. n ,nt ,,.- m
Stockton. Donnililnnt.nlJnpH.r OTltiSi??
Don, 96 lbs.; Bonnie Kitty, Servia 'and o'loon
iKVALibs call ot 1102 Carson it. and be
cured free of charge.
uerapsevanynumDer oi rounus Because oi an . stalled the following offi-ers last week: Mrs
injured band. The Englishman now challences i Keightley, President; Mrs. Dutton, Vice Presi
a bigger and better man than Dempsey. This ,lent. Mrs. O'Brien, Chaplain; Mrs. Bostwick,
needsfomeexplanationonthepartofMitchelL 'Treasurer; Mrs, Whitlinger, Secretary; Miss
Northside Conclave, of Allegheny, is adding
new members at every meeting.
j-Plttsburg Conclave is having a large num
ber of applications for membership.
The "Heps" were well represented at the
banquet of the Press Club last week.
The degree team will visit J. K. Moorhead
Conclave, of this city, on Monday evenlnc, Feb
ruary 18.
The degree team will visit Northside Con
clave, of Allegheny, oa Tuesday evening, the
12th int
Fifth Avenue Conclave is awakening from
a long sleep, and many, additions are expected
tn Ifrw Vnl1 ftf tnnmKnlrH
In the 22 conclaves in Allecheny county
. there are about 100 applications pending
ical examinations and investigations by
At the last meeting of J. K. Moorhead
Conclave No. 82. Deputv John P. McCrea in
1 stalled the following officers for the ensuing
i term: Past Archon, Philip Llppert; Archon,
I H. J. Link: Provost, F. Reamen; Prelate, Cbas.
j. i arae; inspector, ueorge c ACKiin; wara
er.Josepli Bickart; Sentinel, A.Alleu; Trustees,
A. Allen. C. Grenzinirer. H. W. Freese: repre-
' sentative to Supreme Conclave, M. Schroeder.
lirinnnitt n,s cnrvnH ot rtio anrl nt rha Inctal.
lation ceremonies. Ibis conclave will Rive its
fourth anniversary concert and reception at
Central Turner Hall, Forbes street, Thursday
evening, February 2S.
C. 3L B. A.
Branch No. 43, of Allecheny, had nine ap
plications at the meeting last Wednesday even
I ing.
Brother J, A. Skelly, of McKeesport, was
in Erie last week attending a meeting of tho
grand trustees.
Brothers P. Q. Wash and Daniel Becker
were elected to represent branch No. 31 in tho
Ad isory Council.
Branch No. 38, of Lawrcnceville, meets
next Thursday evening. Four applicants are
to be elected and five initiated.
The application for a charter for a branch
in Sharpsnurg closed last Sunday evening.
The doctor's examination will close this even
mg. The application is in charge of P. McNa
niara. Brother H. J. Creighton, of Branch No. SS,
of this city, wbo is now living at New Castle,
reports having had a meeting there, and will
ha e a branch in a short time.
-All persons desiring to form new branches
. u. u. cucKiey, .District ueputr, independent
I t-ncui, ior iuu soumsiue; .u. a., linear, uis
trict Deputy, Butler street, for all German
' branches in both cities: C. P. Keefer, District
Deputy, No. 45 Washington street, for Alle
! gheny.
Rons of Veteran.
Ladles' Aid Sobiety No. 2L auxiliary to
' " J w. . Ul.1.10 uaiu a, v. A0. U. ui , .. M-
.va i-rnoks, uniae: aiiss ivatie .Motts. a, a. u,
Mrs. RummeL O. S. G.: Mrs. Beck. Mrs. Clen.
dening and Mrs. O'Brien, Trustees; Mrs. Krapp
was elected delegate to the National encamp
ment, with Miss Crooks alternate. Mrs. Clen
dening and Mrs. Cordelf were elected delegates
'and Mrs Rumtnel alternates Brothers Whit-
. linger, illnihan and Keightley w ere instilled
oh the Advisory Committee by Brother Cargo,
' of Camp No. 2.
Knights of 1'jthlan.
j Sonthside Lodge No. 158, K. of P., will give
. a grand entertainment and dance on February
19, 1889. at Odd Fellows' Hall, Eighteenth and
oarau streets, aoumsiao, to ceieurate tne
twenty-fifth anniversary of the order. Emi-
S"i&eAU? S2. f?Kle?,.ir.th.e
BHcces. Thislodge will confer the third am-
piinea ran next Alonday evenlnc.
- b
I. O. O. F.
F. M. Rea Encampment No. 143 willYold a
reception at West End Rink on February 2k
This encampment will have 22 candidates for
initiation in the three degrees to-morrow even
ing. Germanla Encampment No. 21S, L O. O. F.,
will have four candidates for initiation on
Wednesday. Februa-y 6, and on the 'iOth ot the
same month will have seven candidates for the
Degree of Golden Rule. Members have been
doing great work here of late, and among other
things have invested over 520 in paraphernalia.
Northslde Tent No. 38 held a musical and
literary entertainment, in connection with In
stallation of officers, on Friday evening last, in
their tent room, corner Federal street and Park
way. A varied and entertaining programme
was carried out in a very successful manner.B
Jr. O. IT. A. M.
Nile R. Mooi e presented Farragut Council
No. 146. of Bcllevue, with a handsome silk flag
and two guidons on behalf of the members of
the council last Tuesday evening, L. a. Kevser
accepting It on behalf of the Conncil. J. D.
Watson and others also made interesting ad
dresses. A. O. It. of M. C.
The lady friends ot the uniform rank of
Stronghold Castlo No. 101. A O. K. of M. C,
will hold a fair at Peuu Incline Rpsnrt mm.
I mencing Monday, February 11, and continuing
' for .in A TTOAlf
f or one week.
Mns. W. M. McGrtL is awayrlsiting friends.
J. M. Hughes has returned from New Cas
tle. A. D. EVANS Is in Deposit, N. Y., settling np
his father's estate.
Mrs. J. Merckr has been seriously ill for
the pat few weeks.
There will be a praise service at the M. P.
Church this evening.
O. J. Hooter, the painter, has a tiew ap
prentice. It's a boy.
Join? Cooper and family will go to house
keeping in Allegheny.
Takes Hamilton has returned from a visit
with friends at Wheeling.
Robert Fa lk has been spending several
days with a cousin at Conneaut Lake,
a Rttd Johststojt has disposed of his beau
tiful home here and will remove to the city.
Mrs. Rev. Dr. Smith will visit her brother.
Dr. Fordyce, of New York city, in a few days.
Mrs. J. E. C. Kelley, who has been the
guest of Mrs. G. E. Long, returned home to
Cincinnati by the steamer Katie Stockdale.
Peter Stackhocse, of Westview, will
occupy the handsome -residence of James
Hamilton, adjoining the Colonel Bayne resi
dence. Htron McIntosh Is now busily engaged in
making fancy work for the loan exhibition.
His work will command a large price from the
fair sex.
Mrs. B. A- FtACK and daughter. Miss Hal
lie, of Baltimore, and Mrs. J. H. Straw, of
Richmond. Va.. are visiting their sister, Mrs.
v. xx. warwicK.
Prof, asd Mrs. WonrnnroTox enter
tained a few friends last Wedncsdav evening.
The Professor is one of the finest pianists m
Western Pennsylvania.
Wixuam J. COtle. assisted by Dr. Starner,
P. P. of the Order Of Tontl, Installed the fol
lowing named officers at the onen raeetinir last
Thursday evening: William Martin. P.;
William J. Baers, P. P.; G. S Reynolds, V. P.;
A. F. Leslie, Secretary; E. F. Austin, Treas
urer; W. H. Straw, Chaplain; S. S. Babbit,
Marshal; A. D. F.vans, Guard; T. N. Cook,
Sentinel; William Martin, S. S. Babbit and W.
S. Ramaley, Trustees.
The Executive Committee jif the M. P.
Church, assisted by a corps of SO ladies, ara
making elaborate preparations for the loan ex
hibition, February 7, a and 9, and nothing es
sential is being left undone on their part. A
number of donations have been made, the coS
tnmeS to bo worn will be marvels of beauty,
and a genuine treat is in store for those fortu
nate enough to be present- On Saturday
evening the Mandolin Club will perform, and a
handsome sum is expected to be cleared for the
He's Oat With His Petition,
Not for a saloon or restaurant, bnt an old
establishment here the general public have
their ola clothes cleaned, repaired and
renovated and made look like new. Dick
son, the tailor, is his name, and hisplace of.
business is cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st
second floor. On his petition can Toe found
almost all of Pittsburg's most prominent
bnsiness men. Telephone 1S58.
of the Allen Estate Dismissed Tho
Board of Assessor! "Upheld.
Judge White has given his opinion In the
suit of the Denny heirs against the city and
the Board of" Assessors, He saysit is imma
tenal as a rule in whose name property is as
sessed as the State holds the property for the
taxes and will collect them.
The court 'holds there is no question as to
the legality of assessing the property upon the
owners in fee, as has bean the usage for 100
years. Tha bill of the Denny heirs was dis
missed at the cost of the plaintiff.
Monday's Trial Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1 Furrellvs Johnston;
Johnston vs faff; Koehrlng, execntor, vs
Scbmerbeck, two cases; Smith vs BartWet
ux; Reilly, administrator, vs Hern, executor;
Hern, executor vs Hern; Melhorn, for use, vs
Heinrich et al; Scheutte d. Co. vs Bomscbenier
et al: Butler ct al vs Bridge water Natural Gas
Company; Gillrai 4 Co. vs Kellys Pittsburg
and .Birmingham Railway Company vs Boyd;
Cills vs Long ct al: Gearing vs Valentine.
Common Pleas No. 2 Poundstone vs Ham
burger; Corcoran vs Chess, Cook fc Co.: Mc
Connell et al vs Citizens' Passenger Railway
Company: Mason rs Elk; Grantz rs Price et al;
Doerr vs Pittsburg and Birmingham Railway
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Wesley
C. Creal, Teresa Lee, J. Van Ullani, James
Flanigan, Catharine Laughlin, Michael Cahill,
John Corj n, Annie Weigert, Thomas F. Sol
mon, Thomas Harrison (2). Harry Hayslip,
John M. Haiges, D. C. Tracey, A. W. McNullen
et al I), Sarah Dillon, Fred Young. John
Moran, Wm. Alker, Sarah McDermott, Vm.
Tuinneyet all James Moorland, E. S. Newlln,
John Ready, Margaret Meenag, Michael Bnrk,
Edward Bontelle, Andrew1 and Mary McCune,
Henry Schbobahm, Charles W. Roe, James
Burns, Joseph Aimlee, John L. Lang.
Women Not Wanted.
At the regular meeting of the Prison Board,
yesterday. Superintendent Warner, of the
workhouse, objected to the proposal to keep
female prisoners there instead of the jail. He
said it would cost much more. A committco
Composed of Judge Slagle and Mayors McCal
lm and Pearson will arrange alterations in the
jail for the more perfect separation of the
Women Severely Sentenced.
Johanna Elzholz, was sent to the peniten
tiary for three years and eight months, Dora
Schuman to the workhouse for three years, and
Mary Geitzein for one year and six months, all
for shop-lifting. Each woman carried a cnild,
and the parting from their children was tome
thing bitter. Catharine Schmidt and May
Heruman, for the same offense, sentence sus
pended. $G00 for a Lacerated Heart.
In the case of breach of promise between
Shubkagle and Dierstein, the jury brought in a
verdict yesterday giving Mrs. Shubkagle 600
Lines Prom LeenI Quarters.
A STTBI-cekA in divorce was issued yesterday
in the case of Anna L. Roberts against Robert
A. Roberts. Desertion was alleged.
IN the suit of Bovard, Rose & Co., Judge
Acheson made an order condemning the
steamer Mayfiower and advertising Its tale, y
In tho suit of Joseph Bayless against H. M.
Cooksan, for damages for false arrest, a ver
dict was rendered yesterday for the defendant
THE city wants Miss Tiernan to pay for the
keeping of James Tiernan. an insane old soldier
at Dixmont. They were recently paid over
6,000 back pension.
The East End Bridge Company has been dis
solved. It was organized to build a bridge over
the Monnngahela at Moorehead & McCleane's
mills, but it was never done.
THE will of the late J. C. Risher, of Alle
gheny, was filed for probate yesterday. The
estate is estimated to be worth 1,000,000, and is
uiviueu among pis wiie ana cmiaren.
A ltOTION for anew trial was made yesterday
by the plaintiffs attorney in the case of J. H.
Johnston against Dr. J. O. Flower, the dentist,
Johnston received a verdict giving him only
nominal damages.
Joseph Andbeson, the bartender for Hugh
O'Donnell (Oyster Paddy), who sold liquor to
Joseph Evans the night be shot Sadie Pruener,
was fined $100 and sent to the Workhouse for 60
days, on a charge of selling liquor to an intoxi
cated person.
John Shields filed a bill inequity asking
that J. H. Dewees, his partner in the insolvent
Osceola Coal Company, be restrained from col
lecting bills and that a receiver be appointed,
alleging Dewees confessed judgments for $16,-
wu tor tne purposo oi aeirauaing creditors.
AT the regular meeting of the Bar Associa
tion several new members were elected, and
the old officers wero nominated tor the next
year. A proposal to move to disbar a member
w as laid on the table on account of an opinion
the association had no jurisdiction in tho
One Man Speaks of the Brain and Nervous
System, nnd Another, Queerly Enough,
of tho Modern Piano.
Thefourthand fifth leeturesin the popular
Saturday lecture course were delivered at
CurryHall yesterday afternoon by E. W.
Stewart, 21. D.f on "The Brain and Nervous
System," and Prof. A. E. Frost, on "The
Dr. R. W. Stewart was first introduced to
the audience, and by means of charts and a
skull, proceeded to give some interesting
facts in regard to the workings of the brain
and nerve cells.
i. The nervous system of a caterpillar was
pictured out as consisting of a fine string of
ganglion or connected nerve centers, with
the one In the head, the largest taking the
place of the brain in animals. Tracing the
enlargement to the higher animals, the
lecturer stated that the nervous system of
man was the largest of any other animal, ex
cept the elephant and whale.
In explaining the structure and functions
of the"brain and the action of the censory
and motor nerves in governing the actions
of the body, it was shown how different por
tions of the brain controlled the actions of
the body, through a system of nerves, which,
if that particular portion were destroyed
as the portion governing the arm the
fower to more that member wonld be gone,
ntelllgenee was explained as a matter of
eaucation, as evjucci oj tne unaeveiopea
nerve centers that govern any one member
that had previously been intent upon tak
ing up the work and going on. The brain
resembling a double set of boilers when
one half is destroyed the other halt takes up
the work of supplying the muscles, or
engine of the body, with power.
Prof. A. E. Frost followed with the
second lecture, on ."The Piano." The
lecturer, however, dealt more directly with
sound and its effects. A sonometer was
used ln explaining the division of the waves
and a spiral rope for the same purpose.
vthe quality, tone, pitch, etc., of sound
were thoroughly explained, the lecturer
ending with charts of the action of the clafi-
fcord, the first attempt at a piano, a spinnet,
ana tne action oi a modern piano.
From Responsibility for tho Downfall of
Kntie McXuIty.
At the special meeting of the Humane
Society yesterday afternoon Agent O'Brien
was fully exonerated from all responsibility
or neglect of duty in placing Hatie MoKul
ty in a house in Allegheny where, it Is al
leged, she was ruined.
Neither Mrs. Mair nor Mrs. Ottdry. of the
Ol.t. T)nM.J F r !l! J a.
unit uuuiu ui viuuruips, were present,
though notified. Agent O'Brien's report
stated that he first found the girl in the
Thirty-sixth ward station in 1886 on a charge
of incorrigibility preferred by her mother.
Her brother then took her to his home.
Some two months later she again applied
to Agent O'Brien and was placed ln the
Woman's Christian Home, the matron soon
requesting that she be taken away. A place
was then secured for her at a woman's.
Whose husband keens a saloon in Alle
gheny, ut did not then sell liquor. Agent
O'Brien was again notified that the girl was
not wnnted, and in September the woman
brought ber to the office and refnsed to keep
her longer, and she was ultimately tent to
the City Farm.
The committee's report stated that as the
two ladies who made the complaint were ab
sent, and considering the opinion of Chief
Elliott and the Matron of the Temporary
Home, they condemned the story as false
and see no reason to find fault with Agent
A Succinct Eeview-of the Salient
Features of the Week.
Said to Hare Ulterior Designs on
the Petroleum Market.
Local business the past week was devoid
of anything of an exciting nature.
In stocks the chief features were advances
ln Union Switch and Signal and La Norla,
a slight depression in Philadelphia Gas,
and a diminished demand for Traction.
The petroleum market was as much of a
mystery as ever. It was bullish and bearish by
turns. The net result was to leave prices lower
than they opened on Monday. Yesterday it
was reported that the refiners nad taken a
hand in the operations, with a view to holding
the market down. If this be true, it explains
why bullish field news failed to have its usual
and natural effect.
There was considerable trading in real estate,
bnt ho important properties changed hands, so
far as reported. Values were strong with an
advancing tendency. Permits for 22 new build
ings were issued, the estimated cost of which
is $20,930.
Money was abundant and cheap, with a
steadily Increasing surplus. This will find em
ployment when the spring trade opens.
Iron was quiet and a shado weaker. Pig was
lower. Manufacturers and brokers were confi
dent of a speedy revival in the demand.
Switch nnd Philadelphia Gits Nominally
Weaker Graneera Taking a Hand.
The coal stock market yesterday was practi
cally featureless. Switch was a shade weaker,
as a natural reaction from the advanced ground
it had assumed earlier in tho week. La Norla
was firm and active. Philadelphia Gas was
nominally weaker and neglected. Nothing was
doneln Traction. The day's dealings are given
Bid. Atked.
Bank of Pittsburg..... 74
Commercial National Hank............. ...
Citizens1 Matlonal Hank
first National Hank, Pittsburg..
.... 81
Fourth National llnnk
iron CltT National Bank
iron and mass Hollar savings uani ...ra uu
Keystone Hank of l'ltttburj.. lO
Masonic Bank ,. &9 ....
Merc'ts'and Manur. .National Bank... CO ....
Pittsburg: National Bank Commerce. ...205 ....
German .National Bank, Allegheny. ...140 ....
Ileal hstatc L tan and 'trust Co 92 ....
becond National Bank, Allegheny.. ...175 ....
lien Franklin Insurance...... .. 43 ....
National Insurance Co... CIS ....
Philadelphia Co JSJ( 39
heeling Uas Co 23J6 iaU
Haielwood UU Co 42
Tuna Oil Co C6X
Ulliens' Traction 77 79
Pittsburg Traction 4s 49
N. Y. 4 C. Uas Coal Co .14
Northslde Bridge Co., pref. 50 ....
Union Bridge Co 12 15
Ia Norla Mining Co 1H 2
Sllvcrton Jllulnp Co , 1& ....
WcstlnKhouse Electric 3SK 333
Monongabela atcr Co 35
Union bwitcb and Signal Co 17 1&
Vi estlnghouse Brake Co., Llm 61 ....
The sales comprised 39 shares Philadelphia
G s at S9, and 300 La Norla at 1.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
dav were 172,333 shares, Including: Atchison,
15,000; Canada Southern, 4.730; Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western, 7,6S0; Erie, Z060: Lake
Shore, 10,805: Michigan Central. 6,496: Slissouri
Pacific, 2,565; Northwestern, 6,825; Northern
Pacinc, preferred, 8,055; Oregon Transcon
tinental, 3,175; Heading, 10.200: Richmond and
0,605; Western Union, 8.772.
Good Ontsido Selling,
George B. Hill &. Co. have sold during the
past few days, mostly on out-of-town orders, COO
shares Electric at SSS9i; 1,600 shires La
Noria at 2; S5.000 Pittsburg and Western 4's at
80: 60 shares common at 7, and 3,0.0 Junction
H. JI. Long sold 63 Westinghouse Electric at
Si, and IS at 3 all to go abroad.
Interesting Pacts Embodied la the Clearing
House Report A Steady Gain.
The local money market yesterday was quiet
and easy. There was a fair amount of check
ing, but depositlne was slow. There was very
little out of town demand. Rates were steady
at former quotations. Tha Clearing House
statement for the day, week and month, with
comparative figures, shows the following
Ktch&nges.. , .tl,75rt,K2P7
Halluces , v -72.339 17
Exchanges for the week ili.03i.S79 S9
Balances forahe week....... v...,. 1,839,112 39
Kxclianges, daUyaverage 1,833,699 6.1
Exchanges last week 12,38.354 2a
uaiancei laiiwees i,tS7o,iHii zo
Exchanges, dally average 2,044,723 71
Exchanges for the month 53,41S,8 49
Same time last year , 61,92,263:4
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, i
40 per cent. Sterling exchange dull, but
steady at U Sfyl for SO day bills and St 88 for
Tho weekly statement of the New York
banks. Issued yesterday, shows the following
Reserve, decrease, fl.121,615: loans. Increase,
7,O8S.l0Ofnecle, increase, 8635,400; legal tenders,
decrease, 172,700; deposits. Increase. 18,817,300;
circulation, decrease, (24 300. The banks now
bold 18, S3,I75 in excess of the 33 per cent rule.
Government Bonds.
U. S. 4Vs. 1891, reg lOTftfl
u. . ia lsui, coups iuf la
U.S. 4s, 1907. reg 127K6
U. y.4, 1907, coops 127Ki
uarrency, n per cent, itwregn ,...i'u
Currenc), 6 per cent. ISM reg. ....122
Currency, 6 per cunt, l!rt7 reg 15
Currency, a per cent, 1693 reg IIS
Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 reg 131
New Yokk Clearings, JH4,550,502; balances,
$6,994,142. , .
Boston Clearings, $16,616,740; balances,
J1.R76,727. For the week, clearings, 189,551,206;
balances, S10.217.B72.
Philadelphia Clearings, $18,855 510; bal
ances, Sl.929,583. For week ended to-dy, clear
ings, $74281,073; balances, $9,150,047.
KaltihOUE Clearings, $J,089,197; balances,
St. LotttS Clearings, $3,053,674; balances,
$460,261. For this week, Cleatings, $18,102,445;
balances, $2,135,099. For corresponding week
last year, clearings, $17,679,427; balances, 8,883,-
Chicago Money dull and unchanged. Bank
clearings, $9,822,000,
Refiners Said to Have Designs Upon the
Oil Market. ,
A weak feeling prevailed at the opening of
the oil market yesterday. The first figures
were 85Jc lc under those of Friday. Realiz
ing here and in Oil City caused a slump to
85c New York brought around this quota
tion, resulting In a slight recovery and firmer
tone, which continued tn the close, when the
Srice was S5Ko-a gam of ic during the day.
dealings were on a small scale, no blocks
changing hands. Pittsburg was a small buyer
at the lowest point touched S5Kc The mar
ket closed firm, with 85c bid. Some of the
operators think the refiners have entered into
a combine to keep prices down. Carrying rates
were 85 to 40c Clearings were 2.0S5.000 barrels.
The rnn for the month were LS93.427; average
runs" 44,916; total shipments. 2,235,309. and dailv
average, 72,107: total charters, 1,399,550, and
dally average, 45,117. The shipments over the
runs are 84LSS2 barrels. '
A. B. McQrew quotes puts 85 to 85 calls,
Ine meowing ta&ie. corrected oy De Witt 1)11
wortli, broker In petroleum, etc., corner Firth
avenue and Wood street, PlttiDurg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc.i
Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened toH Bales 11:15 P. U.... 83 S5K
10 15 A. M.. 80H1 W!4 11:30 F. M.... KH 85H
10.3a A. II.... 8J Bin 11:45 P. II.... 83 H 85M
10:45 A.M.... 85St S54 U-VO 85H ....
11:00 A.M.... MX 85H Cloted .......
Opened. S5J4CS
nlgbeot, EJJio: lowest. SSxc:
ciojei, tH-
DrUy runs
Average runs
Dally shlomeuU
Average shipments t
Dallv charters
Average charters...
New York closed at SSVe.
Oil City closed at MHc
bradlora closed al 65c
New Von. refined. 1c
London, refined. 6f.l.
Antwerp, refined. 17lt
...... 44.SH?
...... 60,7in
....MI..K.& 085,000
Seekers After Real Estate Convinced
Values Vtl Move, Up."
Real estate agents had very little rest yester
day. They were rushed from, "morning till
night by persons wanting to buy or rent houses.
One big deal, involving a valuable suburban
estate, was commenced but not closed np on
account of a small difference in regard to tha
price. Prospective buyers are beginning to re
aliz; that delays are dangerous to tho pocke t,
as values are more likely to advance-than de
cline. J.'Dermitt sold to John C. Norrish, for A. W.
Duff, attorney at law, one two-story frame
house ot five rooms, hall and attic, with lot
33x192 feet, situated on Riddle avenue, ln the
borough of Wilkinsburg, for $2,200. This ave
nue is attracting home-seekers and will eventu
ally become one of the most desirable places in
Black 4 Btlrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for
Hugh S. Crais to W. J. Sinipson, a new Queen
Anne brick dwelling on Rebecca street, near
Liberty avenue, with lot 40x140 feet. They
also sold for Mrs. Mary Peoples, to Adam Roll,
a tract of ncant ground ln the Thirteenth
ward containing; about three acres, for $6,W.
Alies 4 Bailej, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for
Qeorge W. Biggs jencler, a brick dwelling of
six rooms, etc, No. 67 Congress street, to L. A.
Ewing fc Byers sold for Mrs. L. L. Orr a
three story brick house of six rooms and attic,
beine No. 21 North Diamond street. Allegheny.
for $3,300.
L.O. Fraztcr, corner Forty-fifth 'and Butler
streets sold for Mrs, Ann Keely new modern
frame dwelling lt 9.vl?yi faar tn nllAv on the
east side of Eveline avenue, near Ltbertv ave-!
nne Twentieth waid. to George S. Martin for
$l,loO cash t for Mrs Harriet Simnson, two lots
each 28x97 feet, on tho westsideof Hiland ave
nue, near Bryaht street, Nineteenth ward, for
$1,200; for the Gross estate, 20xlCOfeet, on the
east side of Edmond street, near Penn avenue.
Twentieth ward, to Mrs. A. Blanchard. for $500;
for Bamncl R. Baldwin, Esq., of New Castle,
Pa., 25x124 feet, on Bryant street, noir Hiland
avenue, Nineteenth ward, and 28x97 feet on the
west side of Hiland avenue, near Bryant street,
Nineteenth ward, to E. M. Bigelow and H. H.
Woods, for $1,350 cash; for Mrs. Amanda
Mnzzv. 114x151 feet, on the southwest corner of
Rebecca and Hairiet streets, Twentieth ward,
for $5,500; for Miss Ida J.Irwin, 25x133 feet, on
the east side of Eveline avenue, near Liberty
avenue, Twentieth ward, to Abraham Pew, for
$1,0C0 cash; for L. Betz, farm of 40 acres 111
perches, in Hampton township, Allegheny
county, for $3,200 cash. He also placed a mort
gage of $1,500 on Twentieth ward property for
three years at 6 per cent and one of $100 on
Thirteenth ward property for five years at 6
D. P. Thomas & Co., 403 Grant street, sold for
tho Peoples" Savings Bank to James W. Breen,
sit nieces of land ln the Thirteenth ward, for
$5,t00; to James F. Hudson, 115 feet on Center
avenue, for $2,C00; to Timothy O'Lcary, two
lots onHcrron avenue, for $1,000. Thevalso
sold for the same party a frontage of 105 feet
ou llerron avenue, extending back to Rampart
street a distance of 640 feet price and pur
chaser not given.
Samuel W, Black & Co., No, 99 Fourth ave
nue, sold a two-story frame dwelling, with
storeroom. No. 43 Washington avenue. Thirty
first ward, Pittsburg, with lot 23)$xl50 feet, to
an alley, for $1,000.
John F. Baxter old to Robsrt McKinley lots
Nos. 22 and 23 Villa Place plan, Brushton
station, for S2L0O0.
Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street sold
for Citizens' Traction Company to John Kelly,
lot 24x44, comer Thirty-fourth and Char
lotte streets, for $S20; for Jos. G. Walnwnght
to C. Wetzel, Jot 25x99. on Forty-third street
and running through to Forty-second street, for
$1,750; for Fred Kountz to Nora Brannen, No.
176 Thirty-fourth street. lot 24x43, with brick
business house and dwelling, for 83,000; for Re
becca R. Phillips to Jennie C. Aber, on Mifflin
street, lot 20x100 for $750; for Thomas C. Jen
kins to Herman Ros. the brick building and
ground lease No. 910 Penn avenue (It was
formerly owned by Schlagle as a
grocery and feed store), for $2,600; for
Peter Ward to J. S. Todd, on Ross
street, Wilkinsbhrg, lot 31fxl88, W1th
frame dwelling for S1.500; for William Kobei's
heirs to Louis List, Jr., lot 20x100, located on
Penn avenue, near WIneblddle street, for SL
100; for Colonel R. D. Ellwood to John Quilter,
frame hone nd lot 20x50, No. 4928 Harrison
street, for $1,050 cash; for W. H. Kober's heirs
to W. A. Kinean, lot 20x100, on Penn avenue,
near Winebiddle street, for $1,100; for C. R.
Everson heirs to Vincent Stephens, lot 21x63,
and brick dwelling. No. 3016 Smallman street,
for J3.6.X); for Attorney J. L. Keothen, Jr., to
James T. McMabon. two brick houses and ono
frame house, lot 28x100, On corner Forty-fifth
and Davison streets, at $4,400; for Valentino
Tusineki to John Jones. No. 421 Ella street, lot
20xl37,'wlth two frame dwelling, for $2,300. He
also placed a $1,250 mortgage for three years,
at 6 per cent, on property in Millvale bor
Twenty-Ttvo Permits Issued By Inspector
Finnk Dnrins the Week.
Nothing remarkable tuxped up in building
circles last week. Inspector Frank issued 22
permits for small houses, the estimated cost of
which is $26,936. ,
William Kellar. three brick two-story dwell
ings, 32x40 feet, on Carnegie avenue, between
Fif tj-tbird and 1 If ty-fourth streets.
Frank H. Speer, brick two-story dwelling, 21
x33 feet, on Oakland avenue, between Forbes
and Bates streets.
Frank H. Speer, brick two-story dwelling, 21
X33 feet, on Oakland avenue, between Forbes
and Bates streets.
Frank H. Speer, two frame two story dwell
ing, 35x3.2 feer, on Bennett street, between
Homewood and Brushton streets.
Frank H. Speer, four two-story frame dwell
ings. 54x42 feet, on Bennett street, between
Lang and Homewood avenues.
Pat Donnellv, frame two storv dwelling, 21x20
feet, on Dauphin street, between Conrad and
Herman avenues.
Edwin Griffin, frame two-story dwelling. 20r
32 feet, on Nixon street, corner Boundary
street. Twenty second ward.
John Kcnworth, frame two story addition to
dwelling, 7x8 feet, on corner of Fourth and
Htwley streets.
Jerry Beacon, frame three-story dwelling and
hotel, 21x40 feet, on Frankstown avenue,
Mrs. Clemens, frame two-story dwelling, 20x
40 feet, on Twelfth street. Twenty-eighth ward.
William Gosnell, frame two-story dwelling,
18x32 feet. n Boundary, near Boquet street.
Andrew Hercb, frame addition and store
front, 16x20 feet, on Second avenue, near Brady
Gustave Sehenble. frame twn-stnry dwelling
on Yew street, between Edmond and Matilda
Joshua Miller, frame tno-Btory dwelling, 20x
32 feet, on Monastery street, Twenty-seventh
P. Finney, frame two story dwelling. 20x32
feet, on Ridge street, corner Of Soho street,
Fourteentli ward.
Koehler A btreng three frame sheds, 20x24
feet, 10x20u and 80xG0 feet, on Liberty avenue,
near Thirty-Second street.
George Zeilfelder, frame one-story stable, 19
X40 feet, ou Penn avenue, near Winebiddle
street. Nineteenth ward.
Moss & Fleck, Ironclad one-story machine
shop, 80x50 feet, on Smallman street, between
Tlurtv-fiist and Thirty second streets.
v. G. Schmid, one-story adtlition to dwelling,
22x38 feet, on Liberty street, between Third and
Fourth avenues.
Anthony Eberle, frame onetory dwelling,
18x1(1 feet, on Sardis alley, between Thirty-ttf tn
and Thirty-sixth streets.
JoS. Lansr, frame one story dwelling, 17x32
feet, on MtCaudless avenne. Eighteenth ward.
Thomas Bjrre, brick two-story livery stable
and" dwelling, 24x100 feet, on Penn avenue, be
tween Twenty first and Twenty-socond streets.
Free Offerings Break the Bull Boom
Operntors Worse Scared Than Hart
Final Changes la the Direc
tion of Lower Values.
Hew York, February 2. The stock market
was again very active this morning, but the
tone of the dealings was not so strong as during
the previous two days, and most of the active
shares are Small fractions loweras the result of
the day's operations. The bullish Sentiment
was still undiminished this morning, especially
in tne vaiiueruius, anu tuey continued tne
leadiinr bull card. The temptation to realize
the profits of the past few days was, however,
too much for the trading element, and free
offerings of stocks finally led to a slow yielding
of values, although, considering the pressure
on the list, prices v. ero remarkably well held,
and some stocks even scored a final gain.
Besides the stocks mentioned Cotton Oil, Mis
souri Pacific and Atchison were especially
strong in the early trading, and tho first-named
stock remained strong throughout.
Opening figures were generally lower, but
the changes from last evening were confined to
Slight reactions, Louisville and Naslnillo being
most conspicuous with a gain of $ per cent. A
strong tone prevailed for the first row minutes,
but the realizations began Immediately, and
their effect was soon seen In the checking of
the advance, and this was followed later by a
general jlelding which carried most of the list
down a shade below first prices. No special
feature of note marked the dealings, how
ever, and the market finally closed
fairly active and' rather heavy at small
Changes for the day. The final changes
are Irregular, but generally lu the direction of
lower figures.
Railroad bonds were very active, and the tone
of the dealings still strong throughout the list,
although the shortness of the session registered
changes made Smaller than as usual onfall.
Most eventlilnc traded in, however, is frac
tionally higher this evening, while a few
marked gains were recorded. The total trans
actions teached $1,317,000, out of which the
Reading 4s contributed $195,000. The sales of
bonds for the week were $18,265,000, against
$11 652,000 for last week.
The following table shows th e prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney A Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue:
Open- High- Low Clos
ing, est. est. lng.
Am. Cotton OU UX KX
Atcb., Top. s. y.... k m
Canada Southern A3 tiH
Central of New Jersey. 83 MH
C , Har. & Qaincy ... 110H J10H
C, Mil. 4 at. Paul.... es MX
i". mil st- p. or
I!. irvt t. A I 100J4 10
i. st- r.. . pitts K'i 17k
C, St. L. & Pitts, pf.. 87 3$K
C.,St.P..M.0...... SiK 33-i
c., at. P., m. a o., pr. iK
C A Northwestern. ...ll'SX 109
V.& Northwestern, pf.
U.V.V.& I... MX 65
Col., Coal A Iron 2j 32tf
Col. Hocking Val .. 27 27J4
Del., L. A W I4I3 142
Del. A Hudson 137 137
E.T., Va. AUa 93, 1
E. T Va. A Ua.. 1st pf CSH (9
K. T , Va. A Ga. Sd pf. 23)i 23X
Illinois Central. .......US US
Lake Erie A Western.. 17V 17 X
Lake Erie A West. pr.. W4 65
Lake Shore AM. 3 lOV 1C5
Louisville A Nashville. &3H eo
Michigan Central 83K 89
Mobile A Ohio
Mo.. K. Alexas n'4 IS1
Missouri Pacific 73 "i
Newiork CentnL....110 110X
N. Y.. L. E. A V 79H S
N. Y., L. E. A W.prer 87 67M
N. T., C. A 3t. L 19 UU
N. I"., C. A St. L. pr.. 74 78
N. Y., C. A St.L. 2d pf 41J 41f
N. YAN. E . 47 47
N. Y., O. A W 19 19
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk A Western, ef
Northern Pacific....... 26M 2S!
Northern Pacific pref. 61K 6l
UbioA Mississippi.,. . 23 23
Oregon Improvement. 7oV 71)f
Oregon Transcon 31 M 3114
Pacific Mail sjii 35
Peo; Dec. A Kvans 2H 24
Fhlladel. A Heading.. 9 ia
Pullman Palace Car,..19Gf. 197
Richmond A W. P. T.. 28 58'f
Richmond AW. P. T.pr 81 81
at. Paul A llnlnth 40 40
bt. Paul A DulntU pf,
bt. P., Minn. A Man...
St.L. A San Fran 28 28
St. L. A San Fran pf.. V 65
St. L. A San F.lst pr..lHH 111H
Texas Pacific 22 22
Union Pacific Ji 65
Wabash U 14V
Wabash preferred 27M 27
Western Onion tc MJ
Wheeling A L. X 674 Rh
110 H
64 i
The market Is Strong and Active on the
Illnjorltr of Lines.
Boston, February 2. While the Stock mar
ket was quite strong ana active for the two
hours the board was in session to-dav, the
buoyancy was far less manifest than yesterday,
with an apparent tendency to realize toward
the close, which was steady for some securities
and firm for others.
Atch. A Toe. 1st 7s. H9JJ
Old Colony 170VJ
Wis. central, com... IS
MlouezM'gCo.(new) 2
Calumet A Hecla....2SU
Catalna 17
Jraniiin 14
Huron AH-
AlCll. a. up. It. 16. .. M
Boston A Aloany...203
C B. AO 11014
Clnn. San. A Cleve. 2SV
Eastern It. It. 63 125
Hint A PereM 3BU
KlIntAPereM. DM. WW
Little IC A Ft. S. 78.108
Mexican cen. com . Wi
M. C, IstMort. bda. 72
N. If. ANewing... 47
N. KT. A New fine 7.126)$
Osceola .... 16)
linlncy 70
Hell telephone 210
Boston Land 714
ft aier Power 1U
Tamaracc 144
San Diego 24ft
It Is Being Supplanted Abroad by Cheaper
German Products.
Tho Stockholm correspondent of the Horth
British Mail reports under a recent date that
no Improvement was discernab'e last week In
the Swedish iron trade, and that prices had
receded rather than otherwise. This unsatis
factory condition is partly due to the fact that
Swedish iron is being snpplanted in many
foreign markets by cheaDer products of ap-
Sarentlv similar description manufactured in
The conseqnence was that the production of
genuine Swedish iron exceeded the demand
very much indeed, and the forced product was
offered at as low a price as 7.40 marks per 50
kilos ctf Hamburg, at which price even rolled
Iron fonnd a ready sale. It is proposed to form
an iron syndicate in Sweden shortly with a view
of stemming the downward tendency of the
Bnslnesr Notes.
Er-MAroB Weaves was on the sick list
A new project has been hatched for a bridge
across the Monongahela at McKeesport.
W. H. A. HebboN, who fell and broke his
arm a few days ago, is getting on as well as
could be expected.
Roach's Shipyard at Chester, which six
months ago employed scarcely 300 men, is now
running with a force of 900.
A blocs of 60 houses is to be erected on the
old Lippincott property on Dinwiddle street,
work to begin as soon as the weather permits.
They will be of six rooms each.
The officers of the newly organiied Model
Building and Loan Association are: J. S. Sea
man, President; F. F. Livingston. Vice Presi
dent, and George T. McConnell, Treasurer.
John Shields, a member of the Osceola
Coal Company, yesterday asked for the ap
pointment of a receiver for that concern on
account of a disagreement among the partners.
The Fourth street real estate agent who is
conducting negotiations with the Southern Ice
Company, which has in contemplation the loca
tion of a plant in this city, said yesterday that
he expected a definite answer early this week.
He thought It would be favorable.
Condition of the Mnrket nt the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
SATUBDAY, February 2, 18k9. 5
CATTLE Receipts, SCO bead; shipments, SCO
head: market, nothing doing; all through con
signments; 7 cars of cattle shipped to New York
to day.
Hoos Receipts, 3.200 head: shipments. 2,500
head; market dull on heavy, fair on light;
Philadelphlas. $1 8GV0M 90: mixed, $5 00510:
pigs and Yorkers. $5 255 30; 11 cars of hogs
shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 1,200 bead: shipments, 1,000
head; market dull and unchanged prices.
Wheat Continues Its Downward Career
Corn Follows Salt Oats Steady
Pork Unsettled nt medium
Figures Lard and
Ribs Higher.
CHICAGO A rather dull feeling existed
in wheat to-day, and for lack of out
side news not much Interest was shown in the
market either one way or another. Outside
business was light, and aside from moderate
operations on the part of few local traders,
thete was very little doing. Early feeling was
weak, and after numerous slight changes ln
which the market at one time ruled JiE'i0
higher than yesterday's closing, the feeling be
came weak and prices declined c, then ruled
stronger, recovering Ho and closed about c
lower than yesterday.
Corn was quiet most ot the session, with
trading limited and confined almost entirely to
local speculators. The feelin; twas somewhat
easier, fluctuations being within Kc range
and at the close prlce3 were Ma lower than
yesterday. There was nothing new of import
ance to effect values, which were governed en
tirely by local Influences.
Oats were steady.
Pork trading was active daring the early
part of the day, and prices ruled irregular.
Later the market ruled quiet. OpeUng sales
were made at 5c decline, out this was quickly
recovered. Later the market weakened 12S
15c. During the latter part of the session
prices rallied lo20c, and the market closed
Comparatively steady at medium Ugures.
Lard was Stronger, dua chiefly to light Slocks,
and prices ruled 57o higher.
Short ribs were firmer and 410c higher.
The leading futures rangea as follows:
WHEAT No. 2. February, 91c; March, 95c;
Cobs No. 2, February, 35K35Jc; March,
85355c: Mav. S737362itfc.
Oats No. 2. February, 2aC: March, 26c:
Mai. 27K2727H27Kc.
Mess Pobk, per bbl. February, $11 35
11 45311 3511 37K; March,$ll 47K; May, $11 tO
Labd. per 100 Its. February. $8 8036 92K
6 fcOSS6 90; March. $ 8.ffi6 956 858 Z1U;
May. $8 95h)7 0266 927 00.
SHOBT Has, per 100 . February. $8 00
8 OS: March. 50 0-JKGB 10S 026 10; May.
l&ifl 258 15&6 22.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour,
quiet and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
94c; No. 3 spring wheat. 9094c; No.
2 red, 94c No. 2 corn. 35Jc. No. 2 oats,
25c No.2 rye. 47c. No. 2 barley, nominal. So.
1 fiAxseed. $1 59I 60. Prime timothy seed,
SI SOffil Ei Mess pork, per barrel, $11 3511 40.
Lard, per 100 lb. SO 90. Short ribs sides
(loose), $6 056 10. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed). $6 003 12. Short clear sides
(boxed). $6 S7KQ8 6q 8ugar Cut loaf, nn-
Whenbabv was sick, we gave her Castori
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
changed. Receipts Flour, 8,000 barrel;!
wheat, 11,000 bnshels: corn, 155,000 bn&U-
els: oats. 121,000 bushels: rye, 6,000 bushels; bar-
ley, 3J,(M) bushels. Shipments Flour, 6,000 ;
barrels: wheat. 19 00O bushels; corn. 81,000 bush-
els: oats. 58.000 bnshels; rye, 4,000 bushels;
barley, 18.000 bushels.
At the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs
weak at 1313c
Sick Headache
May arise from stomach troubles, bdlonsnest, jfc
or uyspepsio. aim many persons are snoject to
periodic headaches for which they can ascribe
no direct or definite cause. But the headache
is a sure indication that there Is something;
wrong somewhere, and whatever the cause,
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a reliable remedy for
headache, and for all trouble! which seem to
require a corrective and regulator. It cures
dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, tones the Stom
ach, creates an appetite and gives strength to
the nerves.
"I have been troubled for a number of years
with a sick headache accompanied by vomiting r m
spells. My system was all out of order, and in
addition to this I contracted a severe cold,
which caused a terrible cough. I took Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and it has accomplished so much, &
that lam certain 01 a speedy restoration of
perfect health. The headache has left me en
tirely, and my system has come to a regular
working order." ME3. A. J. EntMEBMANN;
t09 13th St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared
only by C. L HOOD&CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Oil bonght and sold on margin. de27-21-DSa
Railroad Mining I fj 1 1 I ?73l
Stocks. I Stocte. I UIL j JLO
San Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex
changes. Loans made at low rates of interest;
Established 1876L .85-Weekly Circular FREE.
r. R. CHISHOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, H.Y.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts,
burg papers prove, is the oldesestabllshed and
most prominent physician in the- city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
nsihgpersons fig pE -J
rDn1IC and mental diseases, physical
ltnVUUO decay, nervous debility, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, unpaired mm-
orv, uisoraereu signt, seu-uistrust,Da3niuinesa,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting tha person for busIness,society and mar
riaire permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for lite, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMARV k'doey ana bladder derango
U Ml IN All I 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and rel cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense, principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as U
here. Office hours 9 a. h. to 8 p. r. Sunday,
10 A. K. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 934
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jask-5-DSuW
ERGY and strength seenred by using Am
oranda Wafers. Tbese wafers are the only rell
able safe remedy for the permanent cure of lm
potency, no mattsr how long standinz,seperma
torrboea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve 'and heart dis
ease, Kiuney anu iirer complaint, anu wasunr
of vital forces; 75o per box or six boxes for $U
six boxes is the complete treatment, and with
every purchase of six boxes at one time we will
givo a written guarantee to refund the money
if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL LNTSITUTE. For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. M Market streetTPitta'
burg. Pa- P. O. box 37 aplO-k56-itWT3u
1 1 b-j 1.1 gc 'l u' tv cna T XjXJV-Is
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on
the Errors of Yonth, Premature Decllne.Nervous
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Tolly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim
for Work, Business, the Marr'ed or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.C0 by
mall, post-paid, concealed la plain Wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. The
distlnimtihed anthor. Wm. II. Parker. M. D.. re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mall or in person, at the efflca of
No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston. Mass., to whom all
orders for boots or Utters for advice should be
directed as aboT. ,
1 ' ' ..,, ... ,i ,
Gray' Specific Medicine.
lug core for
Seminal Weak
ness Sperma
torrhea, Impo
tency. and all
diseases that
follow as a se-
queue of betf-
buse; as loss
BEFORE TAIUB-tin w.r..i irZl aPT TAmo.
sltude. Pain la thtsifacK, Dimness of Vision, Pre- M
uikluio viuApxa4 minjoiDer aiseacs luaneaa
to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature
4SFall narttcnlars ln onr namnhltt. which wa
desire to send free by mall to every one. .93-Tbe
bpecinojiedlclnelssold by all druKUtsatelper m
iact are", or six packages for js, or will be sent free
;&:. ursix pacssireg lor s, or wilt oe sent ires at
mail on tne receipt orthe money, by addresslnx
T11BOKAV MklilClNECO., Batrio, N. Y.
On account of counterfeits, we bareradopted the
ellow V, rapper: the only gennine.
Sold In Plttsbur? by 3. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthfleld and Liberty streets. mhH-k
9 C2;S3 EIA&K3 22AS3. ,
Ortslaal, bct, only grotsr tad
reliAbls plU for nla. trtr FaU. A
Ask lor Chiihultr't M(
(Diamond Brand, ta mi nt-
Jiallio boies ttalwlirlUl blue lib
lua. AtUrnrcfsts. Accent
na other, au 0111s la du
board boxts, pink wrappers, sxs sohutfev
onseounttrn-lt. fiend 4c (itampai fof
panleolars and "Ktticrrot- Ladles," e
larer.br return mail. 10.000 ImU.
iao&l3is.o:aLAD!t,SirBODT'u"xtaeni- KaiosPsper.
thick ester tiiemlcal Co..!! sdUsoBSq.PliuanP&,
For menl Checks the worn cases in three
days, and enre; In nve days. Price $1 00. at
Ja3-29 TTSSu 412 Market street.
manhood etc. I will seod vaJ
uffeTrrtircf from tb ef
fects of youtliful bp-
- T"r -m -- jiT""-r"".i"V7-ir-ir"7:'r-r
il MkriY t-itV- Intte
manaooa , cms. a wiu wiiu a Tuaaoie qtaum igeaieaj
contaJalot? fall particuUrs for home cure, trtM of
SlUlirkt.-T ASItAA f u H
PROF. F. c. FOWLER, Mooduc, Conn j j
uo-s-3A-Aiauw& 1
7- m
sr B