THE. PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SATTJEDAY, PEBRTJARY 2, 1889., 3: &g?fvm, -i- . . . . . XSrDltplay advertisement one dollar ptr square for, one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, ri&, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisement are to be prepaid except -where advertisers already have account! with Tax DIS PATCH. riTTSBUEG. THOMAS MCCAFFKEY, 38 Bntler street. EMIL 6. STUCKEY. Mtta street and l'enn are. E. G. STUCKEY&CO., Wylieave. and Fultouat, N. STOKELY, Filth Avenue Market Haute. EAST XJTD. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Pcnn aTenne.. : OAKLAND. WCALLISTEK & SHEIBLERth av. Atwooa it. EOUTnsrox. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A- J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. McBRIDE BKOS.. Federal and Ohio streets. FEED It. EGGEKS. 171 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON. Ohio and Chestnnt sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY. Western and Irwin arcs. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaveraves. 1'ERBYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. Mate Ilcln- TTJANTED-IMMEDIATELY TWO BAK- BEES at 63.S REBECCA ST., Allegheny. fe2-56 TTTANTED A CATHOLIC GENTLEMAN OF vr good address to introduce a fine work among the leading Catholics. Address P.O. BOX SG8, for terms, etc fcS-S . WANTED-A GOOD STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter, with office experience. Ad dress In own handwriting and state salary ex pected, C. P., Dispatch office. fe2-8 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc: sells at sight. Inquire after 3 p. jr., WM. SEMPLE. JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-P WANTED - SALESMAN ACQUAINTED with the drug trade to sell boxen and labels on commission in city of Pittsburg: give reference with experience. Address BOX :275, Batavla. N. Y. a fe2-96 -TTfANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners ormlllmen can maVcmoney in their spare time. YA MASH1RO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson St.. Allegheny, Pa. Ja28-86-TT6 WANTED-A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF a Job printing office: one who understands stereotyping and press" ork; wages J15awecl: state experience and ability. Address JOB PRINTER, Dispatch office. fe2-35 WANTED Jk COMPETENT SALESMAN Permanent position to right partv: must be able to sell goods: state 6alarv, where and when last employed, with references. Address DKY GOODS, McKeesport P. O., Pa., feI-75 WANTED-BY A WHOLESALE HOUSE with trade established, one or two good ac tive young men as partners, with (12, 000 each: have a paying trade; none but good. 6teady men that mean business need answer: aU correspond ence strictly confidential. G. H. G.. Dispatch office. Ja29-36-TTS TTANTED-A LIVE CANVASSER IN EACH town to sell a commercial speclaltr, popular and of longstanding. Large commission. Quick sales. No capital required, inqulrethe commer cial standing of our house. Established 1866. Write for particulars, Inclosing 2-cent stamp. THE REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO., Dayton. O, Ja23-3-EOD ANTED-MAN-TO TAKE TnE AGENCY of our safes: size 28x18x18 Inches: weight 500 lbs.; retail price fS: other sizes In proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by oiuer saie companies, as we are not goverueo. oy the safe pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. seS-pKMvs Female Help. WANTED-A LADY OF BUSINESS EXPERI ENCE for good position: fair salary. 42)$ SIXTH ST., Rooms I and 2, Saturday morning. fe2-14 WANTED AT ONCE. WAITRESS AND chambermaid for private family, t3 50 per week: cooks, chambermaids, house girls, nurse girls, girls for hotels and boarding houses; em plovers su pplled with reliable help on short notice. MRS. MEEHAN, 545 Grant St. Ja31-99-D Blole nnd Female Heln. VTTANTED-AGEKTS-MALE AND FEMALE. V Address H. E., Dispatch office. Ja29-33-TTS "TTANTED-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO engage In an easy, .paying business, at home; can work daytime or evening and maxc'SOc to ?2 per hour: sure thing; sample and complete instructions sent free. Address, WORLD SUPPLY CO- Rutland. Vt. Ja2n-110 WANTED SITUATIONS. VTTANTED-POSITION AS PLATE ROLLER: V S-hlgh mill preferred; 15 years experience. Address J. O., Dispatch office. JaSI-58-TTS WANTED-AFTEK MARCH 1. SITUATION as salesman In dry goods or general store In a live town by a man of experience: satisfactory reference given. Address SALESMAN, Ellziuetb, Pa. ." fe2-53 WANTED-ROOaiS. HOUsES. TTTANTED APRIL 1-TWO FURNISHED V rooms with boird bv mother and son; 6 o'clock dinner. Address with terms,DUQUESNE, Dispatch office. feZ-Zl TTANTED-BY APRIL L SHOWROOM ON V first floor on good business street; would rent one-halfof large room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM Dispatch office. de,-f33 -VTT-ANTED-TO RENT-IN EAST END BY A VV small family, a modcrnly convenlenced house of6 to 8 rooms at a moderate rent; must be handr to Pennae. cable line. Address J. S. K., 103 Bldwell St.. Allegheny. lel-il WANTED FJNAISCIAL. WANTED -GOOD CITY MORTGAGES IN large and small amounts. C H. LOVE, S3 Fourth avenue, fel-37 YTXANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT IN ALL V paru of both cities; established 1863. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth aye, fel-18-ws "TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN V In sums to suit, at 4K, S and 6 per cent. GRAEBING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. apG-el-D WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK ft BA1RD. W Fourth avenue. affl-a-p -TTANTED -RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-81 -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP V EKTY. over fiooo; 4), cer cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAYERftCO., Si Fourth avenue. mh2-aS-D -TTrANTED-MORTGAGES-SUMS FROM 500 V to 151 a 000 to loan at & fi and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE ft Co., IS) Fourth avenue, Pltts- Durg. iei-47-Mwrs TTTAIfTED-MOKTGAGES SIONEY TO LOAN sV on Improved city or countrv property at 4. Sand 6 per cent. J. B. COOPER ft CO.. H7 Fourt . aye. le3-55 -fXT ANTED MORTGAGES IS ANY V amounts: 4H to 6 per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. B9 Fourth avenue. JaS0-S5-KThS -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-WE CAN LOAN V ?500 to l-AOU) on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER ft LEE. 313 Wood St. feS-19-lTVrs -TT7"-AMED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR V smalt amounts on Improved city or Alle- fheny county property. MCCUNE ft COULTER, toil Estate Ageuta and Auctioneers, S3 Fourth ave. fe2-3 XTTANTED-TXJ LOAN S500,O0o. IN AMOUNTS V of 3,000 and upward, on city and snburhan property, on 4.S per cent, free ortax: also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent, BLACK, ft B AIRD, Si i ourth avenue. se21-d6-D w ANTED-TO LOAN (300,000 ON MORT- UAGES:)ioo ana upwara at 6 per cent: 900.000 at 4 per cent on residences or business propexrv: also in aojoiuiDK FRENCH. 115 Fourth avenue. so In adjoining counties. 8. 11. ocai-e4-D -TTTANTED-LANDLORDS, SEND IN YOUR V houses, if von desire to have them rented arly; we have a large number of applicants who desire to rent In Ea.t End. M. P. HOWLEX or IV. b. PATTERSON, 6336 Station street, E. E. fe2-99 W ANTED-TO INVEST 2.000 WITH SERV ICES In some established business that wooldpty for labor and Investment; have a gen eral Knowledge of business and understand the handling of men.-sAddressX. T., Dispatch office. N fe2-w WANTED-MOKTGAOES-fl. 000,000 TO LOAN on cilv and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aoja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out or Penns)Itania. 1. M. PENXOCK ft bON, 105 Fonrthaenue. ap7-f41 -TTTANTED-HOUSES TO KENf. BENTS TO collect, prompt returns, nkmthly scttle xuents. Itemized statements, with check. Insurance and repairs attended to, thus relieving, landlords of all annoyances and losses connected with the management ol their property: also mortgages frorotSOM to any amount In keeping with location and value or property, and no delay, if title be good. J. DEKM1TT. 407 Grant street. JaIB-19-TTS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. w --rit?iTiV A.1-"?," lSX t"" Ajir.l ur rEARsO.N. LEADING PHO- . - -. -. w riiui avenue, xjkisuuic, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, ererybodyto -know that he Is making fine cablneU at l 63 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. jntf3-kZ7 WAXTED-MTSCE.ILANE0U8. WANTED-EVEBYBODY TO CALL AND see our line ot photos and crayons; lowest prices for fine pictures. STANFORD A CO.. 63 Federal 6t. JaO-93-WESn WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW "THE ELITE" GALLERY. 61S Market St.. Pitts bare, Pa., will make cabinets for f 1 00 per doz. until May J, 1S89: use elevator. Jall-Ssi-wssu TVTANTED-TO INSURE YOUR DWELLING V or household furniture against fire In re liable companies at lowest rates. PITTSBURG CO., LIMITED. REAL ESTATE AND IN8DR- ANCE, 1X3 Fifth avenue. JaZ-Xi-S "XTANTED - HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND TV general merchandise, to sell at our sales rooms or on the premises: no charge for adver tlBlncr ttnnrr ,ii Inwut rates. PITTSBURG ' AUCTION CO.. S3 Third ave.. near Wood st. j J&3-100-TTS . "TTJANTEU-KAKM (rOR RENT WITH A TV view to purchase next year) snltahlo for a herd or fifty dairy cattle: must have good build ings, be well watered and land In shape to sup port the stock: must be within an hour or Pitts burg by railroad, as advertiser must come to city dally Address K, t: Cliff st,, Pittsburg, Pa. , fes-5 TITANTED-OFFEES-A J1ANUFACTUR1NG H corporation desires to establish a branch factory In the vicinity or Pittsburg: em plovs 100 hands and ships 6a 000 tons of freight an nually: requires 5 to 10 acres or ground having navicable-water and railroad frontage. Oners mtv be sent to CHAS. L. WORK, 501 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jaa-73-TuWSStt -TTTANTED-lF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW V to write a good business nand, write a bus iness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out an ordinary account, write a receipt, write a promissory note, reckon the discount on It for davs, months and years, and get a general knowl edge ofbookkeeplng. penmanship and arithmetic, attend the College of Commerce, 96 Fourth ave. W. W. MCCLELLAND, Prin. no-sl00-TuS -TTT-ANTED-FROPOSALS TO FURNISH THE V following machinery, to be delivered at the Thompson Glass Co. '6. Limited, works at Union town, Pa., to be paid for cash: 1 60 horse-power engine; 1 Iron boiler, two flues, for 70 horse-power engine; I No. S volume fan; SjOfeetsharttng.raore or less. S-ln. diameter, with couplings: 19 2-ln. hangers, more or less. Bids to be closed Febrnary 4. 1SS9. The company reserves the right to reject any or all bids. THOMPSON GLAbS CO., L1M., No. 1 Carson St.. Sonthslde. JaiO-IS-TTS FOR SALE-I3IPBOTED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. 1TOR SALE-C.60O-ON CONGRESS STREET. brick dwelling 4 rooms: both eases, etc.: lot 20x90 feet; a bargain. ALLES ft BAILEY. 164 l ourth ave. Telephone 1S7. feMl T7WR SALE A BARGAIN 3-STORY 10 JD roomed brick house and full lot, Washington st., Pittsburg: rent 540: price K 800. AMERICAn TRUST CO., 504 and 506 Smlthfield st. fe3-39 -ttiorsaliPhouse-ten rooms, all mod" X ERN conveniences, marble mantels, tile hearths: price low, inquire on premises, 23 BLUFF ST., city, near Catholic College. fe2-10O FOR SALE-FINE PROPERTY COR. PENN and Fourth st. : lot 24x110 ft. to an alley, with large and very desirable house of 4 stories. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. rel-52-TTFS tf OR SALE ON WEBSTER AVE., NEAR tnn st.. tot 4oxiuu ieeu wun diick cotuge of 6 rooms: price 63.000, on very easy payments. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourthave. fc2-S3-TTS FORSALE-3SQUARES FROM COURT HOUSE near cable line, large 3-story brick residence, wonld alter and suit well for business stand: lot 20x95 to alley. HENRY A. BREED, 516 Market st. fe2-13 FOR SALE-ON MORGAN ST., NEAR CEN TER ave.. Thirteenth ward; good frame house of 6even rooms: corner lot; price f 1,600: easy terms. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood st. fe2-20 FOR SALE-WYL1E AVE.. THIRTEENTH ward, fi 700, J700 cash, balance In 10 years, new brick house6rooms. hall, attic, good cellars, etc ; lot 20x100. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. fe2-55 T7IOR SALE-ON WYL1E AVE. EXTENSION, A? a frame dwelling of 6 rooms, with large lot. 7iR116feet: will sell cheap on account of owner leaving the city. C. BERINGER ft SON. 103 Fourth ave. fe2-18 17IOR SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND j Caramel alley, Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic; lot 20x80 feet; low price and easy terms, in quire at GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. . de6-19S-ws FOR SALE-ON WYLIE AVE., NEAR GREEN St.. lot 23x114 feet, with two brick bouses on the rear part now bringing a good rent, with room to build in front on wylle ave.: all for 2.500 If sold at once. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe!-WTT8 OR SALE-3 DWELLINGS-A GREAT BAR GAIN: a good 2-story brick dwelling. No. 2 Federal st.. Fittsonrg. one door from Wylle ave., and two small brick dwellings In rear; ail In good condition; both gases: alwavs rented to desirable prompt paying tenants. MORRIS ft FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. Ja31-71-TT8 OR SALE-(99)-R. 800 CRAWFORD STREET, 100 yards from Fifth avenue cable; 10 min utes walk from P. O.; modern 2-story mansard brick dwelling. 8 rooms, vestibule. Inside shut ters, stone hearths, gas, water, laundry, back Sorch; first-class repair: good yard: lot 75 feet eep to alley; very easy terms: a bargain, SAMUEL W. BLACK, ft CO., 99 Fourth avenue. fel-S7 FOE'8ALE-r5,t)00-NEAB FIFTH AVENUE cable cars, frame dwelling, of slsrooms and finished attic, nail, vestibule, naturargas, center cltandellers, slate mantels throughout, tile hearths downstairs and slate hearths upstairs,' range, hot and cold water, lD6lde w.c. slate roof, front and rear porches, cemented cellar under whole house, laundry and furnace In cellar, china closet In dining room, bard wood staircase, elec tric bells: this Is a very desirable home and In good locution: easy payments. BLAOK ft BAIKD, 95 Fourth aTenne. fel-61-D East End Residences. -I71ORSALE-CHE-P-BEACTrFUL10-ROOMED C brick house, with 2 corner lots, 10 minutes' fromP o..lminuteoffFirthave.TTactIon, AMER ICAN TRUST CO., KH and 506 Smlthfield St. fei-39 FOR SALE-SMALL HOUSES IN THE EAST END. at 1,600. K.500, S3.2U0 and HC0: all close to railroad stations; terms to suit. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2-28-D FOR SALE-ON ELLSWORTH AVE., EAST End, modern dwelling of 7 rooms, bath. w. c, gas nat. gas, finished attic, etc; lot 36x100 ft.: price fa, 800. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood st. fe2-20 FOR SALE-?13,O00-A HANDSOME BRICK residence of ii rooms: lot 50x215, on an Im proved ave. In . E. Must be seen to be appreci ated. W. S. PATTERSON, 6326 Station St.. E. E. fe2-99 TTIOR SALE-t7,00O- A RESIDENCE OF 12 V rooms: lot 37xi33: fitted up with all the mod ern Improvements; 5 minutes' walk from Shadv side. W. S. PATTERSON, 6326 Station St., E. . fc2-99 FOR SALE-2 SMALL HOUSES-AT SHADY SIDE Eist End, near Fifth avenue cable cars and Shadyslde station, at tl.600 each; title perfect. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 13 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2-28-D FOR SALE-AT 2,500-HOUSE AND LOT. East End: 6 rooms, hall, cellar, and lot 25x13) leek near East Liberty station: 8250 down. balance to suit: a rare bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 13 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. fcl-46-D FOR SALE-MAIN ST.-RARE BARGAIN Near both cable lines, brick bouse 6 rooms, finished attic hall, side entrance: also, on rear lot, frame house of 3K rooms, renting for 110 per mo; terms reasonable. GEO. T. M'CONNELL, Forty-third and Butler sts. fe2-:4-Mitis FOR SALE-1N THE EAST END-TWO NEW houses of 6 rooms each; hall, cellar, natural pas, marble mantels, full flow or water, large lot, side entrance; at $3,200 each: 8250 down, balance to suit; Immediate possession. JAS, W. DRAPE ft CO.. 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fcl-46-D FOR SALE-SHADTSIDE. BETWEEN AM BERSON and Aiken avenues, and between P. R. R. and Fifth ave. cable line, elegant resi dence 9 rooms, best finish: all latest conveniences and Improvements: sewer connections: large lot: choice location. HENRY A. BREED, 516 Market st. Ja29-53 IS OR SALE-AT SHADYS1DE-HOUSE AND 3 lots. 72x100 feet: frultand shade trecs:7 rooms in house with laundrv. bath and w. c: hall: drv cellar: gas: hot and cold water; all In prime order; only one square from cable -cars; a beautiful propertv; price only (7,301. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fcl-46-D FOR SALE-(99)-OAKLAND, L250 CASH. balance 6500 per year; new and substantial two-story and mansard brick dwelling, contain ing 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, inside shutters andw. c. hot and cold water, gas. etc, conven ient to Flflh ave cable line; Jot25HM to alley: price 3,250. SAMUEL W.' BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave fc2-33 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, ROUP ST., Queen Anne fiame dwelling of 11 rooms: re ception ball and bathroom: bay windows full height or house: triple windows in library and room above: ample closets and china enpboard; artificial and natural gas: good cellar with laun dry having stationary tubs and ttovc: hot and cold water; front and rear porches; lot Cxl6!f to a 20-root alley: good stable on rear or lot: terms easy. BLACK ft BA1KI), 95 Fourth ave. fel-64-u FOR SALE-93)- 4.000, E. E.. IN PAYMENTS like rent, on sewered street, five' minute.' walk from two cable lines or LlbertV station. P.R. R.: elegant new modern style frame dwelling, containing 6 rooms and large finished attic, hall, bath. Inside shutters and w.c. stationary wash stands, sliding doors, slate mantels, tile hearths, art fireplaces, natural and artificial gas, etc, fine chandeliers and gas fixtures throughout; a bar gain. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe2-33 FOR SALE-EAST END RESIDENCE PROP ERTV. -with fine large lot 120x274 rcet on Peun avenue: shade and fruit trees and shrub bery; full supply of pure water: 10 rooms In resi dence with bath, dressing room, natural gas, cedar eloset, china cupboards, dry cellar with furnace and vegetable bins; porches front and slde: brick reildence with slate roof and com- rtlete throughout In all Its parts: a bargain on ong. easy payments. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. fel-46-D F ORSALE-A LARGE AND ELEGANT EAST END residence with extensive lot well Im proved, situate on one of tbe prominent avenues, and girt on either side by tno most valuable prop erties iu toe vicinity; the residence Is or modern style or architecture and Is supplied wlti all the more recent aDoliances in evcrv Dartlcularr car- rlage house and other needed outbuildings are on We grounds; the property Is not known to be on me marxei, ana lniormation win on it oe given to prospective purchasers confidentially. JAMES W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2-2M FOR SALEIMPEOVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residence. FOR SALE-SOUTH HILAND AT Very desirable 8-roora house; lot 37; 140 to anev: staoie: an conveniences, luatii a BREED, Sit Market ft, fe2-I3 Ilnielwood Residences. T70K SALE-HAZELWOOD-THE GREATE6T aj bargain yet offered, two frame houses or 6 rooms each; lots each 90x150; only 82,500 each: on easy terms. J. K. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth arc. ' J 130-51 Allegheny Residences. TTIOR 8ALE-NO. 206 REBECCA ST., ALLE J? UHENY. lot 20x100 It., frame house 6 rooms. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave "fe2-50-TTS FOR SATiE-11,500 BUYS A NEAT 4-ROOM frame In Second ward, Allegheny; lotloxlOO. C. BALTENSPERGER ft CO., 154 Fourth ave. fel-78 FOR SALE-AT MUCH LESS THAN VALUE, a 5-roomed brick bonse and large lot, San dusky St.. Allegheny. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 504 and 506 Smlthfield at. fe2-39 FOR SALE-SEDGWICK STREET: o,500: good brick house 8 rooms, hall, bath and all modern conveniences: corner property. J. K. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave fe2-5S FOR 8ALE ELEGANT RESIDENCE 8 rooms and attic, with all conveniences, facing the park: best exposure: terms very reasonable. HENRY A. BREED. 516 Market St. . JaQ-53 FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY AVENUE, FRAME dwelling, mansard. 8 rooms, hall, bath, range, hot and cold water: In excellent repair: a bar gain. J. B. COOPERiCO., 107Fonrthave fc2-55 FOR SALE HARE CHANCE -TWO LOTS 20x60 ft. each, three Iramc dwellings with lot 49x60 R.. and brick (welling with lot 20x60 it. on Arch st.. Allegheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE. At torney, 118 Diamond st. Ja31-78D FOR SALE NORTH AVE., FRONTING parks, 2-story brick dwelling 7 rooms, bath, h. and c. water, nat. and art. gas: everything In first-class order: price low, terms to suit: lot 19x 100 to alley. J .'. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond st. fe2-4S FOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS, FOUR new, 6-room houses, with batnroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas; lot 38x100. or larger. If desired: situated on line of Perrvsvllle Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire or J. Ai McKEE. 708 l'enn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja3l-72-TTS FORSALE-ONTHE PARKIN ALLEGHENY, handsome brick dwelling: 12 rooms, range bath, inside w. c, hall, vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, nat. gas all through; large lot, fine location: very cheap and easy payments. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja27-107-27,29,31,fe2,4,6,8.9,ll,13.15.16 FOR SALE-(99)-BIDWELL ST., NEAR FAY ETTE Allegheny, modern dwelling of 8 rooms and attic bath, range laundry, furnace slate mantels, porch, bay window, etc: hand some lot almost 40 feet front: price 812.000, on small cash payment and long time SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe2-35-TUS FOR SALE A NET 8 PER CENT INVEST MENTS block of six new brick dwellings In Second ward, Allegheny, contiguous to street cars and parks, natural gas. baih, marble man tels, etc. etc.: rents about 1,600: will pay 8 per cent; a rare good thing: owner going West. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. fel-40-D FOR SALE-2 NEW BK1CK HOUSES IN SEC OND ward. Allegheny; convenient to the parks and street cars; 6 rooms In each; halt, bath, w. c, natural gas, marble mantels, dry cellar, all concreted: everything In prime order; 63,600 and 83,600; best value and most complete houses of the size in either city. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. fel-46-D FOR SALE-ON LINCOLN AVENUE, ALLE GHENY, a very desirable residence, having 10 spacious rooms, bath, hot nnd cold water, lava tory, natural gas and all other modern conven iences, and everything In prime condition through out: good lot: side entrance paved alley In the rear: brick stable and carnage bouse etc Terms, etc. from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO. . 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. fe2-28-D FOR SALE-A HANDSOME RESIDENCE, almost new, with large lot. In Second ward, Allegheny, on line of streetcars, 10 large rooms, walls and ceilings In superb condition, flne library room, bath and lavatory, china closet and pantry, marble mantels. Inside shutters, stationary wash. stands. with hot and cold water, furnace registers, natural gas, beautiful chandeliers, plate glass windows: laundry, vegetable cellars;everythlng in prime order; large lot 30x139 feet: side entrance; alley Iu the rear. Terms, etc., from JAS, W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fel-46-D FOR BALE-THAT HANDSOME BRICK RESI DENCE (almost new) on North avenue Alle gheny, corner Palo Alto streetVfronting on the parks, 10 large cheerful rooms: library and sitting room, lavatory and bath, stationary washstand8 with marble tops. and hot and coldwater through out: several elegant Plllard marble mantels: natural gas: Inside shutters: china closets and pantries, elevator. laundry and drying rooms, furnace; dry cellar under the whole houseetc, etc. : to be sold at publlcsaleon Tuesday afternoon, Februarys. at 2 o'clock. In our office, 129 Fourth avenne Pittsburg; title perfect: the premises can be examined any afternoon on presenting our card, which can be obtained at our office Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2-27-D Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-BEAVER ROAD, EMSWORTH. PFt.W. ft C.R.R.: rare bargain :rrarae house 7rooms; large 'grounds, fruit trees, natural gas, good water. BLACK, ft JiAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fel-64.D FOR SALE-WILKINSBURG - 3,000 NEW frame house 6 rooms, hall, finished attic good cellar, porches "nicely finished; large lot; terms, -500 cash, balance as rent. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. fe2-55 FOR SALE-INGRAM. P. C. &ST. L.-3,IXX-500 cash, balance as rent; new frame house 6 rooms, halL attic front and side porch, well of good water, nat, gas. good sewerage fruit trees, etc. J. B, COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. fe2-55 FOR SALE-HANDSOME SUBURBAN BRICK residence on P. R, R. Just beyond city line and near station, having ten rooms, double nails, bath room, range hot and cold water, natural gas, together with fine stable and carriage houses; also 2 acres of ground covered with choice fruit, flowers; only (11.000; on terms to suit. BLACK ft BAIKD, 95 Fourth are. fel-64-D F 'OR SALE-IN SEWICKLEY -HOUSE AND large lot at a rare bargain: 9 rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, w. c, natural gas, mar ble mantels, dry cellar, porch, hall, etc., all In excellent order; fine large lot, stable and carriage house, etc; price only 85, 500; very cheap: bestvalue lnthe place; only 3 minutes from R, R. station. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. fel-46-D FORSALE-10-ROOM HOUSE WITH 3 ACRES ground and 10-room house with 6 acres ground, near Hawkins station: 9-room house with 3 acres ground. 5-room house with 2 acres ground and 8-room house with H acre ground, near Swiss vale station, P. R.K.: also, near same station. 3 double houses, 4 rooms and attic each side with lots 3)1100, and 3 double houses. 4 rooms and attic each side with lots 25x100. MCCUNE ft COUL TER, Agents, 93 Fourth ave. fe2-29 TTIOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN a? home, with stable and two acres of ground, nicely laid off In walks, flowerbeds, shrubbery, etc.; on line of electric road, Perrvsvllle ave., Al legheny: house contains II rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and city water, thus combining the advantages of the country and all con veniences of the citv. Inquire of J. A. McKEE, 70S Pcnn ave, Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-TTS FIR SALE-ORTO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In .Allegheny countv: the house Is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas: It is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there is a good stable and hnnd6omefowlhou6e: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres or ground, at a very moderate price KNOXVILLE LAND IM- rnuvMlLJl tv., u aaux aveuu anoxTllie borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE-OSBORNE BOROUGH, 300 fARDS from station, a very comfortable frame house 2 stories, 6 rooms, well finished: front and rear porch, cemented cellar, natural gas throughout, never-railing supply of good soft spring water In hydrant 10 feel trom rear porch; also a large cis tern, same dif tance from porch: lot 157x400: house stands back 175 feet from Beaver road: splendid view of the Ohio river and hills bevond: wash house 1SX16. shingle roor, 20 feet from kitcnen, with bake oven, wood and coal house under one roof: good chicken house and grounds, 12x60 and 10 feet high, shade roor and stands, 120 feet from dwelling: also, over 100 fruit trees, all bearing. In sereral varieties and best quality: this property frjntson Beaver road and P., Ft. W..ft C. & R.: also, a large piece of ground extending from Rail road street (50 feet wide) to river, lo7x50O, with small fruits: can be used as a garden, or subdivided Into lots and sold at good prices: all will te sold for 84,500. 82,000 cash, balance to cult, as owner I. as determined to go to Montana In two weeks. Call soon on J. DERM1IT. 407Grant street. fe2-23 FOR SALE LOTS. Hnzel wood Lorn. FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT HA ZELWOOD, B. ft O. H. R., Twenty-third ward: trains run to station in 10 to 12 minutes; S rice (150 to 303: terms made to suit purchasers. . McL'RICKART, new No. 1010 Penn avenue no4-h9-ws FOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE building lots at Hazelwood. convenient to the station: city water, natural and artificial gas mains; will be sold at a low figure prior to March 1. t,EOROE C. BURGW1N, Attorney at, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSu FOR SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or the city: only 12 min utes by the B. ft O.: 54 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at (300, (400, SoOO, C00, 790, (300, (1.000, according to location and size of lot : terms to suit purchasers. GEORGE C BURGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave fel-43-TTSSu Suburbnn Lota. FOR SALE- BUILDING LOTS ATTHEMOUTH or the beautiful Chanters creek (P. ft L. E. It. 1C), 4 miles from Court House: easv terms and low Srlce: call and examine plans at office. W. W..MC EILL ft BRO , 162 Fourth avenue feI-39-Hwrs FOR SALE-CHEAP AND CN EASV PAY MENTS. In large or small lots, by the acre or as a whole .130 acres or the finest building prop erty on Mt. Oliver, adjoining Knoxvllle and Beltzhoover boroughs, two minutes walk from electric cars; Castle hhannon K. R, runs through the property: it Is level, healthful, good water, partially underlaid with coal, limestone and building stone: 20 acres timber; the most availa ble suburban property In the market for dividing Into lots: a rare chance. Apply at once to J. BANDI, on property, or PH. BAUMGART. 104 B. Nineteenth St., Pittsburg. J 13-30-ITS FOR SALE-LOTS. Cltr 1.ot FOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WARD: SEVERAL large unimproved properties that can be laid out In lots and sold to advantage. For particulars tee J. It. COOPER & CO.. 107 Fourth Te. fet-M OR SALE - ON WEBSTER AVE., NEAR Erin St., lot 19x120 feet, for 1,000, tne-rourth cash and the balance on- easy 'payments: this is but two sqnares from the proposed Center ave. cable line. ne. W. A. HEUUON ft bows, jo. ou Fourth ave. rt2-93-TT8 FOKSALE-LOTSILUTSJ-FEBRUAKYI. 1889, at 3 o'clock, and every Saturday thereafter' on the premises. "West End Place " Thirty-fifth ward. Pittsburg: 40 minutes from Fifth ave. and Market St.; near the terminus of West End street car line, and known as "Halcrman's HllL " at auction: terms. Si cash, balance. In monthly pay ments or(A wlthlnteresrat4percent. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave. J20--tts East End Lou. FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT BUILDING lot In the East End, 40x100 ft., on Bond st., 1 sqr. from Hiland ave.; a bargain. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood 8t. fe2-I0 TTIOR SALE A LARGE LOT. 100X120 FEET. JO corner lot to an alley, near Shadyslde and Ben Venue stations; price only S3. 900: a rare bar gain. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. fel-46-p TTIOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING 1 lots, 22x120 feet, on the cor. Wylle ave. and Porter St., Eleventh ward, perfectly level, with streets paved and sewered. Xt. A. HERRON ft SON S, N o. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-93-TTS FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near Hiland; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees: price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C NEGLEY, 6100 Penn ave.. East End. Jal9-12-rrs FORSALK-CHOICELOTS. AT DALLAS STA TION. P. R. It., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging Irom 400tot00. In quire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6105 Penn ave.. East End. no2S-y78-TTS F OR SALE-A NICE TRACT OF LAND OF 70 acres nt Swlssvale on IVnnsvlvanla Railroad and near station: the land lies nicely for laying out in lots and suburban homes, and owner win release on easy terms, each lot as sold: a fair cash fiayraent only required; this Is a splendid oppor unlty for parties to lav out a plan of lots that will afford large profits. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO., 92 Fourth avenue. fel-21 Farms. FORSALE-12 ACRES BEAUTIFULLY SITU ATED ground, near Wlldwood station, A. V. R. R. McCUNE ft COULTER, 93 Fourth ave. fe2-29 FOR SALE-FARM OF 80 ACRES IN MIFFLIN township, I mile from Homestead and Du quesne: good buildings, orchards, etc Inquire of C. A. O'BRIEN, attorney, 402 Grant St. Ja26-82--WB FOR SALE-A BARGAIN-A FARM OF about 33 acres-one mile from Braddock sta tion, in Braddock township: suitable for garden ing, dairy or farming. MORRIS &FLEMING. 106 Fourth ave Jo3l-7l-rTS FORSALE-SEVERALBARGAINS IN FARMS ordtfferent sizes on line or the P. ft L. E. R. It.. West Penn R. R. and PennsTlvanla R. R.: call for particulars. C. BERINGER ft SON. 103 Fourth ave fe2-l8 FOR SALE-84 ACRES NEAEBIUNTON STA TION, 70 acres near Swlssvale station. 1 10 acre piece and 1 27-acre piece near Wllklnsburg station. P. R. R,. all desirable for laying out In lots. McCUNE ft COULTER, Agents, 93 Fourth ave. fe2-29 OR SALE-TWO FINE FARMS IN WEST Virginia; 147 acres at 821, and 176 acres at (23 per acre; excellent land; No. 1 orchards: farm and tenant houses; barns and outbuildings; all In good repair; convenient to markets and rail road stations: send for Farm Journal. ALEX ANDER ft LEE, 31 Wood St. fc2-20 FOR SALE-60 ACRES OF FINE LAND ON line of railroad and river: convenient to 2 stations on P.. Ft. W. ft C. R. R.: well adapted fur manufacturing sites and suburban homes, dairy "or market garden purposes: an excellent dwelling house with natural gas; complete set of outbuildings suitable for dairy purposes; abund ance of water, large quantity or fruit trees of the choicest varieties, ornamental trees, shrnbberr, grapevines, etc, etc. This Is probably the most valuable dairy and market garden farm with finest orchkrd on Hue of railroad: would exchange In part for city property. .Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. fe2-25-MWB Ulnnufactorlng Sites. TJiCr; SALE-A MANUFACTURING SITE-I50 !.' feet on Forty-second street and 281 feet on Forty-third street, on the A. V. B, R. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO., 92 Fourth avenue fel-24 F)R SALE-A MANUFACTURING SITE OF S acres, near and west of the Slurpsburg bridge having a front on Butler street 625 leet and depth to river or 650 feet. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO., 92 Fourth avenue. ' fel-24 FOR SALE-A MANUFACTURING SITE adjoining the Linden Steel Works, Four teenth ward, having a front of 285 feet on Second avenue with depth of 600 feet to river; the front can be laid out in salable lots, and the rear used for manufacturing purposes. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO., 92 Fourth avenue. fel-24 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-CEMETERY LOT IN UNION DALE, near receiving vault, size 16x32 ft. EDWARD L. DEVORE. 18 Sixth ave. fs2-51 FOR SALE-IF YOU DESIRE TO SECURE A home in the E. E., tlo not fall to see M. P. -HOWLEY or W. S. FATTKKSpN,6XX Station St., .'E. , M . ,y, feMI9 FOR SALE-BIG INVESTMENT-10 ACRES of land fronting river and underlaid with coal and fire-clay: this property Is situate at New Cumberland, W. Va. See BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. fe2-37-2,4,5,6,7,8,9,1214,16.19,21,23 FOUSALE-EASTEND-VALTTABLEHOUSES and lots at verv low prices and easv terms. foksale-wiliOnsburo-near station. large, finely-finished brick house 9 rooms, (8,500; 82,500 cash, balance to suit: also six smaller bouses at low prices, monthly pay ments. FOR SALE-OSBORNE -HOUSES AND LOTS on easy terms. FOR SALE-HAYSV1LLE-ONE HOUSE AND several lots cheap. FOR SALE-GLEN FIELD-TWO HOUSES ON easy terms. FOR SALE-EMSWORTH-FINEQUEENANNE house and vacant lots. FOR SALE-PITTSBURG-ON REED STREET. 4 Irame houses, 6 rooms each; can be bought cheap. II soon. Call on J. DEItMITT, 407 Giant street. Ja29-49-TTS . FOR SALE-TOOS. M'CAFFREY. 3309 BUT LER St., oilers tbe following positive bar gains In real estate for 1st or April purchasers: (1,500, on Kendall and Fifty-fourth St., lot 60x100, with a new double frame dwelling of 4 rooms In eich: will rent for (20: easy payments. 1.650, on Thirty-third St., cor. Harding St., lot 24x105, good frame of5 rooms; terns to suit. 8625, on Arch St., Thirteenth ward, nearly op posite T wen tv-sixth St., frame house of 3 rooms; easypaymenis. 1.700, Amber St., near Penn ave, E. E.. lot 42x106, good frame bouse 3 rooms; large stable; easy payments. $0,500. the old established Verona Junction Ho tel, at Verona Pa. Lot 100x200 ft.; frame build ing of 25 rooms, stable Icehouse etc. Easypay menis, or will rent at (W CO. (2,200, No. 363 Main st. Lot 21x97 ft.; frame house 6 rooms. Easypaymenis. 83,650 cash, or (3.800 easy payments, on Liberty ave. near Fortieth st. New brick dwelling, hall, 6 rooms and finished attic. Lot 20x100. 81,500, cor. Forty-fourth and Kellar sts., near Penn ave; 6 good-sized lots; very easy payments. (2,450, No. 30J Fortv-ronrth st. Brick dwelling ofTrooms. Lot 22x108. One-half cash, balance to (2.250. No. 4010 Willow St., lot 15x43, good brick dwelling. 9 rooms: rents for 0; (loOcash; very easy payments for balance. (1,200, No. 5220 Keystone sve, lot 21x101. frame house of2 rooms and hall: easy payments. (1,500, No. 4560 Penn ave., lot 21x100, frame house 5 rooms; one-half cash. (3.550, No. 325 Thirty-seventh St., lot 18x97, new frainehouseor6rooms.bath. hall, nat. gas, inside shutters, etc. : also frame of 4 rooms on rear; rents for (35: one-haircasn. (6,500. No. 189 Thirty-seventh St., corner lot 2ix 100: splendid brick dwelling ofhall, 9 rooms, bath and finished attic: everything complete; easy pay ments. (1.400. on Calvin St.. near Forty-fifth and Penn ave, lot 20x100; good frame or 4 rooms, vrash honse etc.; (900 cash, bal. to suit. (1,250, Harrison st, near Forty-eighth, lot20x lOti; good brick house of 3 rooms; traiuo of 4rooins on rear; U cash. bal. to suit. (5,500, No. 130 Forty-fourth St., lot 22X127K; brick dwelling, hall and 9 rooms; double brick on rear. 3roomsl.i each: 3,600 cash. (5 250, cor. Mithllda and Cypress 6ts.; lot 23x100; double frame ore rooms and attic in each, and new double frame of 4 rooms in each: rents for SC60: easy payments. (3,i0 net, N os. 2309 and 2311 Penn ave:lot24x 100, 5 brick dwellings in No.l repair; rents for S800; K cash; bal. to suit (2.300. No. 421 Ella St.: frame dwelling of 6 rooms and frame of 3 rooms; 1,100 cash; bal. to suit. (6,000, on Butler St., near Thlrty-6eventh St.; business houses; rents for (720; (2,500 cash; bal. to suit. (300, No. 3220 Penn ave. lot 22x100, framehonse, 8 rooms: rents for (27; ground lease lor 15 years; (150 per annum. (l,teucasb. No. 2627 Penn ave, lot 24X120, busi ness house and 3 dwellings: rents for (50; ground lease (5 per foot front: runs for 5 years from January 1. 1S89. (1,6(0, No. 2618 Penn ave., lot 14x100, new brick and frame dwelling, 6 rooms andattle: frame of 3 rooms on rear: ground lease 5 years from Jan uary 1: (i5 per quarter. (6.000, on Mnln st., ust above Davison St., lot 24x100, Mrs. Fnhrer's plan, new brick dwelling with all modern conveniences; 8 large rooms ana hall: easy payments. (13,750, cor. Forty-fifth and Hatfield St., busi ness house and 4 brick dwellings; tbe whole rents ror (1,250: (7.0C0 cash, bal. to suit. 85,400. cor. Fifty-second and Butler St.. best business lot In Eighteenth ward; lot 13WX115X42; 2 new frame dwellings; rents for (30; (2,OU0casU, bal. to suit. The above arc only a few of themany hundreds of bargains In houses and lots. I am offering a car riage, always In waiting, to take parties to see property. Call on me If yon want to save money, office open evenings. Telephone 1641-2. Kemem berTHOS. MCCAFFREY. 35011 Bntler st. fei-iS FOR SALE BUSINE44. Bnainrss Chnnces. FOR SALE-SHOE BUSINESS IN A TOWN or4.O00. 69 miles from the city, doing a busi ness of (17,000 per annum; satisfactory reasons for selling: good opening tor llve.'actlvc man.- Ad dress O, Dispatch office. Ja26-63-Tus f: IOR SALE-GROCERY AT INVOICE-BEST location in me city;.aoing atunving business, .principally cash; good,' fresh stock of goods; luvtuc cK.i Mu,iwiDj icuvu iven ior sell ing. J. B. COOPER ft (36.107 Jonrta ave. ' Ja30-ol . ., , FOR 8ALE-BC8INESU. Business Cnanres. "COB 8ALE-BAKERY AND GROCERY: AN JD old established stand doing a good business. Inquire of P. CLARK, 66 Seventh avenue. Ja22-5S FOR SALE-DRUGSTORE IN THE CITY doing a good business; good reasons for sell lng. Address RADIX, Dispatch offlce.Ja31-61-Ih8 OR SALE-BARBER SHOP AND FIXTURES: No. 69 Twelfth St., S. 8. For Information apply to J. T. CONBOY, on the premises. fel-79-D FOR 8ALE-A SOAP FACTORY IN GOOD condition; splendid chance for man with small capital. Address H. IL, Dispatch office . . FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE ON LIVE business street; stock will rnn about (1,700: a first-class opening for an enterprising man, C. BALTENSPKKGEK ft CO., 1M Fourth are. fe2-15 - - OR S A L E-SHOESTORE WITH LARGE established trade; nice clean stock, best In this rrowlngcitytclegantroom: splendid location; invoice (3,000; bargain. C. U. FOLSOM, Lima, O. fel-63 FORSALK-O1LLANDS-800 ACRES FEB IN Wood co Ohio. Three wells on thlsland: dally production 150 bbls: (60.000 lr taken Im mediately. BOWMAN 4 LAMPMAN, Toledo, O. fe2-6-D , RSALE-AN EXCELLENTOPPORTUNITY for the right party to buy a gents' furnishing goods tore, lease 'and fixtures; best location In city; doing good business; good reason assigned for selling; stock In perfect, condition. 0. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenne. Ja31-88 FOR SALE HOTEL FURNITURE WITH extensivetranslent trade; GO rooms, furnished first-class, and most modern brick house in Ibis growing citv: flne bar business: license furnished at once; price 6,000: bargain and easy terms. Ad drcssC. H. EOLSOM, Lima, O. fe2-C3 FOB SALE-STORES, STORES, STORES; flmg. dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea. cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc.: 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SHEPARU ft CO., M Filth ave. JaSO . i FOR SALE-GROCERY 8TORE ONE OF THE finest In the East End: commands large and profitable trade: good reasons for selling; will In voice about (3,000; (2. 000 cash, balance In oneyear. For full particulars see DiiNNlSON ft SCHWAN, 108 Fourthave, or STATION ST. AND P. R. ., East End. Ja31-79-Thssu FOR SALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A LARGE and successful general store, in a manufac turing town, on line of railroad; last year's busi ness (70.000, mostly cash: a rare opening to an ac ceptable man; 111 health the only reason. for sell ing. JAS. V. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. fc2-27-D Ttnalnesa Brands. FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP FOR CASH A double house with store and 2 lots on Lacock St., Allegheny. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 504 and 506 Smlthfield St. fe2-39 FOR SALE-SS.VERAL GOOD BUSINESS houses ou Penn and First aves.. Liberty, Market and Water sts.; call quirk for a bargain. C. BERINGER ft SON, 103 Fourth ave fci-18 FOR SALE-CO R. PENN AND THIRTEENTH St.: now navlnir fl.SOO rent ner vear: lot 50x100 ft. to Spring alley; 3 business houses and 5 dwell ings: price low and future enhancement sure. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel-52-TTFS FOR SALE-TEN PER CENT INVESTMENT, 6 2-story brick dwellings and 1 2-story frame and storeroom, fronting on three streets, 60 feet on Wylle ave.. 45 feet on Green nnd 60 feet on Lin ton St., a positive bargain. J. C. REILlY. 77 Diamond St. fel-67 FOR SALE-(89)-WAREHOUSE PROPERTY on Church ave.. near Sandusxy St., Alle gheny, frontage of 40 feet on the R. R. and 80 feet in depth: flne location for business requiring a R. H. siding; we have sold three of these proper ties in this block within a year. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave fel-53-D FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Ball engine 1 small dynamo and 2 lam ps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE ft MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-IM-rrs FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery; engines 'from 4-horse power up. boilers, pumps, etc.: call-or write for prices. FAHEY ft PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v35!4-TTS ' nones. Vehicles. Live Stock, dkc TTOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOR A CITY J? lot, a first-class" Kentucky-bred family barouche or carriage horse; horse acclimated; not afraid of steam or electric cars: none but parties wanting a first-cla s hor?e need aDply. LASHELL ft RANKIN, 67 Fourthave. fe2-25 Miscellaneous. F IOR SALE-TENTS -ON E VERY LARGE AND four small tenta. at half nriee. J. H. JOHNSTON. 621 Smlthfield street. Ja29-56-TT3 ,TO LET. OtBces. Desk Boom. &c TOLET-A FURNISHED CONSULTINGROOM ror a physician. Apply, 1 P. M. dally, DR. CHRISTY, 813 Penn ave. fc2-12-ws TOLET-(99) OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms. In best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK &.CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal6-28;D TO LET-STORE ROOM AND DWELLING No. 433 Flftn avenne: a good location for any kind of retail business. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth ave. fel-37 TO LET -TWO LARGE CONNECTING offices, second floor of 163 Fifth avenue, sec ond door from Grant St., opposite Court House. J. P. QUINN. . JaSO-lO TO LEr-FRONT OFFICES IN . BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. BIDWELL ft CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. Ja30-28 TO LET-FREE "RENT-TO APRIL'l. 1883 Offices, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street; ood light and Crane elevator. SAMUEL W. LACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja29-S6-D TO LET-99)-414 PENN AVE., CORNER Fifth st., 3-story brick dwelling; first class for physician, dentist business or boarding. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe2-33 mo LET-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND JL floor, 518 Sinitlifleld St., opposite City Hall and adjoining Duquesne Hotel, with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS ft FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. dc4-d63-TTS TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. " JaS-32-D TO LET-TWO OFFICES ON LIBERTY street, near Sixth street, opposite Fifth ave nue; excellent location; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pitts burg. fe2-2S-D TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood st. Jal8-51 TO LET-DESIRABLE FRONT OFFICES AT (10 per month and upward: well lighted, with wide entrance and hailwav: lnthat fine new build ing cor. Federal and Isabella sts.. Allegheny. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 60 Fourtn ave fe2-93-TTS rpo LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. X The Gennanta Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the interior of its building by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a flno location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House at Perrysvllle on the Perrvsvllle plankroad, with 21 acres ofland, good orchard, barn, stablings. 6heds: and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing In first-class order: long lease la given to the right party. For rnrther Information call or ad dress THE D AN N ER MEDIC1N E CO., 242Federal St.. Allegheny City. fei-15 Business Stands. TO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL INGS on the line or Frnnn. ave. and Butler st. cable cars. SeeM. P. HOWLEY, 3819 Butler St. fe2-99 TO LET-HOTEL BUILDING. 30 ROOMS, IN complete order, or. Ohio and Areli sts.. Al legheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE,7 Attorney, 113 Dia mond st. fe2-17 TO LET - NO. 93 WATER ST.-LARGE 3 story business or warehouse, 160 it. deep, to First avenue: elevator: all In good order. W . A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel-51-Turs TO LET-NO. 5156 BUTLER ST., NEW BRICK business house, 2 stories high; size or store room 20x70 feet: supplied with elevator: good new stable on rear; first class location ror grocer or furniture wareronms; reasonable rent: possession at once See THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3309 Butler st. ' fe2-59-MW8 TO LET THREE 3-STORY BRICK DWELL IN (S on Sheffield St.; contain 8 rooms each, finished in the latest style and have every modern convenience, with or wlthoutstablesand carriage houses. Applv to 4. L. ARNOLD, No. 109 Shef field St., orA.'D. WILSON, 55 Federal st.. Alle gheny. , JS19-86-TVS TO LET-FOUR LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED rooms,rwlth power (.toout 8.000 square reet), lor heavy or light manufacturing. In building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenne Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of lie. iKtu SHijiiAN, .manager oi me aiic gheny Wood Carving Co. ja3-25-jrws Special. TO LET-BY BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 FOURTH avenne, dwellings, stores and offices in Pitts burg, Allegheny. Oakland, East End, Sonthslde and in all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are issued every Wednesday and Saturday or each week. For revised copies or these lists call upon any or tho following named: C."F. Nourse, No. ISO Center ave J. M. Blackburn, No. 388 Fl th Ave. J. P. Urben. Franklin and Fulton sts. Emll G. Stucky ft Co., Wylle ave. and Ful ton st. A. H. Wilson, Penn and Frankstown ave George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont st. - Jacob Spohn. No. 2 Carson St. ' M. Blackbnrn, No. 3343 Penn ave. Peter Walter,, Jr., No. 6) chestnut it. Chsnes Bohwarm, No. 1707 Carson it, K.HoldenftCo.. 63 Federal St. ' J. F. Caldwell, Manhttan.and.Rebecca sts. Louis li. VogeL Webster are. cor. Roberts tt. JaSs-tH-wa j4-i!-i jiBiMEWmTMBBI III" 1 11 I 1 1 OB jjHa. MiiiB. un I'l .1-. a. TO IiET. Cltr Residences. TO LET-NO. 814 PENN AVE., NEAR NINTH street, large dwelling 10. rooms. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. fel-ol-Tnrs TO LET-HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS ON PENN ave.. near Ninth st. Inquire of DR. LAKE. 906 Pcnn ave, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 P. M- fe2-82 TO LET-A BRICK HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND hall, hot and cold water, natural and illumi nating gas: Webster ve near Center ave. cars and Penn Incline. W.J. PRENTICE, 1009 Liberty sl fC2-48 O LET-AT (27 A MONTH! NEW HOUSE 8 rooms, natural gas: on Elm st.. one square from Fifth ave. : posesslon can be had at once If desired. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. " fe2-93-TTB 0 LET-NO. 430 WEBSTER AVE., CORNER house 6 rooms and finished attlr, both kinds or gas. washhou'C. bath and range: (25 a month; (27rortwofaml.les. W. A. HERRON ft SONS. No. 80 Fourthave fe2-93-TTS TO LET-(99)i-o53 FIFTH AVE., TEN-3UN-UTE3 lrom Court House: neat two-story press brick dwelling, seven rooms and attic, talon parlor, bath, range hot and cold water, both gases: (30 per month: immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth avenue. fel-27-D East End Residences. TO LET-NO. 713 AIKEN AVE., GOOD NEW brick. 7 rooms. Iiatb, range both kinds or gas. well sewered, near steam and cable cars: (30 per month. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe2-93-TlS TO LET-NEW HOUSE-ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS: furnished and only a year occupied: occupant wUl transfer a two-year lease to responsible party and who will buy the furni ture carpets, etc: splendid chance for parties about commencing bousekeeplng; location East Liberty: handy and convenient to steam cars and both cable lines: rent moderate. For particulars address P. 0. 1063, Pittsburg, Pa. feM-Tussa Allegheny Residences. TO LET-ON STEWART ST. WELL St.. Allegheny: bi NEAR BID- WELL st., Allegheny; brick bouse: five rooms; water, natural gas, etc.: at (15 per month. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood st. fe2-20 TO LET-NO. 22 ANDERSON -ST.. ALLE GHENY, 10 rooms and late improvements, near Ninth street bridge: possession can be bad at once If desired. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourthave. fe2-50-TTS TO LET-A FINE HOUSE. 12 ROOMS, 4 acres, tenant house and stable plenty fruit, grapes, etc.. In Twelfth ward, Allegheny. Apply 64 OHIO STREET, Allegheny, -or 97 FOURTH AVE., Room 14. Pittsburg. . fe2-9 TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STOR press brick dwelling house 9 rooms, finished attic laundry, natural gas throughout, beater In hall, all modern Improvements, Sherman ave. Allegheny. Apply to ROBERT KNOX. JR., 17 Sherman ave, Allegheny City. Jal2-25 Hazelwood Residences. TO LET-LARGE DWELLING 'HOUSE 18 rooms: Secondare, Glenwood, near station; 7 acres of land, stable orchard, vineyard, city water.'gas; good location for first-class boarding bouse. EDWIN LOGAN, 150 Fourth ave. fel-41 Snburhan Residences. rXIO LET-A NUMBER OF SMALL AND jl. large awemngs, ou uno oi r.. w i. . s j. Ry., at Bellevue Emsworth, Glenfield, etc C. ntniuta & sun, iiurouna ave. feJ-18 TO LET-10-ROOM HOUSE WITH 6 ACRES ground and 8-room housewith 2 acres ground, near Uawklns statlon;can give Immediate posses sion. MCCUNE ft COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. fe2-29 TO LET -(99) -IN- SEWICKLEY -COMPLETELY furnished, Jas. Adair's brick dwelling, on Broad St., one square from station; (50 per month: possession Immediate SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth avenne. fe2-34-D rilO LET-SUBURBAN BESDJENCE. TEN X rooms; orchard, flne view; hill district, electric road. Allegheny; (700; -flso house eight rooms, hill district, Allegheny? large lot;1 8X0. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. Ja30-49 Farms. ' TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenne; good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent (500. STKAUB ft MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third av-., Pittsburg. Jal5-39 rpo LET-DAIRY OH STOCK FARM OF 100 JL acres on the Perrysvllle plank road, opposite Highland Church and but a short drive from Allegheny City. Farm Is well Improved and fenced, has a good eight-room stone house, flne Stables and barns, fruit trees In profusion, water on various portions of the farm. Inquire or S. ARNOLD, 160 Fourth avenue. re2-16 Business Chances. TO LET-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED DRY GOODS and carpet stand. In one of the best manufacturing towns In Western l'a.: best loca tion and best room In town:-a splendid opening for a live man. Address BOX 322, Beaver Falls, Pa. Ja23-90-23.26.fe2 TO LET-GOOD CHANCE FOR BUTCHER meat shop doing good business: Ice and slaughter bouse, stables and wagon sheds; also brick house of eight rooms, wide halL good cellar and all modern improvements for carrvlngon butcher business. Apply to WM. J. ROTHRUM. 109 Taggart st. or 107 Jackson St., Allegheny. Ja30-26 PERSONAL. TERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! I come and seel come and see! good editions low prices. LEVI'S BOOK STORK S00 Liberty St. U04-13 PERSONAL-YOU WTLL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so benpand make the best of it: see that vour wearlug apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of flne cleaning and renalrlng: give him a trial. telephone 1558. JaS FOUND. FOUND-THE TRUTH! WE SUFFERED untold agonies! Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon Rcmedlescureduswhenall other means falled.and they will cure you; try them: Mrs. G.C. Fink, Pox burg, Pa.; Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes St.; Thos. Keefe, Mt. Washington: D. W. James, B. ft O. R. R., citv, and thousands of others: see testimonials. GRIFFITH'S DRUG STORE, Third and Grant, Pittsburg: Ta-va-zon L. C. Syrnp, the best for coughs, colds, etc. fel-63 LOST. LOST-ON FIFTH AVE., BETWEEN HIGH and Smlthfield St., black leather pocketbook containing plain gold ring; Initials L. I. C. Lib eral reward if returned to DISPATCH OFFICE. JaZ-00 J- OST-ON THURSDAY EVENING. IN J Imperial Hall. Seventh and Grant St.. black plush coat. The flnderwill please returnto,No. 3034 MULBERRY ALLEY, city; suitable reward. fe2-44 MEETINGS. MACHINISTS AND BLACKSMITHS' AS SEMBLY 71 will, on SATURDAY EVE., at 7:30. February 2, bold a special meeting. It is requested that all members be present, as business of unusual importance will be trans acted. fel-19 LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE or John P. Meyer. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of J. P. Meyer, late of the city of Pittsburg, Alle gheny countv. Pa., deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those baving claims against the yame will make them known with out delay to EMILIA C. MEYER. Administra trix. No. 2416 Sidney St., Pittsburg, S. 8., Pa. ja!2-74-S EDUCATIONAL. plTTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE Unsurpassed for health and comfort Music, elocution, fine arts, Enplih literature, classics, French, German, etc. ' Full courses of stndv. Largest and best equipped school for ladies. Twentv-three Instructors. The next term will begin January 29. Send for catalogue to REV. A. H. NORCROSS, D. D.. JaS-48-TUS Pittsburg, Pa. AUCTION SALES. ADJOURNED ASSIGNEE'S SALE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10A. JL, will be sold a; public auction, on tbe premises, corner of Carson and Eighteenth streets,Twen-ty-ixth ward, Pittsburg, tbe Farmers and Me chanics' Bank building, and lot 40x120 feet, either as a whole or in two or three pans. Also, on the same dav, at 2 r. x., on tbe premises. Maple street. Twenty-seventh ward, will be offered for sale nine bnilding lots in tbe plan of the aforesaid bank, adjoining the srhool yard and gronnds nf St, Michael's Church. L H. 80RG, H. 1. BERG, Jr.. L. S. CUNNINGHAM, fc2-43 Assignees. A RED -FLAG. The wholesale Jewelry store of Chas. Zug smith, Jr., corner Wood St. and Sixth ave., trill be sold out at pnbllc auction, commencing on Monday, February 4. and continue until tbe entire stock is disposed of. Tbe stock is com posed of diamonds, jewelry. Howard and Elgin watches, silverware of the RoterS and Meriden make, Seth Thomas marble and Ansonia enameled clocks, safes, show cases and coun ters. Mr. Zugsmtth Is retiring from tbe Jew elry business. All articles will be sold to the highest bidders. Don't lorget, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, at 9:30 o'clock a. ar. J. A. ROBINSON, fel-53 AUCTIONEER. ' ' TO LET. ' '- OHLY THREE SM&SRKg general Tmslness purposes. In th0 new DIS PATCH building on Diamond atrset, now re main nnrented. THOSE WHO JpRtraTsS nation in tbe city, with tbe conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service, electric light and steanvheatfne. honld applr at ones to the new DISPATCH BUILDING. Has. 75 77 and-79 Diamond street. FIFTH AVENUE. Dwelling houses that can be'eonverted into ' business properties: prices from S5.90O to $12, 000, on payments of SoOO cash and balance on longtime. Properties now pavinc fair rate of interest, and enhancement iscertaln. SAJiUEii W. BLACK & CO- 99 Fourth- ave Established 1878. jaSl-TTS CONSUME YOOR OWN GARBAGE IK stores and ranges while nsloz the same for cooking, or any other purpose by using the jnreka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full Information, call on or address JAMES ANDER80N, 63 East Diamond street je5-n57.TTfl Alleeheny.Pa., G A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 aevonta avenne, i Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TT- TNCORPORATED 1794-THE INSURANCE I COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, of Philadelphia. Cash assets , $ 700,101 00 Losses paid since organization 13,544,827 00 GEO. W. DEAN & CO, 101 Fourth are. nol8-rl0-ws GEO. H. BARBOUR, CIVTL ENGINEER. Surveyor. Draughtsman and Deslgnerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 63 Eisner Bnildintr. ri12.V66-P 64 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. AMUSEMENTS. jITORITZZ: ROSEHTHAL, The world-renowned phenomenal plan!st,ls TWO (2) GRAND ROSENTHAL CONCERT ' At Old City Hall, MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, February i and 5, 1S89, Assisted by the famous Austrian bov violinist, MASTER FRITZ KREISLER. Chas. E. Pratt Accompanist Admission (including reserved seat) 41 CO.. -OS-Seats at Kleber's, commencing Wednes day. ja30-24 pRAND CONCERT OLD CTTY HALL. Saturday evening. February 2. THE RHONDDA GLEE SOCIETT. 19 GoldMedallits 19 From the Royal Albert Hall, London, England, nnder tbe auspices of Gilt Edge Lodge. No. 63, ' Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association of North America. This society bas been especially engaged to sing at the inaugural services at Washington, D. C, March 4, by special request of Governor Foraker. of Ohio. ADMISSION, SI, 73 cents and 0 cents. Ja37-14-Fssu BIJOU THEATER-EXTRA-WEEK OF Febrnary 4, A Brilliant Attraction! Return from Enropeof the World-Famed Comedienne, MINNIE PALMER, Monday, Tnesdav and Saturday evenings,the welcome "MY SWEET HEART," as played over 2,000 times. Wednes day. Thursday and Friday evenings and Satur- -dav Matinee, her latest and irreatest success, "MY BROTHER'S SISTER." MINNIE PALMER AS A BOY. MINNIE PALMER AS A GIRL. NO WEDNESDAY MATINEE. Secure your seats early. .fe2-M B IJOU THEATER J.C.STEWARTS "JOHNS." COMEDY COMPANY IN THE TWO Next week Minnie Palmer. ja30-27 rE CATHEDRAL FAIR WILL CL08E THIS EVENING. All articles will be dis posed of on that evening. To close with GRAND CONCERT and several choice seleo , tions of recitations. Don't fail to come and sea tbe closing exercises. '" fe2-92 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY- Twtti -S.411 jfU. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. FERGUSON 4 MACK'S jaZtf SPECIALTY COMBINATION. HARRIS THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening, A COLD DAY! A COLD DAY! Week of January 28 Dore Davidson in "Dr. JekylandMr.Hyde." Ja27-U RAND OPERA HOUSE VT Every evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Tbe original and world-famous HANLONS' NEW FANTASMA. Week February 4 Evans fc Hoey in "A ' Parlor Match." jaZ7-13 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF JANUARY 28. Zubllus. Herlbert and Daisy: Santfords, Jen. nie and Billy; tbe human phenomenon, tho Minnesota Woolly Child. Admission, 10c Open from 10 A. II nntil 10 P. M. Ja28-7 PROPOSALS. Office of the Controixer of Allegheny Countx. Pittsburg. January 30, 1289. ) NOTICE TO PRINTERS Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. 31. SATURDAY, Feb ruary 2, 188tf, for the printing in pamphlet form tbe Controller's report of the fiscal affairs of Allegheny county for 1888. . For further information inquire at this office. ja3M3 JOSIAH SPEER, County Controller. TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Ovrtcz ot Tire BOiHD Or PUBLIC IHFROVZVXXTS. ST. Loots, Januarys, 1339. , Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the office of the Board of Public Improvements of the City of St. LonlOIo., until 12 jf. of the 23th day of February. 1S39, at which hour they will be publicly opened and read, viz. : For lighting with electricity for the term of tea years from January L 1890, tho streets, public places and such public buildings as may be desig nated In the roilowlng districts orthe City ofSCr Louis. Mo., viz.: Letting No. 2,503. The district described as the southern district in ordinance numbered 14, 6J7, ap proved December 23, 1S8S. Deposit required. 83.000. Letting No. 2.604. The district described as the northern district In ordinance number 14,697, ap proved December 29. isss. Deposit required. 85. 000. Bidders will state prices per annum at which are llglitsof 2.000-CTnille power each, or Incandescent lights, or 30-candle power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained, for lighting streets-and ? labile places: also prices per annum at which arc ights, of 2.000-canale power each, or Incandescent llfbts. or 16-candle oower each, will be furnished, operated and maintained forUgbtlng public build ings. . Everything required ror tbe above electric light ing shall be furnished and maintained by the con tractor. The contract with the city will carry the privil ege or furnishing electricity ror light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines or distribution. The contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St. Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of the contract. . Bidders must submit with proposals, general and detailed plans and specifications ox the pro posed system ordlstrlbutlng the electricity, mode or supporting the lights and wires, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and In closed In envelopes furnished by the Board of Pnbllc Improvements. Tbe certificate of the Treasurer ofthe City of -St. Louis that the sum of 85,000 has been deposited In the treasury must be inclosed with the proposal. The right to reject any or all proposals Is ex pressly reserved. Specifications, form ofcontrmct and plans of the districts to be lighted, may be seen at tbe office of tbe President of the Board or Publlo Improve ments or the City of St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 23, .839. Any contract let hereunder will reqntre the ap proval or tbe Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Board. HENRY FLAD. President. Attest: EMORY S. FOSTER. Jau-22 Secretary. ilAefcL l? . i-eJij . iCt Jt . S-,irf ...