Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 02, 1889, FIRST PART, Page 5, Image 5

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'Tfr,,57 :
With the Alumni of the Bie: Eastern
Polytechnic Institute.
And Bide Through the Famous Iron Tun
nel, Feasting on the Train.
Cinders to the right of them, cinders to
the left of them, cinders in their eyes, ears,
hair and nostrils, cinders all over them, held
in place by a thin scum of oil; while in
their heads yet rang thj sounds of steam
whistles, heavy hammers and the muffled
roar of the rolling mill. Nevertheless the
victims appeared thoroughly pleased. Such
was the experience of the members of the
Bensselaer Polytechnic Institute alumni
as they concluded a second day's sightseeing
among the leading industrial establishments
in and around this city.
The excursion party left the Pittsburg
and Lake Erie depot yesterday an hour
earlier than on the previous morning. One
hundred and seventeen persons were on
board the train, which was in charge of
Captain Erwin when it puffed out of the
railroad yards. The air was rawand chilly,
and, as quite a number had got up a little
before breakfast time, they were about as
happy as Mugwumos.
Breakfast on board train restored their
serenity, and, when the first visit of the day
was made at Chambers' glasshouse,
of wisdom-seekers that was suddenly poured
in upon the window glass workers. The
various parts of the house were duly visited
and admired.
The train then ran to the American Iron
"Works (Jones & Laujjhlin), where a second
stop was made The shafting department in
this mill created the most interest. No
souvenirs of the inspection were carried
away by the members, except a few daubs
of grease on long winter overcoats.
The iron tunnel on the P., McK. & Y. E.
It., through which the party was traveling,
was a source of much interest to the engi
neers and railroad men on board. Thi3
uniqne tunnel is under Jones & Laughlins'
mill, and has already been described in The
At Homestead a visit was paid to the
mammoth steel works of Carnegie, Phipps
& (Jo. .Lunch was served on the train,
while the run between Homestead and
Braddock was made. It was ample and de
licious; all that was required in that part of
the programme.
At 2 o'clock the party arrived at the
Edgar Thomson Bteel "Works, in Braddock.
Its ponderous machinery and wonderful
mechanism, strange sights and sounds, were
even a surprise to men who are daily accus
tomed to expect anything.
"It is certainly a strange and wonderful
place, your city." said an Eastern railroad
official to the reporter, as he left the mill.
Captain Jones, with his genial smile and
little hat, met the party here, and insisted
on honoring the occasion. He varied his
duties by first driving a cart drawn by an
objecting mule and then offering to give the
party a iocomotive. A photographer bobbed
up serenely, and pictures had to be taken.
The only sun of the day even enjoyed the
sight and beamed down upon the faces of
the group until tears ran down their cheeks.
These tears were neither of grief nor of joy,
but of necessity. The little man with the
photographic apparatus, who has a contract
to take 100 pictures, even if the last five
have to be his own, pressed the button on
the weeping throng several times before he
was noticed.
At the National Tube "Works, in Mc
Keesport, the various departments were
visited, and the process of pipe making was
demonstrated by practical examples. The
last stop of the "day was made at Oliver &
Roberts' wire and "rod mill, on Tenth street,
Southside. The works, one of the party said
(he was sober at the time), reminded him of
an aggravated attack of Old Monongahela.
The party arrived in the city at 5 o'clock.
The Rensselaer Polyiecbniclnstitnfe Alnmnl
Give a Succetaful Banquet at the Itlonon-
enhcla House.
The winter reunion of the Rensselaer
Polytechnic alumni was closed last evening
with a banquet at the Jlonongahela House.
One hundred and ten members and guests
were seated at a table arranged in the form
of a horseshoe. Toast Master "William
Metcalie, of the class of '71, occupied the
seat at the head of the table. On his right
hand was seated Mr. James Hall and on his
left, Mr. "W. H. Body, the patriarchs of the
At the conclusion of the supper the grad
uates for a time amused themselves by
singing old-college songs and giving their
class yells and the Rensselaer Institute yell.
Order was finallv secured, and Mr. Edmund
Yardley, of the class of '56, made an address
of welcome. Mr. James Hall responded to
the toast of the R. P. I. He was enthusi
astically cheered when introduced, and his
health drank by the guests. In his re
marks he said he became a student
at the school in 1830, just eight years after
its organization. The institute was the first
mechanical school established in tbe coun
try. It also ranks among tbe oldest agri
cultural schools. Mr. Hall said bis life
work as a geologist bad lead him away from
following the history of the graduates of
the school and he now regretted tbe fact
The summer session of the institute was the
foundation of the now popular summer
school of sciences. He closed by thank
ing the gnests for the honors which had
been couierred upon him by the graduates
Mr. J. Becker responded to the toast, A. S.
C. E., with a few pleasant remarks. Otfer
toasts were responded to by Mr. J. H. Peck,
President of the school; Mr. "W. P. Mason,
of '84; Mr. C. "W. H. Searles, of '60; Mr.
George A. Just, of '81; Mr. E. Holbrook,
Mr. V. Doughty, of '88; Mr. E. J. Jarrett,
of '89. and Mr. "W. A. B. Starr, of '69. Mr.
Clark Fisher, ot '58, formulated the resolu
tions. The banquet concluded at an early hour
this morning, and the reunion was ended.
Slick Schemers Who Were Ready to Slake
. Brazilian Bills.
New Toek, February L A man named
Charles Miller came from Brazil to Brook
lyn some months ago, and pretended that
his object was to purchase some machinery.
He had in his possession Brazilian bills
which could easily be counterfeited, and
Miller's plan, as alleged, was to make all
the money necessary and flood Brazil with
the bogus stuff. Miller formed the ac
quaintance of Asa A. Packer, a wall paper
manufacturer, and he let him -into the
scheme, as he could purchase the proper
kind ot paper without exciting suspicion.
They made the acquaintance also of John
Simpson, a printer, and a man named Mar
shall, a photographer.
These men held secret meetings in South
Brooklyn. The police learned of their
plans, however, and kept a sharp watch on
them. The original bills of tbe Brazilian
Government were photographed,, and fine
negatives were taken, so that everything
worked well ior the counterfeiters! The
police, fearing that thev would get away
with their outfit if further delay was made,
arrested allo them late last night. The
entire outfit, consisting of negative, plates,
bills and paper, were seized.
r. . :
The Great Wells and Lofty Tunica That
Serve Tovnii Throughout the West.
Gbeensbtjkg, Kxx., February 1. One
of the freaks of "Western enterprise
ts the city water works 4 for the
new-born city. "Whenever a county
seat is definitely located in a new
county there is a great dash for public im
provements. They must have a grand
schoolhouse, a grand county building, and
then they must'have the town supplied with
water at"public expense. A description of
the system in this place will show how hun
dreds of villages are supplied on the plains
of the "West.
There was, of course, no stream or lake
suitable for the purpose, andthe sole re
course was in a well. Accordingly a well
was dug. It is 30 feet across and 102 feet
deep. It was sunk through alternate layers
of sand and clay to that depth belore a suffi
cient stream of water free from alkali was
reached. It was then walled up with stones
laid in cement.
Having obtained the water, the next
thing was to distribute it. To do tbis a
huge derrick was erected above the well,
and on ton of the derrick was placed a tank
holding 78,000 gallons. The surface of the
water in the tank is ordinarily about 112
feet above the surface of the prairie on
which the town is built. Two steam pumps
of 80-horse power each were put into an en
gine house on the ground, two being pro
vided so that an accident to one would not
leave the town helpless.
The village thev call it a city here is
said to have 1,500 inhabitants. The people
do not exaggerate more than 50 per cent.
The daily consumption averages about
16,000 gallons.
To dig the well and provide the plant, in
cluding the mains in the streetscost $47,000.
The annual expense is about $2,400, or 41
cents per 1,000 gallons of water for operating.
Report of Vice and Crime in Alaska Fully
Poet Towusend, Wash. T., February
1. The steamer Aucon has just arrived
from Alaskan ports, with letters and news
papers. The Junean Free Press reiterates
the stories of outrages on Indian women,
and says the Indians will part with their
daughters and sisters to white men
for from $5 to $50. The Tougas custom
house sub-port of entry has been
abolished by the Government, and Deputy
Collector of Customs Colonel Crittenden is
temporarily appointed inspector afloat, vice
Edward Haley relieved. Only a few days
alter the port was abandoned a sloop load
of whisfcy from Fort Simpson, 14 miles
away, was smuggled in. The smugglers be
came involved in a quarrel and a man
named Snow was murdered by a man known
as "Jack." The Indians turned the mur
derer over to the authorities at Sitka for
The Indian who caused all the trouble at
the Upper Yukon placer mines last year
when the miners were trying to get estab
lished there has given himself up to the au
thorities. He says his people will never al
low the miners to go into the Yukon if be
is punished, but that they will murder the
first party that appears. The schooner
Active has been gone on a trip to Puget
Sound since September 14, and no tidings
having been since received concerning her,
it is generally believed she has been lost.
A Bible School That Sends Collections
HI ore Than Compass Points.
The Fourth Avenue Baptist Church Bible
School presents the following highly grati
fying report:
The report for the four months ending De
cember 30 shows an average attendance of 214;
largest attendance, 264. The Treasurer's report
for tbe year 1SS3 gives the total collections as
431 This amount was distributed among vari
ous benevolent objects as follows: Hospitals,
S2o; church at Carlisle, NO; home mission,
chapel builders, Jlfl; city missions. $39; foreign
missions, $87; charity account, 525; Allentown
mission, $25; associatirmal missions, (64; home
missions, 63; Baptist Orphanage, 20: publica
tion society, Bible and Sunday school work,
$1. These are the round numbers, and show
how many points of interesting and helpful
work are touched by the Bible school.
Tbe plate collection on Hospital Sunday
amounted to the goodly sum of $64. Adding to
this the dne proportion from tbe amount now
contributed weekly by the church for benevo
lence, the total cift of the church to the hospi
tals this year is $214. This is a gratifying ad
vance over last year, and more than four times
the offering of three years ago.
Officers and Monitions of War to Help the
Array of Legitime.
New York, February 1. The steamer
Granje-Nassau sailed for Port-au-Prince
from her docfc in Brooklyn to-day. She
bad among her cargo a varied assortment of
guns and ammunition for tbe useofLegi
time's army. Several 12-pound field pieces
and a dozen mountain howitzers were also
on board.
Among her passengers were Major David
E. Porter, son of Admiral Porter, who goes
to take command of Eegitime's army, and
Captain Charles C. McKinney, son of Judge
McKinney, of Ohio, who will be on Major
Porter's staff.
His Followers Rejoice Over the Passage of
the Oklahomn BUI.
Abkassas Crrr, Kajt., February L
There was great rejoicing in this city to-day
when the news was received that Springer's
Oklahoma bill bad passed the lower branch
of Congress. Grand preparations are being
made ior a parade to-nizht by the flambeau
clubs and bands of music Pawnee Bill
and many of his followers are now here,
where they expect to remain until the last
legal barriers are removed. Then they
will peaceably take up their march to
Condensed Special Dispatches From Snr
ronndinjr Communities Thnt Are Tribu
tary 10 Plttsbnnr.
A jail delivery at Uniontown was prevented
yesterday Dy the vigilance of the watchman
who overheard the prisoners making their
Michael Geoss, a laborer at the McKees.
port Tube "Works, was arrested yesterday on a
charge of passing a forged order on Michael
Smalovitch, of Oreensburg.
Chaeles Leach, aged 65, proprietor of a
large grist mill in South Abington township,
near Scranton, was killed yesterday afternoon
by falling into the mill machinery.
Joshua Ceosslet, of Findlay, has caused
the arrest of D. J. McCauley, on a charge of
larceny. Crossley alleges that he was induced
to bet 520 on a fixed foot race engineered by
McCauley, and lost his money.
Mb. Geobge Kimball, of Newark, was
yesterday appointed division operator and chief
train dispatcher of the Trans-Ohio divisions of
the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph lines, to sue.
ceed Charles E. Wise, resigned.
Ex-Shebiff C. C. BTEKLtlto was yesterday
awarded a verdict o'f $1,396 against Fayette
county for payment of watchmen he had to
Mro during his term of office, owing to tbe in
security of the county jail building.
Levi O. Lindsay and bis two sons, who were
arrested at Corry some time ago for purloining
property from the Western New York and
Pennsylvania Railroad, and put under $2,600
bond to appear at Erie for trial, were again ar
rested to-day by Detective Wilmott for a simi
lar offense, and committed in Crawford county.
They were placed under bonds of 3,000 addi
tional to appear at Meadrille for trial.
Corry Unlrerslly.
Under direction of Mr. P. Barnes, Snpt,
steel department, Jones & Laughlins', Lim
ited. Feb. 2, "Steam Pumps," Mr. Levi Shook.
Feb. 9. "Belting," Mr. H. L. Childs.
Feb. 16, "Lubricants," Major Howard
. Feb. 23, "Steam BoUers," Mr. -Jacob
A steam pump will be used to illustrate
to-night's lecture. ' .
It Was Shot as a Ghoat and Then Mistaken
for a Dead Man.
Chicago, February 1. City Treasurer
Herman Plautz has lost his menagerie,
which, as told exclusively in TheTJis
fatch, he drew in a raffle about a month
ago. It will be remembered that when Mr.
Plautz took his prizes home. in a back there
was a circus as well as a menagerie.
Most of Mr. Plantz's olothes were forcibly
removed by the bear, and the monkey, es
caping up the front ot the building, caused
a cry of burglars and the calling out of the
patrol. Afterward Mr. Plauts tried to give
his bear away, and several times it escaped
from his house and terrified the neighbor
hood. Three nights ago the bear escaped again,
and then the region of Hyde Park, in which
Mr. Plautz lives, was disturbed by stories
of another ghost wandering around streets
and vacant lots. Monday night a police
man saw the ghost and shot at it. Yester
day afternoon an excited resident of Hyde
Park rushed into the police station and an
nounced, that a corpse was lying in a vacant
lot not far from the Stobey mansion. The
police hastened to the spot in a patrol wagon.
Sure enough, under a big oak tree, wrapped
in a white sheet, lay what was apparently
the corpse of a man, with only a little
bunch of coarse black hair sticking out at
the top of the head. The police turned the
bouy over, and, to their astonishment, un
covered a dead bear. Around its neck was
a large leather collar, with a silver plate
bearing the name of Mr. Plautz. The officer
who shot -the ghost on that eventful night
killed Plautz's bear, which in foraging
about had managed to get the sheet off a
clothesline. The monkey is also dead, the
poor little beast having caught pneumonia.
Big; Fire In a Small Town,
Caebon, Ind., February 1. The busi
ness portion of Carbon, Clay county, burned
to-night. The losers are J. A. Kerr, gen
eral merchandise; E. H. Hayward, drug
store; Stevenson's livery stable; Indiana
Mercantile Company, general merchandise;
L. C. Phillips, jeweler; the postoffice, the
M. E. Church and two dwellings. Every
thing is a complete loss.
TUC PACI C I CTTCR published
111. jnui-l- 1.1.1 Ikii, t-n THE
Dispatch every Sunday is an' exclusive fea
lure. All the news and vossipoj Jsurovi
touched upon by the correspondent of
Blarriace Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Ktme. Kesldenea.
(JohnGnstafson Pittsburg
( Annie Utile Lrson Pittsburg
( Nicholas M. Cook West Deer township
Emms E. Stauffer West Deer township
j Ellis Dillsrd Pittsburg
( Frances M. Graves Pittsburg
JJ. M. Hour Baldwin township
J Annie M. Hamborg Baldwin township
(Jeremiah Walters Plttsburji
1 Elizabeth William Pittsburg
BTERS On Thursday morning, January SI,
at 6:15 o'clock A. St., Bessie BtebS, daughter
of David and Charlotte Byers, aged 9 years, 1
week and i days.
Funeral will take place from her parents'
residence, 309 Allegheny ave., Allegheny, on
Satubdat, February 2, at 2 o'clock P. Si.
Friends ot the family are respectively invited
to attend. 2
De HAVEN On Friday morning, February
1, 1SS9. of pneumonia. Miss ALICE De Haven,
sister of the lato Harmon and David De Haven.
Funeral services at the residence of James
M. De Haven, Shaler township, Allegheny
county. Pa., on Monday morning, February
4, at 10:30 o'clock. Interment private.
FERGUSON Peacefully departed this life.
Miss Edith N. Ferguson at the residence of
her parents, Mt. Washington, Thirty-second
ward, Pittsburg, on Thursday evening at 10
At rest.
The funeral will take place on Sunday,
February 3, from Grace Eniscopal Church, Mt.
Washington, at 1:30 o'clock r. jr. 2
FANUICAN On Thursday, January SI, 1880,
at 3 P. St., Johana Fanuican, aged 82 years.
Funeral on Sunday aftebnoon, from the
residence of her son, Patrick Fanuican, Bismarck-way.
at 2 F. 11. Friends of the family
are respectfully invited to attend. 3
HOLDEN-On Friday, February 1, 18S9, at
1130 p. m.. William Joseph, son of Joseph
and Kate Holden, aged 1 year and 6 months.
Funeral from tho parents' residence, 2812
Sarah street, on Sunday at 2 p. v. Friends
of the family are respectfully invited to at
tend. HENNIGIN On Wednesday morning at
9:30 o'clock, AGNES, daughter of A. and M. A.
Hennigin, aged 15 years 3 months 8 days.
Funeral takes place from her parents' resi
dence, 2016 Carson street, Southside, on Satur
day horning at 9:30 o'clock. Friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend. 3
HUMBERT In Pottstown, Pa., on Friday,
February 1, at 1 o'clock A. sc. Jennie (Jack
son, daughter of George W. and Rachel F.
Humbert, In the 20th year of her age.
KING Suddenly, at the residence of Mr. B.
W. Carskadeon. Wilkinsburg, Pa., on Friday,
February 1, 1889, at? P. ST., Miss COBA KlXG.
LACOCK On Friday February L 1889, at
1130 A. M., Mrs. Mabtha, wife of Hamilton
La cock, aged 68 years and 3 months.
Funeral services at her late residence 141
Taggart street, Allegheny, on Sunday at 3 p.
Jr. Interment private. 2
M1SCHLER On Thursday, January 31,
Willie, youngest child of Gust and Maggie
Caldwell llischler, aged 2 years, 3 months andZ7
Funeral from the residence of his parents. 62
Seventh avenue, city, on Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Friends of tbe family respectfully
invited to attend.
McKELVY Friday at noon, February L,
1889, FBANCES GkahaM, wife of W. M. Mc
Kelvy. Funeral services on Monday morning.
February i, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of
her husband, 261 Ridgeavenue, Allegheny City.
Interment private. D
MCCAFFERY-On Friday. February L 1889,
at II A. M., Thomas F. McCaffery, in the
36th year of his age.
Funeral will take place from tbe residence of
his mother, No. 9 Wilson street, on Monday
at 83a Mass at St Paul's Cathedral at 9 A. H.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. 3
McCLELLAND At his mother's home. Lily
avenue. Braddock, Pa., on Thursday, January
31, 18S9, at 5:45 p.m., George B., son of Marv
A. and the late Thomas H. McClelland, aged 25
Funeral services at 9:45 o'clock Saturday
morning. Friends ot the family are respect
fully invited to attend. Private Interment at
Bellevue Cemetery.
POLLARD On Thursday, January 3L at
205 o'clock A. M., Thomas E. Pollard.
Services at Sacred Heart Cburcb, East
Liberty, on Saturday morning, February 2,
at 10 o'clock. Interment private afterward.
PATTERSON On Thursday evening, Janu
ary 81, 1SS9, at 6 o'clock. Elizabeth Corbett,
wife of Robert Patterson.
Funeral from ber late residence. Holmes
street, Eighteenth ward, on Saturday after
noon, at 2 o'clock. Friends of -the family are
respectfully invited to attend. 2
RICHEY Friday morning, February 1, Miss
MAGGIE Richey, in the 26th year of her age.
Funeral SATURDAY, February 2, at 2 p.m.
from the Fifth U. P. Church, Irwin avenue and
Franklin street, Allegheny.
117. 119 and 136 Third avenue, two "doors below
Smithneld st, next door to Central Hotel.
Carriages for funerals,$3. Carriages for operas,
parties, 4c., at the lowest rates. All new car.
riages. Telephone communication. my3Ki60-TT3
ASSETS . $9,071,696 31
Insurance Co. of North America,
Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM l
JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-D
Assets $448,50187
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President.
fel8-o69-TTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary.
INS. CO., 417 Wood street, Pittsbnrp.Pa,
Capital $250,000 00
Assets January 1, 18S9 863,745 80
Directors Chas. W. Batcbelor, President;
John W. Cbalfant, Vice President; A. E. W.
Painter, Robt. Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil
Bon, Joseph Walton. Wm. G. Park, AM.Byers,
Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Painter, John Thomp
son. Wm. T. Adair, Becretary j Jas. Little, As
sistant Secretary; August Ammon. General
Agent. Ja22-4S-TTS
Notwithstanding our use of
three warehouses ,for storage
m addition to our rittn ave
nue house, we still1 need more
space. Our new spring goods
are crowding in on us so fast
that we are compelled to clear
out last season's stock, no
matter how great the sacrifice.
We will continue to offer
the great bargains in Furni
ture which have recently as
tonished our customers. But
we propose in addition to
close out a large quantity of-
of various grades, at a reduc
tion so great that they will be
quickly and eagerly taken off
our hands.
We give below a few sam
ples of the Extraordinary
A line of Splendid
Wiltons, with borders
to match, at
A line of best Mo
quettes at
A line of Velvets at
A line of Body
Brussels at
Lower grades of Carpets at
corresponding reductions.
We have just finished stock-taking; and a
great many barcains are offered in Trimmings
of every kind by tbe yard, in black and colors,
in bead, cord, silk and tinsel goods, as well as
in waist trimming sets, panels, ornaments, etc.;
fur trimmincs, muffs, boas, etc., all at greatly
reduced prices.
This is the best' titpe in the year to buy Jet
and Fancy Bead and Tinsel Trimmings. Give
the Trimming Department a visit. And. don't
forget that we have a full line of
Several customers nave told us lately that
they did not know we kept linings. Of course,
you know we have braids, bindings, hooks and
eyes, tapes, pins, needles, dress shields, casings,
whalebones, dress extenders, etc., etc
A lot of Pearl Buttons, first quality, worth
$1 50 a gross, at SI a gross, put out on the coun
ter. On the Corset counter there is a number of
Bargains in Ladies' Corsets. You will know
more about them if you come to the depart
ment. A few
at very large reductions from original prices.
We commence opening on FRIDAY, February
New Embroideries, New Laces,
New Handkerchiefs,
New Hosiery,
New Fancy Baskets,
New Drapery Silks, eta, eta
WM, SmPl&'S. 1-HBBUARY2.-8B.1 WM, SMPL'&
Attractive Bargains in Seasonable Goods This Week.
Dress Goods Fifty pieces Tricots, solid colors and mixtures, to be cleared at i2jc. Special bargains in Tricots and Habit Cloth
at 25c and 31c. Very superior finished Cloth Suitings at 370. Colored Cashmeres and Henriettas, 46 inches wide, at 50c, down from
75c All our 75c fancy imported Dress Goods now 50c to clear. "Broadcloths now 90c, were $1 25, finer qualities at $1 25 and St 50.
New spring DresssGoods open to-day, five cases, handsome qualities and new designs; first of the season, 25c to 37jc. Come and see
the new goods opening daily.
Silks Grand bargains thiffweek in black and colored Dress Silks. Special prices and large lines of Surahs, Peau de Soies, Armures,
Satin de Lyons, Gros Grains, Baratheas, Faille Francaisses etc. p
New Wash Goods. American and Scotch Ginghams. American and French, Satines. White Goods, entirely new patterns. Cre
tonnes. Full lines Lawn Tennis Cloths at marvelously low prices.
New Muslin Underwear, Chemise and Drawers, Night Dresses, Skirts and Corset Covers, in a great variety of qualities, for Ladies,
Misses and Infants, at' low prices.
Linen Department Special values in Table Linens from 20c up. Our 50c quality is well worth 65c Turkey Red Tablings, 25c,
37j4c and 50a New Towels and Napkins.
Cloak Department 500 garments to be closed out The recently reduced prices will do it. Greatest bargains yet in Ladies' Cloth
Jackets, Raglans and Newmarkets. Seal Plush Jackets, Coats, Wraps and Modjeskas. Misses' Jackets and Coats. Children's Coats and
Gretchens. Large lines perfect-fitting Jerseys, black and colored, plain and braided. Closing out all our made-up Suits. Ladies' Suits
and Dresses, in all the desirable materials for the season, will be cleared at low prices. Black and colored Cashmere and Henrietta
Suits. Black and colored Silk Suits. Plain and braided Cloth Suits. Misses' and Children's Suits. All of the best workmanship and
stylish garments. Examine prices.
Lace Curtains Our new spring importations now opening. New and exclusive .designs and grand values. We have them from 50c
up, and call special attention to qualities and designs at $1 25 to 5 a pair. Turcoman and Chenille Curtains and Portieres at low prices.
Window Shades and Curtain Poles, all styles.
Samples sent when requested. Mail orders will have our prompt attention.
Bargains in Furs, Blankets, Flannels and Underwear to clear.
We Have Just Made an
Extraordinary Large
Cash Purchase
Best Made Goods
in the World.
This may sound like a strong statement,
and so it is, bat nevertheless it is a fact;
hence an opportunity to bar Black Silks of
a superior merit mucn undervalue, jnne
and medium weight goofls not big, showy
cords that are only filled with dressing, and
are not Silks, although they may be called
such these remarkable Black Silk Bar
gains are not that kind.
Lot one Z 85
Lot two 90
Lot three 1 00
Lot four 1 15
Lot five 1 25
Lot six 1 35
Lot seven 1 50
Lot eight 2 00
Lot nine 2 50
"When you see these fine, rich, pure Silks
the question is settled, if you want a Black
Silk, or are likely to in the near future.
We also have, in addition to the above,
now on sale, all from reputable and first
class makers: V
Bight lines, or different makes... .$1 00
Six lines, or different makes 1 25
Four lines, or different makes 1 50
Four lines, or different makes 1 75
Four lines, or different makes 2 00
All at special prices less than the market.
We are taking stock this week. Every
department of the house, upstairs and down,
will have unusual "STOCK-TAKING
BARGAINS." This means more than it
says space prevents but see for yourself
every day this week.
Silks, Zephyrs and SSatines,,
NEW INDIA SILKS no old ones not
a single piece carried over; but these ad
vance styles of Inaias are commanding at
ZEPHYRS and Novelties, all their latest
and best productions for season 1889, are
shown here. ,New 4-4 Scotch Zephyrs at
21c. New 3-4 Scotch Zephyrs at 20c
New and finest FRENCH SATINES and
hundreds of pieces to select from.
New Embroideries and Laces.
New White Goods.
New Seamless Pillow Linens.
New Seamless Pillow Cottons.
Everything choice and prepared for your
spring sewing.
HAMS, 10 and 12c. Choicest produc
tions and best ever shown.
Bargains in Underwear.
Final prices made to-day on all Winter
Garments Peasant Cloaks or Circulars,
$35 00 stvles to $20 00, and $25 00 styles to
$15 00; others at $10 00 from $20 00. Cloth
Newmarkets, colors and black, $3 50, $5 00,
$8 50. $10 00 and $15 00; half price for these.
Plush Jackets, Coats and Sacqnes, Hodjes
kas, Wraps, all reduced. Misses and Chil
dren's Jackets at $1 00, $2 50 and $5 00; all
of them less than half of what they cost us.
Hisses' Newmarkets and Gretchens, win
ter weights and some fall styles, to go at a
sacrifice. We finish stock taking end of
next week, and for the next fire days there
will be such bargains here as you have
never before seen or heard of. Come and
see for yourself.
Bargains in Lace Curtains, Portieres, Silk
Curtains, Madras Curtains, Scrims, Drapery
Materials, Table and Piano Covers and
Half Chair and Lounge Covering Materials
at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 a yard.
Visit the Glove Counter, the Hosiery
Counters bargains there for you. Stock
taking prices on Umbrellas too, Silk, Gloria
Cloth, Gingham and Alpaca.
115. 117. 119. 121
Federal Street, Allegheny.
P. S. Dress Goods and Suitings, Cash
meres and Black Goods bargains you want
to see this week at "Stock-taking Prices."
n hi n 1
Ms ail (1 m
Irilii his
4646AAAAA00 QfrOfr
Great Inventory
We shall commence our laborious task of stock-taking February 1
and as this seems to be a season for reductions we intend the few days
remaining to us before stock-taking to
by offering everything, yes everything, at a price which will not only
astound' everybody but beat anything within the "recollection of the
oldest inhabitant" We intend that our customers shall every day this
week reap the richest harvest of bargains ever known. The reductions
we have made are greater than anyone outside our store has any idea of;
we have not marked down prices in solitary or isolated places, nor yet
on any particular grades of goods, but wherever the eye can see, in every
department, will be found Teduced prices, reduced to such an extent
that nothing whatever remains of anywhere near the original figures. If
some sales are greater than others then this sale of ours is the greatest
of 'em allj We've marked down every article and garment to a price
which you'll wonder at, to a price which will cause everyone who ascer
tains them and finds out the quality of the goods offered to be astounded.
We haven't a single thing in our store but what is a bargain greater even
than you think. Now, if you want anything we offer and want it cheaper
than you've any idea of come and. see us as early as you can.
Fourth Annual Distribution of Coal
To the deserving poor of Pittsburg and Allegheny will take place
Monday, February 4, and following days.
We shall have tbe pleasure of giving away 12,000 bushels, which
will be distributed in loads of 25 bushels each as under: 280 foads by
the Association for the Improvement of the Poor, Pittsburg; 100 loads
by the Ladies' Relief Society of Allegheny; 50 loads by the Dorcas
Society of Pittsburg and 50 loads by the United Hebrew Relief Associa
tion. Tickets enabling the holders to participate in the distribution will
be given by the officers of the societies named, to whom application
must be made.
B T a thoronrh knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nntrition,and and by a careful application of the
fine propertiesof well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided oar breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverape which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbytbeindicions
use of such articles of diet that a constitution
may be gradually bnilt up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there is a weak point. We
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boilinpr water or milk. Sold
only in half gionnd tins by Grocers, labeled thus:
Jas.Epps &Co.Jrfomdhon:neSu,d:
The finest Meaf-Flavoring Stock.
Fxtract of Meat.
Jieet Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes.
Genuine only with fac-slmlle of
Justus ron Lieblg's
Across label.
Sold by Storekeepers, Grocers and Druggists.
ited. London.
O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents,
131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
j, MIS Mt
Qfr Oft
Sale, Now On.
300 to 400 Market street,
Established 1813. Teleuhone Call 1073.
Contractor and Manufacturer of
Doors, "Walnscoating, Ceilings and Hard Wood
Work of every description, for building and
decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and
Furniture of Special Deslgn. Drawings and
Estimates furnished on application. Omce and
factory, Nos. 68 and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pitts
burg. Pa. Hard wood lumber. n27-hi0O-TT3
Use 'Peerless Brand"
SeJecteaandpacked with cleanliness and care by
They are the But. Ask your Groeer for them.
i' 1
route to London ajid the Continent.
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Havre),
Ss.Saale Jan.3aS:30 AJf. I Ss. FuIda.Feb.9. 1 p.w.
Ss. Ems.. Feb. 2. 7 A. M. I Ss.Lahn.Feb.13, 3 IMI.
Ss. Trave Feb. & 10 A.JL Ss. Elbe.Feb.lS. (5 A. M.
First Cabin, Winter rates, from S75 upward.
MAXSCHAMBERG & CO., Agents, Pltts
bnnr. Pa.
OELRICHS 4 CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. ja29.7M
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe-
aen, uenmarK, ae.
ieneral agents. 207 Walnut st Fniladelnb
Full information can be bad of J. J. McCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and 8mithfield street
LOUIS MOESER, CIS Smithfleid street.