Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 27, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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He Sees the Great Cataract in the Grip
of a Blistering Blizzard and
Indians Enined bj Free Trade in Bcalps
and Other Relics.
Sth.1 atLabge, Looking "West, 1889.
IAGAKA Falls at
present, is practically
free for all. You can
go and look at them
as you would at the
Aurora Borealis or
the rich creamy con
tour of the unskum
Milky "Way. If you
walk to the falls and
carry your dinner,
you need not run up
a large bill. The hackman even takes you
the entire road of the falls on both sides the
"Whirlpool, the Three Sisters Islands, Goat
Island and everything else at an agreed
price. You get a coupon ticket which is
jnst as good as a railroad ticket and there
can be no skullduggery about it as Aristotle
would sav.
We visited ihe falls on the day of the
blizzard which wrecked Heading, and which
wound up by tipping the Suspension foot
bridge at Xiagara into the river below. The
falls have been visited in summer and in
winter, in the broad glare of day and the
soft and mellow moonlight, but very few
people have gone there during a blizzard.
The day broke moist and measly at Buf
falo but at noon the gray and choppy clouds
scattered a little, and a'patch of sky could
now and then be discovered. Eating a hasty
meal, our party, arraved in alpenstocks and
conscious rectitude, began the ascent from
Buffalo by a circuitous route. "We reached
Niagara Falls station, whence we proceeded
by drosky to our chalet. Here we alighted.
The chalet is kept by a native American
and after onr long jouruey from Buffalo it
was good to once more hear the music of our
own language. Hastily eating a light
lunch, we pnt on our top coats, and, in
chn'ge of a John Darm, we proceeded by
diligence toward the fall via the American
The storm now burst upon us in all its
furv and the rain descended in the wildest
profusion, saturating the falls and render-
I Was Well Looked After.
ing them well nigh impassible. Our mule
teer covered himself with his v-psotoon,
wrapped his tarpaulin around his ears and,
while our slender diligence swayed in the
blast he drove us across to Goat Island.
The thunder of the immense volume of
water was now swallowed up by the mighty
roar of the bursting tempest, and then, as it
died away like the wail of a perishing soul,
one would again hear the sullen thunder of
the great American dam site.
We now began the descent on the side of
Goat Wand harbor looking toward Great
Horse Fall. The rain fell in torrents, and,
as our umbrellas had been turned wrong
side out by he blast, we were soon wet to
the skin. " There we stood in the presence of
the greatest spectacle America can produce,
perhaps, outside of Congress. Like an ego
tistical author, Xiagara for centuries has
been pouring over its own works it is real
ly, however, bevond criticism. I went there
thinking that if the falls reallv deserved
scathing I would scath them through the
press and inquire their business, but I must
say that, like Mr. Booth, they deserve their
great success, and I do not blame them for
respecting themselves and having their pic
tures taken every little while and getting
their names in the papers. They deserve
all the glory they have got, and far be it
from me to put a straw in the way of the
progress of Xiagara Falls.
"We nest went down to the whirlpool,
and on the way a detachment of John
Darms escorted us with an air of suspicion.
Our drosky driver evidently watched us
every moment like a cat. At the whirl
pool we alighted again, being narrowly
watched by the driver and a John Darm
from Cohoes. "
Here as we reached the brink of the cliff,
the blizzard strnck us amidship, the great
Xiagara which has assisted so many tem
perance lecturers in scaring to death the
moderate drinker, seemed to become silent
in the presence of Old Mr. Blizzard from
the wild and unkempt west Just then my
high silk hat, which I wear in ascending
the Alps and doing the tourist act generally,
went up into a large blue hole in the sky,
In the Blizzard.
and while I was watching it the square red
remarks "Keep off the grass," with an iron
rod on one side swatted me across the organ
of alimentiveness.
The storm was now at its height, the roof
of the hotel gently lifted with the breeze,
and through the fast falling rain we could
see a surprised gentleman in his room just
emerging through the neck band of a bright
new shirt. 'With a look of wonder and hor
ror he tried to pull down the roof again and
conceal himself, but he could not do so.
The storm now took off its coat and
shrieked while the whirlpool was lashed
to its greatest fury, and at the whirlpool
bazaar genuine Indian moccasins, made in
Connecticut, went down to $2 a pair. I
made a movement toward the brink of the
precipice, intending to peer down over it
into the boiling waters, when I felt the
grasp of a John Darm on my shoulder, and
I was jerked back with an oath which
would have sworn in a whole precinct oi
non-residents at a Presidental election.
'.'Monsieur fool heemself ' said the John
Darm in pure Buffalo French, with a slight
patois of the Eue de Main street. Then
grinding his teeth he managed to make me
understand that I had stated in Buffalo that
"I was going over the falls and through the
whirlpool," but that a nemesis was on my
trail. It is very disagreeable to have your
trail stenned on hv a nemesis and so I ex
plained that I meant to be figurative and so
when the John Darm had opened my over
coat and found that I was not dressed in
tights with double-leaded bridge-jumping
shoes, he allowed me to pass.
It was here at the bazaar that I met my
old friend Pocomoco of the Piute tribe of
Indians. "And what are you doing here,
so far away from home, Pocomoco?" I asked
in the light running domestic accents ol the
Finte tongue.
"I am here," he replied in the same lan-
fuage, "to procure our regular supply of
ndian relics for the cominurear. "We can
not compete any longer wjm Connecticut in
the manufacture of genuine Indian relics.
So we come to Xiagara Falls for them. "We
also get most of our ornamental bead work
done in England, and our ornamental mas
sacre business isdonethere, too. The white
man has facilities which we do not have,
and so the red man's goose is practically
cooked. We buy all our weapons and
headache sticks now at Kidley s and our
tomahawks at Macys. We get our bows
and arrows made at Waterbury, Conn., and
Jordan, Marsh & Co. furnish us with our
lingerie. We can buy arrow heads cheaper
than we can make them, and why should
Calling on the Oovernor.
we toil over a home-made arrow head all
day when we can steal a horse iu ten minutes
that will bring nice new relics enough to
last us a year?
"We have in our tribe favored tree trade,
and so- we with our infant industries, are
thrown into direct competition with the
pauper relic makers of the Bowery. You
can buy a good scalp at Chatham square for
69 cents to-day, and so the warpath is practi
cally overgrown with grass. In a year or
two men with sample cases will no doubt
visit the Indian tribes and sell their year's
supply of everything in that line. We are
utterly disconraged. There has not been a
war-like attitude among the Fiutes since
the Buckwheat Pancake Outbreak of '55."
Friday we visited Governor Hill at
Albany and tried to mold the policy of the
State. He spoke kindly of other things.bnt
said he was doing his own molding almost
entirely. Governor Hill has his office in the
new Capitol building, and it is swept out
before he comes down each day. He has a
private office in which he does his Execu
tive work, and then there is a large general
office where he appears when encored by the
populace and where he bows and tries to
look pleasant when pawed over by strangers
for instance who have just visited Xiagara
and then desire to scrutinize the Governor
of Xew York.
He has a cold, calm eve with which he
encouraged me to lorget some crignt ana
bon honime things which I had thought of
saying to him. I had intended to chirk him
up with a few buoyant thoughts of which I
am the parent, but I did not do it, and I am
glad now that I did not.
Governor Hill is one of our most esteemed
coterie of bald-headed men. He represents
the better element of Democracy which,
though bald, scorns to comb its back hair
up over the place. He stands for candor
and honesty at the polls.
Some say that I resemble hinf a little, but
people who have seen us together, talking
over the future of our common, country, say
that they can readily distinguish the Gov
ernor Irom me. His figure is more com
manding than mine and his carriage is more
gracelul and has redder wheels than mine.
When we walk together people easily pick
me out because I walk with more freedom
and a sinuous movement which takes up
most of the sidewalk. An old teamster with
whom I associated once said that I
would never make a good roadster as my
feet did not "track." My walk is more ex$
temporaneous than Governor Hill's. He
possesses a conscious dignity which I sadly
lack. This lack ot dignity secures for me
at a strange hotel the room iu which former
guests have been in the habit of blowing
out the gas, or their brains, such as they
are, and there is a soiled place on the thres
hold of the transom where the bell-boy has
been in the habit of crawling over to ex
amine deceased. This room also has an
old-fashioned bell-cord in it with a woolly
tassel at one end while the other is tied to
a brick building on the next block.
After holding the hand of the Governor
for quite awhile and trying to think of
something to say to him which would fix
my face in his memory for lour years, I said
we were having rather an open winter it
seemed to me, and then, gently but reluct
antly, I gave him back his hand, to do with
it as'he might think best. There being no
obstacles placed in my way at this time, I
came away by means of the door which was
held ajar by a man who seems to have the
entire confidence of the Governor.
Bill Nye.
Men Wlio Carry Thousands of Dollars'
Worth or Gems.
Jewelers'1 Weekly.!
"Because a man displays no jewelry
upon his person it dtks not signify that he
doesn't care for such things."
"There are plenty of men who are as pas
sionately fond of jewels as any woman
who ever lived, but they seem to regard the
feeling as a weakness which they are half
ashamed of. Some men will own right up,
but they don't like to display their treas
ures, because it is not considered good taste
to wear much jewelry.
"I know of half a dozen business men and
professional men who do not wear so much
as a watch chain: yet they carry about in
their trousers pockets thousands of dollars'
worth oi unset jewels. This is a little out
of the ordinary, but it is a fact neverthe
less. "The late Henry Ward Beecher used to
carry in his pockets a number of beautiful
diamonds, pearls and other precious stones,
which he would sometimes take out in his
hand and gaze at in admiration for several
minutes ata time. He explained this habit
by saying that there was something so pure
and beautiful about the gems that thev de
lighted and fascinated him. He used to say
that it was one of the traces of our far-back
barbarian origin the inmate fondness for
bright gems.
"I know of a physician up town who,
while riding about in his carriage on sick
calls, entertains himself by jingling a lot
of unset diamonds, rubies and emeralds i
his hands. He sometimes groups them
on the seat opposite and looks at them,
while his face is lit up with admiration and
"Do ladies have this habit? Well, I think
not I never met a woman who cared to hide
her jewels in her pockets, fia the contrary,
they always lite to have them set and dis
played as conspicuously as possible. They
don't believe in hiding the light of their
gems under a bushel."
. Yl Km m!iAm IfcJff'
MkJ'-i l"I Vi-VllftF
The Manners of the Sons of British
Lords When Traveling.
A Military Swell as a Companion on the
rwnrrrzK fob tub dispatch, i
T is not always an easy mat
ter to tell an English swell,
even by his looks. There are
certain kinds of English
club men and military dan
dies who baffle detection. It
is a fad among them to keep
their station in life a secret
from the careless observer.
In reading the papers Sunday, I noticed
that there was a tremendous and impressive
wedding service in the English metropolis,
whereat a Mr. E. Stanley occupied the
prominent and shining place of groom. The
Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duchess
of Teck, a personal representative of Her
Majesty, and dozens of other lofty and titled
personages were on hand to see Mr. Stanley
married. He was sent off with great splen
dor, and the Queen sanctioned the marriage
by sending the bride a present of one of her
eternal and everlasting India shawls. The
Honorable Mr. Stanley is unquestionably a
terrific swell. He will one dav be a baron,
and he was one of the most eligible bache
lors in England.
The first time I ever saw him was in the
Windsor Hotel in Montreal. Four ex
ceedingly commonplace young men strolled
into ,the hotel. They were evidently
brothers. The Americans who were stand
ing around the corridor did not give them a
second glance, but there was an important
rustle abont the desk when one of the new
arrivals walked slowly up to the register
and scribbled thereon the following chart:
"E. Stanley,
"F. Stanley,
"C. Stanley,
"G. Stanley."
The clerk instantly wrote "Honorable"
before each one of thenames after the young
men had walked away, and there was quite
a crowding around the register to look at
the signatures on the part of the Canadians
present, after the clerk had finished be
stowing the titles. I do not remember
whether the initials are correct or not, bnt
the name of each Stanley was prefaced by a
single letter. They were the sons of Lord
Stanley, the Governor General of Canada.
During tneir stay at the hotel thev wan
dered about, looking with an air of undis
guised boredom at the crowd, playing
billiards occasionally and devoting a con
siderable portion of the time to the study of
their fingernails. They were always quite
ready to enter into conversation with
strangers, and they talked well. One
might have imagined that they were clerks
in some well-conducted shop if they had
been judged by their dress or action. They
gave a fair illustration of what is consid
ered an essentially proper manner by
Englishmen at home.
There is no such thing in England as the
American idea of the English swell any
more than we see the actual realization in
England of what Englishmen think us.
Just before I left London there was an out
break of Americanisms on the English
stage, and the effect of it all was tremen
dously fnnny. The Englishmen had one
'pronounced and undeviating belief, and
that was that every American talked
through his nose, and that American ladies
said "By gosh!" and "You bet." in every
sentence they spoke. This sort of thing was
not only prevalent in newspaper caricature,
but it was accepted in plays at the very
best London theaters. The English type of
the American girl is absurd, but it is no
more so than the American parody of the
British swell.
A man whose acquaintance I made on a
train running from Berlin to Vienna was an
admirable illustration of this latter-day type
of a British nobleman.
When I entered the railway carriage at
Berlin I discovered a bundle of Russian
furs in the corner, from which there issued
a slow and peaceful snore. In the racks
of erhead, and on many seats of the com
partment, were tin boxes for carrying mili
tary helmets, big valises, sword cases,
ticket and dispatch boxes and one or two
big portfolios. All these traps had been
carelessly thrown into the place, and appar
ently the bundle of furs, and the man inside
of them, htd been cast in as an after
thought. The guard made room for me by
moving some of the valises, and, as I had
been up too late the night before, I almost
instantly fell asleep and did not awaken
until the train had nearly reached Hanover.
four hours later. There I felt a tugging at
my sieevc. awou umwuir, wu saw oy
the dim light overhead that the huge
bundle of lurs had moved up toward me,
and that a red and tousled head was bobbing
my way.
"I have just got a bottle of Bhine wine off
the ice, said the stranger tuiceiy, "and 1
thought a glass might be refreshing. It's so
infernally dusty. Though it's cold as Ice
land. That is a feature of continental
I nodded and sat upright He gave utter
ance to an expression which I heard then
for the first time, butwhich became familiar
afterward, and nearly ahvaj s in the mouths
of men oT decidedly good position and breed
ing. "Beastly sweet, this," he said. "Isn't
"Traveling in the dust. I'm half dead,"
continued my companion hnskily. "Been
traveling for two days, you know, from St.
Petersburg. Train ditched in one place,
and long delays."
"I am glad you speak English," he
added after a moment's pause. "It Bounds
good to hear the mother tongue again."
Then he got up and doffed his furs, and
revealed a spare mad, of perhaps 38 years,
with thin hair, rather weak eyes, and a
complexion which had been tanned by
service in the tropics; He might have been
anything?. He had a pleasant smile, and an
easy and unassuming manner. By means
of vigorously bribing the guards he had per
formed the unheart of feat on a German
railroad of telegraphing ahead and having
a bottle of Bhine wine pacKd in ice for him.
He was apparently a heavy drinker.
"You are an American," he said as he
uncorked the bottle.
I had not yet got over my surprise for be
ing taken for an American, even before I
had spoken a word, so I asked him how he
"Xot a very difficult matter to tell," he
said with a smile." Then he pointed to one
of my valises, which was covered with the
labels of American railroads and steamship
He looked at me thoughtfully for a long
while, as though trying to decide whether I
wns a. burglar or a siumie briirand. nnH then
' taking out a rough leather card case said:
"I will exchange cards with you.
He did not, however, for he could not find
find a card in his case, so he said shortly:
"I am a captain in the service. My name
is Waters."
Alter this he shook bands cordially with
me, and we continued to drink the Bhine
wine and talk about the condition of politics
in Germany. I was struck particularly by
his terse and forcible manner of pntting
"This is the third time I have been to
Russia," he said, "and I am just beginning
to find out something about the Russian
people. I suppose few men have read more
books than I hare onRnstian life, and yet I
could not begin to call myself well in
formed. Why is it that writers do not tell
the exact truth about the manners and cus
toms of people when they are describing
them. I am in the diplomatic service and
have to travel a great deal, and I have al
ways fancied that I could judge rather well
what a man was when I saw him, and yet I
am continually being deceived.
In Paris last year I ran across a Russian
student of military history, and we got to
knoweach other" rather well. He was a man
of advanced thonght and his opinions on
strategic and technical military operations
attracted my attention. I saw him fre
quently, and aVr we had dined together a
good deal, and I had learned to appreciate
his polished and polyglotio accomplish
ments. T mrreed to ston at his bouse when
next I visited Petersourg. He left me for
his home in Petersburg at that time. Later
he wrote me that he had been appointed li
brarian of one of the most valuable collec
tions of books in the Czar's possession, ana
renewed his invitation to me. I went to his
house and he put me up in good shape. I
had three rooms for my own use, and my
servant was quartered on the same floor.
It chanced that there was a good deal of
writing to be done the first day or so, and I
did not join the familyat meals until break
fast on the third morning after I had ar
rived. I went down and found my host,
who, in Paris was, as I have said, the most
correct and proper of men, sitting at the
breakfast table in a dressing gown that was
absolutely the dirtiest and most repulsive
thing I had ever seen. His wife was pre
siding over a tea urn, and we had got about
half through the breakfast when his daugh
ter, a girl of abont 19 years, came bouncing
in. She stopped when she was about half
wayacross the room and whatdo you mine
she did? There is no good telling you for
you would not believe it and you wouia cer
tainly be very much shocked."
"I think very likely I can stand it."
"Well, it is not a'nice thing to say, and
certainly it is an unpleasant thing to repeat,
but the incident goes to illustrate what I
have iust said, that if novelists and writers
would tell the exact tacts about people they
pretended to describe they could convey a
real idea of the existing condition of things.
Yet no writer would tell the incident that I
am about to relate to you, and I doubt
whether either you or I would dare to put it
in a book."
I asked him what he referred to, and he
said slowly:
"Well, you must remember in the first
place that this was a young lady that moved
in respectable, middle class society in St.
Petersburg, whose father was an official in
the Czar's palace 4nd a man of position and
learning, and who was herself a young per
son of many attractions. She was pretty,
spoke French, German and a little English,
beside her native tongue, was an admirable
musician, and a jolly sort of a girl general
ly. She walked half way across the floor
that morning at breakfast, and then stopped
and deliberately spat on the carpet.
"Her mother reproved her by asking her
why she did not go to the hearth, and the
young lady replied that it was too far off.
Then I was presented to her, and she sat
down to breakfast. Imagine such a thing
in the house of an English, American,
French or German gentleman! That little
incident will give you a better idea of
Russian life than any other. I do not mean
to say, of course, that all Russian women
are like this. A few of the upper classes,
Russian princesses, countesses, and so on,
are tremendously clever persons, but they
are not all so. There is a lack of breeding
among the. women that is amazing."
' On the way .across the channel the cap
tain and I continued to talk. I was partic
ularly struck by his unassuming manner.
We parted in London, and a day or two
later I received a telegraphic invitation
from him to go down to Aldershot, dine
with him and see the military maneuvers.
When I showed the telegram to an English
friend of mine he explained that the charm
ing and unassumine gentleman whom I had
met was not only a lord, but a lord of one
of the most notable families in all England.
He and Mr. E. Stanley are admirable illus
trations ot the English swell who is not
haughty, hoighty-toighty and austere. It
is the cheap swells who put on so much of
what is technically known as "side."
Blakely Hall.
One of the Modern Kntnral Improvements In
Harper's Magazine.3
The artesian wells of Dakota are proba
bly the most remarkable for pressure, and
the immense quantity of water supplied,
of any ever opened. More than a hundred
of such wells from 500 to 1,600 feet deep,
are to-day in successful operation, distri
buted throughout 29 counties, from Yank
ton, in'the extreme south, to Pembina, in
the extreme north, giving forth a constant,
never-varying stream, which is in no wise
affected by the increased number of wells,
and showing a gauge pressure in some in
stances as high as 160, 175, and 187 pounds
to the square inch. The tremendous power
is utilized, in the more important towns, for
water supply, fire protection, and the driv
ing of machinery, at a wonderful saying
on the original cost of plant and mainte
nance, when compared with steam. In the
city of Yankton a 40-horse power turbine
wheel, operating a tow-mill by day and
an electric light plant by night, is driven
by the force of water flowing from an
artesian well, the cost of obtaining which
was no greater man would nave been the
cost of a steam-engine developing the same
power, and counting the continual outlay
necessary (had steam been employed) for
fuel, repairs, and the salaries of engineer
and fireman. What has been accomplished
through the aid of natural gas and cheap
fuel in building up manufactories else
where, may some day be rivalled on the
prairies of Dakota by tapping the inexhaus
tible power stored in nature's reservoirs be
neath the surface. -
The I-oto nn Engineer Has for His Iron
Albany Journal.
"It is curious" said a railroad man yes
terday at the Albany depot, "how firm is
the attachment between a locomotive engi
neer and bis locomotive. I know an engineer
on the Central road who calls his engine
'Hank' and talks to it as he drives through
the rain and storm, jnst as he would to a
horse, sometimes in sweet and mild tones
and then with the strongest impreca
tions upon his lips. I vknow of
another engineer, who insists on sleeping
in the round house near his locomotive and
thinks as much of it almost as he does of his
child. Engineers do not like to take out
new locomotives. They prefer one that has
been tried a year or two. They are afraid
that the driving rods may break and a
broken driving rod often sends its fragments
through the cab to the peril of the engineer
and fireman. As a rule, therefore, new en
gines are run for a year or so with freight
trains, and after they have 'become seasoned'
they are put upon passenger trains."
A Man of Resource!.
New York San.
Tommy Traddles(threateningly) I'll tell
my father on you.
" Willie Waffles What do I care for your
father? ' He can't hurt mc.
Tommy Traddle.s Can't he? Can't he?
My father is a doctor.
Which Uses Up Sixty Thousand Bar
rels of Flour Each Year.
On a Scale That Wonld Have Surprised an
Old-Time Baker.
HE bakers' trade
is as old as civiliza
tion, yet it is only
in very recent times
that it has outgrown
primitive methods
and advanced to the
dignity of a great
industry. If a man,
who followed this
useful calling half a
century ago, doing
all the work re
quired in his estab
lishment himself
with the aid of one
or two apprentices,
should awake to-day
from a sleep like
that of Rip Van' Winkle and find himself
in one of the vast modern factories devoted
to the manufacture of bread, biscuits and
cakes, even though the picture of his old
shop were as fresh in his memory as when
his slumber began, he would scarcely be
able to guess from his surroundings the na
ture of the business carried on in the place.
About the only familiar objects he would
see would be the ovens and the bread
troughs, and even these, in his eyes, would
appear to have expanded to abnormal pro
portions. For a complete modern bakery
and biscuit factory is filled with compli
cated and curious machines, driven by steam
power, and affords employment in its vari
ous departments to hundreds of busy
Pittsburg bakers supply more crackers and
cakes to the retail trade throughout the
country than those of any other city west of
Hew York. Her product is sent into 27
States and Territories. It is unnecessary to
state that these goods are of unsurpassed
excellence, for if this were not the case such
Kneading Machine,
extensive demand for them would not exist.
The largest of the bakeries and cracker
L factories of this oity uses up abont 60.000
. narreis oi nonr per year o,uuu oarreis per
month, or 1,Z9U barrels per wees. -Late
the quantity of flour required to supply
your own family for a year as a basis, and
you can easily estimate the number of
mouths this establishment could feed.
It's a wonderful place. A big, six story
building, every part of it as neat and clean
as the kitchen of the most careful house
wife, with sweet odors permeating every
room from the topmost floor to the base
ment. To describe all the departments in
detail would be tedious, therefore I shall
only mention a few of the leading featnres
which attracted my attention during the
hour which I spent in the factory.
In the bread bakery is a kneading
machine which in ten minutes time mixes
np four barrels of flour into dougb. It is
then deposited in long troughs, whence it is
taken by bare armed men, each of whom
seizes as much as he can conveniently carry,
and subjects it to the manipulation of
another apparatus. When the material is
ready to be formed into loaves the work
nien'shape it by hand. A few dexterous
twists and turns and the work is done, a
perfect loaf being formed in a very, few
seconds, inn ueparimem preseuu a uvuy
appearance at all times.
But the cracker factory is still more in
teresting. One of the greatest wonders here
is a machine which cuts over 10,000 oyster
crackers every minute. The dough is
placed at one end of the apparatus, when it
passes through various rollers, and runs
along like a strip of thick paper a yard or
more in width, until it comes to the part of
the machine that cuts it into round disks at
the rate of 225 for each movement of the
dies. As the pieces of dough come out at
the front end of the machine they are caught
on a wide wooden board, and thrown from
it straight upon the big shelf of the revolv
ing oven near at hand. Each of these
ovens has 12 shelves, and one revolu
tion of the apparatus completes
The Egg Beater.
the operation of baking. The oyster crack
ers are packed loosely in barrels, but of the
larger kind each cracker is set on edge and
all are arranged in rows to take up as little
space as possible. In he packing room is
still another curious machine which greatly
facilitates this work. It ia known as a
"stacker," and has a sort of hopper into
which the crackers are continually poured.
As the machinery revolves the biscuits are
pushed through, coming out one after an
other, and set straight upon their edges in
small metallic troughs, when they are
taken by the handful by the girl operatives
and neatly packed in rows that conform to
the shape of the barrel. Here are hundreds
of barrels containing crackers just packed
and huge bins heaped with piles of snowy
white oyster crackers fresh from the oven.
Where the small and fancy cakes are
nyide there is a huge egg beater requiring a
strong man to tnrn it, and holding several
gallons. There are also machines for beat
ing up icing for the tops of fancy cakes.
These are rnn by a belt, and resemble big
churns in appearance. What is known as
the soft cake machine is an appliance the
introduction of which has reduced the price
of bakers' cakes nearly one-half. It is large
and complicated. By its action, the dough,
after being turned into a tank at the top is
compressed, run through and comes out in
perfectly shaped cakes ready for baking
From this department the rakes go to the
packing room, carried on large wooden trays,
and are packed in boxeu which are after
ward stamped wih gilt"letters or covered
WCmcteM;J rtW
with ornamental labels. Fried cakes are
cooked in big kettles of lard, a large num
ber at a time, each kettle being provided
with a sort of sieve, which is lifted out, to
gether with the cakes, as soon as a batch is
done. f
The packing of cakes and crackers is all
done by girls, some 200 of them being em
ployed. For their accommodation, on one
of the upper floors, a neat dining room has
been fitted up. Bath, cloak and dressing
rooms are also provided. The paper bags,
in which crackers and other goods are
nnt nn in email ' n.Atsn.B nr
put np
r""-"! --
The Big Ovens.
made in the factory, and I was much inter
ested in watching the rapidity and ease
with which they were given shape and
form. A few folds of the paper, which are
rubbed down with a small ivory instrument
somewhat resembling a paper cutter, the ap
plication of a little mucilage to these folds,
and the work is done, in less time than it
takes to describe it, and the result is a per
fect bag, square at the bottom and all ready
to receive the eoods intended for it.
Connected with the factory is a machinery
department for the making and repair of
apparatus. Here are seen innumerable dies
of all shapes and sizes used in the cutting
and ornamenting of the different products
of the factory.
The wagons which bring the supply of
flour are drivep directly into the building
and unloaded upon the first floor. At the
other side is the shipping department, where
the goods are loaded, from doors opening
upon the street, upon drays and wagons, to
be taken to the different railroad depots.
Thereisof course great danger of fire in a
building where so much heat is required
continually. But provision is made to pre
vent a conflagration by a system of water
pipe extending to every part of the
structure, and so arranged as to let loose
upon the place threatened a part of the con
tents of a 5,000 gallon tank ot water set
upon the roof. There is apparently noth
ing about the place which is not well and
systematically arranged.
E. W. Baetlext.
His -ilrst Experience in a Claw-Hummer
Warn Worse Tban Fighting Indians.
Omaha Herald.
I met Buffalo Bill last night at the cor
ner. He was entertaining a crowd of jolly
fellows by relating his experiences in the
wild east. It was not exactly the east,
either, but it was east to him. He told of
being with Sheridan during the war. On
his return he was invited to visit the gener
al at Chicago. He was in the Garden City
two or three days as the general's guest and
was asked to attend a society ball. It be
came whispered around that General Sheri
dan and bis scout were to be present, and so
ciety was delighted with the idea of meeting
the terror of the west.
On the afternoon preceding the society
event Mike Sheridan asked Buffalo Bill if
.lie had brought his full dress suit with him.
'This staggered the man of the plains, and
he said he guessed he couldn't attend the
ball. The general's brother rented an even
ing suit from a furnishing house, and
Buffalo Bill got into it and started for the
ball. "I was never in such a sweat in my
life," said William. "I would rather have
plunged into 40 Indian battles than to have
entered 4hat ball-room. I felt uncomforta
ble, but I wentin with.the general's brother.
I was introduced to about one hundred
ladies and the same number of gentlemen.
My pants or rather the pants which Mike
Sheridan had rented for me were terribly
tight, as were also my gloves, which came
through the same channel. I did not know
which garment would break first, but fortu
nately neither did, I had one dance, and
this was at the solicitation of a ladv who
was desirous of dancing with a cowboy. I
got on the floor with her, and the music
started. I was waiting for some one to call
off, but there was no call, as I had been
accustomed to. I never had such a 'dreadful
After I got through with the dance I
started for the door, and put in the rest of
the night at the nearest saloon, where I had
a racket with the settler. I had changed
my clothes, you know, and had neglected
to change the contents of my pockets. I
hadn't a cent, and the barkeeper or, as I
called him then, the settler, saw me there
in full dress and asked me what I would
have. I told him whisky, and then he
kicked because I did not offer to pay him
for it. Mike came in shortly afterward and
fixed it with the barman. Before this I was
on my good behavior, as the general had
told me that he wanted to show people that
his scout was a gentleman. That was all I
wanted with full dress evening balls, and I
was myself again when I disrobed of those
rented clothes.
He Erects Pyramids 1,000 Times Higher
Tbnn Himself.
New York Mall and xprejt.
It seems queer, does it not, to apply such
a word as "dreaded" to a little thing like
an ant, but the most wonderful stories are
told of the destruction it sometimes causes.
According to Mr. Holder, the houses of the
white ants in Africa are dome-shaped
mounds, often 18 feet high. They erect
pyramids 1,000 times higher than them
selves. On their travels for they are in
vaders they so conceal their approach that
their presence is not suspected until the
damage is done. They usually tunnel into
any object which they attack, often reduc
ing it to a mere shell. In this way they
have been known to ascend within the leg
of a table, devour the contents of a box
upon it, and descend a tunnel bored in
another leg, all in one night.
An officer of the English army, while
calling on some ladies in Ceylon, was start
led by a rumbling sound. The ladies start
ed with affright, and the next instant they
stood with only the sky above them, the
roof having fallen in, and laid all about!
leaving them miraculously upharmed. The
crash of the fall was distinctly heard all
over the city. The ants had made their
way up through the beams, hollowing them
out until a great part of the framework of
the house was ready to fall at the slightest
The Latest Battle Trlek.
Philadelphia Press.:
"I'll bet you f 1,000 to ?10 that you can't
do it," was the startling announcement
overheard the other day in a fashionable
club. These odds were finally reduced to a
bibulous basis at even money, and "it" was
then attempted. An empty quart cham
pagne bottie was brought, and the feat con
sisted in grasping it firmly around the
neck in the hollow between the knuckles of
the thumb and forefinger, and then without
allowing the bottle to incline from the per
pendicular, and without "jumping" it, to
work the hand down gradually by the aid
of the fingers until the bottom of the bottle
rests in the palm of the hand. It can be
done. The challenged party is one of the
best known and strongest athletes in the
city, but he failed in his attempt.
W "'- ill
le Colonel's Cards. "
Copyright, 1889,
Two evenings later, a ball at one of the
great hotels was a splendid occurrence at
Saratoga. The seaion was near its end, and
there was to be a climax of gayety, if one
landlord and his guests could make it so.
The garden which the immense'building al
most enclosed was brightly colored by other
things than the few growing flowers. There
was floral profusion, but it was in bouquets
carried by the ladies, whose toilets, some
times tinted as gently as daisies, and some
times as garnish as tiger lilies, spotted the
place with more dye3 than nature had ever
used in any square mile of tropical growth.
Such flowering plants as gtew in this gar
den ot artificiality, as well as the variegated
hues of the fabrics worn, were dulled into
comparative insignificance by the prismatic
illumination of several fountains, upon the
spurting waters of which lime light and
stained glass produced theatric effects. A
band of musicians made excellent melody
in the open air, without silencing the low
hubbub of talk; the gravel walks, broad
verandas and open parlors were thronged by
moving people; the street sides ot the hotel
were equally alive with folks who were ar
riving with cards of admission and those
who were shut out by gruff and grim door
tenders; and this hour of hurly-burly was
preceding the dances in the vast dining
Arba Van Bensselaer emerged from her
room, the door of which opened upon a quiet
part of the hotel's mile of veranda. Knick
erbocker Knox arose lazily from the chair
in which he had slumped while waiting,
and straightened and expanded himself for
the purpose of letting his evening dress
settle smoothly into nice adjustment. Then
he gazed at his cousin critically.
"Ah, Arba!" was his greeting.
"Well, Knick?" and she moved into the
'I 'Willi. TAKE
bright light of a calcium, quite fearless of
the glare revealing any imperfections of the
skin or cloth which made up her exterior.
"You're immensely handsome to-night,"
he said, .with mild enthusiasm.
"I've known ypu since I was a baby, and
this is your first compliment," she com
posedly said.
"Didn't I ever mention it? Perhaps I
thought you knew it without telling.
You're a glorious girl you are."
"And 1 don't wish to be mean with you.
You're a splendid fellow to-night."
"More than likely, Arba," and his brow
indicated that the process of thought was
going on inside, "if we had met here for the
first time in our lives, we would be madly
in love with each other this minute."
"Just as likely as not," and her pretty
face was quizzical; "I wish I had never
seen yon in kilts."
"And I'm sorry Iknewyou in pinafores."
"Ho romance in pinafores."
"No illusion in kilts."
"Too bad."
Then Knickerbocker Knox, glancing along
the veranda, saw Mr. and Mrs. Pootle ap
proaching. Like a man who has something
that he wishes to say before being interrupt
ed by a third person, and yet of a nature not
important enough to demand a later formal
interview, he said to Miss Van Rens-elaer:
"Look here, Arba will you marry' me
this fall?"
"Well, yes, Knick I don't mind," was
the unagitated answer.
That settled the matter with no unessen
tial ado, but not without sufficient warmth
of feeling to radiate in their faces, and to
fit them to waltz together more enjoyable
than usual.
The Pootles were not in a similar calm of
satisfaction. That was visible. It is true
that Mrs. Pootle was an amiable sight. Her
face shone with smiling animation, and she
surpassed herself in jolly vivacity as she
greeted her acquaintances. Bnt Jonas
Pootle was out 01 humor. Puckers of an
novance and corrugations of displeasure
were in his big, soft lace, and as he came
along it was clear, by his reluctance, that
he had not given his arm to his wife, but
that she had taken it for the purpose of
bringing him against his will.
"What do you think of a man," Mrs.
Pootle asked, "who sees his wife all ar-'
rayed in the really first fine ball toilet of
her life, and then doesn't wish to change
his afternoon clothes for evening dress?"
"Take him away" Knox began.
"And show him to himself in a mirror,"
Arba interposed.
She may have meant that Mr. Pootle's
face, with its unusual expression would
punish its owner for his misbehavior; but
Pootle applied her words to his careless at
tire, and said lomplainingly:
"How can I feel like dressing up for a
ball when I don't know but I ought'o put
on mournin' for a funeral?"
"He is worried about Victor," Mrs.
Pootle explained.
"And ain't you?" he rejoined shortly.
Colonel Sam Dallas at this moment joined
the group. His ball attire was beyond crit
ical fault finding, and his dignified urbanity
i'nstified no saspicion of insincerity. Upon
earning that Mr. Pootle's great anxiety
about Victor was the subject of conversa
tion, he grasped the old gentleman's hand
sympathetically, and said :
"1 assure you, and I don't say it for mere
words of comfott, that I believe you will
find your nephew safe and sound, when you
return to New York."
"In other words," and Mr. Pootle was
snappish, "you think I'd be more comforta
ble to find a cowardly nephew alive instead
of a brave nephew murdered?"
"Murdered?" The word was an excla
mation, but the Colonel's self-possession was
not disturbed. "Why should you surmise
60 dreadful a thing? The tramp said that
by Franklin File.
Victor got away safely, and I don't see any
reason for doubting it."
"If you knew Victor as I do you'd have
plenty of reason to doubt that he ran away
from robbers, leaving them to attack a girl
whom he well regarded damned highly."
Mr. Pootle's state of resentful anger wai
proven by his taking no note of the damna
tory ad verb that he had spoken in the pres
ence of ladies. His innocence of offensn
made Miss Van Bensselaer omit the slight
est shrug of deprecation, while Mrs. Pootlo
further exasperated him by her unclouded
"But haying lost his head in a moment
of danger," the Colonel suavely persisted,
"wouldn't he be acutely sensitive to blame,
and therefore go directly to New York?
The men I set to searching the neghborhood
of the robbery have reported that no trace)
of him can be found there."
"Did they search thoroughly?"
"Every square foot of the mountain.
They did it secretly, of course, for I thought
it well to avoid a publicity that might ba
annoying io the young gentleman."
"I'm sorry the scamp that we captured
"So am I; and I shall never forgive my
self for letting him get loose, after under
taking to convey him safely to the boat.
But I strongly advise silence about the mat
ter, at least for a few days."
At that the group broke up. Arba and
Knox sauntered together into the thronged
part of the garden. Mr. Pootlegrumblingly
permitted his wife to take him to his room.
Colonel Dallas went in another direction
to his apartments, of which there were three.
One was a parlor, between two bedrooms,
and all were rich in furniture, and situated
in the costliest section of the hotel. Wins
ton Dallas was not a young man given io
economy, nor to investigating the sources of
good luck, and yet he wondered at the
sumntuousness of these quarters. He had
jnst come from his own room into the larger
central one, when the father entered, and
was deftly touching his collar and necktie
at a mirror. The Colonel went to a small
table, opened a drawer into which, an hour
before, he had swept the chips and cash
winnings of a casual game of cards with two
newjy cultivated acquaintances, and began
to pick out the notes and coin.
"How much did you get from those
chaps?" Winston asked, sauntering across
the room and standing by the table, while
his parent laid note after note in one neat
pile and stacked the silver precisely by it
self. "A hundred and thirty-two," as the as
sorting and counting were completed; "only
enough to cover expenses for a day or so."
Winston nonchalantly picked up the top
two notes, pocketed them serenely, and
neither expected nor received any rebuke
for his levy upon the plunder.
"Dad,'J said the son, "what are you doing
the wooping grand for? Of course, we've
got to live like gentlemen and all that bus
iness and pleasure combined but a suit of
parlors on the main floor is a little above,
our average."
"We've never played so heavy a game
before," the Colonel half musingly replied.
He had pocketed the paper money, bnt was
clinking ttoe silver pieces in his deft fingers
abstractedly putting them through little feats
of legerdemain as some gamblers arc accus
tomed to do with the ivory dislcs when ab
sorbed in play. Like them ha was tryineto
mentally calculate his chances.
'I say. governor," Winston suddenly broke in,
"Where's Victor LeroydT Blest if I think he
ran away, but yon say bis body wasn't found
there where I saw it lying."
"He's safe; dead I hope," the Colonel re
plied. "Whewl" with a shiver. "Mighty elad I
didn't have anything to do with that"
"No; you are as innocent of murder as you
are of defending May Morris. I had to make
that deal for yon"
"But not the other? You didn'tkill Victor?"
'No: but I let Jim Grimes loose to do it If the
other tramp hadn't done it already. The only
way for them to save themselves from prison
was to carry ont my order; and if they made a
good job of hiding the body nobody will know
till Judgment day that Leroyd isn't a fugitive
from shame." That was uttered meditatively,
for the Colonel was reviewing the situation;
auu men lie cummanaea: "Winnie, Deioretnis
ball is over I want you to propose to the girl."
"All nsht." was the obedient reply: "but
don't you go to counting on that eighth of a
million before we get it. She may say no.
Hadn't we better wait a day or two?"
"Until you're out of the favor that day be
fore yesterday's work put you into? Tjntu the
girl finds out. by some infernal chance, that
you're not a hero? No; the iron is hot. Hit it
now." Then he saw that Winston's hand, the
one that had been scratched with the knife,
was bare of wrapping. and the slightness of the
cnt was apparent at a glance. He said, with an
angry oath: "You Idiot? What do you mean
by neglecting that?"
"It wasn't skin deep."
"A good reason, you fool, for covering it. Go
and plaster it up."
"Old man, you're a Napoleon of humbug."
Winston remarked, as be went to his own
Sheeba Dallas entered from the opposite bed
room. She was dressed for the evening occas
ion, but not otherwise prepared for it, as her
face plainly showed. Through the tints of
artificiality the Colonel saw a haggard and un
happy countenance.
"What's the misery, Sheeba?" he demanded.
"You don't look like the handsomest and
cleverest member of a gang going for the big
gest stake they ever got within reaching dis
tance of."
"No?" She was sullen, and that infuriated
her husband. "Does it surprise yon that I am
not cheerful?" She swaggered slightly, like a
defiant loafer of the other sex, as she slowly
went near to her partner and looked insolently
into his reddening face. "Does it surprise
"It'll surprise me," he retorted through his
clenched teeth, while his bands turned impul
sively into fists, "if yon hinder me by so much
as a breath if you don't help me in every way
I ask you to considering what will happen to
yon if we fail. Then Winnie and I would only
suffer from disappointment acutely bnt not
incurably. You'd be introduced biographieally
to your daughter. I swear it. Do you see any
sense in a refusal to stay in this game with
The woman's words and manner of defiance
had come of despair only. She felt that she
conld not. or wonld not, let herself be exposed
to May Morris at once as her mother and an
adventuress. Eully aware of the man's ""
-,L &atKtll