IKSkS ,rf ?j SECOND PART. fOW FIRST I SERIES OF SHORT STORIES By J. Marsden Sutcliffe, ENTITLED THE EOMMOE OF AN INSURANCE OFFICE, Beiso Passages ix the Experience of Me. AUGUSTUS "WILLIAM "WEBBER, Formerly General Manager to the Universal Insurance Company. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THK CROSS HALL TRAGEDY n. An inquest was held in due course on the body ot Timothy Bradburn, -who had been o foully slain, when a startling array o f facts was presented tending to implicate Frank Trestrail as the perpetrator of the crime. It will be convenient to state the circumstances sworn to before the Coroner in as succinct a form as possible. They were as follows: That Francis Trestrail and Selina Gub bins, growing alarmed at the non-appearance of their master, when his usual time for rising was long since past, entered his room and found the body of Mr. Bradburn lying half in and half out of bed, bearing the marks of a terrible injury on the head, from which the blood had flowed freely, forming a large pool on the floor. This was proved on the testimony of Selina Gubbins, and the position In which the body was found was subsequently corroborated by the police, who also added that there were no signs of any struggle. The bedclothes had not been disturbed beyond being turned back by the deceased, who, on being aroused out of sleep, and discovering the presence ot a midnight maurader in his room, appeared to have attempted to rise for the purpose of grappling with his assailant, when he was immediately struck down. That the bedroom of the deceased con tained a safe in which he was accustomed to deposit his securities and valuables. That an attempt had been made by the use of a crowbar to detach this safe from the wall, with a view to carrying it off bodily, bnt that possession had been obtained of the old man's keys, which were found in the lock, and the contents of the safe had been removed. The safe was absolutely empty. That there was found standing on a table near the bedside a stiff glass of brandy and water, which appeared to have been left, barely tasted, and this had been handed over to the medical men for analysis. Their re port was that the brandy and water was strongly impregnated with laudanum. It was further shown that Mr. Bradburn was not in the habit ot Ukiuc laudanum with his brandy and water. The circumstance was relied upon to indicate that the crim inals (whoever they might be) had not con templated murder as a part of their proceed ings, but had relied upon the drugged liquor insuring the old man's quietness while tfcev peaceably obtained possession of his hoarded wealth. Further, the circum stance showed that either the criminals bad accomplices within the house, or that the crime had bsen perpeirated by some mem ber of Mr. Timothy Bradburn's establish ment. That, lying on the floor of the bedroom, apparently dropped there by accident when the spoil was removed from the safe, was fount! a large diamond. That the late Mr. Bradburn, shortly after a iamous bank failure had expressed himself on many occasions in very strong terms of incredulity about the safety of banks and public investments generally, and had made no secret of the lact that he had turned his securities into cash, and bought diamonds with the proceeds, at which time also he purchased the safe. That the lock of the hall door at the front had been violently broken, in a manner evidently meant to suggest that entrance had been effected from the outside, but that a more careful examination of the tactics pursued revealed that the lock had not been burst open from the outside, but wrenched off from within, as the impression left by a crowbar on the jamb clearly showed. The damage inflicted on the outside of the door was, therefore, an after-thought, which had been acted upon in order to start the police on a false scent by raising a suspicion of burglary. That every other door and all the windows were found securely fastened, and there were no means of entry indicated except such as were furnished "by the ball door in front; showing that as the lock had been re moved from within, and not by battering the door on the outside, the crime must have been committed by one of the inmates, or by someone acting in collusion with those within. In this connection, the attempt that had been made to drug the old man by mixing laudanum with the beverage that he was in the habit of taking when he retired to rest, became of startling significance. The at tempt to drag Mr. Bradburn had, undoubt edly, been made by some person on the premises. The inference seemed inevitable the crime had been committed by the same hand. That the shirt of Francis Trestrail, which he was wearing on the morning that the murder was discovered, bad several large spots of blood on the front, and a large smear of blood on the sleeve of the left arm, as though made in whiping off the stains from a bloody thumb and forefinger, and that the stain on the sleeve having been first noticed by Sergeant "Williams, the stains on the front had been voluntarily shown by the prisoner himself. That further search bad failed to detect any other stains on Trestrail's clothing, and that the clothing worn fcy the rest of the household bad been subjected to the closest scrutiny without discovering any evidence to connect them with the crime. That Trestrail professed himself unable to account for the presence of these stains on his shirt, but contented himself with af firming his innocence. That four large diamonds, similar in size and luster to the one found on the floor of the deceased man's bedroom, were discov ered in Trestrail's waistcoat pocket. That Trestrail was the first to appear in response to John Gubbins's endeavors to rouse the family; that such an event as to find the whole household asleep on his arri val at the farm had not occurred in John's experience before, and that Miss Baddeley had only been wakened with much difficulty at nine o'clock in the morning, and when seen by the doctor, on his arrival at 10 o'clock, she was found suffering, not only from shocks to the svxtem, occasioned by her indiscreet visit to Mr. Bradburn's room, bnt from the effects of narcotic poison. It was suggested, therefore, that the house hold had been drugged, after the manner of the abortive attempt made to drug Mr. Bradburn. That all attempts made so far to trace the missing property had resulted in failure, though every room and hiding place in Cross Hall had been searched diligently. In conducting their search the police stated that they had not thought it right to neg .lectthe premises of John Gubbins, but nothing was found to implicate honest John wiin tne crime. Finally, tue medical testimony ran to .the "effect that the deceased bad died from a frac ture of the skull, which was horriblv shat- ter?Vand that a crowbar, such as might yjhari'bcen employed to dislodge the safe THE PUBLISHED.! from the wall and to wrench off the lock from the hall door, would be a likely weapon to produce the wound. Further, that the body had been examined by the doctor at 10 o'clock in the morning, and, from the ap pearances presented, death must have taken place 10 or 12 hours earlier. The family usually retired to rest soon after 9; so that, assuming the murder to have taken place at 12 midnight, the murderer had seven clear hours at his disposal to secrete the proceeds of the robbery and the crowbar, before the arrival of Gubbins at 7 o'clock, the hour for milking at that season of the year. When these facts had been marshalled before the jury, Trestrail, who wag present in custody, was asked by the Coroner whether he wished to give evidenee. Tres trail declined. "I know nothing about the murder or the robbery," he said, '"so that it would bequite uselcrs for me to be sworn. I admit that the evidence makes the case look very black against me, but before the jury say I am guilty of this horrible deed, I will ask them ns men of common sense whether they think that if I had been artful enough to plan this crime to drug everybody, to hide the stolen property and the crowbar that has been talked about, 1 should have been such an utter fool as to have gone about wearing a shirt stained with the dead man's blood, and carry abont with me the missing prop erty and even leaving behind in the band basin in ray room such evidence of my sup posed guilt? I have nothing more to say than that I am innocent, and that after re tiring to rest on the night ot the murder I remember nothing until I was awaked by hearing John Gubbins knocking at the door." "As you are not legally represented here to-day," said the Coroner, "I may inform you that the points you havr just mentioned are not without interest to this inquiry, but they are not evidence unless you make these statements after coming to the table to be sworn. More than that, I do not think it consistent with my duty to say. I do not wish in saying so much, to hold out any in ducement to you to give evidence in con nection with this case, or to dissuade you from doing so, if you feel inclined to submit to an examination. You can either give evidence or reserve your defense." "I will take the latter course, and reserve my defense," the prisoner said. Then the Coroner began to sum up the case to the jury. "We have at last," he said, "reached the final stage of this preliminary inquiry. That our late lamented friend) Mr. Timothy Bradburn. is no more, is unhappily too true. That he has not died from disease, or by the judgment of God, or by his own hand, is too clear. Ton are sworn to in quire into the manner in which the de ceased met his death, and after the medical testimony, you will have no difficulty in showing by your verdict that he has met his death by a foul and horrible murder. So much as this is clear. "This is one of those cases in which the element of mystery is conspicuous by its ab sence. "We have not to search into hidden causes to find 'a motive for this crime. That motive was robbery, as the open safe, stand ing empty of its contents, proves without a shadow of doubt. It appears that the de ceased gentleman had grown alarmed in consequence of a well-known bank failure, and doubting unreasonably, I must say me Btrcuribv ui mi puuuc investments, naa converted his securities into cash, which he employed in the purchase of diamonds, making no secret of what he had done. To obtain possession of these diamonds and they must have been of great value, since Mr. Bradburn was in the enjoyment of an excellent income and had lived frugally for many years was the motive of some evil disposed person or persons that ultimately issued in this dreadful tragedy. It is in the endeavor to ascertain who that person or those persons were that our difficulties begin. Such difficulties as are presented by this case seem, however, to be more ap parent than real. "First of all we must regard it as quite certain that when the robbery qf Mr. Brad burn was resolved upon, murder formed no part of the scheme. That is shown by the abor tive attempt that was made to drug the poor gentleman into unconsciousness, by mixing laudanum with his nightly potion of brandy and water. Unfortnuately for himself the deceased did not drink of this decoction, otherwise he would have been alive now, and the robbery would have been committed without interruption, and the criminal would have stopped short of murder. "But that was not to be. Whether Mr. Bradburn having tasted of his glass found something unpleasant in its flavor and laid the glass down will probably never be known. It is certain that he did not drink it, and that as he was a light sleeDer he was aroused by the noise made in the at tempt to dislodge the safe from the wall, and was then and there felled with some heavy blunt instrument, which inflicted such injuries that he must have almost im mediately succumbed to their euect. "Who wns the person who. sought to deaden the senses of the victim by adminis tering a strong dose of laudanum? It could not have been administered by any person outside Cross Hail. The evidence on this point is very singular. We have heard that Mr. Bradburn mixed his brandy and water himself from a decanter that was kept on the sideboard in the oak parlor, and that this decanter was nearly empty; glass, he handed the decanter to Selina Gubbins, and instructed her to see that it was washed before being re-filled, and that the woman Gubbins washed the decanter out immediately with her own hands. Either the laudanum was already in the decanter when Mr. Bradburn mixed his glass or it was added afterward. That is a point which it may be impossible to clear up, but it must not be lost tight of that the first of these alternatives is the more probable inas much as the decanter lay within reach, and was not kept under lock and key, while there is no evidence to show that any person could have obtained access to Mr. Brad burn's grog after he had mixed it If therefore the laudanum was poured into the decanter, it is manifest that it could only have been done by some inmate of the house who was well acquainted with the deceased man's habits. "But that is not the whole of the evi dence on this part of the case. We have this household, contrary to the usual habit, found fast asleep w. en Gubbins arrived to commence his day's work at 7 o'clock. On the fact'tbat Trestrail was the first to put in an appearance, after the witness Gubbins had remained knocking a long time, it is not necessary to comment. Taken by itself, there may be nothing in that circumstance, but the jury would no donbt consider it along with the rest of the evidence. What was of more importance was, that Selina Gnbbins, who had never overslept herself Delore, had done to on this occasion, and that Miss Baddeley was found at 10 o'clock still suffering from the effects of a narcotic. Could there be a doubt that an attempt had been made to drug the whole household, and that the narcotic bad taken least effect on the prisoner, assuming even that he had drnnk of it at nil? "By whom was the narcotic administered? Certainly nut by any persons outside the PITTSBURG PITTSBTJEG, walls of the establishment. Selina Gub bins had stated that she drew the supper beer and left it on the table in the scullery while she obeyed a call from her master. While the beer, ready-drawn, was atanding in the scullery, the opportunity was afforded to add the drug. On what passed, however, in those critical moments when Selina Gub bins left the beer in the scullery and re turned ior it, no evidence was forthcoming. But could there be a doubt that such an op portunity was not lost? The evidence on other points suggested the conclusion at which the jury ought to arrive. At any rate, the attempt was made by some per son to drug Mr. Bradburn, aad it looked exceedingly likely that the same attempt was made with better (success to drug the other members of the household. "Did Trestrail drink of this beer? Selina Gubbins thought he did, but would not swear it. There were difficulties about this side of the case not cleared up with all the conclusiveness that could be wished, but the presence within the house of an associate with the perpetrator of it, was made out satisfactorily. "Then to come to another part of the case. Were there any indications that a burglary had been attempted? This was the opinion of the police in the first instance, when they went round to the hall door at the front, and saw it apparently battered in from the outside. But a later examination showed that the lock had been wrenched off the door from within, and that the blows de livered upon the door ontside had been de livered with the object of diverting suspicion from the inmates, and to suggest that it was an ordinary case of burglary ending in murder. But, thanks to the shrewdness shown by the police, that attempt to send them forth on a false scent was defeated. The circle was thus narrowed, and the question now for the jury to consider was this: Who was that person lurking within, who, hav ing completed the robbery, and left Mr. Bradburn lying dead in a pool of blood, had wrenched off the lock from the door, and then, to give an appearance of a burglari ous entry into Cross Hall, had battered the door on the outside, having first drugged the inmates lest they should be alarmed by the noise. . , "Three persons only, besides the deceased, were inmates of the house. Those were MissBaddely, Selina Gubbins and Trestrail. There was nothing to connect either of the women with the crime, even if it were sup posed that either or both were capable of such a scheme, which manifested a skill and ingenuity worty of a better deed. There only remained Trestrail. "What about Trestrail? The jury had heard Evidence. No one knew who Trestrail was, where he came from, or why he, a man ol eduoation, and superior to his avowed calling in life, was acting in the humble ca pacity in which he was found as bailiff on this small farm. Trestrail's unknown ante cedents must not be allowed to press against him unduly; but, taken consistently with the stains of blood on his shirt, the diamonds, part of the proceeds of the robbery, found on his person, and the condition of the hand basin in his bedroom, showing that the murderer had washed his guilty hands there, it must be admitted that there was a case made out against Trestrail for him to answer "What was his answer? That he was innocent, and that he could neither account for the presence of the stains on his linen nor the diamonds found in his pocket. They had heard Trestrail's state ment. That statement was not evidence, in asmuch as he had declined to make it on cath, but it would be expecting too much from human nature to suppose that the jury would be able to dismiss it entirely ironi mind. It therefore became his (the Cor oner's) duty to remind them that while Trestrail undoubtedly made a strong point in his favor by insisting upon the folly of him, a supposed murderer, walking about and assisting the police in their inquiries, with palpable evidence connecting him with the crime that he had had opportunity to destroy, there was, notwithstanding, an other side to the matter. There wa nothing more common than for criminals to defeat themselves by oversights like these, which men of prudence found it difficult to account for. It seemed, in fact, that an Almighty Providence saw fit to overrule attempts to defeat the ends of justice, by permitting criminals to go so far and no further. It certainly aid often occur that some slight precaution was neglected by crimi nals, who made themselves secure on other points, which, if adopted, wouldhave insured their safety, yet these oversights served to defeat their schemes and to direct suspicion to the guilty and bring forth deeds done in the darkness into the light of dav. "If the jury were satisfied that the evi dence connecting Trestrail with this crime was not to be relied upon they would say so bv their verdict. But before they could do that they mnst be satisfied that the evidence that the crime had been committed by some one within the house was untrustworthy, and that the stained garments, togetherwith the proceeds of the crime fonnd on Trestrail and the evidence which showed that the murderer had washed hisblood-stained hands in the washing basin in the prisoner's room, were all compatible with his innocence. "In conclusion, it only remained to be pointed out that the jury had all the evi dence before them that it was possible to procure. Only Miss Baddely was absent from the inquiry, but her absence was ac counted for by the doctor's testimony. They had heard she had not recovered from the shock of seeing a beloved uncle lying murdered in his bed and was now lying prostrated by fever. If Miss Baddely were able to appear it was difficult to im agine what light she could throw on the deed, since the medical testimony was that she had either received a very powerful dose of the narcotic or that it had taken a more powerful hold upon her system. The jury must remember that they were not in quiring into the manner in which the pro ceeds of the robbery had been disposed of. That was a minor question which they must leave the police to trace out if they could. Thev were inquiring into the cause f the death ot Mr. Bradburn, with the view of ascertaining first how he died, and next by whose hand. The matter now rested in the hands of the jury to declare by their ver dict an answer to the two questions." Doggett, who had followed the labored summing up of the Coroner, felt that that gentleman had twisted a rope round Frank Trestrail's neck that would want a good deal of untying; and he wondered much how he was to accomplish the undertaking, which in a rash moment he had given his promise to Trestrail to attempt. The room was cleared for a few tuoments while the jury consulted together, but this was more of a formality than a necessity. The verdict, as everyone 'expected, went against Frank Trestrail, who was committed o take his trial at the ensuing Chester Assizes for the murder of Timothy Brad burn, of Cross Hall. SATUEDAT, FEBRUARY , 2, 1889. III. It is one of the defects in the administra tion of police, as ii exists in this country, that whenpnee the mind of "the force" is made up, and a theory of a crime has been adopted, it banishes all other alternatives from consideration, and goes steadily to work, raking together fact after fact that makes for the theory and neglecting every circumstance that tends to its disproof. This is the explanation of many an unsolved mystery. If the records of crime were ran sacked, it would be found in many instances that the circumstances of the crime offered explanations widely different from those whiohwere "officially" entertained, and that whilst the bloodhounds of the law were engaged in following up a wrong clue the real clue lay close at hand, with the actual culprit in all probability living right under the noses of the officers of justice and enjoy ing'their discomfiture. The Cheshire police had adopted Sergeant Williams' theory of the Cross Hall tragedy, and starling with the supposition of Frank Trestrail's guilt, strained every nerve to make the demonstration of his guilt 'com- Elete. What might have happened if they ad accepted Trestrail's denials as at least suggesting the possibility of innocence, and accepted that for their working hypothesis, will be seen before the end of this story is reached. It must, however, be admitted that appearances told heavily against Tres trail, and that it would require a larger trust in human nature than the ordinary member of the force possesses, to have run away with the idea that Trestrail's denials corresponded with some parts of his con duct, and that he was, in truth, what he de clared himself to be innocent alike of the robbery and murder. The chain of evidence which they wound around Trestrail was so strong that it only wanted one thing to make it complete. That was to discover the hiding place of the spoil and the deadly weapon that had been used with such terrible effect on the night of the double crime and trace the possession of these to the acensed. On the assumption of Trestrail's guilt it was possible, of course, that the murderer had hidden or buried the proceeds of the robbery somewhere in the neighborhood, unless he had been acting in collusion with some confederate who had carried off the spoil to some place of safety. The medical testimony had proved con clusively that Mr. Bradburn had been mur dered some time between 10 and 12 o'clock at night. Put in at the furthest limit, that the murder was committed, the contents of the safe packed up, the murderer had washed his hands in Trestrail's bedroom and had broken away the lock within and battered the door on the ontside by 1 o'clock. John Gubbins did not arrive untill 7. That left the culprit nearly six hours in which to dispose of his booty. There was many a dell and cave, grown over with a thick growth of underwood, within a three miles radius of Cross Hall, known only to poachers and the like, that would have to be discovered before the po lice came on further traces of that night's work. Such was their theory. Some of these hiding places might never be discov ered, unless the police could win the confi dence of some poacher who would consent to show them his haunts. But this was an impracticable notion. The feud between the officers of the law and the humbler dis ciples of Nimrod in the county of Cheshire was too deep to admit of reconciliation on terms that would have the effect of placing every poacher in time to come at the mercy ot his natural enemies. When all seaich proved unavailing.the police fell back on the theory that Trestrail might have had accomplices, and they ap plied themselves to unearthing his past, in the hope that this might lead to the discov ery of someone who was confederate with him in guilt But as Sergeant Williams put it pathetically to Doggett, "When you don't know where a man comes from, or now he got here, whether he came on wings or whether he walked, what are you to do?" That Prank Trestrail had called at Cross Hall in the summer and asked for work, that it so happened Mr. Bradburn was hors de combat and wanted the services of a man who could be trusted, and had engaged Trestrail, and that Trestrail understood his business thoroughly, and was asked to stay on after harvest, and did so stay, was all that rewarded Sergeant Williams' inquiries. And so the weeks wore on and Christmas came and went and the date fixed' for the winter Assizes at Chester drew on. Trestrail lay in gaol at Chester, growing more and more apathetic as the day when he must be tried for his life approached. The chaplain, who was a kind-hearted man. strove in vain to administer consolation to the wretched prisoner. In truth, the chap lain's resourses were limited. The whole county of Cheshire was ringing with the terrible tragedy at Cross Hall, and so fierce was the animus against the prisoner, that there were some doubts whether he would re ceive a fair trial. Although the chaplain did not share in the prevailing animus, he was convinced of Trestrail's guilt. What consolation could he oSer, so situated, to a man 'who would talk about nothing else, when he did talk which was seldom but about the crime laid to his charge, and who never ceaied to reiterate his own innocence? It was not the chaplain's cue to discuss the crime' with Tfeslrail, but what was the poor man to do when Trestrail would speak of nothing else? "I don't want sympathy," he would say, "I want help. I don't want consolation, 1 want justice; justice, mark you, that doesn't err; justice with her eyes open, swift to dis cern between the innocent and the guilty, and that does not leave the guilty to go free wnue tne innocent is being detained behind these grim walls." At last Trestrail's fervid appeals for jus tice made some impression on the cbap ain's mind, and he ventured one day to ask meekly: "Have you no friends?" "None," was the fierce reply; "not a friend in the wide world. Why do you ask?" "Because if you have friends you ought o communicate with them." "To what purpose? " "That they may assist you to break through these toils, if so be that you are innocent." "Why, man, my friends wore mourning for me five years ago. They believe me dead, and my brother has the estate that should be mine." "How can that be?" asked the Chaplain." "In this way. I got into trouble never mind what it was about it was not lelonv and I enlisted in the line. We were sent ont to India, and the vessel went down. There were only five of us saved. I had had enough of the army, and took to the sea with my four companions. I landed at Liverpool nine months'ago, and thought of DISPATCH. making for home. I fonnd out that my father was dead, and my younger brother was reigning in his stead or rather in my stead. The trouble that I had run away from was still alive. I walked from Liver pool intending to go through Chester to Wales, careless whither I went.but meaning to keep quiet until I could decide what to do next. I called at Cross Hall on my way to Chester, and the rest you know; or if you do not know, the newspapers will tell you, and a good deal more than is true." "Then your name is not Trestrail?" the chaplain asked. "It is not. Ask- me no further. If I tould see any hope of breaking through chis terrible web that they have woven round me, so that I could look my fellow men in the face without shame, I would reveal my situation. But ours is an old name, and it shall pever be known that one of our blood perished on the gallows." From this determination the worthy chaplain strove to move the man in whom he began to feel a profound interest. But Trestrail remained obdurate to every argu ment, and nerved himself to meet his fate. Finding him obstinate on this point, the good man wrought a deed that deserves to be recorded to his honor. He sat down pa tiently to listen to Trestrail's brief account of what he knew, which was little enough, and he listened as one who believes every word that he hears. Trestrail could only tell the chaplain that he was the first to go to rest on the night of Mr. Bradburn's murder, as he was the first to rise in the morning. He had worked hard that day and was very tired. After supper he felt himself very drowsy and went to bed. On reaching his room, he felt so weary, that after disen cumbering himself of his coat and waistcoat he threw himself on the bed to sleep, and remembered nothing more until the follow ing morning, when he was aroused by John Gubbins knocking at the door. When Gnbbins drew his attention to the stains on his shirt, he did not know what to make of it, but he felt so heavy that he did not trouble about the matter until the murder was discovered. Then he grew too dazed to think until the police came. As he knew he was innocent he expected that the arrival of the police would be followed up by some discovery that would explain the entire oc currence; and when he accompanied Will iams and Doggett to the hall door at the front of the building, and saw the door smashed in, he considered the crime was ex plained, and thought nothing of the blood stains on his person until his attention was directed to the smear on his sleeve; "and then," he said. "I opened my waistcoat and showed them tne stains there." "And what theory have you formed of the crime?" the chaplain asked. "I am tired of thinking out and weaving theories." Trestrail answered. "I have thought the matter over and over, until I have nearly thought myself daft. When I have pieceil a theory together I find it broken to pieces as soon as I begin to ask, 'Who drugged the liquor?' If I could un riddle that mystery the rest were easy. It seems as if there could only be three persons ior it: Selina Gubbins, Nancy Baddely, or myself. I dnn't, Selina wouldn't, she was too deeply attached to her old master, Nancy I would sooner think I had done everything myself, in my sleep, than believe that a gay, light-hearted girl like Nancy could have become the companion of thieves and murderers. No," Trestrail resumed after a paifte in which the chaplain sal thinking, "I have thonght that the thieves were hidden within there are plenty of places in Cross Hall where men might hide and that they come forth when all was qniet and decamped after completing their errand." "But you forget the door," said the chap lain. "No. I have not forgotten that. The lock could have been wrenched off the door in two minutes by a strong man armed with a crowbar, and there may have been reasons why they should take that means of exit." "But surely there was the key to unlock it?" "Not sol" Trestrail answered. "The door was seldom opened, except in summer for the air, and when it was not in use there was no key there." "But you forget the marks on the out side," said the chaplain. "If, as you say, that means of exit was adopted for reasons of their own, why should they have battered it on the outside when they had forced it from within? It burglars had secreted themselves on the premises they would nat urally seek to direct suspicion to the in mates." "Who knows?" Trestrail answered wearilv. "I have asked myself that ques tion a hundred times. The only explanation that I can think of is that it may have been done in the mere wantonness of triumph." "What I cannot understand," continued Trestrail, after a few moments' silence, in which both sat buried in thought, "is, how they doctored the liquor. I can understand them doctoring the brandy, but how they could have doctored the beer in the few mo ments that Selina was absent I canpot fathom. One of them may have poured the laudanum into the supper beer when Selina left it lor a few minutes in the scullery." The chaplain's income was small and his wants many, but he went forth from this in terview with the prisoner to instruct his to licitor to put in an appearance in Trestrail's behalf when his case came on for trial. January came in cold and bleak even for that inclement season of the year, and before the month closed Frank Trestrail was lying under sentence of death for the murder of Timothy Bradburn, of Cross Hall. The weak points in the case 'or the Crown were belabored by a rising young barrister, who defended Trestrail with relentless logic and a fine scorn. He boldly started the theory that his unfortunate client was the victim of a vile conspiracy, and that on the head of the conspirators would devolve not only the guilt of the murder of Timothy Bradburn. but the guilt of the blood of the unhappy man then on trial for his life, if the issue of that day s proceedings ended by dooming him to a felon's death. The line taken by the defense was that Trestrail had himself partaken of the nox ious draught that had been administered to the rest ot the household at Cross Hall, and, while thns incapacitated, the assassins had diverted suspicion from themselves by staining his linen and putting in his pocket a paltry portion of the spoil. It was a daring and ingenious theory, supported by keen argument and powerful' eloquence. But when the Judge began to sum up in even, level tones, adopting the theory ot.the prosecntion and treating the facts, sworn to by the witnesses, in, a narrative and dra matic style, there was probably no one in court, and least of all Trestrail' himself, who felt that the trial could have other than one ending. When the Judge had concluded his dra matic narrative of the facts deposed to, he turned to the theory set up for the defense, and having complimented the counsel on the skill with which he had condncted his case, he proceeded to shatter the theory that he had broached. The defense, he said, could not be dis missed as idle and impossible per se. But was it sustained by any evidence? Yes, there was one piece of evidence, and only one! It was that the prisoner had'eonducted hlra-elf with the air of an innocent man throughout his association with the constables when the investigation into the crime was proceeding, and in conformity with that role he had neglected to destroythe evidence that tended to connect him directly with the crime. Bnt was that solitary piece of evidence if it were evidence, and not exquisite acting to be placed in the scales against the case of the prosecution, that had been prepared with so much care, and the evidence upon evidence tending to an opposite conclusion that the jury had heard with their own ears? Who were these mysterious assassins? Where were they now? How had they man aged to visit and leave the neighbor hood without betraying their presence? How had they contrived to enter this old man's dwelling by stealth? What oppor tunity could they have had without the assistance of someone within to inter fere With the murdered man's domestic af- fairs preliminary to the crime by pouring laudanum into the brandy decanter, pou 7 ing the same drug into the jug of supper beer? On these points the defense was al together silent It was a theory without evidence to support, and in the judgment of 12 honest men it would receive the atten tion it deserved, but not to the exclusion of the clear and unfaltering testimony that had been given by the witnesses for the Crown. And so Frank Trestrail was left for death, and on the last day of the month he died on the scaffold for the murder at Cross Hall. There was one man in court when the prisoner's counsel urged his plea who was convinced by it. That man was the young Officer Doggett. Let us look now, for a moment, at Cross Hall. The new master, William Bradburn, who, in default of a will, succeeded to the estate, had not yet taken up his abode there. He had shrink from any steps toward claiming his inheritance, until after Frank Trestrail had paid forfeit with his life for the deed that had been done in the darkness at Cross Hall. To those who congratulated him on succeeding to the estate, and con doled with him on the serious diminution in the fortune that came to him, owing to the robbery, he gave ever the same repfv: "We must wait abit It is too early for either congratulation or condolence at present Trestrail may speak, and if he confesses, he may tell what he has done with the contents of the safe; and when those are found, there may be a will; and it may chance that my name is not in it" So William Bradburn resided still with" his mother in their little cottage a mile away from Cross Hall. He continued to act as bailiff on the estate where hewas em ployed, and generally conducted himself in an exemplary manner that sent him up many degrees higher in popular estimation; and already his position stood high, as a steady, well-conducted young fellow, unas suming in his manners, and with a good knowledge of his craft. But Trestrail not only died without mak ing any confession of guilt, but affirming his innocence to the last. Before being led forth for execution, he had extorted a promise from the chaplain that he would lay a dying man's commands on Doggett, and bid him remember his promise. After Trestail'8 execution, there was no reason why William Bradburn should hesitate to take up the position of hisuncle's heir. There was ho will to be discovered. If any will had been made it had been re moved with the other contents of the safe. But the fact that Timothy Bradburn bad not consulted any lawyer with regard to his testamentary intentions was held to negative the idea that a will was in existence. Timothy Bradburn had in fact died intestate, and William Bradburn had no difficulty in obtaining letters of administration, bv which he became possessed of the heritage of his fathers. The moment long looked for by Nancy Baddely, with feeling of increasing dread and dismay, drew near, when William Bradburn would be installed as master at Cross Hall. For many weeks since she fell down in a dead swoon in the bedroom of her uncle, after gazing on the awful sight that smote on her bewildered vision, Nancy's life had hung on a thread. Nothing but her strong constitution enabled her, to pull through the wearisome weeks of illness that fol lowed. The crisis of the fever passed, leav ing her a very infant for sheer helpless weakness, and long after the fever bad left her she remained in the same condition of utter lassitude, completely baffling the skill of the doctor who attended her. Week after week passed by, during which William Bradburn proved himself an assiduous lover by the constancy of his inquiries. Still Nancy grew no stronger. The subjeefbf the Tragedy as Cross Hall was strictly tabooed in her presence by the doctor's solemn instructions. Nancy lying in her inert state, was too feeble to show a passing interest in the daily events of the farm. She rarely spoke, except in answer to some question, and when she did speak, she did not refer to her uncle's death, and no intelligence of what was passing was communicated to her. She had reasons ot her own for not wishing to live, and it was this indisposition on her part to make any effort to rally that so sorely baffled the physician. Frank Trestrail was lying under sentence of death before Nancy was able to sit up for a few hours; for at length her strong con stitution prevailed over her mental inertia. She looked a poor shadow of her former self. Gone were the rounded outlines of her cheeks and the bright carnation flash! Her face was pale and wan. Gone was the light of roguish laughter from hereyes! Her fine form had wasted away. It was a ghost of the former Nancy that drew tears from the eyes of Selina Gubbin When Nancy was able to sit up for a few hours in a chair, softly cushioned by Selina's kindly hands, Selina could not keep back her tears as she beheld the havoc that the long illness had wronght upon her. The good soul suggested that her nursling would be better if she would pluck up her spirits and go down stairs; but Nancy's eyes filled, and she motioned with her hand to Selina to desist At last there came a day when Nancy was told everything that had happened since the day, when horrified by the sight of her murdered uncle, she fell down in a swoon. Nancy burst into tears when she learned that Frank Trestrail had forfeited his life for the crime, and that William Bradburn was now master at Cross Hall. She wailed forth, ''Oh! I wish I were dead too! Why didn't I die!" Selina looked on in amazement at this outburst of sorrow. Selina kuew not that Nancy was about to become a mother, and that Nancy's bosom held the secret that the father of Her unborn babe was the murderer of Timothy Bradburn! To he concluded next Saturday.' CLIMBING PISHES. The Cnrlou. ntid Ingenious Wny Speckled Tront Ascend Western btreamt. Philadelphia Tiraes.l No doubt you all know that trout are found in streams away up the sides of mountains, but did you ever stop and won der how they got there? Mr. Holder tells a story in hit latest book which gives us this information: In the village I men tioned the climbing of the hill by the fish to a friend who owned a mill on a mountain stream, and he told me that the ascent was a puzzle to him until one day his boy called him out to the'dam, where the riddle was solved. The dam was nearly four feet high and to relieve the stream several auger holes had been bored in it, allowing, a small stream of water to jet forcibly out arid go splashing down into the clear pool below. As he approached the spot and looked through the bushes several large sized trout were seen moving about under the mimiu fall, evidently in great excitement and dart ing into it as if enjoying the splash and roar of the water. Suddenly one of the fish made a quick rush that sent it up the fall ing stream so that it almos; gained the top, but by an unlucky turn it was caught and thrown back into the pool, where it darted away very much startled. Soon another made the attempt, darting at it like the first, and then rapidly swim ming up the fall, but only to meet the fate of its predecessors. This was tried a number of times, until finally a trout larger than the others made a dash, mounted the stream and entered the round hole. Here, then, was the explanation. The trout climbed the mountain by swimming up the falls, darting up the foaming masses and adopting every expedient to accomplish their journey. For these fish deposit their eegs high up Btream, so that the young fry, when hatched, may not be disturbed by pre datory fish aud other foes living in the lower waters. GAIL HAMILTON &bZ2Ji the contributor to the Sundav itsue of Tns Dispatch. Watch for azd rtad terclaer ladre in to-morrov'i iuue. i i PAGES 9 TO 2."T r" SIGNIFICANT DEEAMS The Explanations Offered by Science of Some Carious Phenomena. AGONIZING DEEAMS EXPLAINED. Hour Time and Space ia Annihilated Dur ing Dreamy Sleep ODD WAEXINGS OP PHYSICAL AILMUKTS From time immemorial dreams have been the wonderland of waking hours. Hope and fear have wrought them into their own fabric. Superstition has seized upon them and worked up a curious ritual of "dreams that go by contraries," of "dreams of the morning light," of dreams with significances, some of which seem natural enough, while to a few of those apparently most arbitrary science herself has offered a certain amount of explanation. Dreaming is an experience which may be called common to humanity, though it varies so widely in different individuals that in a few exceptional cases it is abso lutely unknown. Certainly dreams are often made of materials very inadequate to their finished results. Abercrombie relates that during an alarm of a French invasion in Edinburgh ft had been arranged that the first intimation of the enemy's approach was to be the firing of a gun from tha castle. A certain gentleman, a zealous vol unteer, retired to bed, dreamed that he heard this gun, went put, and witnessed and joined in the proceedings of the troops. At this jdncture he was awakened by his wife in a great fright, she having had a similar ' dream. It was ascertained that the falling of a pair of tongs in an upper chamber was the common origin of the dream in two minds already predisposed to the same lino of fancy. Another instance is given of a person sleeping in a room where a flat-iron was al lowed to scorch a woolen garment The sleeper dreamed that the house was burned down, and that she could not escape because all her clothes were destroyed! A HOT WATER TEAGEDY. A gentleman, who, before retiring to sleep, had been reading a book ot picturesque travels, dreamed that he was journeying across the Rocky Mountains. He was at tacked by two Mexicans, and atter a gallant tight was taken prisoner. His captors believed him to be the possessor of secret treasure, and in nraer to mate mm reveal its whereabouts put him to the torture of stripping his feet and holding them to a Are. Waking with a cry of agony lie discovered that his hot-water bottle had escaped from its flannel swathiogs and that the undue heat of his toes had conjured up alf the rest of the tragic story. . A French physiologist caused manv curious experiments to be made on himself during sleep. These experiments took the form of trifling physical sensations, which nroduced al most invariably a wonderfully exaggerated effect on the sleeping mind. Thus a feather tickling the lips was converted Into the horri ble punishment of a mask of pitch being ap Elied to the face. A bottle of eau de Cologne eld to his nose sent him Into a dream of a per fumer's shop in Cairo. A pinch on the neck recalled the days of his boyhood and the old family physician applying a blister to that re gion. Ono authority declares that In a dream he made a voyage to India, spending several days in Calcutta, continued bis journey to Egypt, visited the cataract and pyramids and held confidential interviews with Mohammed All, Cleopatra and Saladln, the whole journey ap parently occuoying several months; but he had slept only an hour. DISEASE FORESHADOWED. Scientific writers admit that there is a type of dream in which coming physical disease or dis aster is shadowed forth some bodilrsnsation, perhaps too slight to be noticed by the subject when awake, yet contriving to impress itself fn some symbolic form on the sleeping mind. The more striking instances of this sort mar servo to explain how, in some lesser degree, certain symbols are likely to attach themselves to cer tain painfnl sensations or conditions, until at last they are finally accepted as mysterious presages of evil. Conrad Gesner, the em'nent naturalist, dreamed that he was bitten on the left side by a venomous serpent. In a abort time a severe carbuncle appeared on the very spot, terminat ing his life in the space of three day. An other scientific man, who dreamed of being. Bitten by a black cat, also suffered in the samei way. A learned Jesuit, author of many erndita theological works, saw, one night 111 his sleep, a mar. laving his hand upon his chest, who an nounced to him that he would soon die. Ho was tnen in perfect health, bnt was shortly car ried off by a pulmonary disorder. A lady who had a dream in which she sawaU objects dim and obscured by a mist, was soon after attacked by a disease of the eye, of which, that was a symptom. A dream of great fire, in which the sleeper himself seemed to be consumed, was followed soon after by an attack of inflammation of the brain. Apoplexy, epilepsy and similar diseases are often preceded by frightful dreams, in which the sleeper feels hi self scalped by InJ dlans, thrown over precipices or tarn to pieces by wild beasts. Such Miserable nights So fall of fearful dreams, of ugly sights! , should be treated as "warnings" in the truest sense of that word is sent by nature to fore tell impending evils which skill and wisdom may be able to avert. Thus, if science has dispelled snch fold wives' fables as that to dream of a marriage signified a death, or to dream of a cat meant to meet a foe. She has certainly added mysteries and terrors of her own to the subject. One learned man has actually tried to systematize these subtile premonitions to make them morn available for use and guidance. In his opinion "Lively dreams are in general a sign of the excitement of nervous action. "Soft dreams are a sign of slight irritation of the head; often In nervous fevers announcing the approach of a favorable crisis. "Frightful dreams are a sign of determina tion of blood to the head. "Dreams about blood and red objects are signs ot Inflammatory conditions. "Dreams of distorted forms are frequently a sign of obstructions and diseases of the liver. "Dreams in which the patient imagines tor ture or injury of any limb indicate disease in that limb. "Dreams about death often precede apoplexy, which is connected with determination of blood to the head." HER TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. An educated and very sensible lady had been through a rather fatiguing social day. On re tiring to bed she soon tell asleep and presently dreamed that an old man clothed in black ap proached her. holding out an iron crown appar ently of enormous weight. As be drew near she recognized the features of her father, who had been dead for many years. He addressed her thus: "My daughter, during my lifetime I was forced to wear this crown. Death relieved me of the burden, but it now descends to von." He placed It on her head and gradually disap peared. Immediately she felt a weight and tightness abont her brow. Fnrther. to add to her torture, the rim of the crown was studded on the Inside with sharp points, which wounded her forehead so that blood ran down her face. She awoke, agitated and excited, but otherwise quite well, and fonnd that she had been asleep little more than half an hour. On falling asleep again the dream was repeated, with the additional circumstance- that the ap- Earltlon of her lather now reproached her for er unwillingness to wear the crown. When she awoke again she found she had been asleep for . three hours. Again she returned to bed, and the dream was repeated in broad daylight. She now arose and made her toilet. Going over the circumstances of her dream, she recollected having heard her father say that during bis youth, spent in a distant land, he had been subject to epileptic convulsions con sequent on an accident, and that be had been enred by tbe operation of trephining. On a sister entering her room she proceeded to narrate the picturesque vision which he bad, naturally, made such an Impression on ber memory. While thus engaged she suddenly gave a shriek, became unconscious and fell upon the floor fn true epileptic convulsions, though tbe attack was but a alight one. A week afterward the dream was repeated, and Has followed by another attack. Under suit able treatment both dream and attack ceased to recur. The Argon. The Emreror'i Autograph. Washington Critic; We print for the first time the private autograph of the Emperor of Germany, to wit: Bis "William X Hohenzollera. marck s '. Me.ia2&H&: .-1 '. J . J .' 1 StjHRllBfi'U