Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 30, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Situation and Oulioot of Leading
Jobbing Industries.
The Winter's Kecord in Produce. Groceries
and Cereal Lines.
TCESDAT. January 29, 18S. (
Industrial items of interest were probably
never more difficult to gather than for a day
or two past "The darkest hour is just be
fore the dawn," according to the old-time
aphorism. "The darkness that may be
felt," of which an old book speaks, is cer
tainly here in trade lines, if we are to judge
from the unanimous testimony of our mer
chants. The first month of the year approaches its
goal with a record by no means satisfactory
to operators in cereals and country produce.
Markets in both lines have been sluggish
all the month, with a general drift toward
lower prices. In grocery lines business has
been fairly active, but prices of leading
staples have shown a tendency to ease.
Tradesmen generally report January col
lections as slow. About the best-abused
commodity of the season has been the
weather, which has knocked out many a
nice plan and dollar by reason of its moder
ation. Winter's second month is virtually gone
with an average temperature not above
autumn weather. The moderate weather
has spoiled enough stuff to wipe out all
profits in fruit and vegetable lines.
The Batter Fizzle.
The corner in creamery butter inaugu
rated in November was about the most
lamentable failure of commercial history.
For a week or so Elgin butter climbed up
into forties at headquarters. Alter a few
days of kiting butter began to climb down,
and has kept on in the descending scale
until it is now little above midway of the
twenties in job lots at headquarters. Eggs
in ordinary times are at their highest this
time of the year. The best going are slow
at 15 cents per dozen. Apples potatoes ana
cabbage bring no better prices than in the
Grain and hay have been coming to mar
kets in quantities far beyond demands of
iraae. in me past week supplies are tall-
ing off and tone of trade improves, but buv-
ers and sellers are still far apart in their
views, 11
the Grai
if we are to judge of transactions at I N'ew YoRK-Flour dull and heavy. Corn
ain Exchange. There is tkerumbJS,S
of comfort in the trade situation, that all
other commercial centers report the same
situation. Misery loves company, and it is
good to know that millions are in the same
boat as ourselves. And then trade has
never been in the habit of showing up well
between holidays and January settlement.
A Bright Outlook.
According to former experience the winter
of our trade discontent must be nearly at its
end. Any future changes must be for the
better, as we have been down to bed rock
now for some time. The regular quantity of
shoes, liirdware, clothes, flour, beet and
bacon will be called for in time, and in the
meantime nothing remains but to wait the
moving of the waters. Pittsburg is certain
to have her share when the revival cosies, as
come it will in due time.
Another crumb of coruiort is found in the
fact that commercial travelers report the
situation brighter here in most lines of
traffic than at most of the points on their
beat. If all will try to take the cheerful,
hopeful view, our own city will be found
among the first to welcome the revival of
trade now close at hand.
Condition of the 9Inrket at the East Liberty
Mock Yards.
OmcE or Pittsbuug Dispatch.
Tcesday. January 29, 18S9. J
Cattle Receipts. 200 head: shipments, 320
head: market slow at jesterday's prices; six
cars of cattle hhipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 1,(500 head: shipments. 1,100
head; market active; Philadelphias, $5 005 15:
pigs and Yorker. Si 2g5 35; five cars of hogs
shipped to New York trulay.
Sheep Keceipts, 3,800 head: shipments, 3,000
head; market strong at yesterday's prices.
By Telegraph.
New Yokk Beeves Receipts. S30 head.
Including 46 carloads for exportation, dead and
alive, and 5 carloads forslaughtercrs direct and
13 carloads of sale cattle were earned over yes
terday; no market for beeves to-dav; drcsed
beef had a slow sale at SK7c per'pound: a
little choice up to 7Jj8cf exports to-da. 236
beeves. To-day's cable advices from London
and Liverpool quote American refrigerator
beef steady at 8Jc per pound. Sheen Re
ceipts. 2.000 head, quiet at full nriees with
sales of common to good sheep at 4Ki?4C per
pound, and oommon to fair lambs at w.tsn.f
dressed mutton steady at TKQSJic per poumt:
lambs firm at bH10Kc HosIlcceipts. 4.300
head; nearly all lor Maughterers direct: firmer
? ",a"fdT
urewcu muuon Meaurai KM.C ner tomin: .
caiload of Ohio bogs going at So 7a
Sr. Lons Cattle Receipts. 900 head: ship
ments, 200 bead: market strong; choice heaiv
native steers, S3 75g4 30; fair to good do, SO 00
5 80: butcher' steeis, medium to choice
iZ 70g3 25: stockeis and feeders, fair to
cood, 51 902 80- rangers, corn-fed. S3 003 50:
grass-fed. 52 002 75. Hogs Receipts, 2,400
bead: shipments, 200 head; market slow:
choice heavy and butchers selections, $4 70$
4 80: packing, medium to prime, $4 654 75;
light grados. ordinary to best, S4 70i 90.
Sheep Receipts, lift) head; shipments, none;
market steady; fair to choice, S3 005 Oa
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 6,000 head: ship
ments, 2.500 bead; market stronger for cood
grades; others weak: choice beeves, SI 204 70;
steers. 53 0034 00: stockers and feeders, 52 25
3 40: cows, balls and mixed, 51 503 25: Texas
cattle, S2 003 50. Hoss Receipts. 18.500 bead;
shipments, 5.000 head; market irregular:
mixed, 54 704 90: heavy. 54 754 95; light,
54 805 05: skips, $4 005 15. Sheep Receipts!
6.400 head: shipments, I.11OO head: market
stronc: natives. 52 7505 00: Western, corn fed
54 004 85; Texans, S3 003 40; lambs, S4 &)
6 4a
Oxcuwati Hogs in good demand and
higher: common and light, $4 105 00: packing:
and butchers', S4 75g5 00; receipts, 2,960 head
shipments, 950 head.
Wool Markets.
PniLDELTOiA Wool quiet and nominal.
Set York Wool in fair demand and
eady: domestic fleece, 303Sc; pulled. 2639c:
Texas, 1426c
ST. Locis Wool quiet; bright medium. 19
26c; coarse braid. 1222c; low andy. 111S; fine
light, 1723c: fine heavy. 1319: tub washed
choice. 37c; interior, 31g35c
Boston The demand for wool continues
fair and prices steady without change. Mod
erate stocks of desirable grades make holders
firm in their views. All kinds of medium comb
iig and clothine wools are verv firm. Sales of
No. 1 combing reported at 3940c; No. 1 cloth
ing at 38c Unwashed combing wools are in de
mandatSOc for one-quarter and S2i for three
elghtbs blood. In Ohio and Pennsylvania
fleeces there have been sales of X at 3435c
XXat3536cand Michigan X at 32c lerri
ritory, Texas and other unwashed wools are in
fair request at previous prices. Pulled wools
are in ttcady demand, and sales of super have
been made at 2342c, and of extias at 2530c:
Australian wool meets with good demand, and
the outcome of the London auction sales is
awaited with Interest. Carpet wools remain
Struck by au Express Train,
Cokey, January 20. At 8 o'clock this
morning Dexter 'Wakefield, a resident of
this city, was killed by express train No. 5
of the Kew York, Pennsylvania and Ohio,
at a crossing two miles west of here. He
was driving a team, and was on his way to
the grist mill The pilot struck between
the team and sleigh, instantly killing the
driver and horses.
Metal Market.
Jis Lead firmer; corroding nominal
at S3 6a
New York Plglron quiet. Copper weak and
unsettled; lake. February, J165a Lead quiet and
steady; domesUc S3 8a Tiu sluggish; straits,
The Dumping of Lone Wheat Sends Prlcci
Down Corn Neglected nnd 0 Dull
Provision Active by Spurts,
With a Declining
Chicago In the wheat pit to-day a quiet
feeling prevailed. Business was mostly local,
more so than yesterday, and a lower range of
prices was again established. Considerable
quantities of long wheat came on the market
at about 88c and under lor .May. ;iue opening
was about the same as yesterday's closing to
Jc higher, sold offXc, again rallied to the out
bide range and fluctuated for some little time
within c range, but shortly before U o'clock
became weak and declined to a point ifi below
outside prices reached, reacted c sold off
lc, to the lowest point of the day, ruled un
settled and closed Ha lower than yesterday.
The early firmness was attributed to the large
decrease on ocean passage as reported by Beer
bohm. Tlie amount of business transacted in the
market in corn to-day was exceedingly limited.
There was but little disposition to give this
cereal any attention, and at times the pit was
quite deserted. Fluctuations were within Jic
ranee. Receipts were larger than anticipated,
but the trading was poor, only about 2 per cent
grading contract.
Oats ere dull and unchanged.
There was little activity except by spurts In
the provision trade to-day. Products opened a
few cents loner in the pits and had a lower
tendency before the call. There was then some
selling and raid'ng.
fchort ribs sold off from $6 30 to $6 25, and back
to $6 SO for May. Lard lost about Se from last
night, and remained steady at S6 S2 for Feb
ruary, at $6 95 for May.
Mess pork opened at Sll 9", touched $11 80,
sold back to $11 97$ after the calk and steadied
around Sll S7& toward the close. May pork
one year ago sold at SH 1711 35.
The leadinc iutures rancea as follows:
WEEAT-ao. 2. February. Vtiif&niw
SGJfr0?gc: Jnne, 30JS636Jj,63bJc; July.
Oats So. 2 January. 24c: February, 25c;
May. 27Ki7Ka7Jgi75ic: June, 'ic
mess PORK, per bbl. February, .SU S0
11 ffi!Wgil 5011 52K: March. 511 62U; May,
$11 97011 97XS11 8011 S7J
Lard, per KX) as. February, 6 87K66 S7K
6 S2KS 85: March. S6 S7KS8 87K; May,
?o .so 5qo uoeo s4; June, ii w.
SSHOBT Rms, per 100 ft. Fehrnary. Z8
6 12K6 0a46 05: March.$6 12X66 156
Cash quotations were as loilows: Flour,
quiet; prices unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
94c; No. 2 red. 93Jc No. 2 com. 3lijc
No. 2 oats, 25c. No. 2 rye. 47c. No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 1 60. Prime timothy
eed. $150. Mess pork, per barrel. Sll 55 11 65.
Lard.4er 100 lb. 685. Short ribs sides(loose),
6 056 07. Dry salted shoulders (boxed),
b6ja bbort clear sides (boxed). G?
6Uc Sugar Cut loaf, unchaneed. Receipts
Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat. 11,000 bushels: corn.
146.000 bushels: oats. 115, 0U0 bushels: rye, 7,(O0
bushels; barley, 60P0 bushels. Shipments
Flour, 8,O00barrels: wheat. 21.000 bushels: corn.
87,000 bushels: oats. 82.000 bushels; rye, 8,000
bushels; barlev, 40.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchance to-day the butter
"Jfcet 'J?8 Quiet: creamery, lbK26c; dairy,
! la-. Eggs strong; fresh. ISKl4c.
live dull. Barley quiet. Barley malt dull. Corn
Spot active and firmer; options active and
steady. Oats Spot dull and weaker; options
dull and easy. Hay quiet and steady; ship
ping. TOc; good to choice, 8090c Hops quiet
anu nrm. ionee -options opened irregular, o
points down to 5 points up. closed steady at
yesterday's prices; sales, S6.7o0 bags. Including
January 15.70SI5.80c: February and Maicb,
15.00 116.5c: April, 15.60c; May, 15.5515.65c:
June. 15.60gl5.6oc; July, 15.6515.70c; August.
15.75c; September, 15.7515.b5c; October and
November. 15.85c: spot K10 steady: fair car
goes 17c Sugar Raw dull and nominal;
refined quiet. Molasses Foreign quiet: New
Orleans Hull. Rice strong and quiet. Cotton
seed oil quiet. Tallow stronger and more
active; sales, 600 hogsheads citv at 5li5 5-16C,
closing at 5 5-16c Rosin dull. Turpentine
neglected: nominal, 45k45JJc. Eggs in fair
demand and firm: western. 16c: receipts,
7,338 packages. Pork quiet; old mess. 13 00
13 25: new mess, 13 25gl3 50: extra prime,
12 5013 00. Cutmeats slow: pickled bellies,
ll12 pounds averages TKgsc; pickled should
ers, beSSec; pickled "iiams, 1010Jc: mid
dles quiet; short clear. 6 90. Lartl dull: West
ern steam spot, 7 277 30: city, 6 85; Febru
ary, 7 23?7 24, c1oshikS7 26: March, 7 26 bid;
April, 7 27 asked: May. 7 27g7 29. closing
7 29 asked' May, 7 287 30, closing 7 30 asked;
July, 7 31 asked; August. 7 30, closing 7 31
asked; September, 7 31 asked. Butter
Choice firm and fair demand, Western dairy,
13glc; do, creamery, 1627c; Elgins, 2829c
Cheese strong and quiet; Western, 10J811Kc
St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
lower: the leeling was weak throughout and
the selling pressure increased, there being no
encouraging influences, .and tho close saw
May liic, June Vfi and July fi below yester
day; o. 2 red. cash, 91c asked: May. 94
9434c closed at 91Kc; June. 91ffi92Jic closed
at Die; July, 83S3Jic closed at 83J-c bid; vcar.
82Vic. closed at fclMe asked. Corn lower: No. 2
I mixed. csh, S033uc: Januarv, 2tJic, closed at
! 30c asked; February, 29c: May. S2K, closed at
y'8 .aac'i. vaio uuu ituu ttdb; u. CuaU,
26c: May, 28J.JC bid. Rje, 4717Kc Barley,
no demand. Flaxseed i-teady at SI 50. Pro
visions dull. Pork. 512 5a Lard Prime steam,
50 70 bid. Dry salt meats Shoulders, So 00:
longs and ribs. 5630: short clear, 6 5a Bacon
Boxed shoulders, 56 50; loncs and rib, $7 25
7 T,y short clear, 57 50. Hams quiet at 10
12c Bagging unchanged.
CiscufyATi Flour easy. Wheat nominal;
No. 2 red. 9Sc; receipts, 500 bushels; shipments,
none. Com easier and active; No. 2 mixed.
35c Oats dull and easier: No. 2 mixed, 2Sc
R e quiet and steady: No. 2, 54c Pork easy at
$12 25. Lard quiet at 56 Su. Bulkmcats easier;
short rib, 56 336 40. Bacon steady and un
changed. Butter dull. Sugar steady. Cheese
firm. Eggs, HH12c
Milwaukee Flour verv dull. Wheat
weaker: cash, fcTgSSc; Mav, 9Qc: July
nominal. Corn quiet and easier:No. 3, 30jg32c
nircflnHnniltt.-.l-. vn ...;. .w- .r...i.
Rje weaker: No. 2. 4747Kc Barley in fair
demand: No. 2. GJWc Provisions irregular.
Larc?S6t5. Cheese firm hut
quiet; cueuaars, luxe
Philadelphia Flour dull and weak.
Wheat Options dull and lower. Corn Spot
firm with a good demand; speculation quiet.
udi yariow iirui, iuiures qmec uut steady.
Provisions dull. Lard Pure rchued, SlSSc
-c4;Ha nci. iiuu uuu; i euusjiiauia nrsts, UC
Baltimore Provisions dull and quiet;
niM pwrk, 515. Butter steady; western packed.
1621c; creamery, 2027c Ezgs steady at 111
15c Coffee firm; Rio, fair, 17Jc
Toledo Cloverseed active and firm; cash
and Februry. 55 35; March, 55 40.
A Concreialona Comoiitteo Commends the
Acts of the Alaska Company.
"Washington, January 29. Representa
tive Dunn, from the Committee on Merchant
Marine and Fisheries, to-day presented the
results of the investigation by the committee
into the fur-seal fisheries of Alaska, with
special relerence as to whether the contract
giving ihe Alaska Commercial Company
the right to take fur seal had been violated.
Mr. uunn accompanied his report with a
bill on the subject. It proposes to amend
the present law by providing that one year
before the present lease to the Alaska Com
pany expires, or when any luture similar
lease expires, the Secretary of the Treasury
shall lease to proper persons the rights of
taking fur-seals on the islands of St. Paul
and St. George for 20 years, at not less than
$50,000 per annum, and S3 50 in addition
for each seal skin bhipped from the islands.
Such lease shall not be transferable.
The report of the committee finds, among
other things, that "the Alaska Commercial
Company has fully performed its contract
with tbeGovernmentandhascontributed lib
erally to the support, maintenance and com
fort and civilization of the inhabitants of
not only the seal islands, but to those of the
Alautian Islands, Kodiac and the main
.A Large Hotel and a Rrnldcnco Destroyed
nt IU(. Holly.
Cablisle, January 29. Mt, Holly
Springs, a popular summer resort five miles
south of this city, was visited by a disas
trous fire this morning. Joseph Earle's
Central Hotel, a widely-known house, nnd
the residence of Dr. J. C. Davis, County
Coroner, were totally destroyed. Adjoining
buildings were damaged. The loss is creat.
When baby was slclc, we gave her Castorla
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
How Bleak Hillsides Could be Made
Beautiful and Profitable.
The Local Petroleum Market Hung Up In
. definitely Between Two Fires.
"There is a fortune here for some enter
prising fellow," remarked a business man to
The Dispatch representative on the cars,
between East Liberty and Lawrenceville
yesterday morning.
He was asked to explain.
"You have probably noticed these hill
sides hundreds of times without a thought of
their value," he continued.
"Yes," was the answer, "and have often
wished they were in Halifax or some other
remote region. They shut out the view so as to
make a part of the trip monotonous."
"And yet," he persisted, "there is a fortune
in them or on them for somebody with the
requisite experience and capital."
"I fail to catch the force of your statement,"
was the rejoinder. "Do you refer to the rear
ing of goats?"
"Goats!" his tone showed the deep disgust
which the word excited. "No," he went on. "I
don't mean goats. The land is too valuable to
be devoted to an industry that thrives best on
empty fruit cans. I mean grapes."
"Now I understand you." Interposed The
Dispatch man. "You would utilize it for the
cultivation of vine?"
"Just so," he proceeded. "Plans for utilizing
these hillsides have been formulated and dis
cussed for years, bnt nothing considered prac
ticable could be determined upon. In their
present condition they are not only valueless,
but a nuisance. Rugged, bare and bleak, they
give strangers from the East unfavorable im
pressions of the city. Covered with vineyards
they would be both ornamental and profitable."
"How could your idea be carried into effect?"
he was asked.
"I have not worked out the details," he re
plied. "The idea struck me some time ago, and
the more I thought about it the better I liked
it. The owners of the land could improve it in
the manner suggested, or they might be willing
to lease it for a moderate compensation to an
individual or a company organized for the pur
pose. I think it would be a profitable invest
ment in either case."
"What kind ot grapes would you grow?"
"At first only the varieties known to be
adapted to the climate, such as the catawba,
Isabella and one or two others, that are prized
for table use. Experiments with wine and
rasin grapes could be made as the enterprise
While the project as above outlined may not
be all the gentleman's fancy painted it, it pos
sesses an element ot plausibility that remuves
it immeasureably from the eyewater bobby of
Colonel Sellers. Grapes are easily cultivated
and will thrive on almost any kind of soil.
Switch and SIffnal Still Firm, While Phila
delphia Moves Dp.
At the Stock Board yesterday Union Switch
and Signal and La Noria maintained the ad
vance previously noted, while Philadelphia
moved up a point, selling at 39. Electric was
also stronger. One of the features of the day
was the sale of 100 shares of the Panhandle
common stock at 14, the highest point for ten
years. There was the usual demand for bank
stock, but it was not obtainable. There was
also a little inquiry for insurance stock. Trac
tion was neglected. Bids and offers were:
STOCKS. Did. Asked. Bid. Asked.
Allegheny Nat. Bank. 81
Commercial Nat. Bank 93 93
Citizens' Nat. Bank... 62 .... 02
Fourth Nat. Bank..... 120 120.S
Iron 4 Glass Dol. bay. 91
Keystone Hank .... 59
.Masonic Bank 53
.Mer. &MHI1. .Sat-flntc. GO
Metropolitan -Vat. lint 90
P..E.L. &T. K. Co.... 73 .... 72 ....
Allemannia Insurance .... 53
Man.&Mer. insurance 4S SO
Peunsvlvanla Ins 27 50 2S 30
Western Insurance 5ft .... 56
S. S. Uas Co. (Ilium.) .... 28
Brldjrcwater Gas 50 .... 43
Chartlers Valley Gas sa 50
Philadelphia Uas Co... 33i S)'4 3SX SOU
Wheeling Uas Co a a 2SK 2SM
TnnaOllCo 63
Chartlers Kallway. 41 43
Plttsbure Junction 20
Cltliens'Tractlon ,.... 79 .... 7
Pittsburg Traction 47M 50 4S 48V
La Noria M. Co lft IV iv i
Luster M. Co 15 .... .... ....
bilrertonM. Co 1
West'house Elec 36 36'f &14 ....
Union Switch & Slcnal 18& 19 20' ....
Monougahela W. Co 34
At the mornins call 95 Philadelnhia pas sold
at 39 and 50 La Noria at 1.
uiuiiiesa was mure active in ine aiternoon,
khen there were sales ot 25 shares electric at
?;, tun rannanuie, by Henry M. Long, at 14,
50 La Noria at 1, 55 electric at 37K, 50 Switch
and Sisnal at 19 and 40 at 20.
Between calls one membership went off at
SG25, and 50 electric at 36V.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 234,729 shares, including: Atchison,
15,112; Delaware Lackawanna and Western.
50.120; Erie. 3.500; Lake Shore, 7,100; Missouri
Pacific 1L902: Northwestern. 5,260: Northern
Pacific preferred, 5,679: Oregon Transconti
nental, 3,900; Heading, 82,570; Richmond and
West Point. 4,025: St. Paul. 19,260; Union Pa
cific, 4,625; Western Union, 3,880.
Local Bankers Find Time to Discuss
European Situation.
Local money matters were verv quiet yester
day. "We anticipate comparatively easy times
for a month or two," said a Fourth street
financier. "It is a bad season of the year to
begin new enterprises, and old ones are making
no special efforts to extend trade. We expect
a heavy business when spring opens, but the
banks will be able to furnish all the cash that
may be wanted." There being no customers
present the gentleman then entered into a dis
cussion of the Franco-German war. The
Clearing House statement shows: F.xchances.
SL923.295 28; balances. $421,727 94. There was
no change in rates and no special demand for
excoange, wuicd whs even wun currency.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at to 2 per cent, closed offered at 2.
Prime mercantile paper, 4Q6 per cent. Sterling
exchange quiet but steady at 54 8bV for 60-day
bills and $4 85 for demand.
BonUs closed in New York: United States
fours registered, 128: do, f ous coupons, 125; do,
fours and a half registered, 109; do. fours and a
halt coupons, 109; Pacific sixes of '95, 12a
New Yoek Clearings today, 5117,303,574;
balances, 57.002,841.
Boston Clearings to-day. 514,633,252; bal
ances, 51,456.302. Money to 2 per cent,
Philadelphia Clearings to-day, S10.693.
820; balances, 5L162.C94.
Baltimore Clearings to-day, $2,314,812; bal
ances. $293,973.
Chicago Bank clearings $9,046.00a Money
steady at 55 per cent tor call, 67 per cent
for time.
St. Louis Clearings, 52,712,926; balances,
Assumes Command of the Forces nt the
Petroleum Exchange.
Yesterday's oil market was a repetition of that
of the day before. It opened at S!iic. and on
indications of liberal buying advanced to8""Va fC.
Free offerings at this juncture turned the tide,
and the quotation moved down to 86c at
which 10.000 or 15,000 barrels were sold. The
bulls then braced up and forced the price back
to the opening mark, S"c, where It hung for
several hours with nothing doing. Shortly be
fore the close news was recelvd that two wells
would be brought in to-day. This broke the
deadlock and a small slump ensued, sending
the price to 8CKc, wnere It stood at the close.
The uncertainty as to what course the pro
ducers will pursue was given as the principal
cause of the dullness. One broker remarked:
"General Stagnation is in command to-day,
and he is giving the boys a chance to reform
their picket lines." The opening was 87Kc;
bicbesr, fcTic: lowest, 85c; cloed SOKc
A. B. McUrew quotes puts, 8686Jic; caUs,
liie following taoie, corrected by lie Witt Ull
worth, broker In petroleum, etc. corner Fifth
avenne and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc:
lime. Bid. Ask. Time. ma. Ask.
Opened $7 Sa'-J 12:P. K.... 87 67K
10:15 A. U.... 7 87t l:(OP. K... 87 gtli
10:30 a. u.. 87 SlH 1:15 P. X.... 87 87l
10:45a. It.... 86 87 1:30 P. (.... 87 tSt'A
11:00a. K.... 86H MX 1:45 P. v.... 87 874
11 :15A. M.. HVi 87 5:00 r. K.... 87 87j
11:30 JU M.... 86 87 t:15p. M.. mli 87
11:45a. .... 87 S7! 2:30 r. M.... 803, Mg
11:00m 87 87H 2:45P. It.... MH 86
12:ap. K.... 87 87J;CIosed 80S ....
12:30P. M.... 87 87), J
Oneueit 87Xc: Mknet. 87Xc: lowest.
close-l, Mc
DfUy runs 63,493
Average rnni .fill!
Dally thlnments f'i5
Areraee shipments 21-
Dailv cu&riers - '1.428
Average charters 42-7J5
Clearances .... 472,000
New York closed at HSJSc.
Oil City closed al S6Mc.
brad lorn closed at 86V.
ken York. refined. J.lOe.
London, renned. 6)4.1.
Antwerp, refined. nrsf.
Other Oil OInrkets.
Trrcsvn,i.E, January 2D. Opened,
highest, 87Kc: lowest, 86c; closed, 86Jc
Bradford, January 29. Opened, 87c; high
est, 87Kc: lowest. 86JJc: closed. S6Jfc
Oil City. January 29. Opened, 87c; high
est, 87Jc; lowest, SSJJc; closed, 86c
Kew York. January 29. Petroleum opened
steady at hOJjjc, bnt after a slight advance in
the early trading became dull and saceed off to
86Jgc A slow recovery followed, and tho mar
ket closed dull at 86c. Sales, 790,000 barrels.
Two Good Wells Expected to Show Dp To
Day Other Note.
Field news on 'Change yesterday was to the
effect that in the Macksburg district Keeler,
Longfellow A Co.'s well on the Keeler lot was
pumping between 300 and 500 barrels daily,
withont reaching its full capacity. This well
is only 200 feet deep. Its product is what is
known as shallow rock oik
Jennlngs-Bauerleln well No. 4, Brush Creek,
was expected in during the night. Munhall
Co.'s well, same district, was expected in about
the same time. These wells are considered im
portant. Clarion reported: The Calhoun and Freder
erick well on the Rynder lot is finished and dry.
This failure shuts out the theory of a north
west extension of the territory.
The Olson well, on theBillingsby lot, Monnt
Morris, has filled np and there Is very little gas,
bnt it is not flowing. The Alexander well No.
3 is through the sand and is doing 150 barrels
per day.
Plenty of Small Renl Estate Deals but Biff
Ones Hang Fire.
There were a large number of inquiries for
real estate yesterday, and a fair aggregate of
sales resulted. House renters were out in full
force, and helped to keep the hands busy at
the agencies. The big deals heretofore re
ferred to continue to bang fire owing to slight
differences about prices. It was reported that
the proposed Vandegrift building, on Fourth
street, would be begun in the spring. Several
business bouses on Smlthfield street are having
It was stated that plans for the Wood
street buildings had been changed, but in what
respect could not be ascertained.
John P. Baxter sold to Lewis Crist lots Nos. 1
and 2. Bank of Commerce addition, Brushton
station, frontage bf 109 feet on Frankstonn
avenue and 140 to a 24 feet alley, for 1.350 cash.
This makes three lots purchased by Mr. Crist
in this plan in less than two weeks.
mack riaird, ;so. 5 Fourth avenue, sold
through the East End agencv of W. A. Hcrron
& Sons, for W. D. ifoung to John E. Kubn. a
lot on the north side of Howe street. Shady
side, between Ivv and Roup streets, being
about 39x138 feet, for SL60a They also placed
a mortgage of 51,650 on Allegheny City prop
erty for three years at 6 per cent,
W. A. Hcrron Sons sold lot No. 1 in the
Joseph S. Brown plan, NIneteeth ward, 20x100
feet, corner Penn and Winebiddle avenues, for
S1.600 cash;alo lot No. 36 in tho Ruchplan,
Thirteenth ward, for SSOu, on easy payments.
These lots are near the Pittsburg Traction
James W. Drape fc Co., sold a large residence
Sroperty on Sheffield street, Allegheny, near
idwell street, at 523,500; also, a residence
and two small tenements on same street, near
Manhattan street, for SlO.Oua
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold to Eh Hotich for S5,25a a two-story,
eight-room frame dwelling, with lot 35x120, on
the north side of Howe street, near Shady
lane, Twentieth ward.
The Movement Gives Stocks a Boost
Coalera and Grangers Feel the In
fluence Fractional Advances
All Alone the Line
Bonds Active.
New Yore, January 29. The stock market
to-day reflected some of tho strength and
activity which has been shown in the bond
market of late, and was not only more active
with a better distribution of business, bnt
stronger than it has been for some time. The
great movements of the day were chiefly due
to the covering of short contracts in the
Grangers and coal stocks, which have been for
some time past subject to a steady pressure of
short stock, the former being helped by tho
progress made in the conference of the Presi
dents at Chicago, and the latter to some extent
by the colder weather. Lackawanna and Read
ing were specially prominent for both activity
and strength, and there was good buying
of both, although tictther closed at
its best figure. Atchison was again
active, but the trading in the stock is now con
fined principally to the professional element,
and its movements to-day were not specially
significant. Missouri Pacific attracted more
attention than usual of late, and in view of the
position of Atchison in a financial way, there is
even now considerable speculation as to the
complexion of the Missouri Pacific statement
to be issued in March. The stock to-day moved
with the general list and bad no special feature.
Among the low priced dividend payers Big Four,
Wheeling and Lake Erie and Lake Erie and
Western preferred were very piominent for
the advances made, all on largely increased
The opening figures were generally steady,
though some advances were shown which ex
tended to per cent., though Atchison was off
as much. The early dealings were rather un
settled and most of the list was carried down
slightly below opening prices, bnt tho strength
shown in the specialties later spread, and the
market moved up slowly undei tho lead of
Atcbison and Lackawanna, followed later by
Reading and Missouri Pacific The improve
ment was slow and continued almost without
interruption until 2 P. M., when the best prices
of the day were generally reached. A slight
setback in the last hour followed, but it was of
short duration. The market finally closed
3uiet, but firm at fractional advances for the
The afternoon's dealings were marked by the
reaction in Pullman, which retired 2U per cent
in the face of the general rise The entire
active list, with but few exceptions, among
which Pullman was the only prominent one
with a loss or i, cioseu niguer tnis evening.
Big Four rose 2i Lake Erie and Wetern pre
ferred IK and Wheeling and Lake Erie pre
ferred .
The railroad bond market was again extra
ordinarily active, the sales of all issues reach
ing 53,995,000. and again the Reading issues at
tracted marked attention by reason of their
usual activity and strength, although the sales
did not reach the high fieures of the last few
days, the 4s furnishing 5735.000, the lsts S179.000,
the 2nds $322,000 and the 3rds $169,000 to the
grand total. The heavy inquiry shows no signs
of abatement, and the strong tone extended to
all portions of the list, and almost every bond
traded in is higher this evening, the most
marked movement being in the Fort Worth
and Denver lists. The most prominent gains
wre as follows: Gulf, ColorsMo and Santa Fe
6s SJi to 7S, Mobile and Ohio new 6s 3toll3
and Ohio Southern incomes 5K to 46
The following table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchan ge
Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by W hit
ney t Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
ing. Am. Cotton Oil 51)
Atch., Top. & S. V.... 50
Canada Southern 51?s
Central of New Jersey. 9
Central Pacinc
Hlsrh- Low- Clos
est, est. In e.
50S 4'IJi 49
5IM 51J4 Sl
99 98 97
110 m'A 10SX
65V 64J6 66'
VS.V 102 lll.H
934 WA m
35 34 3IH
32-$ SiH Si
107X Hj7J IWJf
SS 58H S7X
31 &M 30
H 16 26
141 1401$ 141!
137 ISi.'i 137H
0 9 SH
22 21 22
116,'i 115X 116
lC2tf mi 10214
53 57 6,-U
MM 855. 85J,
1.1!i 13.H 13
7254 71J 72
1C9 lOSV 108
2SH 2S 23
H e7i 65
lbM 18 IS
45V 45 5'i
17 UH 18K
K.H 52 52
eoV 59 o
22 21ft 214
69X 69 69
Uur. & Ouincv mm
C, Mil. Jfc St. Paul... 65
c, sui.ist. p.. pr... .10213
C, Itockl. &P 05)i
U., St, Ij. i-nis. pi..
a, M. p.. m. & o sin
C, St. P..M. &0., pf. .. .
C. & Northwestern.. ..IV7H
C& Northwestern, pf. ....
C C. C & 1 5SH
Col.. Coal & Iron 30Ji
Col. St llockinic Val .. 28
Ucl., L. & V IVH
Del. & Hudson 137
Denver Kloli
Denver ltloli., pf.
ET., Va. &Ua 9
E.T.,Va. &Oa.. lstpf ....
E.-T., Va. & Ga. 2d pf. 22
Illinois Central 115V
Lake Erie. Western.. KH
Lake Erie & West. pi".. &3j
Lake Snore & M. S 102H,
Louisville Nashville 57
Michigan Central 85)4
Mobile 3c Ohio
Mo., K. ATexas 13!-J
Missouri Pacific 711)
?iew ork Central 10s"s
N. Y.. L. E. & W ZS4
N. Y., L. E. & W.pref 64
N. Y., C A St. L 18
N. Y., C. St, L. pf.
N.Y., C. ASt.L. 2dpf ....
N.V4K. E 4i
N. Y., O. W 16
Xorfolk ft Western
Norfolk & Western, pf 52
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific prer. 59K
Ohio A Mississippi... . 22
Oregon Improvement. V1H
Oregon Transcon 30V
Pacific Mail 3c4
Peo. Dec. & Evans..... 3K
Phlladel. & Keadlne.. iSH
Pullman Palace Car...l93)i
Klchmond & V. P. T.. 1
Richmond & W.P.T.pf ....
bt. PauliUulnth.....
St. Paul DuluthpC. ...
bt. P., Minn. & Man. ..ICO,7,'
St. L. &aan Fran itH
St. L. & San Fran pf., E2
St. L. & Ban P.lbt pf.
Texas Pacific SOW
UnlonPaclfic ran
Wabash 12t
Wabash preferred 25H
Western Union WSj,
Wheeling & L. K 6tH
31 JCW 30V
36K S6S 26
an I3H Wi
49 ii'4, 48
139 19C 19 H
..a 78
101 1005! 100-v
. J54 Wi ZVA
eg ezH ey$
.... .... HO-i
a 20'i h
U'4 S3? 63S
UH 12K 1
SH 23 24V
43 U 84H
With Few Exception All General Stocks
Were Very Firm.
Boston, January 29. The stock moderately
active, and, with few exceptions, more than
held its own. Several bonds, some of the land
stocks, Pullman and one of the Western roads,
advanced, while some of the local roads and
West End roads declined.
Atch. 4 Toe 1st 7s. lis lOld Colony..... 170
Ateh. &Top.Ic It... 494f Kntland preferred.. 37
Boston Albany.. .2P21 Wis. Central, com... IS
iloston & Alain 177 AIlouezM'sCo.(new) 3H
C. 11. U MOV f alnmpt .-. Hprlx "71
ynn. Ban. A Uleve. I6jlUatatDa
wiem k. n uj
Eastern K. It. 6s 125
Hint a fereM 30
fllntJtPereM. Dta.lOO
Mexican Cen. com.. 13K
M. C.. lstilort. bds. C9?
. V. ew Kn... 43S
N. x.ft.New.EnK 7S.I26
rranklln 13K
Huron 4
Osceola I7!
Qulncy 69
Hell Telephone 20S
Water Power 1H
Tamarack 145
San Diego 24
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whltnev & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York stock Ex
change. Bid.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 54X
Keadlngr Kallroad 24
Lehigh Valley 54)?
LchUh Navigation ;... 51S
Allegheny Valley bonds 113
Northern PaclHc 25S
Northern Pacific preferred BOH
24 5-16
Dllnine Stocks.
New York. January 29. Amador. 150; Cale
donia B. H.. 255; Consolidated California and
Virginia. 825; JJeadwood. 150; Del Monte. 110;
Hale and Norcross, 475: Homes take, 1250: Iron
Silver, 315; Ontario, 3350; Opliir, S5; Plymouth,
825; Savage, S3; Silver Queen, 115.
Business Notes.
Captain Babboub is tougher than
rheumatism. He is getting welL
Oil operators had plenty of time yesterday
to discuss the proposed prohibitory amend
ment. They appear to be about equally divided
on the question. Captain Barbour Is doing
good missionary work among th'e opponents of
the measure.
The Citizens' Traction road yesterday com
menced to sell off Its horses and mules, and
will trust entirely to the cable for motive
power. Prices ranged from $75 to $150. The
chief bidders were livery stable men and pro
fessional horse speculators. The sale will
likely be continued for three or four days, as
there are 187 head of geldings, 125 head of
mules and 153 head bf mares to dispose of.
Heirs of Bnrke Trylns: to Show the
Man Wns a Little OlT.
The William Burke contested will case
came up yesterday for trial before Judge
Over. About a year ago the disinherited
heirs tried to prove William Burke insane.
His son, William Burke, Jr., was not a party
to the suit, but he is said to have given his as
sent by letter. The old gentleman in conse
quence willed him his fortune.
Thirteen witnesses testified. The testimony
shows that for some years Mr. Bnrke had been
peculiar in his manner of ilvirrg. Mr. Glenn, a
neighbor, stated that he often saw Mr. Burke
sit for hours in the morning on a water plug.
The heirs claim that William told his father
that he opposed the suit to test his sanity.
The case will be continued next Monday.
The Hartman Steel Company Refuses to Pay
a City Business Tax.
The Hartman Steel Company yesterday filed
a bill in equity against the city and W. R. Ford
to restrain the latter from collectinga business
tax of $50, now delinquent, from the firm.
The firm claims that its works are located in
Beaver Falls, but they have a branch office
here. They say all their sales, etc., are madn at
Beaver Falls, and therefore they are not liable
for the business tax in Pittsburg.
To-Dny's Trlnl Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1 Hufscbmldt vs Mc
Cullough, Welsh vs Oliver & Roberts, Liv
ingston Co. vs Peoples' Natural Gas Com
pany, Baudte vs Gulfey fc Co., Holtzman ys
Peoples' Natural Gas Company, Gulick & Co.
vs sa e, Napolitan vs Malatesta et al, Dickson
vs Delaney, Hutchins et ux vs Knoxville Land
Improvement Company, Craig vs Gregg.
Hackctt vs Brown, Nell et al vs Wood, Gillies
& Co. vs Kelly. Kaufman Brewing Companv vs
Helbllng, the Riverside Glass Company vs Kit
tanning Insurance Company.
Common Pleas No. 2 Shubkagel vs Dier
stein, Warne & Co. vs Robison, Mason vs Elk,
Poundstone v Hamburger et al, Corcoran vs
Chess Cook & Co., McConncll et al vs Citizens'
Passenger Railway Company, Martin etal vs
Heskett & Co.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Wes
ley C. Creal. Albert Goldman, Rose Hall (2).
Catherine Martin, P. J. Morrow, Joseph and
Samuel McNaugher. W. F. Spade, George H.
Havens, James Hartzell, A. w. Gross, Thomas
O'Brien, F. C. Harbison, John Rodgers, Martin
McCaffrey, Alphonso Yugle, Lilian Stone (2).
Teresa Lee, William Armstrong, H. B. Rea,
W. J Caskey and Charles Keally, Charles
Faragher, Al Cralgmlles.
Fnt a Reaper in Court.'
The case of the Hussey Manufacturing Com
pany vs William Deering fc Co., for infringing
a patent on an apparatus for the cutter bar of
a reaping machine, was argued before Judge
Acbeson in the United States Circuit Court
A reaper was placed in the courtroom, and
worked by the lawyers.
Lines From LeenI Quartern.
The case of James Old against Mansfield &
Co. for damages for infringing a patent is on
trial before Judge Ewing.
The plaintiff in the suit of R. B. McLean vs
the Citizens' Traction Company, for wages,
took a voluntary non-suit yesterday.
The suit of John Cridge against Friday t
Watt for damages is on trial before Judge
Slagle. Cridge had a foot crushed while build
ing a bridge tur the defendants.
Lorenzo Swooer yesterday received a
verdict of $4,000 against the Montour Railway
Company. Swoger was a brakeman, and In
climbing a car, the rung of a ladder broke. He
fell under the wheels, and lost a leg.
In the Criminal Court yesterday C. andH.
Lierzapb were convicted of simple assault on
oath of Emma Eyles. David Elkens was ac
quitted of felonious assault and battery, and
Albert Goldman of assault and battery.
The case of John H. Johnson, colored, for
damaees for pulling a tooth, against Dr. J. A.
Flowers, is still before Judge Magee. Drs.
Seip and Yates testified tbat Dr. Flowers bad
done his work well, and was not to blame.
A Snlt For Heavy Damages.
Akbon, January 29. Charles L. TJm
stead brought suit here to-day against the
Cleveland, Akron and, Columbus Railway
Company for 30,000 damages. He was in
jured in a collision while running under re
gardless orders.
Vanderbllt to Go on a Voynse.
Baltimoke, January 29. Mr. W. K.
Vanderbilt's yacht Alva arrived here this
morning from Wilmington to take on pro
visions. It is reported tbat she -will be
joined here by Mr. Vanderbilt and family
and proceed on a trip to the West Indies.
Bilious Headache,
Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness
Positively cared by
The People's Fsvorils Liver Pills.
They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and
their effect Is lasting; the fact is they have no
equal. Small dose: big results. Sugar coated
and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c,
at all druggists, or mailed for. price. Prepared
by an old apothecary. Five bottles SL
The HOP PILL CO., New London, Ct.
Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped
rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 60c,
The Old, Old Story of Quietness All
Along Produce Lines.
Buyers and Sellers of Grain and Hay Are
Unable to Agree:
TDESDAY, January 29, 18S9. $
Country Produce, Jobbing; Prices.
There are absolutely no new features in
produce lines, and have been none since the
beginning of the year. The old, old story of
qniet trade Is about all one can hear Irom in
terviews with Liberty street commission men.
Eggs appear to be hunting a lower deep. It is
a rare thing that hen fruit goes as low and slow
at this.time of the year. It is rumored tbat the
good and bad are considerably mixed of late.
The promise of cold weather yesterday put new
heart and hope into dealers, but the founda
tions are. to-day taken away by the return of
mild weather.
Beans Navy from store, prime hand picked,
$2 002 10 per bushel; medium, $2 00; Ohio and
Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, $2 W)
2 10; imported do, SI 902 00: Lima, 5ic per ft;
marrowfat, $2 752 80 per bushel.
BUTTER Creamery, Elgin, 2830c: Ohio do,
2326c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c: country
rolls, 1822c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, 26
Beeswax 23325c per. ft for choice; low
grade, 1618c
CIDER Sand refined, S6 507 50. common,
$3 50(34 00; crab elder, SS 00S 50 ?t barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c;
New York, fall make, 1213c; Llmburger,
llK12Kc: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Kc
DRIED PEAS $1 4501 50 1 bushel; split do,
2?i3Kc ft.
Eoos 14I5c t3 dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, $1 00 to $1 60 33 barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c ft; cranDerries, $8 00
f) barrel: t2 4002 50 y bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese. 50960c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots. 3035c fl ft.
HOMlliY S3 SOig 3 40 ?1 barrel.
Honey New Crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 8540c 53 bushel; $2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer
scv sweets.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575e a pair;
dressed chickens. 134215c 33 pound: turkevs. 13
15c dressed 1? pound: ducks, live, 8085cW
Fair; dressed, 1314c $1 pound; geese, 10
lc 1 pound.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $6 per
bushel; clover, large English. 62 fts, J6 25;
clover, Alsike.SS-60; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 85: blue grass, extra clean,
11 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancy, 11 fts, SI 20;
orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00;
millet, 50 fts, $1 25; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00:
Hungarian grass, 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses 25c per ft.
Sheli.barks SI 60 1 75.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons. S3 504 50 fl
box; Mjssina oranges. S2 503 50 33 box;
Florida oranges, $2 753 00 1 box: Jamaica
oranges ncy. $4 605 00 fi barrel; Malaga
grapes. $.5 607 CO f) keg: bananas, $2 50
firsts, SI 502 00; good seconds 1 bunch; cocoa
nuts, $4 00 W hundred; new figs, 1214c V pound;
dates, 5Koc 33 pound.
Vegetables Celery, 4050o doz. bunches;
cabbages, S3 005 00 ) 100; onions, 50c 33 bushel:
Spanish onions, 7590c t3 crate; turnips, 30
40c 33 bushel.
Options on green coffee again advanced a
few points yesterday. Packages are strong
enough to go up higher before the week is out
if there be not a turn of the tide. Other gro
ceries are reported easy.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 20K21c:
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Kio, 19c; fair Rio,
18lSKc; old Government Java, 26c; Mara
caibo, 21K22c: Mocha. 3031c; Santos, lSffi
22c: Caracas colfee, 1921c; peaberry, Rio, 20
21H Laguayra, 20KK21KC
RoASTED(in papers Standard brands,22c:
high grades, 242fiJc; old Government Java,
bulk, 3132c; Maracaibo, 2627c: Santos. 210!
22)c: peaberry, 25Kc; choice Rio. 24c; prime
Rio, 2lc; good Rio, 21c: ordinary, 20c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 212oc; allspice, c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 7080c.
1 i 30LEUM (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
umo, lar, sc: neaungni, jsu, vc; water winte,
lOKc: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; camadlne, HKc;
royalinc, 14c
Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c: choice sngar
syrup, 3536c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335e.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 48c: choice, 45c;
mixed. 4042c; new crop, 4350c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3i4cj bl-carb in Ks,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, o6c; salsoda
in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9?c; stearine,
per set, 8Kc; parafiine, 1112c
Rice Head. Carolina, "TJc; choice, 6
7c: prime. 5&6!c; Louisiana, SifGUc.
Stap.ch Pearl. 2Jic: cornstarcb.6J,fJ7c:eIoss
starch. 6Ji7c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon
don lasers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels,
S2 35; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia.
77iK sultana, 7c currants, new, 4J
oc; Turkey prunes, new, 4KlJJc; French
prunes, 813c; Salonlca pruL.es, in 2-ft pack
ages, 8$c: cocoannts, per 100, S6 00; almonds,
Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c;
walnuts, nap., 1215c: Sicily filberts. 12c:
Smyrna L-i I2K016c: new dates. 5K6c: Brazil
nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft. 2I22c;
lemon peel per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 8c; ap
ples, evaporatod, 6J47Jc; apricots, California,
evaporated, 1518c:peacbes,evaporated, pared,
2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1213Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 50c; raspberries, evap
orated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle
berries. WdV'Q.
SicrOARS Cubes, TJc; powdered, 7Jc; granu
lated, Tic: confectioners' A. 7c: standard A.
yellow, good, ti6 .,(.: yellow, fair, 6Jc; yel
low, dark. 5J$c.
Pickles Medium . bbls (1,200), $4 75; me
diums, half bbls (600), S3 85.
SALT No. 1 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, M bbl, $1 05;
dairy. 33 bbl. $1 20: coarse crystal, 53 bbl. $1 20;
HigglnV Eureka. 4 bn sack. $2 80; Higgin's
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. S3 00.
canned Goods Standard Peaches. $1 50
1 60; 2ds, $1 301 35; extra peaches. $1 351 90;
pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, $1 3001 50: Hfd.
Co. corr.. .vgOOc; red cherries, 90c$l 00: lima
beans. $1 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7585c:
raaxrowfat peas, SI 1001 15; soaked peas. 70
75c; pineapples. $1 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75;
damson plums. Doe; green gages, $1 25: egg
plums, S2 00; California pears. $2 50; do green
gages. S2 00; do egg plums. S2 00; extra white
cherries, $2 90: red cherries, 2 ft-. 90c: raspber
ries, $1 IV1 40; strawberries. $1 10; gooseber
ries $1 2001 30: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon. 1
ft, SI 752 10: blackberries, 80c: succotash. 2-ft
cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, SI 251 50;
corn beef. 2-ft can. $1 75: 14-ft cans, $13 50:
baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft. SI 75
1 80: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines,
domestic, !4, $4 254 50; sardines, domestic
s. S8 25S 50: sardines, imported. i $11 SO 8)
12 50; sardines, imported, s, S18 00: sardines,
mustard. S4 00; sardines, spiced, $4 25.
FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. S36 33
bbl; extra No. 1 do, messed, S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32: extra No. 1 do. messed,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
Pollock, 4c 33 li; do medium George's cod, 6c;
do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's c j in blocks, 67fc Herring
Round shore. So 0 ft bbl; split. $7; lake. $3 25
IOO-fthalf bbL White fish. $7 100-ft half
bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 33 half bbl. Finnan
bartaer. 10c 33 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c V ft.
Buckwheat Flour 2ViS2; per. pound.
Oatmeal S3 30tf 60 l.bl.
Miners' Oil No 1 winter strained, 6932c
33 gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change were 29 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne
and Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 3 of hay, 2 of flour,
1 of rye, 1 of corn, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg.
Cincinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars of bay, 6 of
corn, 1 of bran, 1 of w. oats. By Baltimore and
Ohio, 1 car of hay. 1 of, oats. By Pittsburg and
Lake Eric, 2 cars of oats, 2 of flour, 1 of mid
dlings. Buyers and sellers were Unable to come
together at the Exchange. All reports from
grain centers indicate dull trade. From Min
neapolis and St. Louis flour is reported as dnll
and drooping and trade very sluggish. Millers
of Rochester and Buffalo talked last week of a
shutdown, and finally compromised by agree
ing to run their mills half time. At Duluth
flour is being stored in considerable quantities
until trade starts. From Boston word comes
tbat the flour trade is at its lowest ebb. Lon
don advices to "Minneapolis Miller" are that
the quantity of wheat In sight is above tbat of
a year ago, out much less than two years ago.
The situation all along the lines of 'grain and
hay presents at this date no features pointing
to a revival ot trade.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, $1 04
1 05; No. 3 red, 90S95c
Corn No.2velIow,ear,39K10c;hlgh mixed,
ear. S8J39c;No.l yellow, shelled, S839e; high
mixed, shelled, 36S7c: mixed, shelled. 35p36c
UAlD-ii". 4 WUllB, OdWdayhKi CJLfciA H. a,
33Uc: No.
3 white, 3131Kc; No. 2 mixed.
RYE No. I rye, 6S56c:-No. 2, 6052c; No. I
Western. 523c '
Babley-No. 1 Canada, S095c; No. 2
85c: No. 3 Canada, 7880c; No. 2
Western, 75
Shore. 7.fef
:; Ho. 3 western, bo70c; Lake
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, S6 60
6 75; spring patents, SB 75017 00: fancy straight,
winter and spring. $5 7506 00; clear winter,
$5 5005 75; stright XXXX bakers', $5 255 50.
Rye flour. S3 75.
COrnjceal In paper. 6070c
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $20 60
21 00 33 ton; brown middlings, $17 5018 00:
winter wheat bran, $15 01S 00; chop feed
$15 0018 00.
HAY Baled timothy, choice. $15 60li?16 00;
No. 1 do, $15 00ffll5 25: No. 2 do, $12 0013 00;
loose from wagon, $23 0026 00: No. 1 upland
prairie. $10 OOQ10 60; No. 2. $9 00Q9 0; packing
do. $5 0005 5a
Straw Oats. $3 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 007 25.
Large hams. 18 fts and upward. 10Kc: medium
hams, 14 to 18 fts. lie; small hams, 14 fts and
under, lljc; picnic or California hams, 83c:
boneless (In skins), lljic: sugar-cured shoul
ders, 8c: bacon. Sc: dry salt, 9c; breakfast
bacon, 10c; rouletts (boneless s.r. shoulders),
l(c; regular smoked sides, 9c; bellies,
smoked sides, 9c; regular dry salt sides, 8c:
bellies, dry salt sides, SJc; dried beef, sets 3
pieces, 10c; dried beef, flats. 8c; dried beef,
rounds, lie: dried beef, knuckles, lie; pork,
mess. $16 50; pork, family, $1700; pig pork, half
barrels, $9 00; long sausage. oVc Lard
Tierces. 325 fts, 7He33ft; half barrels, 120 ft,
7c 33 ft; tubs, wooden. 60 fts. 7Jc 33 ft; buck
ets, wooden, 20 fts, 8c il ft: 3-ft tin pails, 60 fts,
8c 33 ft: 5-K tin pails. 60 fts, 8Kc33 B;10-fttln
Sails, 60 fts. 8c 33ft;20-ft tin pails, 80 fts, 8c;
1-ft tin palls, 100 fts, 7c $1 ft.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 ft". 5Q
5Kc: 600 to 650 fts, 66Xc: 700 to 750 fts, 77Kc
Sheep, 7c 33 ft. Lambs, 8c 33 ft.
The King of Annam died on January 27, at
Colonel Andrew J. Smith has been placed
on the retired list of the army to date from
January 22.
General H. J. Hunt, Governor of tho Sol
diers' Home at Washington, is lying seriously
ill with pneumonia.
The. Secretary of the Treasury yesterday
accepted the following bonds: Four and one
half per cents, registered, $263,000 at 109.
George T. Driver, the American, who cut
his throat in the Angel Hotel, at Islington,
died in Sc Bartholomew's Hospital, London,
Two Swedes, named Anderson and Benson,
were drowned in the Mississippi near Fountain,
Wis., yesterday. They were riding on an ice
boat, when a stiff gust of wind carried them
Into an open channel of the river.
The Dutch steamer Orange Nassau, which
arrived at New York yesterday from West In
dian ports,reports everything quiet at Port-an-
xTince at too time 01 sailing, ine nayuan
men-of-war had all proceeded to Cape Haytien
to blockade that port.
It Is reported In official circles in Ottawa
that the Canadian Government will shortly an
nounce its abandonment of the modus Vivendi
which authorizes the issne of fishing licenses
to American vessels. The existing licenses
will continue to hold cood until they lapse.
Senator Manderson.froin the Committee on
Military Affairs, yesterday reported a proposed
amendment to the sundry civil bill appropri
ating $40,000 for the preparation of a site and
the erection of a pedestal for an equestrian
statue of General Sheridan in the city of
Marietta suffered another disastrous fire
yesterday morning, in which seven residences,
two large livery stable and two business bouses
were entirely consumed. The fire originated
in Pope's livery stable, on Greene street, which
communicated to Dye's livery stable, ou Third,
the two coming close together in the rear.
Proceedings have been instituted against
the Krnts Zeitung, of Berlin, for high treason
in printing an article describing as damagingto
the monarchial feeling of old Prussian patriots
the publication of the indictment against ProL
Geffecken with the object of appealing to the
public feeling. Parliamentary circles are
much excited over this action of the Govern
ment. Chairman Herbert, of tne House Commit
tee on Naval Affairs, says that an amendment
will be probably offered to the naval appropria
tion hill when it is called np for consideration
In the House, appropriating S100.0C0 for a coal
ing station at Pago-Pago. Mr. Herbert has not
been able to confer with all the members of
tho committee, bnt such as have been spoken
to are in favor of the amendment.
The high brick wall of the Dulnth Opera
House, which was burned Monday morning,
fell at 11:00 A. a. yesterday upon a frame build
ing standing in the next lot, and occupied by
Chamberlain &. Co. as a book store. Air
Chamberlain, the proprietor, was buried in the
rnlns, which immediately caught fire. One
other man is reported to be in the ruins, bnt
nothing definite is known in regard to this.
j. lie ure causea a loss 01 jiz,iai.
The House Committee on Judiciary heard
arguments yesterday on the bill providing for
the construction of a bridge across the Ohio
river between Louisville, Ky., and Jefferson
ville, Ind. A delegation headed by Congress
man Carnth, of Kentucky, and ex-Congressman
Thompson, argued in support of the bill, and
ex-Congressman Willis opposed the measure,
holding that the construction of the proposed
bridge would interfere with the navigation of
the Ohio river.
Young August Tonto, who attempted the
triple mnrder at Delhi, Mich., Saturday night,
was captured at 1 o'clock this morning by
Deputy Sheriff Ferguson, of Mason, and a
posso in a tamarack swamp near Okemos and
about eight miles from the scene of the
tragedy. He had been sleeping in barns at
night and biding in the swampscluring the day
time since the mnrJer. To the officer he con
fessed the shooting, and said lie did it becanse
the Stockal family had been talking about him.
He was taken to the county jail at Mason.
Novelty stripes and plain colors to
match in all wool spring dress goods, 50c
per yard. Just opened.
Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork,
Hams, Breakfast Bacon,
Pork Bologna
And all other varieties of Sansage of the finest
quality, at very moderate prices, received daily
from their immense cooling rooms at Chicago.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL. . . - . 200,000 00.
JAMES P. 8PEER. Vice Prest
sel-k35-r JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
To Glstgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool
Cabin passage 135 to ISO, according to location
of state room. Excursion S& to TM.
Steerage to aud from Europe at lowest rates
S3 Broadway, New 'York,
or J. J. M'CORMICK. Agunt,
2I-r79D FourlhAvenus :nd SmilhSald 31.
J.N route to London and the Continent.
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Havre),
S.SialeJan.T,a5 :30 A.M. S!.FuIda.Feb.9,lp.jr.
Ss. Ems . .Feb. 2. 7 A. M. I S-.Lahn.Feb.l3. 3 P.M.
S. Trave Feb. . 10 A.M. Ss. Elbe.Feb.16.bA. 31.
First Cabin, Winter rates, from $75 upward.
5IAX SOHAMBERG & CO.. Agents, Pitts
burg. Pa.
OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. JJ23-71-D
United fitnte Nnll Stenmcrs.
Calling at Jlovllle (Londonderry).
Cabin passage to Uhujrow, Liverpool or London
derry, f and Hi. Excursion, sso and S1UQ,
becoud-cliM.-SW. Steerage. (3).
Mediterranean Service. Steamships at rezular
Intervals from
Cabin Passage. 30 and two. Tblrd-cUsa,3p. Drafts
on Great Krttaln, Ireland or Italy, and letters of
credit at favorable rates.
Yort or J. J. MCCOKMICK, Kourth and Smith
Held? A. D. BCOKKKx SON, 415 Smith fleld si..
Pittsburg: WILLIAM SEJ1PL& Jr., 185 federal
St., Allegheny. H06-136-JIW1-
Chartiers Creamery Co,
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 142a.
Bissell Block.
Factories throughout Western,
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-Dsu
As old residents know and back tiles of Pitts,
bnrg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
MCDflllQ and mental diseases, physical
Ivtn VUUO decay, nervous debility, lack;
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust,bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 DIM A RV kidney and bladder derange
UnllNnn I 1 nients, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and othee
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and rel cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience)
insures scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as iC
here. Office hours 9 a. iC to 8 p. x. Sunday,
10A,JCtolP.I. only. DR. WHITTIER, ftj
Penn avenne, Pittsburg, Pa, jai'k-d-DSu w
. ERGY and strength secured by using Am,
oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only reli
able safe remedy for the permanent cure of Ira
potency, no matter how long standing.seperma
torrboea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for SI;
six boxes Is the complete treatment, and with .
everv purchase of six boxes at one time we will
give a written guarantee to refund the money
if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON1
MEDICAL IMTSITUTE For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. S4 Market street. Pitta,
burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 apl0-k5G-XWTSa
Gray's Specific Medicine.
lujc enre for
Seminal Weak
ness, bpenna
torrbea, lmpo
tency, and all
diseases that
follow as a se-
inence of belf.
Abuse; as loss
sltude. Pain In the Back, Ulmneasof Vision, Pre
mature Old Axe and many other dlseaes tbat lead
to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura
d-ful'. particulars In our pamphlet, which we
desire to send free by mall to every one. 49"Tbe
package, or six packages for $, or will be sent frea
by mall on the receipt of the money, by addressing
THEGKAY MKUIC1NECO.. buffalo, N. Y. f
On account of counterfeits, we bare adopted th
Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine.
Sold In Plttsbur? by S. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthneld and Liberty streets. mhl3-k43
All forms of Delicate and Com-
plicated Diseases requlrinc Cos-
cation are treated at Shis Dispensary with a suc
cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member
of tho Eoyal College of Physicians andSurgeons,
and is the oldest nnd most experienced Rpvj , y
JST In tho city. Special attention given to Nei r
ous Debility from excessive r .ntal exertion', in
discretions of youth, &C., Chasing physical and
mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc;
also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits. Piles, RheumaOsn
and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lnngs, Urin
ary Organs. &c Consultation f rco ami strictly
confldcntiaL Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. 1
Sundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call nt office or addrssa
K.Lakk.M.D.,M.R .aP.Sor EJ.Lake.M-D.'
OrifiaaLkt. a It rcnts aad
reliable pill for wle. ft ever FhL
Aak for TeJer' ngti&
Diamond Brand, in rea m
Miua bo, M&tea wvJx blue ro
boa. A t Drnfxf t. Aceen&
no other. Ati plus la taiie
board boxes, pink wrnr, axe t danger
oaceaunterreit. Send 4c fttaiapi r
""s r" Utter, br retnrM baU. 10,000 test!
iftonu&froalAClES'bobiTOuedtfeem. 5ftmrapr.
Uiidiekler UiemJe&l Co., Badlsoa SqPhllsPu
luff nine from th ef
fects of youthful er
ror, eirlr decay. lort
manhood , eta I will mndsk raJoable treatise (mled
COnUlUlIlK ion f)K4nwujAca iiif uuiuo cuis uw vt
thanre. jWdre,
IIIHfc w '
I f iT