FORTY-THIRD YEAR. Prince Bismarck and His Son, Count Herbert, Receive a Scathing Scorching. SOME AWFUL PLAIN TALK By Editor Stead, TVlio is Coached by tlie Dowager Empress Yictoria. A MINISTERIAL DYNASTY Is Claimed to be Bismarck's Pet Scheme, to Which He is Bend ing All His Energies. HERBERT IS PAPA'S LITTLE BOY, But Has Inherited Only His Father's Brutality, While the latter Has Lost His Sagacity. TIERIBLE CHAEGES BLUNTLY MADE The London Contemporary Review pub lishes a terrible denunciation of Prince Bis marck and his son Herbert. The article is written by Editor Stead, of the Pall Mall Gazette, but is supposed to be in spired by the Dowager Empress Victoria. The charges of political dishonesty, and worse, are made in plain language, and without any attempt to soften its harshness. The Prince is charged with being willing to use any means to create a ministerial dynasty for the benefit of his son, and that his hatred of Frederick III. and his wife was caused by their in dependence and liberal views. rBY CABLE TO TnE DISPATCH. London, January 30. A fierce attack on Bismarck, written ior the Contemporary Jtcvietc and anticipated by the morning papers, receives great attention. The fact of the article being unsigned, contrary to the custom of the Contemporary licriea, has aroused all sorts of rumors as to the author ship. The conclusion that it was directly inspired by the Empress Frederick and her anti-Bismarckian entourage is immediately jumped at, but there is endless and fruitless guessing as to the identity of the actual writer, which is supposed to be an unknow able secret. Mr. Stead, editor of the Pall Hall Gazette, Count Herbert JSttiuarck, One of the Roasted. wrote the article, a tact which precludes any idea of Empress Frederick having com municated directly with the author. The fact also that Mr. Stead's newspaper, be sides being the best newspaper in England, is accepted, as the English organ of Bussia, would, under ordinary circumstances, de tract from the force of any attack on Bis marck by its editor. Inspired From a nigh Source. But I can say with certainty that in this case Stead's writings, whether accurate or not, are inspired from a high source, and, as they are certainly to be the object of pro longed discussion, I think it worth while to send the following extracts: "We shall have no more petticoats meddling in politics now." Such, except that petticoats Is substituted for a word too coarse to print. was the characteristic exclamation which burst from the lips of Count Herbert Bismarck on the death of the Emperor Frederick. The re mark was as significant as it was characteristic. Connt Herbert Bismarck,tbe pivot in the action of the piece now being played out, scene after scene, by the relentless fates, is the son of .his father. That is his only distinction, for the father happens to be a great power in the new German Empire, and Herbert is his heir. A desire to secure the succession of the Chancel lorship to Count Herbert is the clew to the policy of Prince Bismarck, without which it ap pears an inexplicable tangle of brutalities. To Found a Ministerial Dynasty. What we are witncssinc in Berlin is a deter mined attempt on the part of the most power ful statesmen of the century to form a minis terial dynasty. Prince Bismarck, though su preme in Germany, is not immortal. He is aging fast. Like many other men of strong character, he believes that lie has been priv ileged to know the date of his death. He will not die, he is convinced, until 1890. He will not be living beyond 1S91. Given these two factors, first, the possession of almost absolute power, and, secondly, the conviction that he must lay it down in five years at the utmost, it was in evitable that he should cast about for a suc cessor to whom he could hand over the im perial majordomoship which he had spite his life in creating. Consciously or unconsciously, Prince Bis marck followed the example of all men who have founded dynasties since the world began. Ho selected as his heir his eldest son, and his determination to Becure the succession of Count Herbert to the Chancellorship is the secret clew to the recent events which have scandalized Europe. Before Count Herbert was taken up for development he was regarded as a rather disreputable representative of his family. A Touch 1 onrm Man. In his hot youth he had got mixed upin some broil about a woman at Bonn, out of which he had to slash his way with a sword, receiving by way of a memento an ugly cut across the head in a duel, which fortunately did not end fatally for either party. He was wounded in the thigh in that cavalry fightwhich the Klonischeef Juno suggests was due to a non-existent telgram that reached Bazaine in a round-about-fashion from Sir Robert Morier. After the war he did nothing to distinguish himself until he figured in a great scandal, which serves still further to accentuate his view of woman. Woman, in the ejes of the barbarian, is a combination of milch cow and household drudtre. Low though this ideal may be. it is higher than that which exists while she is regarded as a mere vehicle for passion. After this escapade Count Herbert was set to work, and in a year or two he developed con siderable aptitude for official duties. Shortly after that he blossomed forth into the full dignity of Minister of Foreign Affairs. His importance, how ever, was solely derived from tho intimacy of his relations with his father. Except Prince Bismarck, who is Mayor of the palace, and his heir, no one counted for any thing at Berlin, and the heir only counted be cause he was at the same time his father's factotum. A Horrlblo Accusation. When the old Kaiser died, there was for a moment a period of painful suspense and in decision in tbe mind of the palace. His op ponents, maddened by his hatred, accuse Prince Bismarck of meditating the doing to death of Emperor Frederick in order to gain his end. They assert that when the Imperial Chancellor brought Frederick HI. from San Remo to Berlin in the depth of winter, he cal culated that a chapter of accidents might, during the journey, accelerate the progress of disease. For what, it is asked by those who think the Chancellor capable of any crime which for wards his cause, what other conceivable motive could Prince Bismarck have bad in declaring that he couldn't answer for the consequences if the unfortunate Emperor did not cross the Alps in the depth of a severe winter? Either the Emperor would have refused to risk a journey, in which case tbe Prince might have proclaimed a regency, or he would at any risk proceed to Berlin, io which case be might die en route. Either alternative wonld have suitod the Chancellor. As we know, neither alternative occurred. The Emperor stood the journey better than was expected, and Prince Bismarck, after seeing him, went so far as to declare there never had been any necessity for the journey northward. So easy is it for statesmen to per suade themselves after the event, when their schemes miscarry, that they have been entirely misunderstood. Hostile Encllsh Influence. The influence of the Empress Victoria he had always reckoned upon as hostile to all his peculiar ideas. That influence was now para mount, and none could say bow long it might last. That a woman, and that woman an En glish woman, a liberal saturated with pro gressive ideas, should practically have tbe Emperor of Germany in her hand and should control the master of the master of Germany, was enough to give Prince Bismarck the night mare. Yet, after all, n hat could he do T His own dynasty was not sufficiently consolidated for him to venture upon an arbitrary deposition of Frederick IIL, and yet, unless the Emperor died, all hope of tbe assured accession of Count Herbert must perish. Of this he speedily sat isfied himself by practical experiment. He re peatedly sent his son and heir presumptive to trausact business with the Emperor, only to find that Frederick III. refused to deal with any but the Chancellor himself. If the Emperor lived, therefore, one dream ot the old Chancel lor's life would bo thwarted. Count Herbert could never be the Chancellor of Frederick HI. This was bad enough, but soon a worse fear arose to haunt the Chancellor's mind. He knew that Frederick IIL would have none of his son Herbert. ItlMiinrck MiKht Lose His Job. He began to suspect, or rather his suspicions began to deepen into conviction, that if tho Emperor lived he might even dispense with tbe services of Prince Bismarck himself. The lib eral Emperor would manage the imperial edi fies which he and the old Emperor had labori ously built up through Stuim Und Drang, with blood and iron, and here was this idealist Kaiser, with one foot In the grave, and his will practically controlled by his English wife, pre suming to dream of overthrowing the Bismarck dynasty and launching upon all kind of frisky experiments. Who could bo surprised if he had wished that tho cancer would make haste? Not even the exhausting ordeal of tbe chamber of death could blind the royal pair to the fact that they owed it to their country that the reign of Fred erick III. should be distinguished by at least one signal and unmistakable indication of the liberal and progressive policy on which the Emperor had set his heart from his youth up. The opportunity soon presented itself. Hcrr von Puttkammcr, the Minister of the Interior. had for years used all the authority of the State in order to convert the administration into an electioneering agency for Prince Bis marck. Puitkammer represented the corrup tion and coercion by which the civil service had been converted into a mere tool of the Chancellor. In a Dilemmn. Puttkammer managed the elections, coerced employes of the State, and generally did every thing which a Pnnee who honorably declared for constitutional methods without any reserve must most heartily detest. It was resolved that Puttkammer must be dismissed. The Chancellor found himself in a dilemma. The dismissal of Puttkammer would unques tionably be popular. Should he.then,endeavor to gain the credit of his removal by associating himself conspicuosly with tbe decree of dis missal. Prince Bismarck showed unmistakable traces of being in sore straits. He lost nerve, and the keen decisiveness of judgment which formerly distinguished him seemed to have disappeared. It will probably surprise the German public to know that so much was Prince Bismarck at a loss what to do that tbe day before the Emperor signed the decree of dismissal, the Chancellor advised him to do it, and the day after it appeared ho went Dack on his advice and declared that the Emperor bad gone too far. If anyone in high places ventures to deny this there is a simple test of the accuracy of this statement. Errperor Frederick kept his diary down to within a few days of his death. In the diary he noted down all the more im portant events of his life. If the entries are examined before and after the dismissal of Puttkammer they will furnish ample confirma tion of what is here stated as to Prince Bis marck's vaccination and indecision. Wnlllng lor Death. Another subject on which Prince Bismarck could not make up his mind was, whether or not the necessity of preserving his own position justified his declaring a regency. Tho difficulty in his path was the. danger that Sir Morcll Mackenzie wouldn't certify to the incapacity of the patient, and also tbe probabi.ity which deepened into a certainty after the horrible ac cident of the canula, that the Emperor would die too soon to make it worth while to run the risk and to incur the friction of a regency. So after much dnbitation, occasioning no small addition to the suspense in the palace. Prince Bismarck ultimately decided to wait for death, which didn't tarry, but made baste. The end came at last to tho suffering of the Emperor and Bismarck was left free to establish his dynasty in peace. Macnanimity is not a Bismarckian virtue. He had triumphed, but that wasn't enough to console him for the anxieties of the late reign. It was necessary to punish those who had in anyway been associated with the sovereign who had dared to believe that Germany might continue to exist even if Bismarck were no longer Beichskanzler. Tnking Vengeance on n Woman. First and foremost came tho unhappy lady who had shared for SO years the sorrows and joys of the dead, and who had dared, after all these years, to remain English at heart. Upon her, therefore, widowed and forlorn, fell the first vengeance of the offended Chancellor. All the blows aimed at Sir Jlorell Mackenzie fell upon the widowed Empress, who had sup ported the authority of the English doctor, and who knew that her husband had trusted him and had been grateful for his skill and at tendance to the very last. The envenomed at tacks of the reactionary press never ceased. She, whose position ought to have commanded universal sympathy, found herself isolated, de nounced and slighted. Seldom has doctrine of vse victis been more ruthlessly enforced. She was constrained under threats of pecuniary pressure to surrender her dead husband's man uscripts, and it was at one time rumored that she was under arrest. The Emperor William II., a headstrong and energetio man, reared under the magic of Bis marckian triumph, showed himself no inapt pupil. In early youth, while still living nnder the parental roof, he was a docile and affec tionate boy. It was not until be went to study at Bonn, when 16 years old, that the estrange ment began which has yielded such bitter fruit. A Wayward Boy. The officers of the garrison at Bonn flattered the lad, filled his foolish young head with dreams of playing tbe role of second Frederick the Great, and Inculcated a spirit of self-regarding ambition, the end of which has not yet been seen. His parents endeavored to check the workings of this moral poison. His com rades encouraged him to defy their warnings. He drew his allowance from his grandfather, not from his father, and the approval of Bis marck was more to him than the love and esteem of his mother. So little did he care for tbe feelings of others that he treated the Prince of Wales with such discourtesy as to render it difficult for his Royal Highness again to meet his nephew, a fact of which the public was made aware when both the Pnnce and Kaiser visited the Emperor of Austria, but carefully avoided meeting each other in the capital of the host. Count Herbert outheroding Herod in the brusque brutality of his manner, forced the Prince to take the extreme step of break ing off relations with those who received tbe Count as a friend. The boycott is said to be complete. The article further says that the perse cution of Morier and Geffcken is due to Bismarck's hatred of them as the friends of Emperor Frederick. In conclusion, the writer declares that Bismarck has reached such supreme power as to have lost his sagacity, and that Count Herbert has in herited.only his father's brutality. IT WILL JNT0T WIN. Some Tblnk the Backbone of the Now York Car Strike is Broken Jail bo Hil ton's HotelWniters Refuse to Servo Meals to the Policemen. New- Yokk, January 30. The fact that the public has not been entirely bereit of surface street car transportation has been a disquieting element to the strikers, and hence the determined effort to check the running of the Third avenue cars. In this the strikers have been entirely unsuccessful and new doubts crept among them, and were to-day uttered by the men as car after car was trundled out from the various depots. "Some have gone back to work, and I am not going to be frozen out and left," said one striker of a group which this afternoon stood watching the passage of a car driven by a man whom they knew. This feeling was found to have grown widely to-day, though superficially the men all endeavor to be brave. Some are actually so. Super intendent Skitt, of the Fourth avenue line, late this afternoon stated that he then had under protection 150 new men, and some of the strikers had come back, but of these he selected only the best ones. They would be taken, however, only one by one, and in dividually, upon application. Directly opposite the Fourth avenue sta bles is the great structure built by A. T. btewart for a women's home, and which is now the Park Avenue Hotel. Superintend ent Skitt had issued to the police on duty about the depot meal checks upon the Park Avenue Hotel. A platoon ot officers re paired there for supper, but the table waiters of the house, who belong to unions, refused to serve them with food, and the policemen went away to another hotel, where their checks were honored. And now the Park Avenue waiters will doubtless be forced to seek other quarters in which to serve victuals to the public, because Judge Henry Hilton, who controls all the Stewart hotels, when lie learned the facts this even ing, declared that he would rather close up the hotel than that such an affront should be offered to men doing their duty as the police are doing. Chief Murray Relieves the spirit of the strikers is broken and its backbone of de termination will fold up at an early date. There is not a little drunkenness to-night, which is not a desirable element in the eyes of the police. BISMARCK DECLAEES WAS. Auckland Advices Say the Germans and Samoans Are Now Deadly JSncmlcs. Auckland, N. Z., January 30. Samoa advices say that the Germans have declared war against Mataafa, and that probably all the Samoans will join agaiust the Germans. A MERCHANT MARINE Needed to Act as a Naval Reserve In Time of War. "Washington, January 30. The Amer ican Shipping and Industrial League met here in annual session to-day. General Joseph "Wheeler, of Alabama, presided, and, in taking the chair, delivered a short ad dress briefly reviewing the history of Amer ican shipping. General Pitkin, of Louisiana, delivered the first regular address of the session. His subject was "The Behabilitation of Our Merchant Marine, a National and Not a Party Question." He regarded the re establishment of American shipping as of the utmost importance to our national pros perity. No nation, he believed, could attain the maximum of prosperity without a great merchant fleet, which in time of war would serve as a naval reserve. He spoke of the Samoan r affair as an example of the indignities to which we are in constant danger of being compelled to suffer at the hands of foreign powers. His address was a Etrong argument in favor of Government aid to American shipping by subsidy and by discrimination in its favor. Aiter appointing committees on perma nent organization and resolutions the con vention adjourned. IRON IN VIRGINIA. Rich Deposits Sold to Have Been Discovered Near Lynchburg. Lexington, Va., January 30. Excite ment is intense here over the discovery of an immense mountain of the richest iron ore, which rivals in quality and vast de posit the famous iron beds of Birmingham. It was discovered by persons who went out to investigate the newly opened property called Uucna Vista, on the line of the Shenandoah Valley and Richmond and Allegheny Railroads, within a few miles of this town. Chemists pronounce the ore more than 59 per cent pure and high grade. This it is thought, will insure the building of a new city. Business here is nearly sus pended, and people will not talk of any thing but the discovery and the prospects of a new Pittsburg or Birmingham. P0SEI IS LEADING. The Indications Are Thnt He Will Win His Fight for Congress. Evansville, Ind., January 30 Owing to lack of rapid communication returns from a large part of the First Congressional district are not in. Estimates on the basis of returns already in give Posey, Republi can, the district by near 1,000 over Parrett, Democrat, for the fractional term of Con gress. Not much over half the votes were cast Parrett was elected over Posevin No vember for ne Congress by 20 plurality. ADEU, SOUTH PEM! The Yanderbilt's Gobble the Pet Par allel That Was to be and Will TURN IT OYER TO THE PENNSI. All the Pittsburg Interest In the line Sold to the Millionaire Magnates. IT WILL PEESEEVB TRUNK HAEMOhT, But the Dull Thud Will be Painfully Felt is tbe Old Keystone State. The South Penn is past hope. The Van derbilts now have control, and will keep their bargain with the P. R. R. The Pitts burg interests, following in the footsteps of the Hostetter estate, have sold out The terms are private, but the positlveness of the assertion overshadows the question of cash. Harmony, will be preserved among the trunk lines, and the publio he d ! (SPECIAL TILEGBAJI TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New Yobk, January 30. The destiny of the South Penn Railroad has at last been settled. Probably few announcements conld he made that wonld be more heartily welcomed by railroad managers and investors than the one the Sun is now in a position to make regarding that disturbing enterprise. The indications are that an agreement as to its disposition was arrived at two months or so ago, when the New York Central and Pennsylvania railroads entered into a new traffic and rate alliance soon after the Cen tral's open reduction in "West-bound rates. The Sun asserted at that time that some understanding as to what should be dc A with tho South Pennsylvania scheme was the basis of the new agreement. Events have proved the correctness of the infor mation then obtained. The Plttsbursers Sell Out, The control of the scheme has been gradu ally drifting toward the Vanderbilts for sometime. The death of Br. Hostetter, of Pittsburg, helped the movement, which has since that event been gaining momentum, so that on Tuesday negotiations for the pur chase by the "Vanderbilts of the Pittsburg interest in the concern were successfully concluded. The Vanderbilts have all along been in a position to make or mar the enterprise, but they had incurred in the beginning moral obligations to the other promoters that they couldn't ignore. They haven't for a ionsr:Mrs. Logan had no idca.of partinetwitK tbe time desired to see the work of construction resumed, and as the scheme has served this purpose they were willing to get rid of it. Will Tarn It Over to the P. R. R. The price paid for the Pittsburg interest has not been made public; in fact the entire transaction has been carefully guarded. "While no authoritative information can be obtained on the subject, it is perfectly well understood that the Vanderbilts will in due time turn the whole outfit over to the Pennsylvania Bailroad, as they agreed to do when the great "West Shore deal was made. There is only one way to look at the transaction, and that is as a most important step toward the preservation of harmony among the trnnk lines. Jnst for Effect. PROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Hareisbueg, January 30. The South Penn Bailroad Company filed its annual report to-day. As the road is incomplete and quiescent nothing, of course, appears in it but a statement of its capital stock and funded debt. , A REMARKABLE SWINDLEE DEAD. The Hero of Graveyard Insurance Frauds Dies In the Penitentiary. tSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Charleston, January 30. The death of Dr. L. M. Shaffer in the State Peniten tiary last night, recalls the most remarkable series of criminal transactions known to police records the bond swindling insurance case. Dr. Shaffer bore an un blemished reputation for honor and probity among his fellow men, but he had led a double life. In connection with the bonds he had used his official position in the Royal Templars of Temperance, an insurance organization, to defraud it by the enrollment ot fictitious names on tbe mem bership list, and by furnishing proofs of the deaths of the alleged members and obtain ing the insurance money thereon. The grotesque and ghastly nature of the mock funerals and reinterments of real bodies stolen from the potter's field under fictitious names, has hardly a parallel in fiction. Dr. Shaffer was the leading spirit in the celebrated corpse trust, which de frauded the United States Mutual and a number of other life insurance companies out of thousands of dollars. The ring leaders were convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary last year. The body of Dr. Shaffer was interred in the Penitentiary Cemetery, but will be removed by his two sons as soon as they have served ont their terms. AGAINST THE PINKERTONS. A Very Stringent Measure Introduced In the Illinois Legislature. Springfield, III., January 30. The anti-Pinkerton agitation which, has been going on in Illinois, and which formed the chief issue in the recent election for Gov ernor, culminated to-day in the introduc tion of a notable bill in the Legislature. The author is Representative O'Toole, and the object is stated to be "to prevent the importation of armed men or associations of men into this State for the purpose of police dutv." The bill provides a heavy fine and im. prisonment for violations. Sheriffs appoint ing non-resident deputies will also be liable under the act. The Cabinet Believed lo Be Practically Complete A Representative for the Pacific Slope Cnllom's Plan to Fix- New York. (SPECIAL TZLIOBAM TO THE DISFATCR.l Indianapolis, January 30. The hopes of the anti-Hoosier Blainites have been pretty thoroughly crushed by the persistent reports from the East to the effect "that -Blaine has alreadv been tendered and 'has accented his portfolio. Thev are very sore about it, though, and say harder things than ever about the man from Maine. Taking for granted the truth of dispatches from the East that Blaine, Allison, Alger and Wanamaker are already settled upon, a man who has assumed to have confidential relations with the President-elect to-night says that Henderson, Swift and "Warner Miller will be the rest of the ticket. Estee is regarded by some as havine abet ter chance to represent the Pacific slope than Swift. Otherwise the slate is regarded as practically complete. Some few here still hope that Indiana will have a representative in the Cabinet, but the majority have banished thy de lusion. Considerable doubt is expressed as to which of the two places, the navy or the postoffice, "Wanamaker is down for. That he will have one of them is admitted. Wisconsin is still urging the claims of Jerry .Busk for the "War Department. A dispatch from Chicago says that Sena tor Culloni says that Blaine and Allison will surely be in the Cabinet "This con struction of the Cabinet," he said, "is made more difficult by the action of Congress in the matter of the bill wideniny the SCODe Of thfi ArrrinnHlirnl TlptinWmanf The bill has passed the House and is now hung up on some technicality that I do not understand, but believe relates to bringing the signal service under the head of the same department. If it was not for thl T thinV the bill would pass at once, and when it uoes every one in Washington is agreed that the head of the department would be a mem ber of the Cabinet The creation of this office may simplify the situation in New York." BLAINE HOUSE HUNTING He Wants to Rent Mr. Logan's House, as It is Suitable for Entertainments. (SPECIAL TELEQBAM TO TnE DISPATCH. " "Washington, January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine are in active quest of a house suitable for the purposes of entertaining. Their quarters at the Normandie were taken simply as a temporary shift, and since he has been assured that he was to he Secretary of State, Mr. Blaine has been quietly, but busily, engaged in a search for a house. A short time ago Mrs. Blaine called at Calu met place, the home of the late General Lo gan, and asked permission to look over the house, not for the purpose of buying, but with a view of getting some ideas from the model arrangement of that old homestead. Mrs. Blaine carried a very enthusiastic report to Mr. Blaine, and that centli-mnn called bright and early this morning and wasshown over the house by Mrs. Tucker. He inspected the house from cellar to gar rett, and was very much pleased with the arrangement and size of the rooms and was particularly impressed with the beautiful memorial hall which has just been com pleted. Calumet Place is filled with rare bric-a-bracs, and souvenirs collected by General and Mrs. Logan, and presents a very attractive appearance. At the con clusion of his inspection it is understood Mr. Blaine made Mrs. Tucker a very hand some offer tor the premises, to be transmit ted to her mother, hnt he was infnmipil thnt property, which is increasing in value every uuy. JI00EE, THE BIG DEFAULTEE. Indianapolis Authorities Refuso to be Re sponsible for His Escape. Indianapolis, January 30. The flight of Joseph A. Moore, the great insurance de faulter, continues to interest the public. There is about as much mystery regard ing the time of his departure as about the methods he pursued in making such a big haul. Many people are of the opinion that he got out of the city as long ago as last Friday evening, and that all the stories about his having been seen and con versed with on Saturday, Sunday and Mon day are mere stories by his numerous friends, who took this method of covering np his flight so as to give him a good start. The dispatch from Hartford this morning stating that all the iacts as to Moore's de falcations were placed in the hands of the prosecuting authorities of Indianapolis a week ago created no Ifttle astonishment, as it placed the responsibility for Moore's es cape upon the local authorities. Prosecuting Attorney Mitchell, when shown the dis patch from Hartford, said with emphasis: So far as I am concerned it is totally false. Not one word has ever been said to me by rep resentatives of the company or anyone else which has evaded any desire to prosecute Moore. I am here attending to my official duties every day. If anyone desires to see me, I can be found without tbe least trouble. These people in tho East may want to put the responsibility for their delay on somebody else, but they cannot place it on me. I have been told that one of the general officers of the com pany, and tbe person who now has entire charge of the company's affairs here, is stop- Einc at the Bates House. He certainly would ave no trouble to find me. I do not even know him by sight. THE BANK K0LL CAUGHT HEE. A New York Girl Says Yes to a Rough Iiooklns; Michlgander With Boodle. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Ransomville, N. Y., January 30. A wedding of a romantic character has just been solemnized at Lewiston, this county. For several months past Miss Minnie Rals ton, a pretty young lady of that village, has kept up a correspondence with a Mr. Rupert, of Pompeii, Mich., whom she had never seen. He arrived at Lewiston oueday last week, and called on Miss Balston. He said: "My clothes .look rough, and they are tough, bnt nevertheless I have a large heart and a good bank account." He then showed her his bank book, showing that he had several thousand dollars, in a bank in a small village in Michigan. "Will you marry me?" he then asked Miss Ralston, and she sweetly replied: "I will." They have just been made man and wife by the Rev. Mr. Turner, of the Metho dist Episcopal Church. Mr. Rupert made nis wite a wedding present of $500. They will soon leave to make their home in Pompeii, Mich. E0MANCE IN LOW LIFE. A New Jersey Police Court Prisoner Is Now an English Swell. Paterson, N. J., January 30. Thomas Matthews was proprietor of a notorious den in this city called the "White Elephant, which was raided recently by the police, when Matthews and several women were captured. The latter were committed to jail, but Matthews was released on $500 bail. Two days after the raid Matthews received word from England that his father had died, leaving him upward oi 5300,000. He kept the matter a profound secret, packed his trunks anddeparted on the next steamer. He made his bondsman secure, however, and when his case came before conrt to-day the facts were made public. The women denouncej Matthews for not securing their release. One of them claims to be his wife. Hon, John IT. Clayton, of Arkansas, a Congressional Contestant, SHOT AND KILLED IN COLD BLOOD. The Cowardly Assassin Escapes Without leaving Any Clew. A NATIONAL TOPIC OP DISCUSSION. The Legislators Offers a Reward of 5,000 for the Arrest of the Murderer. The cowardly assassination of Hon. John M. Clayton, of Arkansas, and a contestant for the Congressional seat of C. B. Breckin ridge, is exciting great interest, both in his native State and at "Washington. The reports are somewhat contradictory, some claiming that the crime was prompted by politics, and others denying it. So far there is no clew lo the perpetrator of the deed. (SPECIAL TELEORAJt TO TBE DISPATCH. Plummekyille, Ark., January 30. The cowardly assassination of Hon. John M. Clayton last night has caused great ex citement throughout Conway county. The Republicans are furious, and are making the wildest kind of charges without a par ticle of evidence on which to base the alle gations. The news of the murder spread rapidly, and at 10 o'clock this morning, when Coro ner Stagg arrived, the streets were crowded with people. All the farmers within ten miles of Plummerville came in and dis cussed the affair. The house in which Colonel Clayton's bddy lay was surrounded by hundreds of people all the morning, but admission was denied by order of the Cor oner. The first discovery made this morning was made under the window through which the charge of buckshot passed, that let out Clay ton's life. A revolver, half concealed in some rubbish, was picked up, and this is the only clew so far obtained. It is rather pe culiar that the assassin should use a shot gun and leave a revolver. All sorts of ru mors and stories involving the names of some of the best known citizens of the State are afloat, but the gossip is of the malicious kind, and there is no evidence to support it THE MURDER. Hon. John M. Clayton arrived here last week for the purpose of taking depositions in his contest against Hon. C. R. Breckin ridge. The election in this, the Second District, was very close, and both sides charged fraud. About 104 depositions had been taken; "W. D. Alnutt, of Morrillton, acting as notary public. After the hearing had adjourned yesterday evening, Alnutt and Clayton went to the boarding house of Jttrs. M. u. uravens. a, i. Womack, ot Benton, Saline county, was stopping at the same boarding house for the night, and at the time ot the assassination was in the room with Alnutt and Clayton. Just before the shot was fired "Womack had been sitting at the window and leaning on a small table, on which stood a lamp. He was doing some figuring, and after completing his work .arose and Mr. Alnutt took the seat near the window. He read an article from the Arkansas Gazette, after which he arose and walked around the room. Then Colonel Clayton dropped into the chair, had not fairly seated himself whe.the fatal shotWas fired. The charge was buckshot, and the load struck the unfortunate poli tician under the right ear, breaking his neck and killing him instantly. The blinds were half closed and the shot extinguished the lamp on the table, leaving the room in total darkness, Alnutt exclaimed, "The lamp has ex ploded and killed him." Womack replied: "No; some one shot through the window. "- The two men could hear the blood trick ling from Clayton's neck to the floor, and when the lamp was again lighted Clayton was aeaa. ' alarm was given immedi ately, but the assassin made good his escape. uoroncr otagg arrived at noon,, ana at once proceeded to hold an inquest. INTENSE EXCITEMENT, A dispatch from Pine" Bluff says: In tense excitement exists here because of the killing last night at Plummerville, Con way county, of Hon. John M. Clayton. In Pine Bluff, Clayton's home, he is held in high esteem by members of both political parties on account of the feeling caused by the prosecution of his contest against Hon. C. R. Breckinridge, in which depositions were being taken at Plummerville. Trouble should have been feared, for it must not be forgotten, and is deeply re gretted by the people of Arkansas, that there are yet a few remnants ot the war which need only excitement to cause a re vival of the scenes that occurred 20 years ago. A mass meeting of citizens, to be held to-day at the Court House, will condemn unqualifiedly the fact and means of his death. A telegram from Fort Smith states that a large number of Democratic citizens of Fort Smith have to-day signed a denouncement of the assassination ot the Hon. John M. Clayton at Plummerville last night, and subscribed a popular fund to be offered as a reward for the arrest and conviction of the assassin. The deceased was a twin brother of "W. H. H. Clayton, of this city. A. Little Rock special says: A bill to offer a reward of 55,000 for the arrest of Clayton's murderer was introduced in the Legislature to-day, and was made special order for to-morrow. A PILGRIM AFFECTED. An Indianapolis dispatch says: Lonis Althcimer, of Pine Bluff, Ark., a wealthy planter, brought a letter of introduction to General Harrison from Russell B. Har rison, whom he saw yesterday at St Louis. Mr. Altheimer came to indorse and urge the recognition of General Powell Clayton for a place in the Cabinet. A sad incident marred his visit, for he is the next door neighbor and bosom friend of the Hon. John Clayton, who was assassinated last night at Plummersville, Ark. The news of the assassination reached Altheimer early this morning. The news of the tragedy affected Altheimer, who gives an interest in:: sketch of his murdered friend. The Arkansas Claytons are from Dela ware originally, and closely related to the family of the famous Senator John M. Clay ton, President Taylor's Secretary of State. The murdered man was a younger brother of General Powell Clayton and a twin brother of Judge Thomas Clayton, of Ft Smith, Ark. He was a member of the lead ing law firm of Hem mine way, Austin & uiayton, oi -fine xsiuu. ASTIR'AT WASHINGTON. Tho Arkansas Trnecdy May Start Afresh tbe Southern Outrage Mill. (SPECIAL TBLEQRAM TO THE PISrATCII.l "Washington, January 30. Senator Chandler and tbe other specialists on the subject of Southern outrages are very much exercised over the news of the assassi nation of the brother of ex-Senator Powell Clayton, who was a contestant for-the Congressional certificate held by-Representative Clifton R. Breckenridge, of the Second Arkansas district Breckenridge himself is much shocked, and, early this morning, sought an interview with Senator Jones. Mr. Jones, it is said, expressed the opinion that themurder was undoubtedly committed by the men who were accused of stealing the ballot boxes last fall containing the result of the vote. Clayton had secured direct evidence as to who had taken the boxes, and in order to close his mouth it was necessary to kill him. The fact that the contestant for the Con gressional seat is dead will not necessarily serve to end the contest. There are prece dents for proceeding with election cases when either party to the case was dead, and Clayton's friends can attempt to show that the certificate is not rightfully held by Breckenridge. It is said here by friends ot the latter that he will make all such action unnecessary by giving np the certificate voluntarily and trying his chances at a new election. WALKER IS CHOSEN. A member of the Inter-Stnto Commission Will Head the New Railway Assocla- tlon The Presidents Complete the Agreement and Adjourn. Chicago, January 30, The Presidents of the "Western Railroad, after being in session just one week, completed their work of revising the great agreement which is to form the basis of the Inter-State Commerce Railway Association, and adjourned this evening subject to the call of the Chair. The last thing they did before adjonrning was to declare themselves unanimously in favor of making A. F. "Walker Ghairman of the Executive Board. Mr. Walker is at present one of the mem bers of the Inter-State Commerce Commis sion, and while his selection is a surprise to all tne prophets who have undertaken to name the person on whom this honor would fall, everybody is ready to concede that a better or more judicious choice could not have been made. Since the avowed object of the association is the .enforcement of the provision of the inter-State commerce law, the selection of a man in Mr. "Walker's po sition to administer its affairs will no doubt be accepted as a guaranty of sincerity. The greater part of to-day's session was taken np in considering the merits of the respective candidates for the Chairmanship. Manv names were presented and several of them developed considerable strength, but as the agreement specifically provides that the Chairman of the Executive Board must be elected by a unanimous vote, one oppos ing vote was sufficient to defeat any candi date. After a good deal of discussion and fruitless balloting, someone in the meeting was visited with a bright idea, and the name of A. F. Walker was presented. The result was a unanimous vote in his favor and he wasdeclared the choice of the meeting. Final action, of course, cannot be taken until the agreement has received the sig natures of all the companies that are parties to it. DUDLEY NOT ON THE LIST. Many Indictments Found, bat the Big Case Not Yet Decided. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Indianapolis, January 30. The United States grand jury decided to-day to take another recess of ten days, but before ad journing sent to the United States Marshal 88 more indictments for violations of the election laws, making the total number that have been returned since the iurv bezan work 28 days ago, 165. It is positively known that Colonel Dudley is not among the indicted, and there has not even been a ballot upon the question of returning a bill against bim. The jury was about to take up the testimony relating to the charges against him and finally dispose of it to-day, when Solomon Claypool, the District Attor neyf requested that the matter be postponed until the jury meets again, which was "done. Ot the 1(55 indictments that have been placed in the hands of tho District Attorney many, It is understood, are against persons living in this city, and tbey belong to both parties. Few arrests have been made up to this time. It is evidently the intention of the Marshal to take all of the indicted persons into custody at about the same time. Eight persons were arrested to-day. and were each released on a bond for 51,000. Five of them were farmers whose names are Isaac K. Calton, a member of the State Board of Agriculture, and at one time a member of the Indiana Legislature; MarshaL Hollingsworth, Frank "Mattias, Samuel Hume and Frank Mable. The others were Samuel Ensminger, of Danville, and Elmer ileston and Frank Taylor, of "Worthington. CHANCE FOR A DARK EQUINE. None of tho Leading Candidates Will Secure the Prize. (SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE WSFATCrM Charleston, "W. Va., January 30. Senator Kenna's friends claimed that he would be triumphantly re-elected to-day, but they were doomed to disappointment. On joint ballot he received 42 votes and Goff the same number. Two ballots were taken, but the result did not vary except that the three Union Labor members voted first for John K. Thompson and afterward for J. "W. Goshorn. Three Democratic members votedaccording to their own fancy nnil T, onmn'a , .Anita o a sn... nrli.l !.... ent Some of them are already predicting his defeat. Dorr, of "Webster cWinty, who leads the opposition, says that his colleagues can either name some one else in a few days or he will name a man to them whom they can either elect or let the session pass with out an election. Dorr is a friend to ex-Senator Camden, but his chances would be no better than Kenna's. A dark horse will probably carry off the prize. A member oi the Democratic State Committee, a friend of Kenna's, said to-day that he believed that Kenna would be defeated and Goff would be Governor. He says he takes no stock in the cry of fraud, and believes that when a man fails to secure an election be should accept his defeat without a contest. SIE JOnN IS GLU3I. Another Man Who Favors Unrestricted Re ciprocity Goes Into Parliament. (SPECIAL TILEOBAM TO THE DISPATCII.l Ottawa, January 30. Excitement is in tense here to-night over the election in Hal dimand to-day of Coulter, the unrestricted reciprocity candidate, who has defeated tbe Government candidate, Dr. Montague, who represented the county in the Dominion Parliament last session. The hotels are crowded with Senators and members of Par liament who have arrived to attend their Parliamentary duties to-morrow, and the deepest interest is taken in the result ot to-day's elec tion, as another evidence of the strong hold the unrestricted reciprocity movement is securing all over the Dominion, this being the third election which has been carried on that ticket within three weeks. Sir John McDonald is very down in the mouth, and declines to say anything about it, while on the other hand Hon. Laurier, leader of the Liberal partv and- the unrestricted reciprocity movement, is elated over his success. He says he will fight them out on that issue and will win. The efforts of the Government and its sup porters, he says, to make the country be lieve that the Liberal policy is disloyal and unpatriotic, has most signally failed, and that from this out the unrestricted reci procity ticket will be their leading card in all political contests. A llospltnl Romance. (SPECIAL TELIG11A1I TO TU I DISPATCH. 1 Todngstown, January 30. Charles U. Green, a miller, and Miss Ella Zimmerman, were married by Rev. A. N. Craft, at his residence last evening. They had been patients at the City Hospital here, had met and became well acquainted, and when they were discharged from the hospital married. Ti. rf eSuV 'A Senator Ross & a Fted-Hot Speech Againd Amend . ment and Calls It A PARTY CAUCUS CREATURE Cooper Scores the Democrats and Say3 ' the Eepnblican Party Has - THE COURAGE OP ITS ' C0NYICTI05S. The Senate Approves the Submission of Prohibition to the People Democrats Befrala From Voting A Forma,! Protest Presented Senator Cooper's. Keply A. Tilt Between Senator Delamater and HenninBer The Democratic Party May Split on the Prohibition Question Tha Senate Chamber Crowded With Inter ested Spectators. Prohibition in Pennsylvania advanced another stage yesterday. The Senate, by ft party vote, passed the resolution submitting the Constitutional amendment to the people. Senator Boss opposed the resolution in a strong speech, and said it was a caucus measure. Senator Cooper made a charac teristic reply,in which he claimed the Dem ocratic party was seeking to avoid responsi bility for the measure. Two Republican Senators voted against and two Democratic; Senators voted for the resolution. Tha other Democratic members refused to vote. fritOM A STAPr COBBESPOXPSCT.l HARKISBUKG, January 30. Members of the House deserted their seats at noon to day and went over to the Senate. Mr. Brooks occupied a seat in the rear of tha room, aud Attorney General Kirkpatrfck sat where he could see and bear. Ladies filled all the seats in the gallery set apart for them, and many others were led by their interest to stand throughout the greater part of the debate. Interested spectators filled the other gallery and crowded upon each other's toes behind the railing separating the general public from the distinguished company of tbe Senators. As the hands of the dial on the Senate clock pointed in unison to the mark of 12, Lientenant Governor Davies announced in formal language that the hour had come when, by special order, the Senate should complete the work begun in the last Gubernatorial State Convention by Matthew Stanley Quay, the great man from the quiet shades of the Beaver valley. THE VOICE OP THE OPPOSITION. There was a buzz and a stir as the motion was made that the resolution pass third reading, and then all eyes turned on the Senator from Bucks, Mr. Boss, as he arosa in bis seat to voice the sentiment of 14 col leagues who voted with him, 2 voting for snbmission as an offset to the 2 Republican votes against. Mr. Ross said: Mb. President It is part of the political history of this Stato how this bill, or the sub ject matter involved la this resolution, origin ated. It had its birth,' as is generally supposed at least In the Republican State Convention of 1888, when thatparty, smarting under defeat, realized, perhaps,the necessity of presenting to the public a proposition that would bold an element in the party that seemed to have given some evidences.of desire to secede. It became a part of the platform of that party, and it camo to tbe Legislature of Pennsylvania not r in the constitutional and orderly manner in which legislation rsaches these bodies, bnt it came from a political oanens called in pursu ance of tbe direction of tbe managers of the party. It was considered in that can ens, it came from the caucus and was then introduced in the hall of legislation, referred to committee, came out of committee, and, in pursuance of canens, without any discussion of Its merits, witbont any consideration as to tbe propriety of its passage, it was passed by that Legislature in pnrsnanceof the order and. the decree and mandate of party caucus. Once again this proposition is here. A second time originating in tbe party caucus, a second time coming, in with ts fate predicted and foreordained. Every gentleman, every Senator in this cham ber, knows that it was settled by a joint caucus of the Republican members of the Senate and Bonse of Representatives that this amendment sbould carry; and it is just as certain as that the roll will be called that the amendment shall, carry in a very few minutes. TnE PARTY MANDATE. Mr. President, this is legislation of a most peculiar character. It is legislation which in. volves no consideration of the merits of tha question. It is legislation that takes away from' the individual representative the judgment of his own mind upon the question. It is legisla tion that, no matter what may be tbe views of tbe minority of the body upon this question whether tbey are for or against it, they ars. without power to affect one ibta of change in connection with this subject They cannot cross a "T" or dot an T' in this bill, became it is the mandate of a party that it shall pass pre cisely as it is. Tbe vote on this bill, under these circumstances, becomes a mere roll call to reenter tbe decree and mandate of the caucus, 'and not the judgment of men who have eon- sidered the qnestion and are voting in accord ance with what upon the subject is their intel lectual belief. Sir, I do not desire to discuss this question, because discnsslon Is idle. We are here to co through with a programme. We are here to put the machine in motion until this resolution is carried, and it matters not what our indi vidual views may be. But let me say, sir. in this connection, that the authors nt this propo sitionand it has been whispered throughout this State that it was not tbe intention upon the part of the authors 'of this proposition to pnt it through at the election let me say. sir, that they may well consider whether this ques tion is not one which will escape beyond all party lines, whether they have not Invoked a spirit which they will be unable to control. It such is the programme at the election at which this proposition is to be voted upon, the astute gentleman who is said now to be in the State of Florida, and whose friends claim for bim that the crook of his little finger in the State of Pennsylvania is as omnipotent as was the nod of Jove, even that sagacious gentleman may find on the ISth of June that he U confronted with an element far beyond his power, and, like Frankenstein, he may stand dismayed at his own creation. A FORMAL PROTEST. Having concluded his speech, Mr. Ross, on behalt of the minority, presented a for mal protest against the submission resolu tion which is as follows; Whereas, The Constitution provided fn article 18, that any amendment or amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in the Sen- ate and House of Bepresentatives, and as. the amendment brought here for tbe mere empty formality of a roll call was proposedln neither, but was twice proposed in a party caucus and has come here completed thus far as the man date of a political party; and Whereas, The course pursued from the In ception of this proposed amendment to this time is unprecedented, and in open violation of all the rules of orderly and properly conducted legislation. Now, therefore, we, the Democatic Senators, of Pennsylvania, reaffirming the course pur- sued by the Democratic Senators when this resolution was on final passage on February 3, -1S87. desire again to enter onr emphatic protest upon tbe record against all caucus legislation Continued on Fifth Page. V .A i s&h . -f- ,A-J- : . :-, MiM m&3&..4 V" H. ,- ia&i '. Ik&SS&iil .t