& I h it r IN TRACTION YOKES Trouble Among Union Mold , ers Over a Large Order. WYLIE ATE. CABLE EOAD. The First Contracts for the Iron Work About to be Placed. OLIVER BROS. MAI GET THE JOB. A Legislative Move to Tax ill Alien Work men Among: Us. INTERESTING BUDGET OF LABOE HEWS. District Master "Workman I. N. Boss yesterday issued a call for a special meet ing of L. A. 1030, composed of iron molders, of -which Mr. Boss is the local Master "Workman. In the circular it was not stated what the object of the meeting was, but every member was requested to be on hand "for the transaction of important busi ness to the craft." "When questioned in regard to the matter, Mr. Boss positively refused to state the ob ject of the meeting, saying it was only a slight matter of minor importance to the molders, and under no consideration would he say anything about it until after the meeting. From another source, however, the news was gathered. The meeting is not only of paramount importance to the mold ers, hut to the firm of Oliver Bros. & Phillips. It is also pretty nearly the com mencement of work on the Center and "Wylie avenue cable line, which is now so nearly an established fact. A well-known Knight of Labor, who is a member of the local, was seen last night and asked in regard to the meeting. Like the District Master "Workman he was as mum as an oyster, but when positively assured his name should not be used, said: WHT THIS UNUSUAL MOVE. "Some time ago we had some trouble with Oliver Bros. & Phillips in regard to the number of hours' work to be done each day in the molding shop. We held a special meeting at the time and decided to allow no UDion molder to work more than ten hours. Piece work was also abolished, and the men worked br the day. At the time the firm was rushed with work for the Fifth avenue Traction Company, and, as it had to be done in a certain time, wanted the men to work by the piece in order to stimulate them to work harder. By doing this the firm would get more work out of the men in a given time. "Several days ago the firm received a re quest for a bid on 3,000 tons of 'yokes,' to be used on some new cable road in town. I think it is the Central Traction Company's line, but would not say positively. The 'yokes' are the heavy frames which hold the conduit in place, and have caused a lot of trouble in our assembly. "When the 'yokes' for the Fifth avenue and Penn avenue lines were beiug made at a number of iron foun dries in town, they caused lots of grumbling I from the union men. At every meeting of the assembly the matter came up, and, for a long time, the standing password iuto the meetings was 'yokes. FIGUKIXG BOTH TVAYS. ""When Olivpr Bros. & Phillips received the request for a bid on the order, to be completed within a certain time, they noti fied tbeir molders, and asked what the latter would charge for making them by the piece. A great many of the men stronglv objected to making them by the piece, and wanted to do the vork at their regular rate of wages per day. A number who see big money in the job, want to take so much per 'voke and work ab many hours each dav as they choose. As this is against the rule of the union, the latter have asked lor the special meeting to bring the matter up again. "If we decide to accept pay for piecework the rate per yoke will be fixed and the num ber of hours each man will be allowed to work. We do not waut to break our own backs by compressing eight days woTrk in a week and getting the same amount of money we would for six days. If wedecide to con tinue working by the day if the firm nets the job, the company may object and try to force the men to do piece work. In that event there will be another strike Ido not anticipate any trouble, however." The "yokes" are great heavy castings, and when in the mold have to be moved sometimes by the aid of a crane. They weigh 700 or 800 pounds, and on account of their size a great many men object to work ing them by the piece. It takes two molders and one helper a whole day to make five of them. As the traction company has to begin work in the early sprinc it will be neces sary to turn tne"yokes" out as rapidly as possible. The order for the equipment of the whole line will necessarily nave to be divided up among a number of iron foundries. A great many of those in use on the Fifth avenue and Penn avenue lines were made in the Fast At the meeting this evening the officers of the local assembly will be installed. FREIGHT ASSOCIATION. A Scheme to Abolish the Trunk Line, Central Traffic and Western. C. S. "Wight, General Freight Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio road, and D. L. Gray, Manager of the Union Line at Colum bus, left last night for New York to attend the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trunk Line Association to-day at that place. The object of the meeting is to try and arrange for the abolition of the Trunk Line Association, the Central Traffic Asso ciation and the freight association west of Chicago. If this is done a new association, which will embrace all the roads now in the tbree organizations, will be formed. The resignation of Chairman Blanchard, of the Central Traffic Association, has not yet been acted upon. If this association disbands Mr. Blanchard will probably be placed at the head of the new association. Under the new plan executive officials think the rates could be better maintained. THE SECRETARY RETURNED. Typographical Union No. 7 Will Not Lose That Foar Hundred at All. The supposed defaulting Financial Secre tary of Typographical Union No. 7 returned to the city last night, and promises to make good the loss to the nnion. He says he did not run away, and can produce the money when called upon to do so. At the meeting of No. 7, which will occur Sunday next, in addition to the delegates to be elected to the nation.il convention in June next, at Denver, Col., which was written in detail in The Dispatch on the 21st inst, new officer of the union will be nominated. For President Ednaid Hope, ol The Dispatch, will be renominated, and re-elected. The Gns Gave Out. The mills along Penn avenue had to shut down yesterday mornin? owinsr to a scarcitv of gas from the Philadelphia Company's-1-mains. A'breat occurred at Murraysville. j PRO AND CON. The Bill Introdnccd In HnrrUbnrp for a Tnx on Forrlpn Lobar Is Indorsed by President Campbell. The bill introduced by Bepresentative Campbell yesterday at Harrisbnrg, taxing every employer 25 cents per day for every loreign laborer in his employ, is apt to raise a great deal of controversy among men directly interested in the measure. To obtain the opinion of President James Campbell, of the "Window Glass "Workers" Association, a visit was made to that gen tleman's residence last night by a reporter for this paper. "When questioned upon the subject, he said: Of course I should like to read the entire bill before I would pass mv judgment upon the merits of its contents. But as far as I am able to see from what j ou tell me, I believe that the bill is directed toward decreasing the Influx of foreijrn labor, and if that is the object of the bill. 1 say. let it be uassed bj all means. The resultot the measure will have the tendency of keepinc a foreign element away from our na tive industries, which is now gradually under mining the prosperity of the American work iugm&n. Mind you. I do not want to be under stood as if I were against all immigration. No ! Not at all, but I am alluding to that class of foreigners who have been imported into this country during the last j ear or so. to work on pipe lines, in coal mines or on railroa'ds. In other words, I should be glad to see contract labor stopped, and I think this bill gets at the matter rather effectively. A prominent glass manufacturer of the Southside, who was also asked for his opinion on the subject, stated: I do not want to be quoted as to anything I mav say about that bill, because 1 should like to read the whole of it first: but 1 think that the introduction of such a tax on the emploj er would be an injustice to the respectable class of foreigners who come to this country. While I do not believe that those classes of foreigners who only come to this country to enrich them selves deserve any consideration from ns, there are constantly so many good men coming here who turn out to be excellent citizens, and I do not think it fair that they should suffer for the sins of the bad ones. No! I think that bill, if passed, will stop a good many good people from coming here, and therefore I cannot indorse its objects. THAT BIG BRADDOCK FOUNDRT. Heads of the Edgar Thomson Expect It to be Bendy In Three Months. Forsten Berg, head draughtsman of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works is making a tonr of the Eastern foundries io order to gain some knowledge for the benefit of the immense foundry to be located in Braddock. Active work will be commenced upon his return and preparations are already made for leveling the site. Machinery has been ordered and the firm expect the foun dry to be in active operation within three months. THE MASTER PAIKTERS. They Will Meet To-Day A Grand Banquet to be Given This Cvenlnc. The Pennsylvania State Association of Master Painters and Decorators will meet at the Monongahela House to-day lor a two days' session. A full programme of the meeting was published in The Dispatch a month ago. The feature of to-day's session will be a grand banquet this evening. THE COURT WAS ABSENT. Lavine's Salt Against Master Workman Ross Did Not Come OfT. The suit of District Master "Workman Boss, charged by Bichard Lavine with owing the latter $61 due him by District Assembly 3, did not come up for a hearing yesterday morning, owing to the non-appearance' of the Court, Alderman Doughty. A BURSTING GAS PIPE Cnnsed a Shortage of Fuel and the Closing of Most of tbo Mills. There was a break in one of the mains of the Philadelphia Natural Gas Company at Murrysville yesterday morning", which caused some of the departments in most of the mills in the city to be shut down. The main is the 12-inch pipe on the Walker farm, which line runs over the hill at Springdale and connects with thecity main. The break occurred, presumably on ac count of a flaw in the pipe. The accident was discovered at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, and men were set to work to repair the break. It was stated at the Philadelphia company's office that everything would be in shape again by 5 o'clock last night to save the night turn in the mills lrom laying off. CAPTURED IN' MILWAUKEE. Two of a Gang Who Robbed Messenger Stnrlcvant Aires! cd. Two of the four men who robbed Joseph Sturtevant, a messenger at Dilworth, Porter & Co., of 51,000 at the entrance of the Penn building, on Penn avenue, on the day be fore last Christmas, have been captured in Milwaukee. They gave their names as Willis and William llodgers. Their right names are Barney Bnrch and William Bob bins. It is not known whether they were ar rested in Milwaukee for a crime or only as suspicious characters. They will be brought back to this city to answer a charge of high way robbery made against them by Mr. Dilworth. UNDER THE NEW RULES. Freight Agents Now Watching tho Presi dents of Opposition Lines. Freight agents in the city are wondering what will happen next. The orders which were received from headquarters threaten ing dismissal of any agent who will cut a rate has resulted in a drop in the total of business transacted during the past month. The tonnage has been more equitably divid ed and the receipts have been less in some cases notwithstanding that card rates have been charged. The agents are not watching each other at present, but have their eyes on the Presi dents of the opposition lines, from whom any cut in rates will now come. NOTHING BUT TALE. The Allegheny Citizens' Charter Committee Holds n. Meeting. The committee of Allegheny citizens who were appointed on Saturday night to draw up a new code of laws for that city met last night, but beyond discussing the matter in iormaliy, did nothing. The organization placed Commodore Kountz in the chair and B. B. Scandrett was made Secretary. All of "the members bad opinions to offer, and were of the belief that the duty to be performed was one that required careful study. A C0ALB0AT RISE. A Largo Surplus ia the Lower Markets Will Keep the Moats Here. The rivers reached a coal boating stage yesterday. At 2 o'clock there was 13 feet in the Monongahela. O'Neil & Co. sent out eight barges with the Enterprise to Cin cinnati. The other firms would not send out any coal on account of the crowded con dition of the lower markets. Monkeyrd With a Pistol. A young son of Thomas Kirk wood, of McKecsport, dropped a loaded revolver yes terday, when it exploded, the ball entering his leg above the knee, inflicting a serious wound. The Explosion Become Fnlnl. Mrs. Wardsweller, the woman who .was barued at a lamp explosion last week on the Southside, was reported last night to be Hjing from her injuries. Severely Burnt by Metal. Charles Bradden, of the Black Diamond' Steel Works, was badly burnt last night by hot metal. IT WILL BE 12 MILLS. The Rate You Pay in Taxes This TeaV, on Pittsburg Property. AN ITEM OF VITAL MOMENT TO ALL. Gratifying Result of the Assessors' ArdRons Tax Canvass. THE RATE IS REDUCED BI ONE-THIRD. The one vital result of thecity assessors' recent arduous labors comes to the front now for the first time. "What will the harvest be?" has been the question with them in their diligent effort to reap according to the spirit and letter of the law. "Whai will the millage be?" has been the question with the thousands of taxpayers who contribute to Pittsburg's municipal granary. Well, as near as it is possible now to state it, on the basis of the assessors' estimated total, yesterday submitted to Councils, it will be 12 mills. The prompt preliminary report oLthe Board of Assessors of this valuation of the taxable property of the city, to hold for three years, but not yet reduced by them of ficially to millage, was presented to Coun cils yesterday. Heretofore this information has not come forward except through the Finance Committee and upon the latest day possible January 31. This triennial assessment is a new de parture, in that it requires a cash valuation and includes, in the new city charter, the proviso (about which there is a question) that no property shall be assessed at less than the last recorded sale. It is to THE CEEDIT OF THE BOARD that, as stated in their communication to Councils, they have evinced and clearly shown a desire to have ample publicity given the work they have had in hand, and this has resulted in widespread information and in anxiety on the part of taxpayers generally to ascertain their "worth" as dis covered by the inquiry made under the new law. This has resulted in the visit of thousands of citizens to the office, and of thousands of applications by mail to the office for transcript, yet, notwithstanding the throng found there daily, our reporters have failed to see or hear of any bad feeling, while their inquiries suggest the fact, that there is a general con fidence in the efforts of the men in charge to give satisfaction. The apparent satis faction in the announcement of the result of appeals is indicative of this, and there is no hesitancy on the part of the board to give further examination where errors of judg ment or in calculation are suggested. The number of ap'peals being so great has prevented an examination of all, and hence the delay in getting at the actual amount of the total valuation. The amount reported to Councils is, however, very near the actual RESULT OF HIE CANVASS now drawing to a close. The question of millage is uppermost, and worthy of. con sideration by all. The total of the last triennial valnation after deducting the percentage for lost and exonerated taxes and f he change required by classification from city (whole), to rural or suburban (two-thirds), and agricultural (one-half), was ?119,013,000. Tne reduction on account of classification, etc , as stated, was $17,000,000, but the growth of thecity will almost surely reduce this so far as the classification is concerned to, say, $14,000, 000. The Board's estimate, $191,C0.000, less this reduction, will give for taxable pur poses, in round numbers, 5177,000,000; so that, to realize the amount estimated for the past year, there is likely to be a levy of less than' 12 mills, being a reduction of about 33 per cent. It is an undoubted fact that the small property holders have, heretofore, been as sessed very closely to their actual valuation; but, under the new order of tbiqgs, they will not, generally, be much increased, their more fortunate neighbors and fellow citi zens having large holdings will be so brought up and to such a proper standard as must inure to the benefit of the small holder. CALVARY CEMETERY OFFICERS MEET To Elect Officers for the Tear and Hear Different Reports. The corporators of Calvary Cemetery held their annual meeting at the episcopal resi dence of St. Paul's Cathedral yesterday aft ernoon and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Rt. Rev. R. Phelan; Vice Prcsi dent. James Pbelan, Kq.; Treasurer, John D. Scully; Secretary, Charles F. McKenna: Man agers, A. F. Keating, John C. Rilcv, Rev. J. Kearney, P. Kane, Esq.. and H. JIackin. The report of Engineer James S.Devlin showed that $14,500 had been expended during the past year for macadamizing, grading, fencing, gate-houses, etc., and that $114,000 had been expended in all by the incorporators. Mr. Devlin also stated that Chief Biglow had in contemplation the lay ing out and paving, at an early date, of a street intersecting Hazlewood avenue, on which the cemeterv fronts. A large forre of laborers will be kept at work during the coming year completing the laying out of the grounds and building gatehouses, offices, etc., the contract for the same having been already let. LAST OP TnE LUCKLESS 13. The Two Remaining Newsboy Thieves Ar rested I.nnt Mght. Detective Fitzgerald and Officer Fagen, shortly after 11 o'clock last night, arrested "William Collins and Walter Calutrfs, boys, accused of belonging to the crowd of news boys who tunneled into the Wood street ruins and stole a lot of goods. Abont $20 worth of goods, in the shape of picketbooks, trinkets, etc., were found in the boys' pock ets. They make the number of boys ar rested 13. A Site Chosen. The Allegheny sub-Police Committee last evening decided to recommend the purchase of a plot of gronnd on Ohio street, near the Troy Hill road, as a site for a patrol stable. The price is $1,600. The Committee on Horses was authorized to purchase a new team. Incorrigibility Acnlnst Intemperance. Julia Ryan, who was arrested on the Southside last night on a charge of incor rigibility, preferred against her by her father, claimed in the station house that she had left her home on account of -her parents' intemperate habits. The Training School a Success. The annual meeting of the contributors of the Allegheny General Hospital, will be held this afternoon. Directors and officers will be ejected. The training school for nurses at the hospital has been very suc cessful. Dc Gave Rail. Patrick Conway, charged before Alder man Porter with larceny, assault and bat tery and fraud, by Miss Bosc Trenlav, a boarding house keeper, gave $1,100 bail for court trial yesterday. Hilling It Web. John Brown, a prominent mill worker ai McKeesport, has drawn a $25,000 prize from the Louisiana State Lottery. " McKecsport has been a prolfic field for the sale of lot tery tickets. SOUTHSIDE HOSPITAL Discussed Last Evening br the Soathslda Medical Society Patients Saflerin for tho Lack of One Modes of Raising the Funds. The Southside Medical Society held tts regular meeting last evening at Dr. Con nor's, on Mt. Oliver. After the nsnal programme had been gone through with, the snbject of a hospital for the Southside was brought up and discussed by nearly all present. Dr. Thomas first started the ball rolling. He said: It is cleary evideift to all that we are sadly in need of a bopital here on the Southside, and thero is no danger but what a project of this kind wonld receive the hearty indorsement of this societv. Tho Southside with its out-layiog wards now numbers nearly 70,00u ponulation, consisting principally of artisans, mechanics and those that fill hospital. And, that ne need one is every day manifested by cases brought to onr notice here injured do not re ceive proper care because of the distance to the other hospitals and their inability to be on the scene of action and provide for all cases of accidents. Dr. Burleigh said: "The need is evident enough, and if some one outside of the pro fession would only take hold of it, h seems to me that enough funds might be raised to start it, when an appropriation could be gotten. A good wav would be, to hire a solicitor to work it up." .- f Dr. Mundorff stated that it was hard to get patients into the hospitals when they shonld be, and cited numerous cases where the patients suffered from that cause. Dr. Kress said: "There are not less than 50 doctors on the Southside, and there is not onebut could afford to give a month's fees toward establishing a hospital, but the cor porations, and the ones whose hearts are in this subject, are the ones to work it up." The meeting then adjourned to the din ing room, where a spread was set out by Dr. Conner. The subject will probably be dis cussed again. THE SOUTH PENN. D. Herbert Hosteller and H. C. Frlck Off for Ken- York Last Evening. D. Herbert Hostcttcr, the young gentle man who is figuring so prominently in the South Penn Bailroad scheme, left last night for New York. He said he was going over on private business, and his trip had no connection with the South Penn. He stated that he was not going to New York to see the Vanderhilts, and he did not know whether the Vanderbilt people or Mr. Frick had yet signed the agreement. On the same train with Mr. Hostetter was Mr. H. C. Frick. The latter gentleman stated he had not been aware of Mr. Hos teller's presence untihwithin a few minutes prior to the time the reporter spoke to him. He also stated lie was not going lo New York on South Penn business. He had yet signed the agreement, but was ready to do so when the Vanderbilts did. COLLISION AND DERAILMENT On tho Citizens' Line A Wngon Wrecked and a Lady Injnred. About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon car 201, of the Penn avenue cable line, collided with an iron wagon, belonging to Alexander Black. One side of the car was entirely torn out by the tongue of the wagon, slieht ly injuring a lady passenger, who lives on Thirtieth street. She was taken to E. A. McCollough's drugstore, and was able to continue on her way. One of the horses belonging to the wagon was so seriously in jured that he will probably have to be shot, and the wagon was entirely smashed. A little later car 227, of the same line, jumped the track at the Twenty-eighth street railroad crossing. After a delay of 15 minutes it was righted. MORE GOODS RECOVERED. Seven of tho Wood Street Raiders Now Under Lock and Key. Peter Lehany, James Kemp, William Buckley, Ld O'Donnell, Charles McCarley, William Keogh, Harry and Nathan Klein and Nathan Schwartz have been arrested for taking part in the robberv of H. Watts & Co.'s book store, No. 445 Wood street. The goods recovered yesterday morning were found in the room of Lawrence Brown, formerly employed in a Wood street estab lishment. The value of the goods amounts to about $500. Brown has been taken into custody for receiving stolen goods. TVflY LIZZIE LEFT HOME. A Tonne Girl Runs Away Because Her Parents Object to Her Bean. Lizzie Brent, a girl 17 years of age, was arrested yesterday on Old avenue and taken to the Twenty-eighth ward station house by Detective Kelly to await the arrival of her lather, who had written a letter to the police authorities in this city, stating that his daughter had run away from home. The patents of the girl, who live in Flicott, near Baltimore, Jfd., were imme diately telegraphed to. Lizzie stated that she ran away from home, because her parents objected to a sweetheart of hers. THE PROJECT IS FAVORED. The Widening of Diamond Street Is Rapidly Becoming a Fnct. The project put forward in The Dis patch a weekor so ago for the widening of Diamond street between Wood and Market streets has been so far developed that a number of residents on Diamond street pre sented a petition to Councils yesterday, ask ing their consent to the project. Chief of Department oi Public Works Bigelow expressed himself very favorably on it. QUAKER CITY ATTORNtlS To Arsuc an Infrlnsnnent Suit for a Pitts burg Company. F. T. Chambers and Gerge Harding, of Philadelphia, two well-known attorneys of the Quaker City, are at the Hotel Duquesne. They will appear before United States Judge Achesou this morning to argue the case of the infringement suit of the Hussey ManufacturingCompany, of this city, versus Wm. Deanng & Co., the well-known Chi cago manufacturer of mowing machines. MORE BOY THIEVES. A Hanlof Silk Handkerchiefs, Etc., Made in Clay Alley. Captain Mercer and Officer Bell last night arrested two boys named John Sanders and Edward Carson, after chasing them a mile from Clay alley. The boys were seen going into the alley with a lot of silk handker chiefs, underwear, etc., which were supposed to have been stolen from J. Bruggemau, of No. 137 Wyjie avenue, about two weeks ago. A WOMAN KNOCKED D0WX. - Robbed of Her Pockctbook. Containing 838, on Washington Street. Mrs.W. McKeever, residing at the corner of Thirty-eighth street and Plum nlley, while passing along Washington street,near the corner of Franklin, about 10:30 o'clock last night, was knocked down and robbed of her pocketbook, containing $38. She was not hurt. The thieves escaped. A Frightened Team. One of Arbuckle's teams, uhile waiting at the Ft Wayne freight depot on Penn street, became frightened and plunged along the tracks, upsetting an unknown team, but doing no lurther mischief. A Shave for 1-15 of a Cent. Colgate & Co.. N. Y., will mall vou a sample of Demulcent Shaving Soap sufficient for a month for 2 cents. LOOK OUT, GERMANY. A Terrific Gunpowder Invented by a Southside Chemist, SUPERIOR FRENCH EXPLOSIVE. Negotiating 1171111 Uncle Sam for a Cool $200,000 for His Patent FEARFUL FORCE OF THE NEW POWDER It is all well enough for Germany to have tronbles in Alsace-Lorraine, and it is all well enough for Germany to have intentions upon England in Africa, but when Bis marck and the bloomin' young Emperor get to trifling with the affections of Miss Colum bia in Samoa Uncle Sam is apt to become jealous. All this sounds apparently indefinite, but it is most peculiarly to the point, when it is remembered that every individual patriotic citizen in the United States (and every citi zen is patriotic) is keenly watching the progress of the unsettled settlement between Germany and America in regard to the Samoa question. A man on the Southside, at this critical juncture, arises and informs a palpitating public thatno one need be afraid of Germany, or any other nation that cannot speak with the Yankee twang. In fact he has invented a powder that puts in the shade the famous French powder, for which over a hundred German lives have been sacrificed in trying to fathom the secret of its ingredients. The Germans, it will be remembered, have suc ceeded in capturing several French guns in which the strange powerful powder is used, but they have not succeeded in analyzing the powder. THE INVENTOR TALKS. That the secret of this powder has not only been fathomed, but improved upon, is shown by the inventions of John Hind marseh, an expert roller and chemist in Oliver's Southside mills. The story of his invention, and his connection with the United States Government are best told by Mr. Hindmarsch, and vouched for by the letters. ''I have a powder," said Mr. Hindmarsch, "that will throwaS8-caliberball,a very small ball you will observe, through a half-inch steel plate at 500 yards, and through a two inch oak plank at a distance of from one and one-half to two miles. I have done this with only 45 grains of my powder, where the United States military use 75 grains, with nothing like the execution. "My powder is eight times stronger than the explosive used by the Government mili tary, and if you know anything of powder you will realize the terrific force and utility of a safe powder eight times as strong as that now used. My powder has nothing to do with dynamite or nitro-glycerine, and is not dangerous to handle. It is almost smokeless, and at 100 yards you cannot hear the report of the gun; but I assure you, you will feel the tremendous force of the bullet. "I have been experimenting with chemi cals for 25 years, and while mixing two in gredients of my own for fireworks two years ago, I made up my mind to try the effects of a third absolutely untested ingredient. The effect was terrific, my mortar and pestle were blown to flinders, and my wife thought I was killed. "The fearful force of this remarkably small mixture set me to thinking, and by two years of hard work and constant tests, I have brought my powder to a perfection not equaled even by the famous mysterious French powder. The military, you know, use a 45 to 50 caliber, while I use only a 38 caliber. I am going to try a splendid Win chester rifle, but am having Bemington make a gun especially for me. AN EXPERT CALLED IN. "I don't know Huggins, our splendid shot in this city, but I am going to ask him to go through some trials with me. for I have long ago passed the experimental stage, and my powder is a fact. We shall certainly shoot the Winchester off first with a string, for I fear it will not be strong enough to stand even a very small quantity ot my powder. When my new gun comes, made especially strong for the new powder, Mr. Huggins will be asked to test it in regard to force, quantity and accuracy. 'I wrote a letter to the Secretary of War telling him of the practical tests of my powder, and said also that I' wanted the United States to have the first show at it, for I know it to be invaluable. "Secretary Endicott referred my letter at once to Charles S. Smith, Captain of the Ordnance Department, and Captain Smith wrote this letter as vou see. The letter says that my report had" been carefully consid ered, and if I would send a sample of the powder, they would test it and send me a written report. However, lam not sending any samples just now. I think I can mix the powder so it would be perlectly impossi ble to analyze it, still they might happen to do so, then where would I be without my patent. "My powder consists of but three in gredients. I pulverize these crude in gredients, mix them with water into a sort of dough, roll it out like paste and let it dry. When dry, I pulverize it again, and in this last pulverizing only a question of danger arises. Such safeguards, however, can Tie thrown around the process as to ob viate all dancer to human life, and THE CHEAPNESS OF THE ARTICLE, after it is finished, is simply amazing. Be side that it is as safe as other powders to handle in the field outside of its terrible effects upon the enemy. When it is fin ished it is a beautiful pink color and very light, "As I said, the powder is eight times stronger than ordinary powder, and it pos sesses a peculiar virtue in that neither salt nor fresh water will injureit. Its utility will especially be found in its use with small arms, though someone will probably invent a cannon that will withstand its force. "I want a cool $200,000 from the Govern ment for my secret, and I think I will get it. for I am willing to go through any tests with them to show that it will do all and more than I claim for it. I will conduct some public tests as soon as my special Bemington gun is finished." Mr. Hindmarsch is a Scotch-Englishman, a foreigner by birth, but an American to the core, and thinks if there is any trouble likely to arise between this and a foreign power, America should and will have the first say as to his remarkable in vention. He will not, reasonably enough, say much about his powder, except as to its force and cheapness. From a lew side re marks he allowed to slip, however, it may be that he has fathomed the secret and turned to practical use the heretolore mysterious power of coal dust or mill dust explosives. AX $8,000 BLAZE. Green Bros. Cork Factory and Brass Foun dry Burned Down. The cork factory and brass foundry on Forty-first street, Lawrencevllle, owned by Green Bros., were completely burned down yesterday morning. Ah alarm from box 75 came too late to do any good. The buildings were insured, and, with their contents were worth about $8,000. That Brick En Rome. Becoming somewhat anxious over the non-arrival of that long expected silver brick that is to be sold for the benefit of the cyclone sufferers, Superintendent Follans bee telegraphed to Pueblo, Col., and re ceived answer that it would be forwarded yesterday. AN OPENING SKIRMISH. The First of a Series of Meetings In the In terest of the Constitutional Amendment Held Many Speeches Made. The first of a series of mass meetings in the interest of the prohibition amendment, was held last evening in the Fourth U. P. Church, corner of Montgomery and Arch streets. About 700 persons were present. The gathering was held under the auspices of the Constitutional Amendment Commit tee of the Allegheny County Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. H. C. Campbell presided. Eev. A. M. Hills made an address in which he painted the dangers of the liquor traffic in the most lurid terms. Mr.W.S.Fahey, of Connecticut, said in his remarks that a sa loon keeper had said to him that the saloon should be allowed to exist as well as the church, as 32,000 people were interested in the former and bnt 22,000 persons in the latter. Bev. Dr. McAllister, made an old-fashioned temperance speech, in which he point ed out the dangers of the liquor traffic. Dr. I. N. Hays said he had been receiving anonymous letters, containing sneering allu sions to the work in which he i engaged. Bev. Dr. Fulton, Bev. Dr. Collins, B. C. Christie, Esq., Attorney McMasters and, Mr. Alexander Cooper also made addresses. Dr. Collins moved before adjournment that another meeting be held shortly, to be arranged and called bv the committee of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Campbell announced that they would continue the meetings until June 18. The motion was put, however, and carried with a hearty vote. AS GOES SOUTH VERSAILLES. That Township to bo the First to Tote' on Prohibition on February 19. In South Versailles township the good citizens will have the honor of being the first to vote for prohibition or no prohibi tion. Constable P. J. Murphy has sent out notices that at the regular municipal elec tion on February 19 a special election will be held at the same time for liquor or no liquor. The 150 voters of that clasiic township are holding mass meetings at the grocery by the railroad, and excitedly discussing the fate of the township and necessarily of the State. Tcmnernnco Against Prohibition. Eccles Robinson, a strong adherent of Murphy and temperance, iu a long inter view yesterday, expressed himself emphati cally against the introduction of prohibition in this 'State. He stated that the constitu tionality of a prohibitory amendment was debatable, and believed that high license was better. Executive Prohibitionists Stirring:. The Prohibition Executive Committee decided yesterday to call a general meeting of delegates here to plan the canvass of the county for the Constitutional Amendment. KOT THREE OP A LD. Congressmen Thomn, Hatch and Bnrnett In Town Last Nlaht. Congressman Thomas, of Illinois, Hatch, of Missouri, and Burnett, of Massachusetts, were in the city last night on their way to Washington from Franklin, Pa. They had been spending Sunday with Messrs. Miller and Sipley at the latter's celebrated stock breeding farm in Venango county. Congressman Thomas is the most prom inent person mentioned, so far, for the office of Secretary of the Navy under the new ad ministration. He said last night he was very thankful for the kind editorial notices he nad received from the newspapers in re gard to the matter, but he excused himself, refraining to speak on the subject. As be had no assurance that the place would be tendered him, he would not say what he would do. Colonel Hatch, who is an ardent follower of Democracy, said, in regard to what Pres ident Cleveland would do when he retired from office: "Mr. Cleveland will live like a gentleman and behave himself for four years. Then he will bob up again, and he will just smash things by making a clean sweep across the country." HE CLAIMS $81 DAMAGES. Another Trouble Between Landlord nnd a Wonld-Be Tenant. A hearing was held before Alderman Doughtv last night in the case of William Spieler against L. Walter & Lang. Last spring Spieler rented a house from the latter, who are agents for Peter Walter, paying 1 on account. He was refused ad mittance to the house in April on the ground that no written contract had been made. He claims 581 damages and the de cision was reserved until next Monday. A POLANDER CRUSHED. Tbo Probably Fatal Accident That Befell a Mill Worker. John Bice, a Pole, living at Twenty eighth street, Southside, was crushed be tween some cars yesterday afternoon in the yards at Jones & Laughlins' mill, and last night was thought to be dying. He was loading a buggy, which was across the main track, when some cars was shoved in, doubling him under the large car. FOR HORSE STEALING. A Forty-Seventh Street Mnn Who Failed to Itetnrn a Nag. Albert Moorhead, of Forty-seventhstreet, was arrested yesterday on a charge of steal ing a horse from Jonas E. Johnston, a Wil kinsburg liveryman, on December 17. Moorhead represented himself as an em ploye of the Philadelphia Company, it is said, hired the horse and failed to return it. No Office Building. It was reported yesterday that H. C.Frick, the new Chairman of Carnegie, Phipps & Co., had purchased ground on Penn avenue, near Garrison alley, and the company would erect a large ofHee building on the site. The report was denied at the office of the company. Cheap, Delightful Tobogganing. The toboggan slide at Recreation Park is in good condition, and will be open after noon and evening. The admission has been reduced to 15 cents, as will be seen by an advertisement in this paper. Ill Check Cat Open. Tony McCarthy, a laborer in Hussey, Howe & Co's Mills, was struck in the face by a running belt yesterday, and had his cheek laid open. Dr. Hicber, the atteuding physician, says it is not serious, if lockjaw does not set iu. Cblel Marshal of tbo Pnmrir. Colonel Thomas Cosgrove, of Braddock, has been chosen Chief Marshal of the pro posed parade of the Catholic societies in this city on Washington's birthday. A New Station Boase. The new station house in the Seventeenth ward is completed, and will be ready for oc cupancy by the 1st of next month. A PRAiniE on fire resembles the present rush for Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price, 25 cents. Tho Best 85 00 Black Jackets, All sizes, and finer at 810 00. Both styles are perfect fitting and just right in weight. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn avenue Stores. Invalids call at 1102 Carson st, and be j cured free of charge. BECOMING QUITE FAMOUS. A London Finn, With Others, Asking For Space la tbo Exposition. The following letter, received at the office of the Exposition Society, shows how far and fast the work of newspapers has boomed the fame of the coming event: Io. 167 Piccadilly. ) OrPOSITE OLD BOXD STREET. London, January iz, 15SD. ) To the Secrctaryof the Western Pennsylvania Ex position Society, Pittsburg: Dear Sib Beinc desirous of making an ex hibit at you r Exposition of our manufactures, we should like an allotment of space. 18x18 feet, to make a display. We are manufacturers of optical goods and jewelry, and shall certainly make a creditable and an Interesting exhibit, and would therefore desire a good location for our space. In that case we should also make a working exhibit with our newe3t machinery for forming lenses. Awaiting your reply, we are, Yours tmlv. L. K. Leoit & Co. This is but one of the" many interesting letters from all parts of the country to be read at the meeting of the board this after noon. CAN'T FIND HER HUSBAND. Mrs. Carl Yerks, a German Woman With Three Children, the Unfortnnn.tr. A German woman named Annie Yerks, with tbree children, has been scouring the city for the past three days in search of her husband, Carl Yerks, who left Minneapolis, Minn., some time since for this place in quest of work, and wrote her to come, say ing that he would meet her on her arrival at the depot. They had previously lived in this city, and Mrs. Yerks has a brother-in-law here who is a street car conductor. Her sister's maiden name is Eva Coonenbaker. The lost husband can find his wife by applying to the police department on the Southside. THE TRESTLE FINISHED. Trains to be Ban in and Oat of the B. it O. Depot in a Month. The trestle which leads into the new Baltimore and Ohio depot at the corner of Smithfield and Water streets has been com pleted. The ties and tracks are now being laid, and will be finished before the end of next week. The work is progressing smoothly, and trains will be run out of the depot for "Washington before March 4. FURNITURE jft COST. Henry Berger, 642 & 644 Liberty Street, Cor. Sixth Are. We find ourselves compelled to offer a large line of ourstock in parlorand chamber suits; also in sideboards, bookcases, easy chairs, and cabinets at cost of manufacture, and some from twenty to thirty per cent below cost in order to immediately close out bal ance of our last season's patterns to make room for our large carpet and bedding de partments, which our carpenters are fitting up for the coming spring tradr. Henry Berber, Liberty street cor. Sixth ave. BIG BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS At the Palace of Music. We have a number of odd stvles of fine pianos and organs which we are closing out at remarkably low figures. It will pay you, to investigate our offer of the above instru ments. We are about ready to take stock, and will soon be placing our orders for our spring stock of instrnments and will need all our capacity for these new instruments. These are all No. 1 instruments and the prices are extremely low. A number of good second-hand pianos and organs for sale verv cheap. Call or address' Mellor & Hoeu e. Palace of Music, 77 Fifth ave. We Welcome Yon. Yet another week of the clearance sale at Hamilton's piano and organ sales rooms, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. Many have come in and bought from us for prices they were sur prised at, Wemeanjustwhatwesay. Weare selling pianps and organs at less prices and on easier ternis than ever before, as those who have purchased from us within the last month will assure you, and it's not on the second-hand and shop-worn goods only, but the bright, new goods, consisting of the famous Decker Bros., Knabe, Fischer and other pianos and the Estey and Story & Clark orcans. Come in and see us this week, if you want a bargain, and we assure vou vou will get one at S. Hamilton's 91 and" 93 Fifth ave. Another Surprise. We advertised in the Sunday Dispatch to sell men's genuine Enclish'melton over coats, worth from 512 to ?15 for?3. The rush was even greater than we anticipated and we sold 'em out clean apd clear. To-day we have another surprise in store. We shall offer (for to-day only) between 8 A. 31. and 6 P. 31. men's elegant cape overcoats made to sell from ?23 to $40 for the unheard of low price of 510, 510, 510, 510. These over coats are just the thing for nobby dressers and have a 'detachable cape. Many of them are elegantly lined with fancy cloth linings, and when the cape is detached present the appearance of a stylish ulster. This low price holds good for to-day only, at the P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Nine Hundred Bargains In Wlater Wraps, In newmarkets, ulsters, peasant cloaks and raglans $20 00, ?15 00, 510 00, 55 00. Come early to get one or more. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Liver complaint cured free at 1102 Car son st., Southside. If you suffer from looseness of bowels, or fever and ague, Angostura Bitters will cure yon. TO CLOSE UP PABTNEKSHIP re quires quick sales. SILKS and DRESS GOODS all re vised in price. CLOTHS and WOOLENS all revised in price. DRESS GOODS of every description all revised in price. Domestic and House Furnishing Goods, Table Linens, Napkins and Towels, all revised in price. Cloak Department, containing many choice garments, so much revised that prices will astonish you, as all winter garments must be sold. Trimming", Handkerchiefs and Neck wear all revised In price. Winter Underwear. Gloves, Hosiery, Cardigans and all heavy goods cut deep to dose. BIBER iJABTDN, 505 AND 507 MABKET STREET. I have tbU day sold my interest m the firm of HEABD, BIBER & EASTON to my late partners, who will contlnus the business, assuming all liabilities and interests connected therewith. JAMES B. HEARD. Ja28-rrisu THE SUGAR KING. Clam Spreekels Says Ono Hundred Millions Wouldn't Get Him In the Trait. Clans Spreckels, the world-wide, well known sugar king, passed through the city last night on his way to San Francisco from the East. He is going to 'Frisco to arrange for the shipment of several cargoes of beet product from the Sandwich Islands to his new refineries near Brooklyn. While at the station last evening Mr. Spreckels said: Am I In the sugar trust yetT Well, hardly yet. I would not take one hundred million dollars and go Into the pool. No. I never tried to get in, but the trust has wanted me badly. I never knocked at the door, but they were after me. I do not know the condition of tho trust, but I think it is going to pieces as fast aa it can. The sugar business is In good shape, and the prospects for the manufacture of beet sugar were never more encouraging. That has grown to be a great industry in this country. Sly relations with King Kalakua and the Sandwich Islands are about the same. I ex pect that my share of the yield on the island this season will be over 60.000 tons of sugar. In regard to the Samoan difficulty I think Bismarck will knock them out. This conntry does not want to get into a war with anybody, for the simple reason she has no defense. Be fore we go to fight we want a navy, and It is high time we had one. As a nation we shonld be ashamed of ourselves in this respect. A RUMORED ADVANCE. Iron Rates to Western Points May be Ad vnnced shortly. ' It is rumored, and not denied by agents, that the rates on iron will be advanced on the roads running west of Pittsburg on February 1. This will include the Balti more and Ohio, the Panhandle, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, Pittsburg and Western and the Lake Shore. The rates are now 15 cents per hundred weight. A shipper stated that one road had re fused to guarantee him iron rates on a ship ment to be made after February 1. THEY DON'T LIIE IT. Penn Avenue Residents Afraid of Injuries on the Traction Can. The citizens of the Seventeenth ward are complaining against the Penn avenue cars, because the conductors, in their efforts to make good time, hardly stop the cars at all to let passengers on, thus causing them to risk their lives and limbs every time they get on a car. JDS. HDRNE I CO PENN AVENUE STORES. NINE HUNDRED WINTER WRAPS WINTER WRAPS WINTER WRAPS TO BE SOLD THIS WEEK CLOAK ROOM. CLOAK ROOM. Prices are very low and it will be a good investment. S3 bays an excellent Ulster or Newmarket; better ones at 10; still better at $15; the $20 ones are elegant. Several hundred fceal Flush Wraps also, including Jackets, Coats, Mantles and Newmarkets. Then come the Colored Cloth Jackets, 825. $20, $15, $10, So all reduced, and the most stylish and finest Jackets shown. Special values in Black Jackets at $3 and $10. THE CLOAK ROOM Is the place this week. The first comeiS will have the best choice. mzz s Don't forget the 900 Ulsters and New , markets. .- The After Stock-Taking Bargain Tables are crowded every day. ;l JDB. HDRNE h EDB PENN AVEJN U1S biUK.tb.1 1 Ja29-TT3 &Rat-':&'?wfflLt .::. L..'&3J -Jik.s.j5LW msSffles BSleSBS