Court Janitors Take Up Arms Against Embryotic Lawyers "WHO DISOBEY BUILDING EULES. Players at the Moot Bar Threatened "With a Eeal Case in Court. BOIS ACT TOO MUCH Llfc-E OLD TIMERS The young gentlemen who have been plavinp court in one of the rooms dedicated to the use of Judges Hawkins and Over are apt to be furnished a case of real courting. It is alleged they have not been as prudent as they might have been and Lave drawn down on their heads the wrath of the janitors, who have thrown themselves with such force on various officials and the judges that the attrition has struck lire. The trouble arose primarily from a very small spark. Every one who has made the rounds of the new Court House has had his vision assaulted at every three or four paces by large-sired cards adjuring him not to expectorate on the floor. Kow, the voung t;eutlemen who run the moot court have been in the habit of turning these Mgns, or such as were in the vicinity of the Orphans' Court room-, and on the reverse side inscribing an announcement of the moot court being in hession, and an invita tion to enter. It appears that the janitor thought the voung men were acting too much like the elder lawyers, sort of careless whether thev obeyed rules or no, Ueatiug with disdain the'adjuration to spit in the cusp idores, smokiug Havana cigars or even vile tobies in places where only an old member of the bar might be tolerated, in fact making the manners of their moot court too much like those ofa real one. SNORED TOO LOUD. That the foreman of the last jury that sat on a murder trial fell asleep and snored so heavily as to annoy Judge Hawkins and his court in the next room; that the moot court sign was left on the door, inviting the popu lace to enter, thereby annoying the Orphans Court Judges and suitors, and especially the tipstaves, who have been strongly inciting the janitors to rebel. All this discontent is alleged to have cul minated in calling the attention of the Countv Commissioners to the matter, and it is said' they could think of nothing in the wav of remedy, except the institution of some kind of a suit against the voung gen tlemen. It is said that proceedings have been entered before either Alderman Mc Kenna or Alderman lMcMasters, but efforts to get satisfaction on this point were nuga torv, nor could anyone be Jound who would consent to disclose the nature of th2 com plaint. It was stated somewhat positively, however, that County Solicitor Geyer had been instructed to prosecute, and it was in timated that Messrs. "W. D. Moore, "Will iam Keardon and Thomas M. Marshall would look alter the interest of the de fendants. It could not be learned whether all of the voung men were sued or only the officers. The latter are James McKirdy, President; John X. Dunn. Vice President; Secretary, P. A. Ammon;-Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts, T. Morgan Silvey; District At tornev and Treasurer, Charles Schlegel; Sheri'ff, Charles Fetterman; County De tective, .E.tJ- McKenna. THEIR FUTURE PLANS. Their friends hope the prosecution will not interfere with the next session of court, on Saturday, as at that time it is proposed to adopt A new constitution and new rules, and elect new officers. It is also proposed to elect a supreme court, to be composed of three members of the bar; an advisory com mittee and a regular committee to prepare trial lists. The year will be divided into four terms of ten" weeks each, ana the execu tive committee will select judges to serve ten weeks, judges for all the courts, not ex cepting the orphans'. The supreme court will meel twice a year, but the dates have not yet been nxed. Twice a month sections of Blackstone are to be dissected and lectured upon, and mem bers are required, or at least expected, to digest these sections so as to be able to dis cuss them profitably and intelligently for the benefit of all. Should the association survive the present attack, it will be wibdom for the janitors and tipstaves to give it a wide berth, as there are supposed to be metes and bounds to the prerogatives of even janitors and tipstaves. THE ATTRACTION" THIS WEEK At Uncus & Hackc'g Are the unprecedented values in black silks, all weaves; gros grain, faille Pran caise, armure-, royals, surahs, satin mer veilleux and satin rhadames at the uni form price of SI per yard. "We positively assert that never before have such values been offered in these desirable fabrics. AVhile we have many higher priced grades, relatively of equal value, we call special at tention to this SI a yard line as a bargain worthy your immediate attention. Black and white striped gros grains, black and white striped satins, black and white striped and figured surahs, suitable lor costumes, skirts or combinations the handsomest line ever shown in the city. French challis at 50 cents per yard--only a small percentage yet arrived of the quan tity we are importing, although plenty to make a selection lrom, as the styles are all new, handsome and desirable. In our wash goods department we show an elegant line of the celebrated Koechlin's French sateens, Anderson's noveltips and zephyrs, domestic sateens, toile du Xord, etc In the linen (housekeepers') department the attractions are so many it would be almost impossible to enumerate specially, and we will only say that our display and values of towels, table linens, napkins, honey-comb and Marseilles quilts, scarfs, tidies, etc., cannot be excelled. The many attractions in our grand cloak room (second floor) which we are now offering, must insure a busy season here. The special styles we are showing in long and snort wraps, jackets, etc., presents to those desiring a fashionable, stylish, well made and good-fitting garment an opportu nity not to be neglected. All we have left of our last importation of French jerseys will be closed out at 50 per cent reduction S8 quality for $4; $10 quality for S3; S12 quality for S6; ?15 futility for S7 50, and an all-silk jeriey at 12 50" that sold lotmerly at S25. Hugus & Hacke, Fifth avenue and Market street. mwfsu "Whitmyri: & Co. find great gratification in the manner in which ".Rosalia" flour is making a footing in the two cities, exclu sively upon its merits as a well-ground article made from the very best hard wheat and milled by the most careful methods. Merit will always win, and "Kosalia" flour bales show infallibly that nothing succeeds like success. For sale by all grocers and in use universally. Traction Auction Sale. Three hundred and fifty head of horses and mules will be sold at cor. of Butler and Forth-seventh sts., this morning at 10 o'clock. Prices very low this week in our black goods department, to make room for early spring importations. Hugus & Hacke. Jiwrsu Traction Auction Sale. Three hundred and fifty head of horses mid mules will be sold at cor. of Butler and Forty-seventh sts., this morning at 10 o'clock. s 300 styles in French and Scotch zephyr flannels. New and handsome effects. mwfsu Hugus & Hacke. j J Go to Hauch's for diamonds; lowest prices. 285 Fifth ave. wrsu The Work to be Transacted at the Annual Meeting In Jnne. M. N. Forney, Secretary of the Master Car Builders' Association ol .the United States, has sent notices to this city of the annual meeting of the association to be held in Buffalo in June next. The date has not Vet been decided upon, but it will probably be about the last of the month. A number of railroad officials of this city are members of the association and will attend the con vention. The following subjects are in the hands of committees who will report upon them: A code of rules for the interchange of passenger cars,.including sleeping, 'parlor, chair, basrgage and express cars. This matter has always been a source or" annoy ance to railroad officials when hauling the cars of other roads. A great many lines haul the cars of other roads at so much per mile. Other larger lines will not haul pas senger cars belonging to other roads unless the parties in the car are provided with 18 full tare passenger tickets. This is the case with special Pullman cars on the Pennsyl vania lines. If a Pittsburger charters a Pullman car for an exclusive trip to 2ew York he will have to purchae 18 tickets before the car is placed on a train. "With the private cars of officials of other lines it is the custom to pass the car and party over the line without charge. Some roads, in addition to lifting the pass for the car, aKo make each indi vidual in the car produce a pass or ticket. Committees will also report on a "stand ard journal box lid for a 60,000-pound car and a standard lid for a 40,000-pound car." E. B. "Wall. Superintendent of Motive Power of the Panhandle road, will report on a "standard brake gear for airbrake cars, with a brake shoe for iron beam." A committee will also report on "car heating and lighting." They will select a steam coupler and will submit it to letter ballot for adoption. Frank L. Shepard, of the Pennsylvania Bailroad at Altoona, is on the committee. ALLEGHENY'S HOSPITAL It Has a Balance on Hand, Does Good Work, bat Ilns Certain Needs. The Board of Directors of the Allegheny General Hospital held their annual meeting yesterday. President "Woodburn reported that they needed more room. The dwelling near the hospital, bought during the year, gave them 15 more rooms. The cost of improve ment for the vcar amounted to $9,094 60. The Superintendent, Miss Florence K. Tildsey, reported that in 1888, 813 patients were admitted, 200 more than last year. Of this number 595 were cured, and 72 died. The charity patients were 567, The average cost of patient per day is 97.18 cents. The financial report shows a balance on hand of 51,681 98. The Ladies Society were commended for their kindness. The training school graduated three nurses, and admitted 19 pupils during the year. Resolutions of respect for Captain Gray were adopted. The following named directors were elect ed for the present vear: B. F. "Woodburn, "W. G. Park. F. K. Brunot, A. D. Smith, J. A. Caughey, J. L. Graham, J.McCutcheon, Josiah Cohen, B, B. Mowry, Jj. P. Peter son, Jr., and John G. Stephenson. AXOTHEE KEW LINE. A Report That Jay Gonld Is Forcing His War Into Fittsbnrc. It is reported that a scheme is on foot to run another through railroad from Pitts burg to the Missouri river. It is said that Jay Gould is trying to push his way with the "Wabash, St. -Louis and Pacific into this city to get some of the enormous ton nage out of this territory. This line is sup posed to run on the Pittsburg and Western to Akron, thence via the Pittsburg, Akron and Chicago to Chicago Junction. The latter road is going to be "William Semple's short route to Chicago. From Chicago Junction a new road eight miles long is to be built to Carey, O. At Carey the new line will go over the Cleve land and Western to Fort "Wayne where connection will be made with the Wabash. "When ill with pains and exhanstion Parker's ginger tonic is your surest relief. Parker's hair balsam, aids the hair growth Letter of Recommendation From Secretary of the Bench Dog Show. a correct copy ot tne original letter: Westminster Kennel Club, 1 8.) 44 DKOADWAY, 2fETV YORK ClTr, February 27, 1888. Prof. Parker having given exhibitions of his troupe of trained dogs at the annual Dog Show ot the Westminster Kennel Club for the past four or five years, I can most highly recommend his exhibitions as being enter taining and attractive. F. E. HrrcncocK, Sec Westminster Kennel Club. Prof. Parker will exhibit his famous trained dogs al Grand Central Eink, Penn avenue, every afternoon at 3 o'clock and evening at 9 o'clock. A 8700 Stetnvray Piano for $2i!5. A 5700 Steinway piano, finished all around, with all improvements, excellent tone and richlv carved rosewood ease, cost when new 700; for S225; also, a magnificent Marshall & Mittauer piano, highest stvle, for S225. These are creat bargains. Call at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smithfield street, General Agents for the celebrated Sohmcr pianos, the superb Colby pianos and Newman Bros.' organs. Tbe Best Is Cheapest. The increase in accident insurance has brought into existence scores of short-lived institutions, whose failures are disastrous to the business, and tend to discourage their patrons. But the National Benefit Associa tion of Indianapolis can be relied on, as it has stood the test of years. J. T. Cunningham, Agent, 51 Lewis block. Attention, Companies and Societies. We have a big lot of army muskets, car bines, swords, sabers, etc, which must be sold at anv price within 60 days. J. H. Johnston, 621 Smithfield st. Traction Auction Sale. One hundred head oflarger horses will be sold at the Butler street stables at 10 o'clock this morning. Anyone in need of a good horse should attend this sale 1,045 Cabinet Photos Wero Made Yesterday at the Elite gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg, Pa. Good work and low prices tell the tale. Bring the children. Massaee Treatment. Scientific sand electric massage applied by I. Munk, 806 Penn avenue. towfs Go to Hauch's for fine umbrellas; lowest prices. 295 Fifth avc WPSu Cabinet photos, all styles, 51 50 per doz. Prompt delivery. Lies' popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. mwtsu Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102 Carson st, Southsidc ELECTIONS. ELECTION-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat there will be a general meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe Pittsburg Ramie Manufact uring Company on MONDAY, February 1L 1SS9, at 730 o'clock p.m., at the office of Geo. R. Sbidle, No. 417 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, to elect a Board of Directors, make by-laws and transact such other business as may be neces sary. FRANK W. SMITH. Attorney for Com pany. ja-23-7-w EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE East End, Pittsburg. Second term opens February 1. 1SKJ. DUworth Hall is ready for occupancy and will accommodate a largernum ber of students. Apply to MISS HELEN E." TELI.ETREAU. President jaS-lS , S&-Dfsplay advertisements one dollar per iquare for one insertion Classified advertise ments on this pape such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the potblic, Branch Offices have been established at the folio-wing places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. TOOM AS MCCAFFREY, 353 Butler street EMIL O. STUCKKT, 21th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylleave. and Fulton st N. STOKELY. Firth Avenue Market House. XAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & SHEIULEK,&thav. & At wood st SOUTH SIDE. JACOB srOHN. No. 2 Carson street. C1IAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAF.RCHEK, S3 Federal street McliRIUE UltOS.. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED II. EGGE11S. 172 Ohio street F. IL EGGEKSASON. Ohio and Chestnut st. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHEN BY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKY M . G LEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED-IIELP. Male Ilela. -TTTANTEO-AGENTS TO SELL THE 6ELF VV LIGHTING pocket I.imp:sellstsl(Tbt. L. W. MA1BAOM, 506 Smlthfleld st. 1a30-22 WANTED-A GOOD BOY TO LEARN THE barber trade; one with some experience preferred. Apply 8S3 SECOND AVE. Ja30-17 w ANTED AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and natent fuel for carriages. warons. etc: sells at sight. Inquire after 3 P. 31., ai. acaii.-i.jL, .lit., iu ieaerai si., A-iicgneny, Pa. del6-9-p WANTED IMMEDIATELY CAPABLE young man as assistant bookkeeper: must have had experience. Address in own handwrit ing MANUFACTURER, Dispatch office, giving reference. )a30-9 ANTED-AT ONCE-A PRACTICAL DYER and cleaner: oue who thoroughly under stands the business: to the right party a steady Job. Address No. 132 WASHINGTON ST.. New Castle, Pa. JaSO-34 -TTTANTED SIX ENERGETIC MEN TO s V solicit orders for tea, baking powder and ftlces; none but experienced salesmen need ap y. Address AMERICAN TEA CO., No. 340 Fifth avenue, city. Ja30-31 WANTED-BY A BOSTON TEA AND COF FEE importing and roasting house, a sales man well acquainted -with retail grocers in Pitts burg and Allegheny City to take exclusive agency of their goods and sell same on commission. Ad dress, with references, COFFEE, Dispatch office. Ja30-13 -VTT-ANTEU-MAN TO TAKE THE AGENCY of our safes: size 28x18x18 Inches: weight MO lbs. ; retail price fS: other sizes in proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These sales meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the safe pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. seS-p92-ws Female IIclD. WANTED-MILL1NERS-12 OR IS A 1 MIL LINERS can And good situations out of the city by applying to J. D. BERND 4 CO.. 815. 817 Liberty street Ja30-33 WANTED-AT ONCE-SMART BUSINESS woman ndt under 25: references rcauired: salary 10 per week. Call 10 to 12 Wednesday, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, room 11, M Sixth St. Ja30-6 WANTED-IMMEDIATELY. FOR HOTEL, pantry, kitchen, etc., dining room girls, cooks and chambermaids; S3 50 to S4 per week: nurse and bouse girls; all first-class help report here. MRS. MEEH AN, (H5 Grant st Ja21-D Male nnd Female Ilcln. TrT7"ANTEI-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO t engage in an easy, paying business at home; can -work daytime or evening and make 50c to $2 per hour; sure thing: sample and complete instructions sent free. Address, WORLD SUPPLY CO.. Rutland. Vt JagMlO WANTED SITUATIONS. -TTTANTED-AN EXPERIENCED CIGAR AND V v candr salesman wants a situation. Address W. H. S., "Dispatch office. Ja23-38 WANTED-SITDATIONBY A FIRST-CLASS mechanical engineer: good draughtsman as -well as mathematician. Address S. D. Dispatch office. Ja30-8 WANTED-FOSITION AS FOREY31EN OR stable boss In llverv or other stable: 10 years experience. Address H. W. K., 88 Chestnut st.. Allegheny. Jats-47 -rrTANTED-FOR PARIS EXHIBITION. BY TT young man with ten years1 business ex perience, situation as interpreter or exhibitor of an American Industry, ASH, 72 Fultou, Cleve land, Ohio. ja30-19 -TT7-ANTED-BY A YOUNG BUSINESS MAN, TV employment at moderate salary: hare had experience as grocery clerk and traveling sales man: no objection to leaving city or State. EN EBGETIC, Dispatch office. Ja30-ll WAKTED-RO03IS. HOUSES. TrA;TE1,-TO RENT-ONE OR TWO-STORY V brick building, with power if possible; cellar and railroad facilities preferred. Address at once J. F., Dispatch office. Ja29-43 TfJ-ANTEU-BY APRIL I, SHOWROOM ON v V first floor on good business street; would rent one-half oriarge room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM. Dispatch office. de.-f33 TTTANTEO A HOUSE, WITH MODERN CON V VEN1ENCE3, or 12 rooms, bath and w. c.. situated on or near Fifth avenue traction road, near East Liberty. Address X. Y. Z.. Dispatch office. Ja3n-i5-wsu WANTED-TO BENT BY MARCH 15, OK April 1, a neat dwelling of about 7 rooms, 3 adults. Addrcis, stating rental, K. H. B., 131s- jui-vii uiiibCt jaoir WANTED PARTNERS. TTTANTED ENERGETIC MAN TO TAKE M half Interest In a good paying business and to act as business manager; small capital required. Address MUTUAL, Dispatch office. Ja23-61 WANTED-A RELIABLE PARTY WITH J300 to take half interest in a light manutactur lng business; goods staple: business easily learned: Eatisfactorv income assured: references If desired. Address LIGHT, Dispatch office. Ja2S-&i WANTED FINANCIAL. -T7ANTED-T0 INVfcST 2, 000 OR 13,000 IN A good paying business. Answer INVEST MENT, Dispatch office. Ja30-35 VTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTII- V LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. 28-a29-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN in sums to suit at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAFJ1ING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. apO-el-D -TTT ANTED RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY LY; prorerty managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-Sl WANTKD-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over J4.O0O; 4i per cent; no tax. nENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D TrrANTED-MORTGAGES FROMS500TO f5,000 V up to loaoco;to loan 4, 5 and 6 per cent JAS. W. DRAPE & Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. Ja2G-94-MWS -VTTANTED-MORTGAGES, MORTGAGES, ON V Pittsburg, Alleghenyorsubnrbvi Improved real estate, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood street. Ja20-90-MWS WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts on Improved city or Alle gheny countv property at lowest market rates. THOS. L1GUETT. No. 114 Fourth aTe. Ja25-W WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount: lowest rates of interest and commis sion. riTTSBUKO CO.. LIMITED, Keal Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-Sl-D TTTANTED-TO LOAN 8500,000. IN AMOUNTS V of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4K per cent treeof tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. scil-d2S-D TTTANTED-PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS TO V sell, houses to rent rents and accounts to collect; personal attention and prompt settlements guaranteed. THOi. MCCAFFREY, Notajy Pub lic, 3509 Butler street fel2-kl6-w W ANTED-TO LOAN f200,000 ON JIOET f;AGK3:fl00 and unward at 6 Tier cent: S3X,00Oat 4M per cent on residences or business properly: also in sujviuiuk wuuuo. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. OWl-eS4-D WANTED-MOKTG AGES-?1, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, 5and 6 per cent and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PEN.NOCK & &ON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-BOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect In both cities. We give special attention to repairs, taxes, insurance and man agement of properties: Itemized accounts, inonth lyscttlcments. PITTSBURG CO., Lim., 138 Fifth, avenue. Keal Estate and Insurance. Jal-W-I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-OFFERS-A MANUFACTURING corporation desires to establish a branch factory in the vicinity or Pittsburg: em ploys 100 hands and ships CO, 000 tons of treight an nually: requires 5 to 10 acres of ground having navigable water ai.rt railroad frontage. Offers may be sent to CHAS. L. WORK, 501 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, Pa. Ja29-73-Tuwssa TTTANTED-TO BUY A SMALL 8ECOND VV hand cas engine of about ono horse power. Address L. A. B., Dispatch office. Ja30-43 WANTED-TO BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS or all kinds. Address PITTSBURG AUC TION CO., 93 Third ave., near Wood st. Ja29-W TX7ANTED-FECOND-HAND LATHE, DBILL V press, steam hammer, planers, etc. Ad dress j" G. SUTTON & CO., West Newton, Pa. Ja29-35 TTrANTED-EVERYBODY TO CALL AND. VT SCO Oiir HUD Ul UUUIUB UU UJUU,iunwi prices for fine pictures. STANFORD & CO.. 68 Federal st Ja23-93-WSSU WANTED-EVERYBODY ID KNOW "THE ELITE" GALLERY. 516 Market St., Pitts burg, Pa., will make cabinets for i 00 per doz. until May 1, 1889; use elevator. Jall-83-wssn TTTANTED-PEOPLE WHO LIVE OUTSIDE V V the city to attend our auction sales of furni ture, larpets, etc.. Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 A. M. and 2 P.M. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., 93 Third ave. Ja29-99 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEiDEN, 530 Smlthfleld st noll-HWFSU WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, ererybodyto know that he is making fine cabinets at (150 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-k27 TTTANTED ALL HOTEL AND SALOON V keepers to know that now is the time to file all applications and bonds for liquor licenses. Get all papers properly made out by THOS. MC CAFFREY. Notary Public, 3309 Butler st. Have all the blank forms on hand; office open evenings. la9-61-wssn FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residence. FOR SALE-S2.550-ON CONGRESS STKEET brlck dwellings rooms, sewered, both gases, etc. : lot 20x50 ft. ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. Ja27-58-MWsn FOR SALE OR TO LET-ON CARbON ST.. dwelling of 6 rooms and store room, would make an elegant location for a saloon. J. C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond st. Ja27-77 FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP 53,000 -S1.000 cash, balance on easy payments, brick house, 7 rooms, lot 20x90 ft., Caldwell, near Vine St. . A. HEBRON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. Ja29-97 FOR SALE-WYOMING ST.. MT. WASHING TON, 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms, hall and vestibule: n. and a. gas: hot and cold water; Sood sewerage: price low; lot 30x90. J. C. IEILLY, 77 Diamond St. Ja27-77 FOB SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 6 rooms and finished attic; lot 0x80 feet; low price and easy terms. In quire at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street dc-198-WS FOR SALE HARBISON STREET, NEAB Fortv-nlnth st, 1 two-story frame houst, 6 rooms and attic, also on rear 1 two-story frame, 4 rooms and attic, fronting on nice paved alley; will sell one or both: lot 22x100. J. C. EEILLY, 77 Diamond St. Ja27-77 1710R SALE-REDUCED 10 J10.MO-FIFTH ave., only a few squares from Court House a large 2-story, pressed-orlck residence of 7 rooms: finished attic laundry.' cellar, hail, bathroom and inside w. c: inside shutters, complete electric work and speaking tubes, porches, nat and art. gas; also on rear of lot 25x120, fronting on Ann st, is a 2-storr frame dwelling of 5 rooms and cel lar: almost new; this is good Investment prop erty: on line of cable cars: splendid location. BLACK BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. Ja20-122-22,24.28.23,30 Enat End Residences. FOR RALE-SHADYSIDE, BETWEEN AM BERSON and Aiken avenues, and between P. R. R. and Fifth ave. cablo line, elegant resi dence 9 rooms, best finish: all latest conveniences and improvements: sewer connections: large lot: choice location. HENRY A. BBEED, 516 Market st Ja29-53 FOR SALE NEGLEY AVENUE -HANDSOME residence properties along this great connecting thoroughfare of all other avennea leading from the city tor sale at the low price of MJ, S50 and (60 per foot front; this propert) will be worth from 90 to SlOO nnd over when pavement is finished. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station street E. E. Ja29-40-TWP FOR SALE ON PARK AVE., NEAB Frankstown ave., lot 26x78, new frame house of 8 rooms, reception hall; bathroom, natural gas, electric belts, all modern improvements, aboutfi minutes1 walk from East Liberty station and about 8 minutes rrom either line or cable cars; only S3.250; terms to suit. THOS. W. LIGGETT. No. Ill Fourth ave. Ja25-32-Tuwssu FOB SALE-A REAL BABGAIN-S15.500 FOB A large and elegant brick dwelling of about 15 large rooms, hall In center, all conveniences, per fect sewerage, on oneof the finest paved avenues In the E. E.:lotl20 feet front: house cost Sl3.oooto build ; lot is worth $9, 600: moderate amount down, balance on bond and mortgage. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja29-39 FOR SALE-QUEEN ANNE HOUSE-NO. 6217 Howe street 140 leetwest or Shady avenue. East End; Pittsburg traction cars run on Shady avenue every rew minutes; house has 8 rooms, bath, inside water closet, laundry In cellar, which has cemented floor: has electric bell, etc.; lot33x 125; good neighborhood; fine building now being finished near it; price $5,500: (1,100 cash and the balance on long time if desired. C H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. Ja30-30 FOB SALE AT A -BARGAIN, ROUP ST., Queen Anne frame dwelling of 11 rooms: re ception hall and bathroom: bay windows full height of house: triple windows in library and room above: ample closets and china enpboard; artificial and natural gas: good cellar with laun dry having stationary tubs and stove: hot and cold water; front and rear porches; lot 42,xl6S to a 20-foot alley: good stable on rear of lot; terms easy. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. J a20-12S-23, 25, 26, 28, 30 TTIOB SALE-EAST END BESIDENCE PBOP Jt? EBTY. with fine large lot 120x274 feet on Penn avenue; shade and fruit trees and shrub bery: lull supply or pure water: 10 rooms in resi dence, with bath, dressing room, natural ga6, cedar closet china cupboards, dry cellar with furnace and vegetable bins; porches front and sides; brick residence with slate roor and com- Jilete throughout in all Its parts: a bargain on ong. easy payments. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Ja26-94-MWS FOB SALE -(6,500, IF SOLD AT ONCE-ONE or the best locations in Oakland; a new, modern-style brlik dwelling or 8 rooms, hail, vesti bule, bath, two inside w c's, stationary wash stand, pantrf between kitchen and dining room, laundrv. cemented cellar, sliding doors and in side shutters: beautllul slate mantels and tile hearths; fine front and back porches; also, front and back stairs; house papered throughout in the most artistic manner: good sewerage Iron lence. cement walks, etc. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ' Ja20.124-22,24,26,28,30 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF SOLD AT once elegant lot cor. two prominent paved aves. in the East End. elegant brick house, almost new. reception hall, parlor, library, dining room, kitchen and large pantry on first floor, 5 good bed rooms, bath aud w. c on second floor, large fin ished attic servant's room ana cedar closet on the third floor, electric bells speaking tubes, sliding doors, large front porch. Day windows, elegant neighborhood and convenient to both steam and cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth avc Ja25-32-Tuwssn TXazelrrood Residences. FOE SALE-HAZELWOOD-THE GREATEST bargain yet ottered, two frame houses of 6 rooms each; lots each 90x150: only f,5C0 each: on easy terms. J. K. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth avc Ja30-51 Alleahenr Residences. F IOB SALE ELEGANT RESIDENCE 8 rooms and attic witn ail convenlences-faclne the park; best exposure: terms very reasonable. HENBY A. BBEED, 516 Market St. Ja29-53 TTIOB SALE NORTH AVE., FRONTING C parks, 2-story brick dwelling 7 rooms, bath, h. and c. water, nat. and art gas: everything in first-class order: price low, terms to 6nft: lot 19x 100 to alley. J. C. BEILLY, 77 Diamond st Ja25-43 F lOR SALE INVESTMENT IN SECOND ward. Allegheny, near Pleasant Vallev cars. 6 brick dwellings ori rooms, hall and vestibule Inside w. c, nat. gas, etc., each: sewcrea: rents SlOffJ: taxes and water rents (145. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Ja2t-73-26, 30 FOR SALE-2 NEW BRICK DWELLINGS IN Second ward, Allegheny, convenient to the parks and street cars, 0 rooms in cadi, with bath, w. c, hot and cold water, natural gas, marble mantels, hall, dry cellar: everything in perfect order: price (3.750 and 83,600 each. JAS. V. DRAPE& CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. Ja30-3fi FOR SALE-(4,00-SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH finished attic press brick front, hall ves tibule, side entrance and handsome stationary mirrors: natural and artificial gas, hot and cold water, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, ce mented cellar. Situated in Second ward, Alle gheny, near street cars. Terms to suit purchaser. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth aveuue. Jal9-S8-MWTSSU FOR BALE-THAT HANDSOME BRICK RESI DENCE (almost new) on North avenue, Alle gheny, corner Palo Alto strett. fronting on the parks, 10 large, cheerrulrooms: library and sitting room, lavatory and bath, stationary washstanda with marble tops, and hot and cold water through out: several elegant Plllard marble mantels: natural gas; inside shutters; china closets and pantries, elevator, laundry and drying rooms, furnace; dry cellar under the whole house, etc : to besoldatpublicsaleonTUESDAYAFrERNOON, FEBRUARY 6, at 2 o'clock. in ourofflcel29 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg: title perrect: the premises can be examined any afternoon on presenting our card, which can be obtained at our office. Terms, etc.. from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. Ja3CK18 " Snhnrbnn Residences. FOR SALE HANDSOME SUBURBAN BRICK residence on P. B. R. Just beyond cltv line and near station, having ten rooms, doubIehalIs, bath room, range hot and cold water, natural gas, together with fine stable and carriage houses; also 2 acres of ground covered with choice lruit, flowers; only (11,000; on terms to suit BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Janl6-10-jrwFS FOB SALE OB TO LET-ONE OFTHE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny county: the house Is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there is a good stable and handsome fowl house: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, lruit and ornamental trees; tbewhole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres or ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE OiAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue Knoxvllle borough. JaI0-9 Clur r.Of T7IOB SALE-LOTS IN TWENTY-SEVENTH JD ward, S. S., the bestlou for theleast money, only (250 each, and such an easy way to nay it (10 down and (10 monthly; 25X1C0 each. J. C. BEILLY, 77 Diamond st Ja27-77 FOB SALE-LOTS I LOTS! LOTS! LOTSI-1N Dickson plan. Thirty-third street Call and get a choice level lot. They are the best located and most suitable lots now for aale. Prices from (450 to (300 each. Verv easy payments. Buy now before prices go up. First buyers will get a re duction and a preference. See plan and get full particulars orTHOS. McCAFFBEY, 3509 Butler street. Office open evenings. Jal2-34-ws East End' Lou. FOB SALE-LOTS ON LINDEN AVENUE, near Point Breeze, size 50x150 feet: this property has lust been 'recently graded and will be sold at a special bargain. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja25-26-D FOB SALE-ONLY' (70 A FRONT FOOT. IF sold within th next 10 days, lot 50x175 fee t, on Thomas st., one or the best locations on the boulevard, East End; tbls it a bargain. W. A. HEKBON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. Ja23-10-xwr FOE SALE-LOTS! LOTSI-FBANKSTOWN ave., Brushton station: Bank or Commerce addition plan ; no lot less than 40x140 feet to 20-toot alley ; terms, 5t down and (10 a month; cheapest lots in the market secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTEB, Agent512 Smlthfleld st Ja27-62 Hazclvrood Lou. FOB SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT HA ZELWOOD, B. & O. B. B.. Twenty-third ward; trains run to station In 10 to 12 minutes; Srlce (150 to (300: terms made to suit purchasers. . McCKICKABT, new No. 1010 Penn avenue. no-!-h9-WS AllcehcnT Tjota. F IOB SALE FINEST BUILDING SITE ON the n.irk In Allegheny: will divide in lots to suit buyers: this Is a sneclal nronertv: terms to suit. BLACK BAIRD, 05 Fourth ave. Ja27-10-MWThsn Suburban Lota. FOB SALE LARGE BUILDING LOTS AT BIssell station, B. & O. B. B.; largo forest trees: low price and long time. Inquire at BOOM 8, BIssell block. Jal8-K-D FOB 8ALE-A CHOICE PIECE OF GROUND, cor. or Rebecca and Pitt st. Wllklnsburg, fronting on paved street; lot 50x122 to alley. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond St. Ja27-77 Farm. I70B S ALE-FABM OF 80 ACRES IN MIFFLIN . township, 1 mile from Homestead and Du quesne: good buildings, orchards, etc Inquire, of C. A. O'BRIEN, attorney, 402 Grant st JS28-82-WS FOE SALE U ACBES LAND WITH GOOD house and barn and other Improvements, one mile from Fair Oaks, on Ft. Wayne R. K., 15 miles from Pittsburg. Inquire of GEOBGE V. CBEESE. No. 28S Lacock st, Allegheny. Ja27-3-MW Manufacturing Sites. FOB SALE-MANUFAOTUBING SITE NEAB MoKeesport and new gas territory: low price to large works. Inquire at BOOM 8, BIssell block. Jal8-45-D FOBSALE-MANUFACTUKINGSITE;ABOUT 20 acres, 2H miles trora Washington, Pa., on C V. B. B.. with comfortable dwelling; plenty of water and gas: no gas or oil lease on the property; price. (5,000. Address C. B. WEIBICILWashlng ton. Pa. Ja26-91-wsn FOB SALE -MANUFACTURING SITE; ONE of the best In the city, near Twenty-fifth St., on Allegheny Valley Bailroad; has an Iron clad building on lot 100x120 feet on long lease; side-track connections with Allegheny Valley Bailroad. For all particulars address CABBIEK NO. 25, Pittsburg P. O. la3-90-D Miscellaneous. FOB SALE-SEE AUCTION SALE OF 563 Fifth ave. in another column; terms 1500 cash, balance long time. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fonrth are. Ja23-84 J710BSALE-EASTEND-VALUABLE HOUSES ? and lots at very low prices and easy terms. OB SALE WILKINSBURG-NEAK STATION, large, finely-finished brick house 9 rooms, (8,500: (2,500 cash, balance to suit: also six smaller houses at low prices, monthly pay ments. FOB SALE-OSBOBNE HOUSES AND LOTS on easy terms. FOB SALE-HAYSVILLE-ONE HOUSE AND several lots cheap. FOB SALE-OLENF1ELD-TWO HOUSES ON easy terms. FOB HALE-EMSWOETH -FINE QUEEN ANNE house and vacant lots. FOB SALE-PITTSBUKG-ON BEED BTBEET. 4 irarue houses, 6 rooms each; can be bought cheap. 11 soon. Call on J. DEEMITT, 407 Giant street Ja29-49-TTS ' for" sale-business. Easiness Cbanres. FOB SALE-A SOAP FACTOEY IN GOOD condition; splendid chance for man with small capital. Address H. It, Dispatch office Ja30-20 FOB SALE-BAKERY AND GROCERY: AN old established stand doings good business. Inquire of P. CLABK, C8 Seventh avenue. Ja22-56 FO B S A L.E-A COMPLETE- CHEMICAL laboratory : desirable location and low rent Inquire at ROOM 8. BIssell block, corner Seventh avenue and BmlthAeld street JaIS-45-D FOR SALE GROCERY AT INVOICE-BEST location in the city: doing a thriving business, and principally cash; good, rresh stock or goods; fixtures, etc.: satisfactory reason given for sell ing. J. B. COOPEB&CO., 107 Fourth ave. ta30-51 FOK SALE-STOBES, STORES, STOEES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc.; ICO good city business chances tor men or women. SHEPABD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. Ja30 FOE SALE-A HALF INTEBEST IN ALABGE and successful general store in a manufac turing town, on line of railroad; last years' busi ness (70,000, mostly cash: a rare opening to an ac ceptable man: ill health the only reason for sell ing. JAS. W. DBAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. Ja26-91-Mws Business Stands. FOB SALE-THE PARK PLACE HOTEL, cor. Penn and Brushton ave.. E. E.. contain ing 16 rooms: everything in first-class condition: an elegant opening to start business: lot 75x140. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond st. Ja27-77 FOB SALE-THEMOST ELIGIBLY-LOCATED hotel property in Massllion, O. : two-storr frame building; 25 rooms; will be sold cheap: terms easy; if not sold by March 1 will be for rent; Sossesslon April 1. For particulars address 31. H. :iNG. Masslllon. O. Ja26-77 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles, Live Stock, &c FOBSALE-DOGS-GOBDON SETTEES-TWO beauties: one broken and one pup. BED LION SALE STABLES. Ia29-5S FOR SALE-CLYDESDALE STALLION-AD-DKESS or call on P. A. CALLAHAN, Wex ford, Allegheny Co., Pa. Ja27-4 F OP. SALE-FULL BRED JERSEY COW with heifer calf at side. Inquire II. F DUNHAM, 191 First avenue city. Ja30-4S F1 OB SALE-ONE OF THE GBEATEST IN THE world, a fresh registered cow: Jersev and Hohueln: gives lour gallons or milk: will give the 'cow on trial. Apply at 189 BEAVEE AVE.. Alle- gheny. Ja.TO-21-WFSu machinery nnd Metals. FOB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept in stock, lrom 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. &25 Park way. J. 3. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWF FOK SALE-28X48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a vear: can be teen in operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine all complete: capacity 10,000 in 10 hours: will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-MWJ' F OB ALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: orte 7Mxl2-lnch double engine, double drum: others down to 4xS-inch. with single or double friction drums: wire and manllaropc centrifugal uuip, vie. ijiujxAs i.aitLi.1 'a oui s. corner ,acockandSndnskysts..AiIpghenv. Ial7-Mivp TO LET. Oulccs. Desk Room. Szc TO LET-(S9) - OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms in best location) rail for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal5-23-D TO LET TWO LARGE CONNECTING offices, second floor of 163 Fifth avenue, sec ond door from Grant st, opposite Court House. J. P. QUINN. JaS0-l0 TO LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. C. BIDWELL ft CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. Ja30-2S-D TO LET-FBEE BENT-TO APRIL L 18S9 Offlces, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street; ood light and Crane elevator. SAMUEL -W. LACK& CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja3-SS-D TO LET OFFICES ON FEDERAL ST., ALLE GHENY, near Sixth street bridge; new building, good size well lighted, large hall; rents low. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja25-37-MWT TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. Ja8-32-r TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in tbe Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets and Third ave. and Wood street Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDBY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st JalS-5l TO LET-NEW OFFICES; SPLENDID LIGHT. Tbe Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood st, having changed the interior of Its building by adding 15 large, alrr and welMlguted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., oner the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. .de21-75-D Apartments. , TO LET-PABLOBS. 720 PENN AVENUE, near Eighth street - " Ja308 , Cltr Residences. TO LET-NO. 27 FIFTH ST., NEAR PENN avenue: 10 rooms. W. A. HEHRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja29-97 TO LET-OB FOK SALE-563 FIFTH AVE.; only5mlnutes rrom Court House: (500 cash, balance long time: will be sold at auction on Thursday, January 31. 1839. at 10 o'clock a.m. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth avenue. Ja29-85 East End Restaenees. TO LET-LINCOLN AVE., E. E., 2-STOBY and mansard, 8-room frame dwelling: ail modern conveniences; large Iot; rent cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja25-l-srwFS TO LET-ON COLLINS AVE..NEAB STATION st . brick house of 7 rooms, bath room, nat ural gas, etc; 4 minutes' walk from either steam or cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Ja25-34 TO LET AT OAKLAND. NEAB FIFTH avenue, location good large house 12 rooms, tenement house; stable carriage houseabundance or fruits orall kinds: 3 acres of ground; all for S700 per year. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja25-37-MWP TO LET-ON BOND ST., NEAB HILAND ave., large lot modern frame house of 8 rooms, bathroom, natural gas, elegant front and side porches: good nelgboornood and convenient to both steam and cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT, No. Ill Fourth ave. Ja2S-34 T O LET-TWO HOUSES, 8 BOOMS EACH, and bathroom: ?&ea: one with side lot and stable: fine location: immediate possession; near rtonp station, r. k. k., ana caoie roau. inquire 46 WYLIE AVENUE, Pittsburg, between liand 3 P. M., or 38 UNION AVENUE, Allegheny. ja30-50 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-A DESIBABLE THREE-STORY press brick dwelling house 9 rooms, finished attic laundry, natural gas throughout heater In hall, all modern improvements, Sherman ave. Allegheny. Apply to KOBERT KNOX, JB., 17 bherman ave., Allegheny City. Jal2-25 TO LET-THREE 3STOBY BRICK DWELL INGS on Sheffield st; contains rooms each, finished in the latest style and have every modem convenience with orwltboutstablesand carriage houses. Apply to J. L. ARNOLD, N0.1C9 Shef field St., or A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st. Alle gheny. JaW-SS-ws Suburban Residences. TO LET-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. TEN rooms; orchard, fine view; hill district, electric road. Allegheny: (TOO; also honse eight rooms, hill district Allegheny; large lot: (SCO. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal st, Allegheny. Ja30-4J Farms. TO LET-DAIBY- FABM OF 35 ACBES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue: good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water: rent (500. STBAUB ft ilOBBIS, corner Wood st and Third av., Pittsburg. Jal5-39 TO LET-150-ACEE FABM, 5 MINUTES' walk from town or Manor, on Penna. K. It, Westmoreland CO.: 15 acres timber, balance cleared: house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCHEON, 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-MWT Buslneas Cbnnces. TO LET-GOOD CHANCE FOB BUTCHER meat shop- doing good business: ice and slaughter house, stables and wagou sheds; also brick house or eight rooms, wide hall, good cellar and all modern Improvements ror carrying on butcher business. Apply to WM. J. BOTHBUM, 109Taggart st or 107 Jackson st, Allegheny. Ja30-2S TJnslness Stands. TO LET BASEMENT ABOUT 25X50, LIB ERTY ave., near Fifth ave. : moderate rent. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja30-37 TO LET-STOBE AND 4 BOOMS, FIBST floor; also house of 7 rooms, hall and 2 porches: rent only (13. Inquire 61 SANDUSKY ST., Allegheny. Ja29-81 TO LET-WABEKOOM AND CELLAR, 144 Water st, next door to Cherry alley: rent low. Apply to D. W.C BIDWELL ft CCcorner Water st and Cherry alley. Ja27-22 TO LET-WARE OK BUSINESS HOUSE: 3 stories, fronting Water and First avenue. 160 feet deep: new elevator: all In first-class order; near Wood st W. A. HEREON ft SONS. SO Fourth avenue. Ja2S-37-jiwr TO LET-THBEE-STOBY BUSINESS HOUSE, 20x85, ou , bet Market and Wood sts.; suitable for aimostauy kind or business: rent low: Immediate possession. C. BALTENSPEBGEBft CO.. 154 Fourth ave. Ja24-79 TO LET-3-STOKY BUILDING, NO. 214 MAR KET St.. storeroom has plate front: npper Ears suuaDie ior aweuing; yc&rjv reus $uu; can ave immediate possession. Inquire at DEROY BROS.. No. 307 Smithfield st, or BLACK ft BAIRD. Ja30-41 TO LETTHE STOREROOM. 287 OHIO ST., Allegheny, at present occupied by W. J. STAIUElt, as wholesale and retail confectionery; one or the best locations in Allegheny ror con rectlonery. bakery and iro cream business. Ap ply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Firth avenue. Ja30-29 TO LET FOUK LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8.000 sqnare rect), lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt, works. Grant avenue, Alleghenv. Inquire on the premises or ME. FBED ESHElMAN, Manager or the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-siws TO LET THE POPCLAB HOTEL KNOWN as the White House at Perrysrllle on the Perrysvllleplankroad, with 21 acres ofland, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing in first-class order: long lease is given to the right party. For further Information call or ad dress THEDAN NEB MEDIC1N E CO., 242Federal st. Allegheny City. Ja22-21 Special. TO LET-LARGE DWELLINGS IN ALLE GHENY.. No. 7 Stockton are., new, 12 rooms; late Im provements; fine order. No. 232 Western avenue 10 rooms; well im proved. No. 10 Cedar avenue fronting the parks, 14 rooms, large yard. No. 62 Klver avenue near Anderson st, 14 rooms. No. 106 Western avenue, 10 rooms; late conve niences. Call or send for particulars W. A. HERRON ft SON S. 80 Fourth avenue. Ja29-97 TO LET-BY BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 FOURTH avenue dwellings, stores and offices in Pitts burg, Allegheny, Oakland, East End, Southslde and in all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are issued every Wednesday and Saturday of each week. For revised copies of these lists call npon any of the following named: C. F. Nourse, No. 190 Center ave. J. M. Blackburn, No. 388 Fi th ave. J. P. Urben. Franklin and Fulton sts. Emll G. Stucky ft Co.. Wylie ave. and Ful ton st. A. H. Wilson, PennandFrankstownave. George E. Foster, cor. Washington are. and Fremont st. Jacob Spohn. No. 2 Carson St. M. Blackburn, No. 3313 Penn ave. Peter Waiter, Jr., No. 61 chestnut st. Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Carson st K. Holden ft Co.. 63 Federal st. J. F. Caldwell, Manhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis II. Vogel. Webster ave. cor. Roberts st. Ja26-64-ws PERSONAL. PERSONAL NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come and seel come aud sec! good edltlous low prices. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty St. uo4-i8 PERSONALYOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive so be up and make the best orit: see that your wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, or 65 Firth avenue corner Wood street second floor, makes a specialty or fine cleaning aud repairing: give him a trial. Telephone 1558. JaS NOTICES. TOTICE-TO BAKER BOSSES OF P1TTS LN BURG, Allegheny and snrrnunillnfrs. The employment bureau of Baker Union No. 27, which has been at 158 East st, has been temporarily moved to Jefferson Hall. Ill Sec ond st.. Allegheny. COMMITTEE. ja2S-6-MTS County Commissioners' Office, j PlTTSBUKG. January 18, 1889. $ THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on tbe following named dis tricts as follows, to-wit: Tuesday. January 21). S. Fayette, Ohio, Penn, Plum and Pine townships. Wednesday, January 30, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh wards, Allegheny City. Thursday. January 31, Seventh. Eighth, Twelfth and Thirteenth wards, Allegheny City. Bv order County Commissioner. ja'19-30 P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. County Commissioners' Offce, i PlTTSBTTRO. January 28. 1889. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to-wit: Monday, February 4 First, Fifth and Sixth wards, Allegheny City. Tuesday. February 5 Third and Fourth wards, Allegheny City; First Second and Third wards of Homestead borough. Wednesday. February 6 Borough of Wil kinsbnrg. Mifflin. West Deer, Scott and Mar shall townships. Thursday, February 7 Thirty-second, Thirty third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-tlfth and Thirty sixth wards of Pittsburg. Friday,' February 8 Twenty-seventb.Twenty-nlnth. Thirtieth and Thirty-first wards of Pitts burg. Saturday. February 9 Fifth.'Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-eighth wards of Pittsburg. Bv order of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. ja29-I MEETINGS. FrrrsBtraa and Chicago gas coax Co., PlTTSBUBO, PA, January 22. 1889. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of this company to electa President and Board of Directors for tbe en suing year, and to transact such other business as may bo necessary, will be held at Room 11, Bissell block, on TUESDAY. February 12, be tween the hours of 3 and 4 p. it J. A. SMITH, ja30-14-30,fe5,12 Secretary. TOTICE OF DISSOLUTION THE ALLE JJN GHENY Construction Company, limited, of Pittsburg. Pa., has been dissolved by resolu tion duly passed. Tbe undersigned dulv elected liquidating trustees will close up its affairs. A. W. MCDONALD, JOSEPH GLiNINI. D. A. Mcdonald. ia22-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing as N. Heinrich t Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent, N. Heinrich retiring. William and Herman Schiefelbein, tbe remaining partners, to pay all debts and collect all assets, and con tinue the business of shoe manufacturing under firm name of Schiefelbein Bros. WILLIAM SCHIEFELBEIN, HERMAN SCHIEFEL BEIN, N. HEINRICH. Ja29-29 PrrrsnTjKO and Sottthebn coal Co., ) (A corporation of "West Virginia) PlTTSBtJKO. January 3, 1889. ) THE SYNDICATE HERETOFORE EXIST ING in connection with the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Co. was dissolved November 30. 1888, by limitation. The business hereafter will bo condncted by the Pittsburgand Southern Coal Co. alone, a corporation of West Virginia, with a paid-np capital of (100,000, at their gen eral office. Rooms 13, 11 and 15, Iron Exchange Building, No. 8 Wood st JOSEPH WALTON. President JAMES DICKSON. Secretary. T. H. GIVEN, Treasurer. Vice Presidents: JNO. A. WOOD. SAM'L S. BROWN. jal8-39-3TWT PROPOSALS. TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Omci or thi BOABD OT PUBLIC iMFKOVEirZXTS, ST. LOUIS, January 8, 1389. Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the office of the Eoard of Public Improvements of the City of St Louls.Mo.,untU 12 M. of the 28th day of February. 1889, at which hour they will be publicly opened and read, viz.: For lighting with electricity ror the term or ten years from January 1, 1890, the streets, public places and such public buildings as may be desig nated in the Allowing districts of the City orst Louis, Mo., viz. : Letting No. 2,503. Tbe district described as the southern district In ordinance numbered 14, 697, ap proved December 29, 1S&S. Deposit required. 15,000. Letting No. 2.504. The district described as the northern district in ordinance number 14,697, ap proved December 29, 1888. Deposit required, $5,04). Bidders wiil state prices per annum at which are lights of 2,000-candle power each, or Incandescent lights, or 30-candle power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained, for lighting streets and riubllc places: also prices per annum at which arc Ights, of 2,000-candle power each, or Incandescent lights, of 16-candle oower each, will be furnished, operated and maintained for llgntlngpublicbuild lngs. Everything required for the above electric light ing shall be furnished and maintained by the con tractor. The contract with the city will carry the privil ege of furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines of distribution. Tbe contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of the contract. Bidders must submit with proposals, general and detailed plans and specifications of the pro posed system of distributing the electricity, mode of supporting the lights and wires, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and in closed in envelopes furnished by tbe Board or Public Improvements. The certificate or tbe Treasurer or the City or St. Louis that the sum of S5.00O has been deposited in the treasury must be inclosed with the proposal. The right to reject any or all proposals is ex pressly reserved. Specifications, form of contract and plans of the districts to be lighted, may be seen at the office of the President or the Board or Public Improve ments or the City or St Louis, on and after Janu ary 28, 1839. An .nv contract let hereunder will reanlre the ap proval or the Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Board. HENBY FLAD, President. Attest: EMOBY S. FOSTER, Jall-22 Secretary. AMUSEMENTS. BIJDU THEATER-EXTRA WEEK OF FEBRUARY 4. A BRILLIANT ATTRACTION. Return from Europe of the world-famed Come dienne, MIMIE PALMER And her SPECIALLY selected company of TRUE AKTIS1ES. under the direc tion of John R. Rogers, in two of her famous plays. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday evenings, the welcome "MY SWEETHEART." As played over 2,000 times. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday matinee, her latest and greatest success, ' "My Brother's Sister." MINNIE PALMER AS A BOY. MINNIE PALMER AS A GIKL NO "WEDNESDAY MATINEE. Sale of seats opens Thursday at 9 o'clock. ja3052 THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA POULTRY SOCIETY Will hold their BENCH SHDWDF DDES AT GRAND CENTRAL RINK, PENN AVENUE, JANUARY 23, 30, 31 AND FEBRUARY L In addition to tbe grand display of best dogs in the United States, Professor Parker, from New York, will give an exhibition every after noon and evening of his Grand Dog and Cat Circus. Tbe finest trained dogs In the world. ja27-17 M ORIZ ROSENTHAL, The world-renowned phenomenal pianist,in TWO (2) GRAND ROSENTHAL CONCERTS At Old City Hall, MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, February 4 and 5, 1SS9, Assisted by the famous Anstnan bov violinist, MASTER FRITZ KREISLER. Chas. E. Pratt...., Accompanist Admission (including reserved seat) SI 00 4SSeats at Kleber's, commencing Wednes day. jaS0-2I TLJOU THEATER MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2 P. M. THE TWO "johis." Next week Minnie Palmer. ja30-Z7 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. FERGUSON & MACK'S ja23 SPECIALTY COMBINATION. HARRIS THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening, A COLD DAY! A COLD DAY ! Week of January 23 Dore Davidson in "Dr. JekylandMr.Hyde." ja27-ll GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. The original and world-famous HANLONS NEW FANTASMA. Week February 4 Evans & Hoey In "A Parlor Match." ja27-12 -IAS1NO MUSEUM Kj WEEK OF JANUARY 28. Znblins. Herluertand Daisy: Santfords, Jen nie and Billy; the human phenomenon, the Minnesota Woolly Child. Admission, 10c Open from 10 A. M until 10 P. jr. Ja28-7 RESORTS. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Ou tbe beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9, 18S9. fal-MWTSU BUCK&McCLELLAN. HOT SPRINGS, KO. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-class in every particular. Stsam Heat, Open Fires. Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climate for the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools, Finest in Amerloj; Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. Q. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. JalS58-D TTTnTT'L? ot ttxe large rooms I n K r r saleable for office or general ousiness purposes. In the new DIS PATCH building on Diamond street, now re main unrented. THOSE WHO WISH 2.ffiS nation Jn the city, with the conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service, electric light and steam-heating, should applv at ones to the new DISPATCH BUILDING, Nos. 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street. T"UNCAN C. "WHITE, Bnllding Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smlthfleld. Pittsburg; styUZS-vyrr GEO. H.BARBOUK. CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, r Room 62 Eisner Bnildine. de!2-k66-p 61 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsbnrg: AUCTION SALES. AT ArjCnON-FURNlTURE. CARPETS, Household goods, eta, etc., at the resi dence of Dr. J. S. Dodge, corner of Whitfield and KIrkwood streets, Pittsbnrg, East End, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, at 10 o'clock, prompt, household fnrnish ments, embracing easy chairs, lounges, tables, pictures, chamber furniture, dressing bu reaus, wardrobes, wasbstands, bedsteads, spring mattresses and bedding, dining-room, delC and glassware; kitchen and laundry fumishments; fine body brussels, and other carpets, on rooms, halls and stairs. Sale posi tive: terms cash. House open after 3 o'clock morning of sale. Take Penn Avenue Traction cars to Wbitfleld street. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM., ja27-70 Auctioneers. ADJOURNED AUCTIDN SALE. THURSDAY, January 31, 1SS9. at 10 o'clock A. M.. on the premises, NO. 563 FIFTH AVE 2-STOHT BEIGKWELLTO 8 rooms and finished attlc,nat. and art. gas, etc Lot 20x100 feet, with privi lege of baying 200 feet additional. Terms $300 cash, balance long time. Samuel W. Black 8c Co., 99 Fourth Ave. ja29-83 A UCTION! AUCTION! Valuable business property, on Butler street, Eighteenth ward, on "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1&S9, 3 P. ST, '. Owing to the owner leaving the city to en gage in other business, be will offer bis two valuable properties at auction, to be. sold to hizhest bidder, described as follows: Nos. 5137 and 5139 Butler street, lot 40x100, with large two-story frame building covering the full width of lot, used as dwelling, black smith and carriage shop. The dwelling is on second floor, containing 8 rooms, with hall en trance, paint shop and stable in rear. City water, both gases. Possession April L Will sell stock of wagons,carriages and blacksmiths' tools of all kinds at private sale. Also just opposite above described property, Nos. 5K2 and 5131 Bntler street, lot 40x11$ with a good frame bnsineBS house and dwelling, con taining five rooms. Good stable in rear. Possession can be given at once. The above described properties are located in the best business sqnare in the Eighteenth ward, and are suitedlor any kind of business. Sale positive. No reserve or postponement. Terms made known on day of sale. Full par ticulars of THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street; Notary Fnblic Real Estate 3nd Insurance Agt. Or FItED RILEY, on the premises. ja23-23 H. Y. BOYCE, Auctioneer. ASSIGNEES' SALE IN THE MATTER of the voluntary assignment of the Far mers' and Mechanics' Bans of East Birming ham to J. H. Sorg. H. Berg, Jr., and L. S. Cun ningham. No. 4S2 December Term, 1888. And now to wit, December 21, 1SSS, the within petition pre sented in open court and the prayer thereof 13 granted and it is ordered, adindged and de creed that tbe property within described be sold on the premises on the 31st DAY OF JANUARY, A. D., 13S9, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M And that notice of said sale be given twice a week in two newspapers, one morning and one evening for six weeks prior to said sale, also by hand bills. By the Court. Pursuant to the authority given us bv the above order we wiil expose to public sale on tbe premises on THURSDAY. JANUARY 3L A. D., 1SS9, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., the following described property: All those TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OF GROUND, each having a width of 20 feet, situate in the City of Pittsbnrg. together bonnded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at tbe northwesterly corner of Carson street and Eighteenth street and run ning thence along Carson street westwardlv 40 feet; thence northwardly parallel with Eigh teenth street 120 feet to Wright's alley; thence eastwardly along said alley 40 feet to Eighteenth street, and thence southwardly along Eigh teenth street 120 feet to the place of bcglning. Harintr erected thereon two tbree-storv build ings, with mansard; one of which wa3 lately oc cupied by the said bank; the other is a store) bunding. Being tbe same property which Frederick Ihmsen, executor, by deed dated September 5, 1871, and recorded in Deed Book, Vol. 339, page C60, conveyed to James McMaster. President and Trustee of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of East Birmingham. ALSO. ALLTHATCERTAINLOTORPIECB OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURG. Bonnded and described as follows: Beginning on the southerly line of Pins street, at a point 66 feet westerly from the western line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Jose phine Ornisby: thence westerly along said Pins street 34 feet to line of land of St. Michael's Church, thence along the line of said land southerly 8(1.70 feet to tbe northern line of Gregory street: thence along the line of said, street easterly 32 feet, more or less, to the Una" of land otLeoBieger. and along tbe line of said Sieger's land northwardly 87 feet, more or less, to Pius street, tbe place of beginning Whereon is erected, a two-story brick dwelling house and outbuildings. ALSO. ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL, OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURG, Bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Josephine Ormsby. at the dis tance of south 14 15 west 235 14-IU0 feet from the south line of Pins street and on south line of Maple street, continued from Yard's plan; thence along said line south 14 iy, west 20276 100 to line ofland of BishopTuigg; thence) along the same north 75 53'. west 63 feet to Una of land of St. Michael's Church; thence north 9 47'. east 193 5-10 feet to line of Maple street aforesaid, and thence by the southern line of said street easterly SO feet, more or less, to place of beginning, comprising ten building lots. AH the above property, which is susceptible of division, will be offered first as a whole and. then separately. Terms: One-third cash and the balance la one and two years, secured by tight Dond and mortgage, with 30 dvs' sciro facias clause on the property sold. J. H. SORG, H. BERG, JR.. L.S. CUNNINGHAM, Assignees. de27-35-27.29,31.ja2. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. TAXPAYERS' HOTICE. Office opthk Board of assessors, Kttsbtjro, pA-, January 25. 1889. f Valuations upon property in the Fourteenth and Twentieth wards have been completed for the triennial assessment of 1SS9. Appeals may be made from 2Sth to February 1 inclusive upon forms furnished with transcripts, which can be bad at once upon personal 'application, or by letter or postal card. All orders for tran scripts now on file will be mailed at earliest' possible moment. All appeals must be pro bated at this office. Office hours from 9 A. 31. till 4 r. it. Attention is called to Section 23 of the new charter, which provides that "Tbe Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city purposes at its actnal cash value: provided, that no property shall bo assessed for. a less, amount tban tbe price paid for at the last re corded sale." By order of Board. FRANK P. CASE, ) PHILIP HOEKR. Assessors.- .JAMESJ.LARKIN. ja26-59-P DIVIDENDS. Ttte umow switch aud Sionai. Co., I i PrrrSBUBO. Pa January 29, 1889. i ' PREFERRED DIVIDEND NO. 1-THE Board of Directors of this company havo thlsdaydeclaredadividendofSLXPERCENT, ou tbe preferred stock, out of the earnings for the year ending December 31, 1SS3, payable forthwith, by checks to be mailed to stock holders of record, this date. ja30-27 A. T. ROWAND, Secretary. . is.