Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 01, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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ffle. States That His Teams
"WIU Play in America.
President Kimick Poinls Out What
llie League Law Is.
'An Interesting Two-Year-Old Eace Between
Local Tonngsters.
Baseball enthusiasts are now given an
.other instalment of interesting news con
cerning the Australian ball players, that is
the players now covering the world's circuit
tinder the guidance or order of President
Spalding, of the Chicago club. Al Pratt, who
has been on a brief visit West, returned yes
terday, and he told of the contents of a very
important letter that Mr. Walter Spalding
had received from President Al Spalding.
The letter referred definitely to two very
important features of tbe trip, probably the
most Important. Mr. Pratt read the letter,
and yesterday he said:
"Mr. Spalding's letter from Australia to his
brother, "Walter, oucht to allay all anxiety
about the Australian teams playing exhibition
Kaines in this country when they return. Al
Spalding distinctly says in his letter thatall the
players now under his charge hare pledged
; themselves to remain with him until the Ameri-
can programme is carried out. President Spald
ing's letter leaves no doubt whatever on this
point, and it is safe to say that the boys who have
with Spalding in foreign countries, will not de
sert him when they arrive at home. All the
talk about the various clubs going to do this
and that, I pay little attention to, because every
player in the two teams now across tbe seas is
getting tbe best of practice and exercise. Cer
tainly if any player sticks to Spalding thelatter
will never desert him, and it may be found that
Al Spalding is a very determined business
The statement made by Mr. Pratt, or at least
by Mr. Al Spalding's letter, is a very signifi
cant one to the League clubs. It now seems
certain that the -Australians' will not got
home until a considerable time after the time
for reporting to the respective clubs has been
announced. If this is to be so then the right
of various clubs to claim the services of cer
tain players will become discussable. Whether
the players who have roughed or gloried it
with Spalding on a very great and experiment
al trip will respond In person to any calls that
their clubs may make remains to be seen. The
fact remains, however, that recording to Presi
dent Spalding the players now with him mean
to stick to his enterprise providing it does not
prevent them from taking part in the first of
the championship cames.
However, there is another fcaturo of the
question, that is the part that nianacers and
other officials of local clubs will plav in the af
fair. It has already been stated that Pittsburg,
that proverbial place, will demand the fulfil
ment of every feature of aU or any contracts
made with its plavers. In other words, it is
claimed that tbe Pittsburg club demands Car
roll on the first day of the season.
There is also a desire to give JIanlon the
same orders. Whether the club can accom
plish what is desired or not remains to be seen.
True it is that the local club is not now so dis
posed to higgle about players as formerly. The
truth is that there is not that amount of anxiety
for Rowc now as there was a short time since.
The same spirit may operate in tbe Hanlon
case. He is not signed yet, and he may be
ciren a little unusual latitude simply because
he is supposed to be all right. It is understood,
how ever, that the club wants both Carroll and
Hanlon at tbe first of the season. Both men are
playing regularly and are playing in good form,
probably better than they did last September.
Their absence for a few exhibition games will
certainly not interfere with the practice of
other players of the club. What the experi
ments could do with Carroll and Hanlon
J resent they could do when they are absent,
n tbe meantime the two players named are in
safe keeping.
But it the Pittsburg club and others are de
termined on claiming tbeir respective pounds
of flesh when the teams arrive in this country
there wUl be many excellent programmes
spoiled, more correctly speaking, ruined.
Speaking generously it does not seem that any
club's practice will be interfered with by the
absence of any particular member of that
team. It is also probable that tbe
club that persist in having their own from
Spalding's two teams may incur a public dis
favor that will be difficult to overcome. We
all want to see the two teams just as they
played in the presence of foreign potentates
and rulers. uoever stops us from enjoying
this pleasure will have a troublesome time in
explaining matters.
President Spalding's letter also stated that
the trip throughout Australia had been a
financial success. Money has been made there,
but President Spalding states that the trip
from Australia to America by the route now
being traveled will be expensive. As a result
the venture will not be a financial success
taken as a whole. President Spalding points
out that as a total outlay tbe trip will cost him
a considerable sum of money. All this goes to
show tbe necessity of every" club stretching a
few points to help the teams when they return.
The Local Dos Show Continues to Attract
To-day will finish the dog show, and those
who have not seen all the attractions at the
rink had better do so before the excellent
canines are taken away. Yesterday the rink
was crowded with delighted spectators as on
Wednesday. There was much to amuse and
instruct, and one pleasing feature was the large
attendance of ladies. Of course, the perform
ing dogs of Prof. Parker were the admiration
of all who saw them. They ill perform twice
All the dogs on exhibit will be retained at
tbe rink until to-morrow, or'at least none will
he allowed to go until after 10 o'clock this
evening. Yesterday tbe mastiffs and the
pointers attracted large crowds.
Simcox'a Yonncster Will Tackle a Western
Samuel Pimcox. of McKeesport, has secured
a race for his 2-year-old colt, Dunbom Wilkes,
with "a "Western man. who will put a filly
against Wilkes. The race will beforEJjO, or
double yiat amount, and will take place at
Cleveland alter Wilkes comes back from Chi
cago, where he will be sent next week.
Simcox has purchased of Will Scott, of
Pittsburg, the mare Mohair, bred from Hull
and Haute Kporks. The horse is legistered
and is valuable. He refused $1,000 for her im
mediately after the purchase was made. She
is 4 years of age. Simcox savs be will make a
number of races through hi's recent challenge
published in The Dispatch.
Ridge Wanted Too Mnch Start From Ed
The backers of Joe Ridge and EL C.McO el
land met at this office last evening to try and
make a match for a ten-mile foot race.
Nothing definite was done, however, as tbe
McClelland party refused to concede Ridge a
quarter of a mile start. McClelland's backer
stated that his man would give Ridge 100 yards
start in 10 miles, and after much argument
Increased it to 125 yards. The Ridge party
came down to 250 yards and there negotiations
ceased. No doubt Ridge is offered a good
looking start, and it may be that his backers
will make a match at those conditions to-night.
Ridge's brother will be at this office between
720 and 8 o'clock prepared to talk business.
They Remember O'Connor.
Advices received here from San Francisco
state that O'Connor, in his proposed race with
Gandaur. will be knocked out of his cherished
idea of big gate receipts and will have to row
alone for the money for which the race is made.
It is further stated on account of tbe action of
the O'Connor people regarding reference to the
gate rccelp
celnts in the race he rowed with Peter
son at California. A well-known sculler who
speaks of the matter in letters received here
says that newspaper men and sporting people
of San Francisco have not forgotten O'Connor
ia the Peterson race.
President Xlmlck Stnles Hi Opinion of
Reserved PlnTers' Rlshta.
The statement by President Al Spalding to
the effect that all the baU players traveling
with him will play exhibition games in this
country when they return, is causing consider
able discussion. Yesterday President Kimick
stated definitely that the Pittsburg club wants
CarroU on April 1, or as soon after that as pos
sible. The President expressed the idea that
CarroU would be required here as soon as he
landed in this country.
Aside from the local features, however. Pres
ident Nimick pointed out that no reserved
player has the right to play with any other
team than that by which ho is reserved. If tbe
players now traveling with Spalding remain as
two teams and play against each other as such,
Mr. Nimick argues that there is no
baseball law that will allow it. In
other words, the laws of the League will
have to be changed before a reserved player
can, at his own free will, play when he chooses
before the opening of the championship sea
son. Altogether the question is likely to stir
up a considerable discussion on technicalities
if the "Australian" players persist in remain
ing with Spalding until the programme is
finished. Spalding certainly has personal con
tracts with the players which will continue
until certain dates. These contracts may be
as binding as any others.
Ho Refuses to Sign With Chicngo for S2,
500 for the Season.
Ad Gumbert, the well known local pitcher,
made a plain statement yesterday regarding
his intentions for next season. He stated defi
nitely that he will not pitch next year. During
a conversation he said:
"1 have received a contract from the Chicago
club asking mo to sign for S2.500 for next sea
son. I cannot do this because I cannot get
leave of absence from my duties in thePro-
thonotary's office. 1 would like to play next
season, but I am not prepared to risk my situa
tion in tbe matter."
Gnmbert w cnt on to say that he expected to
pitch for tbe East End Athletics next season,
but that he was objected to because of being a
professional. He claims he is not, and that is
the amusing feature of the affair.
lUutrie's Speech.
When Manager Mutrie had finished his con
ference with Messrs. Day and Byrne yesterday
he started to walk down Sixth avenue. In
passing through the crowd of strikers near tbe
car stables he was recognized by some of the
men, who shouted, "Hello, Jim!"
"How are you?" said Jim very meekly.
"Oh, we're better strikers than you've got,"
replied one of the men.
Then a call was made for a speech, and as
Jim edged his way through the crowd he said
something like this:
"Gentlemen I am glad to see so many
strikers around me. I am used to managing
strikers. Cries of "Oh, you arc, eh?" "Wo
thought the Giants hit the ball once in a
while." That interruption is unbecoming
such good strikers as you arc My men some
times have three strikes before they go out.
You go out on the first strike and never kick
at tbe umpire."
"That's a base hit, Jim." interrupted a short
gentleman in a blue jumper and a red face.
"I should advise you not to break the law
," Mr. Mutrie was saying when somebody
shouted "Slide!" and did Jim slide. He got out
of sight very quicklv. and passed the Sun office
out of breath. -V. T. Sun.
Mnddcn's Confidence.
A letter was received in this city yesterday
from Billy Madden, who is located at Beliot,
Wis., training Jack McAuIiffe for tbe fight
with Billv Mvere. Madden thinks that Mc
AuIiffe will win and wants to secure a date for
him to appear in an exhibition in this city when
returning from the West.
Baseball Notes.
Little Davt Force is to play in St.
Joseph next season.
Jonx Morrill will coach the team at
Wesley an University.
And now they say that Anson will write a
book containing his impressions of the baseball
tour around the world.
It is very probable that the Clevelands will
go to Hot Springs about March 15 to get into
conaiuon ior me ieague struggle.
Ross Barnes, the former popular second
baseman of the Boston club, is now a member
of the Chicago Stock Exchange, and is worth
Ex-President Stearvs is trying to bet a
hit with somebody that White and Rowe will
ultimately sign with the clubs to which they
were assigned. Detroit Free Press.
Long Jim Whitney, once of the Bostons,
has arrived in the City of Culture. He says he
is in prime condition and will do some great
twirling next season. The classification rule
breaks Jim all up and he is greatly opposed
to it.
The Cleveland club has received a letter
from Pitcher Proesser. the ex-Texan, asking
what disposition would be made of him. A re
ply telling him that his release would be dis
posed of to some other club was mailed him.
A number of teams have lines out for tbe
Sweeney, who will cover third base for
Washington next season, is not Jerry, formerly
of Providence, who has been playing in that
position on the Pacific coast, but the Sweeney
who was hi the Troy team last season. He is a
better batsman than Donnelly, and is said to
hold a thrown ball in better style.
TnE baseball enthusiasts of Is ew York and
Brooklyn may now rejoice, for the two clubs
representing these cities are to play a scries of
games next spring. President Byrne, of the
Brooklyns, arranged terms with John B. Day
on v eancsaay, anu xue games wui taKe place
in me eany part oi April.
The secret of President Davidson's efforts to
get the Association clubs to waive their claims
on Hecker and Cook turns out to be that he is
trying to arrange a deal by which the battery
will go to Washington. He will not state what
player or players he wants in exchange, but it
is probable that he is after Third Baseman
Bingham, the Minneapolis pitcher, was a
member of the class of 'Sii at Harvard, and
after pitching for his class nine during the
spring or '86 he signed with the Oshkosh team
under an assumed name, and was known as the
"California wonder." He was recognized by a
fellow student while playing at St. Paul, and
was exposed. This prevented his playing in
any college team in the future.
George Bailey, of Louisville, who was Jim
Hart's manager, says that Hart is under a sort
of reserve to the Chicago club, and is receiving
S75 a month not to engage elsewhere until
Spalding returns from his Australian trip.
Spalding is much pleased with Hart's ability in
managing the Australian affair. Hart is corre
sponding with Soden, of the Bostons, relative
to managing tbe Hubites, but Chicago has first
call on his services.
Sporting Notes.
Albert, the pedestrian, will not start in the
'Frisco race.
The New York and Brooklyn clnbs have ar
ranged to play three games before the cham
pionship season opens.
Oxly Messrs vHnggins and BrehmTcompeted
at the Pittsburg rifle shoot yesterday. Tho
former won by So to 78.
It is stated that a boat race has been ar
ranged between Teemer, Gaudanrand Hosmer,
to take place in this city next July.
Lucky Baldwin has changed bis mind
again, and has decided to bring Miss Ford and
Volante to the seaboard next summer instead
of sending them to his breeding farm.
Ike Weir, the Spider, who is undoubtedly
the champion featherweight of the world,
wants to fight anyhodvof any color, scaling
between US and 120 pounds, with skin gloves or
bare knuckles, under any rules, or for any
amount of money, to a finish.
Hub Colliks will be a bridegroom with the
others of the Brooklyn club to-morrow. He
will be married in the afternoon toMissTillie
Williams, of Pewee Valley. She is a young
lady of excellent famlly.and after the wedding
the couple will go East on a bridal tour.
Captain Faatz of tho Clevelands has
agreed on terms for next season. He was
classed as a C man aud kicked, but was allowed
an extra sum as captain of the team. This
completes the Cleveland in and outfield, and
the only players now to sign are batteries.
SAM Trott has been signed to act as uls vine
manager of the Newark Baseball Club. The
directors held a meeting last night and -perfected
plans for next season's work. Trott will
act as manager and catcher. He will begin to
day to sign men Immediately and get his
grounds, eta, in order. Trott first began to play
ball with the National club, of Washington, in
1879. and was a member of the famous Little
Giant team, of Newark, in ISSfi. From there
he went to Baltimore, where he played until
the middle of tbe summer of 18S8, when he
went to Des Moines.
Auction at the II nb.
Everything must go at auction prices.
We must have room lor spring goods, and
we will close out our entire stock of cloth
ing for men aud boys at auction prices.
Here is a chance for the, people to get bar
gains in suits, overcoats, pants, shirts and
underwear ior men and boys, as everything
goes at this sale. Everybody come.
Boston Clothing House,
439 Smithfield St. The Hub.
Just arrived, 60 pieces India challis,
beautiful patterns, onlv 8c per vard.
Germany Attempting to Force Us En
tirely Out of That Region.
The Tamasese Government is Merely a
Berlin Protectorate.
Lengthy Inteniew With a Well-Posted American
Sural Commander.
Commander Day, of the American navy,
who recently returned from Samoa, was in
terviewed yesterday. He reveals some
hitherto unwritten history in regard to that
region. He tells of his trouble with the
German representatives. He regards Pago
Pago, harbor as of the greatest importance
to America. He anticipates serious trouble.
Cleveland, January 31. The homo of
Commander B. F. Day, of the United States
navy, is at Warren, a few miles from Cleve
land. The Commander has recently re
turned from a cruise in the South Pacific,
and has had a hand in the Samoan matter.
He submitted to an interview with an As
sociated Press correspondent this afternoon,
and said:
I went there in May, 1SSG, as captain of the
Mohican, at a time shortly after Tamasese had
set himself up against Malietoa, tle rightful
king. Tamasese's government was really a
German protectorate, and the commander of
that country's war-ship at tho islands so ad
mitted to me. A proclamation, in fact, had
been signed by tbe consuls, recognizing the
usurper, Tamasese. WelL one night, 1 got
Malietoa, the deposed king.on board my ship at
midnight. There we arranged a night move
against Tamasese's force of abont COO men
which was encamped on thebeach atleast9 miles
distant. This was to take place the night fol
lowing. I bad expressly stipulated with Malie
toa that there was to be no blood shed unless 1
gave the signal, which was to be a cannon shot
on shipboard.
My calculation was that tho rebel Tamasese
would be overawed by the force and readily
capitulate. Malietoa's army of 2,000 men
moved down as planned, and at davlurht Tam
asese found himself nicely surrounded. We
got the Mohican underway and went up
to anchor off Tamasese's town to cut
off his escape bv water: and ar
rived there about 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
As soon as the ship was steamed up, the Ger
mans had their suspicions aroused by our leav
ing the harbor so Informally, and, divining that
something was up, forthwith they dispatched a
mounted messenger to Tamasese's camp, notify
ing him to have nothing to do with me. The
messenger arrived before we did, and when we
were rowing ashore in the small boats, Tamas
ese wouldn't let us land because I had a Samoan
interpreter in the boat
I went ashore to an English trader's store
and sent word to Tamasese that I wanted to see
him. A messenger returned, shortly, saying
that the rebel chief was in the 'bush.' There
upon 1 sent him notice that unless he came I
would not be responsible for the conseauences.
That brought him, and I at once tried to have
him sign an agreement giving up his claim to
the kingship. Acting under the German ad
vice he refused. My Dest judgment wasto have
alietoa pitch in, and everlastingly whip
Tamasese, as the latter was in rebellion
against the then recognized Government. This
would have forever ended the difficulty, as
Malietoa conld have cut to pieces Tamasese
and his followers.
Well, there they were, with Malietoa readv
to start his battle at my signals. Returning on
board ship I found one of his head chiefs anx
iously waiting the word to go ahead. Br this
omers arrivea, ana me
English Consul served me with a formal protest.
in tue name ot me veueen. against my precip
itating a conflict; while tbe German Consul
earnestly entreated me not to start tbe affair.
The United States Consul sided with me. We
then all went back, allowing tbe hostile parties
to retain their situation, and tried to have the
Consuls hit upon something.
Breaking the narrative for a moment,
Mr. Day left the room and returned with a
yellowish tinged doenmentpn which was
printed in parallel columns one in En
glish and the other in Samoan language,
the following:
U. S. snip or war Moihcan, )
Afia UABBOit, June s, 1SSS. i
We, the representatives of Malietoa and his
Government, and we, the representatives of
Taiiiaseseandhls party, do hereby solemnly swear
to the following agreement:
First : That from this day forward there shall be
perpetual peace la Samoa.
becond That the two parties of Malietoa and
Tamasese, shall live in friendship and cordial re
lations. Third That from this date forward all forts
shall be destroyed and that no firearms of a defen
sive nature snail ue carried dv auv samoan.
Hamasete't Chiefs.
1.. Amltua,
Malietoa's Chiefs.
Leituala t his mark,
Pau t his mark,
We, the representatives of the Great Govern
ments are herebv witnesses to the signing of this
agreement of friendship.
Dr. Stuebel.
Imperial German Consul General.
u niti
iltcd btatec Consul.
Her Britannic Majesty's Consul.
That is the peace I made against my judg
ment. It lasted till about August, 18S7. I left
there In July, 'SG, for the Tonga Islands and
returned in the expectation of receiving in
structions as to what the Government wished. I
received none and went to Auckland, where I
got a cable from the Department to return im
mediately to Samoa and meet Commissioner
Bates, who was sent out by Secretary Bayard.
I gave him all the Information and assis
tance that I could. Mr. Bates was there six
weeks. I was there the whole time during the
same period, and finally took him to tbe
steamer on which he sailed for San Francisco.
The other two Governments had commissioners
there at the same time. On report of the com
missioners. Secretary Bayard and the German
and English Ministersto Washington met in
the summer of 1887 at Washington to agree on
a Samoan government that would be satisfac
tory to the three nations. .
The gentleman started to tell what was
done at this triangular conference of the
American, German and English Ministers,
but inasmuch as it is regarded as a secret of
State, recalled his words and took up the
conversation at another point.
Nothing was accomplished, and so Secretary
Bayard adjourned the conference till the
autumn of the same year. In less than two
weeks after the adjournment, tho German
squadron was ordered from Sydney to Samoa
and war declared by the commander upon the
rightful King, Malietoa. To save his people
from bloodshed he surrendered and the Ger
mans deported him tu Africa. Tho Germans
Immediately brought Tamasese up to Apia and
installed that rebel pretender as king, and
recognized him as such. The same intriguers
at once put in as Premier a man named
Brandis, who had, up to that time, been a clerk
for tho large German company trading at the
The g overnment of Tamasese, to-day, is
practically a one-man power, with Brandis in
full authority, and he controlled in every act
by tbe German Consul. Instead of an autonomy,
the Samoan Government is a protectorate in
full intents and purposes. In fact, the com
mander of the German forces told me: "Wo
are protecting this government of Tamasese"
The new King. Tamases. was never nonnlar
outside of his own Province, and his actions
and government were so arbitrary that it re
sulted in a rebellion.. The discontented Sa
moans chose Matiafa who was next in rank to
the kidnapped Malietoa, to be their King. Now
that the followers of Matiafa have fired on tbe
German forces, that country will no doubt send
an expedition to Samoa and depose him the
same treatment that was bestowed upon
Malietoa for his act of temerity, if they don't
kill him outright, as 1 expect.
We were at Samoa, March, April and May,
1SSS. and at that time Tamasese's Government
was in full control. However, it was evident
that trouble was soon to follow. In fact, I was
approached by some of the Samoan chiefs, at
that time, to see if they could hope for anv aid
from tbe United States in case of rebelling
against Tamasese. I told them I didn't think
the American Government would do anything;
and whatever was done, they must depend on
their own resources.
By treaty with Samoa we have exclusive
right to the hat bor of Pago Pago as a coaling
station. That treaty expired last February, but
continues until 12 months after notification,
given by either the United States or Samoa, of
a desire to terminate the same. Great Britain
and Germany have similar treaties, giving
them rightto a coaling station. But Pago Pago
is the only fit place for such a purpose, and,
with Tamasese reseated, my belief is that tbe
Germans will have him notify the United
States to quit the group just as soon as he is
again recognized as King by England'and Ger
many. Ihere is one great tronblo Matiafa has to
contend with, and that is getting munitions of
war. Tho German Government supplies
Tamasese with old "Henry" and "Schneider"
rifles and furnishes ammunition. On the other
hand. Matiara has to get arms as best he can,
without anv rich government backing him.
If our Government intends to assert its
rights there, and prevent tbe Germans from
getting full control of those islands, the wisest
move that could be made would be to send out
to Mataifa a supply of arms and ammunition.
With these he could hold his own against any
force the Germans cap send against him for
some time. I have an idea that it is goiqg to be
a very serious complication.
New Facts Developing In Connection With
tbe Gigantic Steal.
Indianapolis, January 31. The, first
direct litigation against Joseph A. Moore,
arising out of his embezzlement of 500,000
from the Connecticut Mutual Life Insur
ance Company, was begun before Judge
Taylor in the Superior Court this afternoon.
Secretary Abbott made affidavit in attach
ment against Moore for an alleged indebted
ness of $13,454. Theodore P. Haughey and
the Indianapolis National Bank are gar
nishes defendants in the suit, but the bank
officials sav Moore has no balance there,
and that the procedings, so far as they are
concerned, are only formal. The affidavit
alleges that Moore has concealed himself to
avoid service. The case is set for hearing
.February 13.
Strange as it may seem, there are people
in this city who assert that Moore is still in
town, aud'has been seen within the past 24
hours by persons who know him. Moore's
attorney, Charles E. Barrett, however, de
clares that Moore is certainly in Canada. A
brother of Moore, Thomas C. Moore, a rail
road official of Chicago, has been in the city
several days stopping with his sister. Very
few of the better posted people here think
that Moore's flight was because of fear of
arrest at the instance of the company. A
prominent business man says:
I know it to be true that several days before
the company sent its man out here to investi
gate the books, it notified Moore of Its inten
tion. He had ample time to leave the country
before their arrival. Then when they had
been here two weeks, and it was explained, he
was still here, going about the streets until the
very day that official statement of his defalca
tion was published.
Moore's flight is attributed to his fear of
arrest at the instance of policy holders in the
company residing here.
Food Meat Will Not bo Inspected on the
rioofln Ohio.
Columbus, January 31. What is known
as the Geyser meat inspection bill was de
feated in the Senate to-day, and will not
likely be heard from again this session.
This bill provided for an inspection on
foot of all beef sold in the State,
the inspection to be had within the
limits of the State. The bill gained con
siderable celebrity last winter on account of
the charges made against certain members
ot the benate to the ettect that they had
solicited a bribe 'from Chicago parties in
connection with the defeat of the bill. After
an investigation, however, the members
were exonerated from all blame.
The speeches on the bill to-day were short
and pointed. Senator Mehafiey opposed
the measure and Messrs. Taylor and Towns
urged its passage. It was sought to buoy
the bill through by an amendment placing
canned meats in the list, subject to inspec
tion, but the plan was unsuccessful. The
bill was placed upon its passage and lost by
the following vote:
Yeas Messrs. Alexander, Carlin, Ford,
Geyser, Glover, Taylor, Towusend, Wallace
and Zimmerman 9.
Nays Messrs. Adams, Barrett, Braddock,
Brown, Cowill, Crook, Davis, Door, Kerr, Mack,
Massie, Mehaffey, Mortley, Robertson, Sin
netee, Snyder, Steue and Stull 19.
A Session of Sir. Mills' Committee at Which
Nothing Was Done.
Washington, January 31. The "Ways
and Means Committee met to-day for the
pnrpose of beginning the consideration of
the Senate tariff bill, but adjourned until
Saturday without any progress whatever
being made as the result of the session. The
Treasury experts have not yet submitted
their estimates of the probable effect on the
revenues of the amendments made to the
tariff bill in the Senate, and it is not likely
that much will be accomplished until these
computations are sent in.
No agreement or rule has been adopted as
yet as to the manner in which the bill shall
be considered. Chairman Mills was unable
to be present at the committee meeting, and
as the other Democratic members were un
willing to bring the tariff question up in
his absence, the committee adjourned after
a session that was, to use Mr. Beed's ex
pression, "as peaceable as a dead clam."
The Shady-side Presbyterian Church Gntted
. byvFiro nt Midnight.
Soon after midnight the Shadyside Pres
byterian Church caught fire. An alarm
was sent in, but when the fire department
arrived the flames had rapidly spread and
the intreior of the edifice was completely
burned out.
This is the church which was condemned
last year.and there has not been any service
held in it for a long time. The church was
built SO years ago by Mr. Wyndham, the
Philadelphia architect who built the Ma
sonic Temple in that city.
The fire was discovered in that part of the
church where a handsome 52,500 organ was
located. The instrument was totally de
stroyed; and the entire damage done by the
fire amounts to about 54,000.
Italian Still Sends His Earnings Ont
ot the Country.
According to the report of the business
done in January in the money order depart
ment of the postoffice the receipts were
S18o,C07 70. The money orders issued to
Italy amounted to $2,203 IS, against none
received. Germans sent over 2,091 55, but
sent into tne country l-,-oi o3.
A Veritable Old Rip.
An old man, greatly resembling Eip Van
Winkle as he appeared after his 20 years'
sleep, was arrested in Allegheny yesterday.
He gave his name as Alexander Stauford
and said he was 78 years of age. The pris
oner was covered with mud when taken into
custody and refused to talk. The only in
formation he gave was that he had tramped
from Cincinnati and was on his way to Har
risburg. An Allegheny Suggestion Sleeting.
The Democrats of the Eighth' ward, Alle
gheny, met in the school house last night
and nominated the following ticket for the
city election: Select Council, Theo. Hues
ken and G. H. Soil; Common Council, J.
Gaver and Peter Heckman; School Direc
tors, James A. Crawford, Ch. Walthers, Sr.,
and Jacob A. Klein.
A mother's Love.
3Irs. Margaret Brill, of Glendale, was
fatally burned yesterday. In trying to put
out the fire in her child's clothing, her dress
was ignited, and she was horribly burned.
B. it B.
All through with stock taking; a big job,
too find lots of goods that must be sold,
come to kid glove counters to-day .and Sat
urday. Bogos & Buhl.
The most complete line of black and
white silk in stripes, plaids, checks and fig
ures ever shown, Irom $1 to $2 per yard.
the Dictatorship of France
Stopped by tile Deputies,
Floquet Offers h Resign, but the Chamber
Won't Have 'it.
A French Story That Crown Prince Endolf, of Aus
tria, Was Assassinated.
The French Ministry has squarely met
the issue of Boulangerism, and has been
sustained. Premier Floquet asked for
and obtained a vote of confidence. The
cruel treatment of O'Brien by his jailers is
exciting great indignation among National
ists. A,story comes from Paris to the effect
that PrirBe Rudoll was assassinated. A
rumor was current in Berlin'that the King
of Holland had died.
Paeis, January 31. Iu the Chamber of
Deputies to-day M. Jonvencel interpellated
the Government regarding the measures it
intended to, take to arrest the progress of
Boulangerism. The speaker attributed the
change in pnblic opinion chiefly to the in
sults that have been daily heaped upon the
Government, and to the indifference of the
Ministers toward their revilers. The lib
erty of the press and liberty of speech had
been allowed to degenerate into license.
The Government ought to de'fend itself from
the attacks of slanderers.
Premier Eloquent, before replying to M.
Jouvencel, asked-? leave to introduce a bill
re-establishing tho scrutin d'arrondissmeut
system of election
Deputy D'Ornano, a Bonapartist, here ex
claimed: '"The only possible issue is the
dissolution nt the Chamber."
M. Caseaux, a member of the Bight, asked
leave to speak on a matter of urgency. The
President refused permission. Fresh pro
tests from members of the Bight led to a
scene of great confusion. The President
finally called the members to order and de
cided that the House must hear M. Floquet.
M. Floquet held that the establishment oi
the scrutin d arrondissement system would
in no way assail universal suffrage. If his
policy obtained the approval of the Re
publican party he would pursue it with
greater authority, but if it was not approved
he would resign. The Government, ne said,
did not think that measures ought to be
taken against 'the liberty of the press, but
they were bound to legislate against those
who were seeking to overturn the Republic.
The existing laws dealing with hostile
combinations were inadequate, while
the increase of mediums oi communi
cation and the growth of wealth furnished
persons having criminal designs with means
of action which could not be foreseen by the
iramers of the penal code. The Govern
ment would, therefore, propose fresh meas
ures for the repression of attempts against
the security of the State. A great change
had occurred in electoral proceedings. Uni
versal suffrage bad become the tool of all
sorts of commercial combinations by syndi
cates operating through paid bands of agi
tators. The Government would also intro
duce a bill for the modification of the press
laws regarding placards aud colportage.
After a general explanation of the Gov
ernment's poliev, M. Floquet concluded his
speech by saying that if a majority of the
members of the Chamber of Deputies were
discontented or thought a nearer approach
ought to be made to the policy of the Bight
or the Left, the Chamber must seek other
Ministers. In the meantime he asked the
house ior a vote ot confidence.
M. Paul DeCassagnac followed the
Premier. He reproached M. Floquet with
attacking universal suffrage and said it was
now the Bight upon whom fell the duty of
defending suffrage against the Government.
Universal suffrage commands, it must be
obeyed. "Dissolution" had practically been
made the test word. The situation for the
Ministers could be summed up in the phrase
"Get out." After accusing M. Floquet of
striking at liberty through the proposed
laws against attempts on the security of the
State,? M. DeCassagnac concluded by in
timating that he would vote for the present
ministry since its continuance in office
would be the best means that conld be
sought to overthrow the Bepublic.
M. Hobard demanded that the Govern
ment proceed against Boulanger with acts,
not words.
M. Floquet replied that it was necessary
to combat the idea of dictatorship. They
must fight it resolutely in a legal way, using
fresh weapons if necessary.
M. Demont-Jau declared that it was time
to put an end to Boulangerism. Boulanger
ought to be watched and stopped on his
march. Cheers from the Left.
M. Lagurre (Boulangist) reminded the
House that the Boulangist propaganda was
supported by thousands of citizens. Those
citizens, he said, desired an honest Bepub
lic. They desired a Republic open to all
Frenchmen, in contradistinction to a Be
public governed by a parliamentary clique.
It was an infamous slander to say that
Boulangerism was supported by funds re
ceived from abroad.
M. Montaut then presented this motion:
"That the House, confident in the firmness
of the Government, passes to the order of
the day."
The motion was accepted by the Govern
ment and adopted by a vote of 300 to 210.
General Boulanger did not appear in tbe
Chamber during the debate.
William O'Brien Makes a Desperate Fight
Against His Jailers.
Dublin, January 31. Mr. William
O'Brien was to-day lodged in the Clonmel
jail, to undergo the sentence of four months'
lUijUli!UUUii,ui auiiJUdtu WU UlU-l UV VttltlVA-
on-Suir for offenses under the crimes act.
When ordered to remove his civilian cloth
ine and don the prison garb, Mr. O'Brien
refused to obey the order, whereupon he was
seized by warders and his clothing was
forcibly removed. His beard was then
shaved off. He made a desnerate resistance
wind was exhausted by his effort to prevent
the removal ot ins clothing.
Nationalists are ereatly agitated over the
treatment of Mr. O'Brien. It is stated that
he was severely injured ou the body during
the struggle with the warders, and that he is
still much prostrated. He wears only a
shirt, refusing to put on the prison garb.
His Sadden Demise Shocks Europe Univer
sally Loved and Bespected.
Vienita, January 31; The sudden death
of the Crown Prince Budolf causes great
sorrow in Austria. His demise was' caused
by a rupture of the cardiac walls, with an
effusion into the pericardium. The Empe
ror and Empress were overcome when they
received the news, and the Crown Princess
was almost prostrated.
Great sympathy is expressed by the Eu
ropean press, which speaks most favorably
of the dead Prince. All the courts have
sent messages ot condolence to Vienna. The
funeral will be most Imposing and solemn,
and a vast number of dignitaries will be
An autopsy will be held on the bodv to
nighf, after which the remains will be em
balmed. The period of national mourning
will be three months.
A dispatch from Paris says: It is stated
here that tbe Austrian Crown Prince was
shot by the husband of a lady who was
staying at the Meyerling Chateau.
Continued from First Page.
is provided in the Brooks bill for cities of
the classes below the third.
These cities are now all third class cities
under the provisions of the inter-municipal
bill, and the proposed amendment of the
Brooks law is intended to leave their license
fees unchanged.
Still Clings to Powderlr and AddoIdIs a
Committee to Watch the Legislature.
Harrisbubg, January 31. The Knights
of Labor convention, which has been in ses
sion in this city the past three days, ad
journed to-day after having indorsed a num
ber of bills intended to benefit the working
men, and appointed a Legislative Committee
whose duty it will be to watch all measures
supposed to affect the laboring people favor
ably or unfavorably, and to exert their in
fluence in favor of legislation believed to be
conducive to the interests of labor. The
committee consists of C. A. Andrews, of
Titusville, a brother of Republican Chair
man Andrews; Hugh McGarvey, of Schuvl
kill county, and William H. Lewis, of this
city. McGarvey is Chairman of this com
mittee, and Lewis Secretary.
Besolutions were adopted reiterating the
allegiance of the Knights of Labor to Mr.
Powderly and deprecating the formation of
organizations claimed to be in the interest of
the order, but really hostile to it. The con
vention declined to take auy action on the
bill to prohibit the importation of dressed
meats, although many of the members were
strongly opposed to it. During the progress
of the convention many members of the
Legislature who are members of the order
witnessed is proceedings. The legislative
committee appointed to-day will open head
quarters iu this city immediately.
Senator Delnranter Introduces nBill to Pro
mote Thrift Among tbe Poor.
Harrisburg, January 31. Senator
Delamater introduced a bill to-day to en
courage people to save money. It provides
a system for the Incorporation and regula
tion of savings banks without capital stock,
and is fashioned after a New York law,
which has been of great beuefit to the
poorer classes.
Thirteen persons or more can form a cor
poration of this kind by following the act
of 1876 providing machinery for the incor
poration of State banks. Any amount not
exceeding $5,000 can be deposited in the
proposed savings banks. Reports are re
quired to be made to the Auditor General
annually, and every two years the Auditor
General and the Judge of the Common
Pleas Court in the districts in which these
institutions may be located shall each ap
point an examiner, who shall make a thor
ough inspection of their business.
Among the earnest advocates of the pro
posed legislation is John Wanamaker, who
Jms found the system working excellently,
auu wiiusc experience nas aemonstratea me
practicability of the scheme.
Street Railroad Bills Negatively Reported
by the IiegUIativB Committee.
Harrisburg, January 3L The City
Passenger Railway Committee heard Mr.
Marland to-day on his traction railway bill.
Mr. Marland made an able argument, but
the committee, which had been considering
the matter, was practically unanimous
against it. The arguments that have been
made against the bill have been thoroughly
aired, but a new one was developed by Mr.
Hoskins, of Philadelphia, who urged that
the prohibition of work over or under the
tracks of arttraqtfon,. company without its
consent" would, .prpvent the construction of
an elevated railway! This is a question of
more importance to Philadelphia than to
The bill was negatived, as was the city
Dassenger railway bill presented by Mr.
Lafferty, which contained the prohibition of
the construction of a new street railway
which proposed to parallel an existing line
within 1,000 feet.
To be Created Ont of Portions ,of Lnzerne
and Schnylklll.
Harrisburg, January 31. The Com
mittee on Counties and Townships listened
to arguments to-day for and against the
formation of a new county out of parts of
Luzerne and Schuylkill. The bill is general
in its terms, but is framed so as to have a
special application. It had been favorably
reported, but was recommitted for the pur
pose of giviugpersous interested opportunity
to be heard.
The objections came wholly from Schuyl
kill county, which objects to losing five or
six of its richest undeveloped coal town
ships. People within the bounds of the
proposed new county seem to favor it, and
sent representatives and petitions saying so.
The county seat of the new county is to be
Hazleton. The committee resolved to send
the bill back to the House with a favorable
Killed tbe Granger's BUI Directed Against
Chicago Dressed Beef.
Harrisburg, January 31. The Ju
diciary General Committee negatived Mc
Donald's mechanics' lien bill and took the
same action concerning the grangers' meat
bill, after listening to a series ot unsavory
speeches concerning the dressed meat trade,
which has its center in Chicago.
Arguments were also presented showing
how the passage of the bill would benefit
the Pennsylvania farmers. Indeed this was
made the most prominent feature of the ar
guments in favor of the bill, and the fact
that the language of the bill professed to
give protection to the popular health in
stead led to the negative report. The law
yers of the committee didn't like the ap-
A New Capital Suggested.
Harrisburg, January 31. Representa
tive Graham has received a fearfully and
wonderfully constructed letter recommend
ing a new State capital at the exact center
of the State, and advocating the use of the
present State buildings for a polytechnic
A Good Record.
Harrisburg, January 31. Represent
ative Graham, who has'been in poor health,
had determined to ask for leave of absence,
but is so much improved that he will not do
so. During the 20 years' service as a
legislator, Mr. Graham has not lost a day
because of ill health.
Defeated, bat Not Conquered.
HARRlSBUBG.January 31. The grangers'
meat bill, which will be reported negatively
in the morning, may be placed on the cal
endar in spite of this fact. The friends of
the grangers in the House will make a
strong effort to this end.
Pushing tbe Revenue BUI.
Harrisburg, January 31. The Auditor
General, State Treasurer and the Attorney
General will appear before the Ways and
Means Committee at 2:30 .P. M. Thursday in
the interest of their revenue bill.
B.6t B.
Surprises at kid glove counter to-day and
Saturday the 50c, 75c and SI lots kid
gloves. Bogos JSs Buhl, Allegheny.
Exciting Scenes.at the Seat of the
Great Street Car Strike.
Ona Man is Shot and Carried Off in a Hos
pital Ambulance.
Stones Weishln? Half a Ton Used to Blockade
an Obnoxlus Track.
The New York street car strike is assum
ing a more serious phase. Clubs, revolvers
and stones are being freely used. The
police authorities are becoming alarmed at
the situation. The strikers threated' to de
stroy company property by fire. Women
are joining in the battle.
New York, January 31. About 2 o'clock
this afternoon fully 3,000 strikers assembled
at the Belt Line stables and before the po
lice could, reach the scene of trouble on
Tenth avenue the work of blocking the belt
road was completed. It was begun with
a load of sand, which was followed
by a couple more placed on the
down track. These were then flanked with
heavy stones weighing between 500 and
1,000 pounds. They were brought in wagons
by sympathizers of the strikers, and damped
across the rails. A dozen ot these were
placed on both tracks.
The situation was becoming strained when
Captain Killedea and Inspector Steers ap
peared on the scene. The Inspector gave
orders to clear the streets and the Captain
started to inforce it. He has the reputation
of being the clubbing Captain, and his ac
tions this afternoon shows that he deserves
it. Ten minutes after he started in there
was not a whole striker within a radius of
half a mile. They had vanished. He gave
orders to use clubs, and they were used.
The Captain himself set the example. The
strike a little later assumed an alarming as
The first blood was spilled with bullets.
Strikers and police fired upon each other.
One striker was wounded. Late in the
afternoon a mob of striking Broadway men
dumped a large trucK on tne trades in
Seventh avenue. Officer Patrick Lynch
was the only one on duty there at the
time. He chased the mob through
Forty-ninth to Eighth avenue, where
he caught James Nesdale, a Broadway
driver. While taking him to the Broadway
stables the crowd rushed at the officer,
knocked him down, and one of them made a
vicious kick at the policeman's head, but
the latter dodged.
Lynch fired his revolver in the air, bring
ing Officer Thomson, who raised him to his
feet. The prisoner was again seized and the
crowd again rushed forward, and both offi
cers fired revolvers in the air. A num
ber of strikers drew revolvers. Bul
lets whistled past the officers' heads.
One ot the shots struck the prisoner in the
knee. The firing attracted a squad of po
lice. They swept the avenue and drove the
crowd before them. The two officers were
considerably battered. The wounded man
was sent to the hosrjital. His wound is
serious. Another driver was also arrested
in the row.
Officer Manning arrested an ash-cart
driver for dumping his load at the corner
of Forty-seventh street and Tenth avenue.
A mob followed him all the way to the
station bouse, burling at bim anv movable
object they could lift readily. The
officer's head and back were injured.
He flourished his revolver at the
crowd and reached the station. John Ker
wick, a driver, drew a knife on one of the
officers and he was felled to the sidewalk by
a blow on the head. He had to be taken to
Boosevelt Hospital. Kate Moore, a giantess
in size, threw glass at the police, and fought
like a tigress when arrested.
Just at dusk over 3,000 persons were
thronging the streets and sidewalks near the
Broadway stables. Monnted police and
officers afoot charged upon the crowd,
which retreated, but did so sullenly. Two
hundred strikers stood at the point of the
plaza at Forty-seventh street, Seventh
avenue and Broadway. A stal
wart policeman astride a powerful bay horse
rode up and ordered them to give way. No
man stirred, but, quick as a flash, a round
cobble stone weighing doubtless five pounds
shot from the rear of and over the heads of
the crowd of men straight at the nervous
horse beneath the officer. But scarce had
the stone fallen upon the officer when the
spurs gored the big bay horse.which plunged
lorwaru tun at tbe breast ot tbe sullen mob.
There was a scattering, but one huge fel
low braced himself for the onset with a club
in band, and as omcer and horse were upon
him he seized the bridle rein at the bit and
the horse reared back. His rider, how
ever, leaned forward simultaneously,
and standing upright in the
stirrups, his club lifted and
descended with terrible force upon the head
of the stubborn striker. The blow could be
heard a block distant. The latter began at
the knees to fall, his head drooped and in an
instant ho fell in a heap by the hoofs of the
officer's horse. An ambulance carried him
off subsequently.
The crowd took itself offat once. No car
was run on the Belt line. The Police Com
missioners are becoming anxious about the
situation, and have resolved to hold hourly
conferences with Superintendent Slurray
while the strike lasts. Superintendent
White, of the Dry Dock line, informed the.
police to-night that from information in his'
possession, he believed the strikers intended
to fire the company's stables during the
night. The police force guarding the
stables was increased.
O'Connor Says lie Was Compelled to Testify
Falsely Before the Parnell Commission.
Dublin, January 31. The Freeman pub
lishes a sworn declaration by Thomas
O'Connor, who appeared before the Parnell
Commission as a witness for the'Times.
O'Connor in his testimoney before the Com
mission said that he had received a sum of
money from Mr. Timothy Harrington for
taking part in moonlight raids.
In the declaration now published, O'Con
nor says that his evidence was utterly false
and that it was given under pressure.
She is Asrd Seventy-Five Venn nnd Is Sen
tenced to Death.
Olathe, Kan., January 31. Mrs. Lucy
Ferguson, aged 75 years, was to-day con
victed of murder in the first degree. A
motion for a new trial was overruled, and
the death penalty pronounced upon her.
The result of the trial has caused a great
sensation in that region of Kansas.
Want to Serve Their Country.
The civil service examination of appli
cants for positions as postoffice clerks and
employes will be held on the third floor of
the postoffice from lu a. ji. to 3 P. 21. next
Tuesday by the local Board of Examiners.
Messrs. T. J. Hudson, J. B. McCalley and
Stephen Collins. Thus far 40 have ap
plied. Awaiting a Sad Claimant.
A gold watch and chain is at the Inspect
or's office waiting to be claimed by Mrs.
John Eoeerson. It was found in the debris
of the Wood street disaster, and is thought
to have fallen from the pocket of her hus
band, who was killed.
Continued from First Page.
part of the Government. The Alta editori-j ,
ally says:
Tho administration has been too slow, and
even now it cries out in a variety of voices, and
fails to define its wish as to a Samoan policy.
Perhaps it will be unshed by public opinion
into more definite action. This coast aeslres
the protection ot its commercial into rests in
the South Pacific, ancTthis may bo effected by
occupitlon of Pago Pago. Our trade with.
Samoa is a small matter and figures but little
in the affair. If it alone were at stake wa
should afford to take an apology, and let Ger
many take Samoa, for. with our occupation of
i"ago Pago assured, wo can abundantly protect .
pur great and growing commerce with Austra
lia and New Zealand.
The Clironicle says:
when Bismarck wrote this letter ho must
hava known that it contained more than one
falsehood. He knew that all Americfti Con
suls had ever done was to defend the rights of
Americans and to protest against the unau-
!?r&Ld?lairSTes3"reacts of Germans, and
yet the Chancellor coolly shifts all the blame
on American shoulders, and depicts Germany
as an injured innocent.
The Examiner savs: Bismarck's latest com
munication to our Government is the culmin
ation of his long series of audacities. It is
hardly possible that Secretary Bayard can re
gard this pronunciamento as serenelv as he did
former ones from the same source, "bat if ne
can ho will not bo permitted. The President
wisely transmitted Bismarck's impudent mes
sage to Congress, and that body will doubtless
speak its mind npon it in unmistakable terms.
Our duty is simple; it is to place ourselves be
tween Samoans andtheirenemies and announce
that the first shot fired will have to be fired at
us. In the event of such decisive action on the
Sart ofrour Government Bismarck's agents will
esltate a long time before they touch off that
Tbe Post says: It is clear that promptness
and vigor are needed from this Government or
there will be nothing left to save. The Germ
ans will have the islands and the United State
will have a broken treaty.
Bat Is Preparing to SendSIIIItary Reinforce
, meats to Samoa.
Berlix, January 31. A white book on
the Samoan question will shortly be pre
sented to the Reichstag.
The National Zeitung announces that a
friendly settlement with America may be
expected, based upon Prince Bismarck's
proposal for a joint discussion.
It isnot expected that German military
operations in Samoa will commence
until sufficient reinforcements are sent to
the islands. At present there are at Samoa
three German war ships, with an available
landing force of 300 men.
Getting Down to Business.
At the close of the concert at the Sixth
TJ. P. Church, East End, last evening, the
subject of a new building for the East End
branch of the Y. M. C. A. was discussed
and resolutions made to canvass the frienda
of the association for funds.
For Western Penn
syhania, Ohio and
Lower Michigan,
fair and clearing,
except along the
lakes, continued light local snows, much
colder, except in northwestern portion of
Lower Michigan, slightly colder westerly
winds, diminishing in force.
Pittsburg. January 31. 1SS3.
The United States Signal Service o racer ia
this city furnishes tbe following.
7 KM A. V
100 A. M
1:00 F. M
4:00 r. M
7:00 F. M
10:00 F. M
KlveratSp. at.,
hut 21 hours.
Meantemt).. - 33
Maximum temp.... 42
Minimum temp.... 27
Range .... 15
Precipitation OS
8.3 ftMC, a fall of 1.7 feet In the
River Telegrams.
Brownsville River 8 feet 2 inches and
stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 36
at C P. M.
MoRGAJnowif Biver G feet 3 inches and
falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 3fi
at i P. it.
Warrejt River 2 feet 5-10 inches and sta.
tionary. Weathe i cloudy and cold.
-jyf to AST ona whn will rvmfnui
W Auuui OUT '1TT TfTBt
Acme Blacking
, , . WILL NOT
Yfoisr & Bassoxps.
To mats an fntsHlcent test of this, try the foUdr.
lntt method: Hang a strip of leather in a bottle of
Acme Blacking, and leara it there for a day or a
month. Talca it oat and hane it up to dry and ex
amine its condition carefully. We recommend ladies
to make & similar test with French Hressintr. and
gentlemen with any liquid Mlntion of Paste Black
ing; or with liqnid blacking that comes in stone jogs.
Its beautifal. rich. GLOSSY POLISH is m
eqnaled. JSava labor and annayane.
A Polish Lasts n Month for Women, and
A WeekforBIen, and on I lorn ess Leather
even Four months without renoratmg.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.-
Sold hy Shoe Stores, Grocers, and dealers generally.
Writes regarding the
95 & 06 Losdok "Wall. E. C.
LONDON, November 25, 1888. J
Gentlemen: We consider the Polisher well
deserving the notice of all who wish to preserve)
and beautify their teeth, and it may he de
scribed as the ne plus ultra of tooth brushes.
Convenient in form,concentrated in material,
effective in action, quick in results. Prepared
and prescribed by Dr. Mark R. Woodbury for
more than a quarter of a century. Used by
thousands as a remedy for Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion or Sick Headache with such marvelous
success that imitations, inferior and valueless,
have sprung up. Beware of them. Genuine
has D. K. Impressed on every tablet. 25 and 50
cents a box. Sold everywhere. Mailed any
where for the price.
DOOL1TTLE & SMITH. Selling Agents,
24 and 26 Tremont Bt., Boston Mass.
For Sale by Geo. A. Kelly fc Co., Pittsburg.
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