A FABCE IN CHURCH. One of the Funniest of All Situations for Aural Vigilantes. AN OLD BUMMER AND HIS BOTTLE Snatched from the Altar in Time to Escape from Coraopolitans. THE! TVEEE TEKT LAME AT THE KEAR Coraopolis was treated to a serio-comic drama the other evening, which was quite annoying for a time to tome people, and has since'subjected them to considerable guying from those who escaped the necessity of lacing the danger. The constituent parts of the drama were a bottle of whisky, a dor nick, a drunken man, a damaged church and a demoralized populace. Two gentlemen named Devers and Mag nus saw a man breaking his way into the rresbyterian Church, using a large stone for a battering ram. They remonstrated to no effect, for he had almost accomplished his object before they discovered him, and, getting into the gloomy basement, availed himself of the ancient privilege of sanc tuary. A crowd gathered in the gloaming; but it seems to have had scruples about in vading the sanctity of a church building, and contented itself by investing the place to prevent escape. How large the crowd might have grown, it is hard to say, had cot a little son ol Mr. A. AY. McDonald ran home and told his father. Mr. McDonald came on the scene and forced his way into the basement and dragged out the invader, not from the horns of the altar, but from under the pipes of the heater. Congregational meetings have been held regularlv at night lately, and the tempera ture was" balmy, inciting the inebriate to repose. Alter "getting the intruder out. Mr. McDonald confiscated the bottle, and this part of the performance came nearer pro ducing a tragedy than anything else. It was put under guard, however, and the culprit marched up to the office of the Burgess. This official advised the turning of the matter over to a justice of the peace, and McDonald, who had tired of the matter, turned the man over to a guard of some 15 or 20 men to take him before the justice." On the way1 they all got ahead of the prisoner, except one man, who had a lame foot, and the prisoner, taking in the situa tion, broke like a quarter horse across Dil lon's orchard, and the last seen of him he was Bearing the wilds of Moon township, back of Captain Mclntyre's residence; but the odor of bad whisky floated over that prohibition district for the greater part of the next forenoon. The man was rather well dressed, and an entire stranger. He threatened the bor ough with the vengeance of the Amalga mated Association, the Knights of Labor, and, in a rabid speech, informed his captors that they were below him socially, mentally and every other respect, except physically, and in that he might have been a Mason, had he felt that way. The Home Guards swear that if he comes around that way again he will find them prepared to wipe out the stain on their bravery. They are irritated when thev reflect tha't glorv awaited them just there, and they failed to write their names on the scrollof fame. GOLDEN "WEDDING. Take one pound of granulated sugar, half pound of butter, beat these to a light cream, then add in four parts (beating light each time) the well-beaten yolks of twelve eggs; stir into this one cup sweet milk, one tea spoonful extract vanilla, and one and one fourth pounds of flour, having mixed through the dry flour one and a half meas ures "Banner" Baking powder. Bake one hour in a slow oven. For the Icing. Take two and a half cups granulated sugar, half cup water, boil three minutes, when cool, add the whites of three eggs, slightly beaten, and one teaspoonful extract vanilla. Adulterated and unwholesome bakin? preparations are being continually forced upon the people, and while it is true that there is a demand for the so-called cheap goods from some consumers it is also true that the careful and prudent housewife who has a proper regard for the health of ine individuals, will not admit them into the household, but prefers to pay a fair price for a meritorious article, and if this spirit were universal it would mean an im- Srovement in the health of the community, ur advice then is to "resolve to get the best," and you will discover before long the truth of the old maxim, "The best is always the cheapest." The Banner Baking Powder is composed of the highest test, 99 per cent pure crystal creamtartar, which is the most expensive material that can be piocured. Therefore, it cannot be sold at as low a price as the inferior goods that are made of alum, -ammonia and Terra alba. For the Banner recipe book address B. B. Co., Box 245. Pittsburg, Pa. LOST. LOST LADY'S BREASTPIN, SET WITH small diamonds. Between Bijou Theater an J Pride tt. Liberal reward If returned to S8 CLAKK bT. ja27-96 NOTICES. Countt Commissioners' Office. i PrrrsnUBG, January 18. 18S9. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL bold appeals on the following -named dis tricts as f oflfws, to-wit: Monday. January 2S, Fmdley, N. Fayette, Robinson and Collier townships. Tuesday. January 2H, S. Fayette, Ohio, Penn, Plnm and Pine townships. Wednesday. January 30, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh wards, Allegheny City. Thursday, January 31, Seventh. Eighth, Twelfth and Thirteenth wards, Allegheny City. Bv order County Commissioner, jalO-30 P. W. SIEBEBT, Clerk. EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE East End, Pittsburg. Second term opens February I. 16S9. Dilworth Hall is ready for occupancy and will accommodate a largernum ler of students. Apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETBEAU. President. ja8-48 MEETINGS. N' OT1CE Smokrf!itvf!nnTnil'TCn 1 rVwinpratlTfiTTninTi will hold a very important meeting SATUR DAY EVENING next. All members are re quested to attend. & L. "WILSON, Bee Bee. ja27-118 AMUSEMENTS. pATHEDRAL FAIR. Open every evening this week. Fair will close next 8aturday evening. Special attractions this week. Monday. Prof. Garber, the celebrated aanjo ist; Tuesday, the Thespian Specialty Company; "Wednesday, Horace Mentzer in his Chinese specialties; Thursday, Frank Kinarf. tho ven triloquist; Friday, the McMillan Company; Saturday will close with a grand concert. -v ja27-U9 f 'into rt & ft" Rr-CT- XS"Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of tho public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements "will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tub Dis patch. rrrrsBUiiG. THOS1AS MCCAFFREY, SxS Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Mth street and Penn are. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylieavc. and Fulton St. N. STOKELY, Filth Avenue Market House. EAST EXD. J. TV. "WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCA LLISTER A SHEIBLEK, 5th av. & Atwood St. SOCTHSIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. I Carson street. v C11AS. SC11WARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. McBRIDE BKOS-. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEKS. ITS Ohio street. F. H. EGGElte & bON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. V. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. 3Inle Hclo. WANTED-ONE METAL PATTERN MAKER. Address P. O. BOX 1051, Pittsburg, Pa. Ja27-80 WAN TEDJANITOR- APPLY BETWEEN 11 and 12 o'clock Monday at DISPATCH BUILDING, Diamond street. Ja-73 TTTANTED SOLICITORS - STEADY PO- V SITION to the right parties. Apply 151 Sedgwick St., Allegheny. Monday 7 p. M. Ja27-25 -TTTANTEO-GOOD AMATEUR VIOLIN AND V bassoon players from 17 to 25 years of age. For particulars, address MUSICIAN, Dispatch office. Ja27-27 -IT7"ANTED-ONE EXPERIENCED CURTAIN iV and shade hanger and two good carpet lavers. E. GROETZINGER, 627 and 3 Penn avenue, Ja27-64 VTTANTED-HELPTOSHOTY A NEW ARIL V CLE that fills a long-felt want: J5 to 15 per dav: State agents wanted everywhere. 35 SEV ENTH ST. ja27-lll WANTEO-A PACKER ACCUSTOMED TO packing chimneys and light glassware. Apply at OK HCE OF LAMP FACTORY, West lngnouse Electric Co., citv. JaI7-15 WANTEO-SALtSMAN FOR HARDWARE and building materials (retail): must be thorough. Inquire or JOHNSONS, EAGYE 4 EARL, Second are., Pittsburg. Ja26-5 "TTTANTED-AGENTS-FOR THE FASTEST V selling little 5c article In the world: every house In cltj or country takes from 25 to 100. J. K. PAGE & CO., 3213 Fifth ave., Chicago. jazS-65 WANTED-A GENTLEMAN TO TAKE charge of our branch office for sewing ma chines: must be experienced and furnish team. HEELEKA WILSON CO., 6 sixth street. J 126-17 -TT7ANTED-F0UK ABLE MEN TOCANVASS for tea, spices ana baking powder: none but men with good ability, address and reference need apply. Address "TEA," Dispatch office. Ja.27-78 WANTED 15 ACTIVE YOUNG MEN TO work at telegraph construction 2d miles from Pg. Call at 98 FIFTH AVE., not later than 6:15 A. II., Monday morning ready to go to work. Ja27-28 TfJANTED AGENTS AT ONCE, FOR THE best household article made: stands and sells on Its merits: agents make good pay: secure a good chance at once. L. b. GAY. N o 64 Fourth st., Philadelphia, Pa. Ja22-48-MTuWE8u WANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN IN U. S. to sell Dr. O'Keere's "Boss Bitters:" can make fl2 to Kl per week. Address DK. O'KEEFE 4 CO.. Homeopathic Chemists, 34 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. JaCT-97 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD some experience at repairing Jewelry, clocks or watche. Address, stating age, ex- Jericnee, wages expected and full partlculirs, EV ELER, Dispatch office. Ja27-105 -TTrANTED-BOOKKEEPEKS AND CLERKS V ho you want a position, or promotion, or an Increased salarv, or lighter work? For full particulars Inclose stamp to&.T.FARNSWORlH & CO., 27 Glenn building, Cincinnati, O. ja27-91 "TTTANTED-IN THIS CITY A FIKSI-CLASS book canvasser to sell for cash a new atlas publication: liberal Inducements to right party. AddressJOIIN f. ILIFF4CO., Book and Atlas Publishers. 134 E. Van Kuren St., Chicago. 111. Ja27-3S -TTANTF.D EXPERT MALL STENOGRA V l'HER for position of trust: liberal com pensation: must be married man, whose character will bear closest investigation; give particulars Tor past ten years. Address 8, care, LORD & THOMAS, Chicago. Ja27-37 -VTTANTED-FIRE INSURANCE SOLICITOR, T one who has large experience andabllitv, to the right party is open an excellent position in established business, with good salary and per centage: aoplicatlon must be made immediately. Address POSITION. Dispatch office. ja27-106 ANTED AGENTS - GENTLEMEN OH lady canvassers Tor Pittsburg. Allegheny and suburban towns, to sell on commission, lava tor, a lanndrv article, readily sold with good prof It. Apply between 9 and 10 o'clock A. m., at H. HOLTZMAN & SONS, 35 Sixth St., Pittsburg. Pa. Jal6-1 TTTANTE1)-TH0R0UGH BUSINESS MAN, V of strict integrity, to assist treasurer of established manufacturing corporation doing cash business yearly of half million: must take at least S5.O0O stock, give bond and best references: salary fl.800 or more. Address KNICKERBOCKER, Box 12, Station D, New York. JaI7-110 -TTrjANTED-A LIVE CANVASSER IN EACH T V town to sell a commercial specialty, popular and of long standing. Large commission, u nick sales. No capital required. Inqulrethe commer cial standing of our house. Established 18G6. AVrite for particulars. Inclosing 2-cent stamp. THE REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO., Dayton, O, Ja23-3-EOD Female Bdn. -TTTANTED-AN EXPERIENCED OPERATOR V to give Instructions on sewing machines. WHEELER & WILSON MFG CO., 6 Sixth street, Pittsburg, Pa. Ja26-17 Male nnd Female ITcId. WANTED-GERMAN OR SWEDE GIRL FOR general housework. Apply, with references, at 143 BLUFF STREET, Pittsburg. Ja27-9 TT7" ANTED AVE WISH SEVERAL MORE V ladies to canvass and sell our homeopathic medicine: steady work: can make 8 to (12 per week. DR. O'KEEFE & CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 34 Fifth ave. Ja27-87 "TTfTAN TED-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO tV engage in an easy, paying business at home; can work daytime or evening and make 50c to J2 per honr; sure thing; sample and complete instructions sent free. Address, AORLD SUPPLY CO., Rutland, Vt. ja2-110 MEN OR WOMEN- Tfl sell Missouri steam Washer to families? ar guments In its ravor numerous and convincing; sales made without difficulty; profits large: sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense 4r not satisfactory: write Tor Illustrated circular and terms. J. AVORTH, 54 Ueekman, N. Y. ' no25-w80-su WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED-TEMPORARY SITUATION AS drupglst for two or three months. Addrers DRUGGIST, Dispatch office. Ja27-45 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED CUSTOM cutter wants a position; good reference. Address BOX 102, Rochester, Pa. Ja27-4S -VTTANTED-POSITION BY A YOUNG LADY v V to do writing, typewriting or general office work. Address M. C-, Dispatch office. Ja27-82 WANTED SITUATION BY WINDOW dresser and ticket-writer in dry and lancv goods store. Address O, B., Dispatch office. J127-8G -TIT ANTE D-A SITUATION AS HOUSE V KEEPER by a loung widow; references exchanged. Address WIDOW, Dispatch office. Ja27-40 XTTANTED-BYAYOUNG MARRIED MAN Y a position as salesman, or collector, or any kind or work: good city references. E. C. P., Dl. patch office. J 327-15 WANTED-SITUATION BY A COMPETENT electric light or stationary englneeribest of reference given. Address ENGINEER. Dispatch office, Plttsbnrg, Pa. )a26-I0O -rrTANTED-POSlT-'ON BY A WIDOW, 30 years of age, refined and educated, as housekeeper: good references. Address, for three days, S., Dispatch office. Ja2S-73 WANTED-VOSITION BY A YOUNG MAN, will make himself useful in or about a store, with a team or other light work; good reference. Address A. V., Dispatch office. JS27-U7 WANTED-SITUATION-DRUG CLERK. 6 years' experience; registered as manager and proprietor; strictly temperate and moderate wages; references. Address DRUGGIST, Box 18, Curllsvllle. Clarion co.. Pa. a26-72 WANTED ROOMS. HOUSES. WANTED-KOOM. BY A MACHINIST, first or second floor, about 35x60, with or without power. Address BOX 184, Pittsburg. J 127-53 -TTANTED-TWO OR THREE FIRST-CLASS V rooms, furnished for light housekeeping: on or near Allegheny parks preferred: reference exchanged. Address DAN, Press office. ja27-41 WANTEO-BY APRIL L SHOWROOM ON first door on good business street; would rent one-half of large room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM. Dispatch office. de7-I33 THE ' WANTED PARTNERS. VrrANTED-AN ACTIVE MAN WITH f3,000 V to take an Interest In manufacturing of patent article; a fair trade established: good profits. Address PATENT, Dispatch office. Ja27-79 -TTTANTED -PARTNER WITH L 500 CAPITAL V to take an interest in lumber business and take care ofcarpenter's established bnsiness. Ad dress or call JOS. THEOBALD, PennSta., Pa. Ja27-26 TTANTED-ENERGETIC MAN TO TAKE V half Interest In an established business and to act as business manager: small capital re quired. Address MUTUAL, Dispatch office. Ja25-21 WANTED TO CORRESPOND WITH A first-class sad iron polisher; one who can raise $1,000 cash to put into the business; none but first-class need apply. SAD IRON, Dispatch office. ta25-50 TTTANTED A PARTNER WHO CAN V furnish flOOO to Invest in an established good-paying business: one who understands the furniture business and can give his entire atten tion to the business: bookkeeper prelerred; refer ences c changed. Address INVESTMENT. Dls patch office. Ja26-84 WANTED-FINANCIAL. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 4X, 5 AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; 114 Fourth at e. J a20-2-SU -rrTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- ?V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 fourth avenue, Tel. 1C7. Jal9-Sl WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts on Improved city or Alle gheny tounty property at lowest market rates. THOS. "LIGGETT, tNo. 114 Fourth ave. Ja25-34 VTTANTED-BENTS TO COLLECT. HOUSES VV to rent: all kinds of collecting and commis sion work: remittance prompt. W. J. KL1NG ENSMITH, 33 North Diamond St., Allegheny. ja27-112 nrfTANTED-COLLECTION OF RENTS-WE YV have added the collection of rents to our real estate department and solicit the patronage of real estate owners. STRAUB& MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. Ja27-56 TrrAN'rED-MORlGAGES-?l,000,000TOLOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4M, 5and 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aaja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned ont of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK fc SON, 105 Fourth aTenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4"4 per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on improved farms in Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette. Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ' Je3-a9-su WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-EVERYBODY TO CALL AND see our line oi photos and era) ons: lowest prices for fine pictures. bTANFORD & CO.. 6S Federal st. Ja23-93-WESu FOR SALE P.550-ON CONGRESS STREET brick dwelling 6 rooms, sewered, both gases. etc; lot. 20x50 ft. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. Ja27-5S-Siwsu "TTTANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW "THE VV ELITE" GALLERY. 516 Market St.. Pitts burg, Pa., will make cabinets for SI 00 per doz. until May 1, 18S9; use elevator. Jall-8J-wssu WANTED PHOTOGRArHEltS AND artists and agents to know that we make the best bromide prints at lowest rates PITTS. BROMIDE CO., 831 Smithfleld st. Ja27-65 WANTED-OROERS FOR MAKING FINISH ING tools for bottles; snaps and finishing tools made to order: would work In bottle works at blacksmithlngbythedav. Address E. KNOCH, Hltes, Allegheny county. Pa. ja27-84 w ANTED-APPLICANTS FOR CIVIL SER VICE examination nuestlons. and full in formation of how. when and where to apnlv for a Government position sent on receipt of luc Ad dress NAT ILL. MAGAZINE, Washington. D. C. Jal7-72-sn ANTEO-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 530 smithfleld St. noll-MWFbu TTTANTEU-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO VV TOGRAPHER. 96 Filth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at (150 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: instan taneous nrocess. mh!3-k27 TTTANTED ALL HOTEL AND SALOON VV keepers to know that now is the time to file all applications and bonds for liquor licenses. Get all papers properlv made out bvTHOS. MC CAFFREY, Notary Public. 3509 Butler st. Hae all the blank forms on hand; office open evenings. Ja9-61-wssn FOR SALE IMPROVED REAIi ESTATE. Citv Residence. FOR SALE-RARE CHANCE TO BUT A DIA MOND street property: groat bargain If sold at once. LASHLLL & RANKIN, 671ourthave. Ja27-5S FOR SALE OR TO LET-ON CARSON ST., dwelling of 6 rooms and store room, would make an elegant location for a saloon. J. C. KE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. ja27-77 FOR SALE NEW HOUSE OF S ROOMS, stable, -frhlt, etc.: 2 acres of land: near school, chirrch.retc: only ?1,200. LASHE1.L & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. Ja27-55 IOR SALE RUBICOIS ST.. NEAR ROBERTS. Mt. Washington. 3-room cottage house in 5ood condition: price SS00, half cash; lot 50x133. . C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. ja24-S4 FOR S ALE-MT. WASHINGTON, SI.0S0, CON VENIENT to Incline frame house 2 rooms; lot 25il57: terms (250 cash: a bargain. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Ja27-I13 FOR SALE-TEMPERANCEVILLE, CASTER St., 2,400 for both, two new frame and man sard houses, 5 rooms, porches, good cellars, etc. ; easy terms. J. R. COOPER 4 CO,. 107 Fourth ave Ja27-113 FOR 8ALE-6-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, finished attic good cellar, on Granville 6treet, near Eleventh ward schoolhouseilot 20x110: price $3,200; very cheap. GEO. SCHMIDT. 153 Fourth ave. Jal8-41-18,20,2L.23,26,27.29,31 FOR SALE MT. WASHINGTON, GRAND VIEW ave, 2 squares from incline, frame house 4 rooms, attic and good cellar; lot 60 ft. front: onlv 1,800. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Ja27-113 F' IOR SALE WYOMING ST.. MT. WASHING TON. 3-storv brick dwelling. 9 rooms, hall and vestibule: n. and a. gas: hot and cold water; Jood sewerage: price low; lot 30x90. J. C. tEILLY, 77 Diamond st. ja27-77 FOR SALE-MT. WASHINGTON. NEAR IN CLINE, frame dwelling: mansard: 7 robnu: hall, water and gas; all in best of repair; lot 35x293: fine views: fruit and shade trees. J. R. COOPER Jfc CO.. 107 Fourth ave. ja27-113 FOR SALE DAVIS ST., THIRTEENTH ward, new brlik house 6 rooms, halL Testl bule. finished attic marble mantele, nat. and art. gas: good lot: cheap and easy terms. .1. R. COOPER & CO.. 107 Fourth ave. Ja27-113 FOR bALE-3,S00-LOMBARD STREET, 7 roomed brick dwelling, with hall, vestibule sliding dours between parlor and dining room, range bath, slate manirls. etc.: lot 22x120, with front yard. GEO. bCHMlUT, 158 Fourth ave IaIS-41-18, 20, 21. 23, 26,27,29, 31 FOR SALE-LINDEN STATION, BLAINE st.: only 2,000; ne-it frame house, 5 rooms, finished attic hall, water and pas; house Is well built and nicely finished : lot 20x130; an exceptional bargain. J. It COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth a e. ja27-113 FOR SALE-THREE-STORY ISR1CKMANSION No. 137 Bluff street, Pittsburg, in excellent condition; if not sold by Fehruarv 1 will rent to desirable tenant: 10.000. STRAUB A MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. J427-55 FOR SALE HARRISON STREET, NEAR Fortv-ninth st., 1 two-story fiame honsi. 6 rooms and attic also on rear 1 two-story frame 4 rooms and attic fronting on nice paved alley; will sell one or both; lot 22x100. J. C. RF.ILLY, 77 Diamond St. Ja27-77 FOR SALE H"00-EASY TERMS-WILL BUY 25 Bluff St., between Magec and Stevenson sts. ; flue press brlckdnelllng. 7rooms, vestibule hall, cellar, both gases; big lot: fronts two paved streets: possession April 1, 1831. ALLES BAI LEY, 164 Fourth a e : telephone 107. 1a25-l8 FOR SALE-LOCUST ST.. NEAR GIST, brick dwelling 8 rooms, double parlors, hall, estlbule, bath, w. e, range, marble mantels, inside shutters, laundry with stationary tubs, nat. and art. gas, and complete In every detail; price low. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. laI7-113 East End Residences. FOR SALE-ON HA1LMAN ST., NEAR Marchand 6t., lot 27x120 to 20 ft. alley, new frame house of 5 rooms and finished attic city wa rr in the house natural gas on the street, con venient to both cable and steam cars: only 26, 000, jiOOcash, bal. on time. THOS. LIUGErT, o.U4 Fourth avenue. Ja25-33-MTlTSSn FOR SALE-PENN AVE.. BRUSHTON STA TION, new pressed brick dwelling of 15 rooms: hard wood finish, slate mantels, with im proved fireplaces, laundry with cemented fioor; exceptionally low priced: terms to snlt; Immedi ate possession. See JNO. F. BAXTER. Agt., 512 Smithneldst. la27-60-Tnsu TJIOR SALE-ON HILAND AVE..'LOT37x40 V to 20-rt. alley: selected brick of 8 rooms, bath room, natural gas; stable In the rear of lot: large front porch, shade trees, etc; elegant neighbor hood; convenient to both steam and cable cars; verv desirable in every respect. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Ia26-3G-TTS6U FOR SALE-ON PAVED ST.. WITHIN 4 MIN UTES' walk of Roup station, large corner lot, modern frame house of 8 rooms, hall In center of the house bathroom, natural gas, good drain age elegant front porch: bouse nicely elevated above the street: good neighborhood, etc.; only 8,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave Ja25-36-TT6SU FORSALE-ON SOUTH HILAND AVE.. ELE GANT stone and brica bouse of to rooms, re ception halL bathroom, natural gas, sliding doors, electric bells, elegant front porch, plate glass win dows, hard wood mantels, eto.;aperlect bouse in every respect: good sized lot ana elegant neigh borhood. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. ja25-35-TTFSSU FOR SALE-BRICK DWELLING, HAVING porches. 10 rooms, hath and all conveniences; large stables and outbuildings In good repair; grounds contain 14 acres, having 2,(j00 feet of frontage on good avenues, fine elevation, com manding view, abundance of pnru water and cov ered with vineyards and choice fruit: located in East End, near paved avenue; 15 minutes from station: price only 20,000, on easy terms. W. C S1EWART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-104 PITTSBURG DISPATCH,- FOR SALE IMPROVED REAIESTATE. Engt End Residence. FOR SALE THE ' CHEAPEST HOMES IN East Liberty are now In the hands of W. 8. PATTERSON. 6326 Station St.. E. E. Ja26-63 OR SALE-HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS, LOT 25x110, near Penn ave cable line: L100;a bargain. M. P. HO vt LEY, 6326 Station St., E.E. Ja26-62 OR SALE-32,500-A LARGE AND SUB STANT1AL brick residence with an acre of ground, in ShadyBide on paved avenue W. C. bTEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. Ja27-29 OR SALE RESIDENCE OF 10 ROOMS AND outbuildings, with over an acre or ground; convenient to cible lines and steam cars in E. E. M. P. HO WLEY. 6326 Station street. Ja26-K! T7-OR SALE THE CHEAPEST PROPERTY ON J? the market: convenient to both cable lines and steam cars. In E. E.. by M, P. HOWLEY or W. S. PATTERSON, 6326 Station street, E. E. Ja263 FOR SALE-COR. SHADY ANDHOMEWOOD aves., 5 acres beautifully situated, frame dwelling. Grooms, fruit trees and vineyard; price lowand1.er.ns easy. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. -Ja27-U3 FOR SALE-18,000 A NEW AND SUBSTAN TIAL brick residence, containing 12 rooms and nil lmnrovements: large lot: deslrablv located on North Hiland avenue. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-8.000-RES1DENCE OF 9 ROOMS, lot 80x200, in one of the i jst delightful loca tions in E. E.: this is a bargain; must be sold at this figure before March 1 or will be withdrawn from the market. W. S. PATTERSON, Station street, East End. Ja26-62 FOR SALE-10,OCd-NEW. SUBSTANTIAL and attractue brick of 8 rooms, having all conveniences; lot 50x140. with good stable located on paved avenue with good sewerage in one of the finest neighborhoods in East Liberty. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth avenue. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-ON WALNUT ST., NEAR ROUP St.. good sized lot, new frame house 6 rooms, bathroom, finished attic basement, laundry, large windows, elegant front porch, good neigh borhood and convenient to both steam and cable: only 83,500. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth avenue. Ja25-33-MThFESu FOR SALE-AT A UARGAIN IF SOLD AT once elegant lot, cor. two prominent paved aves. in the East End, elegant brick house.'alraost new. reception hall, parlor, llhrary, dining room, kitchen and large pantry on first floor, 5 good bed rooms, bath and w. c on second floor, large fin ished attic servant's room and cedar closet on the third floor, electric bells, speaking tnbes. sliding doors, large front porch. Day windows, elegant neighborhood and convenient to both steam and, cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Jaa-32-Tnwssu Allegheny Residences. FOR 8ALE-S4.500-7-KOOMED HOUSE IN good repair: Poplar street. W. C. STEW ART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 TTiOR SALE-S4.C00-MODERN BRICK, SEVEN X? rooms: all improvements: Boyle street. W. C. STEWARI', 114 Fourth avenne. Ja27-29 I710R SALE-S4.600-NEW PRESSED BRICK ' house of 8 rooms: all conveniences; Klrkpat rick avenue. AV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-4.50O-THE BEST HOUSE ON Clifton avenue, containing 8 rooms; large lot; good neighborhood. W. C. bTEAVART, 114 Fourth avenne. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-(C8,000-SUBSTANTIAL BRICK ol 12 rooms In good repair, with large lot: de sirably located on Lincoln avenne. W. C. STEAV ART, 111 Fourth avenue. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-S6.000-NEW QUEEN ANNE-10 rooms, all Improvements, never occupied, large lot. desirably located; terms easy. AV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave JaZ7-29 FOR SALE-12,5C0-SUBSTANTTAL BRICK IN good repair; 10 rooms: located In one of the most delightful neighborhoods in Allegheny City. AV. C STEWART, 114 Fourth ave Ja27-29 FOR SALE-(2. 100 HOUSE AND LOT, 58 COR RY St., corner Ann St., First ward, Alle gheny lot 23x27, brick house six rooms. A. LEG GATE & SON, 31 Federal et., Allegheny. Ja25-46 FOR SALE-JS.0O0-PRESS BRICK. JUST finished, containing 9 rooms; all improve ments: partly finished in hard woods: located In Second ward, near parks. W. C STEAA'AKT, 114 Fourth avenue. Ja27-29 FOR SALE NORTH AVE., FRONTING parks, 2-story brick dwelling 7 rooms, bath, h. and c. water, nat. and art. gas: everything In first-class order: price low, terms to suit; lot!9x 100 to alley, J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond st. Ja25-43 FOR SALE-S22.500-NEW AND SUBSTAN TIAL brick, 12 rooms, all conveniences, ele gantly finished throughout In hard woods: In fact, no better house built: located near parks In oneof the finest improved neighborhoods in Allegheny City. AV. C. STEA ARTi 114 Fourth ave. fa27-29 FORSALE-ONTHE PARKIN ALLEGHENY, handsome brick dwelling: 12 rooms, range bath, inside w. c, hall, vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, nat. gas all through; large lot, fine location: very cheap and easy payments. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja27-107-27, 29, 31, fei 4, 6, 8. 9, 11, 13, 15. 16 FOR SALE ON PARK AVE., NEAR Frankstown ave., lot 26x78, new frame house of 8 rooms, reception hall; bathroom, natural gas. electric bells, all modern Improvements, about 6 minutes' walk from East Liberty station and abouts minutes from either line of cable cars; only 83,250; terms to suit. THOS. AV. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. Ja25-82-Tuwssu FOR SALE-tk60O-SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH finished attic prosscbrick front, hall ves tibule side entrance and handsome stationary mirrors: natural and artificial gas, hot and cold water, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, ce mented cellar. Situated in Second ward, Alle gheny, near street cars. Terms to suit purchaser. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. Jal9-88-jrwrssu Hazelwood Residences. FOR SALE-AT HAZELAVOOD: 2 FINE RESI DENCES at a great bargain If sold at once. LASHELL RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. Ja27-55 Snbnrban Residences. FOR SALE AT WILKIN SBURG. SOUTH ST., 2 minutes' walk from station, one of the neat est of homes of 8 rooms, finished attic etc. For terms Inquire on premises. J. L. MILLER. la23-89-Thsa TTiOR SALE-2.800 EASY TERMS; NEW D bouse of 6 rooms, gas and water: lot 45x130; corner two good streets in AMlklnshurg, conve nient to station. AV. C. bTEAVART, 114 Fourth avenue. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-80 ACRES, HOUSE. STABLeT orihard: near Woodlawn station, P. L. E. R. K.: also 39 acres adjoining above rich, Ohio river bottom land. GRABBING LYON. 135 Fourth avenue. Ja27-57-TTSu FOR SALE-AVILK1NSBURG, NEAR STA TION, new modern frame dwelling, slate roof. 7 rooms, reception hall, nat. gas, porches, good cellar, perfect sewerage, good sidewalk from station; lot 52xl20r very cheap and terms to suit. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. Ja27-U3 FOR SALE OR TO LET ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny countv; the house is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with cholco shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; thewhole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres or ground, at a verv moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue Knoxville borough. JalO-9 FOR SALE LOTS. Miscellaneous. FUK SAlJ. ULU UA.liJO-A VAUUAliliU large concession south of the Ohio river, with machinery, etc. E. D. E., P. O. Box 131, Canton, rOR SALE OIL LANDS-A VALUABLE O. ja--w FOR SALE J I'ST ACROSS NEWBRIDGE AT Thirty-third street. In Dickson's plan of lots, finest view and best location In the cltr; Thomas C.Dickson and the late Joseph Dickson's resi dences, at a big sacrifice with three or more lots to each; verv easy payments: also hundreds of houses and lots all over both el'ics and suburbs: carriage alwavs in waiting to take parties to see propertv. THOS. MCCAFFREY, the leading agent. 3509 Butler street. Office open evenings. Telephone 1611-2. Jal2-33-ssu FOR SALE-3.5C0 ACRES UNCULLED, LONG LEAFED pine cypress and ash timber; not excelled as a manufacturing site and shipping point on tidewater south; new 35 horse power saw mill, capacity 12,000 feet per day; complete ready for Instant nse and rapid work: goes with land; demand for manufactured lumber, at profitable rates, far exceeds supply: present owner must oversee other business requiring all bis time and capital; lnaispuraDie ice sun ERBAUGH, Homer City, Pa capital; Indisputable lee simple title. . H. BUT- Ja26-78 FOR SALE-THE FOLLOWING EAST END properties: Handsome residence on Wideblddle avenne E. E finished in hard wood, lot 100x300, everything modern, stable on premises: 30,000. New Queen Anne dwelling, all modern con veniences, tile hearths, slate mantels, bath room, etc. : lot 23x95, situate on Sheridan avenue . ,; 4,000. New brick dwelling, corner Ward andWIIbert streets, Oakland: finished In good stvle contains eight rooms, bathroom, etc.. lot 25x160: (5,800. STR AU B MORRIS,' corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg, Pa. Ja27-56 FOR SALE-THE FOLLOWING SUBURBAN properties: Handsome modern residence of ten rooms, natural gas and other conveniences; lot contains three-fourths of an acre; situate on 'Ihe Ridge" at Ingram, the handsomest snbnrban location In Allegheny county: $9,000. Modem, comfortable and very tasty frame dwelling of six rooms and finished attic at Ingram, Pa.; natural gas, etc.: lot 50x110; within two minutes of station; 3,300. Cozy little home at West Bellevne: contains six rooms: lot 75x102, commanding fine river view: stable on premises: 3.200. STHAUlJ MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue Pittsburg, Pa. , Ja27-56 I7IOR SALE THE FOLLOWING ALLEGHENY 1 OIIY properties: Brick dwelling Marlon avenue Allegheny, Pa., recently built, thoroughly modern, lacing the parks: 16,000. .. r Modern two-story brick dwelling. Just com pleted, corner lot, on Klrkpatrlck avenue Second ward, Allegheny: bonst. contains eight rooms, bathroom, etc.; 3,500. ' Brick dwelling. No. 195 Jackson street, Alle gheny; rooms large and comfortable and house extra well finished: 0.500. Two-story brick dwelling. No. 75 Perry street. Third ward, Allegheny; contains eight rooms, all modern Improvements; 5,500. Six dwellings at Woods' Run, Allegheny; rental 66 per month: price 7,500; houses are built In pairs; owner willing to trade lor higher priced property and pay difference in cash. SIRAUB MORRIS, Corner Wood street and Third avenue Ja27-56 . Pittsburg, Pa. SUNDAY, JAHITART-' 27, FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lot T710R SALE LOTS IN TWENTY-SEVENTH JD ward, S. S , the best lots for theleast money, only 250 each, and such an easy way to pay it, 10 down and 10 monthly; 25x100 each. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. Ja27-77 FORSALE-DICKSON LOTS; DICKSON LOTS; Dickson lots; Dliksonplan of lots;- Thirty third street; buy a choice, level lot: price low; terms easy. See THOS. MCCAFFREY, agent. 3509 Butler at., at once; office open evenings. JaIO-94-TTSn East End Lots. FOR SALE-ELEGANT BUILDING SITE ON Roup st., 2 minutes from cable and S from steam cars: a great bargain. Address OWNER,, P. O. Box 725, City. Ja27-85 FOR SALK-3.750-LOTS 50x170 FEET. LOCAT ED In the finest neighborhood in Shadvslde are without exception, thebe6t and cheapest lots In the East End: only a few left- W. C. STEW ART. 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 FOR SALE -LOTS, LOTS. LOTS ON HILAND ave, Linden ave., Walnut St., Howe St., Roup St.. McCnlly st.. Hastings St., Penn ave . Center ave., Euclid ave, and all the principal streets and avenues In the East End. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Ja25-35-TTFS8u TTH)R SALE-ONLY 40 A FOOT FRONT, 116x140 A? feet, as a whole or to suit purchaser; located on Atlantic avenue Shadvslde: this neighborhood will undoubtedly be strictly first class: street to be paved in spring: handy to cable cars and Shady side station. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avo. Ja27-23 F OR SALE-M,750-THAT ELEGANT BUILD ING sltf 5ftTlfi.a fppr. located on Rebecca St.. Sbadyside. adjoining the elegant residence of Samuel Hamilton: laces the Baum grove; has a good elevation: eastern exposure, and Is within 3 minutes' walk nf l'pnn nvpnnfrh1p. car line and 8 minutes' of Shadyside station. W.CSTEWART, 111 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 Alleshcnv Lots. F OR SALE-FINEST BUILDING SITE ON the narks In Allpphenv: will divide in lots to suit buyers: this is a special property; terms to suit. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja27-108-MWThsu Suburban Lots. FOR SALE A CHOICE PIECE OF GROUND, cor. of Rebecca and Pitt St., Wilkinsburg, fronting on paved street; lot 50x122 to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. Ja27-77 FOR BALE-LOTS, LOTS, LOTS, WILKINS BURG, choicest lots In the boro: 52x120 each; streets sewered and macadamized: new board walk from station: nat. gas: terms to suit. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Ja27-113 manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-COK. THIRTIETH ST. AND Snrnce alley, 100x96 ft. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave la27-113 FOR SALE-la-OOO-MANUFACTUHINGSITE, 122x145: located on line oftwo good railroads; rlvr frontage: 30 minutes from Postofflce. AV. C. 9ic h Am, ui f ourm ave. ja- FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE -TWO acres, at a bargain If sold soon: situate near Elba station; river frontage of 484 feet. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. Ja27-113 FOR SALE-10,000 AVILL BUY A LOT 240x500 feet, desirably located In Plttsbnrg. on line of railroad: switch on premises; cheapest site In the citv. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 FORSALE-MANUFACTURINGSirE;ABOUT 20 acres, in miles from Washington, Pa., on C. V. R. R.. with comfortable dwelling; plenty of water and gas: no gas or oil lease on the property; price, ?5,0tO. Address C. R. AVEINCH. Washlng ton, Pa. Ja26-91-wsn FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOR CITY property; a farm of 240 acres, 9 miles ea6t of Parkersburg, W. Va., on B. 0. R. R.; comfort able house, good barn and outbuildings. For description and price address JAMES F. HAYS. Carrick, Allegheny Co., Pa. Ja25-10 Farms. FOR SALE-RANCH-OR EXCHANGE TOR Allegheny county property or securities: a magnificent cattle ranch containing 3.680 acres, well watered and fenced: first-class oulldlngs and barns to shelter 650 head of cattle; on railroad, near market, and growing in value. Address W. R. D. Dispatch office. de!5-m93-sn FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Cnnnres. FOR SALE-BAKERY AND GROCERY: AN old established stand doing a good business. Inquire of P. CLARK, b6 Seventh avenuo. Ja226 FORSALE-ATABARGAIN, FURN1SHMENT and lease of a large boarding house; this is a chance tn step into a paying bnsiness. LASHELL RAN KEV, 67 Fourth ave Ja27-55 FOR SALE-DRYGOODS. CARPETS AND notions; store new, clean stock; in Cadiz. O.; doing a good trade: good reasons for selling. CHRISTY& JAMISON, Cadiz, O. Ja25-97 FOR SALE-FINE ALLEGHENY GROCER on best street, doing nice citv, country and shipping business; Invoice about 1.200: will re duce siock 10 suit purcnaser. ouli-aiuj s iai., KJ Klfrh avp- lfi7-71 54 Fifth ave. -71 FORSALE-F1NERETAIL GROCERY STORE In the East End, doing a bnsiness from 25,000 to 30, COO yearly; will Invoice 5.000. Forpartlcu lars call or address C F. FRAZEE. Box 1053, Plttsbnrg, Pa. Ja27-S8-wsn F lOB-'SALE-GENTS FURNISHING GOODS store and fixtures, centrallv located, now dolnp a navlnir and nrofltable bnsiness: ?ood reasons assigned for selling; sold by Inventory or appraisement to cash buyer. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. ja25-22 OR SAL E 15.000 AVORTH OF STOCK AT par, paying 20 per cent: extensive coal works, good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding nouses, tea stores, shoe stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, and other business chances. SHEP AKD & CO., 54 Filth avenue Ja3 FOR SALE-DRYGOODS AND MILLINERY store on Fifth avenue; a fine stock of dry goods, millinery, trimmings and good will of trade; doing a jtood paying business: owners want to retire from business. Particulars at PIITSBURG COMPANV, LIM., 133 Firth ave. Ja23-26-WFSu -TTIOR SALE-A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH GAL I1 LERY. doing good business, in a town of -20, COO inhabitants; onlv two others In town: owner quilling on account oi Daa neaun. or particu lars address PHOTOGRAPHER, care of B. BROUDE CO., 242Flfthave, Pittsburg, Pa. Ja27-75 FOR SALE-A REPUBLICAN-WEEKLY PA PER, with a thriving daily, !n one or the wealthy counties of Ohio: advertising and Job work good and resources of office extensive: the whole or a controlling interest will be sold ; terms 7 COO and well worth S.OUO. Apply to S H. PAR VIN'S bONS' ADVERTISING AGENCY. Cincin nati. O. Ja27-92-TT8n Rnsiness Stnnrfs. FOR SALE-160,OSO-AN ELEGANT PIECE OF property on Penn ave.: 90x130. AV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-P5.000-ONE OF THE FINEST locations on Penn ave.; lot 45x125 feet. AV. C. bTEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-80.C00-ONE OF THE BEST LO CATED pieces or property on Smithfleld St.; well improved; lot 40x6 feet. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 FOR SALE-8-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE. WITH storeroom and hall entrance located at 518 Forbes street: lot 21x70; cheap If sold soon, GEO. SCHMIDT, 158 Fourth ave. JalS-41-IS, 20, 21,23, 24, 27,20, 31 FOR SALE-S100,CO0-THE LARGEST AND hest located piece of property suitable for retail trade In Pittsburg; particulars to princi pals only. AV. C. STEWART, 111 Fourth avenue. Ja27-29 OR SALE-350,OT0-THF LARGEST PIECE of property In Pittsburg: has a frontage of 515 feet, a depth of 120fcct, and located within five minutes' walk of postofflce. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Ja27-29 FOR SALE VALUABLE PENN AVE. property at a bargain; one 2-story br. dwell ing 7 rooms, and one 2-storv br. dwelling 6 rooms and storeroom; terms to suit; lot 24x100 to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. Ja24-S4 FOR SALE-THE PARK PLACE HOTEL, cor. Penn and Brushton ave.. E. E., contain ing 16 rooms: everything in flrst-class condition: an elegant opening to start business: lot 75x140. J. U. REILLY, 77 DHmond St. Ja27-77 FOR SALE-THE MOST ELIGIBLY LOCATED hotel propertv In Massillon, O.; two-storv frame building: 25 rooms; will be sold cheap": terms easy; irnot sold by March 1 will be for rent; S obsession April 1. For particulars address M. H. :iNG, Masslllon. O. Ja26-77 FOR SALE-ONLY $3O,0OO-A WELL IM PROVED piece of property desirably located on Penn ave. : corner of an alley: lot 21x100 feet to an alley: will pay well on investment; Is the cheapest property on the avenue, and is bound to increase In value. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. J ,q27-23 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Illetala. FOB SALE-THE UNRIVALED TAYLOR BECK Automatic Engine for electric lighting! engines and boilers in every size and style: also 1 second-hand double hoisting engine, 710 and 112 H. P. portable engine on wheels: large lot of good second-band engines, from 3 to 30 H. P., verv chean. HARME'S MACHINE .UEl'OT, 97 and 99 First ave., Pittsburg. ap29-y778u Horses, Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOR SALE-CLYDESDALE STALLION-ADDRESS or call on P. A. CALLAHAN, Wex ford, Allegheny co,, Pa. Ja27-4 -17OR SALE FINE ENGLISH STALLION. 7 J years-old, sound, and weighs 1,5C0 pounds; will sell or exchange at a bargain. W. J. THU BRON, 69 West Diamond St.. Allegheny. Ja27-54 Miscellaneous. ' FOR SALE-THE CHEAPEST SAFES IN THE world, manufactured our or steel plates, with all the modern improvements, combination locks, etc.; highly finished and ornamented. Every house and store should have one for books. papers, eic. as weiias money, jewelry, etc. we sell these safes for cash only. M,. XI C ,n XT A no. 3. 820; No. 4, S30: No. 5, 840, and No. 6, s. Call and see them and be convinced. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. Ja23-9-wsp FOUND. FOUND-THE TRUTH 1 WE SUFFERED untold agonies 1 Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon Remedlescnred us when all other means falled.and they will cure you; try them: Mrs. G.C Fink, Fox burg, Pa.; Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes St.; Thos. Keeie, Mt. Washington; D. W. James, B. & O. R. R., city, and thousands of others: see testimonials. GRIFFITH'S DRUGSTORE, Third and Grant, Pittsburg; Ta-va-zon L. O. Syrup, the best for coughs, colds, etc. Ja27-95 1889.-' TO LET. Cltr Rcaldencea. TO LET-1 BRICK-HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, ELEV ENTH ward, Pittsburg; 1 of 10 rooms, and 1 of rooms In Allegheny. W. J . PRENTICE. 1009 Liberty street. ia27-23 East End Rcdaencea. TO LET-HOUSE WITH ALL THE LATE improvements, situate Hliand avenue. In quire GRAFF, HUGUS&CO., 632 and 634 Liberty street. ia27-7 TO LET-ON COLLINS AVE., NEAR STATION st brick house of 7 rooms, bath room, nat ural gas, etc.; 4 hilnntes' walk from either steam or cable cars. THOS, LIGGETT, No. Ill Fourth ave. Ja25-31 TO LET-ON BOND ST., NEAR HILAND ave., large lot, modern frame house of 8 rooms, bathroom, natural gas, elegant front and side porches: good neighDorhood and convenient to both steam and cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Jaa-34 mO LET-2 HOUSES. 8 ROOMS EACH: CON X VEN1ENCES. gases, lot with or without stable: fine location, 2 minute from Roup station, P. R. R.. and cable line. Inquire 46 WYLIE AVEN UE. Plttsbnrg, between 12 and 3 P.M.. or 33 UNION AVEN UE, Allegheny. J27-52 Allcaheny Residences. T O LET 105 PEERY ST., ALLEGHENY, brick house: S rooms, bath room, hot and cold water, natural and Illuminating gas. Inquire 115 Perry st. BEN F. GERUIG. Ja26-75 TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY press brick, dwelling house 9 rooms, finished attic, laundry, natural gas throughout, heater in hall, all modern Improvements, bherman ave.. Allegheny. Applyto ROBERT KNOX, JR., 17 Sherman ave., Allegheny City. Jal2-25 Apartments. TO LET-NEWLY FURNISHED SECOND STORY front room with first-class board; both gases; reference. 31 FOURTH ST., near Penn ave. Ja27-87 TO LET -FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH gas: use or bath: terms low. 17 ISABELLA STREET, one square from Sixth street bridge, Allegheny. Ja27-24 TO LET-ROOM-SECOND FLOOR, FACING park: both kinds of gas, stationary stands, hot and cold water, use of bath. 261 NORTH AVE., Allegheny. Ja27-6J TO LET-CONNECTING PARLORS IN A corner house on Penn ave., suitable for doc tor or dentist: excellent light: both gases; Imme diate possession, for 14 months; references ex changed. B. Y., Dispatch office. ja27-2 Farms. TO LET DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue: good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent 500. STRAUB MORRIS, corner AVood st. and Third av., Plttsbnrg. Jal5-39 Ordces. Desk Room, cfcc TO LET TWO LARGE CONNECTING offices, second floor of 163 Fifth avenue second door.from Grant St., opposite Court House. J. P. QUINN. la25-ll TO LET RETAIL GROCERS' MEETING hall. No. 623 Liberty St.; seating capacity 160. Ti Fi, Mh., InfAmiittnii onnlTtn MWMVllATTH Secretary, No. 710 Smlthfield street. Ja26-13 TO LET-THE THREE ROOMS IN UNION National Bank now occupied as an artist's studio by C. M. Johns. STRAUB MORRIS.cor ner AVood st. and Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Ja27-56 TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and AVood street. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 AVood st, Jal8-51 Business Stands. TO LET-6 DWELLING ROOMS AND STORE ROOM. Inquire 4027 BUTLER ST., city. Ja27-66 TO LET-ON LINE OF PENN AVE. AND Butler st. cable roaas first-class storerooms, with or without dwellings. M. P. HOWLEY. 3819 Butler street. lal5-25 TO LET TWO ELEGANT LODGE ROOMS, second and third story of building located in central part or Allegheny. Apply at No. 80 FED ERAL, Allegheny. Ja27-30 TO LET-WAREROOM AND CELLAR, 141 Water st., next door to Cherry alley: rent low. Apply to V. W.C. B1DWELL CO..corner AVater si. and Cherry alley. Ja27-23 TO LET-TWO DESIRABLE DWELLINGS on Penn ave.. one No. 944. above Ninth, one No. 506. near Sixth; desirable places for physi cians, dentist;, etc. For particulars, ete. in quire at 520 PENN AVE. Ja26-5 T IO LET FINEST LODGE ROOM IN THE citv: lust newlv fitted un: size 26x40 feet, on second floor of the new Schmertz building; Janitor service and beat free: rent one or more nights of each week for ISO. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja26-8o TO LET-BRICK HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, WIDE hall, good cellar; also meatshop. ice and slaughterhouse, wagon, sheds and good stable: a f:ood chance for butcher. Apply to AVM.J.ROTH tUM, WOandUlTaggartst., or 107 Jackson St., Allegheny. Ja2J-22 Tusu TO LET-APARTMENT HOTEI A LARGE building now occupied for business offices, may be rented for an apartment or family hotel, contains elevator and steam heating apparatus; any alterations must be at the expense of tenant. Address, appointing an Interview, APARTMENT HOTEL, Dispatch office. Ja2o-9 TO LET-STORE ROOM AND CELLAR WITH alley in the rear, now occupied as a produce commission bouse, but well suited for any kind of mercantile bnsiness, as it Is on a good business street; lmmedlato possession if desired. The house has a large refrigerator, flour scales and elevator, also safe horse, wagon, ete C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. N Ja27-76 TO LET THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as theAVhlte House at Perrysvllle on the Perrysvllle plankroad, with 11 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings. Bheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing in flrst-class order: long lease is given to the right party. For fnrther information call or ad dress 'iHE DAN NEK MEDICINE CO., 242 Federal st., Allegheny City. Ja22-21 TO LET-TWO BRICK SI ORES WITH dwellings attached In Mansfield, best location In town, on Main street; one has been occnpled as bakery and confectionery forxflve (5) years: it has a large oven In cellar; storeroom Is 57x22; the other store Is 19)x37; an elegant location for dry goods and trimmings: natural gas: both bouses in flrst-class order: could give immediate possession of one; low rent. Inquire C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue, or ROBERT H. BROWN, Mans field. Pa. Ja2o-23-FSn PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS1 come and seel come and see! good editions low prices. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, 900 Liberty St. no4-18 ERSONAL T. J. OKR, ACCOUNTANT, 107 Fourth ave; books opened for general limited and special partnerships; also by voucher system; accounts audited and collected. Ja27-113 PERSONAL -TO AVHOM IT MAY CONCERN Practical Instructions given in the science and art of actlngand amateurs coached by an ex perienced and thorough actor. Inquire at DR. STURGEON'S OFFICE, 811 Penn ave., between 9 and 10 A. M. and 1 and 2 P. M. Ja27-74 AUCTION SALES. EXECUTORS' SALE THE UNDER SIGNED executors of the last will of Khzaueft C. Kessler, deceased, will sell at the late residence of said decedent, No. 6301 Penn avenue, E E., on MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1S89, at 10 o'clock A. If., all the household goods and effects ot said decedent, consisting of fine parlor suite, carpets, bedsteads and bedding, tables, bureaus, chairs, wardrobes refngtr ators, sideboard, cooking stoves, kitchen fur niture, etc. Sale positive. EDWARD ACKER, GEO. L. FISCHER, Executors. J. A. ROBIN SON, Auctioneer, Ja27-18 AT AUCTIONS-FURNITURE. CARPETS, Household goods, etc., etc., at the resi dence of Dr. J. 8. Dodse. corner of Whitfield and Kirkwood streets, Pittsburg, East End, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 50, it 10 o'clock, prompt, household fnrnish rnents, embracing easy chaffs, lounges, tables, pictures, chamber furniture, dressing bu reaus, wardrobes, washstands, bedsteads, spring mattresses and bedding, dining-room, delt and glassware; kitchen and laundry furnlshments; fine body brussels, and other carpets, on rooms, halls and stairs. Sale posi tive: terms cash. House open after 8 o'clock morning of sale. Take Penn Avenue Traction cars to Whitfield street HENRY AUCTION CO,, LIM., ja27-70 Auctioneers. THREE OAK CHAMBER SUirS. TWO natural cherry and 3 walnut suits, 9 suits parlor furniture, easy chairs, ceucbes. lounges, rockers, in plush, brocatelle. silk and haircloth; wardrobes, dressers, bedsteads, cots, springs, mattresses, folding beds, cbeval glass, pier mirror, pictures, clocks, rugs, brussels and in grain carpets, marble and wood center tables, washstands, cabinets, square piano, upright piano, decorated ware, dishes, notions, wraps, tinware and glassware, sideboards, silverware, ball racks, secretaries, chairs, desks, bookcases, linoleum, harness, lamps, fancy goods, curtains, coo King utensils, stoves, at auction at the auc tion rooms. No. 312 Market street, TUESDAY MORNING, January 29. at 10 prompt. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM. ja26-69 Auctioneers. GREAT AUCTIOH SALE OF 465 HEAD OF HORSES AND MUIiEB, BY THE Citizens' Traction Company, ON TUESDAY, JANUABY 29, 1889. At 10 o'clock A. if. Bale to take place at Citi zens' Car Stables, corner Forty-seventh and Butler streets. The above sale will consist of the following articles: 187 head of geldings, 153 bead of mares, 125 head of mules, 350 sets of harness, large lot of blar.kets and other stable equip ments. All the above articles wfll be sold to the highest bidder. Anyone in need of the above articles will find it to their advantage to attend the sale. No postponement on account of the weather. jaHMl J. A. McKELVY. Auctioneer. : rrAWM MERCHANDISE IVfURDER! ::: MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S ;:: 1 IT jS UAw his ail footwear -AT VERY LITTLE MORE THAN- HALF PRICE! t) GUSKY'S wt444t4400& Great Inventory Sale, Now On. We shall commence our laborious task of stock-taking February t and as this seems to be a season for reductions we intend the few days ' remaining to us before stock-taking to ECLIPSE ALL OUR FORMER EFFORTS by offering everything, yes everything, at a price which will not only astound everybody but beat anything within the "recollection of the oldest inhabitant" We intend that our customers shall every day this week reap the richest harvest of bargains ever known. The reductions we have made are greater than anyone outside our store has any idea of; . we have not marked down prices in solitary or isolated places, nor yet on any particular grades of goods, but wherever the eye can see, in every department, will be found reduced prices, reduced to such an extent that nothing whatever remains of anywhere near the original figures. If some sales are greater than others then this sale of ours is the greatest of 'em all. We've marked down every article and garment to a price which you'll wonder at, to a price which will cause everyone who ascer tains them and finds out the quality of the goods offered to be astounded. We haven't a single thing in our store but what is a bargain greater even than you think. Now, if you want anything we offer and want it cheaper than you've any idea of come and see us as early as you can. IMPORTANT NOTICE -OCR- Fourth Annual Distribution of Coal To the deserving poor of Pittsburg and Allegheny will take place Monday, February 4, and following days. We shall have the pleasure of giving away 12,000 bushels, which will be distributed in loads of 25 bushels each as under: 280 loads by the Association for the Improvement of the Poor, Pittsburg; 100 loads by the Ladies' Relief Society of Allegheny; 50 loads by the Dorcas. Society of Pittsburg and 50 loads by the United Hebrew Relief Associa tion. Tickets enabling the holders to participate in the distribution will be given by the officers of the societies named, to whom application must be made. GUSKY'S Keeping "blxe G-ood "W"oz?3s: TJ"l? PICKERING- Astonishing the Public and Paralyzing All Competition With His Pilenomenal and Wonderful Bargains. Now, you young, people who contemplate matrimony, now is your time to choose your House Furnishing Goods and here is the place of all others. Why? Because you can come and choose anything we have in our gigantic stock, pay a small deposit down and you can either have the goods selected delivered instanter or we will put them aside andde liver when you want them. You should come and choose now. Our stock of Carpets is complete, all the newest, latest and most elegant of designs having arrived and the prices are now with us lower' than they'll be with other dealers even when they will swamp the news papers later on with bogus sacrifice sales and such other nonsensical talk. Our terms of payment are the easiest; our prices are the low est; our goods cannot be excelled for goodness and what is more they're all new. We haven't a single shop-worn article in our stock. Call and see us, whether you want to buy or not PICKERING'S OLD RELIABLE HOUSE, COIR,. ja27-su TB1TTH PROPOSALS. TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. ornra or tiie l Board or .Public Imfkovtmeits. St. Lodis, January tt, 1383. ) Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the office of the Board of Public Improvements of the City of St. Louis. Mo. .until 12 m. of the 3th day of February, 1839, at which hour they will be publicly opened and read. viz. : Tor lighting with electricity for the term of ten years from January 1, 1390, the streets, public places and such public buildings as may be desig nated in the following districts of the City of SC Louis, Mo , viz. : Letting No. 2,503. The district described as the southern district In ordinance numbered 11, .ap proved Decembers), 1883. Deposit required. (5,000. Letting No. 2.504. The district described as the northern district in ordinance number 14,637, ap proved Decembers?. 18S3. Deposit required, J5.000. Bidders will state prices per annum at which are lights of 2,000-candle power each, or incandescent llirhtu- of 30-candIe Dower each, will be furnished. operated and maintained, for lighting streets and Ights, of2.000-canrtle power each, or Incandescent i HgUlS, Ol 10-vauuic iwnw citui, mil uc juiuiaueu, operated and maintained for lighting public bulld incrs. Everything required for the above electric light ing shall be furnished and maintained by the con tractor. ihe contract with the city will carry the privil ege of furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines of distribution. The contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St. Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of the contract. Bidders must submit with proposals, general and detailed plans and specifications of the pro posed system of distributing the electricity, mode of supporting the lights and wires, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and in closed in envelopes furnished by the Board of Public Improvements. The certlOcate or the Treasurer of tbe City of St. Louis that the sum ot Si, 000 has been deposited In the treasury must be inclosed with tbe proposal. The right to reject any or all proposals is ex pressly reserved. Specifications, form of contract and plans of the districts to be lighted, may be seen at the office of the President of the Board of Public Improve ments of the City of St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 28, i889. . Any contract let hereunder will require the ap proval or the Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Board. HENBY FLAD, President. Attest: EMOBY S. FOSTER, Jall-22 Secretary. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. h ": IHH n ' i i n mmMMmm HALF PRICE ! - AT - 444e4444K"l POPULAR STOEE 300 to 400 Market street, jaZ7-TTSSn jftJSTD IFIElsrasr. RESORTS. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam beat, electric bells. Will open Febru. ary9,18i!9. al3-72.jrwr3n BUCK & McCLELLAlT.. OLD POINT COMFOBT, VIRGmiA. HYGEIA HOTEL. 1C0 yards from FortMonroe: open all tbeyear, accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic snrround ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, thelatter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by tbe famous Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas. Average temperature for winterl8. Absolutely free from malaria. All things considered, the most coinforatable and delightful resort at which to spend the winter months in the United States. Send for descriptive pamphlet. no27-yl0-Tnr3n F. N. PIKE. Manager- BUSINESS CHANGES. SPECIAL NOTICE CHANGE OF FIRM. We. the undersigned, having: associated ourselves in the firm name of Crumrine,Bane t Bassett, and having purchased the stock, fix tures, lease and good will of tbe late Thomas Palmer, Esq., respectfully solicit a continu ance of tbe patronage at the old stand. No. 416 Wood street, where we will show the newest and latest designs in Wall Papers and Deco- rations. Wall Moldings, etc ja26-76 CRUMRINE. BANE & BASSETT. TO LET. Some of the finest rooms in the city for general Dusmess purposes at the Hew DISPATCH building, 75, 77 ana 79 Dia mond street. WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elevator service. SITUATION, the most central in the city, within a few hundred feet nf tbe post offices, (new and old). City HalL the new county buildings. Fifth avenue. Smith field street and Fourth avenue. PARTIES requiring power service also sup plied, witfi special quarters and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam heating- and janitor service included to the rents, which are moderate. GREAT advantages and economy in these new quarters. Apply between II A. X. and 5 p. m. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. ., WALTER J. OSBOB2JE. KlCHABS BASE0W3.' . BARROWS OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, SO Diamond street. -Telephone No. 8U se2-k5&VnsM