Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 01, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Vol. o. S80. Entered ai I'lttsbnrg 1'ost
ofiic, November M, lfeJC, as secund-ciass matter.
Business Office 97 and.99 Fifth Avenue.
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Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 200
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The Daily Dispatch 1 delivered by carriers at
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at SO cents per week.
The Senate yesterday adopted tne amend
ments to the consular and diplomatic bill
reported by the Committee on Foreign Re
lations, appropriating 500,000 to protect
American interests in Samoa, and $100,000
for the coaling station at Pago Pago in
Samoa. This in itself was not remarkably
significant, forthe passage of the amendments
was never in donbt, but the spirited speeches
of Senators Eeagan and Frye hot upon the
heels of the announcement of further acts of
argression by Germany against the United
States in Samoan waters, contain consider
able food for thought.
If the last reports from Samoa prove to be
true, and it is ascertained that without no
tice of the establishment of a blockade,
Germany's men-of-war are demanding and
enforcing the right to search American ves
sels for contraband of war, the time for de
cided action on the part of our Government
has arrived. As Senator Reagan says the
United States must assert its rights in Sa
moa, or call its representative home, and
with a meek heart wash its hands of the
whole business. The German Government
has certainly taken no pains to curb or
apologize forthe insolence of her represen
tatives in Samoa. "With a calm disregard
for everybody's interests but her own she
has declared war against the de facto rnler
of Samoa. Germany has elected to keep
her own council, and consult none of her
nominal allies. She will have to take the
It is evident that Mr. Bayard and the
1 President are impressed with the necessity
of preparing for more energetic measures in
the Samoan matter. From San Francisco
comes the news that the formidable man-of-war,
the Charleston, under construction
there, is to be hurried as quickly as possi
ble to completion. Though her trial was
set for the middle of March, she is expected
to be ready in two or three weeks.
From every point of view the Samoan im
broglio is rapidly assuming a very ngly as
pect For the first time war between Ger-
' many and this country seems to be more
than a possibility.
The striking street railway employes of
New York have succeeded in making sev
eral thousand people walk rather more than
usual during the past few days. They have
itirred np a tew small-sized riots, and other
wise inflicted more or less annoyance on in
tensive citizens. In addition they have
lost their jobs, perhaps permanently. This
is the history of the strike as far as it has
progressed. In view of these facts, and
without attempting to decide whether the
employers or the employes have been most
wronged, unprejudiced friends of either
tide will be likely to conclude that the old
question "Do strikes pay?" has again been
tnswered emphatically in the negative.
Inspired by purely philanthropic motives,
we desire respectfully to suggest to the
"White Cap or Caps, who are reported to
have served an ill-spelt and impetuous
notice upon a prominent resident of Mc
Iveesport to amend his ways, that the iron
suburb of Pittsburg in question is not a
N healthy place in which to display tomfoolery
and lawlessness. There is too much brawn
and too much muscle and too much horse
sense in McKeesport society for any collec
tion of fools or knaves, in caps or out of
them, to imitate the lawless reprobates of
Southern Ohio and Indiana without painiul
results to themselves.
Senator John T. Morgan's article in the
Forum, entitled "Shall Negro Majorities
Rule?" is an extremely instructive illustra
tion of the survival of the old slave-holding
Bonrbonism. It follows the regular line of
argument about the horror of amalgama
tion between the two races which was not
considered an especially horrible thing in
the days of slavery the claim that political
equality means race equality, and declares
that the negroes were given the ballot to de
grade and insult the Sonth. Of course in
telligent argument against such dogmas is
Toward the close of the article Senator
Morgan makes the following surprising
plea: "If we compare the condition of the
:cgro caught in his native land and en
slaved with that of his posterity in the
South as it was at the date of the Thirteenth
amendment, simple justice cannot deny to
the former slave-holding South the credit of
having dealt far more generously with the
negroes than those who caught them in
Africa, or bought them from the slave
ships," When a man claims, as a justifica
tion for the South in the nineteenth centu
ry, that it was more civilized than the sav
ages of Africa or the slave traders of the
eighteenth century, he is past the reach of
But it is worth while to point to the
obvious reply to the question which Senator
Morgan selects as the head of his article.
Negro majorities should not rule; nor
should any other race majorities rule. The
majority of the whole people should rule,
and must rule, if the republican form of
government is to be preserved. If the in
telligence and education of the South with
the tradition of a century of mastery on their
side cannot lead the negroes to vote with
them in politics, regardless of the race
question, it must be taken as an indication
that they have given the negroes reason to
doubt the desire of the whites to secure the
rights of education and citizenship to the
colored race. Ignorance does not set itself
upas a class against intelligence and ability
without provocation; and the fact is that
the race question in the South has its
source in the prime article of faith be
queathed lrom slavery, that the negro mnst
be kept in a servile position.
A good many of the more intelligent and
progressive whites are beginning to perceive
that the way to solve -the race question is to
give the colored people their richts and to
showsuchgood faith securing their advance
ment and education as to wipe out the colox
line. Such evidences of progress are so en
couraging as to do away with theectionaI
issue; but the solntion of the question will
never be aided by the prating of snch relics
of barbarism as John T. Morgan, who con
cludes his argument with the idea of
claiming that the slave-holding South was
more humane and civilized than the slave
holding savages of Africa.
Those laugh best who laugh last is a
proverb of which the thoughtful reader must
be irresistibly reminded by the last move
in the thimble-rigging game through which
the South Pcnn road receives its quietus.
Seemingly now there is cause for hilarious
jubilation among the magnates of "Wall
street, and the representatives of the Penn
sylvania Central's interests. The compet
ing line that was promised to Pittsburg is to
lie in the picturesque unfinished condition of
"a lot of holesinthe ground;" theratesare to
be restored all through the country by the
trunk lines; the "innocent investors" in di
luted stocks and shaven bonds of all sorts
of roads from Kalamazoo to Florida are to
be protected by the resumption of dividends
from shippers' pockets; in short, there are
beautiful prospects of harmony ahead and
the skillful upsetting and evasion of the
Consti ution of Pennsylvania is a small
price to pay for it.
But there are drawbacks. The Vander
bilts are not going to hand over the "holes
in the ground" without being recouped;
and, in some form or other, it is the bene
ficiary who will have to pay the piper. In
this case the dance-music will cost at least
four r five million dollars. But with
business existing at Pittsburg and other
points along the South Pcnn line to justify
the building of a road, how long will com
petition be kept out of the field? Even
assuming that the people of "West and
Southern Pennsylvania have neither the
means, nor the business sagacity, nor the
local pride to build a road that would help
their interests, how long are the ambitions
and enterprises of other railroads to be dor
mant? The public have seen often hereto
fore just such solemn compacts among the
great railroad managers not to compete or to
encourage competition. No one needs be
told that they are easier broken than made.
How long will it take, after the first rup
ture, to find new plans afoot for another
road through the district traversed by the
South Penn? If the Pennsylvania Central
is so sensitive to that sort of competition,
who doubts that competition in the next
"railroad war" will take just that form?
The Disfatcu sees many things in the
Pennsylvania Central to admire, and of
which the public may well feel justly proud.
The Eplcndid management of its routine
business, its admirable equipment, its
promptness in the field with all improve
ments, these are features which worthily
inspire admiration for its efficiency. But
that it is has any good reason to hope that it
will be always able to shut out competition
where competition is constantly invited by
an immense growth of business and of popu
lation is impossible. Upon the length of
time that will elapse before another project
takes the place of the South Penn must de
pend solely the question whether the "holes
in the ground" shall not have proved a
most expensive whistle.
As for the exhilarating effects on the stocks
and bonds of the railroads of the country it
will last until the big "Wall street operators
who are now "bulls" begin to think the
time ripe for a "bear" campaign. As for
"innocent and legitimate investors," it can
readily be believed that nothing makes such
investors as are of that class more apprehen
sive about the continued value of their hold
ings than these very same artificial stimu
lants and restraints to the course of trade,
which if employed to-day to raise prices are
just as liable to be used to-morrow to de
press them.
These are the business aspects and proba
bilities of the situation. It Pittsburg manu
facturers and merchants who had been
hoping so earnestly for this new feeder to
their trade are now compelled to set down
for the present in disappointment, their
curiosity will at least be immensely whetted
as to the duration of this latest great railway
The views of such a distinguished citizen
and jurist as ex-Chief Justice Gordon, of the
Supreme Court of this State, upon any
question would be worthy of a respectful
hearing, but particularly so are those which
The Dispatch's special commissioner lays
before our readers this morning. Judge
Gordon has always been a strong and con
sistent friend of temperance, and his latest
utterances only confirm his record on the
burning question. The pith of his views on
prohibit.on is that local option is preferable
to the adoption of the Constitutional amend
ment .
He makes out a very good case in this
direction, and one which will bear close ex
amination. It is also interesting to note
that Judge Gordon refuses to hold out the
slightest gleam of hope to the liquor men of
compensation for the destruction of their
business, should prohibition be inaugurated.
Judtre Gordon adds his belief to the many
already expressed that prohibition will be
victorious in June.
Concerning the rumor that some especial
scheme of the President's would go through
the Senate by virtue of the administration
influence, it is mourned by Frank Hatton
in the "Washington Pott that this exhibits
the degeneracy of politics. That, as he as
serts, "the Democratic President can get an
administration measure through a Republi
can Senate with more ease than through a
Democratic House," indicates that some
unique influences are at work. These influ
ences, in the opinion of our journalistic
Jeremiah, is indicated as follows:
There was a time when majorities could not
be broken In the Senate and House by either
the distribution of patronage victuals or social
favors. The spade-tail coat and the low-cut
vest cut no figure in those days.
The fact of political degeneracy is some
thing that few impartial observers will
deny; and many have sought to find the
cause of it This suggestion is full of
-pertinence. Does the spade-tail coat pre
dispose the wearer to surrender his princi
ples and the low-cut vest allow his convic
tions to slide easily out of his breast? If
that is the effect of this demoralizing
raiment legislation should hasten to pre
scribe for its statesmen the embracing, am
plitude of the Quaker garb, accompanied by
the still more rigid iufibulation ot the
Dunkard brethren.
Probably the spade-tail coat, as typical of
the desire to be Jashionable rather than in
dependent, has a good deal to do with the
abandonment of principle in legislation.
But could not Brother Hatton have noted
the fact that in cases where that sinful gar
ment produces this demoralizing effect, it is
generally surmounted by the corporation
There is one section of the United Stales
which is not suffering for lack of winter
weather. It is Alaska. If worst comes to
worst, possibly we can obtain a supply of
ice from that quarter.
All Europe has been waiting for many
months in momentary expectation that Ger
many would declare war against some na
tion. The declaration has come at last, but
instead of being against France, Russia or
England, it is only a handful of half-civilized
people living in the Pacific Ocean who
are to be targets for German bullets. If
Bismarck is spoiling for a fight, why doesn't
he tackle somebody of his size and leave
King Mataafa alone?
Evejt if winter does not linger in the lap
of spring later than usual there will still be
time after the Fourth of March for office
holders to experience many a cold day.
Thebe have been many illustrations of
political "ways that are dark and tricks that
are vain" brought out in contests for seats
in Congress, but Arkansas has achieved the
unenviable distinction of being the first to
stain the record of such a squabble with the
contestant's blood. It is a crime scarcely less
horrible than that perpetrated by Guitean,
and both Congress and the State of Arkan
sas should see that every means is used to
capture and bring the assassin to justice.
"Winter at daybreak, spring before noon,
summer after noon and winter at nightfall,
such was the beautiful assortment of seasons
exemplified in yesterday's weather.
It will be wonderful itrdeed if the New
York street car strike ends without great
bloodshed. "With strikers drinking freely
and Police Inspector "Williams advising his
men to use their pistols and shoot to kill,
it is possible that shocking scenes in the
streets will recall the days of the Parisian
In the matter of keeping his own counsel
Senator Allison seems to be the equal of
either Benjamin Harrison or Matthew Stan
ley Quay.
As soon as the Cabinet and Samoan ques
tions are settled perhaps some prophet may
arise who will be able to tell us whether
Dudley will be indicted, and also to name
the next Senator from "West Virginia.
Then the country will breathe easier.
"WHE2T the groundhog comes out to-morrow
he will probably be able to tell us
whether we are to have any sleighing this
Nobody will mourn excessively to hear
that those peculiar street railway bills died
yesterday in the committee nursery at Har
risburg. They were unhealthy from their
birth, and several spots on them have never
been properly accounted for.
The National Furniture Manufacturers
Association deserves a medal. It has de
cided not to form a trust.
It didn't take the legislators long to per
ceive the true inwardness of that anti
Chicago beef bill. Those who. favored the
measure by talking too much, gave their
cause away. It's a good thing for the gen
eral public that they did so.
Sir Whxtax Peauce left a
fortune of
SO.2jO.000; all to bis widow and son.
Time has led Count von Moltke from the
battlefield to the rose garden. He gives most
of his time now to the cultivation of his favor
ite flowers.
S. W. Hawkixs, a Cherokee Indian, is In
Washington. He Is a tall, copper-colored, in
telligent brave, who spends much time at the
Capital advocating the claims of the red man
to fall citizenship.
Gekerai, Boulaxger's complaints against
his wife, In his petition for divorce, amount
substantially to this: She has dared to have a
mind of her own, and has refused to be the
slave of his whims. Not much better than
Milan Obrenovitch's indictment of his wife.
Says some one who i&posted: "Jacob Kilrain
calls John L. Sullivan a baDy; John L. Sullivan
calls Jacob Kilrain a monkey; Charles Mitchell
calls Jack Deinpsey a rat; Jack Dempsey calls
Charles Mitchell a duffer; Charles Mitchell
calls John L. Sullivan a loafer." And they
never fight!
The expulsion of French cooks from his
household by the present Emperor of Germany
recalls the fact that his Imperial grandfather
lone employed M. Urbain Dubois as chef.
When the Franco-Prussian war broke ont 31.
Dubois resigned his post, but Emperor William
would not permit him to depart When the
fortunes of war had placed the chefs native
village in the Emperor's power the latter
issued an order thai the people of that vicinity
should not be compelled to pay an Indemnity.
The Returns on tho State Contest May bo
Canvnrtscd To-Day.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Charleston, January 8L The vote for
United States Senator to-day showed but little
change from the previous ballot Senator Van
pelt voted for Kenna, but Delegates Dorr and
Merrill still re ruse to do so. District Attorney
Watts, a friend of Dorr, who has been attend
ing court at Parkersburg, arrived here yester
day, presumably to use his influence in Kenna' s
behalf, but if so his mission was a failure. The
Union Labor men to-day voted for J. W.
Goshorn. Kenna received 41i votes and Goff
40; necessary to a choice, .41. Chairman Gos
horn, of the Union Labor party's National
committee, suggested to-day that there would
probably be an election when the labor bills
now pending hart bpen passed. When it was
remarked that the Union Labor members could
not elect Kenna as long as Dorr and Merrill
continued to vote against him, he replied :
"No, but if they vote with tho Republicans
tbev can elect"
The holders of tbe alleged West Virginia
certificates submitted a proposition to tbe Sen
ate to-day asking that the certificates be ex
changed tor state Donas, ana a committee be
appointed to inquire into the merits of the
case." The matter was referred to the Finance
Two Republican Senators have announced
their intention to vote to-morrow for proceed
ing to the House ot Delegates to open and re
port the vote on State officers, and the tug of
war on the Gubernatorial contest will probably
begin then.
Funeral Services Suddenly Stopped Because
of r Supposed Trance.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Erie, January 3L Edinboro has been in a
state of excitement over the supposed entranced
condition of a younglady.Miss Julia Davis, who
died there last Saturday night The arrange
ments were made for tbe funeral and interment
on Monday. The life-like appearance of tbe
corpse was the subject of much comment and
as the hour of he funeral approached there
was a general protest against tbe Interment
although the phjsicians all agreed that life was
extinct and that death was the result of heart
After the funeral sermon had been preached
the lace of the corpse was exposed, when there
was so much ocular evidence of lite that it
was decided to stop the obsequies, and tbe body
was taken back to the young lady's boarding
house. When signs of decomposition appeared
after two more days' waiting the surgeons held
a post mortem and ascertained for a certainty
that the girl was dead.
There should be Plenty of News.
From the New York Herald.l
When Mr. Blaine Js Secretary of State here,
Herbert Bismarck Chancellor in Germany,
Cnspi controlling Italy and Boulanger Minister
of War m.France there should ibe plenty of.
news for everybody whojlikes news. ;
The Sugary Origin of n Llltle Girl's Curls
Not a Widow' Sllte.
A smalt, girl of my acquaintance exhibits a
peculiar phenomenon at certain times of the
year. For instance, a regularly as the weather
begins to grow cold her hair begins to curl, and
about this month her curls have the stillness
and general appearance of corkscrews. Bat as
soon as the weather grows warm her locks
lengthen out into straight tags, or resolve
themselves into a pigtail or some otner juven
ile mode of hair dressing.
Yesterday I had alengthy tete-a-tete with this
young lady, and when we had exhausted all the
topics in sight, when she had told me why she
liked blue-eyed dolls and bated those or optics
brown, when I bad told her for the nine hun
dredth and ninetieth time the story of Cinder
ella, and sheliad confided In me the news that
she had made up her mind to bury her maltese
kitten as soon as it died under the apple tree in
the yard; if ter all this discourse I ventured to
voico my curiosity.
"Louise," said I, '"why is your hair so curly
in winter and so limp and straight in Bum
mer!" "Oh, It's because of the files," said Louise
without a moment's hesitation and with some
show of contempt for a man who deigned to
ask such easy questions.
"What have the flies got to do with the curl!-
ness of your hair?" I asked In astonishment
"Why, silly, ma does up my hair with sugar
ana water, and the sugar dries ana manes my
hair curly. It's all right In the winter, but In
the summer, myl bow the flies settled on me
when ma curled my hair once last July, I was
all files, I tell you."
The cable cars continue to attract a certain
percentage of countrymen and women, as well
as city folks, who ride merely to taste a new
sensation. Yesterday, as X was riding in from
the East End, a middle-aged woman and a
gawky boy, both beyond all doubt from some
jural district sat opposite to me for a while.
Every time the car stopped and the whirr and
rattle of the cable became audible, that good
woman clutched the boy, her son probably, by
the arm, as if an eruption of diabolical powers
were imminent
By the way, the cable cars hero do not make
snch an infernal noise as the same vehicles do In
Chicago. It is impossible to conduct any sort
of a conversation in a Chicago cable car, abso
lutely impossible. That is not the case at all in
tne cars here.
We've all of us heard the natural gas com
panies abused for greediness and guile and
other high crimes and misdemeanors, but it
may be a novelty to hear a little from the other
A high officer in one of the great gas com
panies said to me the other day: "The pnbllo
has a fashion of pntting on an iujured air
whenever natural gas contracts are mentioned,
but while I willingly admit that the gas com
panies want all they can get I've found that
the customers want more.
"Not long ago a woman with a sweet smile
and a very respectable appearance the sweet
smile, however, was the predominating feature
T-came into our office and said she wanted gas
put Into her house. She smiled "so much and
was so winning In her ways that I suspected
something crooked and took her case in hand
mjself. She told me she was a widow with
several children and that she lived in a small
bouse. She wanted gas put into one small
grate in the parlor.
"I asked her if she didn't need the gas for
cooking purposes, and she said no. She didn't
do much cooking; a little bread and butter and
a cup of tea were all she wanted. Over and
over again she enlarged upon her lovo of a lit
tle enp of tea. Finally I told her a man would
call at her house and examine the grate. She
went away without a smile upon her face.
"When our man called at the widow's house
he found that the little parlor grate was nothing
less than a bit: kitchen range on which the
smiling little woman intended to cook for her
interesting family the year through, calculating
of course to get the gas at a reduced rate from
us on the plea of using It only during tho
Tho Heroine of the Nice Elopement Snld to
Hnve Fled From n Titled Lover.
Minneapolis, January 31. The description
and name of the young American lady whose
alleged elopement from Nice, France, with Dr.
Sellon, formed the subject of a cable dispatch
tally so exactly with those of a well-known
young society lady in Minneapolis, at present
traveling In Europe, that there are a very
anxious father and several young society men
In Minneapolis whose hearts are all a flutter
ritli thfi news
Miss Ida Wilcox, the charming and gifted
young lady whose name is so unfortunately
connected with the latest sensation In Minne
apolis society, was last summer's reigning belle
at Minnetonka, the petted favorite of fashion
able society at tbe lake and the idol of society
men and the gav life at the Lafayette.
Mr. Carlos Wilcox, the father of the young
ladv, read the story with anxious incredulity.
"If' you bad "brought me a dispatch that mv
daughter was dead," he exclaimed, "I should
not have been more surprised. I cannot deny
it for I have heard nothing. 1 beard from my
wife and daughter January 5. They were well
and happy then. This is strange; I cannot
understand it I cannot believe that my daugh
ter would do that She had everything she
needed to make her happy." .
A gentleman who Bad been in correspond
ence with members of the family says be be
lieves the true solution of the case is that Miss
Wilcox's mother wanted her to marry a French
Count Tbe match was distasteful to Miss Ida,
and to escape importunities she placed herself
under the protection of Dr. Sellon and went
with him to join tbe doctors wile in Paris.
1 .
Programme of tho Temperance People in
Erie nnd Vicinity.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
Erie, January 3L The Women's Christian
Temperance Union will meet to-morrow and
decide upon a line of action during the forth
coming: license courts. It is conceded that
there will be no general remonstrance in Erie
city. The sentiment in Erie county, outside of
Erie, is growing stronger daily in favor of pro
hibition. In the cities of Erie and Corry the
contrary is the case, for the citizens cenerally
agree that prohibition will not prohibit in Erie
city, and that it would be free whisky and no
revenue to tbe city.
A Satisfactory Showing for Ibe Ofllce of the
Commissioner of Patents.
Washington, January 3L The annual re
port of the Commissioner of Patents shows
that tho total receipts of the patent office for
the past year were $1,118,616; total expenditures,
974.108; net income of the office. 3114,416. The
patent fund in the Treasury January 1, 1SS9,
amounted to 3,401,898.
The number of original patents issued during
the year was 20,420, of which 1,630 were to citi
zens of foreign countries; re-issues, 86; trade
marks registered, 1,039, and labels registered,
21,892a During tbe year 11,687 patents expired.
Brilliant Architectural Ideas.
From the Korristown Herald.l
A Boston paper suggests that steeples be con
structed with hinges at the base, so that they
can turn them down for painting. Another
brilliant architectural Idea would be to have
rope and tackle suspended over theaters, so that
when a Are broke out during a performance the
house could be lifted six or eight feet and per
mit the audience to exit in all directions. Of
course the floor should not be drawn up at the
same time.
Fresh from her third tour of Great Britain,
witching Minnie Palmer comes to the Bijou
next week. On Monday, Tuesday and Satur
day evenings she will appear as Tina in "My
Sweetheart" which part she has played over
2,000 times. During the balance of the week
"My Brother's Sister" will be given. There
will be but one matinee, and that on Saturday.
The world famous pianist Moriz Rosenthal,
will give a performance at Old City Hall on
Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week.
No mnsic lover can fail to miss this treat The
sale of seats indicates that the house will be
crowded on both nights.
Evans & Hoey, the favorite comedians, will
be at the Grand Opera House next week with
that mirth-creating success "A Parlor Match."
The sale of seats is now in progress.
"De. Jekyli, and Mr. Hyde" will succeed
"A Cold Day" at Harris' Theater. Dore David
son is the star.
The show at Harry Williams' this week is
one of tbe best of the season. A strong attrac
tion will follow it t
TnE many curious and interesting objects at
the Cash o are drawing tlio usual crowds.
The Schubert Club Observe!
The Schubert Club held its annual anniver
sary commemorative of the birth of the com
pose, after which the dab is named, last even
ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzio
Davis, Fenn avenue.
Two years ago the programme was composed
wholly of the selections of the patron master,
and last year tho local talent were represented.
Last evening the programme was changed
again, this time representing the works of the
masters in general. The productions of Liszt,
Shumann, Mendelssohn and Donizotta being
among the number.
Among the performers were Miss Mamie
Reuck and Miss Jennie Abbott on the violin.
Misses Jackson. Armstrong and Oehmler on
the piano. The following vocalists participated
In the programme: Mrs. J. E. Porter, Miss
Ada Scandrett and Mr. J as. Lambie.
After the concert the guests prolonged the
evening's enjoyment with a social hop.
Irwin Friends Feast Sir. Scbellenberg at
the Seventh Avenue.
Some of the friends of F. Z. Schellenberg,
late Superintendent of the Westmoreland Coal
Company at Irwin, surprised him with a ban
quet at the Seventh Avenue Hotel last night.
There were S8 guests present, all from Irwin.
Mr. Schellenberg lives in tne East End, and
was taken completely off his guard. Mr. E. B.
.aicuormicK presontea mm witn a una ciock as
the gift of his friends. After the different
courses had been served and everybody folt
happy, the speech making began, and the ma
jority of those present took a hand in the work.
Sin. Henry Phlppi' Reception.
One of the grandest receptions of the season
was that which Mrs. Henry Phipps tendered In
honor of her guest, Mrs. V. Mott Pierce, of
Buffalo, at her residence on Ridge avenue, Al
legheny, yesterday afternoon. The entire
house was lighted with electric lights and pro
fusely and beautifully decorated with flowers
and evergreens. From 1 until 6 o'clock there
was a throng of visitors, whoso enjoyment
61 the perfect surroundings and of the
hospitalities ot the occasion made the re
ception a most notable success.
Mrs. Phipps was assisted in receiving by a
number of ladies prominent in Allegheny
society. The reception was elaborate In 11 of
Its details and accessories.
An Enjoyable Sewickley Entertainment.
The Sewickley Athletic Club entertained a
good audience at Choral Hall last evening with
a musical and literary programme, consisting
of tableaus, character sketches and musical
selections. One of the attractions was the
Spanish dance, the whole forming a very
pleasant evening's entertainment
Miss Lizzie Dickson had charge of the exer
cises, which were participated! In wholly by
Sewickley talent The proceeds will be used to
liquidate the deot contracted by the Sewickley
Valley Dramatic Club last season.
To Replenish the Sunday School Treasury.
Avery entertaining programme wasrendered
at the Fifth United Presbyterian Cburcb, cor
ner Washington street and Webster avenue,
last evening, it being the first of two entertain
ments given to replenish the Sunday school
treasury. The numbers consisted of piano and
vocal solos, declamations, a mandolin and
piano trio, and closed with very laughable
An Enjoynblo Enat End Concert
A very fine musical programme, under the
direction of Prof. Simeon Bissell, was listened
to by a large audience at the Sixth United
Presbyterian Church, comer Collins avenue
and Station street Hast End, last evening.
After the rendition of the programme the
project of a new building for the East End
Younsr Men's Christian Association was dis
cussed. An Allegheny Reception.
Mrs. James Reed, Jr., of West End avenue,
Allegheny, gave a reception last evening in
honor of her sister, Mbs Mattie Beatty, of
Freeport. The hostess as assisted by Mrs.
Frederick Rook, Mrs.Garrett Crossnan and the
Misses Reed.
Two More Made Hnppy.
Miss MaryL. Evans was married last even
ing to George W. Clay, the East End con
tractor, at her home on Forty-tlfth street Rev.
W. H. Pearce performed tba ceremony. Tbe
couple will spend their honeymoon in tho
A Soclnl Party.
About IS members of Post 88, G. A. It, of Al
legheny, with their wives, went to Mansfield
last night to spend the evening socially as the
guests of T. D. Turney, Yardmaster of the
Panhandle at that place.
Christy's Society Class Annual.
The Society Class of Christy's Dancing
Academy gave their annual reception at the
academy hall on Fenn avenue last evening, the
Mozart Orchestra furnishing the music
The Imperial Club Reception.
The sixth of the series of receptions given
by the Imperial Club last evening at New Im
perial Hall was well attended, the Mozarts fur
nishing the music
lie Doesn't See How the Empire State Can
Get Into tbe Cabinet.
CnicAQO, January 31. General Washburne,
the new Senator-elect from Minnesota, arrived
in the city this morning on his way to New
York. He may visit Washington before he re
turns, but be does not go there permanently
until March. Senator Washburne declares the
report of his serious illness greatly exagger
ated. He merely suffered from a bad cold,
which, with an ulcerated tooth, gave him con
siderable annoyance. He has been ordered by
bis physicians to take a rest and is now trying
to do so.
Talking of politics. Senator washburne said:
"I don't see how it is possible for General Har
rison to construct a Cabinet without Blaine. In
mv oninion there Is every reason whv he should
be called to the chief place, and 1 believe he
will. If Senator Allison goes into the Cabinet
I am just as confident that he will only do so
under pressure, tor his long career in the
Senate has brought him all the political fame
to which bo could aspire, asido from the Presi
dency, and to leave the Senate for the Cabinet
would certainly be resigning a thing he can
have while he wishes it for something that at
most will not last over four years. In my talk
with General Harrison a month ago, from
what he said I know he wants Allison to accept
the Treasury portfolio, and I believe he will
even push it npon him. As to the other Cabinet
places, 1 should not be surprised if Wanamaker
was asked to become Postmaster General. I
have, reason to believe California would be
given tbe Secretaryship of the Interior. In
that case I would not be surprised if Swift
would be chosen. As to tbe other positions, 1
have only the vaguest notions."
"Do you think General Harrison is post
poning too lonz the naming of the Cabinet
slate?" tbe Senator was asked.
I don't," was the reply. "General Harrison
Is profiting by Garfield's experience. He does
not propose to draw to himself the storm of ob
jection and dissatisfaction throughtvhich Gar
field struggled upon tbe eve of tits inaugura
tion. Thirty days ago the new President as
sured me be had not made a Cabinet choice,
and I am not certain he has yet settled tho
matter. Of one thing I am assured, it will be
of able men. General Harrison further said
to me that he did not see how ho could take a
member of his Cabinet from New York, and
when I saw him this matter was giving him
considerable trouble."
Effort Being Made to Have
Railroad Aerccnicnt Signed.
CHICAGO, January SL President Hughitt, of
the Chicago and Northwestern; President
Cable, of Rock Island, and President Strong
of the Atchison, Topeka ahd Santa Fe, consti
tuting the committee appointed to secure sig
natures to tbe presidents' agreement, held a
brief conference at the office of tbe Chairman,
Mr. Hughitt to-day, and mapped out the work
before them. The signatures of all tbe
principal Chicago lines, except the Illinois Cen
tral, were obtained before the day was over,
and President Strong left to-night for St
Louis and Kansas City to secure those of the
Missouri, Kansas and Texas, and tho Kansas,
Fort Scott and Gulf roads, about which there
is still some uncertainty.
The position of the Illinois Central andthat
of the Chicago, Burlington and Northern re
mains unchanged, tho former contending that
the agreements already In effect are sufficient
and satisfactory, and tbe latter holding out be
cause its competitors for seaboard traffic via
Mackinaw City are not admitted to member
ship in the association. Powerful influences
are at work to bring both these roads into line
and with a fair prospect of success.
Yalentlnes for Hooilers.
From the Chicago News. 3
Tbe federal grand jury at Indianapolis Is pre
paring to send valentines to a large number of
prominent citizens of the State. It will employ
deputy marshals as special messengers.
The Democrats Preparing to Make n Strong
Fight to Cnplure the Iienlilatnre and
the Governorship Fornker Willing to
Accept a Third Term Murot Halstend's
isriciAt. telioham to the dispatch.:
COLUMBUS, January 31. Anything In the
way of radical legislation at the present session
of the General Assembly appears to be ont of
tbe question, in view of tbe fact that there are
so many interests to serve In the coming cam
paign, when a Governor and Legislature are to
be selected. Even what would be practical
legislation Is being passed by for fear there
may.be some mistake made which will have Its
influence in the campaign. It is altogether
likely that a Senator will depend upon the se
lection of the Legislature, and there are indi
cations on every band that tbo Democrats of
Ohio are going to make a big fight for the
game in signt
J. B. Townsend, Chairman of the Democratic
Committee, is making his headquarters in
Columbus, and is keeping the Democrats
stirred up by an occasional circular reminding
them of the importance of organization at all
times. Congressman James E. Campbell is'
conceded to be in tbe direct line of nomination
by the Democrats for the Governorship. A
cancus of the Democratic members of tho Leg
islature will be held early in February to dis
cuss the political situation and harmonize the
forces. A lormal address will be delivered by
ex-Congressman Converse, who, daring the
last campaign, was lukewarm and predicted
early that Cleveland would be defeated on bis
free trade fallacy. Mr. Converse is not in good
odor with the rank and file, but his predictions
have been so thorongbly supported by results
that there is an inclination to give him another
trial, thoueh bis old enemies and those icalous
of ins abilities will make an effort to keep him
in the rear.
On the Republicau side there is just now a
great amount of inside work being done. The
recent announcement that Hon. A. L. Conger,
of Akron, would not consent to be a candidate
for Guvernor. and tho moro recent understand
ing that General Asa S. Bushncll, of Spring
field, will not enter tho race, has left tho "field
open, and many able suggestions are being
made as to available timber. To-day Congress
man II. L. More, of Hamilton, was here, and
from the manner in which ho was received by
all clashes of Republicans, there was some
force given to the ruimir that everybody was
uniting upon him for Governor. The lriend3
of Governor Foraker talk on the quiet that a
third term would not be objectionable, and the
Governor has not said that he would not ac
cept it if offered the nomination.
The political situation iu Ohio Is in a great
measure dependent upon the makeup of Gen
eral Harrison's Cabinet. This has delayed all
combinations on the possibility that Foraker
might be called into the Cabinet Notonlythe
Governor, but a number of other prominent
politicans in the State, are getting ready to
place the responlbility for Ohio being ignored
in the makenp of the Cabinet There has been
a great deal of work done, principally, it would
seem, against there being any selection made
from this State, and it looks as If that would be
tbe situation. An instance is given In the visit
of Mr. Haistead, of the Cincinnati Commercial
Gazette, to Indianapolis tbe other day. Tbe
Indianapolis corresDnnoent of his naner men
tioned incidentally that Mr. Haistead would
not be averse to the English mission, and he
was also reported as suggesting to General
Harrison that Ohio would be much better off
should he pass the State by in the makeup of
bis official family.
Resnlt of tbe Republican Senatorial Caucus
on Territories. J
Washington, January 31. The Republican
Senators to-day in caucus resumed the consid
eration of Territorial matters at the point
where the discussion ended yesterday. To-day's
caucus was productive of results in the adop
tion of tbe programme that was outlined yes
terday, namely, a resolntion to insist upon the
admission as States of North and South
Dakota, Montana and Washington. While it
was regarded as expedient that Constitutional
conventions should be called in the two'Dakotas
to pass npon the new Constitutions, the Re
publican Senators are resolved that another
vote shall not be required npon the question
of division.
There was a lack of unanimity, however, in
regard to New Mexico, which tbe House bill
proposes td admit on like terms with the other
Territories; and Senators were notwantlnc in
sunport of the" adoption of a broad, non-partisan
policy which would include that Terri
tory in the benefits to be accorded Its sisters.
It was nrged, on the other hand (and the argu
ment appeared to meet with the approval of a
majority of the Senators present), that, owing
to peculiarities of the people of rew Mexico,
the Territory was not yet fitted for admission.
The statements contained in the petition from
Albuquerque against admission, recently pre
sented to Congress, were quoted with effect in
this connection.
The final decision of the caucus was that the
Committee on Territories should frame a sub
stitute for the House bill that should be so
broad in policy and fair in terms that its rejec
tion by tbe House would saddle that body with
an unpleasant responsibilitv to the people of
the West When this bill Is made up it will be
flushed through the Senate with expedition, as
t is the desire to reach the conference stage, at
least this session.
If the Agricultural Appropriation Bill
Passes as Now Proposed.
Washington, January 31. The Agricul
tural appropriation bill, completed to-day by
the House Committee on Agriculture, proposes
an appropriation of $l,636,010,as compared with
estimates of $1,680,160, and an appropriation for
tbe present year of $1,715,826. The appropriation
of $100,000 made in last year's bill to enable tbe
Commisslonerof Agriculture to continue experi
ments in developing sorghum cane is omitted
in the present bill.
The regular appropriation of $100,000 for tho
purchase and distribution of seeds is made, but
a provision is inserted requiring that the Com
missioner of Agriculture shall supply the seeds
directly to the several State agricultural ex
perimental stations for distribution by them.
This provision will deprive Senators and Repre
sentatives In Congress of their usual quota of
An Aged Couple Take Turns In Watching
Their Hoarded Wealth.
Special Teleeram to The Dispatch.
Wilijajipokt, January 31. It has come to
light that Mrs. Gabriel Rothschild, an aged
Hebrew woman who died a few days ago, left
a large fortune, estimated at $60,000. The
woman and her husband lived in abject pov
erty and were supposed to be very poor. The
money was kept concealed in a bedtick and the
woman carried large sums sewed no in ber
Tbe husband is now preparing to go to Ger
many. It is said that for many years the hus
band and. wife have not slept at the same time,
bnt that they kept a ceaseless vigil over the
wealth at all times.
Tbe Boy and tbe Cigarette.
From the New York World.
A bill has been introduced in the Senate at
Albany providing that If a boy under 16 years
of ago is found carrying a lighted cigarette in
the street he shall be arrested. But it's the
boy who brings the lighted cigarette into
house or office who deserves harsh punishment
Our Poor Senators.
From the Chicago News.
The studied effort which is being made to
prove that most of tbe members of the United
States Senate are poor men and not million
aires, as is commonly reported, is likely to re
sult in a popular subscription being started for
their benefit
Love, at your door young Cupid stands
And knocks for you to come:
Tho frost Is in bis feet and hands,
His lips with cold are numb.
Grant him admittance, sweetheart mine,
And by your cheering Are
Bis lips shall loosen as with wine
And speak fcrth my desire.
He left me not an hour ago,
And when the rascal went
Barefooted out into tbe snow
I asked him whither bent
Quoth he: 'To her whose face Is like
A garden full or flowers,
To her whose smiles like sunlight strike
Across the winter hours."
No more he said, nor need of more
Had 1 to know. I knew
His path lay straight unto your door
"that face belongs to you.
Godipeed," 1 cried, "ind give her toil
When you her face shall see;"
And on his lips I set a kiss, '
A Valentine from me I .
-Frank Dempfter Slitrman, intht Ctntury.-
Two Boys Have Tbelr Mother'a Life.
New Yohk, January 3L Mrs. Helen Fair
child and ber two boys, who occupied the sec
ond story of a Harlem flat, awoke early this
morning to find the flat blow them full of fire
and smoke. Tbe stairway bad already been
burnt away. The biys urged their mother to
jump from the window, but sho refused. Tbey
ran a noose in a clothesline, placed it around
ber waist lifted her to the window sill, and
gave her a shove. Sirs. Fairchlld weighs 200
pounds, and she dropped with a jerk that
bronght her sons at the other end of the
clothesline half way over the window sill, and
made-the spectators below hpwl apprehensive
ly. The boy.' regained their grip, however, and
bracing their leet against the window case
ment lowered their mother slowly to tho
cround. Young Sturgis Fairchild let down his
brother in the same way. He then made the
clothesline fast to the bedstead and came down
hand over hand. The hands of both boys were
badlv lacerated, and Mrs. Fairchlld was sore
around the waist where the noose squeezed
ber; otherwise the family was uninjured. Per
sons living in the third and fourth floor flats
escaped hi their nlghtclotbes to the roofs of
adjoining houses. Loss, 15,0G0.
Two Clubmen nt Sord Points.
Joseph LiwTence and R. Penn Smith, mem
bers of the Staten Island Athletic Club, are
watching for achance to thrash each other.
Mr. Lawrence talked a quarter of a column to
fonr different newspapers this afternoon to the
effect that though six inches shorter than Mr.
Smith, he was ready to "do bim up" at a min
ute's notice. The trouble arose from the fact
that Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence gave their coach
man a glass ot wine at the Athletic Club din
ner, on Monday night. Mr. Smith, who had
been crowded away from the dinner table In
the rush, thought the club was going to tbe
mischief when a coachman was wined before a
clubman had dined, and he said It right before
everybody. Mr. Lawrence retorted In kind,
ana a ngnt was imminent Some friends inter
fered and hustled Mr. Smith In one direction,
while Mr. Lawrence went off with his wife in
another. But, as Socrates remarked, the end
is not yet
Trying to Decipher a Cipher.
The officials of the Electric Sugar Refining
Company are trying to find some one who
can read Mrs. Friend's alleged cipher receipt
for refining raw sugar. When President Cot
tenll first attached the receipt he thought he
had something that would boost Electric sugar
stock. He and bis fellow officials have puzzled
over the Intricate cipher since they first got it
but not a word have they been able to read.
One or two of them think the cipher is a lot ot
unmeaning bosh written by Friend to fool the
stockholders. Mrs. Friend has asked tbe Su
preme Conrt of Michigan to give her back her
husband's unintelligible cipher.
Money Must be Raised at Once.
Judge Barrett to-day appointed Henry Win
throp Grey receiver for the North River Sugar
Refining Company against which he recently
gave his decision in the famous Sugar Trust
case. Mr. Grey is required to lurnish bonds
for 8100,000. He is directed to convert all the
company's property into money, which is to be
immediately deposited with the United States
Trust Company, and held until tho further
order of the Court
Chinese Corpses Wniting a Claimant.
Three Chinamen were killed In the wTeck
on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Rail
way, near Tallmadge. 0 on January 11 This
line is managed by tbe Erie Railroad. Tho
bodies of these Chinamen were shipped to Jer
sey City, and arrived there on Tuesday last
Two of the bodies were In one pine box, and
tbe third in another box. The bodies were ad
dressed to the "Superintendent of Evergreen
Cemetery. Brooklyn." Eighteen days have
passed since the men were killed. Their bodies
still lie on the depot platform in Jersey City.
Tammany Once More Hopeful.
Mayor Grant has made Tammany happy by
asKing the present members of tbe Civil
Service Board to resign. This board, by means
of competitive examinations, controls largely
all city offices which are not elective. It has
long consisted of such men as Everett P.
Wheeler, E. L. Godkln, and other prominent
Mugwumps. Mayor Grant told Godkin &. Co.
that they mnst make way for men more in
sympathy with the new city administration.
Tanimanyites think that the sympathy of Mr.
Grant's new board will materialize in the form
of fat municipal plums for Tammany Hall.
An Appropriation of Nearly $6,000,000
More Than Last Year' Aiked For.
Washington, January 3L The postoffice
appropriation bill, as completed by the House
Committee on Postoffices and Post Roads, pro
poses a total appropriation of $66,695,414. This
total is $216,630 less than the estimates, and
$5,735,210 more than the appropriation for the
current year. Tbe most Interesting feature of
tbe bill is the provision for a classification of
salaries of postoffice clerks. The committee
has adopted what is known as "Plan 11." sub
mitted by tbe Postmaster General (which has
already been published), with a significant
omission of the last provision that promotions
shall be made only after competitive examina
tion, conducted by examiners appointed by the
Postmaster in the case of first class offices, or
after a probationary service of six months.
Tbe committee has decided not to undertake
any legislation during this Congress in tbe di
rection of a reduction of the rates of compen
sation for railway mall carriage.
Something New for Cbicnjio.
From the New York Snn.J
The City Council of Chicago has laid in the
dust another plan for an elevated road. Mean
while the Impatience of the Garden City to get
an elevated road is fast nearing frenzy. She
wants onft as another nvirlpnon nf hr mptrn.
'politan character. If she could build it as high
as tho Eiffel tower ber cup would be full to
overflowing. We suggest to her as a scheme of
transportation worthy of her full-bosomed am
bition an elevated canal constructed on arches
and navigable by swift steamships of light
draught She deservestobave something new,
being herself perennially new, although not, of
course, too new.
It U Well to Keep It In ilfind.
From the New York Tribune.
There are no ronnds of drinks in the ladder
of success.
The New England Meteorological Society
proposes a loan exhibition of meteorological
apparatus, photographs, etc-, in connection
with its fourteenth regular meeting in Boston.
The danger from gases only jn connection
with house drainage are said to be compara
tively easy to avoid, the main consideration
being a continuous thorough ventilation of the
To the changed condition of a vessel's mag
netism by induction during a lengthy voyage
may be attributed the loss of more vessels than
Is usually thought to be the caso among mari
time men.
Thebe are propositions in France to con
struct canals from Bordeaux to the seaboard
of the Atlantfo and from Narbourne to the
Mediterranean; total length, 330 miles; cost,
Dr. Rutgers, of England, after an extended
series of dietetic experiments, declares that a
vegetable diet can easily be lived on, and tbat
vegetable albumen is, weight for weight, equal
to animal albumen.
IN the new process of metal-plating the in
ventor does away with batteries and dynamos
and depends unon a double electrical composi
tion. In copper-plating cast iron an alkaline
bath is used in place of an acidulated one.
One of the chief features of the use of paper
fabric for building purposes is the ease with
which it can be worked into sheets of any re
quired width or thickness that will not be af
fected by changes of temperature or humidity.
At a recent meeting of tbe Academy of Sci
ences the Prince of Monaco read a paper dem
onstrating tbe possibility of shipwrecked peo
ple, who have taken to the boats and are with
out provisions, being able to sustain life with
what they could catch In a dragnet trailing
overboard over night
In the new'methoftfor obtaining gas for bal
loons the hydrogen is gotten by beating slaked
lime and powdered zinc, to be inclosed in the
cartridges for safe transportation--by heating
this cartridge in an apparatus provided for the
purpose, hydrogen gas is obtained in sufficient
quantltiesjto inflate' an ordinary military bal
loon In three hours..
There are 26 State Legislatures now is
A, Chicago man claims to be. living on
eight cents a week.
It is proposed to attempt the dissipation
of fog by electrical discharges.
The population of Afric is 18 to the
square mile; in Europe there are 83 to thosame
The Lord Mayor 'of London received
30,000 letters last year. It is not stated how
many he wrote.
If the water of the ocean were to snd
Jen,,T ' cease being compressible its mean depth
would bo increased by 116 feet.
There are over 20,000 young women in
Great Britain studying music with the Idea ot
some day blossomine into stars.
Tbe heaviest leather belt ever put in an
establishment is 60 inches wide and 110 feet long
and weighs 1,600 pounds. It will drive LOCO
horse power machinery.
The rarest collection of old watches in
this country, if not in the world is owned by
Giovanni P. MorosinI, at Inrtngton, on tbe
Hudson. He has from 600 to 1,000, worth about
A St. Louis coal company recently
mined at Danville, IIL, a lump of coal that
welshed 37.000 pounds. It was shinned to
Chicago, and tbe timbers in the mine had to be
taken down for its removal.
For the supper to be served at the inau
guration ball In Washington there will be pro
vided 20.000 raw oysters, 20,000 stewed oysters,
8.000 chicken croquettes, 6,000sweetbread pates,
300 gallons of terrapln.ind other articles of food
in proportion. -"
Queen Victoria has decided to bequeath
the whole of the jubilee gifts to the nation,
from which the presents originally came. Tbe
treasures, numbering over a thousand articles,
have been collected at Windsor, and npon Her
Majesty's death will be transferred to a pnblio
Institution probably the South Kensington
Museum to be open for all time to gratuitous
M. Maspero, the Egyptologist, recently
brought back from Egypt a royal mummy. The
case had to be opened at Marseilles by the cus
tom house officer. Being told it contained
Pharaoh the officer looked np "Pharaoh" in
the tariff, but as it was not to be found he de
cided that Pharaohs, being an article of which
there was no mention, should be taxed accord
ing to tbe highest scale. 8o M. Maspero was
made to pay as for dried fish.
Mr. J. D. Beats, of Lewiston, Me.,went
the other morning to clear out a boiling spring
in his pasture. He was greatly surprised dur
ing tbe work to see a snake a foot and a half in
length come forth and go wiggling away over
the snow. Hardly had the snake disappeared,
before out jumped a large frog. The next
morning he went to the spring again, and lot
two frogs came out of the recesses of the well.
They thought" says Mr. Beals. "that summer
had really come, and expected on coming to the
surface to And tbe green grass and everything
eorrpflnnTirllno- rf
A Bangor, Me., man is credited with,
reuniting a severed pair of lovers in a unique
way. One day while traveling he bought a
paper-covered book and found in it alettertbat
hd been accidentally bound in the leaves. The
letter proved to be from a voung lady In
Chlcaeotoayonngman in Lewisburg, Pa. It
was sent to its destination, having been several
months on the way. The Lewisburg young
man. who bad supposed the young lady had
wearied of him and his letters, promptly an
swered It, and the rest of tbe stonf goes on in
the regular paper-covered novel way.
A venerable, white-haired clergyman of
Philadelphia has recently been much gratified
at receiving several requests from ladles for a
lock of his hair. But the other day his wife
received a note that put a different light on the
subject It ran as follows: "My Dear Mrs. X.:
Won't you please ask" your good husband to
send me just a little lock of his hair. We have
all been taking lessons in making hair flowers.
So many of tbe other girls asked him and he
sent It to them, but I thonght I would rather
ask you to get it for me. Now, won't you,
S lease do this for me. it is so bard to get white
air for lilies of the valley."
It cost an Auburn trackman nearly $5C
to move a certain family a few years ago and
1" "ory 0I " a 3" comln? "- A. woman
,,""" ""T 'v. "ft?? ,mI
1,'fnK u5 mth her. hnsband.and had decided
to leave him, came to tbe truckman and en
gaged his services In the removal of ber house
hold belongings. The truckman sent along one
of bis men to do tbe work. He did It without
asking any questl-ns, but later was sued for do
ing so, it being alleged that he bad knowledge
of the woman's project and was helning tho
thing along. Tbe case went Into tbe courts and
an execution was issued against him. and, as
said before, it cost bim in the end about $50.
and furtheimore he didn't get his pay lrom the
woman for moving the furniture.
The rat catching sqnad in the home of
Mrs. Mulholland, In East Orange, N. J was
Increased by five kittens the other day. The
new comers were given one to each of Mrs.
M.'s children, and provided by their fond
owners with a basket bed. Early one momlnj
recently, as Mrs. Mulholland was about leav
ing the room In which the kittens were, she
beard a noise, and looking around saw a huge
torn cat enter by the open window. As she
watched him he walked deliberately to the
basket and after glaring at tbe kittens for a,
few seconds, he picked them up separately by
the necks, snapped their vertebra like pipe
stems, and then laid tbe unfortunate cats dead
upon tbe floor. Mrs. Mulholland says that the
whole murderous transaction did not occupy
moro than ten seconds, and at the close the
intruder presented so fierce a front to her thac
she reconsidered her intention of attacking"
him with her broom. The mother cat, which
was near by, seemed to be paralyzed with fear,
and the assassin leaped out of the window and
"Cicely, dear, who was the best man at
your wedding?" "Vhy, my husband, of
course." Time.
In From the Country. She Is that a
voluntary that the organist Is playing now?
He No. I believe he Is paid for It.-Burlington.
Free Prtsr.
Bye, Baby Bunting,
Bnnnie went a hunting
And got a little verdict in
That swallows much of Baby's tin.
Mailawl Expreti.
Eeadyfor Business Colored Strange--
Yon doan know me, I reckon?
Pawnbroker No.
"1's one ob de Presidents of Aaytl. an' I'd Ilka
ter pawn that country fer enough ter buy a square,
meal. ' '-PMladetptiia Becord.
A Disastrous Contribution. Agent (to
soar-faced lady with capital) Madam. I am so
liciting funds to start a benevolent enterprise
for the poor whites of the South, and I thought-
Sour-faced lady I can't give you money, sir. I
have been fooled too'often. All I can do Is to lend
my countenance to the scheme.
Agent (sadly) That wonld simply ruin It,
ma'am. Burlington Fret Prut.
Laying Down the Law. Bridget The
nurse says, mum, that yez worrln the kitchen
while I worr ont
Mistress (tlmidly)-Yes, Brldiet
Bridget-Yls-lndade, mum. an' whatwudye,
think if I wlnt to your boodwsr when ye worr
Mistress (very timidly) I should think It
strange, Bridget.
Bridget (modifying a little as she shatters s.
piece of Sevres on the floor) Very well, mum, but
hereafter If ye will stick to your own part of the) '
house Ol'll stick to mine. The Epoch.
sidewalk bzximbrancxs.
"Who are they who, nothing daunting, .
Never speaking, never jaunting.
In our eyes their clothing flaunting? ,
They are dummies, helDlesa dummies,
And their legs are tadly wanting.
Who are they each corner haunting,
One another mildly taunting, ".
Of their silly actions vaunting, J
Of their clothing vainly vanntlng? X
They are dndles, helpless dndles, Jf
And tbelr heads are sadly wanting.
-Yew Tor Evening Sun.
A young gentleman wanted for position
in office. DntieslIgbtandealaryS7aweek. Slnrt'
be able to lend employer S1O.00O without Interest
The head porter of one of the principal hotels of.
this city desiring to take his family for a cruise la
the Mediterranean, would like to purchase a first
class steam yacht Price mult not go beyond
quarter of a million.
Good feeders wanted. No free lunch patrons'
need apply.
A handsome mustache for sale, cheap. Reason,'
for selling, owner going on stage.
Wanted, a ruler. One that won't want to boss
as well as rule.
A few chasers wanted. Must not be paper chas
ers. Wanted, a practical farmer. One accustomed to
country life preferred.
An experienced dairyman required who thor-i
oughly understands manufacture or pure nutter
auumiiK. iuus t UTG in city.
-.YW Ion Swttng Suk