ik I" s . 34d - THE MAEKET BASKET MJ "" 8 Quiet Trade All Along the Lines of Dinner Materials. FBESH CAUGHT SALMONS ON SALE. i- Game Season WaningAntelope Takes the Jj Place of Deer. it- THE SITUATION GOOD TO FLORISTS OFFICE OF THE PlTTSBCEO DISPATCH, ? Fbidat, February 1, 18S3. I The first month of 18S9, which is now among the things that were, did not make the best of records either in jobbing or re tail lines of market basket materials, so iar as this city is concerned. There has thus far been no awakening from the quietness which follows holiday activity. The uniform report given by tradesmen to-day is much the came as for several weeks past, namely, that business has been unusually dulL This has been the ex perience of every year, but for this season the revival of trade seems slow in starting. The open winter is credited with much of the mis chief to trade. At the fish and oyster stalls a fair week's trade is reported. The wholesale demands in these lines, which come mostly from hotels and restaurants, has been very good. Fresh caught salmon, taken irom under me ice, nave uecu coming to market from Buffalo and Detroit, and And ready sale at 15c per pound. Fresh mackerel are scarcer and higher than they have been for many years. Prices of frozen lish vary very seldom at this season. Retail prices of meat are unchanged. Cattle and bogs have been on the downward drift, but retail prices stand tbe same. Butchers claim that sucb times as these only balance tbeir ex perience of a few months aco, when they claim to have worked for glory. Supplies of game are less varied than last week. The sea;-on for venison is past, but an telopes come in to take its place. At Chicago, any venison or quail that appears in market after January 1 is confiscated by law. The game trade must soon give way to the old re liables of meat, fish and oysters. Choice poultry is in good demand at prices a shade better than last week. Egrgs and butter have turned upward from the exceptional low prices of a few weeks back. Retail figures stand unchanged. Florists report an active trade for the week. Mignonette, lilacs, Dutch hyacinths and daffo dils appear for the first time this season on floral stands. While prices of tropical fruits are unchanged, the quality is much improved. Following are the latest prices of market basket materials as furnished by retail dealers: Menu. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from IS to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling beef, 5 to 8c; sweet breads, 25c per pain beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 5c a pound: calf livers, 25c apiece; corned beef from 6 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c: roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c Iier pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 12 to 5c: hind quarters, 15 to 20c A leg of mut ton, bind quarter, of prime quality, brings 12c; fore quarter. Sc; loin of mutton, 15c Vegetables nnd Fruit. Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck; potatoes, 15c a half peck; celery, 10c a bunch; squash, 10 to 25c; tomatoes, 50c per quart box; pumpkin. 15 to 25c; cabbage, 5 to 10c; apples 15c to 20c half peck; bananas, 15 to 25c a dozen: lemons. 25 to 30c per dozen; oranges. 35 60c: Malaga grapes 25c per pound; onions, 25c a half peck: spinach, 25c per half peck; lettuce.lOc per buncb,3 tor 25c: radishes,5c per bunch; cran berries, 15c per quart: cucumbers, 25c a piece; mushrooms, SI pound. Game. Ducks, 75c to $1 00 a pair. Pigeons, 50e a pair. Mallard ducks, SI a pair; quail, S3 00 to U 0 a dozen: canvasuack ducks. $5 00 per pair; red head ducks, 2 50 per pair. Pheasants, $1 bO a pair. Rabbits, 25c a pair Antelope, 35c pound, steaks. Prairie chickens, $1 25 a pair. Butter, Egg and Poultry. The best creamery butter is 40c Fancy pound rolls of country butter are 60c The ruling retail price for eggs is 20c Choice country eggs bring 25c The range for dressed chickens is 75c to SI CO per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound; fancy, ISc Fish nnd Oysters. Following are the articles in this line still on the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12)c; her ring. 4 pounds for 2oc: fresh mackerel. 8oc aDiece: Spanish mackerel, 45c to 50c a pound; sea sal mon. uc a pounutDiue nsn, I've; percn, joc; halibut, 26c; rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c: lobsters. 25c; green sea turtle. 28c Oysters: standard, SI per gallon; select, 1 50 to SI 75; X. V. counts, SI 75 per gallon; snaps, 90c: shell oysters. 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c pound; clams, SI 25 gallon; scollops, 50c a quart. Flower. La France roses, S3 50 per dozen; Bride roses, S2 50 per dozen; Perles, $1 00 per dozen; Nlphetos, SI 00 per dozen; Bennetts, S2 00 per dozen: Magna Cbarta roses, SI 25; American Beauty, $1 00 apiece; Mermets, S2 50 per dozen; De WattviHe, $2 00; carnations, 60 cents a dozen; Violets, $2 09 a hundred; Lilv of the Valley, 75c per dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lil es. S3 50 per dozen; tulips. 75c per dozen; mignonette, 75c per dozen; lilac, SI 75 a bunch: daffodils, 75c per dozen; Dutch hya cinths, 2bc apiece. L1T STOCK MAUKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. Friday. February 1, 1889. J Cattle Receipts, 1.410 head; shipments, L SS0 head: market steady at yesterday's prices; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. HOGS Receipts, 2.900 head: shipments, 2,700 head; market fair on light, slow on heavy; Pbiladelpbias, $4 855 00: pigs and Yorkers. So 305 40; ten cars of hogs shipped to New York to-dav. Sheep Receipts, 4,800 head: shipments, 4,000 head; market slow at a shade lower. By Teleeraph. New York Beeves Receipts. 1.740 head. Including 5 carloads for city slaughterers di rect; 46 carloads for the market and 49 carloads for exportation dead and alive. The market was a trifle firmer, and offerings were all sold; common to fairly prime native steers sold at S3 554 75 per 100 pounds: bulls and dry cows, S2340. Sheep Receipts, 8,500 head; market dull and Ion er, with more offered than could be sold; common to prime sheep sold at 54 30 4 65 per 100 pounds and common to prime lambs at 15 507 60, with a few choice selections at S7 75. Hogs Receipts. 2.400 head: all for slaughterers direct: market quoted steady at nominal range of $5 05 70 per 100 pounds. ST. Louis Cattle Receipts. LOOO head: ship ments, 300 head: market steady; choice heavv native steers. S3 704 20; fair to good do, S3 00 8d SO: butchers' steers, medium to choice, S2 SOS'S 10; stockers and feeders, fair to good, SI 902 70- rangers, com-fed. S3 003 60; crass-fed, SI 702 80. Hogs Receipts, 3,300 head: shipments, 900 head; market easv: choice heavy and butchers' selections. S4 70 4 85; packing, medium to prime. S4 6504 60; light grad'-s. ordinary to bet, S4 805 00. Sheep Receipts, none; shipments 6,0. head; market steady; fair to choice, S3 005 00. Chicago Cattle Receints. 5.500 head: ship ments, 3,000 bead; market 10c higher: choice to extra beeves, S 25g5 09; steers, S3 O0i4 30: stockers and feeders, S2 103 50: cows, balls and mixed, SI C53 00. Hoss Receipts. 24.(100 head: shipments, 6.000 head; market weak and 10c lower; mixed, S4 634 90: heavy, S4 65S4 90; light, S4 7S5 00: pigs, S45. Sheep-Receipts, 6.000 head; shipments, 2.500 head: market weak and 510c lower: natives, T2 90S5 25; "Western corn fed, S4 404 75; lambs, S5 00426 60. teUFFFAro Cattle Receipts, L240 head through; 20 head sale: no market; feeling steadv. Slie"i and lambs Receipts, 600 bead through;' 10.000 bead sale, with 500 head held over: no market for sheep or lambs; quality only fair to good; feeling 25c lower. Hogs Receipts, 3.000 head through; 4,500 bead sale: mediums btrong to a shade higher at $5 055 15; Yorkers dull and 10315c lower at at S5 305 35. CnrcniSATi Hogs in less active demand and lower: common and light. $4 255 10; pack ing and butchers'. S4 7535 00; receipts, 8,800 head; shipments, 970 head. fllinlnc Stocks. New York, February L Mining storks closed: Amador, 150; Bodie. 150; Caledonia, 250; Consolidated California. 800; Commonwealth, KXh Dead wood. 150: Hale and Norcross, 475; Hoinestake. 1300; Mutual, 140; Navajo, 140; North Belle Isle. 230; Nevada Queen, 275; Ophlr. 525; Plymouth. 602: Savage. 340: Stand ard, ISO; Silver King. 100; Small Hopes, 100. ' Wool Markets. . , Philadelphia Wool quiet and prices - - nominal. Srifrw Tobk-WooI quiet and steadv; domes ' gtc fleece, 3028c; pulled, 26039c; freran, 14 J MMMMBBMteraiMiftfliiafcMitom ,.',- ,i laiitf fliiin Jjit'" ,,aa MAMETB-EY-rTOE.- Wheat Opens Weak but Closes at a Slight Advance Corn and Oats Hold Their Own Pork Lower Lard Steady. Chicago The volume of trading in wheat was below that of the preceding days of the week, and the market ruled quiet most of the day. There were occasional temporary spurts, during which a fair demand existed. The opening was weak and JKc lower than yes terdaj's closing, advanced c, and then de clined c, under free offerings and a lack of demand. But later the market developed a firmer tone, prices advanced He, with some covering by parties who sold early, but eased off again and closed about fie higher than yes terday.. There was only a moderate business in corn, most of the trading being early in the session, after which the market, ruled, quiet and inac tive. The feeling developed was firm, es pecially on the near futures, the more deferred deliveries not showing'much change from j es terdav. The market opened at a trifling ad vance over the closing prices of yesterdav, and under a good demand sold up c, reacted" some owing to a decline in wheat, ruled firm and closed about the same us 3 esterday. Oats were quiet and easy at about yesterday's range. An unsettled and weak feeling prevailed in mess pork. Opening sales were made at irreg ular prices 1015c under the closing flgnres of yesterday, and they further receded 1520c Blight rallies occasionally were made, but the closing figures exhibited a material reduction. Lara was easier. Opening sales were made at 5Q7Kc decline, owing to the reduction in other articles, but the decline was recovered later, and the market closed steady at medium figures. Snort ribs were weak. Prices ruled 10615c lower, and the market closed steady at medium flgnres. The leading rutures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2. February. 9Si94Hc: May, 97ffi989oK9SVc: July, 8sSk&SK0S8Wc. CORN No. 2,Fcbruary, 335442 3fc)3535c: March, 3b36Ji635635jc; May, S!Qiytdti 637c Oats No. 2, February, 25Vc: March, 25 25Kc: May, 27K27KZ7hZc Mess Pork, per bbl. February. Sll 0 11 40U Sftgll 35: Mav, Sll 80Q11 80U S2 11 65: July, SU 85011 S5ll S011 85. Lard, per 100 lis. February, $ff 806 85 6 S0SS6 85: March. SS 87K6 S7KC 82 6 87K; Mav, S6 906 97K6 K6 97& 13HORT Bins, per 100 lb. February. So 95; March, S 05&S 05; May, $6 206 22(j 15( 6 17 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, quiet and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,, 9494c; No. 8 spring wheat, 9092c: No. 2 red, 9494Kc No. 2 com. 35Jgc No. 2 oats, 25c No.2 rye. 47c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 591 60. Prime timothy seed. $1 511 52. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll S5ll 40. Lard, per 100 lbs. SO 85. Short ribs sides (loose), S6 006 05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), SS 0U6 12c Short clear sides (boxed), S6 576 5oc Sugar Cut loaf, un changed. Receipts Flour, 10,000 barrels; wheat. lLOOO bushels; corn. 137.000 bush els: oats, 89,000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels; bar ley, 43,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 7.000 barrels: wheat.22.000 bushels; corn. 76,000 bush els: oats, 56.000 bushels: rye, none: barley, 29.000 bushels. At the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was steady and unchanged. Eggs weak at 1314c New York Flour unchanged, moderate busi ness. Wheat Snot irregular and firmer; options fairly active, irregular and KKc under j ester day. RjedulL. Barley quiet. Barley malt un changed. Corn Spot stronger and moderately active; options firm and fairly active. Oats Spot fairly active and stronger; options. He higher. Hay steady and quiet. 'Coffee Options ouened barely steadv at 5 to 10 points down; closed steady at 10 to 15 points below yesterdav; sales, 42.250 bags, including February, 15.65JJ 15.70c; March. 15.65li80c; April 15.6iS15.75c: Mav. 15.60S15.75c: June, 15.70315 75c; July, 15.7o15.90c: August. 15.85 15.95c; Sep tember, 15.90ld.u5c; October, 1016.luc; November, lbc: December, lb16.I0c; spot Rio firm; fair cargoes, 17c Sugar Raw dull. Molasses Foreign quiet; New Orleans dull. Rice quiet and firm. Cot tonseed oil dull. Tallow strong. Rosin quiet; steamed, common to good, SI 021 07. Turpentine higher; fair demand at 4b&-, Kgs steady: moderate demand; Western.l5)c; re ceipts, 5.227 packages. Pork lower; old mess. S12 5013 00; new mess S13 OOffilS 25. Beef bams dull; quoted at 12 751S 00. Curmeats dull; pickled shoulders, 6c: pickled hams, 10c Middles dull: short clear, S6 80. Lard lower and quiet: Wetem steam, S7 27K7 SO: city, S6 5;Febroary. $7 26 bid: March, S7 26 bid; April. S7 27 bid; May. l7'J4g730, closing at $7"29 asked: June. S7 80 nominal: July. S7 32: August S7S2; September, J7 2S7 32, closing at $7 Si Butter Firm for choice; Western dairy, 18g 19c; do, creamery, 162tc; Elgins, 29c Cheese quiet and less firm; W estern, 10llc St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat Cash lower, at 90g90c; options were lower and weak during most of the session, but toward the close prices reacted and the finish was about as yesterday; May sold at93H94Kc, and closed at 94c Corn lower with a pressure lu bcu, especially me near mnoios: .ixo. 2, ctsn, vQ'c; r eDru iXKic, closing at S3kc Oats dull asked, ttye auu at oe Did. uarley There were rumors of large sales, but no oartlculars could be obtained. Flaxseed nominal at SI 50. Bagging easy at 7J10c Iron cotton ties, SI 10. Provisions dull and lower. Pork, Sll 87f.' Lard Prime steam nominally S6 SO. Dry salt meats Shoulders, $5 25: longs and ribs, $8 15: short clear. S6 S5. Bacon Boxed shoulders, SO 75; lonss and ribs, S7 127 25; short clear, S7 37J7 41 Ham, 1012c CINCINNATI Flour in moderate demand. Wheat Arm; No. 2 red. 9Sc; receipts, 7,000 bushels; shipments, none. Corn easier and lower; No. 2 mixed. 33S3c Oats in fair de mand and firm: No. 2 mixed. 2Sc Rve firm; No. 2 mixed, 54c Pork dull and nominal at $1225. Lard eas er at S6 756 80. Bulkmeats easier; short rib. S6 256 30. Bacon easier; short clear, S7 75. Sagar steady. Cheese in light demand. Eggs weak. Milwaukee Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat stronger; cash. SSJsc; May, 91c Corn weak; No. 3, 9Kc Oats quiet: No. 2 white, 272Sc Rye weaken No. 1, 46K4c Barley easier; No. 2, 62c Provisions weaker. Pork. Sll 3a Lard. So 80. Cheese firm but quiet; Cheddars, 10Kc Philadelphia Flour dull and barely steady. Wheat dull and lower. Corn quiet, but prices firmly maintained. Oats Car lots steady, bnt demand light. Provisions dull and weak. Baltimore Butter high grades Arm; in feriors weak. .Eggs steadv atl3514c Coffee unchanged; rio, fair, 1717c Toledo Cloverseed active steady; cash and February, 85 30; March, S5 37K. BRITISH IK0.V. Prices Generally Firm With Improvement in the Demand. Special Report by Cable for the American Manu- lacturcr. London. January SL Scotch Pig Market steady and trade fair. No. 1 Coltness ...61s. Od. f. o. h. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 50s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsheme 48s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. lLangloan 49s. 6d. Co. b. Glasgow No. 1 Cambroe 43s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Shorts 49s. Od. f. o. h. Glasgow No. lGIengamock.....47s. Gd. atArdrossan. No. 1 Dalmellington ...43s. Od. atArdrossan. No.lEglinton 41s. 6d. atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig Steadier market, with more doing. West Coast brands quoted at 45s Od for Nos. 1. 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig More demand and prices firmer. Good brands quoted at 33s. 9d. for No. 3. f.o.n. Spiegeleisen Market continues firm, bnt bnsmess less active than last week. English 20 per cent quoted at 80s. Od. f. o. b. at works. Steel Rails Firm market, but business falling off. Standard sections quoted at 4 f. o. b. ship ping point. Steel Blooms Fair trade and market held steady. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 3 17s. 6d f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets Market firm and demand bet ter. Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 4 2s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel blabs Steady market, but demand moderate. Ordinary sizes quoted at 3 17s. fid. f. o. b. shipping point. Crop Ends Firm market and the demand fair. Run of the mill quoted at 2 12s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Wire Rods More demand and prices firmer. Mild steel. No. D, quoted at 5 lfs. 6d. t, o. b. shippingport. Old Rails More business and the market firmer. Tees quoted at 3 6s. Od. and double heads at 3 10s. Od. c i. f . N ew York. Scrap iron Demand fair and market firm. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 2s. 6d. f. o. b. ship ping points. Manufactured Iron Market continues firm with business good, s Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.b.L'pool)8 123 6d " common bars 0 0s0d515s0d .,. . Uki sheJ.; singles 0 0s 0d 715s Od Welsh bars, f. o. b. Wales... 5 2s bd 0 OsOd Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York. 6s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. Boston Wool Market. BoSTONBoth foreign and domestic wools are more active. Of the former there have been sales of carpet wool amounting to 1,268, 000 pounds at previous prices. Fair sales of Australian wool also are noticed, including wool in bond, at 2Tc and duty paid at Sc En glish and Irish have been selling in the range of S640c Fine was'ned fleeces quiet and firm, with sales of Ohio and Pennsylvania at 33034;; XX at S5Q30C, and Michigan X. 3132c There is nothing doing in No. 1 clothing wools, which are nominally quoted at 38c Combing and de laine fleeces are firm and in steady demand. All kinds ot domestic fleeces are held more firmly, owing to the ad vance in prices of Aus tralian wool at the LrorJUofl tales.- 'THE PITTSBURG- ' SECURE INVESTMENT, A Banker Throws Some Light on a Subject of Interest to Many. SAFETY HAS A COMMERCIAL VALUE Bull News Faih to Break the Deadlock in the Local Petroleum Market. PHILADELPHIA AND SIGNAL WEAKEN As straws show which way the wind blows, so causal remarks indicate the feel ing that prevails among those favorites of fortune who have more money than they know what to do with. This reflection was inspired by an incident that occurcd yester day afternoon at one of the oldest banks In the city. It is given verbatim, as nearly as possible: .Old gentleman coming in and accosting the cashier, with whom he was well acquainted I want you to help me out of a difficulty. Cashier I will do all I can for you. What's the matter? Old Gentleman I am looking around for an investment, and can't find anything that just suits me. Cashier What do you want? Old Gentleman Something that will pay about 6 per cent, and is perfectly safe. I will have about $10,000 by the 1st of April, and as I will have no special use for it, I thought I would look up something in which to invest it; bnt as I have failed to find anything to fully satisfy mo X thought I would come to you for assistance Cashier I am afraid I can't help you. If you can find anything that is absolutely safe that will pay 5 per cent, you can do more than 1 can. Absolute security and a high rate of interest seldom keep company. Safety is worth some thing. Securities of this character have to be very carefully managed. There Is no water in tbem. They don't dazzle the Imagination by promising big profits that are seldom realized They are just what they are represented to be, and nothing more can be made out of them. They are permanent theirvalue is fixed. Were they otherwise, they would possess more or less of the element of speculation. This would de stroy their value, and place them in the cate gory of common stocks. Nomy friend. If you want absolute safety you must pay something for it by accepting a comparatively low rate of interest. Old Gentleman It's a pretty large sum that I will have. I thonght I could place it securely at the rate I mentioned. People don't seem to want money. Cashier That's just It. The prosperous con dition of the country makes money plenty and cheap, and the proof of this lies in the fact that Interest charges are low. I can place your money where it will be perfectly safa, but I can't promise you more than 3 or 4 per cent. If you want more you will have to go into the speculative market and run all the risks at tendant upon that class of business. Yon may come out all right and you may not. There is many a slip between promise and fulfillment. There's a large list of local securities on the market. Most of them have substantial back ing and are reasonably safe. I would not be afraid to invest in tbem. But they don't come up to the full measure of your requirement they are Influenced by the varying law of supply and demand. Their values are changeable. The business upon which they are based may fall off or be superseded by something later and better, in which case the stock would de preciate or lose it value altogether. I don't say this result is probable, but it is possible. Speculation necessarily involves an element of uncertainty. Two things are here brought out clearly and distinctly that money is plenty and cheap and that absolute safety to investors is incompati ble with a hi?h rate of interest. This fact, when fully comprehended, may lead to a fuller knowledge than at present obtains of the finan cial situation. A SMALL TUMBLE. Switch and Signal and Philadelphia Gns Down a Trifle. The stock market opened yesterday with a slight downward reaction in a few shares. Signal and Philadelphia were fractionally low er, while electric moved up correspondingly. La Noria was steady and active, monopolizing the bulk of business. The speculative element was not out in large force, which, in fact, brought about the depression above noted. Bids and offers are appended: Momtnro. aftiiixoox. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 74 93 93 120 122 ffljf 55 91 126 130 M 60 11 23 30 '.'.'.'. '.'". 53 23 385 39 33H 39 2 29 iX 2SX 65 67K 6S)I .... 71 78 77 73 473 48,4 47tf .... 1 lh 1 2 10 .... 1 387, 39 3SH 3& 1SX 19 .... lsg 119 121 119 .... 10 113 .... 79,f 80$ STOCKS. Bank of Pittsburg; Com. Nat. Bank Fourth Jat. Bank..... Freehold Hank Iron City National Iron & Glass Dol. Sav. Keystone K&nk Her. & Man. Nat, nt, K. E. S. Bank, Mm.... K. E. L. &T.Co Pennsylvania ins Pittsburg Gas Co.. 111. S. S. Gas Co. (ilium.) Philadelphia Gas Co... Wheeling- Gas O Tuna OH Co Washington Oil Co.... Cltlen Traction Pittsburg Traction La Noria 11. Co Luster M. Co SUverton M. Co West'house Elec Union &wltcliblgnal. AVestlng'6e Brake Co.. 1'ltLburjt Cyclorama.. P.J. Istiuort. Us. 1921.. P. &. W. new 4s, 1921... Sales at the morning call were 20 shares Wheeling Gas at 2Sf, 20 Tuna Oil at 67K. 6 Electric at 39, 20 at SiK; 33 Switch at 18 and fat lt!W. Before call 100 Electric sold at S9. -The afternoon sales com pnsed 3 shares Phila delphia Gas at 39H, 10 Electric at 39, and 500 La Nona at . John D. Bailey sold 60 shares Keystone Bank atfoSM). The total sales of stocks at New York yester dav were 386,094 shares, including: Atchison, 22,755; Canada Southern, 4.030; Delaware, Lack awanna and Western. 35,bC0; Erie, 9.SO0; Hock ing Valley, 3,000: Lake Shore, 18,707; Louisville and Nashville, 3,518: Michigan Central, 5,050: Missouri Pacific, 10.445: Northwestern. 10,906: Northern Paeinc. 8,280; Northern Pacific, pre ferred, 8.7S9; Oregon Transcontinental. 8,950; Pacific Mall. &910; Heading, 39.120: Richmond and West Point, la,7l0: St. Paul. 1S.8W): Texas Pacific, 6,81"; Union Pacific, 10,045; Western Union, 16,bi DIDS'T EUSH THINGS. A Fair Amount of Business Transacted nt the Banks. While the local financial institutions did not do a rushing business yesterday, the aggregate of the transactions was quite respectable. There was the usual amount of checking and depositing. Call loans were quoted at oefl and time accommodations at 67. The supply of money was large. The Clearing House report showed an improvement over that of Tbursdav, the exchanges being tl.89S.240 80. and the bal ances $359,124 79. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2 to 3 per cent; closed offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 4g6 per cent. Ster ling exchange dnll but firm at $4 S6V for 60 day bills and 84 8S for demand. Government Bond. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros., Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an elghtn on smaii lots: U. S. 4fs rcg V. S. 4!js coups TJ. S. 4s rcjr TJ. S. 43 coups U. S. 4s coups Currency, 8 per cent, 1895 reg Currency. 6 ier cent. 1896 reir. OTJSfllOSJ- 109 109)4 1I7-8QI28 127H012S 12714 Old 12U bid 122 $ bid Currency, 6 per cent, 1897 rcjt 125)4 bid Currency. 6nercent, 1698 re 12Si bid Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 reg 131$ bid New Yobk Clearings, 3109,869,179; balances, 57.783.30L Boston Clearings, S14,S34,55S: balances, SL992.44A Money K to 2 per cent. Philadelphia Clearings. S11.828.9S1: bal- f ances, SL56L118. Baltimohl Clearings, $2,090,246; balances, 38.550. Chicago Money dull and unchanged. Bank clearings $9,559,000. ST. Louis Clearings, $2,625,125: balances, $384,357. DIDN'T PAN 0DT. Ball New Not Snfllclently Important to Hold Oil Level. Tha oil market yesterday did not fulfill ex pectations. The drilling report for the month was Jess bullish than had been expected, and its influence upon the market was very slight except at the start The opening was Sti. There was considerable buying around these figures, which sent the quotation-up to 6 DISPATCH, TMTURD AT, - high water mark for the day. The bears then 'got to work, and "dtlmped'-'enough to cause a slump, from which there was no material re covery. The close was Sa. the lowest point touched. . . j "The oil market was quite a puizle all day," said a prominent operator after the close of business yesterday morning. "The news was sumciently bullish to have forced an advance. That such was not the case I attribute en tirely to the absence of buying orders." The opening was 86, highest 86, lowest 85. closed 85. There was no heavv trading, most of the dumping being of small lots. Clear ings, 1.7S0.C00 barrels. A. RMcGrew quotes; Puts, 81Mc; calls 86c. Tiie folloTnng tabic, corrected uy lie Witt DU worth. broker In petroleum, etc, corner linn avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc.: lime. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask. Opened 86M SiO'slKF. M.... MM 8CH 10:15 a. M.... S6H 8"f 1:00 F. M... 805 865, 10:30a. It.... SH'A 86H UK P. M.... 86 86n 10:45A. M.... 66S 8&X 1SUP. M.... 86 86i 11:00a. Jt.... 86 86i l:r. 1J.... 86 86K 11:I5A. M.... MX MM 2:00P. II.... Ws M 11:30 A. M.... tea fc6W MSP. M.... 5 SS 11:45a. M.... 80K t6 I:30P. M.... 85S 85 12:0011 86H 8b4 2:45 r. It.... S3H S5 12:15 P. M.... 8HJ4 gftH.Closed kih .... 12:30 P. M.. S6X S6Hl Opened. 88Hc; close-', 8S?ic ntgneat, S6hc; lowest, 85Hc: Barrels. .. 13,953 .. 43.973 .. 80. 518 .. 71.596 U.952 44.959 ..1.780,000 Utlly runs..... . Average runs Daily sntnments , Average sblpments Uallv charters Average cnaners Clearances .... New York closed at 85Xc Oil City closed at S53c. Bradlora closed at 85Hc lew YorE. retinert. It London, renned. 6il. Antwerp, renned. nit. . Activity In the Tajlorstown Field. ISPXCIAL TELIQBA1I TO THX DISPATCH.l Washisgton, Pa., February L The report of operations for the month of January shows great activity, especially In the Taylorstown district. It is extending its borders consider ably, stretching ont to the northeast and south west. In one portion of the district as many as 33 wells have been drilled or located on 400 acres. Other Oil Markets. Trrusvn.i.E, February 1. Opened, 8&c; highest, 86K lowest, 85c: closed, 85c. Bradfokd, February 1. Opened, 86c; high, est. 86c: lowesr. 85Jc: closed b5c Oil City, February L Opened. 86c; high est. 86c; lowest, 85c: closed, 85c New York, February I. Petroleum opened firm at 86c moved down Kc and recovered in the forenoon, in the afternoon was heavy and sagged ofl to 8oUc, the market closing weak at S6c. Sales, 893,000 barrels. NOTHING ASTONISHING. Real Estate Transactions Limited to a Few Small Dickers. Yesterday was a quiet day with real estate agents, so far as reported transactions were concerned. The was the usual jam of house hunters. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to F. J. Rehn for Charles Schmidt, a two-story frame dwelling of four rooms and ball, with lot 23x107 feet, extending back to an alley, being No. 137 Howard street, Allegheny City, for S2.650. W. A. Herron & Sons sold lot No. 392 in the Ruch plan, near cable line, 27x78 feet, for $400. These lots are within 15 minutes' walk of the Court Bouse. C. Beringer A Son, No. 103 Fourth avenue, sold a lot at Wood's Run, Eleventh ward, Alle gheny, 100x112 feet, to John Lnesch for $775; also one in same plan, 40x113, to Michael Bowman for 8200 cash. They also closed a mortgage for $1,200 on property in Ross town ship and one for $1,000 on property in the Fif teenth ward, Pittsburg, both at 6 per cent. C. Baltensperger & Co., 154 Fourth avenue, sold for John Berry to David Gow an irregular shaped lot with two frame houses, on Gallagher street. Second ward. Allegheny. James W. Drape fc Co. sold a house and lot adjoiningPerrysville avenue, Allegheny, 24x119 feet on same, for $500. Tbey also placed a mortgage of $7,500 at fi per cent on a business property near the center of the city. ALL IN THE SWDT. Renewed Interest In Mock Denllnes Gets tbe Itlarket Oat ot the Rut Tan- derbllts SHU Lcnd-Nenrly Everything Higher. New Yobk, February L The stock market gave evidence of a renewed interest for the outside public to-dav, being both broader and higher with a larger volume of business than has been seen in many weeks. Bullish senti ment seemed to grow as the day wore along, and the buying by tbe commission houses be came quite a factot in the course of prices, the revival of ihe confidence in the share list being pronounced. The speculative interest spread all over the list and many of tbe specialties and inactive, lower-priced shares which have lain dormant for months have found purchasers at advancing figures, the rise in some of them being very marked. The attendance at the board to-day was largely in excess of anything seen for a long time. Londonagain came higher this morn ing, responding to the advance in this market yesterday, and foreign buying orders were in tbe market, which helped to make the opening here both active and strung. The Vanderbilts were still tbe favorites, and all of them reached higher figures in the lorenoon. The movement, after a-slight hesitation, was not long in spreading to the rest of the list, and the dis tribution of busmess was more even than for weeks. Tbe first sales showed advances over last evening's prices of from a. per cent, and while realizations on the advances of yesterday gave the list a hesitating appearance at first, the general list soon followed the lead of the Vandeibi;ts,and prices slowly moved upward all over the ii-t The improvement was grad ual and quite uniform, except in tbe special ties which came to the front one by one and served to keep the upward movement going. The transactions of the first hour were very heavy, but alter that time there was less ani mation, though a large business was done throughout the day. Lackawanna and Atchi son became prominent toward noon, and they were followed by New England. Rock Island and others in turn. No marked feature was shown, but a steady appreciation of values took place which con tinued until the cloe of business, which was active and strong. The active stocks, almost without exception, are higher this evening. The railroad bond market was again very active and strong to-day, with some issues still prominent in the dealings. The total sales of all issues reached $0,144,000, of which the" Chesapeake and Ohio fours certificates con tributed $21,000, the Reading fours $189,000, the seconds $193,000. and the firsts $141,000. The an nouncement tbat the first mortgage bonds of the Houston and Texas would be paid with the coupons made those issues specially strong, and the Fort Worth and Denver firsts after a marked advance reacted and closed with slight gain only. The principal gains are: Chesapeake and Ohio currency certificates M, to 33K; Lacka wanna and Western Ursts 2$ to 134; Manitoba fours 2, to 89; Ohio Southern incomes, to 49, and soutu iarouna incomes z$, to v. The f ol!o Ing table show s the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dailj for TnE Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York btock ixenange, ot r ourtn avenue: upen Insr. Am. Cotton Oil &H Atch.. Top. S. F.... 51'$ Canadian racmc 52H Cana'U Southern lOi Central orjew Jersey. 91 Central faciflc' a C, Hur.A Qulncy linH C, Mil. & St. raul... fih c. Mil. A St. P.. pr....iWK C, ItockL & f. 93V C, St. I.. & l'ltts 15& C, 1st. L. & Pitts, pr.. 35 (i, bt. F..M. &0 S3 C, St. F..SI. & O., pf. 95 C. & Northwestern... .108)4; CJt Northwestern, pf. .... C. C. C. &I 63 Col., Coal A Iron HH Col. & Uockluf Val .. 26 Del., L. JfcW 141 Del. H Hudson Zl',i Denver A Rio U Denver ftKioU-., pf. E.T., Va. &Ua 9 E. T Va, & Ga 1st pr 67 K. T., Va. & Ga. 2d pf. 23 Illinois Central us Lake Erie Western.. 1744 Lake Erie 4 West. pf.. &5X Lake Snore &M. S 104 Louisville & Nashville. 57H Michigan Central suit Mobile & Ohio Mo., K. &Tcxas 13 Missouri Pacific 73X SeiT ork Central.. ...10S4 h. Y L. E. & W 3 N. Y., L. E. & W.pref 66 N. Y., O. M. L 19 i.., c. a st. l. pr.. 74K N.Y., C. ftSt.L. 2dpr41 N.Y4K. E 46X 1. Y., O. 4 W 1W iorlolk& Western.... 18 -Norfolk jfc Western, pf 5251 hortliern Pacific 26 Northern Pacific pref. 61 Ohio & Mississippi... . 22 OreRon Improvement. 70,4 Orccon Transcon...... 3IH Pacific Mall 37 l'oo. Dec. A Evans S4K Phlladel. & Kendlnjt.. 4S Pullman Palace Car.l95H Richmond &, V, P. T.. Z5W Klclmiond & W.P.T.pf Sli St. Paui&Dulotb...... ... St. Paul ft Dnlntb pr.. 83 . St. P., Minn. & JUn.ulMV St. L. & san Fran...... 23 ,. St. L. & San' Fran pf.. 63;$;' illgb- Low- Clos est, est. ing. Wi Si !' HH 6Hi mi ifi 5Jb 9SIJ 97a f!ih 35H 31.S, ai'4 nt link noy 66H CIS 66ti 10:44 1WH JM 1CQK Wj 10O 16W 15$ 16 37 3C)4 3bJ$ 33K St iih H 85 96 109 ll8 109 14I em 63 64 32; 3X 32 27)4 23 27K 142 140 HP 137S 137'4 137H IS 43 67H 67 67M 23 23 2:54 115 115 115 173 17 17 MM 55 hS'i 105 1C4 IOC 59M 58 61 H 88 ' Sb 8S' iii n4 Wi 13 74 72 73V IKii 10)2 H0H t4 29J 29'4 67,4 6f 67H 19 18 13 74 f 73 74 '1 41 42U 47K 46 47 li'i 18H lH IS 17i 17H SIJi KH S2H 26 2 264 61M bo's r.i'5 22 154 22 70H 70J4 X70H 31M 31H 81 S 3S 37 S7H 25 244 24 S 49 4s1, 49- iw,s mu i't 26 Z5X 25 82M 81V( SIX '30 83 03' 83 103 1B3H 104V 26 23 Z"i M X 64?i PEBRUARY 2, 1889. St. L. 4 Ban F.lit pf. Texas Pacific 21 Union Pacific MM Wabash..., IS Wabash preferred ZSK Western Union M Wheeling & h. X 67 Ex-dlvldend. THE PEOPLE'S CASH. Over Twelve Millions of the Public Debt Wiped Oat In January. Washinoton, February L The following Is a synopsis of the public debt statement, issued to-day: KTERXST BEABIXO DEBT. Bonds at 4tf per cent I 178,233,10000 Bonds at 4 per cent 631,13450 00 Kefundlng certificates at 4 per cmt. 128, 780 00 Navy pension fund at 3 per ccntf.. 14,000,000 00 Pacific Kallroad bonds at t per cent. 64, C3, 512 00 Principal 933,117,842 00 interest i 6,(53,493 00 Total .7 1 ftP,188,S35 00 DEBT OX WHICH IXTEttEST HAS CEASED SINCE MATCBITY. Principal ,. 2,067.095 00 Interest 159,646 CO Total r 2,226,741 00 DEBT BEARrNQ NO WTEBEST. Old demandandlcitaltendernotes..$ 346,737,823 00 Certificates of deposit 13,815,000 00 Gold certificates J. 130,988,592 00 SUvercertlflcates 245,337,438 00 Fractional currency, less 8,375,834 estimated as lost or destroyed 6,918,129 00 Principal 743,894,1182 00 TOTAL DCBT. Principal 1,679,089, 920 CO Interest t 6,218,139 CO Total 11,685,308,059 00 Less cash Items avail able for reduction or tbe debt t3U8,S2S,144 CO Less reserve held for re demption or United States notes 100,000,000 00 - 498,525,144 00 Total debt, lessayallahlecashitems.Sl,186,782,915 00 Net cash in the Treasury 64,836,943 00 Debt, less cash In Treasury Febru ary!. 1839 11,121,845,972 CO Debt, less cash la Treasury Janu ary 1, 1S89 11,134,062,257 00 Decrease of debt during the month.! 12,216,285 00 Decrease ofdebt since June 3C1SS8.. 43,738,68300 CASH Df THE TBEASITBY AVAILABLE TOE BEDCO- TIOX OP THE PUBLIC DEBT. Gold held for gold certificates ac tually outstanding 1 130,9811,592 00 Sliver held lor sliver certificates ac tually outstanding 245,337,433 00 U. S. notes held for certificates of deposit actually outstanding 13,915,000 00 Cash held for matured debt and in terest unpaid.!. 8,283,235 00 Fractional currency 879 00 Total available ror reduction of debt $398, 525, 144 00 RESERVE FtrjfD. Held for redemption of United States notes, acts January 14, 1875, and July 12, 1S82 $ 100,000,030 00 Unavailable for tbe reduction or tbe debt: Fnctlonal sliver coin ...fS4, 449. 697 00 Minor coin 143,167 00 24,592,761 00 Certificates held as cash S S9,8S5,ai 00 Net cash balance on hand 64,938,943 00 Total cash In the Treasury as shown by Treasurer's general account S 617,910,432 00 PETEOLEOM IN CALCDTTA. The American Article Preferred Mineral SnpersedlnsYesetable OIL Of the various articles tbat comprise the im port trade of Calcutta, says the North British Mail, none has met with such a rapidly progressive demand as petroleum. In the year 1870-77 the importation from the United States only amounted to 309,191 gallons, while in 1887-83 it figured for upwards of 23.750,000 gal lons, and even this was below the quantity im ported in the previous year, wtien it reached the highest point namely, 29,000,000 gallons. The importation of Russian petroleum into Calcutta only dates from the year 1886-87, and last year it amounted to more than 5,000,000 gallons. About 13 years ago tbe price of petro leum was about 11 annas per half gallon, and the natives made but little use of this product, but since then the price has fallen nearly 40 per cent, and mineral oil has almost entirely superseded the vegetable oils formerly used by tbe natives. It is stated that a line of 'steamers is to be es tablished in the United States with a view to carrying oil to Calcutta and bringing return cargoes of Indian products; but hitherto tbe petroleum trade has been carried on in large sailing vessels. It is At present difficult to say what effect the importation of Russian oil will have on the trade, though so far the quality of the American is preferred. CAME TO A HEAD. Two Biff Deals In Allegheny Seal Estate Warehouse and Residence. Two large transactions in real estate came to a head yesterday and were closed up. Samuel W. Black A Co. sold the coal yard property on Church avenue, near Sandusky street, Alle gheny, now occupld by the Panhandle Coal Company, for N. B. Hogg, to a capitalist who will at once erect a substantial warehouse upon it The size of the lot is 00x80 feet to the Pitts burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway. The price was $18,000. This is the third property sold in this block by this firm within the past year. Warehouse sites with railroad sidings being very scarce in the central part of the citv. tbey are readily taken when offered. The second transaction was consummated by James W. Drape & Co., who closed tbe sale of a valuable lot on Lincoln avenue, Allegheny, size 50x130 feet ai a figure approaching $20,000. The purchaser will erect a fine residence on the property. These two sales were the events of the day in real estate circles. Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fonrth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Kallroad HH 55K Reading Railroad iH 24 13-16 liuflalo, Pittsburg and Western 12W l2Sj Lehigh Valley HH HH Lehigh .Navigation 51 52 Allegheny Valley bonds 11.114 .... U. Co.s Aew Jersey Z27 .... Northern Pacific 26)4 16 Northern Pacific preferred 61)4 61,H Boston Atch. &Ton..llt7s. 119 Stocks. .Rutland common.... 4 Wls.central.com... 16 Atch. & Top. K. 11... 52 .Boston Aioany....3-tt Boston 4 Maine. ....177 C B. &U ill (Jinn. san. & Cleve. 25 tastern R. K 89 Flint PereM 29 Flint 41'ereM. oW. ve K.a.St.J.&CB. 78.120 Mexican Cen. com., 13 M. C. IstMort. bds. 72 A. Y. 4 ewKni... 47X N. Y.Newng 7s.lM Old Colony. 17C.S AiionezjiTgco.tnewi 3,ff amines a xiecia....-'? Ill 22X 21 215! CJ1 tiii 64 13 18 13 27) 23X "H a2 m m eiH fit n Catalna 17 rranKiln UH Huron H Osceola 17 0.ulncv 70 Hell lelenhone 210 lloston Land 74 Water Power 7,S TainaracK 144 San Diego UH Business Notes. American securities in London are firm and active. H. M. Black has applied for membership in the Exchange. The plans for the Wood street buildings will be ready in a few days. H. E. Wilson, of the Petroleum Exchange, has issued a neat and convenient map of the Washington oil field. R. Jennings & Sox have sold their interest in the Raccoon Oil Company at the rate of $250,000 for the whole. Connfllsville coke is competing success fully with foreign cokes in the British Prov inces of North America. Foreign advices are to tbe effect that the demand for coke in En gland has increased so greatly of late as to tax the capacity of tbe ovens to the utmost and to cause a material advance in price. Chartered at Harrisburg yesterday: The Hotel Duquesne Company, Pittsburg; canital, $100,000; directors. James T. Witherow, of Pitts burg: William Witherow and Thomas Dugan, of Allegheny City. Also, the Ore Reduction Compapv. Pittsburg: capital, $30,000: directors, George Westlnghouse, Jr., Lemuel A. Barrister and Samuel T. Wellman, of Pittsburg. WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Sail I Special offerings this week in silks, pltjsees, dress goods, Sateens, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. WHOLESALEliXCLUSIVELY fe22-rS3-D i?fcv Srt-K. DOMESTIC' MARKETS. Signs of Winter Bring a Better Feel ing to Produce Men. BUTTER AND EGGS AEE STILL FIRM. Light Beceipt3 and Light Demands the Cereal Features. COFFEE OPTIONS ON THE ADTANCE OFFICE OF PITTSBURG DISPATCH, J , Friday, February L. ussy. J Country Produce, Jobbing Prices. There is no let-up to the firmness In eggs and choice grades of creamery butter. It is clear that recent advances in both lines will be main tained. January's record for 1SS9 furnishes very few crumbs of comfort to produce com mission men. Those who have come out even are in the minority, if we are to judge from the reports received along Liberty street. Dealers in tropical fruits talk as though the bottom is out of trade. There is, however, a better tone than since the holidays. Winter-like weather gives some grounds of comfort to produce men, and the new month certainly starts out with an improved outlook. Beaks Navy from store, prime hand picked, $2 002 10 per bushel; medium, $2 00; Ohio and Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, $2 00 2 10; imported do, $1 902 00: Lima, 6c per ft; marrowfat, $2 7o)2 SO per bushel. Butter Creamery, Kigin, 2S31c; Ohio do, 2527c: fresh dairy packed, 20J3c: country rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 29 G31c. Beeswax 23Q23c per ft for choice; low grade, 1618c Cider Sand rellned, $6 S0T SO. common, $3S044 00: crab cider, 3 0038 50 f) barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c fl gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 12J13c; Limburger, U12c: domestic Sneitzer cheese, 1313c. D in ED Peas Jl 45-S1 CO ) bushel; split ao. Eggs 15Q!lBc 9 dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $1 00 to $1 50 barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c $) fi: cranDerries, S8 00 ff barrel: 52 4002 50 V bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, C0Q60c; No. 1 do.4045c; mixed lots. 3033c f) ft. HOSIIST $3303 40 q barrel. Honey New Crop, 16l7c; buckwheat, IS 15c Potatoes Potatoes, 33(340c H bushel; $2 SO 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 53 50 for Jer- PoULTRY'-Live chickens, 6575c f! pair; dressed chickens, 18loc f pound; turkeys, 13 15c dressed '$ pound; ducks, live, 80S5c V pair; dressed. 1314c i pound; geese, 100 lie f) pound. Heeds Clover, choice, 62 Us to bushel, $0 per bushel; clover, large English. 62 fts, $6 25; clover, Aisike, $3 60: clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 85: blue grass, extra clean. 14 fts, $1 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 Bs, $1 20; orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, $1 00; millet, 60 fts, SI 25; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00: Hungarian grass, 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses 25cper ft. SHELIBARKS $1 501 75. Tallow Country, 45c: city rendered, 55Kc .Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00 4 00 jf) box; common lemons, $2 75 V box; Mjssina oranges. $2 503 50 3 box; Florida oranges, $3 003 50 fl box: Jamaica oranges, fancy, $6 507 00 $ barrel: Malaga grapes. 5 507 00 fl keg: bananas, $2 50 firsts, $1 502 00; good seconds $ bunch: cocoa nuts, $4 004 50 f hundred; new figs, 1214c V pound; dates, SJjQSJic ? pound. Vegetables Celery, 4O30e doz. bunches; cabbages, $3 004 00 5) 100; onions, 50c fl bushel: Spanish onions, 75090c $t crate; turnips, 30 40c fl bushel. Groceries, Coffee options have again advanced 15 points in New York, and a rise in package coffee can not be delayed many days longer. The upward movement has evidently come to stay. Gen eral groceries are unchanged but easy. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2021c; cbolce Bio, 1920c; prime Kio, 19c; fair Rio, I?Kl3Xc; old Government Java, 26c; Mara caibo, 2122c: Mocba, 3031c; Santos, 1S 22c: Caracas coffee, 19Q2Ic; peaberry, Bio. 20 21Kc; Laguayra, 20K21Kc ROASTED(in papers Standard brands,22c: high grades, 24K2fiKe; old Government Java, bulk, 81S2c; Maracaibo, 2627c; Santos, 21K0 22K peaberry, 25c; choice Rio. 24c; prime Rio. 21Kc: good Rio, 21c: ordinary, 20c Spices (whole) Cloves, 212oc; allspice, sc; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, f080c 1 '-i ROLEUM (jobbers' prices) 110 test, TVc; Ohio, 120, bc; headlight, 150, 9c; water white. lOc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, lljc; rovaline, 14c Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c: choice sugar syrup, 3530c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c jn. u. molasses fancy. 01a. 4sc: cnoice,4oc; mixed. 4042c; new crop, 4350c. SODA Bi-carb in Kegs, 34cj bi-carb in Ks. EJic: bt-carb, assorted packages, 5J6c; salsoda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, per set, 8Kc; parafflne, HKfil2c RICE Head. Carolina, 7c: choice, 6 7c; prime, 6M6Kc; Louisiana, OifGkc Starch Pearl, 2c; corns tarch,5Ji7c:gIos3 starch. 5K7c Foreign Frdtt3 Iayer raisins, $2 65: Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers. $2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $2 35; Valencia, new, (7c; Ondara Valencia. 7U7Kc; Bttltana, 7c; currants, new, 4? oc; Turkey prunes, new, 44j$c; French prunes, s$tj"C; saionica primes, in z-td pacz ages, 84c: encoanuts, per 100, $6 00: almonds, Lin., per ft, 20c; do Inca, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts. 12c: Smyrna Up,. 12l6t; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c: citron, per ft, 21$i22c; lemon peel per ft, 1314c: orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, b ap ples, evaporated, 67c; apricots, California, evaporated. 15i8c; peaches,evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches. California, evaporated, un pared. I2K13Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evap orated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 7KSc; huckle berries. 104212c Sugars Cubes, TJfc; powderea, TJfc; granu lated, VJc: confectioners' A, 7c; standard A, 7c;softwhites,OK,ge?'r7ellow,choice.l6Kc: yellow, good, OJigO.t; yellow, fair, (c; yel low, dark. 5?c Pickles .Medium , bnls (1,200), $4 75; me diums, half bbls (COO), $2 85. SALT No. 1 f bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, a bbl, $1 05; dairy, bbl. $1 20: coarse crystal, w bbl. $1 20; Higgles Eureka. 4 bu sack. $2 0; Higgin's Enri-ka. 18-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard Peaches. $1 50 1 60; 2dsr$l 301 35; extra peaches. $1 351 90; pie peaches. OOo; finest corn, $1 3001 50: Hfd. Co. con.. ug90c; red cherries, 90cil 00; lima beans. $1 10: soaked do, 85c: string dodo. 7585c: marrowfat peas, $1 lOSl 15; soaked peas. 70 75c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do. $2 75; damson plums, 05c; green gaees. $1 25: egg plums, $2 00; California pears. $2 50; do green gages. $2 00; do egg plums. $2 00; extra white cherries, 2. 90: red cherries. 2 ft-". Me: raspber ries, $1 1531 40; strawberries, $1 10; gooseber ries $1 201 SO: tomatoes 929.rc; salmon. 1 ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-& cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, $1 251 00; corn beef. 2-ft can. $1 75; 14-b'cans $13 50: bake(L,beans. $1 401 45; lobsteir, IB, $1753 1 80: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 50: sardines, domestic, 54. $4 254 50; sardines, domestic '. SS 25S 50; sardines, imported. 4, $11 50 12 50; sardines, imported, s, $18 00: sardines, mnstard. $4 00; sardines, spiced, $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $38 fl bbl; extra No. 1 do, messed, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32: extra No. 1 do. messed, $36: No.2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole Pollock, 4)c fl ft; do medium George's cod. 6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, .in strips. 6c; do George's c j in block". 667c Herring Round shore, $5 50 f) bbl; split. $7; lake. $3 25 fl 100-ft half bbL White flli, $7 ft 100-E. half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 fl half bbl. Finnan badderi. JOc fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft fi. Buckwheat Flour 2152c per pound. Oatjikal $8 SOQtf 60 fl bbl. Miners Oil No 1 winter strained, 6962c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change were 34 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of wheat, 4 of bay, 1 of feed, 1 of malt. 2 "f flour, 7 of oats, 1 of bran, 4 of barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars of corn, 2 ofbay, 4 of oats, 1 of middling". By .Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of hay, 1 of flour Sales on call were 3 cars of extra No. 3 w. oats, 31J.ic, 5 days. Said one of the leading operators in cereals in response to tbe query as to the situation: "Tbe features of the market are light receipts and light demands," No active movement in trade has been inaugu rated. But au improved tone and a more hope ful feeling is in the air at tbe Grain Exchange, and all signs point to a revival at an earlv day. WnEAT Jobbing prices No. 2 red; $1 04 1 05; No. 3 red, 90Q95c CORN No.2vellow.ear,39K10c;bigh mixed, ear. 3SK39c;No.l ellow, shelled. 3S39c; high mixed, shelled, 3637c: mixed, shelled. 35JSUc OATS No. 2 white, 8333Kc: extra No. 3, 32ff3S!4c; No. 3 white, 3131J4c; "o. 2 mixed, 2gi30c Rye-No. I rye. 65oGc; No. 2, 6052c; No. 1 Western, 52053c Barley No. 1 Canada, 9095c: No. 2 Canada. 8385c: No. .1 Canada, 7SSS0c; No. 2 Western, 7o78c; No. 3 Western, b570c; Lako Shore.-75lOc. - Flour Jpbbing prices, winter patents, $8 50 fl.75;sprlng patents, $6 75S?7 CO: fancy straight, winter and spring to 7530 00; clear winter 11 $5 5005 75; stnght XXX3C bakers', $5 2&30 50. Rye flour. 3 75. Cornmeal In paper. 6070c MlLLFEED Middlings, fine white, $20 60 21 00 f) ton; brown middlings, $17 5018 00: winter wheat bran, $15 50018 00; chop feed S15 O018 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. $15 5016 00; No. 1 do, $15 O0Q15 25: No. 2 do, $12 O0Q13 00: loose from wagon, $23 0026 CO: No. 1 upland prairie. $10 0O310 60; No. 2, $9 009 SO; packing do. $5 0OtJ5 5a Straw Oats. $3 0033 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 25. Provisions. Large hams. 18 fts and upward. 10Kc; medium hams, 14 to 18 fts. lie; small hams, 14 fts and under, HJfc; rlcnic or California bams, 83c; boneless (in skins), HVc; sugarured shoul ders, 8&c; bacon. Sc: dry salt, 9c; breakfast bacon, 10c; roulett9 (boneless s. c shoulders), lojc; regular smoked sides, 9c; bellies, smoked sides, 9c: regular dry salt sides, 8KCJ bellies, dry salt sides, 8c; dried beef, sets 8 piece", 10c; dried beef, flats. 8c; dried beet; rounds. He; dried beef, knuckles, lie; pork mess. 818 50; pork, family. $17 00: pig pork, half barrels, $9 00; long sausage. 5c Lard Tierces. 325 fts. TKc fl ft: half barrel", 120 fts, 7Jic fl ft; tubs, wooden. 60 ft". 7c ft; buck ets, wooden. 20 fts, 8Vge fl ft: 3-ft tin palls. 60 Bs, 8c fl ft: 6-fi tin pails. 60 fts, SJJcfJ ft;10-fttm Sails, 60 fts. 8c ft&;20-ft tin pails, 80 fts, oJjte J-ft tin palls, 10O fts, Ta f! ft. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 ft". 53 6Kc: 600 to 650 fts, 66Kc: 700 to 750 fts, 77Kc Sheep. 7c fl ft. Lambs. 8c fl 6. Swift's Specific enred me of malignant Blood Poison after I had been treated in vain with old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S. S. not only enred the Blood Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which was caused bv the poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third ave.. N.T. Scrofnla developed on my daughter swell ing and lumps on her neck. We gave her Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder ful and the enre prompt. S. A. DeArmond, Cleveland. Tenn. Swift's Specific b entirely a vegetable remedy, and is tbe only medicine which per manently cures Scrofula. Blood Humors, Can cer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for books on Blond and Skin Diseases, mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. feI-7TTS "CLOVER LEAF' CREAMERY P BUTTER. Every Pound Warranted Pure. RusselilThl&Co. Wholesale Shippers and Dealerst FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE Try our CLOVER LEAF BRAND OF CREAMERY. It cannot be beaten for quality. Mail and Wire Orders receive prompt atten tion. TELEPHONE No. 15. No. 158 MAIN ST., ja31-82-D JOHNSTOWN, PA. THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. . . . 8-200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest sel.k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. UKIIKE11 FINANCIAL. De WITT DILWORTH, BROKER IN PETEOLETTM Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-Dsa WHITNEY & STEPHEASOX 57 FOURTH AVENUI. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN 4 CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. ao2S-x7 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 030 PENN AVUNUE. PITTsiBUUU. PA., As old residents know ana back hies of Pitts burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From gsnonsihlepersons NQ p UNT, K, CDnllQ and mental diseases, physical IMtnVUUO decay, nervous debility, lack orv, disordered sight, self-distrust,bashfulnes3, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for busmesisociety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN Ssr,r blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throai ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 DIM A PV kidney and bladder deransce Unllinn I i menta,weak bacfc gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and rel cares. Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experiencs Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Ofllco hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. at. Sunday, 10.lt.tolP. H. only. DR. WHITTIER, 934 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. jaak-5-Dbuw MEN ONLY A POMT1VK CUKK For LOST or Failing MANHOOD. Nervous ness. Weakness of Body & Mind, Lack of Strength. Vigor and De velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. Boot. Mode of elf-Treatment, and Proofs mailed (sealed) rree. Addre i-iat; .iieuiuai tu, iin ilutlalo, 24. V. de23-27-rrswk FEE PRESCRIPTIONS "eioaxA IlkSL SCIENCE or HEALTH," for thespeedy cure of Nervou3 Deblllty.Lost Manhood. Despondency, etc A copy of this book will be sent irSealeoVAddrws SCIENCE orHEALTH, ISO West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio -delS-5M-TTSWk VUEAlrfAnvvszFRSs. how toast. f "JS LwtVlpjrsndMsiihoalKMtoreil. Pt MKilOE RitareDcliiindFinctlonld'sor- JTB n U U Scslrt Trtst'seteatfiMon sppllcatlon. wl tHJli" "W5T0M C0JSFukRmM,StwIt. de-15 -gTHtrk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the wort cases in thrM days, and enre in fire days. Price SI 00. at J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTOKE, ja5-29-TTSSu 412 Market street. SwrTertnefrom the ef fects of youthful er t. eaxiy aecay, joss tnanhood , eta . I wi iretuiso iwttieo, rxt italnliur fnu particulars lor some caret z IUU cnarc. a PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Nioodus, Conn. J noS-kSl-usuwk BosTTTrxrrrx CURES .'. DYSPEPSIA J2V ALL ITS FOBMS. Cures Headache. Cures Constipation. !jmhsssmSsmHbbhB