Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 27, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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    T 7;35r-,?;7Wf5ri
JANUARY", 1889.
A variety of questions have been received
during the week. The following, which
came first, are answered:
E. U. writes: "A gentleman takes a lady
to the theater. During the intermission a
young friend comes up and engages the gen
tleman in conversation. The gentleman
who accompanies the lady almost turns his
back on the lady, nor does he introduce his
friend, saying it is not etiquette to introduce
in public places. It seemed to argue a lack
of respect to the lady."
Indeed it was, but if a young lady goes
alone to the theater with a young man with
out a chaperone she lays herself open to just
such treatment. She should not do it again.
G. W. asks the proper way to present a letter
of introduction.
Call with the letter, leave your card and ad
dress and wait to be sent for.
'May" asks: "Whose place is it to secure
the cards for a fashionable wedding!"
Always the family of the bride. In England
the groom is cot allowed to pay for anything
except the clergyman's fee and for the carriage
with which be drives the bride away.
Reader" atks: "Who should select the tnin
isterto perform the ce remony bride orgroomr"
Always the bride. Sbe is all powerful on the
occasion of her wedding.
"Lex Loci" writes: "I returned a young lady's
bow, not recollecting who she was. My man
ner betrayed m forgotfulness. as a third party
afterward Informed me. I sent a note to tbe
young lady apologizing for my stupidity.
Should the not have answered my note, ac
cepting or declining my apology?"
In the first place, the young lady was un
necessanlv observant. She should not have
'noticed the absence of recognition if you
bowed. Secondly, the should have answered
your note and have said that so "trifling a mat
ter did not require an apology."
You ask if we object to the terms "lady
friend" and "gentleman friend."
Decidedly. They are vulgar and repetitions.
H. R. S. asks if it is proper for a widow to
have her husband's or her own name on her
visiting card.
It is usual in this country for her to still bear
her husband's name, but it is not strictly legal,
especially if she has a daughter-in-law who
bears tbe same name.
T. B. C. asks: "If four men make a call on a
lady with her three daughters, who have three
ladies visiting them, making seven in all,
should each man send nn a card to every lady,
making eight cards in all?"
This sounds like:
"A man was going to St. Ives,
He met seven wives,
Each wife had beven sacks," etc
As he has so much arithmetic he could prob
ably solve this by the Rule of Three.
"Ambitiouk" writes thus: "After my mar
riage, waich was but a few months ago, I sent
out cards for informal afternoon receptions
(not teas) on a specified day of each week.
Most of my callers are strangers to me, friends
of my husband. I instructed my servant to an
swer the bell with card receiver in hand. Was
that correct?"
Yes; entirely so.
"When I return these cards shonld I send up
my name and leave card in the hall?"
It is better to send up a card, as servants
make great mistakes as to names. At a large
tea you would leave your card and a servant
would announce jonr name as you enter. Al
ways have jour address on your card. It helps
the lady the next time she wishes to invite you.
Another question: "When a gentleman who
had been entertaining us with music in the
drawing room arose to make his departure I
was very much embarrassed to find mjself tbe
only woman to stand up. A friend told me it
was not the custom f or a w oman to stand when
a man took his departure. Again, I was blamed
when making a call on a husband and wife
that I did not rise w hen the husband came in.
I afterward arose when his father came in, by
way of atonement. Docs age mako a difference
in this respect in one's treatment of men? On
another occasion I kept ray seat when a gen
tleman who bad dined with us came to bid me
good evening. Please tell me when to rise and
Etand in the presence of gentlemen."
Thareisnolawabout it, but we should Eay
you were right when you rose to bid goodby to
the gentleman who had been entertaining yon
with music If you were the hostess you cer
tainly were right, and again, it was proper for
you to retain your seat when your friend's hus
band came in. Again, you were right in rising
when his father came in, as ace does entitle a
man to these observances. You could not be
expected to rise to bid your friend good night
when he had been dining withjon, but it might
be better to do so. These acts of politeness are
entirely gratuitous on a woman's part, except
toward high officials and old gentlemen. In
Europe you would stand while the Prince of
Wales or the Duo d'Aumale was speaking to
you. A President, a Governor, a member of
tbe Diplomatic Corps, in cities where official
position is recognized, would expect a lady to
rise when he left tbe room.
"Saturday" writes: "I was talking to a lady
the other day, and I put my hand on her aim
to emphasize what I was saying. She appeared
very indignant. Now, why?"
It is not in good taste to touch a lady's arm
when talking to her. Abroad it is considered
tbe greatest insult to nudge the elbow, slap a
man on the back, or in anyway to touch the
person except to shake hands.
"Mrs. Cornelia" writes: "I have sent cards to
Mrs. Iddesleigh for my Wednesdays for three
years. Sbe always comes to see me on Fridays
Ought I to stop sending her cards?"
res, decidedly, Tue persistent Ignoring of
your day would seem like an insult. Although
a card sent by mall is one recognized as an at
tention, tbe distances, tbe engagements and the
carriage hire not permitting some ladies to
make all their calls in a great city, all rules be
come imperative. No lady can fulfill all her
duties in person. If cards are left on your day
you mnst consider it a call.
"Young Locbfnvar" asks: "If I leave a card
for a young lady must I leave one for her
Yon mnst leave one for her mother, and not
one for tbe young lady, until you have been
asked to the bouse
"Mrs. Carleton" writes: "1 was admitted to
a lady's bouse tbe other day, and then tbe ser
vant came back saying it was inconvenient for
the lady to receive. Should I be offended?"
No. It was probably a message stupidly
given, and badly translated by the servant.
Servants make half the tnmblo in this world
by not knowing what to say at tbe door.
'E. 0 de C." writes: "I have lately had occa
sion to employ new people, and sent lately fora
typewriter. She came to me, but as I descended
to my narlor to greet her she didnot rise, but, sit
ting in my best chair, allowed me to enter and
speak to her without rising. She swung her
feet and said: 'Well, you sent for mc, did you?'
I thought this very rude, as it is not tbe way 1
am accustomed to be treated in mv own coun
try. When I go to the telegraph office if a wo
man clerk presides ebealwas treatsme rudely.
A man seems to understand his business better.
At a famous drygoods shop I presented my
check, well known to the firm, and a young
woman clerk refused it, sajing, 'Don't you
know it's not good.' I went to the head of the
firm, who was very much disgusted and threat
ened to send her away, but I notice sbe is there
yet. Is there no remedy m your great country
for these bad manners?"
We fear not Bad manners seem to be on the
increase, for the young woman who came to
look for typewriter work, in not rising was in
excusable. She probably lost a great deal of
good work and good pay by ber lack of man
ners. As for the manners of the telegraph
operators those at a certain hotel in New York
are so proverbially bad that tbe company
should interfere. The shop girls begin to be
have better, as their employers find bad man
ners too expensive. Tbe one thing a lady
should flrmlv demand isrespect from all people.
"Alice" asks: "Who called George IV. the
first gentleman in Europe, and what is a gen
tleman or a lady?"
Thackeray savs: "There was only one reason
why George Iv. should not be called the first
gentleman in Europe, and that was because ho
was not a gentleman. Birth does not make a
man a gentleman, although it helps. Probably
George IV. called himself so. 'I ain't no lady
myself, but I can afford to have 'em as gov
ernesses,' said a Mrs. Kicklebury on tbe Rhine.
A lady is a well bred, well conducted, perfectly
polite person, of birh, fashion, wealth and
prestige, or she is all these, without the last
lour, if she has good manners. A gentleman is
ever patient, courteous, kind and honorable,
whether he is a fashionable person or not.
Some one calls politeness benevolence In
trifles, the preference of others to ourselves.
To be affable and fair spoken hurts no one. It
especially would help the typewriter who
came for work, and the shop girl. It would
help every young man In this way through life.
The perfect gentleman is be who has a strong
heart under VJe silken doublet of a good
manner, A friendly behavior often conciliates
more than wit or brilliancy. Fashion is good
sense, entertaining company.
M.E. W. Sherwood.
Social Events.
Mrs. W. A. Davis, of the East End, gave a
luncheon to a number of her friends last Thurs
day. The "Jury's" invitations are out for their
domino partv, to be held at Reineman's Hall,
Allegheny, February It
A small but very happy card party was nicely
entertained last evening, by Miss Humphries,
at her home on Penn avenue. Homewood.
The Martna Washington Social held a recep
tion at the residence of Miss Llllle Gazzam,
Boggs avenue, Mount Washington, Friday
The birthday reception of tbe Lady of Ly
ons Social will take place at Birmingham
Turner Hall, Southside, Tuesday evening, Jan
uary 29, 1SS9.
Mrs. Alexander Matcbett, of Center avenue,
gave a parlor concert on Tuesday evening.
The proceeds were for the benefit of the Cen
tral W. C. T. V.
Cards of invitation are out for the second
assembly of the season to be given by Messrs.
Dolan, Gilmore, Dunn, McQuald ana Mahan,
at Cyciorama Hall, Friday evening, February 8.
The Art Social cave an entertainment at
their hall on Tuesday evening. Among those
who took part were Misses Minnie and Ida
Presser, Moier, Messrs. Atkison, Vance and
Denny Lyon.
On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. William
Graham celebrated the twenty-second anniver
sary of their marriage at their home in tbe
West End. A large number of their friends
gave them a surprise and numerous presents.
Avery pleasant evening was spent at the
home of the Misses May and Vic Walker, of
Sarah street, Southsiue, on Friday evening.
Among those pi esent were: Misses CeliaHen
nigin, Rosa Moll; Messrs. Flaxey, Rink and Joe
The "Qui Vive" will give a private theatrical
next Thursday evening, entitled "The Rough
Diamond," and it will be a strictly private af
fair. Among tbe participators are tbe Misses
Morgenstern and Wertneimer; also Messrs.
Aaron, Joseph, Grafner and the Feltenheim
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Digby, the genial law
librarian at the new Court House, were pleas
antly surprised on Monday evening, by having
a coasting party call at their home on Mc.
Washington. Two hours were spent very pleas
antly, and the party of young frieuds dispersed
at midnight.
A pleasant surprise party in honor of Master
Sterling Shuff, was given on Friday night at his
residence, S7 Alpine avenue, Allegheny. Among
those present were Misses Jennie Hendricks,
Mary Kuhn, Hazel Hendricks, Maud Walters,
Maggie Miller and Masters John Porter, Joseph
Kichart, Willie Kuhn, Fred Alexander, Vern
Miss Lottie E. Heideger, of Mt, Lackie, at
Woods Run, entertained a few of her friends
Thursday evening. Among the guests present
were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Heideger, Misses
Letie Bothwell, Edna Bridge, Annie Minrencc,
Jennie Fogerty and Messrs. J. Mullen, M. Ro
land, C. Beattie, W. Miller, R. Marshall and
Fred Smith.
Tbo Carroll Club, of the East End, gave a
progressive euchre party last Thursday even
ing in their rooms in tbe Moreland Block, which
was highly enjoyed by all present. There
were six tables engaged in tbe contest The
head prizes were won by Messrs. H.JI. Griffin
and M. Lanigan. and the booby prizes by John
Nugent and T. ConnelL
Miss Laura Hannach, of Locust street Alle
gheny, gave a pleasant little reception to her
friends on last Thursday evening. Music and
dancing were Indulged in by tbe guests, among
whom were the Misses Rosenheim, of Balti
more: Jiifs uarrie etern. ,isie jsiorgenstern
and Misses Frank and Eiseman; also Messrs.
Bert Floersbeim. Joseph Feltenheimer, Man
nie Grafner and Laurie Frank.
The Silver LearSociety, of Mt. Washington,
held a skating party Thursday evening at
Slater's rink. Among those present were:
Misses Geo. Ashford, Carrie Naysmith, Celia
Jessop, Jennie and Belle Naysmith, Nellie
Ashford, Emma Turbett, Messrs. Wm. Nay
smith, George Armiger, Charles Tite, John
Strang, John Price, George and Harvey
Erckaw, James Frank and Bob Jcssop.
TheUpperhand Social gave a delightful re
ception to their friends Thursday evening, at
the residence of Mr. C, Minebau9, Twelfth
ward. Among those nresent were Misses Alice
B. Minehau, Lizzie- Moss. Annie Albacker,
Minnie Cousins, Clara Bulger. Lizzie Bulger,
Kate and Maggie Motts, Mr. and Mrs. George
Christy, Messrs. Dan Motts, E. Sheridan, A.
Blrtcleigh, John Reese, Willie Cloghleathcr,
John Corngan. John Snores, Alex Locks and
W. Shorps, and many others.
An agreeable surprise was tendered to Coun
cilman H. Steggert at his home. South Eight
eenth street on Wednesday evening by a few
of his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Steg
gert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Banner, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kearns, Mr. and Mrs.
Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. J. SteggertMr. and Mrs.
P. Schlemitzaner, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schenk,
Mr. and Mrs.V.Sahner, Mr. and Mrs. Ford, the
Misses Josephine Traub, F. Kuramer, Ilojran,
Louise Kuramer and Duff; Messrs. Friedel,
Smith, Kunkel, Hogan, Laur and Joe Johnson.
An apron and necktie party was given by
Mr. Louie and Fanny Levltsky at the residence
of Mrs. J. Cohen, Fifth avenue, on Wednesday
evening. Messrs. Aaron Leritskv, Al Reeser,
Harry Tapolsky. Sara E. Marks, F. McCarthy,
Willie Beronstein, W. Eppstein, H. Htrsh, Abe
Cohen, Harry Davi, Bcnuie Levine, Baker,
Chas. Rosenthal, Albert Zugsmith: Misses S.
Guckenheimer, Reiser, Bertha Zugsmith,
Carrie Zugsmith. M. McLaln, Ray Levitsky,
Stela Burkliart, Lizzie Rosenthal, Mary Mackm
and Bella Bovrarsky were among the number
One of the most enjoyable events of the
week was the farewell reception tendered Mr.
W. B. Cox, of Bailey avenue, Mt Washington,
on Monday evening, by the Silver Leaf Society,
of which he is a member. Dancing was par
ticipated in until a late hour. Refreshments
were served at 12 o'clock, after which, in be
half of the society Miss Carrie Beltzhoover
presented Mr. Cox with a handsome gold
headed umbrella. He received also a beauti
ful scarf pin, a gift from Mrs. Naysmith. Mr.
Cox left on Tuesday, in company with Ws
father for Denver, CoL, for tbe benefit of his
One of the pleasant events of the week was
tbe delightful party given on tbe occasion of
the wooden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Henry, at their residence on Locust street The
following gentlemen and ladies were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Dontbett Mr. and Mrs. J. Niland,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawton, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Trinkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Hartigan, Mr. and
Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. J. Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. J,
SKeiton, sr.. Mr. ana .-urs.jas. nueiton, jr., Air.
and Mrs. J.Finnerty,Mr.andMrs.M. Finnertv,
Misses M. Lynch, A. Connelly, E. Farrell, E.
Finnerty, Messm. Wm. Sfcelton, J. Rice, Hoop
ers, 8. Skeltnn. P. Henry, R. Donald, Brooklvn,
N. Y.: E. Denning, Buffalo, and Miss Nellie
Denning, Buffalo.
An enjoyable progressive euchre party was
given at the residence of Miss Minnie Yost, on
Preble avenue. Allegheny, last Thursday even
ing. Thohead prizes were won byMiss Mary
Elchenlaub and Mr. Will Meese. The games
were followed by supper and dancing. Among
those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart
man, Mr, and Mrs. Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Lowrie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Franz, Misses Tillie
and Laura Grassal, Annie Woods, Laura, Nel
lie and Lenora Hartman, Mary Elchenlaub,
Annie and Emma Haubensak. Alice Matbews,
Kate and Cora Lowe, Mollie Hughes and Cora
Lowrie, Messrs. Will Lowe, Lou Weiderbold.
H. Stauffer, Jim Thompson, Will EckertWill
Weiscr, Ed Brahm, Theo, Yost, Theo. Hart
man and Will Meese.
A most delightful evening party was given
on Thursday by tbe Misses Alston, of Lacock
street Allegheny, in honor of their brother's
birthday. Tbe large double parlors were beau
tifully decorated for tbe occasion. Quite a
number of well-known society people from
both cities were present prominent among
whom were tbe Misses Madge and Lizzie Mac
NeilL Mary Jackson, Sarah Mullen: Miss Rodie
Hendricks, of Wheeling; Miss Foster, Miss
Birdie Rush, Susie MacNeilU Misses Van
Horn, of Titusville: Miss Sallie Blair, of Al
toona, and Miss Annie Jones, of Lawrenceville,
s.nd Messrs. Charles Johnston, Lincoln Allen.
James Adams. Joe Rlgby, J. Parks Blair, of
Altoona; Matt MacNeill, Atkins Harry Culp,
Harry Haines, John Alston, E. Danvers, Pyrce
and J. Hamilton, Howells Jones, of Lawrence
ville. "Sing, dance and make merry," was what
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dempsey, of No. 12 Tunnel
street said to a crowd of young peonle who
gathered at their home on Tuesday evening
last and took possession of the premises. It
was a genuine surprise party, but it did not
take the hostess long to recover her compos
ure. During the evening the Lawrenceville
Choral Club serenaded tbe party. At 12
o'clock the dancing ceased and tbe guests re
paired to the dining room, where supper was
served. Among those present were W. S.
GemmelL Charles Marouls. Thomas J. Byrne.
George Glover, Frank Fagan, Thomas Mo
Clarren, J. Stokes. J. Doer. Thomas Mills, M.
Kennedy, George Hager. John Lacey, P.
2ern, unines nang, r. iu ncneiyy ana wue,
Mhses Nellie and Kittie Walsh Maggie Car
roll, Mary Gallagher,
Mary Joyce.
Grace Monahan and
Wedding Dells.
Mr. E. Nesbit Aiken, of this city, and Miss
Laura V. Burch, of Baltimore, were married
Wednesday morning, January 23, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents. The bnde wore
a traveling dress of empire green with royal
armor trimmings, hat to match. The couple
left for their future home in Hazclwood.
Pcrsonnl Gossip.
Miss Keating, of the East End, is in New
Miss Anna Biler, of Allegheny, is visiting in
McKeesport, Elizabeth and Homestead.
Mr. Lew Reizenstein leaves for the Eastern
States and Europe on Sunday, the 27th.
Miss McGregor, of Indiana, is visiting Miss
Bessie Reymer, of Bidwcll street Allegheny.
Miss Alice Oxnard, of Sheffield street, has
gone to Florida to visit Miss Paul,at Grassmere.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Laffertv, of Shady
avenue. East End, are spending tbe week in
Jii.'a Minnie McClaran, of Collins avenue.
East End, has returned after a visit to friends
at Indiana, Pa.
Miss Pauline Weaver, of Covington. Ky., is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. C. Mooar, of
Jackson street AUe benv.
The Slisses Marland. of Pittsburg, are visit
ing their father, Hon. Alfred Marland, at tbe
Leland House, Harrisburg.
Miss Hettie Boyle, of Fifth and South
Hiland avenues. East End, will leave for
Florida about tbe first ot tbe month.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Creese, of Beaver Falls,
Pa., have keen visiting their son and daughter,
of Allegheny, Pa., for the past two weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arbutbnot and Mrs.
Jonas R. McClintock, of tbe East End, are
Snartered at the Hygeia Hotel, Old Point
Miss Tennie De Wolf and Mr. George De
Wolf, brother and sister of Mrs. J. M. Gusky,
will in future make Pittsburg their permanent
place of residence
Ed Zilliot and Jack Rafferty, of the Schmidt
building, left last night for Beaver Falls. where
tbev will spend Sunday with John McGraw, of
tbeMerchants' Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rissor, of River
avenue. East End, who are traveling through
Southern Texas and Mexico, will return to
Pittsburg on or about May I.
Dr. G. K. Dickinson and Mr. W. H. Dickin
son, of New York, came to Pittsburg to attend
the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Henry O. Dick
inson, which took place yesterday at 2:30 P. M.
William Marten has returned home from
MBS. A. Boclfeot has been quite ill the
pasr week.
E. H. Jones, of West Bellevne, Is in Grand
Rapids, Mich.
John Johnston has added a sew plumber
to his force. It's a boy.
Chabx.es Babbitt, of St Louis, is the guest
of his son, S. a Babbitt.
The electric road was idlo the fore part of
the week for want of gas.
Mbs. O. J. Hooteb has been under the care
of a physician for several weeks past
Nat. Wilson has been appointed constable
of this place by tbe Judge of Quarter Sessions.
Fred East arrived home Thursday evening
from a three weeks' visit with friends at St
Miss Agnes Johnston, of Lincoln avenne
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bingham, of Phila
delphia. The Colonel T. M. Bayne Fife and Drum
Corps will give a select evening party next
Thursday evening.
Rev. J. R Rise, pastor of the M. E. Church,
West Bellevuc, will hold gospel meetings every
evening till further notice.
J. B. McCltbe, the electrician, was quietly
married to Miss Ida Minor, of Baltimore, in
that city last Thursday evening.
Frank Woods, the contractor, who myste
riously disappeared from bis home over a week
ago, is still missing. It is hoped that no harm
has overtaken him.
A. D. Evans has resigned as Superintendent
of the Bellevue Gas Company. It is generally
regretted among tbe consumers here, as he was
a proficient man in every respect
Mrs. Joseph Blackmore, formerly of
Bellevue, died at Beaver Falls last Monday
morning, and was taken to Williauisport for
interment The deceased had a large circle ot
friends here, who will greatly mourn her loss.
TBE Ladies Aid Society of the M. P. Church
will give an entertainment and loan exhibition
February 7, 8 and 9. Probably the most novel
of these entertainments will be on the 8th, when
the young ladies of tbe church will be dressed
in costumes representing the different cations
of the world.
The Order of Tonti will hold an open meet
ing next Thursday evening in the A. 0. TJ. W.
Hall and Install officers. Prominent members
from tbe city will be present at he installation
services, and all persons attending will have a
good opportunity to acquaint themselves with
the objects of tbe order.
Condensed Special Dispatches From Bar.
rounding Communities That Are Tribu
tary to Pittsburg.
Leeciibukq is to have a new opera house.
Typhoid fever is raging in and aboutLeech
burg. Leechbubq ice men are sad. They want a
cold snap.
The new building of tbe First Baptist Church
of Leechburg will be dedicated to-day.
John Rudy, convicted at Lancaster of mur
ing his father, was yesterday sentenced to be
Nicholas Backus, convicted of man
slaughter at Qreensburg, has been sentenced to
the penitentiary for eight years.
The branch road to the Armstrong Com
pany's coal fields at Bagdad is completed, and
work will be commenced on tbe tipples.
John Eldred, who has a wife and two chil
dred in Pittsburg, was found suffocated yester
day morning by the gas from a blast furnace at
Neablt 3,000 men were thrown idle to-day
in tbe Lehigh coal regions by the suspen
sion of all tbe Lehigh Coal Company and indi
vidual collieries.
John P. KLiNGENSHriH, of Leechburg,
went to bis aunt's funeral at White Rock yes
terday, and on his return was notified ot the
death of his sister-in-law at Johnstown.
Eight boys were coasting in Reading yester
day, when the sled ran into a wagon, Clarence
and Charles Heckman were probably fatally
injured, and the other boys were badly bruised.
Work on the Cornwall and Lebanon Rail
road to Reading is to bo commenced shortly.
The Reading Railroad yesterday afternoon
laid Mot of tracks at Lebanon for the possible
purpose of keeping out tbe new road, and a
railroad war may ensue at that place.
While John R. Lewis, aged 45 years, a
rougher in Brown, Bonncll & Co.'s mills at
Youngstown, was walking along the Pennsyl
vania Company's tracks near here this after
noon a passenger train ran over and killed
him. His skull Mas crushed. He leaves a
The diphtheria scourge at Emaus, a small
town near Allentown, has numbered among its
victims an eutire family, with the exception of
one child. The family is that of Owen Sterner,
who died a few days ago. Two children died
before tbe father, and on Thursday night the
mother and another child succumbed to the
disease. A young child is the sole survivor of
a once large family.
Look at This.
"We will offer for to-morrow only, from 8
A. M. until 6 P. M., 4C0 English melton
men's overcoats, in three shades, medium
weights, snitable for this season of the year,
for the paltry sum of $3, 83, $3, $3, This
coat is worth from $12 to S15 of any man's
money. The reason we do this is we can't
stand dull times, and to make things lively
for to-morrow we make this grand offer.
Remember this offer only holds good until
to-morrow eve. P. C. C. 0.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
Hake your selections early from ur
elegant lines of French challis, as many
styles cannot be duplicated.
Huous & Hacke.
Freel Free! Freel
If you are sick, do not despair. Call and
be cured, free of charge, at No. 1102 Carton
street, Southside.
- , J MM
Buou Thkatzb "The Two Johns"
Orand Opera house "Fantatma"
Harris' Theater "A Cold Day"
jiu-Aijjuix ur juusiu rerguson aAiact's Co.
Casino Museum .Curiosities, etc
The abovo are the theatrical attractions for
this week.
There is no reason to regret that the engage
ment of Fanny Davenport is over. Pittsburg
will survive if "LaTosca" never comes here
again. A more detestable and injurious play
has never been given upon theAmerican stage.
It does not help tbo matter at all to say that
Miss Davenport and Melbourne McDowell
severally contributed some acting which was
powerful and impressive. In fact "La Tosca"
would do less harm in tbe hands of less skill
ful actors. The principal reason that "La
Tosca" was plaved to houses unusually large
for the Grand Opera House undoubtedly was
the fact that the news bad gone abroad that
"La Tosca," as played by Miss Davenport and
her company, presented a gross and minutely
truthful picture of animalism.
It is painful to think tbat immorality should
give drawing power to a play, but it is nothing
new. The photograph of the passion and blood
thirstiness run riot wnich is all that "La
To8ca"is aside from its undeniable claims as
the handiwork of the greatest dramatic genius
of our day, is happily new to the stage of Pitts
burg. But it is easy to see tbat the success of
"La Tosca" as a money-making vehicle Is likely
to tempt other actors and managers with more
cupidity than respect for decency to follow in
tbe same track, and it behooves all who resent
and dread wholesale attacks on tbe virtue of
tbe people to lend their influence against this
dangerous class of plays.
There is more than a reasonably good text
for the preachers in this subject, and I re
spectfully commend it to their notice.
The many friends of Miss Lillian Snencer.
who is well known in this city, and whose
brightfletters from abroad have made her
name familiar to Dispatch readers every
where, will be interested in the following notice
copied from Friday's New York Evening
"At the residence of Mrs. J, Alexandre
Striker, 229 West Fite--flrst street, last evening
there was introduced a new idea for the delight
and pleasure of the society world. The pro
gramme announced 'Miss Lillian Spencer,
drawing room entertainment consisting of
uiaiuuwu recuauons in costume ana vocal
selections, assisted by Miss Effie Stewart' The
elegant drawing rooms were early crowded
with distinguished society people. Miss Spen
cer arrived in this country ten days ago from
London, whero her novel entertainment was
quite tbe rage. Her debnt last evening was,
therefore, looked forward to with considerable
Interest She sustained all the kind notices
published about her in tbe London papers. She
has dramatic talent of a high order, and at all
times she charms and delights ber audience.
It looks as though society has at last caught
something which will prove a source of unfail
ing fun for the winter season. It is understood
that Miss Spencer has been invited to give her
novel entertainment at several receptions to be
held within the next few weeks."
Hepbubn Johns.
This Week's Attraction.
A Boston critic- has found something new to
say about "The Two Johns," which comes once
more to the Bijou Theater this week, and in
the lack of something better it is printed below;
At the Grand Opera House, last night, before
a large and enthusiastic audience, that very,
very fanny piece, "Tbe Two Johns," was pre
sented. This Is one of the few special come,
dies that offer a continual round, from the be
ginning to tho end, of real merriment, and
keeps tbe audience nearly all the time laugh
ing and applauding. Never before has it had
a better presentation, and tbe many new things
added make the piece an almost entirely new
one. The plot, which is a deep one, never in
terferes with the happy veto in which the piece
is constructed, and things are brought about at
the critical times in a manner that makes the
detection and capture of a murderer and his
accomplice most refreshing. The leading char
acters in the piece are Philip and Peter Johns.
Perhaps there are no actors on the stage so big,
physically, as these two gentlemen, certainly
none any bigger. They both tit) the scales be
yond the SWpound mark, and theirmakeup be
fore tbe footlights and natural appearances are
so much alike tbat only one character of tbe
largo cast an aunt, can tell them apart Every
thing is turned upside down until the last act
when the two large-sized cousins find them
selves guests at a summer hotel and everything
is set right The new and sparkling jokes and
witty saytngs, pretty songs andfunny situations
were heartily and deservedly appreciated.
The famous Hanlon Brothers will present
"Fantasma" at the Grand Opera House this
week. It has come to bti known as tbe trutb,
requiring no demonstration, that whatever the
Hanions do or identity themselves with it is
always a success. Indeed, these famous broth
ers have never since their boyhood made a
failure of anything connected with the stage,
and their names alone attached to tbe play of
"Fantasma" would be sufficient guarantee of
its great worth.
Fishek & Pendleton's company in "A
Cold Day, or the Laplanders," will appear at
Harris' Theater this week. There is just
eifongh plot in it to string together some broad
dialogue, dancing and singing of a variety
character, and very farcical. There are some
novel effects of stage tricks, traps and costume,
which will doubtless be relished by large audi
ences. The niece includes Dutch recitations
by John W. Ransome.
At the Academy of Music this week will ap
pear Ferguson & Mack's European Celebrities,
an organization that includes many stars of the
first magnitude. Among these is M'lle Jenna,
one of the few experts upon the horizontal bar.
Tbe Tudors "Combat Dance" is one of the best
things on the variety stage. Joe Hayden and
Queen Hetherton, James DHks and Master
Balzac are other notables in the company,
Clustering around the picturesque and
seasonable Woolly Girl there will be a new
group of star curiosities at tbe Casino Museum
this week, in addition to a change of bill on the
Echoes of tho Stage
Miss Lillian Bubkhabt, of this city, ap
peared In Baltimore, Md., in the Academy of
Music, on Wednesday last Sbe appears to
have made a most pronounced success.
Pickwick, prior to the breach of promise
trial, is the subject of a new comic opera by
Burnand, of London Punch, and Edward Solo
mon. It will soon be produced in London.
Miss Davenpoet did not appear last night
her doctors advising her to rest. Sbe has been
seriously ill all the week, and showed great
nlnpV t.n nrt at. nil nffpr TtiorIova ovnA...AA
And so, after all, the wild talk about the
Fifth Avenue ushers wearing kilts during the
"Macbeth" run was only an advertising guy
shrewdly devised and worked by Business
Manager Joseph Reynolds.
Emma Sheridan has rapidly adapted her
self to the requirements of the Shakespearean
roles which she is playing this season for the
first time in ber career. Her Ophelia and
Lady Anne are especially found worthy of
commendation by the critics along T. W.
Keene's route.
While Pittsburgers have to be content with
stale and unreliable rumors aboutnew theaters
to be built the new opera house at Tacotna,
Wash. T., is well under way. It will seat when
completed L200. Tne stage will be 70x42. Tim
building was designed by Architect Wood, of
I Chicago, and is to cost $100,000.
Manaoeb P. Haebis, of this city, has con
clndednegotiations which will give him a thea
ter in Washington, having purchased property
on Ninth street where he will at once com
mence the erection of an opera house, to be
conductetfas a first class combination theater,
and to be ready by the beginning of next sea
son. Mb. Wilson Babbett has been fined 5
and costs at Leeds, England, for keeping fast
closed during time of performance some of tbe
exit doors at his beautiful Grand Theater. It
would be an entirely good measure if our thea
ters were subject to similar supervision. The
precautions against a panic in the city theaters
are not always properly attended to.
THE New York Dramalie Mirror is the new
title of the exoellent paper published by Har
rison Grey Fiske. With its change in name a
change In type and the size and the arrange
ment of tbe paper has been introduced, All
these changes are improvements, ana tbo
JDramattc Mirror more than ever is entitled to
tbe credit of being the best theatrical paper
ever published in America.
Manager Wilt was surprised last evening
by the receipt of a note signed "Fanny Daven
port" and inclosing a check for 300. Miss
Dayenport wrote! "Believe me I appreciate
tbe disappointment my non-appearaiee has
been to you. I want to thank you for your gen
erous conduct and willingness, for bad you
been more exacting I should have been more
regretful. Please accept inclosed with my
Lies, the new" weekly of New York, says: The
continuous and growing prosperity of the
spectacle of "Kyrley and Corapottra" at
Palmer's Theater, of which the dally papers
have had so much to tell us, has, I am gratified
to note, rendered it possible for Mr. Abbey to
afford the addition to his cut of Mme. Theo
dora de Gillert who is, as everyone knows, tbe
most expensive danseute in America.
The Mirror says: A. R. Cazauran is now con
fined to his bed and drawing gradually toward
the end. His hold on life, con-idering his age
and the nature of his illness, is astonishing. He
still takes an active interest in theatrical hap
penings, discussing them with all his old brill
iancy and vigor, and for light diversion he
reads Greek tragedies. He has a loving and
expert nurse in his devoted wife, who is con
stantly at nis Deasiae.
George S. Knight is reported to he recov
ering rapidly from the nervous prostration,
which not long ago compelled him to rest at
his home in Orange, N. J. Mrs. Knight in
forms the Dramatia Mirror tbat be went to
see a matinee performance of "Partners" there
recently tbe piece which he would have been
playing in Australia under Williamson's man
agement at this time, had'not illness prevented.
Everybody will be glad to hear of the improve
ment in this popular and clever actor's condi
tion. Manager C, Dondas Slater, of the
Gaiety Company, is an extremely lucky in
dividual. About a month ago be accidentally
ran across a man who bad a cana'ry that
whistled "Yankee Doodle." He bought it for
the sum of 5250, ana since tbat time has drawn
$0 a week by allowing .it to be exhibited in
museums, bis only expense comprising tbe hire
of a boy to whom he gives tS, a week for taking
care ot tbe bird. Mr. Slater has engaged the
teacher of the bird to teach several others.
Stuakt Robson will begin bis tour as an in
dividual star under the management of
William R. Hayden about October 1, in Steele
Mackaye's written-to-order romantic play. The
scene is laid in Spam in tbe seventeenth
century, and Mr. Robson's character is a
quaintly humorous one drawn, we are told,
upon Shakespearean lines. The scenery will be
painted by Phil Goatcber. The new play and
Tho Henrietta" will compose Mr. Robson's
repertoire, and the tour will extend to the
Pacific coast. Frank Mordaunt or M. Kennedy
will probably be seen in Mr. Crane's role in
"Tbe Henrietta."
Nth Crinkle, in a criticism on Mrs. Lang
try's Lady Macbeth in tbe Dramatic Mirror,
sums up as follows: The chief and notable
pecnliarity of the performance on her part was
what we now call "naturalism." Much of
Lady Macbeth was presented with a French
tone of subdued realness that was almost col
loquial. It was divested of the high-stepping,
tragio histrionism of the old school. The em
piricism of ancient declamation was at times
wholly disregarded. She read the letter very
much as an intensely Interested woman would
have read it without enforced gesture or
grimace or exaggeration; but with an earnest
purpose, a deep significance and a mental strain
apparent in her manner. So also the sleep
walking scene.
The "Crystal Slipper," or Prince Prittiwitz
and Little Cinderelle," the success of which
has been one of tho prominent features of the
theatrical season, had its 275th performance
last Friday night at tbe Chicago Opera House.
The theater was, of course, crowded to tbe
door, and the presentation of the play was
more than usually brilliant Robert E. Gra
ham, Eddie Foy, Charlie Warren, Tom Martin,
James E. Sullivan, Harry Kelly, and the
Misses Margaret Fish, Topsy Venn, Daisy
Ramsden, Katharine Howe and Babette Rod
ney, who sustain the principal roles In the ex
travaganza, were at their best according to
tbe Chicago press; and the immense ballets, in
spiriting marches, and gorgeous ensembles,
were never seen to better advantage. The re
ceipts were something over $1,800. A very
artistic souvenir was distributed on the occa
sion. The "Crystal Slipper" comes to the
Bijou at an early date.
"Mb. Crane and I," said Mr. Robson two 'days
ago, "will play our last engagement together on
any stage at the Star Theater in tho spring.
To be precise, we open there April 15, and have
arranged to stay four weeks. The Henrietta,'
of course, will be performed all the time. It
thenceforth becomes my exclusive property,
subject only to Mr. Bronson Howard's royalties,
and I intend to use it largely during my next
tour as a star single. It has been printed some
what widely tbat Mr. Howard is likely to pre
sent a legal objection to my sole use of bis play,
but I am at a loss to know how such a rumor
originated. There is not the slightest basis for
the report Mr. Howard is as upright and as
exact in bis business affairs as he is clever at
play-writing, and I am satisfied that, even if
there was a technical ground for an objection
on bis part he would not put one forth. I may
add that he is of tbo belief tbat the play will be
well taken care of in my bands, since ho is ac
quainted with my plans and heartily endorses
them." With absolutely no bint from Mr.
Robson as to tbe actor's identity, the writer of
this hazards a guess. There is no better char
acter actor ot our day, no cleverer comedian
within certain limits than Mr. Frank Mordaunt
He would fill Mr. Crane's place with credit, it
is certain. And it is within the bounds of prob
ability that he will.
The DramaHo Mirror tells the following
story about tbat charming actress and writer,
Selina Dolaro, who died a few days ago: Last
summer Madame Dolaro put one of the strong
est and most original of ber plays Into the form
of a novel, called "Bella Demonia." The work
occupied a good deal of time and labor, bat ber
diligence was rewarded by tbe opinion of dome
sound literary people that she had turned out a
capital story. Later on the manuscript was
submitted to Cobnel Cockerill, managing edi
tor of the World, who approved and agreed to
purchase, it for a good round sum. Soon after,
wishing to make a few trifling alterations
in tbe story, Madame Dolaro visited tbe
World office and asked for her manu
script Search made in the receptacle to
which it had been consigned revealed a some
what startling fact It was missing! How it
disappeared and what became of It is still an
unfathomable mystery, as the World does not
keep an office cat This misfortune was
enough to crush the spirits of any woman sim
ilarly placed, but Madame Dolaro put -a char
acteristically good face on tbe matter. Hav
ing no duplicate copy she started In immedi
ately to write the novel afresh to go over the
old ground and restore 60,000 lost words! Even
J. if. Hill could not cite a more striking in
stance of cheerful, imperturbable equanimity.
The rather ungrateful task was completed
a few weeks ago. Good fortune has speedily
crowned the work. The editor of Lippincotls
Magazine read it and bought it at once, pay
ing a larger price than thaWorld had agreed to
B. P. O. Elk Motes.
Charles Bbtjenino now belongs to No. U.
Mr. H. Miller took the horns at the last
Upfeb Sandxtskt Lodge No. 83 gave a ball
and supper on the 24th.
Bbotheb Habpeh, of Cleveland Lodge No.
18, visited here at the last communication.
Bbotheb Willaed, of Boston Lodge No.10,
was here last weekasMiss Davenport's managr.
Brother Shields, of Cincinnati Lodge No.
5, visited Pittsburg at the last communication.
Bbotheb Donnavant, of New Castle
Lodge No. 60, Is lying very dangerously ill at
his borne.
Bbotheb Swabtwood is out hustling for
ads. for the ladies' programme for the eleventh
annual benefit
Bbotheb Gazzole entertained a number
of his friends last Friday evening at bis resi
dence in the city,
Manaoeb Will 0. Petbie, of "The Ruling
Passion," is now a full fledged Elk, having
joined Indianapolis Lodge No. 13.
Brother Sweeny and Brother 'Nugent of
Lawrence Lodge, Massachusetts, were both in
the city last week making arrangements for
Murray and Murphy at tbe Bijou next month.
Pa sr Exalted Rulers Blackford and
Miller, ot New Castle Lodge No. C9, have,
been in town the past two or thiee days.
Brother Charles Haubacb, of No. 69, has also
been in town the past week.
Bbotheb Nick Engle, of New York Lodge
No.1, was in the city for four days last week,the
guest of Brother LewMoore. He was royally en
tertained by tbe boys of No. 11 and the Key
stone State Fishing Club.
At a meeting of Now York Lodge No. 1, B.
P. 0. E., January IV A. C. Moreland arose and
called for Brother Robert Duncan. Mr. Dnncan,
who is one of Manager J. M. Hill's lieutenants,
stood np, expecting some committee business,
when Mr. Moreland presented him with a
leather packet Mr. Moreland said tbat the
Elks tendered him the badge of the order for
meritorious services. Tbe badge is of gold,
beautifully cbased and appropriately inscribed.
The same evening Annie Pixley had a similar
compliment bestowed upon ber, and Manager
Hill was made a life member in compliment for
what he had done for the order.
Go to Hauch's for fine umbrellas; lowest
prices. 293 Fifth ave. . wrsu
Impobted Westphalia sausage Just re
ceived by Henry Daub, 710 Smithfield st.
A resume of the Commandership fight in
the Pennsylvania Department.
The contest for the Commandership is al
most in an undefinable shape, owing to en
tanglements tbat have arisen unexpectedly.
It has been conceded for some time by
Grand Army men high up in authority and
information that the Northwestern section
was entitled to the Commandership the
current year provided that section could
unite upon some comrade for the positipn or
approximately unite. Until recently it was
supposed that this section had united upon
General McCreary with the exception proba
bly of Corry and Bra'dford. Bat tbe union ap
peared to be strong enough to be a go and
many comrades some time ago accepted it as a
finality tbat the Northwest had matters in
shape to carrv off the honors. Rnmors became
circulated, however, that the Northwest was by
no means united in fact that there existed a
serious; division in that section. A re
sultant consequence was tbe candidacy
of Assistant Adjutant General Thomas
J, Stewart Now if it transpires
tbat tbo rumors were based upon facts, and in
consequence thereof Stewart's candidacy be
came a necessity, tbere is no doubt but tbat be
will be elected by an overwhelming majority.
If, however, it is made apparent at the conven
tion that the Northwest is united, even with
tbe exception of Corry and Bradford, and that
the rnmors had nn foundation in tact then
there will be a bitter .fight, for many prominent
comrades who would like to vote for Stewart
are committed to the Northwest as a section
conditionally. It will require very excellent
management to have the Commander elected
tbe current year without disturbing a much
desired harmony between tbe sections, and it
behooves every comrade to be careful of what
he says, and to keep cool and undemonstrative.
It is apparent that McCreary's lieutenants
have been indiscreet in some particulars, and
by too much "talk" have injured his prospects
to an extent tbat is not yet known. Unpleasant
and many times untruthful, things are said
about candidates, and the best way to treat
such matters is to ignore them in toto and they
will prove a boomerang to the parties circulat
ing them. He who keeps cool and follows the
line of trutb, fortified by an energetic and
loyal following, will be successful undoubtedly,
provided he makes no combinations simply as
a matter of courtesy. It is quite evident that
tho situation is not at the present writing very
clearly defined, a fact which is sincerely re
gretted by quite a number of prominent Grand
Army men, who consider tbe welfare of the
order paramount to personal desires.
Looking to tbe Future.
The members of Post -idi, of Duncansville,
Pa., unanimously adopted the following resolu
tions, which will be brought before the en
campment at Erie:
Resolved, Tbat Post 4G5 respectfully asks the
Department Encampment to appoint a com-
jmittceupon thefntureof the Grand Army of
tbe Republic to ascertain facts, and to learn
what Is the expectation of each post of this de
partmentas to its own continuance; and to
learn what is tbe opinion of each post about
means of snstaining those posts which may be
come depleted by death, or by tbe failure of
physical and financial ability among the com
rades, and to report to the next encampment:
this committee to Include in their investiga
tion and report upon the matters of suspension
for non-payment of dncs, payment of funeral
expenses, number required fora quorum, num
ber of post officers vital to a post and tbe ques
tion of the relations of tbe Grand Army to tbe
sons of Union soldiers.
Resolved, That the representatives of this
post are instructed to urgently press fur atten
tion to this matter. Rev. Owen Hicks,
James W. Adams, Adjutant
A Home for Soldiers' Mothers.
At a recent convention of ladies of tbe G. A.
R. a committee was appointed to raise funds
to build a home for mothers, wives and widows
of permanently disabled soldiers. By corre
sponding with superintendents of almshouses
it was ascertained tbat tbe number contained
therein was in itself beyond the strength of the
Various methods have been discussed by and
with persons of influence in the State. The
best of which are embodied in a bill recom
mended by tbe Board of Public Charities and
presented to the Legislature by Mr. Marshall,
of Allegheny, to provide for tbe relief, main
tenance and ciothingot indigent widows, wives
and mothers of deceased and permanently dis
abled soldiers at a rate not exceeding 5150 per
person per annum. This amount Vill barely
furnish home comforts All luxuries and
extras will be provided by ladies of the G. A. R.
Efforts have been made to amend tbe bill
making hospital matrons and nurses eligible,
but fearing to endanger the passage of the entire
bill, the amendment will hardly be accepted.
The Wilkinsbarg Novelty.
The Young Ladies' G. A. R. Aid Society, of
Wilkinsburg, held a new and quite a novel
entertainment in the school hall on Friday
evening. The novel feature consisted in each
young lady furnishing a lunch box and wear
ing a necktie of a spotted design, and if a
young or old gentleman wore a tie similar in
design or color then tbe gentleman had to for
feit 81 for the box. After all the boxes were
disposed of the enjoyment was to see tbe
ladies who were left in possession of a box and
no gentleman in the hall with a necktie similar
to hers. Tbo entertainment was great, and the
society realized a snug sum. Miss Lottie
Stevenson was the central figure of the oc
casion. California Circle Lndles G. A. It
Harry Billingsly Circle Ladies of the G. A.
B, was Instituted at California, Pa., on Friday
evening by Mrs. Emma Douglass, National
Chaplain, assisted by tbe National Secretary.
Tbe following officers were duly elected: Presi
dent, Miss Annie Ebermann: S. V. V., Mrs. C.
L. Whitsett; J. V. V., Mrs. Bissie Hart; Secre
tary, Mrs. Annie Billingsly: Treasurer, Mrs. H.
J Shallenbcrger; Chaplain, Mrs. Sadie Mc
Kenna; Condnctor, Miss Lulu Whitsett: Guard,
Mrs. S. Marshall; Council of Administration,
Airs. F. Arnold. Mrs. A. D. Wilkin, Mrs. Bine
Ward. Tbirty-seven charter members and
four comrades of tbe Post were obligated.
Grand Army Whisperings.
Reception of Post 210 Friday evening, Feb
ruary S, at Penn Incline resort
Tuesday, August 27, is the date of the Na
tional Encampment which will be held at Mil
waukee, Wis.
Friday, February 22, is the date of the third
annual encampment of the Union Veteran
Legion, Altoona.
Jefferson Davis is still able to attend
tbe reunions and the banquets of the ex-Confederate
Sometimes comrades who dig a pit for
another comrade to fall into, find themselves
in full possession ot the pit
True comradeship in tbe Grand Army of the
Republic consists of gennine and honorable
treatment of every comrade.
Tuesday and Wednesday. February 12 and
13, are the dates ot the Department Encamp
ment which will be held at Erie, Fa.
The naval battle in Milwaukee harbor dur
ing tbe National Encampment of the G. A. R.
wUl cost alone, it is said, over $100,000.
The rate of transportation to tbe Altoona
encampment Union Veteran Legion, will be
full fare going and one-third fare returning.
Dubino the Jast three months of 1S83 the
Philadelphia G. A. R. Posts expended in char
ity $2,700, relieving 167 persons, of whom some
60 were strangers.
I accept the .sentiments as expressed in
"Whisperings" (last Sunday's Dispatch), as
to the right motto for every Grand Army com
rade to adopt Major W. H. Tyson,Command
er Erie Soldiers' Home.
Thebe are 35 Grand Army Posts in Philadel
phia with a membership in good standing of
7,831. On the suspended lists are about 200
names, making tbe total Philadelphia member
ship approximately 8,100.
Jue Advisory Committee on the State of tbe
Union Veteran Legion will meet at national
headquarters (which will be temporarily es
tablished at tbe Logan House, Altoona) on
Thursday, February 21, at 9 o'clock p. M.
Past Commander H. H. Bengough and Cor
poral Tanner appear to have tho call of the
Grand Armv posts for tbe positions tbev are
Jseeklng, respectively Pension Agent at Pitts-
Comrade G. B. Hotchiok, M. D., late Bur
geon First Pennsylvania Reserve Calvary, and
a prominent member of Post 465, located at
Duncansville, Pa., is a candidate for Medical
Director of the department He already has
considerable of a following.
The following Pennsylvania comrades have
been spoken of as successors to Commander in
Chief Warner: Samuel Harper, of Pittsburg:
Cbill W. Hazzard, of Monongabela City, and
J. P. S. Gobin. of Lebanon. Each of them is a
Fast Department Commander.
Post 117, East End, nndcr the commander
ship of George H. Ladley, is to be congratala-
L ted on tbe healthy start it has gotten for tbe
I mmunt v.,. I7iv. annlt..tlAna fn. mnmtlAr-
ship were received at the last regular meeting
and four more are expected at tbe next meet
ing. Post No 2 of Philadelphia leads tbe depart
ment numerically, notwithstanding a loss last
year by death of 13 confrades. Her membership
is 643. Post No. 68 of Harrisburg. with 625
comrades, stands second. Anna M. Ross Post
No. W of Philadelphia, with 595 members, is
The Dakota veterans have had a bill intro
duced into the Territorial Legislature for the
establishment of a Soldiers' Home, the cost of
which is estimated atS60,000. Several places
are urged for its location, but the Commander
of the Department of Dakota, G. A. R., recom
mends Hot Springs, in the Black Hills.
The National G. A. R. Pension Committee
met in Washington lastweek. All the members
were present Chairman George S. Merrill,
Corporal Tanner. John S. Kountz, John W.
Burst and Richard W. Blue. The primary ob
ject of the meeting was to consult npon what
could be done, and to ao it to influence Con
gress to enact desired pension legislation before
The members of the legion are takingallvely
interest in tha approaching National Encamp
ment Tbe following order was sent to all the
encampments last week:
Headqiabtxbs Unios Veterak Legion'.
GKW, 1
nraui, t
21, 1389. J
138 VlFTn Avium,
rrrTSBUBG, rx., January
General Orders No. II.
I. As heretofore announced, the third annual
encampment, Dnion Veteran Legion, will be held
at Altoona, Pa., f cbruary C2, I8S9.
The business session of the encampment will
convene in St. John's Hall on Friday morning at
10 o'cloctc.
II. national headquarters will he established
at the Logan House on the evening of February 21,
and in order that tbe roll may be properly pre
pared, delegates will, upon their arrival, report
to the Adjutant General.
The Advisory Committee on tbe state of the Le
gion will meet at the national headquarters (Logan
House) at 8 o'clock P. M., February 21.
HI. The Committee or Arrangements appointed
by Encampment o. 17 will mall to encampments
the names, locations and rates of the several
hotels, and such other Information as may be
deemed necessary.
IV. Arrangements have been made through the
Passenger Department Trunk Line Association
for reduced fires over all roads: being lull fare
going and one-third fare returning, the rates and
manner of procuring reduction belnir fully ex
plained In circulars from the New York ana Chi
cago offices.
V. Encampment No. 23 was mustered at Dennis
ton, O., January 4, 1883. by the National Corn
minder. James A. McCurdy. Colonel, Com
mander: Mathias DeLong. Adjutant.
VI. The fallowing comrades have been added to
the Advisory Committee on the state of the
Legion: UeorgeL. Young. Encampment No. 13,
vice W. I). Feidler, deceased: Samuel A. Auld,
Encampment No. 33. By Command.
A. L. IIauson, National Commander.
JOHN H. 3UOET, Adjutant General.
Veteran Legion Notes.
Encampment No. M will be mustered at
Wilmington, DeL, by Sr. Vice National Com
mander Miller on Wednesday evening next
A number of tbe encampments will arrive
in this city on the night of February 2L and
accompany tbe delegates from Nos. 1 and 6.
About 300 will start on the 8 A. M. train.
Among tho delegates tbat will be in attend
ance from Iowa will be Hon. J. R. Read, Chief
Justice Supreme Court He will stop in this
city for a day or two and be theguest of Gen
eral A. L. Pearson.
The delegates and representatives to the
National Encampment will be received by the
Mayor of Altoona. A parade of all the civic
organizations will take place In honor of their
visitors, and in the evening a grand banquet
will be given.
Encampment No. 1 has about completed
the arrangements for furnishing their new
halls and library on Sixth avenue. No ex
pense will be spared, and it is said they will be
the finest balls in tbe State. They will be
thrown open to the public gome time during
tbe last week in March.
Prompt Payment of Insurance.
To the Industrial Life of IndlsnapoUj. Branch
office, room 4 McCance lilocfc.
Gentlemen Please accept my sincere
thanks for your promptness in payinsr the
claim in full, on the life of my son "Will
iam, who had only been a member of your
company about six months; yet, notwith
standing this, and the absence from the
city of the general agent, Walter Howe, the
full amount of the claim (220) was imme
diately paid, upon the recommendation of
Agent Fred Leppla.
I would therefore recommend all persons
wanting safe industrial insurance to insure
at once in the Industrial Life of Indianapo
lis. Yours truly,
(Signed) William Tappendobp,
Second ave.,. Frankstown, City.
Will Remain a Week Longer.
The Beichard collection of paintings.
which has been admired so greatly, at the
Gillespie gallery, 422 Wood street, will re
main there tor another week. A number of
new pictures will be added early in tbe
week. Among those received will be found
the following of note: Flower Girla at
Muttra by E. L. Weeks, La Chatelaine by
Palmaroli, Venice by Martin Rico, Roi de
Granaae by Benjamin Constant and a
Turkish Head by Bruck Lajas,-and should,
with those already exhibited, be seen by
every lover of art.
I WILL remove my place of business to
the corner oi Smithfield street and Seventh
avenue, Bissell block, on or about March 1.
Previous to removal I will close out my
present stock at reduced prices.
Merchant Tailor,
Cor. Wood street and Sixth avenue,
Washington's Birthday Celebration.
The representatives of the various Catholic
societies of this and adjoining counties will
meet in convention to-night in St. George
Hitter nail tor tne purpose ot electing a
Chief Marshal for the parade to take place
on Washington's Birthday. Between 600
and 600 delegates will be present, represent
ing 25,000 men.
Save 20 per ct. on Watches and Diamonds
Jas. McKee, jeweler, will remove April
1, to 420 Smithfield street, from his old
stand, No. 13 Fifth avenue. Clocks,
jewelry, chains, charms, society emblems,
etc., at cost to reduce stock. Call soon ana
secure rare bargains.
Special Excursion to the City of Mexico
and Return.
A special train of Pullman cars will
leave St. Louis for the City of Mexico on
the evening of February 5 via the Iron
Mountain route.
For full information regarding rates,
routes and time for leaving your homes ap-
fly to S. H. Thompson, Cent. Pass. Agf.
ron Mountain Route, 1119 Liberty si,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Something to Offer
In way of pantaloons. Twenty per cent
saved on pantaloons. Good value, well
made, with a fit guaranteed, by Dickson,
the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood St.,
second floor. Fine cleaning, repairing and
remodeling old clothes a specialty. Tele
phone 1558.
The Pittsburg Beef Company, agents for
Swiit's Chicago dressed beef, sold at whole
sale during the week ending January 26,
126 carcasses beef, average weight 544
pounds, average price 5.58 cents per pound.
If you have dyspepsia call at No. 1102
Carson street, Southside, and be cured free
of charge.
Rye Brend.
Try Marvin's rye bread; equal to the fa
mous product of the Fatherland. Grocers
keep it.
r i i
Psices very low this week in onr black
goods- department, to make room for early
spring importations. Huous & Hacks.
TKE ball to be given shortly by Company A,
of the Fourteenth, promises to be a big thing
Lieutenant Cabteb, of tbe United states
Navy, ie in the city- Ha has been detailed hero
as an inspector of steel.
THE quarterly returns of the Second Reg!-'
ment show a total strength of ftJ3 men, making
it the largest regiment in the State.
A bill has been Introduced in tha New York
State Senate for the establishment of a State
navai reserve for the defense of coasts and
Fifty-seven recruits were examined by
Surgeons CC.Wylle and English, last Tnes
day.night, at tha Headquarters of tha Eight
eenth Regiment.
An election for Second Licntenant in Com
pany L of McKeesport. has been ordered for
February 2. Tha vacancy was caused by the
resignation of Lieutenant Charles Neillie.
Lieutenant William Anglock. of Com
pany E, Eighteenth Regiment, will shortly
tender his resignation, as nis business prevents
him giving the company the proper amount of
attentfbn. ,
Colonel Nobman M. 8mith has been ill
at his residence, in the East End, daring the
past week. The meeting of the field and staff
of tbeEighteentb tnat was to be held last night
was postponed for a week on that account.
Thebe will be a meeting of tbe members of
Company I, Fourteenth Regiment, in the old
Western University building on next Thursday
evening. All members are requested to be
present, as business of importance will pa
The statement tbat the election of ex-Adjutant
Harry F. Davis as Financial Secretary
of tbe Eighteenth Regiment caused dissatis
faction among the officers is incorrect. Had
there been any such feeling, his election would
certainly not have been unanimous.
Captain Hunt returned from Washington
during the week. Ha has secured a large lea
house near the Smithsonian Institute for tha
use of tbe battery while attending the inaugu
ration. It's a cold day when tbe battery gets
left, but It's also rather a chilly place tha
Captain has secured for his men.
Quartermaster Patterson, of the Four
teenth, has made arrangements for the horses
to be nsed by the staff of the regiment while
in Washington. The horses are said to be
beauties. As all tbe available horseflesh about
Washington Is rapidly being engaged, those
regiments tbat have not already made their ar
rangements had better take a supply of roller
skates tor the occasion.
Both the drum corps of the local regiments
are making great preparations for the Wash
ington trip. At last camp tbe corps of tha
Fifth Regiment was given tbe laugh for ap
pearing with clarionets, and while the noisa
was a Tittle rank, it is almost safe to say that
every drum corps in the Second Brigade will
appear at Washington with the clarionets so
much despised. Quartermaster Patterson, of
tbe Fourteeutb, is keeping an eye on the boys
in that regiment, while Adjutant Reese, of tho
Eighteenth, has charge ot tha latter corps.
He has ordered an inspection to be held
' The subject of mounted officers wearing a
rolled blanket on tbe saddle, which was first
mentioned in this column some time ago, seems
to have met with pretty general approval. It b
probable tbat General Wylie will shortly issue
an order for the use of the same in tbe Second
Brigade, and v. ill give Instructions as to color,
etc., tbat tbey may preseut a uniform appear
ance. They certainly add very much to tha
attractiveness of a mounted officer, and, on tho
other hand, are. extremely usefnL With tha
addition now of stockinet pants, boots and
gauntlets, the field and stan officers would bo
Captain James Muldoon. of Company E,
First Regiment, completed bis twentieth year
as a Captain in tbe N. G. P. last Wednesday.
Among other old timers who have held com
mands for long periods might pa mentioned:
Captain John T. Durang. Company A, Second
Regiment, since 1&67; Captain Henry JacoDs,
Company F. Sixth Regiment since I8C9; Cap
tain Louis P. Walters.' Company D, Sixth Reg
iment, since 1S73; Captain C. S. W. Jones. Sher
idan Troop, since 18T1; Captain John W. Nesbit,
Company 0. Fourteenth, since 1S75; Captain
Thomas F. Maloney, Company D, Eighth Reg
iment, since lo7X
Rather a good story is told on Company D,
of the Eighteenth. Lieutenant Harvey, who
has command of the company, issued orders
that a school for the non-commissioned officers
of the company would be held shortly. Ac
cordingly, after the regular drill last meeting
night, the non-coui3 were conducted to tha
Quartermaster's room, presumably to receive
instructions. They did receive instructions,
but not of tbe kind expected. Lieutenant
Harvey announced that he was a candidate fur
the Captaincy' of tbe company, and that those
of the non-coms who did not propose to back
him would be sat on bodily. The meeting then
Ad Acknowledgement.
We take this opportunity to thank onr
many patrons and the public in general for
their liberal patronage in the past and hope
to merit a continuance of the same. We
will offer for two weeks only our line of fine
plates, cups and saucers, ornaments, rich
cut glass dinner sets, chamber sets, in fact
our entire line of fine imported and domestic
wares and glass at greatly reduced prices.
C. Reizenstein,
152, 154, 156 Federal street, Allegheny..
Big Seduction in Wraps.
Closing out seal njushsacques, Modjeskas,
plush coats, newmarkets, cloth jackets, rag-
lms and children s wraps, regardless of cost,
as we want every garment closed out this
season. Also, extraordinary bargains in
winter dress goods, serges, cashmeres, henri
ettas, broadcloths, plaids and combination
Buyers are invited to call and examine
this stock before purchasing.
H. J. Ltnch's, 438-440 Market street.
Whitmyke & Co. find great gratification
in the manner in which "Rosalia" flour is
making a footing in the two cities, exclu
sivelv npon its merits as a well-ground
article made from the very best hard wheat
and milled by the most careful methods.
Merit will always win, fwi "Rosalia" flour
sales show infallibly that nothing succeeds
like success. For sale by all grocers and in
use universally.
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman, after years ot suffering from
that loathsome disease, catarrh, vainly trying
every known remedy, at last found a recipa
which completely cured and saved bim from
death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease
sending self-addressed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A. Lawrence, S3 Warren St., New York
City, will receive the recipe free of charge.
The Finest Train In the World!
Via Union and Central Pacific roads. Sixty
four hours from Council Bluffs or Omaha to
San Francisco. A Pullman vestibuled
train; steam heat, electric light, bath rooms,
barber shop, library and dining car a pal
ace hotel on wheels is The Golden Gate,
Special, every Wednesday. sq
WRAPS, $5.
Owing to the extreme mildness of the sea
son I am obliged to sell, at HALF PRICE, all
these elegant Co3ts and Wraps, which are in
the way of spring good. Before wa take in
ventory it will pay you to get a choice in this
bargain lot.
Dries quickly: is not sticky
nor greasy;makesrongh skin
soft, smooth and velvety, and
does not smart the skin.
makes face powder adhere to
the skin and renders it in
visible. Bold bv all druggists.
Price 25 cents.
Refuse all substitutes.
Trade Mark.